path: root/jstests
diff options
authorKatherine Wu <>2019-12-17 16:14:43 +0000
committerevergreen <>2019-12-17 16:14:43 +0000
commitae6b595845dd9975af01774678d52e93043a0d27 (patch)
tree90316bac20fef1af2c3b7e07ba2ce3ef02008b4a /jstests
parente57438bd024d04f82dcbcbe68fe223b3f3aec838 (diff)
SERVER-31072 reorder $limit before $lookup in pipeline if no $unwind is present
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests')
3 files changed, 197 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/aggregation/sources/sort/explain_sort.js b/jstests/aggregation/sources/sort/explain_sort.js
index eee6526df11..a2647219317 100644
--- a/jstests/aggregation/sources/sort/explain_sort.js
+++ b/jstests/aggregation/sources/sort/explain_sort.js
@@ -56,10 +56,14 @@ for (let verbosity of ["queryPlanner", "executionStats", "allPlansExecution"]) {
pipeline = [{$sort: {a: 1}}, {$project: {_id: 1}}];
checkResults(coll.explain(verbosity).aggregate(pipeline), verbosity);
+ const res = db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, "failpoint.disablePipelineOptimization": 1});
+ assert.commandWorked(res);
+ const optimizeDisabled = res["failpoint.disablePipelineOptimization"].mode;
pipeline = [{$project: {a: 1}}, {$limit: 5}, {$sort: {a: 1}}];
- checkResults(coll.explain(verbosity).aggregate(pipeline), verbosity, 5);
+ checkResults(coll.explain(verbosity).aggregate(pipeline), verbosity, optimizeDisabled ? 10 : 5);
pipeline = [{$project: {_id: 1}}, {$limit: 5}];
- checkResults(coll.explain(verbosity).aggregate(pipeline), verbosity, 5);
+ checkResults(coll.explain(verbosity).aggregate(pipeline), verbosity, optimizeDisabled ? 10 : 5);
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/lookup_with_limit_sharded.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/lookup_with_limit_sharded.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6ee126a03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/lookup_with_limit_sharded.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Tests that the $limit stage is pushed before $lookup stages, except when there is an $unwind.
+ * This will be run against a sharded cluster, which invalidates the disablePipelineOptimization
+ * failpoints that the standalone 'lookup_with_limit' tests use.
+ *
+ * For an unsharded collection, the result of 'explain()' is matched against the expected order of
+ * stages. For a sharded collection, the 'getAggPlanStages()' function is used to
+ * check whether $limit was reordered.
+ *
+ * @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding]
+ */
+(function() {
+load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For getAggPlanStages().
+const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, config: 1});
+const db = st.s.getDB("test");
+const coll = db.lookup_with_limit;
+const other = db.lookup_with_limit_other;
+// Checks that the order of the pipeline stages matches the expected optimized ordering for an
+// unsharded collection.
+function checkUnshardedResults(pipeline, expectedPlanStage, expectedPipeline) {
+ const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline);
+ assert.eq(explain.stages[0].$cursor.queryPlanner.winningPlan.stage, expectedPlanStage, explain);
+ for (let i = 0; i < expectedPipeline.length; i++) {
+ assert.eq(Object.keys(explain.stages[i + 1]), expectedPipeline[i], explain);
+ }
+// Checks that the expected stages are pushed down to the query system for a sharded collection.
+function checkShardedResults(pipeline, expected) {
+ const limitStages = getAggPlanStages(coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline), "LIMIT");
+ assert.eq(limitStages.length, expected, limitStages);
+// Insert ten documents into coll: {x: 0}, {x: 1}, ..., {x: 9}.
+const bulk = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i})).forEach(doc => bulk.insert(doc));
+// Insert twenty documents into other: {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 1}, ..., {x: 9, y: 0}, {x: 9, y: 1}.
+const bulk_other = other.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i, y: 0})).forEach(doc => bulk_other.insert(doc));
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i, y: 1})).forEach(doc => bulk_other.insert(doc));
+// Tests on an unsharded collection.
+// Check that lookup->limit is reordered to limit->lookup, with the limit stage pushed down to query
+// system.
+const lookupPipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkUnshardedResults(lookupPipeline, "LIMIT", ["$lookup"]);
+// Check that lookup->addFields->lookup->limit is reordered to limit->lookup->addFields->lookup,
+// with the limit stage pushed down to query system.
+const multiLookupPipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$addFields: {z: 0}},
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "additional"}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkUnshardedResults(multiLookupPipeline, "LIMIT", ["$lookup", "$addFields", "$lookup"]);
+// Check that lookup->unwind->limit is reordered to lookup->limit, with the unwind stage being
+// absorbed into the lookup stage and preventing the limit from swapping before it.
