path: root/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests
diff options
authorGregory Noma <>2022-01-28 14:12:28 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-01-28 14:52:52 +0000
commitb0efdc89bb2b716e08587c196d81acaf8884bd7b (patch)
treefe065c3c82e1fecc36db30111a0bc64fad63c102 /src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests
parentedceb0c5e345f15f660776ded34b3f5e3245533d (diff)
SERVER-49230 Upgrade Zstandard to 1.5.1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests')
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/dict-files/zero-weight-dictbin0 -> 153 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/huffman-compressed-largerbin0 -> 143 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbolsbin0 -> 1000 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/hufts-segv.gzbin0 -> 425 bytes
98 files changed, 28070 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/.gitignore b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a6939a5766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# local binary (Makefile)
+# test artifacts
+# Tmp test directory
+# fuzzer
+# Local script
+# Generic Object files
+# Generic Executables
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..665e0a7f91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Przemyslaw Skibinski, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ##########################################################################
+# Limitations:
+# - doesn't support filenames with spaces
+# - dir1/zstd and dir2/zstd will be merged in a single results file
+import argparse
+import os # getloadavg
+import string
+import subprocess
+import time # strftime
+import traceback
+import hashlib
+import platform # system
+script_version = 'v1.1.2 (2017-03-26)'
+default_repo_url = ''
+working_dir_name = 'speedTest'
+working_path = os.getcwd() + '/' + working_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest
+clone_path = working_path + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest/zstd
+email_header = 'ZSTD_speedTest'
+pid = str(os.getpid())
+verbose = False
+clang_version = "unknown"
+gcc_version = "unknown"
+args = None
+def hashfile(hasher, fname, blocksize=65536):
+ with open(fname, "rb") as f:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
+ hasher.update(chunk)
+ return hasher.hexdigest()
+def log(text):
+ print(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + ' - ' + text)
+def execute(command, print_command=True, print_output=False, print_error=True, param_shell=True):
+ if print_command:
+ log("> " + command)
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=param_shell, cwd=execute.cwd)
+ stdout_lines, stderr_lines = popen.communicate(timeout=args.timeout)
+ stderr_lines = stderr_lines.decode("utf-8")
+ stdout_lines = stdout_lines.decode("utf-8")
+ if print_output:
+ if stdout_lines:
+ print(stdout_lines)
+ if stderr_lines:
+ print(stderr_lines)
+ if popen.returncode is not None and popen.returncode != 0:
+ if stderr_lines and not print_output and print_error:
+ print(stderr_lines)
+ raise RuntimeError(stdout_lines + stderr_lines)
+ return (stdout_lines + stderr_lines).splitlines()
+execute.cwd = None
+def does_command_exist(command):
+ try:
+ execute(command, verbose, False, False)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return True
+def send_email(emails, topic, text, have_mutt, have_mail):
+ logFileName = working_path + '/' + 'tmpEmailContent'
+ with open(logFileName, "w") as myfile:
+ myfile.writelines(text)
+ myfile.close()
+ if have_mutt:
+ execute('mutt -s "' + topic + '" ' + emails + ' < ' + logFileName, verbose)
+ elif have_mail:
+ execute('mail -s "' + topic + '" ' + emails + ' < ' + logFileName, verbose)
+ else:
+ log("e-mail cannot be sent (mail or mutt not found)")
+def send_email_with_attachments(branch, commit, last_commit, args, text, results_files,
+ logFileName, have_mutt, have_mail):
+ with open(logFileName, "w") as myfile:
+ myfile.writelines(text)
+ myfile.close()
+ email_topic = '[%s:%s] Warning for %s:%s last_commit=%s speed<%s ratio<%s' \
+ % (email_header, pid, branch, commit, last_commit,
+ args.lowerLimit, args.ratioLimit)
+ if have_mutt:
+ execute('mutt -s "' + email_topic + '" ' + args.emails + ' -a ' + results_files
+ + ' < ' + logFileName)
+ elif have_mail:
+ execute('mail -s "' + email_topic + '" ' + args.emails + ' < ' + logFileName)
+ else:
+ log("e-mail cannot be sent (mail or mutt not found)")
+def git_get_branches():
+ execute('git fetch -p', verbose)
+ branches = execute('git branch -rl', verbose)
+ output = []
+ for line in branches:
+ if ("HEAD" not in line) and ("coverity_scan" not in line) and ("gh-pages" not in line):
+ output.append(line.strip())
+ return output
+def git_get_changes(branch, commit, last_commit):
+ fmt = '--format="%h: (%an) %s, %ar"'
+ if last_commit is None:
+ commits = execute('git log -n 10 %s %s' % (fmt, commit))
+ else:
+ commits = execute('git --no-pager log %s %s..%s' % (fmt, last_commit, commit))
+ return str('Changes in %s since %s:\n' % (branch, last_commit)) + '\n'.join(commits)
+def get_last_results(resultsFileName):
+ if not os.path.isfile(resultsFileName):
+ return None, None, None, None
+ commit = None
+ csize = []
+ cspeed = []
+ dspeed = []
+ with open(resultsFileName, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ words = line.split()
+ if len(words) <= 4: # branch + commit + compilerVer + md5
+ commit = words[1]
+ csize = []
+ cspeed = []
+ dspeed = []
+ if (len(words) == 8) or (len(words) == 9): # results: "filename" or "XX files"
+ csize.append(int(words[1]))
+ cspeed.append(float(words[3]))
+ dspeed.append(float(words[5]))
+ return commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed
+def benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName,
+ testFilePath, fileName, last_csize, last_cspeed, last_dspeed):
+ sleepTime = 30
+ while os.getloadavg()[0] > args.maxLoadAvg:
+ log("WARNING: bench loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s, sleeping for %s seconds"
+ % (os.getloadavg()[0], args.maxLoadAvg, sleepTime))
+ time.sleep(sleepTime)
+ start_load = str(os.getloadavg())
+ osType = platform.system()
+ if osType == 'Linux':
+ cpuSelector = "taskset --cpu-list 0"
+ else:
+ cpuSelector = ""
+ if args.dictionary:
+ result = execute('%s programs/%s -rqi5b1e%s -D %s %s' % (cpuSelector, executableName, args.lastCLevel, args.dictionary, testFilePath), print_output=True)
+ else:
+ result = execute('%s programs/%s -rqi5b1e%s %s' % (cpuSelector, executableName, args.lastCLevel, testFilePath), print_output=True)
+ end_load = str(os.getloadavg())
+ linesExpected = args.lastCLevel + 1
+ if len(result) != linesExpected:
+ raise RuntimeError("ERROR: number of result lines=%d is different that expected %d\n%s" % (len(result), linesExpected, '\n'.join(result)))
+ with open(resultsFileName, "a") as myfile:
+ myfile.write('%s %s %s md5=%s\n' % (branch, commit, compilerVersion, md5sum))
+ myfile.write('\n'.join(result) + '\n')
+ myfile.close()
+ if (last_cspeed == None):
+ log("WARNING: No data for comparison for branch=%s file=%s " % (branch, fileName))
+ return ""
+ commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_results(resultsFileName)
+ text = ""
+ for i in range(0, min(len(cspeed), len(last_cspeed))):
+ print("%s:%s -%d cSpeed=%6.2f cLast=%6.2f cDiff=%1.4f dSpeed=%6.2f dLast=%6.2f dDiff=%1.4f ratioDiff=%1.4f %s" % (branch, commit, i+1, cspeed[i], last_cspeed[i], cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i], dspeed[i], last_dspeed[i], dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i], float(last_csize[i])/csize[i], fileName))
+ if (cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i] < args.lowerLimit):
+ text += "WARNING: %s -%d cSpeed=%.2f cLast=%.2f cDiff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, cspeed[i], last_cspeed[i], cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i], fileName)
+ if (dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i] < args.lowerLimit):
+ text += "WARNING: %s -%d dSpeed=%.2f dLast=%.2f dDiff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, dspeed[i], last_dspeed[i], dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i], fileName)
+ if (float(last_csize[i])/csize[i] < args.ratioLimit):
+ text += "WARNING: %s -%d cSize=%d last_cSize=%d diff=%.4f %s\n" % (executableName, i+1, csize[i], last_csize[i], float(last_csize[i])/csize[i], fileName)
+ if text:
+ text = args.message + ("\nmaxLoadAvg=%s load average at start=%s end=%s\n%s last_commit=%s md5=%s\n" % (args.maxLoadAvg, start_load, end_load, compilerVersion, last_commit, md5sum)) + text
+ return text
+def update_config_file(branch, commit):
+ last_commit = None
+ commitFileName = working_path + "/commit_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + ".txt"
+ if os.path.isfile(commitFileName):
+ with open(commitFileName, 'r') as infile:
+ last_commit =
+ with open(commitFileName, 'w') as outfile:
+ outfile.write(commit)
+ return last_commit
+def double_check(branch, commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName):
+ last_commit, csize, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_results(resultsFileName)
+ if not args.dry_run:
+ text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName, csize, cspeed, dspeed)
+ if text:
+ log("WARNING: redoing tests for branch %s: commit %s" % (branch, commit))
+ text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, last_commit, args, executableName, md5sum, compilerVersion, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName, csize, cspeed, dspeed)
+ return text
+def test_commit(branch, commit, last_commit, args, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail):
+ local_branch = branch.split('/')[1]
+ version = local_branch.rpartition('-')[2] + '_' + commit
+ if not args.dry_run:
+ execute('make -C programs clean zstd CC=clang MOREFLAGS="-Werror -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -DZSTD_GIT_COMMIT=%s" && ' % version +
+ 'mv programs/zstd programs/zstd_clang && ' +
+ 'make -C programs clean zstd zstd32 MOREFLAGS="-DZSTD_GIT_COMMIT=%s"' % version)
+ md5_zstd = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd')
+ md5_zstd32 = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd32')
+ md5_zstd_clang = hashfile(hashlib.md5(), clone_path + '/programs/zstd_clang')
+ print("md5(zstd)=%s\nmd5(zstd32)=%s\nmd5(zstd_clang)=%s" % (md5_zstd, md5_zstd32, md5_zstd_clang))
+ print("gcc_version=%s clang_version=%s" % (gcc_version, clang_version))
+ logFileName = working_path + "/log_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + ".txt"
+ text_to_send = []
+ results_files = ""
+ if args.dictionary:
+ dictName = args.dictionary.rpartition('/')[2]
+ else:
+ dictName = None
+ for filePath in testFilePaths:
+ fileName = filePath.rpartition('/')[2]
+ if dictName:
+ resultsFileName = working_path + "/" + dictName.replace(".", "_") + "_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
+ else:
+ resultsFileName = working_path + "/results_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
+ text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd', md5_zstd, 'gcc_version='+gcc_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
+ if text:
+ text_to_send.append(text)
+ results_files += resultsFileName + " "
+ resultsFileName = working_path + "/results32_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
+ text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd32', md5_zstd32, 'gcc_version='+gcc_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
+ if text:
+ text_to_send.append(text)
+ results_files += resultsFileName + " "
+ resultsFileName = working_path + "/resultsClang_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName.replace(".", "_") + ".txt"
+ text = double_check(branch, commit, args, 'zstd_clang', md5_zstd_clang, 'clang_version='+clang_version, resultsFileName, filePath, fileName)
+ if text:
+ text_to_send.append(text)
+ results_files += resultsFileName + " "
+ if text_to_send:
+ send_email_with_attachments(branch, commit, last_commit, args, text_to_send, results_files, logFileName, have_mutt, have_mail)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('testFileNames', help='file or directory names list for speed benchmark')
+ parser.add_argument('emails', help='list of e-mail addresses to send warnings')
+ parser.add_argument('--dictionary', '-D', help='path to the dictionary')
+ parser.add_argument('--message', '-m', help='attach an additional message to e-mail', default="")
+ parser.add_argument('--repoURL', help='changes default repository URL', default=default_repo_url)
+ parser.add_argument('--lowerLimit', '-l', type=float, help='send email if speed is lower than given limit', default=0.98)
+ parser.add_argument('--ratioLimit', '-r', type=float, help='send email if ratio is lower than given limit', default=0.999)
+ parser.add_argument('--maxLoadAvg', type=float, help='maximum load average to start testing', default=0.75)
+ parser.add_argument('--lastCLevel', type=int, help='last compression level for testing', default=5)
+ parser.add_argument('--sleepTime', '-s', type=int, help='frequency of repository checking in seconds', default=300)
+ parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', type=int, help='timeout for executing shell commands', default=1800)
+ parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='not build', default=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='more verbose logs', default=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ verbose = args.verbose
+ # check if test files are accessible
+ testFileNames = args.testFileNames.split()
+ testFilePaths = []
+ for fileName in testFileNames:
+ fileName = os.path.expanduser(fileName)
+ if os.path.isfile(fileName) or os.path.isdir(fileName):
+ testFilePaths.append(os.path.abspath(fileName))
+ else:
+ log("ERROR: File/directory not found: " + fileName)
+ exit(1)
+ # check if dictionary is accessible
+ if args.dictionary:
+ args.dictionary = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.dictionary))
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.dictionary):
+ log("ERROR: Dictionary not found: " + args.dictionary)
+ exit(1)
+ # check availability of e-mail senders
+ have_mutt = does_command_exist("mutt -h")
+ have_mail = does_command_exist("mail -V")
+ if not have_mutt and not have_mail:
+ log("ERROR: e-mail senders 'mail' or 'mutt' not found")
+ exit(1)
+ clang_version = execute("clang -v 2>&1 | grep ' version ' | sed -e 's:.*version \\([0-9.]*\\).*:\\1:' -e 's:\\.\\([0-9][0-9]\\):\\1:g'", verbose)[0];
+ gcc_version = execute("gcc -dumpversion", verbose)[0];
+ if verbose:
+ print("PARAMETERS:\nrepoURL=%s" % args.repoURL)
+ print("working_path=%s" % working_path)
+ print("clone_path=%s" % clone_path)
+ print("testFilePath(%s)=%s" % (len(testFilePaths), testFilePaths))
+ print("message=%s" % args.message)
+ print("emails=%s" % args.emails)
+ print("dictionary=%s" % args.dictionary)
+ print("maxLoadAvg=%s" % args.maxLoadAvg)
+ print("lowerLimit=%s" % args.lowerLimit)
+ print("ratioLimit=%s" % args.ratioLimit)
+ print("lastCLevel=%s" % args.lastCLevel)
+ print("sleepTime=%s" % args.sleepTime)
+ print("timeout=%s" % args.timeout)
+ print("dry_run=%s" % args.dry_run)
+ print("verbose=%s" % args.verbose)
+ print("have_mutt=%s have_mail=%s" % (have_mutt, have_mail))
+ # clone ZSTD repo if needed
+ if not os.path.isdir(working_path):
+ os.mkdir(working_path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
+ execute.cwd = working_path
+ execute('git clone ' + args.repoURL)
+ if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
+ log("ERROR: ZSTD clone not found: " + clone_path)
+ exit(1)
+ execute.cwd = clone_path
+ # check if already exists
+ pidfile = "./"
+ if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
+ log("ERROR: %s already exists, exiting" % pidfile)
+ exit(1)
+ send_email(args.emails, '[%s:%s] %s has been started' % (email_header, pid, script_version), args.message, have_mutt, have_mail)
+ with open(pidfile, 'w') as the_file:
+ the_file.write(pid)
+ branch = ""
+ commit = ""
+ first_time = True
+ while True:
+ try:
+ if first_time:
+ first_time = False
+ else:
+ time.sleep(args.sleepTime)
+ loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0]
+ if (loadavg <= args.maxLoadAvg):
+ branches = git_get_branches()
+ for branch in branches:
+ commit = execute('git show -s --format=%h ' + branch, verbose)[0]
+ last_commit = update_config_file(branch, commit)
+ if commit == last_commit:
+ log("skipping branch %s: head %s already processed" % (branch, commit))
+ else:
+ log("build branch %s: head %s is different from prev %s" % (branch, commit, last_commit))
+ execute('git checkout -- . && git checkout ' + branch)
+ print(git_get_changes(branch, commit, last_commit))
+ test_commit(branch, commit, last_commit, args, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail)
+ else:
+ log("WARNING: main loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s" % (loadavg, args.maxLoadAvg))
+ if verbose:
+ log("sleep for %s seconds" % args.sleepTime)
+ except Exception as e:
+ stack = traceback.format_exc()
+ email_topic = '[%s:%s] ERROR in %s:%s' % (email_header, pid, branch, commit)
+ send_email(args.emails, email_topic, stack, have_mutt, have_mail)
+ print(stack)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ os.unlink(pidfile)
+ send_email(args.emails, '[%s:%s] %s has been stopped' % (email_header, pid, script_version), args.message, have_mutt, have_mail)
+ exit(0)
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/Makefile b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..efcbe9761e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ # ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+# datagen : Synthetic and parametrable data generator, for tests
+# fullbench : Precisely measure speed for each zstd inner functions
+# fullbench32: Same as fullbench, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
+# fuzzer : Test tool, to check zstd integrity on target platform
+# fuzzer32: Same as fuzzer, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
+# paramgrill : parameter tester for zstd
+# : script for testing zstd speed difference between commits
+# versionsTest : compatibility test between zstd versions stored on Github (v0.1+)
+# zstreamtest : Fuzzer test tool for zstd streaming API
+# zstreamtest32: Same as zstreamtest, but forced to compile in 32-bits mode
+# ##########################################################################
+LIBZSTD = ../lib
+export DEBUGLEVEL # transmit value to sub-makefiles
+include $(LIBZSTD)/
+PRGDIR = ../programs
+PYTHON ?= python3
+TESTARTEFACT := versionsTest
+DEBUGFLAGS += -g -Wno-c++-compat
+CPPFLAGS += -I$(ZSTDDIR) -I$(ZSTDDIR)/common -I$(ZSTDDIR)/compress \
+ -I$(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder -I$(ZSTDDIR)/deprecated -I$(PRGDIR) \
+ZSTD_F1 := $(sort $(wildcard $(ZSTD_FILES)))
+ZSTD_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,zstdm_,$(ZSTD_F1))
+ZSTD_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,zstdc_,$(ZSTD_OBJ1))
+ZSTD_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,zstdd_,$(ZSTD_OBJ2))
+ZSTD_OBJ4 := $(ZSTD_OBJ3:.c=.o)
+ZSTDMT_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,zstdmt_m_,$(ZSTD_F1))
+ZSTDMT_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,zstdmt_c_,$(ZSTDMT_OBJ1))
+ZSTDMT_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,zstdmt_d_,$(ZSTDMT_OBJ2))
+ZSTDMT_OBJ4 := $(ZSTDMT_OBJ3:.c=.o)
+# Define *.exe as extension for Windows systems
+ifneq (,$(filter Windows%,$(OS)))
+EXT =.exe
+EXT =
+MULTITHREAD_LD = -pthread
+VOID = /dev/null
+ZSTDRTTEST = --test-large-data
+.PHONY: default
+default: fullbench
+.PHONY: all
+all: fullbench fuzzer zstreamtest paramgrill datagen decodecorpus roundTripCrash poolTests
+.PHONY: all32
+all32: fullbench32 fuzzer32 zstreamtest32
+.PHONY: allnothread
+allnothread: MULTITHREAD_CPP=
+allnothread: MULTITHREAD_LD=
+allnothread: fullbench fuzzer paramgrill datagen decodecorpus
+# note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library
+.PHONY: dll
+dll: fuzzer-dll zstreamtest-dll
+.PHONY: zstd zstd32 zstd-nolegacy # only external makefile knows how to build or update them
+zstd zstd32 zstd-nolegacy:
+.PHONY: libzstd
+libzstd :
+%-dll : libzstd
+%-dll : LDFLAGS += -L$(ZSTDDIR) -lzstd
+$(ZSTDDIR)/libzstd.a :
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ZSTDDIR) libzstd.a
+zstdm_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdc_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdd_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdd_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdmt_m_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdmt_c_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdmt_d_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+zstdmt_d_%.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S
+ $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+fullbench32: CPPFLAGS += -m32
+fullbench fullbench32 : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+fullbench fullbench32 : LDFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_LD)
+fullbench fullbench32 : DEBUGFLAGS = -DNDEBUG # turn off assert() for speed measurements
+fullbench fullbench32 : $(ZSTD_FILES)
+fullbench fullbench32 : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c fullbench.c
+ $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+fullbench-lib : CPPFLAGS += -DXXH_NAMESPACE=ZSTD_
+fullbench-lib : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(ZSTDDIR)/libzstd.a fullbench.c
+ $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+# note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library
+fullbench-dll: $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c fullbench.c
+# $(CC) $(FLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@$(EXT) -DZSTD_DLL_IMPORT=1 $(ZSTDDIR)/dll/libzstd.dll
+ $(LINK.c) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@$(EXT)
+fuzzer : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP) -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+fuzzer : $(ZSTDMT_OBJECTS)
+fuzzer fuzzer32 : $(ZDICT_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c fuzzer.c
+fuzzer32 : CFLAGS += -m32 $(MULTITHREAD)
+fuzzer32 : $(ZSTD_FILES)
+ $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+# note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library
+fuzzer-dll : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/xxhash.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c fuzzer.c
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@$(EXT)
+ZSTREAM_LOCAL_FILES := $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c seqgen.c zstreamtest.c
+zstreamtest32 : CFLAGS += -m32
+zstreamtest zstreamtest32 : CPPFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_CPP)
+zstreamtest zstreamtest32 : LDFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD_LD)
+zstreamtest32 : $(ZSTREAMFILES)
+zstreamtest zstreamtest32 :
+ $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+zstreamtest_asan : CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address
+zstreamtest_asan : $(ZSTREAMFILES)
+ $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+zstreamtest_tsan : CFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread
+zstreamtest_tsan : $(ZSTREAMFILES)
+ $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+# note : broken : requires symbols unavailable from dynamic library
+zstreamtest-dll : $(ZSTDDIR)/common/xxhash.c # xxh symbols not exposed from dll
+zstreamtest-dll : $(ZSTREAM_LOCAL_FILES)
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@$(EXT)
+paramgrill : DEBUGFLAGS = # turn off debug for speed measurements
+paramgrill : LDLIBS += -lm
+paramgrill : $(ZSTD_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchfn.c $(PRGDIR)/benchzstd.c $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c paramgrill.c
+datagen : $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c datagencli.c
+ $(LINK.c) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+roundTripCrash: CFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD)
+roundTripCrash : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) roundTripCrash.c
+longmatch : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) longmatch.c
+bigdict: CFLAGS += $(MULTITHREAD)
+bigdict: $(ZSTDMT_OBJECTS) $(PRGDIR)/datagen.c bigdict.c
+invalidDictionaries : $(ZSTD_OBJECTS) invalidDictionaries.c
+legacy : $(ZSTD_FILES) $(sort $(wildcard $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/*.c)) legacy.c
+decodecorpus : LDLIBS += -lm
+decodecorpus : $(filter-out zstdc_zstd_compress.o, $(ZSTD_OBJECTS)) $(ZDICT_FILES) $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c decodecorpus.c
+poolTests : $(PRGDIR)/util.c $(PRGDIR)/timefn.c poolTests.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/pool.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/threading.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/zstd_common.c $(ZSTDDIR)/common/error_private.c
+ $(LINK.c) $(MULTITHREAD) $^ -o $@$(EXT)
+.PHONY: versionsTest
+versionsTest: clean
+.PHONY: automated_benchmarking
+automated_benchmarking: clean
+# make checkTag
+checkTag.o : $(ZSTDDIR)/zstd.h
+.PHONY: clean
+ $(MAKE) -C $(ZSTDDIR) clean
+ $(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) clean
+ $(RM) -rf tmp* # some test directories are named tmp*
+ $(RM) core *.o *.tmp result* *.gcda dictionary *.zst \
+ $(PRGDIR)/zstd$(EXT) $(PRGDIR)/zstd32$(EXT) \
+ fullbench$(EXT) fullbench32$(EXT) \
+ fullbench-lib$(EXT) fullbench-dll$(EXT) \
+ fuzzer$(EXT) fuzzer32$(EXT) \
+ fuzzer-dll$(EXT) zstreamtest-dll$(EXT) \
+ zstreamtest$(EXT) zstreamtest32$(EXT) \
+ datagen$(EXT) paramgrill$(EXT) roundTripCrash$(EXT) longmatch$(EXT) \
+ symbols$(EXT) invalidDictionaries$(EXT) legacy$(EXT) poolTests$(EXT) \
+ decodecorpus$(EXT) checkTag$(EXT) bigdict$(EXT)
+ @echo Cleaning completed
+# valgrind tests are validated only for some posix platforms
+UNAME := $(shell uname)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(UNAME),Linux Darwin GNU/kFreeBSD GNU OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly SunOS AIX))
+valgrindTest: VALGRIND = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1
+valgrindTest: zstd datagen fuzzer fullbench
+ @echo "\n ---- valgrind tests : memory analyzer ----"
+ $(VALGRIND) ./datagen -g50M > $(VOID)
+ $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd ; if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "zstd without argument should have failed"; false; fi
+ ./datagen -g80 | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd - -c > $(VOID)
+ ./datagen -g16KB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vf - -c > $(VOID)
+ ./datagen -g2930KB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -5 -vf - -o tmp
+ $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vdf tmp -c > $(VOID)
+ ./datagen -g64MB | $(VALGRIND) $(PRGDIR)/zstd -vf - -c > $(VOID)
+ @rm tmp
+ $(VALGRIND) ./fuzzer -T1mn -t1
+ $(VALGRIND) ./fullbench -i1
+ifneq (,$(filter MINGW% MSYS%,$(UNAME)))
+# make tests validated only for below targets
+ifneq (,$(filter $(HOST_OS),MSYS POSIX))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(UNAME),SunOS))
+ DIFF:=gdiff
+.PHONY: list
+ @$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' | xargs
+.PHONY: shortest
+shortest: ZSTDRTTEST= # remove long tests
+shortest: test-zstd
+.PHONY: check
+check: shortest
+.PHONY: fuzztest
+fuzztest: test-fuzzer test-zstream test-decodecorpus
+.PHONY: test
+test: test-zstd test-fullbench test-fuzzer test-zstream test-invalidDictionaries test-legacy test-decodecorpus
+ifeq ($(QEMU_SYS),)
+test: test-pool
+.PHONY: test32
+test32: test-zstd32 test-fullbench32 test-fuzzer32 test-zstream32
+.PHONY: test-all
+test-all: test test32 valgrindTest test-decodecorpus-cli
+.PHONY: test-zstd test-zstd32 test-zstd-nolegacy test-zstdgrep
+test-zstd: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd
+test-zstd: zstd
+test-zstd32: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd32
+test-zstd32: zstd32
+test-zstd-nolegacy: ZSTD = $(PRGDIR)/zstd-nolegacy
+test-zstd-nolegacy: zstd-nolegacy
+test-zstd test-zstd32 test-zstd-nolegacy: datagen
+ file $(ZSTD)
+test-fullbench: fullbench datagen
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench -i1
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench -i1 -P0
+test-fullbench32: fullbench32 datagen
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench32 -i1
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./fullbench32 -i1 -P0
+test-fuzzer: fuzzer
+test-fuzzer-stackmode: MOREFLAGS += -DZSTD_HEAPMODE=0
+test-fuzzer-stackmode: test-fuzzer
+test-fuzzer32: fuzzer32
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./fuzzer32 -v $(FUZZERTEST) $(FUZZER_FLAGS)
+test-zstream: zstreamtest
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./zstreamtest -v $(ZSTREAM_TESTTIME) $(FUZZER_FLAGS)
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./zstreamtest --newapi -t1 $(ZSTREAM_TESTTIME) $(FUZZER_FLAGS)
+test-zstream32: zstreamtest32
+test-longmatch: longmatch
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./longmatch
+test-bigdict: bigdict
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./bigdict
+test-invalidDictionaries: invalidDictionaries
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./invalidDictionaries
+test-legacy: legacy
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./legacy
+test-decodecorpus: decodecorpus
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./decodecorpus -t $(DECODECORPUS_TESTTIME)
+test-decodecorpus-cli: decodecorpus
+ @echo "\n ---- decodecorpus basic cli tests ----"
+ @mkdir testdir
+ ./decodecorpus -n5 -otestdir -ptestdir
+ @cd testdir && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000000.zst -o tmp0 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000001.zst -o tmp1 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000002.zst -o tmp2 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000003.zst -o tmp3 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000004.zst -o tmp4 && \
+ diff z000000 tmp0 && \
+ diff z000001 tmp1 && \
+ diff z000002 tmp2 && \
+ diff z000003 tmp3 && \
+ diff z000004 tmp4 && \
+ rm ./* && \
+ cd ..
+ @echo "\n ---- decodecorpus dictionary cli tests ----"
+ ./decodecorpus -n5 -otestdir -ptestdir --use-dict=1MB
+ @cd testdir && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000000.zst -D dictionary -o tmp0 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000001.zst -D dictionary -o tmp1 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000002.zst -D dictionary -o tmp2 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000003.zst -D dictionary -o tmp3 && \
+ $(ZSTD) -d z000004.zst -D dictionary -o tmp4 && \
+ diff z000000 tmp0 && \
+ diff z000001 tmp1 && \
+ diff z000002 tmp2 && \
+ diff z000003 tmp3 && \
+ diff z000004 tmp4 && \
+ cd ..
+ @rm -rf testdir
+test-pool: poolTests
+ $(QEMU_SYS) ./poolTests
+test-lz4: ZSTD = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib $(PRGDIR)/zstd
+test-lz4: ZSTD_LZ4 = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./lz4
+test-lz4: ZSTD_UNLZ4 = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./unlz4
+test-lz4: zstd decodecorpus datagen
+ [ -f lz4 ] || ln -s $(PRGDIR)/zstd lz4
+ [ -f unlz4 ] || ln -s $(PRGDIR)/zstd unlz4
+ ./decodecorpus -ptmp
+ # lz4 -> zstd
+ lz4 < tmp | \
+ $(ZSTD) -d | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ lz4 < tmp | \
+ $(ZSTD_UNLZ4) | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ # zstd -> lz4
+ $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 < tmp | \
+ lz4 -d | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ $(ZSTD_LZ4) < tmp | \
+ lz4 -d | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ # zstd -> zstd
+ $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 < tmp | \
+ $(ZSTD) -d | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ # zstd -> zstd
+ $(ZSTD) < tmp | \
+ $(ZSTD) -d | \
+ cmp - tmp
+ ./datagen -g384KB | $(ZSTD) --format=lz4 | $(ZSTD) -d > /dev/null
+ rm tmp lz4 unlz4
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6ffb4095a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Programs and scripts for automated testing of Zstandard
+This directory contains the following programs and scripts:
+- `datagen` : Synthetic and parametrable data generator, for tests
+- `fullbench` : Precisely measure speed for each zstd inner functions
+- `fuzzer` : Test tool, to check zstd integrity on target platform
+- `paramgrill` : parameter tester for zstd
+- `` : script for testing zstd speed difference between commits
+- `` : compatibility test between zstd versions stored on Github (v0.1+)
+- `zstreamtest` : Fuzzer test tool for zstd streaming API
+- `legacy` : Test tool to test decoding of legacy zstd frames
+- `decodecorpus` : Tool to generate valid Zstandard frames, for verifying decoder implementations
+#### `` - script for testing zstd interoperability between versions
+This script creates `versionsTest` directory to which zstd repository is cloned.
+Then all tagged (released) versions of zstd are compiled.
+In the following step interoperability between zstd versions is checked.
+#### `` - script for benchmarking zstd prs to dev
+This script benchmarks facebook:dev and changes from pull requests made to zstd and compares
+them against facebook:dev to detect regressions. This script currently runs on a dedicated
+desktop machine for every pull request that is made to the zstd repo but can also
+be run on any machine via the command line interface.
+There are three modes of usage for this script: fastmode will just run a minimal single
+build comparison (between facebook:dev and facebook:release), onetime will pull all the current
+pull requests from the zstd repo and compare facebook:dev to all of them once, continuous
+will continuously get pull requests from the zstd repo and run benchmarks against facebook:dev.
+Example usage: python
+usage: [-h] [--directory DIRECTORY]
+ [--levels LEVELS] [--iterations ITERATIONS]
+ [--emails EMAILS] [--frequency FREQUENCY]
+ [--mode MODE] [--dict DICT]
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --directory DIRECTORY
+ directory with files to benchmark
+ --levels LEVELS levels to test eg ('1,2,3')
+ --iterations ITERATIONS
+ number of benchmark iterations to run
+ --emails EMAILS email addresses of people who will be alerted upon
+ regression. Only for continuous mode
+ --frequency FREQUENCY
+ specifies the number of seconds to wait before each
+ successive check for new PRs in continuous mode
+ --mode MODE 'fastmode', 'onetime', 'current', or 'continuous' (see
+ for details)
+ --dict DICT filename of dictionary to use (when set, this
+ dictionary will be used to compress the files provided
+ inside --directory)
+#### `` - script for testing zstd speed difference between commits
+This script creates `speedTest` directory to which zstd repository is cloned.
+Then it compiles all branches of zstd and performs a speed benchmark for a given list of files (the `testFileNames` parameter).
+After `sleepTime` (an optional parameter, default 300 seconds) seconds the script checks repository for new commits.
+If a new commit is found it is compiled and a speed benchmark for this commit is performed.
+The results of the speed benchmark are compared to the previous results.
+If compression or decompression speed for one of zstd levels is lower than `lowerLimit` (an optional parameter, default 0.98) the speed benchmark is restarted.
+If second results are also lower than `lowerLimit` the warning e-mail is send to recipients from the list (the `emails` parameter).
+Additional remarks:
+- To be sure that speed results are accurate the script should be run on a "stable" target system with no other jobs running in parallel
+- Using the script with virtual machines can lead to large variations of speed results
+- The speed benchmark is not performed until computers' load average is lower than `maxLoadAvg` (an optional parameter, default 0.75)
+- The script sends e-mails using `mutt`; if `mutt` is not available it sends e-mails without attachments using `mail`; if both are not available it only prints a warning
+The example usage with two test files, one e-mail address, and with an additional message:
+./ "silesia.tar calgary.tar" "" --message "tested on my laptop" --sleepTime 60
+To run the script in background please use:
+nohup ./ testFileNames emails &
+The full list of parameters:
+positional arguments:
+ testFileNames file names list for speed benchmark
+ emails list of e-mail addresses to send warnings
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --message MESSAGE attach an additional message to e-mail
+ --lowerLimit LOWERLIMIT
+ send email if speed is lower than given limit
+ --maxLoadAvg MAXLOADAVG
+ maximum load average to start testing
+ --lastCLevel LASTCLEVEL
+ last compression level for testing
+ --sleepTime SLEEPTIME
+ frequency of repository checking in seconds
+#### `decodecorpus` - tool to generate Zstandard frames for decoder testing
+Command line tool to generate test .zst files.
+This tool will generate .zst files with checksums,
+as well as optionally output the corresponding correct uncompressed data for
+extra verification.
+./decodecorpus -ptestfiles -otestfiles -n10000 -s5
+will generate 10,000 sample .zst files using a seed of 5 in the `testfiles` directory,
+with the zstd checksum field set,
+as well as the 10,000 original files for more detailed comparison of decompression results.
+./decodecorpus -t -T1mn
+will choose a random seed, and for 1 minute,
+generate random test frames and ensure that the
+zstd library correctly decompresses them in both simple and streaming modes.
+#### `paramgrill` - tool for generating compression table parameters and optimizing parameters on file given constraints
+Full list of arguments
+ -T# : set level 1 speed objective
+ -B# : cut input into blocks of size # (default : single block)
+ -S : benchmarks a single run (example command: -Sl3w10h12)
+ w# - windowLog
+ h# - hashLog
+ c# - chainLog
+ s# - searchLog
+ l# - minMatch
+ t# - targetLength
+ S# - strategy
+ L# - level
+ --zstd= : Single run, parameter selection syntax same as zstdcli with more parameters
+ (Added forceAttachDictionary / fadt)
+ When invoked with --optimize, this represents the sample to exceed.
+ --optimize= : find parameters to maximize compression ratio given parameters
+ Can use all --zstd= commands to constrain the type of solution found in addition to the following constraints
+ cSpeed= : Minimum compression speed
+ dSpeed= : Minimum decompression speed
+ cMem= : Maximum compression memory
+ lvl= : Searches for solutions which are strictly better than that compression lvl in ratio and cSpeed,
+ stc= : When invoked with lvl=, represents percentage slack in ratio/cSpeed allowed for a solution to be considered (Default 100%)
+ : In normal operation, represents percentage slack in choosing viable starting strategy selection in choosing the default parameters
+ (Lower value will begin with stronger strategies) (Default 90%)
+ speedRatio= (accepts decimals)
+ : determines value of gains in speed vs gains in ratio
+ when determining overall winner (default 5 (1% ratio = 5% speed)).
+ tries= : Maximum number of random restarts on a single strategy before switching (Default 5)
+ Higher values will make optimizer run longer, more chances to find better solution.
+ memLog : Limits the log of the size of each memotable (1 per strategy). Will use hash tables when state space is larger than max size.
+ Setting memLog = 0 turns off memoization
+ --display= : specify which parameters are included in the output
+ can use all --zstd parameter names and 'cParams' as a shorthand for all parameters used in ZSTD_compressionParameters
+ (Default: display all params available)
+ -P# : generated sample compressibility (when no file is provided)
+ -t# : Caps runtime of operation in seconds (default : 99999 seconds (about 27 hours ))
+ -v : Prints Benchmarking output
+ -D : Next argument dictionary file
+ -s : Benchmark all files separately
+ -q : Quiet, repeat for more quiet
+ -q Prints parameters + results whenever a new best is found
+ -qq Only prints parameters whenever a new best is found, prints final parameters + results
+ -qqq Only print final parameters + results
+ -qqqq Only prints final parameter set in the form --zstd=
+ -v : Verbose, cancels quiet, repeat for more volume
+ -v Prints all candidate parameters and results
+ Any inputs afterwards are treated as files to benchmark.
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0c03ec2d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ##########################################################################
+import argparse
+import glob
+import json
+import os
+import time
+import pickle as pk
+import subprocess
+import urllib.request
+RELEASE_BUILD = {"user": "facebook", "branch": "dev", "hash": None}
+# check to see if there are any new PRs every minute
+# Not sure what the threshold for triggering alarms should be
+# 1% regression sounds like a little too sensitive but the desktop
+# that I'm running it on is pretty stable so I think this is fine
+def get_new_open_pr_builds(prev_state=True):
+ prev_prs = None
+ if os.path.exists(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME):
+ with open(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME, "rb") as f:
+ prev_prs = pk.load(f)
+ data = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(GITHUB_API_PR_URL).read().decode("utf-8"))
+ prs = {
+ d["url"]: {
+ "user": d["user"]["login"],
+ "branch": d["head"]["ref"],
+ "hash": d["head"]["sha"].strip(),
+ }
+ for d in data
+ }
+ with open(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME, "wb") as f:
+ pk.dump(prs, f)
+ if not prev_state or prev_prs == None:
+ return list(prs.values())
+ return [pr for url, pr in prs.items() if url not in prev_prs or prev_prs[url] != pr]
+def get_latest_hashes():
+ tmp =["git", "log", "-1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode(
+ "utf-8"
+ )
+ sha1 = tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
+ tmp =
+ ["git", "show", "{}^1".format(sha1)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ ).stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ sha2 = tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
+ tmp =
+ ["git", "show", "{}^2".format(sha1)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ ).stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ sha3 = "" if len(tmp) == 0 else tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
+ return [sha1.strip(), sha2.strip(), sha3.strip()]
+def get_builds_for_latest_hash():
+ hashes = get_latest_hashes()
+ for b in get_new_open_pr_builds(False):
+ if b["hash"] in hashes:
+ return [b]
+ return []
+def clone_and_build(build):
+ if build["user"] != None:
+ github_url = GITHUB_URL_TEMPLATE.format(build["user"])
+ os.system(
+ """
+ rm -rf zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
+ git clone {github_url} zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
+ cd zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
+ {checkout_command}
+ make -j &&
+ cd ../
+ """.format(
+ user=build["user"],
+ github_url=github_url,
+ sha=build["hash"],
+ checkout_command="git checkout {} &&".format(build["hash"])
+ if build["hash"] != None
+ else "",
+ )
+ )
+ return "zstd-{user}-{sha}/zstd".format(user=build["user"], sha=build["hash"])
+ else:
+ os.system("cd ../ && make -j && cd tests")
+ return "../zstd"
+def parse_benchmark_output(output):
+ idx = [i for i, d in enumerate(output) if d == "MB/s"]
+ return [float(output[idx[0] - 1]), float(output[idx[1] - 1])]
+def benchmark_single(executable, level, filename):
+ return parse_benchmark_output((
+ [executable, "-qb{}".format(level), filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ )
+ .stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ .split(" ")
+ ))
+def benchmark_n(executable, level, filename, n):
+ speeds_arr = [benchmark_single(executable, level, filename) for _ in range(n)]
+ cspeed, dspeed = max(b[0] for b in speeds_arr), max(b[1] for b in speeds_arr)
+ print(
+ "Bench (executable={} level={} filename={}, iterations={}):\n\t[cspeed: {} MB/s, dspeed: {} MB/s]".format(
+ os.path.basename(executable),
+ level,
+ os.path.basename(filename),
+ n,
+ cspeed,
+ dspeed,
+ )
+ )
+ return (cspeed, dspeed)
+def benchmark(build, filenames, levels, iterations):
+ executable = clone_and_build(build)
+ return [
+ [benchmark_n(executable, l, f, iterations) for f in filenames] for l in levels
+ ]
+def benchmark_dictionary_single(executable, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, level, iterations):
+ cspeeds, dspeeds = [], []
+ for _ in range(iterations):
+ output =[executable, "-qb{}".format(level), "-D", dictionary_filename, "-r", filenames_directory], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode("utf-8").split(" ")
+ cspeed, dspeed = parse_benchmark_output(output)
+ cspeeds.append(cspeed)
+ dspeeds.append(dspeed)
+ max_cspeed, max_dspeed = max(cspeeds), max(dspeeds)
+ print(
+ "Bench (executable={} level={} filenames_directory={}, dictionary_filename={}, iterations={}):\n\t[cspeed: {} MB/s, dspeed: {} MB/s]".format(
+ os.path.basename(executable),
+ level,
+ os.path.basename(filenames_directory),
+ os.path.basename(dictionary_filename),
+ iterations,
+ max_cspeed,
+ max_dspeed,
+ )
+ )
+ return (max_cspeed, max_dspeed)
+def benchmark_dictionary(build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations):
+ executable = clone_and_build(build)
+ return [benchmark_dictionary_single(executable, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, l, iterations) for l in levels]
+def parse_regressions_and_labels(old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build):
+ cspeed_reg = (old_cspeed - new_cspeed) / old_cspeed
+ dspeed_reg = (old_dspeed - new_dspeed) / old_dspeed
+ baseline_label = "{}:{} ({})".format(
+ baseline_build["user"], baseline_build["branch"], baseline_build["hash"]
+ )
+ test_label = "{}:{} ({})".format(
+ test_build["user"], test_build["branch"], test_build["hash"]
+ )
+ return cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baseline_label, test_label
+def get_regressions(baseline_build, test_build, iterations, filenames, levels):
+ old = benchmark(baseline_build, filenames, levels, iterations)
+ new = benchmark(test_build, filenames, levels, iterations)
+ regressions = []
+ for j, level in enumerate(levels):
+ for k, filename in enumerate(filenames):
+ old_cspeed, old_dspeed = old[j][k]
+ new_cspeed, new_dspeed = new[j][k]
+ cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baseline_label, test_label = parse_regressions_and_labels(
+ old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build
+ )
+ regressions.append(
+ "[COMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
+ level,
+ filename,
+ baseline_label,
+ test_label,
+ old_cspeed,
+ new_cspeed,
+ cspeed_reg * 100.0,
+ )
+ )
+ regressions.append(
+ "[DECOMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
+ level,
+ filename,
+ baseline_label,
+ test_label,
+ old_dspeed,
+ new_dspeed,
+ dspeed_reg * 100.0,
+ )
+ )
+ return regressions
+def get_regressions_dictionary(baseline_build, test_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations):
+ old = benchmark_dictionary(baseline_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations)
+ new = benchmark_dictionary(test_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations)
+ regressions = []
+ for j, level in enumerate(levels):
+ old_cspeed, old_dspeed = old[j]
+ new_cspeed, new_dspeed = new[j]
+ cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baesline_label, test_label = parse_regressions_and_labels(
+ old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build
+ )
+ regressions.append(
+ "[COMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filenames_directory={} dictionary_filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
+ level,
+ filenames_directory,
+ dictionary_filename,
+ baseline_label,
+ test_label,
+ old_cspeed,
+ new_cspeed,
+ cspeed_reg * 100.0,
+ )
+ )
+ regressions.append(
+ "[DECOMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filenames_directory={} dictionary_filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
+ level,
+ filenames_directory,
+ dictionary_filename,
+ baseline_label,
+ test_label,
+ old_dspeed,
+ new_dspeed,
+ dspeed_reg * 100.0,
+ )
+ )
+ return regressions
+def main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds=None, emails=None, continuous=False, frequency=DEFAULT_MAX_API_CALL_FREQUENCY_SEC, dictionary_filename=None):
+ if builds == None:
+ builds = get_new_open_pr_builds()
+ while True:
+ for test_build in builds:
+ if dictionary_filename == None:
+ regressions = get_regressions(
+ RELEASE_BUILD, test_build, iterations, filenames, levels
+ )
+ else:
+ regressions = get_regressions_dictionary(
+ RELEASE_BUILD, test_build, filenames, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations
+ )
+ body = "\n".join(regressions)
+ if len(regressions) > 0:
+ if emails != None:
+ os.system(
+ """
+ echo "{}" | mutt -s "[zstd regression] caused by new pr" {}
+ """.format(
+ body, emails
+ )
+ )
+ print("Emails sent to {}".format(emails))
+ print(body)
+ if not continuous:
+ break
+ time.sleep(frequency)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--directory", help="directory with files to benchmark", default="golden-compression")
+ parser.add_argument("--levels", help="levels to test eg ('1,2,3')", default="1")
+ parser.add_argument("--iterations", help="number of benchmark iterations to run", default="1")
+ parser.add_argument("--emails", help="email addresses of people who will be alerted upon regression. Only for continuous mode", default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--frequency", help="specifies the number of seconds to wait before each successive check for new PRs in continuous mode", default=DEFAULT_MAX_API_CALL_FREQUENCY_SEC)
+ parser.add_argument("--mode", help="'fastmode', 'onetime', 'current', or 'continuous' (see for details)", default="current")
+ parser.add_argument("--dict", help="filename of dictionary to use (when set, this dictionary will be used to compress the files provided inside --directory)", default=None)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ filenames =
+ levels = [int(l) for l in args.levels.split(",")]
+ mode = args.mode
+ iterations = int(args.iterations)
+ emails = args.emails
+ frequency = int(args.frequency)
+ dictionary_filename = args.dict
+ if dictionary_filename == None:
+ filenames = glob.glob("{}/**".format(filenames))
+ if (len(filenames) == 0):
+ print("0 files found")
+ quit()
+ if mode == "onetime":
+ main(filenames, levels, iterations, frequency=frequenc, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
+ elif mode == "current":
+ builds = [{"user": None, "branch": "None", "hash": None}]
+ main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
+ elif mode == "fastmode":
+ builds = [{"user": "facebook", "branch": "release", "hash": None}]
+ main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
+ else:
+ main(filenames, levels, iterations, None, emails, True, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/bigdict.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/bigdict.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb089258690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/bigdict.c
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "datagen.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+static int
+compress(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx, ZSTD_DCtx* dctx,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void const* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* roundtrip, ZSTD_EndDirective end)
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {src, srcSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {dst, dstCapacity, 0};
+ int ended = 0;
+ while (!ended && (in.pos < in.size || out.pos > 0)) {
+ size_t rc;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ rc = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, end);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(rc))
+ return 1;
+ if (end == ZSTD_e_end && rc == 0)
+ ended = 1;
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer rtIn = {dst, out.pos, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer rtOut = {roundtrip, srcSize, 0};
+ rc = 1;
+ while (rtIn.pos < rtIn.size || rtOut.pos > 0) {
+ rtOut.pos = 0;
+ rc = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &rtOut, &rtIn);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(rc)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Decompression error: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(rc));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (rc == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ended && rc != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Frame not finished!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ const size_t dataSize = (size_t)1 << 30;
+ const size_t outSize = ZSTD_compressBound(dataSize);
+ const size_t bufferSize = (size_t)1 << 31;
+ char* buffer = (char*)malloc(bufferSize);
+ void* out = malloc(outSize);
+ void* roundtrip = malloc(dataSize);
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ if (!buffer || !out || !roundtrip || !cctx || !dctx) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Allocation failure\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, 31)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 1)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, 9)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_strategy, ZSTD_btopt)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetLength, 7)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_minMatch, 7)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_searchLog, 1)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, 10)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_chainLog, 10)))
+ return 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, 31)))
+ return 1;
+ RDG_genBuffer(buffer, bufferSize, 1.0, 0.0, 0xbeefcafe);
+ /* Compress 30 GB */
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compressing 1 GB\n");
+ if (compress(cctx, dctx, out, outSize, buffer, dataSize, roundtrip, ZSTD_e_continue))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compressing 1 GB\n");
+ if (compress(cctx, dctx, out, outSize, buffer, dataSize, roundtrip, ZSTD_e_end))
+ return 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Success!\n");
+ free(roundtrip);
+ free(out);
+ free(buffer);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/checkTag.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/checkTag.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6c5e9766ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/checkTag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+/* checkTag : validation tool for libzstd
+ * command :
+ * $ ./checkTag tag
+ * checkTag validates tags of following format : v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{any}
+ * The tag is then compared to zstd version number.
+ * They are compatible if first 3 digits are identical.
+ * Anything beyond that is free, and doesn't impact validation.
+ * Example : tag v1.8.1.2 is compatible with version 1.8.1
+ * When tag and version are not compatible, program exits with error code 1.
+ * When they are compatible, it exists with a code 0.
+ * checkTag is intended to be used in automated testing environment.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
+#include <string.h> /* strlen, strncmp */
+#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_VERSION_STRING */
+/* validate() :
+ * @return 1 if tag is compatible, 0 if not.
