path: root/buildscripts/idl
diff options
authorMark Benvenuto <>2017-03-29 11:32:59 -0400
committerMark Benvenuto <>2017-03-29 11:37:08 -0400
commit29816153660280601d96289dc3ef0da2ee46d6ff (patch)
treed6e0865aed1acff2a652bf7bd729b60567910377 /buildscripts/idl
parent008a46edd04a5dca21f5aa61965b173bce109bbe (diff)
SERVER-28306 IDL Code Generator
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/idl')
4 files changed, 1060 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/idl/idl/ b/buildscripts/idl/idl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f285f91e627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/idl/idl/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+IDL compiler driver.
+Orchestrates the 3 passes (parser, binder, and generator) together.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import io
+import logging
+import os
+# from typing import Any, List
+from . import binder
+from . import errors
+from . import generator
+from . import parser
+class CompilerArgs(object):
+ """Set of compiler arguments."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Create a container for compiler arguments."""
+ self.import_directories = None # type: List[unicode]
+ self.input_file = None # type: unicode
+ self.output_source = None # type: unicode
+ self.output_header = None # type: unicode
+ self.output_base_dir = None # type: unicode
+ self.output_suffix = None # type: unicode
+def compile_idl(args):
+ # type: (CompilerArgs) -> bool
+ """Compile an IDL file into C++ code."""
+ # Named compile_idl to avoid naming conflict with builtin
+ if not os.path.exists(args.input_file):
+ logging.error("File '%s' not found", args.input_file)
+ # TODO: resolve the paths, and log if they do not exist under verbose when import supported is added
+ #for import_dir in args.import_directories:
+ # if not os.path.exists(args.input_file):
+ error_file_name = os.path.basename(args.input_file)
+ if args.output_source is None:
+ if not '.' in error_file_name:
+ logging.error("File name '%s' must be end with a filename extension, such as '%s.idl'",
+ error_file_name, error_file_name)
+ return False
+ file_name_prefix = error_file_name.split('.')[0]
+ file_name_prefix += args.output_suffix
+ source_file_name = file_name_prefix + ".cpp"
+ header_file_name = file_name_prefix + ".h"
+ else:
+ source_file_name = args.output_source
+ header_file_name = args.output_header
+ # Compile the IDL through the 3 passes
+ with as file_stream:
+ parsed_doc = parser.parse(file_stream, error_file_name=error_file_name)
+ if not parsed_doc.errors:
+ bound_doc = binder.bind(parsed_doc.spec)
+ if not bound_doc.errors:
+ generator.generate_code(bound_doc.spec, args.output_base_dir, header_file_name,
+ source_file_name)
+ return True
+ else:
+ bound_doc.errors.dump_errors()
+ else:
+ parsed_doc.errors.dump_errors()
+ return False
diff --git a/buildscripts/idl/idl/ b/buildscripts/idl/idl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8a34c1cc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/idl/idl/
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+"""IDL C++ Code Generator."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import io
+import os
+import string
+import sys
+import textwrap
+# from typing import List, Union
+from . import ast
+from . import bson
+# Number of spaces to indent code
+def _title_case(name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ """Return a CapitalCased version of a string."""
+ return name[0:1].upper() + name[1:]
+def _camel_case(name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ """Return a camelCased version of a string."""
+ return name[0:1].lower() + name[1:]
+def _get_method_name(name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ """Get a method name from a fully qualified method name."""
+ pos = name.rfind('::')
+ if pos == -1:
+ return name
+ return name[pos + 2:]
+def _get_method_name_from_qualified_method_name(name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ """Get a method name from a fully qualified method name."""
+ # TODO: in the future, we may want to support full-qualified calls to static methods
+ prefix = 'mongo::'
+ pos = name.find(prefix)
+ if pos == -1:
+ return name
+ return name[len(prefix):]
+def _is_primitive_type(cpp_type):
+ # type: (unicode) -> bool
+ """Return True if a cpp_type is a primitive type and should not be returned as reference."""
