path: root/src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp
diff options
authorEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:26 -0500
committerEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:45 -0500
commitae1ecd9c786911f9f1f0242f0f7d702b3e5dfeba (patch)
tree92f8e1649e6f080b251ff5f1763679a72eb59b34 /src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp
parentdfa4cd7e2cf109b072440155fabc08a93c8045a0 (diff)
bulk move of code to src/ SERVER-4551
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp')
1 files changed, 800 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp b/src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af8b5694248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/namespace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+// namespace.cpp
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "mongommf.h"
+#include "../util/hashtab.h"
+#include "../scripting/engine.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+#include "queryutil.h"
+#include "json.h"
+#include "ops/delete.h"
+#include "ops/query.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(Namespace) == 128 );
+ BSONObj idKeyPattern = fromjson("{\"_id\":1}");
+ /* deleted lists -- linked lists of deleted records -- are placed in 'buckets' of various sizes
+ so you can look for a deleterecord about the right size.
+ */
+ int bucketSizes[] = {
+ 32, 64, 128, 256, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000,
+ 0x8000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000, 0x200000,
+ 0x400000, 0x800000
+ };
+ NamespaceDetails::NamespaceDetails( const DiskLoc &loc, bool _capped ) {
+ /* be sure to initialize new fields here -- doesn't default to zeroes the way we use it */
+ firstExtent = lastExtent = capExtent = loc;
+ stats.datasize = stats.nrecords = 0;
+ lastExtentSize = 0;
+ nIndexes = 0;
+ capped = _capped;
+ max = 0x7fffffff;
+ paddingFactor = 1.0;
+ flags = 0;
+ capFirstNewRecord = DiskLoc();
+ // Signal that we are on first allocation iteration through extents.
+ capFirstNewRecord.setInvalid();
+ // For capped case, signal that we are doing initial extent allocation.
+ if ( capped )
+ cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().setInvalid();
+ assert( sizeof(dataFileVersion) == 2 );
+ dataFileVersion = 0;
+ indexFileVersion = 0;
+ multiKeyIndexBits = 0;
+ reservedA = 0;
+ extraOffset = 0;
+ indexBuildInProgress = 0;
+ reservedB = 0;
+ capped2.cc2_ptr = 0;
+ capped2.fileNumber = 0;
+ memset(reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved));
+ }
+ bool NamespaceIndex::exists() const {
+ return !MMF::exists(path());
+ }
+ boost::filesystem::path NamespaceIndex::path() const {
+ boost::filesystem::path ret( dir_ );
+ if ( directoryperdb )
+ ret /= database_;
+ ret /= ( database_ + ".ns" );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void NamespaceIndex::maybeMkdir() const {
+ if ( !directoryperdb )
+ return;
+ boost::filesystem::path dir( dir_ );
+ dir /= database_;
+ if ( !boost::filesystem::exists( dir ) )
+ MONGO_BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION_WITH_MSG( boost::filesystem::create_directory( dir ), "create dir for db " );
+ }
+ unsigned lenForNewNsFiles = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ void NamespaceDetails::dump(const Namespace& k) {
+ if( !cmdLine.dur )
+ cout << "ns offsets which follow will not display correctly with --journal disabled" << endl;
+ size_t ofs = 1; // 1 is sentinel that the find call below failed
+ privateViews.find(this, /*out*/ofs);
+ cout << "ns" << hex << setw(8) << ofs << ' ';
+ cout << k.toString() << '\n';
+ if( k.isExtra() ) {
+ cout << "ns\t extra" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cout << "ns " << firstExtent.toString() << ' ' << lastExtent.toString() << " nidx:" << nIndexes << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << stats.datasize << ' ' << stats.nrecords << ' ' << nIndexes << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << capped << ' ' << paddingFactor << ' ' << flags << ' ' << dataFileVersion << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << multiKeyIndexBits << ' ' << indexBuildInProgress << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << (int) reserved[0] << ' ' << (int) reserved[59];
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::onLoad(const Namespace& k) {
+ if( k.isExtra() ) {
+ /* overflow storage for indexes - so don't treat as a NamespaceDetails object. */
+ return;
+ }
+ if( indexBuildInProgress || capped2.cc2_ptr ) {
+ assertInWriteLock();
+ if( indexBuildInProgress ) {
+ log() << "indexBuildInProgress was " << indexBuildInProgress << " for " << k << ", indicating an abnormal db shutdown" << endl;
+ getDur().writingInt( indexBuildInProgress ) = 0;
+ }
+ if( capped2.cc2_ptr )
+ *getDur().writing(&capped2.cc2_ptr) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ static void namespaceOnLoadCallback(const Namespace& k, NamespaceDetails& v) {
+ v.onLoad(k);
+ }
+ bool checkNsFilesOnLoad = true;
+ NOINLINE_DECL void NamespaceIndex::_init() {
+ assert( !ht );
+ d.dbMutex.assertWriteLocked();
+ /* if someone manually deleted the datafiles for a database,
+ we need to be sure to clear any cached info for the database in
+ local.*.
