path: root/buildscripts
diff options
authorRichard Kreuter <>2011-02-25 14:25:58 -0500
committerRichard Kreuter <>2011-02-25 14:26:18 -0500
commit626b7e2182298ac0591890f5660078c148b0e2cf (patch)
tree141b00ec6bcb90b66913e6a0a4d087a60d4bde77 /buildscripts
parent4e38e78503c9f14cd5f72af9142408343a7e357e (diff)
Removing old packaging scripts.
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1425 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b6f3653567..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import tempfile
-import errno
-import glob
-import shutil
-import settings
-import simples3
-def s3bucket():
- return simples3.S3Bucket(settings.bucket,, settings.key)
-def s3cp (bucket, filename, s3name):
- defaultacl="public-read"
- print "putting %s to %s" % (filename, s3name)
- bucket.put(s3name, open(filename, "rb").read(), acl=defaultacl)
-def pushrepo(repodir):
- files=subprocess.Popen(['find', repodir, '-type', 'f'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0][:-1].split('\n')
- bucket=s3bucket()
- olddebs=[t[0] for t in bucket.listdir(prefix='distros/') if t[0].endswith('.deb')]
- newdebs=[]
- for fn in files:
- if len(fn) == 0:
- continue
- tail = fn[len(repodir):]
- # Note: be very careful not to produce s3names containing
- # sequences of repeated slashes: s3 doesn't treat a////b as
- # equivalent to a/b.
- s3name1='distros-archive/'+time.strftime('%Y%m%d')+tail
- s3name2='distros'+tail
- s3cp(bucket, fn, s3name1)
- s3cp(bucket, fn, s3name2)
- if s3name1.endswith('.deb'):
- newdebs.append(s3name1)
- # FIXME: we ought to clean out old debs eventually, but this will
- # blow away too much if we're trying to push a subset of what's
- # supposed to be available.
- #[bucket.delete(deb) for deb in set(olddebs).difference(set(newdebs))]
-def cat (inh, outh):
- for line in inh:
- outh.write(line)
- inh.close()
-# This generates all tuples from mixed-radix counting system, essentially.
-def gen(listlist):
- dim=len(listlist)
- a=[0 for ignore in listlist]
- while True:
- yield [listlist[i][a[i]] for i in range(dim)]
- a[0]+=1
- for j in range(dim):
- if a[j] == len(listlist[j]):
- if j<dim-1:
- a[j+1]+=1
- else:
- return
- a[j]=0
-def dirify(string):
- return (string if string[-1:] in '\/' else string+'/')
-def fileify(string):
- return (string if string[-1:] not in '\/' else string.rstrip('\/'))
-# WTF: os.makedirs errors if the leaf exists?
-def makedirs(f):
- try:
- os.makedirs(f)
- except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5
- exc=sys.exc_value
- if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
- pass
- else:
- raise exc
-# This is a fairly peculiar thing to want to do, but our build process
-# creates several apt repositories for each mongo version we build on
-# any given Debian/Ubutnu release. To merge repositories together, we
-# must concatenate the Packages.gz files.
-def merge_directories_concatenating_conflicts (target, sources):
- print sources
- target = dirify(target)
- for source in sources:
- source = dirify(source)
- files = subprocess.Popen(["find", source, "-type", "f"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
- for f in files:
- if f == '':
- continue
- rel = f[len(source):]
- o=target+rel
- makedirs(os.path.dirname(o))
- with open(f) as inh:
- with open(target+rel, "a") as outh:
- outh.write(
-def parse_mongo_version_spec(spec):
- l = spec.split(':')
- if len(l) == 1:
- l+=['','']
- elif len(l) == 2:
- l+=['']
- return l
-def logfh(distro, distro_version, arch):
- prefix = "%s-%s-%s.log." % (distro, distro_version, arch)
- # This is a NamedTemporaryFile mostly so that I can tail(1) them
- # as we go.
- return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+b", -1, prefix=prefix)
-def spawn(distro, distro_version, arch, spec, directory, opts):
- argv = ["python", ""] + opts + [ directory, distro, distro_version, arch ] + [ spec ]
-# cmd = "mkdir -p %s; cd %s; touch foo.deb; echo %s %s %s %s %s | tee Packages " % ( directory, directory, directory, distro, distro_version, arch, mongo_version )
-# print cmd
-# argv = ["sh", "-c", cmd]
- fh = logfh(distro, distro_version, arch)
- print >> fh, "Running %s" % argv
- # it's often handy to be able to run these things at the shell
- # manually. FIXME: this ought to be slightly less than thoroughly
- # ignorant of quoting issues (as is is now).
- print >> fh, " ".join(argv)
- fh.flush()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=None, stdout=fh, stderr=fh)
- return (proc, fh, distro, distro_version, arch, spec)
-def win(name, logfh, winfh):
- print >> winfh, "=== Winner %s ===" % name
- cat(logfh, winfh)
- print >> winfh, "=== End winner %s ===" % name
-def lose(name, logfh, losefh):
- print >> losefh, "=== Loser %s ===" % name
- cat(logfh, losefh)
- print >> losefh, "=== End loser %s ===" % name
-def wait(procs, winfh, losefh, winners, losers):
- print "."
- sys.stdout.flush()
- try:
- (pid, stat) = os.wait()
- except OSError, err:
- print >> sys.stderr, "This shouldn't happen."
- print >> sys.stderr, err
- next
- if pid:
- [tup] = [tup for tup in procs if tup[0].pid == pid]
- (proc, logfh, distro, distro_version, arch, spec) = tup
- procs.remove(tup)
- name = "%s %s %s" % (distro, distro_version, arch)
- if os.WIFEXITED(stat):
- if os.WEXITSTATUS(stat) == 0:
- win(name, logfh, winfh)
- winners.append(name)
- else:
- lose(name, logfh, losefh)
- losers.append(name)
- if os.WIFSIGNALED(stat):
- lose(name, logfh, losefh)
- losers.append(name)
-def __main__():
- # FIXME: getopt & --help.
- print " ".join(sys.argv)
- branches = sys.argv[-1]
- makedistopts = sys.argv[1:-1]
- # Output from goes here.
- outputroot=tempfile.mkdtemp()
- repodir=tempfile.mkdtemp()
- print "makedist output under: %s\ncombined repo: %s\n" % (outputroot, repodir)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Add more dist/version/architecture tuples as they're supported.
- dists = (("ubuntu", "10.10"),
- ("ubuntu", "10.4"),
- ("ubuntu", "9.10"),
- ("ubuntu", "9.4"),
- #("ubuntu", "8.10"),
- ("debian", "5.0"),
- ("centos", "5.4"),
- #("fedora", "12"),
- ("fedora", "13"),
- ("fedora", "14"))
- arches = ("x86", "x86_64")
-# mongos = branches.split(',')
- # Run a makedist for each distro/version/architecture tuple above.
- winners = []
- losers = []
- winfh=tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- losefh=tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- procs = []
- count = 0
- for ((distro, distro_version), arch, spec) in gen([dists, arches, [branches]]):
- # FIXME: no x86 fedoras on RackSpace circa 04/10.
