diff options
authorIan Boros <>2020-07-13 13:39:26 -0400
committerEvergreen Agent <>2020-07-31 16:56:59 +0000
commit388817e4b26f3c3a7820affec248da20677eab4d (patch)
parent70a223895e7d3ffd182d93518e58ec2961c6895f (diff)
SERVER-47731 Add FCV check for $v:2 delta oplog entries
11 files changed, 455 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/v2_delta_oplog_entries_fcv.js b/jstests/multiVersion/v2_delta_oplog_entries_fcv.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e17899888e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/multiVersion/v2_delta_oplog_entries_fcv.js
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * This file tests the usage of $v: 2 oplog entries along with its associated server parameter and
+ * the FCV flag.
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/libs/curop_helpers.js"); // For waitForCurOpByFailPoint().
+const kLatest = "latest";
+const kLastStable = "4.4";
+const kCollName = "v2_delta_oplog_entries_fcv";
+// When attempting to apply a $v: 2 oplog entry on a node with bin version latest and FCV set to
+// 4.4, this code is thrown.
+const kErrorCodeThrownWhenApplyingV2OplogEntriesWithFCV44 = 4773100;
+const kGiantStr = "x".repeat(100);
+ * Given a two-node ReplSetTest, sets the feature flag which enables V2 oplog entries on the
+ * primary and secondary.
+ */
+function enableV2OplogEntries(rst) {
+ const cmd = {setParameter: 1, internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries: true};
+ assert.commandWorked(rst.getPrimary().adminCommand(cmd));
+ assert.commandWorked(rst.getSecondary().adminCommand(cmd));
+ * Helper function which runs an update on the test document that is eligible to be logged as a
+ * $v: 2 delta style oplog entry.
+ */
+const kTestDocId = 0;
+function runV2EligibleUpdate(coll) {
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.update({_id: kTestDocId}, [{$set: {a: {$add: ["$a", 1]}}}]));
+ * Returns the current value of the test document.
+ */
+function getTestDoc(coll) {
+ const arr = coll.find({_id: kTestDocId}).toArray();
+ assert.eq(arr.length, 1);
+ return arr[0];
+ * Helper function which will find the latest oplog entry for the test document.
+ */
+function getLatestOplogEntryForDoc(primaryDB) {
+ const oplogRes = primaryDB.getSiblingDB("local")[""]
+ .find({"o2._id": kTestDocId})
+ .hint({$natural: -1})
+ .limit(1)
+ .toArray();
+ assert.eq(oplogRes.length, 1);
+ return oplogRes[0];
+ * This function tests behavior around applying $v: 2 oplog entries. If 'errorCode' is null
+ * then the function checks that $v: 2 entries can be applied. Otherwise, it checks that
+ * attempting to apply a $v: 2 entry via applyOps results in the given code.
+ */
+function checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, errorCode) {
+ let testDoc = getTestDoc(coll);
+ // Check that applying a $v:2 entry directly using applyOps works as expected.
+ const applyOpsRes = coll.getDB().adminCommand({
+ applyOps: [{
+ "op": "u",
+ "ns": coll.getFullName(),
+ "o2": {_id: kTestDocId},
+ "o": {$v: NumberInt(2), diff: {u: {a: 0}}}
+ }]
+ });
+ if (errorCode) {
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(applyOpsRes, errorCode);
+ } else {
+ assert.commandWorked(applyOpsRes);
+ // Ensure that the diff was applied correctly and that 'a' now is equal to 0.
+ testDoc.a = 0;
+ assert.eq(getTestDoc(coll), testDoc);
+ }
+ * Helper function which runs an update that would be eligible to use a $v: 2 oplog entry, and
+ * then checks that the most recent oplog entry for the updated document is *not* $v: 2.
+ */
+function runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll) {
+ let testDoc = getTestDoc(coll);
+ // Run an update which would be eligible to use a $v: 2 entry.
+ runV2EligibleUpdate(coll);
+ // Check that the oplog entry we create is not $v: 2.
+ const oplogEntry = getLatestOplogEntryForDoc(coll.getDB());
+ assert.neq(oplogEntry.o.$v, 2, oplogEntry);
+ assert(!oplogEntry.o.hasOwnProperty("diff"));
+ // Check that the update was applied, which incremented 'a'.
