path: root/jstests/aggregation
diff options
authorsamontea <>2021-08-18 15:38:39 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-08-18 16:32:30 +0000
commitca088c270c1b511c342a1366d4b296b3c98774f0 (patch)
treee3260b3b1669d1a5db3f91f0ed2a4df81b5257d8 /jstests/aggregation
parent01fb3fac6dbf5a6566e0ce6cf5218d4274df19f1 (diff)
SERVER-57334 Create desugaring namespace for DocumentSourceDensify
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/aggregation')
4 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1f7c11154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/desugar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Test how $densify desugars.
+ *
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * # We're testing the explain plan, not the query results, so the facet passthrough would fail.
+ * do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const featureEnabled =
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagDensify: 1}))
+ .featureFlagDensify.value;
+if (!featureEnabled) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping test because the densify feature flag is disabled");
+ return;
+const coll = db[jsTestName()];
+// Use .explain() to see what the stage desugars to.
+// The result is formatted as explain-output, which differs from MQL syntax in some cases:
+// for example {$sort: {a: 1}} explains as {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}}.
+function desugar(stage) {
+ const result = coll.explain().aggregate([
+ // prevent stages from being absorbed into the .find() layer
+ {$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}},
+ stage,
+ ]);
+ assert.commandWorked(result);
+ // We proceed by cases based on topology.
+ if (!FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db)) {
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.stages), result);
+ // The first two stages should be the .find() cursor and the inhibit-optimization stage;
+ // the rest of the stages are what the user's 'stage' expanded to.
+ assert(result.stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.stages.slice(2);
+ } else {
+ if (result.splitPipeline) {
+ assert(result.splitPipeline.shardsPart[0].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ assert.eq(result.splitPipeline.shardsPart.length, 2);
+ assert.eq(result.splitPipeline.mergerPart.length, 1);
+ return [result.splitPipeline.shardsPart[1], result.splitPipeline.mergerPart[0]];
+ } else if (result.stages) {
+ // Required for aggregation_mongos_passthrough.
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.stages), result);
+ // The first two stages should be the .find() cursor and the inhibit-optimization stage;
+ // the rest of the stages are what the user's 'stage' expanded to.
+ assert(result.stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.stages.slice(2);
+ } else {
+ // Required for aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections.
+ assert(Array.isArray(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages), result);
+ assert(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages[0].$cursor, result);
+ assert(result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages[1].$_internalInhibitOptimization, result);
+ return result.shards["shard-rs0"].stages.slice(2);
+ }
+ }
+// Implicit partition fields and sort are generated.
+assert.eq(desugar({$densify: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}), [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}},
+ {$_internalDensify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: [], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}},
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if "partition" is specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are not prepended to the sortKey if "full" is specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if numeric bounds are specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [-10, 0]}}
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [-10, 0]}}
+ },
+ ]);
+// PartitionByFields are prepended to the sortKey if date bounds are specified.
+ desugar({
+ $densify: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ range:
+ {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-03"), new Date("2020-01-04")], unit: "day"}
+ }
+ }),
+ [
+ {$sort: {sortKey: {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1}}},
+ {
+ $_internalDensify: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-03"), new Date("2020-01-04")],
+ unit: "day"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ]);
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d837c765af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/internal_parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Test the syntax of $_internalDensify.
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * # Our method of connecting via an internal client requries an unsharded topology.
+ * assumes_unsharded_collection,
+ * assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos,
+ * assumes_read_preference_unchanged,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const dbName = jsTestName();
+const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(dbName);
+const collName = jsTestName();
+const testInternalClient = (function createInternalClient() {
+ const connInternal = new Mongo(testDB.getMongo().host);
+ const curDB = connInternal.getDB(dbName);
+ assert.commandWorked(curDB.runCommand({
+ ["hello"]: 1,
+ internalClient: {minWireVersion: NumberInt(0), maxWireVersion: NumberInt(7)}
+ }));
+ return connInternal;
+const internalDB = testInternalClient.getDB(dbName);
+const internalColl = internalDB[collName];
+parseUtil(internalDB, internalColl, "$_internalDensify", {
+ writeConcern: {w: "majority"},
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e51df53445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/libs/parse_util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Utility for testing the parsing of densify-like commands. I.e. $_internalDensify and $densify.