+ */
+ /*
+ if ( "local" != database_ ) {
+ DBInfo i(database_.c_str());
+ i.dbDropped();
+ }
+ */
+ unsigned long long len = 0;
+ boost::filesystem::path nsPath = path();
+ string pathString = nsPath.string();
+ void *p = 0;
+ if( MMF::exists(nsPath) ) {
+ if(, true) ) {
+ len = f.length();
+ if ( len % (1024*1024) != 0 ) {
+ log() << "bad .ns file: " << pathString << endl;
+ uassert( 10079 , "bad .ns file length, cannot open database", len % (1024*1024) == 0 );
+ }
+ p = f.getView();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // use lenForNewNsFiles, we are making a new database
+ massert( 10343, "bad lenForNewNsFiles", lenForNewNsFiles >= 1024*1024 );
+ maybeMkdir();
+ unsigned long long l = lenForNewNsFiles;
+ if( f.create(pathString, l, true) ) {
+ getDur().createdFile(pathString, l); // always a new file
+ len = l;
+ assert( len == lenForNewNsFiles );
+ p = f.getView();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( p == 0 ) {
+ /** TODO: this shouldn't terminate? */
+ log() << "error couldn't open file " << pathString << " terminating" << endl;
+ dbexit( EXIT_FS );
+ }
+ assert( len <= 0x7fffffff );
+ ht = new HashTable<Namespace,NamespaceDetails>(p, (int) len, "namespace index");
+ if( checkNsFilesOnLoad )
+ ht->iterAll(namespaceOnLoadCallback);
+ }
+ static void namespaceGetNamespacesCallback( const Namespace& k , NamespaceDetails& v , void * extra ) {
+ list<string> * l = (list<string>*)extra;
+ if ( ! k.hasDollarSign() )
+ l->push_back( (string)k );
+ }
+ void NamespaceIndex::getNamespaces( list<string>& tofill , bool onlyCollections ) const {
+ assert( onlyCollections ); // TODO: need to implement this
+ // need boost::bind or something to make this less ugly
+ if ( ht )
+ ht->iterAll( namespaceGetNamespacesCallback , (void*)&tofill );
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc) {
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(NamespaceDetails::Extra) <= sizeof(NamespaceDetails) );
+ {
+ Record *r = (Record *) getDur().writingPtr(d, sizeof(Record));
+ d = &r->asDeleted();
+ // defensive code: try to make us notice if we reference a deleted record
+ (unsigned&) (r->data) = 0xeeeeeeee;
+ }
+ DEBUGGING log() << "TEMP: add deleted rec " << dloc.toString() << ' ' << hex << d->extentOfs << endl;
+ if ( capped ) {
+ if ( !cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() ) {
+ // Initial extent allocation. Insert at end.
