path: root/jstests
diff options
authorIrina Yatsenko <>2021-05-17 18:14:08 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-06-17 14:32:32 +0000
commit5b58572d3112935f0b2bf38f1dc1dfb90ea3a25c (patch)
tree12c394306ac10ef43c480c32c76486971c37baf8 /jstests
parent676f6aed12f9f56143223ab8c6a04439d02e94a8 (diff)
SERVER-56501 Add into serverStatus().opcounters a subsection for deprecated opcodes
(cherry picked from commit 7465d0acdc0096ed7d966c6ed623a11e8d6199d6) (cherry picked from commit e779656ef9c8509ec8838d4019b95c5fc4a9e81a)
Diffstat (limited to 'jstests')
3 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_lib.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_lib.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d12117913b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_lib.js
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ * Helper routines for deprecated_wire_ops_mongod.js and deprecated_wire_ops_mongos.js.
+ */
+const DeprecatedWireOpsTest = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ if (!(this instanceof DeprecatedWireOpsTest)) {
+ return new DeprecatedWireOpsTest();
+ }
+ // Warning code for deprecated op codes or getLastError command in log.
+ const kDeprecatedWireOpWarningCode = 5578800;
+ /**
+ * Extracts deprecation warning messages from server log. Returns the extracted logging
+ * message(s).
+ *
+ * If 'assertOpKindMatch' is true, asserts that all log entries' operations are same as
+ * 'expectedOpKind'.
+ */
+ const extractDeprecationMsgFromLog =
+ (testDB, connId, expectedOpKind, assertOpKindMatch = false) => {
+ const log = assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({"getLog": "global"})).log;
+ const connIdStr = `conn${connId}`;
+ let logEntries = [];
+ log.forEach((line) => {
+ if (line.indexOf(`"id":${kDeprecatedWireOpWarningCode}`) >= 0) {
+ const logEntry = JSON.parse(line);
+ assert.eq(logEntry.ctx, connIdStr);
+ assert.eq(, kDeprecatedWireOpWarningCode);
+ assert.eq(logEntry.s, "W");
+ assert.eq(logEntry.c, "COMMAND");
+ if (logEntry.attr.op == expectedOpKind) {
+ logEntries.push(logEntry);
+ } else {
+ assert.eq(assertOpKindMatch,
+ false,
+ `Expected ${expectedOpKind} only but found ${logEntry.attr.op}`);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return logEntries;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Asserts that the warning message for legacy op codes and getLastError command is logged only
+ * once for 'expectedOpKind'.
+ */
+ const assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceOn = (testDB, connId, expectedOpKind) => {
+ const logEntries = extractDeprecationMsgFromLog(
+ testDB, connId, expectedOpKind, /*assertOpKindMatch*/ true);
+ // Verifies that the legacy op is logged with a warning message.
+ assert.eq(logEntries.length, 1);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Asserts that the number of log entries for warning messages for 'expectedOpKind' is same as
+ * 'expectedCount' and all log entries are triggered under 'connId' connection.
+ */
+ const assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCountOn = (testDB, connId, expectedOpKind, expectedCount) => {
+ const logEntries = extractDeprecationMsgFromLog(testDB, connId, expectedOpKind);
+ // Verifies that the legacy op is logged with a warning message.
+ assert.eq(logEntries.length, expectedCount);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sleeps for 'ms' milliseconds with logging messages.
+ */
+ const sleepWithLogging = (ms) => {
+ jsTestLog(new Date().toString() + `: sleeping for ${ms}ms...`);
+ sleep(ms);
+ jsTestLog(new Date().toString() + ": woke up");
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a legacy cursor on 'coll' collection so that we can send OP_GET_MORE or
+ * OP_KILL_CURSORS. This can be done as follows.
+ * 1. Sends a OP_MSG find command with a small batch size to create a cursor.
+ * 2. Gets a legacy cursor object using cursorFromId() method which always uses OP_GET_MORE op
+ * code when hasNext() or next() is called, and OP_KILL_CURSORS op code when close() is
+ * called.
