path: root/jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js
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authorJack Mulrow <>2019-05-07 15:19:18 -0400
committerJack Mulrow <>2019-05-29 15:50:08 -0400
commitffd64883d70c9139d7b56d076e249f3fef77e54e (patch)
tree5d9fda9e4c9bf1b704516a63fa55f6b223303242 /jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js
parentd0194cc5133c4e71868156320fee86f0166e0f7e (diff)
SERVER-40980 SERVER-40984 Basic transactions serverStatus on mongos
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eecb21261ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/router_transactions_metrics.js
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+// Tests multi-statement transactions metrics in the serverStatus output from mongos in various
+// basic cases.
+// @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_multi_shard_transaction]
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ load("jstests/sharding/libs/sharded_transactions_helpers.js");
+ // Verifies the transaction server status response has the fields that we expect.
+ function verifyServerStatusFields(res) {
+ const expectedFields = [
+ "totalStarted",
+ "totalAborted",
+ "totalCommitted",
+ "totalContactedParticipants",
+ "totalParticipantsAtCommit",
+ "totalRequestsTargeted",
+ "commitTypes",
+ ];
+ assert(
+ res.hasOwnProperty("transactions"),
+ "Expected serverStatus response to have a 'transactions' field, res: " + tojson(res));
+ assert.hasFields(res.transactions,
+ expectedFields,
+ "The 'transactions' field did not have all of the expected fields, res: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions));
+ assert.eq(expectedFields.length,
+ Object.keys(res.transactions).length,
+ "the 'transactions' field had an unexpected number of fields, res: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions));
+ // Verify the "commitTypes" sub-object has the expected fields.
+ const commitTypes = [
+ "noShards",
+ "singleShard",
+ "singleWriteShard",
+ "readOnly",
+ "twoPhaseCommit",
+ "recoverWithToken",
+ ];
+ const commitTypeFields = ["initiated", "successful"];
+ assert.hasFields(res.transactions.commitTypes,
+ commitTypes,
+ "The 'transactions' field did not have each expected commit type, res: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions));
+ assert.eq(commitTypes.length,
+ Object.keys(res.transactions.commitTypes).length,
+ "the 'transactions' field had an unexpected number of commit types, res: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions));
+ commitTypes.forEach((type) => {
+ assert.hasFields(res.transactions.commitTypes[type],
+ commitTypeFields,
+ "commit type " + type +
+ " did not have all the expected fields, commit types: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions.commitTypes));
+ assert.eq(commitTypeFields.length,
+ Object.keys(res.transactions.commitTypes[type]).length,
+ "commit type " + type +
+ " had an unexpected number of fields, commit types: " +
+ tojson(res.transactions.commitTypes));
+ });
+ }
+ class ExpectedCommitType {
+ constructor() {
+ this.initiated = 0;
+ this.successful = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ class ExpectedTransactionServerStatus {
+ constructor() {
+ this.totalStarted = 0;
+ this.totalAborted = 0;
+ this.totalCommitted = 0;
+ this.totalContactedParticipants = 0;
+ this.totalParticipantsAtCommit = 0;
+ this.totalRequestsTargeted = 0;
+ this.commitTypes = {
+ noShards: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ singleShard: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ singleWriteShard: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ readOnly: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ twoPhaseCommit: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ recoverWithToken: new ExpectedCommitType(),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ // Verifies the transaction values in the server status response match the provided values.
