path: root/src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp
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authorDavid Storch <>2014-05-22 11:37:43 -0400
committerDavid Storch <>2014-05-30 11:11:55 -0400
commitbee249ac8907cc9de6b19ba87c3fcb074d84b1a3 (patch)
treeeb22f3afd157bd720b8a06efe92742f4a5e49daf /src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp
parent4055286cf8a6870f371f5dc476cd767bf50b75e9 (diff)
SERVER-13960 fix access planning for OR with inexact child predicates
Includes a refactor of QueryPlannerAccess::processIndexScans(...) which makes this change saner.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp
index 413860ac396..3c2d1efdffe 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/planner_access.cpp
@@ -173,14 +173,24 @@ namespace mongo {
bool QueryPlannerAccess::shouldMergeWithLeaf(const MatchExpression* expr,
- const IndexEntry& index,
- size_t pos,
- QuerySolutionNode* node,
- MatchExpression::MatchType mergeType) {
+ const ScanBuildingState& scanState) {
+ const QuerySolutionNode* node = scanState.currentScan.get();
if (NULL == node || NULL == expr) {
return false;
+ if (NULL == scanState.ixtag) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (scanState.currentIndexNumber != scanState.ixtag->index) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t pos = scanState.ixtag->pos;
+ const IndexEntry& index = scanState.indices[scanState.currentIndexNumber];
+ const MatchExpression::MatchType mergeType = scanState.root->matchType();
const StageType type = node->getType();
verify(STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D != type);
@@ -222,8 +232,8 @@ namespace mongo {
invariant(type == STAGE_IXSCAN);
- IndexScanNode* scan = static_cast<IndexScanNode*>(node);
- IndexBounds* boundsToFillOut = &scan->bounds;
+ const IndexScanNode* scan = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(node);
+ const IndexBounds* boundsToFillOut = &scan->bounds;
if (boundsToFillOut->fields[pos].name.empty()) {
// The bounds will be compounded. This is OK because the
@@ -246,24 +256,26 @@ namespace mongo {
void QueryPlannerAccess::mergeWithLeafNode(MatchExpression* expr,
- const IndexEntry& index,
- size_t pos,
- IndexBoundsBuilder::BoundsTightness* tightnessOut,
- QuerySolutionNode* node,
- MatchExpression::MatchType mergeType) {
+ ScanBuildingState* scanState) {
+ QuerySolutionNode* node = scanState->currentScan.get();
+ invariant(NULL != node);
+ const MatchExpression::MatchType mergeType = scanState->root->matchType();
+ size_t pos = scanState->ixtag->pos;
+ const IndexEntry& index = scanState->indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber];
const StageType type = node->getType();
verify(STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D != type);
if (STAGE_GEO_2D == type) {
- *tightnessOut = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
+ scanState->tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
// Text data is covered, but not exactly. Text covering is unlike any other covering
- // so we deal with it in _addFilterToSolutionNode.
+ // so we deal with it in addFilterToSolutionNode.
if (STAGE_TEXT == type) {
- *tightnessOut = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED;
+ scanState->tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED;
@@ -288,22 +300,24 @@ namespace mongo {
keyElt =;
- *tightnessOut = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
+ scanState->tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
verify(boundsToFillOut->fields.size() > pos);
OrderedIntervalList* oil = &boundsToFillOut->fields[pos];
if (boundsToFillOut->fields[pos].name.empty()) {
- IndexBoundsBuilder::translate(expr, keyElt, index, oil, tightnessOut);
+ IndexBoundsBuilder::translate(expr, keyElt, index, oil, &scanState->tightness);
else {
if (MatchExpression::AND == mergeType) {
- IndexBoundsBuilder::translateAndIntersect(expr, keyElt, index, oil, tightnessOut);
+ IndexBoundsBuilder::translateAndIntersect(expr, keyElt, index, oil,
+ &scanState->tightness);
else {
verify(MatchExpression::OR == mergeType);
- IndexBoundsBuilder::translateAndUnion(expr, keyElt, index, oil, tightnessOut);
+ IndexBoundsBuilder::translateAndUnion(expr, keyElt, index, oil,
+ &scanState->tightness);
@@ -408,6 +422,42 @@ namespace mongo {
// static
+ void QueryPlannerAccess::finishAndOutputLeaf(ScanBuildingState* scanState,
+ vector<QuerySolutionNode*>* out) {
+ finishLeafNode(scanState->currentScan.get(),
+ scanState->indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber]);
+ if (MatchExpression::OR == scanState->root->matchType()) {
+ if (scanState->loosestBounds == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH) {
+ // This is an $or where at least one predicate has inexact bounds. In this
+ // case we must add a fetch node above the index scan whose filter includes
+ // *all* of the predicates used to generate the ixscan.
+ FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
+ // Takes ownership.
+ fetch->filter.reset(scanState->curOr.release());
+ // Takes ownership.
+ fetch->children.push_back(scanState->currentScan.release());
+ scanState->currentScan.reset(fetch);
+ }
+ else if (scanState->loosestBounds == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED) {
+ // This an OR, at least one of the predicates used to generate 'currentScan'
+ // is inexact covered, but none is inexact fetch. This means that we can put
+ // these predicates, joined by an $or, as filters on the index scan. This avoids
+ // a fetch and allows the predicates to be covered by the index.
+ //
+ // Ex.
+ // Say we have index {a: 1} and query {$or: [{a: /foo/}, {a: /bar/}]}.
+ // The entire query, {$or: [{a: /foo/}, {a: /bar/}]}, should be a filter
+ // in the index scan stage itself.
+ scanState->currentScan->filter.reset(scanState->curOr.release());
+ }
+ }
+ out->push_back(scanState->currentScan.release());
+ }
+ // static
void QueryPlannerAccess::finishLeafNode(QuerySolutionNode* node, const IndexEntry& index) {
const StageType type = node->getType();
verify(STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D != type);
@@ -502,181 +552,37 @@ namespace mongo {
// static
bool QueryPlannerAccess::processIndexScans(const CanonicalQuery& query,
- MatchExpression* root,
- bool inArrayOperator,
- const vector<IndexEntry>& indices,
- vector<QuerySolutionNode*>* out) {
- auto_ptr<QuerySolutionNode> currentScan;
- size_t currentIndexNumber = IndexTag::kNoIndex;
- size_t curChild = 0;
- // This 'while' processes all IXSCANs, possibly merging scans by combining the bounds. We
- // can merge scans in two cases:
- // 1. Filling out subsequent fields in a compound index.
- // 2. Intersecting bounds. Currently unimplemented.
- while (curChild < root->numChildren()) {
- MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(curChild);
+ MatchExpression* root,
+ bool inArrayOperator,
+ const std::vector<IndexEntry>& indices,
+ std::vector<QuerySolutionNode*>* out) {
+ // Initialize the ScanBuildingState.
+ ScanBuildingState scanState(root, inArrayOperator, indices);
+ while (scanState.curChild < root->numChildren()) {
+ MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(scanState.curChild);
// If there is no tag, it's not using an index. We've sorted our children such that the
// children with tags are first, so we stop now.
if (NULL == child->getTag()) { break; }
- IndexTag* ixtag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(child->getTag());
+ scanState.ixtag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(child->getTag());
// If there's a tag it must be valid.
- verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex != ixtag->index);
+ verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex != scanState.ixtag->index);
// If the child can't use an index on its own field (and the child is not a negation
// of a bounds-generating expression), then it's indexed by virtue of one of
// its children having an index.
- // If the child is an $elemMatch, we try to merge its child predicates into the
- // current ixscan.
- //
// NOTE: If the child is logical, it could possibly collapse into a single ixscan. we
// ignore this for now.
if (!Indexability::isBoundsGenerating(child)) {
// If we're here, then the child is indexed by virtue of its children.
// In most cases this means that we recursively build indexed data
// access on 'child'.
- if (MatchExpression::AND == root->matchType() &&
- MatchExpression::ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT == child->matchType()) {
- // We have an AND with an ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT child. The plan enumerator produces
- // index taggings which indicate that we should try to compound with
- // predicates retrieved from inside the subtree rooted at the ELEM_MATCH.
- // In order to obey the enumerator's tagging, we need to retrieve these
- // predicates from inside the $elemMatch, and try to merge them with
- // the current index scan.