+ testDoc.a += 1;
+ assert.eq(getTestDoc(coll), testDoc);
+ * Similar to runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged() but checks that a $v: 2 entry _is_ logged.
+ */
+function runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesLogged(coll) {
+ let testDoc = getTestDoc(coll);
+ // Run an update which would be eligible to use a $v: 2 entry.
+ runV2EligibleUpdate(coll);
+ // Check that the oplog entry we create is $v: 2.
+ const oplogEntry = getLatestOplogEntryForDoc(coll.getDB());
+ assert.eq(oplogEntry.o.$v, 2, oplogEntry);
+ assert.eq(typeof (oplogEntry.o.diff), "object");
+ // Check that the update was applied, which incremented 'a'.
+ testDoc.a += 1;
+ assert.eq(getTestDoc(coll), testDoc);
+const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 2, nodeOpts: {noCleanData: true}});
+// Start a last stable replica set and ensure that $v: 2 oplog entries are not logged.
+(function runLastStable() {
+ rst.startSet({binVersion: kLastStable});
+ // Initiate with high election timeout to prevent unplanned elections from happening.
+ rst.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout();
+ const primaryDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB("test");
+ const coll = primaryDB[kCollName];
+ // Insert the test document.
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: kTestDocId, a: 1, padding: kGiantStr}));
+ // We expect the primary not to log $v:2 oplog entries or to allow application of
+ // them via applyOps.
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll);
+ // The error code used by 4.4 in this scenario is different from the one used in 4.6.
+ const k44ApplyOpsUnknownUpdateVersionErrorCode = 40682;
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, k44ApplyOpsUnknownUpdateVersionErrorCode);
+ rst.stopSet(
+ null, // signal
+ true // for restart
+ );
+// Start a latest replica set using the same data files. The set should start in FCV 4.4 by
+// default.
+(function runLatest() {
+ const nodes = rst.startSet({restart: true, binVersion: kLatest});
+ rst.awaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime();
+ // Step up node 0. Since we started with a high election timeout this would otherwise
+ // take a while.
+ assert.commandWorked(nodes[0].adminCommand({replSetStepUp: 1}));
+ const primaryAdminDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB("admin");
+ checkFCV(primaryAdminDB, kLastStable);
+ const coll = rst.getPrimary().getDB("test")[kCollName];
+ const oplog = primaryAdminDB.getSiblingDB("local")[""];
+ // We should not log, or allow application of $v: 2 entries while in FCV 4.4.
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll);
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, kErrorCodeThrownWhenApplyingV2OplogEntriesWithFCV44);
+ // Now set the feature flag which allows $v: 2 oplog entries. Even with the flag enabled,
+ // $v:2 oplog entries should not be used because the FCV is still 4.4.
+ enableV2OplogEntries(rst);
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll);
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, kErrorCodeThrownWhenApplyingV2OplogEntriesWithFCV44);
+ // Upgrade to the new FCV. Now $v: 2 oplog entries will be logged (and applied).
+ assert.commandWorked(primaryAdminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(primaryAdminDB, latestFCV);
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesLogged(coll);
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll);
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ // Disable the flag which allows *logging* of $v: 2 entries, but only on the secondary. We
+ // check that nothing goes wrong when the primary logs a $v: 2 oplog entry. The secondary
+ // should still be able to apply it.
+ assert.commandWorked(rst.getSecondary().adminCommand(
+ {setParameter: 1, internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries: false}));
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesLogged(coll);
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll);
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ // Check that if we disable the flag which allows *logging* of $v: 2 entries on the primary
+ // but enable it on the secondary, a $v: 2 entry is not used.
+ assert.commandWorked(rst.getSecondary().adminCommand(
+ {setParameter: 1, internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries: true}));
+ assert.commandWorked(rst.getPrimary().adminCommand(
+ {setParameter: 1, internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries: false}));
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll);
+ // Although we don't expect a $v: 2 entry to be logged, application should still be allowed.
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll);
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ // Re-enable the parameter that controls logging of $v: 2 oplog entries on both the primary
+ // and second. Then, downgrade the FCV back to 4.4. $v: 2 oplog entries should not be used.