+ return cpp_type in [
+ 'bool', 'double', 'std::int32_t', 'std::uint32_t', 'std::uint64_t', 'std::int64_t'
+ ]
+def _is_view_type(cpp_type):
+ # type: (unicode) -> bool
+ """Return True if a cpp_type should be returned as a view type from an IDL class."""
+ if cpp_type == 'std::string':
+ return True
+ return False
+def _get_view_type(cpp_type):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ """Map a C++ type to its C++ view type if needed."""
+ if cpp_type == 'std::string':
+ cpp_type = 'StringData'
+ return cpp_type
+def _get_view_type_to_base_method(cpp_type):
+ # type: (unicode) -> unicode
+ """Map a C++ View type to its C++ base type."""
+ assert _is_view_type(cpp_type)
+ return "toString"
+def _get_field_cpp_type(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the C++ type name for a field."""
+ assert field.cpp_type is not None or field.struct_type is not None
+ if field.struct_type:
+ cpp_type = _title_case(field.struct_type)
+ else:
+ cpp_type = field.cpp_type
+ return cpp_type
+def _qualify_optional_type(cpp_type, field):
+ # type: (unicode, ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Qualify the type if the field is optional."""
+ if field.optional:
+ return 'boost::optional<%s>' % (cpp_type)
+ return cpp_type
+def _get_field_parameter_type(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the C++ type name for a parameter for a field."""
+ assert field.cpp_type is not None or field.struct_type is not None
+ cpp_type = _get_view_type(_get_field_cpp_type(field))
+ return _qualify_optional_type(cpp_type, field)
+def _get_field_member_type(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the C++ type name for a class member for a field."""
+ cpp_type = _get_field_cpp_type(field)
+ return _qualify_optional_type(cpp_type, field)
+def _get_field_member_name(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the C++ class member name for a field."""
+ return '_%s' % (_camel_case(
+def _get_bson_type_check(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the C++ bson type check for a field."""
+ bson_types = field.bson_serialization_type
+ if len(bson_types) == 1:
+ if bson_types[0] == 'any':
+ # Skip BSON valiation when any
+ return None
+ if not bson_types[0] == 'bindata':
+ return 'ctxt.checkAndAssertType(element, %s)' % bson.cpp_bson_type_name(bson_types[0])
+ else:
+ return 'ctxt.checkAndAssertBinDataType(element, %s)' % bson.cpp_bindata_subtype_type_name(
+ field.bindata_subtype)
+ else:
+ type_list = '{%s}' % (', '.join([bson.cpp_bson_type_name(b) for b in bson_types]))
+ return 'ctxt.checkAndAssertTypes(element, %s)' % type_list
+def _access_member(field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> unicode
+ """Get the declaration to access a member for a field."""
+ member_name = _get_field_member_name(field)
+ if not field.optional:
+ return '%s' % (member_name)
+ # optional types need a method call to access their values
+ return '%s.get()' % (member_name)
+def fill_spaces(count):
+ # type: (int) -> unicode
+ """Fill a string full of spaces."""
+ fill = ''
+ for _ in range(count * _INDENT_SPACE_COUNT):
+ fill += ' '
+ return fill
+def indent_text(count, unindented_text):
+ # type: (int, unicode) -> unicode
+ """Indent each line of a multi-line string."""
+ lines = unindented_text.splitlines()
+ fill = fill_spaces(count)
+ return '\n'.join(fill + line for line in lines)
+class _IndentedTextWriter(object):
+ """
+ A simple class to manage writing indented lines of text.
+ Supports both writing indented lines, and unindented lines.
+ Use write_empty_line() instead of write_line('') to avoid lines
+ full of blank spaces.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ # type: (io.StringIO) -> None
+ """Create an indented text writer."""
+ self._stream = stream
+ self._indent = 0
+ def write_unindented_line(self, msg):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Write an unindented line to the stream."""
+ self._stream.write(msg)
+ self._stream.write("\n")
+ def indent(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Indent the text by one level."""
+ self._indent += 1
+ def unindent(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Unindent the text by one level."""