+ */
+ const getLegacyCursor = (db, coll) => {
+ const findRes = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({find: coll.getName(), batchSize: 1}));
+ // == 0 means the cursor reached the end of data, which must not happen.
+ assert.neq(, 0);
+ return db.getMongo().cursorFromId(findRes.cursor.ns,, /*batchSize*/ 2);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Runs a basic test case for log warning behavior for legacy op codes or getLastError command.
+ * The basic behavior is that only one warning message must be logged for the first legacy op
+ * or getLastError command in a period for multiple legacy op codes and/or getLastError command
+ * requests per each client.
+ *
+ * - 'legacyOpAction1': The first action to execute legacy ops or commands. This action is
+ * executed twice.
+ * - 'legacyOpAction2': The second action to execute legacy ops or commands. This action is
+ * executed only once.
+ * - 'verifyAction': An action to verify the results. This action is executed after every
+ * 'legacyOpAction1' or 'legacyOpAction2'.
+ */
+ const runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest = (legacyOpAction1, legacyOpAction2, verifyAction) => {
+ legacyOpAction1();
+ verifyAction();
+ legacyOpAction1();
+ verifyAction();
+ legacyOpAction2();
+ verifyAction();
+ };
+ const nop = () => {};
+ /**
+ * - 'testCaseSetUp': An action to set up the test case.
+ * - 'legacyOpAction': An action to execute legacy ops or commands. This is executed twice.
+ * - 'verifyAction': An action to verify the results. This is executed after every
+ * 'legacyOpAction'.
+ * - 'sleepAction': An action on how to sleep. 'runLogAllDeprecatedWireOpsTest' sets this
+ * argument to 'nop' to verify the log-all behavior because the log-all behavior is only
+ * valid when period = 0 and when period = 0, we should not sleep at all.
+ */
+ const runPeriodTestCase = (testCaseSetUp, legacyOpAction, verifyAction, sleepAction = nop) => {
+ testCaseSetUp();
+ legacyOpAction();
+ verifyAction();
+ sleepAction();
+ legacyOpAction();
+ verifyAction();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a setParameter document for deprecation warning period 'periodInSeconds'.
+ * The returned doc will be used to start up mongod or mongos.
+ */
+ this.getParamDoc = (periodInSeconds) => {
+ return {setParameter: `deprecatedWireOpsWarningPeriodInSeconds=${periodInSeconds}`};
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets up the test environment and returns a connection 'conn', a test db 'testDB', a
+ * connection id 'connId', and a collection 'coll'.
+ *
+ * 'startUp' is supposed to start a mongod or sharded cluster and returns a connection to it and
+ * a test db.
+ *
+ * 'conn' is used to tear down the server, which means it's an input argument for tear down
+ * callback.
+ */
+ this.setUp = (startUp, periodInSeconds) => {
+ const[conn, testDB] = startUp(periodInSeconds);
+ // Figures out the connection ID.
+ const connId = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand("hello")).connectionId;
+ const coll = testDB.getCollection("a");
+ coll.drop();
+ // Prepares some data for OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE, and OP_KILL_CURSORS.
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 0}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 2}));
+ // Need to set the legacy read and write mode to issue deprecated op codes or command.
+ const mongo = testDB.getMongo();
+ mongo.forceReadMode("legacy");
+ mongo.forceWriteMode("legacy");
+ return [conn, testDB, connId, coll];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Verifies the basic logging behavior for legacy op codes and getLastError command which is to
+ * log a warning messages for the first legacy op code or getLastError command in 60-minutes
+ * period per each client.
+ *
+ * 'setUp' is used to set up a test environment such as starting up mongod or a sharded cluster
+ * and getting a test database object and etc. 'tearDown' is used to tear down the test
+ * environment which is started by 'setUp'.
+ */
+ this.runDeprecatedWireOpBasicLoggingBehaviorTest = (setUp, tearDown) => {
+ const assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind = (expectedOpKind) =>
+ assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceOn(testDB, connId, expectedOpKind);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_INSERTs and one
+ // OP_QUERY.