- if distro == "fedora" and arch == "x86":
- continue
- count+=1
- opts = makedistopts
- if distro in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
- outputdir = "%s/deb/%s" % (outputroot, distro)
- elif distro in ["centos", "fedora", "redhat"]:
- outputdir = "%s/rpm/%s/%s/os" % (outputroot, distro, distro_version)
- else:
- raise Exception("unsupported distro %s" % distro)
- #opts += ["--subdirs"]
- procs.append(spawn(distro, distro_version, arch, spec, outputdir, opts))
- if len(procs) == 8:
- wait(procs, winfh, losefh, winners, losers)
- while procs:
- wait(procs, winfh, losefh, winners, losers)
- nwinners=len(winners)
- nlosers=len(losers)
- print "%d winners; %d losers" % (nwinners, nlosers)
- cat(winfh, sys.stdout)
- cat(losefh, sys.stdout)
- print "%d winners; %d losers" % (nwinners, nlosers)
- if count == nwinners + nlosers:
- print "All jobs accounted for"
-# return 0
- else:
- print "Lost some jobs...?"
- return 1
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- # this is sort of ridiculous, but the outputs from rpmbuild look
- # like RPM/<arch>, but the repo wants to look like
- # <arch>/RPM.
- for dist in os.listdir(outputroot+'/rpm'):
- if dist in ["centos", "fedora", "redhat"]:
- distdir="%s/rpm/%s" % (outputroot, dist)
- rpmdirs = subprocess.Popen(["find", distdir, "-type", "d", "-a", "-name", "RPMS"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')[:-1]
- for rpmdir in rpmdirs:
- for arch in os.listdir(rpmdir):
- archdir="%s/../%s" % (rpmdir, arch)
- os.mkdir(archdir)
- os.rename("%s/%s" % (rpmdir, arch), "%s/RPMS" % (archdir,))
- os.rmdir(rpmdir)
- for flavor in os.listdir(outputroot):
- argv=["python", "", flavor, "%s/%s" % (outputroot, flavor), repodir]
- print "running %s" % argv
- print " ".join(argv)
- r = subprocess.Popen(argv).wait()
- if r != 0:
- raise Exception(" exited %d" % r)
- print repodir
- #pushrepo(repodir)
- #shutil.rmtree(outputroot)
- #shutil.rmtree(repodir)
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- __main__()
-# FIXME: this ought to be someplace else.
-# FIXME: remove this comment when the buildbot does this. After this
-# program, run something that amounts to
-# find /tmp/distros -name *.deb -or -name Packages.gz | while read f; do echo "./ $f ${f#/tmp/}"; done
-# where ./ is a trivial s3 put executable in this directory.
-# merge_directories_concatenating_conflicts('/tmp/distros/debian', '/tmp/distros-20100222/debian/HEAD', '/tmp/distros-20100222/debian/r1.3.2','/tmp/distros-20100222/debian/v1.2')
-# merge_directories_concatenating_conflicts('/tmp/distros/ubuntu', '/tmp/distros-20100222/ubuntu/HEAD', '/tmp/distros-20100222/ubuntu/r1.3.2', '/tmp/distros-20100222/ubuntu/v1.2')
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5387c25a0d..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# make a distro package (on an EC2 (or sometimes
-# RackSpace) instance)
-# For ease of use, put a file called someplace in your
-# sys.path, containing something like the following:
-# makedist = {
-# # This gets supplied to EC2 to rig up an ssh key for
-# # the remote user.
-# "ec2_sshkey" : "key-id",
-# # And so we need to tell our ssh processes where to find the
-# # appropriate public key file.
-# "ssh_keyfile" : "/path/to/key-id-file"
-# }
-# Notes: although there is a Python library for accessing EC2 as a web
-# service, it seemed as if it would be less work to just shell out to
-# the three EC2 management tools we use.
-# To make a distribution we must:
-# 1. Fire up an EC2 AMI suitable for building.
-# 2. Get any build-dependencies and configurations onto the remote host.
-# 3. Fetch the mongodb source.
-# 4. Run the package building tools.
-# 5. Save the package archives someplace permanent (eventually we
-# ought to install them into a public repository for the distro).
-# Unimplemented:
-# 6. Fire up an EC2 AMI suitable for testing whether the packages
-# install.
-# 7. Check whether the packages install and run.
-# The implementations of steps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 will depend on the
-# distro of host we're talking to (Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, etc.).
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import signal
-import getopt
-import socket
-import time
-import os.path
-import tempfile
-import string
-import settings
-from libcloud.types import Provider
-from libcloud.providers import get_driver
-from libcloud.drivers.ec2 import EC2NodeDriver, NodeImage
-from libcloud.base import Node, NodeImage, NodeSize, NodeState
-from libcloud.ssh import ParamikoSSHClient
-# For the moment, we don't handle any of the errors we raise, so it
-# suffices to have a simple subclass of Exception that just
-# stringifies according to a desired format.
-class SimpleError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.args = args
- def __str__(self):
- return self.args[0] % self.args[1:]
-class SubcommandError(SimpleError):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.status = args[2]
- super(SubcommandError, self).__init__(*args)
-class BaseConfigurator (object):
- def __init__ (self, **kwargs):
- self.configuration = []
- self.arch=kwargs["arch"]
- self.distro_name=kwargs["distro_name"]
- self.distro_version=kwargs["distro_version"]
- def lookup(self, what, dist, vers, arch):
- for (wht, seq) in self.configuration:
- if what == wht:
- for ((dpat, vpat, apat), payload) in seq:
- # For the moment, our pattern facility is just "*" or exact match.