+ */
+static int validate(const char* const tag)
+ size_t const tagLength = strlen(tag);
+ size_t const verLength = strlen(ZSTD_VERSION_STRING);
+ if (tagLength < 2) return 0;
+ if (tag[0] != 'v') return 0;
+ if (tagLength <= verLength) return 0;
+ if (strncmp(ZSTD_VERSION_STRING, tag+1, verLength)) return 0;
+ return 1;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ const char* const exeName = argv[0];
+ const char* const tag = argv[1];
+ if (argc!=2) {
+ printf("incorrect usage : %s tag \n", exeName);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ printf("Version : %s \n", ZSTD_VERSION_STRING);
+ printf("Tag : %s \n", tag);
+ if (validate(tag)) {
+ printf("OK : tag is compatible with zstd version \n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ printf("!! error : tag and versions are not compatible !! \n");
+ return 1;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/datagencli.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/datagencli.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecc05f95f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/datagencli.c
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+* Dependencies
+#include "util.h" /* Compiler options */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf, stderr */
+#include "datagen.h" /* RDG_generate */
+* Constants
+#define KB *(1 <<10)
+#define MB *(1 <<20)
+#define GB *(1U<<30)
+#define SIZE_DEFAULT ((64 KB) + 1)
+#define SEED_DEFAULT 0
+* Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
+static unsigned displayLevel = 2;
+* Command line
+static int usage(const char* programName)
+ DISPLAY( "Compressible data generator\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [args]\n", programName);
+ DISPLAY( "\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -g# : generate # data (default:%i)\n", SIZE_DEFAULT);
+ DISPLAY( " -s# : Select seed (default:%i)\n", SEED_DEFAULT);
+ DISPLAY( " -P# : Select compressibility in %% (default:%i%%)\n",
+ DISPLAY( " -h : display help and exit\n");
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ unsigned probaU32 = COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT;
+ double litProba = 0.0;
+ U64 size = SIZE_DEFAULT;
+ U32 seed = SEED_DEFAULT;
+ const char* const programName = argv[0];
+ int argNb;
+ for(argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[argNb];
+ if(!argument) continue; /* Protection if argument empty */
+ /* Handle commands. Aggregated commands are allowed */
+ if (*argument=='-') {
+ argument++;
+ while (*argument!=0) {
+ switch(*argument)
+ {
+ case 'h':
+ return usage(programName);
+ case 'g':
+ argument++;
+ size=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9'))
+ size *= 10, size += *argument++ - '0';
+ if (*argument=='K') { size <<= 10; argument++; }
+ if (*argument=='M') { size <<= 20; argument++; }
+ if (*argument=='G') { size <<= 30; argument++; }
+ if (*argument=='B') { argument++; }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ argument++;
+ seed=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9'))
+ seed *= 10, seed += *argument++ - '0';
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ argument++;
+ probaU32 = 0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9'))
+ probaU32 *= 10, probaU32 += *argument++ - '0';
+ if (probaU32>100) probaU32 = 100;
+ break;
+ case 'L': /* hidden argument : Literal distribution probability */
+ argument++;
+ litProba=0.;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9'))
+ litProba *= 10, litProba += *argument++ - '0';
+ if (litProba>100.) litProba=100.;
+ litProba /= 100.;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ displayLevel = 4;
+ argument++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return usage(programName);
+ }
+ } } } /* for(argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Compressible data Generator \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compressibility : %i%%\n", probaU32);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Seed = %u \n", (unsigned)seed);
+ RDG_genStdout(size, (double)probaU32/100, litProba, seed);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/decodecorpus.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/decodecorpus.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f4db85753b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/decodecorpus.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1932 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "util.h"
+#include "timefn.h" /* UTIL_clockSpanMicro, SEC_TO_MICRO, UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER */
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_internal.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "zdict.h"
+/* Direct access to internal compression functions is required */
+#include "zstd_compress.c"
+#include "xxhash.h" /* XXH64 */
+#ifndef MIN
+ #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef MAX_PATH
+ #ifdef PATH_MAX
+ #else
+ #define MAX_PATH 256
+ #endif
+* DISPLAY Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
+static U32 g_displayLevel = 2;
+#define DISPLAYUPDATE(...) \
+ do { \
+ if ((UTIL_clockSpanMicro(g_displayClock) > g_refreshRate) || \
+ (g_displayLevel >= 4)) { \
+ g_displayClock = UTIL_getTime(); \
+ if (g_displayLevel >= 4) fflush(stderr); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+static const U64 g_refreshRate = SEC_TO_MICRO / 6;
+static UTIL_time_t g_displayClock = UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER;
+#define CHECKERR(code) \
+ do { \
+ if (ZSTD_isError(code)) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error occurred while generating data: %s\n", \
+ ZSTD_getErrorName(code)); \
+ exit(1); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+* Random function
+static U32 RAND(U32* src)
+#define RAND_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+ static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 += prime2;
+ rand32 = RAND_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return RAND_rotl32(rand32, 27);
+#undef RAND_rotl32
+#define DISTSIZE (8192)
+/* Write `size` bytes into `ptr`, all of which are less than or equal to `maxSymb` */
+static void RAND_bufferMaxSymb(U32* seed, void* ptr, size_t size, int maxSymb)
+ size_t i;
+ BYTE* op = ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ op[i] = (BYTE) (RAND(seed) % (maxSymb + 1));
+ }
+/* Write `size` random bytes into `ptr` */
+static void RAND_buffer(U32* seed, void* ptr, size_t size)
+ size_t i;
+ BYTE* op = ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i + 4 <= size; i += 4) {
+ MEM_writeLE32(op + i, RAND(seed));
+ }
+ for (; i < size; i++) {
+ op[i] = RAND(seed) & 0xff;
+ }
+/* Write `size` bytes into `ptr` following the distribution `dist` */
+static void RAND_bufferDist(U32* seed, BYTE* dist, void* ptr, size_t size)
+ size_t i;
+ BYTE* op = ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ op[i] = dist[RAND(seed) % DISTSIZE];
+ }
+/* Generate a random distribution where the frequency of each symbol follows a
+ * geometric distribution defined by `weight`
+ * `dist` should have size at least `DISTSIZE` */
+static void RAND_genDist(U32* seed, BYTE* dist, double weight)
+ size_t i = 0;
+ size_t statesLeft = DISTSIZE;
+ BYTE symb = (BYTE) (RAND(seed) % 256);
+ BYTE step = (BYTE) ((RAND(seed) % 256) | 1); /* force it to be odd so it's relatively prime to 256 */
+ while (i < DISTSIZE) {
+ size_t states = ((size_t)(weight * statesLeft)) + 1;
+ size_t j;
+ for (j = 0; j < states && i < DISTSIZE; j++, i++) {
+ dist[i] = symb;
+ }
+ symb += step;
+ statesLeft -= states;
+ }
+/* Generates a random number in the range [min, max) */
+static inline U32 RAND_range(U32* seed, U32 min, U32 max)
+ return (RAND(seed) % (max-min)) + min;
+#define ROUND(x) ((U32)(x + 0.5))
+/* Generates a random number in an exponential distribution with mean `mean` */
+static double RAND_exp(U32* seed, double mean)
+ double const u = RAND(seed) / (double) UINT_MAX;
+ return log(1-u) * (-mean);
+* Constants and Structs
+const char *BLOCK_TYPES[] = {"raw", "rle", "compressed"};
+#define MAX_WINDOW_LOG 22 /* Recommended support is 8MB, so limit to 4MB + mantissa */
+#define MIN_SEQ_LEN (3)
+BYTE SEQUENCE_LITERAL_BUFFER[ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX]; /* storeSeq expects a place to copy literals to */
+typedef struct {
+ size_t contentSize; /* 0 means unknown (unless contentSize == windowSize == 0) */
+ unsigned windowSize; /* contentSize >= windowSize means single segment */
+} frameHeader_t;
+/* For repeat modes */
+typedef struct {
+ U32 rep[ZSTD_REP_NUM];
+ int hufInit;
+ /* the distribution used in the previous block for repeat mode */
+ HUF_CElt hufTable [HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_ST(255)];
+ int fseInit;
+ FSE_CTable offcodeCTable [FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(OffFSELog, MaxOff)];
+ FSE_CTable matchlengthCTable[FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(MLFSELog, MaxML)];
+ FSE_CTable litlengthCTable [FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(LLFSELog, MaxLL)];
+ /* Symbols that were present in the previous distribution, for use with
+ * set_repeat */
+ BYTE litlengthSymbolSet[36];
+ BYTE offsetSymbolSet[29];
+ BYTE matchlengthSymbolSet[53];
+} cblockStats_t;
+typedef struct {
+ void* data;
+ void* dataStart;
+ void* dataEnd;
+ void* src;
+ void* srcStart;
+ void* srcEnd;
+ frameHeader_t header;
+ cblockStats_t stats;
+ cblockStats_t oldStats; /* so they can be rolled back if uncompressible */
+} frame_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int useDict;
+ U32 dictID;
+ size_t dictContentSize;
+ BYTE* dictContent;
+} dictInfo;
+typedef enum {
+ gt_frame = 0, /* generate frames */
+ gt_block, /* generate compressed blocks without block/frame headers */
+} genType_e;
+* Global variables (set from command line)
+U32 g_maxDecompressedSizeLog = MAX_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE_LOG; /* <= 20 */
+U32 g_maxBlockSize = ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX; /* <= 128 KB */
+* Generator Functions
+struct {
+ int contentSize; /* force the content size to be present */
+} opts; /* advanced options on generation */
+/* Generate and write a random frame header */
+static void writeFrameHeader(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, dictInfo info)
+ BYTE* const op = frame->data;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ frameHeader_t fh;
+ BYTE windowByte = 0;
+ int singleSegment = 0;
+ int contentSizeFlag = 0;
+ int fcsCode = 0;
+ memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(fh));
+ /* generate window size */
+ {
+ /* Follow window algorithm from specification */
+ int const exponent = RAND(seed) % (MAX_WINDOW_LOG - 10);
+ int const mantissa = RAND(seed) % 8;
+ windowByte = (BYTE) ((exponent << 3) | mantissa);
+ fh.windowSize = (1U << (exponent + 10));
+ fh.windowSize += fh.windowSize / 8 * mantissa;
+ }
+ {
+ /* Generate random content size */
+ size_t highBit;
+ if (RAND(seed) & 7 && g_maxDecompressedSizeLog > 7) {
+ /* do content of at least 128 bytes */
+ highBit = 1ULL << RAND_range(seed, 7, g_maxDecompressedSizeLog);
+ } else if (RAND(seed) & 3) {
+ /* do small content */
+ highBit = 1ULL << RAND_range(seed, 0, MIN(7, 1U << g_maxDecompressedSizeLog));
+ } else {
+ /* 0 size frame */
+ highBit = 0;
+ }
+ fh.contentSize = highBit ? highBit + (RAND(seed) % highBit) : 0;
+ /* provide size sometimes */
+ contentSizeFlag = opts.contentSize | (RAND(seed) & 1);
+ if (contentSizeFlag && (fh.contentSize == 0 || !(RAND(seed) & 7))) {
+ /* do single segment sometimes */
+ fh.windowSize = (U32) fh.contentSize;
+ singleSegment = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contentSizeFlag) {
+ /* Determine how large fcs field has to be */
+ int minFcsCode = (fh.contentSize >= 256) +
+ (fh.contentSize >= 65536 + 256) +
+ (fh.contentSize > 0xFFFFFFFFU);
+ if (!singleSegment && !minFcsCode) {
+ minFcsCode = 1;
+ }
+ fcsCode = minFcsCode + (RAND(seed) % (4 - minFcsCode));
+ if (fcsCode == 1 && fh.contentSize < 256) fcsCode++;
+ }
+ /* write out the header */
+ MEM_writeLE32(op + pos, ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER);
+ pos += 4;
+ {
+ /*
+ * fcsCode: 2-bit flag specifying how many bytes used to represent Frame_Content_Size (bits 7-6)
+ * singleSegment: 1-bit flag describing if data must be regenerated within a single continuous memory segment. (bit 5)
+ * contentChecksumFlag: 1-bit flag that is set if frame includes checksum at the end -- set to 1 below (bit 2)
+ * dictBits: 2-bit flag describing how many bytes Dictionary_ID uses -- set to 3 (bits 1-0)
+ * For more information:
+ */
+ int const dictBits = info.useDict ? 3 : 0;
+ BYTE const frameHeaderDescriptor =
+ (BYTE) ((fcsCode << 6) | (singleSegment << 5) | (1 << 2) | dictBits);
+ op[pos++] = frameHeaderDescriptor;
+ }
+ if (!singleSegment) {
+ op[pos++] = windowByte;
+ }
+ if (info.useDict) {
+ MEM_writeLE32(op + pos, (U32) info.dictID);
+ pos += 4;
+ }
+ if (contentSizeFlag) {
+ switch (fcsCode) {
+ default: /* Impossible */
+ case 0: op[pos++] = (BYTE) fh.contentSize; break;
+ case 1: MEM_writeLE16(op + pos, (U16) (fh.contentSize - 256)); pos += 2; break;
+ case 2: MEM_writeLE32(op + pos, (U32) fh.contentSize); pos += 4; break;
+ case 3: MEM_writeLE64(op + pos, (U64) fh.contentSize); pos += 8; break;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " frame content size:\t%u\n", (unsigned)fh.contentSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " frame window size:\t%u\n", fh.windowSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " content size flag:\t%d\n", contentSizeFlag);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " single segment flag:\t%d\n", singleSegment);
+ frame->data = op + pos;
+ frame->header = fh;
+/* Write a literal block in either raw or RLE form, return the literals size */
+static size_t writeLiteralsBlockSimple(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize)
+ BYTE* op = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ int const type = RAND(seed) % 2;
+ int const sizeFormatDesc = RAND(seed) % 8;
+ size_t litSize;
+ size_t maxLitSize = MIN(contentSize, g_maxBlockSize);
+ if (sizeFormatDesc == 0) {
+ /* Size_FormatDesc = ?0 */
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 31);
+ } else if (sizeFormatDesc <= 4) {
+ /* Size_FormatDesc = 01 */
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 4095);
+ } else {
+ /* Size_Format = 11 */
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 1048575);
+ }
+ litSize = RAND(seed) % (maxLitSize + 1);
+ if (frame->src == frame->srcStart && litSize == 0) {
+ litSize = 1; /* no empty literals if there's nothing preceding this block */
+ }
+ if (litSize + 3 > contentSize) {
+ litSize = contentSize; /* no matches shorter than 3 are allowed */
+ }
+ /* use smallest size format that fits */
+ if (litSize < 32) {
+ op[0] = (type | (0 << 2) | (litSize << 3)) & 0xff;
+ op += 1;
+ } else if (litSize < 4096) {
+ op[0] = (type | (1 << 2) | (litSize << 4)) & 0xff;
+ op[1] = (litSize >> 4) & 0xff;
+ op += 2;
+ } else {
+ op[0] = (type | (3 << 2) | (litSize << 4)) & 0xff;
+ op[1] = (litSize >> 4) & 0xff;
+ op[2] = (litSize >> 12) & 0xff;
+ op += 3;
+ }
+ if (type == 0) {
+ /* Raw literals */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " raw literals\n");
+ RAND_buffer(seed, LITERAL_BUFFER, litSize);
+ memcpy(op, LITERAL_BUFFER, litSize);
+ op += litSize;
+ } else {
+ /* RLE literals */
+ BYTE const symb = (BYTE) (RAND(seed) % 256);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " rle literals: 0x%02x\n", (unsigned)symb);
+ memset(LITERAL_BUFFER, symb, litSize);
+ op[0] = symb;
+ op++;
+ }
+ frame->data = op;
+ return litSize;
+/* Generate a Huffman header for the given source */
+static size_t writeHufHeader(U32* seed, HUF_CElt* hufTable, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
+ const void* src, size_t srcSize)
+ BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
+ BYTE* op = ostart;
+ unsigned huffLog = 11;
+ unsigned maxSymbolValue = 255;
+ unsigned count[HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1];
+ /* Scan input and build symbol stats */
+ { size_t const largest = HIST_count_wksp (count, &maxSymbolValue, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize, WKSP, sizeof(WKSP));
+ assert(!HIST_isError(largest));
+ if (largest == srcSize) { *ostart = ((const BYTE*)src)[0]; return 0; } /* single symbol, rle */
+ if (largest <= (srcSize >> 7)+1) return 0; /* Fast heuristic : not compressible enough */
+ }
+ /* Build Huffman Tree */
+ /* Max Huffman log is 11, min is highbit(maxSymbolValue)+1 */
+ huffLog = RAND_range(seed, ZSTD_highbit32(maxSymbolValue)+1, huffLog+1);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, " huffman log: %u\n", huffLog);
+ { size_t const maxBits = HUF_buildCTable_wksp (hufTable, count, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, WKSP, sizeof(WKSP));
+ CHECKERR(maxBits);
+ huffLog = (U32)maxBits;
+ }
+ /* Write table description header */
+ { size_t const hSize = HUF_writeCTable (op, dstSize, hufTable, maxSymbolValue, huffLog);
+ if (hSize + 12 >= srcSize) return 0; /* not useful to try compression */
+ op += hSize;
+ }
+ return op - ostart;
+/* Write a Huffman coded literals block and return the literals size */
+static size_t writeLiteralsBlockCompressed(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize)
+ BYTE* origop = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ BYTE* opend = (BYTE*)frame->dataEnd;
+ BYTE* op;
+ BYTE* const ostart = origop;
+ int const sizeFormat = RAND(seed) % 4;
+ size_t litSize;
+ size_t hufHeaderSize = 0;
+ size_t compressedSize = 0;
+ size_t maxLitSize = MIN(contentSize-3, g_maxBlockSize);
+ symbolEncodingType_e hType;
+ if (contentSize < 64) {
+ /* make sure we get reasonably-sized literals for compression */
+ return ERROR(GENERIC);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " compressed literals\n");
+ switch (sizeFormat) {
+ case 0: /* fall through, size is the same as case 1 */
+ case 1:
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 1023);
+ origop += 3;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 16383);
+ origop += 4;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ maxLitSize = MIN(maxLitSize, 262143);
+ origop += 5;
+ break;
+ default:; /* impossible */
+ }
+ do {
+ op = origop;
+ do {
+ litSize = RAND(seed) % (maxLitSize + 1);
+ } while (litSize < 32); /* avoid small literal sizes */
+ if (litSize + 3 > contentSize) {
+ litSize = contentSize; /* no matches shorter than 3 are allowed */
+ }
+ /* most of the time generate a new distribution */
+ if ((RAND(seed) & 3) || !frame->stats.hufInit) {
+ do {
+ if (RAND(seed) & 3) {
+ /* add 10 to ensure some compressibility */
+ double const weight = ((RAND(seed) % 90) + 10) / 100.0;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " distribution weight: %d%%\n",
+ (int)(weight * 100));
+ RAND_genDist(seed, frame->stats.hufDist, weight);
+ } else {
+ /* sometimes do restricted range literals to force
+ * non-huffman headers */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " small range literals\n");
+ RAND_bufferMaxSymb(seed, frame->stats.hufDist, DISTSIZE,
+ 15);
+ }
+ RAND_bufferDist(seed, frame->stats.hufDist, LITERAL_BUFFER,
+ litSize);
+ /* generate the header from the distribution instead of the
+ * actual data to avoid bugs with symbols that were in the
+ * distribution but never showed up in the output */
+ hufHeaderSize = writeHufHeader(
+ seed, frame->stats.hufTable, op, opend - op,
+ frame->stats.hufDist, DISTSIZE);
+ CHECKERR(hufHeaderSize);
+ /* repeat until a valid header is written */
+ } while (hufHeaderSize == 0);
+ op += hufHeaderSize;
+ hType = set_compressed;
+ frame->stats.hufInit = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* repeat the distribution/table from last time */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " huffman repeat stats\n");
+ RAND_bufferDist(seed, frame->stats.hufDist, LITERAL_BUFFER,
+ litSize);
+ hufHeaderSize = 0;
+ hType = set_repeat;
+ }
+ do {
+ compressedSize =
+ sizeFormat == 0
+ ? HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(
+ op, opend - op, LITERAL_BUFFER, litSize,
+ frame->stats.hufTable)
+ : HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(
+ op, opend - op, LITERAL_BUFFER, litSize,
+ frame->stats.hufTable);
+ CHECKERR(compressedSize);
+ /* this only occurs when it could not compress or similar */
+ } while (compressedSize <= 0);
+ op += compressedSize;
+ compressedSize += hufHeaderSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " regenerated size: %u\n", (unsigned)litSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " compressed size: %u\n", (unsigned)compressedSize);
+ if (compressedSize >= litSize) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " trying again\n");
+ /* if we have to try again, reset the stats so we don't accidentally
+ * try to repeat a distribution we just made */
+ frame->stats = frame->oldStats;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ /* write header */
+ switch (sizeFormat) {
+ case 0: /* fall through, size is the same as case 1 */
+ case 1: {
+ U32 const header = hType | (sizeFormat << 2) | ((U32)litSize << 4) |
+ ((U32)compressedSize << 14);
+ MEM_writeLE24(ostart, header);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ U32 const header = hType | (sizeFormat << 2) | ((U32)litSize << 4) |
+ ((U32)compressedSize << 18);
+ MEM_writeLE32(ostart, header);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: {
+ U32 const header = hType | (sizeFormat << 2) | ((U32)litSize << 4) |
+ ((U32)compressedSize << 22);
+ MEM_writeLE32(ostart, header);
+ ostart[4] = (BYTE)(compressedSize >> 10);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:; /* impossible */
+ }
+ frame->data = op;
+ return litSize;
+static size_t writeLiteralsBlock(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize)
+ /* only do compressed for larger segments to avoid compressibility issues */
+ if (RAND(seed) & 7 && contentSize >= 64) {
+ return writeLiteralsBlockCompressed(seed, frame, contentSize);
+ } else {
+ return writeLiteralsBlockSimple(seed, frame, contentSize);
+ }
+static inline void initSeqStore(seqStore_t *seqStore) {
+ seqStore->maxNbSeq = MAX_NB_SEQ;
+ seqStore->maxNbLit = ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX;
+ seqStore->sequencesStart = SEQUENCE_BUFFER;
+ seqStore->litStart = SEQUENCE_LITERAL_BUFFER;
+ seqStore->llCode = SEQUENCE_LLCODE;
+ seqStore->mlCode = SEQUENCE_MLCODE;
+ seqStore->ofCode = SEQUENCE_OFCODE;
+ ZSTD_resetSeqStore(seqStore);
+/* Randomly generate sequence commands */
+static U32 generateSequences(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, seqStore_t* seqStore,
+ size_t contentSize, size_t literalsSize, dictInfo info)
+ /* The total length of all the matches */
+ size_t const remainingMatch = contentSize - literalsSize;
+ size_t excessMatch = 0;
+ U32 numSequences = 0;
+ U32 i;
+ const BYTE* literals = LITERAL_BUFFER;
+ BYTE* srcPtr = frame->src;
+ if (literalsSize != contentSize) {
+ /* each match must be at least MIN_SEQ_LEN, so this is the maximum
+ * number of sequences we can have */
+ U32 const maxSequences = (U32)remainingMatch / MIN_SEQ_LEN;
+ numSequences = (RAND(seed) % maxSequences) + 1;
+ /* the extra match lengths we have to allocate to each sequence */
+ excessMatch = remainingMatch - numSequences * MIN_SEQ_LEN;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " total match lengths: %u\n", (unsigned)remainingMatch);
+ for (i = 0; i < numSequences; i++) {
+ /* Generate match and literal lengths by exponential distribution to
+ * ensure nice numbers */
+ U32 matchLen =
+ ROUND(RAND_exp(seed, excessMatch / (double)(numSequences - i)));
+ U32 literalLen =
+ (RAND(seed) & 7)
+ ? ROUND(RAND_exp(seed,
+ literalsSize /
+ (double)(numSequences - i)))
+ : 0;
+ /* actual offset, code to send, and point to copy up to when shifting
+ * codes in the repeat offsets history */
+ U32 offset, offsetCode, repIndex;
+ /* bounds checks */
+ matchLen = (U32) MIN(matchLen, excessMatch + MIN_SEQ_LEN);
+ literalLen = MIN(literalLen, (U32) literalsSize);
+ if (i == 0 && srcPtr == frame->srcStart && literalLen == 0) literalLen = 1;
+ if (i + 1 == numSequences) matchLen = MIN_SEQ_LEN + (U32) excessMatch;
+ memcpy(srcPtr, literals, literalLen);
+ srcPtr += literalLen;
+ do {
+ if (RAND(seed) & 7) {
+ /* do a normal offset */
+ U32 const dataDecompressed = (U32)((BYTE*)srcPtr-(BYTE*)frame->srcStart);
+ offset = (RAND(seed) %
+ MIN(frame->header.windowSize,
+ (size_t)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart))) +
+ 1;
+ if (info.useDict && (RAND(seed) & 1) && i + 1 != numSequences && dataDecompressed < frame->header.windowSize) {
+ /* need to occasionally generate offsets that go past the start */
+ /* including i+1 != numSequences because the last sequences has to adhere to predetermined contentSize */
+ U32 lenPastStart = (RAND(seed) % info.dictContentSize) + 1;
+ offset = (U32)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart)+lenPastStart;
+ if (offset > frame->header.windowSize) {
+ if (lenPastStart < MIN_SEQ_LEN) {
+ /* when offset > windowSize, matchLen bound by end of dictionary (lenPastStart) */
+ /* this also means that lenPastStart must be greater than MIN_SEQ_LEN */
+ /* make sure lenPastStart does not go past dictionary start though */
+ lenPastStart = MIN(lenPastStart+MIN_SEQ_LEN, (U32)info.dictContentSize);
+ offset = (U32)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart) + lenPastStart;
+ }
+ {
+ U32 const matchLenBound = MIN(frame->header.windowSize, lenPastStart);
+ matchLen = MIN(matchLen, matchLenBound);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offsetCode = offset + ZSTD_REP_MOVE;
+ repIndex = 2;
+ } else {
+ /* do a repeat offset */
+ offsetCode = RAND(seed) % 3;
+ if (literalLen > 0) {
+ offset = frame->stats.rep[offsetCode];
+ repIndex = offsetCode;
+ } else {
+ /* special case */
+ offset = offsetCode == 2 ? frame->stats.rep[0] - 1
+ : frame->stats.rep[offsetCode + 1];
+ repIndex = MIN(2, offsetCode + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ } while (((!info.useDict) && (offset > (size_t)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart))) || offset == 0);
+ {
+ size_t j;
+ BYTE* const dictEnd = info.dictContent + info.dictContentSize;
+ for (j = 0; j < matchLen; j++) {
+ if ((U32)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart) < offset) {
+ /* copy from dictionary instead of literals */
+ size_t const dictOffset = offset - (srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart);
+ *srcPtr = *(dictEnd - dictOffset);
+ }
+ else {
+ *srcPtr = *(srcPtr-offset);
+ }
+ srcPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ { int r;
+ for (r = repIndex; r > 0; r--) {
+ frame->stats.rep[r] = frame->stats.rep[r - 1];
+ }
+ frame->stats.rep[0] = offset;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, " LL: %5u OF: %5u ML: %5u",
+ (unsigned)literalLen, (unsigned)offset, (unsigned)matchLen);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(7, " srcPos: %8u seqNb: %3u",
+ (unsigned)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart), (unsigned)i);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "\n");
+ if (offsetCode < 3) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(7, " repeat offset: %d\n", (int)repIndex);
+ }
+ /* use libzstd sequence handling */
+ ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, literalLen, literals, literals + literalLen,
+ offsetCode, matchLen - MINMATCH);
+ literalsSize -= literalLen;
+ excessMatch -= (matchLen - MIN_SEQ_LEN);
+ literals += literalLen;
+ }
+ memcpy(srcPtr, literals, literalsSize);
+ srcPtr += literalsSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, " excess literals: %5u", (unsigned)literalsSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(7, " srcPos: %8u", (unsigned)((BYTE*)srcPtr - (BYTE*)frame->srcStart));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "\n");
+ return numSequences;
+static void initSymbolSet(const BYTE* symbols, size_t len, BYTE* set, BYTE maxSymbolValue)
+ size_t i;
+ memset(set, 0, (size_t)maxSymbolValue+1);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ set[symbols[i]] = 1;
+ }
+static int isSymbolSubset(const BYTE* symbols, size_t len, const BYTE* set, BYTE maxSymbolValue)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (symbols[i] > maxSymbolValue || !set[symbols[i]]) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static size_t writeSequences(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, seqStore_t* seqStorePtr,
+ size_t nbSeq)
+ /* This code is mostly copied from ZSTD_compressSequences in zstd_compress.c */
+ unsigned count[MaxSeq+1];
+ S16 norm[MaxSeq+1];
+ FSE_CTable* CTable_LitLength = frame->stats.litlengthCTable;
+ FSE_CTable* CTable_OffsetBits = frame->stats.offcodeCTable;
+ FSE_CTable* CTable_MatchLength = frame->stats.matchlengthCTable;
+ U32 LLtype, Offtype, MLtype; /* compressed, raw or rle */
+ const seqDef* const sequences = seqStorePtr->sequencesStart;
+ const BYTE* const ofCodeTable = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
+ const BYTE* const llCodeTable = seqStorePtr->llCode;
+ const BYTE* const mlCodeTable = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
+ BYTE* const oend = (BYTE*)frame->dataEnd;
+ BYTE* op = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ BYTE* seqHead;
+ /* literals compressing block removed so that can be done separately */
+ /* Sequences Header */
+ if ((oend-op) < 3 /*max nbSeq Size*/ + 1 /*seqHead */) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
+ if (nbSeq < 0x7F) *op++ = (BYTE)nbSeq;
+ else if (nbSeq < LONGNBSEQ) op[0] = (BYTE)((nbSeq>>8) + 0x80), op[1] = (BYTE)nbSeq, op+=2;
+ else op[0]=0xFF, MEM_writeLE16(op+1, (U16)(nbSeq - LONGNBSEQ)), op+=3;
+ if (nbSeq==0) {
+ frame->data = op;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* seqHead : flags for FSE encoding type */
+ seqHead = op++;
+ /* convert length/distances into codes */
+ ZSTD_seqToCodes(seqStorePtr);
+ /* CTable for Literal Lengths */
+ { unsigned max = MaxLL;
+ size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(count, &max, llCodeTable, nbSeq, WKSP, sizeof(WKSP)); /* cannot fail */
+ assert(!HIST_isError(mostFrequent));
+ if (frame->stats.fseInit && !(RAND(seed) & 3) &&
+ isSymbolSubset(llCodeTable, nbSeq,
+ frame->stats.litlengthSymbolSet, 35)) {
+ /* maybe do repeat mode if we're allowed to */
+ LLtype = set_repeat;
+ } else if (mostFrequent == nbSeq) {
+ /* do RLE if we have the chance */
+ *op++ = llCodeTable[0];
+ FSE_buildCTable_rle(CTable_LitLength, (BYTE)max);
+ LLtype = set_rle;
+ } else if (!(RAND(seed) & 3)) {
+ /* maybe use the default distribution */
+ CHECKERR(FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_LitLength, LL_defaultNorm, MaxLL, LL_defaultNormLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer)));
+ LLtype = set_basic;
+ } else {
+ /* fall back on a full table */
+ size_t nbSeq_1 = nbSeq;
+ const U32 tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(LLFSELog, nbSeq, max);
+ if (count[llCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]>1) { count[llCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]--; nbSeq_1--; }
+ FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, nbSeq_1, max, nbSeq >= 2048);
+ { size_t const NCountSize = FSE_writeNCount(op, oend-op, norm, max, tableLog); /* overflow protected */
+ if (FSE_isError(NCountSize)) return ERROR(GENERIC);
+ op += NCountSize; }
+ CHECKERR(FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_LitLength, norm, max, tableLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer)));
+ LLtype = set_compressed;
+ } }
+ /* CTable for Offsets */
+ /* see Literal Lengths for descriptions of mode choices */
+ { unsigned max = MaxOff;
+ size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(count, &max, ofCodeTable, nbSeq, WKSP, sizeof(WKSP)); /* cannot fail */
+ assert(!HIST_isError(mostFrequent));
+ if (frame->stats.fseInit && !(RAND(seed) & 3) &&
+ isSymbolSubset(ofCodeTable, nbSeq,
+ frame->stats.offsetSymbolSet, 28)) {
+ Offtype = set_repeat;
+ } else if (mostFrequent == nbSeq) {
+ *op++ = ofCodeTable[0];
+ FSE_buildCTable_rle(CTable_OffsetBits, (BYTE)max);
+ Offtype = set_rle;
+ } else if (!(RAND(seed) & 3)) {
+ FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_OffsetBits, OF_defaultNorm, DefaultMaxOff, OF_defaultNormLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer));
+ Offtype = set_basic;
+ } else {
+ size_t nbSeq_1 = nbSeq;
+ const U32 tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(OffFSELog, nbSeq, max);
+ if (count[ofCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]>1) { count[ofCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]--; nbSeq_1--; }
+ FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, nbSeq_1, max, nbSeq >= 2048);
+ { size_t const NCountSize = FSE_writeNCount(op, oend-op, norm, max, tableLog); /* overflow protected */
+ if (FSE_isError(NCountSize)) return ERROR(GENERIC);
+ op += NCountSize; }
+ FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_OffsetBits, norm, max, tableLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer));
+ Offtype = set_compressed;
+ } }
+ /* CTable for MatchLengths */
+ /* see Literal Lengths for descriptions of mode choices */
+ { unsigned max = MaxML;
+ size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(count, &max, mlCodeTable, nbSeq, WKSP, sizeof(WKSP)); /* cannot fail */
+ assert(!HIST_isError(mostFrequent));
+ if (frame->stats.fseInit && !(RAND(seed) & 3) &&
+ isSymbolSubset(mlCodeTable, nbSeq,
+ frame->stats.matchlengthSymbolSet, 52)) {
+ MLtype = set_repeat;
+ } else if (mostFrequent == nbSeq) {
+ *op++ = *mlCodeTable;
+ FSE_buildCTable_rle(CTable_MatchLength, (BYTE)max);
+ MLtype = set_rle;
+ } else if (!(RAND(seed) & 3)) {
+ /* sometimes do default distribution */
+ FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_MatchLength, ML_defaultNorm, MaxML, ML_defaultNormLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer));
+ MLtype = set_basic;
+ } else {
+ /* fall back on table */
+ size_t nbSeq_1 = nbSeq;
+ const U32 tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(MLFSELog, nbSeq, max);
+ if (count[mlCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]>1) { count[mlCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]--; nbSeq_1--; }
+ FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, nbSeq_1, max, nbSeq >= 2048);
+ { size_t const NCountSize = FSE_writeNCount(op, oend-op, norm, max, tableLog); /* overflow protected */
+ if (FSE_isError(NCountSize)) return ERROR(GENERIC);
+ op += NCountSize; }
+ FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable_MatchLength, norm, max, tableLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer));
+ MLtype = set_compressed;
+ } }
+ frame->stats.fseInit = 1;
+ initSymbolSet(llCodeTable, nbSeq, frame->stats.litlengthSymbolSet, 35);
+ initSymbolSet(ofCodeTable, nbSeq, frame->stats.offsetSymbolSet, 28);
+ initSymbolSet(mlCodeTable, nbSeq, frame->stats.matchlengthSymbolSet, 52);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " LL type: %d OF type: %d ML type: %d\n", (unsigned)LLtype, (unsigned)Offtype, (unsigned)MLtype);
+ *seqHead = (BYTE)((LLtype<<6) + (Offtype<<4) + (MLtype<<2));
+ /* Encoding Sequences */
+ { BIT_CStream_t blockStream;
+ FSE_CState_t stateMatchLength;
+ FSE_CState_t stateOffsetBits;
+ FSE_CState_t stateLitLength;
+ ERR_isError(BIT_initCStream(&blockStream, op, oend-op)),
+ dstSize_tooSmall, "not enough space remaining");
+ /* first symbols */
+ FSE_initCState2(&stateMatchLength, CTable_MatchLength, mlCodeTable[nbSeq-1]);
+ FSE_initCState2(&stateOffsetBits, CTable_OffsetBits, ofCodeTable[nbSeq-1]);
+ FSE_initCState2(&stateLitLength, CTable_LitLength, llCodeTable[nbSeq-1]);
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[nbSeq-1].litLength, LL_bits[llCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]);
+ if (MEM_32bits()) BIT_flushBits(&blockStream);
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[nbSeq-1].matchLength, ML_bits[mlCodeTable[nbSeq-1]]);
+ if (MEM_32bits()) BIT_flushBits(&blockStream);
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[nbSeq-1].offset, ofCodeTable[nbSeq-1]);
+ BIT_flushBits(&blockStream);
+ { size_t n;
+ for (n=nbSeq-2 ; n<nbSeq ; n--) { /* intentional underflow */
+ BYTE const llCode = llCodeTable[n];
+ BYTE const ofCode = ofCodeTable[n];
+ BYTE const mlCode = mlCodeTable[n];
+ U32 const llBits = LL_bits[llCode];
+ U32 const ofBits = ofCode; /* 32b*/ /* 64b*/
+ U32 const mlBits = ML_bits[mlCode];
+ /* (7)*/ /* (7)*/
+ FSE_encodeSymbol(&blockStream, &stateOffsetBits, ofCode); /* 15 */ /* 15 */
+ FSE_encodeSymbol(&blockStream, &stateMatchLength, mlCode); /* 24 */ /* 24 */
+ if (MEM_32bits()) BIT_flushBits(&blockStream); /* (7)*/
+ FSE_encodeSymbol(&blockStream, &stateLitLength, llCode); /* 16 */ /* 33 */
+ if (MEM_32bits() || (ofBits+mlBits+llBits >= 64-7-(LLFSELog+MLFSELog+OffFSELog)))
+ BIT_flushBits(&blockStream); /* (7)*/
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[n].litLength, llBits);
+ if (MEM_32bits() && ((llBits+mlBits)>24)) BIT_flushBits(&blockStream);
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[n].matchLength, mlBits);
+ if (MEM_32bits()) BIT_flushBits(&blockStream); /* (7)*/
+ BIT_addBits(&blockStream, sequences[n].offset, ofBits); /* 31 */
+ BIT_flushBits(&blockStream); /* (7)*/
+ } }
+ FSE_flushCState(&blockStream, &stateMatchLength);
+ FSE_flushCState(&blockStream, &stateOffsetBits);
+ FSE_flushCState(&blockStream, &stateLitLength);
+ { size_t const streamSize = BIT_closeCStream(&blockStream);
+ if (streamSize==0) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); /* not enough space */
+ op += streamSize;
+ } }
+ frame->data = op;
+ return 0;
+static size_t writeSequencesBlock(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize,
+ size_t literalsSize, dictInfo info)
+ seqStore_t seqStore;
+ size_t numSequences;
+ initSeqStore(&seqStore);
+ /* randomly generate sequences */
+ numSequences = generateSequences(seed, frame, &seqStore, contentSize, literalsSize, info);
+ /* write them out to the frame data */
+ CHECKERR(writeSequences(seed, frame, &seqStore, numSequences));
+ return numSequences;
+static size_t writeCompressedBlock(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize, dictInfo info)
+ BYTE* const blockStart = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ size_t literalsSize;
+ size_t nbSeq;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " compressed block:\n");
+ literalsSize = writeLiteralsBlock(seed, frame, contentSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " literals size: %u\n", (unsigned)literalsSize);
+ nbSeq = writeSequencesBlock(seed, frame, contentSize, literalsSize, info);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " number of sequences: %u\n", (unsigned)nbSeq);
+ return (BYTE*)frame->data - blockStart;
+static void writeBlock(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, size_t contentSize,
+ int lastBlock, dictInfo info)
+ int const blockTypeDesc = RAND(seed) % 8;
+ size_t blockSize;
+ int blockType;
+ BYTE *const header = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ BYTE *op = header + 3;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " block:\n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " block content size: %u\n", (unsigned)contentSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " last block: %s\n", lastBlock ? "yes" : "no");
+ if (blockTypeDesc == 0) {
+ /* Raw data frame */
+ RAND_buffer(seed, frame->src, contentSize);
+ memcpy(op, frame->src, contentSize);
+ op += contentSize;
+ blockType = 0;
+ blockSize = contentSize;
+ } else if (blockTypeDesc == 1 && frame->header.contentSize > 0) {
+ /* RLE (Don't create RLE block if frame content is 0 since block size of 1 may exceed max block size)*/
+ BYTE const symbol = RAND(seed) & 0xff;
+ op[0] = symbol;
+ memset(frame->src, symbol, contentSize);
+ op++;
+ blockType = 1;
+ blockSize = contentSize;
+ } else {
+ /* compressed, most common */
+ size_t compressedSize;
+ blockType = 2;
+ frame->oldStats = frame->stats;
+ frame->data = op;
+ compressedSize = writeCompressedBlock(seed, frame, contentSize, info);
+ if (compressedSize >= contentSize) { /* compressed block must be strictly smaller than uncompressed one */
+ blockType = 0;
+ memcpy(op, frame->src, contentSize);
+ op += contentSize;
+ blockSize = contentSize; /* fall back on raw block if data doesn't
+ compress */
+ frame->stats = frame->oldStats; /* don't update the stats */
+ } else {
+ op += compressedSize;
+ blockSize = compressedSize;
+ }
+ }
+ frame->src = (BYTE*)frame->src + contentSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " block type: %s\n", BLOCK_TYPES[blockType]);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " block size field: %u\n", (unsigned)blockSize);
+ header[0] = (BYTE) ((lastBlock | (blockType << 1) | (blockSize << 3)) & 0xff);
+ MEM_writeLE16(header + 1, (U16) (blockSize >> 5));
+ frame->data = op;
+static void writeBlocks(U32* seed, frame_t* frame, dictInfo info)
+ size_t contentLeft = frame->header.contentSize;
+ size_t const maxBlockSize = MIN(g_maxBlockSize, frame->header.windowSize);
+ while (1) {
+ /* 1 in 4 chance of ending frame */
+ int const lastBlock = contentLeft > maxBlockSize ? 0 : !(RAND(seed) & 3);
+ size_t blockContentSize;
+ if (lastBlock) {
+ blockContentSize = contentLeft;
+ } else {
+ if (contentLeft > 0 && (RAND(seed) & 7)) {
+ /* some variable size block */
+ blockContentSize = RAND(seed) % (MIN(maxBlockSize, contentLeft)+1);
+ } else if (contentLeft > maxBlockSize && (RAND(seed) & 1)) {
+ /* some full size block */
+ blockContentSize = maxBlockSize;
+ } else {
+ /* some empty block */
+ blockContentSize = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ writeBlock(seed, frame, blockContentSize, lastBlock, info);
+ contentLeft -= blockContentSize;
+ if (lastBlock) break;
+ }
+static void writeChecksum(frame_t* frame)
+ /* write checksum so implementations can verify their output */
+ U64 digest = XXH64(frame->srcStart, (BYTE*)frame->src-(BYTE*)frame->srcStart, 0);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " checksum: %08x\n", (unsigned)digest);
+ MEM_writeLE32(frame->data, (U32)digest);
+ frame->data = (BYTE*)frame->data + 4;
+static void outputBuffer(const void* buf, size_t size, const char* const path)
+ /* write data out to file */
+ const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)buf;
+ FILE* out;
+ if (path) {
+ out = fopen(path, "wb");
+ } else {
+ out = stdout;
+ }
+ if (!out) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file at %s: ", path);
+ perror(NULL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ { size_t fsize = size;
+ size_t written = 0;
+ while (written < fsize) {
+ written += fwrite(ip + written, 1, fsize - written, out);
+ if (ferror(out)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write to file at %s: ", path);
+ perror(NULL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (path) {
+ fclose(out);
+ }
+static void initFrame(frame_t* fr)
+ memset(fr, 0, sizeof(*fr));
+ fr->data = fr->dataStart = FRAME_BUFFER;
+ fr->dataEnd = FRAME_BUFFER + sizeof(FRAME_BUFFER);
+ fr->src = fr->srcStart = CONTENT_BUFFER;
+ fr->srcEnd = CONTENT_BUFFER + sizeof(CONTENT_BUFFER);
+ /* init repeat codes */
+ fr->stats.rep[0] = 1;
+ fr->stats.rep[1] = 4;
+ fr->stats.rep[2] = 8;
+ * Generated a single zstd compressed block with no block/frame header.
+ * Returns the final seed.
+ */
+static U32 generateCompressedBlock(U32 seed, frame_t* frame, dictInfo info)
+ size_t blockContentSize;
+ int blockWritten = 0;
+ BYTE* op;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "block seed: %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ initFrame(frame);
+ op = (BYTE*)frame->data;
+ while (!blockWritten) {
+ size_t cSize;
+ /* generate window size */
+ { int const exponent = RAND(&seed) % (MAX_WINDOW_LOG - 10);
+ int const mantissa = RAND(&seed) % 8;
+ frame->header.windowSize = (1U << (exponent + 10));
+ frame->header.windowSize += (frame->header.windowSize / 8) * mantissa;
+ }
+ /* generate content size */
+ { size_t const maxBlockSize = MIN(g_maxBlockSize, frame->header.windowSize);
+ if (RAND(&seed) & 15) {
+ /* some full size blocks */
+ blockContentSize = maxBlockSize;
+ } else if (RAND(&seed) & 7 && g_maxBlockSize >= (1U << 7)) {
+ /* some small blocks <= 128 bytes*/
+ blockContentSize = RAND(&seed) % (1U << 7);
+ } else {
+ /* some variable size blocks */
+ blockContentSize = RAND(&seed) % maxBlockSize;
+ }
+ }
+ /* try generating a compressed block */
+ frame->oldStats = frame->stats;
+ frame->data = op;
+ cSize = writeCompressedBlock(&seed, frame, blockContentSize, info);
+ if (cSize >= blockContentSize) { /* compressed size must be strictly smaller than decompressed size : */
+ /* data doesn't compress -- try again */
+ frame->stats = frame->oldStats; /* don't update the stats */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " can't compress block : try again \n");
+ } else {
+ blockWritten = 1;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, " block size: %u \n", (unsigned)cSize);
+ frame->src = (BYTE*)frame->src + blockContentSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return seed;
+/* Return the final seed */
+static U32 generateFrame(U32 seed, frame_t* fr, dictInfo info)
+ /* generate a complete frame */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "frame seed: %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ initFrame(fr);
+ writeFrameHeader(&seed, fr, info);
+ writeBlocks(&seed, fr, info);
+ writeChecksum(fr);
+ return seed;
+* Dictionary Helper Functions
+/* returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns 1 upon error */
+static int genRandomDict(U32 dictID, U32 seed, size_t dictSize, BYTE* fullDict)
+ /* allocate space for samples */
+ int ret = 0;
+ unsigned const numSamples = 4;
+ size_t sampleSizes[4];
+ BYTE* const samples = malloc(5000*sizeof(BYTE));
+ if (samples == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: could not allocate space for samples\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* generate samples */
+ { unsigned literalValue = 1;
+ unsigned samplesPos = 0;
+ size_t currSize = 1;
+ while (literalValue <= 4) {
+ sampleSizes[literalValue - 1] = currSize;
+ { size_t k;
+ for (k = 0; k < currSize; k++) {
+ *(samples + (samplesPos++)) = (BYTE)literalValue;
+ } }
+ literalValue++;
+ currSize *= 16;
+ } }
+ { size_t dictWriteSize = 0;
+ ZDICT_params_t zdictParams;
+ size_t const headerSize = MAX(dictSize/4, 256);
+ size_t const dictContentSize = dictSize - headerSize;
+ BYTE* const dictContent = fullDict + headerSize;
+ if (dictContentSize < ZDICT_CONTENTSIZE_MIN || dictSize < ZDICT_DICTSIZE_MIN) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: dictionary size is too small\n");
+ ret = 1;
+ goto exitGenRandomDict;
+ }
+ /* init dictionary params */
+ memset(&zdictParams, 0, sizeof(zdictParams));
+ zdictParams.dictID = dictID;
+ zdictParams.notificationLevel = 1;
+ /* fill in dictionary content */
+ RAND_buffer(&seed, (void*)dictContent, dictContentSize);
+ /* finalize dictionary with random samples */
+ dictWriteSize = ZDICT_finalizeDictionary(fullDict, dictSize,
+ dictContent, dictContentSize,
+ samples, sampleSizes, numSamples,
+ zdictParams);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictWriteSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Could not finalize dictionary: %s\n", ZDICT_getErrorName(dictWriteSize));
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ free(samples);
+ return ret;
+static dictInfo initDictInfo(int useDict, size_t dictContentSize, BYTE* dictContent, U32 dictID){
+ /* allocate space statically */
+ dictInfo dictOp;
+ memset(&dictOp, 0, sizeof(dictOp));
+ dictOp.useDict = useDict;
+ dictOp.dictContentSize = dictContentSize;
+ dictOp.dictContent = dictContent;
+ dictOp.dictID = dictID;
+ return dictOp;
+* Test Mode
+static size_t testDecodeSimple(frame_t* fr)
+ /* test decoding the generated data with the simple API */
+ fr->dataStart, (BYTE*)fr->data - (BYTE*)fr->dataStart);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) return ret;
+ if (memcmp(DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER, fr->srcStart,
+ (BYTE*)fr->src - (BYTE*)fr->srcStart) != 0) {
+ return ERROR(corruption_detected);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static size_t testDecodeStreaming(frame_t* fr)
+ /* test decoding the generated data with the streaming API */
+ ZSTD_DStream* zd = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out;
+ size_t ret;
+ if (!zd) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
+ in.src = fr->dataStart;
+ in.pos = 0;
+ in.size = (BYTE*)fr->data - (BYTE*)fr->dataStart;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ out.size = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize();
+ ZSTD_initDStream(zd);
+ while (1) {
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &out, &in);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto cleanup; /* error */
+ if (ret == 0) break; /* frame is done */
+ /* force decoding to be done in chunks */
+ out.size += MIN(ZSTD_DStreamOutSize(), MAX_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE - out.size);
+ }
+ ret = out.pos;
+ if (memcmp(out.dst, fr->srcStart, out.pos) != 0) {
+ return ERROR(corruption_detected);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ return ret;
+static size_t testDecodeWithDict(U32 seed, genType_e genType)
+ /* create variables */
+ size_t const dictSize = RAND(&seed) % (10 << 20) + ZDICT_DICTSIZE_MIN + ZDICT_CONTENTSIZE_MIN;
+ U32 const dictID = RAND(&seed);
+ size_t errorDetected = 0;
+ BYTE* const fullDict = malloc(dictSize);
+ if (fullDict == NULL) {
+ return ERROR(GENERIC);
+ }
+ /* generate random dictionary */
+ if (genRandomDict(dictID, seed, dictSize, fullDict)) { /* return 0 on success */
+ errorDetected = ERROR(GENERIC);
+ goto dictTestCleanup;
+ }
+ { frame_t fr;
+ dictInfo info;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t ret;
+ /* get dict info */
+ { size_t const headerSize = MAX(dictSize/4, 256);
+ size_t const dictContentSize = dictSize-headerSize;
+ BYTE* const dictContent = fullDict+headerSize;
+ info = initDictInfo(1, dictContentSize, dictContent, dictID);
+ }
+ /* manually decompress and check difference */
+ if (genType == gt_frame) {
+ /* Test frame */
+ generateFrame(seed, &fr, info);
+ fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart,
+ fullDict, dictSize);
+ } else {
+ /* Test block */
+ generateCompressedBlock(seed, &fr, info);
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressBegin_usingDict(dctx, fullDict, dictSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ errorDetected = ret;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ goto dictTestCleanup;
+ }
+ fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ errorDetected = ret;
+ goto dictTestCleanup;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER, fr.srcStart, (BYTE*)fr.src - (BYTE*)fr.srcStart) != 0) {
+ errorDetected = ERROR(corruption_detected);
+ goto dictTestCleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ free(fullDict);
+ return errorDetected;
+static size_t testDecodeRawBlock(frame_t* fr)
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t ret = ZSTD_decompressBegin(dctx);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) return ret;
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressBlock(
+ dctx,
+ fr->dataStart, (BYTE*)fr->data - (BYTE*)fr->dataStart);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) return ret;
+ if (memcmp(DECOMPRESSED_BUFFER, fr->srcStart,
+ (BYTE*)fr->src - (BYTE*)fr->srcStart) != 0) {
+ return ERROR(corruption_detected);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int runBlockTest(U32* seed)
+ frame_t fr;
+ U32 const seedCopy = *seed;
+ { dictInfo const info = initDictInfo(0, 0, NULL, 0);
+ *seed = generateCompressedBlock(*seed, &fr, info);
+ }
+ { size_t const r = testDecodeRawBlock(&fr);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in block mode on test seed %u: %s\n",
+ (unsigned)seedCopy, ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ { size_t const r = testDecodeWithDict(*seed, gt_block);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in block mode with dictionary on test seed %u: %s\n",
+ (unsigned)seedCopy, ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int runFrameTest(U32* seed)
+ frame_t fr;
+ U32 const seedCopy = *seed;
+ { dictInfo const info = initDictInfo(0, 0, NULL, 0);
+ *seed = generateFrame(*seed, &fr, info);
+ }
+ { size_t const r = testDecodeSimple(&fr);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in simple mode on test seed %u: %s\n",
+ (unsigned)seedCopy, ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ { size_t const r = testDecodeStreaming(&fr);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in streaming mode on test seed %u: %s\n",
+ (unsigned)seedCopy, ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ { size_t const r = testDecodeWithDict(*seed, gt_frame); /* avoid big dictionaries */
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in dictionary mode on test seed %u: %s\n",
+ (unsigned)seedCopy, ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int runTestMode(U32 seed, unsigned numFiles, unsigned const testDurationS,
+ genType_e genType)
+ unsigned fnum;
+ UTIL_time_t const startClock = UTIL_getTime();
+ U64 const maxClockSpan = testDurationS * SEC_TO_MICRO;
+ if (numFiles == 0 && !testDurationS) numFiles = 1;
+ DISPLAY("seed: %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ for (fnum = 0; fnum < numFiles || UTIL_clockSpanMicro(startClock) < maxClockSpan; fnum++) {
+ if (fnum < numFiles)
+ DISPLAYUPDATE("\r%u/%u ", fnum, numFiles);
+ else
+ DISPLAYUPDATE("\r%u ", fnum);
+ { int const ret = (genType == gt_frame) ?
+ runFrameTest(&seed) :
+ runBlockTest(&seed);
+ if (ret) return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAY("\r%u tests completed: ", fnum);
+ DISPLAY("OK\n");
+ return 0;
+* File I/O
+static int generateFile(U32 seed, const char* const path,
+ const char* const origPath, genType_e genType)
+ frame_t fr;
+ DISPLAY("seed: %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ { dictInfo const info = initDictInfo(0, 0, NULL, 0);
+ if (genType == gt_frame) {
+ generateFrame(seed, &fr, info);
+ } else {
+ generateCompressedBlock(seed, &fr, info);
+ }
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart, path);
+ if (origPath) {
+ outputBuffer(fr.srcStart, (BYTE*)fr.src - (BYTE*)fr.srcStart, origPath);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int generateCorpus(U32 seed, unsigned numFiles, const char* const path,
+ const char* const origPath, genType_e genType)
+ char outPath[MAX_PATH];
+ unsigned fnum;
+ DISPLAY("seed: %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ for (fnum = 0; fnum < numFiles; fnum++) {
+ frame_t fr;
+ DISPLAYUPDATE("\r%u/%u ", fnum, numFiles);
+ { dictInfo const info = initDictInfo(0, 0, NULL, 0);
+ if (genType == gt_frame) {
+ seed = generateFrame(seed, &fr, info);
+ } else {
+ seed = generateCompressedBlock(seed, &fr, info);
+ }
+ }
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/z%06u.zst", path, fnum) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path too long\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart, outPath);
+ if (origPath) {
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/z%06u", origPath, fnum) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path too long\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fr.srcStart, (BYTE*)fr.src - (BYTE*)fr.srcStart, outPath);
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAY("\r%u/%u \n", fnum, numFiles);
+ return 0;
+static int generateCorpusWithDict(U32 seed, unsigned numFiles, const char* const path,
+ const char* const origPath, const size_t dictSize,
+ genType_e genType)
+ char outPath[MAX_PATH];
+ BYTE* fullDict;
+ U32 const dictID = RAND(&seed);
+ int errorDetected = 0;
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/dictionary", path) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path too long\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* allocate space for the dictionary */
+ fullDict = malloc(dictSize);
+ if (fullDict == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: could not allocate space for full dictionary.\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* randomly generate the dictionary */
+ { int const ret = genRandomDict(dictID, seed, dictSize, fullDict);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ errorDetected = ret;
+ goto dictCleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* write out dictionary */
+ if (numFiles != 0) {
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/dictionary", path) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: dictionary path too long\n");
+ errorDetected = 1;
+ goto dictCleanup;
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fullDict, dictSize, outPath);
+ }
+ else {
+ outputBuffer(fullDict, dictSize, "dictionary");
+ }
+ /* generate random compressed/decompressed files */
+ { unsigned fnum;
+ for (fnum = 0; fnum < MAX(numFiles, 1); fnum++) {
+ frame_t fr;
+ DISPLAYUPDATE("\r%u/%u ", fnum, numFiles);
+ {
+ size_t const headerSize = MAX(dictSize/4, 256);
+ size_t const dictContentSize = dictSize-headerSize;
+ BYTE* const dictContent = fullDict+headerSize;
+ dictInfo const info = initDictInfo(1, dictContentSize, dictContent, dictID);
+ if (genType == gt_frame) {
+ seed = generateFrame(seed, &fr, info);
+ } else {
+ seed = generateCompressedBlock(seed, &fr, info);
+ }
+ }
+ if (numFiles != 0) {
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/z%06u.zst", path, fnum) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path too long\n");
+ errorDetected = 1;
+ goto dictCleanup;
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart, outPath);
+ if (origPath) {
+ if (snprintf(outPath, MAX_PATH, "%s/z%06u", origPath, fnum) + 1 > MAX_PATH) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path too long\n");
+ errorDetected = 1;
+ goto dictCleanup;
+ }
+ outputBuffer(fr.srcStart, (BYTE*)fr.src - (BYTE*)fr.srcStart, outPath);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ outputBuffer(fr.dataStart, (BYTE*) - (BYTE*)fr.dataStart, path);
+ if (origPath) {
+ outputBuffer(fr.srcStart, (BYTE*)fr.src - (BYTE*)fr.srcStart, origPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(fullDict);
+ return errorDetected;
+* Command line
+static U32 makeSeed(void)
+ U32 t = (U32) time(NULL);
+ return XXH32(&t, sizeof(t), 0) % 65536;
+static unsigned readInt(const char** argument)
+ unsigned val = 0;
+ while ((**argument>='0') && (**argument<='9')) {
+ val *= 10;
+ val += **argument - '0';
+ (*argument)++;
+ }
+ return val;
+static void usage(const char* programName)
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [args]\n", programName);
+ DISPLAY( "\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -p<path> : select output path (default:stdout)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " in multiple files mode this should be a directory\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -o<path> : select path to output original file (default:no output)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " in multiple files mode this should be a directory\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -s# : select seed (default:random based on time)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -n# : number of files to generate (default:1)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -t : activate test mode (test files against libzstd instead of outputting them)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -T# : length of time to run tests for\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -v : increase verbosity level (default:0, max:7)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -h/H : display help/long help and exit\n");
+static void advancedUsage(const char* programName)
+ usage(programName);
+ DISPLAY( "\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Advanced arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " --content-size : always include the content size in the frame header\n");
+ DISPLAY( " --use-dict=# : include a dictionary used to decompress the corpus\n");
+ DISPLAY( " --gen-blocks : generate raw compressed blocks without block/frame headers\n");
+ DISPLAY( " --max-block-size-log=# : max block size log, must be in range [2, 17]\n");
+ DISPLAY( " --max-content-size-log=# : max content size log, must be <= 20\n");
+ DISPLAY( " (this is ignored with gen-blocks)\n");
+/*! readU32FromChar() :
+ @return : unsigned integer value read from input in `char` format
+ allows and interprets K, KB, KiB, M, MB and MiB suffix.
+ Will also modify `*stringPtr`, advancing it to position where it stopped reading.
