path: root/jstests/replsets
diff options
authorHuayu Ouyang <>2022-09-21 20:55:47 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-09-21 23:57:53 +0000
commit6faf3367a2e4015b8ef203baa63f993837ebc273 (patch)
treea1d1ec467f27350bd4875cb4690831c3adbade84 /jstests/replsets
parent57ec58be983a84cc5465b3ae1a5411446677c65c (diff)
SERVER-68146 Create AllCommandsTest for downgrading to upgraded FCV path
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/replsets')
1 files changed, 1294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/all_commands_downgrading_to_upgraded.js b/jstests/replsets/all_commands_downgrading_to_upgraded.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ae6f3ee629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/replsets/all_commands_downgrading_to_upgraded.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1294 @@
+ * This file defines tests for all existing commands and their expected behavior when run against a
+ * node that is in the downgrading FCV state.
+ *
+ * Tagged as multiversion-incompatible as the list of commands will vary depending on version.
+ * @tags: [multiversion_incompatible]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+// This will verify the completeness of our map and run all tests.
+load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For isSharded.
+const name = jsTestName();
+const dbName = "alltestsdb";
+const collName = "alltestscoll";
+const fullNs = dbName + "." + collName;
+// Pre-written reasons for skipping a test.
+const isAnInternalCommand = "internal command";
+const isDeprecated = "deprecated command";
+const isNotImplementedYet = "not implemented yet";
+let _lsid = UUID();
+function getNextLSID() {
+ _lsid = UUID();
+ return {id: _lsid};
+function getLSID() {
+ return {id: _lsid};
+// TODO SERVER-69753: Finish implementing commands marked as isNotImplementedYet.
+const allCommands = {
+ _addShard: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Make sure these internal commands are tested through passthrough suites.
+ _cloneCollectionOptionsFromPrimaryShard: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrAbortReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrAddShard: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrAddShardToZone: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrBalancerCollectionStatus: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrBalancerStart: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrBalancerStatus: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrBalancerStop: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCleanupReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCollMod: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrClearJumboFlag: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitChunksMerge: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitChunkMigration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitChunkSplit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitIndex: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitMovePrimary: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCommitReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrConfigureCollectionBalancing: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrCreateDatabase: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrDropIndexCatalogEntry: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrEnsureChunkVersionIsGreaterThan: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrMoveChunk: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrMoveRange: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRefineCollectionShardKey: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRemoveChunks: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRemoveShard: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRemoveShardFromZone: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRemoveTags: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRepairShardedCollectionChunksHistory: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRenameCollectionMetadata: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrRunRestore: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrSetAllowMigrations: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrSetClusterParameter: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrSetUserWriteBlockMode: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _configsvrUpdateZoneKeyRange: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _flushDatabaseCacheUpdates: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _flushDatabaseCacheUpdatesWithWriteConcern: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _flushReshardingStateChange: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _flushRoutingTableCacheUpdatesWithWriteConcern: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _getAuditConfigGeneration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _getNextSessionMods: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _getUserCacheGeneration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _hashBSONElement: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _isSelf: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _killOperations: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _mergeAuthzCollections: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _migrateClone: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _recvChunkAbort: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _recvChunkCommit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _recvChunkReleaseCritSec: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _recvChunkStart: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _recvChunkStatus: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrAbortReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCleanupReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCloneCatalogData: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCompactStructuredEncryptionData: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrRegisterIndex: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCommitIndexParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCommitReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCreateCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCreateGlobalIndex: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropCollectionIfUUIDNotMatching: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropCollectionParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropGlobalIndex: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropIndexCatalogEntryParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropIndexes: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCreateCollectionParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrGetStatsForBalancing: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrInsertGlobalIndexKey: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrJoinMigrations: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrMovePrimary: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrMoveRange: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrRenameCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrRenameCollectionParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrRenameCollectionParticipantUnblock: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropDatabase: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrDropDatabaseParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrReshardCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrReshardingOperationTime: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrRefineCollectionShardKey: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrSetAllowMigrations: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrSetClusterParameter: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrSetUserWriteBlockMode: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrUnregisterIndex: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCollMod: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrCollModParticipant: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _shardsvrParticipantBlock: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _transferMods: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ _vectorClockPersist: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ abortReshardCollection: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // command: {abortReshardCollection: "test.x"},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isAdminCommand: true
+ },
+ abortTransaction: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Uncomment/unskip and fix the command. Currently abortTransaction
+ // cannot find the transaction number.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(
+ // conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName, writeConcern: {w:
+ // 'majority'}}));
+ // // Ensure that the dbVersion is known.
