diff options
authorsamontea <>2021-08-18 15:38:39 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-08-18 16:32:30 +0000
commitca088c270c1b511c342a1366d4b296b3c98774f0 (patch)
parent01fb3fac6dbf5a6566e0ce6cf5218d4274df19f1 (diff)
SERVER-57334 Create desugaring namespace for DocumentSourceDensify
12 files changed, 1370 insertions, 386 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1f7c11154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Test how $densify desugars.
+ *
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * # We're testing the explain plan, not the query results, so the facet passthrough would fail.
+ * do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const featureEnabled =
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagDensify: 1}))
+ .featureFlagDensify.value;
+if (!featureEnabled) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping test because the densify feature flag is disabled");
+ return;
+const coll = db[jsTestName()];
+// Use .explain() to see what the stage desugars to.
+// The result is formatted as explain-output, which differs from MQL syntax in some cases:
+// for example {$sort: {a: 1}} explains as {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}.
+function desugar(stage) {
+ const result = coll.explain().aggregate([
+ // prevent stages from being absorbed into the .find() layer
+ {$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}},
+ stage,
+ ]);
+ assert.commandWorked(result);
+ // We proceed by cases based on topology.
+ if (!FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db)) {
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.stages), result);
+ // The first two stages should be the .find() cursor and the inhibit-optimization stage;
+ // the rest of the stages are what the user's 'stage' expanded to.
+ assert(result.stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.stages.slice(2);
+ } else {
+ if (result.splitPipeline) {
+ assert(result.splitPipeline.shardsPart[0].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ assert.eq(result.splitPipeline.shardsPart.length, 2);
+ assert.eq(result.splitPipeline.mergerPart.length, 1);
+ return [result.splitPipeline.shardsPart[1], result.splitPipeline.mergerPart[0]];
+ } else if (result.stages) {
+ // Required for aggregation_mongos_passthrough.
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.stages), result);
+ // The first two stages should be the .find() cursor and the inhibit-optimization stage;
+ // the rest of the stages are what the user's 'stage' expanded to.
+ assert(result.stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.stages.slice(2);
+ } else {
+ // Required for aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections.
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages), result);
+ assert(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages.slice(2);
+ }
+ }
+// Implicit partition fields and sort are generated.
+assert.eq(desugar({$densify: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}), [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}},
+ {$_internalDensify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: [], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}},
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if "partition" is specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are not prepended to the sortKey if "full" is specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if numeric bounds are specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [-10, 0]}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [-10, 0]}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if date bounds are specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ range:
+ {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-03"), new Date("2020-01-04")], unit: "day"}
+ }
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-03"), new Date("2020-01-04")],
+ unit: "day"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ]);
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d837c765af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Test the syntax of $_internalDensify.
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * # Our method of connecting via an internal client requries an unsharded topology.
+ * assumes_unsharded_collection,
+ * assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos,
+ * assumes_read_preference_unchanged,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const dbName = jsTestName();
+const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(dbName);
+const collName = jsTestName();
+const testInternalClient = (function createInternalClient() {
+ const connInternal = new Mongo(testDB.getMongo().host);
+ const curDB = connInternal.getDB(dbName);
+ assert.commandWorked(curDB.runCommand({
+ ["hello"]: 1,
+ internalClient: {minWireVersion: NumberInt(0), maxWireVersion: NumberInt(7)}
+ }));
+ return connInternal;
+const internalDB = testInternalClient.getDB(dbName);
+const internalColl = internalDB[collName];
+parseUtil(internalDB, internalColl, "$_internalDensify", {
+ writeConcern: {w: "majority"},
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e51df53445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Utility for testing the parsing of densify-like commands. I.e. $_internalDensify and $densify.
+ */
+let parseUtil = (function(db, coll, stageName, options = {}) {
+ function run(stage, extraCommandArgs = options) {
+ return coll.runCommand(Object.merge(
+ {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [stage], cursor: {}}, extraCommandArgs));
+ }
+ function runTest(stageName) {
+ const featureEnabled =
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagDensify: 1}))
+ .featureFlagDensify.value;
+ if (!featureEnabled) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping test because the densify feature flag is disabled");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Required fields.
+ const kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode = 40414;
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.bounds' is missing but a required field");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(run({[stageName]: {range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.field' is missing but a required field");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {bounds: "full"}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.step' is missing but a required field");
+ // Wrong types
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: 1.0, range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.field' is the wrong type 'double', expected type 'string'");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: "invalid", bounds: "full"}}}),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.step' is the wrong type 'string', expected types '[int, decimal, double, long']");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: "incorrect", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.partitionByFields' is the wrong type 'string', expected type 'array'");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2020-01-02")],
+ unit: 1000
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.unit' is the wrong type 'double', expected type 'string'");
+ // Logical errors
+ // Too few bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01")], unit: "second"}
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733403,
+ "a bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements");
+ // Too many elements
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1, 2]}}}),
+ 5733403,
+ "a bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements");
+ // Negative step
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: -1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}}),
+ 5733401,
+ "the step parameter in a range statement must be a strictly positive numeric value");
+ // Field path expression instead of field path
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "$a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}}),
+ 16410,
+ "FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. Consider using $getField or $setField.");
+ // Field path expression instead of field path
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["$b"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}
+ }),
+ 16410,
+ "FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. Consider using $getField or $setField.");
+ // Partition bounds but not partitionByFields
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: [], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ }),
+ 5733408,
+ "one may not specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds.");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}}),
+ 5733408,
+ "one may not specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds.");
+ // Left bound greater than right bound
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [2, 1]}}}),
+ 5733402,
+ "the bounds in a range statement must be the string 'full', 'partition', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2019-01-01")],
+ unit: "second"
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733402,
+ "the bounds in a range statement must be the string 'full', 'partition', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates");
+ // Unit with numeric bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, 2], unit: "second"}}}),
+ 5733409,
+ "numeric bounds may not have unit parameter");
+ // Mixed numeric and date bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, new Date("2020-01-01")]}}
+ }),
+ 5733406,
+ "a bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), 1], unit: "second"}
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733402,
+ "a bounding array must be an ascending array of either two dates or two numbers");
+ // Positive test cases
+ assert.commandWorked(run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, 2]}}}));
+ // TODO SERVER-57337: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * range: {
+ * step: 1.0,
+ * bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2021-01-01")],
+ * unit: "second"
+ * }
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {
+ * step: 1.0,
+ * bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2021-01-01")],
+ * unit: "second"
+ * }
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition", unit: "second"}
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full", unit: "second"}
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]:
+ * {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: [
+ "b",
+ ],
+ range: { step: 1.0, bounds: "partition" }
+ }
+ })); */
+ assert.commandWorked(run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}));
+ }
+ runTest(stageName);
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58154ed47c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Test the syntax of $densify.
