path: root/src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp
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authorJennifer Peshansky <>2022-11-03 16:13:20 +0000
committerJennifer Peshansky <>2022-11-03 16:13:20 +0000
commite74d2910bbe76790ad131d53fee277829cd95982 (patch)
treecabe148764529c9623652374fbc36323a550cd44 /src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp
parent280145e9940729480bb8a35453d4056afac87641 (diff)
parentba467f46cc1bc49965e1d72b541eff0cf1d7b22e (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into jenniferpeshansky/SERVER-70854jenniferpeshansky/SERVER-70854
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f58380b50b3..00000000000
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
- * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Server Side Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see
- * <>.
- *
- * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
- * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
- * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
- * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
- * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
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- * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
- * it in the license file.
- */
-#include "mongo/db/query/optimizer/cascades/cost_derivation.h"
-#include "mongo/db/query/optimizer/defs.h"
-namespace mongo::optimizer::cascades {
-using namespace properties;
-struct CostAndCEInternal {
- CostAndCEInternal(double cost, CEType ce) : _cost(cost), _ce(ce) {
- uassert(8423334, "Invalid cost.", !std::isnan(cost) && cost >= 0.0);
- uassert(8423332, "Invalid cardinality", std::isfinite(ce) && ce >= 0.0);
- }
- double _cost;
- CEType _ce;
-class CostDerivation {
- // These cost should reflect estimated aggregated execution time in milliseconds.
- static constexpr double ms = 1.0e-3;
- // Startup cost of an operator. This is the minimal cost of an operator since it is
- // present even if it doesn't process any input.
- // TODO: calibrate the cost individually for each operator
- static constexpr double kStartupCost = 0.000001;
- // TODO: collection scan should depend on the width of the doc.
- // TODO: the actual measured cost is (0.4 * ms), however we increase it here because currently
- // it is not possible to estimate the cost of a collection scan vs a full index scan.
- static constexpr double kScanIncrementalCost = 0.6 * ms;
- // TODO: cost(N fields) ~ (0.55 + 0.025 * N)
- static constexpr double kIndexScanIncrementalCost = 0.5 * ms;
- // TODO: cost(N fields) ~ 0.7 + 0.19 * N
- static constexpr double kSeekCost = 2.0 * ms;
- // TODO: take the expression into account.
- // cost(N conditions) = 0.2 + N * ???
- static constexpr double kFilterIncrementalCost = 0.2 * ms;
- // TODO: the cost of projection depends on number of fields: cost(N fields) ~ 0.1 + 0.2 * N
- static constexpr double kEvalIncrementalCost = 2.0 * ms;
- // TODO: cost(N fields) ~ 0.04 + 0.03*(N^2)
- static constexpr double kGroupByIncrementalCost = 0.07 * ms;
- static constexpr double kUnwindIncrementalCost = 0.03 * ms; // TODO: not yet calibrated
- // TODO: not yet calibrated, should be at least as expensive as a filter
- static constexpr double kBinaryJoinIncrementalCost = 0.2 * ms;
- static constexpr double kHashJoinIncrementalCost = 0.05 * ms; // TODO: not yet calibrated
- static constexpr double kMergeJoinIncrementalCost = 0.02 * ms; // TODO: not yet calibrated
- static constexpr double kUniqueIncrementalCost = 0.7 * ms;
- // TODO: implement collation cost that depends on number and size of sorted fields
- // Based on a mix of int and str(64) fields:
- // 1 sort field: sort_cost(N) = 1.0/10 * N * log(N)
- // 5 sort fields: sort_cost(N) = 2.5/10 * N * log(N)
- // 10 sort fields: sort_cost(N) = 3.0/10 * N * log(N)
- // field_cost_coeff(F) ~ 0.75 + 0.2 * F
- static constexpr double kCollationIncrementalCost = 2.5 * ms; // 5 fields avg
- static constexpr double kCollationWithLimitIncrementalCost =
- 1.0 * ms; // TODO: not yet calibrated
- static constexpr double kUnionIncrementalCost = 0.02 * ms;
- static constexpr double kExchangeIncrementalCost = 0.1 * ms; // TODO: not yet calibrated
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const PhysicalScanNode& /*node*/) {
- // Default estimate for scan.
