path: root/src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp
diff options
authorDan Larkin-York <>2021-11-12 18:41:17 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2021-11-12 19:29:29 +0000
commit884ef327bd9b2cb630deb833c275d1de29fc58ea (patch)
tree3c12746d39c87212bbe471c27c1f1dbafac365af /src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp
parent96c864de616fb9e482fb6708a8f7da432042b8ec (diff)
SERVER-60978 Refactor timeseries::MinMax and re-use for bucket schema
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp')
1 files changed, 914 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp b/src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..595dde0942f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
+ * as published by MongoDB, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Server Side Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
+ * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
+ * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
+ * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
+ * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
+ * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
+ * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+ * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
+ * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
+ * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
+ * it in the license file.
+ */
+#include "mongo/db/timeseries/flat_bson.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
+#include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
+#include "mongo/db/update/document_diff_serialization.h"
+namespace mongo::timeseries {
+namespace {
+constexpr int32_t kMaxLinearSearchLength = 12;
+constexpr StringData kArrayFieldName =
+ "\0"_sd; // Use a string that is illegal to represent fields in BSON
+int typeComp(const BSONElement& elem, BSONType type) {
+ return elem.canonicalType() - canonicalizeBSONType(type);
+} // namespace
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::type() const {
+ return _type;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+const Value& FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::value() const {
+ return _value;
+ * Flag to indicate if this Data was updated since last clear.
+ */
+template <class Element, class Value>
+bool FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::updated() const {
+ return _updated;
+ * Clear update flag.
+ */
+template <class Element, class Value>
+void FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::clearUpdated() {
+ _updated = false;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+void FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::setUnset() {
+ _type = Type::kUnset;
+ _updated = false;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+void FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::setObject() {
+ _type = Type::kObject;
+ _updated = true;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+void FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::setArray() {
+ _type = Type::kArray;
+ _updated = true;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+void FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data::setValue(const BSONElement& elem) {
+ _value.set(elem);
+ _type = Type::kValue;
+ _updated = true;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::Iterator(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Entries::iterator pos)
+ : _pos(pos) {}
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::pointer FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::
+operator->() {
+ return &_pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::reference
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::operator*() {
+ return _pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator& FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::
+operator++() {
+ _pos += _pos->_offsetEnd;
+ return *this;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+bool FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::operator==(
+ const FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator& rhs) const {
+ return _pos == rhs._pos;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+bool FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator::operator!=(
+ const FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator& rhs) const {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+template <class Element, class Value>
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::ConstIterator(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Entries::const_iterator pos)
+ : _pos(pos) {}
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::pointer
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::operator->() const {
+ return &_pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::reference
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::operator*() const {
+ return _pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator&
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::operator++() {
+ _pos += _pos->_offsetEnd;
+ return *this;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+bool FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::operator==(const ConstIterator& rhs) const {
+ return _pos == rhs._pos;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+bool FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator::operator!=(
+ const FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator& rhs) const {
+ return !operator==(rhs);
+template <class Element, class Value>
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::Obj(
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Entries& entries,
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Entries::iterator pos)
+ : _entries(entries), _pos(pos) {}
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj& FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::operator=(
+ const FlatBSONStore::Obj& rhs) {
+ if (this != &rhs) {
+ _pos = rhs._pos;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::object(
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator pos) const {
+ return {_entries, pos._pos};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::parent() const {
+ return {_entries, _pos - _pos->_offsetParent};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::iterator()
+ const {
+ return {_pos};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+Element& FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::element() {
+ return _pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+const Element& FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::element() const {
+ return _pos->_element;
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::search(
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator first,
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator last,
+ StringData fieldName) {
+ // Use fast lookup if available.
+ if (_pos->_fieldNameToIndex) {
+ auto it = _pos->_fieldNameToIndex->find(fieldName);
+ if (it == _pos->_fieldNameToIndex->end()) {
+ return last;
+ }
+ return {_pos + it->second};
+ }
+ // Perform linear search forward.
+ int remainingLinearSearch = kMaxLinearSearchLength;
+ for (; first != last && remainingLinearSearch != 0; ++first, --remainingLinearSearch) {
+ // Entry found.