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const coll = db.densify_parse;
+parseUtil(db, coll, "$densify");
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/SConscript b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/SConscript
index 351a062dca1..463b05d0f35 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/SConscript
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/SConscript
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ env.Library(
+ 'document_source_densify.idl',
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.cpp
index 003b5718d1b..d48c3bbfbf5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.cpp
@@ -28,36 +28,212 @@
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_sort.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/variant.h"
#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
#include "mongo/util/visit_helper.h"
+using boost::intrusive_ptr;
+using boost::optional;
+using std::list;
+using SortPatternPart = mongo::SortPattern::SortPatternPart;
+using NumericBounds = mongo::RangeStatement::NumericBounds;
+using DateBounds = mongo::RangeStatement::DateBounds;
+using Full = mongo::RangeStatement::Full;
+using Partition = mongo::RangeStatement::Partition;
namespace mongo {
+RangeStatement RangeStatement::parse(RangeSpec spec) {
+ Value step = spec.getStep();
+ ValueComparator comp = ValueComparator();
+ uassert(5733401,
+ "The step parameter in a range statement must be a strictly positive numeric value",
+ step.numeric() && comp.evaluate(step > Value(0)));
+ optional<TimeUnit> unit = [&]() {
+ if (auto unit = spec.getUnit()) {
+ return optional<TimeUnit>(parseTimeUnit(unit.get()));
+ } else {
+ return optional<TimeUnit>(boost::none);
+ }
+ }();
+ Bounds bounds = [&]() {
+ BSONElement bounds = spec.getBounds().getElement();
+ switch (bounds.type()) {
+ case mongo::Array: {
+ std::vector<BSONElement> array = bounds.Array();
+ uassert(5733403,
+ "A bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements",
+ array.size() == 2);
+ uassert(5733402,
+ "A bounding array must be an ascending array of either two dates or two "
+ "numbers",
+ comp.evaluate(Value(array[0]) <= Value(array[1])));
+ if (array[0].isNumber()) {
+ uassert(5733409, "Numeric bounds may not have unit parameter", !unit);
+ uassert(5733406,
+ "A bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types",
+ array[1].isNumber());
+ return Bounds(std::pair<Value, Value>(Value(array[0]), Value(array[1])));
+ } else if (array[0].type() == mongo::Date) {
+ uassert(5733405,
+ "A bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types",
+ array[1].type() == mongo::Date);
+ uassert(5733410, "A bounding array of dates must specify a unit", unit);
+ return Bounds(std::pair<Date_t, Date_t>(array[0].date(), array[1].date()));
+ }
+ }
+ case mongo::String: {
+ if (bounds.str() == kValFull)
+ return Bounds(Full());
+ else if (bounds.str() == kValPartition)
+ return Bounds(Partition());
+ }
+ default:
+ uasserted(5733404,
+ "The bounds in a range statement must be the string \'full\', "
+ "\'partition\', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates");
+ }
+ }();
+ RangeStatement range = RangeStatement(step, bounds, unit);
+ return range;
+ densify,
+ LiteParsedDocumentSourceDefault::parse,
+ document_source_densify::createFromBson,
+ AllowedWithApiStrict::kNeverInVersion1,
+ AllowedWithClientType::kAny,
+ ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kVersion51,
+ ::mongo::feature_flags::gFeatureFlagDensify.isEnabledAndIgnoreFCV());
+ _internalDensify,
+ LiteParsedDocumentSourceDefault::parse,
+ DocumentSourceInternalDensify::createFromBson,
+ AllowedWithApiStrict::kInternal,
+ AllowedWithClientType::kInternal,
+ ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kVersion51,
+ ::mongo::feature_flags::gFeatureFlagDensify.isEnabledAndIgnoreFCV());
namespace document_source_densify {
-// TODO SERVER-57334 Translation logic goes here.
+list<intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> createFromBsonInternal(
+ BSONElement elem,
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
+ StringData stageName,
+ bool isInternal) {
+ uassert(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
+ str::stream() << "The " << stageName << " stage specification must be an object, found "
+ << typeName(elem.type()),
+ elem.type() == BSONType::Object);
+ auto spec = DensifySpec::parse(IDLParserErrorContext(stageName), elem.embeddedObject());
+ auto rangeStatement = RangeStatement::parse(spec.getRange());
+ list<FieldPath> partitions;
+ if (spec.getPartitionByFields()) {
+ auto partitionFields = (*spec.getPartitionByFields());
+ for (auto partitionField : partitionFields)
+ partitions.push_back(FieldPath(partitionField));
+ }
+ FieldPath field = FieldPath(spec.getField());
+ if (stdx::holds_alternative<RangeStatement::Partition>(rangeStatement.getBounds()) &&
+ partitions.empty())
+ uasserted(5733408,
+ "One cannot specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty "
+ "array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds.");
+ return create(std::move(expCtx),
+ std::move(partitions),
+ std::move(field),
+ std::move(rangeStatement),
+ isInternal);
+list<intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> createFromBson(BSONElement elem,
+ const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx) {
+ return createFromBsonInternal(elem, expCtx, kStageName, false);
+list<intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> create(const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
+ list<FieldPath> partitions,
+ FieldPath field,
+ RangeStatement rangeStatement,
+ bool isInternal) {
+ list<intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> results;
+ // If we're creating an internal stage then we must not desugar and produce a sort stage in
+ // addition.
+ if (!isInternal) {
+ // Add partition fields to sort spec.
+ std::vector<SortPatternPart> sortParts;
+ // We do not add partitions to the sort spec if the range is "full".
+ if (!stdx::holds_alternative<Full>(rangeStatement.getBounds())) {
+ for (auto partition : partitions) {
+ SortPatternPart part;
+ part.fieldPath = partition.fullPath();
+ sortParts.push_back(std::move(part));
+ }
+ }
+ // Add field path to sort spec.
+ SortPatternPart part;
+ part.fieldPath = field.fullPath();
+ sortParts.push_back(std::move(part));
+ // Constructing resulting stages.
+ results.push_back(DocumentSourceSort::create(expCtx, SortPattern{sortParts}));
+ }
+ // Constructing resulting stages.
+ results.push_back(
+ make_intrusive<DocumentSourceInternalDensify>(expCtx, field, partitions, rangeStatement));
+ return results;
} // namespace document_source_densify
namespace {
-double getDensifyDouble(const Document& doc, const FieldPath& path) {
+Value getDensifyValue(const Document& doc, const FieldPath& path) {
Value val = doc.getNestedField(path);
- uassert(5733201, "Densify field type must be double", val.numeric());
- return val.getDouble();
+ uassert(5733201, "Densify field type must be numeric", val.numeric());
+ return val;
+Value addValues(Value lhs, Value rhs) {
+ return uassertStatusOK(ExpressionAdd::apply(lhs, rhs));
+Value subtractValues(Value lhs, Value rhs) {
+ return uassertStatusOK(ExpressionSubtract::apply(lhs, rhs));
+Value floorValue(Value operand) {
+ return uassertStatusOK(ExpressionFloor::apply(operand));
} // namespace
DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType min,
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType max,
- StepSpec step,
+ RangeStatement range,
FieldPath fieldName,
boost::optional<Document> includeFields,
- boost::optional<Document> finalDoc)
- : _step(std::move(step)),
+ boost::optional<Document> finalDoc,
+ ValueComparator comp)
+ : _comp(std::move(comp)),
+ _range(std::move(range)),
- _min(std::move(min)),
- _max(std::move(max)) {
+ _min(std::move(min)) {
if (includeFields) {
_includeFields = *includeFields;
@@ -85,32 +261,34 @@ DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::DocGenerator(
- tassert(5733305, "DocGenerator step must be positive", _step.step > 0);
+ tassert(
+ 5733305, "DocGenerator step must be positive", _comp.evaluate(_range.getStep() > Value(0)));
- [&](const double doubleMin) {
+ [&](const Value val) {
"DocGenerator all values must be same type",
- stdx::holds_alternative<double>(_max));
+ stdx::holds_alternative<NumericBounds>(_range.getBounds()));
+ NumericBounds bounds = stdx::get<NumericBounds>(_range.getBounds());
"DocGenerator min must be lower or equal to max",
- stdx::get<double>(_max) >= doubleMin);
- tassert(5733506,
- "Unit and tz must not be specified with non-date values",
- !_step.unit && !;
+ _comp.evaluate(bounds.second >= val));
+ tassert(
+ 5733506, "Unit must not be specified with non-date values", !_range.getUnit());
[&](const Date_t dateMin) {
"DocGenerator all values must be same type",
- stdx::holds_alternative<Date_t>(_max));
- tassert(5733501, "Unit must be specified with a date step", _step.unit);
+ stdx::holds_alternative<DateBounds>(_range.getBounds()));
+ DateBounds bounds = stdx::get<DateBounds>(_range.getBounds());
+ tassert(5733501, "Unit must be specified with a date step", _range.getUnit());
+ Value floorStep = floorValue(_range.getStep());
"Step must be an integer for date densification",
- floor(_step.step) == _step.step);
+ _comp.evaluate(floorStep == _range.getStep()));
"DocGenerator min must be lower or equal to max",
- stdx::get<Date_t>(_max) >= dateMin);
- tassert(5733504, "DocGenerator with dates requires a time zone",;
+ bounds.second >= dateMin);
@@ -130,19 +308,24 @@ Document DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::getNextDocument() {
Value valueToAdd;
- [&](double doubleVal) {
- valueToAdd = Value(doubleVal);
- doubleVal += _step.step;
- if (doubleVal > stdx::get<double>(_max)) {
+ [&](Value val) {
+ valueToAdd = val;
+ Value nextValue = addValues(val, _range.getStep());
+ NumericBounds bounds = stdx::get<NumericBounds>(_range.getBounds());
+ if (_comp.evaluate(nextValue > bounds.second)) {
_state =
_finalDoc ? GeneratorState::kReturningFinalDocument : GeneratorState::kDone;
- _min = doubleVal;
+ _min = nextValue;
[&](Date_t dateVal) {
valueToAdd = Value(dateVal);
- dateVal = dateAdd(dateVal, _step.unit.get(), _step.step,;
- if (dateVal > stdx::get<Date_t>(_max)) {
+ dateVal = dateAdd(dateVal,
+ _range.getUnit().get(),
+ _range.getStep().getDouble(),
+ TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone());
+ DateBounds bounds = stdx::get<DateBounds>(_range.getBounds());
+ if (dateVal > bounds.second) {
_state =
_finalDoc ? GeneratorState::kReturningFinalDocument : GeneratorState::kDone;
@@ -160,71 +343,64 @@ bool DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator::done() const {
return _state == GeneratorState::kDone;
- const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pExpCtx,
- double step,
- FieldPath path,
- boost::optional<std::pair<DensifyValueType, DensifyValueType>> range)
- : DocumentSource(kStageName, pExpCtx), _step{step}, _path(std::move(path)) {
- if (range) {
- _rangeMin = range->first;
- _rangeMax = range->second;
- _densifyType = TypeOfDensify::kExplicitRange;
- } else {
- _densifyType = TypeOfDensify::kFull;
- }
-DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::densifyAfterEOF() {
- // Once we have hit an EOF, if the last seen value (_rangeMin) plus the step is greater
+// TODO SERVER-57344: Execution flow should be refactored such that std::visits are done in these
+// functions instead of the doGetNext(). This is to avoid the need to pass NumericBounds to avoid
+// duplicate std::visits in functions like this.
+DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::densifyAfterEOF(NumericBounds bounds) {
+ // Once we have hit an EOF, if the last seen value (_current) plus the step is greater
// than or equal to the rangeMax, that means we have finished densifying
// over the explicit range so we just return an EOF. Otherwise, we finish
// densifying over the rest of the range.
- if (stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step >= stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax)) {
+ if (compareValues(addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep()) >= bounds.second)) {
_densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone;
return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
} else {
- _docGenerator = DocGenerator(stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step,
- *_rangeMax,
- _step,
- _path,
+ _docGenerator = DocGenerator(addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep()),
+ _range,
+ _field,
+ boost::none,
- boost::none);
+ pExpCtx->getValueComparator());
_densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator;
return _docGenerator->getNextDocument();
-DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processDocAboveMinBound(double val,
- Document doc) {
+DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processDocAboveMinBound(
+ Value val, NumericBounds bounds, Document doc) {
// If we are above the range, there must be more left to densify.
// Otherwise the state would be kDoneDensify and this function would not be reached.
- "Cannot be in this state if _rangeMin is greater than _rangeMax.",
- *_rangeMin <= *_rangeMax);
- auto rem = valOffsetFromStep(val, stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin), _step.step);
+ "Cannot be in this state if _current is greater than the upper bound.",
+ compareValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current) <= bounds.second));
+ auto rem = valOffsetFromStep(val, stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
// If val is on the step we need to subtract the step to avoid returning the doc twice.
- if (rem == 0) {
- val = val - _step.step;
+ if (compareValues(rem == Value(0))) {
+ val = subtractValues(val, _range.getStep());
- _docGenerator = DocGenerator(*_rangeMin,
- std::min(val, stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax)),
- _step,
- _path,
- boost::none,
- std::move(doc));
+ Value upperBound = (compareValues(val <= bounds.second)) ? val : bounds.second;
+ _docGenerator =
+ DocGenerator(*_current,
+ RangeStatement(_range.getStep(),
+ NumericBounds(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), upperBound),
+ _range.getUnit()),
+ _field,
+ boost::none,
+ std::move(doc),
+ pExpCtx->getValueComparator());
Document nextFromGen = _docGenerator->getNextDocument();
- _rangeMin = getDensifyDouble(nextFromGen, _path);
+ _current = getDensifyValue(nextFromGen, _field);
_densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator;
// If the doc generator is done it will be deleted and the state will be kNeedGen.
- resetDocGen();
+ resetDocGen(bounds);
return nextFromGen;
/** Checks if the generator is done, changes states accordingly. */
-void DocumentSourceInternalDensify::resetDocGen() {
+void DocumentSourceInternalDensify::resetDocGen(NumericBounds bounds) {
if (_docGenerator->done()) {
- if (_rangeMin >= _rangeMax) {
+ if (compareValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current) >= bounds.second)) {
_densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone;
} else {
_densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
@@ -234,13 +410,14 @@ void DocumentSourceInternalDensify::resetDocGen() {
-DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processRangeNum(
- double val, double rangeMin, double rangeMax) {
- if (val < rangeMin) {
+DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange DocumentSourceInternalDensify::processRange(
+ Value val, Value current, NumericBounds bounds) {
+ int comparison = compareValues(val, current);
+ if (comparison < 0) {
return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kBelow;
- } else if (val == rangeMin) {
+ } else if (comparison == 0) {
return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin;
- } else if (val > rangeMin && val <= rangeMax) {
+ } else if (compareValues(val <= bounds.second)) {
return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kInside;
} else {
return DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange::kAbove;
@@ -249,35 +426,42 @@ DocumentSourceInternalDensify::ValComparedToRange DocumentSourceInternalDensify:
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleSourceExhausted() {
_eof = true;
- switch (_densifyType) {
- case TypeOfDensify::kFull: {
- _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone;
- return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kExplicitRange: {
- // The _rangeMin is treated as the last seen value. Therefore, when creating document
- // generators we pass in the _rangeMin + the step in order to avoid returning the same
- // document twice. However, if we have yet to densify, we do not want to skip the
- // current value of _rangeMin, so the step is decremented here to avoid that.
- if (_densifyState == DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange) {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) - _step.step;
- }
- return densifyAfterEOF();
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kPartition: {
- // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
- tasserted(5734000, "TypefDensify should not be kPartition");
- break;
- }
- default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }
- }
+ return stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{
+ [&](RangeStatement::Full full) {
+ _densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone;
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::Partition part) {
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::DateBounds bounds) {
+ // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
+ tasserted(5734000, "Type of densify should not be kPartition");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds) {
+ // The _current is treated as the last seen value. Therefore, when creating document
+ // generators we pass in the _current + the step in order to avoid returning the
+ // same document twice. However, if we have yet to densify, we do not want to skip
+ // the current value of _current, so the step is decremented here to avoid that.
+ if (_densifyState == DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange) {
+ _current = subtractValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ }
+ return densifyAfterEOF(bounds);
+ },
+ },
+ _range.getBounds());
-DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenFull(
- Document currentDoc) {
- // Note that _rangeMax is not the global max, its only the max up to the current document.
- if (stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step >= stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax)) {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax);
+DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenFull(Document currentDoc,
+ Value max) {
+ // Note that max is not the global max, its only the max up to the current document.
+ Value currentPlusStep = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ if (compareValues(currentPlusStep >= max)) {
+ _current = max;
return currentDoc;
@@ -285,19 +469,18 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenFull(
// value in the document minus the min is divisible by the step. If it is we
// subtract step from max. This is neccessary so we don't generate the final
// document twice.