+ function verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats) {
+ const res = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1}));
+ verifyServerStatusFields(res);
+ const stats = res.transactions;
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalStarted,
+ stats.totalStarted,
+ "unexpected totalStarted, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalAborted,
+ stats.totalAborted,
+ "unexpected totalAborted, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalCommitted,
+ stats.totalCommitted,
+ "unexpected totalCommitted, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants,
+ stats.totalContactedParticipants,
+ "unexpected totalContactedParticipants, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit,
+ stats.totalParticipantsAtCommit,
+ "unexpected totalParticipantsAtCommit, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted,
+ stats.totalRequestsTargeted,
+ "unexpected totalRequestsTargeted, res: " + tojson(stats));
+ const commitTypes = res.transactions.commitTypes;
+ Object.keys(commitTypes).forEach((commitType) => {
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.commitTypes[commitType].initiated,
+ commitTypes[commitType].initiated,
+ "unexpected initiated for " + commitType + ", commit types: " +
+ tojson(commitTypes));
+ assert.eq(expectedStats.commitTypes[commitType].successful,
+ commitTypes[commitType].successful,
+ "unexpected successful for " + commitType + ", commit types: " +
+ tojson(commitTypes));
+ });
+ }
+ function abortFromUnderneath(st, session) {
+ st._rs.forEach((rs) => {
+ assert.commandWorkedOrFailedWithCode(rs.test.getPrimary().adminCommand({
+ abortTransaction: 1,
+ lsid: session.getSessionId(),
+ txnNumber: session.getTxnNumber_forTesting(),
+ autocommit: false
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ });
+ }
+ const dbName = "test";
+ const collName = "foo";
+ const ns = dbName + '.' + collName;
+ const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 2, config: 1});
+ const session = st.s.startSession();
+ const sessionDB = session.getDatabase(dbName);
+ const otherRouterSession = st.s1.startSession();
+ const otherRouterSessionDB = otherRouterSession.getDatabase(dbName);
+ // Set up two chunks: [-inf, 0), [0, inf) one on each shard, with one document in each.
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: -1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: 1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+ st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName);
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName}));
+ flushRoutersAndRefreshShardMetadata(st, {ns});
+ let expectedStats = new ExpectedTransactionServerStatus();
+ //
+ // Helpers for setting up transactions that will trigger the various commit paths.
+ //
+ function startNoShardsTransaction() {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.getDatabase("doesntExist").runCommand({find: collName}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ }
+ function startSingleShardTransaction() {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({x: 1}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ }
+ function startSingleWriteShardTransaction() {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({x: 1}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand({find: collName}));
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ }
+ function startReadOnlyTransaction() {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand({find: collName}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 2;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ }
+ function startTwoPhaseCommitTransaction() {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: -5}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: 5}));
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ }
+ function setUpTransactionToRecoverCommit({shouldCommit}) {
+ otherRouterSession.startTransaction();
+ let resWithRecoveryToken = assert.commandWorked(
+ otherRouterSessionDB.runCommand({insert: collName, documents: [{x: 5}]}));
+ if (shouldCommit) {
+ assert.commandWorked(otherRouterSession.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ } else {
+ assert.commandWorked(otherRouterSession.abortTransaction_forTesting());
+ }
+ // The stats on the main mongos shouldn't have changed.
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ return resWithRecoveryToken.recoveryToken;
+ }
+ //
+ // Test cases for serverStatus output.
+ //
+ jsTest.log("Default values.");
+ (() => {
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ // Note committing a no shards transaction can only succeed.
+ jsTest.log("Committed no shards transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startNoShardsTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.noShards.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.noShards.successful += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Successful single shard transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startSingleShardTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleShard.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleShard.successful += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Failed single shard transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startSingleShardTransaction();
+ abortFromUnderneath(st, session);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(session.commitTransaction_forTesting(),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleShard.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 1;
+ // The one shard is targeted for the commit then the implicit abort.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1 + 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Successful single write shard transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startSingleWriteShardTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleWriteShard.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleWriteShard.successful += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Failed single write shard transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startSingleWriteShardTransaction();
+ abortFromUnderneath(st, session);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(session.commitTransaction_forTesting(),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.singleWriteShard.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ // In a single write shard commit, all read shards are committed first, then the
+ // write shards, so if committing on a read shard fails, the write shards aren't targeted.