+ assert self._indent > 0
+ self._indent -= 1
+ def write_line(self, msg):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Write a line to the stream."""
+ self._stream.write(indent_text(self._indent, msg))
+ self._stream.write("\n")
+ def write_empty_line(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Write a line to the stream."""
+ self._stream.write("\n")
+class _EmptyBlock(object):
+ """Do not generate an indented block."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Create an empty block."""
+ pass
+ def __enter__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Do nothing."""
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ # type: (*str) -> None
+ """Do nothing."""
+ pass
+class _UnindentedScopedBlock(object):
+ """Generate an unindented block, and do not indent the contents."""
+ def __init__(self, writer, opening, closing):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter, unicode, unicode) -> None
+ """Create a block."""
+ self._writer = writer
+ self._opening = opening
+ self._closing = closing
+ def __enter__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Write the beginning of the block and do not indent."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line(self._opening)
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ # type: (*str) -> None
+ """Write the end of the block and do not change indentation."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line(self._closing)
+class _IndentedScopedBlock(object):
+ """Generate a block, and indent the contents."""
+ def __init__(self, writer, opening, closing):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter, unicode, unicode) -> None
+ """Create a block."""
+ self._writer = writer
+ self._opening = opening
+ self._closing = closing
+ def __enter__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Write the beginning of the block and then indent."""
+ self._writer.write_line(self._opening)
+ self._writer.indent()
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ # type: (*str) -> None
+ """Unindent the block and print the ending."""
+ self._writer.unindent()
+ self._writer.write_line(self._closing)
+class _FieldUsageChecker(object):
+ """Check for duplicate fields, and required fields as needed."""
+ def __init__(self, writer):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter) -> None
+ """Create a field usage checker."""
+ self._writer = writer # type: _IndentedTextWriter
+ self.fields = [] # type: List[ast.Field]
+ # TODO: use a more optimal data type
+ self._writer.write_line('std::set<StringData> usedFields;')
+ def add_store(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Create the C++ field store initialization code."""
+ self._writer.write_line('auto push_result = usedFields.insert(fieldName);')
+ with _IndentedScopedBlock(self._writer, 'if (push_result.second == false) {', '}'):
+ self._writer.write_line('ctxt.throwDuplicateField(element);')
+ def add(self, field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> None
+ """Add a field to track."""
+ self.fields.append(field)
+ def add_final_checks(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Output the code to check for missing fields."""
+ for field in self.fields:
+ if (not field.optional) and (not field.ignore):
+ with _IndentedScopedBlock(self._writer,
+ 'if (usedFields.find("%s") == usedFields.end()) {' %
+ (, '}'):
+ if field.default:
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = %s;' %
+ (_get_field_member_name(field), field.default))
+ else:
+ self._writer.write_line('ctxt.throwMissingField("%s");' % (
+class _CppFileWriterBase(object):
+ """
+ C++ File writer.
+ Encapsulates low level knowledge of how to print a C++ file.
+ Relies on caller to orchestrate calls correctly though.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, writer):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter) -> None
+ """Create a C++ code writer."""
+ self._writer = writer # type: _IndentedTextWriter
+ def write_unindented_line(self, msg):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Write an unindented line to the stream."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line(msg)
+ def write_empty_line(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Write an empty line to the stream."""
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ def gen_file_header(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Generate a file header saying the file is generated."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line(
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ /**
+ * WARNING: This is a generated file. Do not modify.
+ *
+ * Source: %s
+ */
+ """ % (" ".join(sys.argv))))
+ def gen_system_include(self, include):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a system C++ include line."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line('#include <%s>' % (include))
+ def gen_include(self, include):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a non-system C++ include line."""
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line('#include "%s"' % (include))
+ def gen_namespace_block(self, namespace):
+ # type: (unicode) -> _UnindentedScopedBlock
+ """Generate a namespace block."""
+ # TODO: support namespace strings which consist of '::' delimited namespaces
+ return _UnindentedScopedBlock(self._writer, 'namespace %s {' % (namespace),
+ '} // namespace %s' % (namespace))
+ def gen_description_comment(self, description):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a multiline comment with the description from the IDL."""