+ if (first->fieldName() == fieldName) {
+ return first;
+ }
+ // Found entry that is used for an Array, we can claim this field.
+ if (first->isArrayFieldName()) {
+ first->claimArrayFieldNameForObject(fieldName.toString());
+ return first;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return if we reached our end when doing linear search.
+ if (first == last) {
+ return last;
+ }
+ // We've exhausted the linear search limit, create a map to speedup future searches. Populate it
+ // with all current subelements.
+ _pos->_fieldNameToIndex = std::make_unique<StringMap<uint32_t>>();
+ auto it = begin();
+ auto itEnd = end();
+ for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
+ (*_pos->_fieldNameToIndex)[it->fieldName().toString()] = it._pos->_offsetParent;
+ }
+ // Retry the search now when the map is created.
+ return search(first, last, fieldName);
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::search(
+ FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator first, StringData fieldName) {
+ return search(first, end(), fieldName);
+template <class Element, class Value>
+std::pair<typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator,
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator>
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::insert(FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator pos,
+ std::string fieldName) {
+ // Remember our iterator position so we can restore it after inserting a new element.
+ auto index = std::distance(_entries.begin(), _pos);
+ auto inserted = _entries.emplace(pos._pos);
+ _pos = _entries.begin() + index;
+ // Setup our newly created entry.
+ inserted->_offsetEnd = 1; // no subelements
+ inserted->_element.setFieldName(std::move(fieldName));
+ inserted->_offsetParent = std::distance(_pos, inserted);
+ // Also store our offset in the fast lookup map if it is available.
+ if (_pos->_fieldNameToIndex) {
+ _pos->_fieldNameToIndex->emplace(inserted->_element.fieldName(), inserted->_offsetParent);
+ }
+ // We need to traverse the hiearchy up to the root and modify stored offsets to account for
+ // this newly created entry. All entries with subobjects got their end-offset pushed by one.
+ // All siblings after this entry got their offset to the parent pushed by one.
+ auto it = inserted;
+ auto parent = _pos;
+ // Root object has "self" as parent.
+ while (it != parent) {
+ ++parent->_offsetEnd;
+ auto next = std::next(Iterator(it));
+ auto end = Iterator(parent + parent->_offsetEnd);
+ for (; next != end; ++next) {
+ ++next._pos->_offsetParent;
+ if (parent->_fieldNameToIndex) {
+ ++parent->_fieldNameToIndex->at(next._pos->_element.fieldName());
+ }
+ }
+ it = parent;
+ parent = parent - parent->_offsetParent;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(Iterator(inserted), end());
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::begin() {
+ return {_pos + 1};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::end() {
+ return {_pos + _pos->_offsetEnd};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::begin()
+ const {
+ return {_pos + 1};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::ConstIterator FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj::end()
+ const {
+ return {_pos + _pos->_offsetEnd};
+template <class Element, class Value>
+FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::FlatBSONStore() {
+ auto& entry = entries.emplace_back();
+ entry._offsetEnd = 1;
+ entry._offsetParent = 0;
+ entry._element.initializeRoot();
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::UpdateStatus FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::update(
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ boost::optional<StringData> omitField,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) {
+ auto obj = _store.root();
+ return _updateObj(obj, doc, {}, stringComparator, [&omitField](StringData fieldName) {
+ return omitField && fieldName == omitField;
+ });
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+std::tuple<typename FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::UpdateStatus,
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator,
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator>
+FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_update(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj obj,
+ BSONElement elem,
+ typename Element::UpdateContext updateValues,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) {
+ UpdateStatus status{UpdateStatus::Updated};
+ if (elem.type() == Object) {
+ std::tie(status, updateValues) = Derived::_shouldUpdateObj(obj, elem, updateValues);
+ // Compare objects element-wise if the stored data may need to be updated.
+ if (status == UpdateStatus::Updated) {
+ status = _updateObj(
+ obj, elem.Obj(), updateValues, stringComparator, [](StringData fieldName) {
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (elem.type() == Array) {
+ std::tie(status, updateValues) = Derived::_shouldUpdateArr(obj, elem, updateValues);
+ // Compare objects element-wise if the stored data may need to be updated.
+ if (status == UpdateStatus::Updated) {
+ // Use Obj() instead of Array() to avoid instantiating a temporary std::vector.