+ d->nextDeleted = DiskLoc();
+ if ( cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords().isNull() )
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords() ) = dloc;
+ else {
+ DiskLoc i = cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords();
+ for (; !i.drec()->nextDeleted.isNull(); i = i.drec()->nextDeleted )
+ ;
+ i.drec()->nextDeleted.writing() = dloc;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ d->nextDeleted = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent() ) = dloc;
+ // always compact() after this so order doesn't matter
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int b = bucket(d->lengthWithHeaders);
+ DiskLoc& list = deletedList[b];
+ DiskLoc oldHead = list;
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc(list) = dloc;
+ d->nextDeleted = oldHead;
+ }
+ }
+ /* predetermine location of the next alloc without actually doing it.
+ if cannot predetermine returns null (so still call alloc() then)
+ */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::allocWillBeAt(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc) {
+ if ( !capped ) {
+ lenToAlloc = (lenToAlloc + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
+ return __stdAlloc(lenToAlloc, true);
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ /** allocate space for a new record from deleted lists.
+ @param lenToAlloc is WITH header
+ @param extentLoc OUT returns the extent location
+ @return null diskloc if no room - allocate a new extent then
+ */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::alloc(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc, DiskLoc& extentLoc) {
+ {
+ // align very slightly.
+ // note that if doing more coarse-grained quantization (really just if it isn't always
+ // a constant amount but if it varied by record size) then that quantization should
+ // NOT be done here but rather in __stdAlloc so that we can grab a deletedrecord that
+ // is just big enough if we happen to run into one.
+ lenToAlloc = (lenToAlloc + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
+ }
+ DiskLoc loc = _alloc(ns, lenToAlloc);
+ if ( loc.isNull() )
+ return loc;
+ const DeletedRecord *r = loc.drec();
+ //r = getDur().writing(r);
+ /* note we want to grab from the front so our next pointers on disk tend
+ to go in a forward direction which is important for performance. */
+ int regionlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
+ extentLoc.set(loc.a(), r->extentOfs);
+ assert( r->extentOfs < loc.getOfs() );
+ DEBUGGING out() << "TEMP: alloc() returns " << loc.toString() << ' ' << ns << " lentoalloc:" << lenToAlloc << " ext:" << extentLoc.toString() << endl;
+ int left = regionlen - lenToAlloc;
+ if ( capped == 0 ) {
+ if ( left < 24 || left < (lenToAlloc >> 3) ) {
+ // you get the whole thing.
+ return loc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* split off some for further use. */
+ getDur().writingInt(r->lengthWithHeaders) = lenToAlloc;
+ DiskLoc newDelLoc = loc;
+ DeletedRecord *newDel = DataFileMgr::makeDeletedRecord(newDelLoc, left);
+ DeletedRecord *newDelW = getDur().writing(newDel);
+ newDelW->extentOfs = r->extentOfs;
+ newDelW->lengthWithHeaders = left;
+ newDelW->nextDeleted.Null();
+ addDeletedRec(newDel, newDelLoc);
+ return loc;
+ }
+ /* for non-capped collections.
+ @param peekOnly just look up where and don't reserve
+ returned item is out of the deleted list upon return
+ */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__stdAlloc(int len, bool peekOnly) {
+ DiskLoc *prev;
+ DiskLoc *bestprev = 0;
+ DiskLoc bestmatch;
+ int bestmatchlen = 0x7fffffff;
+ int b = bucket(len);
+ DiskLoc cur = deletedList[b];
+ prev = &deletedList[b];
+ int extra = 5; // look for a better fit, a little.
+ int chain = 0;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ {
+ int a = cur.a();
+ if ( a < -1 || a >= 100000 ) {
+ problem() << "~~ Assertion - cur out of range in _alloc() " << cur.toString() <<
+ " a:" << a << " b:" << b << " chain:" << chain << '\n';
+ sayDbContext();
+ if ( cur == *prev )
+ prev->Null();
+ cur.Null();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cur.isNull() ) {
+ // move to next bucket. if we were doing "extra", just break
+ if ( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff )
+ break;
+ b++;
+ if ( b > MaxBucket ) {
+ // out of space. alloc a new extent.
