path: root/shell
diff options
authorEliot Horowitz <>2010-02-28 13:52:33 -0500
committerEliot Horowitz <>2010-02-28 13:52:33 -0500
commit63b5f7e470fc2d63603bd7b49f8057052f4826e6 (patch)
tree5bca19d58007d5fcc03f4614ce8ab03e293b92c5 /shell
parent0e10fb37681679f7429dc5243e7d75263c905b9f (diff)
update vstudio js file
Diffstat (limited to 'shell')
1 files changed, 1159 insertions, 1652 deletions
diff --git a/shell/mongo_vstudio.cpp b/shell/mongo_vstudio.cpp
index 3b4d6a86c05..f88b3c2b6f7 100644
--- a/shell/mongo_vstudio.cpp
+++ b/shell/mongo_vstudio.cpp
@@ -1,462 +1,616 @@
- * Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
const char * jsconcatcode =
-"if ( ( typeof DBCollection ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "DBCollection = function( mongo , db , shortName , fullName ){\n"
- "this._mongo = mongo;\n"
- "this._db = db;\n"
- "this._shortName = shortName;\n"
- "this._fullName = fullName;\n"
- "this.verify();\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.verify = function(){\n"
- "assert( this._fullName , \"no fullName\" );\n"
- "assert( this._shortName , \"no shortName\" );\n"
- "assert( this._db , \"no db\" );\n"
- "assert.eq( this._fullName , this._db._name + \".\" + this._shortName , \"name mismatch\" );\n"
- "assert( this._mongo , \"no mongo in DBCollection\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getName = function(){\n"
- "return this._shortName;\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function(){\n"
- "print(\"DBCollection help\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ get DB object associated with collection\");\n"
- "print(\"\\[query])\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return.\");\n"
- "print(\"\\t e.g. { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } )\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\, object[, upsert_bool])\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\" );\n"
- "print(\"\\,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ drop the collection\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ newName ) renames the collection\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ - SLOW\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ - includes free space allocated to this collection\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ - size in bytes of all the indexes\");\n"
- "print(\"\\ - storage allocated for all data and indexes\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getFullName = function(){\n"
- "return this._fullName;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getDB = function(){\n"
- "return this._db;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand = function( cmd ){\n"
- "return this._db._dbCommand( cmd );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._massageObject = function( q ){\n"
- "if ( ! q )\n"
- "return {};\n"
- "var type = typeof q;\n"
- "if ( type == \"function\" )\n"
- "return { $where : q };\n"
- "if ( q.isObjectId )\n"
- "return { _id : q };\n"
- "if ( type == \"object\" )\n"
- "return q;\n"
- "if ( type == \"string\" ){\n"
- "if ( q.length == 24 )\n"
- "return { _id : q };\n"
- "return { $where : q };\n"
- "}\n"
- "throw \"don't know how to massage : \" + type;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._validateObject = function( o ){\n"
- "if ( o._ensureSpecial && o._checkModify )\n"
- "throw \"can't save a DBQuery object\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection._allowedFields = { $id : 1 , $ref : 1 };\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._validateForStorage = function( o ){\n"
- "this._validateObject( o );\n"
- "for ( var k in o ){\n"
- "if ( k.indexOf( \".\" ) >= 0 ) {\n"
- "throw \"can't have . in field names [\" + k + \"]\" ;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( k.indexOf( \"$\" ) == 0 && ! DBCollection._allowedFields[k] ) {\n"
- "throw \"field names cannot start with $ [\" + k + \"]\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( o[k] !== null && typeof( o[k] ) === \"object\" ) {\n"
- "this._validateForStorage( o[k] );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "};\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.find = function( query , fields , limit , skip ){\n"
- "return new DBQuery( this._mongo , this._db , this ,\n"
- "this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) , fields , limit , skip );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.findOne = function( query , fields ){\n"
- "var cursor = this._mongo.find( this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) || {} , fields , -1 , 0 );\n"
- "if ( ! cursor.hasNext() )\n"
+"__quiet = false;\n"
+ "chatty = function(s){\n"
+ "if ( ! __quiet )\n"
+ "print( s );}\n"
+ "friendlyEqual = function( a , b ){\n"
+ "if ( a == b )\n"
+ "return true;\n"
+ "if ( tojson( a ) == tojson( b ) )\n"
+ "return true;\n"
+ "return false;}\n"
+ "doassert = function( msg ){\n"
+ "print( \"assert: \" + msg );\n"
+ "throw msg;}\n"
+ "assert = function( b , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( b )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"assert failed : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert._debug = false;\n"
+ "assert.eq = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( a == b )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "if ( ( a != null && b != null ) && friendlyEqual( a , b ) )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"[\" + tojson( a ) + \"] != [\" + tojson( b ) + \"] are not equal : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.neq = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( a != b )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"[\" + a + \"] != [\" + b + \"] are equal : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.soon = function( f, msg, timeout, interval ) {\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "var start = new Date();\n"
+ "timeout = timeout || 30000;\n"
+ "interval = interval || 200;\n"
+ "var last;\n"
+ "while( 1 ) {\n"
+ "if ( typeof( f ) == \"string\" ){\n"
+ "if ( eval( f ) )\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "else {\n"
+ "if ( f() )\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "if ( ( new Date() ).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout )\n"
+ "doassert( \"assert.soon failed: \" + f + \", msg:\" + msg );\n"
+ "sleep( interval );}}\n"
+ "assert.throws = function( func , params , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "try {\n"
+ "func.apply( null , params );}\n"
+ "catch ( e ){\n"
+ "return e;}\n"
+ "doassert( \"did not throw exception: \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.commandWorked = function( res , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( res.ok == 1 )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"command failed: \" + tojson( res ) + \" : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.commandFailed = function( res , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( res.ok == 0 )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"command worked when it should have failed: \" + tojson( res ) + \" : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.isnull = function( what , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( what == null )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( \"supposed to null (\" + ( msg || \"\" ) + \") was: \" + tojson( what ) );}\n"
+ " = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( a < b )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( a + \" is not less than \" + b + \" : \" + msg );}\n"
+ " = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
+ "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
+ "if ( a > b )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( a + \" is not greater than \" + b + \" : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "assert.close = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
+ "var diff = Math.abs( (a-b)/((a+b)/2) );\n"
+ "if ( diff < .001 )\n"
+ "return;\n"
+ "doassert( a + \" is not close to \" + b + \" diff: \" + diff + \" : \" + msg );}\n"
+ "Object.extend = function( dst , src , deep ){\n"
+ "for ( var k in src ){\n"
+ "var v = src[k];\n"
+ "if ( deep && typeof(v) == \"object\" ){\n"
+ "v = Object.extend( typeof ( v.length ) == \"number\" ? [] : {} , v , true );}\n"
+ "dst[k] = v;}\n"
+ "return dst;}\n"
+ "argumentsToArray = function( a ){\n"
+ "var arr = [];\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ )\n"
+ "arr[i] = a[i];\n"
+ "return arr;}\n"
+ "isString = function( x ){\n"
+ "return typeof( x ) == \"string\";}\n"
+ "isNumber = function(x){\n"
+ "return typeof( x ) == \"number\";}\n"
+ "isObject = function( x ){\n"
+ "return typeof( x ) == \"object\";}\n"
+ "String.prototype.trim = function() {\n"
+ "return this.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,\"\");}\n"
+ "String.prototype.ltrim = function() {\n"
+ "return this.replace(/^\\s+/,\"\");}\n"
+ "String.prototype.rtrim = function() {\n"
+ "return this.replace(/\\s+$/,\"\");}\n"
+ "Date.timeFunc = function( theFunc , numTimes ){\n"
+ "var start = new Date();\n"
+ "numTimes = numTimes || 1;\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<numTimes; i++ ){\n"
+ "theFunc.apply( null , argumentsToArray( arguments ).slice( 2 ) );}\n"
+ "return (new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime();}\n"
+ "Date.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
+ "return \"\\\"\" + this.toString() + \"\\\"\";}\n"
+ "RegExp.prototype.tojson = RegExp.prototype.toString;\n"
+ "Array.contains = function( a , x ){\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){\n"
+ "if ( a[i] == x )\n"
+ "return true;}\n"
+ "return false;}\n"
+ "Array.unique = function( a ){\n"
+ "var u = [];\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){\n"
+ "var o = a[i];\n"
+ "if ( ! Array.contains( u , o ) ){\n"
+ "u.push( o );}}\n"
+ "return u;}\n"
+ "Array.shuffle = function( arr ){\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<arr.length-1; i++ ){\n"
+ "var pos = i+Random.randInt(arr.length-i);\n"
+ "var save = arr[i];\n"
+ "arr[i] = arr[pos];\n"
+ "arr[pos] = save;}\n"
+ "return arr;}\n"
+ "Array.tojson = function( a , indent ){\n"
+ "if (!indent)\n"
+ "indent = \"\";\n"
+ "if (a.length == 0) {\n"
+ "return \"[ ]\";}\n"
+ "var s = \"[\\n\";\n"
+ "indent += \"\\t\";\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){\n"
+ "s += indent + tojson( a[i], indent );\n"
+ "if ( i < a.length - 1 ){\n"
+ "s += \",\\n\";}}\n"
+ "if ( a.length == 0 ) {\n"
+ "s += indent;}\n"
+ "indent = indent.substring(1);\n"
+ "s += \"\\n\"+indent+\"]\";\n"
+ "return s;}\n"
+ "Array.fetchRefs = function( arr , coll ){\n"
+ "var n = [];\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<arr.length; i ++){\n"
+ "var z = arr[i];\n"
+ "if ( coll && coll != z.getCollection() )\n"
+ "continue;\n"
+ "n.push( z.fetch() );}\n"
+ "return n;}\n"
+ "Array.sum = function( arr ){\n"
+ "if ( arr.length == 0 )\n"
"return null;\n"
- "var ret =;\n"
- "if ( cursor.hasNext() ) throw \"findOne has more than 1 result!\";\n"
- "if ( ret.$err )\n"
- "throw \"error \" + tojson( ret );\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.insert = function( obj , _allow_dot ){\n"
- "if ( ! obj )\n"
- "throw \"no object!\";\n"
- "if ( ! _allow_dot ) {\n"
- "this._validateForStorage( obj );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return this._mongo.insert( this._fullName , obj );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.remove = function( t ){\n"
- "this._mongo.remove( this._fullName , this._massageObject( t ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.update = function( query , obj , upsert ){\n"
- "assert( query , \"need a query\" );\n"
- "assert( obj , \"need an object\" );\n"
- "this._validateObject( obj );\n"
- "return this._mongo.update( this._fullName , query , obj , upsert ? true : false );\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function( obj ){\n"
- "if ( obj == null || typeof( obj ) == \"undefined\" )\n"
- "throw \"can't save a null\";\n"
- "if ( typeof( obj._id ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "obj._id = new ObjectId();\n"
- "return this.insert( obj );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "var s = arr[0];\n"
+ "for ( var i=1; i<arr.length; i++ )\n"
+ "s += arr[i];\n"
+ "return s;}\n"
+ "Array.avg = function( arr ){\n"
+ "if ( arr.length == 0 )\n"
+ "return null;\n"
+ "return Array.sum( arr ) / arr.length;}\n"
+ "Array.stdDev = function( arr ){\n"
+ "var avg = Array.avg( arr );\n"
+ "var sum = 0;\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<arr.length; i++ ){\n"
+ "sum += Math.pow( arr[i] - avg , 2 );}\n"
+ "return Math.sqrt( sum / arr.length );}\n"
+ "Object.keySet = function( o ) {\n"
+ "var ret = new Array();\n"
+ "for( i in o ) {\n"
+ "if ( !( i in o.__proto__ && o[ i ] === o.__proto__[ i ] ) ) {\n"
+ "ret.push( i );}}\n"
+ "return ret;}\n"
+ "if ( ! ObjectId.prototype )\n"
+ "ObjectId.prototype = {}\n"
+ "ObjectId.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
+ "return this.str;}\n"
+ "ObjectId.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
+ "return \"ObjectId(\\\"\" + this.str + \"\\\")\";}\n"
+ "ObjectId.prototype.isObjectId = true;\n"
+ "if ( typeof( DBPointer ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "DBPointer.prototype.fetch = function(){\n"
+ "assert( this.ns , \"need a ns\" );\n"
+ "assert( , \"need an id\" );\n"
+ "return db[ this.ns ].findOne( { _id : } );}\n"
+ "DBPointer.prototype.tojson = function(indent){\n"
+ "return tojson({\"ns\" : this.ns, \"id\" :}, indent);}\n"
+ "DBPointer.prototype.getCollection = function(){\n"
+ "return this.ns;}\n"
+ "DBPointer.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
+ "return \"DBPointer \" + this.ns + \":\" +;}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "return this.update( { _id : obj._id } , obj , true );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._genIndexName = function( keys ){\n"
- "var name = \"\";\n"
- "for ( var k in keys ){\n"
- "if ( name.length > 0 )\n"
- "name += \"_\";\n"
- "name += k + \"_\";\n"
- "var v = keys[k];\n"
- "if ( typeof v == \"number\" )\n"
- "name += v;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return name;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype._indexSpec = function( keys, options ) {\n"
- "var ret = { ns : this._fullName , key : keys , name : this._genIndexName( keys ) };\n"
- "if ( ! options ){\n"
- "}\n"
- "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"string\" )\n"
- " = options;\n"
- "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"boolean\" )\n"
- "ret.unique = true;\n"
- "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"object\" ){\n"
- "if ( options.length ){\n"
- "var nb = 0;\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<options.length; i++ ){\n"
- "if ( typeof ( options[i] ) == \"string\" )\n"
- " = options[i];\n"
- "else if ( typeof( options[i] ) == \"boolean\" ){\n"
- "if ( options[i] ){\n"
- "if ( nb == 0 )\n"
- "ret.unique = true;\n"
- "if ( nb == 1 )\n"
- "ret.dropDups = true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "nb++;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print( \"warning: no DBPointer\" );}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( DBRef ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "DBRef.prototype.fetch = function(){\n"
+ "assert( this.$ref , \"need a ns\" );\n"
+ "assert( this.$id , \"need an id\" );\n"
+ "return db[ this.$ref ].findOne( { _id : this.$id } );}\n"
+ "DBRef.prototype.tojson = function(indent){\n"
+ "return tojson({\"$ref\" : this.$ref, \"$id\" : this.$id}, indent);}\n"
+ "DBRef.prototype.getCollection = function(){\n"
+ "return this.$ref;}\n"
+ "DBRef.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