- // Contains tagged predicates from inside the tree rooted at 'child'
- // which are logically part of the AND.
- vector<MatchExpression*> emChildren;
- // Contains tagged nodes that are not logically part of the AND and
- // cannot use the index directly (e.g. OR nodes which are tagged to
- // be indexed).
- vector<MatchExpression*> emSubnodes;
- // Populate 'emChildren' and 'emSubnodes'.
- findElemMatchChildren(child, &emChildren, &emSubnodes);
- // Recursively build data access for the nodes inside 'emSubnodes'.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < emSubnodes.size(); ++i) {
- MatchExpression* subnode = emSubnodes[i];
- if (!Indexability::isBoundsGenerating(subnode)) {
- // Must pass true for 'inArrayOperator' because the subnode is
- // beneath an ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT.
- QuerySolutionNode* childSolution = buildIndexedDataAccess(query,
- subnode,
- true,
- indices);
- // buildIndexedDataAccess(...) returns NULL in error conditions, when
- // it is unable to construct a query solution from a tagged match
- // expression tree. If we are unable to construct a solution according
- // to the instructions from the enumerator, then we bail out early
- // (by returning false) rather than continuing on and potentially
- // constructing an invalid solution tree.
- if (NULL == childSolution) { return false; }
- // Output the resulting solution tree.
- out->push_back(childSolution);
- }
- }
- // For each predicate in 'emChildren', try to merge it with the
- // current index scan.
- //
- // This loop is identical to the outer loop except for two
- // changes:
- // 1) The OR case is removed. We would never hit the OR case
- // because we've already checked that the matchType of 'root'
- // is AND.
- // 2) We want to leave the entire $elemMatch in place as a
- // child of the parent AND. This way, the calling function
- // will affix the entire $elemMatch expression as a filter
- // above the AND.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < emChildren.size(); ++i) {
- MatchExpression* emChild = emChildren[i];
- invariant(NULL != emChild->getTag());
- IndexTag* innerTag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(emChild->getTag());
- if (NULL != currentScan.get() && (currentIndexNumber == innerTag->index) &&
- shouldMergeWithLeaf(emChild, indices[currentIndexNumber], innerTag->pos,
- currentScan.get(), root->matchType())) {
- // The child uses the same index we're currently building a scan for. Merge
- // the bounds and filters.
- verify(currentIndexNumber == innerTag->index);
- IndexBoundsBuilder::BoundsTightness tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
- mergeWithLeafNode(emChild, indices[currentIndexNumber], innerTag->pos, &tightness,
- currentScan.get(), root->matchType());
- if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
- && !indices[currentIndexNumber].multikey) {
- // Add the filter to the current index scan. This is optional because
- // the entire filter will get affixed to the parent AND. It is here
- // as an optimization---an additional filter during the index scan
- // stage will cause fewer documents to bubble up to the parent node
- // of the execution tree.
- _addFilterToSolutionNode(currentScan.get(), emChild, root->matchType());
- }
- }
- else {
- if (NULL != currentScan.get()) {
- finishLeafNode(currentScan.get(), indices[currentIndexNumber]);
- out->push_back(currentScan.release());
- }
- else {
- verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex == currentIndexNumber);
- }
- currentIndexNumber = innerTag->index;
- IndexBoundsBuilder::BoundsTightness tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
- currentScan.reset(makeLeafNode(query, indices[currentIndexNumber], innerTag->pos,
- emChild, &tightness));
- if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
- && !indices[currentIndexNumber].multikey) {
- // Add the filter to the current index scan. This is optional because
- // the entire filter will get affixed to the parent AND. It is here
- // as an optimization---an additional filter during the index scan
- // stage will cause fewer documents to bubble up to the parent node
- // of the execution tree.
- _addFilterToSolutionNode(currentScan.get(), emChild, root->matchType());
- }
- }
- }
- // We're done processing the $elemMatch child. We leave it hanging off
- // it's AND parent so that it will be affixed as a filter later on,
- // and move on to the next child of the AND.
