diff options
authorKshitij Gupta <>2021-09-10 19:45:27 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-09-10 20:10:39 +0000
commit3f8c3520f84585ab500e6fd43269d3ba6fe1a44d (patch)
parentd47b151b55f286546e7c7c98888ae0577856ca20 (diff)
SERVER-59874: Delete stats.js on the 4.0 branch.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/stats.js b/jstests/sharding/stats.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 991bf3840d1..00000000000
--- a/jstests/sharding/stats.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- var s = new ShardingTest({name: "stats", shards: 2, mongos: 1});
- s.adminCommand({enablesharding: "test"});
- db = s.getDB("test");
- s.ensurePrimaryShard('test', s.shard1.shardName);
- function numKeys(o) {
- var num = 0;
- for (var x in o)
- num++;
- return num;
- }
- assert.commandFailed(,
- 'db.collection.stats() should fail on non-existent collection');
- // ---------- load some data -----
- // need collections sharded before and after main collection for proper test
- s.adminCommand({shardcollection: "", key: {_id: 1}});
- s.adminCommand(
- {shardcollection: "", key: {_id: 1}}); // this collection is actually used
- s.adminCommand({shardcollection: "test.zzz", key: {_id: 1}});
- N = 10000;
- s.adminCommand({split: "", middle: {_id: N / 2}});
- s.adminCommand({
- moveChunk: "",
- find: {_id: 3},
- to: s.getNonPrimaries("test")[0],
- _waitForDelete: true
- });
- var bulk =;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- bulk.insert({_id: i});
- assert.writeOK(bulk.execute());
- // Flush all writes to disk since some of the stats are dependent on state in disk (like
- // totalIndexSize).
- assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({fsync: 1}));
- a = s.shard0.getDB("test");
- b = s.shard1.getDB("test");
- x = assert.commandWorked(;
- assert.eq(N, x.count, "coll total count expected");
- assert.eq(, x.count, "coll total count match");
- assert.eq(2, x.nchunks, "coll chunk num");
- assert.eq(2, numKeys(x.shards), "coll shard num");
- assert.eq(
- N / 2, x.shards[s.shard0.shardName].count, "coll count on s.shard0.shardName expected");
- assert.eq(
- N / 2, x.shards[s.shard1.shardName].count, "coll count on s.shard1.shardName expected");
- assert.eq(,
- x.shards[s.shard0.shardName].count,
- "coll count on s.shard0.shardName match");
- assert.eq(,
- x.shards[s.shard1.shardName].count,
- "coll count on s.shard1.shardName match");
- assert(!x.shards[s.shard0.shardName].indexDetails,
- 'indexDetails should not be present in s.shard0.shardName: ' +
- tojson(x.shards[s.shard0.shardName]));
- assert(!x.shards[s.shard1.shardName].indexDetails,
- 'indexDetails should not be present in s.shard1.shardName: ' +
- tojson(x.shards[s.shard1.shardName]));
- a_extras =
- a.stats().objects -; // things like system.namespaces and system.indexes
- b_extras =
- b.stats().objects -; // things like system.namespaces and system.indexes
- print("a_extras: " + a_extras);
- print("b_extras: " + b_extras);
- x = assert.commandWorked(db.stats());
- assert.eq(N + (a_extras + b_extras), x.objects, "db total count expected");
- assert.eq(2, numKeys(x.raw), "db shard num");
- assert.eq((N / 2) + a_extras,
- x.raw[].objects,
- "db count on s.shard0.shardName expected");
- assert.eq((N / 2) + b_extras,
- x.raw[].objects,
- "db count on s.shard1.shardName expected");
- assert.eq(
- a.stats().objects, x.raw[].objects, "db count on s.shard0.shardName match");
- assert.eq(
- b.stats().objects, x.raw[].objects, "db count on s.shard1.shardName match");
- /* Test db.stat() and db.collection.stat() scaling */
- /* Helper functions */
- function statComp(stat, stat_scaled, scale) {
- /* Because of loss of floating point precision, do not check exact equality */
- if (stat == stat_scaled)
- return true;
- var msg = 'scaled: ' + stat_scaled + ', stat: ' + stat + ', scale: ' + scale;
- assert.lte((stat_scaled - 2), (stat / scale), msg);
- assert.gte((stat_scaled + 2), (stat / scale), msg);
- }
- function dbStatComp(stat_obj, stat_obj_scaled, scale) {