- const double collectionScanCost =
- kStartupCost + kScanIncrementalCost * _cardinalityEstimate;
- return {collectionScanCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const CoScanNode& /*node*/) {
- // Assumed to be free.
- return {kStartupCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const IndexScanNode& node) {
- const double indexScanCost =
- kStartupCost + kIndexScanIncrementalCost * _cardinalityEstimate;
- return {indexScanCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const SeekNode& /*node*/) {
- // SeekNode should deliver one result via cardinality estimate override.
- // TODO: consider using node.getProjectionMap()._fieldProjections.size() to make the cost
- // dependent on the size of the projection
- const double seekCost = kStartupCost + kSeekCost * _cardinalityEstimate;
- return {seekCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const MemoLogicalDelegatorNode& node) {
- const LogicalProps& childLogicalProps = _memo.getLogicalProps(node.getGroupId());
- // Notice that unlike all physical nodes, this logical node takes it cardinality directly
- // from the memo group logical property, ignoring _cardinalityEstimate.
- CEType baseCE = getPropertyConst<CardinalityEstimate>(childLogicalProps).getEstimate();
- if (hasProperty<IndexingRequirement>(_physProps)) {
- const auto& indexingReq = getPropertyConst<IndexingRequirement>(_physProps);
- if (indexingReq.getIndexReqTarget() == IndexReqTarget::Seek) {
- // If we are performing a seek, normalize against the scan group cardinality.
- const GroupIdType scanGroupId =
- getPropertyConst<IndexingAvailability>(childLogicalProps).getScanGroupId();
- if (scanGroupId == node.getGroupId()) {
- baseCE = 1.0;
- } else {
- const CEType scanGroupCE =
- getPropertyConst<CardinalityEstimate>(_memo.getLogicalProps(scanGroupId))
- .getEstimate();
- if (scanGroupCE > 0.0) {
- baseCE /= scanGroupCE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {0.0, getAdjustedCE(baseCE, _physProps)};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const MemoPhysicalDelegatorNode& /*node*/) {
- uasserted(6624040, "Should not be costing physical delegator nodes.");
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const FilterNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- double filterCost = childResult._cost;
- if (!isTrivialExpr<EvalFilter>(node.getFilter())) {
- // Non-trivial filter.
- filterCost += kStartupCost + kFilterIncrementalCost * childResult._ce;
- }
- return {filterCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const EvaluationNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- double evalCost = childResult._cost;
- if (!isTrivialExpr<EvalPath>(node.getProjection())) {
- // Non-trivial projection.
- evalCost += kStartupCost + kEvalIncrementalCost * _cardinalityEstimate;
- }
- return {evalCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const BinaryJoinNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal leftChildResult = deriveChild(node.getLeftChild(), 0);
- CostAndCEInternal rightChildResult = deriveChild(node.getRightChild(), 1);
- const double joinCost = kStartupCost +
- kBinaryJoinIncrementalCost * (leftChildResult._ce + rightChildResult._ce) +
- leftChildResult._cost + rightChildResult._cost;
- return {joinCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const HashJoinNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal leftChildResult = deriveChild(node.getLeftChild(), 0);
- CostAndCEInternal rightChildResult = deriveChild(node.getRightChild(), 1);
- // TODO: distinguish build side and probe side.
- const double hashJoinCost = kStartupCost +
- kHashJoinIncrementalCost * (leftChildResult._ce + rightChildResult._ce) +
- leftChildResult._cost + rightChildResult._cost;
- return {hashJoinCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const MergeJoinNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal leftChildResult = deriveChild(node.getLeftChild(), 0);
- CostAndCEInternal rightChildResult = deriveChild(node.getRightChild(), 1);
- const double mergeJoinCost = kStartupCost +
- kMergeJoinIncrementalCost * (leftChildResult._ce + rightChildResult._ce) +
- leftChildResult._cost + rightChildResult._cost;
- return {mergeJoinCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const UnionNode& node) {
- const ABTVector& children = node.nodes();
- // UnionNode with one child is optimized away before lowering, therefore
- // its cost is the cost of its child.
