path: root/src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp
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authorDaniel Alabi <>2015-06-09 17:43:09 -0400
committerDaniel Alabi <>2015-06-11 16:51:13 -0400
commitdfea887c3b0eab7fec881ef9bb6d300566ab669f (patch)
tree82f8b71e84af5eda8273eaf448ea3f9324442df7 /src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp
parent0d403de0d525237ea3fa2aee63117080ca357591 (diff)
SERVER-18901 Move Fetcher and QueryFetcher to mongo/client/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp b/src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6414dbae1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/client/fetcher_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 MongoDB Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include "mongo/client/fetcher.h"
+#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+#include "mongo/db/repl/replication_executor.h"
+#include "mongo/db/repl/replication_executor_test_fixture.h"
+#include "mongo/executor/network_interface_mock.h"
+#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
+namespace {
+ using namespace mongo;
+ using namespace mongo::repl;
+ using executor::NetworkInterfaceMock;
+ const HostAndPort target("localhost", -1);
+ const BSONObj findCmdObj = BSON("find" << "coll");
+ class FetcherTest : public ReplicationExecutorTest {
+ public:
+ static Status getDetectableErrorStatus();
+ FetcherTest();
+ void setUp() override;
+ void tearDown() override;
+ void clear();
+ void scheduleNetworkResponse(const BSONObj& obj);
+ void scheduleNetworkResponse(ErrorCodes::Error code, const std::string& reason);
+ void processNetworkResponse(const BSONObj& obj);
+ void processNetworkResponse(ErrorCodes::Error code, const std::string& reason);
+ void finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ protected:
+ Status status;
+ CursorId cursorId;
+ Fetcher::Documents documents;
+ Fetcher::NextAction nextAction;
+ Fetcher::NextAction newNextAction;
+ std::unique_ptr<Fetcher> fetcher;
+ // Called at end of _callback
+ Fetcher::CallbackFn callbackHook;
+ private:
+ void _callback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& result,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob);
+ };
+ Status FetcherTest::getDetectableErrorStatus() {
+ return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "Not mutated");
+ }
+ FetcherTest::FetcherTest()
+ : status(getDetectableErrorStatus()),
+ cursorId(-1),
+ nextAction(Fetcher::NextAction::kInvalid) { }
+ void FetcherTest::setUp() {
+ ReplicationExecutorTest::setUp();
+ clear();
+ fetcher.reset(new Fetcher(
+ &getExecutor(), target, "db", findCmdObj,
+ stdx::bind(&FetcherTest::_callback, this,
+ stdx::placeholders::_1, stdx::placeholders::_2, stdx::placeholders::_3)));
+ launchExecutorThread();
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::tearDown() {
+ ReplicationExecutorTest::tearDown();
+ // Executor may still invoke fetcher's callback before shutting down.
+ fetcher.reset();
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::clear() {
+ status = getDetectableErrorStatus();
+ cursorId = -1;
+ documents.clear();
+ nextAction = Fetcher::NextAction::kInvalid;
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::scheduleNetworkResponse(const BSONObj& obj) {
+ NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(net->hasReadyRequests());
+ Milliseconds millis(0);
+ RemoteCommandResponse response(obj, millis);
+ ReplicationExecutor::ResponseStatus responseStatus(response);
+ net->scheduleResponse(net->getNextReadyRequest(), net->now(), responseStatus);
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::scheduleNetworkResponse(ErrorCodes::Error code, const std::string& reason) {
+ NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(net->hasReadyRequests());
+ ReplicationExecutor::ResponseStatus responseStatus(code, reason);
+ net->scheduleResponse(net->getNextReadyRequest(), net->now(), responseStatus);
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::processNetworkResponse(const BSONObj& obj) {
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(obj);
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::processNetworkResponse(ErrorCodes::Error code,
+ const std::string& reason) {
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(code, reason);
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::finishProcessingNetworkResponse() {
+ clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ }
+ void FetcherTest::_callback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& result,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextActionFromFetcher,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) {
+ status = result.getStatus();
+ if (result.isOK()) {
+ const Fetcher::BatchData& batchData = result.getValue();
+ cursorId = batchData.cursorId;
+ documents = batchData.documents;
+ }
+ if (callbackHook) {
+ callbackHook(result, nextActionFromFetcher, getMoreBob);
+ }
+ if (nextActionFromFetcher) {
+ nextAction = *nextActionFromFetcher;
+ }
+ }
+ void unusedFetcherCallback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& fetchResult,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) {
+ FAIL("should not reach here");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, InvalidConstruction) {
+ ReplicationExecutor& executor = getExecutor();
+ // Null executor.
+ ASSERT_THROWS(Fetcher(nullptr, target, "db", findCmdObj, unusedFetcherCallback),
+ UserException);
+ // Empty database name.
+ ASSERT_THROWS(Fetcher(&executor, target, "", findCmdObj, unusedFetcherCallback),
+ UserException);
+ // Empty command object.
+ ASSERT_THROWS(Fetcher(&executor, target, "db", BSONObj(), unusedFetcherCallback),
+ UserException);
+ // Callback function cannot be null.
+ ASSERT_THROWS(Fetcher(&executor, target, "db", findCmdObj, Fetcher::CallbackFn()),
+ UserException);
+ }
+ // Command object can refer to any command that returns a cursor. This
+ // includes listIndexes and listCollections.
