path: root/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp
diff options
authorIrina Yatsenko <>2022-02-17 16:09:58 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-02-17 16:52:19 +0000
commitd0476ea4fa682dc2ce0f76588ff8b8bbd7878443 (patch)
tree59ee019003199a63f27138faaf1d9c9ca91ab7d6 /src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp
parentbd09f35f9f13d6ca5f58c0f292911c0af32fdecf (diff)
SERVER-58435 Implement the basics of translation of $lookup into SBE's nested loop join
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4817876257e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_lookup_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+ * This file contains tests for building execution stages that implement $lookup operator.
+ */
+#include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/sbe_plan_stage_test.h"
+#include "mongo/db/exec/sbe/stages/loop_join.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_lookup.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/query_solution.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_test_fixture.h"
+#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context_for_test.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/query_test_service_context.h"
+namespace mongo::sbe {
+using namespace value;
+struct LookupStageBuilderTest : public SbeStageBuilderTestFixture {
+ // VirtualScanNode wants the docs wrapped into BSONArray.
+ std::vector<BSONArray> prepInputForVirtualScanNode(const std::vector<BSONObj>& docs) {
+ std::vector<BSONArray> input;
+ input.reserve(docs.size());
+ for (const auto& doc : docs) {
+ input.emplace_back(BSON_ARRAY(doc));
+ }
+ return input;
+ }
+ // Constructs a QuerySolution consisting of a EqLookupNode on top of two VirtualScanNodes.
+ std::unique_ptr<QuerySolution> makeLookupSolution(const std::string& lookupSpec,
+ const std::string& fromColl,
+ const std::vector<BSONObj>& localDocs,
+ const std::vector<BSONObj>& foreignDocs) {
+ auto expCtx = make_intrusive<ExpressionContextForTest>();
+ auto lookupNss = NamespaceString{"test", fromColl};
+ expCtx->setResolvedNamespace(lookupNss,
+ ExpressionContext::ResolvedNamespace{lookupNss, {}});
+ auto docSource =
+ DocumentSourceLookUp::createFromBson(fromjson(lookupSpec).firstElement(), expCtx);
+ auto docLookup = static_cast<DocumentSourceLookUp*>(docSource.get());
+ auto localVirtScanNode =
+ std::make_unique<VirtualScanNode>(prepInputForVirtualScanNode(localDocs),
+ VirtualScanNode::ScanType::kCollScan,
+ false /*hasRecordId*/);
+ auto lookupNode = std::make_unique<EqLookupNode>(std::move(localVirtScanNode),
+ fromColl,
+ docLookup->getLocalField()->fullPath(),
+ docLookup->getForeignField()->fullPath(),
+ docLookup->getAsField().fullPath());
+ auto foreignVirtScanNode =
+ std::make_unique<VirtualScanNode>(prepInputForVirtualScanNode(foreignDocs),
+ VirtualScanNode::ScanType::kCollScan,
+ false /*hasRecordId*/);
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QuerySolutionNode>> additionalChildren;
+ additionalChildren.push_back(std::move(foreignVirtScanNode));
+ lookupNode->addChildren(std::move(additionalChildren));
+ return makeQuerySolution(std::move(lookupNode));
+ }
+ // Execute the stage tree and check the results.
+ void CheckNljResults(PlanStage* nljStage,
+ SlotId localSlot,
+ SlotId matchedSlot,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>>& expected,
+ bool debugPrint = false) {
+ auto ctx = makeCompileCtx();
+ prepareTree(ctx.get(), nljStage);
+ SlotAccessor* outer = nljStage->getAccessor(*ctx, localSlot);
+ SlotAccessor* inner = nljStage->getAccessor(*ctx, matchedSlot);
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (auto st = nljStage->getNext(); st == PlanState::ADVANCED;
+ st = nljStage->getNext(), i++) {
+ auto [outerTag, outerVal] = outer->copyOrMoveValue();
+ ValueGuard outerGuard{outerTag, outerVal};
+ if (debugPrint) {
+ std::cout << i << " outer: " << std::make_pair(outerTag, outerVal) << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (i >= expected.size()) {
+ // We'll assert eventually that there were more actual results than expected.
