path: root/jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js
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authorMax Hirschhorn <>2017-11-14 21:49:46 -0500
committerMax Hirschhorn <>2017-11-14 21:49:46 -0500
commitb683d39549b033a516c1c8bdbae7040eafe99266 (patch)
treee631f24f21b8a8536a04a22dac97b531ef32f128 /jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js
parentd5cce0599a6f44f653eca53d728bb52b2f8fae6c (diff)
Revert "SERVER-31447 Use correct collation for update lookup"
This reverts commit de0b16077945eb6b6ec161b99f41c3222aade3b8.
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js b/jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 707fe59708f..00000000000
--- a/jstests/sharding/change_stream_update_lookup_collation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Tests that the post image update lookup will use the simple collation to do shard targeting, but
-// use the collection's default collation once it gets to the shards.
-// Collation is only supported with the find command, not with op query.
-// @tags: [requires_find_command]
-(function() {
- "use strict";
- // For supportsMajorityReadConcern().
- load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/causal_consistency_helpers.js");
- if (!supportsMajorityReadConcern()) {
- jsTestLog("Skipping test since storage engine doesn't support majority read concern.");
- return;
- }
- const st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 2,
- config: 1,
- rs: {
- nodes: 1,
- // Use a higher frequency for periodic noops to speed up the test.
- setParameter: {writePeriodicNoops: true, periodicNoopIntervalSecs: 1}
- }
- });
- const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName());
- const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()];
- // Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is shard0000.
- assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()}));
- st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL());
- const caseInsensitive = {locale: "en_US", strength: 2};
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongosDB.runCommand({create: mongosColl.getName(), collation: caseInsensitive}));
- // Shard the test collection on 'shardKey'. The shard key must use the simple collation.
- assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({
- shardCollection: mongosColl.getFullName(),
- key: {shardKey: 1},
- collation: {locale: "simple"}
- }));
- // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, "aBC"), ["aBC", MaxKey). Note that there will be
- // documents in each chunk that will have the same shard key according to the collection's
- // default collation, but not according to the simple collation (e.g. "abc" and "ABC").
- assert.commandWorked(
- mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {shardKey: "aBC"}}));
- // Move the [MinKey, 'aBC') chunk to shard0001.
- assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand(
- {moveChunk: mongosColl.getFullName(), find: {shardKey: "ABC"}, to: st.rs1.getURL()}));
- // Make sure that "ABC" and "abc" go to different shards - we rely on that to make sure the _ids
- // are unique on each shard.
- assert.lte(bsonWoCompare({shardKey: "ABC"}, {shardKey: "aBC"}), -1);
- assert.gte(bsonWoCompare({shardKey: "abc"}, {shardKey: "aBC"}), 1);
- // Write some documents to each chunk. Note that the _id is purposefully not unique, since we
- // know the update lookup will use both the _id and the shard key, and we want to make sure it
- // is only targeting a single shard. Also note that _id is a string, since we want to make sure
- // the _id index can only be used if we are using the collection's default collation.
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abc_1", shardKey: "ABC"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abc_2", shardKey: "ABC"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abc_1", shardKey: "abc"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abc_2", shardKey: "abc"}));
- // Verify that the post-change lookup uses the simple collation to target to a single shard,
- // then uses the collection-default collation to perform the lookup on the shard.
- const changeStream = mongosColl.aggregate([{$changeStream: {fullDocument: "updateLookup"}}]);
- // Be sure to include the collation in the updates so that each can be targeted to exactly one
- // shard - this is important to ensure each update only updates one document (since with the
- // default collation their documentKeys are identical). If each operation updates only one, the
- // clusterTime sent from mongos will ensure that each corresponding oplog entry has a distinct
- // timestamp and so will appear in the change stream in the order we expect.
