path: root/src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp
diff options
authorEliot Horowitz <>2014-01-15 09:19:00 -0500
committerEliot Horowitz <>2014-01-15 09:19:00 -0500
commitea103d7bce187a9d48bc286ac574c239260fdde8 (patch)
tree2e4908bccd38eebb2301af2bbbf4f4b438add850 /src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp
parent288056872d40a1b40194937603f4456458586f22 (diff)
re-org structure and catalog directories part 2
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp')
1 files changed, 775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp b/src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4279bfd772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
+* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+* it in the license file.
+#include "mongo/pch.h"
+#include "mongo/db/structure/catalog/namespace_details.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+#include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h"
+#include "mongo/db/db.h"
+#include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h"
+#include "mongo/db/index_legacy.h"
+#include "mongo/db/json.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/durable_mapped_file.h"
+#include "mongo/db/ops/delete.h"
+#include "mongo/db/ops/update.h"
+#include "mongo/db/pdfile.h"
+#include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h"
+#include "mongo/scripting/engine.h"
+#include "mongo/util/hashtab.h"
+#include "mongo/util/startup_test.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ BSONObj idKeyPattern = fromjson("{\"_id\":1}");
+ /* Deleted list buckets are used to quickly locate free space based on size. Each bucket
+ contains records up to that size. All records >= 4mb are placed into the 16mb bucket.
+ */
+ int bucketSizes[] = {
+ 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100,
+ 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000,
+ 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0x10000,
+ 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000,
+ 0x200000, 0x400000, 0x1000000,
+ };
+ NamespaceDetails::NamespaceDetails( const DiskLoc &loc, bool capped ) {
+ /* be sure to initialize new fields here -- doesn't default to zeroes the way we use it */
+ _firstExtent = _lastExtent = _capExtent = loc;
+ _stats.datasize = _stats.nrecords = 0;
+ _lastExtentSize = 0;
+ _nIndexes = 0;
+ _isCapped = capped;
+ _maxDocsInCapped = 0x7fffffff; // no limit (value is for pre-v2.3.2 compatability)
+ _paddingFactor = 1.0;
+ _systemFlags = 0;
+ _userFlags = 0;
+ _capFirstNewRecord = DiskLoc();
+ // Signal that we are on first allocation iteration through extents.
+ _capFirstNewRecord.setInvalid();
+ // For capped case, signal that we are doing initial extent allocation.
+ if ( capped )
+ cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().setInvalid();
+ verify( sizeof(_dataFileVersion) == 2 );
+ _dataFileVersion = 0;
+ _indexFileVersion = 0;
+ _multiKeyIndexBits = 0;
+ _reservedA = 0;
+ _extraOffset = 0;
+ _indexBuildsInProgress = 0;
+ memset(_reserved, 0, sizeof(_reserved));
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ void NamespaceDetails::dump(const Namespace& k) {
+ if (!storageGlobalParams.dur)
+ cout << "ns offsets which follow will not display correctly with --journal disabled" << endl;
+ size_t ofs = 1; // 1 is sentinel that the find call below failed
+ privateViews.find(this, /*out*/ofs);
+ cout << "ns" << hex << setw(8) << ofs << ' ';
+ cout << k.toString() << '\n';
+ if( k.isExtra() ) {
+ cout << "ns\t extra" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cout << "ns " << _firstExtent.toString() << ' ' << _lastExtent.toString() << " nidx:" << _nIndexes << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << _stats.datasize << ' ' << _stats.nrecords << ' ' << _nIndexes << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << isCapped() << ' ' << _paddingFactor << ' ' << _systemFlags << ' ' << _userFlags << ' ' << _dataFileVersion << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << _multiKeyIndexBits << ' ' << _indexBuildsInProgress << '\n';
+ cout << "ns " << (int)_reserved[0] << ' ' << (int)_reserved[59];
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc) {
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(NamespaceDetails::Extra) <= sizeof(NamespaceDetails) );
+ {
+ Record *r = (Record *) getDur().writingPtr(d, sizeof(Record));
+ d = &r->asDeleted();
+ // defensive code: try to make us notice if we reference a deleted record
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>( r->data() )[0] = 0xeeeeeeee;
+ }
+ DEBUGGING log() << "TEMP: add deleted rec " << dloc.toString() << ' ' << hex << d->extentOfs() << endl;
+ if ( isCapped() ) {
+ if ( !cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() ) {
+ // Initial extent allocation. Insert at end.