+ enableV2OplogEntries(rst);
+ assert.commandWorked(primaryAdminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV}));
+ checkFCV(primaryAdminDB, lastLTSFCV);
+ runUpdateAndCheckV2EntriesNotLogged(coll);
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, kErrorCodeThrownWhenApplyingV2OplogEntriesWithFCV44);
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ /**
+ * Function intended to be run by a parallel shell that will downgrade the FCV.
+ */
+ function downgradeFCVParallelShellFn() {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV}));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Waits until an oplog entry which puts the set into a "downgrading" state is logged at time
+ * greater than 'afterTs'.
+ */
+ function waitUntilDowngradingOplogEntryLogged(afterTs) {
+ assert.soon(function() {
+ // Wait until a (recent) oplog entry changing the FCV document appears.
+ return oplog.find({ts: {$gt: afterTs}, "o.targetVersion": "4.4"}).itcount() > 0;
+ });
+ }
+ // We will now test the situation where the FCV is downgraded _while_ a $v:2 eligible pipeline
+ // update is running. In particular, we want to check that if a $v: 2 entry is logged
+ // while the RS is in the "downgrading" state (meaning the FCV target version is set to 4.4)
+ // nothing bad happens.
+ (function testFCVDowngradeWhileV2UpdateRuns() {
+ // First set the FCV back to latest.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ primaryAdminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(primaryAdminDB, latestFCV);
+ // Determine the last timestamp in the oplog. We'll use this later when checking that the
+ // sequence of oplog entries recorded is expected.
+ const lastTs = oplog.find().hint({$natural: -1}).limit(1).toArray()[0].ts;
+ // Insert another test document.
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 1, padding: kGiantStr}));
+ // First we are going to run a $v:2 eligible update and have it hang after it checks the
+ // FCV. It will read a value of 4.5/4.6, and based on that, decide to log a $v: 2 oplog
+ // entry.
+ const kPipelineFCVCheckFPName = "hangAfterPipelineUpdateFCVCheck";
+ assert.commandWorked(primaryAdminDB.runCommand(
+ {configureFailPoint: kPipelineFCVCheckFPName, mode: "alwaysOn"}));
+ function runUpdateParallelShellFn() {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ db.v2_delta_oplog_entries_fcv.update({_id: 1}, [{$set: {"x": 0}}]));
+ }
+ const joinUpdateShell = startParallelShell(runUpdateParallelShellFn, rst.getPrimary().port);
+ // Wait until the update is hanging on the fail point. This means that the update has read
+ // the FCV value and "decided" to take the $v: 2 code path.
+ waitForCurOpByFailPointNoNS(coll.getDB(), kPipelineFCVCheckFPName);
+ // Now start another parallel shell to downgrade the FCV.
+ const joinDowngradeFCV =
+ startParallelShell(downgradeFCVParallelShellFn, rst.getPrimary().port);
+ // This downgrade of the FCV will record an oplog entry which indicates that the set is in a
+ // "downgrading" state. After that, the primary will block attempting to acquire a MODE_S
+ // lock, which conflicts with the update's MODE_IX lock.
+ waitUntilDowngradingOplogEntryLogged(lastTs);
+ // Unblock the update command currently running in a parallel shell. It will log a $v: 2
+ // update oplog entry.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ primaryAdminDB.runCommand({configureFailPoint: kPipelineFCVCheckFPName, mode: "off"}));
+ joinUpdateShell();
+ // Now that the update has run, the FCV change can complete.
+ joinDowngradeFCV();
+ // Check that the sequence of oplog entries is right. We expect to see the following
+ // sequence, in ascending order by timestamp:
+ // 1) Set target FCV to 4.4
+ // 2) $v:2 update
+ // 3) Set FCV to 4.4 (removing the 'targetVersion')
+ // There may be other operations which happen in between these three, such as noop writes
+ // and so on, so we find the timestamps for (1), (2) and (3) and check that they are in the
+ // correct order.
+ // Find the ts of (1).
+ const setTargetFCVTimestamp =
+ oplog.find({ts: {$gt: lastTs}, "o.targetVersion": "4.4"}).limit(1).toArray()[0].ts;
+ // Find the ts of (2).
+ const v2UpdateTimestamp =
+ oplog.find({ts: {$gt: lastTs}, op: "u", "o.$v": 2}).limit(1).toArray()[0].ts;
+ // Find the ts of (3).