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ cur = deletedList[b];
+ prev = &deletedList[b];
+ continue;
+ }
+ DeletedRecord *r = cur.drec();
+ if ( r->lengthWithHeaders >= len &&
+ r->lengthWithHeaders < bestmatchlen ) {
+ bestmatchlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
+ bestmatch = cur;
+ bestprev = prev;
+ }
+ if ( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff && --extra <= 0 )
+ break;
+ if ( ++chain > 30 && b < MaxBucket ) {
+ // too slow, force move to next bucket to grab a big chunk
+ //b++;
+ chain = 0;
+ cur.Null();
+ }
+ else {
+ /*this defensive check only made sense for the mmap storage engine:
+ if ( r->nextDeleted.getOfs() == 0 ) {
+ problem() << "~~ Assertion - bad nextDeleted " << r->nextDeleted.toString() <<
+ " b:" << b << " chain:" << chain << ", fixing.\n";
+ r->nextDeleted.Null();
+ }*/
+ cur = r->nextDeleted;
+ prev = &r->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
+ if( !peekOnly ) {
+ const DeletedRecord *bmr = bestmatch.drec();
+ *getDur().writing(bestprev) = bmr->nextDeleted;
+ bmr->nextDeleted.writing().setInvalid(); // defensive.
+ assert(bmr->extentOfs < bestmatch.getOfs());
+ }
+ return bestmatch;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ DiskLoc dl = deletedList[i];
+ while ( !dl.isNull() ) {
+ DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
+ DiskLoc extLoc(dl.a(), r->extentOfs);
+ if ( extents == 0 || extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 ) {
+ out() << " bucket " << i << endl;
+ out() << " " << dl.toString() << " ext:" << extLoc.toString();
+ if ( extents && extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 )
+ out() << '?';
+ out() << " len:" << r->lengthWithHeaders << endl;
+ }
+ dl = r->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::firstRecord( const DiskLoc &startExtent ) const {
+ for (DiskLoc i = startExtent.isNull() ? firstExtent : startExtent;
+ !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xnext ) {
+ if ( !i.ext()->firstRecord.isNull() )
+ return i.ext()->firstRecord;
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::lastRecord( const DiskLoc &startExtent ) const {
+ for (DiskLoc i = startExtent.isNull() ? lastExtent : startExtent;
+ !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xprev ) {
+ if ( !i.ext()->lastRecord.isNull() )
+ return i.ext()->lastRecord;
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ int n_complaints_cap = 0;
+ void NamespaceDetails::maybeComplain( const char *ns, int len ) const {
+ if ( ++n_complaints_cap < 8 ) {
+ out() << "couldn't make room for new record (len: " << len << ") in capped ns " << ns << '\n';
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( DiskLoc e = firstExtent; !e.isNull(); e = e.ext()->xnext, ++i ) {
+ out() << " Extent " << i;
+ if ( e == capExtent )
+ out() << " (capExtent)";
+ out() << '\n';
+ out() << " magic: " << hex << e.ext()->magic << dec << " extent->ns: " << e.ext()->nsDiagnostic.toString() << '\n';
+ out() << " fr: " << e.ext()->firstRecord.toString() <<
+ " lr: " << e.ext()->lastRecord.toString() << " extent->len: " << e.ext()->length << '\n';
+ }
+ assert( len * 5 > lastExtentSize ); // assume it is unusually large record; if not, something is broken
+ }
+ }
+ /* alloc with capped table handling. */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::_alloc(const char *ns, int len) {