+const unwindPipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$unwind: "$from_other"},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkUnshardedResults(unwindPipeline, "COLLSCAN", ["$lookup", "$limit"]);
+// Check that lookup->unwind->sort->limit is reordered to lookup->sort, with the unwind stage being
+// absorbed into the lookup stage and preventing the limit from swapping before it, and the limit
+// stage being absorbed into the sort stage.
+const sortPipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$unwind: "$from_other"},
+ {$sort: {x: 1}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkUnshardedResults(sortPipeline, "COLLSCAN", ["$lookup", "$sort"]);
+// Check that sort->lookup->limit is reordered to sort->lookup, with the limit stage being absorbed
+// into the sort stage and creating a top-k sort, which is pushed down to query system.
+const topKSortPipeline = [
+ {$sort: {x: 1}},
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkUnshardedResults(topKSortPipeline, "SORT", ["$lookup"]);
+const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(topKSortPipeline);
+assert.eq(explain.stages[0].$cursor.queryPlanner.winningPlan.limitAmount, 5, explain);
+// Tests on a sharded collection.
+coll.ensureIndex({x: 1});
+st.shardColl(coll, {x: 1}, {x: 1}, {x: 1}, db, true);
+checkShardedResults(lookupPipeline, 2);
+checkShardedResults(multiLookupPipeline, 2);
+checkShardedResults(unwindPipeline, 0);
+checkShardedResults(sortPipeline, 0);
+checkShardedResults(topKSortPipeline, 2);
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/lookup_with_limit.js b/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/lookup_with_limit.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b841422ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/lookup_with_limit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Tests that the $limit stage is pushed before $lookup stages, except when there is an $unwind.
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const coll = db.lookup_with_limit;
+const other = db.lookup_with_limit_other;
+// Checks that the order of the pipeline stages matches the expected ordering depending on whether
+// the pipeline is optimized or not.
+function checkResults(pipeline, isOptimized, expected) {
+ assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({
+ "configureFailPoint": 'disablePipelineOptimization',
+ "mode": isOptimized ? 'off' : 'alwaysOn'
+ }));
+ const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline);
+ if (expected.length > 0) {
+ assert.eq(explain.stages[0].$cursor.queryPlanner.winningPlan.stage, expected[0], explain);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < expected.length; i++) {
+ assert.eq(Object.keys(explain.stages[i]), expected[i], explain);
+ }
+// Insert ten documents into coll: {x: 0}, {x: 1}, ..., {x: 9}.
+const bulk = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i})).forEach(doc => bulk.insert(doc));
+// Insert twenty documents into other: {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 1}, ..., {x: 9, y: 0}, {x: 9, y: 1}.
+const bulk_other = other.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i, y: 0})).forEach(doc => bulk_other.insert(doc));
+Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => ({x: i, y: 1})).forEach(doc => bulk_other.insert(doc));
+// Check that lookup->limit is reordered to limit->lookup, with the limit stage pushed down to query
+// system.
+var pipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkResults(pipeline, false, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$limit"]);
+checkResults(pipeline, true, ["LIMIT", "$lookup"]);
+// Check that lookup->addFields->lookup->limit is reordered to limit->lookup->addFields->lookup,
+// with the limit stage pushed down to query system.
+pipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$addFields: {z: 0}},
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "additional"}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkResults(pipeline, false, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$addFields", "$lookup", "$limit"]);
+checkResults(pipeline, true, ["LIMIT", "$lookup", "$addFields", "$lookup"]);
+// Check that lookup->unwind->limit is reordered to lookup->limit, with the unwind stage being
+// absorbed into the lookup stage and preventing the limit from swapping before it.
+pipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$unwind: "$from_other"},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkResults(pipeline, false, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$unwind", "$limit"]);
+checkResults(pipeline, true, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$limit"]);
+// Check that lookup->unwind->sort->limit is reordered to lookup->sort, with the unwind stage being
+// absorbed into the lookup stage and preventing the limit from swapping before it, and the limit
+// stage being absorbed into the sort stage.
+pipeline = [
+ {$lookup: {from: other.getName(), localField: "x", foreignField: "x", as: "from_other"}},
+ {$unwind: "$from_other"},
+ {$sort: {x: 1}},
+ {$limit: 5}
+checkResults(pipeline, false, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$unwind", "$sort", "$limit"]);
+checkResults(pipeline, true, ["COLLSCAN", "$lookup", "$sort"]);