+ d->nextDeleted() = DiskLoc();
+ if ( cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords().isNull() )
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords() ) = dloc;
+ else {
+ DiskLoc i = cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords();
+ for (; !i.drec()->nextDeleted().isNull(); i = i.drec()->nextDeleted() )
+ ;
+ i.drec()->nextDeleted().writing() = dloc;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ d->nextDeleted() = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent() ) = dloc;
+ // always compact() after this so order doesn't matter
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int b = bucket(d->lengthWithHeaders());
+ DiskLoc& list = _deletedList[b];
+ DiskLoc oldHead = list;
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc(list) = dloc;
+ d->nextDeleted() = oldHead;
+ }
+ }
+ /* @return the size for an allocated record quantized to 1/16th of the BucketSize
+ @param allocSize requested size to allocate
+ */
+ int NamespaceDetails::quantizeAllocationSpace(int allocSize) {
+ const int bucketIdx = bucket(allocSize);
+ int bucketSize = bucketSizes[bucketIdx];
+ int quantizeUnit = bucketSize / 16;
+ if (allocSize >= (1 << 22)) // 4mb
+ // all allocatons >= 4mb result in 4mb/16 quantization units, even if >= 8mb. idea is
+ // to reduce quantization overhead of large records at the cost of increasing the
+ // DeletedRecord size distribution in the largest bucket by factor of 4.
+ quantizeUnit = (1 << 18); // 256k
+ if (allocSize % quantizeUnit == 0)
+ // size is already quantized
+ return allocSize;
+ const int quantizedSpace = (allocSize | (quantizeUnit - 1)) + 1;
+ fassert(16484, quantizedSpace >= allocSize);
+ return quantizedSpace;
+ }
+ int NamespaceDetails::quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace(int allocSize) {
+ int allocationSize = bucketSizes[ bucket( allocSize ) ];
+ if ( allocationSize == bucketSizes[MaxBucket] ) {
+ // if we get here, it means we're allocating more than 4mb, so round
+ // to the nearest megabyte
+ allocationSize = 1 + ( allocSize | ( ( 1 << 20 ) - 1 ) );
+ }
+ return allocationSize;
+ }
+ /** allocate space for a new record from deleted lists.
+ @param lenToAlloc is WITH header
+ @return null diskloc if no room - allocate a new extent then
+ */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::alloc(const StringData& ns, int lenToAlloc) {
+ {
+ // align very slightly.
+ lenToAlloc = (lenToAlloc + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
+ }
+ DiskLoc loc = _alloc(ns, lenToAlloc);
+ if ( loc.isNull() )
+ return loc;
+ DeletedRecord *r = loc.drec();
+ //r = getDur().writing(r);
+ /* note we want to grab from the front so our next pointers on disk tend
+ to go in a forward direction which is important for performance. */
+ int regionlen = r->lengthWithHeaders();
+ verify( r->extentOfs() < loc.getOfs() );
+ DEBUGGING out() << "TEMP: alloc() returns " << loc.toString() << ' ' << ns << " lentoalloc:" << lenToAlloc << endl;
+ int left = regionlen - lenToAlloc;
+ if ( ! isCapped() ) {
+ if ( left < 24 || left < (lenToAlloc >> 3) ) {
+ // you get the whole thing.
+ return loc;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't quantize:
+ // - capped collections: just wastes space
+ // - $ collections (indexes) as we already have those aligned the way we want SERVER-8425
+ if ( !isCapped() && NamespaceString::normal( ns ) ) {
+ // we quantize here so that it only impacts newly sized records
+ // this prevents oddities with older records and space re-use SERVER-8435
+ lenToAlloc = std::min( r->lengthWithHeaders(),
+ NamespaceDetails::quantizeAllocationSpace( lenToAlloc ) );
+ left = regionlen - lenToAlloc;
+ if ( left < 24 ) {
+ // you get the whole thing.