- if (children.size() == 1) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(children[0], 0);
- return {childResult._cost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- double totalCost = kStartupCost;
- // The cost is the sum of the costs of its children and the cost to union each child.
- for (size_t childIdx = 0; childIdx < children.size(); childIdx++) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(children[childIdx], childIdx);
- const double childCost =
- childResult._cost + (childIdx > 0 ? kUnionIncrementalCost * childResult._ce : 0);
- totalCost += childCost;
- }
- return {totalCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const GroupByNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- double groupByCost = kStartupCost;
- // TODO: for now pretend global group by is free.
- if (node.getType() == GroupNodeType::Global) {
- groupByCost += childResult._cost;
- } else {
- // TODO: consider RepetitionEstimate since this is a stateful operation.
- groupByCost += kGroupByIncrementalCost * childResult._ce + childResult._cost;
- }
- return {groupByCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const UnwindNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- // Unwind probably depends mostly on its output size.
- const double unwindCost = kUnwindIncrementalCost * _cardinalityEstimate + childResult._cost;
- return {unwindCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const UniqueNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- const double uniqueCost =
- kStartupCost + kUniqueIncrementalCost * childResult._ce + childResult._cost;
- return {uniqueCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const CollationNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- // TODO: consider RepetitionEstimate since this is a stateful operation.
- double logFactor = childResult._ce;
- double incrConst = kCollationIncrementalCost;
- if (hasProperty<LimitSkipRequirement>(_physProps)) {
- if (auto limit = getPropertyConst<LimitSkipRequirement>(_physProps).getAbsoluteLimit();
- limit < logFactor) {
- logFactor = limit;
- incrConst = kCollationWithLimitIncrementalCost;
- }
- }
- // Notice that log2(x) < 0 for any x < 1, and log2(1) = 0. Generally it makes sense that
- // there is no cost to sort 1 document, so the only cost left is the startup cost.
- const double sortCost = kStartupCost + childResult._cost +
- ((logFactor <= 1.0)
- ? 0.0
- // TODO: The cost formula below is based on 1 field, mix of int and str. Instead we
- // have to take into account the number and size of sorted fields.
- : incrConst * childResult._ce * std::log2(logFactor));
- return {sortCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const LimitSkipNode& node) {
- // Assumed to be free.
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- const double limitCost = kStartupCost + childResult._cost;
- return {limitCost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const ExchangeNode& node) {
- CostAndCEInternal childResult = deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- double localCost = kStartupCost + kExchangeIncrementalCost * _cardinalityEstimate;
- switch (node.getProperty().getDistributionAndProjections()._type) {
- case DistributionType::Replicated:
- localCost *= 2.0;
- break;
- case DistributionType::HashPartitioning:
- case DistributionType::RangePartitioning:
- localCost *= 1.1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return {localCost + childResult._cost, _cardinalityEstimate};
- }
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const RootNode& node) {
- return deriveChild(node.getChild(), 0);
- }
- /**
- * Other ABT types.