+ let [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(() => coll.insert({a: 2, b: 3}),
+ () => coll.find().toArray(),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("insert"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_UPDATEs and one
+ // OP_QUERY.
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(() => coll.updateOne({a: 3}, {$set: {b: -1}}),
+ () => coll.find().toArray(),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("update"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_DELETEs and one
+ // OP_QUERY.
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(() => coll.deleteOne({a: 3}),
+ () => coll.find().toArray(),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("remove"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for two getLastError commands and one
+ // OP_QUERY.
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(
+ () => assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({getLastError: 1})),
+ () => coll.find().toArray(),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("getLastError"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_QUERYs and one
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(() => assert.eq(coll.find().toArray().length, 3),
+ () => coll.insert({a: 4}),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("query"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_GET_MOREs and one
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(
+ () => {
+ let legacyCursor = getLegacyCursor(testDB, coll);
+ assert.eq(legacyCursor.hasNext(), true);
+ },
+ () => coll.updateOne({a: 1}, {$set: {b: -1}}),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("getmore"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once for two OP_KILL_CURSORS and one
+ [conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ runBasicLoggingBehaviorTest(
+ () => {
+ let legacyCursor = getLegacyCursor(testDB, coll);
+ legacyCursor.close();
+ },
+ () => coll.deleteOne({a: 1}),
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarnedOnlyOnceForOpKind("killcursors"));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Verifies that every legacy op code and getLastError command request is logged with a warning
+ * message when the warning period is set to 0 seconds.
+ *
+ * 'setUp' is used to set up a test environment such as starting up mongod or a sharded cluster
+ * and getting a test database object and etc. 'tearDown' is used to tear down the test
+ * environment which is started by 'setUp'.
+ */
+ this.runLogAllDeprecatedWireOpsTest = (setUp, tearDown) => {
+ const[conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp();
+ const assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount = (expectedOpKind, expectedCount) =>
+ assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCountOn(testDB, connId, expectedOpKind, expectedCount);
+ let nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every OP_INSERT.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ coll.insert({a: 1, b: 2});
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("insert", nLegacyOpMsgExpected));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every OP_UPDATE.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ coll.updateOne({a: 1}, {$set: {b: -1}});
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("update", nLegacyOpMsgExpected));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every OP_DELETE.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ coll.deleteOne({a: 1});
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("remove", nLegacyOpMsgExpected));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every getLastError.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ // First figure out how many getLastError commands have already been issued since
+ // we're in "legacy" write mode.
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected =
+ extractDeprecationMsgFromLog(testDB,
+ connId,
+ /*expectedOpKind*/ "getLastError")
+ .length;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({getLastError: 1}));
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("getLastError", nLegacyOpMsgExpected));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every OP_QUERY.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ coll.drop();
+ testDB.getMongo().forceWriteMode("commands");
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 2}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 3}));
+ testDB.getMongo().forceWriteMode("legacy");
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ const data = coll.find().toArray();
+ assert.eq(data.length, 3);
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("query", nLegacyOpMsgExpected));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message for every OP_GET_MORE & OP_KILL_CURSORS.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ const legacyCursor = getLegacyCursor(testDB, coll);
+ legacyCursor.hasNext();
+ legacyCursor.close();
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => {
+ assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("getmore", nLegacyOpMsgExpected);
+ assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("killcursors", nLegacyOpMsgExpected);
+ });
+ tearDown(conn);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Verifies that the warning period value is honored. The focus here is to verify that after the
+ * period expires, any legacy op code or getLastError command is logged with a warning message.
+ *
+ * 'setUp' is used to set up a test environment such as starting up mongod or a sharded cluster
+ * and getting a test database object and etc. 'tearDown' is used to tear down the test
+ * environment which is started by 'setUp'.