+ const setFCVFinalTimestamp =
+ oplog
+ .find(
+ {ts: {$gt: setTargetFCVTimestamp}, "o.targetVersion": null, "o.version": "4.4"})
+ .limit(1)
+ .toArray()[0]
+ .ts;
+ function dumpOplog() {
+ oplog.find().hint({$natural: -1}).limit(10).toArray();
+ }
+, v2UpdateTimestamp, dumpOplog);
+, setFCVFinalTimestamp, dumpOplog);
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ // Done. The sequence of oplog entries was expected, and the secondaries had no issues
+ // applying the $v: 2 update while in the downgrading state.
+ })();
+ // Now we check that manual application of $v: 2 entries via applyOps while in the downgrading
+ // state is banned.
+ (function checkCannotUseV2EntryWithApplyOpsWhileDowngrading() {
+ // First set the FCV back to latest.
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ primaryAdminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(primaryAdminDB, latestFCV);
+ // Determine the last timestamp in the oplog.
+ const lastTs = oplog.find().sort({ts: -1}).limit(1).toArray()[0].ts;
+ const kHangWhileDowngradingFP = "hangWhileDowngrading";
+ primaryAdminDB.runCommand({configureFailPoint: kHangWhileDowngradingFP, mode: "alwaysOn"});
+ // Begin a downgrade. It will hang while in the "downgrading" state.
+ const joinDowngradeFCV =
+ startParallelShell(downgradeFCVParallelShellFn, rst.getPrimary().port);
+ // Wait until the node enters a "downgrading" state.
+ waitUntilDowngradingOplogEntryLogged(lastTs);
+ // The primary is now in a "downgrading" state. Attempts to log $v:2 oplog entries with
+ // apply ops should fail.
+ checkApplyOpsOfV2Entries(coll, kErrorCodeThrownWhenApplyingV2OplogEntriesWithFCV44);
+ // Disable the fail point and join with the parallel shell.
+ primaryAdminDB.runCommand({configureFailPoint: kHangWhileDowngradingFP, mode: "off"});
+ joinDowngradeFCV();
+ })();
+ // Finally, as a last sanity test, we add a new node to the replica set. This should not
+ // cause any issues.
+ const newSecondary = rst.add({binVersion: kLatest});
+ rst.reInitiate();
+ rst.awaitReplication();
+ rst.stopSet();
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/auth/authz_manager_external_state_mock.cpp b/src/mongo/db/auth/authz_manager_external_state_mock.cpp
index ff292b3ab86..1e2c22934b3 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/auth/authz_manager_external_state_mock.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/auth/authz_manager_external_state_mock.cpp
@@ -200,8 +200,13 @@ Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMock::updateOne(OperationContext* opCtx,
const FieldRefSet emptyImmutablePaths;
const bool isInsert = false;
BSONObj logObj;
- status = driver.update(
- StringData(), &document, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert, &logObj);
+ status = driver.update(opCtx,
+ StringData(),
+ &document,
+ validateForStorage,
+ emptyImmutablePaths,
+ isInsert,
+ &logObj);
if (!status.isOK())
return status;
BSONObj newObj = document.getObject().copy();
@@ -229,7 +234,7 @@ Status AuthzManagerExternalStateMock::updateOne(OperationContext* opCtx,
const FieldRefSet emptyImmutablePaths;
const bool isInsert = false;
status = driver.update(
- StringData(), &document, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert);
+ opCtx, StringData(), &document, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert);
if (!status.isOK()) {
return status;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/auth/role_graph_update.cpp b/src/mongo/db/auth/role_graph_update.cpp
index 0307f4ef187..f8945340274 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/auth/role_graph_update.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/auth/role_graph_update.cpp
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Status handleOplogUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx,
const FieldRefSet emptyImmutablePaths;
bool isInsert = false;
status = driver.update(
- StringData(), &roleDocument, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert);
+ opCtx, StringData(), &roleDocument, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert);
if (!status.isOK())
return status;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/update_stage.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/update_stage.cpp
index 5534821ca6b..51e0abfae2c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/update_stage.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/update_stage.cpp
@@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ BSONObj UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate(const Snapshotted<BSONObj>& oldObj, Reco
if (!driver->needMatchDetails()) {
// If we don't need match details, avoid doing the rematch
- status = driver->update(StringData(),
+ status = driver->update(opCtx(),
+ StringData(),
@@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ BSONObj UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate(const Snapshotted<BSONObj>& oldObj, Reco
if (matchDetails.hasElemMatchKey())
matchedField = matchDetails.elemMatchKey();
- status = driver->update(matchedField,