+ "return this.tojson();}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "Object.extend( ret , options );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print( \"warning: no DBRef\" );}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( BinData ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "BinData.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
+ "return \"BinData type: \" + this.type + \" len: \" + this.len;}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "throw \"can't handle: \" + typeof( options );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/*\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "var name;\n"
- "var nTrue = 0;\n"
- "if ( ! isObject( options ) ) {\n"
- "options = [ options ];\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( options.length ){\n"
- "for( var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i ) {\n"
- "var o = options[ i ];\n"
- "if ( isString( o ) ) {\n"
- " = o;\n"
- "} else if ( typeof( o ) == \"boolean\" ) {\n"
- "if ( o ) {\n"
- "++nTrue;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( nTrue > 0 ) {\n"
- "ret.unique = true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( nTrue > 1 ) {\n"
- "ret.dropDups = true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "*/\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.createIndex = function( keys , options ){\n"
- "var o = this._indexSpec( keys, options );\n"
- "this._db.getCollection( \"system.indexes\" ).insert( o , true );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.ensureIndex = function( keys , options ){\n"
- "var name = this._indexSpec( keys, options ).name;\n"
- "this._indexCache = this._indexCache || {};\n"
- "if ( this._indexCache[ name ] ){\n"
- "return false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "this.createIndex( keys , options );\n"
- "if ( this.getDB().getLastError() == \"\" ) {\n"
- "this._indexCache[name] = true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.resetIndexCache = function(){\n"
- "this._indexCache = {};\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.reIndex = function(){\n"
- "var specs = this.getIndexSpecs();\n"
- "this.dropIndexes();\n"
- "for ( var i = 0; i < specs.length; ++i ){\n"
- "this.ensureIndex( specs[i].key, [ specs[i].unique, specs[i].name ] );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.dropIndexes = function(){\n"
- "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
- "var res = this._db.runCommand( { deleteIndexes: this.getName(), index: \"*\" } );\n"
- "assert( res , \"no result from dropIndex result\" );\n"
- "if ( res.ok )\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "if ( res.errmsg.match( /not found/ ) )\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "throw \"error dropping indexes : \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.drop = function(){\n"
- "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
- "return this._db.runCommand( { drop: this.getName() } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.renameCollection = function( newName ){\n"
- "return this._db._adminCommand( { renameCollection : this._fullName , to : this._db._name + \".\" + newName } ).ok;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.validate = function() {\n"
- "var res = this._db.runCommand( { validate: this.getName() } );\n"
- "res.valid = false;\n"
- "if ( res.result ){\n"
- "var str = \"-\" + tojson( res.result );\n"
- "res.valid = ! ( str.match( /exception/ ) || str.match( /corrupt/ ) );\n"
- "var p = /lastExtentSize:(\\d+)/;\n"
- "var r = p.exec( str );\n"
- "if ( r ){\n"
- "res.lastExtentSize = Number( r[1] );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes = function(){\n"
- "return this.getDB().getCollection( \"system.indexes\" ).find( { ns : this.getFullName() } ).toArray();\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getIndices = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes;\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexSpecs = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes;\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexKeys = function(){\n"
- "return this.getIndexes().map(\n"
- "function(i){\n"
- "return i.key;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print( \"warning: no BinData\" );}\n"
+ "if ( typeof _threadInject != \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "print( \"fork() available!\" );\n"
+ "Thread = function(){\n"
+ "this.init.apply( this, arguments );}\n"
+ "_threadInject( Thread.prototype );\n"
+ "ScopedThread = function() {\n"
+ "this.init.apply( this, arguments );}\n"
+ "ScopedThread.prototype = new Thread( function() {} );\n"
+ "_scopedThreadInject( ScopedThread.prototype );\n"
+ "fork = function() {\n"
+ "var t = new Thread( function() {} );\n"
+ "Thread.apply( t, arguments );\n"
+ "return t;}\n"
+ "EventGenerator = function( me, collectionName, mean ) {\n"
+ "this.mean = mean;\n"
+ " = new Array( me, collectionName );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype._add = function( action ) {\n"
+ " [ Random.genExp( this.mean ), action ] );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype.addInsert = function( obj ) {\n"
+ "this._add( \"t.insert( \" + tojson( obj ) + \" )\" );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype.addRemove = function( obj ) {\n"
+ "this._add( \"t.remove( \" + tojson( obj ) + \" )\" );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype.addUpdate = function( objOld, objNew ) {\n"
+ "this._add( \"t.update( \" + tojson( objOld ) + \", \" + tojson( objNew ) + \" )\" );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype.addCheckCount = function( count, query, shouldPrint, checkQuery ) {\n"
+ "query = query || {};\n"
+ "shouldPrint = shouldPrint || false;\n"
+ "checkQuery = checkQuery || false;\n"
+ "var action = \"assert.eq( \" + count + \", t.count( \" + tojson( query ) + \" ) );\"\n"
+ "if ( checkQuery ) {\n"
+ "action += \" assert.eq( \" + count + \", t.find( \" + tojson( query ) + \" ).toArray().length );\"}\n"
+ "if ( shouldPrint ) {\n"
+ "action += \" print( me + ' ' + \" + count + \" );\";}\n"
+ "this._add( action );}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.prototype.getEvents = function() {\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "EventGenerator.dispatch = function() {\n"
+ "var args = argumentsToArray( arguments );\n"
+ "var me = args.shift();\n"
+ "var collectionName = args.shift();\n"
+ "var m = new Mongo( db.getMongo().host );\n"
+ "var t = m.getDB( \"test\" )[ collectionName ];\n"
+ "for( var i in args ) {\n"
+ "sleep( args[ i ][ 0 ] );\n"
+ "eval( args[ i ][ 1 ] );}}\n"
+ "ParallelTester = function() {\n"
+ "this.params = new Array();}\n"
+ "ParallelTester.prototype.add = function( fun, args ) {\n"
+ "args = args || [];\n"
+ "args.unshift( fun );\n"
+ "this.params.push( args );}\n"
+ " = function( msg, newScopes ) {\n"
+ "newScopes = newScopes || false;\n"
+ "assert.parallelTests( this.params, msg, newScopes );}\n"
+ "ParallelTester.createJstestsLists = function( n ) {\n"
+ "var params = new Array();\n"
+ "for( var i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {\n"
+ "params.push( [] );}\n"
+ "var makeKeys = function( a ) {\n"
+ "var ret = {};\n"
+ "for( var i in a ) {\n"
+ "ret[ a[ i ] ] = 1;}\n"
+ "return ret;}\n"
+ "var skipTests = makeKeys( [ \"jstests/dbadmin.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/repair.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/cursor8.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/recstore.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/extent.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/indexb.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/profile1.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/mr3.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/apitest_db.js\"] );\n"
+ "var serialTestsArr = [ \"jstests/fsync.js\",\n"
+ "\"jstests/fsync2.js\" ];\n"
+ "var serialTests = makeKeys( serialTestsArr );\n"
+ "params[ 0 ] = serialTestsArr;\n"
+ "var files = listFiles(\"jstests\");\n"
+ "files = Array.shuffle( files );\n"
+ "var i = 0;\n"
+ "files.forEach(\n"
+ "function(x) {\n"
+ "if ( /_runner/.test( ||\n"
+ "/_lodeRunner/.test( ||\n"
+ "( in skipTests ) ||\n"
+ "( in serialTests ) ||\n"
+ "! /\\.js$/.test( ) ){\n"
+ "print(\" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skipping \" +;\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "params[ i % n ].push( );\n"
+ "++i;}\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.count = function( x ){\n"
- "return this.find( x ).count();\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* Drop free lists. Normally not used.\n"
- "* Note this only does the collection itself, not the namespaces of its indexes (see cleanAll).\n"
- "*/\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.clean = function() {\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { clean: this.getName() } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* <p>Drop a specified index.</p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* Name is the name of the index in the system.indexes name field. (Run db.system.indexes.find() to\n"
- "* see example data.)\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>Note : alpha: space is not reclaimed </p>\n"
- "* @param {String} name of index to delete.\n"
- "* @return A result object. result.ok will be true if successful.\n"
- "*/\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.dropIndex = function(index) {\n"
- "assert(index , \"need to specify index to dropIndex\" );\n"
- "if ( ! isString( index ) && isObject( index ) )\n"
- "index = this._genIndexName( index );\n"
- "var res = this._dbCommand( { deleteIndexes: this.getName(), index: index } );\n"
- "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.copyTo = function( newName ){\n"
- "return this.getDB().eval(\n"
- "function( collName , newName ){\n"
- "var from = db[collName];\n"
- "var to = db[newName];\n"
- "to.ensureIndex( { _id : 1 } );\n"
- "var count = 0;\n"
- "var cursor = from.find();\n"
- "while ( cursor.hasNext() ){\n"
- "var o =;\n"
- "count++;\n"
- " o );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return count;\n"
- "} , this.getName() , newName\n"
+ "params[ 0 ] = Array.shuffle( params[ 0 ] );\n"
+ "for( var i in params ) {\n"
+ "params[ i ].unshift( i );}\n"
+ "return params;}\n"
+ "ParallelTester.fileTester = function() {\n"
+ "var args = argumentsToArray( arguments );\n"
+ "var suite = args.shift();\n"
+ "args.forEach(\n"
+ "function( x ) {\n"
+ "print(\" S\" + suite + \" Test : \" + x + \" ...\");\n"
+ "var time = Date.timeFunc( function() { load(x); }, 1);\n"
+ "print(\" S\" + suite + \" Test : \" + x + \" \" + time + \"ms\" );}\n"
+ ");}\n"
+ "assert.parallelTests = function( params, msg, newScopes ) {\n"
+ "newScopes = newScopes || false;\n"
+ "var wrapper = function( fun, argv ) {\n"
+ "eval (\n"
+ "\"var z = function() {\" +\n"
+ "\"var __parallelTests__fun = \" + fun.toString() + \";\" +\n"
+ "\"var __parallelTests__argv = \" + tojson( argv ) + \";\" +\n"
+ "\"var __parallelTests__passed = false;\" +\n"
+ "\"try {\" +\n"
+ "\"__parallelTests__fun.apply( 0, __parallelTests__argv );\" +\n"
+ "\"__parallelTests__passed = true;\" +\n"
+ "\"} catch ( e ) {\" +\n"
+ "\"print( e );\" +\n"
+ "\"}\" +\n"
+ "\"return __parallelTests__passed;\" +\n"
+ "\"}\"\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.getCollection = function( subName ){\n"
- "return this._db.getCollection( this._shortName + \".\" + subName );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.stats = function(){\n"
- "return this._db.runCommand( { collstats : this._shortName } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.dataSize = function(){\n"
- "return this.stats().size;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.storageSize = function(){\n"
- "return this.stats().storageSize;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.totalIndexSize = function( verbose ){\n"
+ "return z;}\n"
+ "var runners = new Array();\n"
+ "for( var i in params ) {\n"
+ "var param = params[ i ];\n"
+ "var test = param.shift();\n"
+ "var t;\n"
+ "if ( newScopes )\n"
+ "t = new ScopedThread( wrapper( test, param ) );\n"
+ "else\n"
+ "t = new Thread( wrapper( test, param ) );\n"
+ "runners.push( t );}\n"
+ "runners.forEach( function( x ) { x.start(); } );\n"
+ "var nFailed = 0;\n"
+ "runners.forEach( function( x ) { if( !x.returnData() ) { ++nFailed; } } );\n"
+ "assert.eq( 0, nFailed, msg );}}\n"
+ "tojson = function( x, indent , nolint ){\n"
+ "if ( x === null )\n"
+ "return \"null\";\n"
+ "if ( x === undefined )\n"
+ "return \"undefined\";\n"
+ "if (!indent)\n"
+ "indent = \"\";\n"
+ "switch ( typeof x ){\n"
+ "case \"string\": {\n"
+ "var s = \"\\\"\";\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<x.length; i++ ){\n"
+ "if ( x[i] == '\"' ){\n"
+ "s += \"\\\\\\\"\";}\n"
+ "else\n"
+ "s += x[i];}\n"
+ "return s + \"\\\"\";}\n"
+ "case \"number\":\n"
+ "case \"boolean\":\n"
+ "return \"\" + x;\n"
+ "case \"object\":{\n"
+ "var s = tojsonObject( x, indent , nolint );\n"
+ "if ( ( nolint == null || nolint == true ) && s.length < 80 && ( indent == null || indent.length == 0 ) ){\n"
+ "s = s.replace( /[\\s\\r\\n ]+/gm , \" \" );}\n"
+ "return s;}\n"
+ "case \"function\":\n"
+ "return x.toString();\n"
+ "default:\n"
+ "throw \"tojson can't handle type \" + ( typeof x );}}\n"
+ "tojsonObject = function( x, indent , nolint ){\n"
+ "var lineEnding = nolint ? \" \" : \"\\n\";\n"
+ "var tabSpace = nolint ? \"\" : \"\\t\";\n"
+ "assert.eq( ( typeof x ) , \"object\" , \"tojsonObject needs object, not [\" + ( typeof x ) + \"]\" );\n"
+ "if (!indent)\n"
+ "indent = \"\";\n"
+ "if ( typeof( x.tojson ) == \"function\" && x.tojson != tojson ) {\n"
+ "return x.tojson(indent,nolint);}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( x.constructor.tojson ) == \"function\" && x.constructor.tojson != tojson ) {\n"
+ "return x.constructor.tojson( x, indent , nolint );}\n"
+ "if ( x.toString() == \"[object MaxKey]\" )\n"
+ "return \"{ $maxKey : 1 }\";\n"
+ "if ( x.toString() == \"[object MinKey]\" )\n"
+ "return \"{ $minKey : 1 }\";\n"
+ "var s = \"{\" + lineEnding;\n"
+ "indent += tabSpace;\n"
"var total = 0;\n"
- "var mydb = this._db;\n"
- "var shortName = this._shortName;\n"
- "this.getIndexes().forEach(\n"
- "function( spec ){\n"
- "var coll = mydb.getCollection( shortName + \".$\" + );\n"
- "var mysize = coll.dataSize();\n"
- "total += coll.dataSize();\n"
- "if ( verbose ) {\n"
- "print( coll + \"\\t\" + mysize );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- ");\n"
- "return total;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.totalSize = function(){\n"
- "var total = this.storageSize();\n"
- "var mydb = this._db;\n"
- "var shortName = this._shortName;\n"
- "this.getIndexes().forEach(\n"
- "function( spec ){\n"
- "var coll = mydb.getCollection( shortName + \".$\" + );\n"
- "var mysize = coll.storageSize();\n"
- "total += coll.dataSize();\n"
- "}\n"
- ");\n"
- "return total;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.convertToCapped = function( bytes ){\n"
- "if ( ! bytes )\n"
- "throw \"have to specify # of bytes\";\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { convertToCapped : this._shortName , size : bytes } )\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.exists = function(){\n"
- "return this._db.system.namespaces.findOne( { name : this._fullName } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.isCapped = function(){\n"
- "var e = this.exists();\n"
- "return ( e && e.options && e.options.capped ) ? true : false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.distinct = function( keyString ){\n"
- "var res = this._dbCommand( { distinct : this._shortName , key : keyString } );\n"
- "if ( ! res.ok )\n"
- "throw \"distinct failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "return res.values;\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function( params ){\n"