+ Note : function result can overflow if digit string > MAX_UINT */
+static unsigned readU32FromChar(const char** stringPtr)
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9'))
+ result *= 10, result += **stringPtr - '0', (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ if ((**stringPtr=='K') || (**stringPtr=='M')) {
+ result <<= 10;
+ if (**stringPtr=='M') result <<= 10;
+ (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ if (**stringPtr=='i') (*stringPtr)++;
+ if (**stringPtr=='B') (*stringPtr)++;
+ }
+ return result;
+/** longCommandWArg() :
+ * check if *stringPtr is the same as longCommand.
+ * If yes, @return 1 and advances *stringPtr to the position which immediately follows longCommand.
+ * @return 0 and doesn't modify *stringPtr otherwise.
+ */
+static unsigned longCommandWArg(const char** stringPtr, const char* longCommand)
+ size_t const comSize = strlen(longCommand);
+ int const result = !strncmp(*stringPtr, longCommand, comSize);
+ if (result) *stringPtr += comSize;
+ return result;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ U32 seed = 0;
+ int seedset = 0;
+ unsigned numFiles = 0;
+ unsigned testDuration = 0;
+ int testMode = 0;
+ const char* path = NULL;
+ const char* origPath = NULL;
+ int useDict = 0;
+ unsigned dictSize = (10 << 10); /* 10 kB default */
+ genType_e genType = gt_frame;
+ int argNb;
+ /* Check command line */
+ for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[argNb];
+ if(!argument) continue; /* Protection if argument empty */
+ /* Handle commands. Aggregated commands are allowed */
+ if (argument[0]=='-') {
+ argument++;
+ while (*argument!=0) {
+ switch(*argument)
+ {
+ case 'h':
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ case 'H':
+ advancedUsage(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ case 'v':
+ argument++;
+ g_displayLevel++;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ argument++;
+ seedset=1;
+ seed = readInt(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ argument++;
+ numFiles = readInt(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ argument++;
+ testDuration = readInt(&argument);
+ if (*argument == 'm') {
+ testDuration *= 60;
+ argument++;
+ if (*argument == 'n') argument++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ argument++;
+ origPath = argument;
+ argument += strlen(argument);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ argument++;
+ path = argument;
+ argument += strlen(argument);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ argument++;
+ testMode = 1;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ argument++;
+ if (strcmp(argument, "content-size") == 0) {
+ opts.contentSize = 1;
+ } else if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "use-dict=")) {
+ dictSize = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ useDict = 1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argument, "gen-blocks") == 0) {
+ genType = gt_block;
+ } else if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "max-block-size-log=")) {
+ U32 value = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ if (value >= 2 && value <= ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) {
+ g_maxBlockSize = 1U << value;
+ }
+ } else if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "max-content-size-log=")) {
+ U32 value = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ g_maxDecompressedSizeLog =
+ } else {
+ advancedUsage(argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ argument += strlen(argument);
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ } } } } /* for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) */
+ if (!seedset) {
+ seed = makeSeed();
+ }
+ if (testMode) {
+ return runTestMode(seed, numFiles, testDuration, genType);
+ } else {
+ if (testDuration) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: -T requires test mode (-t)\n\n");
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!path) {
+ DISPLAY("Error: path is required in file generation mode\n");
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (numFiles == 0 && useDict == 0) {
+ return generateFile(seed, path, origPath, genType);
+ } else if (useDict == 0){
+ return generateCorpus(seed, numFiles, path, origPath, genType);
+ } else {
+ /* should generate files with a dictionary */
+ return generateCorpusWithDict(seed, numFiles, path, origPath, dictSize, genType);
+ }
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/dict-files/zero-weight-dict b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/dict-files/zero-weight-dict
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4041205213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/dict-files/zero-weight-dict
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fullbench.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fullbench.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f610fef4c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fullbench.c
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+* Includes
+#define ZSTD_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS /* No deprecation warnings, we still bench some deprecated functions */
+#include "util.h" /* Compiler options, UTIL_GetFileSize */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf, fopen, ftello64 */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "timefn.h" /* UTIL_clockSpanNano, UTIL_getTime */
+#include "mem.h" /* U32 */
+ #include "zstd_internal.h" /* ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders, ZSTD_blockHeaderSize, ZSTD_getcBlockSize, blockType_e, KB, MB */
+ #include "decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h" /* ZSTD_DCtx struct */
+ #define KB *(1 <<10)
+ #define MB *(1 <<20)
+ #define GB *(1U<<30)
+ typedef enum { bt_raw, bt_rle, bt_compressed, bt_reserved } blockType_e;
+#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_compressBegin, ZSTD_compressContinue, etc. */
+#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_versionString */
+#include "util.h" /* time functions */
+#include "datagen.h"
+#include "benchfn.h" /* CustomBench */
+#include "benchzstd.h" /* MB_UNIT */
+* Constants
+#define PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION "Zstandard speed analyzer"
+#define AUTHOR "Yann Collet"
+#define WELCOME_MESSAGE "*** %s %s %i-bits, by %s (%s) ***\n", PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION, ZSTD_versionString(), (int)(sizeof(void*)*8), AUTHOR, __DATE__
+#define NBLOOPS 6
+#define TIMELOOP_S 2
+#define MAX_MEM (1984 MB)
+static const size_t kSampleSizeDefault = 10000000;
+#define TIMELOOP_NANOSEC (1*1000000000ULL) /* 1 second */
+* Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define CONTROL(c) { if (!(c)) { abort(); } } /* like assert(), but cannot be disabled */
+* Benchmark Parameters
+static unsigned g_nbIterations = NBLOOPS;
+* Private functions
+static size_t BMK_findMaxMem(U64 requiredMem)
+ size_t const step = 64 MB;
+ void* testmem = NULL;
+ requiredMem = (((requiredMem >> 26) + 1) << 26);
+ if (requiredMem > MAX_MEM) requiredMem = MAX_MEM;
+ requiredMem += step;
+ do {
+ testmem = malloc ((size_t)requiredMem);
+ requiredMem -= step;
+ } while (!testmem);
+ free (testmem);
+ return (size_t) requiredMem;
+* Benchmark wrappers
+static ZSTD_CCtx* g_zcc = NULL;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compress(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstSize,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_parameters p;
+ ZSTD_frameParameters f = { 1 /* contentSizeHeader*/, 0, 0 };
+ p.fParams = f;
+ p.cParams = *(ZSTD_compressionParameters*)payload;
+ return ZSTD_compress_advanced (g_zcc, dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, NULL ,0, p);
+ //return ZSTD_compress(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+static size_t g_cSize = 0;
+static size_t local_ZSTD_decompress(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstSize,
+ void* buff2)
+ (void)src; (void)srcSize;
+ return ZSTD_decompress(dst, dstSize, buff2, g_cSize);
+static ZSTD_DCtx* g_zdc = NULL;
+typedef enum {
+ not_streaming = 0,
+ is_streaming = 1
+} streaming_operation;
+extern size_t ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock(ZSTD_DCtx* ctx, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const streaming_operation streaming);
+static size_t local_ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock(const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* dst, size_t dstSize, void* buff2)
+ (void)src; (void)srcSize; (void)dst; (void)dstSize;
+ return ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock(g_zdc, buff2, g_cSize, dst, dstSize, not_streaming);
+static size_t local_ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders(const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* dst, size_t dstSize, void* buff2)
+ int nbSeq;
+ (void)src; (void)srcSize; (void)dst; (void)dstSize;
+ return ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders(g_zdc, &nbSeq, buff2, g_cSize);
+FORCE_NOINLINE size_t ZSTD_decodeLiteralsHeader(ZSTD_DCtx* dctx, void const* src, size_t srcSize)
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(srcSize < MIN_CBLOCK_SIZE, corruption_detected, "");
+ {
+ BYTE const* istart = (BYTE const*)src;
+ symbolEncodingType_e const litEncType = (symbolEncodingType_e)(istart[0] & 3);
+ if (litEncType == set_compressed) {
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(srcSize < 5, corruption_detected, "srcSize >= MIN_CBLOCK_SIZE == 3; here we need up to 5 for case 3");
+ {
+ size_t lhSize, litSize, litCSize;
+ U32 const lhlCode = (istart[0] >> 2) & 3;
+ U32 const lhc = MEM_readLE32(istart);
+ switch(lhlCode)
+ {
+ case 0: case 1: default: /* note : default is impossible, since lhlCode into [0..3] */
+ /* 2 - 2 - 10 - 10 */
+ lhSize = 3;
+ litSize = (lhc >> 4) & 0x3FF;
+ litCSize = (lhc >> 14) & 0x3FF;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* 2 - 2 - 14 - 14 */
+ lhSize = 4;
+ litSize = (lhc >> 4) & 0x3FFF;
+ litCSize = lhc >> 18;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* 2 - 2 - 18 - 18 */
+ lhSize = 5;
+ litSize = (lhc >> 4) & 0x3FFFF;
+ litCSize = (lhc >> 22) + ((size_t)istart[4] << 10);
+ break;
+ }
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(litSize > ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX, corruption_detected, "");
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(litCSize + lhSize > srcSize, corruption_detected, "");
+ return HUF_readDTableX1_wksp_bmi2(
+ dctx->entropy.hufTable,
+ istart+lhSize, litCSize,
+ dctx->workspace, sizeof(dctx->workspace),
+ ZSTD_DCtx_get_bmi2(dctx));
+ return HUF_readDTableX2_wksp(
+ dctx->entropy.hufTable,
+ istart+lhSize, litCSize,
+ dctx->workspace, sizeof(dctx->workspace));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static size_t local_ZSTD_decodeLiteralsHeader(const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* dst, size_t dstSize, void* buff2)
+ (void)dst, (void)dstSize, (void)src, (void)srcSize;
+ return ZSTD_decodeLiteralsHeader(g_zdc, buff2, g_cSize);
+static ZSTD_CStream* g_cstream= NULL;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compressStream(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffOut;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffIn;
+ ZSTD_parameters p;
+ ZSTD_frameParameters f = {1 /* contentSizeHeader*/, 0, 0};
+ p.fParams = f;
+ p.cParams = *(ZSTD_compressionParameters*)payload;
+ ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(g_cstream, NULL, 0, p, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN);
+ buffOut.dst = dst;
+ buffOut.size = dstCapacity;
+ buffOut.pos = 0;
+ buffIn.src = src;
+ buffIn.size = srcSize;
+ buffIn.pos = 0;
+ ZSTD_compressStream(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn);
+ ZSTD_endStream(g_cstream, &buffOut);
+ return buffOut.pos;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compressStream_freshCCtx(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t r;
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ r = local_ZSTD_compressStream(src, srcSize, dst, dstCapacity, payload);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return r;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compress2(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ (void)payload;
+ return ZSTD_compress2(g_cstream, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize);
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compressStream2_end(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffOut;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffIn;
+ (void)payload;
+ buffOut.dst = dst;
+ buffOut.size = dstCapacity;
+ buffOut.pos = 0;
+ buffIn.src = src;
+ buffIn.size = srcSize;
+ buffIn.pos = 0;
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn, ZSTD_e_end);
+ return buffOut.pos;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compressStream2_continue(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffOut;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffIn;
+ (void)payload;
+ buffOut.dst = dst;
+ buffOut.size = dstCapacity;
+ buffOut.pos = 0;
+ buffIn.src = src;
+ buffIn.size = srcSize;
+ buffIn.pos = 0;
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn, ZSTD_e_end);
+ return buffOut.pos;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compress_generic_T2_end(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ (void)payload;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2);
+ return ZSTD_compress2(g_cstream, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize);
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compress_generic_T2_continue(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffOut;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffIn;
+ (void)payload;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2);
+ buffOut.dst = dst;
+ buffOut.size = dstCapacity;
+ buffOut.pos = 0;
+ buffIn.src = src;
+ buffIn.size = srcSize;
+ buffIn.pos = 0;
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ while(ZSTD_compressStream2(g_cstream, &buffOut, &buffIn, ZSTD_e_end)) {}
+ return buffOut.pos;
+static ZSTD_DStream* g_dstream= NULL;
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_decompressStream(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* buff2)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffOut;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffIn;
+ (void)src; (void)srcSize;
+ ZSTD_initDStream(g_dstream);
+ buffOut.dst = dst;
+ buffOut.size = dstCapacity;
+ buffOut.pos = 0;
+ buffIn.src = buff2;
+ buffIn.size = g_cSize;
+ buffIn.pos = 0;
+ ZSTD_decompressStream(g_dstream, &buffOut, &buffIn);
+ return buffOut.pos;
+static size_t local_ZSTD_compressContinue(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_parameters p;
+ ZSTD_frameParameters f = { 1 /* contentSizeHeader*/, 0, 0 };
+ p.fParams = f;
+ p.cParams = *(ZSTD_compressionParameters*)payload;
+ ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(g_zcc, NULL, 0, p, srcSize);
+ return ZSTD_compressEnd(g_zcc, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize);
+static size_t
+local_ZSTD_compressContinue_extDict(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* payload)
+ ZSTD_parameters p;
+ ZSTD_frameParameters const f = { 1, 0, 0 };
+ p.fParams = f;
+ p.cParams = *(ZSTD_compressionParameters*)payload;
+ ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(g_zcc, NULL, 0, p, srcSize);
+ memcpy(firstBlockBuf, src, FIRST_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ { size_t const compressResult = ZSTD_compressContinue(g_zcc,
+ dst, dstCapacity,
+ firstBlockBuf, FIRST_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(compressResult)) {
+ DISPLAY("local_ZSTD_compressContinue_extDict error : %s\n",
+ ZSTD_getErrorName(compressResult));
+ return compressResult;
+ }
+ dst = (BYTE*)dst + compressResult;
+ dstCapacity -= compressResult;
+ }
+ return ZSTD_compressEnd(g_zcc, dst, dstCapacity,
+ (const BYTE*)src + FIRST_BLOCK_SIZE,
+ srcSize - FIRST_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static size_t local_ZSTD_decompressContinue(const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
+ void* buff2)
+ size_t regeneratedSize = 0;
+ const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)buff2;
+ const BYTE* const iend = ip + g_cSize;
+ BYTE* op = (BYTE*)dst;
+ size_t remainingCapacity = dstCapacity;
+ (void)src; (void)srcSize; /* unused */
+ ZSTD_decompressBegin(g_zdc);
+ while (ip < iend) {
+ size_t const iSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(g_zdc);
+ size_t const decodedSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(g_zdc, op, remainingCapacity, ip, iSize);
+ ip += iSize;
+ regeneratedSize += decodedSize;
+ op += decodedSize;
+ remainingCapacity -= decodedSize;
+ }
+ return regeneratedSize;
+* Bench functions
+static int benchMem(unsigned benchNb,
+ const void* src, size_t srcSize,
+ int cLevel, ZSTD_compressionParameters cparams)
+ size_t dstBuffSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ BYTE* dstBuff;
+ void* dstBuff2;
+ void* payload;
+ const char* benchName;
+ BMK_benchFn_t benchFunction;
+ int errorcode = 0;
+ /* Selection */
+ switch(benchNb)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compress; benchName = "compress";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decompress; benchName = "decompress";
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressContinue; benchName = "compressContinue";
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressContinue_extDict; benchName = "compressContinue_extDict";
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decompressContinue; benchName = "decompressContinue";
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decodeLiteralsHeader; benchName = "decodeLiteralsHeader";
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock; benchName = "decodeLiteralsBlock";
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders; benchName = "decodeSeqHeaders";
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressStream; benchName = "compressStream";
+ break;
+ case 42:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_decompressStream; benchName = "decompressStream";
+ break;
+ case 43:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressStream_freshCCtx; benchName = "compressStream_freshCCtx";
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compress2; benchName = "compress2";
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressStream2_end; benchName = "compressStream2, end";
+ break;
+ case 52:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressStream2_end; benchName = "compressStream2, end & short";
+ break;
+ case 53:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compressStream2_continue; benchName = "compressStream2, continue";
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compress_generic_T2_continue; benchName = "compress_generic, -T2, continue";
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ benchFunction = local_ZSTD_compress_generic_T2_end; benchName = "compress_generic, -T2, end";
+ break;
+ default :
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Allocation */
+ dstBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(dstBuffSize);
+ dstBuff2 = malloc(dstBuffSize);
+ if ((!dstBuff) || (!dstBuff2)) {
+ DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n");
+ free(dstBuff); free(dstBuff2);
+ return 12;
+ }
+ payload = dstBuff2;
+ if (g_zcc==NULL) g_zcc = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (g_zdc==NULL) g_zdc = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ if (g_cstream==NULL) g_cstream = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ if (g_dstream==NULL) g_dstream = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ /* DISPLAY("params: cLevel %d, wlog %d hlog %d clog %d slog %d mml %d tlen %d strat %d \n",
+ cLevel, cparams->windowLog, cparams->hashLog, cparams->chainLog, cparams->searchLog,
+ cparams->minMatch, cparams->targetLength, cparams->strategy); */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_windowLog, (int)cparams.windowLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_hashLog, (int)cparams.hashLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_chainLog, (int)cparams.chainLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_searchLog, (int)cparams.searchLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_minMatch, (int)cparams.minMatch);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_targetLength, (int)cparams.targetLength);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_zcc, ZSTD_c_strategy, cparams.strategy);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_windowLog, (int)cparams.windowLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_hashLog, (int)cparams.hashLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_chainLog, (int)cparams.chainLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_searchLog, (int)cparams.searchLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_minMatch, (int)cparams.minMatch);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_targetLength, (int)cparams.targetLength);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(g_cstream, ZSTD_c_strategy, cparams.strategy);
+ /* Preparation */
+ switch(benchNb)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ payload = &cparams;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ g_cSize = ZSTD_compress(dstBuff2, dstBuffSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ payload = &cparams;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ payload = &cparams;
+ break;
+ case 13 :
+ g_cSize = ZSTD_compress(dstBuff2, dstBuffSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ break;
+ case 30: /* ZSTD_decodeLiteralsHeader */
+ /* fall-through */
+ case 31: /* ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock : starts literals block in dstBuff2 */
+ { size_t frameHeaderSize;
+ g_cSize = ZSTD_compress(dstBuff, dstBuffSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ frameHeaderSize = ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(dstBuff, ZSTD_FRAMEHEADERSIZE_PREFIX(ZSTD_f_zstd1));
+ CONTROL(!ZSTD_isError(frameHeaderSize));
+ /* check block is compressible, hence contains a literals section */
+ { blockProperties_t bp;
+ ZSTD_getcBlockSize(dstBuff+frameHeaderSize, dstBuffSize, &bp); /* Get 1st block type */
+ if (bp.blockType != bt_compressed) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock : impossible to test on this sample (not compressible)\n");
+ goto _cleanOut;
+ } }
+ { size_t const skippedSize = frameHeaderSize + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize;
+ memcpy(dstBuff2, dstBuff+skippedSize, g_cSize-skippedSize);
+ }
+ srcSize = srcSize > 128 KB ? 128 KB : srcSize; /* speed relative to block */
+ ZSTD_decompressBegin(g_zdc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 32: /* ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders */
+ { blockProperties_t bp;
+ const BYTE* ip = dstBuff;
+ const BYTE* iend;
+ { size_t const cSize = ZSTD_compress(dstBuff, dstBuffSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ }
+ /* Skip frame Header */
+ { size_t const frameHeaderSize = ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(dstBuff, ZSTD_FRAMEHEADERSIZE_PREFIX(ZSTD_f_zstd1));
+ CONTROL(!ZSTD_isError(frameHeaderSize));
+ ip += frameHeaderSize;
+ }
+ /* Find end of block */
+ { size_t const cBlockSize = ZSTD_getcBlockSize(ip, dstBuffSize, &bp); /* Get 1st block type */
+ if (bp.blockType != bt_compressed) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_decodeSeqHeaders : impossible to test on this sample (not compressible)\n");
+ goto _cleanOut;
+ }
+ iend = ip + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize + cBlockSize; /* End of first block */
+ }
+ ip += ZSTD_blockHeaderSize; /* skip block header */
+ ZSTD_decompressBegin(g_zdc);
+ CONTROL(iend > ip);
+ ip += ZSTD_decodeLiteralsBlock(g_zdc, ip, (size_t)(iend-ip), dstBuff, dstBuffSize, not_streaming); /* skip literal segment */
+ g_cSize = (size_t)(iend-ip);
+ memcpy(dstBuff2, ip, g_cSize); /* copy rest of block (it starts by SeqHeader) */
+ srcSize = srcSize > 128 KB ? 128 KB : srcSize; /* speed relative to block */
+ break;
+ }
+ case 31:
+ goto _cleanOut;
+ case 41 :
+ payload = &cparams;
+ break;
+ case 42 :
+ g_cSize = ZSTD_compress(payload, dstBuffSize, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ break;
+ case 43 :
+ payload = &cparams;
+ break;
+ case 52 :
+ /* compressStream2, short dstCapacity */
+ dstBuffSize--;
+ break;
+ /* test functions */
+ /* convention: test functions have ID > 100 */
+ default : ;
+ }
+ /* warming up dstBuff */
+ { size_t i; for (i=0; i<dstBuffSize; i++) dstBuff[i]=(BYTE)i; }
+ /* benchmark loop */
+ { BMK_timedFnState_t* const tfs = BMK_createTimedFnState(g_nbIterations * 1000, 1000);
+ void* const avoidStrictAliasingPtr = &dstBuff;
+ BMK_benchParams_t bp;
+ BMK_runTime_t bestResult;
+ bestResult.sumOfReturn = 0;
+ bestResult.nanoSecPerRun = (double)TIMELOOP_NANOSEC * 2000000000; /* hopefully large enough : must be larger than any potential measurement */
+ CONTROL(tfs != NULL);
+ bp.benchFn = benchFunction;
+ bp.benchPayload = payload;
+ bp.initFn = NULL;
+ bp.initPayload = NULL;
+ bp.errorFn = ZSTD_isError;
+ bp.blockCount = 1;
+ bp.srcBuffers = &src;
+ bp.srcSizes = &srcSize;
+ bp.dstBuffers = (void* const*) avoidStrictAliasingPtr; /* circumvent strict aliasing warning on gcc-8,
+ * because gcc considers that `void* const *` and `void**` are 2 different types */
+ bp.dstCapacities = &dstBuffSize;
+ bp.blockResults = NULL;
+ for (;;) {
+ BMK_runOutcome_t const bOutcome = BMK_benchTimedFn(tfs, bp);
+ if (!BMK_isSuccessful_runOutcome(bOutcome)) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR benchmarking function ! ! \n");
+ errorcode = 1;
+ goto _cleanOut;
+ }
+ { BMK_runTime_t const newResult = BMK_extract_runTime(bOutcome);
+ if (newResult.nanoSecPerRun < bestResult.nanoSecPerRun )
+ bestResult.nanoSecPerRun = newResult.nanoSecPerRun;
+ DISPLAY("\r%2u#%-29.29s:%8.1f MB/s (%8u) ",
+ benchNb, benchName,
+ (double)srcSize * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / bestResult.nanoSecPerRun / MB_UNIT,
+ (unsigned)newResult.sumOfReturn );
+ }
+ if ( BMK_isCompleted_TimedFn(tfs) ) break;
+ }
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(tfs);
+ }
+ DISPLAY("\n");
+ free(dstBuff);
+ free(dstBuff2);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(g_zcc); g_zcc=NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(g_zdc); g_zdc=NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(g_cstream); g_cstream=NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(g_dstream); g_dstream=NULL;
+ return errorcode;
+static int benchSample(U32 benchNb,
+ size_t benchedSize, double compressibility,
+ int cLevel, ZSTD_compressionParameters cparams)
+ /* Allocation */
+ void* const origBuff = malloc(benchedSize);
+ if (!origBuff) { DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n"); return 12; }
+ /* Fill buffer */
+ RDG_genBuffer(origBuff, benchedSize, compressibility, 0.0, 0);
+ /* bench */
+ DISPLAY("\r%70s\r", "");
+ DISPLAY(" Sample %u bytes : \n", (unsigned)benchedSize);
+ if (benchNb) {
+ benchMem(benchNb, origBuff, benchedSize, cLevel, cparams);
+ } else { /* 0 == run all tests */
+ for (benchNb=0; benchNb<100; benchNb++) {
+ benchMem(benchNb, origBuff, benchedSize, cLevel, cparams);
+ } }
+ free(origBuff);
+ return 0;
+static int benchFiles(U32 benchNb,
+ const char** fileNamesTable, const int nbFiles,
+ int cLevel, ZSTD_compressionParameters cparams)
+ /* Loop for each file */
+ int fileIdx;
+ for (fileIdx=0; fileIdx<nbFiles; fileIdx++) {
+ const char* const inFileName = fileNamesTable[fileIdx];
+ FILE* const inFile = fopen( inFileName, "rb" );
+ size_t benchedSize;
+ /* Check file existence */
+ if (inFile==NULL) { DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", inFileName); return 11; }
+ /* Memory allocation & restrictions */
+ { U64 const inFileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(inFileName);
+ if (inFileSize == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN) {
+ DISPLAY( "Cannot measure size of %s\n", inFileName);
+ fclose(inFile);
+ return 11;
+ }
+ benchedSize = BMK_findMaxMem(inFileSize*3) / 3;
+ if ((U64)benchedSize > inFileSize)
+ benchedSize = (size_t)inFileSize;
+ if ((U64)benchedSize < inFileSize) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory for '%s' full size; testing %u MB only... \n",
+ inFileName, (unsigned)(benchedSize>>20));
+ } }
+ /* Alloc */
+ { void* const origBuff = malloc(benchedSize);
+ if (!origBuff) { DISPLAY("\nError: not enough memory!\n"); fclose(inFile); return 12; }
+ /* Fill input buffer */
+ DISPLAY("Loading %s... \r", inFileName);
+ { size_t const readSize = fread(origBuff, 1, benchedSize, inFile);
+ fclose(inFile);
+ if (readSize != benchedSize) {
+ DISPLAY("\nError: problem reading file '%s' !! \n", inFileName);
+ free(origBuff);
+ return 13;
+ } }
+ /* bench */
+ DISPLAY("\r%70s\r", ""); /* blank line */
+ DISPLAY(" %s : \n", inFileName);
+ if (benchNb) {
+ benchMem(benchNb, origBuff, benchedSize, cLevel, cparams);
+ } else {
+ for (benchNb=0; benchNb<100; benchNb++) {
+ benchMem(benchNb, origBuff, benchedSize, cLevel, cparams);
+ } }
+ free(origBuff);
+ } }
+ return 0;
+* Argument Parsing
+#define ERROR_OUT(msg) { DISPLAY("%s \n", msg); exit(1); }
+static unsigned readU32FromChar(const char** stringPtr)
+ const char errorMsg[] = "error: numeric value too large";
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9')) {
+ unsigned const max = (((unsigned)(-1)) / 10) - 1;
+ if (result > max) ERROR_OUT(errorMsg);
+ result *= 10;
+ result += (unsigned)(**stringPtr - '0');
+ (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ }
+ if ((**stringPtr=='K') || (**stringPtr=='M')) {
+ unsigned const maxK = ((unsigned)(-1)) >> 10;
+ if (result > maxK) ERROR_OUT(errorMsg);
+ result <<= 10;
+ if (**stringPtr=='M') {
+ if (result > maxK) ERROR_OUT(errorMsg);
+ result <<= 10;
+ }
+ (*stringPtr)++; /* skip `K` or `M` */
+ if (**stringPtr=='i') (*stringPtr)++;
+ if (**stringPtr=='B') (*stringPtr)++;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int longCommandWArg(const char** stringPtr, const char* longCommand)
+ size_t const comSize = strlen(longCommand);
+ int const result = !strncmp(*stringPtr, longCommand, comSize);
+ if (result) *stringPtr += comSize;
+ return result;
+* Command line
+static int usage(const char* exename)
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [arg] file1 file2 ... fileX\n", exename);
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -H/-h : Help (this text + advanced options)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int usage_advanced(const char* exename)
+ usage(exename);
+ DISPLAY( "\nAdvanced options :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -b# : test only function # \n");
+ DISPLAY( " -l# : benchmark functions at that compression level (default : %i)\n", DEFAULT_CLEVEL);
+ DISPLAY( "--zstd= : custom parameter selection. Format same as zstdcli \n");
+ DISPLAY( " -P# : sample compressibility (default : %.1f%%)\n", COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT * 100);
+ DISPLAY( " -B# : sample size (default : %u)\n", (unsigned)kSampleSizeDefault);
+ DISPLAY( " -i# : iteration loops [1-9](default : %i)\n", NBLOOPS);
+ return 0;
+static int badusage(const char* exename)
+ DISPLAY("Wrong parameters\n");
+ usage(exename);
+ return 1;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ int argNb, filenamesStart=0, result;
+ const char* const exename = argv[0];
+ const char* input_filename = NULL;
+ U32 benchNb = 0, main_pause = 0;
+ int cLevel = DEFAULT_CLEVEL;
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters cparams = ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, 0, 0);
+ size_t sampleSize = kSampleSizeDefault;
+ double compressibility = COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT;
+ if (argc<1) return badusage(exename);
+ for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[argNb];
+ CONTROL(argument != NULL);
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--zstd=")) {
+ for ( ; ;) {
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "windowLog=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "wlog=")) { cparams.windowLog = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "chainLog=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "clog=")) { cparams.chainLog = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "hashLog=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "hlog=")) { cparams.hashLog = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "searchLog=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "slog=")) { cparams.searchLog = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "minMatch=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "mml=")) { cparams.minMatch = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "targetLength=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "tlen=")) { cparams.targetLength = readU32FromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "strategy=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "strat=")) { cparams.strategy = (ZSTD_strategy)(readU32FromChar(&argument)); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "level=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "lvl=")) { cLevel = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument); cparams = ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, 0, 0); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ DISPLAY("invalid compression parameter \n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* check end of string */
+ if (argument[0] != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("invalid --zstd= format \n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (argument[0]=='-') { /* Commands (note : aggregated commands are allowed) */
+ argument++;
+ while (argument[0]!=0) {
+ switch(argument[0])
+ {
+ /* Display help on usage */
+ case 'h':
+ case 'H': return usage_advanced(exename);
+ /* Pause at the end (hidden option) */
+ case 'p': main_pause = 1; break;
+ /* Select specific algorithm to bench */
+ case 'b':
+ argument++;
+ benchNb = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ /* Select compression level to use */
+ case 'l':
+ argument++;
+ cLevel = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ cparams = ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ /* Select compressibility of synthetic sample */
+ case 'P':
+ argument++;
+ compressibility = (double)readU32FromChar(&argument) / 100.;
+ break;
+ /* Select size of synthetic sample */
+ case 'B':
+ argument++;
+ sampleSize = (size_t)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ /* Modify Nb Iterations */
+ case 'i':
+ argument++;
+ g_nbIterations = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ /* Unknown command */
+ default : return badusage(exename);
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* first provided filename is input */
+ if (!input_filename) { input_filename=argument; filenamesStart=argNb; continue; }
+ }
+ if (filenamesStart==0) /* no input file */
+ result = benchSample(benchNb, sampleSize, compressibility, cLevel, cparams);
+ else
+ result = benchFiles(benchNb, argv+filenamesStart, argc-filenamesStart, cLevel, cparams);
+ if (main_pause) { int unused; printf("press enter...\n"); unused = getchar(); (void)unused; }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/.gitignore b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02c2f10beb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# test artefacts
+# misc
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/Makefile b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b707bd95176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+# Optionally user defined flags
+CFLAGS ?= -O3
+LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE ?= libregression.a
+PYTHON ?= python
+ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin)
+ DOWNLOAD?=curl -L -o
+ DOWNLOAD?=wget -O
+LIBZSTD = ../../lib
+include $(LIBZSTD)/
+ZSTDDIR = ../../lib
+PRGDIR = ../../programs
+CONTRIBDIR = ../../contrib
+FUZZ_CPPFLAGS := -I$(ZSTDDIR) -I$(ZSTDDIR)/common -I$(ZSTDDIR)/compress \
+ -I$(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder -I$(ZSTDDIR)/deprecated -I$(ZSTDDIR)/legacy \
+FUZZ_EXTRA_FLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wshadow \
+ -Wstrict-aliasing=1 -Wswitch-enum -Wdeclaration-after-statement \
+ -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef \
+ -Wvla -Wformat=2 -Winit-self -Wfloat-equal -Wwrite-strings \
+ -Wredundant-decls -Wno-deprecated-declarations \
+ -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+FUZZ_LDFLAGS := -pthread $(LDFLAGS)
+FUZZ_HEADERS := fuzz_helpers.h fuzz.h zstd_helpers.h fuzz_data_producer.h
+FUZZ_SRC := $(PRGDIR)/util.c ./fuzz_helpers.c ./zstd_helpers.c ./fuzz_data_producer.c
+SEEKABLE_HEADERS = $(CONTRIBDIR)/seekable_format/zstd_seekable.h
+SEEKABLE_OBJS = $(CONTRIBDIR)/seekable_format/zstdseek_compress.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/seekable_format/zstdseek_decompress.c
+FUZZ_SRC := \
+ $(FUZZ_SRC) \
+FUZZ_SRC := $(sort $(wildcard $(FUZZ_SRC)))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,d_lib_common_,$(FUZZ_SRC))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,d_lib_compress_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ1))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,d_lib_decompress_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ2))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ4 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder/,d_lib_dictBuilder_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ3))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ5 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/,d_lib_legacy_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ4))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ6 := $(subst $(PRGDIR)/,d_prg_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ5))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ7 := $(subst $\./,d_fuzz_,$(FUZZ_D_OBJ6))
+FUZZ_D_OBJ8 := $(FUZZ_D_OBJ7:.c=.o)
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ1 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/common/,rt_lib_common_,$(FUZZ_SRC))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ2 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/,rt_lib_compress_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ1))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ3 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/,rt_lib_decompress_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ2))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ4 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder/,rt_lib_dictBuilder_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ3))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ5 := $(subst $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/,rt_lib_legacy_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ4))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ6 := $(subst $(PRGDIR)/,rt_prg_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ5))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ7 := $(subst $\./,rt_fuzz_,$(FUZZ_RT_OBJ6))
+FUZZ_RT_OBJ8 := $(FUZZ_RT_OBJ7:.c=.o)
+.PHONY: default all clean cleanall
+default: all
+ simple_round_trip \
+ stream_round_trip \
+ block_round_trip \
+ simple_decompress \
+ stream_decompress \
+ block_decompress \
+ dictionary_round_trip \
+ dictionary_decompress \
+ zstd_frame_info \
+ simple_compress \
+ dictionary_loader \
+ raw_dictionary_round_trip \
+ dictionary_stream_round_trip \
+ decompress_dstSize_tooSmall \
+ fse_read_ncount \
+ sequence_compression_api \
+ seekable_roundtrip \
+ huf_round_trip \
+ huf_decompress
+all: libregression.a $(FUZZ_TARGETS)
+rt_lib_common_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c
+rt_lib_compress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c
+rt_lib_decompress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c
+rt_lib_decompress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S
+rt_lib_dictBuilder_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder/%.c
+rt_lib_legacy_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/%.c
+rt_prg_%.o: $(PRGDIR)/%.c
+rt_fuzz_%.o: %.c
+d_lib_common_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/common/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_lib_compress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/compress/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_lib_decompress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_lib_decompress_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/decompress/%.S
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_lib_dictBuilder_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/dictBuilder/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_lib_legacy_%.o: $(ZSTDDIR)/legacy/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_prg_%.o: $(PRGDIR)/%.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+d_fuzz_%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(FUZZ_CPPFLAGS) $(FUZZ_CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
+simple_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_simple_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_simple_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+stream_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_stream_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_stream_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+block_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_block_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_block_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+simple_decompress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_simple_decompress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_simple_decompress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+stream_decompress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_stream_decompress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_stream_decompress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+block_decompress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_block_decompress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_block_decompress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+dictionary_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+raw_dictionary_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_raw_dictionary_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_raw_dictionary_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+dictionary_stream_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_stream_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_stream_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+dictionary_decompress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_dictionary_decompress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_dictionary_decompress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+simple_compress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_simple_compress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_simple_compress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+zstd_frame_info: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_zstd_frame_info.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_zstd_frame_info.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+dictionary_loader: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_loader.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_dictionary_loader.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+decompress_dstSize_tooSmall: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+fse_read_ncount: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_fse_read_ncount.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_fse_read_ncount.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+sequence_compression_api: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_sequence_compression_api.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_sequence_compression_api.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+seekable_roundtrip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(SEEKABLE_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) $(SEEKABLE_OBJS) rt_fuzz_seekable_roundtrip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) $(SEEKABLE_OBJS) rt_fuzz_seekable_roundtrip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+huf_round_trip: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_huf_round_trip.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_ROUND_TRIP_OBJ) rt_fuzz_huf_round_trip.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+huf_decompress: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_huf_decompress.o
+ $(CXX) $(FUZZ_TARGET_FLAGS) $(FUZZ_DECOMPRESS_OBJ) d_fuzz_huf_decompress.o $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) -o $@
+libregression.a: $(FUZZ_HEADERS) $(PRGDIR)/util.h $(PRGDIR)/util.c d_fuzz_regression_driver.o
+ $(AR) $(FUZZ_ARFLAGS) $@ d_fuzz_regression_driver.o
+ @mkdir -p corpora
+corpora/%: corpora/
+ unzip -q $^ -d $@
+.PHONY: corpora
+corpora: $(patsubst %,corpora/%,$(FUZZ_TARGETS))
+.PHONY: seedcorpora
+seedcorpora: $(patsubst %,corpora/,$(FUZZ_TARGETS))
+regressiontest: corpora
+ $(PYTHON) ./ regression all
+ @$(RM) *.a *.o $(FUZZ_TARGETS)
+ @echo Cleaning completed
+ @$(RM) -r Fuzzer
+ @$(RM) -r corpora
+ @echo Cleaning completed
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71afa40631a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Fuzzing
+Each fuzzing target can be built with multiple engines.
+Zstd provides a fuzz corpus for each target that can be downloaded with
+the command:
+make corpora
+It will download each corpus into `./corpora/TARGET`.
+`` is a helper script for building and running fuzzers.
+Run `./ -h` for the commands and run `./ COMMAND -h` for
+command specific help.
+### Generating Data
+`` provides a utility to generate seed data for each fuzzer.
+make -C ../tests decodecorpus
+./ gen TARGET
+By default it outputs 100 samples, each at most 8KB into `corpora/TARGET-seed`,
+but that can be configured with the `--number`, `--max-size-log` and `--seed`
+### Build
+It respects the usual build environment variables `CC`, `CFLAGS`, etc.
+The environment variables can be overridden with the corresponding flags
+`--cc`, `--cflags`, etc.
+The specific fuzzing engine is selected with `LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE` or
+`--lib-fuzzing-engine`, the default is `libregression.a`.
+Alternatively, you can use Clang's built in fuzzing engine with
+It has flags that can easily set up sanitizers `--enable-{a,ub,m}san`, and
+coverage instrumentation `--enable-coverage`.
+It sets sane defaults which can be overridden with flags `--debug`,
+`--enable-ubsan-pointer-overflow`, etc.
+Run `./ build -h` for help.
+### Running Fuzzers
+`./` can run `libfuzzer`, `afl`, and `regression` tests.
+See the help of the relevant command for options.
+Flags not parsed by `` are passed to the fuzzing engine.
+The command used to run the fuzzer is printed for debugging.
+## LibFuzzer
+# Build the fuzz targets
+./ build all --enable-fuzzer --enable-asan --enable-ubsan --cc clang --cxx clang++
+# OR equivalently
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./ build all --enable-fuzzer --enable-asan --enable-ubsan
+# Run the fuzzer
+./ libfuzzer TARGET <libfuzzer args like -jobs=4>
+where `TARGET` could be `simple_decompress`, `stream_round_trip`, etc.
+### MSAN
+Fuzzing with `libFuzzer` and `MSAN` is as easy as:
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./ build all --enable-fuzzer --enable-msan
+./ libfuzzer TARGET <libfuzzer args>
+`` respects the environment variables / flags `MSAN_EXTRA_CPPFLAGS`,
+the extra parameters only for MSAN.
+## AFL
+The default `LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE` is `libregression.a`, which produces a binary
+that AFL can use.
+# Build the fuzz targets
+CC=afl-clang CXX=afl-clang++ ./ build all --enable-asan --enable-ubsan
+# Run the fuzzer without a memory limit because of ASAN
+./ afl TARGET -m none
+## Regression Testing
+The regression test supports the `all` target to run all the fuzzers in one
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./ build all --enable-asan --enable-ubsan
+./ regression all
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./ build all --enable-msan
+./ regression all
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_decompress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_decompress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdbf7691615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_decompress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to decompress the fuzzed data with the simple
+ * decompression function to ensure the decompressor never crashes.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static void* rBuf = NULL;
+static size_t bufSize = 0;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ size_t const neededBufSize = ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX;
+ /* Allocate all buffers and contexts if not already allocated */
+ if (neededBufSize > bufSize) {
+ free(rBuf);
+ rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ bufSize = neededBufSize;
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ ZSTD_decompressBegin(dctx);
+ ZSTD_decompressBlock(dctx, rBuf, neededBufSize, src, size);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46a84c7b98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static void* cBuf = NULL;
+static void* rBuf = NULL;
+static size_t bufSize = 0;
+static size_t roundTripTest(void *result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void *compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ const void *src, size_t srcSize,
+ int cLevel)
+ ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(cLevel, srcSize, 0);
+ size_t ret = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(cctx, NULL, 0, params, srcSize);
+ ret = ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(resultCapacity >= srcSize);
+ if (srcSize > 0) {
+ memcpy(result, src, srcSize);
+ }
+ return srcSize;
+ }
+ ZSTD_decompressBegin(dctx);
+ return ZSTD_decompressBlock(dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, ret);
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ int const cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, kMinClevel, kMaxClevel);
+ size_t neededBufSize = size;
+ if (size > ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX)
+ /* Allocate all buffers and contexts if not already allocated */
+ if (neededBufSize > bufSize || !cBuf || !rBuf) {
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(rBuf);
+ cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ bufSize = neededBufSize;
+ }
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const result =
+ roundTripTest(rBuf, neededBufSize, cBuf, neededBufSize, src, size,
+ cLevel);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(result);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(result == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f7607b2952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to decompress a valid compressed frame into
+ * an output buffer that is too small to ensure we always get
+ * ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_errors.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size_t rBufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ /* Ensure the round-trip buffer is too small. */
+ if (rBufSize >= size) {
+ rBufSize = size > 0 ? size - 1 : 0;
+ }
+ size_t const cBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ void *cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ void *rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(rBufSize);
+ size_t const cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, 1);
+ size_t const rSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, rBuf, rBufSize, cBuf, cSize);
+ if (size == 0) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(rSize == 0);
+ } else {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(ZSTD_isError(rSize));
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(ZSTD_getErrorCode(rSize) == ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall);
+ }
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(rBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_decompress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_decompress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33c58c8bdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_decompress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to decompress the fuzzed data with the dictionary
+ * decompression function to ensure the decompressor never crashes. It does not
+ * fuzz the dictionary.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ FUZZ_dict_t dict;
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict = NULL;
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ dict = FUZZ_train(src, size, producer);
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) == 0) {
+ ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dict.buff, dict.size);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(ddict);
+ } else {
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) == 0)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ (ZSTD_dictContentType_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 2)));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ (ZSTD_dictContentType_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 2)));
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const bufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 10 * size);
+ void* rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(bufSize);
+ if (ddict) {
+ ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict(dctx, rBuf, bufSize, src, size, ddict);
+ } else {
+ ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, rBuf, bufSize, src, size);
+ }
+ free(rBuf);
+ }
+ free(dict.buff);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_loader.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_loader.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b60bc484b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_loader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target makes sure that whenever a compression dictionary can be
+ * loaded, the data can be round tripped.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+ * Compresses the data and returns the compressed size or an error.
+ */
+static size_t compress(void* compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ void const* source, size_t sourceSize,
+ void const* dict, size_t dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e dictLoadMethod,
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e dictContentType,
+ int const refPrefix)
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize, dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize, dictLoadMethod, dictContentType));
+ size_t const compressedSize = ZSTD_compress2(
+ cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, source, sourceSize);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return compressedSize;
+static size_t decompress(void* result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void const* compressed, size_t compressedSize,
+ void const* dict, size_t dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e dictLoadMethod,
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e dictContentType,
+ int const refPrefix)
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ dctx, dict, dictSize, dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ dctx, dict, dictSize, dictLoadMethod, dictContentType));
+ size_t const resultSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(
+ dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, compressedSize);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(resultSize);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ return resultSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ int const refPrefix = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) != 0;
+ ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e const dlm =
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e const dct =
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 2);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ DEBUGLOG(2, "Dict load method %d", dlm);
+ DEBUGLOG(2, "Dict content type %d", dct);
+ DEBUGLOG(2, "Dict size %u", (unsigned)size);
+ void* const rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(size);
+ size_t const cBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ void* const cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ size_t const cSize =
+ compress(cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, src, size, dlm, dct, refPrefix);
+ /* compression failing is okay */
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(dct != ZSTD_dct_rawContent, "Raw must always succeed!");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ size_t const rSize =
+ decompress(rBuf, size, cBuf, cSize, src, size, dlm, dct, refPrefix);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(rSize == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(rBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b20e8d6797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress) with
+ * a dictionary, compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on
+ * corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static size_t roundTripTest(void *result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void *compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ const void *src, size_t srcSize,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e dictContentType = ZSTD_dct_auto;
+ FUZZ_dict_t dict = FUZZ_train(src, srcSize, producer);
+ int const refPrefix = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) != 0;
+ size_t cSize;
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 15) == 0) {
+ int const cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, kMinClevel, kMaxClevel);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx,
+ compressed, compressedCapacity,
+ src, srcSize,
+ dict.buff, dict.size,
+ cLevel);
+ // Compress a second time and check for determinism
+ {
+ size_t const cSize0 = cSize;
+ XXH64_hash_t const hash0 = XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx,
+ compressed, compressedCapacity,
+ src, srcSize,
+ dict.buff, dict.size,
+ cLevel);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cSize == cSize0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0) == hash0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ size_t remainingBytes;
+ dictContentType = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 2);
+ remainingBytes = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ /* Disable checksum so we can use sizes smaller than compress bound. */
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 0));
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ cctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ dictContentType));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ // Compress a second time and check for determinism
+ {
+ size_t const cSize0 = cSize;
+ XXH64_hash_t const hash0 = XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_rollBack(producer, remainingBytes);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 0));
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ cctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ dictContentType));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cSize == cSize0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0) == hash0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ dictContentType));
+ {
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(
+ dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, cSize);
+ free(dict.buff);
+ return ret;
+ }
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ size_t const rBufSize = size;
+ void* rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(rBufSize);
+ size_t cBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ void *cBuf;
+ /* Half of the time fuzz with a 1 byte smaller output size.
+ * This will still succeed because we force the checksum to be disabled,
+ * giving us 4 bytes of overhead.
+ */
+ cBufSize -= FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const result =
+ roundTripTest(rBuf, rBufSize, cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, producer);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(result);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(result == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ free(rBuf);
+ free(cBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_stream_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_stream_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9af712f0e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_stream_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static uint8_t* cBuf = NULL;
+static uint8_t* rBuf = NULL;
+static size_t bufSize = 0;
+static ZSTD_outBuffer makeOutBuffer(uint8_t *dst, size_t capacity,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffer = { dst, 0, 0 };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(capacity > 0);
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, capacity));
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= capacity);
+ return buffer;
+static ZSTD_inBuffer makeInBuffer(const uint8_t **src, size_t *size,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffer = { *src, 0, 0 };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(*size > 0);
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, *size));
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= *size);
+ *src += buffer.size;
+ *size -= buffer.size;
+ return buffer;
+static size_t compress(uint8_t *dst, size_t capacity,
+ const uint8_t *src, size_t srcSize,
+ const uint8_t* dict, size_t dictSize,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, int refPrefix,
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e dictContentType)
+ size_t dstSize = 0;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ /* Disable checksum so we can use sizes smaller than compress bound. */
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 0));
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize,
+ dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ dictContentType));
+ while (srcSize > 0) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = makeInBuffer(&src, &srcSize, producer);
+ /* Mode controls the action. If mode == -1 we pick a new mode */
+ int mode = -1;
+ while (in.pos < in.size || mode != -1) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = makeOutBuffer(dst, capacity, producer);
+ /* Previous action finished, pick a new mode. */
+ if (mode == -1) mode = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 9);
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 0: /* fall-through */
+ case 1: /* fall-through */
+ case 2: {
+ size_t const ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ mode = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: {
+ size_t ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ /* Reset the compressor when the frame is finished */
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 7) == 0) {
+ size_t const remaining = in.size - in.pos;
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, remaining, producer);
+ }
+ mode = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4: {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer nullIn = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer nullOut = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &nullOut, &nullIn, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ default: {
+ size_t const ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ mode = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ dst += out.pos;
+ dstSize += out.pos;
+ capacity -= out.pos;
+ }
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = makeOutBuffer(dst, capacity, producer);
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ dst += out.pos;
+ dstSize += out.pos;
+ capacity -= out.pos;
+ if (ret == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return dstSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ size_t neededBufSize;
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ neededBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size) * 15;
+ /* Allocate all buffers and contexts if not already allocated */
+ if (neededBufSize > bufSize) {
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(rBuf);
+ cBuf = (uint8_t*)FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ rBuf = (uint8_t*)FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ bufSize = neededBufSize;
+ }
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e dictContentType = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 2);
+ FUZZ_dict_t dict = FUZZ_train(src, size, producer);
+ int const refPrefix = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) != 0;
+ size_t const cSize = compress(cBuf, neededBufSize, src, size, dict.buff, dict.size, producer, refPrefix, dictContentType);
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ dctx, dict.buff, dict.size,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ dictContentType));
+ size_t const rSize =
+ ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, rBuf, neededBufSize, cBuf, cSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(rSize == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ free(dict.buff);
+ }
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fse_read_ncount.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fse_read_ncount.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3238609970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fse_read_ncount.c
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target round trips the FSE normalized count with FSE_writeNCount()
+ * and FSE_readNcount() to ensure that it can always round trip correctly.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+#include "fse.h"
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ /* Pick a random tableLog and maxSymbolValue */
+ unsigned const tableLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, FSE_MIN_TABLELOG, FSE_MAX_TABLELOG);
+ unsigned const maxSymbolValue = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 255);
+ unsigned remainingWeight = (1u << tableLog) - 1;
+ size_t dataSize;
+ BYTE data[512];
+ short ncount[256];
+ /* Randomly fill the normalized count */
+ memset(ncount, 0, sizeof(ncount));
+ {
+ unsigned s;
+ for (s = 0; s < maxSymbolValue && remainingWeight > 0; ++s) {
+ short n = (short)FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, -1, remainingWeight);
+ ncount[s] = n;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ remainingWeight -= 1;
+ } else {
+ assert((unsigned)n <= remainingWeight);
+ remainingWeight -= n;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Ensure ncount[maxSymbolValue] != 0 and the sum is (1<<tableLog) */
+ ncount[maxSymbolValue] = remainingWeight + 1;
+ if (ncount[maxSymbolValue] == 1 && FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) == 1) {
+ ncount[maxSymbolValue] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write the normalized count */
+ {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(sizeof(data) >= FSE_NCountWriteBound(maxSymbolValue, tableLog));
+ dataSize = FSE_writeNCount(data, sizeof(data), ncount, maxSymbolValue, tableLog);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(dataSize);
+ }
+ /* Read & validate the normalized count */
+ {
+ short rtNcount[256];
+ unsigned rtMaxSymbolValue = 255;
+ unsigned rtTableLog;
+ /* Copy into a buffer with a random amount of random data at the end */
+ size_t const buffSize = (size_t)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, dataSize, sizeof(data));
+ BYTE* const buff = FUZZ_malloc(buffSize);
+ size_t rtDataSize;
+ memcpy(buff, data, dataSize);
+ {
+ size_t b;
+ for (b = dataSize; b < buffSize; ++b) {
+ buff[b] = (BYTE)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 255);
+ }
+ }
+ rtDataSize = FSE_readNCount(rtNcount, &rtMaxSymbolValue, &rtTableLog, buff, buffSize);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(rtDataSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(rtDataSize == dataSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(rtMaxSymbolValue == maxSymbolValue);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(rtTableLog == tableLog);
+ {
+ unsigned s;
+ for (s = 0; s <= maxSymbolValue; ++s) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(ncount[s] == rtNcount[s]);
+ }
+ }
+ free(buff);
+ }
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..810daa2ce86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * Fuzz target interface.
+ * Fuzz targets have some common parameters passed as macros during compilation.
+ * Check the documentation for each individual fuzzer for more parameters.
+ *
+ * Define this to reuse state between fuzzer runs. This can be useful to
+ * test code paths which are only executed when contexts are reused.
+ * WARNING: Makes reproducing crashes much harder.
+ * Default: Not defined.
+ * @param DEBUGLEVEL:
+ * This is a parameter for the zstd library. Defining `DEBUGLEVEL=1`
+ * enables assert() statements in the zstd library. Higher levels enable
+ * logging, so aren't recommended. Defining `DEBUGLEVEL=1` is
+ * recommended.
+ * This flag controls how the zstd library accesses unaligned memory.
+ * It can be undefined, or 0 through 2. If it is undefined, it selects
+ * the method to use based on the compiler. If testing with UBSAN set
+ * MEM_FORCE_MEMORY_ACCESS=0 to use the standard compliant method.
+ * This is the canonical flag to enable deterministic builds for fuzzing.
+ * Changes to zstd for fuzzing are gated behind this define.
+ * It is recommended to define this when building zstd for fuzzing.
+ */
+#ifndef FUZZ_H
+#define FUZZ_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0c56cccb217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ##########################################################################
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import os
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+def abs_join(a, *p):
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(a, *p))
+class InputType(object):
+ RAW_DATA = 1
+class FrameType(object):
+ ZSTD = 1
+ BLOCK = 2
+class TargetInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self, input_type, frame_type=FrameType.ZSTD):
+ self.input_type = input_type
+ self.frame_type = frame_type
+# Constants
+FUZZ_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+CORPORA_DIR = abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, 'corpora')
+ 'simple_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'stream_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'block_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA, FrameType.BLOCK),
+ 'simple_decompress': TargetInfo(InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA),
+ 'stream_decompress': TargetInfo(InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA),
+ 'block_decompress': TargetInfo(InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA, FrameType.BLOCK),
+ 'dictionary_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'dictionary_decompress': TargetInfo(InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA),
+ 'zstd_frame_info': TargetInfo(InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA),
+ 'simple_compress': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'dictionary_loader': TargetInfo(InputType.DICTIONARY_DATA),
+ 'raw_dictionary_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'dictionary_stream_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'fse_read_ncount': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'sequence_compression_api': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'seekable_roundtrip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'huf_round_trip': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+ 'huf_decompress': TargetInfo(InputType.RAW_DATA),
+TARGETS = list(TARGET_INFO.keys())
+# Standard environment variables
+CC = os.environ.get('CC', 'cc')
+CXX = os.environ.get('CXX', 'c++')
+CPPFLAGS = os.environ.get('CPPFLAGS', '')
+CFLAGS = os.environ.get('CFLAGS', '-O3')
+CXXFLAGS = os.environ.get('CXXFLAGS', CFLAGS)
+LDFLAGS = os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', '')
+MFLAGS = os.environ.get('MFLAGS', '-j')
+# Fuzzing environment variables
+LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE = os.environ.get('LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE', 'libregression.a')
+AFL_FUZZ = os.environ.get('AFL_FUZZ', 'afl-fuzz')
+ abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, '..', 'decodecorpus'))
+ZSTD = os.environ.get('ZSTD', abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, '..', '..', 'zstd'))
+# Sanitizer environment variables
+MSAN_EXTRA_CFLAGS = os.environ.get('MSAN_EXTRA_CFLAGS', '')
+def create(r):
+ d = os.path.abspath(r)
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ os.makedirs(d)
+ return d
+def check(r):
+ d = os.path.abspath(r)
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ return None
+ return d
+def tmpdir():
+ dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ yield dirpath
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True)
+def parse_targets(in_targets):
+ targets = set()
+ for target in in_targets:
+ if not target:
+ continue
+ if target == 'all':
+ targets = targets.union(TARGETS)
+ elif target in TARGETS:
+ targets.add(target)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is not a valid target'.format(target))
+ return list(targets)
+def targets_parser(args, description):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.pop(0), description=description)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ nargs='*',
+ type=str,
+ help='Fuzz target(s) to build {{{}}}'.format(', '.join(ALL_TARGETS)))
+ args, extra = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+ args.extra = extra
+ args.TARGET = parse_targets(args.TARGET)
+ return args
+def parse_env_flags(args, flags):
+ """
+ Look for flags set by environment variables.
