path: root/src/mongo/db/stats/top.h
diff options
authorEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:26 -0500
committerEliot Horowitz <>2011-12-24 15:33:45 -0500
commitae1ecd9c786911f9f1f0242f0f7d702b3e5dfeba (patch)
tree92f8e1649e6f080b251ff5f1763679a72eb59b34 /src/mongo/db/stats/top.h
parentdfa4cd7e2cf109b072440155fabc08a93c8045a0 (diff)
bulk move of code to src/ SERVER-4551
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/stats/top.h')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/stats/top.h b/src/mongo/db/stats/top.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9645ed1a3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/stats/top.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// top.h : DB usage monitor.
+/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#undef assert
+#define assert MONGO_assert
+namespace mongo {
+ /**
+ * tracks usage by collection
+ */
+ class Top {
+ public:
+ Top() : _lock("Top") { }
+ struct UsageData {
+ UsageData() : time(0) , count(0) {}
+ UsageData( const UsageData& older , const UsageData& newer );
+ long long time;
+ long long count;
+ void inc( long long micros ) {
+ count++;
+ time += micros;
+ }
+ };
+ struct CollectionData {
+ /**
+ * constructs a diff
+ */
+ CollectionData() {}
+ CollectionData( const CollectionData& older , const CollectionData& newer );
+ UsageData total;
+ UsageData readLock;
+ UsageData writeLock;
+ UsageData queries;
+ UsageData getmore;
+ UsageData insert;
+ UsageData update;
+ UsageData remove;
+ UsageData commands;
+ };
+ typedef map<string,CollectionData> UsageMap;
+ public:
+ void record( const string& ns , int op , int lockType , long long micros , bool command );
+ void append( BSONObjBuilder& b );
+ void cloneMap(UsageMap& out) const;
+ CollectionData getGlobalData() const { return _global; }
+ void collectionDropped( const string& ns );
+ public: // static stuff
+ static Top global;
+ private:
+ void _appendToUsageMap( BSONObjBuilder& b , const UsageMap& map ) const;
+ void _appendStatsEntry( BSONObjBuilder& b , const char * statsName , const UsageData& map ) const;
+ void _record( CollectionData& c , int op , int lockType , long long micros , bool command );
+ mutable mongo::mutex _lock;
+ CollectionData _global;
+ UsageMap _usage;
+ string _lastDropped;
+ };
+ /* Records per namespace utilization of the mongod process.
+ No two functions of this class may be called concurrently.
+ */
+ class TopOld {
+ typedef boost::posix_time::ptime T;
+ typedef boost::posix_time::time_duration D;
+ typedef boost::tuple< D, int, int, int > UsageData;
+ public:
+ TopOld() : _read(false), _write(false) { }
+ /* these are used to record activity: */
+ void clientStart( const char *client ) {
+ clientStop();
+ _currentStart = currentTime();
+ _current = client;
+ }
+ /* indicate current request is a read operation. */
+ void setRead() { _read = true; }
+ void setWrite() { _write = true; }
+ void clientStop() {
+ if ( _currentStart == T() )
+ return;
+ D d = currentTime() - _currentStart;
+ {
+ scoped_lock L(topMutex);
+ recordUsage( _current, d );
+ }
+ _currentStart = T();
+ _read = false;
+ _write = false;
+ }
+ /* these are used to fetch the stats: */
+ struct Usage {
+ string ns;
+ D time;
+ double pct;
+ int reads, writes, calls;
+ };
+ static void usage( vector< Usage > &res ) {
+ scoped_lock L(topMutex);
+ // Populate parent namespaces
+ UsageMap snapshot;
+ UsageMap totalUsage;
+ fillParentNamespaces( snapshot, _snapshot );
+ fillParentNamespaces( totalUsage, _totalUsage );
+ multimap< D, string, more > sorted;
+ for( UsageMap::iterator i = snapshot.begin(); i != snapshot.end(); ++i )
+ sorted.insert( make_pair( i->second.get<0>(), i->first ) );
+ for( multimap< D, string, more >::iterator i = sorted.begin(); i != sorted.end(); ++i ) {
+ if ( trivialNs( i->second.c_str() ) )
+ continue;
+ Usage u;
+ u.ns = i->second;
+ u.time = totalUsage[ u.ns ].get<0>();
+ u.pct = _snapshotDuration != D() ? 100.0 * i->first.ticks() / _snapshotDuration.ticks() : 0;
+ u.reads = snapshot[ u.ns ].get<1>();
+ u.writes = snapshot[ u.ns ].get<2>();
+ u.calls = snapshot[ u.ns ].get<3>();
+ res.push_back( u );
+ }
+ for( UsageMap::iterator i = totalUsage.begin(); i != totalUsage.end(); ++i ) {
+ if ( snapshot.count( i->first ) != 0 || trivialNs( i->first.c_str() ) )
+ continue;
+ Usage u;
+ u.ns = i->first;
+ u.time = i->second.get<0>();
+ u.pct = 0;
+ u.reads = 0;
+ u.writes = 0;
+ u.calls = 0;
+ res.push_back( u );
+ }
+ }
+ static void completeSnapshot() {
+ scoped_lock L(topMutex);
+ if ( &_snapshot == &_snapshotA ) {
+ _snapshot = _snapshotB;
+ _nextSnapshot = _snapshotA;
+ }
+ else {
+ _snapshot = _snapshotA;
+ _nextSnapshot = _snapshotB;
+ }
+ _snapshotDuration = currentTime() - _snapshotStart;
+ _snapshotStart = currentTime();
+ _nextSnapshot.clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ static mongo::mutex topMutex;
+ static bool trivialNs( const char *ns ) {
+ const char *ret = strrchr( ns, '.' );
+ return ret && ret[ 1 ] == '\0';
+ }
+ typedef map<string,UsageData> UsageMap; // duration, # reads, # writes, # total calls
+ static T currentTime() {
+ return boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ }
+ void recordUsage( const string &client, D duration ) {
+ recordUsageForMap( _totalUsage, client, duration );
+ recordUsageForMap( _nextSnapshot, client, duration );
+ }
+ void recordUsageForMap( UsageMap &map, const string &client, D duration ) {
+ UsageData& g = map[client];
+ g.get< 0 >() += duration;
+ if ( _read && !_write )
+ g.get< 1 >()++;
+ else if ( !_read && _write )
+ g.get< 2 >()++;
+ g.get< 3 >()++;
+ }
+ static void fillParentNamespaces( UsageMap &to, const UsageMap &from ) {
+ for( UsageMap::const_iterator i = from.begin(); i != from.end(); ++i ) {
+ string current = i->first;
+ size_t dot = current.rfind( "." );
+ if ( dot == string::npos || dot != current.length() - 1 ) {
+ inc( to[ current ], i->second );
+ }
+ while( dot != string::npos ) {
+ current = current.substr( 0, dot );
+ inc( to[ current ], i->second );
+ dot = current.rfind( "." );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void inc( UsageData &to, const UsageData &from ) {
+ to.get<0>() += from.get<0>();
+ to.get<1>() += from.get<1>();
+ to.get<2>() += from.get<2>();
+ to.get<3>() += from.get<3>();
+ }
+ struct more { bool operator()( const D &a, const D &b ) { return a > b; } };
+ string _current;
+ T _currentStart;
+ static T _snapshotStart;
+ static D _snapshotDuration;
+ static UsageMap _totalUsage;
+ static UsageMap _snapshotA;
+ static UsageMap _snapshotB;
+ static UsageMap &_snapshot;
+ static UsageMap &_nextSnapshot;
+ bool _read;
+ bool _write;
+ };
+} // namespace mongo