+ // assert.commandWorked(
+ // conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}));
+ // assert.eq(
+ // 1, conn.getCollection(fullNs).find({x:
+ // 1}).readConcern("local").limit(1).next().x);
+ // // Start the transaction.
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({
+ // insert: collName,
+ // documents: [{_id: ObjectId()}],
+ // lsid: getNextLSID(),
+ // stmtIds: [NumberInt(0)],
+ // txnNumber: NumberLong(0),
+ // startTransaction: true,
+ // autocommit: false,
+ // }));
+ // },
+ // command:
+ // {abortTransaction: 1, txnNumber: NumberLong(0), autocommit: false, lsid: getLSID()},
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // }
+ },
+ aggregate: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Add additional aggregation stages to the pipeline to increase coverage
+ // of all the agg stages.
+ command: {aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$match: {}}], cursor: {}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ analyze: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {analyze: collName},
+ expectFailure: true,
+ expectedErrorCode:
+ 6660400, // Analyze command requires common query framework feature flag to be enabled.
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ analyzeShardKey: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // },
+ // command: {analyzeShardKey: fullNs, key: {skey: 1}},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ },
+ appendOplogNote: {command: {appendOplogNote: 1, data: {a: 1}}, isAdminCommand: true},
+ applyOps: {
+ command: {applyOps: []},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ authenticate: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ autoSplitVector: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ buildInfo: {
+ command: {buildInfo: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ captrunc: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Uncomment/unskip and fix the command. Currently it is failing with the
+ // same seg fault error as BF-26123.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // const db = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ // const coll = conn.getCollection(dbName + ".capped_truncate");
+ // assert.commandWorked(
+ // db.runCommand({create: "capped_truncate", capped: true, size: 1024}));
+ // for (let j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({x: j}));
+ // }
+ // },
+ // command: {captrunc: "capped_truncate", n: 5, inc: false},
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: "capped_truncate"}));
+ // }
+ },
+ checkShardingIndex: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // const f = conn.getCollection(dbName + ".jstests_sharding_index");
+ // f.drop();
+ // f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1});
+ // },
+ // command: {checkShardingIndex: dbName + ".jstests_sharding_index", keyPattern: {x: 1, y:
+ // 1}},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isShardSvrOnly: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop:
+ // "jstests_sharding_index"}));
+ // }
+ },
+ cleanupOrphaned: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ // }
+ // },
+ // command: {cleanupOrphaned: fullNs},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ },
+ cleanupReshardCollection: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // command: {cleanupReshardCollection: 1},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ clearLog: {
+ command: {clearLog: 'global'},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ cloneCollectionAsCapped: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {
+ cloneCollectionAsCapped: collName,
+ toCollection: collName + "2",
+ size: 10 * 1024 * 1024
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName + "2"}));
+ },
+ },
+ clusterAbortTransaction: {skip: "already tested by 'abortTransaction' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterAggregate: {skip: "already tested by 'aggregate' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterCommitTransaction: {skip: "already tested by 'commitTransaction' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterCount: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ clusterDelete: {skip: "already tested by 'delete' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterFind: {skip: "already tested by 'find' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterGetMore: {skip: "already tested by 'getMore' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterInsert: {skip: "already tested by 'insert' tests on mongos"},
+ clusterUpdate: {skip: "already tested by 'update' tests on mongos"},
+ collMod: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {collMod: collName, validator: {}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ collStats: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$collStats: {count: {}}}], cursor: {}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ commitReshardCollection: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // command: {commitReshardCollection: "test.x"},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ commitTransaction: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(
+ // conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName, writeConcern: {w:
+ // 'majority'}}));
+ // // Ensure that the dbVersion is known.
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w:
+ // 1}})); assert.eq(
+ // 1, conn.getCollection(fullNs).find({x:
+ // 1}).readConcern("local").limit(1).next().x);
+ // const lsid = assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({startSession:
+ // 1})).id;
+ // // Start the transaction.