+ */
+ this.runDeprecatedWireOpPeriodTest = (setUp, tearDown, periodInSeconds) => {
+ const[conn, testDB, connId, coll] = setUp(periodInSeconds);
+ const periodInMs = periodInSeconds * 1000 + 200;
+ const assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount = (expectedOpKind, expectedCount) =>
+ assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCountOn(testDB, connId, expectedOpKind, expectedCount);
+ let nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once in 'periodInSeconds' for
+ // multiple OP_INSERTs.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ coll.insert({a: 1, b: 2});
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ coll.insert({a: 1, b: 2});
+ coll.insert({a: 1, b: 2});
+ coll.insert({a: 1, b: 2});
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("insert", nLegacyOpMsgExpected),
+ /*sleepAction*/
+ () => sleepWithLogging(periodInMs));
+ // Verifies that the server logs a warning message only once in 'periodInSeconds' for
+ // multiple OP_QUERYs.
+ runPeriodTestCase(
+ /*testCaseSetUp*/
+ () => {
+ nLegacyOpMsgExpected = 0;
+ coll.drop();
+ testDB.getMongo().forceWriteMode("commands");
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1}));
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1}));
+ testDB.getMongo().forceWriteMode("legacy");
+ // Sleeps to make sure the previous period expires.
+ sleepWithLogging(periodInMs);
+ },
+ /*legacyOpAction*/
+ () => {
+ assert.eq(coll.find().toArray().length, 2);
+ ++nLegacyOpMsgExpected;
+ assert.eq(coll.find().toArray().length, 2);
+ assert.eq(coll.find().toArray().length, 2);
+ },
+ /*verifyAction*/
+ () => assertLegacyOpWarningMsgCount("query", nLegacyOpMsgExpected),
+ /*sleepAction*/
+ () => sleepWithLogging(periodInMs));
+ tearDown(conn);
+ };
+ this.runDeprecatedOpcountersInServerStatusTest = (setUp, tearDown) => {
+ const[conn, dbTest] = setUp();
+ const insertCount = 5;
+ const batchSize = 3;
+ function exerciseOperations(collection) {
+ // Insert (each document is counted as separate insert op)
+ let docs = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < insertCount; i++) {
+ docs.push({a: i});
+ }
+ assert.commandWorked(collection.insertMany(docs));
+ // Query and getmore (one query op, count of getmore ops depends on ratio of insertCount
+ // to batchSize)
+ collection.find().batchSize(batchSize).toArray();
+ // Update (one update op even if multiple doucuments match)
+ assert.commandWorked(collection.updateMany({a: {$lt: insertCount}}, {$set: {b: 42}}));
+ // Delete (one delete op even if multiple documents match)
+ // Delete everything so we can compare results of consecutive exerciseOperations.
+ assert.commandWorked(collection.deleteMany({a: {$lt: insertCount}}));
+ }
+ const coll = dbTest.getCollection("opcounters");
+ coll.drop();
+ const initialOpcounters = dbTest.serverStatus().opcounters;
+ jsTestLog("opcounters before running tests: " + tojson(initialOpcounters));
+ // Execute operations in commands mode against "coll" collection and cache the counters.
+ exerciseOperations(coll);
+ const afterCommands = dbTest.serverStatus().opcounters;
+ jsTestLog("opcounters after running in commands mode: " + tojson(afterCommands));
+ assert.eq(undefined, afterCommands.deprecated, "should have no deprecated ops yet");
+ const queryCommands = afterCommands.query - initialOpcounters.query;
+ const insertCommands = afterCommands.insert - initialOpcounters.insert;
+ const getmoreCommands = afterCommands.getmore - initialOpcounters.getmore;
+ const deleteCommands = afterCommands.delete - initialOpcounters.delete;
+ const updateCommands = afterCommands.update - initialOpcounters.update;
+ // Switch to legacy mode and execute exactly the same operations. This should add deprecated
+ // section to serverStatus with the same counts as we got in `afterCommands` and it should
+ // double the base counts.