- auto maxAdjusted = valOffsetFromStep(stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax),
- stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin),
- _step.step) == 0
- ? stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax) - _step.step
- : stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax);
- _docGenerator =
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator(stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step,
- maxAdjusted,
- _step,
- _path,
- boost::none,
- std::move(currentDoc));
+ auto offsetFromStep = valOffsetFromStep(max, stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ auto maxAdjusted =
+ compareValues(offsetFromStep == Value(0)) ? subtractValues(max, _range.getStep()) : max;
+ Value newCurrent = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ _docGenerator = DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator(
+ DensifyValueType(newCurrent),
+ RangeStatement(_range.getStep(), NumericBounds(newCurrent, maxAdjusted), _range.getUnit()),
+ _field,
+ boost::none,
+ std::move(currentDoc),
+ pExpCtx->getValueComparator());
_densifyState = DensifyState::kHaveGenerator;
auto nextDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument();
@@ -305,32 +488,33 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenFull(
_docGenerator = boost::none;
_densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
- _rangeMin = getDensifyDouble(nextDoc, _path);
+ _current = getDensifyValue(nextDoc, _field);
return nextDoc;
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenExplicit(
- Document currentDoc, double val) {
- auto where = processRangeNum(val, stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin), stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax));
+ Document currentDoc, Value val, NumericBounds bounds) {
+ auto where = processRange(val, stdx::get<Value>(*_current), bounds);
switch (where) {
case ValComparedToRange::kInside: {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step;
- if (stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) == val) {
+ _current = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ if (compareValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current) == val)) {
return currentDoc;
- return processDocAboveMinBound(val, currentDoc);
+ return processDocAboveMinBound(val, bounds, currentDoc);
case ValComparedToRange::kAbove: {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step;
- if (stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) > stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax)) {
+ _current = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ _current = stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep();
+ if (compareValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current) > bounds.second)) {
_densifyState = DensifyState::kDensifyDone;
return currentDoc;
- return processDocAboveMinBound(val, currentDoc);
+ return processDocAboveMinBound(val, bounds, currentDoc);
case ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin: {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step;
+ _current = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
_densifyState = DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange;
return currentDoc;
@@ -341,6 +525,31 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::handleNeedGenExplic
+boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceInternalDensify::createFromBson(
+ BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx) {
+ auto results = document_source_densify::createFromBsonInternal(elem, expCtx, kStageName, true);
+ tassert(5733413,
+ "When creating an $_internalDensify stage, only one stage should be returned",
+ results.size() == 1);
+ return results.front();
+Value DocumentSourceInternalDensify::serialize(
+ boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain) const {
+ MutableDocument spec;
+ spec[kFieldFieldName] = Value(_field.fullPath());
+ std::vector<Value> serializedPartitionByFields(_partitions.size());
+ std::transform(_partitions.begin(),
+ _partitions.end(),
+ serializedPartitionByFields.begin(),
+ [&](FieldPath field) -> Value { return Value(field.fullPath()); });
+ spec[kPartitionByFieldsFieldName] = Value(serializedPartitionByFields);
+ spec[kRangeFieldName] = _range.serialize();
+ MutableDocument out;
+ out[getSourceName()] = Value(spec.freeze());
+ return Value(out.freezeToValue());
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doGetNext() {
switch (_densifyState) {
@@ -357,42 +566,49 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doGetNext() {
auto doc = nextDoc.getDocument();
- if (doc.getNestedField(_path).missing()) {
+ if (doc.getNestedField(_field).missing()) {
// The densify field is not present, let document pass unmodified.
return nextDoc;
- double val = getDensifyDouble(doc, _path);
- switch (_densifyType) {
- case TypeOfDensify::kFull: {
- _rangeMin = val;
- _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
- return nextDoc;
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kExplicitRange: {
- auto where = processRangeNum(
- val, stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin), stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMax));
- switch (where) {
- case ValComparedToRange::kInside: {
- return processDocAboveMinBound(val, nextDoc.getDocument());
- }
- case ValComparedToRange::kAbove: {
- return processDocAboveMinBound(val, nextDoc.getDocument());
- }
- case ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin: {
- _rangeMin = stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin) + _step.step;
- return nextDoc;
- }
- case ValComparedToRange::kBelow: {
- return nextDoc;
+ Value val = getDensifyValue(doc, _field);
+ return stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{
+ [&](Full full) {
+ _current = val;
+ _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
+ return nextDoc;
+ },
+ [&](Partition partition) {
+ tasserted(5734001, "Type of densify should not be 'partition'");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](DateBounds bounds) {
+ tasserted(5733412, "Type of densify should not be date bounds");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](NumericBounds bounds) {
+ auto where = processRange(val, stdx::get<Value>(*_current), bounds);
+ switch (where) {
+ case ValComparedToRange::kInside: {
+ return processDocAboveMinBound(val, bounds, nextDoc.getDocument());
+ }
+ case ValComparedToRange::kAbove: {
+ return processDocAboveMinBound(val, bounds, nextDoc.getDocument());
+ }
+ case ValComparedToRange::kRangeMin: {
+ _current = addValues(stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ return nextDoc;
+ }
+ case ValComparedToRange::kBelow: {
+ return nextDoc;
+ }
- }
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kPartition: {
- // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
- tasserted(5734001, "TypefDensify should not be kPartition");
- }
- }
+ tasserted(5733414, "One of the switch statements should have been hit.");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ }},
+ _range.getBounds());
case DensifyState::kNeedGen: {
tassert(8423305, "Document generator must not exist in this state.", !_docGenerator);
@@ -406,26 +622,31 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doGetNext() {
auto currentDoc = nextDoc.getDocument();
- if (currentDoc.getNestedField(_path).missing()) {
+ if (currentDoc.getNestedField(_field).missing()) {
// The densify field is not present, let document pass unmodified.
return nextDoc;
- double val = getDensifyDouble(currentDoc, _path);
- switch (_densifyType) {
- case TypeOfDensify::kFull: {
- _rangeMin = *_rangeMin;
- _rangeMax = val;
- return handleNeedGenFull(currentDoc);
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kExplicitRange: {
- return handleNeedGenExplicit(nextDoc.getDocument(), val);
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kPartition: {
- // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
- tasserted(5734003, "TypefDensify should not be kPartition");
- }
- }
+ Value val = getDensifyValue(currentDoc, _field);
+ return stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{
+ [&](Full full) {
+ _current = *_current;
+ return handleNeedGenFull(currentDoc, val);
+ },
+ [&](Partition partition) {
+ // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
+ tasserted(5734003, "Type of densify should not be kPartition");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](DateBounds bounds) {
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](NumericBounds bounds) {
+ return handleNeedGenExplicit(nextDoc.getDocument(), val, bounds);
+ }},
+ _range.getBounds());
case DensifyState::kHaveGenerator: {
@@ -434,38 +655,45 @@ DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceInternalDensify::doGetNext() {
auto generatedDoc = _docGenerator->getNextDocument();
- switch (_densifyType) {
- case TypeOfDensify::kFull: {
- if (_docGenerator->done()) {
- _docGenerator = boost::none;
- _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
- }
- _rangeMin = getDensifyDouble(generatedDoc, _path);
- return generatedDoc;
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kExplicitRange: {
- auto val = getDensifyDouble(generatedDoc, _path);
- // Only want to update the rangeMin if the value - current is divisible by the
- // step.
- auto rem = valOffsetFromStep(val, stdx::get<double>(*_rangeMin), _step.step);
- if (rem == 0) {
- _rangeMin = val;
- }
- resetDocGen();
- return generatedDoc;
- }
- case TypeOfDensify::kPartition: {
- // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
- tasserted(5734004, "TypefDensify should not be kPartition");
- }
- }
+ return stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{
+ [&](Full full) {
+ if (_docGenerator->done()) {
+ _docGenerator = boost::none;
+ _densifyState = DensifyState::kNeedGen;
+ }
+ _current = getDensifyValue(generatedDoc, _field);
+ return GetNextResult(std::move(generatedDoc));
+ },
+ [&](Partition partition) {
+ // TODO SERVER-57340 and SERVER-57342
+ tasserted(5734004, "Type of densify should not be kPartition");
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](DateBounds bounds) {
+ return DocumentSource::GetNextResult::makeEOF();
+ },
+ [&](NumericBounds bounds) {
+ auto val = getDensifyValue(generatedDoc, _field);
+ // Only want to update the rangeMin if the value - current is divisible by
+ // the step.