- statComp(stat_obj.dataSize, stat_obj_scaled.dataSize, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.storageSize, stat_obj_scaled.storageSize, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.indexSize, stat_obj_scaled.indexSize, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.fileSize, stat_obj_scaled.fileSize, scale);
- /* avgObjSize not scaled. See SERVER-7347 */
- statComp(stat_obj.avgObjSize, stat_obj_scaled.avgObjSize, 1);
- }
- function collStatComp(stat_obj, stat_obj_scaled, scale, mongos) {
- statComp(stat_obj.size, stat_obj_scaled.size, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.storageSize, stat_obj_scaled.storageSize, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.totalIndexSize, stat_obj_scaled.totalIndexSize, scale);
- statComp(stat_obj.avgObjSize, stat_obj_scaled.avgObjSize, 1);
- /* lastExtentSize doesn't exist in mongos level collection stats */
- if (!mongos) {
- statComp(stat_obj.lastExtentSize, stat_obj_scaled.lastExtentSize, scale);
- }
- }
- /* db.stats() tests */
- db_not_scaled = assert.commandWorked(db.stats());
- db_scaled_512 = assert.commandWorked(db.stats(512));
- db_scaled_1024 = assert.commandWorked(db.stats(1024));
- for (var shard in db_not_scaled.raw) {
- dbStatComp(db_not_scaled.raw[shard], db_scaled_512.raw[shard], 512);
- dbStatComp(db_not_scaled.raw[shard], db_scaled_1024.raw[shard], 1024);
- }
- dbStatComp(db_not_scaled, db_scaled_512, 512);
- dbStatComp(db_not_scaled, db_scaled_1024, 1024);
- /* db.collection.stats() tests */
- coll_not_scaled = assert.commandWorked(;
- coll_scaled_512 = assert.commandWorked(;
- coll_scaled_1024 = assert.commandWorked(;
- for (var shard in coll_not_scaled.shards) {
- collStatComp(coll_not_scaled.shards[shard], coll_scaled_512.shards[shard], 512, false);
- collStatComp(coll_not_scaled.shards[shard], coll_scaled_1024.shards[shard], 1024, false);
- }
- collStatComp(coll_not_scaled, coll_scaled_512, 512, true);
- collStatComp(coll_not_scaled, coll_scaled_1024, 1024, true);
- /* db.collection.stats() - indexDetails tests */
- (function() {
- var t =;
- assert.commandWorked(t.ensureIndex({a: 1}));
- assert.eq(2, t.getIndexes().length);
- var isWiredTiger =
- (!jsTest.options().storageEngine || jsTest.options().storageEngine === "wiredTiger");
- var stats = assert.commandWorked(t.stats({indexDetails: true}));
- var shardName;
- var shardStats;
- for (shardName in stats.shards) {
- shardStats = stats.shards[shardName];
- assert(shardStats.indexDetails,
- 'indexDetails missing for ' + shardName + ': ' + tojson(shardStats));
- if (isWiredTiger) {
- assert.eq(t.getIndexes().length,
- Object.keys(shardStats.indexDetails).length,
- 'incorrect number of entries in WiredTiger indexDetails: ' +
- tojson(shardStats));
- }
- }
- function getIndexName(indexKey) {
- var indexes = t.getIndexes().filter(function(doc) {
- return friendlyEqual(doc.key, indexKey);
- });
- assert.eq(
- 1,
- indexes.length,
- tojson(indexKey) + ' not found in getIndexes() result: ' + tojson(t.getIndexes()));
- return indexes[0].name;
- }
- function checkIndexDetails(options, indexName) {
- var stats = assert.commandWorked(t.stats(options));
- for (shardName in stats.shards) {
- shardStats = stats.shards[shardName];
- assert(shardStats.indexDetails,
- 'indexDetails missing from db.collection.stats(' + tojson(options) +
- ').shards[' + shardName + '] result: ' + tojson(shardStats));
- // Currently, indexDetails is only supported with WiredTiger.
- if (isWiredTiger) {
- assert.eq(1,
- Object.keys(shardStats.indexDetails).length,
- 'WiredTiger indexDetails must have exactly one entry');
- assert(shardStats.indexDetails[indexName],
- indexName + ' missing from WiredTiger indexDetails: ' +
- tojson(shardStats.indexDetails));
- assert.neq(0,
- Object.keys(shardStats.indexDetails[indexName]).length,
- indexName + ' exists in indexDetails but contains no information: ' +
- tojson(shardStats.indexDetails));
- }
- }
- }
- // indexDetailsKey - show indexDetails results for this index key only.
- var indexKey = {a: 1};
- var indexName = getIndexName(indexKey);
- checkIndexDetails({indexDetails: true, indexDetailsKey: indexKey}, indexName);
- // indexDetailsName - show indexDetails results for this index name only.
- checkIndexDetails({indexDetails: true, indexDetailsName: indexName}, indexName);
- }());
- s.stop();