+ auto elemArray = elem.Obj();
+ auto elemIt = elemArray.begin();
+ auto elemEnd = elemArray.end();
+ auto it = obj.begin();
+ auto end = obj.end();
+ for (; elemIt != elemEnd && status != UpdateStatus::Failed; ++elemIt) {
+ UpdateStatus subStatus{UpdateStatus::NoChange};
+ if (it == end) {
+ std::tie(it, end) = obj.insert(it, kArrayFieldName.toString());
+ }
+ std::tie(subStatus, it, end) =
+ _update(obj.object(it), *elemIt, updateValues, stringComparator);
+ if (subStatus != UpdateStatus::NoChange) {
+ status = subStatus;
+ }
+ obj = obj.object(it).parent();
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For all scalar types, just update the value directly if needed.
+ status = Derived::_maybeUpdateValue(obj, elem, updateValues, stringComparator);
+ }
+ return {status, obj.iterator(), obj.parent().end()};
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+typename FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::UpdateStatus
+FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_updateObj(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj& obj,
+ const BSONObj& doc,
+ typename Element::UpdateContext updateContext,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator,
+ std::function<bool(StringData)> skipFieldFn) {
+ auto it = obj.begin();
+ auto end = obj.end();
+ int allHandledOffset = 0;
+ bool skipped = false;
+ UpdateStatus status{UpdateStatus::NoChange};
+ for (auto&& elem : doc) {
+ StringData fieldName = elem.fieldNameStringData();
+ if (skipFieldFn(fieldName)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (it == end && skipped) {
+ // If we are at end but have skipped elements along the way we need to go back and
+ // search in the skipped elements. We do not have to search over the consecutive range
+ // in the beginning of elements already handled.
+ auto begin = obj.begin();
+ std::advance(begin, allHandledOffset);
+ it =, fieldName);
+ }
+ if (it == end) {
+ // Field missing, we need to insert it at the end so we preserve the input field order.
+ std::tie(it, end) = obj.insert(it, fieldName.toString());
+ } else if (it->isArrayFieldName()) {
+ // Entry is only used for Arrays, we can claim the field name.
+ it->claimArrayFieldNameForObject(fieldName.toString());
+ } else if (it->fieldName() != fieldName) {
+ // Traversing the FlatBSONStore structure in lock-step with the input document resulted
+ // in a miss. This means one of two things. (1) The input document does not contain all
+ // prevously-encountered fields and we need to skip over missing ones. Or (2) the input
+ // document has a different internal field order than previous inserts. We begin by
+ // searching forward to see if we are case (1).
+ auto found =, fieldName);
+ if (found == end) {
+ // Field not found. We can either be in case (2) or this is a new field that needs
+ // to be inserted.
+ if (skipped) {
+ // Search over the skipped elements in case we are actually in case (2).
+ auto begin = obj.begin();
+ std::advance(begin, allHandledOffset);
+ found =, it, fieldName);
+ if (found == it) {
+ // Still not found, insert the new field. Location doesn't matter much
+ // as we are operating on incoming documents of different field orders.
+ // Select the point we know furthest back.
+ std::tie(it, end) = obj.insert(it, fieldName.toString());
+ } else {
+ it = found;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // All previous elements have been found as we have never skipped, proceed
+ // with inserting this new field.
+ std::tie(it, end) = obj.insert(it, fieldName.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ it = found;
+ skipped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // It points to either a found existing or a newly inserted entry at this point. Recursively
+ // update it.
+ UpdateStatus subStatus{UpdateStatus::NoChange};
+ std::tie(subStatus, it, end) =
+ _update(obj.object(it), elem, updateContext, stringComparator);
+ if (subStatus != UpdateStatus::NoChange) {
+ status = subStatus;
+ }
+ // Re-construct obj from the returned iterator. If an insert was performed inside
+ // _update it would dangle.
+ obj = obj.object(it).parent();
+ // Advance iterator and advance the all handled offset if we have not skipped anything.