- if ((dist == dpat or dpat == "*") and
- (vers == vpat or vpat == "*") and
- (arch == apat or apat == "*")):
- return payload
- if getattr(self, what, False):
- return getattr(self, what)
- else:
- raise SimpleError("couldn't find a%s %s configuration for dist=%s, version=%s, arch=%s",
- "n" if ("aeiouAEIOU".find(what[0]) > -1) else "",
- what, dist, vers, arch)
- def default(self, what):
- return self.lookup(what, self.distro_name, self.distro_version, self.arch)
- def findOrDefault(self, dict, what):
- return (dict[what] if what in dict else self.lookup(what, self.distro_name, self.distro_version, self.arch))
-class BaseHostConfigurator (BaseConfigurator):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(BaseHostConfigurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.configuration += [("distro_arch",
- ((("debian", "*", "x86_64"), "amd64"),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "x86_64"), "amd64"),
- (("debian", "*", "x86"), "i386"),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "x86"), "i386"),
- (("centos", "*", "x86_64"), "x86_64"),
- (("fedora", "*", "x86_64"), "x86_64"),
- (("centos", "*", "x86"), "i386"),
- (("fedora", "*", "x86"), "i386"),
- (("*", "*", "x86_64"), "x86_64"),
- (("*", "*", "x86"), "x86"))) ,
- ]
-class LocalHost(object):
- @classmethod
- def runLocally(cls, argv):
- print "running %s" % argv
- r = subprocess.Popen(argv).wait()
- if r != 0:
- raise SubcommandError("subcommand %s exited %d", argv, r)
-class EC2InstanceConfigurator(BaseConfigurator):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(EC2InstanceConfigurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.configuration += [("ec2_ami",
- ((("ubuntu", "10.10", "x86_64"), "ami-688c7801"),
- (("ubuntu", "10.10", "x86"), "ami-1a837773"),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "x86_64"), "ami-bf07ead6"),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "x86"), "ami-f707ea9e"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.10", "x86_64"), "ami-55739e3c"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.10", "x86"), "ami-bb709dd2"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.4", "x86_64"), "ami-eef61587"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.4", "x86"), "ami-ccf615a5"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.10", "x86"), "ami-c0f615a9"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.10", "x86_64"), "ami-e2f6158b"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.4", "x86"), "ami59b35f30"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.4", "x86_64"), "ami-27b35f4e"),
- (("debian", "5.0", "x86"), "ami-dcf615b5"),
- (("debian", "5.0", "x86_64"), "ami-f0f61599"),
- (("centos", "5.4", "x86"), "ami-f8b35e91"),
- (("centos", "5.4", "x86_64"), "ami-ccb35ea5"),
- (("fedora", "8", "x86_64"), "ami-2547a34c"),
- (("fedora", "8", "x86"), "ami-5647a33f"))),
- ("rackspace_imgname",
- ((("fedora", "12", "x86_64"), "Fedora 12"),
- (("fedora", "13", "x86_64"), "Fedora 13"),
- (("fedora", "14", "x86_64"), "Fedora 14"))),
- ("ec2_mtype",
- ((("*", "*", "x86"), "m1.small"),
- (("*", "*", "x86_64"), "m1.large"))),
- ]
-class nodeWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, configurator, **kwargs):
- self.terminate = False if "no_terminate" in kwargs else True
- self.use_internal_name = False
- def getHostname(self):
- internal_name=self.node.private_ip[0]
- public_name=self.node.public_ip[0]
- if not (internal_name or external_name):
- raise Exception('host has no name?')
- if self.use_internal_name:
- # FIXME: by inspection, it seems this is sometimes the
- # empty string. Dunno if that's EC2 or libcloud being
- # stupid, but it's not good.
- if internal_name:
- return internal_name
- else:
- return public_name
- else:
- return public_name
- def initwait(self):
- print "waiting for node to spin up"
- # Wait for EC2 to tell us the node is running.
- while 1:
- n=None
- # EC2 sometimes takes a while to report a node.
- for i in range(6):
- nodes = [n for n in self.list_nodes() if (]
- if len(nodes)>0:
- n=nodes[0]
- break
- else:
- time.sleep(10)
- if not n:
- raise Exception("couldn't find node with id %s" %
- if n.state == NodeState.PENDING:
- time.sleep(10)
- else:
- self.node = n
- break
- print "ok"
- # Now wait for the node's sshd to be accepting connections.
- print "waiting for ssh"
- sshwait = True
- if sshwait == False:
- return
- while sshwait:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- try:
- try:
- s.connect((self.node.public_ip[0], 22))
- sshwait = False
- print "connected on port 22 (ssh)"
- time.sleep(15) # arbitrary timeout, in case the
- # remote sshd is slow.
- except socket.error, err:
- pass
- finally:
- s.close()
- time.sleep(3) # arbitrary timeout
- print "ok"
- def __enter__(self):
- self.start()
- # Note: we don't do an initwait() in __enter__ because if an
- # exception is raised during __enter__, __exit__ doesn't get
- # run (and by inspection RackSpace doesn't let you kill a node
- # that hasn't finished booting yet).
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- self.stop()
- def stop(self):
- if self.terminate:
- print "Destroying node %s" %
- self.node.destroy()
- else:
- print "Not terminating EC2 instance %s." %
- def setup(self):
- pass
-class EC2Instance (nodeWrapper):
- def __init__(self, configurator, **kwargs):
- super(EC2Instance, self).__init__(configurator, **kwargs)
- # Stuff we need to start an instance: AMI name, key and cert
- # files. AMI and mtype default to configuration in this file,
- # but can be overridden.
- self.ec2_ami = configurator.findOrDefault(kwargs, "ec2_ami")
- self.ec2_mtype = configurator.findOrDefault(kwargs, "ec2_mtype")
- self.use_internal_name = True if "use_internal_name" in kwargs else False
- self.ec2_sshkey=kwargs["ec2_sshkey"]
- # FIXME: this needs to be a commandline option
- self.ec2_groups = ["default", "buildbot-slave", "dist-slave"]
- def start(self):
- "Fire up a fresh EC2 instance."
- EC2 = get_driver(Provider.EC2)
- self.driver = EC2NodeDriver(, settings.key)
- image = NodeImage(self.ec2_ami, self.ec2_ami, EC2)
- size = NodeSize(self.ec2_mtype, self.ec2_mtype, None, None, None, None, EC2)
- self.node = self.driver.create_node(image=image, name=self.ec2_ami, size=size, keyname=self.ec2_sshkey, securitygroup=self.ec2_groups)
- print "Created node %s" %
- def list_nodes(self):
- return self.driver.list_nodes()
-class SshConnectionConfigurator (BaseConfigurator):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(SshConnectionConfigurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.configuration += [("ssh_login",
- # FLAW: this actually depends more on the AMI
- # than the triple.
- ((("debian", "*", "*"), "root"),
- (("ubuntu", "10.10", "*"), "ubuntu"),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "*"), "ubuntu"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.10", "*"), "ubuntu"),
- (("ubuntu", "9.4", "*"), "root"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.10", "*"), "root"),
- (("ubuntu", "8.4", "*"), "ubuntu"),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"), "root"),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), "root"))),
- ]
-class SshConnection (object):
- def __init__(self, configurator, **kwargs):
- # Stuff we need to talk to the thing properly
- self.ssh_login = configurator.findOrDefault(kwargs, "ssh_login")
- self.ssh_host = kwargs["ssh_host"]
- self.ssh_keyfile=kwargs["ssh_keyfile"]
- # Gets set to False when we think we can ssh in.
- self.sshwait = True
- def initSsh(self):
- ctlpath="/tmp/ec2-ssh-%s-%s-%s" % (self.ssh_host, self.ssh_login, os.getpid())
- argv = ["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no",
- "-M", "-o", "ControlPath %s" % ctlpath,
- "-v", "-l", self.ssh_login, "-i", self.ssh_keyfile,
- self.ssh_host]
- print "Setting up ssh master connection with %s" % argv
- self.sshproc = subprocess.Popen(argv)
- self.ctlpath = ctlpath
- def __enter__(self):
- self.initSsh()
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
- self.sshproc.wait()
- def runRemotely(self, argv):
- """Run a command on the host."""
