diff options
authorRichard Samuels <>2021-06-01 17:49:24 -0400
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-06-15 01:14:51 +0000
commit6b74115e627a0764d8914b2a19725655563f80de (patch)
parente2fba06768ba16225951ec0735ec1665e4a549c9 (diff)
SERVER-57398 Extract evergreen yaml linter into its own repo
(cherry picked from commit b17e0a99632872e44684700978d55c01be1a7895) (cherry picked from commit b5980ed90e48d6e7d196384fdf4f5707d1e3fb1d) (cherry picked from commit 5dbe78f5ecf516be8996d74604479595657b406f) (cherry picked from commit 9b89e3fe3c66e2641a0a7a5c15df35906ae29c56)
11 files changed, 32 insertions, 1481 deletions
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-"""I exist to appease the linter."""
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-"""entry point for evglint."""
-import os
-import copy
-import sys
-import itertools
-from typing import Callable, List, Iterator, Dict
-import click
-from typing_extensions import TypedDict
-if not __package__:
- newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", ".."))
- sys.path.append(newpath)
-# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
-from buildscripts.evglint.rules import RULES
-from buildscripts.evglint.model import LintError, LintRule
-from buildscripts.evglint.yamlhandler import load_file
-_LINTABLE_YAMLS: List[str] = [
- "evergreen.yml"
- # :(
- # "perf.yml"
- # "system-perf.yml"
-def _main() -> int:
- ret = 0
- for yaml_file in _LINTABLE_YAMLS:
- yaml_dict = load_file(yaml_file)
- errors: Dict[str, List[LintError]] = {}
- for rule, fn in RULES.items():
- rule_errors = fn(yaml_dict)
- if rule_errors:
- errors[rule] = rule_errors
- err_count = 0
- for error_list in errors.values():
- err_count += len(error_list)
- if err_count:
- print(f"{err_count} errors found in '{yaml_file}':")
- print_nl = False
- for rule, error_list in errors.items():
- for error in error_list:
- if print_nl:
- print("")
- print(f"{rule}:", error)
- print_nl = True
- ret = 1
- sys.exit(ret)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- _main()
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-"""Helpers for iterating over the yaml dictionary."""
-import re
-from typing import Generator, Tuple, Union, List, Callable
-_CommandList = List[dict]
-_Commands = Union[dict, _CommandList]
-_Selector = Callable[[str, _Commands], Generator]
-def _in_dict_and_truthy(dictionary: dict, key: str) -> bool:
- return key in dictionary and dictionary[key]
-def iterate_commands(yaml_dict: dict) -> Generator[Tuple[str, dict], None, None]:
- """Return a Generator that yields commands from the yaml dict.
- :param dict yaml_dict: the parsed yaml dictionary
- Yields a Tuple, 0: is a human friendly description of where the command
- block can be found, 1: a dict representing the command
- """
- generator = iterate_commands_context(yaml_dict)
- for (context, command, _) in generator:
- yield (context, command)
-# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
-def _iterator(yaml_dict: dict, selector: _Selector,
- skip_blocks: List[str] = None) -> Generator[Tuple[str, dict, dict], None, None]:
- def _should_process(yaml_dict: dict, key: str) -> bool:
- if skip_blocks and key in skip_blocks:
- return False
- return _in_dict_and_truthy(yaml_dict, key)
- if _should_process(yaml_dict, "functions"):
- for function, commands in yaml_dict["functions"].items():
- if not commands:
- continue
- gen = selector(f"Function '{function}'", commands)
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _should_process(yaml_dict, "tasks"):
- for task in yaml_dict["tasks"]:
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "commands"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}'", task["commands"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "setup_task"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}', setup_task", task["setup_task"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "teardown_task"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}', teardown_task", task["teardown_task"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "setup_group"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}', setup_group", task["setup_group"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "teardown_group"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}', teardown_group", task["teardown_group"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _in_dict_and_truthy(task, "timeout"):
- gen = selector(f"Task '{task['name']}', timeout", task["timeout"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _should_process(yaml_dict, "pre"):
- gen = selector("Global pre", yaml_dict["pre"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _should_process(yaml_dict, "post"):
- gen = selector("Global post", yaml_dict["post"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
- if _should_process(yaml_dict, "timeout"):
- gen = selector("Global timeout", yaml_dict["timeout"])
- for out in gen:
- yield out
-def iterate_commands_context(yaml_dict: dict, skip_blocks: List[str] = None
- ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, dict, dict], None, None]:
- """Return a Generator that yields commands from the yaml dict.
- :param dict yaml_dict: the parsed yaml dictionary
- :param list skip_blocks: skip root level keys in the yaml dictionary in list
- Yields a Tuple, 0: is a human friendly description of where the command
- block can be found, 1: a dict representing the command, 2: a dict or list of
- dicts that provides the whole context of where that command is used. For
- example, when iterating over commands in a function, this will be the list
- of dicts or single dict that makes up the function definition.
- Functions will not be returned.