+ """
+ san_flags = ','.join(re.findall('-fsanitize=((?:[a-z]+,?)+)', flags))
+ nosan_flags = ','.join(re.findall('-fno-sanitize=((?:[a-z]+,?)+)', flags))
+ def set_sanitizer(sanitizer, default, san, nosan):
+ if sanitizer in san and sanitizer in nosan:
+ raise RuntimeError('-fno-sanitize={s} and -fsanitize={s} passed'.
+ format(s=sanitizer))
+ if sanitizer in san:
+ return True
+ if sanitizer in nosan:
+ return False
+ return default
+ san = set(san_flags.split(','))
+ nosan = set(nosan_flags.split(','))
+ args.asan = set_sanitizer('address', args.asan, san, nosan)
+ args.msan = set_sanitizer('memory', args.msan, san, nosan)
+ args.ubsan = set_sanitizer('undefined', args.ubsan, san, nosan)
+ args.sanitize = args.asan or args.msan or args.ubsan
+ return args
+def compiler_version(cc, cxx):
+ """
+ Determines the compiler and version.
+ Only works for clang and gcc.
+ """
+ cc_version_bytes = subprocess.check_output([cc, "--version"])
+ cxx_version_bytes = subprocess.check_output([cxx, "--version"])
+ compiler = None
+ version = None
+ print("{} --version:\n{}".format(cc, cc_version_bytes.decode('ascii')))
+ if b'clang' in cc_version_bytes:
+ assert(b'clang' in cxx_version_bytes)
+ compiler = 'clang'
+ elif b'gcc' in cc_version_bytes or b'GCC' in cc_version_bytes:
+ assert(b'gcc' in cxx_version_bytes or b'g++' in cxx_version_bytes)
+ compiler = 'gcc'
+ if compiler is not None:
+ version_regex = b'([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)'
+ version_match =, cc_version_bytes)
+ version = tuple(int( for i in range(1, 4))
+ return compiler, version
+def overflow_ubsan_flags(cc, cxx):
+ compiler, version = compiler_version(cc, cxx)
+ if compiler == 'gcc' and version < (8, 0, 0):
+ return ['-fno-sanitize=signed-integer-overflow']
+ if compiler == 'gcc' or (compiler == 'clang' and version >= (5, 0, 0)):
+ return ['-fno-sanitize=pointer-overflow']
+ return []
+def build_parser(args):
+ description = """
+ Cleans the repository and builds a fuzz target (or all).
+ Many flags default to environment variables (default says $X='y').
+ Options that aren't enabling features default to the correct values for
+ zstd.
+ Enable sanitizers with --enable-*san.
+ For regression testing just build.
+ For libFuzzer set LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE and pass --enable-coverage.
+ For AFL set CC and CXX to AFL's compilers and set
+ LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE='libregression.a'.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.pop(0), description=description)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--lib-fuzzing-engine',
+ dest='lib_fuzzing_engine',
+ type=str,
+ help=('The fuzzing engine to use e.g. /path/to/libFuzzer.a '
+ "(default: $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE='{})".format(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE)))
+ fuzz_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ fuzz_group.add_argument(
+ '--enable-coverage',
+ dest='coverage',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Enable coverage instrumentation (-fsanitize-coverage)')
+ fuzz_group.add_argument(
+ '--enable-fuzzer',
+ dest='fuzzer',
+ action='store_true',
+ help=('Enable clang fuzzer (-fsanitize=fuzzer). When enabled '
+ 'LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE is ignored')
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-asan', dest='asan', action='store_true', help='Enable UBSAN')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-ubsan',
+ dest='ubsan',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Enable UBSAN')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-ubsan-pointer-overflow',
+ dest='ubsan_pointer_overflow',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Enable UBSAN pointer overflow check (known failure)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-msan', dest='msan', action='store_true', help='Enable MSAN')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-msan-track-origins', dest='msan_track_origins',
+ action='store_true', help='Enable MSAN origin tracking')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--msan-extra-cppflags',
+ dest='msan_extra_cppflags',
+ type=str,
+ help="Extra CPPFLAGS for MSAN (default: $MSAN_EXTRA_CPPFLAGS='{}')".
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--msan-extra-cflags',
+ dest='msan_extra_cflags',
+ type=str,
+ help="Extra CFLAGS for MSAN (default: $MSAN_EXTRA_CFLAGS='{}')".format(
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--msan-extra-cxxflags',
+ dest='msan_extra_cxxflags',
+ type=str,
+ help="Extra CXXFLAGS for MSAN (default: $MSAN_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS='{}')".
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--msan-extra-ldflags',
+ dest='msan_extra_ldflags',
+ type=str,
+ help="Extra LDFLAGS for MSAN (default: $MSAN_EXTRA_LDFLAGS='{}')".
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-sanitize-recover',
+ dest='sanitize_recover',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Non-fatal sanitizer errors where possible')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--debug',
+ dest='debug',
+ type=int,
+ default=1,
+ help='Set DEBUGLEVEL (default: 1)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--force-memory-access',
+ dest='memory_access',
+ type=int,
+ default=0,
+ help='Set MEM_FORCE_MEMORY_ACCESS (default: 0)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--fuzz-rng-seed-size',
+ dest='fuzz_rng_seed_size',
+ type=int,
+ default=4,
+ help='Set FUZZ_RNG_SEED_SIZE (default: 4)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--disable-fuzzing-mode',
+ dest='fuzzing_mode',
+ action='store_false',
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--enable-stateful-fuzzing',
+ dest='stateful_fuzzing',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Reuse contexts between runs (makes reproduction impossible)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--cc',
+ dest='cc',
+ type=str,
+ default=CC,
+ help="CC (default: $CC='{}')".format(CC))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--cxx',
+ dest='cxx',
+ type=str,
+ default=CXX,
+ help="CXX (default: $CXX='{}')".format(CXX))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--cppflags',
+ dest='cppflags',
+ type=str,
+ default=CPPFLAGS,
+ help="CPPFLAGS (default: $CPPFLAGS='{}')".format(CPPFLAGS))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--cflags',
+ dest='cflags',
+ type=str,
+ default=CFLAGS,
+ help="CFLAGS (default: $CFLAGS='{}')".format(CFLAGS))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--cxxflags',
+ dest='cxxflags',
+ type=str,
+ default=CXXFLAGS,
+ help="CXXFLAGS (default: $CXXFLAGS='{}')".format(CXXFLAGS))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--ldflags',
+ dest='ldflags',
+ type=str,
+ default=LDFLAGS,
+ help="LDFLAGS (default: $LDFLAGS='{}')".format(LDFLAGS))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--mflags',
+ dest='mflags',
+ type=str,
+ default=MFLAGS,
+ help="Extra Make flags (default: $MFLAGS='{}')".format(MFLAGS))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ nargs='*',
+ type=str,
+ help='Fuzz target(s) to build {{{}}}'.format(', '.join(ALL_TARGETS))
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ args = parse_env_flags(args, ' '.join(
+ [args.cppflags, args.cflags, args.cxxflags, args.ldflags]))
+ # Check option sanity
+ if args.msan and (args.asan or args.ubsan):
+ raise RuntimeError('MSAN may not be used with any other sanitizers')
+ if args.msan_track_origins and not args.msan:
+ raise RuntimeError('--enable-msan-track-origins requires MSAN')
+ if args.ubsan_pointer_overflow and not args.ubsan:
+ raise RuntimeError('--enable-ubsan-pointer-overflow requires UBSAN')
+ if args.sanitize_recover and not args.sanitize:
+ raise RuntimeError('--enable-sanitize-recover but no sanitizers used')
+ return args
+def build(args):
+ try:
+ args = build_parser(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ # The compilation flags we are setting
+ targets = args.TARGET
+ cc =
+ cxx = args.cxx
+ cppflags = shlex.split(args.cppflags)
+ cflags = shlex.split(args.cflags)
+ ldflags = shlex.split(args.ldflags)
+ cxxflags = shlex.split(args.cxxflags)
+ mflags = shlex.split(args.mflags)
+ # Flags to be added to both cflags and cxxflags
+ common_flags = []
+ cppflags += [
+ '-DDEBUGLEVEL={}'.format(args.debug),
+ '-DMEM_FORCE_MEMORY_ACCESS={}'.format(args.memory_access),
+ '-DFUZZ_RNG_SEED_SIZE={}'.format(args.fuzz_rng_seed_size),
+ ]
+ # Set flags for options
+ assert not (args.fuzzer and args.coverage)
+ if args.coverage:
+ common_flags += [
+ '-fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard,indirect-calls,trace-cmp'
+ ]
+ if args.fuzzer:
+ common_flags += ['-fsanitize=fuzzer']
+ args.lib_fuzzing_engine = ''
+ mflags += ['LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE={}'.format(args.lib_fuzzing_engine)]
+ if args.sanitize_recover:
+ recover_flags = ['-fsanitize-recover=all']
+ else:
+ recover_flags = ['-fno-sanitize-recover=all']
+ if args.sanitize:
+ common_flags += recover_flags
+ if args.msan:
+ msan_flags = ['-fsanitize=memory']
+ if args.msan_track_origins:
+ msan_flags += ['-fsanitize-memory-track-origins']
+ common_flags += msan_flags
+ # Append extra MSAN flags (it might require special setup)
+ cppflags += [args.msan_extra_cppflags]
+ cflags += [args.msan_extra_cflags]
+ cxxflags += [args.msan_extra_cxxflags]
+ ldflags += [args.msan_extra_ldflags]
+ if args.asan:
+ common_flags += ['-fsanitize=address']
+ if args.ubsan:
+ ubsan_flags = ['-fsanitize=undefined']
+ if not args.ubsan_pointer_overflow:
+ ubsan_flags += overflow_ubsan_flags(cc, cxx)
+ common_flags += ubsan_flags
+ if args.stateful_fuzzing:
+ cppflags += ['-DSTATEFUL_FUZZING']
+ if args.fuzzing_mode:
+ if args.lib_fuzzing_engine == 'libregression.a':
+ targets = ['libregression.a'] + targets
+ # Append the common flags
+ cflags += common_flags
+ cxxflags += common_flags
+ # Prepare the flags for Make
+ cc_str = "CC={}".format(cc)
+ cxx_str = "CXX={}".format(cxx)
+ cppflags_str = "CPPFLAGS={}".format(' '.join(cppflags))
+ cflags_str = "CFLAGS={}".format(' '.join(cflags))
+ cxxflags_str = "CXXFLAGS={}".format(' '.join(cxxflags))
+ ldflags_str = "LDFLAGS={}".format(' '.join(ldflags))
+ # Print the flags
+ print('MFLAGS={}'.format(' '.join(mflags)))
+ print(cc_str)
+ print(cxx_str)
+ print(cppflags_str)
+ print(cflags_str)
+ print(cxxflags_str)
+ print(ldflags_str)
+ # Clean and build
+ clean_cmd = ['make', 'clean'] + mflags
+ print(' '.join(clean_cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(clean_cmd)
+ build_cmd = [
+ 'make',
+ cc_str,
+ cxx_str,
+ cppflags_str,
+ cflags_str,
+ cxxflags_str,
+ ldflags_str,
+ ] + mflags + targets
+ print(' '.join(build_cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(build_cmd)
+ return 0
+def libfuzzer_parser(args):
+ description = """
+ Runs a libfuzzer binary.
+ Passes all extra arguments to libfuzzer.
+ The fuzzer should have been build with LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE pointing to
+ libFuzzer.a.
+ Generates output in the CORPORA directory, puts crashes in the ARTIFACT
+ directory, and takes extra input from the SEED directory.
+ To merge AFL's output pass the SEED as AFL's output directory and pass
+ '-merge=1'.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.pop(0), description=description)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--corpora',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default corpora dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--artifact',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default artifact dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET-crash')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--seed',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default seed dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET-seed')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ type=str,
+ help='Fuzz target(s) to build {{{}}}'.format(', '.join(TARGETS)))
+ args, extra = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+ args.extra = extra
+ if args.TARGET and args.TARGET not in TARGETS:
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is not a valid target'.format(args.TARGET))
+ return args
+def libfuzzer(target, corpora=None, artifact=None, seed=None, extra_args=None):
+ if corpora is None:
+ corpora = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, target)
+ if artifact is None:
+ artifact = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, '{}-crash'.format(target))
+ if seed is None:
+ seed = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, '{}-seed'.format(target))
+ if extra_args is None:
+ extra_args = []
+ target = abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, target)
+ corpora = [create(corpora)]
+ artifact = create(artifact)
+ seed = check(seed)
+ corpora += [artifact]
+ if seed is not None:
+ corpora += [seed]
+ cmd = [target, '-artifact_prefix={}/'.format(artifact)]
+ cmd += corpora + extra_args
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+def libfuzzer_cmd(args):
+ try:
+ args = libfuzzer_parser(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ libfuzzer(args.TARGET, args.corpora, args.artifact, args.seed, args.extra)
+ return 0
+def afl_parser(args):
+ description = """
+ Runs an afl-fuzz job.
+ Passes all extra arguments to afl-fuzz.
+ The fuzzer should have been built with CC/CXX set to the AFL compilers,
+ and with LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE='libregression.a'.
+ Takes input from CORPORA and writes output to OUTPUT.
+ Uses AFL_FUZZ as the binary (set from flag or environment variable).
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.pop(0), description=description)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--corpora',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default corpora dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--output',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default AFL output dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET-afl')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--afl-fuzz',
+ type=str,
+ default=AFL_FUZZ,
+ help='AFL_FUZZ (default: $AFL_FUZZ={})'.format(AFL_FUZZ))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ type=str,
+ help='Fuzz target(s) to build {{{}}}'.format(', '.join(TARGETS)))
+ args, extra = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+ args.extra = extra
+ if args.TARGET and args.TARGET not in TARGETS:
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is not a valid target'.format(args.TARGET))
+ if not args.corpora:
+ args.corpora = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, args.TARGET)
+ if not args.output:
+ args.output = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, '{}-afl'.format(args.TARGET))
+ return args
+def afl(args):
+ try:
+ args = afl_parser(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ target = abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, args.TARGET)
+ corpora = create(args.corpora)
+ output = create(args.output)
+ cmd = [args.afl_fuzz, '-i', corpora, '-o', output] + args.extra
+ cmd += [target, '@@']
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ return 0
+def regression(args):
+ try:
+ description = """
+ Runs one or more regression tests.
+ The fuzzer should have been built with with
+ LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE='libregression.a'.
+ Takes input from CORPORA.
+ """
+ args = targets_parser(args, description)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ for target in args.TARGET:
+ corpora = create(abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, target))
+ target = abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, target)
+ cmd = [target, corpora]
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ return 0
+def gen_parser(args):
+ description = """
+ Generate a seed corpus appropriate for TARGET with data generated with
+ decodecorpus.
+ The fuzz inputs are prepended with a seed before the zstd data, so the
+ output of decodecorpus shouldn't be used directly.
+ Generates NUMBER samples prepended with FUZZ_RNG_SEED_SIZE random bytes and
+ puts the output in SEED.
+ DECODECORPUS is the decodecorpus binary, and must already be built.
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.pop(0), description=description)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--number',
+ '-n',
+ type=int,
+ default=100,
+ help='Number of samples to generate')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--max-size-log',
+ type=int,
+ default=18,
+ help='Maximum sample size to generate')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--seed',
+ type=str,
+ help='Override the default seed dir (default: {})'.format(
+ abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, 'TARGET-seed')))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--decodecorpus',
+ type=str,
+ help="decodecorpus binary (default: $DECODECORPUS='{}')".format(
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--zstd',
+ type=str,
+ default=ZSTD,
+ help="zstd binary (default: $ZSTD='{}')".format(ZSTD))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--fuzz-rng-seed-size',
+ type=int,
+ default=4,
+ help="FUZZ_RNG_SEED_SIZE used for generate the samples (must match)"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ type=str,
+ help='Fuzz target(s) to build {{{}}}'.format(', '.join(TARGETS)))
+ args, extra = parser.parse_known_args(args)
+ args.extra = extra
+ if args.TARGET and args.TARGET not in TARGETS:
+ raise RuntimeError('{} is not a valid target'.format(args.TARGET))
+ if not args.seed:
+ args.seed = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, '{}-seed'.format(args.TARGET))
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.decodecorpus):
+ raise RuntimeError("{} is not a file run 'make -C {} decodecorpus'".
+ format(args.decodecorpus, abs_join(FUZZ_DIR, '..')))
+ return args
+def gen(args):
+ try:
+ args = gen_parser(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ seed = create(args.seed)
+ with tmpdir() as compressed, tmpdir() as decompressed, tmpdir() as dict:
+ info = TARGET_INFO[args.TARGET]
+ if info.input_type == InputType.DICTIONARY_DATA:
+ number = max(args.number, 1000)
+ else:
+ number = args.number
+ cmd = [
+ args.decodecorpus,
+ '-n{}'.format(args.number),
+ '-p{}/'.format(compressed),
+ '-o{}'.format(decompressed),
+ ]
+ if info.frame_type == FrameType.BLOCK:
+ cmd += [
+ '--gen-blocks',
+ '--max-block-size-log={}'.format(min(args.max_size_log, 17))
+ ]
+ else:
+ cmd += ['--max-content-size-log={}'.format(args.max_size_log)]
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ if info.input_type == InputType.RAW_DATA:
+ print('using decompressed data in {}'.format(decompressed))
+ samples = decompressed
+ elif info.input_type == InputType.COMPRESSED_DATA:
+ print('using compressed data in {}'.format(compressed))
+ samples = compressed
+ else:
+ assert info.input_type == InputType.DICTIONARY_DATA
+ print('making dictionary data from {}'.format(decompressed))
+ samples = dict
+ min_dict_size_log = 9
+ max_dict_size_log = max(min_dict_size_log + 1, args.max_size_log)
+ for dict_size_log in range(min_dict_size_log, max_dict_size_log):
+ dict_size = 1 << dict_size_log
+ cmd = [
+ args.zstd,
+ '--train',
+ '-r', decompressed,
+ '--maxdict={}'.format(dict_size),
+ '-o', abs_join(dict, '{}.zstd-dict'.format(dict_size))
+ ]
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # Copy the samples over and prepend the RNG seeds
+ for name in os.listdir(samples):
+ samplename = abs_join(samples, name)
+ outname = abs_join(seed, name)
+ with open(samplename, 'rb') as sample:
+ with open(outname, 'wb') as out:
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 131072
+ chunk =
+ while len(chunk) > 0:
+ out.write(chunk)
+ chunk =
+ return 0
+def minimize(args):
+ try:
+ description = """
+ Runs a libfuzzer fuzzer with -merge=1 to build a minimal corpus in
+ TARGET_seed_corpus. All extra args are passed to libfuzzer.
+ """
+ args = targets_parser(args, description)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ for target in args.TARGET:
+ # Merge the corpus + anything else into the seed_corpus
+ corpus = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, target)
+ seed_corpus = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, "{}_seed_corpus".format(target))
+ extra_args = [corpus, "-merge=1"] + args.extra
+ libfuzzer(target, corpora=seed_corpus, extra_args=extra_args)
+ seeds = set(os.listdir(seed_corpus))
+ # Copy all crashes directly into the seed_corpus if not already present
+ crashes = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, '{}-crash'.format(target))
+ for crash in os.listdir(crashes):
+ if crash not in seeds:
+ shutil.copy(abs_join(crashes, crash), seed_corpus)
+ seeds.add(crash)
+def zip_cmd(args):
+ try:
+ description = """
+ Zips up the seed corpus.
+ """
+ args = targets_parser(args, description)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return 1
+ for target in args.TARGET:
+ # Zip the seed_corpus
+ seed_corpus = abs_join(CORPORA_DIR, "{}_seed_corpus".format(target))
+ zip_file = "{}.zip".format(seed_corpus)
+ cmd = ["zip", "-r", "-q", "-j", "-9", zip_file, "."]
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=seed_corpus)
+def list_cmd(args):
+ print("\n".join(TARGETS))
+def short_help(args):
+ name = args[0]
+ print("Usage: {} [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...\n".format(name))
+def help(args):
+ short_help(args)
+ print("\tfuzzing helpers (select a command and pass -h for help)\n")
+ print("Options:")
+ print("\t-h, --help\tPrint this message")
+ print("")
+ print("Commands:")
+ print("\tbuild\t\tBuild a fuzzer")
+ print("\tlibfuzzer\tRun a libFuzzer fuzzer")
+ print("\tafl\t\tRun an AFL fuzzer")
+ print("\tregression\tRun a regression test")
+ print("\tgen\t\tGenerate a seed corpus for a fuzzer")
+ print("\tminimize\tMinimize the test corpora")
+ print("\tzip\t\tZip the minimized corpora up")
+ print("\tlist\t\tList the available targets")
+def main():
+ args = sys.argv
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ help(args)
+ return 1
+ if args[1] == '-h' or args[1] == '--help' or args[1] == '-H':
+ help(args)
+ return 1
+ command = args.pop(1)
+ args[0] = "{} {}".format(args[0], command)
+ if command == "build":
+ return build(args)
+ if command == "libfuzzer":
+ return libfuzzer_cmd(args)
+ if command == "regression":
+ return regression(args)
+ if command == "afl":
+ return afl(args)
+ if command == "gen":
+ return gen(args)
+ if command == "minimize":
+ return minimize(args)
+ if command == "zip":
+ return zip_cmd(args)
+ if command == "list":
+ return list_cmd(args)
+ short_help(args)
+ print("Error: No such command {} (pass -h for help)".format(command))
+ return 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eae8ee4b698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+struct FUZZ_dataProducer_s{
+ const uint8_t *data;
+ size_t size;
+FUZZ_dataProducer_t *FUZZ_dataProducer_create(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_malloc(sizeof(FUZZ_dataProducer_t));
+ producer->data = data;
+ producer->size = size;
+ return producer;
+void FUZZ_dataProducer_free(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer) { free(producer); }
+uint32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, uint32_t min,
+ uint32_t max) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(min <= max);
+ uint32_t range = max - min;
+ uint32_t rolling = range;
+ uint32_t result = 0;
+ while (rolling > 0 && producer->size > 0) {
+ uint8_t next = *(producer->data + producer->size - 1);
+ producer->size -= 1;
+ result = (result << 8) | next;
+ rolling >>= 8;
+ }
+ if (range == 0xffffffff) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return min + result % (range + 1);
+uint32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer) {
+ return FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 0xffffffff);
+int32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer,
+ int32_t min, int32_t max)
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(min <= max);
+ if (min < 0)
+ return (int)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, max - min) + min;
+ return FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, min, max);
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer){
+ return producer->size;
+void FUZZ_dataProducer_rollBack(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, size_t remainingBytes)
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(remainingBytes >= producer->size);
+ producer->size = remainingBytes;
+int FUZZ_dataProducer_empty(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer) {
+ return producer->size == 0;
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_contract(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, size_t newSize)
+ newSize = newSize > producer->size ? producer->size : newSize;
+ size_t remaining = producer->size - newSize;
+ producer->data = producer->data + remaining;
+ producer->size = newSize;
+ return remaining;
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ size_t producerSliceSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(
+ producer, 0, producer->size);
+ return FUZZ_dataProducer_contract(producer, producerSliceSize);
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62771a9f8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * Helper APIs for generating random data from input data stream.
+ The producer reads bytes from the end of the input and appends them together
+ to generate a random number in the requested range. If it runs out of input
+ data, it will keep returning the same value (min) over and over again.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+/* Struct used for maintaining the state of the data */
+typedef struct FUZZ_dataProducer_s FUZZ_dataProducer_t;
+/* Returns a data producer state struct. Use for producer initialization. */
+FUZZ_dataProducer_t *FUZZ_dataProducer_create(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
+/* Frees the data producer */
+void FUZZ_dataProducer_free(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+/* Returns value between [min, max] */
+uint32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, uint32_t min,
+ uint32_t max);
+/* Returns a uint32 value */
+uint32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+/* Returns a signed value between [min, max] */
+int32_t FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer,
+ int32_t min, int32_t max);
+/* Returns the size of the remaining bytes of data in the producer */
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+/* Rolls back the data producer state to have remainingBytes remaining */
+void FUZZ_dataProducer_rollBack(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, size_t remainingBytes);
+/* Returns true if the data producer is out of bytes */
+int FUZZ_dataProducer_empty(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+/* Restricts the producer to only the last newSize bytes of data.
+If newSize > current data size, nothing happens. Returns the number of bytes
+the producer won't use anymore, after contracting. */
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_contract(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, size_t newSize);
+/* Restricts the producer to use only the last X bytes of data, where X is
+ a random number in the interval [0, data_size]. Returns the size of the
+ remaining data the producer won't use anymore (the prefix). */
+size_t FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61c0debe5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+void* FUZZ_malloc(size_t size)
+ if (size > 0) {
+ void* const mem = malloc(size);
+ return mem;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int FUZZ_memcmp(void const* lhs, void const* rhs, size_t size)
+ if (size == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return memcmp(lhs, rhs, size);
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c180478e953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * Helper functions for fuzzing.
+ */
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "fuzz.h"
+#include "xxhash.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define FUZZ_QUOTE_IMPL(str) #str
+#define FUZZ_QUOTE(str) FUZZ_QUOTE_IMPL(str)
+ * Asserts for fuzzing that are always enabled.
+ */
+#define FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(cond, msg) \
+ ((cond) ? (void)0 \
+ : (fprintf(stderr, "%s: %u: Assertion: `%s' failed. %s\n", __FILE__, \
+ __LINE__, FUZZ_QUOTE(cond), (msg)), \
+ abort()))
+#define FUZZ_ASSERT(cond) FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG((cond), "");
+#define FUZZ_ZASSERT(code) \
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!ZSTD_isError(code), ZSTD_getErrorName(code))
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define FUZZ_STATIC static __inline __attribute__((unused))
+#elif defined(__cplusplus) || \
+ (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 */)
+#define FUZZ_STATIC static inline
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define FUZZ_STATIC static __inline
+#define FUZZ_STATIC static
+ * malloc except return NULL for zero sized data and FUZZ_ASSERT
+ * that malloc doesn't fail.
+ */
+void* FUZZ_malloc(size_t size);
+ * memcmp but accepts NULL.
+ */
+int FUZZ_memcmp(void const* lhs, void const* rhs, size_t size);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_decompress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_decompress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fea09fc934e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_decompress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "common/cpu.h"
+#include "common/huf.h"
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ /* Select random parameters: #streams, X1 or X2 decoding, bmi2 */
+ int const streams = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ int const symbols = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ int const bmi2 = ZSTD_cpuid_bmi2(ZSTD_cpuid()) && FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ /* Select a random cBufSize - it may be too small */
+ size_t const dBufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 8 * size + 500);
+ size_t const maxTableLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, HUF_TABLELOG_MAX);
+ HUF_DTable* dt = (HUF_DTable*)FUZZ_malloc(HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog) * sizeof(HUF_DTable));
+ size_t const wkspSize = HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE;
+ void* wksp = FUZZ_malloc(wkspSize);
+ void* dBuf = FUZZ_malloc(dBufSize);
+ dt[0] = maxTableLog * 0x01000001;
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ if (symbols == 0) {
+ size_t const err = HUF_readDTableX1_wksp_bmi2(dt, src, size, wksp, wkspSize, bmi2);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err))
+ goto _out;
+ } else {
+ size_t const err = HUF_readDTableX2_wksp_bmi2(dt, src, size, wksp, wkspSize, bmi2);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err))
+ goto _out;
+ }
+ if (streams == 0)
+ HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable_bmi2(dBuf, dBufSize, src, size, dt, bmi2);
+ else
+ HUF_decompress4X_usingDTable_bmi2(dBuf, dBufSize, src, size, dt, bmi2);
+ free(dt);
+ free(wksp);
+ free(dBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e26ca9b51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "common/cpu.h"
+#include "compress/hist.h"
+#include "common/huf.h"
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static size_t adjustTableLog(size_t tableLog, size_t maxSymbol)
+ size_t const alphabetSize = maxSymbol + 1;
+ size_t minTableLog = BIT_highbit32(alphabetSize) + 1;
+ if ((alphabetSize & (alphabetSize - 1)) != 0) {
+ ++minTableLog;
+ }
+ assert(minTableLog <= 9);
+ if (tableLog < minTableLog)
+ return minTableLog;
+ else
+ return tableLog;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ /* Select random parameters: #streams, X1 or X2 decoding, bmi2 */
+ int const streams = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ int const symbols = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ int const bmi2 = ZSTD_cpuid_bmi2(ZSTD_cpuid()) && FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ /* Select a random cBufSize - it may be too small */
+ size_t const cBufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 4 * size);
+ /* Select a random tableLog - we'll adjust it up later */
+ size_t tableLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, 12);
+ size_t const kMaxSize = 256 * 1024;
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ if (size > kMaxSize)
+ size = kMaxSize;
+ if (size <= 1) {
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t maxSymbol = 255;
+ U32 count[256];
+ size_t const mostFrequent = HIST_count(count, &maxSymbol, src, size);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(mostFrequent);
+ if (mostFrequent == size) {
+ /* RLE */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(maxSymbol <= 255);
+ tableLog = adjustTableLog(tableLog, maxSymbol);
+ size_t const wkspSize = HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE;
+ void* wksp = FUZZ_malloc(wkspSize);
+ void* rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(size);
+ void* cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ HUF_CElt* ct = (HUF_CElt*)FUZZ_malloc(HUF_CTABLE_SIZE(maxSymbol));
+ HUF_DTable* dt = (HUF_DTable*)FUZZ_malloc(HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(tableLog) * sizeof(HUF_DTable));
+ dt[0] = tableLog * 0x01000001;
+ tableLog = HUF_optimalTableLog(tableLog, size, maxSymbol);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(tableLog <= 12);
+ tableLog = HUF_buildCTable_wksp(ct, count, maxSymbol, tableLog, wksp, wkspSize);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(tableLog);
+ size_t const tableSize = HUF_writeCTable_wksp(cBuf, cBufSize, ct, maxSymbol, tableLog, wksp, wkspSize);
+ if (ERR_isError(tableSize)) {
+ /* Errors on uncompressible data or cBufSize too small */
+ goto _out;
+ }
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(tableSize);
+ if (symbols == 0) {
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(HUF_readDTableX1_wksp_bmi2(dt, cBuf, tableSize, wksp, wkspSize, bmi2));
+ } else {
+ size_t const ret = HUF_readDTableX2_wksp(dt, cBuf, tableSize, wksp, wkspSize);
+ if (ERR_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_tableLog_tooLarge) {
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(HUF_readDTableX1_wksp_bmi2(dt, cBuf, tableSize, wksp, wkspSize, bmi2));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ size_t cSize;
+ size_t rSize;
+ if (streams == 0) {
+ cSize = HUF_compress1X_usingCTable_bmi2(cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, ct, bmi2);
+ if (cSize != 0)
+ rSize = HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable_bmi2(rBuf, size, cBuf, cSize, dt, bmi2);
+ } else {
+ cSize = HUF_compress4X_usingCTable_bmi2(cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, ct, bmi2);
+ if (cSize != 0)
+ rSize = HUF_decompress4X_usingDTable_bmi2(rBuf, size, cBuf, cSize, dt, bmi2);
+ }
+ if (cSize != 0) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(rSize == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ free(rBuf);
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(ct);
+ free(dt);
+ free(wksp);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/raw_dictionary_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/raw_dictionary_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e65176548a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/raw_dictionary_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress) with
+ * a raw content dictionary, compares the result with the original, and calls
+ * abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static size_t roundTripTest(void *result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void *compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ const void *src, size_t srcSize,
+ const void *dict, size_t dictSize,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_dictContentType_e const dictContentType = ZSTD_dct_rawContent;
+ int const refPrefix = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) != 0;
+ size_t cSize;
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ /* Disable checksum so we can use sizes smaller than compress bound. */
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 0));
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dct_rawContent));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, dict, dictSize,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ ZSTD_dct_rawContent));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ if (refPrefix)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(
+ dctx, dict, dictSize,
+ dictContentType));
+ else
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ dctx, dict, dictSize,
+ (ZSTD_dictLoadMethod_e)FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1),
+ dictContentType));
+ {
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(
+ dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, cSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ uint8_t const* const srcBuf = src;
+ size_t const srcSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, size);
+ uint8_t const* const dictBuf = srcBuf + srcSize;
+ size_t const dictSize = size - srcSize;
+ size_t const decompSize = srcSize;
+ void* const decompBuf = FUZZ_malloc(decompSize);
+ size_t compSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ void* compBuf;
+ /* Half of the time fuzz with a 1 byte smaller output size.
+ * This will still succeed because we force the checksum to be disabled,
+ * giving us 4 bytes of overhead.
+ */
+ compSize -= FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ compBuf = FUZZ_malloc(compSize);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const result =
+ roundTripTest(decompBuf, decompSize, compBuf, compSize, srcBuf, srcSize, dictBuf, dictSize, producer);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(result);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(result == srcSize, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, decompBuf, srcSize), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ free(decompBuf);
+ free(compBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/regression_driver.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/regression_driver.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6d2dec64d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/regression_driver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "fuzz.h"
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int main(int argc, char const **argv) {
+ size_t const kMaxFileSize = (size_t)1 << 27;
+ int const kFollowLinks = 1;
+ FileNamesTable* files;
+ const char** const fnTable = argv + 1;
+ uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
+ size_t bufferSize = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned numFilesTested = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ {
+ unsigned const numFiles = (unsigned)(argc - 1);
+ files = UTIL_createExpandedFNT(fnTable, numFiles, kFollowLinks);
+ files = UTIL_createFNT_fromROTable(fnTable, numFiles);
+ assert(numFiles == files->tableSize);
+ }
+ if (!files) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to create file names table\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (files->tableSize == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: No files passed to %s\n", argv[0]);
+ for (i = 0; i < files->tableSize; ++i) {
+ char const *fileName = files->fileNames[i];
+ DEBUGLOG(3, "Running %s", fileName);
+ size_t const fileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(fileName);
+ size_t readSize;
+ FILE *file;
+ /* Check that it is a regular file, and that the fileSize is valid.
+ * If it is not a regular file, then it may have been deleted since we
+ * constructed the list, so just skip it, but return an error exit code.
+ */
+ if (!UTIL_isRegularFile(fileName)) {
+ ret = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(fileSize <= kMaxFileSize, fileName);
+ /* Ensure we have a large enough buffer allocated */
+ if (fileSize > bufferSize) {
+ free(buffer);
+ buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(fileSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(buffer, fileName);
+ bufferSize = fileSize;
+ }
+ /* Open the file */
+ file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(file, fileName);
+ /* Read the file */
+ readSize = fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, file);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(readSize == fileSize, fileName);
+ /* Close the file */
+ fclose(file);
+ /* Run the fuzz target */
+ LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(buffer, fileSize);
+ ++numFilesTested;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Tested %u files: ", numFilesTested);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Success!\n");
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failure!\n");
+ }
+ free(buffer);
+ UTIL_freeFileNamesTable(files);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/seekable_roundtrip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/seekable_roundtrip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dcdcaae116a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/seekable_roundtrip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_seekable.h"
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_seekable *stream = NULL;
+static ZSTD_seekable_CStream *zscs = NULL;
+static const size_t kSeekableOverheadSize = ZSTD_seekTableFooterSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ size_t const compressedBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size) + kSeekableOverheadSize;
+ uint8_t* compressedBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ uint8_t* decompressedBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(size);
+ int const cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, ZSTD_minCLevel(), ZSTD_maxCLevel());
+ unsigned const checksumFlag = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ size_t const uncompressedSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, size);
+ size_t const offset = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, size - uncompressedSize);
+ size_t seekSize;
+ if (!zscs) {
+ zscs = ZSTD_seekable_createCStream();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(zscs);
+ }
+ if (!stream) {
+ stream = ZSTD_seekable_create();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(stream);
+ }
+ { /* Perform a compression */
+ size_t const initStatus = ZSTD_seekable_initCStream(zscs, cLevel, checksumFlag, size);
+ size_t endStatus;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { .dst=compressedBuffer, .pos=0, .size=compressedBufferSize };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { .src=src, .pos=0, .size=size };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(!ZSTD_isError(initStatus));
+ do {
+ size_t cSize = ZSTD_seekable_compressStream(zscs, &out, &in);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(!ZSTD_isError(cSize));
+ } while (in.pos != in.size);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(in.pos == in.size);
+ endStatus = ZSTD_seekable_endStream(zscs, &out);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(!ZSTD_isError(endStatus));
+ seekSize = out.pos;
+ }
+ { /* Decompress at an offset */
+ size_t const initStatus = ZSTD_seekable_initBuff(stream, compressedBuffer, seekSize);
+ size_t decompressedBytesTotal = 0;
+ size_t dSize;
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(initStatus);
+ do {
+ dSize = ZSTD_seekable_decompress(stream, decompressedBuffer, uncompressedSize, offset);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(!ZSTD_isError(dSize));
+ decompressedBytesTotal += dSize;
+ } while (decompressedBytesTotal < uncompressedSize && dSize > 0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(decompressedBytesTotal == uncompressedSize);
+ }
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src+offset, decompressedBuffer, uncompressedSize), "Corruption!");
+ free(decompressedBuffer);
+ free(compressedBuffer);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_seekable_free(stream); stream = NULL;
+ ZSTD_seekable_freeCStream(zscs); zscs = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/sequence_compression_api.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/sequence_compression_api.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc840bf801a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/sequence_compression_api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test by generating an arbitrary
+ * array of sequences, generating the associated source buffer, calling
+ * ZSTD_compressSequences(), and then decompresses and compares the result with
+ * the original generated source buffer.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static void* literalsBuffer = NULL;
+static void* generatedSrc = NULL;
+static ZSTD_Sequence* generatedSequences = NULL;
+#define ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_SRC_MAXSIZE (1 << 20) /* Allow up to 1MB generated data */
+#define ZSTD_FUZZ_MATCHLENGTH_MAXSIZE (1 << 18) /* Allow up to 256KB matches */
+#define ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_DICT_MAXSIZE (1 << 18) /* Allow up to a 256KB dict */
+#define ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_LITERALS_SIZE (1 << 18) /* Fixed size 256KB literals buffer */
+#define ZSTD_FUZZ_MAX_NBSEQ (1 << 17) /* Maximum of 128K sequences */
+/* Deterministic random number generator */
+#define FUZZ_RDG_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static uint32_t FUZZ_RDG_rand(uint32_t* src)
+ static const uint32_t prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ static const uint32_t prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ uint32_t rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 ^= prime2;
+ rand32 = FUZZ_RDG_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return rand32 >> 5;
+/* Make a pseudorandom string - this simple function exists to avoid
+ * taking a dependency on datagen.h to have RDG_genBuffer().
+ */
+static char *generatePseudoRandomString(char *str, size_t size) {
+ const char charset[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJK1234567890!@#$^&*()_";
+ uint32_t seed = 0;
+ if (size) {
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < size; n++) {
+ int key = FUZZ_RDG_rand(&seed) % (int) (sizeof charset - 1);
+ str[n] = charset[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+/* Returns size of source buffer */
+static size_t decodeSequences(void* dst, size_t nbSequences,
+ size_t literalsSize, const void* dict, size_t dictSize) {
+ const uint8_t* litPtr = literalsBuffer;
+ const uint8_t* const litBegin = literalsBuffer;
+ const uint8_t* const litEnd = literalsBuffer + literalsSize;
+ const uint8_t* dictPtr = dict;
+ uint8_t* op = dst;
+ const uint8_t* const oend = dst + ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_SRC_MAXSIZE;
+ size_t generatedSrcBufferSize = 0;
+ size_t bytesWritten = 0;
+ uint32_t lastLLSize;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSequences; ++i) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(generatedSequences[i].matchLength != 0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(generatedSequences[i].offset != 0);
+ if (litPtr + generatedSequences[i].litLength > litEnd) {
+ litPtr = litBegin;
+ }
+ ZSTD_memcpy(op, litPtr, generatedSequences[i].litLength);
+ bytesWritten += generatedSequences[i].litLength;
+ op += generatedSequences[i].litLength;
+ litPtr += generatedSequences[i].litLength;
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(generatedSequences[i].offset != 0);
+ /* Copy over the match */
+ { size_t matchLength = generatedSequences[i].matchLength;
+ size_t j = 0;
+ size_t k = 0;
+ if (dictSize != 0) {
+ if (generatedSequences[i].offset > bytesWritten) {
+ /* Offset goes into the dictionary */
+ size_t offsetFromEndOfDict = generatedSequences[i].offset - bytesWritten;
+ for (; k < offsetFromEndOfDict && k < matchLength; ++k) {
+ op[k] = dictPtr[dictSize - offsetFromEndOfDict + k];
+ }
+ matchLength -= k;
+ op += k;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; j < matchLength; ++j) {
+ op[j] = op[j-(int)generatedSequences[i].offset];
+ }
+ op += j;
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(generatedSequences[i].matchLength == j + k);
+ bytesWritten += generatedSequences[i].matchLength;
+ }
+ }
+ generatedSrcBufferSize = bytesWritten;
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(litPtr <= litEnd);
+ lastLLSize = (uint32_t)(litEnd - litPtr);
+ if (lastLLSize <= oend - op) {
+ ZSTD_memcpy(op, litPtr, lastLLSize);
+ generatedSrcBufferSize += lastLLSize;
+ }
+ return generatedSrcBufferSize;
+/* Returns nb sequences generated
+ * TODO: Add repcode fuzzing once we support repcode match splits
+ */
+static size_t generateRandomSequences(FUZZ_dataProducer_t* producer,
+ size_t literalsSizeLimit, size_t dictSize,
+ size_t windowLog) {
+ uint32_t bytesGenerated = 0;
+ uint32_t nbSeqGenerated = 0;
+ uint32_t litLength;
+ uint32_t matchLength;
+ uint32_t matchBound;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ uint32_t offsetBound;
+ uint32_t repCode = 0;
+ uint32_t isFirstSequence = 1;
+ uint32_t windowSize = 1 << windowLog;
+ while (nbSeqGenerated < ZSTD_FUZZ_MAX_NBSEQ
+ && !FUZZ_dataProducer_empty(producer)) {
+ litLength = isFirstSequence && dictSize == 0 ? FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, literalsSizeLimit)
+ : FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, literalsSizeLimit);
+ bytesGenerated += litLength;
+ if (bytesGenerated > ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_SRC_MAXSIZE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ offsetBound = bytesGenerated > windowSize ? windowSize : bytesGenerated + dictSize;
+ offset = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, offsetBound);
+ if (dictSize > 0 && bytesGenerated <= windowSize) {
+ /* Prevent match length from being such that it would be associated with an offset too large
+ * from the decoder's perspective. If not possible (match would be too small),
+ * then reduce the offset if necessary.
+ */
+ size_t bytesToReachWindowSize = windowSize - bytesGenerated;
+ if (bytesToReachWindowSize < ZSTD_MINMATCH_MIN) {
+ uint32_t newOffsetBound = offsetBound > windowSize ? windowSize : offsetBound;
+ offset = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, newOffsetBound);
+ } else {
+ matchBound = bytesToReachWindowSize > ZSTD_FUZZ_MATCHLENGTH_MAXSIZE ?
+ }
+ }
+ matchLength = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_MINMATCH_MIN, matchBound);
+ bytesGenerated += matchLength;
+ if (bytesGenerated > ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_SRC_MAXSIZE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ZSTD_Sequence seq = {offset, litLength, matchLength, repCode};
+ generatedSequences[nbSeqGenerated++] = seq;
+ isFirstSequence = 0;
+ }
+ return nbSeqGenerated;
+static size_t roundTripTest(void *result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void *compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ size_t srcSize,
+ const void *dict, size_t dictSize,
+ size_t generatedSequencesSize,
+ size_t wLog, unsigned cLevel, unsigned hasDict)
+ size_t cSize;
+ size_t dSize;
+ ZSTD_CDict* cdict = NULL;
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict = NULL;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 0);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, wLog);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_minMatch, ZSTD_MINMATCH_MIN);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_validateSequences, 1);
+ /* TODO: Add block delim mode fuzzing */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_blockDelimiters, ZSTD_sf_noBlockDelimiters);
+ if (hasDict) {
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, dict, dictSize));
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize));
+ }
+ cSize = ZSTD_compressSequences(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity,
+ generatedSequences, generatedSequencesSize,
+ generatedSrc, srcSize);
+ dSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, cSize);
+ if (cdict) {
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ if (ddict) {
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ return dSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ void* rBuf;
+ size_t rBufSize;
+ void* cBuf;
+ size_t cBufSize;
+ size_t generatedSrcSize;
+ size_t nbSequences;
+ void* dictBuffer;
+ size_t dictSize = 0;
+ unsigned hasDict;
+ unsigned wLog;
+ int cLevel;
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ if (literalsBuffer == NULL) {
+ literalsBuffer = generatePseudoRandomString(literalsBuffer, ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_LITERALS_SIZE);
+ }
+ hasDict = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ if (hasDict) {
+ dictSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_DICT_MAXSIZE);
+ dictBuffer = FUZZ_malloc(dictSize);
+ dictBuffer = generatePseudoRandomString(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ }
+ /* Generate window log first so we dont generate offsets too large */
+ wLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MIN, ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MAX_32);
+ cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, -3, 22);
+ if (!generatedSequences) {
+ generatedSequences = FUZZ_malloc(sizeof(ZSTD_Sequence)*ZSTD_FUZZ_MAX_NBSEQ);
+ }
+ if (!generatedSrc) {
+ }
+ nbSequences = generateRandomSequences(producer, ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_LITERALS_SIZE, dictSize, wLog);
+ generatedSrcSize = decodeSequences(generatedSrc, nbSequences, ZSTD_FUZZ_GENERATED_LITERALS_SIZE, dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ cBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(generatedSrcSize);
+ cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ rBufSize = generatedSrcSize;
+ rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(rBufSize);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ size_t const result = roundTripTest(rBuf, rBufSize,
+ cBuf, cBufSize,
+ generatedSrcSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ nbSequences,
+ wLog, cLevel, hasDict);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(result);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(result == generatedSrcSize, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(generatedSrc, rBuf, generatedSrcSize), "Corruption!");
+ free(rBuf);
+ free(cBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ if (hasDict) {
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ free(generatedSequences); generatedSequences = NULL;
+ free(generatedSrc); generatedSrc = NULL;
+ free(literalsBuffer); literalsBuffer = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_compress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_compress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3716d0d0fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_compress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to comprss the fuzzed data with the simple
+ * compression function with an output buffer that may be too small to
+ * ensure that the compressor never crashes.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_errors.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ size_t const maxSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ size_t const bufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, maxSize);
+ int const cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, kMinClevel, kMaxClevel);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ void *rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(bufSize);
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, rBuf, bufSize, src, size, cLevel);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall);
+ }
+ free(rBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_decompress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_decompress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dfff11cbc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_decompress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to decompress the fuzzed data with the simple
+ * decompression function to ensure the decompressor never crashes.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ size_t const bufSize = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 10 * size);
+ void *rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(bufSize);
+ ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, rBuf, bufSize, src, size);
+ free(rBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9da986bc906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static size_t roundTripTest(void *result, size_t resultCapacity,
+ void *compressed, size_t compressedCapacity,
+ const void *src, size_t srcSize,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ size_t cSize;
+ size_t dSize;
+ int targetCBlockSize = 0;
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1)) {
+ size_t const remainingBytes = FUZZ_dataProducer_remainingBytes(producer);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetCBlockSize, &targetCBlockSize));
+ // Compress a second time and check for determinism
+ {
+ size_t const cSize0 = cSize;
+ XXH64_hash_t const hash0 = XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_rollBack(producer, remainingBytes);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cSize == cSize0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0) == hash0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int const cLevel = FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range(producer, kMinClevel, kMaxClevel);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(
+ cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ // Compress a second time and check for determinism
+ {
+ size_t const cSize0 = cSize;
+ XXH64_hash_t const hash0 = XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(
+ cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize, cLevel);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cSize == cSize0);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(XXH64(compressed, cSize, 0) == hash0);
+ }
+ }
+ dSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, result, resultCapacity, compressed, cSize);
+ /* When superblock is enabled make sure we don't expand the block more than expected.
+ * NOTE: This test is currently disabled because superblock mode can arbitrarily
+ * expand the block in the worst case. Once superblock mode has been improved we can
+ * re-enable this test.
+ */
+ if (0 && targetCBlockSize != 0) {
+ size_t normalCSize;
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetCBlockSize, 0));
+ normalCSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressed, compressedCapacity, src, srcSize);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(normalCSize);
+ {
+ size_t const bytesPerBlock = 3 /* block header */
+ + 5 /* Literal header */
+ + 6 /* Huffman jump table */
+ + 3 /* number of sequences */
+ + 1 /* symbol compression modes */;
+ size_t const expectedExpansion = bytesPerBlock * (1 + (normalCSize / MAX(1, targetCBlockSize)));
+ size_t const allowedExpansion = (srcSize >> 3) + 5 * expectedExpansion + 10;
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cSize <= normalCSize + allowedExpansion);
+ }
+ }
+ return dSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ size_t const rBufSize = size;
+ void* rBuf = FUZZ_malloc(rBufSize);
+ size_t cBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ void* cBuf;
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ /* Half of the time fuzz with a 1 byte smaller output size.
+ * This will still succeed because we don't use a dictionary, so the dictID
+ * field is empty, giving us 4 bytes of overhead.
+ */
+ cBufSize -= FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ cBuf = FUZZ_malloc(cBufSize);
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const result =
+ roundTripTest(rBuf, rBufSize, cBuf, cBufSize, src, size, producer);
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(result);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(result == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ free(rBuf);
+ free(cBuf);
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_decompress.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_decompress.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0cdd34d9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_decompress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target attempts to decompress the fuzzed data with the simple
+ * decompression function to ensure the decompressor never crashes.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+static ZSTD_DStream *dstream = NULL;
+uint32_t seed;
+static ZSTD_outBuffer makeOutBuffer(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer, void* buf, size_t bufSize)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffer = { buf, 0, 0 };
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_empty(producer)) {
+ buffer.size = bufSize;
+ } else {
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, bufSize));
+ }
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= bufSize);
+ if (buffer.size == 0) {
+ buffer.dst = NULL;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+static ZSTD_inBuffer makeInBuffer(const uint8_t **src, size_t *size,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffer = { *src, 0, 0 };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(*size > 0);
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_empty(producer)) {
+ buffer.size = *size;
+ } else {
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, *size));
+ }
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= *size);
+ *src += buffer.size;
+ *size -= buffer.size;
+ if (buffer.size == 0) {
+ buffer.src = NULL;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ int stableOutBuffer;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out;
+ void* buf;
+ size_t bufSize;
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ bufSize = MAX(10 * size, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX);
+ /* Allocate all buffers and contexts if not already allocated */
+ buf = FUZZ_malloc(bufSize);
+ if (!dstream) {
+ dstream = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dstream);
+ } else {
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dstream, ZSTD_reset_session_only));
+ }
+ stableOutBuffer = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 10) == 5;
+ if (stableOutBuffer) {
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dstream, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ out.dst = buf;
+ out.size = bufSize;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ } else {
+ out = makeOutBuffer(producer, buf, bufSize);
+ }
+ while (size > 0) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = makeInBuffer(&src, &size, producer);
+ while (in.pos != in.size) {
+ if (out.pos == out.size) {
+ if (stableOutBuffer) goto error;
+ out = makeOutBuffer(producer, buf, bufSize);
+ }
+ size_t const rc = ZSTD_decompressStream(dstream, &out, &in);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(rc)) goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(dstream); dstream = NULL;
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ free(buf);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_round_trip.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_round_trip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..719eac48d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_round_trip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target performs a zstd round-trip test (compress & decompress),
+ * compares the result with the original, and calls abort() on corruption.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+ZSTD_CCtx *cctx = NULL;
+static ZSTD_DCtx *dctx = NULL;
+static uint8_t* cBuf = NULL;
+static uint8_t* rBuf = NULL;
+static size_t bufSize = 0;
+static ZSTD_outBuffer makeOutBuffer(uint8_t *dst, size_t capacity,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_outBuffer buffer = { dst, 0, 0 };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(capacity > 0);
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, capacity));
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= capacity);
+ return buffer;
+static ZSTD_inBuffer makeInBuffer(const uint8_t **src, size_t *size,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_inBuffer buffer = { *src, 0, 0 };
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(*size > 0);
+ buffer.size = (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 1, *size));
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(buffer.size <= *size);
+ *src += buffer.size;
+ *size -= buffer.size;
+ return buffer;
+static size_t compress(uint8_t *dst, size_t capacity,
+ const uint8_t *src, size_t srcSize,
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ size_t dstSize = 0;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, srcSize, producer);
+ while (srcSize > 0) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = makeInBuffer(&src, &srcSize, producer);
+ /* Mode controls the action. If mode == -1 we pick a new mode */
+ int mode = -1;
+ while (in.pos < in.size || mode != -1) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = makeOutBuffer(dst, capacity, producer);
+ /* Previous action finished, pick a new mode. */
+ if (mode == -1) mode = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 9);
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 0: /* fall-through */
+ case 1: /* fall-through */
+ case 2: {
+ size_t const ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ mode = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: {
+ size_t ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ /* Reset the compressor when the frame is finished */
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 7) == 0) {
+ size_t const remaining = in.size - in.pos;
+ FUZZ_setRandomParameters(cctx, remaining, producer);
+ }
+ mode = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4: {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer nullIn = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer nullOut = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &nullOut, &nullIn, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ default: {
+ size_t const ret =
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ mode = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ dst += out.pos;
+ dstSize += out.pos;
+ capacity -= out.pos;
+ }
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = makeOutBuffer(dst, capacity, producer);
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ dst += out.pos;
+ dstSize += out.pos;
+ capacity -= out.pos;
+ if (ret == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return dstSize;
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ size_t neededBufSize;
+ /* Give a random portion of src data to the producer, to use for
+ parameter generation. The rest will be used for (de)compression */
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer = FUZZ_dataProducer_create(src, size);
+ size = FUZZ_dataProducer_reserveDataPrefix(producer);
+ neededBufSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size) * 15;
+ /* Allocate all buffers and contexts if not already allocated */
+ if (neededBufSize > bufSize) {
+ free(cBuf);
+ free(rBuf);
+ cBuf = (uint8_t*)FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ rBuf = (uint8_t*)FUZZ_malloc(neededBufSize);
+ bufSize = neededBufSize;
+ }
+ if (!cctx) {
+ cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(cctx);
+ }
+ if (!dctx) {
+ dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ FUZZ_ASSERT(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const cSize = compress(cBuf, neededBufSize, src, size, producer);
+ size_t const rSize =
+ ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, rBuf, neededBufSize, cBuf, cSize);
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(rSize == size, "Incorrect regenerated size");
+ FUZZ_ASSERT_MSG(!FUZZ_memcmp(src, rBuf, size), "Corruption!");
+ }
+ FUZZ_dataProducer_free(producer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx); cctx = NULL;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx); dctx = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_frame_info.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_frame_info.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ce645d15f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_frame_info.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * This fuzz target fuzzes all of the helper functions that consume compressed
+ * input.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *src, size_t size)
+ ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ if (size == 0) {
+ src = NULL;
+ }
+ /* You can fuzz any helper functions here that are fast, and take zstd
+ * compressed data as input. E.g. don't expect the input to be a dictionary,
+ * so don't fuzz ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict().