- LocalHost.runLocally(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no",
- "-S", self.ctlpath,
- "-l", self.ssh_login,
- "-i", self.ssh_keyfile,
- self.ssh_host] + argv)
- def sendFiles(self, files):
- for (localfile, remotefile) in files:
- LocalHost.runLocally(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no",
- "-o", "ControlMaster auto",
- "-o", "ControlPath %s" % self.ctlpath,
- "-i", self.ssh_keyfile,
- "-rv", localfile,
- self.ssh_login + "@" + self.ssh_host + ":" +
- ("" if remotefile is None else remotefile) ])
- def recvFiles(self, files):
- for (remotefile, localfile) in files:
- LocalHost.runLocally(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no",
- "-o", "ControlMaster auto",
- "-o", "ControlPath %s" % self.ctlpath,
- "-i", self.ssh_keyfile,
- "-rv",
- self.ssh_login + "@" + self.ssh_host +
- ":" + remotefile,
- "." if localfile is None else localfile ])
-class ScriptFileConfigurator (BaseConfigurator):
- deb_productdir = "dists"
- rpm_productdir = "/usr/src/redhat/RPMS" # FIXME: this could be
- # ~/redhat/RPMS or
- # something elsewhere
- preamble_commands = """
-set -x # verbose execution, for debugging
-set -e # errexit, stop on errors
- # Strictly speaking, we don't need to mangle debian files on rpm
- # systems (and vice versa), but (a) it doesn't hurt anything to do
- # so, and (b) mangling files the same way everywhere could
- # conceivably help uncover bugs in the hideous hideous sed
- # programs we're running here. (N.B., for POSIX wonks: POSIX sed
- # doesn't support either in-place file editing, which we use
- # below. So if we end up wanting to run these mangling commands
- # e.g., on a BSD, we'll need to make them fancier.)
- mangle_files_commands ="""
-# On debianoids, the package names in the changelog and control file
-# must agree, and only files in a subdirectory of debian/ matching the
-# package name will get included in the .deb, so we also have to mangle
-# the rules file.
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i '1s/.*([^)]*)/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix} ({pkg_version})/' debian/changelog ) || exit 1
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's/^Source:.*/Source: {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}/;
-s/^Package:.*mongodb/Package: {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}\\
-Conflicts: {pkg_name_conflicts}/' debian/control; ) || exit 1
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's|$(CURDIR)/debian/mongodb/|$(CURDIR)/debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}/|g' debian/rules) || exit 1
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's|debian/mongodb.manpages|debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}.manpages|g' debian/rules) || exit 1
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i '/^Name:/s/.*/Name: {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}\\
-Conflicts: {pkg_name_conflicts}/; /^Version:/s/.*/Version: {pkg_version}/; /Requires.*mongo/s/mongo/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}/;' rpm/mongo.spec )
-# Debian systems require some ridiculous workarounds to get an init
-# script at /etc/init.d/mongodb when the packge name isn't the init
-# script name. Note: dh_installinit --name won't work, because that
-# option would require the init script under debian/ to be named
-# mongodb.
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" &&
-ln debian/init.d debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}.mongodb.init &&
-ln debian/mongodb.upstart debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}.mongodb.upstart &&
-sed -i 's/dh_installinit/dh_installinit --name=mongodb/' debian/rules) || exit 1
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && cat debian/rules)
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && cat rpm/mongo.spec)
- # If we're just packaging up nightlies, do this:
- nightly_build_mangle_files="""
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i '/scons[[:space:]]*$/d; s^scons.*install^mkdir -p debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix} \&\& wget{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz \&\& tar xzvf mongodb-linux-{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz \&\& find `tar tzf mongodb-linux-{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz | sed "s|/.*||" | sort -u | head -n1` -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -n1 -IARG mv -v ARG debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}/usr \&\& (rm debian/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}/usr/bin/mongosniff || true)^' debian/rules)
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's/^BuildRequires:.*//; s/scons.*\ -c//; s/scons.*\ all//; s^scons.*install^(mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr ; cd /tmp \&\& curl{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz > mongodb-linux-{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz \&\& tar xzvf mongodb-linux-{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz \&\& find `tar tzf mongodb-linux-{mongo_arch}-{mongo_pub_version}.tgz | sed "s|/.*||" | sort -u | head -n1` -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -n1 -IARG cp -pRv ARG $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \&\& (rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/mongosniff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib64/libmongoclient.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/libmongoclient.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/mongo || true))^' rpm/mongo.spec)
-# Upstream nightlies no longer contain libmongoclient.
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i '/%package devel/{{N;N;d;}}; /%description devel/{{N;N;N;N;N;d;}}; /%files devel/{{N;N;N;d;}};' rpm/mongo.spec )
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && cat debian/rules)
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && cat rpm/mongo.spec)
-#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/libmongoclient.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib64/libmongoclient.a
- mangle_files_for_new_deb_xulrunner_commands = """
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's/xulrunner-dev/xulrunner-1.9.2-dev/g' debian/control )
- mangle_files_for_ancient_redhat_commands = """
-# Ancient RedHats ship with very old boosts and non-UTF8-aware js
-# libraries, so we need to link statically to those.
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && sed -i 's|^scons.*((inst)all)|scons --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr --extralib=nspr4 --staticlib=boost_system-mt,boost_thread-mt,boost_filesystem-mt,boost_program_options-mt,js $1|' rpm/mongo.spec )
- deb_prereq_commands = """
-# Configure debconf to never prompt us for input.
-export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
-apt-get update
-apt-get install -y {pkg_prereq_str}
- deb_build_commands="""
-mkdir -p "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/binary-{distro_arch}"
-mkdir -p "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/source"
-( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}"; debuild ) || exit 1
-# Try installing it
-dpkg -i {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.deb
-ps ax | grep mongo || {{ echo "no running mongo" >/dev/stderr; exit 1; }}
-dpkg --remove $(for f in {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.deb ; do echo ${{f%%_*}}; done)
-dpkg --purge $(for f in {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.deb ; do echo ${{f%%_*}}; done)
-cp {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.deb "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/binary-{distro_arch}"
-cp {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.dsc "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/source"
-cp {pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}*.tar.gz "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/source"
-dpkg-scanpackages "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/binary-{distro_arch}" /dev/null | gzip -9c > "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/binary-{distro_arch}/Packages.gz"
-dpkg-scansources "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/source" /dev/null | gzip -9c > "{pkg_product_dir}/{distro_version}/10gen/source/Sources.gz"
- centos_prereq_commands = """
-rpm -Uvh{distro_arch}/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
-yum -y install {pkg_prereq_str}
- fedora_prereq_commands = """
-#rpm -Uvh{distro_arch}/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
-yum -y install {pkg_prereq_str}
- rpm_build_commands="""
-for d in BUILD BUILDROOT RPMS SOURCES SPECS SRPMS; do mkdir -p {rpmbuild_dir}/$d; done
-cp -v "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}/rpm/mongo.spec" {rpmbuild_dir}/SPECS/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}.spec
-tar -cpzf {rpmbuild_dir}/SOURCES/"{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}".tar.gz "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}"
-rpmbuild -ba --target={distro_arch} {rpmbuild_dir}/SPECS/{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}.spec
-# FIXME: should install the rpms, check if mongod is running.
- # FIXME: this is clean, but adds 40 minutes or so to the build process.
- old_rpm_precommands = """
-yum install -y bzip2-devel python-devel libicu-devel chrpath zlib-devel nspr-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel
-# FIXME: this is just some random URL found on rpmfind some day in 01/2010.
