path: root/src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h
diff options
authorDavid Hatch <>2016-06-01 10:39:21 -0400
committerDavid Hatch <>2016-06-03 15:48:07 -0400
commit7c3c0f3bcb487b16ff556d06a4fd66e0fb67de1c (patch)
tree41b472545759aa21aff247152c09e92a825119f8 /src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h
parentee7acb15457859045419ce597ef7319ae775c4f3 (diff)
SERVER-24118 Rename LiteParsedQuery to QueryRequest.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cd7fa62f393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request.h
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+ * Copyright 2013 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
+ * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify
+ * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
+ * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
+ * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you
+ * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program,
+ * then also delete it in the license file.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+#include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
+namespace mongo {
+class QueryMessage;
+class Status;
+template <typename T>
+class StatusWith;
+ * Parses the QueryMessage or find command received from the user and makes the various fields
+ * more easily accessible.
+ */
+class QueryRequest {
+ static const char kFindCommandName[];
+ static const char kShardVersionField[];
+ QueryRequest(NamespaceString nss);
+ /**
+ * Returns a non-OK status if any property of the QR has a bad value (e.g. a negative skip
+ * value) or if there is a bad combination of options (e.g. awaitData is illegal without
+ * tailable).
+ */
+ Status validate() const;
+ /**
+ * Parses a find command object, 'cmdObj'. Caller must indicate whether or not this lite
+ * parsed query is an explained query or not via 'isExplain'.
+ *
+ * Returns a heap allocated QueryRequest on success or an error if 'cmdObj' is not well
+ * formed.
+ */
+ static StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<QueryRequest>> makeFromFindCommand(NamespaceString nss,
+ const BSONObj& cmdObj,
+ bool isExplain);
+ /**
+ * Converts this QR into a find command.
+ */
+ BSONObj asFindCommand() const;
+ void asFindCommand(BSONObjBuilder* cmdBuilder) const;
+ /**
+ * Parses maxTimeMS from the BSONElement containing its value.
+ */
+ static StatusWith<int> parseMaxTimeMS(BSONElement maxTimeMSElt);
+ /**
+ * Helper function to identify text search sort key
+ * Example: {a: {$meta: "textScore"}}
+ */
+ static bool isTextScoreMeta(BSONElement elt);
+ /**
+ * Helper function to validate a sort object.
+ * Returns true if each element satisfies one of:
+ * 1. a number with value 1
+ * 2. a number with value -1
+ * 3. isTextScoreMeta
+ */
+ static bool isValidSortOrder(const BSONObj& sortObj);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the query described by "query" should execute
+ * at an elevated level of isolation (i.e., $isolated was specified).
+ */
+ static bool isQueryIsolated(const BSONObj& query);
+ // Read preference is attached to commands in "wrapped" form, e.g.
+ // { $query: { <cmd>: ... } , <kWrappedReadPrefField>: { ... } }
+ //
+ // However, mongos internally "unwraps" the read preference and adds it as a parameter to the
+ // command, e.g.
+ // { <cmd>: ... , <kUnwrappedReadPrefField>: { <kWrappedReadPrefField>: { ... } } }
+ static const std::string kWrappedReadPrefField;
+ static const std::string kUnwrappedReadPrefField;
+ // Names of the maxTimeMS command and query option.
+ // Char arrays because they are used in static initialization.
+ static const char cmdOptionMaxTimeMS[];
+ static const char queryOptionMaxTimeMS[];
+ // Names of the $meta projection values.