+ if ( !capped )
+ return __stdAlloc(len, false);
+ return cappedAlloc(ns,len);
+ }
+ void NamespaceIndex::kill_ns(const char *ns) {
+ d.dbMutex.assertWriteLocked();
+ if ( !ht )
+ return;
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ ht->kill(n);
+ for( int i = 0; i<=1; i++ ) {
+ try {
+ Namespace extra(n.extraName(i).c_str());
+ ht->kill(extra);
+ }
+ catch(DBException&) {
+ dlog(3) << "caught exception in kill_ns" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceIndex::add_ns(const char *ns, DiskLoc& loc, bool capped) {
+ NamespaceDetails details( loc, capped );
+ add_ns( ns, details );
+ }
+ void NamespaceIndex::add_ns( const char *ns, const NamespaceDetails &details ) {
+ d.dbMutex.assertWriteLocked();
+ init();
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ uassert( 10081 , "too many namespaces/collections", ht->put(n, details));
+ }
+ /* extra space for indexes when more than 10 */
+ NamespaceDetails::Extra* NamespaceIndex::newExtra(const char *ns, int i, NamespaceDetails *d) {
+ mongo::d.dbMutex.assertWriteLocked();
+ assert( i >= 0 && i <= 1 );
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ Namespace extra(n.extraName(i).c_str()); // throws userexception if ns name too long
+ massert( 10350 , "allocExtra: base ns missing?", d );
+ massert( 10351 , "allocExtra: extra already exists", ht->get(extra) == 0 );
+ NamespaceDetails::Extra temp;
+ temp.init();
+ uassert( 10082 , "allocExtra: too many namespaces/collections", ht->put(extra, (NamespaceDetails&) temp));
+ NamespaceDetails::Extra *e = (NamespaceDetails::Extra *) ht->get(extra);
+ return e;
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails::Extra* NamespaceDetails::allocExtra(const char *ns, int nindexessofar) {
+ NamespaceIndex *ni = nsindex(ns);
+ int i = (nindexessofar - NIndexesBase) / NIndexesExtra;
+ Extra *e = ni->newExtra(ns, i, this);
+ long ofs = e->ofsFrom(this);
+ if( i == 0 ) {
+ assert( extraOffset == 0 );
+ *getDur().writing(&extraOffset) = ofs;
+ assert( extra() == e );
+ }
+ else {
+ Extra *hd = extra();
+ assert( hd->next(this) == 0 );
+ hd->setNext(ofs);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /* you MUST call when adding an index. see pdfile.cpp */
+ IndexDetails& NamespaceDetails::addIndex(const char *thisns, bool resetTransient) {
+ IndexDetails *id;
+ try {
+ id = &idx(nIndexes,true);
+ }
+ catch(DBException&) {
+ allocExtra(thisns, nIndexes);
+ id = &idx(nIndexes,false);
+ }
+ (*getDur().writing(&nIndexes))++;
+ if ( resetTransient )
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(thisns).addedIndex();
+ return *id;
+ }
+ // must be called when renaming a NS to fix up extra
+ void NamespaceDetails::copyingFrom(const char *thisns, NamespaceDetails *src) {
+ extraOffset = 0; // we are a copy -- the old value is wrong. fixing it up below.
+ Extra *se = src->extra();
+ int n = NIndexesBase;
+ if( se ) {
+ Extra *e = allocExtra(thisns, n);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ n += NIndexesExtra;
+ e->copy(this, *se);
+ se = se->next(src);
+ if( se == 0 ) break;
+ Extra *nxt = allocExtra(thisns, n);
+ e->setNext( nxt->ofsFrom(this) );
+ e = nxt;
+ }
+ assert( extraOffset );
+ }
+ }
+ /* returns index of the first index in which the field is present. -1 if not present.