+ ++it;
+ if (!skipped) {
+ ++allHandledOffset;
+ }
+ if (status == UpdateStatus::Failed) {
+ // We can fail early to save some time iterating over the rest of the structure.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+void FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_append(typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj obj,
+ BSONObjBuilder* builder,
+ GetDataFn getData) {
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
+ const auto& data = getData(*it);
+ if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kValue) {
+ builder->appendAs(data.value().get(), it->fieldName());
+ } else if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subObj(builder->subobjStart(it->fieldName()));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subObj, getData);
+ } else if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder subArr(builder->subarrayStart(it->fieldName()));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subArr, getData);
+ }
+ if (data.updated())
+ _clearUpdated(it, getData);
+ }
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+void FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_append(typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj obj,
+ BSONArrayBuilder* builder,
+ GetDataFn getData) {
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
+ const auto& data = getData(*it);
+ if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kValue) {
+ builder->append(data.value().get());
+ } else if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subObj(builder->subobjStart());
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subObj, getData);
+ } else if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder subArr(builder->subarrayStart());
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subArr, getData);
+ }
+ if (data.updated())
+ _clearUpdated(it, getData);
+ }
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+bool FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_appendUpdates(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj obj, BSONObjBuilder* builder, GetDataFn getData) {
+ const typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Data& data = getData(obj.element());
+ invariant((data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject ||
+ data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray));
+ bool appended = false;
+ if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ bool hasUpdateSection = false;
+ BSONObjBuilder updateSection;
+ StringMap<BSONObj> subDiffs;
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
+ const auto& subdata = getData(*it);
+ if (subdata.updated()) {
+ if (subdata.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subObj(updateSection.subobjStart(it->fieldName()));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subObj, getData);
+ } else if (subdata.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder subArr(updateSection.subarrayStart(it->fieldName()));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subArr, getData);
+ } else {
+ updateSection.appendAs(subdata.value().get(), it->fieldName());
+ }
+ _clearUpdated(it, getData);
+ appended = true;
+ hasUpdateSection = true;
+ } else if (subdata.type() != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kValue &&
+ subdata.type() != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kUnset) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subDiff;
+ if (_appendUpdates(obj.object(it), &subDiff, getData)) {
+ // An update occurred at a lower level, so append the sub diff.
+ subDiffs[doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix + std::string(it->fieldName())] =
+ subDiff.obj();
+ appended = true;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasUpdateSection) {
+ builder->append(doc_diff::kUpdateSectionFieldName, updateSection.done());
+ }
+ // Sub diffs are required to come last.
+ for (auto& subDiff : subDiffs) {
+ builder->append(subDiff.first, std::move(subDiff.second));
+ }
+ } else {
+ builder->append(doc_diff::kArrayHeader, true);
+ DecimalCounter<size_t> count;
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
+ const auto& subdata = getData(*it);
+ if (subdata.updated()) {
+ std::string updateFieldName = str::stream()
+ << doc_diff::kUpdateSectionFieldName << StringData(count);
+ if (subdata.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subObj(builder->subobjStart(updateFieldName));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subObj, getData);
+ } else if (subdata.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder subArr(builder->subarrayStart(updateFieldName));
+ _append(obj.object(it), &subArr, getData);
+ } else {
+ builder->appendAs(subdata.value().get(), updateFieldName);
+ }
+ _clearUpdated(it, getData);
+ appended = true;
+ } else if (subdata.type() != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kValue &&
+ subdata.type() != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kUnset) {
+ BSONObjBuilder subDiff;
+ if (_appendUpdates(obj.object(it), &subDiff, getData)) {
+ // An update occurred at a lower level, so append the sub diff.