-rpm -ivh js-1.70-8.el5.src.rpm
-sed -i 's/XCFLAGS.*$/XCFLAGS=\"%{{optflags}} -fPIC -DJS_C_STRINGS_ARE_UTF8\" \\\\/' /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/js.spec
-rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/js.spec
-rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/{distro_arch}/js-1.70-8.{distro_arch}.rpm
-rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/{distro_arch}/js-devel-1.70-8.{distro_arch}.rpm
-# FIXME: this is just some random URL found on rpmfind some day in 01/2010.
-rpm -ivh boost-1.38.0-1.fc10.src.rpm
-rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/boost.spec
-rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/{distro_arch}/boost-1.38.0-1.{distro_arch}.rpm
-rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/{distro_arch}/boost-devel-1.38.0-1.{distro_arch}.rpm
- # This horribleness is an attempt to work around ways that you're
- # not really meant to package things for Debian unless you are
- # Debian.
- # On very old Debianoids, libboost-<foo>-dev will be some old
- # boost that's not as thready as we want, but which Eliot says
- # will work; on very new Debianoids, libbost-<foo>-dev is what we
- # want.
- unversioned_deb_boost_prereqs = ["libboost-thread-dev", "libboost-filesystem-dev", "libboost-program-options-dev", "libboost-date-time-dev", "libboost-dev"]
- # On some in-between Debianoids, libboost-<foo>-dev is still a
- # 1.34, but 1.35 packages are available, so we want those.
- versioned_deb_boost_prereqs = ["libboost-thread1.35-dev", "libboost-filesystem1.35-dev", "libboost-program-options1.35-dev", "libboost-date-time1.35-dev", "libboost1.35-dev"]
- new_versioned_deb_boost_prereqs = ["libboost-thread1.42-dev", "libboost-filesystem1.42-dev", "libboost-program-options1.42-dev", "libboost-date-time1.42-dev", "libboost1.42-dev"]
- unversioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs = ["xulrunner-dev"]
- old_versioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs = ["xulrunner-1.9-dev"]
- new_versioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs = ["xulrunner-1.9.2-dev"]
- common_deb_prereqs = [ "build-essential", "dpkg-dev", "libreadline-dev", "libpcap-dev", "libpcre3-dev", "git-core", "scons", "debhelper", "devscripts", "git-core" ]
- centos_preqres = ["js-devel", "readline-devel", "pcre-devel", "gcc-c++", "scons", "rpm-build", "git" ]
- fedora_prereqs = ["js-devel", "readline-devel", "pcre-devel", "gcc-c++", "scons", "rpm-build", "git", "curl" ]
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(ScriptFileConfigurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- # FIXME: this method is disabled until we get back around to
- # actually building from source.
- if None: # kwargs["mongo_version"][0] == 'r':
- self.get_mongo_commands = """
-wget -Otarball.tgz "{mongo_version}";
-tar xzf tarball.tgz
-mv "`tar tzf tarball.tgz | sed 's|/.*||' | sort -u | head -n1`" "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}"
- else:
- self.get_mongo_commands = """
-git clone git://
- # This is disabled for the moment. it's for building the
- # tip of some versioned branch.
- if None: #kwargs['mongo_version'][0] == 'v':
- self.get_mongo_commands +="""
-( cd mongo && git archive --prefix="{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}/" "`git log origin/{mongo_version} | sed -n '1s/^commit //p;q'`" ) | tar xf -
- else:
- self.get_mongo_commands += """
-( cd mongo && git archive --prefix="{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}/" "{mongo_version}" ) | tar xf -
- if "local_mongo_dir" in kwargs:
- self.mangle_files_commands = """( cd "{pkg_name}{pkg_name_suffix}-{pkg_version}" && rm -rf debian rpm && cp -pvR ~/pkg/* . )
-""" + self.mangle_files_commands
- self.configuration += [("pkg_product_dir",
- ((("ubuntu", "*", "*"), self.deb_productdir),
- (("debian", "*", "*"), self.deb_productdir),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"), "~/rpmbuild/RPMS"),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), "/usr/src/redhat/RPMS"))),
- ("pkg_prereqs",
- ((("ubuntu", "9.4", "*"),
- self.versioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.unversioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("ubuntu", "9.10", "*"),
- self.unversioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.unversioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("ubuntu", "10.10", "*"),
- self.new_versioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.new_versioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "*"),
- self.unversioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.new_versioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("ubuntu", "8.10", "*"),
- self.versioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.unversioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("ubuntu", "8.4", "*"),
- self.unversioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.old_versioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("debian", "5.0", "*"),
- self.versioned_deb_boost_prereqs + self.unversioned_deb_xulrunner_prereqs + self.common_deb_prereqs),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"),
- self.fedora_prereqs),
- (("centos", "5.4", "*"),
- self.centos_preqres))),
- # FIXME: this is deprecated
- ("commands",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"),
- self.deb_prereq_commands + self.get_mongo_commands + self.mangle_files_commands + self.deb_build_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "*"),
- self.preamble_commands + self.deb_prereq_commands + self.get_mongo_commands + self.mangle_files_commands + self.mangle_files_for_new_deb_xulrunner_commands + self.deb_build_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"),
- self.preamble_commands + self.deb_prereq_commands + self.get_mongo_commands + self.mangle_files_commands + self.deb_build_commands),
- (("centos", "*", "*"),
- self.preamble_commands + self.old_rpm_precommands + self.centos_prereq_commands + self.get_mongo_commands + self.mangle_files_commands + self.mangle_files_for_ancient_redhat_commands + self.rpm_build_commands),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"),
- self.preamble_commands + self.old_rpm_precommands + self.fedora_prereq_commands + self.get_mongo_commands + self.mangle_files_commands + self.rpm_build_commands))),
- ("preamble_commands",
- ((("*", "*", "*"), self.preamble_commands),
- )),
- ("install_prereqs",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"), self.deb_prereq_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"), self.deb_prereq_commands),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), self.centos_prereq_commands),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"), self.fedora_prereq_commands))),
- ("get_mongo",
- ((("*", "*", "*"), self.get_mongo_commands),
- )),
- ("mangle_mongo",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"), self.mangle_files_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "10.10", "*"),
- self.mangle_files_commands + self.mangle_files_for_new_deb_xulrunner_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "10.4", "*"),
- self.mangle_files_commands + self.mangle_files_for_new_deb_xulrunner_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"), self.mangle_files_commands),
- (("centos", "*", "*"),
- self.mangle_files_commands + self.mangle_files_for_ancient_redhat_commands),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"),
- self.mangle_files_commands))),
- ("build_prerequisites",
- ((("fedora", "*", "*"), self.old_rpm_precommands),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), self.old_rpm_precommands),
- (("*", "*", "*"), ''))),
- ("install_for_packaging",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"),""),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"),""),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"), ""),
- (("centos", "*", "*"),""))),
- ("build_package",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"),
- self.deb_build_commands),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"),
- self.deb_build_commands),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"),
- self.rpm_build_commands),
- (("centos", "*", "*"),
- self.rpm_build_commands))),
- ("pkg_name",
- ((("debian", "*", "*"), "mongodb"),
- (("ubuntu", "*", "*"), "mongodb"),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), "mongo"),
- (("fedora", "*", "*"), "mongo"))),
- # FIXME: there should be a command-line argument for this.