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({
+ // insert: collName,
+ // documents: [{_id: ObjectId()}],
+ // lsid: getNextLSID(),
+ // // stmtIds: [NumberInt(0)],
+ // txnNumber: NumberLong(0),
+ // startTransaction: true,
+ // autocommit: false
+ // }));
+ // },
+ // command:
+ // {commitTransaction: 1, txnNumber: NumberLong(0), autocommit: false, lsid: getLSID()},
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ compact: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Uncomment the command and figure out way to skip this command when
+ // running on an evergreen variant with the inMemory record store.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // },
+ // command: {compact: collName, force: true},
+ // isReplSetOnly: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ },
+ compactStructuredEncryptionData: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ configureFailPoint: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ configureCollectionBalancing: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Shard this collection in setUp
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // },
+ // command: {configureCollectionBalancing: collName},
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ configureQueryAnalyzer: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {configureQueryAnalyzer: fullNs, mode: "full", sampleRate: 0.1},
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ connPoolStats: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {connPoolStats: 1},
+ },
+ connPoolSync: {isAdminCommand: true, command: {connPoolSync: 1}},
+ connectionStatus: {isAdminCommand: true, command: {connectionStatus: 1}},
+ convertToCapped: {
+ command: {convertToCapped: collName, size: 10 * 1024 * 1024},
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ coordinateCommitTransaction: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ count: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {count: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ cpuload: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ create: {
+ command: {create: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ createIndexes: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: 1}}));
+ },
+ command: {createIndexes: collName, indexes: [{key: {x: 1}, name: "foo"}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ createRole: {
+ command: {createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ createUser: {
+ command: {createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropUser: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ currentOp: {
+ command: {currentOp: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ dataSize: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {dataSize: fullNs},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ dbCheck: {command: {dbCheck: 1}},
+ dbHash: {
+ command: {dbHash: 1},
+ },
+ dbStats: {
+ command: {dbStats: 1},
+ },
+ delete: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: 1}}));
+ },
+ command: {delete: collName, deletes: [{q: {x: 1}, limit: 1}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ distinct: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {distinct: collName, key: "a"},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ donorAbortMigration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ donorForgetMigration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ donorStartMigration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ donorWaitForMigrationToCommit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ abortShardSplit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ commitShardSplit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ forgetShardSplit: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ driverOIDTest: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ drop: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {drop: collName},
+ },
+ dropAllRolesFromDatabase: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {dropAllRolesFromDatabase: 1},
+ },
+ dropAllUsersFromDatabase: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {dropAllUsersFromDatabase: 1},
+ },
+ dropConnections: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ dropDatabase: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ dropIndexes: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ dropRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {dropRole: "foo"},
+ },
+ dropUser: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {dropUser: "foo"},
+ },
+ echo: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ emptycapped: {
+ command: {emptycapped: collName},
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ endSessions: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ explain: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {explain: {count: collName}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ features: {command: {features: 1}},
+ filemd5: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ const f = conn.getCollection(dbName + ".fs.chunks");
+ assert.commandWorked(f.createIndex({files_id: 1, n: 1}));
+ },
+ command: {filemd5: 1, root: "fs"},
+ },
+ find: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {find: collName, filter: {a: 1}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ findAndModify: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}));
+ },
+ command: {findAndModify: collName, query: {x: 1}, update: {$set: {x: 2}}},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ }
+ },
+ flushRouterConfig: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // command: {flushRouterConfig: 1}
+ },
+ fsync: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ fsyncUnlock: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ getAuditConfig: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getAuditConfig: 1},
+ },
+ getChangeStreamState: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getChangeStreamState: 1},
+ expectFailure: true,
+ expectedErrorCode: ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported // only supported on serverless.
+ },
+ getClusterParameter: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getClusterParameter: "changeStreamOptions"},
+ },
+ getCmdLineOpts: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getCmdLineOpts: 1},
+ },
+ getDatabaseVersion: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // command: {getDatabaseVersion: dbName},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isShardSvrOnly: true,
+ },
+ getDefaultRWConcern: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getDefaultRWConcern: 1},
+ },
+ getDiagnosticData: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getDiagnosticData: 1},
+ },
+ getFreeMonitoringStatus: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getFreeMonitoringStatus: 1},
+ },
+ getLastError: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getLastError: 1},
+ expectFailure: true,
+ expectedErrorCode: 5739000 // getLastError is not supported anymore.