+ static const std::string metaGeoNearDistance;
+ static const std::string metaGeoNearPoint;
+ static const std::string metaIndexKey;
+ static const std::string metaRecordId;
+ static const std::string metaSortKey;
+ static const std::string metaTextScore;
+ const NamespaceString& nss() const {
+ return _nss;
+ }
+ const std::string& ns() const {
+ return _nss.ns();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getFilter() const {
+ return _filter;
+ }
+ void setFilter(BSONObj filter) {
+ _filter = filter.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getProj() const {
+ return _proj;
+ }
+ void setProj(BSONObj proj) {
+ _proj = proj.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getSort() const {
+ return _sort;
+ }
+ void setSort(BSONObj sort) {
+ _sort = sort.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getHint() const {
+ return _hint;
+ }
+ void setHint(BSONObj hint) {
+ _hint = hint.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getReadConcern() const {
+ return _readConcern;
+ }
+ void setReadConcern(BSONObj readConcern) {
+ _readConcern = readConcern.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getCollation() const {
+ return _collation;
+ }
+ void setCollation(BSONObj collation) {
+ _collation = collation.getOwned();
+ }
+ static const long long kDefaultBatchSize;
+ boost::optional<long long> getSkip() const {
+ return _skip;
+ }
+ void setSkip(boost::optional<long long> skip) {
+ _skip = skip;
+ }
+ boost::optional<long long> getLimit() const {
+ return _limit;
+ }
+ void setLimit(boost::optional<long long> limit) {
+ _limit = limit;
+ }
+ boost::optional<long long> getBatchSize() const {
+ return _batchSize;
+ }
+ void setBatchSize(boost::optional<long long> batchSize) {
+ _batchSize = batchSize;
+ }
+ boost::optional<long long> getNToReturn() const {
+ return _ntoreturn;
+ }
+ void setNToReturn(boost::optional<long long> ntoreturn) {
+ _ntoreturn = ntoreturn;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns batchSize or ntoreturn value if either is set. If neither is set,
+ * returns boost::none.
+ */
+ boost::optional<long long> getEffectiveBatchSize() const;
+ bool wantMore() const {
+ return _wantMore;
+ }
+ void setWantMore(bool wantMore) {
+ _wantMore = wantMore;
+ }
+ bool isExplain() const {
+ return _explain;
+ }
+ void setExplain(bool explain) {
+ _explain = explain;
+ }
+ const std::string& getComment() const {
+ return _comment;
+ }
+ void setComment(const std::string& comment) {
+ _comment = comment;
+ }
+ int getMaxScan() const {
+ return _maxScan;
+ }
+ void setMaxScan(int maxScan) {
+ _maxScan = maxScan;
+ }
+ int getMaxTimeMS() const {
+ return _maxTimeMS;
+ }
+ void setMaxTimeMS(int maxTimeMS) {
+ _maxTimeMS = maxTimeMS;
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getMin() const {
+ return _min;
+ }
+ void setMin(BSONObj min) {
+ _min = min.getOwned();
+ }
+ const BSONObj& getMax() const {
+ return _max;
+ }
+ void setMax(BSONObj max) {
+ _max = max.getOwned();
+ }
+ bool returnKey() const {
+ return _returnKey;
+ }
+ void setReturnKey(bool returnKey) {
+ _returnKey = returnKey;
+ }
+ bool showRecordId() const {
+ return _showRecordId;
+ }
+ void setShowRecordId(bool showRecordId) {
+ _showRecordId = showRecordId;
+ }
+ bool isSnapshot() const {
+ return _snapshot;
+ }
+ void setSnapshot(bool snapshot) {
+ _snapshot = snapshot;
+ }
+ bool hasReadPref() const {
+ return _hasReadPref;
+ }
+ void setHasReadPref(bool hasReadPref) {
+ _hasReadPref = hasReadPref;
+ }
+ bool isTailable() const {
+ return _tailable;
+ }
+ void setTailable(bool tailable) {
+ _tailable = tailable;
+ }
+ bool isSlaveOk() const {
+ return _slaveOk;
+ }
+ void setSlaveOk(bool slaveOk) {
+ _slaveOk = slaveOk;
+ }
+ bool isOplogReplay() const {
+ return _oplogReplay;
+ }
+ void setOplogReplay(bool oplogReplay) {
+ _oplogReplay = oplogReplay;
+ }
+ bool isNoCursorTimeout() const {
+ return _noCursorTimeout;
+ }
+ void setNoCursorTimeout(bool noCursorTimeout) {
+ _noCursorTimeout = noCursorTimeout;
+ }
+ bool isAwaitData() const {
+ return _awaitData;
+ }
+ void setAwaitData(bool awaitData) {
+ _awaitData = awaitData;
+ }
+ bool isExhaust() const {
+ return _exhaust;
+ }
+ void setExhaust(bool exhaust) {
+ _exhaust = exhaust;
+ }
+ bool isAllowPartialResults() const {
+ return _allowPartialResults;
+ }
+ void setAllowPartialResults(bool allowPartialResults) {
+ _allowPartialResults = allowPartialResults;
+ }
+ boost::optional<long long> getReplicationTerm() const {
+ return _replicationTerm;
+ }
+ void setReplicationTerm(boost::optional<long long> replicationTerm) {
+ _replicationTerm = replicationTerm;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return options as a bit vector.