+ */
+ ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(src, size);
+ ZSTD_getDecompressedSize(src, size);
+ ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize(src, size);
+ ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(src, size);
+ ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(src, size);
+ ZSTD_decompressBound(src, size);
+ ZSTD_frameHeaderSize(src, size);
+ ZSTD_isFrame(src, size);
+ ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, src, size);
+ ZSTD_getFrameHeader_advanced(&zfh, src, size, ZSTD_f_zstd1);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fbf3bed7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "zstd_helpers.h"
+#include "fuzz_helpers.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zdict.h"
+const int kMinClevel = -3;
+const int kMaxClevel = 19;
+static void set(ZSTD_CCtx *cctx, ZSTD_cParameter param, int value)
+ FUZZ_ZASSERT(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, param, value));
+static void setRand(ZSTD_CCtx *cctx, ZSTD_cParameter param, unsigned min,
+ unsigned max, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer) {
+ unsigned const value = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, min, max);
+ set(cctx, param, value);
+ZSTD_compressionParameters FUZZ_randomCParams(size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ /* Select compression parameters */
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters cParams;
+ cParams.windowLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MIN, 15);
+ cParams.hashLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_HASHLOG_MIN, 15);
+ cParams.chainLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_CHAINLOG_MIN, 16);
+ cParams.searchLog = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_SEARCHLOG_MIN, 9);
+ cParams.minMatch = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_MINMATCH_MIN,
+ cParams.targetLength = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 512);
+ cParams.strategy = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, ZSTD_STRATEGY_MIN, ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX);
+ return ZSTD_adjustCParams(cParams, srcSize, 0);
+ZSTD_frameParameters FUZZ_randomFParams(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ /* Select frame parameters */
+ ZSTD_frameParameters fParams;
+ fParams.contentSizeFlag = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ fParams.checksumFlag = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ fParams.noDictIDFlag = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1);
+ return fParams;
+ZSTD_parameters FUZZ_randomParams(size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_parameters params;
+ params.cParams = FUZZ_randomCParams(srcSize, producer);
+ params.fParams = FUZZ_randomFParams(producer);
+ return params;
+void FUZZ_setRandomParameters(ZSTD_CCtx *cctx, size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters cParams = FUZZ_randomCParams(srcSize, producer);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, cParams.windowLog);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, cParams.hashLog);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_chainLog, cParams.chainLog);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_searchLog, cParams.searchLog);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_minMatch, cParams.minMatch);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetLength, cParams.targetLength);
+ set(cctx, ZSTD_c_strategy, cParams.strategy);
+ /* Select frame parameters */
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag, 0, 1, producer);
+ /* Select long distance matching parameters */
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmHashLog, ZSTD_HASHLOG_MIN, 16, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmMinMatch, ZSTD_LDM_MINMATCH_MIN,
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmBucketSizeLog, 0, ZSTD_LDM_BUCKETSIZELOG_MAX,
+ producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmHashRateLog, ZSTD_LDM_HASHRATELOG_MIN,
+ /* Set misc parameters */
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 0, 2, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_rsyncable, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, 0, 2, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_forceMaxWindow, 0, 1, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, 0, 2, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, 0, 2, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_useBlockSplitter, 0, 2, producer);
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_deterministicRefPrefix, 0, 1, producer);
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) == 0) {
+ setRand(cctx, ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint, ZSTD_SRCSIZEHINT_MIN, 2 * srcSize, producer);
+ }
+ if (FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, 1) == 0) {
+ }
+FUZZ_dict_t FUZZ_train(void const* src, size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer)
+ size_t const dictSize = MAX(srcSize / 8, 1024);
+ size_t const totalSampleSize = dictSize * 11;
+ FUZZ_dict_t dict = { FUZZ_malloc(dictSize), dictSize };
+ char* const samples = (char*)FUZZ_malloc(totalSampleSize);
+ unsigned nbSamples = 100;
+ size_t* const samplesSizes = (size_t*)FUZZ_malloc(sizeof(size_t) * nbSamples);
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ size_t sample = 0;
+ ZDICT_fastCover_params_t params;
+ for (sample = 0; sample < nbSamples; ++sample) {
+ size_t const remaining = totalSampleSize - pos;
+ size_t const offset = FUZZ_dataProducer_uint32Range(producer, 0, MAX(srcSize, 1) - 1);
+ size_t const limit = MIN(srcSize - offset, remaining);
+ size_t const toCopy = MIN(limit, remaining / (nbSamples - sample));
+ memcpy(samples + pos, src + offset, toCopy);
+ pos += toCopy;
+ samplesSizes[sample] = toCopy;
+ }
+ memset(samples + pos, 0, totalSampleSize - pos);
+ memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
+ params.accel = 5;
+ params.k = 40;
+ params.d = 8;
+ params.f = 14;
+ params.zParams.compressionLevel = 1;
+ dict.size = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_fastCover(dict.buff, dictSize,
+ samples, samplesSizes, nbSamples, params);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(dict.size)) {
+ free(dict.buff);
+ memset(&dict, 0, sizeof(dict));
+ }
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ free(samples);
+ return dict;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7813884d3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * Helper functions for fuzzing.
+ */
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "fuzz_data_producer.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern const int kMinClevel;
+extern const int kMaxClevel;
+void FUZZ_setRandomParameters(ZSTD_CCtx *cctx, size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+ZSTD_compressionParameters FUZZ_randomCParams(size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+ZSTD_frameParameters FUZZ_randomFParams(FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+ZSTD_parameters FUZZ_randomParams(size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+typedef struct {
+ void* buff;
+ size_t size;
+} FUZZ_dict_t;
+/* Quickly train a dictionary from a source for fuzzing.
+ * NOTE: Don't use this to train production dictionaries, it is only optimized
+ * for speed, and doesn't care about dictionary quality.
+ */
+FUZZ_dict_t FUZZ_train(void const* src, size_t srcSize, FUZZ_dataProducer_t *producer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ZSTD_HELPERS_H */
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzzer.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzzer.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d168d657611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/fuzzer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4257 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+* Compiler specific
+#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */
+# define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* fgets */
+# pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
+# pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* disable: C4204: non-constant aggregate initializer */
+* Includes
+#include <stdlib.h> /* free */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fgets, sscanf */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_compressContinue, ZSTD_compressBlock */
+#include "debug.h" /* DEBUG_STATIC_ASSERT */
+#include "fse.h"
+#define ZSTD_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS /* No deprecation warnings, we still test some deprecated functions */
+#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_VERSION_STRING */
+#include "zstd_errors.h" /* ZSTD_getErrorCode */
+#include "zdict.h" /* ZDICT_trainFromBuffer */
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "datagen.h" /* RDG_genBuffer */
+#define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* XXH64_state_t */
+#include "xxhash.h" /* XXH64 */
+#include "util.h"
+#include "timefn.h" /* SEC_TO_MICRO, UTIL_time_t, UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER, UTIL_clockSpanMicro, UTIL_getTime */
+/* must be included after util.h, due to ERROR macro redefinition issue on Visual Studio */
+#include "threading.h" /* ZSTD_pthread_create, ZSTD_pthread_join */
+* Constants
+#define GB *(1U<<30)
+static const int FUZ_compressibility_default = 50;
+static const int nbTestsDefault = 30000;
+* Display Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
+static U32 g_displayLevel = 2;
+static const U64 g_refreshRate = SEC_TO_MICRO / 6;
+static UTIL_time_t g_displayClock = UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER;
+#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) \
+ if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
+ if ((UTIL_clockSpanMicro(g_displayClock) > g_refreshRate) || (g_displayLevel>=4)) \
+ { g_displayClock = UTIL_getTime(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stderr); } \
+ }
+* Compile time test
+#undef MIN
+#undef MAX
+/* Declaring the function, to avoid -Wmissing-prototype */
+void FUZ_bug976(void);
+void FUZ_bug976(void)
+{ /* these constants shall not depend on MIN() macro */
+ assert(ZSTD_HASHLOG_MAX < 31);
+ assert(ZSTD_CHAINLOG_MAX < 31);
+* Internal functions
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define FUZ_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static U32 FUZ_rand(U32* src)
+ static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 += prime2;
+ rand32 = FUZ_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return rand32 >> 5;
+static U32 FUZ_highbit32(U32 v32)
+ unsigned nbBits = 0;
+ if (v32==0) return 0;
+ while (v32) v32 >>= 1, nbBits++;
+ return nbBits;
+* Test macros
+#define CHECK_Z(f) { \
+ size_t const err = f; \
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error => %s : %s ", \
+ #f, ZSTD_getErrorName(err)); \
+ exit(1); \
+} }
+#define CHECK_VAR(var, fn) var = fn; if (ZSTD_isError(var)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "%s : fails : %s \n", #fn, ZSTD_getErrorName(var)); goto _output_error; }
+#define CHECK_NEWV(var, fn) size_t const CHECK_VAR(var, fn)
+#define CHECK(fn) { CHECK_NEWV(__err, fn); }
+#define CHECKPLUS(var, fn, more) { CHECK_NEWV(var, fn); more; }
+#define CHECK_OP(op, lhs, rhs) { \
+ if (!((lhs) op (rhs))) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error L%u => FAILED %s %s %s ", __LINE__, #lhs, #op, #rhs); \
+ goto _output_error; \
+ } \
+#define CHECK_EQ(lhs, rhs) CHECK_OP(==, lhs, rhs)
+#define CHECK_LT(lhs, rhs) CHECK_OP(<, lhs, rhs)
+* Memory Tests
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
+#include <malloc/malloc.h> /* malloc_size */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long long totalMalloc;
+ size_t currentMalloc;
+ size_t peakMalloc;
+ unsigned nbMalloc;
+ unsigned nbFree;
+} mallocCounter_t;
+static const mallocCounter_t INIT_MALLOC_COUNTER = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+static void* FUZ_mallocDebug(void* counter, size_t size)
+ mallocCounter_t* const mcPtr = (mallocCounter_t*)counter;
+ void* const ptr = malloc(size);
+ if (ptr==NULL) return NULL;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "allocating %u KB => effectively %u KB \n",
+ (unsigned)(size >> 10), (unsigned)(malloc_size(ptr) >> 10)); /* OS-X specific */
+ mcPtr->totalMalloc += size;
+ mcPtr->currentMalloc += size;
+ if (mcPtr->currentMalloc > mcPtr->peakMalloc)
+ mcPtr->peakMalloc = mcPtr->currentMalloc;
+ mcPtr->nbMalloc += 1;
+ return ptr;
+static void FUZ_freeDebug(void* counter, void* address)
+ mallocCounter_t* const mcPtr = (mallocCounter_t*)counter;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "freeing %u KB \n", (unsigned)(malloc_size(address) >> 10));
+ mcPtr->nbFree += 1;
+ mcPtr->currentMalloc -= malloc_size(address); /* OS-X specific */
+ free(address);
+static void FUZ_displayMallocStats(mallocCounter_t count)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "peak:%6u KB, nbMallocs:%2u, total:%6u KB \n",
+ (unsigned)(count.peakMalloc >> 10),
+ count.nbMalloc,
+ (unsigned)(count.totalMalloc >> 10));
+static int FUZ_mallocTests_internal(unsigned seed, double compressibility, unsigned part,
+ void* inBuffer, size_t inSize, void* outBuffer, size_t outSize)
+ /* test only played in verbose mode, as they are long */
+ if (g_displayLevel<3) return 0;
+ /* Create compressible noise */
+ if (!inBuffer || !outBuffer) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(inBuffer, inSize, compressibility, 0. /*auto*/, seed);
+ /* simple compression tests */
+ if (part <= 1)
+ { int compressionLevel;
+ for (compressionLevel=1; compressionLevel<=6; compressionLevel++) {
+ mallocCounter_t malcount = INIT_MALLOC_COUNTER;
+ ZSTD_customMem const cMem = { FUZ_mallocDebug, FUZ_freeDebug, &malcount };
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx_advanced(cMem);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, outBuffer, outSize, inBuffer, inSize, compressionLevel) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressCCtx level %i : ", compressionLevel);
+ FUZ_displayMallocStats(malcount);
+ } }
+ /* streaming compression tests */
+ if (part <= 2)
+ { int compressionLevel;
+ for (compressionLevel=1; compressionLevel<=6; compressionLevel++) {
+ mallocCounter_t malcount = INIT_MALLOC_COUNTER;
+ ZSTD_customMem const cMem = { FUZ_mallocDebug, FUZ_freeDebug, &malcount };
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cstream = ZSTD_createCStream_advanced(cMem);
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { outBuffer, outSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { inBuffer, inSize, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(cstream, compressionLevel) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(cstream, &out, &in) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_endStream(cstream, &out) );
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(cstream);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressStream level %i : ", compressionLevel);
+ FUZ_displayMallocStats(malcount);
+ } }
+ /* advanced MT API test */
+ if (part <= 3)
+ { int nbThreads;
+ for (nbThreads=1; nbThreads<=4; nbThreads++) {
+ int compressionLevel;
+ for (compressionLevel=1; compressionLevel<=6; compressionLevel++) {
+ mallocCounter_t malcount = INIT_MALLOC_COUNTER;
+ ZSTD_customMem const cMem = { FUZ_mallocDebug, FUZ_freeDebug, &malcount };
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx_advanced(cMem);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, compressionLevel) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbThreads) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, outBuffer, outSize, inBuffer, inSize) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compress_generic,-T%i,end level %i : ",
+ nbThreads, compressionLevel);
+ FUZ_displayMallocStats(malcount);
+ } } }
+ /* advanced MT streaming API test */
+ if (part <= 4)
+ { int nbThreads;
+ for (nbThreads=1; nbThreads<=4; nbThreads++) {
+ int compressionLevel;
+ for (compressionLevel=1; compressionLevel<=6; compressionLevel++) {
+ mallocCounter_t malcount = INIT_MALLOC_COUNTER;
+ ZSTD_customMem const cMem = { FUZ_mallocDebug, FUZ_freeDebug, &malcount };
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx_advanced(cMem);
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { outBuffer, outSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { inBuffer, inSize, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, compressionLevel) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbThreads) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue) );
+ while ( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end) ) {}
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compress_generic,-T%i,continue level %i : ",
+ nbThreads, compressionLevel);
+ FUZ_displayMallocStats(malcount);
+ } } }
+ return 0;
+static int FUZ_mallocTests(unsigned seed, double compressibility, unsigned part)
+ size_t const inSize = 64 MB + 16 MB + 4 MB + 1 MB + 256 KB + 64 KB; /* 85.3 MB */
+ size_t const outSize = ZSTD_compressBound(inSize);
+ void* const inBuffer = malloc(inSize);
+ void* const outBuffer = malloc(outSize);
+ int result;
+ /* Create compressible noise */
+ if (!inBuffer || !outBuffer) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting \n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ result = FUZ_mallocTests_internal(seed, compressibility, part,
+ inBuffer, inSize, outBuffer, outSize);
+ free(inBuffer);
+ free(outBuffer);
+ return result;
+static int FUZ_mallocTests(unsigned seed, double compressibility, unsigned part)
+ (void)seed; (void)compressibility; (void)part;
+ return 0;
+static void FUZ_decodeSequences(BYTE* dst, ZSTD_Sequence* seqs, size_t seqsSize,
+ BYTE* src, size_t size, ZSTD_sequenceFormat_e format)
+ size_t i;
+ size_t j;
+ for(i = 0; i < seqsSize; ++i) {
+ assert(dst + seqs[i].litLength + seqs[i].matchLength <= dst + size);
+ assert(src + seqs[i].litLength + seqs[i].matchLength <= src + size);
+ if (format == ZSTD_sf_noBlockDelimiters) {
+ assert(seqs[i].matchLength != 0 || seqs[i].offset != 0);
+ }
+ memcpy(dst, src, seqs[i].litLength);
+ dst += seqs[i].litLength;
+ src += seqs[i].litLength;
+ size -= seqs[i].litLength;
+ if (seqs[i].offset != 0) {
+ for (j = 0; j < seqs[i].matchLength; ++j)
+ dst[j] = dst[j - seqs[i].offset];
+ dst += seqs[i].matchLength;
+ src += seqs[i].matchLength;
+ size -= seqs[i].matchLength;
+ }
+ }
+ if (format == ZSTD_sf_noBlockDelimiters) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, size);
+ }
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
+ ZSTD_threadPool* pool;
+ void* CNBuffer;
+ size_t CNBuffSize;
+ void* compressedBuffer;
+ size_t compressedBufferSize;
+ void* decodedBuffer;
+ int err;
+} threadPoolTests_compressionJob_payload;
+static void* threadPoolTests_compressionJob(void* payload) {
+ threadPoolTests_compressionJob_payload* args = (threadPoolTests_compressionJob_payload*)payload;
+ size_t cSize;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_refThreadPool(args->cctx, args->pool))) args->err = 1;
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(args->cctx, args->compressedBuffer, args->compressedBufferSize, args->CNBuffer, args->CNBuffSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) args->err = 1;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_decompress(args->decodedBuffer, args->CNBuffSize, args->compressedBuffer, cSize))) args->err = 1;
+ return payload;
+static int threadPoolTests(void) {
+ int testResult = 0;
+ size_t err;
+ size_t const CNBuffSize = 5 MB;
+ void* const CNBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const compressedBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(CNBuffSize);
+ void* const compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ void* const decodedBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const kPoolNumThreads = 8;
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0.5, 0.5, 0);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "thread pool test : threadPool re-use roundtrips: ");
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_threadPool* pool = ZSTD_createThreadPool(kPoolNumThreads);
+ size_t nbThreads = 1;
+ for (; nbThreads <= kPoolNumThreads; ++nbThreads) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, (int)nbThreads);
+ err = ZSTD_CCtx_refThreadPool(cctx, pool);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "refThreadPool error!\n");
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ err = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compression error!\n");
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ err = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, err);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompression error!\n");
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeThreadPool(pool);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "thread pool test : threadPool simultaneous usage: ");
+ {
+ void* const decodedBuffer2 = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ void* const compressedBuffer2 = malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ ZSTD_threadPool* pool = ZSTD_createThreadPool(kPoolNumThreads);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx1 = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx2 = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_pthread_t t1;
+ ZSTD_pthread_t t2;
+ threadPoolTests_compressionJob_payload p1 = {cctx1, pool, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, decodedBuffer, 0 /* err */};
+ threadPoolTests_compressionJob_payload p2 = {cctx2, pool, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer2, compressedBufferSize, decodedBuffer2, 0 /* err */};
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx1, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx2, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_refThreadPool(cctx1, pool);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_refThreadPool(cctx2, pool);
+ ZSTD_pthread_create(&t1, NULL, threadPoolTests_compressionJob, &p1);
+ ZSTD_pthread_create(&t2, NULL, threadPoolTests_compressionJob, &p2);
+ ZSTD_pthread_join(t1, NULL);
+ ZSTD_pthread_join(t2, NULL);
+ assert(!memcmp(decodedBuffer, decodedBuffer2, CNBuffSize));
+ free(decodedBuffer2);
+ free(compressedBuffer2);
+ ZSTD_freeThreadPool(pool);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx1);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx2);
+ if (p1.err || p2.err) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ free(CNBuffer);
+ free(compressedBuffer);
+ free(decodedBuffer);
+ return testResult;
+ testResult = 1;
+ DISPLAY("Error detected in Unit tests ! \n");
+ goto _end;
+#endif /* ZSTD_MULTITHREAD */
+* Unit tests
+static int basicUnitTests(U32 const seed, double compressibility)
+ size_t const CNBuffSize = 5 MB;
+ void* const CNBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const compressedBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(CNBuffSize);
+ void* const compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ void* const decodedBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ int testResult = 0;
+ unsigned testNb=0;
+ size_t cSize;
+ /* Create compressible noise */
+ if (!CNBuffer || !compressedBuffer || !decodedBuffer) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ /* Basic tests */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : ZSTD_getErrorName : ", testNb++);
+ { const char* errorString = ZSTD_getErrorName(0);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %s \n", errorString);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : ZSTD_getErrorName with wrong value : ", testNb++);
+ { const char* errorString = ZSTD_getErrorName(499);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %s \n", errorString);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : min compression level : ", testNb++);
+ { int const mcl = ZSTD_minCLevel();
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%i (OK) \n", mcl);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : default compression level : ", testNb++);
+ { int const defaultCLevel = ZSTD_defaultCLevel();
+ if (defaultCLevel != ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%i (OK) \n", defaultCLevel);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : ZSTD_versionNumber : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned const vn = ZSTD_versionNumber();
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u (OK) \n", vn);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : ZSTD_adjustCParams : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters params;
+ memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
+ params.windowLog = 10;
+ params.hashLog = 19;
+ params.chainLog = 19;
+ params = ZSTD_adjustCParams(params, 1000, 100000);
+ if (params.hashLog != 18) goto _output_error;
+ if (params.chainLog != 17) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : compress %u bytes : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (cctx==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 1) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : size of cctx for level 1 : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cctxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%u bytes \n", (unsigned)cctxSize);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress skippable frame -8 size : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ char const skippable8[] = "\x50\x2a\x4d\x18\xf8\xff\xff\xff";
+ size_t const size = ZSTD_decompress(NULL, 0, skippable8, 8);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(size)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_getFrameContentSize test : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const rSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (rSize != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_getDecompressedSize test : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const rSize = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (rSize != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_findDecompressedSize test : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const rSize = ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (rSize != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : tight ZSTD_decompressBound test : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ unsigned long long bound = ZSTD_decompressBound(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (bound != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressBound test with invalid srcSize : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ unsigned long long bound = ZSTD_decompressBound(compressedBuffer, cSize - 1);
+ if (bound != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_ERROR) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u bytes : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t u;
+ for (u=0; u<CNBuffSize; u++) {
+ if (((BYTE*)decodedBuffer)[u] != ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[u]) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : invalid endDirective : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inb = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outb = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ if (cctx==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_isError( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, (ZSTD_EndDirective) 3) ) ); /* must fail */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_isError( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, (ZSTD_EndDirective)-1) ) ); /* must fail */
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_checkCParams : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(3, 0, 0);
+ assert(!ZSTD_checkCParams(params.cParams));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_createDCtx_advanced and ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx: ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx_advanced(ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ assert(dctx != NULL);
+ assert(ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx) != 0);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : misc unaccounted for zstd symbols : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ /* %p takes a void*. In ISO C, it's illegal to cast a function pointer
+ * to a data pointer. (Although in POSIX you're required to be allowed
+ * to do it...) So we have to fall back to our trusty friend memcpy. */
+ unsigned (* const funcptr_getDictID)(const ZSTD_DDict* ddict) =
+ ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict;
+ ZSTD_DStream* (* const funcptr_createDStream)(
+ ZSTD_customMem customMem) = ZSTD_createDStream_advanced;
+ void (* const funcptr_copyDCtx)(
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx, const ZSTD_DCtx* preparedDCtx) = ZSTD_copyDCtx;
+ ZSTD_nextInputType_e (* const funcptr_nextInputType)(ZSTD_DCtx* dctx) =
+ ZSTD_nextInputType;
+ const void *voidptr_getDictID;
+ const void *voidptr_createDStream;
+ const void *voidptr_copyDCtx;
+ const void *voidptr_nextInputType;
+ DEBUG_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(funcptr_getDictID) == sizeof(voidptr_getDictID));
+ memcpy(
+ (void*)&voidptr_getDictID,
+ (const void*)&funcptr_getDictID,
+ sizeof(void*));
+ memcpy(
+ (void*)&voidptr_createDStream,
+ (const void*)&funcptr_createDStream,
+ sizeof(void*));
+ memcpy(
+ (void*)&voidptr_copyDCtx,
+ (const void*)&funcptr_copyDCtx,
+ sizeof(void*));
+ memcpy(
+ (void*)&voidptr_nextInputType,
+ (const void*)&funcptr_nextInputType,
+ sizeof(void*));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%p ", voidptr_getDictID);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%p ", voidptr_createDStream);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%p ", voidptr_copyDCtx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%p ", voidptr_nextInputType);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, ": OK \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with null dict : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ NULL, 0);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with null DDict : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ NULL);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with 1 missing byte : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize-1);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode((size_t)r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with 1 too much byte : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize+1);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress too large input : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress into NULL buffer : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(NULL, 0, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with corrupted checksum : ", testNb++);
+ { /* create compressed buffer with checksumming enabled */
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (!cctx) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress2(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ { /* copy the compressed buffer and corrupt the checksum */
+ size_t r;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ if (!dctx) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ ((char*)compressedBuffer)[cSize-1] += 1;
+ r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_checksum_wrong) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_forceIgnoreChecksum, ZSTD_d_ignoreChecksum));
+ r = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize-1);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; /* wrong checksum size should still throw error */
+ r = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressBound test with content size missing : ", testNb++);
+ { /* create compressed buffer with content size missing */
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 0) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress2(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ { /* ensure frame content size is missing */
+ ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize);
+ if (ret != 0 || zfh.frameContentSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ { /* ensure CNBuffSize <= decompressBound */
+ unsigned long long const bound = ZSTD_decompressBound(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize);
+ if (CNBuffSize > bound) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d: check DCtx size is reduced after many oversized calls : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t const largeFrameSrcSize = 200;
+ size_t const smallFrameSrcSize = 10;
+ size_t const nbFrames = 256;
+ size_t i = 0, consumed = 0, produced = 0, prevDCtxSize = 0;
+ int sizeReduced = 0;
+ BYTE* const dst = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* create a large frame and then a bunch of small frames */
+ size_t srcSize = ZSTD_compress((void*)dst,
+ compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, largeFrameSrcSize, 3);
+ for (i = 0; i < nbFrames; i++)
+ srcSize += ZSTD_compress((void*)(dst + srcSize),
+ compressedBufferSize - srcSize, CNBuffer,
+ smallFrameSrcSize, 3);
+ /* decompressStream and make sure that dctx size was reduced at least once */
+ while (consumed < srcSize) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {(void*)(dst + consumed), MIN(1, srcSize - consumed), 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {(BYTE*)CNBuffer + produced, CNBuffSize - produced, 0};
+ ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ consumed += in.pos;
+ produced += out.pos;
+ /* success! size was reduced from the previous frame */
+ if (prevDCtxSize > ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx))
+ sizeReduced = 1;
+ prevDCtxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ assert(sizeReduced);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(CNBuffer, 100, 1);
+ ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(1, 0, 0);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_format, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressCCtx() doesn't use advanced parameters", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, 1));
+ if (MEM_readLE32(compressedBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_usingDict() doesn't use advanced parameters: ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 1));
+ if (MEM_readLE32(compressedBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_usingCDict() doesn't use advanced parameters: ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, cdict));
+ if (MEM_readLE32(compressedBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_advanced() doesn't use advanced parameters: ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_advanced(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, params));
+ if (MEM_readLE32(compressedBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_usingCDict_advanced() doesn't use advanced parameters: ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_usingCDict_advanced(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, cdict, params.fParams));
+ if (MEM_readLE32(compressedBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ldm fill dict out-of-bounds check", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const size = (1U << 10);
+ size_t const dstCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(size);
+ void* src = (void*)malloc(size);
+ void* dst = (void*)malloc(dstCapacity);
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, size, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(src, size, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, size, dict, size, 3)));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(dict);
+ free(src);
+ free(dst);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing dict compression with enableLdm and forceMaxWindow : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ int nbWorkers;
+ for (nbWorkers = 0; nbWorkers < 3; ++nbWorkers) {
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, CNBuffSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0.6, 0.6, seed);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbWorkers));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_forceMaxWindow, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, CNBuffSize));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, dict, CNBuffSize));
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing dict compression for determinism : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t const testSize = 1024;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ char* dict = (char*)malloc(2 * testSize);
+ int ldmEnabled, level;
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, testSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, testSize, 0.6, 0.6, seed);
+ memcpy(dict + testSize, CNBuffer, testSize);
+ for (level = 1; level <= 5; ++level) {
+ for (ldmEnabled = 0; ldmEnabled <= 1; ++ldmEnabled) {
+ size_t cSize0;
+ XXH64_hash_t compressedChecksum0;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, level));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, ldmEnabled));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_deterministicRefPrefix, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, testSize));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, testSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, testSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, dict, testSize));
+ cSize0 = cSize;
+ compressedChecksum0 = XXH64(compressedBuffer, cSize, 0);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, testSize));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, dict + testSize, testSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ if (cSize != cSize0) goto _output_error;
+ if (XXH64(compressedBuffer, cSize, 0) != compressedChecksum0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : LDM + opt parser with small uncompressible block ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t const srcSize = 300 KB;
+ size_t const flushSize = 128 KB + 5;
+ size_t const dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ char* src = (char*)CNBuffer;
+ char* dst = (char*)compressedBuffer;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { dst, dstSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { src, flushSize, 0 };
+ if (!cctx || !dctx) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(src, srcSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ /* Force an LDM to exist that crosses block boundary into uncompressible block */
+ memcpy(src + 125 KB, src, 3 KB + 5);
+ /* Enable MT, LDM, and opt parser */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19));
+ /* Flushes a block of 128 KB and block of 5 bytes */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ /* Compress the rest */
+ in.size = 300 KB;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, dst, out.pos));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing ldm dictionary gets invalidated : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const kWindowLog = 10;
+ size_t const kWindowSize = (size_t)1 << kWindowLog;
+ size_t const dictSize = kWindowSize * 10;
+ size_t const srcSize1 = kWindowSize / 2;
+ size_t const srcSize2 = kWindowSize * 10;
+ if (CNBuffSize < dictSize) goto _output_error;
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, dictSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, srcSize1 + srcSize2, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ /* Enable checksum to verify round trip. */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ /* Disable content size to skip single-pass decompression. */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 0));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, (int)kWindowLog));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmMinMatch, 32));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmHashRateLog, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmHashLog, 16));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_ldmBucketSizeLog, 3));
+ /* Round trip once with a dictionary. */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, dictSize));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, srcSize1);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, dict, dictSize));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, srcSize2);
+ /* Streaming decompression to catch out of bounds offsets. */
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0};
+ size_t const dSize = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ CHECK_Z(dSize);
+ if (dSize != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2));
+ /* Round trip once with a dictionary. */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, dictSize));
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {CNBuffer, srcSize1, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0};
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ cSize = out.pos;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, dict, dictSize));
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {CNBuffer, srcSize2, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0};
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ cSize = out.pos;
+ }
+ /* Streaming decompression to catch out of bounds offsets. */
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0};
+ size_t const dSize = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ CHECK_Z(dSize);
+ if (dSize != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ /* Note: this test takes 0.5 seconds to run */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing refPrefx vs refPrefx + ldm (size comparison) : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ /* test a big buffer so that ldm can take effect */
+ size_t const size = 100 MB;
+ int const windowLog = 27;
+ size_t const dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(size);
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(size);
+ void* src = (void*)malloc(size);
+ void* dst = (void*)malloc(dstSize);
+ void* recon = (void*)malloc(size);
+ size_t refPrefixCompressedSize = 0;
+ size_t refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize = 0;
+ size_t reconSize = 0;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* make dict and src the same uncompressible data */
+ RDG_genBuffer(src, size, 0, 0, seed);
+ memcpy(dict, src, size);
+ assert(!memcmp(dict, src, size));
+ /* set level 1 and windowLog to cover src */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, windowLog));
+ /* compress on level 1 using just refPrefix and no ldm */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, size);
+ refPrefixCompressedSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, dst, dstSize, src, size);
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(refPrefixCompressedSize));
+ /* test round trip just refPrefix */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix(dctx, dict, size);
+ reconSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, recon, size, dst, refPrefixCompressedSize);
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(reconSize));
+ assert(reconSize == size);
+ assert(!memcmp(recon, src, size));
+ /* compress on level 1 using refPrefix and ldm */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, size);;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1))
+ refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, dst, dstSize, src, size);
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize));
+ /* test round trip refPrefix + ldm*/
+ ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix(dctx, dict, size);
+ reconSize = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, recon, size, dst, refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize);
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(reconSize));
+ assert(reconSize == size);
+ assert(!memcmp(recon, src, size));
+ /* make sure that refPrefixCompressedSize is significantly greater */
+ assert(refPrefixCompressedSize > 10 * refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize);
+ /* make sure the ldm comrpessed size is less than 1% of original */
+ assert((double)refPrefixLdmComrpessedSize / (double)size < 0.01);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(recon);
+ free(dict);
+ free(src);
+ free(dst);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d: superblock uncompressible data, too many nocompress superblocks : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ const BYTE* src = (BYTE*)CNBuffer; BYTE* dst = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
+ size_t srcSize = 321656; size_t dstCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ /* This is the number of bytes to stream before ending. This value
+ * was obtained by trial and error :/. */
+ const size_t streamCompressThreshold = 161792;
+ const size_t streamCompressDelta = 1024;
+ /* The first 1/5 of the buffer is compressible and the last 4/5 is
+ * uncompressible. This is an approximation of the type of data
+ * the fuzzer generated to catch this bug. Streams like this were making
+ * zstd generate noCompress superblocks (which are larger than the src
+ * they come from). Do this enough times, and we'll run out of room
+ * and throw a dstSize_tooSmall error. */
+ const size_t compressiblePartSize = srcSize/5;
+ const size_t uncompressiblePartSize = srcSize-compressiblePartSize;
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, compressiblePartSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer((BYTE*)CNBuffer+compressiblePartSize, uncompressiblePartSize, 0, 0, seed);
+ /* Setting target block size so that superblock is used */
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetCBlockSize, 81);
+ { size_t read;
+ for (read = 0; read < streamCompressThreshold; read += streamCompressDelta) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {src, streamCompressDelta, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {dst, dstCapacity, 0};
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ src += streamCompressDelta; srcSize -= streamCompressDelta;
+ dst += out.pos; dstCapacity -= out.pos;
+ } }
+ /* This is trying to catch a dstSize_tooSmall error */
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer in = {src, srcSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {dst, dstCapacity, 0};
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d: superblock with no literals : ", testNb++);
+ /* Generate the same data 20 times over */
+ { size_t const avgChunkSize = CNBuffSize / 20;
+ size_t b;
+ for (b = 0; b < CNBuffSize; b += avgChunkSize) {
+ size_t const chunkSize = MIN(CNBuffSize - b, avgChunkSize);
+ RDG_genBuffer((char*)CNBuffer + b, chunkSize, compressibility, 0. /* auto */, seed);
+ } }
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const normalCSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const allowedExpansion = (CNBuffSize * 3 / 1000);
+ size_t superCSize;
+ CHECK_Z(normalCSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetCBlockSize, 1000);
+ superCSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_Z(superCSize);
+ if (superCSize > normalCSize + allowedExpansion) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Superblock too big: %u > %u + %u \n", (U32)superCSize, (U32)normalCSize, (U32)allowedExpansion);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressibility, 0. /*auto*/, seed);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d: superblock enough room for checksum : ", testNb++)
+ /* This tests whether or not we leave enough room for the checksum at the end
+ * of the dst buffer. The bug that motivated this test was found by the
+ * stream_round_trip fuzzer but this crashes for the same reason and is
+ * far more compact than re-creating the stream_round_trip fuzzer's code path */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_targetCBlockSize, 64);
+ assert(!ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, 1339, CNBuffer, 1278)));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress a NULL input with each level : ", testNb++);
+ { int level = -1;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (!cctx) goto _output_error;
+ for (level = -1; level <= ZSTD_maxCLevel(); ++level) {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, level) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, level) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0) );
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : check CCtx size after compressing empty input : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const r = ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, 19);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx) > (1U << 20)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ cSize = r;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : decompress empty frame into NULL : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(NULL, 0, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_outBuffer output;
+ if (cctx==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ output.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ output.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ output.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(cctx, 1) ); /* content size unknown */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_flushStream(cctx, &output) ); /* ensure no possibility to "concatenate" and determine the content size */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_endStream(cctx, &output) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ /* single scan decompression */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(NULL, 0, compressedBuffer, output.pos);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* streaming decompression */
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dstream = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer dinput;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer doutput;
+ size_t ipos;
+ if (dstream==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ dinput.src = compressedBuffer;
+ dinput.size = 0;
+ dinput.pos = 0;
+ doutput.dst = NULL;
+ doutput.size = 0;
+ doutput.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_initDStream(dstream) );
+ for (ipos=1; ipos<=output.pos; ipos++) {
+ dinput.size = ipos;
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_decompressStream(dstream, &doutput, &dinput) );
+ }
+ if (doutput.pos != 0) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(dstream);
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : re-use CCtx with expanding block size : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(1, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, 0);
+ assert(params.fParams.contentSizeFlag == 1); /* block size will be adapted if pledgedSrcSize is enabled */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(cctx, NULL, 0, params, 1 /*pledgedSrcSize*/) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressEnd(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, 1) ); /* creates a block size of 1 */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(cctx, NULL, 0, params, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) ); /* re-use same parameters */
+ { size_t const inSize = 2* 128 KB;
+ size_t const outSize = ZSTD_compressBound(inSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressEnd(cctx, compressedBuffer, outSize, CNBuffer, inSize) );
+ /* will fail if blockSize is not resized */
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : re-using a CCtx should compress the same : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const sampleSize = 30;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<20; i++)
+ ((char*)CNBuffer)[i] = (char)i; /* ensure no match during initial section */
+ memcpy((char*)CNBuffer + 20, CNBuffer, 10); /* create one match, starting from beginning of sample, which is the difficult case (see #1241) */
+ for (i=1; i<=19; i++) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t size1, size2;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "l%i ", i);
+ size1 = ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, sampleSize, i);
+ CHECK_Z(size1);
+ size2 = ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, sampleSize, i);
+ CHECK_Z(size2);
+ CHECK_EQ(size1, size2);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, i) );
+ size2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, sampleSize);
+ CHECK_Z(size2);
+ CHECK_EQ(size1, size2);
+ size2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(sampleSize) - 1, CNBuffer, sampleSize); /* force streaming, as output buffer is not large enough to guarantee success */
+ CHECK_Z(size2);
+ CHECK_EQ(size1, size2);
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer inb;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outb;
+ inb.src = CNBuffer;
+ inb.pos = 0;
+ inb.size = sampleSize;
+ outb.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outb.pos = 0;
+ outb.size = ZSTD_compressBound(sampleSize) - 1; /* force streaming, as output buffer is not large enough to guarantee success */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_end) );
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ CHECK_EQ(size1, outb.pos);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : btultra2 & 1st block : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const sampleSize = 1024;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inb;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outb;
+ inb.src = CNBuffer;
+ inb.pos = 0;
+ inb.size = 0;
+ outb.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outb.pos = 0;
+ outb.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, ZSTD_maxCLevel()) );
+ inb.size = sampleSize; /* start with something, so that context is already used */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_end) ); /* will break internal assert if stats_init is not disabled */
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ outb.pos = 0; /* cancel output */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(cctx, sampleSize) );
+ inb.size = 4; /* too small size : compression will be skipped */
+ inb.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_flush) );
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ inb.size += 5; /* too small size : compression will be skipped */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_flush) );
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ inb.size += 11; /* small enough to attempt compression */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_flush) );
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ assert(inb.pos < sampleSize);
+ inb.size = sampleSize; /* large enough to trigger stats_init, but no longer at beginning */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outb, &inb, ZSTD_e_end) ); /* will break internal assert if stats_init is not disabled */
+ assert(inb.pos == inb.size);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter() : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ int value;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 3);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, ZSTD_HASHLOG_MIN));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 3);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 7));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 7);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ /* Start a compression job */
+ ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 7);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ /* Reset the CCtx */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 7);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ /* Reset the parameters */
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 3);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : ldm conditionally enabled by default doesn't change cctx params: ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ int value;
+ /* Even if LDM will be enabled by default in the applied params (since wlog >= 27 and strategy >= btopt),
+ * we should not modify the actual parameter specified by the user within the CCtx
+ */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, 27));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_strategy, ZSTD_btopt));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, &value));
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ /* this test is really too long, and should be made faster */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : overflow protection with large windowLog : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(-999, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, 0);
+ size_t const nbCompressions = ((1U << 31) / CNBuffSize) + 2; /* ensure U32 overflow protection is triggered */
+ size_t cnb;
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 0;
+ params.cParams.windowLog = ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MAX;
+ for (cnb = 0; cnb < nbCompressions; ++cnb) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "run %zu / %zu \n", cnb, nbCompressions);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(cctx, NULL, 0, params, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) ); /* re-use same parameters */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressEnd(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3d : size down context : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const largeCCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ assert(largeCCtx != NULL);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressBegin(largeCCtx, 19) ); /* streaming implies ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, which maximizes memory usage */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressEnd(largeCCtx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, 1) );
+ { size_t const largeCCtxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(largeCCtx); /* size of context must be measured after compression */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const smallCCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ assert(smallCCtx != NULL);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressCCtx(smallCCtx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, 1, 1));
+ { size_t const smallCCtxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(smallCCtx);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "(large) %zuKB > 32*%zuKB (small) : ",
+ largeCCtxSize>>10, smallCCtxSize>>10);
+ assert(largeCCtxSize > 32* smallCCtxSize); /* note : "too large" definition is handled within zstd_compress.c .
+ * make this test case extreme, so that it doesn't depend on a possibly fluctuating definition */
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(smallCCtx);
+ }
+ { U32 const maxNbAttempts = 1100; /* nb of usages before triggering size down is handled within zstd_compress.c.
+ * currently defined as 128x, but could be adjusted in the future.
+ * make this test long enough so that it's not too much tied to the current definition within zstd_compress.c */
+ unsigned u;
+ for (u=0; u<maxNbAttempts; u++) {
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressCCtx(largeCCtx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, 1, 1));
+ if (ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(largeCCtx) < largeCCtxSize) break; /* sized down */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "size down after %u attempts : ", u);
+ if (u==maxNbAttempts) goto _output_error; /* no sizedown happened */
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(largeCCtx);
+ }
+ /* Static CCtx tests */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : create static CCtx for level %u : ", testNb++, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL);
+ { size_t const staticCStreamSize = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize(STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL);
+ void* const staticCCtxBuffer = malloc(staticCStreamSize);
+ size_t const staticDCtxSize = ZSTD_estimateDCtxSize();
+ void* const staticDCtxBuffer = malloc(staticDCtxSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "CStream size = %u, ", (U32)staticCStreamSize);
+ if (staticCCtxBuffer==NULL || staticDCtxBuffer==NULL) {
+ free(staticCCtxBuffer);
+ free(staticDCtxBuffer);
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ { size_t const smallInSize = 32 KB;
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cparams_small = ZSTD_getCParams(STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL, smallInSize, 0);
+ size_t const smallCCtxSize = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCParams(cparams_small);
+ size_t const staticCCtxSize = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* staticCCtx = ZSTD_initStaticCCtx(staticCCtxBuffer, smallCCtxSize);
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const staticDCtx = ZSTD_initStaticDCtx(staticDCtxBuffer, staticDCtxSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Full CCtx size = %u, ", (U32)staticCCtxSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "CCtx for 32 KB = %u, ", (U32)smallCCtxSize);
+ if ((staticCCtx==NULL) || (staticDCtx==NULL)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress small input with small static CCtx : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressCCtx(staticCCtx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, smallInSize, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n",
+ (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/smallInSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress large input with small static CCtx (must fail) : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_compressCCtx(staticCCtx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode((size_t)r) != ZSTD_error_memory_allocation) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : resize context to full CCtx size : ", testNb++);
+ staticCCtx = ZSTD_initStaticCStream(staticCCtxBuffer, staticCCtxSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "staticCCtxBuffer = %p, staticCCtx = %p , ", staticCCtxBuffer, (void*)staticCCtx);
+ if (staticCCtx == NULL) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress large input with static CCtx : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressCCtx(staticCCtx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n",
+ (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress small input often enough to trigger context reduce : ", testNb++);
+ { int nbc;
+ assert(staticCCtxSize > smallCCtxSize * ZSTD_WORKSPACETOOLARGE_FACTOR); /* ensure size down scenario */
+ assert(CNBuffSize > smallInSize + ZSTD_WORKSPACETOOLARGE_MAXDURATION + 3);
+ for (nbc=0; nbc<ZSTD_WORKSPACETOOLARGE_MAXDURATION+2; nbc++) {
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressCCtx(staticCCtx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ (char*)CNBuffer + nbc, smallInSize,
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : init CCtx for level %u : ", testNb++, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressBegin(staticCCtx, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compression again with static CCtx : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressCCtx(staticCCtx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n",
+ (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : simple decompression test with static DCtx : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(staticDCtx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ if (memcmp(decodedBuffer, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : init CCtx for too large level (must fail) : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_compressBegin(staticCCtx, ZSTD_maxCLevel());
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : init CCtx for small level %u (should work again) : ", testNb++, 1);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin(staticCCtx, 1) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : use CStream on CCtx-sized static context (should fail) : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(staticCCtx, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) ); /* note : doesn't allocate */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer output = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer input = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ size_t const r = ZSTD_compressStream(staticCCtx, &output, &input); /* now allocates, should fail */
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : resize context to CStream size, then stream compress : ", testNb++);
+ staticCCtx = ZSTD_initStaticCStream(staticCCtxBuffer, staticCStreamSize);
+ assert(staticCCtx != NULL);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(staticCCtx, STATIC_CCTX_LEVEL) ); /* note : doesn't allocate */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer output = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer input = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(staticCCtx, &output, &input) );
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : CStream for small level %u : ", testNb++, 1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(staticCCtx, 1) ); /* note : doesn't allocate */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer output = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer input = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(staticCCtx, &output, &input) );
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : init static CStream with dictionary (should fail) : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_initCStream_usingDict(staticCCtx, CNBuffer, 64 KB, 1);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : use DStream on DCtx-sized static context (should fail) : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(staticDCtx) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer output = { decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer input = { compressedBuffer, ZSTD_FRAMEHEADERSIZE_MAX+1, 0 };
+ size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(staticDCtx, &output, &input);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ free(staticCCtxBuffer);
+ free(staticDCtxBuffer);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Static context sizes for negative levels : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cctxSizeN1 = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(-1);
+ size_t const cctxSizeP1 = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(1);
+ size_t const cstreamSizeN1 = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize(-1);
+ size_t const cstreamSizeP1 = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize(1);
+ if (!(0 < cctxSizeN1 && cctxSizeN1 <= cctxSizeP1)) goto _output_error;
+ if (!(0 < cstreamSizeN1 && cstreamSizeN1 <= cstreamSizeP1)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* ZSTDMT simple MT compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : create ZSTDMT CCtx : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const mtctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (mtctx==NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("mtctx : not enough memory, aborting \n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : compress %u bytes with 2 threads : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress2(mtctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompressed size test : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const rSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (rSize != CNBuffSize) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_getFrameContentSize incorrect : %u != %u \n", (unsigned)rSize, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u bytes : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t u;
+ for (u=0; u<CNBuffSize; u++) {
+ if (((BYTE*)decodedBuffer)[u] != ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[u]) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress -T2 with checksum : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, 3) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress2(mtctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u bytes : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBuffSize);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error; }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(mtctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3u : compress empty string and decompress with small window log : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ char out[32];
+ if (cctx == NULL || dctx == NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 0) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress2(cctx, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned)cSize);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, 10) );
+ { char const* outPtr = out;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuffer = { outPtr, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuffer = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ size_t dSize;
+ CHECK_VAR(dSize, ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuffer, &inBuffer) );
+ if (dSize != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with block splitting : ", testNb++)
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_useBlockSplitter, ZSTD_ps_enable) );
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK(cSize);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress -T2 with/without literals compression : ", testNb++)
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t cSize1, cSize2;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2) );
+ cSize1 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK(cSize1);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, ZSTD_ps_disable) );
+ cSize2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK(cSize2);
+ CHECK_LT(cSize1, cSize2);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Multithreaded ZSTD_compress2() with rsyncable : ", testNb++)
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ /* Set rsyncable and don't give the ZSTD_compressBound(CNBuffSize) so
+ * ZSTDMT is forced to not take the shortcut.
+ */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_rsyncable, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize - 1, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : setting multithreaded parameters : ", testNb++)
+ { ZSTD_CCtx_params* params = ZSTD_createCCtxParams();
+ int const jobSize = 512 KB;
+ int value;
+ /* Check that the overlap log and job size are unset. */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_jobSize, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ /* Set and check the overlap log and job size. */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(params, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, 5) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(params, ZSTD_c_jobSize, jobSize) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 5);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_jobSize, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, jobSize);
+ /* Set the number of workers and check the overlap log and job size. */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(params, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, 5);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtxParams_getParameter(params, ZSTD_c_jobSize, &value) );
+ CHECK_EQ(value, jobSize);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtxParams(params);
+ }
+ /* Simple API multiframe test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress multiple frames : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t off = 0;
+ int i;
+ int const segs = 4;
+ /* only use the first half so we don't push against size limit of compressedBuffer */
+ size_t const segSize = (CNBuffSize / 2) / segs;
+ const U32 skipLen = 129 KB;
+ char* const skipBuff = (char*)malloc(skipLen);
+ assert(skipBuff != NULL);
+ memset(skipBuff, 0, skipLen);
+ for (i = 0; i < segs; i++) {
+ CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_compress(
+ (BYTE*)compressedBuffer + off, CNBuffSize - off,
+ (BYTE*)CNBuffer + segSize * (size_t)i, segSize,
+ 5) );
+ off += r;
+ if (i == segs/2) {
+ /* insert skippable frame */
+ size_t const skippableSize =
+ ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame((BYTE*)compressedBuffer + off, compressedBufferSize,
+ skipBuff, skipLen, seed % 15);
+ CHECK_Z(skippableSize);
+ off += skippableSize;
+ }
+ }
+ cSize = off;
+ free(skipBuff);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : get decompressed size of multiple frames : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const r = ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize / 2) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : get tight decompressed bound of multiple frames : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned long long const bound = ZSTD_decompressBound(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (bound != CNBuffSize / 2) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress multiple frames : ", testNb++);
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize));
+ if (r != CNBuffSize / 2) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ if (memcmp(decodedBuffer, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize / 2) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ /* Simple API skippable frame test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : read/write a skippable frame : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 i;
+ unsigned readMagic;
+ unsigned long long receivedSize;
+ size_t skippableSize;
+ const U32 skipLen = 129 KB;
+ char* const skipBuff = (char*)malloc(skipLen);
+ assert(skipBuff != NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < skipLen; i++)
+ skipBuff[i] = (char) ((seed + i) % 256);
+ skippableSize = ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame(
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ skipBuff, skipLen, seed % 15);
+ CHECK_Z(skippableSize);
+ CHECK_EQ(1, ZSTD_isSkippableFrame(compressedBuffer, skippableSize));
+ receivedSize = ZSTD_readSkippableFrame(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, &readMagic, compressedBuffer, skippableSize);
+ CHECK_EQ(skippableSize, receivedSize + ZSTD_SKIPPABLEHEADERSIZE);
+ CHECK_EQ(seed % 15, readMagic);
+ if (memcmp(decodedBuffer, skipBuff, skipLen) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ free(skipBuff);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : read/write an empty skippable frame : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ unsigned readMagic;
+ unsigned long long receivedSize;
+ size_t skippableSize;
+ skippableSize = ZSTD_writeSkippableFrame(
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, 0, seed % 15);
+ CHECK_EQ(1, ZSTD_isSkippableFrame(compressedBuffer, skippableSize));
+ receivedSize = ZSTD_readSkippableFrame(NULL, 0, &readMagic, compressedBuffer, skippableSize);
+ CHECK_EQ(skippableSize, receivedSize + ZSTD_SKIPPABLEHEADERSIZE);
+ CHECK_EQ(seed % 15, readMagic);
+ }
+ /* Dictionary and CCtx Duplication tests */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const ctxOrig = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const ctxDuplicated = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ static const size_t dictSize = 551;
+ assert(dctx != NULL); assert(ctxOrig != NULL); assert(ctxDuplicated != NULL);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : copy context too soon : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const copyResult = ZSTD_copyCCtx(ctxDuplicated, ctxOrig, 0);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(copyResult)) goto _output_error; } /* error must be detected */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : load dictionary into context : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin_usingDict(ctxOrig, CNBuffer, dictSize, 2) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_copyCCtx(ctxDuplicated, ctxOrig, 0) ); /* Begin_usingDict implies unknown srcSize, so match that */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with flat dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ cSize = 0;
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_compressEnd(ctxOrig,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ (const char*)CNBuffer + dictSize, CNBuffSize - dictSize),
+ cSize += r);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built with flat dictionary should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ CNBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize - dictSize) goto _output_error);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with duplicated context : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cSizeOrig = cSize;
+ cSize = 0;
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_compressEnd(ctxDuplicated,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ (const char*)CNBuffer + dictSize, CNBuffSize - dictSize),
+ cSize += r);
+ if (cSize != cSizeOrig) goto _output_error; /* should be identical ==> same size */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built with duplicated context should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ CNBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize - dictSize) goto _output_error);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with DDict : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DDict* const ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, ddict);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize - dictSize) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (size of DDict : %u) \n", (unsigned)ZSTD_sizeof_DDict(ddict));
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with static DDict : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const ddictBufferSize = ZSTD_estimateDDictSize(dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byCopy);
+ void* const ddictBuffer = malloc(ddictBufferSize);
+ if (ddictBuffer == NULL) goto _output_error;
+ { const ZSTD_DDict* const ddict = ZSTD_initStaticDDict(ddictBuffer, ddictBufferSize, CNBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byCopy, ZSTD_dct_auto);
+ size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, ddict);
+ if (r != CNBuffSize - dictSize) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ free(ddictBuffer);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (size of static DDict : %u) \n", (unsigned)ddictBufferSize);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check content size on duplicated context : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const testSize = CNBuffSize / 3;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin(ctxOrig, ZSTD_defaultCLevel()) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_copyCCtx(ctxDuplicated, ctxOrig, testSize) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressEnd(ctxDuplicated, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(testSize),
+ (const char*)CNBuffer + dictSize, testSize) );
+ { ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ if (ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, compressedBuffer, cSize)) goto _output_error;
+ if ((zfh.frameContentSize != testSize) && (zfh.frameContentSize != 0)) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ /* Note : these tests should be replaced by proper regression tests,
+ * but existing ones do not focus on small data + dictionary + all levels.