- """
- def _helper(prefix: str,
- commands: _Commands) -> Generator[Tuple[str, _Commands, _CommandList], None, None]:
- # commands are either a singular dict (representing one command), or
- # a list of dicts
- if isinstance(commands, dict):
- # never yield functions
- if "command" in commands:
- yield (f'{prefix}, command', commands, commands)
- else:
- for idx, command in enumerate(commands):
- if "command" in command:
- yield (f"{prefix}, command {idx}", command, commands)
- gen = _iterator(yaml_dict, _helper, skip_blocks)
- for out in gen:
- yield out
-def iterate_fn_calls_context(yaml_dict: dict) -> Generator[Tuple[str, dict, dict], None, None]:
- """Return a Generator that yields function calls from the yaml dict.
- :param dict yaml_dict: the parsed yaml dictionary
- Yields a Tuple, 0: is a human friendly description of where the command
- block can be found, 1: a dict representing the command, 2: a dict or list of
- dicts that provides the whole context of where that command is used. For
- example, when iterating over commands in a function, this will be the list
- of dicts or single dict that makes up the function definition.
- Function definitions will not be returned.
- """
- def _helper(prefix: str, commands: Union[dict, List[dict]]):
- # commands are either a singular dict (representing one command), or
- # a list of dicts
- if isinstance(commands, dict):
- # only yield functions
- if "func" in commands:
- yield (f"{prefix}, function call '{commands['func']}'", commands, commands)
- else:
- for idx, command in enumerate(commands):
- if "func" in command:
- yield (f"{prefix}, command {idx} (function call: '{command['func']}')", command,
- commands)
- gen = _iterator(yaml_dict, _helper)
- for out in gen:
- yield out
-EVERGREEN_SCRIPT_RE = re.compile(r".*\/evergreen\/.*\.sh")
-# Return true for any subprocess exec commands that look like this:
-#- command: subprocess.exec
-# params:
-# with one of :
-# args:
-# - r"\/evergreen\/.*\.sh"
-# or
-# command: r"\/evergreen\/.*\.sh"
-def match_subprocess_exec(command: dict) -> bool:
- """Return True if the command is a subprocess.exec command that consumes an evergreen shell script."""
- if "command" in command and command["command"] != "subprocess.exec":
- return False
- if "params" not in command:
- return False
- params = command["params"]
- try:
- if "args" in params and not["args"][0]):
- return False
- elif "command" in params and not["command"]):
- return False
- except IndexError:
- return False
- return True
-def match_expansions_update(command: dict) -> bool:
- """Return True if the command is an expansions.update command."""
- return "command" in command and command["command"] == "expansions.update"
-def match_timeout_update(command: dict) -> bool:
- """Return True if the command is a timeout.update command."""
- return "command" in command and command["command"] == "timeout.update"
-def match_expansions_write(command: dict) -> bool:
- """Return True if the command is a properly formed expansions.write command.
- Properly formed is of the form:
- command: expansions.write
- params:
- file: expansions.yml
- redacted: true
- """
- if "command" not in command or command["command"] != "expansions.write":
- return False
- if "params" not in command:
- return False
- params = command["params"]
- if "file" not in params or params["file"] != "expansions.yml":
- return False
- if "redacted" not in params or not params["redacted"]:
- return False
- return True
-def iterate_command_lists(yaml_dict: dict) -> Generator[Tuple[str, _Commands], None, None]:
- """Return a Generator that yields every single command list once.
- Command lists are defined as the list of commands found in tasks:
- commands, setup_task, setup_group, teardown_task, teardown_group, timeout;
- globally: pre, post, timeout, and the definitions of functions.
- :param dict yaml_dict: the parsed yaml dictionary
- Yields a Tuple, 0: is a human friendly description of where the command
- block can be found, representing the command, 1: a dict or list of
- dicts that provides the whole context of where that command is used. For
- example, when iterating over commands in a function, this will be the list
- of dicts or single dict that makes up the function definition.
- """
- def _helper(prefix: str, commands: Union[dict, List[dict]]):
- yield (prefix, commands)
- gen = _iterator(yaml_dict, _helper)
- for out in gen:
- yield out
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-"""Type annotations for evglint."""
-from typing import Callable, List
-LintRule = Callable[[dict], List["LintError"]]
-LintError = str
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-"""Lint rules."""
-import re
-from typing import Dict, List, Set, Optional
-import buildscripts.evglint.helpers as helpers
-from buildscripts.evglint.model import LintRule, LintError
-from buildscripts.evglint.helpers import iterate_commands, iterate_commands_context, iterate_fn_calls_context, iterate_command_lists
-def no_keyval_inc(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Prevent usage of"""
- def _out_message(context: str) -> LintError:
- return f"{context} includes, which is not permitted. Do not use"
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for context, command in iterate_commands(yaml):
- if "command" in command and command["command"] == "":
- out.append(_out_message(context))
- return out
-def shell_exec_explicit_shell(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Require explicitly specifying shell in uses of shell.exec."""
- def _out_message(context: str) -> LintError:
- return f"{context} is a shell.exec command without an explicitly declared shell. You almost certainly want to add 'shell: bash' to the parameters list."