- ++curChild;
- continue;
- }
- else if (!inArrayOperator) {
- // The logical sub-tree is responsible for fully evaluating itself. Any
- // required filters or fetches are already hung on it. As such, we remove the
- // filter branch from our tree. buildIndexedDataAccess takes ownership of the
- // child.
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin() + curChild);
- // The curChild of today is the curChild+1 of yesterday.
- }
- else {
- ++curChild;
+ if (!processIndexScansSubnode(query, &scanState, out)) {
+ return false;
- // If inArrayOperator: takes ownership of child, which is OK, since we detached
- // child from root.
- QuerySolutionNode* childSolution = buildIndexedDataAccess(query,
- child,
- inArrayOperator,
- indices);
- if (NULL == childSolution) { return false; }
- out->push_back(childSolution);
@@ -686,8 +592,8 @@ namespace mongo {
// If 'child' is a NOT, then the tag we're interested in is on the NOT's
// child node.
if (MatchExpression::NOT == child->matchType()) {
- ixtag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(child->getChild(0)->getTag());
- invariant(IndexTag::kNoIndex != ixtag->index);
+ scanState.ixtag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(child->getChild(0)->getTag());
+ invariant(IndexTag::kNoIndex != scanState.ixtag->index);
// If the child we're looking at uses a different index than the current index scan, add
@@ -709,153 +615,190 @@ namespace mongo {
// complications in the multikey case that have to be obeyed both by the enumerator
// and here as we try to merge predicates into query solution leaves. The hairy
// details of these rules are documented near the top of planner_access.h.
- if (NULL != currentScan.get() && (currentIndexNumber == ixtag->index) &&
- shouldMergeWithLeaf(child, indices[currentIndexNumber], ixtag->pos,
- currentScan.get(), root->matchType())) {
+ if (shouldMergeWithLeaf(child, scanState)) {
// The child uses the same index we're currently building a scan for. Merge
// the bounds and filters.
- verify(currentIndexNumber == ixtag->index);
- IndexBoundsBuilder::BoundsTightness tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
- mergeWithLeafNode(child, indices[currentIndexNumber], ixtag->pos, &tightness,
- currentScan.get(), root->matchType());
- if (inArrayOperator) {
- // We're inside an array operator. The entire array operator expression
- // should always be affixed as a filter. We keep 'curChild' in the $and
- // for affixing later.
- ++curChild;
- }
- else if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::EXACT) {
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- delete child;
- }
- else if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
- && (INDEX_TEXT == indices[currentIndexNumber].type
- || !indices[currentIndexNumber].multikey)) {
- // The bounds are not exact, but the information needed to
- // evaluate the predicate is in the index key. Remove the
- // MatchExpression from its parent and attach it to the filter
- // of the index scan we're building.
- //
- // We can only use this optimization if the index is NOT multikey.
- // Suppose that we had the multikey index {x: 1} and a document
- // {x: ["a", "b"]}. Now if we query for {x: /b/} the filter might
- // ever only be applied to the index key "a". We'd incorrectly
- // conclude that the document does not match the query :( so we
- // gotta stick to non-multikey indices.
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- _addFilterToSolutionNode(currentScan.get(), child, root->matchType());
- }
- else if (root->matchType() == MatchExpression::OR) {
- // In the AND case, the filter can be brought above the AND node.
- // But in the OR case, the filter only applies to one branch, so
- // we must affix curChild's filter now. In order to apply the filter
- // to the proper OR branch, create a FETCH node with the filter whose
- // child is the IXSCAN.
- finishLeafNode(currentScan.get(), indices[currentIndexNumber]);
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
- // takes ownership
- fetch->filter.reset(child);
- // takes ownership
- fetch->children.push_back(currentScan.release());
- // takes ownership
- out->push_back(fetch);
- currentIndexNumber = IndexTag::kNoIndex;
- }
- else {
- // We keep curChild in the AND for affixing later.
- ++curChild;
- }
+ verify(scanState.currentIndexNumber == scanState.ixtag->index);
+ scanState.tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
+ mergeWithLeafNode(child, &scanState);
+ handleFilter(&scanState);
else {
- if (NULL != currentScan.get()) {
- finishLeafNode(currentScan.get(), indices[currentIndexNumber]);
- out->push_back(currentScan.release());
+ if (NULL != scanState.currentScan.get()) {
+ // Output the current scan before starting to construct a new out.