+ (aug08 - this method not currently used)
+ */
+ int NamespaceDetails::fieldIsIndexed(const char *fieldName) {
+ massert( 10346 , "not implemented", false);
+ /*
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ IndexDetails& idx = indexes[i];
+ BSONObj idxKey ="key"); // e.g., { ts : -1 }
+ if ( !idxKey.getField(fieldName).eoo() )
+ return i;
+ }*/
+ return -1;
+ }
+ long long NamespaceDetails::storageSize( int * numExtents , BSONArrayBuilder * extentInfo ) const {
+ Extent * e = firstExtent.ext();
+ assert( e );
+ long long total = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ while ( e ) {
+ total += e->length;
+ n++;
+ if ( extentInfo ) {
+ extentInfo->append( BSON( "len" << e->length << "loc: " << e->myLoc.toBSONObj() ) );
+ }
+ e = e->getNextExtent();
+ }
+ if ( numExtents )
+ *numExtents = n;
+ return total;
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails *NamespaceDetails::writingWithExtra() {
+ vector< pair< long long, unsigned > > writeRanges;
+ writeRanges.push_back( make_pair( 0, sizeof( NamespaceDetails ) ) );
+ for( Extra *e = extra(); e; e = e->next( this ) ) {
+ writeRanges.push_back( make_pair( (char*)e - (char*)this, sizeof( Extra ) ) );
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast< NamespaceDetails* >( getDur().writingRangesAtOffsets( this, writeRanges ) );
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ SimpleMutex NamespaceDetailsTransient::_qcMutex("qc");
+ SimpleMutex NamespaceDetailsTransient::_isMutex("is");
+ map< string, shared_ptr< NamespaceDetailsTransient > > NamespaceDetailsTransient::_nsdMap;
+ typedef map< string, shared_ptr< NamespaceDetailsTransient > >::iterator ouriter;
+ void NamespaceDetailsTransient::reset() {
+ DEV assertInWriteLock();
+ clearQueryCache();
+ _keysComputed = false;
+ _indexSpecs.clear();
+ }
+ /*static*/ NOINLINE_DECL NamespaceDetailsTransient& NamespaceDetailsTransient::make_inlock(const char *ns) {
+ shared_ptr< NamespaceDetailsTransient > &t = _nsdMap[ ns ];
+ assert( t.get() == 0 );
+ Database *database = cc().database();
+ assert( database );
+ if( _nsdMap.size() % 20000 == 10000 ) {
+ // so we notice if insanely large #s
+ log() << "opening namespace " << ns << endl;
+ log() << _nsdMap.size() << " namespaces in nsdMap" << endl;
+ }
+ t.reset( new NamespaceDetailsTransient(database, ns) );
+ return *t;
+ }
+ // note with repair there could be two databases with the same ns name.
+ // that is NOT handled here yet! TODO
+ // repair may not use nsdt though not sure. anyway, requires work.
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::NamespaceDetailsTransient(Database *db, const char *ns) :
+ _ns(ns), _keysComputed(false), _qcWriteCount()
+ {
+ dassert(db);
+ }
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::~NamespaceDetailsTransient() {
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetailsTransient::clearForPrefix(const char *prefix) {
+ assertInWriteLock();
+ vector< string > found;
+ for( ouriter i = _nsdMap.begin(); i != _nsdMap.end(); ++i )
+ if ( strncmp( i->first.c_str(), prefix, strlen( prefix ) ) == 0 )
+ found.push_back( i->first );
+ for( vector< string >::iterator i = found.begin(); i != found.end(); ++i ) {
+ _nsdMap[ *i ].reset();
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetailsTransient::eraseForPrefix(const char *prefix) {
+ assertInWriteLock();
+ vector< string > found;
+ for( ouriter i = _nsdMap.begin(); i != _nsdMap.end(); ++i )
+ if ( strncmp( i->first.c_str(), prefix, strlen( prefix ) ) == 0 )
+ found.push_back( i->first );
+ for( vector< string >::iterator i = found.begin(); i != found.end(); ++i ) {
+ _nsdMap.erase(*i);
+ }
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetailsTransient::computeIndexKeys() {
+ _keysComputed = true;
+ _indexKeys.clear();
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(_ns.c_str());
+ if ( ! d )
+ return;
+ NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
+ while( i.more() )
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* add a new namespace to the system catalog (<dbname>.system.namespaces).
+ options: { capped : ..., size : ... }
+ */
+ void addNewNamespaceToCatalog(const char *ns, const BSONObj *options = 0) {
+ LOG(1) << "New namespace: " << ns << endl;
+ if ( strstr(ns, "system.namespaces") ) {
+ // system.namespaces holds all the others, so it is not explicitly listed in the catalog.