- "params.ns = this._shortName;\n"
- "return params );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.groupcmd = function( params ){\n"
- "params.ns = this._shortName;\n"
- "return this._db.groupcmd( params );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return this.getFullName();\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBCollection.prototype.shellPrint = DBCollection.prototype.toString;\n"
+ "for ( var k in x ) total++;\n"
+ "if ( total == 0 ) {\n"
+ "s += indent + lineEnding;}\n"
+ "var keys = x;\n"
+ "if ( typeof( x._simpleKeys ) == \"function\" )\n"
+ "keys = x._simpleKeys();\n"
+ "var num = 1;\n"
+ "for ( var k in keys ){\n"
+ "var val = x[k];\n"
+ "if ( val == DB.prototype || val == DBCollection.prototype )\n"
+ "continue;\n"
+ "s += indent + \"\\\"\" + k + \"\\\" : \" + tojson( val, indent , nolint );\n"
+ "if (num != total) {\n"
+ "s += \",\";\n"
+ "num++;}\n"
+ "s += lineEnding;}\n"
+ "indent = indent.substring(1);\n"
+ "return s + indent + \"}\";}\n"
+ "shellPrint = function( x ){\n"
+ "it = x;\n"
+ "if ( x != undefined )\n"
+ "shellPrintHelper( x );\n"
+ "if ( db ){\n"
+ "var e = db.getPrevError();\n"
+ "if ( e.err ) {\n"
+ "if( e.nPrev <= 1 )\n"
+ "print( \"error on last call: \" + tojson( e.err ) );\n"
+ "else\n"
+ "print( \"an error \" + tojson(e.err) + \" occurred \" + e.nPrev + \" operations back in the command invocation\" );}\n"
+ "db.resetError();}}\n"
+ "printjson = function(x){\n"
+ "print( tojson( x ) );}\n"
+ "shellPrintHelper = function( x ){\n"
+ "if ( typeof( x ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "if ( typeof( db ) != \"undefined\" && db.getLastError ){\n"
+ "var e = db.getLastError();\n"
+ "if ( e != null )\n"
+ "print( e );}\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "if ( x == null ){\n"
+ "print( \"null\" );\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "if ( typeof x != \"object\" )\n"
+ "return print( x );\n"
+ "var p = x.shellPrint;\n"
+ "if ( typeof p == \"function\" )\n"
+ "return x.shellPrint();\n"
+ "var p = x.tojson;\n"
+ "if ( typeof p == \"function\" )\n"
+ "print( x.tojson() );\n"
+ "else\n"
+ "print( tojson( x ) );}\n"
+ "shellHelper = function( command , rest , shouldPrint ){\n"
+ "command = command.trim();\n"
+ "var args = rest.trim().replace(/;$/,\"\").split( \"\\s+\" );\n"
+ "if ( ! shellHelper[command] )\n"
+ "throw \"no command [\" + command + \"]\";\n"
+ "var res = shellHelper[command].apply( null , args );\n"
+ "if ( shouldPrint ){\n"
+ "shellPrintHelper( res );}\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
+ "help = = function(){\n"
+ "print( \"HELP\" );\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"show dbs show database names\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"show collections show collections in current database\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"show users show users in current database\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"use <db name> set curent database to <db name>\" );\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \" help on DB methods\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \" help on collection methods\");\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \" list objects in collection foo\" );\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \" { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1\" );\n"
+ "print( \"\\t\" + \"it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate\");}\n"
+ "shellHelper.use = function( dbname ){\n"
+ "db = db.getMongo().getDB( dbname );\n"
+ "print( \"switched to db \" + db.getName() );}\n"
+ " = function(){\n"
+ "if ( typeof( ___it___ ) == \"undefined\" || ___it___ == null ){\n"
+ "print( \"no cursor\" );\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "shellPrintHelper( ___it___ );}\n"
+ " = function( what ){\n"
+ "assert( typeof what == \"string\" );\n"
+ "if( what == \"profile\" ) {\n"
+ "if( db.system.profile.count() == 0 ) {\n"
+ "print(\"db.system.profile is empty\");\n"
+ "print(\"Use db.setProfilingLevel(2) will enable profiling\");\n"
+ "print(\"Use db.system.profile.find() to show raw profile entries\");}\n"
+ "else {\n"
+ "print();\n"
+ "db.system.profile.find({ millis : { $gt : 0 } }).sort({$natural:-1}).limit(5).forEach( function(x){print(\"\"+x.millis+\"ms \" + String(x.ts).substring(0,24)); print(; print(\"\\n\");} )}\n"
+ "return \"\";}\n"
+ "if ( what == \"users\" ){\n"
+ "db.system.users.find().forEach( printjson );\n"
+ "return \"\";}\n"
+ "if ( what == \"collections\" || what == \"tables\" ) {\n"
+ "db.getCollectionNames().forEach( function(x){print(x)} );\n"
+ "return \"\";}\n"
+ "if ( what == \"dbs\" ) {\n"
+ "db.getMongo().getDBNames().sort().forEach( function(x){print(x)} );\n"
+ "return \"\";}\n"
+ "throw \"don't know how to show [\" + what + \"]\";}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( Map ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "Map = function(){\n"
+ "this._data = {};}}\n"
+ "Map.hash = function( val ){\n"
+ "if ( ! val )\n"
+ "return val;\n"
+ "switch ( typeof( val ) ){\n"
+ "case 'string':\n"
+ "case 'number':\n"
+ "case 'date':\n"
+ "return val.toString();\n"
+ "case 'object':\n"
+ "case 'array':\n"
+ "var s = \"\";\n"
+ "for ( var k in val ){\n"
+ "s += k + val[k];}\n"
+ "return s;}\n"
+ "throw \"can't hash : \" + typeof( val );}\n"
+ "Map.prototype.put = function( key , value ){\n"
+ "var o = this._get( key );\n"
+ "var old = o.value;\n"
+ "o.value = value;\n"
+ "return old;}\n"
+ "Map.prototype.get = function( key ){\n"
+ "return this._get( key ).value;}\n"
+ "Map.prototype._get = function( key ){\n"
+ "var h = Map.hash( key );\n"
+ "var a = this._data[h];\n"
+ "if ( ! a ){\n"
+ "a = [];\n"
+ "this._data[h] = a;}\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){\n"
+ "if ( friendlyEqual( key , a[i].key ) ){\n"
+ "return a[i];}}\n"
+ "var o = { key : key , value : null };\n"
+ "a.push( o );\n"
+ "return o;}\n"
+ "Map.prototype.values = function(){\n"
+ "var all = [];\n"
+ "for ( var k in this._data ){\n"
+ "this._data[k].forEach( function(z){ all.push( z.value ); } );}\n"
+ "return all;}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( gc ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "gc = function(){}}\n"
+ "Math.sigFig = function( x , N ){\n"
+ "if ( ! N ){\n"
+ "N = 3;}\n"
+ "var p = Math.pow( 10, N - Math.ceil( Math.log( Math.abs(x) ) / Math.log( 10 )) );\n"
+ "return Math.round(x*p)/p;}\n"
+ "Random = function() {}\n"
+ "Random.srand = function( s ) { _srand( s ); }\n"
+ "Random.rand = function() { return _rand(); }\n"
+ "Random.randInt = function( n ) { return Math.floor( Random.rand() * n ); }\n"
+ "Random.setRandomSeed = function( s ) {\n"
+ "s = s || new Date().getTime();\n"
+ "print( \"setting random seed: \" + s );\n"
+ "Random.srand( s );}\n"
+ "Random.genExp = function( mean ) {\n"
+ "return -Math.log( Random.rand() ) * mean;}\n"
+ "killWithUris = function( uris ) {\n"
+ "var inprog = db.currentOp().inprog;\n"
+ "for( var u in uris ) {\n"
+ "for ( var i in inprog ) {\n"
+ "if ( uris[ u ] == inprog[ i ].client ) {\n"
+ "db.killOp( inprog[ i ].opid );}}}}\n"
"if ( typeof DB == \"undefined\" ){\n"
"DB = function( mongo , name ){\n"
"this._mongo = mongo;\n"
- "this._name = name;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this._name = name;}}\n"
"DB.prototype.getMongo = function(){\n"
"assert( this._mongo , \"why no mongo!\" );\n"
- "return this._mongo;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._mongo;}\n"
"DB.prototype.getSisterDB = function( name ){\n"
- "return this.getMongo().getDB( name );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.getMongo().getDB( name );}\n"
"DB.prototype.getName = function(){\n"
- "return this._name;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._name;}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.stats = function(){\n"
+ "return this.runCommand( { dbstats : 1 } );}\n"
"DB.prototype.getCollection = function( name ){\n"
- "return new DBCollection( this._mongo , this , name , this._name + \".\" + name );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return new DBCollection( this._mongo , this , name , this._name + \".\" + name );}\n"
"DB.prototype.commandHelp = function( name ){\n"
"var c = {};\n"
"c[name] = 1;\n"
" = true;\n"
- "return this.runCommand( c ).help;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.runCommand( c ).help;}\n"
"DB.prototype.runCommand = function( obj ){\n"
"if ( typeof( obj ) == \"string\" ){\n"
"var n = {};\n"
"n[obj] = 1;\n"
- "obj = n;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return this.getCollection( \"$cmd\" ).findOne( obj );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "obj = n;}\n"
+ "return this.getCollection( \"$cmd\" ).findOne( obj );}\n"
"DB.prototype._dbCommand = DB.prototype.runCommand;\n"
"DB.prototype._adminCommand = function( obj ){\n"
"if ( this._name == \"admin\" )\n"
"return this.runCommand( obj );\n"
- "return this.getSisterDB( \"admin\" ).runCommand( obj );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DB.prototype.addUser = function( username , pass ){\n"
+ "return this.getSisterDB( \"admin\" ).runCommand( obj );}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.addUser = function( username , pass, readOnly ){\n"
+ "readOnly = readOnly || false;\n"
"var c = this.getCollection( \"system.users\" );\n"
"var u = c.findOne( { user : username } ) || { user : username };\n"
+ "u.readOnly = readOnly;\n"
"u.pwd = hex_md5( username + \":mongo:\" + pass );\n"
"print( tojson( u ) );\n"
- " u );\n"
- "}\n"
+ " u );}\n"
"DB.prototype.removeUser = function( username ){\n"
- "this.getCollection( \"system.users\" ).remove( { user : username } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this.getCollection( \"system.users\" ).remove( { user : username } );}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.__pwHash = function( nonce, username, pass ) {\n"
+ "return hex_md5( nonce + username + hex_md5( username + \":mongo:\" + pass ) );}\n"
"DB.prototype.auth = function( username , pass ){\n"
"var n = this.runCommand( { getnonce : 1 } );\n"
"var a = this.runCommand(\n"
@@ -464,277 +618,127 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"authenticate : 1 ,\n"
"user : username ,\n"
"nonce : n.nonce ,\n"
- "key : hex_md5( n.nonce + username + hex_md5( username + \":mongo:\" + pass ) )\n"
- "}\n"
+ "key : this.__pwHash( n.nonce, username, pass )}\n"
- "return a.ok;\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Create a new collection in the database. Normally, collection creation is automatic. You would\n"
- "use this function if you wish to specify special options on creation.\n"
- "If the collection already exists, no action occurs.\n"
- "<p>Options:</p>\n"
- "<ul>\n"
- "<li>\n"
- "size: desired initial extent size for the collection. Must be <= 1000000000.\n"
- "for fixed size (capped) collections, this size is the total/max size of the\n"
- "collection.\n"
- "</li>\n"
- "<li>\n"
- "capped: if true, this is a capped collection (where old data rolls out).\n"
- "</li>\n"
- "<li> max: maximum number of objects if capped (optional).</li>\n"
- "</ul>\n"
- "<p>Example: </p>\n"
- "<code>db.createCollection(\"movies\", { size: 10 * 1024 * 1024, capped:true } );</code>\n"
- "* @param {String} name Name of new collection to create\n"
- "* @param {Object} options Object with options for call. Options are listed above.\n"
- "* @return SOMETHING_FIXME\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "return a.ok;}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.createCollection = function(name, opt) {\n"
"var options = opt || {};\n"
"var cmd = { create: name, capped: options.capped, size: options.size, max: options.max };\n"
"var res = this._dbCommand(cmd);\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* Returns the current profiling level of this database\n"
- "* @return SOMETHING_FIXME or null on error\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.getProfilingLevel = function() {\n"
"var res = this._dbCommand( { profile: -1 } );\n"
- "return res ? res.was : null;\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Erase the entire database. (!)\n"
- "* @return Object returned has member ok set to true if operation succeeds, false otherwise.\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "return res ? res.was : null;}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.dropDatabase = function() {\n"
"if ( arguments.length )\n"
"throw \"dropDatabase doesn't take arguments\";\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { dropDatabase: 1 } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { dropDatabase: 1 } );}\n"
"DB.prototype.shutdownServer = function() {\n"
"if( \"admin\" != this._name ){\n"
- "return \"shutdown command only works with the admin database; try 'use admin'\";\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return \"shutdown command only works with the admin database; try 'use admin'\";}\n"
"try {\n"
- "this._dbCommand(\"shutdown\");\n"
- "throw \"shutdownServer failed\";\n"
- "}\n"
+ "var res = this._dbCommand(\"shutdown\");\n"
+ "if( res )\n"
+ "throw \"shutdownServer failed: \" + res.errmsg;\n"
+ "throw \"shutdownServer failed\";}\n"
"catch ( e ){\n"
"assert( tojson( e ).indexOf( \"error doing query: failed\" ) >= 0 , \"unexpected error: \" + tojson( e ) );\n"
- "print( \"server should be down...\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Clone database on another server to here.\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "Generally, you should dropDatabase() first as otherwise the cloned information will MERGE\n"
- "into whatever data is already present in this database. (That is however a valid way to use\n"
- "clone if you are trying to do something intentionally, such as union three non-overlapping\n"
- "databases into one.)\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "This is a low level administrative function will is not typically used.\n"
- "* @param {String} from Where to clone from (dbhostname[:port]). May not be this database\n"
- "(self) as you cannot clone to yourself.\n"
- "* @return Object returned has member ok set to true if operation succeeds, false otherwise.\n"
- "* See also: db.copyDatabase()\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "print( \"server should be down...\" );}}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.cloneDatabase = function(from) {\n"
"assert( isString(from) && from.length );\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { clone: from } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Clone collection on another server to here.\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "Generally, you should drop() first as otherwise the cloned information will MERGE\n"
- "into whatever data is already present in this collection. (That is however a valid way to use\n"
- "clone if you are trying to do something intentionally, such as union three non-overlapping\n"
- "collections into one.)\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "This is a low level administrative function is not typically used.\n"
- "* @param {String} from mongod instance from which to clnoe (dbhostname:port). May\n"
- "not be this mongod instance, as clone from self is not allowed.\n"
- "* @param {String} collection name of collection to clone.\n"
- "* @param {Object} query query specifying which elements of collection are to be cloned.\n"
- "* @return Object returned has member ok set to true if operation succeeds, false otherwise.\n"
- "* See also: db.cloneDatabase()\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { clone: from } );}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.cloneCollection = function(from, collection, query) {\n"
"assert( isString(from) && from.length );\n"
