path: root/src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp
diff options
authorHari Khalsa <>2013-10-16 17:29:43 -0400
committerHari Khalsa <>2013-10-24 16:41:06 -0400
commit9d7c6dd9a2a662c741a9f960d9c6b2da1968d532 (patch)
tree5b17f1f92dcfb6f64df1b305087f9dcb533c4db8 /src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp
parent3228ad9c3ca78d55f814689686bf2e619fcde9a9 (diff)
SERVER-10026 move 2d into stages, remove old query from 2d execution
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp b/src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..29647b60e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/exec/2dnear.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/db/exec/2dnear.h"
+#include "mongo/db/exec/working_set_common.h"
+#include "mongo/db/index/catalog_hack.h"
+#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ TwoDNear::TwoDNear(const TwoDNearParams& params, WorkingSet* ws) {
+ _params = params;
+ _workingSet = ws;
+ _initted = false;
+ }
+ TwoDNear::~TwoDNear() { }
+ bool TwoDNear::isEOF() {
+ return _initted && _results.empty();
+ }
+ PlanStage::StageState TwoDNear::work(WorkingSetID* out) {
+ if (!_initted) {
+ _initted = true;
+ NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(_params.ns);
+ if (NULL == nsd) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }
+ int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(_params.indexKeyPattern);
+ if (-1 == idxNo) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }
+ auto_ptr<IndexDescriptor> desc(CatalogHack::getDescriptor(nsd, idxNo));
+ auto_ptr<TwoDAccessMethod> am(static_cast<TwoDAccessMethod*>(CatalogHack::getIndex(desc.get())));
+ auto_ptr<twod_exec::GeoSearch> search;
+ search.reset(new twod_exec::GeoSearch(am.get(),
+ _params.nearQuery.centroid.oldPoint,
+ _params.numWanted,
+ _params.filter,
+ _params.nearQuery.maxDistance,
+ _params.nearQuery.isNearSphere ? twod_exec::GEO_SPHERE : twod_exec::GEO_PLANE,
+ _params.uniqueDocs,
+ false));
+ search->exec();
+ for (twod_exec::GeoHopper::Holder::iterator it = search->_points.begin(); it != search->_points.end(); it++) {
+ WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
+ WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
+ member->loc = it->_loc;
+ member->obj = member->loc.obj();
+ //cout << "points: " << member->obj.toString() << endl;
+ member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;
+ _results.push(Result(id, it->_distance));
+ _invalidationMap.insert(pair<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>(it->_loc, id));
+ }
+ }
+ if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; }
+ Result result =;
+ _results.pop();
+ *out =;
+ // Remove from invalidation map.
+ WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(*out);
+ // XXX make sure this is ok
+ if (member->hasLoc()) {
+ typedef multimap<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>::iterator MMIT;
+ pair<MMIT, MMIT> range = _invalidationMap.equal_range(member->loc);
+ for (MMIT it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ if (it->second == *out) {
+ _invalidationMap.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++_commonStats.advanced;
+ return PlanStage::ADVANCED;
+ }
+ void TwoDNear::prepareToYield() {
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ }
+ void TwoDNear::recoverFromYield() {
+ // Also nothing to do here.