+ finishAndOutputLeaf(&scanState, out);
else {
- verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex == currentIndexNumber);
+ verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex == scanState.currentIndexNumber);
- currentIndexNumber = ixtag->index;
+ // Reset state before producing a new leaf.
+ scanState.resetForNextScan(scanState.ixtag);
- IndexBoundsBuilder::BoundsTightness tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
- currentScan.reset(makeLeafNode(query, indices[currentIndexNumber], ixtag->pos,
- child, &tightness));
+ scanState.currentScan.reset(makeLeafNode(query,
+ indices[scanState.currentIndexNumber],
+ scanState.ixtag->pos, child,
+ &scanState.tightness));
- if (inArrayOperator) {
- // We're inside an array operator. The entire array operator expression
- // should always be affixed as a filter. We keep 'curChild' in the $and
- // for affixing later.
- ++curChild;
+ handleFilter(&scanState);
+ }
+ }
+ // Output the scan we're done with, if it exists.
+ if (NULL != scanState.currentScan.get()) {
+ finishAndOutputLeaf(&scanState, out);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // static
+ bool QueryPlannerAccess::processIndexScansElemMatch(const CanonicalQuery& query,
+ ScanBuildingState* scanState,
+ std::vector<QuerySolutionNode*>* out) {
+ MatchExpression* root = scanState->root;
+ MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(scanState->curChild);
+ const vector<IndexEntry>& indices = scanState->indices;
+ // We have an AND with an ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT child. The plan enumerator produces
+ // index taggings which indicate that we should try to compound with
+ // predicates retrieved from inside the subtree rooted at the ELEM_MATCH.
+ // In order to obey the enumerator's tagging, we need to retrieve these
+ // predicates from inside the $elemMatch, and try to merge them with
+ // the current index scan.
+ // Contains tagged predicates from inside the tree rooted at 'child'
+ // which are logically part of the AND.
+ vector<MatchExpression*> emChildren;
+ // Contains tagged nodes that are not logically part of the AND and
+ // cannot use the index directly (e.g. OR nodes which are tagged to
+ // be indexed).
+ vector<MatchExpression*> emSubnodes;
+ // Populate 'emChildren' and 'emSubnodes'.
+ findElemMatchChildren(child, &emChildren, &emSubnodes);
+ // Recursively build data access for the nodes inside 'emSubnodes'.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < emSubnodes.size(); ++i) {
+ MatchExpression* subnode = emSubnodes[i];
+ if (!Indexability::isBoundsGenerating(subnode)) {
+ // Must pass true for 'inArrayOperator' because the subnode is
+ // beneath an ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT.
+ QuerySolutionNode* childSolution = buildIndexedDataAccess(query,
+ subnode,
+ true,
+ indices);
+ // buildIndexedDataAccess(...) returns NULL in error conditions, when
+ // it is unable to construct a query solution from a tagged match
+ // expression tree. If we are unable to construct a solution according
+ // to the instructions from the enumerator, then we bail out early
+ // (by returning false) rather than continuing on and potentially
+ // constructing an invalid solution tree.
+ if (NULL == childSolution) { return false; }
+ // Output the resulting solution tree.
+ out->push_back(childSolution);
+ }
+ }
+ // For each predicate in 'emChildren', try to merge it with the current index scan.
+ //
+ // This loop is similar to that in processIndexScans(...), except it does not call into
+ // handleFilters(...). Instead, we leave the entire $elemMatch filter intact. This way,
+ // the complete $elemMatch expression will be affixed as a filter later on.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < emChildren.size(); ++i) {
+ MatchExpression* emChild = emChildren[i];
+ invariant(NULL != emChild->getTag());
+ scanState->ixtag = static_cast<IndexTag*>(emChild->getTag());
+ if (shouldMergeWithLeaf(emChild, *scanState)) {
+ // The child uses the same index we're currently building a scan for. Merge
+ // the bounds and filters.