"assert( isString(collection) && collection.length );\n"
"collection = this._name + \".\" + collection;\n"
"query = query || {};\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { cloneCollection:collection, from:from, query:query } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Copy database from one server or name to another server or name.\n"
- "Generally, you should dropDatabase() first as otherwise the copied information will MERGE\n"
- "into whatever data is already present in this database (and you will get duplicate objects\n"
- "in collections potentially.)\n"
- "For security reasons this function only works when executed on the \"admin\" db. However,\n"
- "if you have access to said db, you can copy any database from one place to another.\n"
- "This method provides a way to \"rename\" a database by copying it to a new db name and\n"
- "location. Additionally, it effectively provides a repair facility.\n"
- "* @param {String} fromdb database name from which to copy.\n"
- "* @param {String} todb database name to copy to.\n"
- "* @param {String} fromhost hostname of the database (and optionally, \":port\") from which to\n"
- "copy the data. default if unspecified is to copy from self.\n"
- "* @return Object returned has member ok set to true if operation succeeds, false otherwise.\n"
- "* See also: db.clone()\n"
- "*/\n"
- "DB.prototype.copyDatabase = function(fromdb, todb, fromhost) {\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { cloneCollection:collection, from:from, query:query } );}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "DB.prototype.copyDatabase = function(fromdb, todb, fromhost, username, password) {\n"
"assert( isString(fromdb) && fromdb.length );\n"
"assert( isString(todb) && todb.length );\n"
"fromhost = fromhost || \"\";\n"
- "return this._adminCommand( { copydb:1, fromhost:fromhost, fromdb:fromdb, todb:todb } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Repair database.\n"
- "* @return Object returned has member ok set to true if operation succeeds, false otherwise.\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "if ( username && password ) {\n"
+ "var n = this._adminCommand( { copydbgetnonce : 1, fromhost:fromhost } );\n"
+ "return this._adminCommand( { copydb:1, fromhost:fromhost, fromdb:fromdb, todb:todb, username:username, nonce:n.nonce, key:this.__pwHash( n.nonce, username, password ) } );\n"
+ "} else {\n"
+ "return this._adminCommand( { copydb:1, fromhost:fromhost, fromdb:fromdb, todb:todb } );}}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.repairDatabase = function() {\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { repairDatabase: 1 } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { repairDatabase: 1 } );}\n"
" = function() {\n"
"print(\"DB methods:\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.addUser(username, password[, readOnly=false])\");\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.auth(username, password)\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getMongo() get the server connection object\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getSisterDB(name) get the db at the same server as this onew\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getName()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command. if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.addUser(username, password)\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.removeUser(username)\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getReplicationInfo()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.printReplicationInfo()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.printSlaveReplicationInfo()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getProfilingLevel()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.setProfilingLevel(level) 0=off 1=slow 2=all\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command\");\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.shutdownServer()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.currentOp() displays the current operation in the db\" );\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.repairDatabase()\");\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.eval(func, args) run code server-side\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getCollectionNames()\");\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string\");\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.getLastErrorObj() - return full status object\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getMongo() get the server connection object\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getName()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.resetError()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.getCollectionNames()\");\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.currentOp() displays the current operation in the db\" );\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.killOp() kills the current operation in the db\" );\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getProfilingLevel()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getReplicationInfo()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.getSisterDB(name) get the db at the same server as this onew\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.killOp(opid) kills the current operation in the db\" );\n"
"print(\"\\tdb.printCollectionStats()\" );\n"
- "print(\"\\tdb.version() current version of the server\" );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.printReplicationInfo()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.printSlaveReplicationInfo()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.printShardingStatus()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.removeUser(username)\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.repairDatabase()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.resetError()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command. if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.setProfilingLevel(level,<slowms>) 0=off 1=slow 2=all\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.shutdownServer()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.stats()\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\tdb.version() current version of the server\" );}\n"
"DB.prototype.printCollectionStats = function(){\n"
+ "var mydb = this;\n"
"print( z );\n"
- "printjson( db[z].stats() );\n"
- "print( \"---\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- ");\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* <p> Set profiling level for your db. Profiling gathers stats on query performance. </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>Default is off, and resets to off on a database restart -- so if you want it on,\n"
- "* turn it on periodically. </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>Levels :</p>\n"
- "* <ul>\n"
- "* <li>0=off</li>\n"
- "* <li>1=log very slow (>100ms) operations</li>\n"
- "* <li>2=log all</li>\n"
- "* @param {String} level Desired level of profiling\n"
- "* @return SOMETHING_FIXME or null on error\n"
- "*/\n"
- "DB.prototype.setProfilingLevel = function(level) {\n"
+ "printjson( mydb.getCollection(z).stats() );\n"
+ "print( \"---\" );}\n"
+ ");}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "DB.prototype.setProfilingLevel = function(level,slowms) {\n"
"if (level < 0 || level > 2) {\n"
- "throw { dbSetProfilingException : \"input level \" + level + \" is out of range [0..2]\" };\n"
- "}\n"
- "if (level) {\n"
- "this.createCollection(\"system.profile\", { capped: true, size: 128 * 1024 } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return this._dbCommand( { profile: level } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* <p> Evaluate a js expression at the database server.</p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>Useful if you need to touch a lot of data lightly; in such a scenario\n"
- "* the network transfer of the data could be a bottleneck. A good example\n"
- "* is \"select count(*)\" -- can be done server side via this mechanism.\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* If the eval fails, an exception is thrown of the form:\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "* <code>{ dbEvalException: { retval: functionReturnValue, ok: num [, errno: num] [, errmsg: str] } }</code>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>Example: </p>\n"
- "* <code>print( \"mycount: \" + db.eval( function(){db.mycoll.find({},{_id:ObjId()}).length();} );</code>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* @param {Function} jsfunction Javascript function to run on server. Note this it not a closure, but rather just \"code\".\n"
- "* @return result of your function, or null if error\n"
- "*\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "throw { dbSetProfilingException : \"input level \" + level + \" is out of range [0..2]\" };}\n"
+ "var cmd = { profile: level };\n"
+ "if ( slowms )\n"
+ "cmd[\"slowms\"] = slowms;\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( cmd );}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.eval = function(jsfunction) {\n"
"var cmd = { $eval : jsfunction };\n"
"if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n"
- "cmd.args = argumentsToArray( arguments ).slice(1);\n"
- "}\n"
+ "cmd.args = argumentsToArray( arguments ).slice(1);}\n"
"var res = this._dbCommand( cmd );\n"
"if (!res.ok)\n"
"throw tojson( res );\n"
- "return res.retval;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return res.retval;}\n"
"DB.prototype.dbEval = DB.prototype.eval;\n"
- "/**\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* Similar to SQL group by. For example: </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <code>select a,b,sum(c) csum from coll where active=1 group by a,b</code>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* corresponds to the following in 10gen:\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <code>\n"
- "\n"
- "{\n"
- "ns: \"coll\",\n"
- "key: { a:true, b:true },\n"
- "cond: { active:1 },\n"
- "reduce: function(obj,prev) { prev.csum += obj.c; } ,\n"
- "initial: { csum: 0 }\n"
- "});\n"
- "</code>\n"
- "*\n"
- "*\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* An array of grouped items is returned. The array must fit in RAM, thus this function is not\n"
- "* suitable when the return set is extremely large.\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "* To order the grouped data, simply sort it client side upon return.\n"
- "* <p>\n"
- "Defaults\n"
- "cond may be null if you want to run against all rows in the collection\n"
- "keyf is a function which takes an object and returns the desired key. set either key or keyf (not both).\n"
- "* </p>\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.groupeval = function(parmsObj) {\n"
"var groupFunction = function() {\n"
"var parms = args[0];\n"
"var c = db[parms.ns].find(parms.cond||{});\n"
"var map = new Map();\n"
- "var pks = parms.key ? parms.key.keySet() : null;\n"
+ "var pks = parms.key ? Object.keySet( parms.key ) : null;\n"
"var pkl = pks ? pks.length : 0;\n"
"var key = {};\n"
"while( c.hasNext() ) {\n"
@@ -742,114 +746,82 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"if ( pks ) {\n"
"for( var i=0; i<pkl; i++ ){\n"
"var k = pks[i];\n"
- "key[k] = obj[k];\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "key[k] = obj[k];}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "key = parms.$keyf(obj);\n"
- "}\n"
+ "key = parms.$keyf(obj);}\n"
"var aggObj = map.get(key);\n"
"if( aggObj == null ) {\n"
"var newObj = Object.extend({}, key);\n"
"aggObj = Object.extend(newObj, parms.initial)\n"
- "map.put( key , aggObj );\n"
- "}\n"
- "parms.$reduce(obj, aggObj);\n"
- "}\n"
- "return map.values();\n"
- "}\n"
- "return this.eval(groupFunction, this._groupFixParms( parmsObj ));\n"
- "}\n"
+ "map.put( key , aggObj );}\n"
+ "parms.$reduce(obj, aggObj);}\n"
+ "return map.values();}\n"
+ "return this.eval(groupFunction, this._groupFixParms( parmsObj ));}\n"
"DB.prototype.groupcmd = function( parmsObj ){\n"
"var ret = this.runCommand( { \"group\" : this._groupFixParms( parmsObj ) } );\n"
"if ( ! ret.ok ){\n"
- "throw \"group command failed: \" + tojson( ret );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return ret.retval;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"group command failed: \" + tojson( ret );}\n"
+ "return ret.retval;}\n"
" = DB.prototype.groupcmd;\n"
"DB.prototype._groupFixParms = function( parmsObj ){\n"
"var parms = Object.extend({}, parmsObj);\n"
"if( parms.reduce ) {\n"
"parms.$reduce = parms.reduce;\n"
- "delete parms.reduce;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "delete parms.reduce;}\n"
"if( parms.keyf ) {\n"
"parms.$keyf = parms.keyf;\n"
- "delete parms.keyf;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return parms;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "delete parms.keyf;}\n"
+ "return parms;}\n"
"DB.prototype.resetError = function(){\n"
- "return this.runCommand( { reseterror : 1 } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.runCommand( { reseterror : 1 } );}\n"
"DB.prototype.forceError = function(){\n"
- "return this.runCommand( { forceerror : 1 } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.runCommand( { forceerror : 1 } );}\n"
"DB.prototype.getLastError = function(){\n"
"var res = this.runCommand( { getlasterror : 1 } );\n"
"if ( ! res.ok )\n"
"throw \"getlasterror failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "return res.err;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return res.err;}\n"
"DB.prototype.getLastErrorObj = function(){\n"
"var res = this.runCommand( { getlasterror : 1 } );\n"
"if ( ! res.ok )\n"
"throw \"getlasterror failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.getLastErrorCmd = DB.prototype.getLastErrorObj;\n"
"/* Return the last error which has occurred, even if not the very last error.\n"
"{ err : <error message>, nPrev : <how_many_ops_back_occurred>, ok : 1 }\n"
"result.err will be null if no error has occurred.\n"
"DB.prototype.getPrevError = function(){\n"
- "return this.runCommand( { getpreverror : 1 } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.runCommand( { getpreverror : 1 } );}\n"
"DB.prototype.getCollectionNames = function(){\n"
"var all = [];\n"
"var nsLength = this._name.length + 1;\n"
"this.getCollection( \"system.namespaces\" ).find().sort({name:1}).forEach(\n"
"var name =;\n"
- "if ( name.indexOf( \"$\" ) >= 0 )\n"
+ "if ( name.indexOf( \"$\" ) >= 0 && name != \"local.oplog.$main\" )\n"
- "all.push( name.substring( nsLength ) );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "all.push( name.substring( nsLength ) );}\n"
- "return all;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return all;}\n"
"DB.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return this._name;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._name;}\n"
"DB.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return this._name;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._name;}\n"
"DB.prototype.currentOp = function(){\n"
- "return db.$cmd.sys.inprog.findOne();\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return db.$cmd.sys.inprog.findOne();}\n"
"DB.prototype.currentOP = DB.prototype.currentOp;\n"
- "DB.prototype.killOp = function(){\n"
- "return db.$cmd.sys.killop.findOne();\n"
- "}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.killOp = function(op) {\n"
+ "if( !op )\n"
+ "throw \"no opNum to kill specified\";\n"
+ "return db.$cmd.sys.killop.findOne({'op':op});}\n"
"DB.prototype.killOP = DB.prototype.killOp;\n"
- "/**\n"
- "Get a replication log information summary.\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "This command is for the database/cloud administer and not applicable to most databases.\n"