+ */
+let parseUtil = (function(db, coll, stageName, options = {}) {
+ function run(stage, extraCommandArgs = options) {
+ return coll.runCommand(Object.merge(
+ {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [stage], cursor: {}}, extraCommandArgs));
+ }
+ function runTest(stageName) {
+ const featureEnabled =
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagDensify: 1}))
+ .featureFlagDensify.value;
+ if (!featureEnabled) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping test because the densify feature flag is disabled");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Required fields.
+ const kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode = 40414;
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.bounds' is missing but a required field");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(run({[stageName]: {range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.field' is missing but a required field");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {bounds: "full"}}}),
+ kIDLRequiredFieldErrorCode,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.step' is missing but a required field");
+ // Wrong types
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: 1.0, range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.field' is the wrong type 'double', expected type 'string'");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: "invalid", bounds: "full"}}}),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.step' is the wrong type 'string', expected types '[int, decimal, double, long']");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: "incorrect", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.partitionByFields' is the wrong type 'string', expected type 'array'");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2020-01-02")],
+ unit: 1000
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch,
+ "BSON field '$densify.range.unit' is the wrong type 'double', expected type 'string'");
+ // Logical errors
+ // Too few bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01")], unit: "second"}
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733403,
+ "a bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements");
+ // Too many elements
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1, 2]}}}),
+ 5733403,
+ "a bounding array in a range statement must have exactly two elements");
+ // Negative step
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: -1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}}),
+ 5733401,
+ "the step parameter in a range statement must be a strictly positive numeric value");
+ // Field path expression instead of field path
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "$a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}}),
+ 16410,
+ "FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. Consider using $getField or $setField.");
+ // Field path expression instead of field path
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["$b"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [0, 1]}}
+ }),
+ 16410,
+ "FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. Consider using $getField or $setField.");
+ // Partition bounds but not partitionByFields
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]:
+ {field: "a", partitionByFields: [], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}
+ }),
+ 5733408,
+ "one may not specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds.");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition"}}}),
+ 5733408,
+ "one may not specify the bounds as 'partition' without specifying a non-empty array of partitionByFields. You may have meant to specify 'full' bounds.");
+ // Left bound greater than right bound
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [2, 1]}}}),
+ 5733402,
+ "the bounds in a range statement must be the string 'full', 'partition', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {
+ step: 1.0,
+ bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2019-01-01")],
+ unit: "second"
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733402,
+ "the bounds in a range statement must be the string 'full', 'partition', or an ascending array of two numbers or two dates");
+ // Unit with numeric bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, 2], unit: "second"}}}),
+ 5733409,
+ "numeric bounds may not have unit parameter");
+ // Mixed numeric and date bounds
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, new Date("2020-01-01")]}}
+ }),
+ 5733406,
+ "a bounding array must contain either both dates or both numeric types");
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), 1], unit: "second"}
+ }
+ }),
+ 5733402,
+ "a bounding array must be an ascending array of either two dates or two numbers");
+ // Positive test cases
+ assert.commandWorked(run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: [1, 2]}}}));
+ // TODO SERVER-57337: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * range: {
+ * step: 1.0,
+ * bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2021-01-01")],
+ * unit: "second"
+ * }
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {
+ * step: 1.0,
+ * bounds: [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2021-01-01")],
+ * unit: "second"
+ * }
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "partition", unit: "second"}
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57337 SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]: {
+ * field: "a",
+ * partitionByFields: ["b", "c"],
+ * range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full", unit: "second"}
+ * }
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ * [stageName]:
+ * {field: "a", partitionByFields: ["b", "c"], range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}
+ * })); */
+ // TODO SERVER-57344: Enable this parsing test.
+ /* assert.commandWorked(run({
+ [stageName]: {
+ field: "a",
+ partitionByFields: [
+ "b",
+ ],
+ range: { step: 1.0, bounds: "partition" }
+ }
+ })); */
+ assert.commandWorked(run({[stageName]: {field: "a", range: {step: 1.0, bounds: "full"}}}));
+ }
+ runTest(stageName);
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58154ed47c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/densify/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Test the syntax of $densify.
+ * @tags: [
+ * # Needed as $densify is a 51 feature.
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const coll = db.densify_parse;
+parseUtil(db, coll, "$densify");