+ */
+ if ((int)(compressibility * 100 + 0.1) == FUZ_compressibility_default) { /* test only valid with known input */
+ size_t const flatdictSize = 22 KB;
+ size_t const contentSize = 9 KB;
+ const void* const dict = (const char*)CNBuffer;
+ const void* const contentStart = (const char*)dict + flatdictSize;
+ /* These upper bounds are generally within a few bytes of the compressed size */
+ size_t target_nodict_cSize[22+1] = { 3840, 3770, 3870, 3830, 3770,
+ 3770, 3770, 3770, 3750, 3750,
+ 3742, 3675, 3674, 3665, 3664,
+ 3663, 3662, 3661, 3660, 3660,
+ 3660, 3660, 3660 };
+ size_t const target_wdict_cSize[22+1] = { 2830, 2896, 2893, 2820, 2940,
+ 2950, 2950, 2925, 2900, 2891,
+ 2910, 2910, 2910, 2780, 2775,
+ 2765, 2760, 2755, 2754, 2753,
+ 2753, 2753, 2753 };
+ int l = 1;
+ int const maxLevel = ZSTD_maxCLevel();
+ /* clevels with strategies that support rowhash on small inputs */
+ int rowLevel = 4;
+ int const rowLevelEnd = 8;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : flat-dictionary efficiency test : \n", testNb++);
+ assert(maxLevel == 22);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, flatdictSize + contentSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "content hash : %016llx; dict hash : %016llx \n",
+ (unsigned long long)XXH64(contentStart, contentSize, 0),
+ (unsigned long long)XXH64(dict, flatdictSize, 0));
+ for ( ; l <= maxLevel; l++) {
+ size_t const nodict_cSize = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ contentStart, contentSize, l);
+ if (nodict_cSize > target_nodict_cSize[l]) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : compression at level %i worse than expected (%u > %u) \n",
+ l, (unsigned)nodict_cSize, (unsigned)target_nodict_cSize[l]);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "level %i : max expected %u >= reached %u \n",
+ l, (unsigned)target_nodict_cSize[l], (unsigned)nodict_cSize);
+ }
+ for ( l=1 ; l <= maxLevel; l++) {
+ size_t const wdict_cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(ctxOrig,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ contentStart, contentSize,
+ dict, flatdictSize,
+ l);
+ if (wdict_cSize > target_wdict_cSize[l]) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : compression with dictionary at level %i worse than expected (%u > %u) \n",
+ l, (unsigned)wdict_cSize, (unsigned)target_wdict_cSize[l]);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "level %i with dictionary : max expected %u >= reached %u \n",
+ l, (unsigned)target_wdict_cSize[l], (unsigned)wdict_cSize);
+ }
+ /* Compression with ZSTD_compress2 and row match finder force enabled.
+ * Give some slack for force-enabled row matchfinder since we're on a small input (9KB)
+ */
+ for ( ; rowLevel <= rowLevelEnd; ++rowLevel) target_nodict_cSize[rowLevel] += 5;
+ for (l=1 ; l <= maxLevel; l++) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t nodict_cSize;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, l);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, ZSTD_ps_enable);
+ nodict_cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ contentStart, contentSize);
+ if (nodict_cSize > target_nodict_cSize[l]) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : compression with compress2 at level %i worse than expected (%u > %u) \n",
+ l, (unsigned)nodict_cSize, (unsigned)target_nodict_cSize[l]);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "level %i with compress2 : max expected %u >= reached %u \n",
+ l, (unsigned)target_nodict_cSize[l], (unsigned)nodict_cSize);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ /* Dict compression with DMS */
+ for ( l=1 ; l <= maxLevel; l++) {
+ size_t wdict_cSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(ctxOrig, dict, flatdictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(ctxOrig, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, l) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(ctxOrig, ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, 0) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(ctxOrig, ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, ZSTD_dictForceAttach) );
+ wdict_cSize = ZSTD_compress2(ctxOrig, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, contentStart, contentSize);
+ if (wdict_cSize > target_wdict_cSize[l]) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : compression with dictionary and compress2 at level %i worse than expected (%u > %u) \n",
+ l, (unsigned)wdict_cSize, (unsigned)target_wdict_cSize[l]);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "level %i with dictionary and compress2 : max expected %u >= reached %u \n",
+ l, (unsigned)target_wdict_cSize[l], (unsigned)wdict_cSize);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "compression efficiency tests OK \n");
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(ctxOrig);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(ctxDuplicated);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* Dictionary and dictBuilder tests */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const dictBufferCapacity = 16 KB;
+ void* const dictBuffer = malloc(dictBufferCapacity);
+ size_t const totalSampleSize = 1 MB;
+ size_t const sampleUnitSize = 8 KB;
+ U32 const nbSamples = (U32)(totalSampleSize / sampleUnitSize);
+ size_t* const samplesSizes = (size_t*) malloc(nbSamples * sizeof(size_t));
+ size_t dictSize;
+ U32 dictID;
+ size_t dictHeaderSize;
+ size_t dictBufferFixedSize = 144;
+ unsigned char const dictBufferFixed[144] = {0x37, 0xa4, 0x30, 0xec, 0x63, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x1f,
+ 0x0f, 0x00, 0x28, 0xe5, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x0f, 0x9e, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0xde, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xbc, 0xe1, 0x4b, 0x92, 0x0e, 0xb4, 0x7b, 0x18,
+ 0x86, 0x61, 0x18, 0xc6, 0x18, 0x63, 0x8c, 0x31, 0xc6, 0x18, 0x63, 0x8c,
+ 0x31, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xb6, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x61,
+ 0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20, 0x65,
+ 0x6c, 0x65, 0x69, 0x66, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x2e, 0x20, 0x41, 0x6c, 0x69};
+ if (dictBuffer==NULL || samplesSizes==NULL) {
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictBuilder on cyclic data : ", testNb++);
+ assert(compressedBufferSize >= totalSampleSize);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<totalSampleSize; u++) ((BYTE*)decodedBuffer)[u] = (BYTE)u; }
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ { size_t const sDictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ decodedBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(sDictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)sDictSize);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictBuilder : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Multithreaded COVER dictBuilder : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ { ZDICT_cover_params_t coverParams;
+ memset(&coverParams, 0, sizeof(coverParams));
+ coverParams.steps = 8;
+ coverParams.nbThreads = 4;
+ dictSize = ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover(
+ dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples/8, /* less samples for faster tests */
+ &coverParams);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : COVER dictBuilder with shrinkDict: ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ { ZDICT_cover_params_t coverParams;
+ memset(&coverParams, 0, sizeof(coverParams));
+ coverParams.steps = 8;
+ coverParams.nbThreads = 4;
+ coverParams.shrinkDict = 1;
+ coverParams.shrinkDictMaxRegression = 1;
+ dictSize = ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover(
+ dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples/8, /* less samples for faster tests */
+ &coverParams);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Multithreaded FASTCOVER dictBuilder : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ { ZDICT_fastCover_params_t fastCoverParams;
+ memset(&fastCoverParams, 0, sizeof(fastCoverParams));
+ fastCoverParams.steps = 8;
+ fastCoverParams.nbThreads = 4;
+ dictSize = ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover(
+ dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
+ &fastCoverParams);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : FASTCOVER dictBuilder with shrinkDict: ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ { ZDICT_fastCover_params_t fastCoverParams;
+ memset(&fastCoverParams, 0, sizeof(fastCoverParams));
+ fastCoverParams.steps = 8;
+ fastCoverParams.nbThreads = 4;
+ fastCoverParams.shrinkDict = 1;
+ fastCoverParams.shrinkDictMaxRegression = 1;
+ dictSize = ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover(
+ dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
+ &fastCoverParams);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dictID : ", testNb++);
+ dictID = ZDICT_getDictID(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ if (dictID==0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)dictID);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dict header size no error : ", testNb++);
+ dictHeaderSize = ZDICT_getDictHeaderSize(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ if (dictHeaderSize==0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)dictHeaderSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dict header size correctness : ", testNb++);
+ { dictHeaderSize = ZDICT_getDictHeaderSize(dictBufferFixed, dictBufferFixedSize);
+ if (dictHeaderSize != 115) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)dictHeaderSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize, 4);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : retrieve dictID from dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 const did = ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ if (did != dictID) goto _output_error; /* non-conformant (content-only) dictionary */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : retrieve dictID from frame : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 const did = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (did != dictID) goto _output_error; /* non-conformant (content-only) dictionary */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built with dictionary should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : estimate CDict size : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ size_t const estimatedSize = ZSTD_estimateCDictSize_advanced(dictSize, cParams, ZSTD_dlm_byRef);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)estimatedSize);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with CDict ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto,
+ cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ assert(cdict != NULL);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "(size : %u) : ", (unsigned)ZSTD_sizeof_CDict(cdict));
+ assert(ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict(dictBuffer, dictSize) == ZSTD_getDictID_fromCDict(cdict));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, cdict);
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : retrieve dictID from frame : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 const did = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (did != dictID) goto _output_error; /* non-conformant (content-only) dictionary */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built with dictionary should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with static CDict : ", testNb++);
+ { int const maxLevel = ZSTD_maxCLevel();
+ int level;
+ for (level = 1; level <= maxLevel; ++level) {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(level, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ size_t const cdictSize = ZSTD_estimateCDictSize_advanced(dictSize, cParams, ZSTD_dlm_byCopy);
+ void* const cdictBuffer = malloc(cdictSize);
+ if (cdictBuffer==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ { const ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_initStaticCDict(
+ cdictBuffer, cdictSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byCopy, ZSTD_dct_auto,
+ cParams);
+ if (cdict == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_initStaticCDict failed ");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, MIN(10 KB, CNBuffSize), cdict);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_compress_usingCDict failed ");
+ goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ free(cdictBuffer);
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_usingCDict_advanced, no contentSize, no dictID : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_frameParameters const fParams = { 0 /* frameSize */, 1 /* checksum */, 1 /* noDictID*/ };
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ assert(cdict != NULL);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict_advanced(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ cdict, fParams);
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : try retrieving contentSize from frame : ", testNb++);
+ { U64 const contentSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (contentSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (unknown)\n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built without dictID should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ assert(dctx != NULL);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress_advanced, no dictID : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_parameters p = ZSTD_getParams(3, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ p.fParams.noDictIDFlag = 1;
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_advanced(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize, p);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBuffSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame built without dictID should be decompressible : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx(); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ CHECKPLUS(r, ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx,
+ decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize,
+ compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ dictBuffer, dictSize),
+ if (r != CNBuffSize) goto _output_error);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictionary containing only header should return error : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ assert(dctx != NULL);
+ { const size_t ret = ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(
+ dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize,
+ "\x37\xa4\x30\xec\x11\x22\x33\x44", 8);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) != ZSTD_error_dictionary_corrupted)
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Building cdict w/ ZSTD_dct_fullDict on a good dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ if (cdict==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Building cdict w/ ZSTD_dct_fullDict on a rawContent (must fail) : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced((const char*)dictBuffer+1, dictSize-1, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ if (cdict!=NULL) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ { char* rawDictBuffer = (char*)malloc(dictSize);
+ assert(rawDictBuffer);
+ memcpy(rawDictBuffer, (char*)dictBuffer + 2, dictSize - 2);
+ memset(rawDictBuffer + dictSize - 2, 0, 2);
+ MEM_writeLE32((char*)rawDictBuffer, ZSTD_MAGIC_DICTIONARY);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading rawContent starting with dict header w/ ZSTD_dct_auto should fail : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t ret;
+ /* Either operation is allowed to fail, but one must fail. */
+ ret = ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, (const char*)rawDictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ ret = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100));
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading rawContent starting with dict header w/ ZSTD_dct_rawContent should pass : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t ret;
+ ret = ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(
+ cctx, (const char*)rawDictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_rawContent);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ ret = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Testing non-attached CDict with ZSTD_dct_rawContent : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const srcSize = MIN(CNBuffSize, 100);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ /* Force the dictionary to be reloaded in raw content mode */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, ZSTD_dictForceLoad));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_advanced(cctx, rawDictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_rawContent));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, srcSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ }
+ free(rawDictBuffer);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict() then set parameters : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(CNBuffer, dictSize, 1);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, 12 ));
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_hashLog, 12 ));
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading dictionary before setting parameters is the same as loading after : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t size1, size2;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 7) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 10 KB)) );
+ size1 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size1)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 10 KB)) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 7) );
+ size2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size2)) goto _output_error;
+ if (size1 != size2) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a dictionary clears the prefix : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a dictionary clears the cdict : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictBuffer, dictSize, 1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a cdict clears the prefix : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictBuffer, dictSize, 1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a cdict clears the dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictBuffer, dictSize, 1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a prefix clears the dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loading a prefix clears the cdict : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictBuffer, dictSize, 1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, (const char*)dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100)) );
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loaded dictionary persists across reset session : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t size1, size2;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 10 KB)) );
+ size1 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size1)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ size2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size2)) goto _output_error;
+ if (size1 != size2) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Loaded dictionary is cleared after resetting parameters : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t size1, size2;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 10 KB)) );
+ size1 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size1)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ size2 = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size2)) goto _output_error;
+ if (size1 == size2) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(cctx, dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBuffSize, 100 KB));
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressDCtx() with dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t ret;
+ /* We should fail to decompress without a dictionary. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the dictionary. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary(dctx, dictBuffer, dictSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* The dictionary should persist across calls. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* When we reset the context the dictionary is cleared. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressDCtx() with ddict : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ size_t ret;
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the ddict. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(dctx, ddict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* The ddict should persist across calls. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* When we reset the context the ddict is cleared. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressDCtx() with prefix : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t ret;
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the prefix. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(dctx, dictBuffer, dictSize, ZSTD_dct_auto) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* The prefix should be cleared after the first compression. */
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Dictionary with non-default repcodes : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ /* Set all the repcodes to non-default */
+ {
+ BYTE* dictPtr = (BYTE*)dictBuffer;
+ BYTE* dictLimit = dictPtr + dictSize - 12;
+ /* Find the repcodes */
+ while (dictPtr < dictLimit &&
+ (MEM_readLE32(dictPtr) != 1 || MEM_readLE32(dictPtr + 4) != 4 ||
+ MEM_readLE32(dictPtr + 8) != 8)) {
+ ++dictPtr;
+ }
+ if (dictPtr >= dictLimit) goto _output_error;
+ MEM_writeLE32(dictPtr + 0, 10);
+ MEM_writeLE32(dictPtr + 4, 10);
+ MEM_writeLE32(dictPtr + 8, 10);
+ /* Set the last 8 bytes to 'x' */
+ memset((BYTE*)dictBuffer + dictSize - 8, 'x', 8);
+ }
+ /* The optimal parser checks all the repcodes.
+ * Make sure at least one is a match >= targetLength so that it is
+ * immediately chosen. This will make sure that the compressor and
+ * decompressor agree on at least one of the repcodes.
+ */
+ { size_t dSize;
+ BYTE data[1024];
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(19, CNBuffSize, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto,
+ cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ assert(dctx != NULL); assert(cdict != NULL);
+ memset(data, 'x', sizeof(data));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ data, sizeof(data), cdict);
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "Compression error %s : ", ZSTD_getErrorName(cSize)); goto _output_error; }
+ dSize = ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, sizeof(data), compressedBuffer, cSize, dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(dSize)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "Decompression error %s : ", ZSTD_getErrorName(dSize)); goto _output_error; }
+ if (memcmp(data, decodedBuffer, sizeof(data))) { DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "Data corruption : "); goto _output_error; }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressDCtx() with multiple ddicts : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ const size_t numDicts = 128;
+ const size_t numFrames = 4;
+ size_t i;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_DDict** ddictTable = (ZSTD_DDict**)malloc(sizeof(ZSTD_DDict*)*numDicts);
+ ZSTD_CDict** cdictTable = (ZSTD_CDict**)malloc(sizeof(ZSTD_CDict*)*numDicts);
+ U32 dictIDSeed = seed;
+ /* Create new compressed buffer that will hold frames with differing dictIDs */
+ char* dictBufferMulti = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * dictBufferFixedSize); /* Modifiable copy of fixed full dict buffer */
+ ZSTD_memcpy(dictBufferMulti, dictBufferFixed, dictBufferFixedSize);
+ /* Create a bunch of DDicts with random dict IDs */
+ for (i = 0; i < numDicts; ++i) {
+ U32 currDictID = FUZ_rand(&dictIDSeed);
+ MEM_writeLE32(dictBufferMulti+ZSTD_FRAMEIDSIZE, currDictID);
+ ddictTable[i] = ZSTD_createDDict(dictBufferMulti, dictBufferFixedSize);
+ cdictTable[i] = ZSTD_createCDict(dictBufferMulti, dictBufferFixedSize, 3);
+ if (!ddictTable[i] || !cdictTable[i] || ZSTD_getDictID_fromCDict(cdictTable[i]) != ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict(ddictTable[i])) {
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Compress a few frames using random CDicts */
+ {
+ size_t off = 0;
+ /* only use the first half so we don't push against size limit of compressedBuffer */
+ size_t const segSize = (CNBuffSize / 2) / numFrames;
+ for (i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
+ size_t dictIdx = FUZ_rand(&dictIDSeed) % numDicts;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx,
+ (BYTE*)compressedBuffer + off, CNBuffSize - off,
+ (BYTE*)CNBuffer + segSize * (size_t)i, segSize,
+ cdictTable[dictIdx]));
+ off += r;
+ }
+ }
+ cSize = off;
+ }
+ /* We should succeed to decompression even though different dicts were used on different frames */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_refMultipleDDicts, ZSTD_rmd_refMultipleDDicts);
+ /* Reference every single ddict we made */
+ for (i = 0; i < numDicts; ++i) {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(dctx, ddictTable[i]));
+ }
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* Streaming decompression should also work */
+ {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0};
+ while (in.pos < in.size) {
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in));
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ for (i = 0; i < numDicts; ++i) {
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdictTable[i]);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddictTable[i]);
+ }
+ free(dictBufferMulti);
+ free(ddictTable);
+ free(cdictTable);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ }
+ /* COVER dictionary builder tests */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t dictSize = 16 KB;
+ size_t optDictSize = dictSize;
+ void* dictBuffer = malloc(dictSize);
+ size_t const totalSampleSize = 1 MB;
+ size_t const sampleUnitSize = 8 KB;
+ U32 const nbSamples = (U32)(totalSampleSize / sampleUnitSize);
+ size_t* const samplesSizes = (size_t*) malloc(nbSamples * sizeof(size_t));
+ U32 seed32 = seed;
+ ZDICT_cover_params_t params;
+ U32 dictID;
+ if (dictBuffer==NULL || samplesSizes==NULL) {
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_cover : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
+ params.d = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&seed32) % 16);
+ params.k = params.d + (FUZ_rand(&seed32) % 256);
+ dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_cover(dictBuffer, dictSize,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
+ params);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)dictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dictID : ", testNb++);
+ dictID = ZDICT_getDictID(dictBuffer, dictSize);
+ if (dictID==0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)dictID);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover : ", testNb++);
+ memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
+ params.steps = 4;
+ optDictSize = ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover(dictBuffer, optDictSize,
+ CNBuffer, samplesSizes,
+ nbSamples / 4, &params);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(optDictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK, created dictionary of size %u \n", (unsigned)optDictSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dictID : ", testNb++);
+ dictID = ZDICT_getDictID(dictBuffer, optDictSize);
+ if (dictID==0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %u \n", (unsigned)dictID);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ }
+ /* Decompression defense tests */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Check input length for magic number : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, CNBuffer, 3); /* too small input */
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Check magic Number : ", testNb++);
+ ((char*)(CNBuffer))[0] = 1;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, CNBuffer, 4);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; }
+ /* content size verification test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Content size verification : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const srcSize = 5000;
+ size_t const wrongSrcSize = (srcSize + 1000);
+ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(1, wrongSrcSize, 0);
+ params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(cctx, NULL, 0, params, wrongSrcSize) );
+ { size_t const result = ZSTD_compressEnd(cctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, CNBuffer, srcSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(result)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(result) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(result));
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ /* negative compression level test : ensure simple API and advanced API produce same result */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : negative compression level : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const srcSize = CNBuffSize / 5;
+ int const compressionLevel = -1;
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ { size_t const cSize_1pass = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, srcSize, compressionLevel);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize_1pass)) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, compressionLevel) );
+ { size_t const compressionResult = ZSTD_compress2(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize,
+ CNBuffer, srcSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "simple=%zu vs %zu=advanced : ", cSize_1pass, compressionResult);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(compressionResult)) goto _output_error;
+ if (compressionResult != cSize_1pass) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ /* parameters order test */
+ { size_t const inputSize = CNBuffSize / 2;
+ U64 xxh64;
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : parameters in order : ", testNb++);
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 2) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, 18) );
+ { size_t const compressedSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(inputSize),
+ CNBuffer, inputSize);
+ CHECK(compressedSize);
+ cSize = compressedSize;
+ xxh64 = XXH64(compressedBuffer, compressedSize, 0);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (compress : %u -> %u bytes)\n", (unsigned)inputSize, (unsigned)cSize);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : parameters disordered : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_windowLog, 18) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 2) );
+ { size_t const result = ZSTD_compress2(cctx,
+ compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(inputSize),
+ CNBuffer, inputSize);
+ CHECK(result);
+ if (result != cSize) goto _output_error; /* must result in same compressed result, hence same size */
+ if (XXH64(compressedBuffer, result, 0) != xxh64) goto _output_error; /* must result in exactly same content, hence same hash */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (compress : %u -> %u bytes)\n", (unsigned)inputSize, (unsigned)result);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ }
+ /* advanced parameters for decompression */
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ assert(dctx != NULL);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : get dParameter bounds ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_bounds const bounds = ZSTD_dParam_getBounds(ZSTD_d_windowLogMax);
+ CHECK(bounds.error);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : wrong dParameter : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const sr = ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, (ZSTD_dParameter)999999, 0);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(sr)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ { ZSTD_bounds const bounds = ZSTD_dParam_getBounds((ZSTD_dParameter)999998);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(bounds.error)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : out of bound dParameter : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const sr = ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, 9999);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(sr)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ { size_t const sr = ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_format, (ZSTD_format_e)888);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(sr)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* custom formats tests */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t const inputSize = CNBuffSize / 2; /* won't cause pb with small dict size */
+ assert(dctx != NULL); assert(cctx != NULL);
+ /* basic block compression */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : magic-less format test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_format, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless) );
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, inputSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(inputSize), 0 };
+ size_t const result = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ if (result != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ cSize = out.pos;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (compress : %u -> %u bytes)\n", (unsigned)inputSize, (unsigned)cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress normally (should fail) : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const decodeResult = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(decodeResult) != ZSTD_error_prefix_unknown) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(decodeResult));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress of magic-less frame : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_format, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless) );
+ { ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ size_t const zfhrt = ZSTD_getFrameHeader_advanced(&zfh, compressedBuffer, cSize, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless);
+ if (zfhrt != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* one shot */
+ { size_t const result = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (result != inputSize) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "one-shot OK, ");
+ }
+ /* streaming */
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer in = { compressedBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ size_t const result = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (result != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ if (out.pos != inputSize) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "streaming OK : regenerated %u bytes \n", (unsigned)out.pos);
+ }
+ /* basic block compression */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : empty magic-less format test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_format, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless) );
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, 0, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(0), 0 };
+ size_t const result = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ if (result != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ cSize = out.pos;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (compress : %u -> %u bytes)\n", (unsigned)0, (unsigned)cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress of empty magic-less frame : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_format, ZSTD_f_zstd1_magicless) );
+ /* one shot */
+ { size_t const result = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (result != 0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "one-shot OK, ");
+ }
+ /* streaming */
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer in = { compressedBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ size_t const result = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (result != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ if (out.pos != 0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "streaming OK : regenerated %u bytes \n", (unsigned)out.pos);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Decompression parameter reset test : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* Attempt to future proof this to new parameters. */
+ int const maxParam = 2000;
+ int param;
+ if (ZSTD_d_experimentalParam3 > maxParam) goto _output_error;
+ for (param = 0; param < maxParam; ++param) {
+ ZSTD_dParameter dParam = (ZSTD_dParameter)param;
+ ZSTD_bounds bounds = ZSTD_dParam_getBounds(dParam);
+ int value1;
+ int value2;
+ int check;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(bounds.error))
+ continue;
+ CHECK(ZSTD_DCtx_getParameter(dctx, dParam, &value1));
+ value2 = (value1 != bounds.lowerBound) ? bounds.lowerBound : bounds.upperBound;
+ CHECK(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, dParam, value2));
+ CHECK(ZSTD_DCtx_getParameter(dctx, dParam, &check));
+ if (check != value2) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK(ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_parameters));
+ CHECK(ZSTD_DCtx_getParameter(dctx, dParam, &check));
+ if (check != value1) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* block API tests */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ static const size_t dictSize = 65 KB;
+ static const size_t blockSize = 100 KB; /* won't cause pb with small dict size */
+ size_t cSize2;
+ assert(cctx != NULL); assert(dctx != NULL);
+ /* basic block compression */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Block compression test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin(cctx, 5) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_getBlockSize(cctx) >= blockSize);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize), CNBuffer, blockSize) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Block decompression test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_decompressBegin(dctx) );
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_decompressBlock(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ if (r != blockSize) goto _output_error; }
+ /* very long stream of block compression */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Huge block streaming compression test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin(cctx, -199) ); /* we just want to quickly overflow internal U32 index */
+ CHECK( ZSTD_getBlockSize(cctx) >= blockSize);
+ { U64 const toCompress = 5000000000ULL; /* > 4 GB */
+ U64 compressed = 0;
+ while (compressed < toCompress) {
+ size_t const blockCSize = ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize), CNBuffer, blockSize);
+ assert(blockCSize != 0);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(blockCSize)) goto _output_error;
+ compressed += blockCSize;
+ } }
+ /* dictionary block compression */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Dictionary Block compression test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin_usingDict(cctx, CNBuffer, dictSize, 5) );
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize), (char*)CNBuffer+dictSize, blockSize));
+ RDG_genBuffer((char*)CNBuffer+dictSize+blockSize, blockSize, 0.0, 0.0, seed); /* create a non-compressible second block */
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, (char*)compressedBuffer+cSize, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize), (char*)CNBuffer+dictSize+blockSize, blockSize) ); /* for cctx history consistency */
+ assert(r == 0); /* non-compressible block */ }
+ memcpy((char*)compressedBuffer+cSize, (char*)CNBuffer+dictSize+blockSize, blockSize); /* send non-compressed block (without header) */
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize2, ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, (char*)compressedBuffer+cSize+blockSize, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize),
+ (char*)CNBuffer+dictSize+2*blockSize, blockSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Dictionary Block decompression test : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_decompressBegin_usingDict(dctx, CNBuffer, dictSize) );
+ { CHECK_NEWV( r, ZSTD_decompressBlock(dctx, decodedBuffer, blockSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ if (r != blockSize) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "ZSTD_decompressBlock() with _usingDict() fails : %u, instead of %u expected \n", (unsigned)r, (unsigned)blockSize);
+ goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ memcpy((char*)decodedBuffer+blockSize, (char*)compressedBuffer+cSize, blockSize);
+ ZSTD_insertBlock(dctx, (char*)decodedBuffer+blockSize, blockSize); /* insert non-compressed block into dctx history */
+ { CHECK_NEWV( r, ZSTD_decompressBlock(dctx, (char*)decodedBuffer+2*blockSize, blockSize, (char*)compressedBuffer+cSize+blockSize, cSize2) );
+ if (r != blockSize) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "ZSTD_decompressBlock() with _usingDict() and after insertBlock() fails : %u, instead of %u expected \n", (unsigned)r, (unsigned)blockSize);
+ goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ assert(memcpy((char*)CNBuffer+dictSize, decodedBuffer, blockSize*3)); /* ensure regenerated content is identical to origin */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Block compression with CDict : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(CNBuffer, dictSize, 3);
+ if (cdict==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBegin_usingCDict(cctx, cdict) );
+ CHECK( ZSTD_compressBlock(cctx, compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(blockSize), (char*)CNBuffer+dictSize, blockSize) );
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* long rle test */
+ { size_t sampleSize = 0;
+ size_t expectedCompressedSize = 39; /* block 1, 2: compressed, block 3: RLE, zstd 1.4.4 */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : Long RLE test : ", testNb++);
+ memset((char*)CNBuffer+sampleSize, 'B', 256 KB - 1);
+ sampleSize += 256 KB - 1;
+ memset((char*)CNBuffer+sampleSize, 'A', 96 KB);
+ sampleSize += 96 KB;
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(sampleSize), CNBuffer, sampleSize, 1);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize) || cSize > expectedCompressedSize) goto _output_error;
+ { CHECK_NEWV(regenSize, ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, sampleSize, compressedBuffer, cSize));
+ if (regenSize!=sampleSize) goto _output_error; }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_generateSequences decode from sequences test : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t srcSize = 150 KB;
+ BYTE* src = (BYTE*)CNBuffer;
+ BYTE* decoded = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_Sequence* seqs = (ZSTD_Sequence*)malloc(srcSize * sizeof(ZSTD_Sequence));
+ size_t seqsSize;
+ if (seqs == NULL) goto _output_error;
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19);
+ /* Populate src with random data */
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, srcSize, compressibility, 0.5, seed);
+ /* Test with block delimiters roundtrip */
+ seqsSize = ZSTD_generateSequences(cctx, seqs, srcSize, src, srcSize);
+ FUZ_decodeSequences(decoded, seqs, seqsSize, src, srcSize, ZSTD_sf_explicitBlockDelimiters);
+ assert(!memcmp(CNBuffer, compressedBuffer, srcSize));
+ /* Test no block delimiters roundtrip */
+ seqsSize = ZSTD_mergeBlockDelimiters(seqs, seqsSize);
+ FUZ_decodeSequences(decoded, seqs, seqsSize, src, srcSize, ZSTD_sf_noBlockDelimiters);
+ assert(!memcmp(CNBuffer, compressedBuffer, srcSize));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(seqs);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_getSequences followed by ZSTD_compressSequences : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t srcSize = 500 KB;
+ BYTE* src = (BYTE*)CNBuffer;
+ BYTE* dst = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
+ size_t dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ size_t decompressSize = srcSize;
+ char* decompressBuffer = (char*)malloc(decompressSize);
+ size_t compressedSize;
+ size_t dSize;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_Sequence* seqs = (ZSTD_Sequence*)malloc(srcSize * sizeof(ZSTD_Sequence));
+ size_t seqsSize;
+ if (seqs == NULL) goto _output_error;
+ assert(cctx != NULL);
+ /* Populate src with random data */
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, srcSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ /* Test with block delimiters roundtrip */
+ seqsSize = ZSTD_generateSequences(cctx, seqs, srcSize, src, srcSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_blockDelimiters, ZSTD_sf_explicitBlockDelimiters);
+ compressedSize = ZSTD_compressSequences(cctx, dst, dstSize, seqs, seqsSize, src, srcSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(compressedSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in sequence compression with block delims\n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ dSize = ZSTD_decompress(decompressBuffer, decompressSize, dst, compressedSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(dSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in sequence compression roundtrip with block delims\n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ assert(!memcmp(decompressBuffer, src, srcSize));
+ /* Test with no block delimiters roundtrip */
+ seqsSize = ZSTD_mergeBlockDelimiters(seqs, seqsSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_blockDelimiters, ZSTD_sf_noBlockDelimiters);
+ compressedSize = ZSTD_compressSequences(cctx, dst, dstSize, seqs, seqsSize, src, srcSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(compressedSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in sequence compression with no block delims\n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ dSize = ZSTD_decompress(decompressBuffer, decompressSize, dst, compressedSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(dSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error in sequence compression roundtrip with no block delims\n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ assert(!memcmp(decompressBuffer, src, srcSize));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(decompressBuffer);
+ free(seqs);
+ }
+ /* Multiple blocks of zeros test */
+ #define LONGZEROSLENGTH 1000000 /* 1MB of zeros */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress %u zeroes : ", testNb++, LONGZEROSLENGTH);
+ memset(CNBuffer, 0, LONGZEROSLENGTH);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(LONGZEROSLENGTH), CNBuffer, LONGZEROSLENGTH, 1) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/LONGZEROSLENGTH*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u zeroes : ", testNb++, LONGZEROSLENGTH);
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, LONGZEROSLENGTH, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ if (r != LONGZEROSLENGTH) goto _output_error; }
+ /* All zeroes test (test bug #137) */
+ #define ZEROESLENGTH 100
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress %u zeroes : ", testNb++, ZEROESLENGTH);
+ memset(CNBuffer, 0, ZEROESLENGTH);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(ZEROESLENGTH), CNBuffer, ZEROESLENGTH, 1) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/ZEROESLENGTH*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u zeroes : ", testNb++, ZEROESLENGTH);
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, ZEROESLENGTH, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ if (r != ZEROESLENGTH) goto _output_error; }
+ /* nbSeq limit test */
+ #define _3BYTESTESTLENGTH 131000
+ #define NB3BYTESSEQLOG 9
+ /* creates a buffer full of 3-bytes sequences */
+ { BYTE _3BytesSeqs[NB3BYTESSEQ][3];
+ U32 rSeed = 1;
+ /* create batch of 3-bytes sequences */
+ { int i;
+ for (i=0; i < NB3BYTESSEQ; i++) {
+ _3BytesSeqs[i][0] = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(&rSeed) & 255);
+ _3BytesSeqs[i][1] = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(&rSeed) & 255);
+ _3BytesSeqs[i][2] = (BYTE)(FUZ_rand(&rSeed) & 255);
+ } }
+ /* randomly fills CNBuffer with prepared 3-bytes sequences */
+ { int i;
+ for (i=0; i < _3BYTESTESTLENGTH; i += 3) { /* note : CNBuffer size > _3BYTESTESTLENGTH+3 */
+ U32 const id = FUZ_rand(&rSeed) & NB3BYTESSEQMASK;
+ ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[i+0] = _3BytesSeqs[id][0];
+ ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[i+1] = _3BytesSeqs[id][1];
+ ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[i+2] = _3BytesSeqs[id][2];
+ } } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : growing nbSeq : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const maxNbSeq = _3BYTESTESTLENGTH / 3;
+ size_t const bound = ZSTD_compressBound(_3BYTESTESTLENGTH);
+ size_t nbSeq = 1;
+ while (nbSeq <= maxNbSeq) {
+ CHECK(ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, bound, CNBuffer, nbSeq * 3, 19));
+ /* Check every sequence for the first 100, then skip more rapidly. */
+ if (nbSeq < 100) {
+ ++nbSeq;
+ } else {
+ nbSeq += (nbSeq >> 2);
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress lots 3-bytes sequences : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_VAR(cSize, ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(_3BYTESTESTLENGTH),
+ CNBuffer, _3BYTESTESTLENGTH, 19) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/_3BYTESTESTLENGTH*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress lots 3-bytes sequence : ", testNb++);
+ { CHECK_NEWV(r, ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, _3BYTESTESTLENGTH, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ if (r != _3BYTESTESTLENGTH) goto _output_error; }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : growing literals buffer : ", testNb++);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0.0, 0.1, seed);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const bound = ZSTD_compressBound(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t size = 1;
+ while (size <= CNBuffSize) {
+ CHECK(ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, compressedBuffer, bound, CNBuffer, size, 3));
+ /* Check every size for the first 100, then skip more rapidly. */
+ if (size < 100) {
+ ++size;
+ } else {
+ size += (size >> 2);
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : incompressible data and ill suited dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { /* Train a dictionary on low characters */
+ size_t dictSize = 16 KB;
+ void* const dictBuffer = malloc(dictSize);
+ size_t const totalSampleSize = 1 MB;
+ size_t const sampleUnitSize = 8 KB;
+ U32 const nbSamples = (U32)(totalSampleSize / sampleUnitSize);
+ size_t* const samplesSizes = (size_t*) malloc(nbSamples * sizeof(size_t));
+ if (!dictBuffer || !samplesSizes) goto _output_error;
+ { U32 u; for (u=0; u<nbSamples; u++) samplesSizes[u] = sampleUnitSize; }
+ dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(dictBuffer, dictSize, CNBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ /* Reverse the characters to make the dictionary ill suited */
+ { U32 u;
+ for (u = 0; u < CNBuffSize; ++u) {
+ ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[u] = 255 - ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[u];
+ }
+ }
+ { /* Compress the data */
+ size_t const inputSize = 500;
+ size_t const outputSize = ZSTD_compressBound(inputSize);
+ void* const outputBuffer = malloc(outputSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (!outputBuffer || !cctx) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK(ZSTD_compress_usingDict(cctx, outputBuffer, outputSize, CNBuffer, inputSize, dictBuffer, dictSize, 1));
+ free(outputBuffer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ free(dictBuffer);
+ free(samplesSizes);
+ }
+ /* findFrameCompressedSize on skippable frames */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : frame compressed size of skippable frame : ", testNb++);
+ { const char* frame = "\x50\x2a\x4d\x18\x05\x0\x0\0abcde";
+ size_t const frameSrcSize = 13;
+ if (ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize(frame, frameSrcSize) != frameSrcSize) goto _output_error; }
+ /* error string tests */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing ZSTD error code strings : ", testNb++);
+ if (strcmp("No error detected", ZSTD_getErrorName((ZSTD_ErrorCode)(0-ZSTD_error_no_error))) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (strcmp("No error detected", ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_error_no_error)) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (strcmp("Unspecified error code", ZSTD_getErrorString((ZSTD_ErrorCode)(0-ZSTD_error_GENERIC))) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (strcmp("Error (generic)", ZSTD_getErrorName((size_t)0-ZSTD_error_GENERIC)) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (strcmp("Error (generic)", ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_error_GENERIC)) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (strcmp("No error detected", ZSTD_getErrorName(ZSTD_error_GENERIC)) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing ZSTD dictionary sizes : ", testNb++);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ {
+ size_t const size = MIN(128 KB, CNBuffSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CDict* const lgCDict = ZSTD_createCDict(CNBuffer, size, 1);
+ ZSTD_CDict* const smCDict = ZSTD_createCDict(CNBuffer, 1 KB, 1);
+ ZSTD_frameHeader lgHeader;
+ ZSTD_frameHeader smHeader;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, size, lgCDict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&lgHeader, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, size, smCDict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&smHeader, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize));
+ if (lgHeader.windowSize != smHeader.windowSize) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(smCDict);
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(lgCDict);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing FSE_normalizeCount() PR#1255: ", testNb++);
+ {
+ short norm[32];
+ unsigned count[32];
+ unsigned const tableLog = 5;
+ size_t const nbSeq = 32;
+ unsigned const maxSymbolValue = 31;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+ count[i] = 1;
+ /* Calling FSE_normalizeCount() on a uniform distribution should not
+ * cause a division by zero.
+ */
+ FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, nbSeq, maxSymbolValue, /* useLowProbCount */ 1);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : testing FSE_writeNCount() PR#2779: ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t const outBufSize = 9;
+ short const count[11] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 9, 18};
+ unsigned const tableLog = 5;
+ unsigned const maxSymbolValue = 10;
+ BYTE* outBuf = (BYTE*)malloc(outBufSize*sizeof(BYTE));
+ /* Ensure that this write doesn't write out of bounds, and that
+ * FSE_writeNCount_generic() is *not* called with writeIsSafe == 1.
+ */
+ FSE_writeNCount(outBuf, outBufSize, count, maxSymbolValue, tableLog);
+ free(outBuf);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : passing wrong full dict should fail on compressStream2 refPrefix ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const srcSize = 1 MB + 5; /* A little more than ZSTDMT_JOBSIZE_MIN */
+ size_t const dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ void* const src = CNBuffer;
+ void* const dst = compressedBuffer;
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(srcSize);
+ RDG_genBuffer(src, srcSize, compressibility, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, srcSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ /* Make sure there is no ZSTD_MAGIC_NUMBER */
+ memset(dict, 0, sizeof(U32));
+ /* something more than 1 */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2));
+ /* lie and claim this is a full dict */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix_advanced(cctx, dict, srcSize, ZSTD_dct_fullDict));
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {dst, dstSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {src, srcSize, 0};
+ /* should fail because its not a full dict like we said it was */
+ assert(ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush)));
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : small dictionary with multithreading and LDM ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ size_t const srcSize = 1 MB + 5; /* A little more than ZSTDMT_JOBSIZE_MIN */
+ size_t const dictSize = 10;
+ size_t const dstSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
+ void* const src = CNBuffer;
+ void* const dst = compressedBuffer;
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(dictSize);
+ RDG_genBuffer(src, srcSize, compressibility, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, dictSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ /* Make sure there is no ZSTD_MAGIC_NUMBER */
+ memset(dict, 0, sizeof(U32));
+ /* Enable MT, LDM, and use refPrefix() for a small dict */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(cctx, dict, dictSize));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compress2(cctx, dst, dstSize, src, srcSize));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_getCParams() + dictionary ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const medium = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 16*1024-1, 0);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const large = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 128*1024-1, 0);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const smallDict = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 0, 400);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const mediumDict = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 0, 10000);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const largeDict = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 0, 100000);
+ assert(!memcmp(&smallDict, &mediumDict, sizeof(smallDict)));
+ assert(!memcmp(&medium, &mediumDict, sizeof(medium)));
+ assert(!memcmp(&large, &largeDict, sizeof(large)));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_adjustCParams() + dictionary ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 0, 0);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const smallDict = ZSTD_adjustCParams(cParams, 0, 400);
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const smallSrcAndDict = ZSTD_adjustCParams(cParams, 500, 400);
+ assert(smallSrcAndDict.windowLog == 10);
+ assert(!memcmp(&cParams, &smallDict, sizeof(cParams)));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check compression mem usage monotonicity over levels for estimateCCtxSize() : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ int level = 1;
+ size_t prevSize = 0;
+ for (; level < ZSTD_maxCLevel(); ++level) {
+ size_t const currSize = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(level);
+ if (prevSize > currSize) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Error! previous cctx size: %zu at level: %d is larger than current cctx size: %zu at level: %d",
+ prevSize, level-1, currSize, level);
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ prevSize = currSize;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check estimateCCtxSize() always larger or equal to ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCParams() : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ size_t const kSizeIncrement = 2 KB;
+ int level = -3;
+ for (; level <= ZSTD_maxCLevel(); ++level) {
+ size_t dictSize = 0;
+ for (; dictSize <= 256 KB; dictSize += 8 * kSizeIncrement) {
+ size_t srcSize = 2 KB;
+ for (; srcSize < 300 KB; srcSize += kSizeIncrement) {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(level, srcSize, dictSize);
+ size_t const cctxSizeUsingCParams = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCParams(cParams);
+ size_t const cctxSizeUsingLevel = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(level);
+ if (cctxSizeUsingLevel < cctxSizeUsingCParams
+ || ZSTD_isError(cctxSizeUsingCParams)
+ || ZSTD_isError(cctxSizeUsingLevel)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "error! l: %d dict: %zu srcSize: %zu cctx size cpar: %zu, cctx size level: %zu\n",
+ level, dictSize, srcSize, cctxSizeUsingCParams, cctxSizeUsingLevel);
+ goto _output_error;
+ } } } } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : thread pool API tests : \n", testNb++)
+ {
+ int const threadPoolTestResult = threadPoolTests();
+ if (threadPoolTestResult) {
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "thread pool tests OK \n");
+#endif /* ZSTD_MULTITHREAD */
+ free(CNBuffer);
+ free(compressedBuffer);
+ free(decodedBuffer);
+ return testResult;
+ testResult = 1;
+ DISPLAY("Error detected in Unit tests ! \n");
+ goto _end;
+static int longUnitTests(U32 const seed, double compressibility)
+ size_t const CNBuffSize = 5 MB;
+ void* const CNBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ size_t const compressedBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(CNBuffSize);
+ void* const compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ void* const decodedBuffer = malloc(CNBuffSize);
+ int testResult = 0;
+ unsigned testNb=0;
+ size_t cSize;
+ /* Create compressible noise */
+ if (!CNBuffer || !compressedBuffer || !decodedBuffer) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ /* note : this test is rather long, it would be great to find a way to speed up its execution */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "longtest%3i : table cleanliness through index reduction : ", testNb++);
+ { int cLevel;
+ size_t approxIndex = 0;
+ size_t maxIndex = ((3U << 29) + (1U << ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MAX)); /* ZSTD_CURRENT_MAX from zstd_compress_internal.h */
+ /* Provision enough space in a static context so that we can do all
+ * this without ever reallocating, which would reset the indices. */
+ size_t const staticCCtxSize = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize(22);
+ void* const staticCCtxBuffer = malloc(staticCCtxSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_initStaticCCtx(staticCCtxBuffer, staticCCtxSize);
+ /* bump the indices so the following compressions happen at high
+ * indices. */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, -500));
+ while (approxIndex <= (maxIndex / 4) * 3) {
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ approxIndex += in.pos;
+ CHECK(in.pos == in.size);
+ in.pos = 0;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ }
+ /* spew a bunch of stuff into the table area */
+ for (cLevel = 1; cLevel <= 22; cLevel++) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize / (unsigned)cLevel, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ approxIndex += in.pos;
+ }
+ /* now crank the indices so we overflow */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, -500));
+ while (approxIndex <= maxIndex) {
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ approxIndex += in.pos;
+ CHECK(in.pos == in.size);
+ in.pos = 0;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ }
+ /* do a bunch of compressions again in low indices and ensure we don't
+ * hit untracked invalid indices */
+ for (cLevel = 1; cLevel <= 22; cLevel++) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize / (unsigned)cLevel, 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ approxIndex += in.pos;
+ }
+ free(staticCCtxBuffer);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "longtest%3i : testing ldm no regressions in size for opt parser : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t cSizeLdm;
+ size_t cSizeNoLdm;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ /* Enable checksum to verify round trip. */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19));
+ /* Round trip once with ldm. */
+ cSizeLdm = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSizeLdm);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSizeLdm));
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, 0));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19));
+ /* Round trip once without ldm. */
+ cSizeNoLdm = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSizeNoLdm);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSizeNoLdm));
+ if (cSizeLdm > cSizeNoLdm) {
+ DISPLAY("Using long mode should not cause regressions for btopt+\n");
+ testResult = 1;
+ goto _end;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "longtest%3i : testing cdict compression with different attachment strategies : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t dictSize = CNBuffSize;
+ void* dict = (void*)malloc(dictSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctx_params = ZSTD_createCCtxParams();
+ ZSTD_dictAttachPref_e const attachPrefs[] = {
+ ZSTD_dictDefaultAttach,
+ ZSTD_dictForceAttach,
+ ZSTD_dictForceCopy,
+ ZSTD_dictForceLoad,
+ ZSTD_dictDefaultAttach,
+ ZSTD_dictForceAttach,
+ ZSTD_dictForceCopy,
+ ZSTD_dictForceLoad
+ };
+ int const enableDedicatedDictSearch[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+ int cLevel;
+ int i;
+ RDG_genBuffer(dict, dictSize, 0.5, 0.5, seed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBuffSize, 0.6, 0.6, seed);
+ CHECK(cctx_params != NULL);
+ for (dictSize = CNBuffSize; dictSize; dictSize = dictSize >> 3) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\n Testing with dictSize %u ", (U32)dictSize);
+ for (cLevel = 4; cLevel < 13; cLevel++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ ZSTD_dictAttachPref_e const attachPref = attachPrefs[i];
+ int const enableDDS = enableDedicatedDictSearch[i];
+ ZSTD_CDict* cdict;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "\n dictSize %u cLevel %d iter %d ", (U32)dictSize, cLevel, i);
+ ZSTD_CCtxParams_init(cctx_params, cLevel);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(cctx_params, ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, enableDDS));
+ cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced2(dict, dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto, cctx_params, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ CHECK(cdict != NULL);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, (int)attachPref));
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBuffSize);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, decodedBuffer, CNBuffSize, compressedBuffer, cSize, dict, dictSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "compressed to %u bytes ", (U32)cSize);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters));
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ } } }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtxParams(cctx_params);
+ free(dict);
+ }
+ free(CNBuffer);
+ free(compressedBuffer);
+ free(decodedBuffer);
+ return testResult;
+ testResult = 1;
+ DISPLAY("Error detected in Unit tests ! \n");
+ goto _end;
+static size_t findDiff(const void* buf1, const void* buf2, size_t max)
+ const BYTE* b1 = (const BYTE*)buf1;
+ const BYTE* b2 = (const BYTE*)buf2;
+ size_t u;
+ for (u=0; u<max; u++) {
+ if (b1[u] != b2[u]) break;
+ }
+ return u;
+static ZSTD_parameters FUZ_makeParams(ZSTD_compressionParameters cParams, ZSTD_frameParameters fParams)
+ ZSTD_parameters params;
+ params.cParams = cParams;
+ params.fParams = fParams;
+ return params;
+static size_t FUZ_rLogLength(U32* seed, U32 logLength)
+ size_t const lengthMask = ((size_t)1 << logLength) - 1;
+ return (lengthMask+1) + (FUZ_rand(seed) & lengthMask);
+static size_t FUZ_randomLength(U32* seed, U32 maxLog)
+ U32 const logLength = FUZ_rand(seed) % maxLog;
+ return FUZ_rLogLength(seed, logLength);
+#undef CHECK
+#define CHECK(cond, ...) { \
+ if (cond) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error => "); \
+ DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u) \n", (unsigned)seed, testNb); \
+ goto _output_error; \
+} }
+#undef CHECK_Z
+#define CHECK_Z(f) { \
+ size_t const err = f; \
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error => %s : %s ", \
+ #f, ZSTD_getErrorName(err)); \
+ DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u) \n", (unsigned)seed, testNb); \
+ goto _output_error; \
+} }
+static int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, U32 const maxDurationS, double compressibility, int bigTests)
+ static const U32 maxSrcLog = 23;
+ static const U32 maxSampleLog = 22;
+ size_t const srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
+ size_t const dstBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSampleLog;
+ size_t const cBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(dstBufferSize);
+ BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
+ BYTE* const cBuffer = (BYTE*) malloc (cBufferSize);
+ BYTE* const dstBuffer = (BYTE*) malloc (dstBufferSize);
+ BYTE* const mirrorBuffer = (BYTE*) malloc (dstBufferSize);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const refCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const ctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ U32 result = 0;
+ unsigned testNb = 0;
+ U32 coreSeed = seed;
+ UTIL_time_t const startClock = UTIL_getTime();
+ U64 const maxClockSpan = maxDurationS * SEC_TO_MICRO;
+ int const cLevelLimiter = bigTests ? 3 : 2;
+ /* allocation */
+ cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4]
+ || !dstBuffer || !mirrorBuffer || !cBuffer || !refCtx || !ctx || !dctx,
+ "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");
+ /* Create initial samples */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed); /* pure noise */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed); /* barely compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed); /* highly compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed); /* sparse content */
+ /* catch up testNb */
+ for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++) FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ /* main test loop */
+ for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(startClock) < maxClockSpan); testNb++ ) {
+ BYTE* srcBuffer; /* jumping pointer */
+ U32 lseed;
+ size_t sampleSize, maxTestSize, totalTestSize;
+ size_t cSize, totalCSize, totalGenSize;
+ U64 crcOrig;
+ BYTE* sampleBuffer;
+ const BYTE* dict;
+ size_t dictSize;
+ /* notification */
+ if (nbTests >= testNb) { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u/%6u ", testNb, nbTests); }
+ else { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u ", testNb); }
+ FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ { U32 const prime1 = 2654435761U; lseed = coreSeed ^ prime1; }
+ /* srcBuffer selection [0-4] */
+ { U32 buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0x7F;
+ if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2; /* most common : compressible (P) */
+ else {
+ buffNb >>= 3;
+ if (buffNb & 7) {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 }; /* barely/highly compressible */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } else {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 }; /* not compressible / sparse */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } }
+ srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];
+ }
+ /* select src segment */
+ sampleSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ /* create sample buffer (to catch read error with valgrind & sanitizers) */
+ sampleBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc(sampleSize);
+ CHECK(sampleBuffer==NULL, "not enough memory for sample buffer");
+ { size_t const sampleStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - sampleSize);
+ memcpy(sampleBuffer, srcBuffer + sampleStart, sampleSize); }
+ crcOrig = XXH64(sampleBuffer, sampleSize, 0);
+ /* compression tests */
+ { int const cLevelPositive = (int)
+ ( FUZ_rand(&lseed) %
+ ((U32)ZSTD_maxCLevel() - (FUZ_highbit32((U32)sampleSize) / (U32)cLevelLimiter)) )
+ + 1;
+ int const cLevel = ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 15) == 3) ?