+ auto rem =
+ valOffsetFromStep(val, stdx::get<Value>(*_current), _range.getStep());
+ if (compareValues(rem == Value(0))) {
+ _current = val;
+ }
+ resetDocGen(bounds);
+ return GetNextResult(std::move(generatedDoc));
+ }},
+ _range.getBounds());
case DensifyState::kDensifyDone: {
// In the full range, this should only return EOF.
- /** In the explicit range we finish densifying over the range
- and any remaining documents is passed to the next stage */
+ // In the explicit range we finish densifying over the range and any remaining documents
+ // is passed to the next stage.
auto doc = pSource->getNext();
- if (_densifyType == TypeOfDensify::kFull) {
+ if (stdx::holds_alternative<Full>(_range.getBounds())) {
"GetNextResult must be EOF in kDensifyDone and kFull state",
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h
index f29e111c4da..e10a91ca71c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h
@@ -31,54 +31,159 @@
#include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_gen.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/field_path.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/datetime/date_time_support.h"
#include "mongo/util/time_support.h"
+#include "mongo/util/visit_helper.h"
namespace mongo {
+class RangeStatement {
+ static constexpr StringData kArgUnit = "unit"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kArgBounds = "bounds"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kArgStep = "step"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kValFull = "full"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kValPartition = "partition"_sd;
+ struct Full {};
+ struct Partition {};
+ typedef std::pair<Date_t, Date_t> DateBounds;
+ typedef std::pair<Value, Value> NumericBounds;
+ using Bounds = stdx::variant<Full, Partition, DateBounds, NumericBounds>;
+ Bounds getBounds() {
+ return _bounds;
+ }
+ boost::optional<TimeUnit> getUnit() {
+ return _unit;
+ }
+ Value getStep() {
+ return _step;
+ }
+ RangeStatement(Value step, Bounds bounds, boost::optional<TimeUnit> unit)
+ : _step(step), _bounds(bounds), _unit(unit) {}
+ static RangeStatement parse(RangeSpec spec);
+ Value serialize() const {
+ MutableDocument spec;
+ spec[kArgStep] = _step;
+ spec[kArgBounds] = stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{[&](Full full) { return Value(kValFull); },
+ [&](Partition partition) { return Value(kValPartition); },
+ [&](std::pair<Date_t, Date_t> dates) {
+ return Value({Value(dates.first), Value(dates.second)});
+ },
+ [&](std::pair<Value, Value> vals) {
+ return Value({vals.first, vals.second});
+ }},
+ _bounds);
+ if (_unit)
+ spec[kArgUnit] = Value(serializeTimeUnit(*_unit));
+ return spec.freezeToValue();
+ }
+ Value _step;
+ Bounds _bounds;
+ boost::optional<TimeUnit> _unit = boost::none;
namespace document_source_densify {
-// TODO SERVER-57334 Translation logic goes here.
+constexpr StringData kStageName = "$densify"_sd;
+ * The 'internal' parameter specifies whether or not we create a sort stage that is required for
+ * correct execution of an _internalDensify stage.
+ */
+std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> createFromBsonInternal(
+ BSONElement elem,
+ const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pExpCtx,
+ StringData stageName,
+ bool isInternal);
+std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> createFromBson(
+ BSONElement elem, const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pExpCtx);
+ * The 'internal' parameter specifies whether or not we create a sort stage that is required for
+ * correct execution of an _internalDensify stage.
+ */
+std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> create(
+ const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
+ std::list<FieldPath> partitions,
+ FieldPath field,
+ RangeStatement rangeStatement,
+ bool isInternal);
+} // namespace document_source_densify
class DocumentSourceInternalDensify final : public DocumentSource {
static constexpr StringData kStageName = "$_internalDensify"_sd;
- using DensifyValueType = stdx::variant<double, Date_t>;
- struct StepSpec {
- double step;
- boost::optional<TimeUnit> unit;
- boost::optional<TimeZone> tz;
+ static constexpr StringData kPartitionByFieldsFieldName = "partitionByFields"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kFieldFieldName = "field"_sd;
+ static constexpr StringData kRangeFieldName = "range"_sd;
+ using DensifyValueType = stdx::variant<Value, Date_t>;
+ DocumentSourceInternalDensify(const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pExpCtx,
+ const FieldPath& field,
+ const std::list<FieldPath>& partitions,
+ const RangeStatement& range)
+ : DocumentSource(kStageName, pExpCtx),
+ _field(std::move(field)),
+ _partitions(std::move(partitions)),
+ _range(std::move(range)) {
+ _current = stdx::visit(
+ visit_helper::Overloaded{
+ [&](RangeStatement::Full full) -> boost::optional<DensifyValueType> {
+ return boost::none;
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::Partition partition) -> boost::optional<DensifyValueType> {
+ return boost::none;
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::DateBounds bounds) -> boost::optional<DensifyValueType> {
+ return DensifyValueType(bounds.first);
+ },
+ [&](RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds) -> boost::optional<DensifyValueType> {
+ return DensifyValueType(bounds.first);
+ }},
+ _range.getBounds());
class DocGenerator {
- DocGenerator(DensifyValueType min,
- DensifyValueType max,
- StepSpec step,
+ DocGenerator(DensifyValueType current,
+ RangeStatement range,
FieldPath fieldName,
boost::optional<Document> includeFields,
- boost::optional<Document> finalDoc);
+ boost::optional<Document> finalDoc,
+ ValueComparator comp);
Document getNextDocument();
bool done() const;
- StepSpec _step;
+ ValueComparator _comp;
+ RangeStatement _range;
// The field to add to 'includeFields' to generate a document.
FieldPath _path;
Document _includeFields;
- // The document that is equal to or larger than '_max' that prompted the creation of this
- // generator. Will be returned after the final generated document. Can be boost::none if we
- // are generating the values at the end of the range.
+ // The document that is equal to or larger than the upper bound that prompted the creation
+ // of this generator. Will be returned after the final generated document. Can be
+ // boost::none if we are generating the values at the end of the range.
boost::optional<Document> _finalDoc;
// The minimum value that this generator will create, therefore the next generated document
// will have this value.
DensifyValueType _min;
- // The maximum value that will be generated. This value is inclusive.
- DensifyValueType _max;
enum class GeneratorState {
- // Generating documents between '_min' and '_max'.
+ // Generating documents between '_min' and the upper bound.
// Generated all necessary documents, waiting for a final 'getNextDocument()' call.
@@ -114,10 +219,8 @@ public:
const char* getSourceName() const final {
return kStageName.rawData();
- Value serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain = boost::none) const final {
- // TODO SERVER-57334
- return Value(DOC("$densify" << Document()));
- }
+ Value serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain = boost::none) const final;
DepsTracker::State getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const final {
return DepsTracker::State::SEE_NEXT;
@@ -137,54 +240,77 @@ private:
+ bool compareValues(Value::DeferredComparison deferredComparison) {
+ return pExpCtx->getValueComparator().evaluate(deferredComparison);
+ }
+ int compareValues(const Value& lhs, const Value& rhs) {
+ return pExpCtx->getValueComparator().compare(lhs, rhs);
+ }
- Decides whether or not to build a DocGen and return the first document generated
- or return the current doc if the rangeMin + step is greater than rangeMax.
- */
- DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGenFull(Document currentDoc);
+ * Decides whether or not to build a DocGen and return the first document generated or return
+ * the current doc if the rangeMin + step is greater than rangeMax.
+ */
+ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGenFull(Document currentDoc, Value max);
- Checks where the current doc's value lies compared to the range and
- creates the correct DocGen if needed and returns the next doc.