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for context, command in iterate_commands(yaml):
- if "command" in command and command["command"] == "shell.exec":
- if "params" not in command or "shell" not in command["params"]:
- out.append(_out_message(context))
- return out
-SHELL_COMMANDS = ["subprocess.exec", "subprocess.scripting", "shell.exec"]
-def no_working_dir_on_shell(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Do not allow working_dir to be set on shell.exec, subprocess.*."""
- def _out_message(context: str, cmd: str) -> LintError:
- return f"{context} is a {cmd} command with a working_dir parameter. Do not set working_dir, instead `cd` into the directory in the shell script."
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for context, command in iterate_commands(yaml):
- if "command" in command and command["command"] in SHELL_COMMANDS:
- if "params" in command and "working_dir" in command["params"]:
- out.append(_out_message(context, command["command"]))
- return out
-FUNCTION_NAME = "^f_[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
-def invalid_function_name(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Enforce naming convention on functions."""
- def _out_message(context: str) -> LintError:
- return f"Function '{context}' must have a name matching '{FUNCTION_NAME}'"
- if "functions" not in yaml:
- return []
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for fname in yaml["functions"].keys():
- if not FUNCTION_NAME_RE.fullmatch(fname):
- out.append(_out_message(fname))
- return out
-def no_shell_exec(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Do not allow shell.exec. Users should use subprocess.exec instead."""
- def _out_message(context: str) -> LintError:
- return (f"{context} is a shell.exec command, which is forbidden. "
- "Extract your shell script out of the YAML and into a .sh file "
- "in directory 'evergreen', and use subprocess.exec instead.")
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for context, command in iterate_commands(yaml):
- if "command" in command and command["command"] == "shell.exec":
- out.append(_out_message(context))
- return out
-def no_multiline_expansions_update(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Forbid multi-line values in expansion.updates parameters."""
- def _out_message(context: str, idx: int) -> LintError:
- return (f"{context}, key-value pair {idx} is an expansions.update "
- "command with multi-line values embedded in the yaml, which is"
- " forbidden. For long-form values, use the files parameter of "
- "expansions.update.")
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for context, command in iterate_commands(yaml):
- if "command" in command and command["command"] == "expansions.update":
- if "params" in command and "updates" in command["params"]:
- for idx, item in enumerate(command["params"]["updates"]):
- if "value" in item and "\n" in item["value"]:
- out.append(_out_message(context, idx))
- return out
-BUILD_PARAMETER = "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*"
-def invalid_build_parameter(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Require that parameters obey a naming convention and have a description."""
- def _out_message_key(idx: int) -> LintError:
- return f"Build parameter, pair {idx}, key must match '{BUILD_PARAMETER}'."
- def _out_message_description(idx: int) -> LintError:
- return f"Build parameter, pair {idx}, must have a description."
- if "parameters" not in yaml:
- return []
- out: List[LintError] = []
- for idx, param in enumerate(yaml["parameters"]):
- if "key" not in param or not BUILD_PARAMETER_RE.fullmatch(param["key"]):
- out.append(_out_message_key(idx))
- if "description" not in param or not param["description"]:
- out.append(_out_message_description(idx))
- return out
-# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
-def required_expansions_write(yaml: dict) -> List[LintError]:
- """Require that subprocess.exec functions that consume evergreen scripts correctly bootstrap the prelude."""
- # This logic is well and truly awful.
- # Here's the problem:
- # 1. Evergreen functions can have a dict or list definition. Functions
- # with a dict definition, that is:
- # "f_my_fn": &f_my_fn
- # command: shell.exec
- # can called either as "- func: f_my_fn" or as *f_my_fn. The former syntax
- # can have arguments passed into it. The latter syntax,
- # i.e. the use of the YAML anchor, is used to workaround Evergreen not
- # allowing functions to call other functions. Arguments cannot be passed in
- # when the YAML anchor syntax is used.
- # This poses a problem: if the user calls a function with a dict definition,
- # and that function has arguments passed in, and that function calls
- # subprocess.exec, then the function will not have its expansions populated
- # in the external script as expected. It must be defined as a list, and
- # incorporate an expansions.write call, or not be called with args.
- # See Resolution 1.
- # Functions with a list definition, that is:
- # "f_my_fn2": &f_my_fn2
- # - command: shell.exec
- # - command: shell.exec
- # cannot use the YAML anchor syntax (this is an evergreen validation
- # error). If these functions call subprocess.exec, then they will only work
- # if expansions.write is called before subprocess.exec. See Resolution 2.
- #
- # 2. Expansions can be defined/changed at any step of the way by Evergreen,
- # function arguments, build variants, Evergreen projects, tasks. Expansions
- # written to disk MUST be up to date. See Resolution 2
- # 3. Expansions be updated after expansions.update, but before
- # subprocess.exec. See Resolution 3.
- # Resolutions:
- # Given the above, here are the checks we need to perform
- # 1. Any function defined with a dict definition that calls subprocess.exec
- # MUST NOT be called with arguments.
- # 2. expansions.write MUST be called prior to invoking subprocess.exec for
- # the first time in any command list.