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto [expectedOuterTag, expectedOuterVal] = copyValue(
+ TypeTags::bsonObject, bitcastFrom<const char*>(expected[i].first.objdata()));
+ ValueGuard expectedOuterGuard{expectedOuterTag, expectedOuterVal};
+ assertValuesEqual(outerTag, outerVal, expectedOuterTag, expectedOuterVal);
+ auto [innerTag, innerVal] = inner->copyOrMoveValue();
+ ValueGuard innerGuard{innerTag, innerVal};
+ ASSERT_EQ(innerTag, TypeTags::Array);
+ auto innerMatches = getArrayView(innerVal);
+ if (debugPrint) {
+ std::cout << " inner:" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < innerMatches->size(); m++) {
+ auto [matchedTag, matchedVal] = innerMatches->getAt(m);
+ std::cout << " " << m << ": " << std::make_pair(matchedTag, matchedVal)
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(innerMatches->size(), expected[i].second.size());
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < innerMatches->size(); m++) {
+ auto [matchedTag, matchedVal] = innerMatches->getAt(m);
+ auto [expectedMatchTag, expectedMatchVal] =
+ copyValue(TypeTags::bsonObject,
+ bitcastFrom<const char*>(expected[i].second[m].objdata()));
+ ValueGuard expectedMatchGuard{expectedMatchTag, expectedMatchVal};
+ assertValuesEqual(matchedTag, matchedVal, expectedMatchTag, expectedMatchVal);
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(i, expected.size());
+ nljStage->close();
+ }
+ void runTest(const std::vector<BSONObj>& ldocs,
+ const std::vector<BSONObj>& fdocs,
+ const std::string& lkey,
+ const std::string& fkey,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>>& expected,
+ bool debugPrint = false) {
+ const char* foreignCollName = "fromColl";
+ std::stringstream lookupSpec;
+ lookupSpec << "{$lookup: ";
+ lookupSpec << " {";
+ lookupSpec << " from: '" << foreignCollName << "', ";
+ lookupSpec << " localField: '" << lkey << "', ";
+ lookupSpec << " foreignField: '" << fkey << "', ";
+ lookupSpec << " as: 'matched'";
+ lookupSpec << " }";
+ lookupSpec << "}";
+ auto solution = makeLookupSolution(lookupSpec.str(), foreignCollName, ldocs, fdocs);
+ auto [resultSlots, stage, data, _] = buildPlanStage(std::move(solution),
+ false /*hasRecordId*/,
+ nullptr /*shard filterer*/,
+ nullptr /*collator*/);
+ if (debugPrint) {
+ debugPrintPlan(*stage);
+ }
+ CheckNljResults(stage.get(),
+ data.outputs.get("local"),
+ data.outputs.get("matched"),
+ expected,
+ debugPrint);
+ }
+ void debugPrintPlan(const PlanStage& stage, StringData header = "") {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** " << header << " ***" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << DebugPrinter{}.print(stage.debugPrint());
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_Basic) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, lkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, lkey:12}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, lkey:3}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, lkey:[1,4]}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, fkey:3}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:[1,4,25]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:4}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, fkey:[24,25,26]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, fkey:null}"),
+ fromjson("{id:7, fkey:undefined}"),
+ fromjson("{id:8, fkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:9, fkey:[null]}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[0], fdocs[2]}},
+ {ldocs[1], {}},
+ {ldocs[2], {fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[3], {fdocs[0], fdocs[2], fdocs[3]}},
+ };
+ runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "lkey", "fkey", expected);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_LocalKey_Null) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {fromjson("{id:0, lkey:null}")};
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:null}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:[null]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, fkey:undefined}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, fkey:[undefined]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, fkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:7, fkey:[[]]}")};
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected{
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[1], fdocs[2], fdocs[3], fdocs[4], fdocs[5]}},
+ };
+ runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "lkey", "fkey", expected);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_LocalKey_Missing) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {fromjson("{id:0, no_lkey:true}")};
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:null}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:[null]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, fkey:undefined}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, fkey:[undefined]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, fkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:7, fkey:[[]]}")};