- */
- DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGenExplicit(Document currentDoc, double val);
- /** Takes care of when an EOF has been hit for the explicit case.
- It checks if we have finished densifying over the range, and if so changes the
- state to be kDensify done. Otherwise it builds a new generator that will finish
- densifying over the range and changes the state to kHaveGen. */
- DocumentSource::GetNextResult densifyAfterEOF();
- /** Creates a document generator based on the value passed in, the current
- _rangeMin, and the _rangeMax. Once created, the state changes to kHaveGenerator and the first
- document from the generator is returned. */
- DocumentSource::GetNextResult processDocAboveMinBound(double val, Document doc);
- /** Takes in a value and checks if the value is below, on the bottom, inside, or above the
- range, and returns the equivelant state from ValComparedToRange. */
- ValComparedToRange processRangeNum(double val, double rangeMin, double rangeMax);
- /** Handles when the pSource has been exhausted. In the full
- case we are done with the densification process and the state becomes kDensifyDone, however in
- the explicit case we may still need to densify over the remainder of the range, so the
- densifyAfterEOF() function is called. */
- DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleSourceExhausted();
+ * Checks where the current doc's value lies compared to the range and creates the correct
+ * DocGen if needed and returns the next doc.
+ */
+ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleNeedGenExplicit(Document currentDoc,
+ Value val,
+ RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds);
+ /**
+ * Takes care of when an EOF has been hit for the explicit case. It checks if we have finished
+ * densifying over the range, and if so changes the state to be kDensify done. Otherwise it
+ * builds a new generator that will finish densifying over the range and changes the state to
+ * kHaveGen.
+ */
+ DocumentSource::GetNextResult densifyAfterEOF(RangeStatement::NumericBounds);
+ /**
+ * Creates a document generator based on the value passed in, the current _current, and the
+ * NumericBounds. Once created, the state changes to kHaveGenerator and the first document from
+ * the generator is returned.
+ */
+ DocumentSource::GetNextResult processDocAboveMinBound(Value val,
+ RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds,
+ Document doc);
+ /**
+ * Takes in a value and checks if the value is below, on the bottom, inside, or above the
+ * range, and returns the equivelant state from ValComparedToRange.
+ */
+ ValComparedToRange processRange(Value val, Value current, RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds);
- /** Checks if the current document generator is done. If it is and we have finished densifying,
- it changes the state to be kDensifyDone. If there is more to densify, the state becomes
- kNeedGen. The generator is also deleted. */
- void resetDocGen();
+ /**
+ * Handles when the pSource has been exhausted. In the full case we are done with the
+ * densification process and the state becomes kDensifyDone, however in the explicit case we may
+ * still need to densify over the remainder of the range, so the densifyAfterEOF() function is
+ * called.
+ */
+ DocumentSource::GetNextResult handleSourceExhausted();
- auto valOffsetFromStep(double val, double sub, double step) {
- return fmod((val - sub), step);
+ /**
+ * Checks if the current document generator is done. If it is and we have finished densifying,
+ * it changes the state to be kDensifyDone. If there is more to densify, the state becomes
+ * kNeedGen. The generator is also deleted.
+ */
+ void resetDocGen(RangeStatement::NumericBounds bounds);
+ auto valOffsetFromStep(Value val, Value sub, Value step) {
+ Value diff = uassertStatusOK(ExpressionSubtract::apply(val, sub));
+ return uassertStatusOK(ExpressionMod::apply(diff, step));
boost::optional<DocGenerator> _docGenerator = boost::none;
- // The minimum value that the document generator will create, therefore the next generated
- // document will have this value.
- // This is also used as last seen value by the explicit case.
- boost::optional<DensifyValueType> _rangeMin = boost::none;
- boost::optional<DensifyValueType> _rangeMax = boost::none;
+ /**
+ * The minimum value that the document generator will create, therefore the next generated
+ * document will have this value. This is also used as last seen value by the explicit case.
+ */
+ boost::optional<DensifyValueType> _current = boost::none;
bool _eof = false;
@@ -196,10 +322,10 @@ private:
- StepSpec _step;
- FieldPath _path;
DensifyState _densifyState = DensifyState::kUninitializedOrBelowRange;
TypeOfDensify _densifyType;
+ FieldPath _field;
+ std::list<FieldPath> _partitions;
+ RangeStatement _range;
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.idl b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a531d261d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+# as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Server Side Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+# As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+# code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+# conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+# linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+# must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+# all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+# with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+# file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+# delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+# exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+# it in the license file.
+ cpp_namespace: "mongo"
+ - "mongo/idl/basic_types.idl"
+ - "mongo/db/pipeline/value.idl"
+ RangeSpec:
+ description: Specification for a range based densification.
+ strict: true
+ fields:
+ step:
+ description: "Step value. Assumed to be a number unless 'unit' is specified."
+ type: numeric
+ optional: false
+ unit:
+ description: "The time unit to be used for 'step' if densifying over dates."
+ optional: true
+ type: string
+ bounds:
+ description: "The bounds over which to densify. Defaults to 'full'."
+ optional: false
+ type: IDLAnyType
+ DensifySpec:
+ description: Specification for a $densify stage.
+ strict: true
+ fields:
+ field:
+ description: The field on which we are densifying.
+ type: string
+ optional: false
+ partitionByFields:
+ description: The field(s) that will be used as the partition keys.
+ type: array<string>
+ optional: true
+ range:
+ description: Specification for range based densification.
+ type: RangeSpec
+ optional: false
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_test.cpp
index 8d1454eb37a..4d256e19797 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify_test.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_context_fixture.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_densify.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_mock.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/death_test.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
#include <utility>
@@ -40,9 +41,30 @@
namespace mongo {
namespace {
+using DateBounds = RangeStatement::DateBounds;
+using NumericBounds = RangeStatement::NumericBounds;
+using Full = RangeStatement::Full;
using GenClass = DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DocGenerator;
using DensifyFullNumericTest = AggregationContextFixture;
using DensifyExplicitNumericTest = AggregationContextFixture;
+using DensifyCloneTest = AggregationContextFixture;
+ ("AllFailPointsRegistered"),
+ ("BeginDocumentSourceRegistration",
+ "addToDocSourceParserMap__internalDensify"))
+(InitializerContext*) {
+ const auto& spMap = ServerParameterSet::getGlobal()->getMap();
+ const auto& spIt = spMap.find("featureFlagDensify");
+ invariant(spIt != spMap.end());
+ auto* sp = spIt->second;
+ invariant(sp);
+ BSONObjBuilder bob;
+ sp->appendSupportingRoundtrip(nullptr, bob, "featureFlagDensify");
+ // Set to the new value
+ uassertStatusOK(sp->set(BSON("featureFlagDensify" << true).firstElement()));
Date_t makeDate(std::string dateStr) {
auto statusDate = dateFromISOString(dateStr);
@@ -53,28 +75,53 @@ Date_t makeDate(std::string dateStr) {
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfMinOverMax, "lower or equal to max") {
Document doc{{"a", 1}};
- GenClass(1, 0, {1, boost::none}, "path", doc, doc), AssertionException, 5733303);
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(0)), boost::none),
+ "path",
+ doc,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733303);
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfStepIsZero, "be positive") {
Document doc{{"a", 1}};
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(0, 1, {0, boost::none, boost::none}, "path", doc, doc),
- AssertionException,
- 5733305);
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(0), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "path",
+ doc,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733305);
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsOnMixedValues, "same type") {
Document doc{{"a", 1}};
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(0, Date_t::max(), {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "path", doc, doc),
- AssertionException,
- 5733300);
+ GenClass(Date_t::max(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "path",
+ doc,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733300);
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfFieldExistsInDocument, "cannot include field") {
Document doc{{"path", 1}};
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(0, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "path", doc, doc),
- AssertionException,
- 5733306);
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "path",
+ doc,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733306);
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfFieldExistsButIsArray, "cannot include field") {
@@ -83,9 +130,15 @@ DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfFieldExistsButIsArray, "cannot include
Document preservedFields{{"arr", Value(docArray)}};
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(0, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "arr", preservedFields, doc),
- AssertionException,
- 5733306);
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "arr",
+ preservedFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733306);
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfFieldIsInArray) {
@@ -95,21 +148,38 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfFieldIsInArray) {
Document preservedFields{{"arr", Value(docArray)}};
- GenClass(0, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "arr.path", preservedFields, doc),
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "arr.path",
+ preservedFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, ErrorsIfPrefixOfFieldExists) {
Document doc{{"a", 2}};
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(1, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "a.b", doc, doc),
- AssertionException,
- 5733308);
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "a.b",
+ doc,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator()),
+ AssertionException,
+ 5733308);