+ },
+ getLog: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {getLog: "global"},
+ },
+ getMore: {
+ // TODO SERVER-67953: Uncomment/unskip the command and fix it so that it passes. Currently
+ // we need to be able to kill cursor ID in teardown in order for it to pass.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // const db = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ // }
+ // const res = db.runCommand({find: collName, batchSize: 1});
+ // const cmdObj = {getMore: NumberLong(, collection: collName};
+ // return cmdObj;
+ // },
+ // command: {},
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ },
+ getParameter: {isAdminCommand: true, command: {getParameter: 1, logLevel: 1}},
+ getShardMap: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // command: {getShardMap: 1},
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ getShardVersion: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // },
+ // command: {getShardVersion: collName},
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ getnonce: {
+ command: {getnonce: 1},
+ },
+ godinsert: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {godinsert: collName, obj: {_id: 0, a: 0}},
+ },
+ grantPrivilegesToRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {
+ grantPrivilegesToRole: "foo",
+ privileges: [{resource: {db: dbName, collection: collName}, actions: ["find"]}]
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ }
+ },
+ grantRolesToRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "bar", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {grantRolesToRole: "foo", roles: [{role: "bar", db: dbName}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "bar"}));
+ }
+ },
+ grantRolesToUser: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {grantRolesToUser: "foo", roles: [{role: "foo", db: dbName}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropUser: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ hello: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {hello: 1},
+ },
+ hostInfo: {isAdminCommand: true, command: {hostInfo: 1}},
+ httpClientRequest: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ exportCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ importCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ insert: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {insert: collName, documents: [{_id: ObjectId()}]},
+ },
+ internalRenameIfOptionsAndIndexesMatch: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ invalidateUserCache: {
+ isAdminCommand: 1,
+ command: {invalidateUserCache: 1},
+ },
+ isMaster: {
+ isAdminCommand: 1,
+ command: {isMaster: 1},
+ },
+ killAllSessions: {
+ command: {killAllSessions: []},
+ },
+ killAllSessionsByPattern: {
+ command: {killAllSessionsByPattern: []},
+ },
+ killCursors: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ const db = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ const res = db.runCommand({find: collName, batchSize: 1});
+ const cmdObj = {killCursors: collName, cursors: [NumberLong(]};
+ return cmdObj;
+ },
+ // This command requires information that is created during the setUp portion (a cursor ID),
+ // so we need to create the command in setUp. We set the command to an empty object in order
+ // to indicate that the command created in setUp should be used instead.
+ command: {},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ killOp: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ killSessions: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ const admin = conn.getDB("admin");
+ const result = admin.runCommand({startSession: 1});
+ assert.commandWorked(result, "failed to startSession");
+ const lsid =;
+ return {killSessions: [lsid]};
+ },
+ // This command requires information that is created during the setUp portion (a session
+ // ID),
+ // so we need to create the command in setUp. We set the command to an empty object in order
+ // to indicate that the command created in setUp should be used instead.
+ command: {},
+ },
+ listCollections: {
+ command: {listCollections: 1},
+ },
+ listCommands: {command: {listCommands: 1}},
+ listDatabases: {
+ command: {listDatabases: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ listDatabasesForAllTenants: {
+ skip: isAnInternalCommand,
+ },
+ listIndexes: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {listIndexes: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ lockInfo: {skip: isNotImplementedYet, isAdminCommand: 1, command: {lockInfo: 1}},
+ logApplicationMessage: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ logMessage: {
+ skip: isAnInternalCommand,
+ },
+ logRotate: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ logout: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Implement this command so that it passes. It is currently failing with
+ // "Each client connection may only be authenticated once.
+ // Previously authenticated as: __system@local" error.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ makeSnapshot: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {makeSnapshot: 1},
+ },
+ mapReduce: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {
+ mapReduce: collName,
+ map: function() {},
+ reduce: function(key, vals) {},
+ out: {inline: 1}
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ mergeChunks: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // isShardedOnly: true,
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // setUp: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ // assert.commandWorked(
+ // conn.getDB(dbName).adminCommand({shardCollection: fullNs, key: {_id: 1}}));
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ // }
+ // },
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ // },
+ // command: {mergeChunks: fullNs, bounds: [{_id: MinKey}, {_id: MaxKey}]}
+ },
+ moveChunk: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ moveRange: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ isShardedOnly: true,
+ },
+ pinHistoryReplicated: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ ping: {isAdminCommand: true, command: {ping: 1}},
+ planCacheClear: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {planCacheClear: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ planCacheClearFilters: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {planCacheClearFilters: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ planCacheListFilters: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {planCacheListFilters: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ planCacheSetFilter: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {planCacheSetFilter: collName, query: {_id: "A"}, indexes: [{_id: 1}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ prepareTransaction: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ profile: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ reapLogicalSessionCacheNow: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {reapLogicalSessionCacheNow: 1},
+ },
+ recipientForgetMigration: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ recipientSyncData: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ recipientVoteImportedFiles: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ refreshLogicalSessionCacheNow: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ refreshSessions: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ const admin = conn.getDB("admin");
+ const result = admin.runCommand({startSession: 1});
+ assert.commandWorked(result, "failed to startSession");
+ const lsid =;
+ return {refreshSessions: [lsid]};
+ },
+ // This command requires information that is created during the setUp portion (a session
+ // ID),
+ // so we need to create the command in setUp. We set the command to an empty object in order
+ // to indicate that the command created in setUp should be used instead.