+ - (int)((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) + 1) : /* test negative cLevel */
+ cLevelPositive;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: Simple compression test (level %i) \n", testNb, cLevel);
+ cSize = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, cBuffer, cBufferSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
+ CHECK(ZSTD_isError(cSize), "ZSTD_compressCCtx failed : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(cSize));
+ /* compression failure test : too small dest buffer */
+ assert(cSize > 3);
+ { const size_t missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1;
+ const size_t tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
+ const unsigned endMark = 0x4DC2B1A9;
+ memcpy(dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, &endMark, sizeof(endMark));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: compress into too small buffer of size %u (missing %u bytes) \n",
+ testNb, (unsigned)tooSmallSize, (unsigned)missing);
+ { size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_compressCCtx(ctx, dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, cLevel);
+ CHECK(ZSTD_getErrorCode(errorCode) != ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall, "ZSTD_compressCCtx should have failed ! (buffer too small : %u < %u)", (unsigned)tooSmallSize, (unsigned)cSize); }
+ { unsigned endCheck; memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+tooSmallSize, sizeof(endCheck));
+ CHECK(endCheck != endMark, "ZSTD_compressCCtx : dst buffer overflow (check.%08X != %08X.mark)", endCheck, endMark); }
+ } }
+ /* frame header decompression test */
+ { ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, cBuffer, cSize) );
+ CHECK(zfh.frameContentSize != sampleSize, "Frame content size incorrect");
+ }
+ /* Decompressed size test */
+ { unsigned long long const rSize = ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(cBuffer, cSize);
+ CHECK(rSize != sampleSize, "decompressed size incorrect");
+ }
+ /* successful decompression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: simple decompression test \n", testNb);
+ { size_t const margin = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) ? 0 : (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 31) + 1;
+ size_t const dSize = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize + margin, cBuffer, cSize);
+ CHECK(dSize != sampleSize, "ZSTD_decompress failed (%s) (srcSize : %u ; cSize : %u)", ZSTD_getErrorName(dSize), (unsigned)sampleSize, (unsigned)cSize);
+ { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, sampleSize, 0);
+ CHECK(crcOrig != crcDest, "decompression result corrupted (pos %u / %u)", (unsigned)findDiff(sampleBuffer, dstBuffer, sampleSize), (unsigned)sampleSize);
+ } }
+ free(sampleBuffer); /* no longer useful after this point */
+ /* truncated src decompression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: decompression of truncated source \n", testNb);
+ { size_t const missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize-2)) + 1; /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
+ size_t const tooSmallSize = cSize - missing;
+ void* cBufferTooSmall = malloc(tooSmallSize); /* valgrind will catch read overflows */
+ CHECK(cBufferTooSmall == NULL, "not enough memory !");
+ memcpy(cBufferTooSmall, cBuffer, tooSmallSize);
+ { size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, cBufferTooSmall, tooSmallSize);
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(errorCode), "ZSTD_decompress should have failed ! (truncated src buffer)"); }
+ free(cBufferTooSmall);
+ }
+ /* too small dst decompression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: decompress into too small dst buffer \n", testNb);
+ if (sampleSize > 3) {
+ size_t const missing = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (sampleSize-2)) + 1; /* no problem, as cSize > 4 (frameHeaderSizer) */
+ size_t const tooSmallSize = sampleSize - missing;
+ static const BYTE token = 0xA9;
+ dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] = token;
+ { size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, tooSmallSize, cBuffer, cSize);
+ CHECK(ZSTD_getErrorCode(errorCode) != ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall, "ZSTD_decompress should have failed : %u > %u (dst buffer too small)", (unsigned)errorCode, (unsigned)tooSmallSize); }
+ CHECK(dstBuffer[tooSmallSize] != token, "ZSTD_decompress : dst buffer overflow");
+ }
+ /* noisy src decompression test */
+ if (cSize > 6) {
+ /* insert noise into src */
+ { U32 const maxNbBits = FUZ_highbit32((U32)(cSize-4));
+ size_t pos = 4; /* preserve magic number (too easy to detect) */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* keep some original src */
+ { U32 const nbBits = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
+ size_t const mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
+ size_t const skipLength = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask;
+ pos += skipLength;
+ }
+ if (pos >= cSize) break;
+ /* add noise */
+ { U32 const nbBitsCodes = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxNbBits;
+ U32 const nbBits = nbBitsCodes ? nbBitsCodes-1 : 0;
+ size_t const mask = (1<<nbBits) - 1;
+ size_t const rNoiseLength = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & mask) + 1;
+ size_t const noiseLength = MIN(rNoiseLength, cSize-pos);
+ size_t const noiseStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - noiseLength);
+ memcpy(cBuffer + pos, srcBuffer + noiseStart, noiseLength);
+ pos += noiseLength;
+ } } }
+ /* decompress noisy source */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: decompress noisy source \n", testNb);
+ { U32 const endMark = 0xA9B1C3D6;
+ memcpy(dstBuffer+sampleSize, &endMark, 4);
+ { size_t const decompressResult = ZSTD_decompress(dstBuffer, sampleSize, cBuffer, cSize);
+ /* result *may* be an unlikely success, but even then, it must strictly respect dst buffer boundaries */
+ CHECK((!ZSTD_isError(decompressResult)) && (decompressResult>sampleSize),
+ "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : result is too large : %u > %u (dst buffer)", (unsigned)decompressResult, (unsigned)sampleSize);
+ }
+ { U32 endCheck; memcpy(&endCheck, dstBuffer+sampleSize, 4);
+ CHECK(endMark!=endCheck, "ZSTD_decompress on noisy src : dst buffer overflow");
+ } } } /* noisy src decompression test */
+ /*===== Bufferless streaming compression test, scattered segments and dictionary =====*/
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: Bufferless streaming compression test \n", testNb);
+ { U32 const testLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ U32 const dictLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ int const cLevel = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) %
+ (ZSTD_maxCLevel() -
+ (MAX(testLog, dictLog) / cLevelLimiter))) +
+ 1;
+ maxTestSize = FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, testLog);
+ if (maxTestSize >= dstBufferSize) maxTestSize = dstBufferSize-1;
+ dictSize = FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, dictLog); /* needed also for decompression */
+ dict = srcBuffer + (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - dictSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "fuzzer t%u: Compressing up to <=%u bytes at level %i with dictionary size %u \n",
+ testNb, (unsigned)maxTestSize, cLevel, (unsigned)dictSize);
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xF) {
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_compressBegin_usingDict(refCtx, dict, dictSize, cLevel) );
+ } else {
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cPar = ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, dictSize);
+ ZSTD_frameParameters const fPar = { FUZ_rand(&lseed)&1 /* contentSizeFlag */,
+ !(FUZ_rand(&lseed)&3) /* contentChecksumFlag*/,
+ 0 /*NodictID*/ }; /* note : since dictionary is fake, dictIDflag has no impact */
+ ZSTD_parameters const p = FUZ_makeParams(cPar, fPar);
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(refCtx, dict, dictSize, p, 0) );
+ }
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_copyCCtx(ctx, refCtx, 0) );
+ }
+ { U32 const nbChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) + 2;
+ U32 n;
+ XXH64_state_t xxhState;
+ XXH64_reset(&xxhState, 0);
+ for (totalTestSize=0, cSize=0, n=0 ; n<nbChunks ; n++) {
+ size_t const segmentSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const segmentStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - segmentSize);
+ if (cBufferSize-cSize < ZSTD_compressBound(segmentSize)) break; /* avoid invalid dstBufferTooSmall */
+ if (totalTestSize+segmentSize > maxTestSize) break;
+ { size_t const compressResult = ZSTD_compressContinue(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize, srcBuffer+segmentStart, segmentSize);
+ CHECK (ZSTD_isError(compressResult), "multi-segments compression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(compressResult));
+ cSize += compressResult;
+ }
+ XXH64_update(&xxhState, srcBuffer+segmentStart, segmentSize);
+ memcpy(mirrorBuffer + totalTestSize, srcBuffer+segmentStart, segmentSize);
+ totalTestSize += segmentSize;
+ }
+ { size_t const flushResult = ZSTD_compressEnd(ctx, cBuffer+cSize, cBufferSize-cSize, NULL, 0);
+ CHECK (ZSTD_isError(flushResult), "multi-segments epilogue error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(flushResult));
+ cSize += flushResult;
+ }
+ crcOrig = XXH64_digest(&xxhState);
+ }
+ /* streaming decompression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "fuzzer t%u: Bufferless streaming decompression test \n", testNb);
+ /* ensure memory requirement is good enough (should always be true) */
+ { ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ CHECK( ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, cBuffer, ZSTD_FRAMEHEADERSIZE_MAX),
+ "ZSTD_getFrameHeader(): error retrieving frame information");
+ { size_t const roundBuffSize = ZSTD_decodingBufferSize_min(zfh.windowSize, zfh.frameContentSize);
+ CHECK_Z(roundBuffSize);
+ CHECK((roundBuffSize > totalTestSize) && (zfh.frameContentSize!=ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN),
+ "ZSTD_decodingBufferSize_min() requires more memory (%u) than necessary (%u)",
+ (unsigned)roundBuffSize, (unsigned)totalTestSize );
+ } }
+ if (dictSize<8) dictSize=0, dict=NULL; /* disable dictionary */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressBegin_usingDict(dctx, dict, dictSize) );
+ totalCSize = 0;
+ totalGenSize = 0;
+ while (totalCSize < cSize) {
+ size_t const inSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx);
+ size_t const genSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(dctx, dstBuffer+totalGenSize, dstBufferSize-totalGenSize, cBuffer+totalCSize, inSize);
+ CHECK (ZSTD_isError(genSize), "ZSTD_decompressContinue error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(genSize));
+ totalGenSize += genSize;
+ totalCSize += inSize;
+ }
+ CHECK (ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(dctx) != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
+ CHECK (totalGenSize != totalTestSize, "streaming decompressed data : wrong size")
+ CHECK (totalCSize != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
+ { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
+ CHECK(crcOrig != crcDest, "streaming decompressed data corrupted (pos %u / %u)",
+ (unsigned)findDiff(mirrorBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize), (unsigned)totalTestSize);
+ }
+ } /* for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) */
+ DISPLAY("\r%u fuzzer tests completed \n", testNb-1);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(refCtx);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(ctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[0]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[1]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[2]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[3]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[4]);
+ free(cBuffer);
+ free(dstBuffer);
+ free(mirrorBuffer);
+ return result;
+ result = 1;
+ goto _cleanup;
+* Command line
+static int FUZ_usage(const char* programName)
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [args]\n", programName);
+ DISPLAY( "\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -i# : Number of tests (default:%i)\n", nbTestsDefault);
+ DISPLAY( " -T# : Max duration to run for. Overrides number of tests. (e.g. -T1m or -T60s for one minute)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -s# : Select seed (default:prompt user)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -t# : Select starting test number (default:0)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -P# : Select compressibility in %% (default:%i%%)\n", FUZ_compressibility_default);
+ DISPLAY( " -v : verbose\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -p : pause at the end\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -h : display help and exit\n");
+ return 0;
+/*! readU32FromChar() :
+ @return : unsigned integer value read from input in `char` format
+ allows and interprets K, KB, KiB, M, MB and MiB suffix.
+ Will also modify `*stringPtr`, advancing it to position where it stopped reading.
+ Note : function result can overflow if digit string > MAX_UINT */
+static unsigned readU32FromChar(const char** stringPtr)
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9'))
+ result *= 10, result += **stringPtr - '0', (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ if ((**stringPtr=='K') || (**stringPtr=='M')) {
+ result <<= 10;
+ if (**stringPtr=='M') result <<= 10;
+ (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ if (**stringPtr=='i') (*stringPtr)++;
+ if (**stringPtr=='B') (*stringPtr)++;
+ }
+ return result;
+/** longCommandWArg() :
+ * check if *stringPtr is the same as longCommand.
+ * If yes, @return 1 and advances *stringPtr to the position which immediately follows longCommand.
+ * @return 0 and doesn't modify *stringPtr otherwise.
+ */
+static int longCommandWArg(const char** stringPtr, const char* longCommand)
+ size_t const comSize = strlen(longCommand);
+ int const result = !strncmp(*stringPtr, longCommand, comSize);
+ if (result) *stringPtr += comSize;
+ return result;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ U32 seed = 0;
+ int seedset = 0;
+ int argNb;
+ int nbTests = nbTestsDefault;
+ int testNb = 0;
+ int proba = FUZ_compressibility_default;
+ double probfloat;
+ int result = 0;
+ U32 mainPause = 0;
+ U32 maxDuration = 0;
+ int bigTests = 1;
+ int longTests = 0;
+ U32 memTestsOnly = 0;
+ const char* const programName = argv[0];
+ /* Check command line */
+ for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[argNb];
+ if(!argument) continue; /* Protection if argument empty */
+ /* Handle commands. Aggregated commands are allowed */
+ if (argument[0]=='-') {
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--memtest=")) { memTestsOnly = readU32FromChar(&argument); continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--memtest")) { memTestsOnly=1; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--no-big-tests")) { bigTests=0; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--long-tests")) { longTests=1; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--no-long-tests")) { longTests=0; continue; }
+ argument++;
+ while (*argument!=0) {
+ switch(*argument)
+ {
+ case 'h':
+ return FUZ_usage(programName);
+ case 'v':
+ argument++;
+ g_displayLevel++;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ argument++;
+ g_displayLevel--;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* pause at the end */
+ argument++;
+ mainPause = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ argument++; maxDuration = 0;
+ nbTests = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ argument++;
+ nbTests = 0;
+ maxDuration = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ if (*argument=='s') argument++; /* seconds */
+ if (*argument=='m') maxDuration *= 60, argument++; /* minutes */
+ if (*argument=='n') argument++;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ argument++;
+ seedset = 1;
+ seed = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ argument++;
+ testNb = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 'P': /* compressibility % */
+ argument++;
+ proba = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ if (proba>100) proba = 100;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return (FUZ_usage(programName), 1);
+ } } } } /* for (argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) */
+ /* Get Seed */
+ DISPLAY("Starting zstd tester (%i-bits, %s)\n", (int)(sizeof(size_t)*8), ZSTD_VERSION_STRING);
+ if (!seedset) {
+ time_t const t = time(NULL);
+ U32 const h = XXH32(&t, sizeof(t), 1);
+ seed = h % 10000;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Seed = %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ if (proba!=FUZ_compressibility_default) DISPLAY("Compressibility : %i%%\n", proba);
+ probfloat = ((double)proba) / 100;
+ if (memTestsOnly) {
+ g_displayLevel = MAX(3, g_displayLevel);
+ return FUZ_mallocTests(seed, probfloat, memTestsOnly);
+ }
+ if (nbTests < testNb) nbTests = testNb;
+ if (testNb==0) {
+ result = basicUnitTests(0, probfloat); /* constant seed for predictability */
+ if (!result && longTests) {
+ result = longUnitTests(0, probfloat);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result)
+ result = fuzzerTests(seed, nbTests, testNb, maxDuration, ((double)proba) / 100, bigTests);
+ if (mainPause) {
+ int unused;
+ DISPLAY("Press Enter \n");
+ unused = getchar();
+ (void)unused;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/http b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/http
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3908cbc4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/http
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><VAST version="2.0"><Ad id="43C53990160C658B"><Wrapper><AdSystem version="1.0"></AdSystem><VASTAdTagURI></VASTAdTagURI><Impression><![CDATA[]]></Impression><Creatives><Creative><Linear><TrackingEvents><Tracking event="start"></Tracking><Tracking event="midpoint"></Tracking><Tracking event="firstQuartile"></Tracking><Tracking event="thirdQuartile"></Tracking><Tracking event="complete"></Tracking><Tracking event="skip"></Tracking></TrackingEvents><VideoClicks><ClickTracking></ClickTracking></VideoClicks></Linear></Creative></Creatives></Wrapper></Ad></VAST> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/huffman-compressed-larger b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/huffman-compressed-larger
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f594f1ae981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-compression/huffman-compressed-larger
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbols b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbols
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fa5ca61d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbols
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/Makefile b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a50350f8d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+PRGDIR = ../../programs
+VOID = /dev/null
+export PATH := .:$(PATH)
+.PHONY: all
+#all: test-gzip-env
+all: test-helin-segv test-hufts test-keep test-list test-memcpy-abuse test-mixed
+all: test-null-suffix-clobber test-stdin test-trailing-nul test-unpack-invalid
+all: test-zdiff test-zgrep-context test-zgrep-f test-zgrep-signal test-znew-k test-z-suffix
+ @echo Testing completed
+.PHONY: zstd
+ $(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) zstd
+ ln -sf $(PRGDIR)/zstd gzip
+ @echo PATH=$(PATH)
+ gzip --version
+.PHONY: clean
+ @$(MAKE) -C $(PRGDIR) $@ > $(VOID)
+ @$(RM) *.trs *.log
+ @echo Cleaning completed
+# validated only for Linux, macOS, Hurd and some BSD targets
+ifneq (,$(filter $(shell uname),Linux Darwin GNU/kFreeBSD GNU FreeBSD DragonFly NetBSD))
+test-%: zstd
+ @./ --test-name $* --log-file $*.log --trs-file $*.trs --expect-failure "no" --color-tests "yes" --enable-hard-errors "yes" ./$*.sh
+ # || echo ignoring error
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..120e52d78d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Test the obsolescent GZIP environment variable.
+# Copyright 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+#echo PATH=$PATH
+#gzip --version
+echo a >exp || framework_failure_
+gzip <exp >in || framework_failure_
+GZIP=-qv gzip -d <in >out 2>err || fail=1
+compare exp out || fail=1
+for badopt in -- -c --stdout -d --decompress -f --force -h --help -k --keep \
+ -l --list -L --license -r --recursive -Sxxx --suffix=xxx '--suffix xxx' \
+ -t --test -V --version
+ GZIP=$badopt gzip -d <in >out 2>err && fail=1
+for goodopt in -n --no-name -N --name -q --quiet -v --verbose \
+ -1 --fast -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best
+ GZIP=$goodopt gzip -d <in >out 2>err || fail=1
+ compare exp out || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f182c8066f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Before gzip-1.4, gzip -d would segfault on some inputs.
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+# This test case was provided by Aki Helin.
+printf '\037\235\220\0\0\0\304' > helin.gz || framework_failure_
+printf '\0\0' > exp || framework_failure_
+gzip -dc helin.gz > out || fail=1
+compare exp out || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee0c19f7d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Make sure all these programs work properly
+# when invoked with --help or --version.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Ensure that $SHELL is set to *some* value and exported.
+# This is required for dircolors, which would fail e.g., when
+# invoked via debuild (which removes SHELL from the environment).
+test "x$SHELL" = x && SHELL=/bin/sh
+export SHELL
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+test "$built_programs" \
+ || fail_ "built_programs not specified!?!"
+test "$VERSION" \
+ || fail_ "set envvar VERSION; it is required for a PATH sanity-check"
+# Extract version from --version output of the first program
+for i in $built_programs; do
+ v=$(env $i --version | sed -n '1s/.* //p;q')
+ break
+# Ensure that it matches $VERSION.
+test "x$v" = "x$VERSION" \
+ || fail_ "--version-\$VERSION mismatch"
+for lang in C fr da; do
+ for i in $built_programs; do
+ # Skip `test'; it doesn't accept --help or --version.
+ test $i = test && continue;
+ # false fails even when invoked with --help or --version.
+ if test $i = false; then
+ env LC_MESSAGES=$lang $i --help >/dev/null && fail=1
+ env LC_MESSAGES=$lang $i --version >/dev/null && fail=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ args=
+ # The just-built install executable is always named `ginstall'.
+ test $i = install && i=ginstall
+ # Make sure they exit successfully, under normal conditions.
+ eval "env \$i $args --help > h-\$i " || fail=1
+ eval "env \$i $args --version >/dev/null" || fail=1
+ # Make sure they mention the bug-reporting address in --help output.
+ grep "$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT" h-$i > /dev/null || fail=1
+ rm -f h-$i
+ # Make sure they fail upon `disk full' error.
+ if test -w /dev/full && test -c /dev/full; then
+ eval "env \$i $args --help >/dev/full 2>/dev/null" && fail=1
+ eval "env \$i $args --version >/dev/full 2>/dev/null" && fail=1
+ status=$?
+ test $i = [ && prog=lbracket || prog=$i
+ eval "expected=\$expected_failure_status_$prog"
+ test x$expected = x && expected=1
+ if test $status = $expected; then
+ : # ok
+ else
+ fail=1
+ echo "*** $i: bad exit status \`$status' (expected $expected)," 1>&2
+ echo " with --help or --version output redirected to /dev/full" 1>&2
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+mkdir $tmp || fail=1
+cd $tmp || fail=1
+comm_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in"; }
+csplit_setup () { args="$tmp_in //"; }
+cut_setup () { args='-f 1'; }
+join_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in"; }
+tr_setup () { args='a a'; }
+chmod_setup () { args="a+x $tmp_in"; }
+# Punt on these.
+chgrp_setup () { args=--version; }
+chown_setup () { args=--version; }
+mkfifo_setup () { args=--version; }
+mknod_setup () { args=--version; }
+# Punt on uptime, since it fails (e.g., failing to get boot time)
+# on some systems, and we shouldn't let that stop `make check'.
+uptime_setup () { args=--version; }
+# Create a file in the current directory, not in $TMPDIR.
+mktemp_setup () { args=mktemp.XXXX; }
+cmp_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+# Tell dd not to print the line with transfer rate and total.
+# The transfer rate would vary between runs.
+dd_setup () { args=status=noxfer; }
+zdiff_setup () { args="$args $zin $zin2"; }
+zcmp_setup () { zdiff_setup; }
+zcat_setup () { args="$args $zin"; }
+gunzip_setup () { zcat_setup; }
+zmore_setup () { zcat_setup; }
+zless_setup () { zcat_setup; }
+znew_setup () { args="$args $bigZ_in"; }
+zforce_setup () { zcat_setup; }
+zgrep_setup () { args="$args z $zin"; }
+zegrep_setup () { zgrep_setup; }
+zfgrep_setup () { zgrep_setup; }
+gzexe_setup () { args="$args $tmp_in"; }
+# We know that $tmp_in contains a "0"
+grep_setup () { args="0 $tmp_in"; }
+egrep_setup () { args="0 $tmp_in"; }
+fgrep_setup () { args="0 $tmp_in"; }
+diff_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+sdiff_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+diff3_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2 $tmp_in2"; }
+cp_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+ln_setup () { args="$tmp_in ln-target"; }
+ginstall_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+mv_setup () { args="$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+mkdir_setup () { args=$tmp_dir/subdir; }
+rmdir_setup () { args=$tmp_dir; }
+rm_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+shred_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+touch_setup () { args=$tmp_in2; }
+truncate_setup () { args="--reference=$tmp_in $tmp_in2"; }
+basename_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+dirname_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+expr_setup () { args=foo; }
+# Punt, in case GNU `id' hasn't been installed yet.
+groups_setup () { args=--version; }
+pathchk_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+yes_setup () { args=--version; }
+logname_setup () { args=--version; }
+nohup_setup () { args=--version; }
+printf_setup () { args=foo; }
+seq_setup () { args=10; }
+sleep_setup () { args=0; }
+su_setup () { args=--version; }
+stdbuf_setup () { args="-oL true"; }
+timeout_setup () { args=--version; }
+# I'd rather not run sync, since it spins up disks that I've
+# deliberately caused to spin down (but not unmounted).
+sync_setup () { args=--version; }
+test_setup () { args=foo; }
+# This is necessary in the unusual event that there is
+# no valid entry in /etc/mtab.
+df_setup () { args=/; }
+# This is necessary in the unusual event that getpwuid (getuid ()) fails.
+id_setup () { args=-u; }
+# Use env to avoid invoking built-in sleep of Solaris 11's /bin/sh.
+kill_setup () {
+ env sleep 10m &
+ args=$!
+link_setup () { args="$tmp_in link-target"; }
+unlink_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+readlink_setup () {
+ ln -s . slink
+ args=slink;
+stat_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+unlink_setup () { args=$tmp_in; }
+lbracket_setup () { args=": ]"; }
+# Ensure that each program "works" (exits successfully) when doing
+# something more than --help or --version.
+for i in $built_programs; do
+ # Skip these.
+ case $i in chroot|stty|tty|false|chcon|runcon) continue;; esac
+ rm -rf $tmp_in $tmp_in2 $tmp_dir $tmp_out $bigZ_in $zin $zin2
+ echo z |gzip > $zin
+ cp $zin $zin2
+ cp $zin $bigZ_in
+ # This is sort of kludgey: use numbers so this is valid input for factor,
+ # and two tokens so it's valid input for tsort.
+ echo 2147483647 0 > $tmp_in
+ # Make $tmp_in2 identical. Then, using $tmp_in and $tmp_in2 as arguments
+ # to the likes of cmp and diff makes them exit successfully.
+ cp $tmp_in $tmp_in2
+ mkdir $tmp_dir
+ # echo ================== $i
+ test $i = [ && prog=lbracket || prog=$i
+ args=
+ if type ${prog}_setup > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${prog}_setup
+ fi
+ if eval "env \$i $args < \$tmp_in > \$tmp_out"; then
+ : # ok
+ else
+ echo FAIL: $i
+ fail=1
+ fi
+ rm -rf $tmp_in $tmp_in2 $tmp_out $tmp_dir
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/hufts-segv.gz b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/hufts-segv.gz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32cb2a25684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/hufts-segv.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b9576ce34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Exercise a bug whereby an invalid input could make gzip -d misbehave.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf '\n...: invalid compressed data--format violated\n' > exp \
+ || framework_failure_
+gzip -dc "$abs_srcdir/hufts-segv.gz" > out 2> err
+test $? = 1 || fail=1
+compare /dev/null out || fail=1
+sed 's/.*hufts-segv.gz: /...: /' err > k; mv k err || fail=1
+compare exp err || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/init.cfg b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/init.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..901209ceae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/init.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This file is sourced by, *before* its initialization.
+# This goes hand in hand with the "exec 9>&2;" in's
+# TESTS_ENVIRONMENT definition.
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97e4e4ba5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+# source this file; set up for tests
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Using this file in a test
+# =========================
+# The typical skeleton of a test looks like this:
+# #!/bin/sh
+# . "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+# Execute some commands.
+# Note that these commands are executed in a subdirectory, therefore you
+# need to prepend "../" to relative filenames in the build directory.
+# Note that the "path_prepend_ ." is useful only if the body of your
+# test invokes programs residing in the initial directory.
+# For example, if the programs you want to test are in src/, and this test
+# script is named tests/test-1, then you would use "path_prepend_ ../src",
+# or perhaps export PATH='$(abs_top_builddir)/src$(PATH_SEPARATOR)'"$$PATH"
+# to all tests via automake's TESTS_ENVIRONMENT.
+# Set the exit code 0 for success, 77 for skipped, or 1 or other for failure.
+# Use the skip_ and fail_ functions to print a diagnostic and then exit
+# with the corresponding exit code.
+# Exit $?
+# Executing a test that uses this file
+# ====================================
+# Running a single test:
+# $ make check
+# Running a single test, with verbose output:
+# $ make check VERBOSE=yes
+# Running a single test, with single-stepping:
+# 1. Go into a sub-shell:
+# $ bash
+# 2. Set relevant environment variables from TESTS_ENVIRONMENT in the
+# Makefile:
+# $ export srcdir=../../tests # this is an example
+# 3. Execute the commands from the test, copy&pasting them one by one:
+# $ . "$srcdir/"; path_prepend_ .
+# ...
+# 4. Finally
+# $ exit
+ME_=`expr "./$0" : '.*/\(.*\)$'`
+# We use a trap below for cleanup. This requires us to go through
+# hoops to get the right exit status transported through the handler.
+# So use 'Exit STATUS' instead of 'exit STATUS' inside of the tests.
+# Turn off errexit here so that we don't trip the bug with OSF1/Tru64
+# sh inside this function.
+Exit () { set +e; (exit $1); exit $1; }
+# Print warnings (e.g., about skipped and failed tests) to this file number.
+# Override by defining to say, 9, in init.cfg, and putting say,
+# export ...ENVVAR_SETTINGS...; $(SHELL) 9>&2
+# in the definition of TESTS_ENVIRONMENT in your tests/ file.
+# This is useful when using automake's parallel tests mode, to print
+# the reason for skip/failure to console, rather than to the .log files.
+: ${stderr_fileno_=2}
+# Note that correct expansion of "$*" depends on IFS starting with ' '.
+# Always write the full diagnostic to stderr.
+# When stderr_fileno_ is not 2, also emit the first line of the
+# diagnostic to that file descriptor.
+warn_ ()
+ # If IFS does not start with ' ', set it and emit the warning in a subshell.
+ case $IFS in
+ ' '*) printf '%s\n' "$*" >&2
+ test $stderr_fileno_ = 2 \
+ || { printf '%s\n' "$*" | sed 1q >&$stderr_fileno_ ; } ;;
+ *) (IFS=' '; warn_ "$@");;
+ esac
+fail_ () { warn_ "$ME_: failed test: $@"; Exit 1; }
+skip_ () { warn_ "$ME_: skipped test: $@"; Exit 77; }
+fatal_ () { warn_ "$ME_: hard error: $@"; Exit 99; }
+framework_failure_ () { warn_ "$ME_: set-up failure: $@"; Exit 99; }
+# This is used to simplify checking of the return value
+# which is useful when ensuring a command fails as desired.
+# I.e., just doing `command ... &&fail=1` will not catch
+# a segfault in command for example. With this helper you
+# instead check an explicit exit code like
+# returns_ 1 command ... || fail
+returns_ () {
+ # Disable tracing so it doesn't interfere with stderr of the wrapped command
+ { set +x; } 2>/dev/null
+ local exp_exit="$1"
+ shift
+ "$@"
+ test $? -eq $exp_exit && ret_=0 || ret_=1
+ if test "$VERBOSE" = yes && test "$gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_" = false; then
+ set -x
+ fi
+ { return $ret_; } 2>/dev/null
+# Sanitize this shell to POSIX mode, if possible.
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ emulate sh
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+ *posix*) set -o posix ;;
+ esac
+# We require $(...) support unconditionally.
+# We require a few additional shell features only when $EXEEXT is nonempty,
+# in order to support automatic $EXEEXT emulation:
+# - hyphen-containing alias names
+# - we prefer to use ${var#...} substitution, rather than having
+# to work around lack of support for that feature.
+# The following code attempts to find a shell with support for these features.
+# If the current shell passes the test, we're done. Otherwise, test other
+# shells until we find one that passes. If one is found, re-exec it.
+# If no acceptable shell is found, skip the current test.
+# The "...set -x; P=1 true 2>err..." test is to disqualify any shell that
+# emits "P=1" into err, as /bin/sh from SunOS 5.11 and OpenBSD 4.7 do.
+# Use "9" to indicate success (rather than 0), in case some shell acts
+# like Solaris 10's /bin/sh but exits successfully instead of with status 2.
+# Eval this code in a subshell to determine a shell's suitability.
+# 10 - passes all tests; ok to use
+# 9 - ok, but enabling "set -x" corrupts app stderr; prefer higher score
+# ? - not ok
+test $(echo y) = y || exit 1
+f_local_() { local v=1; }; f_local_ || exit 1
+if test "$VERBOSE" = yes; then
+ test -n "$( (exec 3>&1; set -x; P=1 true 2>&3) 2> /dev/null)" && score_=9
+test -z "$EXEEXT" && exit $score_
+shopt -s expand_aliases
+alias a-b="echo zoo"
+ test ${v%x} = ab \
+ && test ${v#a} = bx \
+ && test $(a-b) = zoo \
+ && exit $score_
+if test "x$1" = "x--no-reexec"; then
+ shift
+ # Assume a working shell. Export to subshells (setup_ needs this).
+ gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_=false
+ export gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_
+ # Record the first marginally acceptable shell.
+ marginal_=
+ # Search for a shell that meets our requirements.
+ for re_shell_ in __current__ "${CONFIG_SHELL:-no_shell}" \
+ /bin/sh bash dash zsh pdksh fail
+ do
+ test "$re_shell_" = no_shell && continue
+ # If we've made it all the way to the sentinel, "fail" without
+ # finding even a marginal shell, skip this test.
+ if test "$re_shell_" = fail; then
+ test -z "$marginal_" && skip_ failed to find an adequate shell
+ re_shell_=$marginal_
+ break
+ fi
+ # When testing the current shell, simply "eval" the test code.
+ # Otherwise, run it via $re_shell_ -c ...
+ if test "$re_shell_" = __current__; then
+ # 'eval'ing this code makes Solaris 10's /bin/sh exit with
+ # $? set to 2. It does not evaluate any of the code after the
+ # "unexpected" first '('. Thus, we must run it in a subshell.
+ ( eval "$gl_shell_test_script_" ) > /dev/null 2>&1
+ else
+ "$re_shell_" -c "$gl_shell_test_script_" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ st_=$?
+ # $re_shell_ works just fine. Use it.
+ if test $st_ = 10; then
+ gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_=false
+ break
+ fi
+ # If this is our first marginally acceptable shell, remember it.
+ if test "$st_:$marginal_" = 9: ; then
+ marginal_="$re_shell_"
+ gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_=true
+ fi
+ done
+ if test "$re_shell_" != __current__; then
+ # Found a usable shell. Preserve -v and -x.
+ case $- in
+ *v*x* | *x*v*) opts_=-vx ;;
+ *v*) opts_=-v ;;
+ *x*) opts_=-x ;;
+ *) opts_= ;;
+ esac
+ re_shell=$re_shell_
+ export re_shell
+ exec "$re_shell_" $opts_ "$0" --no-reexec "$@"
+ echo "$ME_: exec failed" 1>&2
+ exit 127
+ fi
+# If this is bash, turn off all aliases.
+test -n "$BASH_VERSION" && unalias -a
+# Note that when supporting $EXEEXT (transparently mapping from PROG_NAME to
+# PROG_NAME.exe), we want to support hyphen-containing names like test-acos.
+# That is part of the shell-selection test above. Why use aliases rather
+# than functions? Because support for hyphen-containing aliases is more
+# widespread than that for hyphen-containing function names.
+test -n "$EXEEXT" && shopt -s expand_aliases
+# Enable glibc's malloc-perturbing option.
+# This is useful for exposing code that depends on the fact that
+# malloc-related functions often return memory that is mostly zeroed.
+# If you have the time and cycles, use valgrind to do an even better job.
+# This is a stub function that is run upon trap (upon regular exit and
+# interrupt). Override it with a per-test function, e.g., to unmount
+# a partition, or to undo any other global state changes.
+cleanup_ () { :; }
+# Emit a header similar to that from diff -u; Print the simulated "diff"
+# command so that the order of arguments is clear. Don't bother with @@ lines.
+emit_diff_u_header_ ()
+ printf '%s\n' "diff -u $*" \
+ "--- $1 1970-01-01" \
+ "+++ $2 1970-01-01"
+# Arrange not to let diff or cmp operate on /dev/null,
+# since on some systems (at least OSF/1 5.1), that doesn't work.
+# When there are not two arguments, or no argument is /dev/null, return 2.
+# When one argument is /dev/null and the other is not empty,
+# cat the nonempty file to stderr and return 1.
+# Otherwise, return 0.
+compare_dev_null_ ()
+ test $# = 2 || return 2
+ if test "x$1" = x/dev/null; then
+ test -s "$2" || return 0
+ emit_diff_u_header_ "$@"; sed 's/^/+/' "$2"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if test "x$2" = x/dev/null; then
+ test -s "$1" || return 0
+ emit_diff_u_header_ "$@"; sed 's/^/-/' "$1"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 2
+if diff_out_=`exec 2>/dev/null; diff -u "$0" "$0" < /dev/null` \
+ && diff -u Makefile "$0" 2>/dev/null | grep '^[+]#!' >/dev/null; then
+ # diff accepts the -u option and does not (like AIX 7 'diff') produce an
+ # extra space on column 1 of every content line.
+ if test -z "$diff_out_"; then
+ compare_ () { diff -u "$@"; }
+ else
+ compare_ ()
+ {
+ if diff -u "$@" > diff.out; then
+ # No differences were found, but Solaris 'diff' produces output
+ # "No differences encountered". Hide this output.
+ rm -f diff.out
+ true
+ else
+ cat diff.out
+ rm -f diff.out
+ false
+ fi
+ }
+ fi
+ for diff_opt_ in -U3 -c '' no; do
+ test "$diff_opt_" = no && break
+ diff_out_=`exec 2>/dev/null; diff $diff_opt_ "$0" "$0" </dev/null` && break
+ done
+ test "$diff_opt_" != no
+ if test -z "$diff_out_"; then
+ compare_ () { diff $diff_opt_ "$@"; }
+ else
+ compare_ ()
+ {
+ if diff $diff_opt_ "$@" > diff.out; then
+ # No differences were found, but AIX and HP-UX 'diff' produce output
+ # "No differences encountered" or "There are no differences between the
+ # files.". Hide this output.
+ rm -f diff.out
+ true
+ else
+ cat diff.out
+ rm -f diff.out
+ false
+ fi
+ }
+ fi
+elif cmp -s /dev/null /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ compare_ () { cmp -s "$@"; }
+ compare_ () { cmp "$@"; }
+# Usage: compare EXPECTED ACTUAL
+# Given compare_dev_null_'s preprocessing, defer to compare_ if 2 or more.
+# Otherwise, propagate $? to caller: any diffs have already been printed.
+compare ()
+ # This looks like it can be factored to use a simple "case $?"
+ # after unchecked compare_dev_null_ invocation, but that would
+ # fail in a "set -e" environment.
+ if compare_dev_null_ "$@"; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ case $? in
+ 1) return 1;;
+ *) compare_ "$@";;
+ esac
+ fi
+# An arbitrary prefix to help distinguish test directories.
+testdir_prefix_ () { printf gt; }
+# Run the user-overridable cleanup_ function, remove the temporary
+# directory and exit with the incoming value of $?.
+remove_tmp_ ()
+ __st=$?
+ cleanup_
+ # cd out of the directory we're about to remove
+ cd "$initial_cwd_" || cd / || cd /tmp
+ chmod -R u+rwx "$test_dir_"
+ # If removal fails and exit status was to be 0, then change it to 1.
+ rm -rf "$test_dir_" || { test $__st = 0 && __st=1; }
+ exit $__st
+# Given a directory name, DIR, if every entry in it that matches *.exe
+# contains only the specified bytes (see the case stmt below), then print
+# a space-separated list of those names and return 0. Otherwise, don't
+# print anything and return 1. Naming constraints apply also to DIR.
+find_exe_basenames_ ()
+ feb_dir_=$1
+ feb_fail_=0
+ feb_result_=
+ feb_sp_=
+ for feb_file_ in $feb_dir_/*.exe; do
+ # If there was no *.exe file, or there existed a file named "*.exe" that
+ # was deleted between the above glob expansion and the existence test
+ # below, just skip it.
+ test "x$feb_file_" = "x$feb_dir_/*.exe" && test ! -f "$feb_file_" \
+ && continue
+ # Exempt [.exe, since we can't create a function by that name, yet
+ # we can't invoke [ by PATH search anyways due to shell builtins.
+ test "x$feb_file_" = "x$feb_dir_/[.exe" && continue
+ case $feb_file_ in
+ *[!-a-zA-Z/0-9_.+]*) feb_fail_=1; break;;
+ *) # Remove leading file name components as well as the .exe suffix.
+ feb_file_=${feb_file_##*/}
+ feb_file_=${feb_file_%.exe}
+ feb_result_="$feb_result_$feb_sp_$feb_file_";;
+ esac
+ feb_sp_=' '
+ done
+ test $feb_fail_ = 0 && printf %s "$feb_result_"
+ return $feb_fail_
+# Consider the files in directory, $1.
+# For each file name of the form PROG.exe, create an alias named
+# PROG that simply invokes PROG.exe, then return 0. If any selected
+# file name or the directory name, $1, contains an unexpected character,
+# define no alias and return 1.
+create_exe_shims_ ()
+ case $EXEEXT in
+ '') return 0 ;;
+ .exe) ;;
+ *) echo "$0: unexpected \$EXEEXT value: $EXEEXT" 1>&2; return 1 ;;
+ esac
+ base_names_=`find_exe_basenames_ $1` \
+ || { echo "$0 (exe_shim): skipping directory: $1" 1>&2; return 0; }
+ if test -n "$base_names_"; then
+ for base_ in $base_names_; do
+ alias "$base_"="$base_$EXEEXT"
+ done
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Use this function to prepend to PATH an absolute name for each
+# specified, possibly-$initial_cwd_-relative, directory.
+path_prepend_ ()
+ while test $# != 0; do
+ path_dir_=$1
+ case $path_dir_ in
+ '') fail_ "invalid path dir: '$1'";;
+ /*) abs_path_dir_=$path_dir_;;
+ *) abs_path_dir_=$initial_cwd_/$path_dir_;;
+ esac
+ case $abs_path_dir_ in
+ *:*) fail_ "invalid path dir: '$abs_path_dir_'";;
+ esac
+ PATH="$abs_path_dir_:$PATH"
+ # Create an alias, FOO, for each FOO.exe in this directory.
+ create_exe_shims_ "$abs_path_dir_" \
+ || fail_ "something failed (above): $abs_path_dir_"
+ shift
+ done
+ export PATH
+setup_ ()
+ if test "$VERBOSE" = yes; then
+ # Test whether set -x may cause the selected shell to corrupt an
+ # application's stderr. Many do, including zsh-4.3.10 and the /bin/sh
+ # from SunOS 5.11, OpenBSD 4.7 and Irix 5.x and 6.5.
+ # If enabling verbose output this way would cause trouble, simply
+ # issue a warning and refrain.
+ if $gl_set_x_corrupts_stderr_; then
+ warn_ "using SHELL=$SHELL with 'set -x' corrupts stderr"
+ else
+ set -x
+ fi
+ fi
+ initial_cwd_=$PWD
+ pfx_=`testdir_prefix_`
+ test_dir_=`mktempd_ "$initial_cwd_" "$pfx_-$ME_.XXXX"` \
+ || fail_ "failed to create temporary directory in $initial_cwd_"
+ cd "$test_dir_" || fail_ "failed to cd to temporary directory"
+ # As autoconf-generated configure scripts do, ensure that IFS
+ # is defined initially, so that saving and restoring $IFS works.
+ gl_init_sh_nl_='
+ IFS=" "" $gl_init_sh_nl_"
+ # This trap statement, along with a trap on 0 below, ensure that the
+ # temporary directory, $test_dir_, is removed upon exit as well as
+ # upon receipt of any of the listed signals.
+ for sig_ in 1 2 3 13 15; do
+ eval "trap 'Exit $(expr $sig_ + 128)' $sig_"
+ done
+# Create a temporary directory, much like mktemp -d does.
+# Written by Jim Meyering.
+# Usage: mktempd_ /tmp phoey.XXXXXXXXXX
+# First, try to use the mktemp program.
+# Failing that, we'll roll our own mktemp-like function:
+# - try to get random bytes from /dev/urandom
+# - failing that, generate output from a combination of quickly-varying
+# sources and gzip. Ignore non-varying gzip header, and extract
+# "random" bits from there.
+# - given those bits, map to file-name bytes using tr, and try to create
+# the desired directory.
+# - make only $MAX_TRIES_ attempts
+# Helper function. Print $N pseudo-random bytes from a-zA-Z0-9.
+rand_bytes_ ()
+ n_=$1
+ # Maybe try openssl rand -base64 $n_prime_|tr '+/=\012' abcd first?
+ # But if they have openssl, they probably have mktemp, too.
+ chars_=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
+ dev_rand_=/dev/urandom
+ if test -r "$dev_rand_"; then
+ # Note: 256-length($chars_) == 194; 3 copies of $chars_ is 186 + 8 = 194.
+ dd ibs=$n_ count=1 if=$dev_rand_ 2>/dev/null \
+ | LC_ALL=C tr -c $chars_ 01234567$chars_$chars_$chars_
+ return
+ fi
+ n_plus_50_=`expr $n_ + 50`
+ cmds_='date; date +%N; free; who -a; w; ps auxww; ps ef; netstat -n'
+ data_=` (eval "$cmds_") 2>&1 | gzip `
+ # Ensure that $data_ has length at least 50+$n_
+ while :; do
+ len_=`echo "$data_"|wc -c`
+ test $n_plus_50_ -le $len_ && break;
+ data_=` (echo "$data_"; eval "$cmds_") 2>&1 | gzip `
+ done
+ echo "$data_" \
+ | dd bs=1 skip=50 count=$n_ 2>/dev/null \
+ | LC_ALL=C tr -c $chars_ 01234567$chars_$chars_$chars_
+mktempd_ ()
+ case $# in
+ 2);;
+ *) fail_ "Usage: mktempd_ DIR TEMPLATE";;
+ esac
+ destdir_=$1
+ template_=$2
+ # Disallow any trailing slash on specified destdir:
+ # it would subvert the post-mktemp "case"-based destdir test.
+ case $destdir_ in
+ / | //) destdir_slash_=$destdir;;
+ */) fail_ "invalid destination dir: remove trailing slash(es)";;
+ *) destdir_slash_=$destdir_/;;
+ esac
+ case $template_ in
+ *XXXX) ;;
+ *) fail_ \
+ "invalid template: $template_ (must have a suffix of at least 4 X's)";;
+ esac
+ # First, try to use mktemp.
+ d=`unset TMPDIR; { mktemp -d -t -p "$destdir_" "$template_"; } 2>/dev/null` &&
+ # The resulting name must be in the specified directory.
+ case $d in "$destdir_slash_"*) :;; *) false;; esac &&
+ # It must have created the directory.
+ test -d "$d" &&
+ # It must have 0700 permissions. Handle sticky "S" bits.
+ perms=`ls -dgo "$d" 2>/dev/null` &&
+ case $perms in drwx--[-S]---*) :;; *) false;; esac && {
+ echo "$d"
+ return
+ }
+ # If we reach this point, we'll have to create a directory manually.
+ # Get a copy of the template without its suffix of X's.
+ base_template_=`echo "$template_"|sed 's/XX*$//'`
+ # Calculate how many X's we've just removed.
+ template_length_=`echo "$template_" | wc -c`
+ nx_=`echo "$base_template_" | wc -c`
+ nx_=`expr $template_length_ - $nx_`
+ err_=
+ i_=1
+ while :; do
+ X_=`rand_bytes_ $nx_`
+ candidate_dir_="$destdir_slash_$base_template_$X_"
+ err_=`mkdir -m 0700 "$candidate_dir_" 2>&1` \
+ && { echo "$candidate_dir_"; return; }
+ test $MAX_TRIES_ -le $i_ && break;
+ i_=`expr $i_ + 1`
+ done
+ fail_ "$err_"
+# If you want to override the testdir_prefix_ function,
+# or to add more utility functions, use this file.
+test -f "$srcdir/init.cfg" \
+ && . "$srcdir/init.cfg"
+setup_ "$@"
+# This trap is here, rather than in the setup_ function, because some
+# shells run the exit trap at shell function exit, rather than script exit.
+trap remove_tmp_ 0
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab9a21811d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Exercise the --keep option.
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+echo fooooooooo > in || framework_failure_
+cp in orig || framework_failure_
+# Compress and decompress both with and without --keep.
+for k in --keep ''; do
+ # With --keep, the source must be retained, otherwise, it must be removed.
+ case $k in --keep) op='||' ;; *) op='&&' ;; esac
+ gzip $k in || fail=1
+ eval "test -f in $op fail=1"
+ test -f in.gz || fail=1
+ rm -f in || fail=1
+ gzip -d $k in.gz || fail=1
+ eval "test -f in.gz $op fail=1"
+ test -f in || fail=1
+ compare in orig || fail=1
+ rm -f in.gz || fail=1
+cp orig in || framework_failure_
+log=$(gzip -kv in 2>&1) || fail=1
+case $log in
+ *'created in.gz'*) ;;
+ *) fail=1;;
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75912e1e26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Exercise the --list option.
+# Copyright 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+echo zoology zucchini > in || framework_failure_
+cp in orig || framework_failure_
+gzip -l in && fail=1
+gzip -9 in || fail=1
+gzip -l in.gz >out1 || fail=1
+gzip -l in.gz | cat >out2 || fail=1
+compare out1 out2 || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d5c056debc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Before gzip-1.4, this the use of memcpy in inflate_codes could
+# mistakenly operate on overlapping regions. Exercise that code.
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+# The input must be larger than 32KiB and slightly
+# less uniform than e.g., all zeros.
+printf wxy%032767d 0 | tee in | gzip > in.gz || framework_failure_
+# Before the fix, this would call memcpy with overlapping regions.
+gzip -dc in.gz > out || fail=1
+compare in out || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..383a54f5e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Ensure that gzip -cdf handles mixed compressed/not-compressed data
+# Before gzip-1.5, it would produce invalid output.
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf 'xxx\nyyy\n' > exp2 || framework_failure_
+printf 'aaa\nbbb\nccc\n' > exp3 || framework_failure_
+(echo xxx; echo yyy) > in || fail=1
+gzip -cdf < in > out || fail=1
+compare exp2 out || fail=1
+# Uncompressed input, followed by compressed data.
+# Currently fails, so skip it.
+# (echo xxx; echo yyy|gzip) > in || fail=1
+# gzip -cdf < in > out || fail=1
+# compare exp2 out || fail=1
+# Compressed input, followed by regular (not-compressed) data.
+(echo xxx|gzip; echo yyy) > in || fail=1
+gzip -cdf < in > out || fail=1
+compare exp2 out || fail=1
+(echo xxx|gzip; echo yyy|gzip) > in || fail=1
+gzip -cdf < in > out || fail=1
+compare exp2 out || fail=1
+for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a; do in_str="$in_str$in_str" ;done
+# Start with some small sizes. $(seq 64)
+sizes=$(i=0; while :; do echo $i; test $i = 64 && break; i=$(expr $i + 1); done)
+# gzip's internal buffer size is 32KiB + 64 bytes:
+sizes="$sizes 32831 32832 32833"
+# 128KiB, +/- 1
+sizes="$sizes 131071 131072 131073"
+# Ensure that "gzip -cdf" acts like cat, for a range of small input files.
+for i in $sizes; do
+ echo $i
+ printf %$i.${i}s $in_str > in
+ gzip -cdf < in > out
+ compare in out || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0efd0e34490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Before gzip-1.5, gzip -d -S '' k.gz would delete F.gz and not create "F"
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf anything | gzip > F.gz || framework_failure_
+echo y > yes || framework_failure_
+echo "gzip: invalid suffix ''" > expected-err || framework_failure_
+gzip ---presume-input-tty -d -S '' F.gz < yes > out 2>err && fail=1
+compare /dev/null out || fail=1
+compare expected-err err || fail=1
+test -f F.gz || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eef4cd8b107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Ensure that gzip interprets "-" as stdin.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf a | gzip > in || framework_failure_
+printf aaa > exp || framework_failure_
+gzip -dc in - in < in > out 2>err || fail=1
+compare exp out || fail=1
+compare /dev/null err || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..649c084e4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# test-driver - basic testsuite driver script.
+scriptversion=2016-01-11.22; # UTC
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# This file is maintained in Automake, please report
+# bugs to <> or send patches to
+# <>.
+# Make unconditional expansion of undefined variables an error. This
+# helps a lot in preventing typo-related bugs.
+set -u
+usage_error ()
+ echo "$0: $*" >&2
+ print_usage >&2
+ exit 2
+print_usage ()
+ cat <<END
+ test-driver --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
+ [--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
+ [--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--]
+The '--test-name', '--log-file' and '--trs-file' options are mandatory.
+test_name= # Used for reporting.
+log_file= # Where to save the output of the test script.
+trs_file= # Where to save the metadata of the test run.
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case $1 in
+ --help) print_usage; exit $?;;
+ --version) echo "test-driver $scriptversion"; exit $?;;
+ --test-name) test_name=$2; shift;;
+ --log-file) log_file=$2; shift;;
+ --trs-file) trs_file=$2; shift;;
+ --color-tests) color_tests=$2; shift;;
+ --expect-failure) expect_failure=$2; shift;;
+ --enable-hard-errors) enable_hard_errors=$2; shift;;
+ --) shift; break;;
+ -*) usage_error "invalid option: '$1'";;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+ shift
+test x"$test_name" = x && missing_opts="$missing_opts --test-name"
+test x"$log_file" = x && missing_opts="$missing_opts --log-file"
+test x"$trs_file" = x && missing_opts="$missing_opts --trs-file"
+if test x"$missing_opts" != x; then
+ usage_error "the following mandatory options are missing:$missing_opts"
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+ usage_error "missing argument"
+if test $color_tests = yes; then
+ # Keep this in sync with 'lib/am/$(am__tty_colors)'.
+ red='' # Red.
+ grn='' # Green.
+ lgn='' # Light green.
+ blu='' # Blue.
+ mgn='' # Magenta.
+ std='' # No color.
+ red= grn= lgn= blu= mgn= std=
+do_exit='rm -f $log_file $trs_file; (exit $st); exit $st'
+trap "st=129; $do_exit" 1
+trap "st=130; $do_exit" 2
+trap "st=141; $do_exit" 13
+trap "st=143; $do_exit" 15
+# Test script is run here.
+"$@" >$log_file 2>&1
+if test $enable_hard_errors = no && test $estatus -eq 99; then
+ tweaked_estatus=1
+ tweaked_estatus=$estatus
+case $tweaked_estatus:$expect_failure in
+ 0:yes) col=$red res=XPASS recheck=yes gcopy=yes;;
+ 0:*) col=$grn res=PASS recheck=no gcopy=no;;
+ 77:*) col=$blu res=SKIP recheck=no gcopy=yes;;
+ 99:*) col=$mgn res=ERROR recheck=yes gcopy=yes;;
+ *:yes) col=$lgn res=XFAIL recheck=no gcopy=yes;;
+ *:*) col=$red res=FAIL recheck=yes gcopy=yes;;
+# Report the test outcome and exit status in the logs, so that one can
+# know whether the test passed or failed simply by looking at the '.log'
+# file, without the need of also peaking into the corresponding '.trs'
+# file (automake bug#11814).
+echo "$res $test_name (exit status: $estatus)" >>$log_file
+# Report outcome to console.
+echo "${col}${res}${std}: $test_name"
+# Register the test result, and other relevant metadata.
+echo ":test-result: $res" > $trs_file
+echo ":global-test-result: $res" >> $trs_file
+echo ":recheck: $recheck" >> $trs_file
+echo ":copy-in-global-log: $gcopy" >> $trs_file
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: shell-script
+# sh-indentation: 2
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
+# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0"
+# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
+# End:
+exit $tweaked_estatus
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b15d5e5578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# gzip accepts trailing NUL bytes; don't fail if there is exactly one.
+# Before gzip-1.4, this would fail.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+(echo 0 | gzip; printf '\0') > 0.gz || framework_failure_
+(echo 00 | gzip; printf '\0\0') > 00.gz || framework_failure_
+(echo 1 | gzip; printf '\1') > 1.gz || framework_failure_
+for i in 0 00 1; do
+ gzip -d $i.gz; ret=$?
+ test $ret -eq $i || fail=1
+ test $ret = 1 && continue
+ echo $i > exp || fail=1
+ compare exp $i || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe8384d73cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# gzip should report invalid 'unpack' input when uncompressing.
+# With gzip-1.5, it would output invalid data instead.
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+for input in \
+ '\037\036\000\000\037\213\010\000\000\000\000\000\002\003\036\000\000\000\002\003\037\213\010\000\000\000\000\000\002\003\355\301\001\015\000\000\000\302\240\037\000\302\240\037\213\010\000\000\000\000\000\002\003\355\301' \
+ '\037\213\010\000\000\000\000\000\002\003\355\301\001\015\000\000\000\302\240\076\366\017\370\036\016\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\034\010\105\140\104\025\020\047\000\000\037\036\016\030\000\000\000'; do
+ printf "$input" >in || framework_failure_
+ if gzip -d <in >out 2>err; then
+ fail=1
+ else
+ fail=0
+ fi
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a870a5408de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Check that -Sz works.
+# Copyright 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf anything > F && cp F G || framework_failure_
+gzip -Sz F || fail=1
+test ! -f F || fail=1
+test -f Fz || fail=1
+gzip -dSz F || fail=1
+test ! -f Fz || fail=1
+compare F G || fail\1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d62a84606ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Exercise zdiff with two compressed inputs.
+# Before gzip-1.4, this would fail.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+echo a > a || framework_failure_
+echo b > b || framework_failure_
+gzip a b || framework_failure_
+cat <<EOF > exp
+< a
+> b
+zdiff a.gz b.gz > out 2>&1
+test $? = 1 || fail=1
+compare exp out || fail=1
+rm -f out
+# expect success, for equal files
+zdiff a.gz a.gz > out 2> err || fail=1
+# expect no output
+test -s out && fail=1
+# expect no stderr
+test -s err && fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8648b7e4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Ensure that zgrep -15 works. Before gzip-1.5, it would fail.
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+# A limited replacement for seq: handle 1 or 2 args; increment must be 1
+ case $# in
+ 1) start=1 final=$1;;
+ 2) start=$1 final=$2;;
+ *) echo you lose 1>&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ awk 'BEGIN{for(i='$start';i<='$final';i++) print i}' < /dev/null
+seq 40 > in || framework_failure_
+gzip < in > in.gz || framework_failure_
+seq 2 32 > exp || framework_failure_
+: ${GREP=grep}
+$GREP -15 17 - < in > out && compare exp out || {
+ echo >&2 "$0: $GREP does not support context options; skipping this test"
+ exit 77
+zgrep -15 17 - < in.gz > out || fail=1
+compare exp out || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0cf27f7e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Ensure that zgrep -f - works like grep -f -
+# Before gzip-1.4, it would fail.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+printf 'needle\nn2\n' > n || framework_failure_
+cp n haystack || framework_failure_
+gzip haystack || framework_failure_
+zgrep -f - haystack.gz < n > out 2>&1 || fail=1
+compare out n || fail=1
+if ${BASH_VERSION+:} false; then
+ set +o posix
+ # This failed with gzip 1.6.