+ self._writer.write_line(
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ /**
+ * %s
+ */""" % (description)))
+ def _block(self, opening, closing):
+ # type: (unicode, unicode) -> Union[_IndentedScopedBlock,_EmptyBlock]
+ """Generate an indented block if opening is not empty."""
+ if not opening:
+ return _EmptyBlock()
+ return _IndentedScopedBlock(self._writer, opening, closing)
+ def _predicate(self, check_str, use_else_if=False):
+ # type: (unicode, bool) -> Union[_IndentedScopedBlock,_EmptyBlock]
+ """
+ Generate an if block if the condition is not-empty.
+ Generate 'else if' instead of use_else_if is True.
+ """
+ if not check_str:
+ return _EmptyBlock()
+ conditional = 'if'
+ if use_else_if:
+ conditional = 'else if'
+ return _IndentedScopedBlock(self._writer, '%s (%s) {' % (conditional, check_str), '}')
+class _CppHeaderFileWriter(_CppFileWriterBase):
+ """C++ .h File writer."""
+ def __init__(self, writer):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter) -> None
+ """Create a C++ .cpp file code writer."""
+ super(_CppHeaderFileWriter, self).__init__(writer)
+ def gen_class_declaration_block(self, class_name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> _IndentedScopedBlock
+ """Generate a class declaration block."""
+ return _IndentedScopedBlock(self._writer, 'class %s {' % _title_case(class_name), '};')
+ def gen_serializer_methods(self, class_name):
+ # type: (unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a serializer method declarations."""
+ self._writer.write_line(
+ 'static %s parse(const IDLParserErrorContext& ctxt, const BSONObj& object);' %
+ (_title_case(class_name)))
+ self._writer.write_line('void serialize(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const;')
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ def gen_getter(self, field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ getter definition for a field."""
+ cpp_type = _get_field_cpp_type(field)
+ param_type = _get_field_parameter_type(field)
+ member_name = _get_field_member_name(field)
+ optional_ampersand = ""
+ disable_xvalue = False
+ if not _is_view_type(cpp_type):
+ if not field.optional and not _is_primitive_type(cpp_type):
+ optional_ampersand = '&'
+ disable_xvalue = True
+ body = 'return %s;' % (member_name)
+ else:
+ body = 'return %s{%s};' % (param_type, member_name)
+ disable_xvalue = True
+ # Generate a getter that disables xvalue for view types (i.e. StringData), constructed
+ # optional types, and non-primitive types.
+ if disable_xvalue:
+ self._writer.write_line('const %s%s get%s() const& { %s }' %
+ (param_type, optional_ampersand, _title_case(, body))
+ self._writer.write_line("const %s%s get%s() && = delete;" %
+ (param_type, optional_ampersand, _title_case(
+ else:
+ self._writer.write_line('const %s%s get%s() const { %s }' %
+ (param_type, optional_ampersand, _title_case(, body))
+ def gen_setter(self, field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ setter definition for a field."""
+ cpp_type = _get_field_cpp_type(field)
+ param_type = _get_field_parameter_type(field)
+ member_name = _get_field_member_name(field)
+ if _is_view_type(cpp_type):
+ if not field.optional:
+ self._writer.write_line('void set%s(%s value) & { %s = value.%s(); }' %
+ (_title_case(, param_type, member_name,
+ _get_view_type_to_base_method(cpp_type)))
+ else:
+ # We need to convert between two different types of optional<T> and yet retain the
+ # ability for the user to specific an uninitialized optional. This occurs for
+ # mongo::StringData and std::string paired together.
+ with self._block('void set%s(%s value) {' % (_title_case(, param_type),
+ "}"):
+ self._writer.write_line(
+ textwrap.dedent("""\
+ if (value.is_initialized()) {
+ %s = value.get().%s();
+ } else {
+ %s = boost::none;
+ }
+ """ % (member_name, _get_view_type_to_base_method(cpp_type), member_name)))
+ else:
+ self._writer.write_line('void set%s(%s value) { %s = std::move(value); }' %
+ (_title_case(, param_type, member_name))
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ def gen_member(self, field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ class member definition for a field."""
