path: root/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp
diff options
authorGreg Studer <>2013-11-11 18:02:26 -0500
committerGreg Studer <>2013-11-11 23:11:07 +0000
commit93f76a53ba6e6c779604c1bfb0581b69c86a0c4f (patch)
tree3ddda7274079184bda5d3f1e73df3da40cdb9eae /src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp
parenta2dbf35932d0cdd1fe54eb11a36f9bcde60b7333 (diff)
SERVER-10818 reorganize all the write commmand stuff in a folder
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..827f60865a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "mongo/s/write_ops/batched_update_request.h"
+#include "mongo/db/field_parser.h"
+#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
+namespace mongo {
+ using mongoutils::str::stream;
+ const std::string BatchedUpdateRequest::BATCHED_UPDATE_REQUEST = "update";
+ const BSONField<std::string> BatchedUpdateRequest::collName("update");
+ const BSONField<std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*> > BatchedUpdateRequest::updates("updates");
+ const BSONField<BSONObj> BatchedUpdateRequest::writeConcern("writeConcern");
+ const BSONField<bool> BatchedUpdateRequest::ordered("ordered", true);
+ const BSONField<ChunkVersion> BatchedUpdateRequest::shardVersion("shardVersion");
+ const BSONField<long long> BatchedUpdateRequest::session("session");
+ BatchedUpdateRequest::BatchedUpdateRequest() {
+ clear();
+ }
+ BatchedUpdateRequest::~BatchedUpdateRequest() {
+ unsetUpdates();
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isValid(std::string* errMsg) const {
+ std::string dummy;
+ if (errMsg == NULL) {
+ errMsg = &dummy;
+ }
+ // All the mandatory fields must be present.
+ if (!_isCollNameSet) {
+ *errMsg = stream() << "missing " << << " field";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!_isUpdatesSet) {
+ *errMsg = stream() << "missing " << << " field";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ BSONObj BatchedUpdateRequest::toBSON() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder builder;
+ if (_isCollNameSet) builder.append(collName(), _collName);
+ if (_isUpdatesSet) {
+ BSONArrayBuilder updatesBuilder(builder.subarrayStart(updates()));
+ for (std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>::const_iterator it = _updates.begin();
+ it != _updates.end();
+ ++it) {
+ BSONObj updateDocument = (*it)->toBSON();
+ updatesBuilder.append(updateDocument);
+ }
+ updatesBuilder.done();
+ }
+ if (_isWriteConcernSet) builder.append(writeConcern(), _writeConcern);
+ if (_isOrderedSet) builder.append(ordered(), _ordered);
+ if (_shardVersion.get()) {
+ // ChunkVersion wants to be an array.
+ builder.append(shardVersion(), static_cast<BSONArray>(_shardVersion->toBSON()));
+ }
+ if (_isSessionSet) builder.append(session(), _session);
+ return builder.obj();
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::parseBSON(const BSONObj& source, string* errMsg) {
+ clear();
+ std::string dummy;
+ if (!errMsg) errMsg = &dummy;
+ FieldParser::FieldState fieldState;
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, collName, &_collName, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ _isCollNameSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, updates, &_updates, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ _isUpdatesSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, writeConcern, &_writeConcern, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ _isWriteConcernSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, ordered, &_ordered, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ _isOrderedSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
+ ChunkVersion* tempChunkVersion = NULL;
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, shardVersion, &tempChunkVersion, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) _shardVersion.reset(tempChunkVersion);
+ fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, session, &_session, errMsg);
+ if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) return false;
+ _isSessionSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::clear() {
+ _collName.clear();
+ _isCollNameSet = false;
+ unsetUpdates();
+ _writeConcern = BSONObj();
+ _isWriteConcernSet = false;
+ _ordered = false;
+ _isOrderedSet = false;
+ _shardVersion.reset();
+ _session = 0;
+ _isSessionSet = false;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::cloneTo(BatchedUpdateRequest* other) const {
+ other->clear();
+ other->_collName = _collName;
+ other->_isCollNameSet = _isCollNameSet;
+ for(std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>::const_iterator it = _updates.begin();