- # (i.e. in tasks: commands, setup_task, setup_group, teardown_task,
- # teardown_group, timeout,, globally: pre, post, timeout, functions with
- # list definitions)
- # When paired with Resolution 3, this works all the time (but does
- # sometimes require redundant expansions.write calls)
- # 3. Every invocation of expansions.update MUST be immediately followed by
- # expansions.write
- # 4. It makes sense to place your expansions.write call in a dict
- # definition function, that way you can call it with either syntax. So, in
- # the above passage where I've mentioned "expansions.write", we must not
- # only check for a properly formed expansions.write call, we must also
- # check for a function that calls expansions.write. For reference, a
- # properly formed expansions.write call looks like this:
- # command: expansions.write
- # params:
- # file: expansions.yml
- # redacted: true
- # A function containing the above as a dict definition is treated as
- # equivalent to calling expansions.write
- #
- # 5. Furthermore, above mentions of subprocess.exec MUST be applied only to
- # subprocess.exec invocations that call scripts in the evergreen directory.
- #
- # 6. And because that's not complicated enough, any functions that are
- # dict-defined with subprocess.exec must be treated as equivalent to
- # subprocess.exec on its own.
- # 7. Functions that call expansions.update, and are dict-defined MUST
- # require an expansions.update call after they are called, regardless of
- # syntax
- # 8. timeout.update can also affect expansion values, and all of the rules
- # above need to applied equally to timeout.update
- # These are functions that invoke expansions.write in a dict defintion,
- # as described in Resolution 4.
- expansions_write_fns: Set[str] = set()
- # These are functions whose invocations must be checked for Resolution 1.
- subprocess_exec_fns: Set[str] = set()
- # And these are for Resolution 7
- expansions_update_fns: Set[str] = set()
- # and Resolution 8
- timeout_update_fns: Set[str] = set()
- def _out_message_dangerous_function(context: str) -> LintError:
- return f"{context} cannot safely take arguments. Call expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: {list(expansions_write_fns)}) in the function, or do not pass arguments to it."
- def _out_message_expansions_update(context: str, fname: str = "expansions.update") -> LintError:
- return f"{context} is an {fname} command that is not immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: {list(expansions_write_fns)}) after calling {fname}."
- def _out_message_subprocess(context: str) -> LintError:
- return f"{context} calls an evergreen shell script without a preceding expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: {list(expansions_write_fns)}) before calling an evergreen shell script via subprocess.exec."
- def _is_expansions_write_or_fn(command: dict) -> bool:
- return helpers.match_expansions_write(command) or ("func" in command and
- command["func"] in expansions_write_fns)
- def _is_subprocess_exec_or_fn(command: dict) -> bool:
- return helpers.match_subprocess_exec(command) or ("func" in command and
- command["func"] in subprocess_exec_fns)
- def _is_expansions_update_or_fn(command: dict) -> bool:
- return helpers.match_expansions_update(command) or (
- "func" in command and command["func"] in expansions_update_fns)
- def _is_timeout_update_or_fn(command: dict) -> bool:
- return helpers.match_timeout_update(command) or ("func" in command
- and command["func"] in timeout_update_fns)
- def _context_add_fn(context: str, command: Optional[dict]) -> str:
- if command and "func" in command:
- return f'{context}, (function call: {command["func"]})'
- return context
- def _check_command_list(context: str, commands: List[dict]) -> List[LintError]:
- out: List[LintError] = []
- first_subprocess: int = None
- first_subprocess_cmd: dict = None
- first_exp_write: int = None
- warned_subprocess = False
- for idx, command in enumerate(commands):
- if first_subprocess is None and _is_subprocess_exec_or_fn(command):
- first_subprocess = idx
- first_subprocess_cmd = command
- elif first_exp_write is None and _is_expansions_write_or_fn(command):
- first_exp_write = idx
- if not warned_subprocess and _is_subprocess_exec_or_fn(
- command) and first_exp_write is None:
- out.append(
- _out_message_subprocess(_context_add_fn(f"{context}, command {idx}", command)))
- # only warn for the first instance of this per command list.
- # Once you resolve the first instance, the Resolution 3 and
- # Resolution 8 checks below handle the rest of the errors.