- let updateResult = mongosColl.updateOne({shardKey: "abc", _id: "abc_1"},
- {$set: {updatedCount: 1}},
- {collation: {locale: "simple"}});
- assert.eq(1, updateResult.modifiedCount);
- updateResult = mongosColl.updateOne({shardKey: "ABC", _id: "abc_1"},
- {$set: {updatedCount: 1}},
- {collation: {locale: "simple"}});
- assert.eq(1, updateResult.modifiedCount);
- function numIdIndexUsages(host) {
- return host.getCollection(mongosColl.getFullName())
- .aggregate([{$indexStats: {}}, {$match: {name: "_id_"}}])
- .toArray()[0]
- .accesses.ops;
- }
- let idIndexUsagesPreIteration = {
- shard0: numIdIndexUsages(st.rs0.getPrimary()),
- shard1: numIdIndexUsages(st.rs1.getPrimary())
- };
- for (let nextDocKey of[{shardKey: "abc", _id: "abc_1"}, {shardKey: "ABC", _id: "abc_1"}]) {
- assert.soon(() => changeStream.hasNext());
- let next =;
- assert.eq(next.operationType, "update");
- assert.eq(next.documentKey, nextDocKey, tojson(next));
- assert.docEq(next.fullDocument, Object.merge(nextDocKey, {updatedCount: 1}));
- }
- assert.eq(numIdIndexUsages(st.rs0.getPrimary()), idIndexUsagesPreIteration.shard0 + 1);
- assert.eq(numIdIndexUsages(st.rs1.getPrimary()), idIndexUsagesPreIteration.shard1 + 1);
- changeStream.close();
- // Now test that a change stream with a non-default collation will still use the simple
- // collation to target the update lookup, and the collection-default collation to do the update
- // lookup on the shard.
- // Strength 1 will consider "ç" equal to "c" and "C".
- const strengthOneCollation = {locale: "en_US", strength: 1};
- // Insert some documents that might be confused with existing documents under the change
- // stream's collation, but should not be confused during the update lookup.
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abç_1", shardKey: "ABÇ"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abç_2", shardKey: "ABÇ"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abç_1", shardKey: "abç"}));
- assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: "abç_2", shardKey: "abç"}));
- assert.eq(mongosColl.find({shardKey: "abc"}).collation(strengthOneCollation).itcount(), 8);
- const strengthOneChangeStream = mongosColl.aggregate(
- [
- {$changeStream: {fullDocument: "updateLookup"}},
- {$match: {"fullDocument.shardKey": "abc"}}
- ],
- {collation: strengthOneCollation});
- updateResult = mongosColl.updateOne({shardKey: "ABC", _id: "abc_1"},
- {$set: {updatedCount: 2}},
- {collation: {locale: "simple"}});
- assert.eq(1, updateResult.modifiedCount);
- updateResult = mongosColl.updateOne({shardKey: "abc", _id: "abc_1"},
- {$set: {updatedCount: 2}},
- {collation: {locale: "simple"}});
- assert.eq(1, updateResult.modifiedCount);
- idIndexUsagesPreIteration = {
- shard0: numIdIndexUsages(st.rs0.getPrimary()),
- shard1: numIdIndexUsages(st.rs1.getPrimary())
- };
- for (let nextDocKey of[{shardKey: "ABC", _id: "abc_1"}, {shardKey: "abc", _id: "abc_1"}]) {
- assert.soon(() => strengthOneChangeStream.hasNext());
- let next =;
- assert.eq(next.operationType, "update");
- assert.eq(next.documentKey, nextDocKey, tojson(next));
- assert.docEq(next.fullDocument, Object.merge(nextDocKey, {updatedCount: 2}));
- }
- assert.eq(numIdIndexUsages(st.rs0.getPrimary()), idIndexUsagesPreIteration.shard0 + 1);
- assert.eq(numIdIndexUsages(st.rs1.getPrimary()), idIndexUsagesPreIteration.shard1 + 1);
- strengthOneChangeStream.close();
- st.stop();