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authorMarcos José Grillo Ramírez <>2020-04-02 23:37:58 +0200
committerEvergreen Agent <>2020-04-08 13:51:20 +0000
commit5a9f699eb3adced1fd4bc15ce8028d30bfe17fca (patch)
parent39ccf5361de7bc60722ef98193c416c73d0229be (diff)
SERVER-47233 Consider WriteOp complete when no shards left to target
(cherry picked from commit 2f6cac5d4b98969621b48decd2cadaed9e8faf14) (cherry picked from commit 03a97185d0900fe46e86d404cb172f63644ef4c3) (cherry picked from commit e1ac3e270cef236e9ff8630c8c388e0ea7dc2127)
2 files changed, 102 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batch_write_exec_test.cpp b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batch_write_exec_test.cpp
index b475f1178ef..84d0b08ad08 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batch_write_exec_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batch_write_exec_test.cpp
@@ -805,6 +805,105 @@ TEST_F(BatchWriteExecTest, RetryableErrorReturnedFromMultiWriteWithShard1FirstOK
ASSERT_EQ(2, response.getNModified());
+TEST_F(BatchWriteExecTest, RetryableErrorReturnedFromWriteWithShard1SSVShard2OK) {
+ BatchedCommandRequest request([&] {
+ write_ops::Update updateOp(nss);
+ updateOp.setWriteCommandBase([] {
+ write_ops::WriteCommandBase writeCommandBase;
+ writeCommandBase.setOrdered(false);
+ return writeCommandBase;
+ }());
+ updateOp.setUpdates({buildUpdate(BSON("_id" << 150), BSON("x" << 1))});
+ return updateOp;
+ }());
+ request.setWriteConcern(BSONObj());
+ static const auto epoch = OID::gen();
+ // This allows the batch to target each write operation to perform this test
+ class MultiShardTargeter : public MockNSTargeter {
+ public:
+ using MockNSTargeter::MockNSTargeter;
+ StatusWith<std::vector<ShardEndpoint>> targetUpdate(
+ OperationContext* opCtx, const write_ops::UpdateOpEntry& updateDoc) const override {
+ if (targetAll) {
+ return std::vector<ShardEndpoint>{
+ ShardEndpoint(kShardName1, ChunkVersion(100, 200, epoch)),
+ ShardEndpoint(kShardName2, ChunkVersion(101, 200, epoch))};
+ } else {
+ return std::vector<ShardEndpoint>{
+ ShardEndpoint(kShardName2, ChunkVersion(101, 200, epoch))};
+ }
+ }
+ bool targetAll = true;
+ };
+ MultiShardTargeter multiShardNSTargeter(
+ nss,
+ {MockRange(ShardEndpoint(kShardName1, ChunkVersion(100, 200, epoch)),
+ BSON("sk" << MINKEY),
+ BSON("sk" << 10)),
+ MockRange(ShardEndpoint(kShardName2, ChunkVersion(101, 200, epoch)),
+ BSON("sk" << 10),
+ BSON("sk" << MAXKEY))});
+ auto future = launchAsync([&] {
+ BatchedCommandResponse response;
+ BatchWriteExecStats stats;
+ BatchWriteExec::executeBatch(
+ operationContext(), multiShardNSTargeter, request, &response, &stats);
+ return response;
+ });
+ onCommandForPoolExecutor([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTestShardHost1,;
+ BatchedCommandResponse response;
+ response.setStatus(Status::OK());
+ response.setNModified(0);
+ response.setN(0);
+ response.addToErrDetails([&] {
+ WriteErrorDetail* errDetail = new WriteErrorDetail();
+ errDetail->setIndex(0);
+ errDetail->setStatus({ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion, "Stale shard version"});
+ errDetail->setErrInfo([&] {
+ Status ssvStatus(StaleConfigInfo(nss,
+ ChunkVersion(101, 200, epoch),
+ ChunkVersion(105, 200, epoch)),
+ "Migration happened");
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ serializeErrorToBSON(ssvStatus, &builder);
+ return builder.obj();
+ }());
+ return errDetail;
+ }());
+ // This simulates a migration of the last chunk on shard 1 to shard 2, which means that
+ // future rounds on the batchExecutor should only target shard 2
+ multiShardNSTargeter.targetAll = false;
+ return response.toBSON();
+ });
+ onCommandForPoolExecutor([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTestShardHost2,;
+ BatchedCommandResponse response;
+ response.setStatus(Status::OK());
+ response.setNModified(1);
+ response.setN(1);
+ return response.toBSON();
+ });
+ auto response = future.timed_get(kFutureTimeout);
+ ASSERT_OK(response.getTopLevelStatus());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, response.getNModified());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, response.getN());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(response.isErrDetailsSet());
// Test retryable errors
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/write_ops/write_op.cpp b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/write_op.cpp
index 487756c7356..58d6b26c58d 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/write_ops/write_op.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/write_op.cpp
@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ Status WriteOp::targetWrites(OperationContext* opCtx,
- _state = WriteOpState_Pending;
+ // If all operations currently targeted were successful on a previous round we might have 0
+ // childOps, that would mean that the operation is finished.
+ _state = _childOps.size() ? WriteOpState_Pending : WriteOpState_Completed;
return Status::OK();