- warned_subprocess = True
- if (_is_expansions_update_or_fn(command) or _is_timeout_update_or_fn(command)):
- # Resolution 3 and Resolution 8
- if len(commands) <= idx + 1 or not _is_expansions_write_or_fn(commands[idx + 1]):
- if _is_expansions_update_or_fn(command):
- out.append(
- _out_message_expansions_update(
- _context_add_fn(f"{context}, command {idx}", command)))
- elif _is_timeout_update_or_fn(command):
- out.append(
- _out_message_expansions_update(
- _context_add_fn(f"{context}, command {idx}", command),
- "timeout.update"))
- if not warned_subprocess and first_subprocess is not None and first_exp_write is not None and first_subprocess < first_exp_write:
- out.append(
- _out_message_subprocess(
- _context_add_fn(f"{context}, command {first_subprocess}",
- first_subprocess_cmd)))
- return out
- out: List[LintError] = []
- if "functions" in yaml:
- for fname, body in yaml["functions"].items():
- if isinstance(body, dict):
- # assemble the list of functions whose bodies are the expected
- # expansions.write call. (Resolution 4)
- if helpers.match_expansions_write(body):
- expansions_write_fns.add(fname)
- # assemble the list of functions that must never be called
- # with arguments (Resolution 1)
- elif helpers.match_subprocess_exec(body):
- subprocess_exec_fns.add(fname)
- # Resolution 7
- elif helpers.match_expansions_update(body):
- expansions_update_fns.add(fname)
- # Resolution 8
- elif helpers.match_timeout_update(body):
- timeout_update_fns.add(fname)
- for context, commands in iterate_command_lists(yaml):
- if isinstance(commands, dict):
- continue
- out += _check_command_list(context, commands)
- for context, command, _ in iterate_fn_calls_context(yaml):
- if command["func"] in subprocess_exec_fns and "vars" in command and command["vars"]:
- out.append(_out_message_dangerous_function(context))
- return out
-RULES: Dict[str, LintRule] = {
- #"invalid-function-name": invalid_function_name,
- # TODO: after SERVER-54315
- #"no-keyval-inc": no_keyval_inc,
- "no-working-dir-on-shell": no_working_dir_on_shell,
- "no-shell-exec": no_shell_exec,
- "no-multiline-expansions-update": no_multiline_expansions_update,
- "invalid-build-parameter": invalid_build_parameter,
- "required-expansions-write": required_expansions_write,
-# Thoughts on Writing Rules
-# - see .helpers for reliable iteration helpers
-# - Do not assume a key exists, unless it's been mentioned here
-# - Do not allow exceptions to percolate outside of the rule function
-# - YAML anchors are not available. Unless you want to write your own yaml
-# parser, or fork adrienverge/yamllint, abandon all hope on that idea you have.
-# - Anchors are basically copy and paste, so you might see "duplicate" errors
-# that originate from the same anchor, but are reported in multiple locations
-# Evergreen YAML Root Structure Reference
-# Unless otherwise mentioned, the key is optional. You can infer the
-# substructure by reading etc/evergreen.yml
-# Function blocks: are dicts with the key 'func', which maps to a string,
-# the name of the function
-# Command blocks: are dicts with the key 'command', which maps to a string,
-# the Evergreen command to run
-# variables: List[dict]. These can be any valid yaml and it's very difficult
-# to infer anything
-# functions: Dict[str, Union[dict, List[dict]]]. The key is the name of the
-# function, the value is either a dict, or list of dicts, with each dict
-# representing a command
-# pre, post, and timeout: List[dict] representing commands or functions to
-# be run before/after/on timeout condition respectively
-# tasks: List[dict], each dict is a task definition, key is always present
-# task_groups: List[dict]
-# modules: List[dict]
-# buildvariants: List[dict], key is always present
-# parameters: List[dict]
diff --git a/buildscripts/evglint/ b/buildscripts/evglint/
deleted file mode 100644
index fff1e472d79..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/evglint/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-"""Yaml handling helpers for evglint."""
-import io
-import os
-from typing import Union
-import yaml
-class ReadOnlyDict(dict):
- """RO dictionary wrapper to prevent modifications to the yaml dict."""
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- def __readonly__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise RuntimeError("Rules must not modify the yaml dictionary")
- __setitem__ = __readonly__
- __delitem__ = __readonly__
- pop = __readonly__
- popitem = __readonly__
- clear = __readonly__
- update = __readonly__
- setdefault = __readonly__
- del __readonly__
-def _etc_dir() -> str:
- self_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self_dir, "..", "..", "etc"))
-def load_file(yaml_file: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> dict:
- """Load yaml from a file on disk."""
- with open(os.path.join(_etc_dir(), yaml_file)) as fh:
- return load(fh)
-def load(data: Union[io.TextIOWrapper, str, bytes]) -> dict:
- """Given a file handle or buffer, load yaml."""
- yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(data)
- return ReadOnlyDict(yaml_dict)
diff --git a/buildscripts/tests/ b/buildscripts/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4cc5a09f5..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-"""evglint tests."""
-import unittest
-from io import StringIO
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
-from typing import List
-import yaml
-from typing_extensions import TypedDict
-from buildscripts.evglint.yamlhandler import load
-from buildscripts.evglint import rules
-from buildscripts.evglint.model import LintRule, LintError
-import buildscripts.evglint.helpers as h
-class TestRulebreaker(unittest.TestCase):
- """Attempt to raise exceptions in evglint rules."""
- # the Evergreen YAML freely allows for lists of dicts or just a single
- # dict for commands, which can painfully lead to exceptions.
- # Additionally, the rule author cannot safely assume that any parameters
- # are defined, so we generate an even larger list of parameter-less
- # commands that will raise exceptions in any rule.