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[1], fdocs[2], fdocs[3], fdocs[4], fdocs[5]}},
+ };
+ runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "lkey", "fkey", expected);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_EmptyArrays) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, lkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, lkey:[[]]}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:null}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:[null]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, fkey:undefined}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, fkey:[undefined]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, fkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:7, fkey:[[]]}"),
+ };
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {}}, // TODO SERVER-63368: fix this case if the ticket is declined
+ {ldocs[1], {fdocs[7]}}, // TODO SEVER-63700: it should be {fdocs[6], fdocs[7]}
+ };
+ runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "lkey", "fkey", expected);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_LocalKey_SubFieldScalar) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, nested:{lkey:1, other:3}}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, nested:{no_lkey:true}}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, nested:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, lkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, nested:{lkey:42}}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:3}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:[1, 2]}"),
+ };
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[0], fdocs[3]}},
+ {ldocs[1], {fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[2], {fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[3], {fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[4], {}},
+ };
+ // TODO SERVER-63690: enable this test.
+ // runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "nested.lkey", "fkey", expected);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_LocalKey_SubFieldArray) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, nested:[{lkey:1},{lkey:2}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, nested:[{lkey:42}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, nested:[{lkey:{other:1}}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, nested:[{lkey:[]}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, nested:[{other:3}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, nested:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, nested:[[]]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:7, lkey:[1,2]}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, fkey:2}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:3}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, fkey:[1, 4]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, no_fkey:true}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, fkey:[]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, fkey:null}"),
+ };
+ //'expected' documents pre-SERVER-63368 behavior of the classic engine.
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[0], fdocs[1], fdocs[3]}},
+ {ldocs[1], {}},
+ {ldocs[2], {}},
+ {ldocs[3], {fdocs[4], fdocs[6]}},
+ {ldocs[4], {fdocs[4], fdocs[6]}},
+ {ldocs[5], {fdocs[4], fdocs[6]}},
+ {ldocs[6], {fdocs[4], fdocs[6]}},
+ {ldocs[7], {fdocs[4], fdocs[6]}},
+ };
+ // TODO SERVER-63690: enable this test.
+ // runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "nested.lkey", "fkey", expected, true);
+TEST_F(LookupStageBuilderTest, NestedLoopJoin_LocalKey_PathWithNumber) {
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> ldocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, nested:[{lkey:1},{lkey:2}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, nested:[{lkey:[2,3,1]}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, nested:[{lkey:2},{lkey:1}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:3, nested:[{lkey:[2,3]}]}"),
+ fromjson("{id:4, nested:{lkey:1}}"),
+ fromjson("{id:5, nested:{lkey:[1,2]}}"),
+ fromjson("{id:6, nested:[{other:1},{lkey:1}]}"),
+ };
+ const std::vector<BSONObj> fdocs = {
+ fromjson("{id:0, fkey:1}"),
+ fromjson("{id:1, fkey:3}"),
+ fromjson("{id:2, fkey:null}"),
+ };
+ //'expected' documents pre-SERVER-63368 behavior of the classic engine.
+ std::vector<std::pair<BSONObj, std::vector<BSONObj>>> expected = {
+ {ldocs[0], {fdocs[0]}},
+ {ldocs[1], {fdocs[0], fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[2], {}},
+ {ldocs[3], {fdocs[1]}},
+ {ldocs[4], {fdocs[2]}},
+ {ldocs[5], {fdocs[2]}},
+ {ldocs[6], {fdocs[2]}},
+ };
+ // TODO SERVER-63690: either remove or enable this test.
+ // runTest(ldocs, fdocs, "nested.0.lkey", "fkey", expected, true);
+} // namespace mongo::sbe