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authorEsha Maharishi <>2016-09-19 11:20:06 -0400
committerEsha Maharishi <>2016-09-19 11:31:29 -0400
commit71c222f029dbd9c8b73d8a2e5cc1be9f00a8675e (patch)
parent35fdb2f02359c3a7fc42c4dffbdc7f47b5ad48ab (diff)
SERVER-25971 Test performing ops against a 3.4 sharded cluster where the shards don't have a shardIdentity doc
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/delayed_shard_identity_upsert.js b/jstests/sharding/delayed_shard_identity_upsert.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5662f9d8412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/delayed_shard_identity_upsert.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Tests that a variety of operations from a mongos to a shard succeed even during the period when
+ * the shard has yet to receive the shardIdentity from the config server.
+ */
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Simulate that the insert of the shardIdentity doc from the config to a new shard gets
+ // "delayed" by using the dontUpsertShardIdentityOnNewShards failpoint on the configs.
+ var st = new ShardingTest({
+ shards: 3,
+ mongos: 1,
+ other: {
+ rs: true,
+ rsOptions: {nodes: 1},
+ configOptions: {
+ setParameter: "failpoint.dontUpsertShardIdentityOnNewShards={'mode':'alwaysOn'}"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var testDB = st.s.getDB("test");
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: testDB.getName()}));
+ st.ensurePrimaryShard(testDB.getName(), st._shardNames[0]);
+ // Create a collection sharded on {a: 1}. Add 2dsphere index to test geoNear.
+ var coll = testDB.getCollection("sharded");
+ coll.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {a: 1}}));
+ // Split the collection.
+ // shard0000: { "a" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "a" : 1 }
+ // shard0001: { "a" : 1 } -->> { "a" : 10 }
+ // shard0002: { "a" : 10 } -->> { "a" : { "$maxKey" : 1 }}
+ var chunk2Min = 1;
+ var chunk3Min = 10;
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({split: coll.getFullName(), middle: {a: chunk2Min}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({split: coll.getFullName(), middle: {a: chunk3Min}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ testDB.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll.getFullName(), find: {a: 5}, to: st._shardNames[1]}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ testDB.adminCommand({moveChunk: coll.getFullName(), find: {a: 15}, to: st._shardNames[2]}));
+ // Put data on each shard.
+ // Note that the balancer is off by default, so the chunks will stay put.
+ // shard0000: {a: 0}
+ // shard0001: {a: 2}, {a: 4}
+ // shard0002: {a: 15}
+ // Include geo field to test geoNear.
+ var a_0 = {_id: 0, a: 0, geo: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}};
+ var a_2 = {_id: 1, a: 2, geo: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}};
+ var a_4 = {_id: 2, a: 4, geo: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}};
+ var a_15 = {_id: 3, a: 15, geo: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}};
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_0));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_2));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_4));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_15));
+ // Aggregate and aggregate explain.
+ assert.eq(3, coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}}]).itcount());
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().aggregate([{$match: {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}}]));
+ // Count and count explain.
+ assert.eq(3, coll.find({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}).count());
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().find({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}).count());
+ // Distinct and distinct explain.
+ assert.eq(3, coll.distinct("_id", {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}).length);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().distinct("_id", {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}));
+ // Find and find explain.
+ assert.eq(3, coll.find({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}).itcount());
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.find({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}).explain());
+ // FindAndModify and findAndModify explain.
+ assert.eq(0, coll.findAndModify({query: {a: 0}, update: {$set: {b: 1}}}).a);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().findAndModify({query: {a: 0}, update: {$set: {b: 1}}}));
+ // GeoNear.
+ assert.eq(3,
+ assert
+ .commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({
+ geoNear: coll.getName(),
+ near: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]},
+ spherical: true,
+ query: {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}},
+ }))
+ .results.length);
+ // MapReduce.
+ assert.eq(3,
+ assert
+ .commandWorked(coll.mapReduce(
+ function() {
+ emit(this.a, 1);
+ },
+ function(key, values) {
+ return Array.sum(values);
+ },
+ {out: {inline: 1}, query: {a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}}))
+ .results.length);
+ // Remove and remove explain.
+ var writeRes = coll.remove({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}});
+ assert.writeOK(writeRes);
+ assert.eq(3, writeRes.nRemoved);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().remove({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_0));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_2));
+ assert.writeOK(coll.insert(a_4));
+ // Update and update explain.
+ writeRes = coll.update({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}, {$set: {b: 1}}, {multi: true});
+ assert.writeOK(writeRes);
+ assert.eq(3, writeRes.nMatched);
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ coll.explain().update({a: {$lt: chunk3Min}}, {$set: {b: 1}}, {multi: true}));
+ // Assert that the shardIdentity document has still not "reached" any shard, meaning all of the
+ // above commands indeed succeeded during the period that the shardIdentity insert was
+ // "delayed."
+ for (shard in st.shards) {
+ var res = shard.getDB("admin").getCollection("system.version").find({_id: "shardIdentity"});
+ assert.eq(null, res);
+ }
+ st.stop();