- ("pkg_name_conflicts",
- ((("*", "*", "*"), ["", "-stable", "-unstable", "-snapshot", "-oldstable"]),
- )),
- ("rpmbuild_dir",
- ((("fedora", "*", "*"), "~/rpmbuild"),
- (("centos", "*", "*"), "/usr/src/redhat"),
- (("*", "*","*"), ''),
- )),
- ]
-class ScriptFile(object):
- def __init__(self, configurator, **kwargs):
- self.configurator = configurator
- self.mongo_version_spec = kwargs['mongo_version_spec']
- self.mongo_arch = kwargs["arch"] if kwargs["arch"] == "x86_64" else "i686"
- self.pkg_prereqs = configurator.default("pkg_prereqs")
- self.pkg_name = configurator.default("pkg_name")
- self.pkg_product_dir = configurator.default("pkg_product_dir")
- #self.formatter = configurator.default("commands")
- self.distro_name = configurator.default("distro_name")
- self.distro_version = configurator.default("distro_version")
- self.distro_arch = configurator.default("distro_arch")
- def bogoformat(self, fmt, **kwargs):
- r = ''
- i = 0
- while True:
- c = fmt[i]
- if c in '{}':
- i+=1
- c2=fmt[i]
- if c2 == c:
- r+=c
- else:
- j=i
- while True:
- p=fmt[j:].find('}')
- if p == -1:
- raise Exception("malformed format string starting at %d: no closing brace" % i)
- else:
- j+=p
- if len(fmt) > (j+1) and fmt[j+1]=='}':
- j+=2
- else:
- break
- key = fmt[i:j]
- r+=kwargs[key]
- i=j
- else:
- r+=c
- i+=1
- if i==len(fmt):
- return r
- def fmt(self, formatter, **kwargs):
- try:
- return string.Formatter.format(formatter, kwargs)
- finally:
- return self.bogoformat(formatter, **kwargs)
- def genscript(self):
- script=''
- formatter = self.configurator.default("preamble_commands") + self.configurator.default("install_prereqs")
- script+=self.fmt(formatter,
- distro_name=self.distro_name,
- distro_version=self.distro_version,
- distro_arch=self.distro_arch,
- pkg_name=self.pkg_name,
- pkg_product_dir=self.pkg_product_dir,
- mongo_arch=self.mongo_arch,
- pkg_prereq_str=" ".join(self.pkg_prereqs),
- )
- specs=self.mongo_version_spec.split(',')
- for spec in specs:
- (version, pkg_name_suffix, pkg_version) = parse_mongo_version_spec(spec)
- mongo_version = version if version[0] != 'n' else ('HEAD' if version == 'nlatest' else 'r'+version[1:]) #'HEAD'
- mongo_pub_version = version.lstrip('n') if version[0] in 'n' else 'latest'
- pkg_name_suffix = pkg_name_suffix if pkg_name_suffix else ''
- pkg_version = pkg_version
- pkg_name_conflicts = list(self.configurator.default("pkg_name_conflicts") if pkg_name_suffix else [])
- pkg_name_conflicts.remove(pkg_name_suffix) if pkg_name_suffix and pkg_name_suffix in pkg_name_conflicts else []
- formatter = self.configurator.default("get_mongo") + self.configurator.default("mangle_mongo") + (self.configurator.nightly_build_mangle_files if version[0] == 'n' else '') +(self.configurator.default("build_prerequisites") if version[0] != 'n' else '') + self.configurator.default("install_for_packaging") + self.configurator.default("build_package")
- script+=self.fmt(formatter,
- mongo_version=mongo_version,
- distro_name=self.distro_name,
- distro_version=self.distro_version,
- distro_arch=self.distro_arch,
- pkg_prereq_str=" ".join(self.pkg_prereqs),
- pkg_name=self.pkg_name,
- pkg_name_suffix=pkg_name_suffix,
- pkg_version=pkg_version,
- pkg_product_dir=self.pkg_product_dir,
- # KLUDGE: rpm specs and deb
- # control files use
- # comma-separated conflicts,
- # but there's no reason to
- # suppose this works elsewhere
- pkg_name_conflicts = ", ".join([self.pkg_name+conflict for conflict in pkg_name_conflicts]),
- mongo_arch=self.mongo_arch,
- mongo_pub_version=mongo_pub_version,
- rpmbuild_dir=self.configurator.default('rpmbuild_dir'))
- script+='rm -rf mongo'
- return script
- def __enter__(self):
- self.localscript=None
- # One of tempfile or I is very stupid.
- (fh, name) = tempfile.mkstemp('', "makedist.", ".")
- try:
- pass
- finally:
- os.close(fh)
- with open(name, 'w+') as fh:
- fh.write(self.genscript())
- self.localscript=name
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- if self.localscript:
- os.unlink(self.localscript)
-class Configurator(SshConnectionConfigurator, EC2InstanceConfigurator, ScriptFileConfigurator, BaseHostConfigurator):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(Configurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-class rackspaceInstance(nodeWrapper):
- def __init__(self, configurator, **kwargs):
- super(rackspaceInstance, self).__init__(configurator, **kwargs)
- self.imgname=configurator.default('rackspace_imgname')
- def start(self):
- driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE)
- self.conn = driver(settings.rackspace_account, settings.rackspace_api_key)
- name=self.imgname+'-'+str(os.getpid())
- images=filter(lambda x: ( > -1), self.conn.list_images())
- sizes=self.conn.list_sizes()
- sizes.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: int(x.ram)<int(y.ram))
- node = None
- if len(images) > 1:
- raise Exception("too many images with \"%s\" in the name" % self.imgname)
- if len(images) < 1:
- raise Exception("too few images with \"%s\" in the name" % self.imgname)
- image = images[0]
- self.node = self.conn.create_node(image=image, name=name, size=sizes[0])
- # Note: the password is available only in the response to the
- # create_node request, not in subsequent list_nodes()
- # requests; so although the node objects we get back from
- # list_nodes() are usuable for most things, we must hold onto
- # the initial password.
- self.password = self.node.extra['password']
- print self.node
- def list_nodes(self):
- return self.conn.list_nodes()
- def setup(self):
- self.putSshKey()
- def putSshKey(self):
- keyfile=settings.makedist['ssh_keyfile']
- ssh = ParamikoSSHClient(hostname = self.node.public_ip[0], password = self.password)
- ssh.connect()
- print "putting ssh public key"
- ssh.put(".ssh/authorized_keys", contents=open(keyfile+'.pub').read(), chmod=0600)
- print "ok"
-def parse_mongo_version_spec (spec):
- foo = spec.split(":")
- mongo_version = foo[0] # this can be a commit id, a
- # release id "r1.2.2", or a branch name
- # starting with v.
- if len(foo) > 1:
- pkg_name_suffix = foo[1]
- if len(foo) > 2 and foo[2]:
- pkg_version = foo[2]
- else:
- pkg_version = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
- if not pkg_name_suffix:
- if mongo_version[0] in ["r", "v"]:
- nums = mongo_version.split(".")