+ builder->append(str::stream() << doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix
+ << StringData(count),
+ subDiff.done());
+ appended = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ return appended;
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+void FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_clearUpdated(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Iterator elem, GetDataFn getData) {
+ auto& data = getData(*elem);
+ data.clearUpdated();
+ if (data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject ||
+ data.type() == FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ auto obj = _store.root().object(elem);
+ for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
+ _clearUpdated(it, getData);
+ }
+ }
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+void FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_setTypeObject(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj& obj, GetDataFn getData) {
+ auto prev = getData(obj.element()).type();
+ if (prev != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kObject) {
+ getData(obj.element()).setObject();
+ for (auto& subelem : obj) {
+ getData(subelem).setUnset();
+ }
+ }
+template <class Derived, class Element, class Value>
+template <typename GetDataFn>
+void FlatBSON<Derived, Element, Value>::_setTypeArray(
+ typename FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Obj& obj, GetDataFn getData) {
+ auto prev = getData(obj.element()).type();
+ if (prev != FlatBSONStore<Element, Value>::Type::kArray) {
+ getData(obj.element()).setArray();
+ for (auto& subelem : obj) {
+ getData(subelem).setUnset();
+ }
+ }
+BSONElement BSONElementValue::get() const {
+ return BSONElement(_buffer.get(), 1, _size, BSONElement::CachedSizeTag{});
+void BSONElementValue::set(const BSONElement& elem) {
+ auto requiredSize = elem.size() - elem.fieldNameSize() + 1;
+ if (_size < requiredSize) {
+ _buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(requiredSize);
+ }
+ // Store element as BSONElement buffer but strip out the field name.
+ _buffer[0] = elem.type();
+ _buffer[1] = '\0';
+ memcpy(_buffer.get() + 2, elem.value(), elem.valuesize());
+ _size = requiredSize;
+BSONType BSONElementValue::type() const {
+ return (BSONType)_buffer[0];
+BSONElement BSONTypeValue::get() const {
+void BSONTypeValue::set(const BSONElement& elem) {
+ _type = elem.type();
+BSONType BSONTypeValue::type() const {
+ return _type;
+StringData Element::fieldName() const {
+ return _fieldName;
+void Element::setFieldName(std::string&& fieldName) {
+ _fieldName = std::move(fieldName);
+bool Element::isArrayFieldName() const {
+ return _fieldName == kArrayFieldName;
+void Element::claimArrayFieldNameForObject(std::string name) {
+ invariant(isArrayFieldName());
+ _fieldName = std::move(name);
+void MinMaxElement::initializeRoot() {
+ _min.setObject();
+ _max.setObject();
+MinMaxStore::Data& MinMaxElement::min() {
+ return _min;
+const MinMaxStore::Data& MinMaxElement::min() const {
+ return _min;
+MinMaxStore::Data& MinMaxElement::max() {
+ return _max;
+const MinMaxStore::Data& MinMaxElement::max() const {
+ return _max;
+std::pair<MinMax::UpdateStatus, MinMaxElement::UpdateContext> MinMax::_shouldUpdateObj(
+ MinMaxStore::Obj& obj, const BSONElement& elem, MinMaxElement::UpdateContext updateValues) {
+ auto shouldUpdateObject = [&](MinMaxStore::Data& data, auto comp) {
+ return data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kObject ||
+ data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kUnset ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kArray && comp(typeComp(elem, Array), 0)) ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kValue &&
+ comp(typeComp(elem, data.value().type()), 0));
+ };
+ bool updateMin = updateValues.min && shouldUpdateObject(obj.element().min(), std::less<int>{});
+ if (updateMin) {
+ _setTypeObject(obj, GetMin{});
+ }
+ bool updateMax =
+ updateValues.max && shouldUpdateObject(obj.element().max(), std::greater<int>{});
+ if (updateMax) {
+ _setTypeObject(obj, GetMax{});
+ }
+ return std::make_pair((updateMin || updateMax) ? UpdateStatus::Updated : UpdateStatus::NoChange,
+ MinMaxElement::UpdateContext{updateMin, updateMax});
+std::pair<MinMax::UpdateStatus, MinMaxElement::UpdateContext> MinMax::_shouldUpdateArr(
+ MinMaxStore::Obj& obj, const BSONElement& elem, MinMaxElement::UpdateContext updateValues) {
+ auto shouldUpdateArray = [&](MinMaxStore::Data& data, auto comp) {