+ return loc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* split off some for further use. */
+ getDur().writingInt(r->lengthWithHeaders()) = lenToAlloc;
+ DiskLoc newDelLoc = loc;
+ DeletedRecord* newDel = newDelLoc.drec();
+ DeletedRecord* newDelW = getDur().writing(newDel);
+ newDelW->extentOfs() = r->extentOfs();
+ newDelW->lengthWithHeaders() = left;
+ newDelW->nextDeleted().Null();
+ addDeletedRec(newDel, newDelLoc);
+ return loc;
+ }
+ /* for non-capped collections.
+ @param peekOnly just look up where and don't reserve
+ returned item is out of the deleted list upon return
+ */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__stdAlloc(int len, bool peekOnly) {
+ DiskLoc *prev;
+ DiskLoc *bestprev = 0;
+ DiskLoc bestmatch;
+ int bestmatchlen = 0x7fffffff;
+ int b = bucket(len);
+ DiskLoc cur = _deletedList[b];
+ prev = &_deletedList[b];
+ int extra = 5; // look for a better fit, a little.
+ int chain = 0;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ { // defensive check
+ int fileNumber = cur.a();
+ int fileOffset = cur.getOfs();
+ if (fileNumber < -1 || fileNumber >= 100000 || fileOffset < 0) {
+ StringBuilder sb;
+ sb << "Deleted record list corrupted in bucket " << b
+ << ", link number " << chain
+ << ", invalid link is " << cur.toString()
+ << ", throwing Fatal Assertion";
+ problem() << sb.str() << endl;
+ fassertFailed(16469);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cur.isNull() ) {
+ // move to next bucket. if we were doing "extra", just break
+ if ( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff )
+ break;
+ b++;
+ if ( b > MaxBucket ) {
+ // out of space. alloc a new extent.
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ cur = _deletedList[b];
+ prev = &_deletedList[b];
+ continue;
+ }
+ DeletedRecord *r = cur.drec();
+ if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() >= len &&
+ r->lengthWithHeaders() < bestmatchlen ) {
+ bestmatchlen = r->lengthWithHeaders();
+ bestmatch = cur;
+ bestprev = prev;
+ if (r->lengthWithHeaders() == len)
+ // exact match, stop searching
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff && --extra <= 0 )
+ break;
+ if ( ++chain > 30 && b < MaxBucket ) {
+ // too slow, force move to next bucket to grab a big chunk
+ //b++;
+ chain = 0;
+ cur.Null();
+ }
+ else {
+ /*this defensive check only made sense for the mmap storage engine:
+ if ( r->nextDeleted.getOfs() == 0 ) {
+ problem() << "~~ Assertion - bad nextDeleted " << r->nextDeleted.toString() <<
+ " b:" << b << " chain:" << chain << ", fixing.\n";
+ r->nextDeleted.Null();
+ }*/
+ cur = r->nextDeleted();
+ prev = &r->nextDeleted();
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
+ if( !peekOnly ) {
+ DeletedRecord *bmr = bestmatch.drec();
+ *getDur().writing(bestprev) = bmr->nextDeleted();
+ bmr->nextDeleted().writing().setInvalid(); // defensive.
+ verify(bmr->extentOfs() < bestmatch.getOfs());
+ }
+ return bestmatch;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ DiskLoc dl = _deletedList[i];
+ while ( !dl.isNull() ) {
+ DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
+ DiskLoc extLoc(dl.a(), r->extentOfs());
+ if ( extents == 0 || extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 ) {
+ out() << " bucket " << i << endl;
+ out() << " " << dl.toString() << " ext:" << extLoc.toString();
+ if ( extents && extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 )
+ out() << '?';
+ out() << " len:" << r->lengthWithHeaders() << endl;
+ }
+ dl = r->nextDeleted();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::firstRecord( const DiskLoc &startExtent ) const {
+ for (DiskLoc i = startExtent.isNull() ? _firstExtent : startExtent;
+ !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xnext ) {
+ if ( !i.ext()->firstRecord.isNull() )
+ return i.ext()->firstRecord;
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::lastRecord( const DiskLoc &startExtent ) const {
+ for (DiskLoc i = startExtent.isNull() ? _lastExtent : startExtent;
+ !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xprev ) {