+ */
+ int getOptions() const;
+ //
+ // Old parsing code: SOON TO BE DEPRECATED.
+ //
+ /**
+ * Parse the provided QueryMessage and return a heap constructed QueryRequest, which
+ * represents it or an error.
+ */
+ static StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<QueryRequest>> fromLegacyQueryMessage(const QueryMessage& qm);
+ Status init(int ntoskip,
+ int ntoreturn,
+ int queryOptions,
+ const BSONObj& queryObj,
+ const BSONObj& proj,
+ bool fromQueryMessage);
+ Status initFullQuery(const BSONObj& top);
+ /**
+ * Updates the projection object with a $meta projection for the returnKey option.
+ */
+ void addReturnKeyMetaProj();
+ /**
+ * Updates the projection object with a $meta projection for the showRecordId option.
+ */
+ void addShowRecordIdMetaProj();
+ /**
+ * Initializes options based on the value of the 'options' bit vector.
+ *
+ * This contains flags such as tailable, exhaust, and noCursorTimeout.
+ */
+ void initFromInt(int options);
+ /**
+ * Add the meta projection to this object if needed.
+ */
+ void addMetaProjection();
+ const NamespaceString _nss;
+ BSONObj _filter;
+ BSONObj _proj;
+ BSONObj _sort;
+ // The hint provided, if any. If the hint was by index key pattern, the value of '_hint' is
+ // the key pattern hinted. If the hint was by index name, the value of '_hint' is
+ // {$hint: <String>}, where <String> is the index name hinted.
+ BSONObj _hint;
+ // The read concern is parsed elsewhere.
+ BSONObj _readConcern;
+ // The collation is parsed elsewhere.
+ BSONObj _collation;
+ bool _wantMore = true;
+ // Must be either unset or positive. Negative skip is illegal and a skip of zero received from
+ // the client is interpreted as the absence of a skip value.
+ boost::optional<long long> _skip;
+ // Must be either unset or positive. Negative limit is illegal and a limit value of zero
+ // received from the client is interpreted as the absence of a limit value.
+ boost::optional<long long> _limit;
+ // Must be either unset or non-negative. Negative batchSize is illegal but batchSize of 0 is
+ // allowed.
+ boost::optional<long long> _batchSize;
+ // Set only when parsed from an OP_QUERY find message. The value is computed by driver or shell
+ // and is set to be a min of batchSize and limit provided by user. QR can have set either
+ // ntoreturn or batchSize / limit.
+ boost::optional<long long> _ntoreturn;
+ bool _explain = false;
+ std::string _comment;
+ int _maxScan = 0;
+ int _maxTimeMS = 0;
+ BSONObj _min;
+ BSONObj _max;
+ bool _returnKey = false;
+ bool _showRecordId = false;
+ bool _snapshot = false;
+ bool _hasReadPref = false;
+ // Options that can be specified in the OP_QUERY 'flags' header.
+ bool _tailable = false;
+ bool _slaveOk = false;
+ bool _oplogReplay = false;
+ bool _noCursorTimeout = false;
+ bool _awaitData = false;
+ bool _exhaust = false;
+ bool _allowPartialResults = false;
+ boost::optional<long long> _replicationTerm;
+} // namespace mongo