- functions:
- "single command": &a1
- # this is, surprisingly, a valid evergreen command
- command: shell.exec
- "list of commands": &a2
- - command: shell.exec
- params:
- script: /bin/true
- - command: shell.exec
- params:
- script: /bin/true
- "deliberately empty kv pair":
- "inject here":
- "anchor cheese":
- - *a1
- - *a1
- timeout:
- - *a1
- pre:
- - *a1
- post:
- - *a1
- tasks:
- - name: empty
- - name: clang_tidy
- setup_task:
- - *a1
- teardown_task:
- - *a1
- teardown_group:
- - *a1
- setup_group:
- - *a1
- timeout:
- - *a1
- commands:
- - func: "single command"
- - func: "anchor cheese"
- - command: shell.exec
- """
- @classmethod
- def _gen_rule_breaker(cls) -> dict:
- # List from
- commands = [
- "",
- "archive.targz_extract",
- "archive.targz_pack",
- "attach.artifacts",
- "attach.results",
- "attach.xunit_results",
- "expansions.update",
- "expansions.write",
- "generate.tasks",
- "git.get_project",
- "gotest.parse_files",
- "host.create",
- "host.list",
- "json.send",
- "manifest.load",
- "perf.send",
- "s3.get",
- "s3.put",
- "s3.push",
- "s3.pull",
- "s3Copy.copy",
- "shell.exec",
- "subprocess.exec",
- "subprocess.scripting",
- "timeout.update",
- ]
- buf = StringIO()
- for cmd in commands:
- buf.write(f" - command: {cmd}\n")
- gen_commands = TestRulebreaker.RULEBREAKER.format(inject_here=buf.getvalue())
- return load(gen_commands)
- def test_break_rules(self):
- """test that rules don't raise exceptions."""
- yaml_dict = self._gen_rule_breaker()
- for rule_name, rule in rules.RULES.items():
- try:
- rule(yaml_dict)
- except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-"{rule_name} raised an exception, but must not. "
- "The rule is likely accessing a key without "
- "verifying that it exists first. Write a more "
- "thorough rule.\n"
- f"Exception: {ex}")
-class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test .helpers module."""
- def test_iterate_commands(self):
- """test iterate_commands."""
- yaml_dict = load(TestRulebreaker.RULEBREAKER.format(inject_here=""))
- gen = h.iterate_commands(yaml_dict)
- count = 0
- for _ in gen:
- count = count + 1
- self.assertEqual(count, 14)
-- name: test
- """
- def test_iterate_commands_no_commands(self):
- """Test iterate_commands when the yaml has no commands."""
- yaml_dict = load(TestHelpers.I_CANT_BELIEVE_THAT_VALIDATES)
- gen = h.iterate_commands(yaml_dict)
- count = 0
- for _ in gen:
- count = count + 1
- self.assertEqual(count, 0)
- def test_iterate_command_lists(self):
- """test iterate_command_lists."""
- yaml_dict = load(TestRulebreaker.RULEBREAKER.format(inject_here=""))
- gen = h.iterate_command_lists(yaml_dict)
- count = 0
- for _ in gen:
- count = count + 1
- self.assertEqual(count, 12)
- def test_iterate_command_lists_no_commands(self):
- """Test iterate_command_lists when the yaml has no commands."""
- yaml_dict = load(TestHelpers.I_CANT_BELIEVE_THAT_VALIDATES)
- gen = h.iterate_command_lists(yaml_dict)
- count = 0
- for _ in gen:
- count = count + 1
- self.assertEqual(count, 0)
- def test_match_expansions_write(self):
- """Test match_expansions_write."""
- cmd = {}
- self.assertFalse(h.match_expansions_write(cmd))
- cmd = {
- "command": "expansions.write", "params": {"file": "expansions.yml", "redacted": True}
- }
- self.assertTrue(h.match_expansions_write(cmd))
- def test_iterate_fn_calls_context(self):
- """Test iterate_fn_calls_context."""
- yaml_dict = load(TestRulebreaker.RULEBREAKER.format(inject_here=""))
- gen = h.iterate_fn_calls_context(yaml_dict)
- count = 0
- for _ in gen:
- count = count + 1
- self.assertEqual(count, 2)
- def test_match_subprocess_exec(self):
- """Test match_subprocess_exec."""
- cmd = {}
- self.assertFalse(h.match_subprocess_exec(cmd))
- cmd = {
- "command": "subprocess.exec",
- "params": {"binary": "bash", "args": ["./src/evergreen/"]}
- }
- self.assertTrue(h.match_subprocess_exec(cmd))
-class _RuleExpect(TypedDict):
- raw_yaml: str
- errors: List[LintError]
-class _BaseTestClasses:
- # this extra class prevents unittest from running the base class as a test
- # suite
- class RuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test a rule."""
- @staticmethod
- def _whine(_: dict) -> LintRule:
- raise RuntimeError("Programmer error: func was not set")
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.table: List[_RuleExpect] = []
- self.func: LintRule = self._whine
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.maxDiff = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- def test_rule(self):
- """Test self.func with the yamls listed in self.table, and compare results."""
- for expectation in self.table:
- yaml_dict = load(expectation["raw_yaml"])
- errors = self.func(yaml_dict)
- # a discrepancy on this assert means that your rule isn't working
- # as expected
- self.assertListEqual(errors, expectation["errors"])
-class TestNoKeyvalInc(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test no-keyval-inc."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.no_keyval_inc
- self.table = [
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command:
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors": [
- "Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test', command 0 includes, which is not permitted. Do not use"
- ]
- },
- ]
-class TestShellExecExplicitShell(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test shell-exec-explicit-shell."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.shell_exec_explicit_shell
- self.table = [
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
- params:
- shell: bash
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors": [
- "Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test', command 0 is a shell.exec command without an explicitly declared shell. You almost certainly want to add 'shell: bash' to the parameters list."