+ if ( !i.ext()->lastRecord.isNull() )
+ return i.ext()->lastRecord;
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ int n_complaints_cap = 0;
+ void NamespaceDetails::maybeComplain( const StringData& ns, int len ) const {
+ if ( ++n_complaints_cap < 8 ) {
+ out() << "couldn't make room for new record (len: " << len << ") in capped ns " << ns << '\n';
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( DiskLoc e = _firstExtent; !e.isNull(); e = e.ext()->xnext, ++i ) {
+ out() << " Extent " << i;
+ if ( e == _capExtent )
+ out() << " (capExtent)";
+ out() << '\n';
+ out() << " magic: " << hex << e.ext()->magic << dec << " extent->ns: " << e.ext()->nsDiagnostic.toString() << '\n';
+ out() << " fr: " << e.ext()->firstRecord.toString() <<
+ " lr: " << e.ext()->lastRecord.toString() << " extent->len: " << e.ext()->length << '\n';
+ }
+ verify( len * 5 > _lastExtentSize ); // assume it is unusually large record; if not, something is broken
+ }
+ }
+ /* alloc with capped table handling. */
+ DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::_alloc(const StringData& ns, int len) {
+ if ( ! isCapped() )
+ return __stdAlloc(len, false);
+ return cappedAlloc(ns,len);
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails::Extra* NamespaceDetails::allocExtra(const char *ns, int nindexessofar) {
+ Lock::assertWriteLocked(ns);
+ NamespaceIndex *ni = nsindex(ns);
+ int i = (nindexessofar - NIndexesBase) / NIndexesExtra;
+ verify( i >= 0 && i <= 1 );
+ Namespace fullns(ns);
+ Namespace extrans(fullns.extraName(i)); // throws userexception if ns name too long
+ massert( 10350 , "allocExtra: base ns missing?", this );
+ massert( 10351 , "allocExtra: extra already exists", ni->details(extrans) == 0 );
+ Extra temp;
+ temp.init();
+ ni->add_ns( extrans, reinterpret_cast<NamespaceDetails*>( &temp ) );
+ Extra* e = reinterpret_cast<NamespaceDetails::Extra*>( ni->details( extrans ) );
+ long ofs = e->ofsFrom(this);
+ if( i == 0 ) {
+ verify( _extraOffset == 0 );
+ *getDur().writing(&_extraOffset) = ofs;
+ verify( extra() == e );
+ }
+ else {
+ Extra *hd = extra();
+ verify( hd->next(this) == 0 );
+ hd->setNext(ofs);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::setIndexIsMultikey(int i, bool multikey) {
+ massert(16577, "index number greater than NIndexesMax", i < NIndexesMax );
+ unsigned long long mask = 1ULL << i;
+ if (multikey) {
+ // Shortcut if the bit is already set correctly
+ if (_multiKeyIndexBits & mask) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *getDur().writing(&_multiKeyIndexBits) |= mask;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Shortcut if the bit is already set correctly
+ if (!(_multiKeyIndexBits & mask)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Invert mask: all 1's except a 0 at the ith bit
+ mask = ~mask;
+ *getDur().writing(&_multiKeyIndexBits) &= mask;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ IndexDetails& NamespaceDetails::getNextIndexDetails(const char* thisns) {
+ IndexDetails *id;
+ try {
+ id = &idx(getTotalIndexCount(), true);
+ }
+ catch(DBException&) {
+ allocExtra(thisns, getTotalIndexCount());
+ id = &idx(getTotalIndexCount(), false);
+ }
+ return *id;
+ }
+ IndexDetails& NamespaceDetails::idx(int idxNo, bool missingExpected) {
+ if( idxNo < NIndexesBase ) {
+ IndexDetails& id = _indexes[idxNo];
+ return id;
+ }
+ Extra *e = extra();
+ if ( ! e ) {
+ if ( missingExpected )
+ throw MsgAssertionException( 13283 , "Missing Extra" );
+ massert(14045, "missing Extra", e);
+ }
+ int i = idxNo - NIndexesBase;
+ if( i >= NIndexesExtra ) {
+ e = e->next(this);
+ if ( ! e ) {
+ if ( missingExpected )
+ throw MsgAssertionException( 14823 , "missing extra" );
+ massert(14824, "missing Extra", e);
+ }
+ i -= NIndexesExtra;
+ }
+ return e->details[i];
+ }
+ // must be called when renaming a NS to fix up extra
+ void NamespaceDetails::copyingFrom(const char *thisns, NamespaceDetails *src) {
+ _extraOffset = 0; // we are a copy -- the old value is wrong. fixing it up below.
