path: root/jstests
diff options
authorKaloian Manassiev <>2021-02-20 10:13:09 +0100
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-02-20 09:37:42 +0000
commit2b397f74e6a05b7c11e63a61d4aaf9443f58b150 (patch)
tree0a84a51e417bbd03a7278e85149fd22495d261b0 /jstests
parent8f0d629e42b2e53505f04680d1285cd06bb32f4b (diff)
Revert "SERVER-53457: Handle multi-updates correctly in tenant migrations"
This reverts commit c5e2fb25365a7ef113607eb59e0ec37e9c14412b.
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/tenant_migration_multi_writes.js b/jstests/replsets/tenant_migration_multi_writes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1610b87b184..00000000000
--- a/jstests/replsets/tenant_migration_multi_writes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Stress test verifies that non-idempotent multi updates made during tenant migration
- * were not retried on migration abort, which would create duplicate updates. Partially
- * updated collection where each update is applied no more than once is still an expected result.
- *
- * @tags: [requires_fcv_47, requires_majority_read_concern, incompatible_with_eft]
- */
-(function() {
-"use strict";
-const donorRst = new ReplSetTest({
- nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}],
- name: "TenantMigrationTest_donor",
- nodeOptions: Object.assign(TenantMigrationUtil.makeX509OptionsForTest().donor, {
- setParameter: {
- // Set the delay before a donor state doc is garbage collected to be short to speed up
- // the test.
- tenantMigrationGarbageCollectionDelayMS: 3 * 1000,
- // Set the TTL monitor to run at a smaller interval to speed up the test.
- ttlMonitorSleepSecs: 1,
- }
- })
-const tenantMigrationTest = new TenantMigrationTest({name: jsTestName(), donorRst: donorRst});
-if (!tenantMigrationTest.isFeatureFlagEnabled()) {
- jsTestLog("Skipping test because the tenant migrations feature flag is disabled");
- return;
-const recipientRst = tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientRst();
-const donorPrimary = donorRst.getPrimary();
-const kTenantIdPrefix = "testTenantId";
-const kCollName = "testColl";
-const kTenantDefinedDbName = "0";
-const kTenantId = `${kTenantIdPrefix}-multiWrites`;
-const kDbName = tenantMigrationTest.tenantDB(kTenantId, kTenantDefinedDbName);
-const kRecords = 2000;
-const kUpdateCycles = 600;
-function prepareDatabase(dbName) {
- let db = donorPrimary.getDB(dbName);
- try {
- db.dropDatabase();
- } catch (err) {
- // First time the DB doesn't exist.
- }
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({create: kCollName}));
- let bulk = db[kCollName].initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
- for (let i = 0; i < kRecords; ++i) {
- bulk.insert({_id: i, x: 0, a: 1});
- }
- assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute());
-function doMultiUpdate(
- primaryHost, dbName, collName, records, updateCycles, readConcern, writeConcern) {
- const donorPrimary = new Mongo(primaryHost);
- let db = donorPrimary.getDB(dbName);
- let completedCycles;
- for (completedCycles = 0; completedCycles < updateCycles; ++completedCycles) {
- try {
- let bulk = db[collName].initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
- bulk.find({a: 1}).update({$inc: {x: 1}});
- bulk.execute({w: writeConcern});
- } catch (err) {
- jsTestLog(`Received error ${err}`);
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, ErrorCodes.Interrupted);
- assert.lte(err["nModified"], records);
- let actualNumModified = 0;
- let findResult = assert.commandWorked(
- db.runCommand({find: collName, readConcern: {level: readConcern}}));
- var cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, findResult);
- cursor.forEach(doc => {
- assert(doc.x == completedCycles || doc.x == completedCycles + 1,
- "expected each doc to be updated at most once");
- actualNumModified += (doc.x == completedCycles + 1 ? 1 : 0);
- });
- // TODO(SERVER-15292): uncomment this when the bug is fixed, and reconcile with the
- // block after the commented section.
- // assert.eq(err["nModified"], actualNumModified,
- // `expected the count of incremented values to match nModified: ${
- // err} during iteration # ${completedCycles}, actually modified ${
- // actualNumModified} in ${JSON.stringify(findResult)}`);
- // if (actualNumModified == records) {
- // // All records were modified, we can continue.
- // continue;
- // }
- // break;
- if (err["nModified"] != actualNumModified) {
- jsTestLog(`expected the count of incremented values to match nModified: ${
- err} during iteration # ${completedCycles}, actually modified ${
- actualNumModified} in ${JSON.stringify(findResult)}`);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- jsTestLog(`All updates completed without consistency error, in ${completedCycles} cycles`);
-function testMultiWritesWhileInBlockingState(readConcern, writeConcern) {
- prepareDatabase(kDbName);
- let writesThread = new Thread(
- // Start non-idempotent writes in a thread.
- doMultiUpdate,
- kDbName,
- kCollName,
- kRecords,
- kUpdateCycles,
- readConcern,
- writeConcern);
- writesThread.start();
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- const migrationId = UUID();
- const migrationOpts = {
- migrationIdString: extractUUIDFromObject(migrationId),
- tenantId: kTenantId,
- recipientConnString: tenantMigrationTest.getRecipientConnString(),
- };
- let abortFp =
- configureFailPoint(donorPrimary, "abortTenantMigrationBeforeLeavingBlockingState", {
- blockTimeMS: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10),
- });
- assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.startMigration(migrationOpts));
- const stateRes = assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.waitForMigrationToComplete(
- migrationOpts, false /* retryOnRetryableErrors */));
- assert.eq(stateRes.state, TenantMigrationTest.State.kAborted);
- abortFp.wait();
- assert.commandWorked(tenantMigrationTest.forgetMigration(migrationOpts.migrationIdString));
- jsTest.log('Drop DB and wait for garbage collection after test cycle.');
- assert.commandWorked(recipientRst.getPrimary().getDB(kDbName).dropDatabase());
- }
- writesThread.join();
-let readWriteConcerns = [];
-readWriteConcerns.push({writeConcern: 1, readConcern: 'local'});
-readWriteConcerns.push({writeConcern: 'majority', readConcern: 'majority'});
-readWriteConcerns.forEach(concerns => {
- jsTest.log(`Test sending multi write while in migration blocking state with ${concerns}`);
- testMultiWritesWhileInBlockingState(concerns.readConcern, concerns.writeConcern);