+ it != _updates.end();
+ ++it) {
+ auto_ptr<BatchedUpdateDocument> tempBatchUpdateDocument(new BatchedUpdateDocument);
+ (*it)->cloneTo(tempBatchUpdateDocument.get());
+ other->addToUpdates(*it);
+ }
+ other->_isUpdatesSet = _isUpdatesSet;
+ other->_writeConcern = _writeConcern;
+ other->_isWriteConcernSet = _isWriteConcernSet;
+ other->_ordered = _ordered;
+ other->_isOrderedSet = _isOrderedSet;
+ if (other->_shardVersion.get()) _shardVersion->cloneTo(other->_shardVersion.get());
+ other->_session = _session;
+ other->_isSessionSet = _isSessionSet;
+ }
+ std::string BatchedUpdateRequest::toString() const {
+ return toBSON().toString();
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setCollName(const StringData& collName) {
+ _collName = collName.toString();
+ _isCollNameSet = true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetCollName() {
+ _isCollNameSet = false;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isCollNameSet() const {
+ return _isCollNameSet;
+ }
+ const std::string& BatchedUpdateRequest::getCollName() const {
+ dassert(_isCollNameSet);
+ return _collName;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setUpdates(const std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>& updates) {
+ unsetUpdates();
+ for (std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>::const_iterator it = updates.begin();
+ it != updates.end();
+ ++it) {
+ auto_ptr<BatchedUpdateDocument> tempBatchUpdateDocument(new BatchedUpdateDocument);
+ (*it)->cloneTo(tempBatchUpdateDocument.get());
+ addToUpdates(tempBatchUpdateDocument.release());
+ }
+ _isUpdatesSet = updates.size() > 0;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::addToUpdates(BatchedUpdateDocument* updates) {
+ _updates.push_back(updates);
+ _isUpdatesSet = true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetUpdates() {
+ for(std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>::iterator it = _updates.begin();
+ it != _updates.end();
+ ++it) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+ _updates.clear();
+ _isUpdatesSet = false;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isUpdatesSet() const {
+ return _isUpdatesSet;
+ }
+ size_t BatchedUpdateRequest::sizeUpdates() const {
+ return _updates.size();
+ }
+ const std::vector<BatchedUpdateDocument*>& BatchedUpdateRequest::getUpdates() const {
+ dassert(_isUpdatesSet);
+ return _updates;
+ }
+ const BatchedUpdateDocument* BatchedUpdateRequest::getUpdatesAt(size_t pos) const {
+ dassert(_isUpdatesSet);
+ dassert(_updates.size() > pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setWriteConcern(const BSONObj& writeConcern) {
+ _writeConcern = writeConcern.getOwned();
+ _isWriteConcernSet = true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetWriteConcern() {
+ _isWriteConcernSet = false;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isWriteConcernSet() const {
+ return _isWriteConcernSet;
+ }
+ const BSONObj& BatchedUpdateRequest::getWriteConcern() const {
+ dassert(_isWriteConcernSet);
+ return _writeConcern;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setOrdered(bool ordered) {
+ _ordered = ordered;
+ _isOrderedSet = true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetOrdered() {
+ _isOrderedSet = false;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isOrderedSet() const {
+ return _isOrderedSet;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::getOrdered() const {
+ if (_isOrderedSet) {
+ return _ordered;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ordered.getDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setShardVersion(const ChunkVersion& shardVersion) {
+ auto_ptr<ChunkVersion> temp(new ChunkVersion);
+ shardVersion.cloneTo(temp.get());
+ _shardVersion.reset(temp.release());
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetShardVersion() {
+ _shardVersion.reset();
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isShardVersionSet() const {
+ return _shardVersion.get() != NULL;
+ }
+ const ChunkVersion& BatchedUpdateRequest::getShardVersion() const {
+ dassert(_shardVersion.get());
+ return *_shardVersion;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::setSession(long long session) {
+ _session = session;
+ _isSessionSet = true;
+ }
+ void BatchedUpdateRequest::unsetSession() {
+ _isSessionSet = false;
+ }
+ bool BatchedUpdateRequest::isSessionSet() const {
+ return _isSessionSet;
+ }
+ long long BatchedUpdateRequest::getSession() const {
+ dassert(_isSessionSet);
+ return _session;
+ }
+} // namespace mongo