+ }
+ void TwoDNear::invalidate(const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ // XXX make sure this is ok
+ typedef multimap<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>::iterator MMIT;
+ pair<MMIT, MMIT> range = _invalidationMap.equal_range(dl);
+ for (MMIT it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(it->second);
+ verify(member->hasLoc());
+ WorkingSetCommon::fetchAndInvalidateLoc(member);
+ verify(!member->hasLoc());
+ }
+ _invalidationMap.erase(range.first, range.second);
+ }
+ PlanStageStats* TwoDNear::getStats() {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace mongo
+namespace mongo {
+namespace twod_exec {
+ //
+ // GeoHopper
+ //
+ GeoHopper::GeoHopper(TwoDAccessMethod* accessMethod,
+ unsigned max,
+ const Point& n,
+ MatchExpression* filter,
+ double maxDistance,
+ GeoDistType type,
+ bool uniqueDocs,
+ bool needDistance)
+ : GeoBrowse(accessMethod, "search", filter, uniqueDocs, needDistance),
+ _max(max),
+ _near(n),
+ _maxDistance(maxDistance),
+ _type(type),
+ _distError(type == GEO_PLANE
+ ? accessMethod->getParams().geoHashConverter->getError()
+ : accessMethod->getParams().geoHashConverter->getErrorSphere()),
+ _farthest(0) { }
+ GeoAccumulator:: KeyResult GeoHopper::approxKeyCheck(const Point& p, double& d) {
+ // Always check approximate distance, since it lets us avoid doing
+ // checks of the rest of the object if it succeeds
+ switch (_type) {
+ case GEO_PLANE:
+ d = distance(_near, p);
+ break;
+ case GEO_SPHERE:
+ checkEarthBounds(p);
+ d = spheredist_deg(_near, p);
+ break;
+ default: verify(false);
+ }
+ verify(d >= 0);
+ // If we need more points
+ double borderDist = (_points.size() < _max ? _maxDistance : farthest());
+ if (d >= borderDist - 2 * _distError && d <= borderDist + 2 * _distError) return BORDER;
+ else return d < borderDist ? GOOD : BAD;
+ }
+ bool GeoHopper::exactDocCheck(const Point& p, double& d){
+ bool within = false;
+ // Get the appropriate distance for the type
+ switch (_type) {
+ case GEO_PLANE:
+ d = distance(_near, p);
+ within = distanceWithin(_near, p, _maxDistance);
+ break;
+ case GEO_SPHERE:
+ checkEarthBounds(p);
+ d = spheredist_deg(_near, p);
+ within = (d <= _maxDistance);
+ break;
+ default: verify(false);
+ }
+ return within;
+ }
+ int GeoHopper::addSpecific(const GeoIndexEntry& node, const Point& keyP, bool onBounds,
+ double keyD, bool potentiallyNewDoc) {
+ // Unique documents
+ GeoPoint newPoint(node, keyD, false);
+ int prevSize = _points.size();
+ //cout << "uniquedocs: " << _uniqueDocs << endl;
+ // STEP 1 : Remove old duplicate points from the set if needed
+ if(_uniqueDocs){
+ // Lookup old point with same doc
+ map<DiskLoc, Holder::iterator>::iterator oldPointIt = _seenPts.find(newPoint.loc());
+ if(oldPointIt != _seenPts.end()){
+ const GeoPoint& oldPoint = *(oldPointIt->second);
+ // We don't need to care if we've already seen this same approx pt or better,
+ // or we've already gone to disk once for the point
+ if(oldPoint < newPoint){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _points.erase(oldPointIt->second);
+ }
+ }
+ //cout << "inserting point\n";
+ Holder::iterator newIt = _points.insert(newPoint);
+ if(_uniqueDocs) _seenPts[ newPoint.loc() ] = newIt;
+ verify(_max > 0);
+ Holder::iterator lastPtIt = _points.end();
+ lastPtIt--;
+ _farthest = lastPtIt->distance() + 2 * _distError;
+ return _points.size() - prevSize;
+ }
+ // Removes extra points from end of _points set.
+ // Check can be a bit costly if we have lots of exact points near borders,
+ // so we'll do this every once and awhile.
