path: root/src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp
diff options
authorEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:26 -0500
committerEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:45 -0500
commitae1ecd9c786911f9f1f0242f0f7d702b3e5dfeba (patch)
tree92f8e1649e6f080b251ff5f1763679a72eb59b34 /src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp
parentdfa4cd7e2cf109b072440155fabc08a93c8045a0 (diff)
bulk move of code to src/ SERVER-4551
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp b/src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10b63c0e549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/dur_preplogbuffer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// @file dur_preplogbuffer.cpp
+* Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ we will build an output buffer ourself and then use O_DIRECT
+ we could be in read lock for this
+ for very large objects write directly to redo log in situ?
+ @see
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "cmdline.h"
+#include "dur.h"
+#include "dur_journal.h"
+#include "dur_journalimpl.h"
+#include "dur_commitjob.h"
+#include "../util/mongoutils/hash.h"
+#include "../util/mongoutils/str.h"
+#include "../util/alignedbuilder.h"
+#include "../util/timer.h"
+#include "dur_stats.h"
+#include "../server.h"
+using namespace mongoutils;
+namespace mongo {
+ namespace dur {
+ extern Journal j;
+ RelativePath local = RelativePath::fromRelativePath("local");
+ static MongoMMF* findMMF_inlock(void *ptr, size_t &ofs) {
+ MongoMMF *f = privateViews.find_inlock(ptr, ofs);
+ if( f == 0 ) {
+ error() << "findMMF_inlock failed " << privateViews.numberOfViews_inlock() << endl;
+ printStackTrace(); // we want a stack trace and the assert below didn't print a trace once in the real world - not sure why
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "view pointer cannot be resolved " << hex << (size_t) ptr;
+ journalingFailure(ss.str().c_str()); // asserts, which then abends
+ }
+ return f;
+ }
+ /** put the basic write operation into the buffer (bb) to be journaled */
+ static void prepBasicWrite_inlock(AlignedBuilder&bb, const WriteIntent *i, RelativePath& lastDbPath) {
+ size_t ofs = 1;
+ MongoMMF *mmf = findMMF_inlock(i->start(), /*out*/ofs);
+ if( unlikely(!mmf->willNeedRemap()) ) {
+ // tag this mmf as needed a remap of its private view later.
+ // usually it will already be dirty/already set, so we do the if above first
+ // to avoid possibility of cpu cache line contention
+ mmf->willNeedRemap() = true;
+ }
+ // since we have already looked up the mmf, we go ahead and remember the write view location
+ // so we don't have to find the MongoMMF again later in WRITETODATAFILES()
+ //
+ // this was for WRITETODATAFILES_Impl2 so commented out now
+ //
+ /*
+ dassert( i->w_ptr == 0 );
+ i->w_ptr = ((char*)mmf->view_write()) + ofs;
+ */
+ JEntry e;
+ e.len = min(i->length(), (unsigned)(mmf->length() - ofs)); //dont write past end of file
+ assert( ofs <= 0x80000000 );
+ e.ofs = (unsigned) ofs;
+ e.setFileNo( mmf->fileSuffixNo() );
+ if( mmf->relativePath() == local ) {
+ e.setLocalDbContextBit();
+ }
+ else if( mmf->relativePath() != lastDbPath ) {
+ lastDbPath = mmf->relativePath();
+ JDbContext c;
+ bb.appendStruct(c);
+ bb.appendStr(lastDbPath.toString());
+ }
+ bb.appendStruct(e);
+#if defined(_EXPERIMENTAL)
+ i->ofsInJournalBuffer = bb.len();
+ bb.appendBuf(i->start(), e.len);
+ if (unlikely(e.len != (unsigned)i->length())) {
+ log() << "journal info splitting prepBasicWrite at boundary" << endl;
+ // This only happens if we write to the last byte in a file and
+ // the fist byte in another file that is mapped adjacently. I
+ // think most OSs leave at least a one page gap between
+ // mappings, but better to be safe.
+ WriteIntent next ((char*)i->start() + e.len, i->length() - e.len);
+ prepBasicWrite_inlock(bb, &next, lastDbPath);
+ }
+ }
+ /** basic write ops / write intents. note there is no particular order to these : if we have
+ two writes to the same location during the group commit interval, it is likely
+ (although not assured) that it is journaled here once.
+ */
+ static void prepBasicWrites(AlignedBuilder& bb) {
+ scoped_lock lk(privateViews._mutex());
+ // each time events switch to a different database we journal a JDbContext
+ RelativePath lastDbPath;
+ for( set<WriteIntent>::iterator i = commitJob.writes().begin(); i != commitJob.writes().end(); i++ ) {
+ prepBasicWrite_inlock(bb, &(*i), lastDbPath);
+ }
+ }
+ static void resetLogBuffer(/*out*/JSectHeader& h, AlignedBuilder& bb) {
+ bb.reset();
+ h.setSectionLen(0xffffffff); // total length, will fill in later
+ h.seqNumber = getLastDataFileFlushTime();
+ h.fileId = j.curFileId();
+ }
+ /** we will build an output buffer ourself and then use O_DIRECT
+ we could be in read lock for this
+ caller handles locking
+ @return partially populated sectheader and _ab set
+ */
+ static void _PREPLOGBUFFER(JSectHeader& h) {
+ assert( cmdLine.dur );
+ {
+ // now that we are locked, fully drain deferred notes of write intents
+ DEV d.dbMutex.assertAtLeastReadLocked();
+ Writes& writes = commitJob.wi();
+ writes._deferred.invoke();
+ writes._drained = true;
+ }
+ AlignedBuilder& bb = commitJob._ab;
+ resetLogBuffer(h, bb); // adds JSectHeader
+ // ops other than basic writes (DurOp's)
+ {
+ for( vector< shared_ptr<DurOp> >::iterator i = commitJob.ops().begin(); i != commitJob.ops().end(); ++i ) {
+ (*i)->serialize(bb);
+ }
+ }
+ prepBasicWrites(bb);
+ return;
+ }
+ void PREPLOGBUFFER(/*out*/ JSectHeader& h) {
+ Timer t;
+ j.assureLogFileOpen(); // so fileId is set
+ stats.curr->_prepLogBufferMicros += t.micros();
+ }
+ }