- if int(nums[1]) % 2 == 0:
- pkg_name_suffix = "-stable"
- else:
- pkg_name_suffix = "-unstable"
- else:
- pkg_name_suffix = ""
- return (mongo_version, pkg_name_suffix, pkg_version)
-def main():
-# checkEnvironment()
- (kwargs, args) = processArguments()
- (rootdir, distro_name, distro_version, arch, mongo_version_spec) = args[:5]
- # FIXME: there are a few other characters that we can't use in
- # file names on Windows, in case this program really needs to run
- # there.
- distro_name = distro_name.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')
- distro_version = distro_version.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')
- arch = arch.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')
- try:
- import settings
- if "makedist" in dir ( settings ):
- for key in ["ec2_sshkey", "ssh_keyfile", "gpg_homedir" ]:
- if key not in kwargs and key in settings.makedist:
- kwargs[key] = settings.makedist[key]
- except Exception, err:
- print "No settings: %s. Continuing anyway..." % err
- pass
- kwargs["distro_name"] = distro_name
- kwargs["distro_version"] = distro_version
- kwargs["arch"] = arch
- kwargs['mongo_version_spec'] = mongo_version_spec
- kwargs["localdir"] = rootdir
- # FIXME: this should also include the mongo version or something.
-# if "subdirs" in kwargs:
-# kwargs["localdir"] = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (rootdir, distro_name, distro_version, arch, kwargs["mongo_version"])
-# else:
- kwargs['gpg_homedir'] = kwargs["gpg_homedir"] if "gpg_homedir" in kwargs else os.path.expanduser("~/.gnupg")
- configurator = Configurator(**kwargs)
- LocalHost.runLocally(["mkdir", "-p", kwargs["localdir"]])
- with ScriptFile(configurator, **kwargs) as script:
- with open(script.localscript) as f:
- print """# Going to run the following on a fresh AMI:"""
- print
- time.sleep(10)
- # FIXME: it's not the best to have two different pathways for
- # the different hosting services, but...
- with EC2Instance(configurator, **kwargs) if kwargs['distro_name'] != 'fedora' else rackspaceInstance(configurator, **kwargs) as host:
- host.initwait()
- host.setup()
- kwargs["ssh_host"] = host.getHostname()
- with SshConnection(configurator, **kwargs) as ssh:
- ssh.runRemotely(["uname -a; ls /"])
- ssh.runRemotely(["mkdir", "pkg"])
- if "local_mongo_dir" in kwargs:
- ssh.sendFiles([(kwargs["local_mongo_dir"]+'/'+d, "pkg") for d in ["rpm", "debian"]])
- ssh.sendFiles([(kwargs['gpg_homedir'], ".gnupg")])
- ssh.sendFiles([(script.localscript, "")])
- ssh.runRemotely((["sudo"] if ssh.ssh_login != "root" else [])+ ["sh", ""])
- ssh.recvFiles([(script.pkg_product_dir, kwargs['localdir'])])
-def processArguments():
- # flagspec [ (short, long, argument?, description, argname)* ]
- flagspec = [ ("?", "usage", False, "Print a (useless) usage message", None),
- ("h", "help", False, "Print a help message and exit", None),
- ("N", "no-terminate", False, "Leave the EC2 instance running at the end of the job", None),
- ("S", "subdirs", False, "Create subdirectories of the output directory based on distro name, version, and architecture", None),
- ("I", "use-internal-name", False, "Use the EC2 internal hostname for sshing", None),
- (None, "gpg-homedir", True, "Local directory of gpg junk", "STRING"),
- (None, "local-mongo-dir", True, "Copy packaging files from local mongo checkout", "DIRECTORY"),
- ]
- shortopts = "".join([t[0] + (":" if t[2] else "") for t in flagspec if t[0] is not None])
- longopts = [t[1] + ("=" if t[2] else "") for t in flagspec]
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts)
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print str(err)
- sys.exit(2)
- # Normalize the getopt-parsed options.
- kwargs = {}
- for (opt, arg) in opts:
- flag = opt
- opt = opt.lstrip("-")
- if flag[:2] == '--': #long opt
- kwargs[opt.replace('-', '_')] = arg
- elif flag[:1] == "-": #short opt
- ok = False
- for tuple in flagspec:
- if tuple[0] == opt:
- ok = True
- kwargs[tuple[1].replace('-', '_')] = arg
- break
- if not ok:
- raise SimpleError("this shouldn't happen: unrecognized option flag: %s", opt)
- else:
- raise SimpleError("this shouldn't happen: non-option returned from getopt()")
- if "help" in kwargs:
- print """Build some packages on new EC2 AMI instances, leave packages under DIRECTORY.
-MONGO-VERSION-SPEC has the syntax
-Commit(:Pkg-Name-Suffix(:Pkg-Version)). If Commit starts with an 'r',
-build from a tagged release; if Commit starts with an 'n', package up
-a nightly build; if Commit starts with a 'v', build from the HEAD of a
-version branch; otherwise, build whatever git commit is identified by
-Commit. Pkg-Name-Suffix gets appended to the package name, and
-defaults to "-stable" and "-unstable" if Commit looks like it
-designates a stable or unstable release/branch, respectively.
-Pkg-Version is used as the package version, and defaults to YYYYMMDD.
- HEAD # build a snapshot of HEAD, name the package
- # "mongodb", use YYYYMMDD for the version
- HEAD:-snap # build a snapshot of HEAD, name the package
- # "mongodb-snap", use YYYYMMDD for the version
- HEAD:-snap:123 # build a snapshot of HEAD, name the package
- # "mongodb-snap", use 123 for the version
- HEAD:-suffix:1.3 # build a snapshot of HEAD, name the package
- # "mongodb-snapshot", use "1.3 for the version
- r1.2.3 # build a package of the 1.2.3 release, call it "mongodb-stable",
- # make the package version YYYYMMDD.
- v1.2:-stable: # build a package of the HEAD of the 1.2 branch
- decafbad:-foo:123 # build git commit "decafbad", call the package
- # "mongodb-foo" with package version 123.
- for t in flagspec:
- print "%-20s\t%s." % ("%4s--%s%s:" % ("-%s, " % t[0] if t[0] else "", t[1], ("="+t[4]) if t[4] else ""), t[3])
- print """
-Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for short
- sys.exit(0)
- if "usage" in kwargs:
- sys.exit(0)
- return (kwargs, args)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
-# Examples:
-# ./ /tmp/ubuntu ubuntu 8.10 x86_64 HEAD:-snapshot,v1.4:-stable,v1.5:-unstable
-# ./ /tmp/ubuntu ubuntu 8.10 x86_64 nlatest:-snapshot,n1.4.2:-stable,n1.5.0:-unstable
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 028b6e2493b..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from libcloud.types import Provider
-from libcloud.providers import get_driver
-from libcloud.drivers.ec2 import EC2NodeDriver, NodeImage
-from libcloud.base import Node, NodeImage, NodeSize, NodeState
-# libcloud's SSH client seems to be one of those pointless wrappers
-# that (at the moment) both doesn't add anything to the thing it wraps
-# (Paramiko) and also fails to expose the underlying thing's features.