+ void GeoHopper::processExtraPoints(){
+ if(_points.size() == 0) return;
+ int prevSize = _points.size();
+ // Erase all points from the set with a position >= _max *and*
+ // whose distance isn't close to the _max - 1 position distance
+ int numToErase = _points.size() - _max;
+ if(numToErase < 0) numToErase = 0;
+ // Get the first point definitely in the _points array
+ Holder::iterator startErase = _points.end();
+ for(int i = 0; i < numToErase + 1; i++) startErase--;
+ _farthest = startErase->distance() + 2 * _distError;
+ startErase++;
+ while(numToErase > 0 && startErase->distance() <= _farthest){
+ numToErase--;
+ startErase++;
+ verify(startErase != _points.end() || numToErase == 0);
+ }
+ if(_uniqueDocs){
+ for(Holder::iterator i = startErase; i != _points.end(); ++i)
+ _seenPts.erase(i->loc());
+ }
+ _points.erase(startErase, _points.end());
+ int diff = _points.size() - prevSize;
+ if(diff > 0) _found += diff;
+ else _found -= -diff;
+ }
+ //
+ // GeoSearch
+ //
+ GeoSearch::GeoSearch(TwoDAccessMethod* accessMethod,
+ const Point& startPt,
+ int numWanted,
+ MatchExpression* filter,
+ double maxDistance,
+ GeoDistType type,
+ bool uniqueDocs,
+ bool needDistance)
+ : GeoHopper(accessMethod, numWanted, startPt, filter, maxDistance, type,
+ uniqueDocs, needDistance),
+ _start(accessMethod->getParams().geoHashConverter->hash(startPt.x, startPt.y)),
+ _numWanted(numWanted),
+ _type(type),
+ _params(accessMethod->getParams()) {
+ _nscanned = 0;
+ _found = 0;
+ if(_maxDistance < 0){
+ _scanDistance = numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ } else if (type == GEO_PLANE) {
+ _scanDistance = maxDistance + _params.geoHashConverter->getError();
+ } else if (type == GEO_SPHERE) {
+ checkEarthBounds(startPt);
+ // TODO: consider splitting into x and y scan distances
+ _scanDistance = computeXScanDistance(startPt.y,
+ rad2deg(_maxDistance) + _params.geoHashConverter->getError());
+ }
+ verify(_scanDistance > 0);
+ }
+ void GeoSearch::exec() {
+ if(_numWanted == 0) return;
+ /*
+ * Search algorithm
+ * 1) use geohash prefix to find X items
+ * 2) compute max distance from want to an item
+ * 3) find optimal set of boxes that complete circle
+ * 4) use regular btree cursors to scan those boxes
+ */
+ // Part 1
+ {
+ do {
+ long long f = found();
+ verify(f <= 0x7fffffff);
+ fillStack(maxPointsHeuristic, _numWanted - static_cast<int>(f), true);
+ processExtraPoints();
+ } while(_state != DONE && _state != DONE_NEIGHBOR &&
+ found() < _numWanted &&
+ (!_prefix.constrains() ||
+ _params.geoHashConverter->sizeEdge(_prefix) <= _scanDistance));
+ // If we couldn't scan or scanned everything, we're done
+ if(_state == DONE){
+ expandEndPoints();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Part 2
+ {
+ // Find farthest distance for completion scan
+ double farDist = farthest();
+ if(found() < _numWanted) {
+ // Not enough found in Phase 1
+ farDist = _scanDistance;
+ }
+ else if (_type == GEO_PLANE) {
+ // Enough found, but need to search neighbor boxes
+ farDist += _params.geoHashConverter->getError();
+ }
+ else if (_type == GEO_SPHERE) {
+ // Enough found, but need to search neighbor boxes
+ farDist = std::min(_scanDistance,
+ computeXScanDistance(_near.y,
+ rad2deg(farDist))
+ + 2 * _params.geoHashConverter->getError());
+ }
+ verify(farDist >= 0);
+ // Find the box that includes all the points we need to return
+ _want = Box(_near.x - farDist, _near.y - farDist, farDist * 2);
+ // Remember the far distance for further scans
+ _scanDistance = farDist;
+ // Reset the search, our distances have probably changed
+ if(_state == DONE_NEIGHBOR){
+ _state = DOING_EXPAND;
+ _neighbor = -1;
+ }
+ // Do regular search in the full region
+ do {
+ fillStack(maxPointsHeuristic);
+ processExtraPoints();
+ }
+ while(_state != DONE);
+ }
+ expandEndPoints();
+ }