+ return data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kArray ||
+ data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kUnset ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kObject && comp(typeComp(elem, Object), 0)) ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kValue &&
+ comp(typeComp(elem, data.value().type()), 0));
+ };
+ bool updateMin = updateValues.min && shouldUpdateArray(obj.element().min(), std::less<int>{});
+ if (updateMin) {
+ _setTypeArray(obj, GetMin{});
+ }
+ bool updateMax =
+ updateValues.max && shouldUpdateArray(obj.element().max(), std::greater<int>{});
+ if (updateMax) {
+ _setTypeArray(obj, GetMax{});
+ }
+ return std::make_pair((updateMin || updateMax) ? UpdateStatus::Updated : UpdateStatus::NoChange,
+ MinMaxElement::UpdateContext{updateMin, updateMax});
+MinMax::UpdateStatus MinMax::_maybeUpdateValue(
+ MinMaxStore::Obj& obj,
+ const BSONElement& elem,
+ MinMaxElement::UpdateContext updateValues,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) {
+ auto maybeUpdateValue = [&](MinMaxStore::Data& data, auto comp) {
+ if (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kUnset ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kObject && comp(typeComp(elem, Object), 0)) ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kArray && comp(typeComp(elem, Array), 0)) ||
+ (data.type() == MinMaxStore::Type::kValue &&
+ comp(elem.woCompare(data.value().get(), false, stringComparator), 0))) {
+ data.setValue(elem);
+ }
+ };
+ if (updateValues.min) {
+ maybeUpdateValue(obj.element().min(), std::less<>{});
+ }
+ if (updateValues.max) {
+ maybeUpdateValue(obj.element().max(), std::greater<>{});
+ }
+ return (updateValues.min || updateValues.max) ? UpdateStatus::Updated : UpdateStatus::NoChange;
+BSONObj MinMax::min() {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ _append(_store.root(), &builder, GetMin());
+ return builder.obj();
+BSONObj MinMax::max() {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ _append(_store.root(), &builder, GetMax());
+ return builder.obj();
+BSONObj MinMax::minUpdates() {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto appended = _appendUpdates(_store.root(), &builder, GetMin());
+ return builder.obj();
+BSONObj MinMax::maxUpdates() {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto appended = _appendUpdates(_store.root(), &builder, GetMax());
+ return builder.obj();
+void SchemaElement::initializeRoot() {
+ _data.setObject();
+SchemaStore::Data& SchemaElement::data() {
+ return _data;
+const SchemaStore::Data& SchemaElement::data() const {
+ return _data;
+std::pair<Schema::UpdateStatus, SchemaElement::UpdateContext> Schema::_shouldUpdateObj(
+ SchemaStore::Obj& obj, const BSONElement& elem, SchemaElement::UpdateContext) {
+ UpdateStatus status{UpdateStatus::Updated};
+ SchemaStore::Data& data = obj.element().data();
+ if (data.type() == SchemaStore::Type::kUnset) {
+ _setTypeObject(obj, GetData{});
+ } else if (data.type() != SchemaStore::Type::kObject) {
+ // Type mismatch
+ status = UpdateStatus::Failed;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(status, SchemaElement::UpdateContext{});
+std::pair<Schema::UpdateStatus, SchemaElement::UpdateContext> Schema::_shouldUpdateArr(
+ SchemaStore::Obj& obj, const BSONElement& elem, SchemaElement::UpdateContext) {
+ UpdateStatus status{UpdateStatus::Updated};
+ SchemaStore::Data& data = obj.element().data();
+ if (data.type() == SchemaStore::Type::kUnset) {
+ _setTypeArray(obj, GetData{});
+ } else if (data.type() != SchemaStore::Type::kArray) {
+ // Type mismatch
+ status = UpdateStatus::Failed;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(status, SchemaElement::UpdateContext{});
+Schema::UpdateStatus Schema::_maybeUpdateValue(
+ SchemaStore::Obj& obj,
+ const BSONElement& elem,
+ SchemaElement::UpdateContext,
+ const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) {
+ UpdateStatus status{UpdateStatus::Updated};
+ SchemaStore::Data& data = obj.element().data();
+ if (data.type() == SchemaStore::Type::kUnset) {
+ data.setValue(elem);
+ } else if (typeComp(elem, data.value().type()) != 0) {
+ // Type mismatch
+ status = UpdateStatus::Failed;
+ }
+ return status;
+// Instantiations.
+template class FlatBSONStore<MinMaxElement, BSONElementValue>;
+template class FlatBSON<MinMax, MinMaxElement, BSONElementValue>;
+template class FlatBSONStore<SchemaElement, BSONTypeValue>;
+template class FlatBSON<Schema, SchemaElement, BSONTypeValue>;
+} // namespace mongo::timeseries