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, NonFindCommand) {
+ ReplicationExecutor& executor = getExecutor();
+ Fetcher(&executor, target, "db", BSON("listIndexes" << "coll"), unusedFetcherCallback);
+ Fetcher(&executor, target, "db", BSON("listCollections" << 1), unusedFetcherCallback);
+ Fetcher(&executor, target, "db", BSON("a" << 1), unusedFetcherCallback);
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, GetDiagnosticString) {
+ Fetcher fetcher(&getExecutor(), target, "db", findCmdObj, unusedFetcherCallback);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher.getDiagnosticString().empty());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, IsActiveAfterSchedule) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ScheduleWhenActive) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, CancelWithoutSchedule) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ fetcher->cancel();
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, WaitWithoutSchedule) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ fetcher->wait();
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ShutdownBeforeSchedule) {
+ getExecutor().shutdown();
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ScheduleAndCancel) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("ok" << 1));
+ fetcher->cancel();
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, status.code());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ScheduleButShutdown) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("ok" << 1));
+ getExecutor().shutdown();
+ // Network interface should not deliver mock response to callback.
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, status.code());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FindCommandFailed1) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "bad hint");
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::BadValue, status.code());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS("bad hint", status.reason());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FindCommandFailed2) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("ok" << 0 <<
+ "errmsg" << "bad hint" <<
+ "code" << int(ErrorCodes::BadValue)));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::BadValue, status.code());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS("bad hint", status.reason());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, CursorFieldMissing) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "must contain 'cursor' field");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, CursorNotAnObject) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << 123 << "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "'cursor' field must be an object");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, CursorIdFieldMissing) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "must contain '' field");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, CursorIdNotLongNumber) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 123.1 <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(),
+ "'' field must be");
+ ASSERT_EQ((int)Fetcher::NextAction::kInvalid, (int)nextAction);
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, NamespaceFieldMissing) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 123LL <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "must contain 'cursor.ns' field");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, NamespaceNotAString) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 123LL <<
+ "ns" << 123 <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "'cursor.ns' field must be a string");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, NamespaceEmpty) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 123LL <<
+ "ns" << "" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::BadValue, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "'cursor.ns' contains an invalid namespace");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, NamespaceMissingCollectionName) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 123LL <<
+ "ns" << "db." <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::BadValue, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "'cursor.ns' contains an invalid namespace");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FirstBatchFieldMissing) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll") <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "must contain 'cursor.firstBatch' field");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FirstBatchNotAnArray) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << 123) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "'cursor.firstBatch' field must be an array");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FirstBatchArrayContainsNonObject) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(8)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, status.code());
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "found non-object");
+ ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(status.reason(), "in 'cursor.firstBatch' field");
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FirstBatchEmptyArray) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSONArray()) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(documents.empty());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FetchOneDocument) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, cursorId);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, SetNextActionToContinueWhenNextBatchIsNotAvailable) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ callbackHook = [](const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& fetchResult,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetchResult.getStatus());
+ Fetcher::BatchData batchData{fetchResult.getValue()};
+ ASSERT(nextAction);
+ *nextAction = Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore;
+ ASSERT(getMoreBob);
+ getMoreBob->append("getMore", batchData.cursorId);
+ getMoreBob->append("collection", batchData.nss.coll());
+ };
+ processNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, cursorId);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, FetchMultipleBatches) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc2 = BSON("_id" << 2);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc2)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc2, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc3 = BSON("_id" << 3);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 0LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc3)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc3, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kNoAction == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ScheduleGetMoreAndCancel) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc2 = BSON("_id" << 2);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc2)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc2, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ fetcher->cancel();
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(status);
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ScheduleGetMoreButShutdown) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc2 = BSON("_id" << 2);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc2)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc2, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ getExecutor().shutdown();
+ finishProcessingNetworkResponse();
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(status);
+ }
+ void setNextActionToNoAction(const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& fetchResult,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob) {
+ *nextAction = Fetcher::NextAction::kNoAction;
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, UpdateNextActionAfterSecondBatch) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc2 = BSON("_id" << 2);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc2)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ callbackHook = setNextActionToNoAction;
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc2, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kNoAction == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will be invoked twice before the fetcher returns control to the replication executor.
+ */
+ void shutdownDuringSecondBatch(const StatusWith<Fetcher::BatchData>& fetchResult,
+ Fetcher::NextAction* nextAction,
+ BSONObjBuilder* getMoreBob,
+ const BSONObj& doc2,
+ ReplicationExecutor* executor, bool* isShutdownCalled) {
+ if (*isShutdownCalled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // First time during second batch
+ ASSERT_OK(fetchResult.getStatus());
+ Fetcher::BatchData batchData{fetchResult.getValue()};
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, batchData.documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc2, batchData.documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == *nextAction);
+ ASSERT(getMoreBob);
+ getMoreBob->append("getMore", batchData.cursorId);
+ getMoreBob->append("collection", batchData.nss.coll());
+ executor->shutdown();
+ *isShutdownCalled = true;
+ }
+ TEST_F(FetcherTest, ShutdownDuringSecondBatch) {
+ ASSERT_OK(fetcher->schedule());
+ const BSONObj doc = BSON("_id" << 1);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "firstBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_OK(status);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, documents.size());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(doc, documents.front());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Fetcher::NextAction::kGetMore == nextAction);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher->isActive());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(getNet()->hasReadyRequests());
+ const BSONObj doc2 = BSON("_id" << 2);
+ scheduleNetworkResponse(BSON("cursor" << BSON("id" << 1LL <<
+ "ns" << "db.coll" <<
+ "nextBatch" << BSON_ARRAY(doc2)) <<
+ "ok" << 1));
+ bool isShutdownCalled = false;
+ callbackHook = stdx::bind(shutdownDuringSecondBatch,
+ stdx::placeholders::_1,
+ stdx::placeholders::_2,
+ stdx::placeholders::_3,
+ doc2,
+ &getExecutor(), &isShutdownCalled);
+ getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, status.code());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher->isActive());
+ }
+} // namespace