+ void GeoSearch::addExactPoints(const GeoPoint& pt, Holder& points, bool force){
+ int before, after;
+ addExactPoints(pt, points, before, after, force);
+ }
+ void GeoSearch::addExactPoints(const GeoPoint& pt, Holder& points, int& before, int& after,
+ bool force){
+ before = 0;
+ after = 0;
+ if(pt.isExact()){
+ if(force) points.insert(pt);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<BSONObj> locs;
+ getPointsFor(pt.key(), pt.obj(), locs, _uniqueDocs);
+ GeoPoint nearestPt(pt, -1, true);
+ for(vector<BSONObj>::iterator i = locs.begin(); i != locs.end(); i++){
+ Point loc(*i);
+ double d;
+ if(! exactDocCheck(loc, d)) continue;
+ if(_uniqueDocs && (nearestPt.distance() < 0 || d < nearestPt.distance())){
+ nearestPt._distance = d;
+ nearestPt._pt = *i;
+ continue;
+ } else if(! _uniqueDocs){
+ GeoPoint exactPt(pt, d, true);
+ exactPt._pt = *i;
+ points.insert(exactPt);
+ exactPt < pt ? before++ : after++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(_uniqueDocs && nearestPt.distance() >= 0){
+ points.insert(nearestPt);
+ if(nearestPt < pt) before++;
+ else after++;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Refactor this back into holder class, allow to run periodically when we are seeing
+ // a lot of pts
+ void GeoSearch::expandEndPoints(bool finish) {
+ processExtraPoints();
+ // All points in array *could* be in maxDistance
+ // Step 1 : Trim points to max size TODO: This check will do little for now, but is
+ // skeleton for future work in incremental $near
+ // searches
+ if(_max > 0){
+ int numToErase = _points.size() - _max;
+ if(numToErase > 0){
+ Holder tested;
+ // Work backward through all points we're not sure belong in the set
+ Holder::iterator maybePointIt = _points.end();
+ maybePointIt--;
+ double approxMin = maybePointIt->distance() - 2 * _distError;
+ // Insert all
+ int erased = 0;
+ while(_points.size() > 0
+ && (maybePointIt->distance() >= approxMin || erased < numToErase)){
+ Holder::iterator current = maybePointIt;
+ if (current != _points.begin())
+ --maybePointIt;
+ addExactPoints(*current, tested, true);
+ _points.erase(current);
+ erased++;
+ if(tested.size())
+ approxMin = tested.begin()->distance() - 2 * _distError;
+ }
+ int numToAddBack = erased - numToErase;
+ verify(numToAddBack >= 0);
+ Holder::iterator testedIt = tested.begin();
+ for(int i = 0; i < numToAddBack && testedIt != tested.end(); i++){
+ _points.insert(*testedIt);
+ testedIt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We've now trimmed first set of unneeded points
+ // Step 2: iterate through all points and add as needed
+ unsigned expandedPoints = 0;
+ Holder::iterator it = _points.begin();
+ double expandWindowEnd = -1;
+ while(it != _points.end()){
+ const GeoPoint& currPt = *it;
+ // TODO: If one point is exact, maybe not 2 * _distError
+ // See if we're in an expand window
+ bool inWindow = currPt.distance() <= expandWindowEnd;
+ // If we're not, and we're done with points, break
+ if(! inWindow && expandedPoints >= _max) break;
+ bool expandApprox = !currPt.isExact() &&
+ (!_uniqueDocs || (finish && _needDistance) || inWindow);
+ if (expandApprox) {
+ // Add new point(s). These will only be added in a radius of 2 * _distError
+ // around the current point, so should not affect previously valid points.
+ int before, after;
+ addExactPoints(currPt, _points, before, after, false);
+ expandedPoints += before;
+ if(_max > 0 && expandedPoints < _max)
+ expandWindowEnd = currPt.distance() + 2 * _distError;
+ // Iterate to the next point
+ Holder::iterator current = it++;
+ // Erase the current point
+ _points.erase(current);
+ } else{
+ expandedPoints++;
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finish
+ // TODO: Don't really need to trim?
+ for(; expandedPoints > _max; expandedPoints--) it--;
+ _points.erase(it, _points.end());
+ }
+} // namespace twod_exec
+} // namespace mongo