+ status = driver->update(opCtx(),
+ matchedField,
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/upsert_stage.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/upsert_stage.cpp
index cb1f112a8db..831946beed0 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/exec/upsert_stage.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/upsert_stage.cpp
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void UpsertStage::_generateNewDocumentFromUpdateOp(const FieldRefSet& immutableP
const bool validateForStorage = false;
const bool isInsert = true;
- _params.driver->update({}, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, isInsert));
+ _params.driver->update(opCtx(), {}, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, isInsert));
void UpsertStage::_generateNewDocumentFromSuppliedDoc(const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths) {
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ void UpsertStage::_generateNewDocumentFromSuppliedDoc(const FieldRefSet& immutab
const bool validateForStorage = false;
const bool isInsert = true;
- replacementDriver.update({}, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, isInsert));
+ replacementDriver.update(opCtx(), {}, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, isInsert));
void UpsertStage::_assertDocumentToBeInsertedIsValid(const mb::Document& document,
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/ops/update.cpp b/src/mongo/db/ops/update.cpp
index cbf8200b340..e55608644b5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/ops/update.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/ops/update.cpp
@@ -101,5 +101,4 @@ UpdateResult update(OperationContext* opCtx, Database* db, const UpdateRequest&
return UpdateStage::makeUpdateResult(updateStats);
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/repl/oplog.cpp b/src/mongo/db/repl/oplog.cpp
index de480f38378..a5c8109de41 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/repl/oplog.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/repl/oplog.cpp
@@ -1225,7 +1225,47 @@ Status applyOperation_inlock(OperationContext* opCtx,
auto request = UpdateRequest();
- request.setUpdateModification(write_ops::UpdateModification::parseFromOplogEntry(o));
+ auto updateMod = write_ops::UpdateModification::parseFromOplogEntry(o);
+ if (updateMod.type() == write_ops::UpdateModification::Type::kDelta) {
+ // We may only use delta oplog entries when in FCV 4.5 or in the "downgrading to
+ // 4.4" state. The latter case can happen when a $v:2 update is logged in the
+ // window between the oplog entry which sets the target FCV to 4.4 (putting the
+ // node in a "downgrading state") and the entry which removes the target FCV
+ // (putting the node in a "downgraded" state).
+ //
+ // However, we should not allow user-run applyOps to log $v:2 updates while the FCV
+ // is in the "downgrading to 4.4" state. If we did so, it would be possible for the
+ // following sequence of events to happen:
+ //
+ // (Thread A): Begins {setFCV: "4.4"} command, which sets the target version to
+ // 4.4. The server is now in a "downgrading" state.
+ //
+ // (Thread A) Takes MODE_S lock and then immediately drops it. It will proceed on
+ // the assumption that no new commands will perform 4.4-incompatible writes.
+ //
+ // (Thread B) Runs applyOps, checks the FCV, and sees that the server is in a
+ // downgrading state. It continues on the $v:2 oplog entry code path.
+ //
+ // (Thread A) setFCV command completes. The server is now in FCV 4.4.
+ //
+ // (Thread B) The applyOps completes, and a $v:2 oplog entry is logged.
+ //
+ // This would mean that a 4.4-incompatible write is performed after the FCV is set
+ // to 4.4, which is illegal.
+ const auto fcvVersion = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion();
+ const bool fromApplyOpsCmd = mode == OplogApplication::Mode::kApplyOpsCmd;
+ uassert(4773100,
+ "Delta oplog entries may not be used in FCV below 4.5",
+ fcvVersion ==
+ ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kVersion451 ||
+ (!fromApplyOpsCmd &&
+ fcvVersion ==
+ ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::
+ kDowngradingFrom451To44));
+ }
+ request.setUpdateModification(std::move(updateMod));
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.cpp b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.cpp
index 92dca56582f..c66512526a8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "mongo/bson/mutable/algorithm.h"
#include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h"
#include "mongo/db/bson/dotted_path_support.h"
+#include "mongo/db/curop_failpoint_helpers.h"
#include "mongo/db/field_ref.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_leaf.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_noop.h"
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
namespace mongo {
using pathsupport::EqualityMatches;
namespace {
@@ -147,6 +150,9 @@ void UpdateDriver::parse(
"arrayFilters may not be specified for delta-syle updates",
+ // Delta updates should only be applied as part of oplog application.