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumericDocumentCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 2}};
- auto generator = GenClass(1, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", Document(), doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ Document(),
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
Document docOne{{"a", 1}};
ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(docOne, generator.getNextDocument());
@@ -119,7 +189,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumericDocumentCorrectly) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumericDocumentCorrectlyWithoutFinalDoc) {
- auto generator = GenClass(1, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", Document(), boost::none);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ Document(),
+ boost::none,
+ ValueComparator());
Document docOne{{"a", 1}};
ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(docOne, generator.getNextDocument());
@@ -129,7 +205,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumericDocumentCorrectlyWithoutFinalDoc) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, PreservesIncludeFields) {
Document doc{{"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"c", 2}};
Document preserveFields{{"b", 1}, {"c", 1}};
- auto generator = GenClass(1, 1, {1, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", preserveFields, doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(1)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ preserveFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
Document docOne{{"b", 1}, {"c", 1}, {"a", 1}};
ASSERT_DOCUMENT_EQ(docOne, generator.getNextDocument());
@@ -140,7 +222,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, PreservesIncludeFields) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumberOfNumericDocumentsCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
- auto generator = GenClass(0, 10, {2, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", Document(), doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(10)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ Document(),
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 0; curVal <= 10; curVal += 2) {
Document nextDoc{{"a", curVal}};
@@ -154,7 +242,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesNumberOfNumericDocumentsCorrectly) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, WorksWithNonIntegerStepAndPreserveFields) {
Document doc{{"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"c", 2}};
Document preserveFields{{"b", 1}, {"c", 1}};
- auto generator = GenClass(0, 10, {1.3, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", preserveFields, doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(0),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1.3), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(10)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ preserveFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (double curVal = 0; curVal <= 10; curVal += 1.3) {
Document nextDoc{{"b", 1}, {"c", 1}, {"a", curVal}};
@@ -167,7 +261,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, WorksWithNonIntegerStepAndPreserveFields) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesOffsetFromMaxDocsCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
- auto generator = GenClass(1, 11, {2, boost::none, boost::none}, "a", Document(), doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(11)), boost::none),
+ "a",
+ Document(),
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 11; curVal += 2) {
Document nextDoc{{"a", curVal}};
@@ -181,7 +281,13 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesOffsetFromMaxDocsCorrectly) {
TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesAtDottedPathCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
Document preservedFields{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}}}};
- auto generator = GenClass(1, 11, {2, boost::none, boost::none}, "a.c", preservedFields, doc);
+ auto generator =
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(11)), boost::none),
+ "a.c",
+ preservedFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 11; curVal += 2) {
Document nextDoc{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}, {"c", curVal}}}};
@@ -192,7 +298,12 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesAtDottedPathCorrectly) {
// Test deeply nested fields.
Document secondPreservedFields{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}}}};
- generator = GenClass(1, 11, {2, boost::none, boost::none}, "a.c.d", secondPreservedFields, doc);
+ generator = GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(11)), boost::none),
+ "a.c.d",
+ secondPreservedFields,
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 11; curVal += 2) {
Document nextDoc{{"a", Document{{"b", 1}, {"c", Document{{"d", curVal}}}}}};
@@ -203,60 +314,56 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesAtDottedPathCorrectly) {
-DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, FailsIfDatesAndTZNotProvided, "time zone") {
- ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(GenClass(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
- makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:02.000Z"),
- {1, TimeUnit::second, boost::none},
- "a",
- Document(),
- Document()),
- AssertionException,
- 5733504);
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, FailsIfDatesAndUnitNotProvided, "date step") {
- makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:02.000Z"),
- {1, boost::none, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(1),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:02.000Z")),
+ boost::none),
- Document()),
+ Document(),
+ ValueComparator()),
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, FailsIfNumberAndUnitProvided, "non-date") {
- GenClass(1, 10, {1, TimeUnit::second, boost::none}, "a", Document(), Document()),
- AssertionException,
- 5733506);
-DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, FailsIfNumberAndTZProvided, "non-date") {
- GenClass(1, 10, {1, boost::none, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()}, "a", Document(), Document()),
+ GenClass(Value(1),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(1), Value(10)), TimeUnit::second),
+ "a",
+ Document(),
+ Document(),
+ ValueComparator()),
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, DateMinMustBeLessThanMax, "lower or equal to") {
- makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
- {1, TimeUnit::second, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(1),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:02.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z")),
+ TimeUnit::second),
- Document()),
+ Document(),
+ ValueComparator()),
DEATH_TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, DateStepMustBeInt, "integer") {
- makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
- {1.5, TimeUnit::second, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(1.5),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z")),
+ TimeUnit::second),
- Document()),
+ Document(),
+ ValueComparator()),
@@ -265,11 +372,14 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesDatesBySecondCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
std::string dateBase = "2021-01-01T00:00:";
auto generator = GenClass(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
- makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:11.00Z"),
- {2, TimeUnit::second, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(2),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:01.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:11.000Z")),
+ TimeUnit::second),
- doc);
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 11; curVal += 2) {
auto appendStr = std::to_string(curVal);
appendStr.insert(appendStr.begin(), 2 - appendStr.length(), '0');
@@ -286,11 +396,14 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesDatesByHourCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
std::string dateBase = "2021-01-01T";
auto generator = GenClass(makeDate("2021-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"),
- makeDate("2021-01-01T15:00:00.00Z"),
- {2, TimeUnit::hour, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(2),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-01-01T15:00:00.000Z")),
+ TimeUnit::hour),
- doc);
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 15; curVal += 2) {
auto appendStr = std::to_string(curVal);
appendStr.insert(appendStr.begin(), 2 - appendStr.length(), '0');
@@ -307,11 +420,14 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesDatesByMonthCorrectly) {
Document doc{{"a", 83}};
std::string dateBase = "2021-";
auto generator = GenClass(makeDate("2021-01-01T01:00:00.000Z"),
- makeDate("2021-10-01T00:00:00.00Z"),
- {2, TimeUnit::month, TimeZoneDatabase::utcZone()},
+ RangeStatement(Value(2),
+ DateBounds(makeDate("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
+ makeDate("2021-10-01T00:00:00.000Z")),
+ TimeUnit::month),
- doc);
+ doc,
+ ValueComparator());
for (int curVal = 1; curVal <= 10; curVal += 2) {
auto appendStr = std::to_string(curVal);
appendStr.insert(appendStr.begin(), 2 - appendStr.length(), '0');
@@ -324,7 +440,8 @@ TEST(DensifyGeneratorTest, GeneratesDatesByMonthCorrectly) {
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifySingleValue) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 2, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(2), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -336,7 +453,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifySingleValue) {
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyWithDuplicates) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 2, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(2), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{a: 1}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 3}", "{a: 7}", "{a: 7}", "{a: 7}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -376,7 +494,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyWithDuplicates) {
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyOffStep) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 3, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(3), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 9}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -403,7 +522,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyOffStep) {
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyOnStep) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 2, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(2), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 9}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -434,10 +554,10 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyValuesCorrectlyOnStep) {
NoDensificationIfStepIsGreaterThanDocumentDifferenceMultipleDocuments) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 2, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(2), Full(), boost::none));
auto source =
DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a : 2}", "{a: 3}", "{a: 4}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -462,7 +582,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest,