+ // The implicit abort after will target all shards.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1 + 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Successful read only transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startReadOnlyTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.readOnly.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.readOnly.successful += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Failed read only transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startReadOnlyTransaction();
+ abortFromUnderneath(st, session);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(session.commitTransaction_forTesting(),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.readOnly.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ // Both shards are targeted for the commit then the implicit abort.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2 + 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Successful two phase commit transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startTwoPhaseCommitTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.twoPhaseCommit.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.twoPhaseCommit.successful += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ // Remove the inserted documents.
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].remove({_id: {$in: [-5, 5]}}));
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Failed two phase commit transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ startTwoPhaseCommitTransaction();
+ abortFromUnderneath(st, session);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(session.commitTransaction_forTesting(),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.twoPhaseCommit.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalParticipantsAtCommit += 2;
+ // There are no implicit aborts after two phase commit, so the coordinator is targeted once.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Recover successful commit result.");
+ (() => {
+ const recoveryToken = setUpTransactionToRecoverCommit({shouldCommit: true});
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({
+ commitTransaction: 1,
+ lsid: otherRouterSession.getSessionId(),
+ txnNumber: otherRouterSession.getTxnNumber_forTesting(),
+ autocommit: false, recoveryToken
+ }));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalCommitted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.recoverWithToken.initiated += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.recoverWithToken.successful += 1;
+ // The participant stats shouldn't increase if we're recovering commit.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Recover failed commit result.");
+ (() => {
+ const recoveryToken = setUpTransactionToRecoverCommit({shouldCommit: false});
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(st.s.adminCommand({
+ commitTransaction: 1,
+ lsid: otherRouterSession.getSessionId(),
+ txnNumber: otherRouterSession.getTxnNumber_forTesting(),
+ autocommit: false, recoveryToken
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.recoverWithToken.initiated += 1;
+ // The participant stats shouldn't increase if we're recovering commit.
+ // There are no implicit aborts during commit recovery, so the recovery shard is targeted
+ // once.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Empty recovery token.");
+ (() => {
+ otherRouterSession.startTransaction();
+ let resWithEmptyRecoveryToken =
+ assert.commandWorked(otherRouterSessionDB.runCommand({find: collName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(otherRouterSession.commitTransaction_forTesting());
+ // The stats on the main mongos shouldn't have changed.
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(st.s.adminCommand({
+ commitTransaction: 1,
+ lsid: otherRouterSession.getSessionId(),
+ txnNumber: otherRouterSession.getTxnNumber_forTesting(),
+ autocommit: false,
+ recoveryToken: resWithEmptyRecoveryToken.recoveryToken
+ }),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.commitTypes.recoverWithToken.initiated += 1;
+ // No requests are targeted and the decision isn't learned, so total committed/aborted and
+ // total requests sent shouldn't change.
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Explicitly aborted transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({x: 2}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ assert.commandWorked(session.abortTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Implicitly aborted transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: 1}), ErrorCodes.DuplicateKey);
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2; // Plus one for the implicit abort.
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(session.abortTransaction_forTesting(),
+ ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction);
+ // A failed abortTransaction leads to an implicit abort, so two requests are targeted.
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 2;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ jsTest.log("Abandoned transaction.");
+ (() => {
+ session.startTransaction();
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: -15}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ session.startTransaction_forTesting({}, {ignoreActiveTxn: true});
+ assert.commandWorked(sessionDB[collName].insert({_id: -15}));
+ expectedStats.totalStarted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalContactedParticipants += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ // The router never learned if the previous transaction committed or aborted, so the aborted
+ // counter shouldn't be incremented.
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ // Abort to clear the shell's session state.
+ assert.commandWorked(session.abortTransaction_forTesting());
+ expectedStats.totalAborted += 1;
+ expectedStats.totalRequestsTargeted += 1;
+ verifyServerStatusValues(st, expectedStats);
+ })();
+ session.endSession();
+ st.stop();