- ]
- },
- ]
-class TestNoWorkingDirOnShell(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test no-working-dir-on-shell."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.no_working_dir_on_shell
- self.table = [
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: subprocess.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
- params:
- working_dir: somewhere
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors": [(
- "Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test', command 0 is a shell.exec command with a working_dir parameter. Do not set working_dir, instead `cd` into the directory in the shell script."
- )]
- },
- ]
-class TestInvalidFunctionName(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test invalid-function-name."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.invalid_function_name
- self.table = [
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "f_cat_im_a_kitty_cat_and_i_test_test_test_and_i_test_test_test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: subprocess.exec
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors": [(
- "Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test' must have a name matching '^f_[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*'"
- )]
- },
- ]
-class TestNoShellExec(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test no-shell-exec."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.no_shell_exec
- self.table = [
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: subprocess.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors": [(
- "Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test', command 0 is a shell.exec command, which is forbidden. Extract your shell script out of the YAML and into a .sh file in directory 'evergreen', and use subprocess.exec instead."
- )]
- },
- ]
-class TestNoMultilineExpansionsUpdate(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test no-multiline-expansions-update."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.no_multiline_expansions_update
- self.table = [
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: expansions.update
- params:
- updates:
- - key: test
- value: a single line value \n
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: expansions.update
- params:
- updates:
- - key: test
- value: |
- a
- multiline
- value
-- name: test
- """,
- "errors":
- [("Function 'cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test', "
- "command 0, key-value pair 0 is an expansions.update command with multi-line "
- "values embedded in the yaml, which is forbidden. For long-form values, use "
- "the files parameter of expansions.update.")]
- },
- ]
-class TestInvalidBuildParameter(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test invalid-build-parameter."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.invalid_build_parameter
- self.table = [
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- - key: num_kitties
- description: "number of kitties"
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": []
- },
- {
- "raw_yaml":
- """
- - key: numberOfKitties
- description: "number of kitties"
- - key: number_of_kitties
- - key: number_of_kitties2
- description: ""
- "cat i'm a kitty cat, and i test test test and i test test test":
- - command: shell.exec
-- name: test
- """, "errors": [
- "Build parameter, pair 0, key must match '[a-z][a-z0-9_]*'.",
- "Build parameter, pair 1, must have a description.",
- "Build parameter, pair 2, must have a description."
- ]
- },
- ]
-class TestRequiredExpansionsWrite(_BaseTestClasses.RuleTest):
- """Test required-expansions-write."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.func = rules.required_expansions_write
- self.table = [
- {
- 'raw_yaml':
- """
- # this function can serve in lieu of an expansions.write call
- "f_expansions_write": &f_expansions_write
- command: expansions.write
- params:
- file: expansions.yml
- redacted: true
- # this function cannot, because redacted is not True
- "f_expansions_write2": &f_expansions_write2
- command: expansions.write
- params:
- file: expansions.yml
- "dangerous_fn": &dangerous_fn
- # will not generate errors because this is a dict defintion. Errors
- # will be generated if this function is called with arguments
- command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "dangerous_fn2": &dangerous_fn2
- # will not generate errors because this is a dict defintion.
- command: expansions.update
- "test1":
- # needs expansions.write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- # only ONE of these should generate an error
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test2a":
- # correct
- - func: "f_expansions_write"
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test2b":
- # correct
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test2c":
- # function isn't a compatible substitution
- - *f_expansions_write2
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test3":
- # correct because the subprocess.exec call is a script outside
- # of evergreen
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "somewhere/else/"
- "test3a":
- # needs expansions.write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "somewhere/else/"
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test4a":
- # need an expansions.write call after expansions.update
- - command: expansions.update
- "test4b":
- # need an expansions.write call after expansions.update
- - command: expansions.update
- - command: shell.exec
- - *f_expansions_write
- "test4c":
- # no errors
- - command: expansions.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- "test4d":
- # errors, because an incompatible function is called
- - *f_expansions_write2
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test5":
- # errors, because an incompatible function is called
- - command: expansions.update
- - func: f_expansions_write2
- "test6":
- # error because this needs an expansions write call after dangerous_fn2
- - *f_expansions_write
- - func: "dangerous_fn2"
- vars:
- test: test
- "test7":
- # error, needs an expansion.write at the end
- - command: expansions.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: timeout.update
- "test8":
- # no errors
- - command: expansions.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: timeout.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "somewhere/else/"
- - command: timeout.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
- "test8b":
- - command: expansions.update
- - command: timeout.update
- - *f_expansions_write
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "somewhere/else/"
- - command: timeout.update
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
-- name: test
- commands:
- # need an expansions.write call here
- - command: shell.exec
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
-- name: test1
- commands:
- - func: "dangerous_fn"
- vars:
- test: true
-- name: test2
- commands:
- # need an expansions.write call after expansions.update
- - command: expansions.update
- - command: shell.exec
- - command: subprocess.exec
- params:
- binary: bash
- args:
- - "src/evergreen/"
-- name: test3
- commands:
- # an expansions.write call is required here.