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensificationFieldMissing) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 10, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(10), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{b: 1}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 20}", "{b: 2}", "{b: 3}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -494,7 +615,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensificationFieldMissing) {
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, NoDensificationIfStepGreaterThanDocumentDifference) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 10, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(10), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 9}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -509,7 +631,8 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, NoDensificationIfStepGreaterThanDocumentDifferenc
TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyOverDocumentsWithGaps) {
- auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(getExpCtx(), 3, "a");
+ auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
+ getExpCtx(), "a", std::list<FieldPath>(), RangeStatement(Value(3), Full(), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{a: 1}", "{a: 2}", "{a : 3}", "{a : 4}", "{a : 9}", "{a : 10}", "{a : 15}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -555,10 +678,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyFullNumericTest, DensifyOverDocumentsWithGaps) {
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStartingBelowRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 2,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(5),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(15)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(5), Value(15)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{a: 0}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 8}", "{a: 13}", "{a: 19}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -614,10 +736,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStar
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStepStartinOnMinRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{a: 0}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 8}", "{a: 13}", "{a: 19}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -664,10 +785,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStep
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStartingInsideRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source =
DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 2}", "{a: 4}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -706,10 +826,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStar
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeOnlyInsideRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -743,10 +862,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeOnly
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStartingAboveRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 5}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -788,10 +906,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStar
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStartingInsideOffStep) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 2,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -826,10 +943,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest,
CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStartingInsideWithDupes) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 1}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -871,10 +987,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest,
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeWithDupesWithinSource) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(20)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(20)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest(
{"{a: 1}", "{a: 7}", "{a: 7}", "{a: 7}", "{a: 15}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -917,10 +1032,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeWith
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeAfterHitsEOF) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(2),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(5)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(2), Value(5)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 0}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -954,10 +1068,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeAfte
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeWhenFieldIsMissing) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 1,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(1), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{b: 2}", "{b: 6}", "{a: 1}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -999,10 +1112,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeWhen
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStepLargerThanRange) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 6,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(6), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 1}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -1028,10 +1140,9 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeStep
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeHitEOFNearMax) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 2,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(3)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(3)), boost::none));
auto source = DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: 0}", "{a: 2}"}, getExpCtx());
@@ -1053,15 +1164,25 @@ TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, CorrectlyDensifiesForNumericExplicitRangeHitE
TEST_F(DensifyExplicitNumericTest, DensificationForNumericValuesErrorsIfFieldIsNotNumeric) {
auto densify = DocumentSourceInternalDensify(
- 6,
- std::make_pair(DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(0),
- DocumentSourceInternalDensify::DensifyValueType(4)));
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(6), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(4)), boost::none));
auto source =
DocumentSourceMock::createForTest({"{a: \"should be numeric\"}", "{a: 6}"}, getExpCtx());
ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(densify.getNext(), AssertionException, 5733201);
+TEST_F(DensifyCloneTest, InternalDesnifyCanBeCloned) {
+ std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource>> sources;
+ sources.push_back(make_intrusive<DocumentSourceInternalDensify>(
+ getExpCtx(),
+ "a",
+ std::list<FieldPath>(),
+ RangeStatement(Value(2), NumericBounds(Value(0), Value(3)), boost::none)));
+ auto pipe = Pipeline::create(sources, getExpCtx());
+ auto clonedPipe = pipe->clone();
} // namespace
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
index 60b87e9de07..ab21accfcd0 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.cpp
@@ -2610,6 +2610,22 @@ void ExpressionFilter::_doAddDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const {
/* ------------------------- ExpressionFloor -------------------------- */
+StatusWith<Value> ExpressionFloor::apply(Value arg) {
+ if (!arg.numeric()) {
+ return Status{ErrorCodes::Error(5733411), "Floor must take a numeric argument"};
+ }
+ switch (arg.getType()) {
+ case NumberDouble:
+ return Value(std::floor(arg.getDouble()));
+ case NumberDecimal:
+ // Round toward the nearest decimal with a zero exponent in the negative direction.
+ return Value(arg.getDecimal().quantize(Decimal128::kNormalizedZero,
+ Decimal128::kRoundTowardNegative));
+ default:
+ return arg;
+ }
Value ExpressionFloor::evaluateNumericArg(const Value& numericArg) const {
// There's no point in taking the floor of integers or longs, it will have no effect.
switch (numericArg.getType()) {
@@ -3008,28 +3024,28 @@ void ExpressionMeta::_doAddDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const {
/* ----------------------- ExpressionMod ---------------------------- */
-Value ExpressionMod::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const {
- Value lhs = _children[0]->evaluate(root, variables);
- Value rhs = _children[1]->evaluate(root, variables);
+StatusWith<Value> ExpressionMod::apply(Value lhs, Value rhs) {
BSONType leftType = lhs.getType();
BSONType rightType = rhs.getType();
if (lhs.numeric() && rhs.numeric()) {
- auto assertNonZero = [](bool isZero) { uassert(16610, "can't $mod by zero", !isZero); };
// If either side is decimal, perform the operation in decimal.
if (leftType == NumberDecimal || rightType == NumberDecimal) {
Decimal128 left = lhs.coerceToDecimal();
Decimal128 right = rhs.coerceToDecimal();
- assertNonZero(right.isZero());
+ if (right.isZero()) {
+ return Status(ErrorCodes::Error(5733415), str::stream() << "can't $mod by zero");
+ }
return Value(left.modulo(right));
// ensure we aren't modding by 0
double right = rhs.coerceToDouble();
- assertNonZero(right == 0);
+ if (right == 0) {
+ return Status(ErrorCodes::Error(16610), str::stream() << "can't $mod by zero");
+ };
if (leftType == NumberDouble || (rightType == NumberDouble && !rhs.integral())) {
// Need to do fmod. Integer-valued double case is handled below.
@@ -3052,11 +3068,17 @@ Value ExpressionMod::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const
} else if (lhs.nullish() || rhs.nullish()) {
return Value(BSONNULL);
} else {
- uasserted(16611,
- str::stream() << "$mod only supports numeric types, not "
- << typeName(lhs.getType()) << " and " << typeName(rhs.getType()));
+ return Status(ErrorCodes::Error(16611),
+ str::stream()
+ << "$mod only supports numeric types, not " << typeName(lhs.getType())
+ << " and " << typeName(rhs.getType()));
+Value ExpressionMod::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const {
+ Value lhs = _children[0]->evaluate(root, variables);
+ Value rhs = _children[1]->evaluate(root, variables);
+ return uassertStatusOK(apply(lhs, rhs));
REGISTER_STABLE_EXPRESSION(mod, ExpressionMod::parse);
const char* ExpressionMod::getOpName() const {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
index 87abdbbda7d..041c3cbe794 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h
@@ -1891,6 +1891,8 @@ public:
explicit ExpressionFloor(ExpressionContext* const expCtx, ExpressionVector&& children)
: ExpressionSingleNumericArg<ExpressionFloor>(expCtx, std::move(children)) {}
+ static StatusWith<Value> apply(Value lhs);
Value evaluateNumericArg(const Value& numericArg) const final;
const char* getOpName() const final;
@@ -2299,6 +2301,8 @@ public:
ExpressionMod(ExpressionContext* const expCtx, ExpressionVector&& children)
: ExpressionFixedArity<ExpressionMod, 2>(expCtx, std::move(children)) {}
+ static StatusWith<Value> apply(Value lhs, Value rhs);
Value evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const final;
const char* getOpName() const final;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.idl b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.idl
index 7c92868e9d0..806001964d5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.idl
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/value.idl
@@ -38,3 +38,13 @@ types:
cpp_type: Value
serializer: Value::serializeForIDL
deserializer: Value::deserializeForIDL
+ numeric:
+ bson_serialization_type:
+ - int
+ - decimal
+ - double
+ - long
+ description: A value with any numeric BSON type.
+ cpp_type: Value
+ serializer: Value::serializeForIDL
+ deserializer: Value::deserializeForIDL