- "It is only used with the local database. One might invoke from the JS shell:\n"
- "<pre>\n"
- "use local\n"
- "db.getReplicationInfo();\n"
- "</pre>\n"
- "It is assumed that this database is a replication master -- the information returned is\n"
- "about the operation log stored at local.oplog.$main on the replication master. (It also\n"
- "works on a machine in a replica pair: for replica pairs, both machines are \"masters\" from\n"
- "an internal database perspective.\n"
- "<p>\n"
- "* @return Object timeSpan: time span of the oplog from start to end if slave is more out\n"
- "* of date than that, it can't recover without a complete resync\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "DB.tsToSeconds = function(x){\n"
+ "if ( x.t && x.i )\n"
+ "return x.t / 1000;\n"
+ "return x / 4294967296;}\n"
+ "\n"
"DB.prototype.getReplicationInfo = function() {\n"
"var db = this.getSisterDB(\"local\");\n"
"var result = { };\n"
@@ -858,81 +830,66 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"result.logSizeMB = ol.options.size / 1000 / 1000;\n"
"} else {\n"
"result.errmsg = \"local.oplog.$main, or its options, not found in system.namespaces collection (not --master?)\";\n"
- "return result;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return result;}\n"
"var firstc = db.oplog.$main.find().sort({$natural:1}).limit(1);\n"
"var lastc = db.oplog.$main.find().sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1);\n"
"if( !firstc.hasNext() || !lastc.hasNext() ) {\n"
"result.errmsg = \"objects not found in local.oplog.$main -- is this a new and empty db instance?\";\n"
"result.oplogMainRowCount = db.oplog.$main.count();\n"
- "return result;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return result;}\n"
"var first =;\n"
"var last =;\n"
"var tfirst = first.ts;\n"
"var tlast = last.ts;\n"
"if( tfirst && tlast ) {\n"
- "tfirst = tfirst / 4294967296;\n"
- "tlast = tlast / 4294967296;\n"
+ "tfirst = DB.tsToSeconds( tfirst );\n"
+ "tlast = DB.tsToSeconds( tlast );\n"
"result.timeDiff = tlast - tfirst;\n"
"result.timeDiffHours = Math.round(result.timeDiff / 36)/100;\n"
"result.tFirst = (new Date(tfirst*1000)).toString();\n"
"result.tLast = (new Date(tlast*1000)).toString();\n"
- " = Date();\n"
- "}\n"
+ " = Date();}\n"
"else {\n"
- "result.errmsg = \"ts element not found in oplog objects\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "return result;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "result.errmsg = \"ts element not found in oplog objects\";}}\n"
+ "return result;}\n"
"DB.prototype.printReplicationInfo = function() {\n"
"var result = this.getReplicationInfo();\n"
"if( result.errmsg ) {\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return;}\n"
"print(\"configured oplog size: \" + result.logSizeMB + \"MB\");\n"
"print(\"log length start to end: \" + result.timeDiff + \"secs (\" + result.timeDiffHours + \"hrs)\");\n"
"print(\"oplog first event time: \" + result.tFirst);\n"
"print(\"oplog last event time: \" + result.tLast);\n"
- "print(\"now: \" +;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print(\"now: \" +;}\n"
"DB.prototype.printSlaveReplicationInfo = function() {\n"
"function g(x) {\n"
"print(\"source: \" +;\n"
- "var st = new Date(x.syncedTo/4294967296*1000);\n"
+ "var st = new Date( DB.tsToSeconds( x.syncedTo ) * 1000 );\n"
"var now = new Date();\n"
"print(\"syncedTo: \" + st.toString() );\n"
"var ago = (now-st)/1000;\n"
"var hrs = Math.round(ago/36)/100;\n"
- "print(\" = \" + Math.round(ago) + \"secs ago (\" + hrs + \"hrs)\");\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print(\" = \" + Math.round(ago) + \"secs ago (\" + hrs + \"hrs)\");}\n"
"var L = this.getSisterDB(\"local\");\n"
"if( L.sources.count() == 0 ) {\n"
"print(\"local.sources is empty; is this db a --slave?\");\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- "L.sources.find().forEach(g);\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "L.sources.find().forEach(g);}\n"
"DB.prototype.serverBuildInfo = function(){\n"
- "return this._adminCommand( \"buildinfo\" );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._adminCommand( \"buildinfo\" );}\n"
"DB.prototype.serverStatus = function(){\n"
- "return this._adminCommand( \"serverStatus\" );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._adminCommand( \"serverStatus\" );}\n"
"DB.prototype.version = function(){\n"
- "return this.serverBuildInfo().version;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.serverBuildInfo().version;}\n"
+ "DB.prototype.printShardingStatus = function(){\n"
+ "printShardingStatus( this.getSisterDB( \"config\" ) );}\n"
"if ( typeof Mongo == \"undefined\" ){\n"
"Mongo = function( host ){\n"
- "this.init( host );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this.init( host );}}\n"
"if ( ! Mongo.prototype ){\n"
- "throw \"Mongo.prototype not defined\";\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"Mongo.prototype not defined\";}\n"
"if ( ! Mongo.prototype.find )\n"
"Mongo.prototype.find = function( ns , query , fields , limit , skip ){ throw \"find not implemented\"; }\n"
"if ( ! Mongo.prototype.insert )\n"
@@ -942,31 +899,31 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"if ( ! Mongo.prototype.update )\n"
"Mongo.prototype.update = function( ns , query , obj , upsert ){ throw \"update not implemented;\" }\n"
"if ( typeof mongoInject == \"function\" ){\n"
- "mongoInject( Mongo.prototype );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "mongoInject( Mongo.prototype );}\n"
"Mongo.prototype.setSlaveOk = function() {\n"
- "this.slaveOk = true;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this.slaveOk = true;}\n"
"Mongo.prototype.getDB = function( name ){\n"
- "return new DB( this , name );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return new DB( this , name );}\n"
"Mongo.prototype.getDBs = function(){\n"
"var res = this.getDB( \"admin\" ).runCommand( { \"listDatabases\" : 1 } );\n"
- "assert( res.ok == 1 , \"listDatabases failed\" );\n"
- "return res;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "assert( res.ok == 1 , \"listDatabases failed:\" + tojson( res ) );\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
"Mongo.prototype.getDBNames = function(){\n"
"return this.getDBs()\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- ");\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ ");}\n"
+ "Mongo.prototype.getCollection = function(ns){\n"
+ "var idx = ns.indexOf( \".\" );\n"
+ "if ( idx < 0 )\n"
+ "throw \"need . in ns\";\n"
+ "var db = ns.substring( 0 , idx );\n"
+ "var c = ns.substring( idx + 1 );\n"
+ "return this.getDB( db ).getCollection( c );}\n"
"Mongo.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return \"mongo connection to \" +;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return \"mongo connection to \" +;}\n"
"connect = function( url , user , pass ){\n"
- "print( \"connecting to: \" + url )\n"
+ "chatty( \"connecting to: \" + url )\n"
"if ( user && ! pass )\n"
"throw \"you specified a user and not a password. either you need a password, or you're using the old connect api\";\n"
"var idx = url.indexOf( \"/\" );\n"
@@ -977,33 +934,33 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"db = new Mongo( url.substring( 0 , idx ) ).getDB( url.substring( idx + 1 ) );\n"
"if ( user && pass ){\n"
"if ( ! db.auth( user , pass ) ){\n"
- "throw \"couldn't login\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "return db;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"couldn't login\";}}\n"
+ "return db;}\n"
"MR = {};\n"
"MR.init = function(){\n"
"$max = 0;\n"
"$arr = [];\n"
"emit = MR.emit;\n"
- "gc();\n"
- "}\n"
+ "$numEmits = 0;\n"
+ "$numReduces = 0;\n"
+ "$numReducesToDB = 0;\n"
+ "gc();}\n"
"MR.cleanup = function(){\n"
- "gc();\n"
- "}\n"
+ "gc();}\n"
"MR.emit = function(k,v){\n"
- "var num = get_num( k );\n"
+ "$numEmits++;\n"
+ "var num = nativeHelper.apply( get_num_ , [ k ] );\n"
"var data = $arr[num];\n"
"if ( ! data ){\n"
- "data = { key : k , values : [] };\n"
- "$arr[num] = data;\n"
- "}\n"
- "data.values.push( v );\n"
- "$max = Math.max( $max , data.values.length );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "data = { key : k , values : new Array(1000) , count : 0 };\n"
+ "$arr[num] = data;}\n"
+ "data.values[data.count++] = v;\n"
+ "$max = Math.max( $max , data.count );}\n"
"MR.doReduce = function( useDB ){\n"
+ "$numReduces++;\n"
+ "if ( useDB )\n"
+ "$numReducesToDB++;\n"
"$max = 0;\n"
"for ( var i=0; i<$arr.length; i++){\n"
"var data = $arr[i];\n"
@@ -1012,44 +969,40 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"if ( useDB ){\n"
"var x = tempcoll.findOne( { _id : data.key } );\n"
"if ( x ){\n"
- "data.values.push( x.value );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "var r = $reduce( data.key , data.values );\n"
- "if ( r.length && r[0] ){\n"
+ "data.values[data.count++] = x.value;}}\n"
+ "var r = $reduce( data.key , data.values.slice( 0 , data.count ) );\n"
+ "if ( r && r.length && r[0] ){\n"
"data.values = r;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "data.count = r.length;}\n"
- "data.values = [ r ];\n"
- "}\n"
- "$max = Math.max( $max , data.values.length );\n"
+ "data.values[0] = r;\n"
+ "data.count = 1;}\n"
+ "$max = Math.max( $max , data.count );\n"
"if ( useDB ){\n"
- "if ( data.values.length == 1 ){\n"
- " { _id : data.key , value : data.values[0] } );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "if ( data.count == 1 ){\n"
+ " { _id : data.key , value : data.values[0] } );}\n"
"else {\n"
- " { _id : data.key , value : data.values } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ " { _id : data.key , value : data.values.slice( 0 , data.count ) } );}}}}\n"
"MR.check = function(){\n"
"if ( $max < 2000 && $arr.length < 1000 ){\n"
- "return 0;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return 0;}\n"
"if ( $max < 2000 && $arr.length < 1000 ){\n"
- "return 1;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return 1;}\n"
"MR.doReduce( true );\n"
"$arr = [];\n"
"$max = 0;\n"
- "return 2;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return 2;}\n"
+ "MR.finalize = function(){\n"
+ "tempcoll.find().forEach(\n"
+ "function(z){\n"
+ "z.value = $finalize( z._id , z.value );\n"
+ " z );}\n"
+ ");}\n"
"if ( typeof DBQuery == \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "DBQuery = function( mongo , db , collection , ns , query , fields , limit , skip ){\n"
+ "DBQuery = function( mongo , db , collection , ns , query , fields , limit , skip , batchSize ){\n"
"this._mongo = mongo;\n"
"this._db = db;\n"
"this._collection = collection;\n"
@@ -1058,65 +1011,60 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"this._fields = fields;\n"
"this._limit = limit || 0;\n"
"this._skip = skip || 0;\n"
+ "this._batchSize = batchSize || 0;\n"
"this._cursor = null;\n"
"this._numReturned = 0;\n"
- "this._special = false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "print( \"DBQuery probably won't have array access \" );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this._special = false;}\n"
+ "print( \"DBQuery probably won't have array access \" );}\n"
" = function(){\n"
"print( \"DBQuery help\" );\n"
"print( \"\\t.sort( {...} )\" )\n"
"print( \"\\t.limit( n )\" )\n"
"print( \"\\t.skip( n )\" )\n"
- "print( \"\\t.count()\" )\n"
+ "print( \"\\t.count() - total # of objects matching query, ignores skip,limit\" )\n"
+ "print( \"\\t.size() - total # of objects cursor would return skip,limit effect this\" )\n"
"print( \"\\t.explain()\" )\n"
"print( \"\\t.forEach( func )\" )\n"
- "print( \"\\ func )\" )\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print( \"\\ func )\" )}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.clone = function(){\n"
"var q = new DBQuery( this._mongo , this._db , this._collection , this._ns ,\n"
"this._query , this._fields ,\n"
- "this._limit , this._skip );\n"
+ "this._limit , this._skip , this._batchSize );\n"
"q._special = this._special;\n"
- "return q;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return q;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype._ensureSpecial = function(){\n"
"if ( this._special )\n"
"var n = { query : this._query };\n"
"this._query = n;\n"
- "this._special = true;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this._special = true;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype._checkModify = function(){\n"
"if ( this._cursor )\n"
- "throw \"query already executed\";\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"query already executed\";}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype._exec = function(){\n"
"if ( ! this._cursor ){\n"
"assert.eq( 0 , this._numReturned );\n"
- "this._cursor = this._mongo.find( this._ns , this._query , this._fields , this._limit , this._skip );\n"
- "this._cursorSeen = 0;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return this._cursor;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this._cursor = this._mongo.find( this._ns , this._query , this._fields , this._limit , this._skip , this._batchSize );\n"
+ "this._cursorSeen = 0;}\n"
+ "return this._cursor;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.limit = function( limit ){\n"
"this._limit = limit;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this;}\n"
+ "DBQuery.prototype.batchSize = function( batchSize ){\n"
+ "this._checkModify();\n"
+ "this._batchSize = batchSize;\n"
+ "return this;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.skip = function( skip ){\n"
"this._skip = skip;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.hasNext = function(){\n"
"if ( this._limit > 0 && this._cursorSeen >= this._limit )\n"
"return false;\n"
"var o = this._cursor.hasNext();\n"
- "return o;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return o;}\n"
" = function(){\n"
"var o = this._cursor.hasNext();\n"
@@ -1128,8 +1076,7 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"if ( ret.$err && this._numReturned == 0 && ! this.hasNext() )\n"
"throw \"error: \" + tojson( ret );\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return ret;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.toArray = function(){\n"
"if ( this._arr )\n"
"return this._arr;\n"
@@ -1137,886 +1084,446 @@ const char * jsconcatcode =
"while ( this.hasNext() )\n"
"a.push( );\n"
"this._arr = a;\n"
- "return a;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBQuery.prototype.count = function(){\n"
+ "return a;}\n"
+ "DBQuery.prototype.count = function( applySkipLimit ){\n"
"var cmd = { count: this._collection.getName() };\n"
"if ( this._query ){\n"
"if ( this._special )\n"
"cmd.query = this._query.query;\n"
- "cmd.query = this._query;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "cmd.query = this._query;}\n"
"cmd.fields = this._fields || {};\n"
+ "if ( applySkipLimit ){\n"
+ "if ( this._limit )\n"
+ "cmd.limit = this._limit;\n"
+ "if ( this._skip )\n"
+ "cmd.skip = this._skip;}\n"
"var res = this._db.runCommand( cmd );\n"
"if( res && res.n != null ) return res.n;\n"
- "throw \"count failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"count failed: \" + tojson( res );}\n"
+ "DBQuery.prototype.size = function(){\n"
+ "return this.count( true );}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.countReturn = function(){\n"
"var c = this.count();\n"
"if ( this._skip )\n"
"c = c - this._skip;\n"
"if ( this._limit > 0 && this._limit < c )\n"
"return this._limit;\n"
- "return c;\n"
- "}\n"
- "/**\n"
- "* iterative count - only for testing\n"
- "*/\n"
+ "return c;}\n"
+ "\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.itcount = function(){\n"
"var num = 0;\n"
"while ( this.hasNext() ){\n"
- ";\n"
- "}\n"
- "return num;\n"
- "}\n"
+ ";}\n"
+ "return num;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.length = function(){\n"