+ const mongo = dbTest.getMongo();
+ mongo.forceReadMode("legacy");
+ mongo.forceWriteMode("legacy");
+ exerciseOperations(coll);
+ const afterLegacyOps = dbTest.serverStatus().opcounters;
+ jsTestLog("opcounters after running in legacy mode: " + tojson(afterLegacyOps));
+ const queryDeprecated = afterLegacyOps.deprecated.query;
+ const insertDeprecated = afterLegacyOps.deprecated.insert;
+ const getmoreDeprecated = afterLegacyOps.deprecated.getmore;
+ const deleteDeprecated = afterLegacyOps.deprecated.delete;
+ const updateDeprecated = afterLegacyOps.deprecated.update;
+ const totalDeprecated = insertDeprecated + queryDeprecated + getmoreDeprecated +
+ updateDeprecated + deleteDeprecated;
+ // Check that the legacy operations have been accounted for in the deprecated counters and
+ // that they've produced the same numbers as command-based ops.
+ assert.eq(insertCommands, insertDeprecated, "deprecated insert");
+ assert.eq(queryCommands, queryDeprecated, "deprecated query");
+ assert.eq(getmoreCommands, getmoreDeprecated, "deprecated getmore");
+ assert.eq(updateCommands, updateDeprecated, "deprecated update");
+ assert.eq(deleteCommands, deleteDeprecated, "deprecated delete");
+ assert.eq(0, afterLegacyOps.deprecated.killcursors, "deprecated killcursors");
+ assert.eq(totalDeprecated,, "deprecated total");
+ // Check that the legacy operations have been added to the main counters.
+ assert.eq(afterCommands.insert + insertDeprecated, afterLegacyOps.insert, "main insert");
+ assert.eq(afterCommands.query + queryDeprecated, afterLegacyOps.query, "main query");
+ assert.eq(
+ afterCommands.getmore + getmoreDeprecated, afterLegacyOps.getmore, "main getmore");
+ assert.eq(afterCommands.update + updateDeprecated, afterLegacyOps.update, "main update");
+ assert.eq(afterCommands.delete + deleteDeprecated, afterLegacyOps.delete, "main delete");
+ // Check killcursors separately to make the math above simpler.
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insertMany([{a: 0}, {a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}]));
+ let cursor = getLegacyCursor(dbTest, coll);
+ assert.eq(cursor.hasNext(), true);
+ cursor.close();
+ assert.eq(1, dbTest.serverStatus().opcounters.deprecated.killcursors, "killcursors");
+ tearDown(conn);
+ };
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongod.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongod.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..876d9ede2d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongod.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Verifies that the mongod accounts for the legacy opcodes in serverStatus.opcounters.
+ */
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ load("jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_lib.js");
+ const testHelper = new DeprecatedWireOpsTest();
+ /**
+ * The opcounters test switches read and write mode to legacy for the mongod instance so it's
+ * better
+ * to run the test in its own sandbox.
+ */
+ const startUpMongod = () => {
+ const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({});
+ assert.neq(conn, null, `mongod failed to start up`);
+ const testDB = conn.getDB(jsTestName());
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.dropDatabase());
+ return [conn, testDB];
+ };
+ const tearDownMongod = (conn) => {
+ MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
+ };
+ testHelper.runDeprecatedOpcountersInServerStatusTest(startUpMongod, tearDownMongod);
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongos.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongos.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9532adffd65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_serverStatus_mongos.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Verifies that the mongos accounts for the legacy opcodes in serverStatus.opcounters.
+ *
+ * Without the following tag, this test suite fails on a linux-64-duroff build variant since the
+ * build variant does not support sharding.
+ * @tags: [requires_sharding]
+ */
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ load("jstests/noPassthrough/deprecated_wire_ops_lib.js");
+ const testHelper = new DeprecatedWireOpsTest();
+ /**
+ * The opcounters test switches read and write mode to legacy for the mongos instance so it's
+ * better
+ * to run the test in its own sandbox.
+ */
+ const startUpMongos = () => {
+ const st = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: 1, mongosOptions: {}});
+ const testDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName());
+ assert.commandWorked(testDB.dropDatabase());
+ return [st, testDB];
+ };
+ const tearDownMongos = (shardedCluster) => {
+ shardedCluster.stop();
+ };
+ testHelper.runDeprecatedOpcountersInServerStatusTest(startUpMongos, tearDownMongos);