+ verify(scanState->currentIndexNumber == scanState->ixtag->index);
+ scanState->tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
+ mergeWithLeafNode(emChild, scanState);
+ if (scanState->tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
+ && !indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber].multikey) {
+ // Add the filter to the current index scan. This is optional because
+ // the entire filter will get affixed to the parent AND. It is here
+ // as an optimization---an additional filter during the index scan
+ // stage will cause fewer documents to bubble up to the parent node
+ // of the execution tree.
+ addFilterToSolutionNode(scanState->currentScan.get(), emChild, root->matchType());
- else if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::EXACT) {
- // The bounds answer the predicate, and we can remove the expression from the
- // root. NOTE(opt): Erasing entry 0, 1, 2, ... could be kind of n^2, maybe
- // optimize later.
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- delete child;
- // Don't increment curChild.
+ }
+ else {
+ if (NULL != scanState->currentScan.get()) {
+ finishAndOutputLeaf(scanState, out);
- else if (tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
- && !indices[currentIndexNumber].multikey) {
- // The bounds are not exact, but the information needed to
- // evaluate the predicate is in the index key. Remove the
- // MatchExpression from its parent and attach it to the filter
- // of the index scan we're building.
- //
- // We can only use this optimization if the index is NOT multikey.
- // Suppose that we had the multikey index {x: 1} and a document
- // {x: ["a", "b"]}. Now if we query for {x: /b/} the filter might
- // ever only be applied to the index key "a". We'd incorrectly
- // conclude that the document does not match the query :( so we
- // gotta stick to non-multikey indices.
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- _addFilterToSolutionNode(currentScan.get(), child, root->matchType());
+ else {
+ verify(IndexTag::kNoIndex == scanState->currentIndexNumber);
- else if (root->matchType() == MatchExpression::OR) {
- // In the AND case, the filter can be brought above the AND node.
- // But in the OR case, the filter only applies to one branch, so
- // we must affix curChild's filter now. In order to apply the filter
- // to the proper OR branch, create a FETCH node with the filter whose
- // child is the IXSCAN.
- finishLeafNode(currentScan.get(), indices[currentIndexNumber]);
- root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin()
- + curChild);
- FetchNode* fetch = new FetchNode();
- // takes ownership
- fetch->filter.reset(child);
- // takes ownership
- fetch->children.push_back(currentScan.release());
- // takes ownership
- out->push_back(fetch);
- currentIndexNumber = IndexTag::kNoIndex;
- }
- else {
- // We keep curChild in the AND for affixing later as a filter.
- ++curChild;
+ scanState->currentIndexNumber = scanState->ixtag->index;
+ scanState->tightness = IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_FETCH;
+ scanState->currentScan.reset(makeLeafNode(query, indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber],
+ scanState->ixtag->pos,
+ emChild, &scanState->tightness));
+ if (scanState->tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
+ && !indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber].multikey) {
+ // Add the filter to the current index scan. This is optional because
+ // the entire filter will get affixed to the parent AND. It is here
+ // as an optimization---an additional filter during the index scan
+ // stage will cause fewer documents to bubble up to the parent node
+ // of the execution tree.
+ addFilterToSolutionNode(scanState->currentScan.get(), emChild, root->matchType());
- // Output the scan we're done with, if it exists.
- if (NULL != currentScan.get()) {
- finishLeafNode(currentScan.get(), indices[currentIndexNumber]);
- out->push_back(currentScan.release());
+ // We're done processing the $elemMatch child. We leave it hanging off
+ // it's AND parent so that it will be affixed as a filter later on,
+ // and move on to the next child of the AND.
+ ++scanState->curChild;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // static
+ bool QueryPlannerAccess::processIndexScansSubnode(const CanonicalQuery& query,
+ ScanBuildingState* scanState,
+ std::vector<QuerySolutionNode*>* out) {
+ MatchExpression* root = scanState->root;
+ MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(scanState->curChild);
+ const vector<IndexEntry>& indices = scanState->indices;
+ bool inArrayOperator = scanState->inArrayOperator;
+ if (MatchExpression::AND == root->matchType() &&
+ MatchExpression::ELEM_MATCH_OBJECT == child->matchType()) {
+ return processIndexScansElemMatch(query, scanState, out);
+ }
+ else if (!inArrayOperator) {
+ // The logical sub-tree is responsible for fully evaluating itself. Any
+ // required filters or fetches are already hung on it. As such, we remove the
+ // filter branch from our tree. buildIndexedDataAccess takes ownership of the
+ // child.