- "return this.toArray().length;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBQuery.prototype.sort = function( sortBy ){\n"
+ "return this.toArray().length;}\n"
+ "DBQuery.prototype._addSpecial = function( name , value ){\n"
- "this._query.orderby = sortBy;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "this._query[name] = value;\n"
+ "return this;}\n"
+ "DBQuery.prototype.sort = function( sortBy ){\n"
+ "return this._addSpecial( \"orderby\" , sortBy );}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.hint = function( hint ){\n"
- "this._ensureSpecial();\n"
- "this._query[\"$hint\"] = hint;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._addSpecial( \"$hint\" , hint );}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.min = function( min ) {\n"
- "this._ensureSpecial();\n"
- "this._query[\"$min\"] = min;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._addSpecial( \"$min\" , min );}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.max = function( max ) {\n"
- "this._ensureSpecial();\n"
- "this._query[\"$max\"] = max;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this._addSpecial( \"$max\" , max );}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.forEach = function( func ){\n"
"while ( this.hasNext() )\n"
- "func( );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "func( );}\n"
" = function( func ){\n"
"var a = [];\n"
"while ( this.hasNext() )\n"
"a.push( func( ) );\n"
- "return a;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return a;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.arrayAccess = function( idx ){\n"
- "return this.toArray()[idx];\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this.toArray()[idx];}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.explain = function(){\n"
"var n = this.clone();\n"
"n._query.$explain = true;\n"
"n._limit = n._limit * -1;\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.snapshot = function(){\n"
"this._query.$snapshot = true;\n"
- "return this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "return this;}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.shellPrint = function(){\n"
"try {\n"
"var n = 0;\n"
"while ( this.hasNext() && n < 20 ){\n"
- "var s = tojson( );\n"
+ "var s = tojson( , \"\" , true );\n"
"print( s );\n"
- "n++;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "n++;}\n"
"if ( this.hasNext() ){\n"
"print( \"has more\" );\n"
- "___it___ = this;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "___it___ = this;}\n"
"else {\n"
- "___it___ = null;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "___it___ = null;}}\n"
"catch ( e ){\n"
- "print( e );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "print( e );}}\n"
"DBQuery.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return \"DBQuery: \" + this._ns + \" -> \" + tojson( this.query );\n"
- "}\n"
- "_parsePath = function() {\n"
- "var dbpath = \"\";\n"
- "for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )\n"
- "if ( arguments[ i ] == \"--dbpath\" )\n"
- "dbpath = arguments[ i + 1 ];\n"
- "if ( dbpath == \"\" )\n"
- "throw \"No dbpath specified\";\n"
- "return dbpath;\n"
- "}\n"
- "_parsePort = function() {\n"
- "var port = \"\";\n"
- "for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )\n"
- "if ( arguments[ i ] == \"--port\" )\n"
- "port = arguments[ i + 1 ];\n"
- "if ( port == \"\" )\n"
- "throw \"No port specified\";\n"
- "return port;\n"
- "}\n"
- "createMongoArgs = function( binaryName , args ){\n"
- "var fullArgs = [ binaryName ];\n"
- "if ( args.length == 1 && isObject( args[0] ) ){\n"
- "var o = args[0];\n"
+ "return \"DBQuery: \" + this._ns + \" -> \" + tojson( this.query );}\n"
+ "if ( ( typeof DBCollection ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "DBCollection = function( mongo , db , shortName , fullName ){\n"
+ "this._mongo = mongo;\n"
+ "this._db = db;\n"
+ "this._shortName = shortName;\n"
+ "this._fullName = fullName;\n"
+ "this.verify();}}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.verify = function(){\n"
+ "assert( this._fullName , \"no fullName\" );\n"
+ "assert( this._shortName , \"no shortName\" );\n"
+ "assert( this._db , \"no db\" );\n"
+ "assert.eq( this._fullName , this._db._name + \".\" + this._shortName , \"name mismatch\" );\n"
+ "assert( this._mongo , \"no mongo in DBCollection\" );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getName = function(){\n"
+ "return this._shortName;}\n"
+ " = function() {\n"
+ "print(\"DBCollection help\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ key ) - eg. 'x' )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ drop the collection\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return.\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\t e.g. { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\[query])\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ { update : ... , remove : bool [, query: {}, sort: {}, 'new': false] } )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ get DB object associated with collection\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ mapFunction , reduceFunction , <optional params> )\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ newName , <dropTarget> ) renames the collection.\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ name , <options> ) runs a db command with the given name where the 1st param is the colleciton name\" );\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ - includes free space allocated to this collection\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ - size in bytes of all the indexes\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ - storage allocated for all data and indexes\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\, object[, upsert_bool, multi_bool])\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ - SLOW\");\n"
+ "print(\"\\ - only for use with sharding\");}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getFullName = function(){\n"
+ "return this._fullName;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getDB = function(){\n"
+ "return this._db;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand = function( cmd , params ){\n"
+ "if ( typeof( cmd ) == \"object\" )\n"
+ "return this._db._dbCommand( cmd );\n"
+ "var c = {};\n"
+ "c[cmd] = this.getName();\n"
+ "if ( params )\n"
+ "Object.extend( c , params );\n"
+ "return this._db._dbCommand( c );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.runCommand = DBCollection.prototype._dbCommand;\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._massageObject = function( q ){\n"
+ "if ( ! q )\n"
+ "return {};\n"
+ "var type = typeof q;\n"
+ "if ( type == \"function\" )\n"
+ "return { $where : q };\n"
+ "if ( q.isObjectId )\n"
+ "return { _id : q };\n"
+ "if ( type == \"object\" )\n"
+ "return q;\n"
+ "if ( type == \"string\" ){\n"
+ "if ( q.length == 24 )\n"
+ "return { _id : q };\n"
+ "return { $where : q };}\n"
+ "throw \"don't know how to massage : \" + type;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._validateObject = function( o ){\n"
+ "if ( o._ensureSpecial && o._checkModify )\n"
+ "throw \"can't save a DBQuery object\";}\n"
+ "DBCollection._allowedFields = { $id : 1 , $ref : 1 };\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._validateForStorage = function( o ){\n"
+ "this._validateObject( o );\n"
"for ( var k in o ){\n"
- "if ( k == \"v\" && isNumber( o[k] ) ){\n"
- "var n = o[k];\n"
- "if ( n > 0 ){\n"
- "var temp = \"-\";\n"
- "while ( n-- > 0 ) temp += \"v\";\n"
- "fullArgs.push( temp );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "else {\n"
- "fullArgs.push( \"--\" + k );\n"
- "if ( o[k] != \"\" )\n"
- "fullArgs.push( \"\" + o[k] );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "else {\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<args.length; i++ )\n"
- "fullArgs.push( args[i] )\n"
- "}\n"
- "return fullArgs;\n"
- "}\n"
- "startMongod = function(){\n"
- "var args = createMongoArgs( \"mongod\" , arguments );\n"
- "var dbpath = _parsePath.apply( null, args );\n"
- "resetDbpath( dbpath );\n"
- "return startMongoProgram.apply( null, args );\n"
- "}\n"
- "startMongos = function(){\n"
- "return startMongoProgram.apply( null, createMongoArgs( \"mongos\" , arguments ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "startMongoProgram = function(){\n"
- "var port = _parsePort.apply( null, arguments );\n"
- "_startMongoProgram.apply( null, arguments );\n"
- "var m;\n"
- "assert.soon\n"
- "( function() {\n"
- "try {\n"
- "m = new Mongo( \"\" + port );\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "} catch( e ) {\n"
- "}\n"
- "return false;\n"
- "}, \"unable to connect to mongo program on port \" + port, 30000 );\n"
- "return m;\n"
- "}\n"
- "startMongoProgramNoConnect = function() {\n"
- "return _startMongoProgram.apply( null, arguments );\n"
- "}\n"
- "myPort = function() {\n"
- "var m = db.getMongo();\n"
- "if ( /:/ ) )\n"
- "return /:(.*)/ )[ 1 ];\n"
- "else\n"
- "return 27017;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest = function( testName , numServers , verboseLevel , numMongos ){\n"
- "this._connections = [];\n"
- "this._serverNames = [];\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<numServers; i++){\n"
- "var conn = startMongod( { port : 30000 + i , dbpath : \"/data/db/\" + testName + i , noprealloc : \"\" } );\n"
- " = \"localhost:\" + ( 30000 + i );\n"
- "this._connections.push( conn );\n"
- "this._serverNames.push( );\n"
- "}\n"
- "this._configDB = \"localhost:30000\";\n"
- "this._mongos = [];\n"
- "var startMongosPort = 39999;\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<(numMongos||1); i++ ){\n"
- "var myPort = startMongosPort - i;\n"
- "var conn = startMongos( { port : startMongosPort - i , v : verboseLevel || 0 , configdb : this._configDB } );\n"
- " = \"localhost:\" + myPort;\n"
- "this._mongos.push( conn );\n"
- "if ( i == 0 )\n"
- "this.s = conn;\n"
- "}\n"
- "var admin = this.admin = this.s.getDB( \"admin\" );\n"
- "this.config = this.s.getDB( \"config\" );\n"
- "this._serverNames.forEach(\n"
- "function(z){\n"
- "admin.runCommand( { addshard : z } );\n"
- "}\n"
- ");\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.getDB = function( name ){\n"
- "return this.s.getDB( name );\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.getServerName = function( dbname ){\n"
- "return this.config.databases.findOne( { name : dbname } ).primary;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.getServer = function( dbname ){\n"
- "var name = this.getServerName( dbname );\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<this._serverNames.length; i++ ){\n"
- "if ( name == this._serverNames[i] )\n"
- "return this._connections[i];\n"
- "}\n"
- "throw \"can't find server for: \" + dbname + \" name:\" + name;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.getOther = function( one ){\n"
- "if ( this._connections.length != 2 )\n"
- "throw \"getOther only works with 2 servers\";\n"
- "if ( this._connections[0] == one )\n"
- "return this._connections[1];\n"
- "return this._connections[0];\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.stop = function(){\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<this._mongos.length; i++ ){\n"
- "stopMongoProgram( 39999 - i );\n"
- "}\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<this._connections.length; i++){\n"
- "stopMongod( 30000 + i );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.adminCommand = function(cmd){\n"
- "var res = this.admin.runCommand( cmd );\n"
- "if ( res && res.ok == 1 )\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "throw \"command \" + tojson( cmd ) + \" failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.getChunksString = function( ns ){\n"
- "var q = {}\n"
- "if ( ns )\n"
- "q.ns = ns;\n"
- "return Array.tojson( this.config.chunks.find( q ).toArray() , \"\\n\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.printChunks = function( ns ){\n"
- "print( this.getChunksString( ns ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "ShardingTest.prototype.sync = function(){\n"
- "this.adminCommand( \"connpoolsync\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "MongodRunner = function( port, dbpath, peer, arbiter, extraArgs ) {\n"
- "this.port_ = port;\n"
- "this.dbpath_ = dbpath;\n"
- "this.peer_ = peer;\n"
- "this.arbiter_ = arbiter;\n"
- "this.extraArgs_ = extraArgs;\n"
- "}\n"
- "MongodRunner.prototype.start = function( reuseData ) {\n"
- "var args = [];\n"
- "if ( reuseData ) {\n"
- "args.push( \"mongod\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "args.push( \"--port\" );\n"
- "args.push( this.port_ );\n"
- "args.push( \"--dbpath\" );\n"
- "args.push( this.dbpath_ );\n"
- "if ( this.peer_ && this.arbiter_ ) {\n"
- "args.push( \"--pairwith\" );\n"
- "args.push( this.peer_ );\n"
- "args.push( \"--arbiter\" );\n"
- "args.push( this.arbiter_ );\n"
- "args.push( \"--oplogSize\" );\n"
- "args.push( \"1\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "args.push( \"--nohttpinterface\" );\n"
- "args.push( \"--noprealloc\" );\n"
- "args.push( \"--bind_ip\" );\n"
- "args.push( \"\" );\n"
- "if ( this.extraArgs_ ) {\n"
- "args = args.concat( this.extraArgs_ );\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( reuseData ) {\n"
- "return startMongoProgram.apply( null, args );\n"
- "} else {\n"
- "return startMongod.apply( null, args );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "MongodRunner.prototype.port = function() { return this.port_; }\n"
- "MongodRunner.prototype.toString = function() { return [ this.port_, this.dbpath_, this.peer_, this.arbiter_ ].toString(); }\n"
- "ReplPair = function( left, right, arbiter ) {\n"
- "this.left_ = left;\n"
- "this.leftC_ = null;\n"
- "this.right_ = right;\n"
- "this.rightC_ = null;\n"
- "this.arbiter_ = arbiter;\n"
- "this.arbiterC_ = null;\n"
- "this.master_ = null;\n"
- "this.slave_ = null;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.start = function( reuseData ) {\n"
- "if ( this.arbiterC_ == null ) {\n"
- "this.arbiterC_ = this.arbiter_.start();\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( this.leftC_ == null ) {\n"
- "this.leftC_ = this.left_.start( reuseData );\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( this.rightC_ == null ) {\n"
- "this.rightC_ = this.right_.start( reuseData );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.isMaster = function( mongo, debug ) {\n"
- "var im = mongo.getDB( \"admin\" ).runCommand( { ismaster : 1 } );\n"
- "assert( im && im.ok, \"command ismaster failed\" );\n"
- "if ( debug ) {\n"
- "printjson( im );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return im.ismaster;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.isInitialSyncComplete = function( mongo, debug ) {\n"
- "var isc = mongo.getDB( \"admin\" ).runCommand( { isinitialsynccomplete : 1 } );\n"
- "assert( isc && isc.ok, \"command isinitialsynccomplete failed\" );\n"
- "if ( debug ) {\n"
- "printjson( isc );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return isc.initialsynccomplete;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.checkSteadyState = function( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, leftValues, rightValues, debug ) {\n"
- "leftValues = leftValues || {};\n"
- "rightValues = rightValues || {};\n"
- "var lm = null;\n"
- "var lisc = null;\n"
- "if ( this.leftC_ != null ) {\n"
- "lm = this.isMaster( this.leftC_, debug );\n"
- "leftValues[ lm ] = true;\n"
- "lisc = this.isInitialSyncComplete( this.leftC_, debug );\n"
- "}\n"
- "var rm = null;\n"
- "var risc = null;\n"
- "if ( this.rightC_ != null ) {\n"
- "rm = this.isMaster( this.rightC_, debug );\n"
- "rightValues[ rm ] = true;\n"
- "risc = this.isInitialSyncComplete( this.rightC_, debug );\n"
- "}\n"
- "var stateSet = {}\n"
- "state.forEach( function( i ) { stateSet[ i ] = true; } );\n"
- "if ( !( 1 in stateSet ) || ( ( risc || risc == null ) && ( lisc || lisc == null ) ) ) {\n"