+ member_type = _get_field_member_type(field)
+ member_name = _get_field_member_name(field)
+ self._writer.write_line('%s %s;' % (member_type, member_name))
+ def generate(self, spec):
+ # type: (ast.IDLAST) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ header to a stream."""
+ self.gen_file_header()
+ self._writer.write_unindented_line('#pragma once')
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate system includes first
+ header_list = [
+ 'algorithm',
+ 'boost/optional.hpp',
+ 'cstdint',
+ 'string',
+ ]
+ header_list.sort()
+ for include in header_list:
+ self.gen_system_include(include)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate user includes second
+ header_list = [
+ 'mongo/base/string_data.h',
+ 'mongo/bson/bsonobj.h',
+ 'mongo/idl/idl_parser.h',
+ ] + spec.globals.cpp_includes
+ header_list.sort()
+ for include in header_list:
+ self.gen_include(include)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate namesapce
+ with self.gen_namespace_block(spec.globals.cpp_namespace):
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ for struct in spec.structs:
+ self.gen_description_comment(struct.description)
+ with self.gen_class_declaration_block(
+ self.write_unindented_line('public:')
+ # Write constructor
+ self.gen_serializer_methods(
+ # Write getters & setters
+ for field in struct.fields:
+ if not field.ignore:
+ if field.description:
+ self.gen_description_comment(field.description)
+ self.gen_getter(field)
+ self.gen_setter(field)
+ self.write_unindented_line('private:')
+ # Write member variables
+ for field in struct.fields:
+ if not field.ignore:
+ self.gen_member(field)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+class _CppSourceFileWriter(_CppFileWriterBase):
+ """C++ .cpp File writer."""
+ def __init__(self, writer):
+ # type: (_IndentedTextWriter) -> None
+ """Create a C++ .cpp file code writer."""
+ super(_CppSourceFileWriter, self).__init__(writer)
+ def gen_field_deserializer(self, field):
+ # type: (ast.Field) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ deserializer piece for a few field."""
+ # May be an empty block if the type is any
+ type_predicate = _get_bson_type_check(field)
+ with self._predicate(type_predicate):
+ if field.struct_type:
+ self._writer.write_line('IDLParserErrorContext tempContext("%s", &ctxt);' %
+ (
+ self._writer.write_line('const auto localObject = element.Obj();')
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = %s::parse(tempContext, localObject);' % (
+ _get_field_member_name(field), _title_case(field.struct_type)))
+ elif 'BSONElement::' in field.deserializer:
+ method_name = _get_method_name(field.deserializer)
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = element.%s();' %
+ (_get_field_member_name(field), method_name))
+ else:
+ # Custom method, call the method on object
+ # TODO: avoid this string hack in the future
+ if len(field.bson_serialization_type) == 1 and field.bson_serialization_type[
+ 0] == 'string':
+ # Call a method like: Class::method(StringData value)
+ self._writer.write_line('auto tempValue = element.valueStringData();')
+ method_name = _get_method_name(field.deserializer)
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = %s(tempValue);' %
+ (_get_field_member_name(field), method_name))
+ elif len(field.bson_serialization_type) == 1 and field.bson_serialization_type[
+ 0] == 'object':
+ # Call a method like: Class::method(const BSONObj& value)
+ method_name = _get_method_name_from_qualified_method_name(field.deserializer)
+ self._writer.write_line('const BSONObj localObject = element.Obj();')
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = %s(localObject);' %
+ (_get_field_member_name(field), method_name))
+ else:
+ # Call a method like: Class::method(const BSONElement& value)
+ method_name = _get_method_name_from_qualified_method_name(field.deserializer)
+ self._writer.write_line('object.%s = %s(element);' %
+ (_get_field_member_name(field), method_name))
+ def gen_deserializer_method(self, struct):
+ # type: (ast.Struct) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ deserializer method definition."""