+ Extra *se = src->extra();
+ int n = NIndexesBase;
+ if( se ) {
+ Extra *e = allocExtra(thisns, n);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ n += NIndexesExtra;
+ e->copy(this, *se);
+ se = se->next(src);
+ if( se == 0 ) break;
+ Extra *nxt = allocExtra(thisns, n);
+ e->setNext( nxt->ofsFrom(this) );
+ e = nxt;
+ }
+ verify( _extraOffset );
+ }
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails *NamespaceDetails::writingWithExtra() {
+ vector< pair< long long, unsigned > > writeRanges;
+ writeRanges.push_back( make_pair( 0, sizeof( NamespaceDetails ) ) );
+ for( Extra *e = extra(); e; e = e->next( this ) ) {
+ writeRanges.push_back( make_pair( (char*)e - (char*)this, sizeof( Extra ) ) );
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast< NamespaceDetails* >( getDur().writingRangesAtOffsets( this, writeRanges ) );
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setMaxCappedDocs( long long max ) {
+ massert( 16499,
+ "max in a capped collection has to be < 2^31 or -1",
+ validMaxCappedDocs( &max ) );
+ _maxDocsInCapped = max;
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::validMaxCappedDocs( long long* max ) {
+ if ( *max <= 0 ||
+ *max == numeric_limits<long long>::max() ) {
+ *max = 0x7fffffff;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( *max < ( 0x1LL << 31 ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ long long NamespaceDetails::maxCappedDocs() const {
+ verify( isCapped() );
+ if ( _maxDocsInCapped == 0x7fffffff )
+ return numeric_limits<long long>::max();
+ return _maxDocsInCapped;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void NamespaceDetails::setSystemFlag( int flag ) {
+ getDur().writingInt(_systemFlags) |= flag;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::clearSystemFlag( int flag ) {
+ getDur().writingInt(_systemFlags) &= ~flag;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setLastExtentSize( int newMax ) {
+ if ( _lastExtentSize == newMax )
+ return;
+ getDur().writingInt(_lastExtentSize) = newMax;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::incrementStats( long long dataSizeIncrement,
+ long long numRecordsIncrement ) {
+ // durability todo : this could be a bit annoying / slow to record constantly
+ Stats* s = getDur().writing( &_stats );
+ s->datasize += dataSizeIncrement;
+ s->nrecords += numRecordsIncrement;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setStats( long long dataSize,
+ long long numRecords ) {
+ Stats* s = getDur().writing( &_stats );
+ s->datasize = dataSize;
+ s->nrecords = numRecords;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setFirstExtent( DiskLoc newFirstExtent ) {
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( _firstExtent ) = newFirstExtent;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setLastExtent( DiskLoc newLastExtent ) {
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( _lastExtent ) = newLastExtent;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setFirstExtentInvalid() {
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( _firstExtent ).setInvalid();
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setLastExtentInvalid() {
+ getDur().writingDiskLoc( _lastExtent ).setInvalid();
+ }
+ /**
+ * // TODO: this should move to Collection
+ * keeping things in sync this way is a bit of a hack
+ * and the fact that we have to pass in ns again
+ * should be changed, just not sure to what
+ */
+ void NamespaceDetails::syncUserFlags( const string& ns ) {
+ Lock::assertWriteLocked( ns );
+ string system_namespaces = nsToDatabaseSubstring(ns).toString() + ".system.namespaces";
+ DiskLoc oldLocation = Helpers::findOne( system_namespaces, BSON( "name" << ns ), false );
+ fassert( 17247, !oldLocation.isNull() );
+ Collection* coll = cc().database()->getCollection( system_namespaces );
+ BSONObj oldEntry = coll->docFor( oldLocation );
+ BSONObj newEntry = applyUpdateOperators( oldEntry , BSON( "$set" << BSON( "options.flags" << userFlags() ) ) );
+ StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = coll->updateDocument( oldLocation, newEntry, false, NULL );
+ if ( !loc.isOK() ) {
+ // TODO: should this be an fassert?