- "if ( rm == 1 && lm != 1 ) {\n"
- "assert( twoMasterOk || !( 1 in leftValues ) );\n"
- "this.master_ = this.rightC_;\n"
- "this.slave_ = this.leftC_;\n"
- "} else if ( lm == 1 && rm != 1 ) {\n"
- "assert( twoMasterOk || !( 1 in rightValues ) );\n"
- "this.master_ = this.leftC_;\n"
- "this.slave_ = this.rightC_;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( !twoMasterOk ) {\n"
- "assert( lm != 1 || rm != 1, \"two masters\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( state.sort().toString() == [ lm, rm ].sort().toString() ) {\n"
- "if ( expectedMasterHost != null ) {\n"
- "if( expectedMasterHost == ) {\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "} else {\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "this.master_ = null;\n"
- "this.slave_ = null;\n"
- "return false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.waitForSteadyState = function( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, debug ) {\n"
- "state = state || [ 1, 0 ];\n"
- "twoMasterOk = twoMasterOk || false;\n"
- "var rp = this;\n"
- "var leftValues = {};\n"
- "var rightValues = {};\n"
- "assert.soon( function() { return rp.checkSteadyState( state, expectedMasterHost, twoMasterOk, leftValues, rightValues, debug ); },\n"
- "\"rp (\" + rp + \") failed to reach expected steady state (\" + state + \")\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.master = function() { return this.master_; }\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.slave = function() { return this.slave_; }\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.right = function() { return this.rightC_; }\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.left = function() { return this.leftC_; }\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.killNode = function( mongo, signal ) {\n"
- "signal = signal || 15;\n"
- "if ( this.leftC_ != null && == ) {\n"
- "stopMongod( this.left_.port_ );\n"
- "this.leftC_ = null;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( this.rightC_ != null && == ) {\n"
- "stopMongod( this.right_.port_ );\n"
- "this.rightC_ = null;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype._annotatedNode = function( mongo ) {\n"
- "var ret = \"\";\n"
- "if ( mongo != null ) {\n"
- "ret += \" (connected)\";\n"
- "if ( this.master_ != null && == ) {\n"
- "ret += \"(master)\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( this.slave_ != null && == ) {\n"
- "ret += \"(slave)\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ReplPair.prototype.toString = function() {\n"
- "var ret = \"\";\n"
- "ret += \"left: \" + this.left_;\n"
- "ret += \" \" + this._annotatedNode( this.leftC_ );\n"
- "ret += \" right: \" + this.right_;\n"
- "ret += \" \" + this._annotatedNode( this.rightC_ );\n"
- "return ret;\n"
- "}\n"
- "friendlyEqual = function( a , b ){\n"
- "if ( a == b )\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "if ( tojson( a ) == tojson( b ) )\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "return false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "doassert = function( msg ){\n"
- "print( \"assert: \" + msg );\n"
- "throw msg;\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert = function( b , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( b )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"assert failed : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert._debug = false;\n"
- "assert.eq = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( a == b )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "if ( ( a != null && b != null ) && friendlyEqual( a , b ) )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"[\" + tojson( a ) + \"] != [\" + tojson( b ) + \"] are not equal : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.neq = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( a != b )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"[\" + a + \"] != [\" + b + \"] are equal : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.soon = function( f, msg, timeout, interval ) {\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "var start = new Date();\n"
- "timeout = timeout || 30000;\n"
- "interval = interval || 200;\n"
- "var last;\n"
- "while( 1 ) {\n"
- "if ( typeof( f ) == \"string\" ){\n"
- "if ( eval( f ) )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "if ( k.indexOf( \".\" ) >= 0 ) {\n"
+ "throw \"can't have . in field names [\" + k + \"]\" ;}\n"
+ "if ( k.indexOf( \"$\" ) == 0 && ! DBCollection._allowedFields[k] ) {\n"
+ "throw \"field names cannot start with $ [\" + k + \"]\";}\n"
+ "if ( o[k] !== null && typeof( o[k] ) === \"object\" ) {\n"
+ "this._validateForStorage( o[k] );}}\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.find = function( query , fields , limit , skip ){\n"
+ "return new DBQuery( this._mongo , this._db , this ,\n"
+ "this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) , fields , limit , skip );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.findOne = function( query , fields ){\n"
+ "var cursor = this._mongo.find( this._fullName , this._massageObject( query ) || {} , fields , -1 , 0 , 0 );\n"
+ "if ( ! cursor.hasNext() )\n"
+ "return null;\n"
+ "var ret =;\n"
+ "if ( cursor.hasNext() ) throw \"findOne has more than 1 result!\";\n"
+ "if ( ret.$err )\n"
+ "throw \"error \" + tojson( ret );\n"
+ "return ret;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.insert = function( obj , _allow_dot ){\n"
+ "if ( ! obj )\n"
+ "throw \"no object passed to insert!\";\n"
+ "if ( ! _allow_dot ) {\n"
+ "this._validateForStorage( obj );}\n"
+ "if ( typeof( obj._id ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "var tmp = obj;\n"
+ "obj = {_id: new ObjectId()};\n"
+ "for (var key in tmp){\n"
+ "obj[key] = tmp[key];}}\n"
+ "this._mongo.insert( this._fullName , obj );\n"
+ "return obj._id;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.remove = function( t ){\n"
+ "this._mongo.remove( this._fullName , this._massageObject( t ) );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.update = function( query , obj , upsert , multi ){\n"
+ "assert( query , \"need a query\" );\n"
+ "assert( obj , \"need an object\" );\n"
+ "this._validateObject( obj );\n"
+ "this._mongo.update( this._fullName , query , obj , upsert ? true : false , multi ? true : false );}\n"
+ " = function( obj ){\n"
+ "if ( obj == null || typeof( obj ) == \"undefined\" )\n"
+ "throw \"can't save a null\";\n"
+ "if ( typeof( obj._id ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
+ "obj._id = new ObjectId();\n"
+ "return this.insert( obj );}\n"
"else {\n"
- "if ( f() )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( ( new Date() ).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout )\n"
- "doassert( \"assert.soon failed: \" + f + \", msg:\" + msg );\n"
- "sleep( interval );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.throws = function( func , params , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "try {\n"
- "func.apply( null , params );\n"
- "}\n"
- "catch ( e ){\n"
- "return e;\n"
- "}\n"
- "doassert( \"did not throw exception: \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.commandWorked = function( res , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( res.ok == 1 )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"command failed: \" + tojson( res ) + \" : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.commandFailed = function( res , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( res.ok == 0 )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"command worked when it should have failed: \" + tojson( res ) + \" : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "assert.isnull = function( what , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( what == null )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( \"supposed to null (\" + ( msg || \"\" ) + \") was: \" + tojson( what ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( a < b )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( a + \" is not less than \" + b + \" : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function( a , b , msg ){\n"
- "if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( \"in assert for: \" + msg );\n"
- "if ( a > b )\n"
- "return;\n"
- "doassert( a + \" is not greater than \" + b + \" : \" + msg );\n"
- "}\n"
- "Object.extend = function( dst , src ){\n"
- "for ( var k in src ){\n"
- "dst[k] = src[k];\n"
- "}\n"
- "return dst;\n"
- "}\n"
- "argumentsToArray = function( a ){\n"
- "var arr = [];\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ )\n"
- "arr[i] = a[i];\n"
- "return arr;\n"
- "}\n"
- "isString = function( x ){\n"
- "return typeof( x ) == \"string\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "isNumber = function(x){\n"
- "return typeof( x ) == \"number\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "isObject = function( x ){\n"
- "return typeof( x ) == \"object\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "String.prototype.trim = function() {\n"
- "return this.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,\"\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "String.prototype.ltrim = function() {\n"
- "return this.replace(/^\\s+/,\"\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "String.prototype.rtrim = function() {\n"
- "return this.replace(/\\s+$/,\"\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "Date.timeFunc = function( theFunc , numTimes ){\n"
- "var start = new Date();\n"
- "numTimes = numTimes || 1;\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<numTimes; i++ ){\n"
- "theFunc.apply( null , argumentsToArray( arguments ).slice( 2 ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return (new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime();\n"
- "}\n"
- "Date.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return \"\\\"\" + this.toString() + \"\\\"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "RegExp.prototype.tojson = RegExp.prototype.toString;\n"
- "Array.contains = function( a , x ){\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){\n"
- "if ( a[i] == x )\n"
- "return true;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return false;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Array.unique = function( a ){\n"
- "var u = [];\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){\n"
- "var o = a[i];\n"
- "if ( ! Array.contains( u , o ) ){\n"
- "u.push( o );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "return u;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Array.shuffle = function( arr ){\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<arr.length-1; i++ ){\n"
- "var pos = i+Math.floor(Math.random()*(arr.length-i));\n"
- "var save = arr[i];\n"
- "arr[i] = arr[pos];\n"
- "arr[pos] = save;\n"
- "}\n"
- "return arr;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Array.tojson = function( a , sepLines ){\n"
- "var s = \"[\";\n"
- "if ( sepLines ) s += \"\\n\";\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){\n"
- "if ( i > 0 ){\n"
- "s += \",\";\n"
- "if ( sepLines ) s += \"\\n\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "s += tojson( a[i] );\n"
- "}\n"
- "s += \"]\";\n"
- "if ( sepLines ) s += \"\\n\";\n"
- "return s;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Array.fetchRefs = function( arr , coll ){\n"
- "var n = [];\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<arr.length; i ++){\n"
- "var z = arr[i];\n"
- "if ( coll && coll != z.getCollection() )\n"
+ "return this.update( { _id : obj._id } , obj , true );}}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._genIndexName = function( keys ){\n"
+ "var name = \"\";\n"
+ "for ( var k in keys ){\n"
+ "var v = keys[k];\n"
+ "if ( typeof v == \"function\" )\n"
- "n.push( z.fetch() );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return n;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( ! ObjectId.prototype )\n"
- "ObjectId.prototype = {}\n"
- "ObjectId.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return this.str;\n"
- "}\n"
- "ObjectId.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return \" ObjectId( \\\"\" + this.str + \"\\\") \";\n"
- "}\n"
- "ObjectId.prototype.isObjectId = true;\n"
- "if ( typeof( DBPointer ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "DBPointer.prototype.fetch = function(){\n"
- "assert( this.ns , \"need a ns\" );\n"
- "assert( , \"need an id\" );\n"
- "return db[ this.ns ].findOne( { _id : } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBPointer.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return \"{ 'ns' : \\\"\" + this.ns + \"\\\" , 'id' : \\\"\" + + \"\\\" } \";\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBPointer.prototype.getCollection = function(){\n"
- "return this.ns;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBPointer.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return \"DBPointer \" + this.ns + \":\" +;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "else {\n"
- "print( \"warning: no DBPointer\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( typeof( DBRef ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "DBRef.prototype.fetch = function(){\n"
- "assert( this.$ref , \"need a ns\" );\n"
- "assert( this.$id , \"need an id\" );\n"
- "return db[ this.$ref ].findOne( { _id : this.$id } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBRef.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return \"{ '$ref' : \\\"\" + this.$ref + \"\\\" , '$id' : \\\"\" + this.$id + \"\\\" } \";\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBRef.prototype.getCollection = function(){\n"
- "return this.$ref;\n"
- "}\n"
- "DBRef.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
- "return this.tojson();\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "if ( name.length > 0 )\n"
+ "name += \"_\";\n"
+ "name += k + \"_\";\n"
+ "if ( typeof v == \"number\" )\n"
+ "name += v;}\n"
+ "return name;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype._indexSpec = function( keys, options ) {\n"
+ "var ret = { ns : this._fullName , key : keys , name : this._genIndexName( keys ) };\n"
+ "if ( ! options ){}\n"
+ "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"string\" )\n"
+ " = options;\n"
+ "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"boolean\" )\n"
+ "ret.unique = true;\n"
+ "else if ( typeof ( options ) == \"object\" ){\n"
+ "if ( options.length ){\n"
+ "var nb = 0;\n"
+ "for ( var i=0; i<options.length; i++ ){\n"
+ "if ( typeof ( options[i] ) == \"string\" )\n"
+ " = options[i];\n"
+ "else if ( typeof( options[i] ) == \"boolean\" ){\n"
+ "if ( options[i] ){\n"
+ "if ( nb == 0 )\n"
+ "ret.unique = true;\n"
+ "if ( nb == 1 )\n"
+ "ret.dropDups = true;}\n"
+ "nb++;}}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "print( \"warning: no DBRef\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( typeof( BinData ) != \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "BinData.prototype.tojson = function(){\n"
- "return \"BinData type: \" + this.type + \" len: \" + this.len;\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
+ "Object.extend( ret , options );}}\n"
"else {\n"
- "print( \"warning: no BinData\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "tojson = function( x ){\n"
- "if ( x == null )\n"
- "return \"null\";\n"
- "if ( x == undefined )\n"
- "return \"\";\n"
- "switch ( typeof x ){\n"
- "case \"string\": {\n"
- "var s = \"\\\"\";\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<x.length; i++ ){\n"
- "if ( x[i] == '\"' ){\n"
- "s += \"\\\\\\\"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "else\n"
- "s += x[i];\n"
- "}\n"
- "return s + \"\\\"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "case \"number\":\n"
- "case \"boolean\":\n"
- "return \"\" + x;\n"
- "case \"object\":\n"
- "return tojsonObject( x );\n"