+ command: {},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({killAllSessions: []}));
+ }
+ },
+ reIndex: {
+ skip: isDeprecated,
+ },
+ renameCollection: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ },
+ command: {renameCollection: fullNs, to: fullNs + "2"},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName + "2"}));
+ }
+ },
+ repairDatabase: {skip: isDeprecated},
+ repairShardedCollectionChunksHistory: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Uncomment this command and implement a way to use the ReplSetTest
+ // fixture functions in the AllCommandsTest framework.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // setUp: function(conn, fixture) {
+ // var conf = fixture.getReplSetConfig();
+ // reconfigElectionAndCatchUpTimeout(fixture, 10000, -1);
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand(
+ // {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}, writeConcern: {w:
+ // "majority"}}));
+ // let stepUpResults =
+ // stopReplicationAndEnforceNewPrimaryToCatchUp(fixture,
+ // fixture.getSecondaries()[0]);
+ // jsTestLog("Restarting server replication");
+ // restartServerReplication(stepUpResults.oldSecondaries);
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB("admin").runCommand({replSetStepDown: 60, force:
+ // true}));
+ // },
+ // isReplSetOnly: true,
+ // command: {replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp: 1},
+ // isAdminCommand: true,
+ // teardown: function(conn) {
+ // assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand(
+ // {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: "majority"}, writeConcern: {w:
+ // "majority"}}));
+ // }
+ },
+ replSetFreeze: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet, // can only run on secondary
+ isReplSetOnly: true,
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ replSetGetConfig: {isReplSetOnly: true, isAdminCommand: true, command: {replSetGetConfig: 1}},
+ replSetGetRBID: {isReplSetOnly: true, isAdminCommand: true, command: {replSetGetRBID: 1}},
+ replSetGetStatus: {isReplSetOnly: true, isAdminCommand: true, command: {replSetGetStatus: 1}},
+ replSetHeartbeat: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ replSetInitiate: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetMaintenance: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetReconfig: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetRequestVotes: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetStepDown: {
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ },
+ replSetStepUp: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetSyncFrom: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetTest: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetTestEgress: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetUpdatePosition: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ replSetResizeOplog: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ revokePrivilegesFromRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({
+ createRole: "foo",
+ privileges: [{resource: {db: dbName, collection: collName}, actions: ["find"]}],
+ roles: [],
+ }));
+ },
+ command: {
+ revokePrivilegesFromRole: "foo",
+ privileges: [{resource: {db: dbName, collection: collName}, actions: ["find"]}]
+ },
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ }
+ },
+ revokeRolesFromRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "bar", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({
+ createRole: "foo",
+ privileges: [],
+ roles: [{role: "bar", db: dbName}],
+ }));
+ },
+ command: {revokeRolesFromRole: "foo", roles: [{role: "foo", db: dbName}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "bar"}));
+ }
+ },
+ revokeRolesFromUser: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({
+ createUser: "foo",
+ pwd: "bar",
+ roles: [{role: "foo", db: dbName}],
+ }));
+ },
+ command: {revokeRolesFromUser: "foo", roles: [{role: "foo", db: dbName}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropUser: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ rolesInfo: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {rolesInfo: 1},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ rotateCertificates: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ saslContinue: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ saslStart: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ serverStatus: {
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ command: {serverStatus: 1},
+ },
+ setAuditConfig: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setCommittedSnapshot: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setDefaultRWConcern: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setIndexCommitQuorum: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setFreeMonitoring: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setParameter: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setShardVersion: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setChangeStreamState: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setClusterParameter: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ setUserWriteBlockMode: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ shardingState: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ shutdown: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ sleep: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ splitChunk: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ splitVector: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ stageDebug: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ startRecordingTraffic: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ startSession: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ stopRecordingTraffic: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testDeprecation: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testDeprecationInVersion2: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testInternalTransactions: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ testRemoval: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testReshardCloneCollection: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testVersions1And2: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ testVersion2: {skip: isNotImplementedYet},
+ top: {
+ command: {top: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ update: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({x: 1}));
+ },
+ command: {update: collName, updates: [{q: {x: 1}, u: {x: 2}}]},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ updateRole: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createRole: "foo", privileges: [], roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {updateRole: "foo", privileges: []},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropRole: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ updateUser: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {updateUser: "foo", pwd: "bar2"},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropUser: "foo"}));
+ }
+ },
+ usersInfo: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createUser: "foo", pwd: "bar", roles: []}));
+ },
+ command: {usersInfo: "foo"},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropUser: "foo"}));
+ },
+ },
+ validate: {
+ setUp: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: collName}));
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getCollection(fullNs).insert({a: i}));
+ }
+ },
+ command: {validate: collName},
+ teardown: function(conn) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({drop: collName}));
+ },
+ },
+ validateDBMetadata: {
+ command: {validateDBMetadata: 1, apiParameters: {version: "1", strict: true}},
+ },
+ voteCommitImportCollection: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ voteCommitIndexBuild: {skip: isAnInternalCommand},
+ waitForFailPoint: {
+ skip: isAnInternalCommand,
+ },
+ waitForOngoingChunkSplits: {
+ // TODO SERVER-69753: Unskip this command when we can test with sharded clusters.