+ with self._block(
+ '%s %s::parse(const IDLParserErrorContext& ctxt, const BSONObj& bsonObject) {' %
+ (_title_case(, _title_case(, '}'):
+ self._writer.write_line('%s object;' % _title_case(
+ field_usage_check = _FieldUsageChecker(self._writer)
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ with self._block('for (const auto& element : bsonObject) {', '}'):
+ self._writer.write_line('const auto fieldName = element.fieldNameStringData();')
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ # TODO: generate command namespace string check
+ field_usage_check.add_store()
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ first_field = True
+ for field in struct.fields:
+ field_predicate = 'fieldName == "%s"' %
+ field_usage_check.add(field)
+ with self._predicate(field_predicate, not first_field):
+ if field.ignore:
+ self._writer.write_line('// ignore field')
+ else:
+ self.gen_field_deserializer(field)
+ if first_field:
+ first_field = False
+ # End of for fields
+ # Generate strict check for extranous fields
+ if struct.strict:
+ with self._block('else {', '}'):
+ self._writer.write_line('ctxt.throwUnknownField(fieldName);')
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ # Check for required fields
+ field_usage_check.add_final_checks()
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ self._writer.write_line('return object;')
+ def gen_serializer_method(self, struct):
+ # type: (ast.Struct) -> None
+ """Generate the serialize method definition."""
+ with self._block('void %s::serialize(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {' %
+ _title_case(, '}'):
+ for field in struct.fields:
+ # If fields are meant to be ignored during deserialization, there is not need to serialize them
+ if field.ignore:
+ continue
+ member_name = _get_field_member_name(field)
+ optional_block_start = None
+ if field.optional:
+ optional_block_start = 'if (%s) {' % (member_name)
+ elif field.struct_type:
+ # Introduce a new scope for required nested object serialization.
+ optional_block_start = '{'
+ with self._block(optional_block_start, '}'):
+ if not field.struct_type:
+ if field.serializer:
+ # Generate custom serialization
+ method_name = _get_method_name(field.serializer)
+ if len(field.bson_serialization_type) == 1 and \
+ field.bson_serialization_type[0] == 'string':
+ # TODO: expand this out to be less then a string only hack
+ self._writer.write_line('auto tempValue = %s.%s();' %
+ (_access_member(field), method_name))
+ self._writer.write_line(
+ 'builder->append("%s", std::move(tempValue));' % (
+ else:
+ self._writer.write_line('%s.%s(builder);' %
+ (_access_member(field), method_name))
+ else:
+ # Generate default serialization using BSONObjBuilder::append
+ self._writer.write_line('builder->append("%s", %s);' %
+ (, _access_member(field)))
+ else:
+ self._writer.write_line(
+ 'BSONObjBuilder subObjBuilder(builder->subobjStart("%s"));' %
+ (
+ self._writer.write_line('%s.serialize(&subObjBuilder);' %
+ (_access_member(field)))
+ # Add a blank line after each block
+ self._writer.write_empty_line()
+ def generate(self, spec, header_file_name):
+ # type: (ast.IDLAST, unicode) -> None
+ """Generate the C++ header to a stream."""
+ self.gen_file_header()
+ # Generate include for generated header first
+ self.gen_include(header_file_name)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate system includes second
+ self.gen_system_include('set')
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate mongo includes third
+ self.gen_include('mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h')
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Generate namesapce
+ with self.gen_namespace_block(spec.globals.cpp_namespace):
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ for struct in spec.structs:
+ # Write deserializer
+ self.gen_deserializer_method(struct)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+ # Write serializer
+ self.gen_serializer_method(struct)
+ self.write_empty_line()
+def _generate_header(spec, file_name):
+ # type: (ast.IDLAST, unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a C++ header."""
+ stream = io.StringIO()
+ text_writer = _IndentedTextWriter(stream)
+ header = _CppHeaderFileWriter(text_writer)
+ header.generate(spec)
+ # Generate structs
+ with, mode='wb') as file_handle:
+ file_handle.write(stream.getvalue().encode())
+def _generate_source(spec, file_name, header_file_name):
+ # type: (ast.IDLAST, unicode, unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a C++ source file."""