+ invariant(_fromOplogApplication);
_updateType = UpdateType::kDelta;
_updateExecutor = std::make_unique<DeltaExecutor>(updateMod.getDiff());
@@ -240,7 +246,8 @@ Status UpdateDriver::populateDocumentWithQueryFields(const CanonicalQuery& query
return status;
-Status UpdateDriver::update(StringData matchedField,
+Status UpdateDriver::update(OperationContext* opCtx,
+ StringData matchedField,
mutablebson::Document* doc,
bool validateForStorage,
const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths,
@@ -265,9 +272,19 @@ Status UpdateDriver::update(StringData matchedField,
invariant(!modifiedPaths || modifiedPaths->empty());
if (_logOp && logOpRec) {
- applyParams.logMode = internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries.load()
+ const auto& fcv = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility;
+ const bool fcvAllowsV2Entries = fcv.isVersionInitialized() &&
+ fcv.getVersion() == ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility::Version::kVersion451;
+ applyParams.logMode = fcvAllowsV2Entries && internalQueryEnableLoggingV2OplogEntries.load()
? ApplyParams::LogMode::kGenerateOplogEntry
: ApplyParams::LogMode::kGenerateOnlyV1OplogEntry;
+ if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterPipelineUpdateFCVCheck.shouldFail()) &&
+ type() == UpdateType::kPipeline) {
+ CurOpFailpointHelpers::waitWhileFailPointEnabled(
+ &hangAfterPipelineUpdateFCVCheck, opCtx, "hangAfterPipelineUpdateFCVCheck");
+ }
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.h b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.h
index fe035195cfb..5df4d80293f 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver.h
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ public:
* The caller must either provide a null pointer, or a non-null pointer to an empty field ref
* set.
- Status update(StringData matchedField,
+ Status update(OperationContext* opCtx,
+ StringData matchedField,
mutablebson::Document* doc,
bool validateForStorage,
const FieldRefSet& immutablePaths,
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver_test.cpp
index 18ac94213f7..5c736122c65 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/update/update_driver_test.cpp
@@ -185,8 +185,14 @@ TEST(Collator, SetCollationUpdatesModifierInterfaces) {
bool modified = false;
mutablebson::Document doc(fromjson("{a: 'cba'}"));
- ASSERT_OK(driver.update(
- StringData(), &doc, validateForStorage, emptyImmutablePaths, isInsert, nullptr, &modified));
+ ASSERT_OK(driver.update(expCtx->opCtx,
+ StringData(),
+ &doc,
+ validateForStorage,
+ emptyImmutablePaths,
+ isInsert,
+ nullptr,
+ &modified));
@@ -579,7 +585,8 @@ public:
const FieldRefSet emptyImmutablePaths;
const bool isInsert = false;
FieldRefSetWithStorage modifiedPaths;
- ASSERT_OK(driver.update(matchedField,
+ ASSERT_OK(driver.update(expCtx->opCtx,
+ matchedField,
diff --git a/src/mongo/embedded/stitch_support/stitch_support.cpp b/src/mongo/embedded/stitch_support/stitch_support.cpp
index c4711b5c719..41693e92cd8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/embedded/stitch_support/stitch_support.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/embedded/stitch_support/stitch_support.cpp
@@ -591,7 +591,8 @@ stitch_support_v1_update_apply(stitch_support_v1_update* const update,
mongo::FieldRefSetWithStorage modifiedPaths;
- uassertStatusOK(update->updateDriver.update(matchedField,
+ uassertStatusOK(update->updateDriver.update(update->opCtx.get(),
+ matchedField,
false /* validateForStorage */,
@@ -637,7 +638,8 @@ uint8_t* MONGO_API_CALL stitch_support_v1_update_upsert(stitch_support_v1_update
- uassertStatusOK(update->updateDriver.update(mongo::StringData() /* matchedField */,
+ uassertStatusOK(update->updateDriver.update(update->opCtx.get(),
+ mongo::StringData() /* matchedField */,
false /* validateForStorage */,