+ skip: isNotImplementedYet,
+ // command: {waitForOngoingChunkSplits: 1},
+ // isShardedOnly: true
+ },
+ whatsmysni: {
+ command: {whatsmysni: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ },
+ whatsmyuri: {
+ command: {whatsmyuri: 1},
+ isAdminCommand: true,
+ }
+ * Helper function for failing commands or writes that checks the result 'res' of either.
+ * If 'code' is null we only check for failure, otherwise we confirm error code matches as
+ * well. On assert 'msg' is printed.
+ */
+let assertCommandOrWriteFailed = function(res, code, msg) {
+ if (res.writeErrors !== undefined) {
+ assert.neq(0, res.writeErrors.length, msg);
+ } else if (res.code !== null) {
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, code, msg);
+ } else {
+ assert.commandFailed(res, msg);
+ }
+let runAllCommandsTest = function(test, conn) {
+ let cmdDb = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ if (test.isShardedOnly && !isMongos(cmdDb)) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping " + tojson(test.command) + " because it is for sharded clusters only");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (test.isReplSetOnly && isMongos(cmdDb)) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping " + tojson(test.command) + " because it is for replica sets only");
+ return;
+ }
+ let cmdObj = test.command;
+ if (typeof (test.setUp) === "function") {
+ let setUpRes = test.setUp(conn);
+ // For some commands (such as killSessions) the command requires information that is created
+ // during the setUp portion (such as a session ID), so we need to create the command in
+ // setUp. We set the command to an empty object in order to indicate that the command
+ // created in setUp should be used instead.
+ if (Object.keys(test.command).length === 0) {
+ cmdObj = setUpRes;
+ }
+ }
+ if (test.isAdminCommand) {
+ cmdDb = cmdDb.getSiblingDB("admin");
+ }
+ jsTestLog("Running command: " + tojson(cmdObj));
+ if (test.expectFailure) {
+ const expectedErrorCode = test.expectedErrorCode;
+ assertCommandOrWriteFailed(
+ cmdDb.runCommand(cmdObj), expectedErrorCode, () => tojson(cmdObj));
+ } else {
+ assert.commandWorked(cmdDb.runCommand(cmdObj), () => tojson(cmdObj));
+ }
+ if (typeof (test.teardown) === "function") {
+ test.teardown(conn);
+ }
+let runTest = function(conn, adminDB) {
+ let runDowngradingToUpgrading = false;
+ if (FeatureFlagUtil.isEnabled(adminDB, "DowngradingToUpgrading")) {
+ runDowngradingToUpgrading = true;
+ }
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ conn.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failDowngrading", mode: "alwaysOn"}));
+ assert.commandFailed(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV}));
+ jsTestLog("Running all commands in the downgradingToLastLTS FCV");
+ AllCommandsTest.testAllCommands(conn, allCommands, runAllCommandsTest);
+ if (runDowngradingToUpgrading) {
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ jsTestLog("Running all commands after upgrading back to the latest FCV");
+ AllCommandsTest.testAllCommands(conn, allCommands, runAllCommandsTest);
+ }
+const rst = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]});
+const primary = rst.getPrimary();
+const primaryAdminDB = primary.getDB("admin");
+runTest(primary, primaryAdminDB);
+// TODO SERVER-69753: Run runTest with a sharded cluster as well