-# What's wrong with people?
-#from libcloud.ssh import SSHClient
-import time
-import sys
-import settings
-import subprocess
-import os
-import socket
-EC2 = get_driver(Provider.EC2)
-EC2Driver=EC2NodeDriver(, settings.key)
-def tryEC2():
- image=NodeImage('ami-bf07ead6', 'ubuntu 10.4', EC2)
- size=NodeSize('m1.large', 'large', None, None, None, None, EC2)
- node = None
- try:
- node = EC2Driver.create_node(image=image, name="ubuntu-test", size=size, keyname="kp1", securitygroup=['default', 'dist-slave', 'buildbot-slave'])
- print node
- print
- while node.state == NodeState.PENDING:
- time.sleep(3)
- finally:
- if node:
- node.destroy()
-class node(object):
- def initWait(self):
- while 1:
- n=None
- # EC2 sometimes takes a while to report a node.
- for i in range(6):
- nodes = [n for n in self.list_nodes() if (]
- if len(nodes)>0:
- n=nodes[0]
- break
- else:
- time.sleep(10)
- if not n:
- raise Exception("couldn't find node with id %s" %
- if n.state == NodeState.PENDING:
- time.sleep(10)
- else:
- self.node = n
- break
- print "ok"
- # Now wait for the node's sshd to be accepting connections.
- print "waiting for ssh"
- sshwait = True
- if sshwait == False:
- return
- while sshwait:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- try:
- try:
- s.connect((self.node.public_ip[0], 22))
- sshwait = False
- print "connected on port 22 (ssh)"
- time.sleep(15) # arbitrary timeout, in case the
- # remote sshd is slow.
- except socket.error, err:
- pass
- finally:
- s.close()
- time.sleep(3) # arbitrary timeout
- print "ok"
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, arg0, arg1, arg2):
- print "shutting down node %s" % self.node
- self.node.destroy()
-# I don't think libcloud's Nodes implement __enter__ and __exit__, and
-# I like the with statement for ensuring that we don't leak nodes when
-# we don't have to.
-class ec2node(node):
- def list_nodes(self):
- return EC2Driver.list_nodes()
-class ubuntuNode(ec2node):
- def __init__(self):
- image=NodeImage('ami-bf07ead6', 'ubuntu 10.4', EC2)
- size=NodeSize('m1.large', 'large', None, None, None, None, EC2)
- self.node = EC2Driver.create_node(image=image, name="ubuntu-test", size=size, securitygroup=['default', 'dist-slave', 'buildbot-slave'], keyname='kp1')
-class centosNode(ec2node):
- def __init__(self):
- image=NodeImage('ami-ccb35ea5', 'ubuntu 10.4', EC2)
- size=NodeSize('m1.large', 'large', None, None, None, None, EC2)
- self.node = EC2Driver.create_node(image=image, name="ubuntu-test", size=size, securitygroup=['default', 'dist-slave', 'buildbot-slave'], keyname='kp1')
-class rackspaceNode(node):
- def list_nodes(self):
- self.conn.list_nodes()
-class fedora11Node(rackspaceNode):
- def __init__(self):
- driver = get_driver(Provider.RACKSPACE)
- self.conn = driver(settings.rackspace_account, settings.rackspace_api_key)
- string='Fedora 11'
- images=filter(lambda x: ( > -1), self.conn.list_images())
- sizes=self.conn.list_sizes()
- sizes.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: int(x.ram)<int(y.ram))
- node = None
- if len(images) != 1:
- raise "too many images with \"%s\" in the name" % string
- image = images[0]
- self.node = self.conn.create_node(image=image, name=string, size=sizes[0])
- print self.node
- self.password = self.node.extra['password']
-class Err(Exception):
- pass
-def merge_yum_repo(dir, outdir):
- dirtail=dir.rstrip('\/').split('/')[-1]
- keyfile=settings.makedist['ssh_keyfile']
- makeyumrepo="""find . -name RPMS | while read dir; do (cd $dir/.. && createrepo .); done"""
- with centosNode() as centos:
- centos.initWait()
- print centos.node
- run_for_effect(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "-r", dir, "root@"+centos.node.public_ip[0]+":"])
- run_for_effect(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "root@"+centos.node.public_ip[0], "cd ./" + dirtail + " && " + makeyumrepo])
- run_for_effect(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no", "-i", keyfile, "-r", "root@"+centos.node.public_ip[0]+":./"+dirtail +'/*', outdir])
-def merge_apt_repo(dir, outdir):
- dirtail=dir.rstrip('\/').split('/')[-1]
- gpgdir=settings.makedist['gpg_homedir']
- keyfile=settings.makedist['ssh_keyfile']
- makeaptrepo="""for x in debian ubuntu; do (cd $x; for d in `find . -name *.deb | sed 's|^./||; s|/[^/]*$||' | sort -u`; do dpkg-scanpackages $d > $d/Packages; gzip -9c $d/Packages > $d/Packages.gz; done) ; done"""
- makereleaseprologue="""Origin: 10gen
-Label: 10gen
-Suite: 10gen
-Codename: VVVVVV
-Version: VVVVVV
-Architectures: i386 amd64
-Components: 10gen
-Description: 10gen packages"""
- makeaptrelease="""find . -maxdepth 3 -mindepth 3 | while read d; do ( cd $d && (echo '%s' | sed s/VVVVVV/$(basename $(pwd))/; apt-ftparchive release .) > /tmp/Release && mv /tmp/Release . && gpg -r `gpg --list-keys | grep uid | awk '{print $(NF)}'` --no-secmem-warning --no-tty -abs --output Release.gpg Release ); done""" % makereleaseprologue
- with ubuntuNode() as ubuntu:
- ubuntu.initWait()
- print ubuntu.node
- run_for_effect(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0], "sudo", "sh", "-c", "\"export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get update; apt-get -y install debhelper\""])
- run_for_effect(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "-r", dir, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0]+":"])
- run_for_effect(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "-r", gpgdir, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0]+":.gnupg"])
- run_for_effect(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0], "sh", "-c", "\"ls -lR ./" + dirtail + "\""])
- run_for_effect(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0], "cd ./"+dirtail + " && " + makeaptrepo])
- run_for_effect(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no","-i", keyfile, "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0], "cd ./"+dirtail + " && " + makeaptrelease])
- run_for_effect(["scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking no", "-i", keyfile, "-r", "ubuntu@"+ubuntu.node.public_ip[0]+":./"+dirtail +'/*', outdir])
-def run_for_effect(argv):
- print " ".join(argv)
- r=subprocess.Popen(argv).wait()
- if r!=0:
- raise Err("subprocess %s exited %d" % (argv, r))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- (flavor, dir, outdir) = sys.argv[-3:]
- if flavor == "deb":
- merge_apt_repo(dir, outdir)
- elif flavor == "rpm":
- merge_yum_repo(dir, outdir)
- else:
- Err("unknown pkg flavor %s" % flavor)
- # TODO: yum repositories
- #main()
- #tryRackSpace()