+ error() << "syncUserFlags failed! "
+ << " ns: " << ns
+ << " error: " << loc.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::setUserFlag( int flags ) {
+ if ( ( _userFlags & flags ) == flags )
+ return false;
+ getDur().writingInt(_userFlags) |= flags;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::clearUserFlag( int flags ) {
+ if ( ( _userFlags & flags ) == 0 )
+ return false;
+ getDur().writingInt(_userFlags) &= ~flags;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool NamespaceDetails::replaceUserFlags( int flags ) {
+ if ( flags == _userFlags )
+ return false;
+ getDur().writingInt(_userFlags) = flags;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::setPaddingFactor( double paddingFactor ) {
+ if ( paddingFactor == _paddingFactor )
+ return;
+ if ( isCapped() )
+ return;
+ *getDur().writing(&_paddingFactor) = paddingFactor;
+ }
+ int NamespaceDetails::getRecordAllocationSize( int minRecordSize ) {
+ if ( isCapped() )
+ return minRecordSize;
+ if ( _paddingFactor == 0 ) {
+ warning() << "implicit updgrade of paddingFactor of very old collection" << endl;
+ setPaddingFactor(1.0);
+ }
+ verify( _paddingFactor >= 1 );
+ if ( isUserFlagSet( Flag_UsePowerOf2Sizes ) ) {
+ // quantize to the nearest bucketSize (or nearest 1mb boundary for large sizes).
+ return quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace(minRecordSize);
+ }
+ // adjust for padding factor
+ return static_cast<int>(minRecordSize * _paddingFactor);
+ }
+ /* remove bit from a bit array - actually remove its slot, not a clear
+ note: this function does not work with x == 63 -- that is ok
+ but keep in mind in the future if max indexes were extended to
+ exactly 64 it would be a problem
+ */
+ unsigned long long removeAndSlideBit(unsigned long long b, int x) {
+ unsigned long long tmp = b;
+ return
+ (tmp & ((((unsigned long long) 1) << x)-1)) |
+ ((tmp >> (x+1)) << x);
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::_removeIndexFromMe( int idxNumber ) {
+ // TODO: don't do this whole thing, do it piece meal for readability
+ NamespaceDetails* d = writingWithExtra();
+ // fix the _multiKeyIndexBits, by moving all bits above me down one
+ d->_multiKeyIndexBits = removeAndSlideBit(d->_multiKeyIndexBits, idxNumber);
+ if ( idxNumber >= _nIndexes )
+ d->_indexBuildsInProgress--;
+ else
+ d->_nIndexes--;
+ for ( int i = idxNumber; i < getTotalIndexCount(); i++ )
+ d->idx(i) = d->idx(i+1);
+ d->idx( getTotalIndexCount() ) = IndexDetails();
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::swapIndex( int a, int b ) {
+ // flip main meta data
+ IndexDetails temp = idx(a);
+ *getDur().writing(&idx(a)) = idx(b);
+ *getDur().writing(&idx(b)) = temp;
+ // flip multi key bits
+ bool tempMultikey = isMultikey(a);
+ setIndexIsMultikey( a, isMultikey(b) );
+ setIndexIsMultikey( b, tempMultikey );
+ }
+ void NamespaceDetails::orphanDeletedList() {
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ _deletedList[i].writing().Null();
+ }
+ }
+ int NamespaceDetails::_catalogFindIndexByName(const StringData& name,
+ bool includeBackgroundInProgress) {
+ IndexIterator i = ii(includeBackgroundInProgress);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ if ( name =="name") )
+ return i.pos()-1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ bool legalClientSystemNS( const StringData& ns , bool write ) {
+ if( ns == "local.system.replset" ) return true;
+ if ( ns.find( ".system.users" ) != string::npos )
+ return true;
+ if ( ns == "admin.system.roles" ) return true;
+ if ( ns == "admin.system.version" ) return true;
+ if ( ns == "admin.system.new_users" ) return true;
+ if ( ns == "admin.system.backup_users" ) return true;
+ if ( ns.find( ".system.js" ) != string::npos ) {
+ if ( write )
+ Scope::storedFuncMod();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ class IndexUpdateTest : public StartupTest {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(1, 0) == 0 );
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(2, 0) == 1 );
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(2, 1) == 0 );
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(255, 1) == 127 );
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(21, 2) == 9 );
+ verify( removeAndSlideBit(0x4000000000000001ULL, 62) == 1 );
+ }
+ } iu_unittest;
+} // namespace mongo