- "case \"function\":\n"
- "return x.toString();\n"
- "default:\n"
- "throw \"tojson can't handle type \" + ( typeof x );\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "tojsonObject = function( x ){\n"
- "assert.eq( ( typeof x ) , \"object\" , \"tojsonObject needs object, not [\" + ( typeof x ) + \"]\" );\n"
- "if ( typeof( x.tojson ) == \"function\" && x.tojson != tojson )\n"
- "return x.tojson();\n"
- "if ( typeof( x.constructor.tojson ) == \"function\" && x.constructor.tojson != tojson )\n"
- "return x.constructor.tojson( x );\n"
- "if ( x.toString() == \"[object MaxKey]\" )\n"
- "return \"{ $maxKey : 1 }\";\n"
- "if ( x.toString() == \"[object MinKey]\" )\n"
- "return \"{ $minKey : 1 }\";\n"
- "var s = \"{\";\n"
- "var first = true;\n"
- "for ( var k in x ){\n"
- "var val = x[k];\n"
- "if ( val == DB.prototype || val == DBCollection.prototype )\n"
- "continue;\n"
- "if ( first ) first = false;\n"
- "else s += \" , \";\n"
- "s += \"\\\"\" + k + \"\\\" : \" + tojson( val );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return s + \"}\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "shellPrint = function( x ){\n"
- "it = x;\n"
- "if ( x != undefined )\n"
- "shellPrintHelper( x );\n"
- "if ( db ){\n"
- "var e = db.getPrevError();\n"
- "if ( e.err ) {\n"
- "if( e.nPrev <= 1 )\n"
- "print( \"error on last call: \" + tojson( e.err ) );\n"
- "else\n"
- "print( \"an error \" + tojson(e.err) + \" occurred \" + e.nPrev + \" operations back in the command invocation\" );\n"
- "}\n"
- "db.resetError();\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "printjson = function(x){\n"
- "print( tojson( x ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "shellPrintHelper = function( x ){\n"
- "if ( typeof( x ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "if ( typeof( db ) != \"undefined\" && db.getLastError ){\n"
- "var e = db.getLastError();\n"
- "if ( e != null )\n"
- "print( e );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( x == null ){\n"
- "print( \"null\" );\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( typeof x != \"object\" )\n"
- "return print( x );\n"
- "var p = x.shellPrint;\n"
- "if ( typeof p == \"function\" )\n"
- "return x.shellPrint();\n"
- "var p = x.tojson;\n"
- "if ( typeof p == \"function\" )\n"
- "print( x.tojson() );\n"
- "else\n"
- "print( tojson( x ) );\n"
- "}\n"
- "shellHelper = function( command , rest , shouldPrint ){\n"
- "command = command.trim();\n"
- "var args = rest.trim().replace(/;$/,\"\").split( \"\\s+\" );\n"
- "if ( ! shellHelper[command] )\n"
- "throw \"no command [\" + command + \"]\";\n"
- "var res = shellHelper[command].apply( null , args );\n"
- "if ( shouldPrint ){\n"
- "shellPrintHelper( res );\n"
- "}\n"
+ "throw \"can't handle: \" + typeof( options );}\n"
+ "/*\n"
+ "return ret;\n"
+ "var name;\n"
+ "var nTrue = 0;\n"
+ "if ( ! isObject( options ) ) {\n"
+ "options = [ options ];}\n"
+ "if ( options.length ){\n"
+ "for( var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i ) {\n"
+ "var o = options[ i ];\n"
+ "if ( isString( o ) ) {\n"
+ " = o;\n"
+ "} else if ( typeof( o ) == \"boolean\" ) {\n"
+ "if ( o ) {\n"
+ "++nTrue;}}}\n"
+ "if ( nTrue > 0 ) {\n"
+ "ret.unique = true;}\n"
+ "if ( nTrue > 1 ) {\n"
+ "ret.dropDups = true;}}\n"
+ "*/\n"
+ "return ret;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.createIndex = function( keys , options ){\n"
+ "var o = this._indexSpec( keys, options );\n"
+ "this._db.getCollection( \"system.indexes\" ).insert( o , true );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.ensureIndex = function( keys , options ){\n"
+ "var name = this._indexSpec( keys, options ).name;\n"
+ "this._indexCache = this._indexCache || {};\n"
+ "if ( this._indexCache[ name ] ){\n"
+ "return;}\n"
+ "this.createIndex( keys , options );\n"
+ "if ( this.getDB().getLastError() == \"\" ) {\n"
+ "this._indexCache[name] = true;}}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.resetIndexCache = function(){\n"
+ "this._indexCache = {};}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.reIndex = function() {\n"
+ "return this._db.runCommand({ reIndex: this.getName() });}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.dropIndexes = function(){\n"
+ "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
+ "var res = this._db.runCommand( { deleteIndexes: this.getName(), index: \"*\" } );\n"
+ "assert( res , \"no result from dropIndex result\" );\n"
+ "if ( res.ok )\n"
"return res;\n"
- "}\n"
- "help = = function(){\n"
- "print( \"HELP\" );\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"show dbs show database names\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"show collections show collections in current database\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"show users show users in current database\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"use <db name> set curent database to <db name>\" );\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \" help on DB methods\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \" help on collection methods\");\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \" list objects in collection foo\" );\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \" { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1\" );\n"
- "print( \"\\t\" + \"it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "shellHelper.use = function( dbname ){\n"
- "db = db.getMongo().getDB( dbname );\n"
- "print( \"switched to db \" + db.getName() );\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function(){\n"
- "if ( typeof( ___it___ ) == \"undefined\" || ___it___ == null ){\n"
- "print( \"no cursor\" );\n"
- "return;\n"
- "}\n"
- "shellPrintHelper( ___it___ );\n"
- "}\n"
- " = function( what ){\n"
- "assert( typeof what == \"string\" );\n"
- "if( what == \"profile\" ) {\n"
- "if( db.system.profile.count() == 0 ) {\n"
- "print(\"db.system.profile is empty\");\n"
- "print(\"Use db.setProfilingLevel(2) will enable profiling\");\n"
- "print(\"Use db.system.profile.find() to show raw profile entries\");\n"
- "}\n"
- "else {\n"
- "print();\n"
- "db.system.profile.find({ millis : { $gt : 0 } }).sort({$natural:-1}).limit(5).forEach( function(x){print(\"\"+x.millis+\"ms \" + String(x.ts).substring(0,24)); print(; print(\"\\n\");} )\n"
- "}\n"
- "return \"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( what == \"users\" ){\n"
- "db.system.users.find().forEach( printjson );\n"
- "return \"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( what == \"collections\" || what == \"tables\" ) {\n"
- "db.getCollectionNames().forEach( function(x){print(x)} );\n"
- "return \"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( what == \"dbs\" ) {\n"
- "db.getMongo().getDBNames().sort().forEach( function(x){print(x)} );\n"
- "return \"\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "throw \"don't know how to show [\" + what + \"]\";\n"
- "}\n"
- "if ( typeof( Map ) == \"undefined\" ){\n"
- "Map = function(){\n"
- "this._data = {};\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "Map.hash = function( val ){\n"
- "if ( ! val )\n"
- "return val;\n"
- "switch ( typeof( val ) ){\n"
- "case 'string':\n"
- "case 'number':\n"
- "case 'date':\n"
- "return val.toString();\n"
- "case 'object':\n"
- "case 'array':\n"
- "var s = \"\";\n"
- "for ( var k in val ){\n"
- "s += k + val[k];\n"
- "}\n"
- "return s;\n"
- "}\n"
- "throw \"can't hash : \" + typeof( val );\n"
- "}\n"
- "Map.prototype.put = function( key , value ){\n"
- "var o = this._get( key );\n"
- "var old = o.value;\n"
- "o.value = value;\n"
- "return old;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Map.prototype.get = function( key ){\n"
- "return this._get( key ).value;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Map.prototype._get = function( key ){\n"
- "var h = Map.hash( key );\n"
- "var a = this._data[h];\n"
- "if ( ! a ){\n"
- "a = [];\n"
- "this._data[h] = a;\n"
- "}\n"
- "for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){\n"
- "if ( friendlyEqual( key , a[i].key ) ){\n"
- "return a[i];\n"
- "}\n"
- "}\n"
- "var o = { key : key , value : null };\n"
- "a.push( o );\n"
- "return o;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Map.prototype.values = function(){\n"
- "var all = [];\n"
- "for ( var k in this._data ){\n"
- "this._data[k].forEach( function(z){ all.push( z.value ); } );\n"
- "}\n"
- "return all;\n"
- "}\n"
- "Math.sigFig = function( x , N ){\n"
- "if ( ! N ){\n"
- "N = 3;\n"
- "}\n"
- "var p = Math.pow( 10, N - Math.ceil( Math.log( Math.abs(x) ) / Math.log( 10 )) );\n"
- "return Math.round(x*p)/p;\n"
- "}\n"
+ "if ( res.errmsg.match( /not found/ ) )\n"
+ "return res;\n"
+ "throw \"error dropping indexes : \" + tojson( res );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.drop = function(){\n"
+ "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
+ "var ret = this._db.runCommand( { drop: this.getName() } );\n"
+ "if ( ! ret.ok ){\n"
+ "if ( ret.errmsg == \"ns not found\" )\n"
+ "return false;\n"
+ "throw \"drop failed: \" + tojson( ret );}\n"
+ "return true;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.findAndModify = function(args){\n"
+ "var cmd = { findandmodify: this.getName() };\n"
+ "for (var key in args){\n"
+ "cmd[key] = args[key];}\n"
+ "var ret = this._db.runCommand( cmd );\n"
+ "if ( ! ret.ok ){\n"
+ "if (ret.errmsg == \"No matching object found\"){\n"
+ "return {};}\n"
+ "throw \"findAndModifyFailed failed: \" + tojson( ret.errmsg );}\n"
+ "return ret.value;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.renameCollection = function( newName , dropTarget ){\n"
+ "return this._db._adminCommand( { renameCollection : this._fullName ,\n"
+ "to : this._db._name + \".\" + newName ,\n"
+ "dropTarget : dropTarget } )}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.validate = function() {\n"
+ "var res = this._db.runCommand( { validate: this.getName() } );\n"
+ "res.valid = false;\n"
+ "if ( res.result ){\n"
+ "var str = \"-\" + tojson( res.result );\n"
+ "res.valid = ! ( str.match( /exception/ ) || str.match( /corrupt/ ) );\n"
+ "var p = /lastExtentSize:(\\d+)/;\n"
+ "var r = p.exec( str );\n"
+ "if ( r ){\n"
+ "res.lastExtentSize = Number( r[1] );}}\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getShardVersion = function(){\n"
+ "return this._db._adminCommand( { getShardVersion : this._fullName } );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes = function(){\n"
+ "return this.getDB().getCollection( \"system.indexes\" ).find( { ns : this.getFullName() } ).toArray();}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getIndices = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes;\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexSpecs = DBCollection.prototype.getIndexes;\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getIndexKeys = function(){\n"
+ "return this.getIndexes().map(\n"
+ "function(i){\n"
+ "return i.key;}\n"
+ ");}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.count = function( x ){\n"
+ "return this.find( x ).count();}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.clean = function() {\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { clean: this.getName() } );}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.dropIndex = function(index) {\n"
+ "assert(index , \"need to specify index to dropIndex\" );\n"
+ "if ( ! isString( index ) && isObject( index ) )\n"
+ "index = this._genIndexName( index );\n"
+ "var res = this._dbCommand( \"deleteIndexes\" ,{ index: index } );\n"
+ "this.resetIndexCache();\n"
+ "return res;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.copyTo = function( newName ){\n"
+ "return this.getDB().eval(\n"
+ "function( collName , newName ){\n"
+ "var from = db[collName];\n"
+ "var to = db[newName];\n"
+ "to.ensureIndex( { _id : 1 } );\n"
+ "var count = 0;\n"
+ "var cursor = from.find();\n"
+ "while ( cursor.hasNext() ){\n"
+ "var o =;\n"
+ "count++;\n"
+ " o );}\n"
+ "return count;\n"
+ "} , this.getName() , newName\n"
+ ");}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.getCollection = function( subName ){\n"
+ "return this._db.getCollection( this._shortName + \".\" + subName );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.stats = function( scale ){\n"
+ "return this._db.runCommand( { collstats : this._shortName , scale : scale } );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.dataSize = function(){\n"
+ "return this.stats().size;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.storageSize = function(){\n"
+ "return this.stats().storageSize;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.totalIndexSize = function( verbose ){\n"
+ "var stats = this.stats();\n"
+ "if (verbose){\n"
+ "for (var ns in stats.indexSizes){\n"
+ "print( ns + \"\\t\" + stats.indexSizes[ns] );}}\n"
+ "return stats.totalIndexSize;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.totalSize = function(){\n"
+ "var total = this.storageSize();\n"
+ "var mydb = this._db;\n"
+ "var shortName = this._shortName;\n"
+ "this.getIndexes().forEach(\n"
+ "function( spec ){\n"
+ "var coll = mydb.getCollection( shortName + \".$\" + );\n"
+ "var mysize = coll.storageSize();\n"
+ "total += coll.dataSize();}\n"
+ ");\n"
+ "return total;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.convertToCapped = function( bytes ){\n"
+ "if ( ! bytes )\n"
+ "throw \"have to specify # of bytes\";\n"
+ "return this._dbCommand( { convertToCapped : this._shortName , size : bytes } )}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.exists = function(){\n"
+ "return this._db.system.namespaces.findOne( { name : this._fullName } );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.isCapped = function(){\n"
+ "var e = this.exists();\n"
+ "return ( e && e.options && e.options.capped ) ? true : false;}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.distinct = function( keyString , query ){\n"
+ "var res = this._dbCommand( { distinct : this._shortName , key : keyString , query : query || {} } );\n"
+ "if ( ! res.ok )\n"
+ "throw \"distinct failed: \" + tojson( res );\n"
+ "return res.values;}\n"
+ " = function( params ){\n"
+ "params.ns = this._shortName;\n"
+ "return params );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.groupcmd = function( params ){\n"
+ "params.ns = this._shortName;\n"
+ "return this._db.groupcmd( params );}\n"
+ "MapReduceResult = function( db , o ){\n"
+ "Object.extend( this , o );\n"
+ "this._o = o;\n"
+ "this._keys = Object.keySet( o );\n"
+ "this._db = db;\n"
+ "this._coll = this._db.getCollection( this.result );}\n"
+ "MapReduceResult.prototype._simpleKeys = function(){\n"
+ "return this._o;}\n"
+ "MapReduceResult.prototype.find = function(){\n"
+ "return DBCollection.prototype.find.apply( this._coll , arguments );}\n"
+ "MapReduceResult.prototype.drop = function(){\n"
+ "return this._coll.drop();}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "MapReduceResult.prototype.convertToSingleObject = function(){\n"
+ "var z = {};\n"
+ "this._coll.find().forEach( function(a){ z[a._id] = a.value; } );\n"
+ "return z;}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.mapReduce = function( map , reduce , optional ){\n"
+ "var c = { mapreduce : this._shortName , map : map , reduce : reduce };\n"
+ "if ( optional )\n"
+ "Object.extend( c , optional );\n"
+ "var raw = this._db.runCommand( c );\n"
+ "if ( ! raw.ok )\n"
+ "throw \"map reduce failed: \" + tojson( raw );\n"
+ "return new MapReduceResult( this._db , raw );}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
+ "return this.getFullName();}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.toString = function(){\n"
+ "return this.getFullName();}\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.tojson = DBCollection.prototype.toString;\n"
+ "DBCollection.prototype.shellPrint = DBCollection.prototype.toString;\n"