path: root/jstests
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authorNick Zolnierz <>2017-07-14 14:32:26 -0400
committerNick Zolnierz <>2017-07-14 14:32:26 -0400
commite0ac8c8b9a5b908fe86ec973d7def3822ad70302 (patch)
tree1a6c48dff4cca5e55ffe4e48c691de6ceb2459d4 /jstests
parent27d21e6973867ad99fec0b385ad26458b4b7f1ad (diff)
Revert "SERVER-30082 add FCV characterization JS test for two phase drop behavior"
This reverts commit 26ff40f21fabb2ac28405f6ebbca5c45f19bc760.
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/drop_collections_two_phase_feature_compatibility_version.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/drop_collections_two_phase_feature_compatibility_version.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9517723d4a..00000000000
--- a/jstests/noPassthrough/drop_collections_two_phase_feature_compatibility_version.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- * Test to ensure that drop pending collections are not dropped upon clean shutdown under FCV 3.4
- * and FCV 3.6.
- */
-(function() {
- "use strict";
- // Return a list of all collections in a given database. Use 'args' as the
- // 'listCollections' command arguments.
- function listCollections(database, args) {
- var args = args || {};
- var failMsg = "'listCollections' command failed";
- var res = assert.commandWorked(database.runCommand("listCollections", args), failMsg);
- return res.cursor.firstBatch;
- }
- // Return a list of all collection names in a given database.
- function listCollectionNames(database, args) {
- return listCollections(database, args).map(c =>;
- }
- // Set a fail point on a specified node.
- function setFailPoint(node, failpoint, mode) {
- assert.commandWorked(node.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpoint, mode: mode}));
- }
- // Returns true if database contains drop-pending namespace corresponding to 'collToDrop'.
- function containsDropPendingCollection(database, collToDrop) {
- var collections = listCollections(database, {includePendingDrops: true});
- jsTestLog("Checking presence of drop-pending collection for " + collToDrop +
- " in the collection list: " + tojson(collections));
- // Make sure the collection doesn't appear in the collection list.
- assert.eq(undefined, collections.find(c => === collToDrop));
- // Returns true if the collection is now in 'drop-pending' state. The collection name should
- // be of the format "system.drop.<optime>.<collectionName>", where 'optime' is the optime of
- // the collection drop operation, encoded as a string, and 'collectionName' is the original
- // collection name.
- var pendingDropRegex = new RegExp("system\.drop\..*\." + collToDrop + "$");
- return collections.find(c => pendingDropRegex.test(;
- }
- // Ensures that a drop-pending collection corresponding to 'collToDrop' is present on the
- // primary.
- function createDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, secondary, collToDrop) {
- // Create the collection that will be dropped and let it replicate.
- primaryDB.createCollection(collToDrop);
- replTest.awaitReplication();
- // Pause application on secondary so that commit point doesn't advance, meaning that a
- // dropped
- // collection on the primary will remain in 'drop-pending' state.
- jsTestLog("Pausing oplog application on the secondary node.");
- setFailPoint(secondary, "rsSyncApplyStop", "alwaysOn");
- // Make sure the collection was created.
- var collNames = listCollectionNames(primaryDB);
- assert.contains(
- collToDrop, collNames, "Collection '" + collToDrop + "' wasn't created properly");
- // Drop the collection on the primary.
- jsTestLog("Dropping collection '" + collToDrop + "' on primary node.");
- assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand({drop: collToDrop, writeConcern: {w: 1}}));
- assert(containsDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, collToDrop),
- "Collection was not found in the 'system.drop' namespace");
- }
- // Set feature compatibility version and creates a drop-pending collection before restarting
- // the primary.
- function restartPrimaryWithDropPendingCollection(
- featureCompatibilityVersion, replTest, dbName, collToDrop) {
- var primary = replTest.getPrimary();
- var secondary = replTest.getSecondary();
- // Setting priority of node 1 ensures that only node 0 can be primary even across restarts.
- assert.eq(0, replTest.getNodeId(primary));
- // Setting feature compatibility requires write majority to work. Re-enable oplog
- // application on the secondary if it was disabled previously.
- setFailPoint(secondary, "rsSyncApplyStop", "off");
- assert.commandWorked(
- primary.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: featureCompatibilityVersion}));
- var res = primary.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1});
- assert.commandWorked(
- res, "failed to set feature compatibility version to " + featureCompatibilityVersion);
- assert.eq(featureCompatibilityVersion, res.featureCompatibilityVersion);
- // Create a new collection and transition it to a drop-pending state before restarting the
- // primary.
- var primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- createDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, secondary, collToDrop);
- // Restart node 0 and wait for it to become primary again. Node 1 cannot become primary
- // because it is configured with a priority of 0.
- jsTestLog("Drop-pending collection present. Restarting primary " + +
- " with feature compatibility version " + featureCompatibilityVersion);
- replTest.restart(0);
- primary = replTest.getPrimary();
- assert.eq(0, replTest.getNodeId(primary));
- jsTestLog("Primary " + +
- " restarted successfully with feature compatibility version " +
- featureCompatibilityVersion);
- }
- var replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]});
- // Initiate the replica set.
- replTest.startSet();
- replTest.initiate();
- replTest.awaitReplication();
- // Restart primary node under FCV 3.4. Drop-pending collection should be present after node
- // comes back up.
- var dbName = "test";
- var collToDrop34 = "collectionToDrop34";
- restartPrimaryWithDropPendingCollection("3.4", replTest, dbName, collToDrop34);
- var primary = replTest.getPrimary();
- var primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- assert(containsDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, collToDrop34),
- "Collection was removed on clean shutdown when FCV is 3.4.");
- // Restart primary node under FCV 3.6. Drop-pending collection should be present after node
- // comes back up.
- var collToDrop36 = "collectionToDrop36";
- restartPrimaryWithDropPendingCollection("3.6", replTest, dbName, collToDrop36);
- var primary = replTest.getPrimary();
- var primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- assert(containsDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, collToDrop36),
- "Collection was removed on clean shutdown when FCV is 3.6.");
- // Let the secondary apply the collection drop operation, so that the replica set commit point
- // will advance, and the 'Commit' phase of the collection drop will complete on the primary.
- jsTestLog("Restarting oplog application on the secondary node.");
- var secondary = replTest.getSecondary();
- setFailPoint(secondary, "rsSyncApplyStop", "off");
- jsTestLog("Waiting for collection drop operation to replicate to all nodes.");
- replTest.awaitReplication();
- // Make sure the collection has been fully dropped. It should not appear as
- // a normal collection or under the 'system.drop' namespace any longer. Physical collection
- // drops may happen asynchronously, any time after the drop operation is committed, so we wait
- // to make sure the collection is eventually dropped.
- assert.soonNoExcept(function() {
- return !containsDropPendingCollection(primaryDB, collToDrop36);
- });
- replTest.stopSet();