+ // TODO: fix above should not be strstr!
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ b.append("name", ns);
+ if ( options )
+ b.append("options", *options);
+ BSONObj j = b.done();
+ char database[256];
+ nsToDatabase(ns, database);
+ string s = database;
+ if( cmdLine.configsvr && (s != "config" && s != "admin") ) {
+ uasserted(14037, "can't create user databases on a --configsvr instance");
+ }
+ s += ".system.namespaces";
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(s.c_str(), j.objdata(), j.objsize(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ void renameNamespace( const char *from, const char *to ) {
+ NamespaceIndex *ni = nsindex( from );
+ assert( ni );
+ assert( ni->details( from ) );
+ assert( ! ni->details( to ) );
+ // Our namespace and index details will move to a different
+ // memory location. The only references to namespace and
+ // index details across commands are in cursors and nsd
+ // transient (including query cache) so clear these.
+ ClientCursor::invalidate( from );
+ NamespaceDetailsTransient::eraseForPrefix( from );
+ NamespaceDetails *details = ni->details( from );
+ ni->add_ns( to, *details );
+ NamespaceDetails *todetails = ni->details( to );
+ try {
+ todetails->copyingFrom(to, details); // fixes extraOffset
+ }
+ catch( DBException& ) {
+ // could end up here if .ns is full - if so try to clean up / roll back a little
+ ni->kill_ns(to);
+ throw;
+ }
+ ni->kill_ns( from );
+ details = todetails;
+ BSONObj oldSpec;
+ char database[MaxDatabaseNameLen];
+ nsToDatabase(from, database);
+ string s = database;
+ s += ".system.namespaces";
+ assert( Helpers::findOne( s.c_str(), BSON( "name" << from ), oldSpec ) );
+ BSONObjBuilder newSpecB;
+ BSONObjIterator i( oldSpec.getObjectField( "options" ) );
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ BSONElement e =;
+ if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "create" ) != 0 )
+ newSpecB.append( e );
+ else
+ newSpecB << "create" << to;
+ }
+ BSONObj newSpec = newSpecB.done();
+ addNewNamespaceToCatalog( to, newSpec.isEmpty() ? 0 : &newSpec );
+ deleteObjects( s.c_str(), BSON( "name" << from ), false, false, true );
+ // oldSpec variable no longer valid memory
+ BSONObj oldIndexSpec;
+ s = database;
+ s += ".system.indexes";
+ while( Helpers::findOne( s.c_str(), BSON( "ns" << from ), oldIndexSpec ) ) {
+ BSONObjBuilder newIndexSpecB;
+ BSONObjIterator i( oldIndexSpec );
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ BSONElement e =;
+ if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "ns" ) != 0 )
+ newIndexSpecB.append( e );
+ else
+ newIndexSpecB << "ns" << to;
+ }
+ BSONObj newIndexSpec = newIndexSpecB.done();
+ DiskLoc newIndexSpecLoc = theDataFileMgr.insert( s.c_str(), newIndexSpec.objdata(), newIndexSpec.objsize(), true, false );
+ int indexI = details->findIndexByName( oldIndexSpec.getStringField( "name" ) );
+ IndexDetails &indexDetails = details->idx(indexI);
+ string oldIndexNs = indexDetails.indexNamespace();
+ = newIndexSpecLoc;
+ string newIndexNs = indexDetails.indexNamespace();
+ renameIndexNamespace( oldIndexNs.c_str(), newIndexNs.c_str() );
+ deleteObjects( s.c_str(), oldIndexSpec.getOwned(), true, false, true );
+ }
+ }
+ bool legalClientSystemNS( const string& ns , bool write ) {
+ if( ns == "local.system.replset" ) return true;
+ if ( ns.find( ".system.users" ) != string::npos )
+ return true;
+ if ( ns.find( ".system.js" ) != string::npos ) {
+ if ( write )
+ Scope::storedFuncMod();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+} // namespace mongo