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Ts>
- CostAndCEInternal operator()(const ABT& /*n*/, const T& /*node*/, Ts&&...) {
- static_assert(!canBePhysicalNode<T>(), "Physical node must implement its cost derivation.");
- return {0.0, 0.0};
- }
- static CostAndCEInternal derive(const Metadata& metadata,
- const Memo& memo,
- const PhysProps& physProps,
- const ABT::reference_type physNodeRef,
- const ChildPropsType& childProps,
- const NodeCEMap& nodeCEMap) {
- CostAndCEInternal result =
- deriveInternal(metadata, memo, physProps, physNodeRef, childProps, nodeCEMap);
- switch (getPropertyConst<DistributionRequirement>(physProps)
- .getDistributionAndProjections()
- ._type) {
- case DistributionType::Centralized:
- case DistributionType::Replicated:
- break;
- case DistributionType::RoundRobin:
- case DistributionType::HashPartitioning:
- case DistributionType::RangePartitioning:
- case DistributionType::UnknownPartitioning:
- result._cost /= metadata._numberOfPartitions;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return result;
- }
- CostDerivation(const Metadata& metadata,
- const Memo& memo,
- const CEType ce,
- const PhysProps& physProps,
- const ChildPropsType& childProps,
- const NodeCEMap& nodeCEMap)
- : _metadata(metadata),
- _memo(memo),
- _physProps(physProps),
- _cardinalityEstimate(getAdjustedCE(ce, _physProps)),
- _childProps(childProps),
- _nodeCEMap(nodeCEMap) {}
- template <class T>
- static bool isTrivialExpr(const ABT& n) {
- if (<Constant>() ||<Variable>()) {
- return true;
- }
- if (const auto* ptr = n.cast<T>(); ptr != nullptr &&
- ptr->getPath().template is<PathIdentity>() && isTrivialExpr<T>(ptr->getInput())) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- static CostAndCEInternal deriveInternal(const Metadata& metadata,
- const Memo& memo,
- const PhysProps& physProps,
- const ABT::reference_type physNodeRef,
- const ChildPropsType& childProps,
- const NodeCEMap& nodeCEMap) {
- auto it = nodeCEMap.find(physNodeRef.cast<Node>());
- bool found = (it != nodeCEMap.cend());
- uassert(8423330,
- "Only MemoLogicalDelegatorNode can be missing from nodeCEMap.",
- found ||<MemoLogicalDelegatorNode>());
- const CEType ce = (found ? it->second : 0.0);
- CostDerivation instance(metadata, memo, ce, physProps, childProps, nodeCEMap);
- CostAndCEInternal costCEestimates = physNodeRef.visit(instance);
- return costCEestimates;
- }
- CostAndCEInternal deriveChild(const ABT& child, const size_t childIndex) {
- PhysProps physProps = _childProps.empty() ? _physProps :;
- return deriveInternal(_metadata, _memo, physProps, child.ref(), {}, _nodeCEMap);
- }
- static CEType getAdjustedCE(CEType baseCE, const PhysProps& physProps) {
- CEType result = baseCE;
- // First: correct for un-enforced limit.
- if (hasProperty<LimitSkipRequirement>(physProps)) {
- const auto limit = getPropertyConst<LimitSkipRequirement>(physProps).getAbsoluteLimit();
- if (result > limit) {
- result = limit;
- }
- }
- // Second: correct for enforced limit.
- if (hasProperty<LimitEstimate>(physProps)) {
- const auto limit = getPropertyConst<LimitEstimate>(physProps).getEstimate();
- if (result > limit) {
- result = limit;
- }
- }
- // Third: correct for repetition.
- if (hasProperty<RepetitionEstimate>(physProps)) {
- result *= getPropertyConst<RepetitionEstimate>(physProps).getEstimate();
- }
- return result;
- }
- // We don't own this.
- const Metadata& _metadata;
- const Memo& _memo;
- const PhysProps& _physProps;
- const CEType _cardinalityEstimate;
- const ChildPropsType& _childProps;
- const NodeCEMap& _nodeCEMap;
-CostAndCE DefaultCosting::deriveCost(const Metadata& metadata,
- const Memo& memo,
- const PhysProps& physProps,
- const ABT::reference_type physNodeRef,
- const ChildPropsType& childProps,
- const NodeCEMap& nodeCEMap) const {
- const CostAndCEInternal result =
- CostDerivation::derive(metadata, memo, physProps, physNodeRef, childProps, nodeCEMap);
- return {CostType::fromDouble(result._cost), result._ce};
-} // namespace mongo::optimizer::cascades