+ root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin() + scanState->curChild);
+ // The curChild of today is the curChild+1 of yesterday.
+ }
+ else {
+ ++scanState->curChild;
+ // If inArrayOperator: takes ownership of child, which is OK, since we detached
+ // child from root.
+ QuerySolutionNode* childSolution = buildIndexedDataAccess(query,
+ child,
+ inArrayOperator,
+ indices);
+ if (NULL == childSolution) { return false; }
+ out->push_back(childSolution);
return true;
@@ -1216,9 +1159,9 @@ namespace mongo {
// static
- void QueryPlannerAccess::_addFilterToSolutionNode(QuerySolutionNode* node,
- MatchExpression* match,
- MatchExpression::MatchType type) {
+ void QueryPlannerAccess::addFilterToSolutionNode(QuerySolutionNode* node,
+ MatchExpression* match,
+ MatchExpression::MatchType type) {
if (NULL == node->filter) {
@@ -1248,6 +1191,81 @@ namespace mongo {
+ // static
+ void QueryPlannerAccess::handleFilter(ScanBuildingState* scanState) {
+ if (MatchExpression::OR == scanState->root->matchType()) {
+ handleFilterOr(scanState);
+ }
+ else if (MatchExpression::AND == scanState->root->matchType()) {
+ handleFilterAnd(scanState);
+ }
+ else {
+ // We must be building leaves for either and AND or an OR.
+ invariant(0);
+ }
+ }
+ // static
+ void QueryPlannerAccess::handleFilterOr(ScanBuildingState* scanState) {
+ MatchExpression* root = scanState->root;
+ MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(scanState->curChild);
+ if (scanState->inArrayOperator) {
+ // We're inside an array operator. The entire array operator expression
+ // should always be affixed as a filter. We keep 'curChild' in the $and
+ // for affixing later.
+ ++scanState->curChild;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (scanState->tightness < scanState->loosestBounds) {
+ scanState->loosestBounds = scanState->tightness;
+ }
+ // Detach 'child' and add it to 'curOr'.
+ root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin() + scanState->curChild);
+ scanState->curOr->getChildVector()->push_back(child);
+ }
+ }
+ // static
+ void QueryPlannerAccess::handleFilterAnd(ScanBuildingState* scanState) {
+ MatchExpression* root = scanState->root;
+ MatchExpression* child = root->getChild(scanState->curChild);
+ const IndexEntry& index = scanState->indices[scanState->currentIndexNumber];
+ if (scanState->inArrayOperator) {
+ // We're inside an array operator. The entire array operator expression
+ // should always be affixed as a filter. We keep 'curChild' in the $and
+ // for affixing later.
+ ++scanState->curChild;
+ }
+ else if (scanState->tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::EXACT) {
+ root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin() + scanState->curChild);
+ delete child;
+ }
+ else if (scanState->tightness == IndexBoundsBuilder::INEXACT_COVERED
+ && (INDEX_TEXT == index.type || !index.multikey)) {
+ // The bounds are not exact, but the information needed to
+ // evaluate the predicate is in the index key. Remove the
+ // MatchExpression from its parent and attach it to the filter
+ // of the index scan we're building.
+ //
+ // We can only use this optimization if the index is NOT multikey.
+ // Suppose that we had the multikey index {x: 1} and a document
+ // {x: ["a", "b"]}. Now if we query for {x: /b/} the filter might
+ // ever only be applied to the index key "a". We'd incorrectly
+ // conclude that the document does not match the query :( so we
+ // gotta stick to non-multikey indices.
+ root->getChildVector()->erase(root->getChildVector()->begin() + scanState->curChild);
+ addFilterToSolutionNode(scanState->currentScan.get(), child, root->matchType());
+ }
+ else {
+ // We keep curChild in the AND for affixing later.
+ ++scanState->curChild;
+ }
+ }
QuerySolutionNode* QueryPlannerAccess::makeIndexScan(const IndexEntry& index,
const CanonicalQuery& query,
const QueryPlannerParams& params,