- - func: dangerous_fn
- """,
- "errors": [
- "Function 'test1', command 0 calls an evergreen shell script without a "
- 'preceding expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: '
- 'file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Function 'test2c', command 1 calls an evergreen shell script without a "
- 'preceding expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: '
- 'file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Function 'test3a', command 1 calls an evergreen shell script without a "
- 'preceding expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: '
- 'file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Function 'test4a', command 0 is an expansions.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'expansions.update.',
- "Function 'test4b', command 0 is an expansions.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'expansions.update.',
- "Function 'test4d', command 1 calls an evergreen shell script without a "
- 'preceding expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: '
- 'file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Function 'test5', command 0 is an expansions.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'expansions.update.',
- "Function 'test6', command 1, (function call: dangerous_fn2) is an "
- 'expansions.update command that is not immediately followed by an '
- 'expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: file: '
- 'expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) after calling expansions.update.",
- "Function 'test7', command 2 is an timeout.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'timeout.update.',
- "Function 'test8b', command 0 is an expansions.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'expansions.update.',
- "Function 'test8b', command 4 is an timeout.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'timeout.update.',
- "Task 'test', command 1 calls an evergreen shell script without a preceding "
- 'expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: file: '
- 'expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Task 'test1', command 0, (function call: dangerous_fn) calls an evergreen "
- 'shell script without a preceding expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen "
- 'shell script via subprocess.exec.',
- "Task 'test2', command 0 is an expansions.update command that is not "
- 'immediately followed by an expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) after calling "
- 'expansions.update.',
- "Task 'test2', command 2 calls an evergreen shell script without a preceding "
- 'expansions.write call. Always call expansions.write with params: file: '
- 'expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: '
- "['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen shell script via "
- 'subprocess.exec.',
- "Task 'test3', command 0, (function call: dangerous_fn) calls an evergreen "
- 'shell script without a preceding expansions.write call. Always call '
- 'expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; redacted: true, (or use '
- "one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) before calling an evergreen "
- 'shell script via subprocess.exec.',
- "Task 'test1', command 0 (function call: 'dangerous_fn') cannot safely take "
- 'arguments. Call expansions.write with params: file: expansions.yml; '
- "redacted: true, (or use one of these functions: ['f_expansions_write']) in "
- 'the function, or do not pass arguments to it.'
- ]
- },
- ]
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
index 1450014a774..37ad1cab454 100755
--- a/buildscripts/
+++ b/buildscripts/
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")
cd "$BASEDIR/../"
find buildscripts etc jstests -name '*.y*ml' -exec yamllint -c etc/yamllint_config.yml {} +
-python3 buildscripts/evglint
+python -m evergreen_lint -c ./etc/evergreen_lint.yml lint
diff --git a/etc/evergreen.yml b/etc/evergreen.yml
index af29201c4a1..b1c6544cc23 100644
--- a/etc/evergreen.yml
+++ b/etc/evergreen.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+# YAML Conventions #
+# Please see our conventions document at
+# for help navigating this document, or for help with our lint rules.
# A note on expansions #
@@ -7213,10 +7221,12 @@ task_groups:
- func: "set up win mount script"
- func: "generate compile expansions"
+ - func: "f_expansions_write"
- func: "umount shared scons directory"
- func: "cleanup environment"
- func: "apply compile expansions"
+ - func: "f_expansions_write"
- func: "set task expansion macros"
- func: "f_expansions_write"
@@ -7241,6 +7251,7 @@ task_groups:
- func: "umount shared scons directory"
- func: "set task expansion macros"
+ - func: "f_expansions_write"
- func: "apply compile expansions"
- func: "f_expansions_write"
@@ -7266,6 +7277,7 @@ task_groups:
- func: "umount shared scons directory"
- func: "set task expansion macros"
+ - func: "f_expansions_write"
- func: "apply compile expansions"
- func: "f_expansions_write"
diff --git a/etc/evergreen_lint.yml b/etc/evergreen_lint.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1414f4259b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/evergreen_lint.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# These paths are relative to the directory containing this configuration file
+ - evergreen.yml
+ # this is a list of all rules available, their parameters, and their
+ # default values. Comment out a rule to disable it
+ - rule: "limit-keyval-inc"
+ # the maximum number of commands to allow in your YAML
+ limit: 4
+ - rule: "shell-exec-explicit-shell"
+ - rule: "no-working-dir-on-shell"
+ - rule: "no-shell-exec"
+ - rule: "no-multiline-expansions-update"
+ - rule: "invalid-build-parameter"
+ - rule: "required-expansions-write"
+ regex: .*\/evergreen\/.*\.sh
diff --git a/etc/pip/components/lint.req b/etc/pip/components/lint.req
index fe366186b49..d8f159290a2 100644
--- a/etc/pip/components/lint.req
+++ b/etc/pip/components/lint.req
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ structlog ~= 19.2.0
yamllint == 1.15.0
yapf == 0.26.0
+evergreen-lint == 0.1.2