+ stream = io.StringIO()
+ text_writer = _IndentedTextWriter(stream)
+ source = _CppSourceFileWriter(text_writer)
+ source.generate(spec, header_file_name)
+ # Generate structs
+ with, mode='wb') as file_handle:
+ file_handle.write(stream.getvalue().encode())
+def generate_code(spec, output_base_dir, header_file_name, source_file_name):
+ # type: (ast.IDLAST, unicode, unicode, unicode) -> None
+ """Generate a C++ header and source file from an idl.ast tree."""
+ _generate_header(spec, header_file_name)
+ include_h_file_name = os.path.relpath(
+ os.path.normpath(header_file_name), os.path.normpath(output_base_dir))
+ # Normalize to POSIX style for consistency across Windows and POSIX.
+ include_h_file_name = include_h_file_name.replace("\\", "/")
+ _generate_source(spec, source_file_name, include_h_file_name)
diff --git a/buildscripts/idl/ b/buildscripts/idl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04225b13d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/idl/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+"""IDL Compiler Driver Main Entry point."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import argparse
+import sys
+import idl.compiler
+def main():
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Main Entry point."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MongoDB IDL Compiler.')
+ parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help="IDL input file")
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help="IDL output source file")
+ parser.add_argument('--header', type=str, help="IDL output header file")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-i',
+ '--include',
+ type=str,
+ action="append",
+ help="Directory to search for IDL import files")
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help="Enable verbose tracing")
+ parser.add_argument('--base_dir', type=str, help="IDL output relative base directory")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ compiler_args = idl.compiler.CompilerArgs()
+ compiler_args.input_file = args.file
+ compiler_args.import_directories = args.include
+ compiler_args.output_source = args.output
+ compiler_args.output_header = args.header
+ compiler_args.output_base_dir = args.base_dir
+ compiler_args.output_suffix = "_gen"
+ if (args.output is not None and args.header is None) or \
+ (args.output is None and args.header is not None):
+ print("ERROR: Either both --header and --output must be specified or neither.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Compile the IDL document the user specified
+ success = idl.compiler.compile_idl(compiler_args)
+ if not success:
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/buildscripts/idl/sample/sample.idl b/buildscripts/idl/sample/sample.idl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb836cfe2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/idl/sample/sample.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Sample idl
+# Demonstrates a subset of features
+# 1. string types
+# 2. int types
+# 3. a custom type, NamespaceString
+# 4. Nested structs
+# 5. Optional fields
+# 6. Default values
+ cpp_namespace: "mongo"
+ cpp_includes:
+ - "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
+ string:
+ bson_serialization_type: string
+ description: "A BSON UTF-8 string"
+ cpp_type: "std::string"
+ deserializer: "mongo::BSONElement::str"
+ int:
+ bson_serialization_type: int
+ description: "A BSON 32-bit integer"
+ cpp_type: "std::int32_t"
+ deserializer: "mongo::BSONElement::_numberInt"
+ namespacestring:
+ bson_serialization_type: string
+ description: "A MongoDB NamespaceString"
+ cpp_type: "mongo::NamespaceString"
+ serializer: mongo::NamespaceString::toString
+ deserializer: mongo::NamespaceString
+ safeInt32:
+ description: Accepts any numerical type within int32 range
+ cpp_type: std::int64_t
+ bson_serialization_type:
+ - long
+ - int
+ - decimal
+ - double
+ deserializer: "mongo::BSONElement::numberInt"
+ default_values:
+ description: UnitTest for a single safeInt32
+ fields:
+ stringfield:
+ type: string
+ default: '"a default"'
+ description: "An example string field with default value"
+ intfield:
+ type: int
+ default: 42
+ description: "An example int field with default value"
+ numericfield:
+ type: safeInt32
+ description: "A numeric type that supports multiple types"
+ nsfield:
+ type: namespacestring
+ description: "A namespace string type"
+ optionalField:
+ type: string
+ optional: true
+ description: "An optional string"