+ cat n n >nn || framework_failure_
+ eval 'zgrep -h -f <(cat n) haystack.gz haystack.gz' >out || fail=1
+ compare out nn || fail=1
+# This failed with gzip 1.4.
+echo a-b | zgrep -e - > /dev/null || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8c53881add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Check that zgrep is terminated gracefully by signal when
+# its grep/sed pipeline is terminated by a signal.
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+echo a | gzip -c > f.gz || framework_failure_
+test "x$PERL" = x && PERL=perl
+("$PERL" -e 'use POSIX qw(dup2)') >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ skip_ "no suitable perl found"
+# Run the arguments as a command, in a process where stdout is a
+# dangling pipe and SIGPIPE has the default signal-handling action.
+# This can't be done portably in the shell, because if SIGPIPE is
+# ignored when the shell is entered, the shell might refuse to trap
+# it. Fall back on Perl+POSIX, if available. Take care to close the
+# pipe's read end before running the program; the equivalent of the
+# shell's "command | :" has a race condition in that COMMAND could
+# write before ":" exits.
+write_to_dangling_pipe () {
+ program=${1?}
+ shift
+ args=
+ for arg; do
+ args="$args, '$arg'"
+ done
+ "$PERL" -e '
+ use POSIX qw(dup2);
+ pipe my ($read_end, $write_end) or die "pipe: $!\n";
+ dup2 fileno $write_end, 1 or die "dup2: $!\n";
+ close $read_end or die "close: $!\n";
+ exec '"'$program'$args"';
+ '
+write_to_dangling_pipe cat f.gz f.gz
+test 128 -lt $signal_status ||
+ framework_failure_ 'signal handling busted on this host'
+write_to_dangling_pipe zgrep a f.gz f.gz
+test $? -eq $signal_status || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c239e28ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Check that znew -K works without compress(1).
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# limit so don't run it by default.
+. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ .
+cat <<'EOF' >compress || framework_failure_
+echo >&2 'compress has been invoked'
+exit 1
+chmod +x compress || framework_failure_
+# Note that the basename must have a length of 6 or greater.
+# Otherwise, "test -f $name" below would fail.
+printf '%1012977s' ' ' | gzip -c > $name || framework_failure_
+znew -K $name || fail=1
+test -f $name || fail=1
+Exit $fail
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/invalidDictionaries.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/invalidDictionaries.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b71f7419f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/invalidDictionaries.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "zstd.h"
+static const char invalidRepCode[] = {
+ 0x37, 0xa4, 0x30, 0xec, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39, 0x10, 0xc0, 0xc2,
+ 0xa6, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x30, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x20, 0x72, 0xf8,
+ 0xb4, 0x6d, 0x4b, 0x9f, 0xfc, 0x97, 0x29, 0x49, 0xb2, 0xdf, 0x4b, 0x29,
+ 0x7d, 0x4a, 0xfc, 0x83, 0x18, 0x22, 0x75, 0x23, 0x24, 0x44, 0x4d, 0x02,
+ 0xb7, 0x97, 0x96, 0xf6, 0xcb, 0xd1, 0xcf, 0xe8, 0x22, 0xea, 0x27, 0x36,
+ 0xb7, 0x2c, 0x40, 0x46, 0x01, 0x08, 0x23, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x1e,
+ 0x3c, 0x83, 0x81, 0xd6, 0x18, 0xd4, 0x12, 0x3a, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03,
+ 0x08, 0x0e, 0x12, 0x1c, 0x12, 0x11, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x09,
+ 0x10, 0x0c, 0x09, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x06, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x24, 0x6b,
+ 0x0d, 0x01, 0x10, 0x04, 0x81, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xb9, 0x58, 0x18,
+ 0x06, 0x59, 0x92, 0x43, 0xce, 0x28, 0xa5, 0x08, 0x88, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x88,
+ 0x8c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+typedef struct dictionary_s {
+ const char *data;
+ size_t size;
+} dictionary;
+static const dictionary dictionaries[] = {
+ {invalidRepCode, sizeof(invalidRepCode)},
+ {NULL, 0},
+int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ const dictionary *dict;
+ for (dict = dictionaries; dict->data != NULL; ++dict) {
+ ZSTD_CDict *cdict;
+ ZSTD_DDict *ddict;
+ cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dict->data, dict->size, 1);
+ if (cdict) {
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dict->data, dict->size);
+ if (ddict) {
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/legacy.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/legacy.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac4938fe5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ This program uses hard-coded data compressed with Zstd legacy versions
+ and tests that the API decompresses them correctly
+* Dependencies
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
+#include <string.h> /* strlen */
+#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_decompressBound */
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "zstd_errors.h"
+* Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+* Precompressed frames
+const char* const COMPRESSED; /* content is at end of file */
+size_t const COMPRESSED_SIZE = 917;
+const char* const EXPECTED; /* content is at end of file */
+static int testSimpleAPI(void)
+ size_t const size = strlen(EXPECTED);
+ char* const output = malloc(size);
+ if (!output) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Not enough memory!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompress(output, size, COMPRESSED, COMPRESSED_SIZE);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ if (ret == ZSTD_error_prefix_unknown) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Invalid frame magic number, was this compiled "
+ "without legacy support?\n");
+ } else {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(ret));
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (ret != size) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Wrong decoded size\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (memcmp(EXPECTED, output, size) != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Wrong decoded output produced\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ free(output);
+ DISPLAY("Simple API OK\n");
+ return 0;
+static int testStreamingAPI(void)
+ int error_code = 0;
+ size_t const outBuffSize = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize();
+ char* const outBuff = malloc(outBuffSize);
+ ZSTD_DStream* const stream = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer input = { COMPRESSED, COMPRESSED_SIZE, 0 };
+ size_t outputPos = 0;
+ int needsInit = 1;
+ if (outBuff == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Could not allocate memory\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (stream == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Could not create dstream\n");
+ free(outBuff);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer output = {outBuff, outBuffSize, 0};
+ if (needsInit) {
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_initDStream(stream);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: ZSTD_initDStream: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(ret));
+ error_code = 1;
+ break;
+ } }
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(stream, &output, &input);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: ZSTD_decompressStream: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(ret));
+ error_code = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ needsInit = 1;
+ } }
+ if (memcmp(outBuff, EXPECTED + outputPos, output.pos) != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: Wrong decoded output produced\n");
+ error_code = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ outputPos += output.pos;
+ if (input.pos == input.size && output.pos < output.size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(outBuff);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(stream);
+ if (error_code == 0) DISPLAY("Streaming API OK\n");
+ return error_code;
+static int testFrameDecoding(void)
+ if (strlen(EXPECTED) > ZSTD_decompressBound(COMPRESSED, COMPRESSED_SIZE)) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: ZSTD_decompressBound: decompressed bound too small\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ { const char* ip = COMPRESSED;
+ size_t remainingSize = COMPRESSED_SIZE;
+ while (1) {
+ size_t frameSize = ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize(ip, remainingSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(frameSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize: %s\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(frameSize));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (frameSize > remainingSize) {
+ DISPLAY("ERROR: ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize: expected frameSize to align with src buffer");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ip += frameSize;
+ remainingSize -= frameSize;
+ if (remainingSize == 0) break;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Frame Decoding OK\n");
+ return 0;
+int main(void)
+ { int const ret = testSimpleAPI();
+ if (ret) return ret; }
+ { int const ret = testStreamingAPI();
+ if (ret) return ret; }
+ { int const ret = testFrameDecoding();
+ if (ret) return ret; }
+ DISPLAY("OK\n");
+ return 0;
+/* Consists of the "EXPECTED" string compressed with default settings on
+ - v0.4.3
+ - v0.5.0
+ - v0.6.0
+ - v0.7.0
+ - v0.8.0
+const char* const COMPRESSED =
+ "\x24\xB5\x2F\xFD\x00\x00\x00\xBB\xB0\x02\xC0\x10\x00\x1E\xB0\x01"
+ "\x02\x00\x00\x80\x00\xE8\x92\x34\x12\x97\xC8\xDF\xE9\xF3\xEF\x53"
+ "\xEA\x1D\x27\x4F\x0C\x44\x90\x0C\x8D\xF1\xB4\x89\x17\x00\x18\x00"
+ "\x18\x00\x3F\xE6\xE2\xE3\x74\xD6\xEC\xC9\x4A\xE0\x71\x71\x42\x3E"
+ "\x64\x4F\x6A\x45\x4E\x78\xEC\x49\x03\x3F\xC6\x80\xAB\x8F\x75\x5E"
+ "\x6F\x2E\x3E\x7E\xC6\xDC\x45\x69\x6C\xC5\xFD\xC7\x40\xB8\x84\x8A"
+ "\x01\xEB\xA8\xD1\x40\x39\x90\x4C\x64\xF8\xEB\x53\xE6\x18\x0B\x67"
+ "\x12\xAD\xB8\x99\xB3\x5A\x6F\x8A\x19\x03\x01\x50\x67\x56\xF5\x9F"
+ "\x35\x84\x60\xA0\x60\x91\xC9\x0A\xDC\xAB\xAB\xE0\xE2\x81\xFA\xCF"
+ "\xC6\xBA\x01\x0E\x00\x54\x00\x00\x19\x00\x00\x54\x14\x00\x24\x24"
+ "\x04\xFE\x04\x84\x4E\x41\x00\x27\xE2\x02\xC4\xB1\x00\xD2\x51\x00"
+ "\x79\x58\x41\x28\x00\xE0\x0C\x01\x68\x65\x00\x04\x13\x0C\xDA\x0C"
+ "\x80\x22\x06\xC0\x00\x00\x25\xB5\x2F\xFD\x00\x00\x00\xAD\x12\xB0"
+ "\x7D\x1E\xB0\x01\x02\x00\x00\x80\x00\xE8\x92\x34\x12\x97\xC8\xDF"
+ "\xE9\xF3\xEF\x53\xEA\x1D\x27\x4F\x0C\x44\x90\x0C\x8D\xF1\xB4\x89"
+ "\x03\x01\x50\x67\x56\xF5\x9F\x35\x84\x60\xA0\x60\x91\xC9\x0A\xDC"
+ "\xAB\xAB\xE0\xE2\x81\xFA\xCF\xC6\xBA\xEB\xA8\xD1\x40\x39\x90\x4C"
+ "\x64\xF8\xEB\x53\xE6\x18\x0B\x67\x12\xAD\xB8\x99\xB3\x5A\x6F\x8A"
+ "\xF9\x63\x0C\xB8\xFA\x58\xE7\xF5\xE6\xE2\xE3\x67\xCC\x5D\x94\xC6"
+ "\x56\xDC\x7F\x0C\x84\x4B\xA8\xF8\x63\x2E\x3E\x4E\x67\xCD\x9E\xAC"
+ "\x04\x1E\x17\x27\xE4\x43\xF6\xA4\x56\xE4\x84\xC7\x9E\x34\x0E\x00"
+ "\x00\x32\x40\x80\xA8\x00\x01\x49\x81\xE0\x3C\x01\x29\x1D\x00\x87"
+ "\xCE\x80\x75\x08\x80\x72\x24\x00\x7B\x52\x00\x94\x00\x20\xCC\x01"
+ "\x86\xD2\x00\x81\x09\x83\xC1\x34\xA0\x88\x01\xC0\x00\x00\x26\xB5"
+ "\x2F\xFD\x42\xEF\x00\x00\xA6\x12\xB0\x7D\x1E\xB0\x01\x02\x00\x00"
+ "\x54\xA0\xBA\x24\x8D\xC4\x25\xF2\x77\xFA\xFC\xFB\x94\x7A\xC7\xC9"
+ "\x13\x03\x11\x24\x43\x63\x3C\x6D\x22\x03\x01\x50\x67\x56\xF5\x9F"
+ "\x35\x84\x60\xA0\x60\x91\xC9\x0A\xDC\xAB\xAB\xE0\xE2\x81\xFA\xCF"
+ "\xC6\xBA\xEB\xA8\xD1\x40\x39\x90\x4C\x64\xF8\xEB\x53\xE6\x18\x0B"
+ "\x67\x12\xAD\xB8\x99\xB3\x5A\x6F\x8A\xF9\x63\x0C\xB8\xFA\x58\xE7"
+ "\xF5\xE6\xE2\xE3\x67\xCC\x5D\x94\xC6\x56\xDC\x7F\x0C\x84\x4B\xA8"
+ "\xF8\x63\x2E\x3E\x4E\x67\xCD\x9E\xAC\x04\x1E\x17\x27\xE4\x43\xF6"
+ "\xA4\x56\xE4\x84\xC7\x9E\x34\x0E\x00\x35\x0B\x71\xB5\xC0\x2A\x5C"
+ "\x26\x94\x22\x20\x8B\x4C\x8D\x13\x47\x58\x67\x15\x6C\xF1\x1C\x4B"
+ "\x54\x10\x9D\x31\x50\x85\x4B\x54\x0E\x01\x4B\x3D\x01\xC0\x00\x00"
+ "\x27\xB5\x2F\xFD\x20\xEF\x00\x00\xA6\x12\xE4\x84\x1F\xB0\x01\x10"
+ "\x00\x00\x00\x35\x59\xA6\xE7\xA1\xEF\x7C\xFC\xBD\x3F\xFF\x9F\xEF"
+ "\xEE\xEF\x61\xC3\xAA\x31\x1D\x34\x38\x22\x22\x04\x44\x21\x80\x32"
+ "\xAD\x28\xF3\xD6\x28\x0C\x0A\x0E\xD6\x5C\xAC\x19\x8D\x20\x5F\x45"
+ "\x02\x2E\x17\x50\x66\x6D\xAC\x8B\x9C\x6E\x07\x73\x46\xBB\x44\x14"
+ "\xE7\x98\xC3\xB9\x17\x32\x6E\x33\x7C\x0E\x21\xB1\xDB\xCB\x89\x51"
+ "\x23\x34\xAB\x9D\xBC\x6D\x20\xF5\x03\xA9\x91\x4C\x2E\x1F\x59\xDB"
+ "\xD9\x35\x67\x4B\x0C\x95\x79\x10\x00\x85\xA6\x96\x95\x2E\xDF\x78"
+ "\x7B\x4A\x5C\x09\x76\x97\xD1\x5C\x96\x12\x75\x35\xA3\x55\x4A\xD4"
+ "\x0B\x00\x35\x0B\x71\xB5\xC0\x2A\x5C\xE6\x08\x45\xF1\x39\x43\xF1"
+ "\x1C\x4B\x54\x10\x9D\x31\x50\x85\x4B\x54\x0E\x01\x4B\x3D\x01\xC0"
+ "\x00\x00\x28\xB5\x2F\xFD\x24\xEF\x35\x05\x00\x92\x0B\x21\x1F\xB0"
+ "\x01\x10\x00\x00\x00\x35\x59\xA6\xE7\xA1\xEF\x7C\xFC\xBD\x3F\xFF"
+ "\x9F\xEF\xEE\xEF\x61\xC3\xAA\x31\x1D\x34\x38\x22\x22\x04\x44\x21"
+ "\x80\x32\xAD\x28\xF3\xD6\x28\x0C\x0A\x0E\xD6\x5C\xAC\x19\x8D\x20"
+ "\x5F\x45\x02\x2E\x17\x50\x66\x6D\xAC\x8B\x9C\x6E\x07\x73\x46\xBB"
+ "\x44\x14\xE7\x98\xC3\xB9\x17\x32\x6E\x33\x7C\x0E\x21\xB1\xDB\xCB"
+ "\x89\x51\x23\x34\xAB\x9D\xBC\x6D\x20\xF5\x03\xA9\x91\x4C\x2E\x1F"
+ "\x59\xDB\xD9\x35\x67\x4B\x0C\x95\x79\x10\x00\x85\xA6\x96\x95\x2E"
+ "\xDF\x78\x7B\x4A\x5C\x09\x76\x97\xD1\x5C\x96\x12\x75\x35\xA3\x55"
+ "\x4A\xD4\x0B\x00\x35\x0B\x71\xB5\xC0\x2A\x5C\xE6\x08\x45\xF1\x39"
+ "\x43\xF1\x1C\x4B\x54\x10\x9D\x31\x50\x85\x4B\x54\x0E\x01\x4B\x3D"
+ "\x01\xD2\x2F\x21\x80";
+const char* const EXPECTED =
+ "snowden is snowed in / he's now then in his snow den / when does the snow end?\n"
+ "goodbye little dog / you dug some holes in your day / they'll be hard to fill.\n"
+ "when life shuts a door, / just open it. it’s a door. / that is how doors work.\n"
+ "snowden is snowed in / he's now then in his snow den / when does the snow end?\n"
+ "goodbye little dog / you dug some holes in your day / they'll be hard to fill.\n"
+ "when life shuts a door, / just open it. it’s a door. / that is how doors work.\n"
+ "snowden is snowed in / he's now then in his snow den / when does the snow end?\n"
+ "goodbye little dog / you dug some holes in your day / they'll be hard to fill.\n"
+ "when life shuts a door, / just open it. it’s a door. / that is how doors work.\n"
+ "snowden is snowed in / he's now then in his snow den / when does the snow end?\n"
+ "goodbye little dog / you dug some holes in your day / they'll be hard to fill.\n"
+ "when life shuts a door, / just open it. it’s a door. / that is how doors work.\n"
+ "snowden is snowed in / he's now then in his snow den / when does the snow end?\n"
+ "goodbye little dog / you dug some holes in your day / they'll be hard to fill.\n"
+ "when life shuts a door, / just open it. it’s a door. / that is how doors work.\n";
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f9e1e76c635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+RM="rm -f"
+die() {
+ $ECHO "$@" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+isPresent() {
+ $GREP $@ tmplog || die "$@" "should be present"
+mustBeAbsent() {
+ $GREP $@ tmplog && die "$@ should not be there !!"
+ $ECHO "$@ correctly not present" # for some reason, this $ECHO must exist, otherwise mustBeAbsent() always fails (??)
+# default compilation : all features enabled - no zbuff
+$ECHO "testing default library compilation"
+CFLAGS= make -C $DIR/../lib libzstd libzstd.a > $INTOVOID
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+isPresent "zstd_decompress.o"
+isPresent "zdict.o"
+isPresent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM tmplog
+# Check that the exec-stack bit isn't set
+readelf -lW $DIR/../lib/ | $GREP "GNU_STACK" > tmplog
+mustBeAbsent "RWE"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a $DIR/../lib/* tmplog
+# compression disabled => also disable zdict
+$ECHO "testing with compression disabled"
+ZSTD_LIB_COMPRESSION=0 CFLAGS= make -C $DIR/../lib libzstd.a > $INTOVOID
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+mustBeAbsent "zstd_compress.o"
+isPresent "zstd_decompress.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zdict.o"
+isPresent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
+# decompression disabled => also disable legacy
+$ECHO "testing with decompression disabled"
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zstd_decompress.o"
+isPresent "zdict.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
+# deprecated function disabled => only remove zbuff
+$ECHO "testing with deprecated functions disabled"
+ZSTD_LIB_DEPRECATED=0 CFLAGS= make -C $DIR/../lib libzstd.a > $INTOVOID
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+isPresent "zstd_decompress.o"
+isPresent "zdict.o"
+isPresent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
+# deprecated function enabled => zbuff present
+$ECHO "testing with deprecated functions enabled"
+ZSTD_LIB_DEPRECATED=1 CFLAGS= make -C $DIR/../lib libzstd.a > $INTOVOID
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+isPresent "zstd_decompress.o"
+isPresent "zdict.o"
+isPresent "zstd_v07.o"
+isPresent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
+# dictionary builder disabled => only remove zdict
+$ECHO "testing with dictionary builder disabled"
+ZSTD_LIB_DICTBUILDER=0 CFLAGS= make -C $DIR/../lib libzstd.a > $INTOVOID
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+isPresent "zstd_decompress.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zdict.o"
+isPresent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
+# both decompression and dictionary builder disabled => only compression remains
+$ECHO "testing with both decompression and dictionary builder disabled (only compression remains)"
+nm $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a | $GREP "\.o" > tmplog
+isPresent "zstd_compress.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zstd_decompress.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zdict.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zstd_v07.o"
+mustBeAbsent "zbuff_compress.o"
+$RM $DIR/../lib/libzstd.a tmplog
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/longmatch.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/longmatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a171c0e4aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/longmatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+static int
+compress(ZSTD_CStream *ctx, ZSTD_outBuffer out, const void *data, size_t size)
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { data, size, 0 };
+ while (in.pos < in.size) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer tmp = out;
+ const size_t rc = ZSTD_compressStream(ctx, &tmp, &in);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(rc)) return 1;
+ }
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer tmp = out;
+ const size_t rc = ZSTD_flushStream(ctx, &tmp);
+ if (rc != 0) { return 1; }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ ZSTD_CStream* ctx;
+ ZSTD_parameters params;
+ size_t rc;
+ unsigned windowLog;
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ /* Create stream */
+ ctx = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ if (!ctx) { return 1; }
+ /* Set parameters */
+ memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
+ params.cParams.windowLog = 18;
+ params.cParams.chainLog = 13;
+ params.cParams.hashLog = 14;
+ params.cParams.searchLog = 1;
+ params.cParams.minMatch = 7;
+ params.cParams.targetLength = 16;
+ params.cParams.strategy = ZSTD_fast;
+ windowLog = params.cParams.windowLog;
+ /* Initialize stream */
+ rc = ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(ctx, NULL, 0, params, 0);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(rc)) { return 2; }
+ {
+ U64 compressed = 0;
+ const U64 toCompress = ((U64)1) << 33;
+ const size_t size = 1 << windowLog;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ char *srcBuffer = (char*) malloc(1 << windowLog);
+ char *dstBuffer = (char*) malloc(ZSTD_compressBound(1 << windowLog));
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { dstBuffer, ZSTD_compressBound(1 << windowLog), 0 };
+ const char match[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+ const size_t randomData = (1 << windowLog) - 2*sizeof(match);
+ size_t i;
+ printf("\n === Long Match Test === \n");
+ printf("Creating random data to produce long matches \n");
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(match); ++i) {
+ srcBuffer[i] = match[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < randomData; ++i) {
+ srcBuffer[sizeof(match) + i] = (char)(rand() & 0xFF);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(match); ++i) {
+ srcBuffer[sizeof(match) + randomData + i] = match[i];
+ }
+ printf("Compressing, trying to generate a segfault \n");
+ if (compress(ctx, out, srcBuffer, size)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ compressed += size;
+ while (compressed < toCompress) {
+ const size_t block = rand() % (size - pos + 1);
+ if (pos == size) { pos = 0; }
+ if (compress(ctx, out, srcBuffer + pos, block)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pos += block;
+ compressed += block;
+ }
+ printf("Compression completed successfully (no error triggered)\n");
+ free(srcBuffer);
+ free(dstBuffer);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/paramgrill.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/paramgrill.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..033a10181a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/paramgrill.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2966 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+* Dependencies
+#include "util.h" /* Ensure platform.h is compiled first; also : compiler options, UTIL_GetFileSize */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf, fopen, ftello64 */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
+#include <math.h> /* log */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "timefn.h" /* SEC_TO_MICRO, UTIL_time_t, UTIL_clockSpanMicro, UTIL_clockSpanNano, UTIL_getTime */
+#include "mem.h"
+#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_parameters, ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize */
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "datagen.h"
+#include "xxhash.h"
+#include "benchfn.h"
+#include "benchzstd.h"
+#include "zstd_errors.h"
+#include "zstd_internal.h" /* should not be needed */
+* Constants
+#define PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION "ZSTD parameters tester"
+#define AUTHOR "Yann Collet"
+#define WELCOME_MESSAGE "*** %s %s %i-bits, by %s ***\n", PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION, ZSTD_VERSION_STRING, (int)(sizeof(void*)*8), AUTHOR
+#define TIMELOOP_NANOSEC (1*1000000000ULL) /* 1 second */
+#define NB_LEVELS_TRACKED 22 /* ensured being >= ZSTD_maxCLevel() in BMK_init_level_constraints() */
+static const size_t maxMemory = (sizeof(size_t)==4) ? (2 GB - 64 MB) : (size_t)(1ULL << ((sizeof(size_t)*8)-31));
+static const U64 g_maxVariationTime = 60 * SEC_TO_MICRO;
+static const int g_maxNbVariations = 64;
+* Macros
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(n, ...) if(g_displayLevel >= n) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); }
+#define DEBUGOUTPUT(...) { if (DEBUG) DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
+#define TIMED 0
+#ifndef DEBUG
+# define DEBUG 0
+#undef MIN
+#undef MAX
+#define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
+#define MAX(a,b) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
+#define CUSTOM_LEVEL 99
+#define BASE_CLEVEL 1
+#define FADT_MIN 0
+#define FADT_MAX ((U32)-1)
+#define TLEN_RANGE 17
+#define FADT_RANGE 3
+#define CHECKTIME(r) { if(BMK_timeSpan_s(g_time) > g_timeLimit_s) { DEBUGOUTPUT("Time Limit Reached\n"); return r; } }
+#define CHECKTIMEGT(ret, val, _gototag) { if(BMK_timeSpan_s(g_time) > g_timeLimit_s) { DEBUGOUTPUT("Time Limit Reached\n"); ret = val; goto _gototag; } }
+#define PARAM_UNSET ((U32)-2) /* can't be -1 b/c fadt uses -1 */
+static const char* g_stratName[ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX+1] = {
+ "(none) ", "ZSTD_fast ", "ZSTD_dfast ",
+ "ZSTD_greedy ", "ZSTD_lazy ", "ZSTD_lazy2 ",
+ "ZSTD_btlazy2 ", "ZSTD_btopt ", "ZSTD_btultra ",
+ "ZSTD_btultra2"};
+static const U32 tlen_table[TLEN_RANGE] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 999 };
+* Setup for Adding new params
+/* indices for each of the variables */
+typedef enum {
+ wlog_ind = 0,
+ clog_ind = 1,
+ hlog_ind = 2,
+ slog_ind = 3,
+ mml_ind = 4,
+ tlen_ind = 5,
+ strt_ind = 6,
+ fadt_ind = 7, /* forceAttachDict */
+} varInds_t;
+typedef struct {
+ U32 vals[NUM_PARAMS];
+} paramValues_t;
+/* minimum value of parameters */
+static const U32 mintable[NUM_PARAMS] =
+/* maximum value of parameters */
+static const U32 maxtable[NUM_PARAMS] =
+/* # of values parameters can take on */
+static const U32 rangetable[NUM_PARAMS] =
+/* ZSTD_cctxSetParameter() index to set */
+static const ZSTD_cParameter cctxSetParamTable[NUM_PARAMS] =
+ { ZSTD_c_windowLog, ZSTD_c_chainLog, ZSTD_c_hashLog, ZSTD_c_searchLog, ZSTD_c_minMatch, ZSTD_c_targetLength, ZSTD_c_strategy, ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict };
+/* names of parameters */
+static const char* g_paramNames[NUM_PARAMS] =
+ { "windowLog", "chainLog", "hashLog","searchLog", "minMatch", "targetLength", "strategy", "forceAttachDict" };
+/* shortened names of parameters */
+static const char* g_shortParamNames[NUM_PARAMS] =
+ { "wlog", "clog", "hlog", "slog", "mml", "tlen", "strat", "fadt" };
+/* maps value from { 0 to rangetable[param] - 1 } to valid paramvalues */
+static U32 rangeMap(varInds_t param, int ind)
+ U32 const uind = (U32)MAX(MIN(ind, (int)rangetable[param] - 1), 0);
+ switch(param) {
+ case wlog_ind: /* using default: triggers -Wswitch-enum */
+ case clog_ind:
+ case hlog_ind:
+ case slog_ind:
+ case mml_ind:
+ case strt_ind:
+ return mintable[param] + uind;
+ case tlen_ind:
+ return tlen_table[uind];
+ case fadt_ind: /* 0, 1, 2 -> -1, 0, 1 */
+ return uind - 1;
+ case NUM_PARAMS:
+ default:;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Error, not a valid param\n ");
+ assert(0);
+ return (U32)-1;
+/* inverse of rangeMap */
+static int invRangeMap(varInds_t param, U32 value)
+ value = MIN(MAX(mintable[param], value), maxtable[param]);
+ switch(param) {
+ case wlog_ind:
+ case clog_ind:
+ case hlog_ind:
+ case slog_ind:
+ case mml_ind:
+ case strt_ind:
+ return (int)(value - mintable[param]);
+ case tlen_ind: /* bin search */
+ {
+ int lo = 0;
+ int hi = TLEN_RANGE;
+ while(lo < hi) {
+ int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ if(tlen_table[mid] < value) {
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ } if(tlen_table[mid] == value) {
+ return mid;
+ } else {
+ hi = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ return lo;
+ }
+ case fadt_ind:
+ return (int)value + 1;
+ case NUM_PARAMS:
+ default:;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Error, not a valid param\n ");
+ assert(0);
+ return -2;
+/* display of params */
+static void displayParamVal(FILE* f, varInds_t param, unsigned value, int width)
+ switch(param) {
+ case wlog_ind:
+ case clog_ind:
+ case hlog_ind:
+ case slog_ind:
+ case mml_ind:
+ case tlen_ind:
+ if(width) {
+ fprintf(f, "%*u", width, value);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f, "%u", value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case strt_ind:
+ if(width) {
+ fprintf(f, "%*s", width, g_stratName[value]);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f, "%s", g_stratName[value]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case fadt_ind: /* force attach dict */
+ if(width) {
+ fprintf(f, "%*d", width, (int)value);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f, "%d", (int)value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NUM_PARAMS:
+ default:
+ DISPLAY("Error, not a valid param\n ");
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+* Benchmark Parameters/Global Variables
+/* General Utility */
+static U32 g_timeLimit_s = 99999; /* about 27 hours */
+static UTIL_time_t g_time; /* to be used to compare solution finding speeds to compare to original */
+static U32 g_blockSize = 0;
+static U32 g_rand = 1;
+/* Display */
+static int g_displayLevel = 3;
+static BYTE g_silenceParams[NUM_PARAMS]; /* can selectively silence some params when displaying them */
+/* Mode Selection */
+static U32 g_singleRun = 0;
+static U32 g_optimizer = 0;
+static int g_optmode = 0;
+/* For cLevel Table generation */
+static U32 g_target = 0;
+static U32 g_noSeed = 0;
+/* For optimizer */
+static paramValues_t g_params; /* Initialized at the beginning of main w/ emptyParams() function */
+static double g_ratioMultiplier = 5.;
+static U32 g_strictness = PARAM_UNSET; /* range 1 - 100, measure of how strict */
+static BMK_benchResult_t g_lvltarget;
+typedef enum {
+ directMap,
+ xxhashMap,
+ noMemo
+} memoTableType_t;
+typedef struct {
+ memoTableType_t tableType;
+ BYTE* table;
+ size_t tableLen;
+ varInds_t varArray[NUM_PARAMS];
+ size_t varLen;
+} memoTable_t;
+typedef struct {
+ BMK_benchResult_t result;
+ paramValues_t params;
+} winnerInfo_t;
+typedef struct {
+ U32 cSpeed; /* bytes / sec */
+ U32 dSpeed;
+ U32 cMem; /* bytes */
+} constraint_t;
+typedef struct winner_ll_node winner_ll_node;
+struct winner_ll_node {
+ winnerInfo_t res;
+ winner_ll_node* next;
+static winner_ll_node* g_winners; /* linked list sorted ascending by cSize & cSpeed */
+ * Additional Global Variables (Defined Above Use)
+ * g_level_constraint
+ * g_alreadyTested
+ * g_maxTries
+ * g_clockGranularity
+ */
+* General Util Functions
+/* nullified useless params, to ensure count stats */
+/* cleans up params for memoizing / display */
+static paramValues_t sanitizeParams(paramValues_t params)
+ if (params.vals[strt_ind] == ZSTD_fast)
+ params.vals[clog_ind] = 0, params.vals[slog_ind] = 0;
+ if (params.vals[strt_ind] == ZSTD_dfast)
+ params.vals[slog_ind] = 0;
+ if ( (params.vals[strt_ind] < ZSTD_btopt) && (params.vals[strt_ind] != ZSTD_fast) )
+ params.vals[tlen_ind] = 0;
+ return params;
+static ZSTD_compressionParameters pvalsToCParams(paramValues_t p)
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters c;
+ memset(&c, 0, sizeof(ZSTD_compressionParameters));
+ c.windowLog = p.vals[wlog_ind];
+ c.chainLog = p.vals[clog_ind];
+ c.hashLog = p.vals[hlog_ind];
+ c.searchLog = p.vals[slog_ind];
+ c.minMatch = p.vals[mml_ind];
+ c.targetLength = p.vals[tlen_ind];
+ c.strategy = p.vals[strt_ind];
+ /* no forceAttachDict */
+ return c;
+static paramValues_t cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_compressionParameters c)
+ paramValues_t p;
+ varInds_t i;
+ p.vals[wlog_ind] = c.windowLog;
+ p.vals[clog_ind] = c.chainLog;
+ p.vals[hlog_ind] = c.hashLog;
+ p.vals[slog_ind] = c.searchLog;
+ p.vals[mml_ind] = c.minMatch;
+ p.vals[tlen_ind] = c.targetLength;
+ p.vals[strt_ind] = c.strategy;
+ /* set all other params to their minimum value */
+ for (i = strt_ind + 1; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ p.vals[i] = mintable[i];
+ }
+ return p;
+/* equivalent of ZSTD_adjustCParams for paramValues_t */
+static paramValues_t
+adjustParams(paramValues_t p, const size_t maxBlockSize, const size_t dictSize)
+ paramValues_t ot = p;
+ varInds_t i;
+ p = cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_adjustCParams(pvalsToCParams(p), maxBlockSize, dictSize));
+ if (!dictSize) { p.vals[fadt_ind] = 0; }
+ /* retain value of all other parameters */
+ for(i = strt_ind + 1; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ p.vals[i] = ot.vals[i];
+ }
+ return p;
+static size_t BMK_findMaxMem(U64 requiredMem)
+ size_t const step = 64 MB;
+ void* testmem = NULL;
+ requiredMem = (((requiredMem >> 26) + 1) << 26);
+ if (requiredMem > maxMemory) requiredMem = maxMemory;
+ requiredMem += 2 * step;
+ while (!testmem && requiredMem > 0) {
+ testmem = malloc ((size_t)requiredMem);
+ requiredMem -= step;
+ }
+ free (testmem);
+ return (size_t) requiredMem;
+/* accuracy in seconds only, span can be multiple years */
+static U32 BMK_timeSpan_s(const UTIL_time_t tStart)
+ return (U32)(UTIL_clockSpanMicro(tStart) / 1000000ULL);
+static U32 FUZ_rotl32(U32 x, U32 r)
+ return ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)));
+static U32 FUZ_rand(U32* src)
+ const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 += prime2;
+ rand32 = FUZ_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return rand32 >> 5;
+#define BOUNDCHECK(val,min,max) { \
+ if (((val)<(min)) | ((val)>(max))) { \
+ return 0; \
+} }
+static int paramValid(const paramValues_t paramTarget)
+ U32 i;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ BOUNDCHECK(paramTarget.vals[i], mintable[i], maxtable[i]);
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* cParamUnsetMin() :
+ * if any parameter in paramTarget is not yet set,
+ * it will receive its corresponding minimal value.
+ * This function never fails */
+static paramValues_t cParamUnsetMin(paramValues_t paramTarget)
+ varInds_t vi;
+ for (vi = 0; vi < NUM_PARAMS; vi++) {
+ if (paramTarget.vals[vi] == PARAM_UNSET) {
+ paramTarget.vals[vi] = mintable[vi];
+ }
+ }
+ return paramTarget;
+static paramValues_t emptyParams(void)
+ U32 i;
+ paramValues_t p;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ p.vals[i] = PARAM_UNSET;
+ }
+ return p;
+static winnerInfo_t initWinnerInfo(const paramValues_t p)
+ winnerInfo_t w1;
+ w1.result.cSpeed = 0;
+ w1.result.dSpeed = 0;
+ w1.result.cMem = (size_t)-1;
+ w1.result.cSize = (size_t)-1;
+ w1.params = p;
+ return w1;
+static paramValues_t
+overwriteParams(paramValues_t base, const paramValues_t mask)
+ U32 i;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ if(mask.vals[i] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ base.vals[i] = mask.vals[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return base;
+static void
+paramVaryOnce(const varInds_t paramIndex, const int amt, paramValues_t* ptr)
+ ptr->vals[paramIndex] = rangeMap(paramIndex,
+ invRangeMap(paramIndex, ptr->vals[paramIndex]) + amt);
+/* varies ptr by nbChanges respecting varyParams*/
+static void
+paramVariation(paramValues_t* ptr, memoTable_t* mtAll, const U32 nbChanges)
+ paramValues_t p;
+ int validated = 0;
+ while (!validated) {
+ U32 i;
+ p = *ptr;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < nbChanges ; i++) {
+ const U32 changeID = (U32)FUZ_rand(&g_rand) % (mtAll[p.vals[strt_ind]].varLen << 1);
+ paramVaryOnce(mtAll[p.vals[strt_ind]].varArray[changeID >> 1],
+ (int)((changeID & 1) << 1) - 1,
+ &p);
+ }
+ validated = paramValid(p);
+ }
+ *ptr = p;
+/* Completely random parameter selection */
+static paramValues_t randomParams(void)
+ varInds_t v; paramValues_t p;
+ for(v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ p.vals[v] = rangeMap(v, (int)(FUZ_rand(&g_rand) % rangetable[v]));
+ }
+ return p;
+static U64 g_clockGranularity = 100000000ULL;
+static void init_clockGranularity(void)
+ UTIL_time_t const clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
+ U64 el1 = 0, el2 = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ do {
+ el1 = el2;
+ el2 = UTIL_clockSpanNano(clockStart);
+ if(el1 < el2) {
+ U64 iv = el2 - el1;
+ if(g_clockGranularity > iv) {
+ g_clockGranularity = iv;
+ i = 0;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(i < 10);
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Granularity: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)g_clockGranularity);
+* Optimizer Util Functions
+/* checks results are feasible */
+static int feasible(const BMK_benchResult_t results, const constraint_t target) {
+ return (results.cSpeed >= target.cSpeed)
+ && (results.dSpeed >= target.dSpeed)
+ && (results.cMem <= target.cMem)
+ && (!g_optmode || results.cSize <= g_lvltarget.cSize);
+/* hill climbing value for part 1 */
+/* Scoring here is a linear reward for all set constraints normalized between 0 to 1
+ * (with 0 at 0 and 1 being fully fulfilling the constraint), summed with a logarithmic
+ * bonus to exceeding the constraint value. We also give linear ratio for compression ratio.
+ * The constant factors are experimental.
+ */
+static double
+resultScore(const BMK_benchResult_t res, const size_t srcSize, const constraint_t target)
+ double cs = 0., ds = 0., rt, cm = 0.;
+ const double r1 = 1, r2 = 0.1, rtr = 0.5;
+ double ret;
+ if(target.cSpeed) { cs = res.cSpeed / (double)target.cSpeed; }
+ if(target.dSpeed) { ds = res.dSpeed / (double)target.dSpeed; }
+ if(target.cMem != (U32)-1) { cm = (double)target.cMem / res.cMem; }
+ rt = ((double)srcSize / res.cSize);
+ ret = (MIN(1, cs) + MIN(1, ds) + MIN(1, cm))*r1 + rt * rtr +
+ (MAX(0, log(cs))+ MAX(0, log(ds))+ MAX(0, log(cm))) * r2;
+ return ret;
+/* calculates normalized squared euclidean distance of result1 if it is in the first quadrant relative to lvlRes */
+static double
+resultDistLvl(const BMK_benchResult_t result1, const BMK_benchResult_t lvlRes)
+ double normalizedCSpeedGain1 = ((double)result1.cSpeed / lvlRes.cSpeed) - 1;
+ double normalizedRatioGain1 = ((double)lvlRes.cSize / result1.cSize) - 1;
+ if(normalizedRatioGain1 < 0 || normalizedCSpeedGain1 < 0) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ return normalizedRatioGain1 * g_ratioMultiplier + normalizedCSpeedGain1;
+/* return true if r2 strictly better than r1 */
+static int
+compareResultLT(const BMK_benchResult_t result1, const BMK_benchResult_t result2, const constraint_t target, size_t srcSize)
+ if(feasible(result1, target) && feasible(result2, target)) {
+ if(g_optmode) {
+ return resultDistLvl(result1, g_lvltarget) < resultDistLvl(result2, g_lvltarget);
+ } else {
+ return (result1.cSize > result2.cSize)
+ || (result1.cSize == result2.cSize && result2.cSpeed > result1.cSpeed)
+ || (result1.cSize == result2.cSize && result2.cSpeed == result1.cSpeed && result2.dSpeed > result1.dSpeed);
+ }
+ }
+ return feasible(result2, target)
+ || (!feasible(result1, target)
+ && (resultScore(result1, srcSize, target) < resultScore(result2, srcSize, target)));
+static constraint_t relaxTarget(constraint_t target) {
+ target.cMem = (U32)-1;
+ target.cSpeed = (target.cSpeed * g_strictness) / 100;
+ target.dSpeed = (target.dSpeed * g_strictness) / 100;
+ return target;
+static void optimizerAdjustInput(paramValues_t* pc, const size_t maxBlockSize)
+ varInds_t v;
+ for(v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ if(pc->vals[v] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ U32 newval = MIN(MAX(pc->vals[v], mintable[v]), maxtable[v]);
+ if(newval != pc->vals[v]) {
+ pc->vals[v] = newval;
+ DISPLAY("Warning: parameter %s not in valid range, adjusting to ",
+ g_paramNames[v]);
+ displayParamVal(stderr, v, newval, 0); DISPLAY("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pc->vals[wlog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ U32 sshb = maxBlockSize > 1 ? ZSTD_highbit32((U32)(maxBlockSize-1)) + 1 : 1;
+ /* edge case of highBit not working for 0 */
+ if(maxBlockSize < (1ULL << 31) && sshb + 1 < pc->vals[wlog_ind]) {
+ U32 adjust = MAX(mintable[wlog_ind], sshb);
+ if(adjust != pc->vals[wlog_ind]) {
+ pc->vals[wlog_ind] = adjust;
+ DISPLAY("Warning: windowLog larger than src/block size, adjusted to %u\n",
+ (unsigned)pc->vals[wlog_ind]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pc->vals[wlog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET && pc->vals[clog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ U32 maxclog;
+ if(pc->vals[strt_ind] == PARAM_UNSET || pc->vals[strt_ind] >= (U32)ZSTD_btlazy2) {
+ maxclog = pc->vals[wlog_ind] + 1;
+ } else {
+ maxclog = pc->vals[wlog_ind];
+ }
+ if(pc->vals[clog_ind] > maxclog) {
+ pc->vals[clog_ind] = maxclog;
+ DISPLAY("Warning: chainlog too much larger than windowLog size, adjusted to %u\n",
+ (unsigned)pc->vals[clog_ind]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pc->vals[wlog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET && pc->vals[hlog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ if(pc->vals[wlog_ind] + 1 < pc->vals[hlog_ind]) {
+ pc->vals[hlog_ind] = pc->vals[wlog_ind] + 1;
+ DISPLAY("Warning: hashlog too much larger than windowLog size, adjusted to %u\n",
+ (unsigned)pc->vals[hlog_ind]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pc->vals[slog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET && pc->vals[clog_ind] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ if(pc->vals[slog_ind] > pc->vals[clog_ind]) {
+ pc->vals[clog_ind] = pc->vals[slog_ind];
+ DISPLAY("Warning: searchLog larger than chainLog, adjusted to %u\n",
+ (unsigned)pc->vals[slog_ind]);
+ }
+ }
+static int
+redundantParams(const paramValues_t paramValues, const constraint_t target, const size_t maxBlockSize)
+ return
+ (ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize_usingCParams(pvalsToCParams(paramValues)) > (size_t)target.cMem) /* Uses too much memory */
+ || ((1ULL << (paramValues.vals[wlog_ind] - 1)) >= maxBlockSize && paramValues.vals[wlog_ind] != mintable[wlog_ind]) /* wlog too much bigger than src size */
+ || (paramValues.vals[clog_ind] > (paramValues.vals[wlog_ind] + (paramValues.vals[strt_ind] > ZSTD_btlazy2))) /* chainLog larger than windowLog*/
+ || (paramValues.vals[slog_ind] > paramValues.vals[clog_ind]) /* searchLog larger than chainLog */
+ || (paramValues.vals[hlog_ind] > paramValues.vals[wlog_ind] + 1); /* hashLog larger than windowLog + 1 */
+* Display Functions
+/* BMK_paramValues_into_commandLine() :
+ * transform a set of parameters paramValues_t
+ * into a command line compatible with `zstd` syntax
+ * and writes it into FILE* f.
+ * f must be already opened and writable */
+static void
+BMK_paramValues_into_commandLine(FILE* f, const paramValues_t params)
+ varInds_t v;
+ int first = 1;
+ fprintf(f,"--zstd=");
+ for (v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ if (g_silenceParams[v]) { continue; }
+ if (!first) { fprintf(f, ","); }
+ fprintf(f,"%s=", g_paramNames[v]);
+ if (v == strt_ind) { fprintf(f,"%u", (unsigned)params.vals[v]); }
+ else { displayParamVal(f, v, params.vals[v], 0); }
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+/* comparison function: */
+/* strictly better, strictly worse, equal, speed-side adv, size-side adv */
+#define WORSE_RESULT 0
+#define BETTER_RESULT 1
+#define ERROR_RESULT 2
+#define SPEED_RESULT 4
+#define SIZE_RESULT 5
+/* maybe have epsilon-eq to limit table size? */
+static int
+speedSizeCompare(const BMK_benchResult_t r1, const BMK_benchResult_t r2)
+ if(r1.cSpeed < r2.cSpeed) {
+ if(r1.cSize >= r2.cSize) {
+ }
+ return SPEED_RESULT; /* r2 is smaller but not faster. */
+ } else {
+ if(r1.cSize <= r2.cSize) {
+ return WORSE_RESULT;
+ }
+ return SIZE_RESULT; /* r2 is faster but not smaller */
+ }
+/* 0 for insertion, 1 for no insert */
+/* maintain invariant speedSizeCompare(n, n->next) = SPEED_RESULT */
+static int
+insertWinner(const winnerInfo_t w, const constraint_t targetConstraints)
+ BMK_benchResult_t r = w.result;
+ winner_ll_node* cur_node = g_winners;
+ /* first node to insert */
+ if(!feasible(r, targetConstraints)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(g_winners == NULL) {
+ winner_ll_node* first_node = malloc(sizeof(winner_ll_node));
+ if(first_node == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ first_node->next = NULL;
+ first_node->res = w;
+ g_winners = first_node;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while(cur_node->next != NULL) {
+ switch(speedSizeCompare(cur_node->res.result, r)) {
+ {
+ return 1; /* never insert if better */
+ }
+ {
+ winner_ll_node* tmp;
+ cur_node->res = cur_node->next->res;
+ tmp = cur_node->next;
+ cur_node->next = cur_node->next->next;
+ free(tmp);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ cur_node = cur_node->next;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SPEED_RESULT: /* insert after first size result, then return */
+ {
+ winner_ll_node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(winner_ll_node));
+ if(newnode == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ newnode->res = cur_node->res;
+ cur_node->res = w;
+ newnode->next = cur_node->next;
+ cur_node->next = newnode;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(cur_node->next == NULL);
+ switch(speedSizeCompare(cur_node->res.result, r)) {
+ {
+ return 1; /* never insert if better */
+ }
+ {
+ cur_node->res = w;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ winner_ll_node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(winner_ll_node));
+ if(newnode == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ newnode->res = w;
+ newnode->next = NULL;
+ cur_node->next = newnode;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case SPEED_RESULT: /* insert before first size result, then return */
+ {
+ winner_ll_node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(winner_ll_node));
+ if(newnode == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ newnode->res = cur_node->res;
+ cur_node->res = w;
+ newnode->next = cur_node->next;
+ cur_node->next = newnode;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ }
+static void
+BMK_displayOneResult(FILE* f, winnerInfo_t res, const size_t srcSize)
+ varInds_t v;
+ int first = 1;
+ res.params = cParamUnsetMin(res.params);
+ fprintf(f, " {");
+ for (v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ if (g_silenceParams[v]) { continue; }
+ if (!first) { fprintf(f, ","); }
+ displayParamVal(f, v, res.params.vals[v], 3);
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ { double const ratio = res.result.cSize ?
+ (double)srcSize / res.result.cSize : 0;
+ double const cSpeedMBps = (double)res.result.cSpeed / MB_UNIT;
+ double const dSpeedMBps = (double)res.result.dSpeed / MB_UNIT;
+ fprintf(f, " }, /* R:%5.3f at %5.1f MB/s - %5.1f MB/s */\n",
+ ratio, cSpeedMBps, dSpeedMBps);
+ }
+/* Writes to f the results of a parameter benchmark */
+/* when used with --optimize, will only print results better than previously discovered */
+static void
+BMK_printWinner(FILE* f, const int cLevel, const BMK_benchResult_t result, const paramValues_t params, const size_t srcSize)
+ char lvlstr[15] = "Custom Level";
+ winnerInfo_t w;
+ w.params = params;
+ w.result = result;
+ fprintf(f, "\r%79s\r", "");
+ if(cLevel != CUSTOM_LEVEL) {
+ snprintf(lvlstr, 15, " Level %2d ", cLevel);
+ }
+ if(TIMED) {
+ const U64 mn_in_ns = 60ULL * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC;
+ const U64 time_ns = UTIL_clockSpanNano(g_time);
+ const U64 minutes = time_ns / mn_in_ns;
+ fprintf(f, "%1lu:%2lu:%05.2f - ",
+ (unsigned long) minutes / 60,
+ (unsigned long) minutes % 60,
+ (double)(time_ns - (minutes * mn_in_ns)) / TIMELOOP_NANOSEC );
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "/* %s */ ", lvlstr);
+ BMK_displayOneResult(f, w, srcSize);
+static void
+BMK_printWinnerOpt(FILE* f, const U32 cLevel, const BMK_benchResult_t result, const paramValues_t params, const constraint_t targetConstraints, const size_t srcSize)
+ /* global winner used for constraints */
+ /* cSize, cSpeed, dSpeed, cMem */
+ static winnerInfo_t g_winner = { { (size_t)-1LL, 0, 0, (size_t)-1LL },
+ };
+ if ( DEBUG
+ || compareResultLT(g_winner.result, result, targetConstraints, srcSize)
+ || g_displayLevel >= 4) {
+ if ( DEBUG
+ && compareResultLT(g_winner.result, result, targetConstraints, srcSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("New Winner: \n");
+ }
+ if(g_displayLevel >= 2) {
+ BMK_printWinner(f, cLevel, result, params, srcSize);
+ }
+ if(compareResultLT(g_winner.result, result, targetConstraints, srcSize)) {
+ if(g_displayLevel >= 1) { BMK_paramValues_into_commandLine(f, params); }
+ g_winner.result = result;
+ g_winner.params = params;
+ }
+ }
+ if(g_optmode && g_optimizer && (DEBUG || g_displayLevel == 3)) {
+ winnerInfo_t w;
+ winner_ll_node* n;
+ w.result = result;
+ w.params = params;
+ insertWinner(w, targetConstraints);
+ if(!DEBUG) { fprintf(f, "\033c"); }
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ /* the table */
+ fprintf(f, "================================\n");
+ for(n = g_winners; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
+ BMK_displayOneResult(f, n->res, srcSize);
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "================================\n");
+ fprintf(f, "Level Bounds: R: > %.3f AND C: < %.1f MB/s \n\n",
+ (double)srcSize / g_lvltarget.cSize, (double)g_lvltarget.cSpeed / MB_UNIT);
+ fprintf(f, "Overall Winner: \n");
+ BMK_displayOneResult(f, g_winner, srcSize);
+ BMK_paramValues_into_commandLine(f, g_winner.params);
+ fprintf(f, "Latest BMK: \n");\
+ BMK_displayOneResult(f, w, srcSize);
+ }
+/* BMK_print_cLevelEntry() :
+ * Writes one cLevelTable entry, for one level.
+ * f must exist, be already opened, and be seekable.
+ * this function cannot error.
+ */
+static void
+BMK_print_cLevelEntry(FILE* f, const int cLevel,
+ paramValues_t params,
+ const BMK_benchResult_t result, const size_t srcSize)
+ varInds_t v;
+ int first = 1;
+ assert(cLevel >= 0);
+ assert(cLevel <= NB_LEVELS_TRACKED);
+ params = cParamUnsetMin(params);
+ fprintf(f, " {");
+ /* print cParams.
+ * assumption : all cParams are present and in order in the following range */
+ for (v = 0; v <= strt_ind; v++) {
+ if (!first) { fprintf(f, ","); }
+ displayParamVal(f, v, params.vals[v], 3);
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ /* print comment */
+ { double const ratio = result.cSize ?
+ (double)srcSize / result.cSize : 0;
+ double const cSpeedMBps = (double)result.cSpeed / MB_UNIT;
+ double const dSpeedMBps = (double)result.dSpeed / MB_UNIT;
+ fprintf(f, " }, /* level %2i: R=%5.3f at %5.1f MB/s - %5.1f MB/s */\n",
+ cLevel, ratio, cSpeedMBps, dSpeedMBps);
+ }
+/* BMK_print_cLevelTable() :
+ * print candidate compression table into proposed FILE* f.
+ * f must exist, be already opened, and be seekable.
+ * winners must be a table of NB_LEVELS_TRACKED+1 elements winnerInfo_t, all entries presumed initialized
+ * this function cannot error.
+ */
+static void
+BMK_print_cLevelTable(FILE* f, const winnerInfo_t* winners, const size_t srcSize)
+ int cLevel;
+ fprintf(f, "\n /* Proposed configurations : */ \n");
+ fprintf(f, " /* W, C, H, S, L, T, strat */ \n");
+ for (cLevel=0; cLevel <= NB_LEVELS_TRACKED; cLevel++)
+ BMK_print_cLevelEntry(f,
+ cLevel, winners[cLevel].params,
+ winners[cLevel].result, srcSize);
+/* BMK_saveAndPrint_cLevelTable() :
+ * save candidate compression table into FILE* f,
+ * and then to stdout.
+ * f must exist, be already opened, and be seekable.
+ * winners must be a table of NB_LEVELS_TRACKED+1 elements winnerInfo_t, all entries presumed initialized
+ * this function cannot error.
+ */
+static void
+BMK_saveAndPrint_cLevelTable(FILE* const f,
+ const winnerInfo_t* winners,
+ const size_t srcSize)
+ fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ BMK_print_cLevelTable(f, winners, srcSize);
+ fflush(f);
+ BMK_print_cLevelTable(stdout, winners, srcSize);
+* Functions to Benchmark
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
+ const void* dictBuffer;
+ size_t dictBufferSize;
+ int cLevel;
+ const paramValues_t* comprParams;
+} BMK_initCCtxArgs;
+static size_t local_initCCtx(void* payload) {
+ const BMK_initCCtxArgs* ag = (const BMK_initCCtxArgs*)payload;
+ varInds_t i;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(ag->cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(ag->cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, ag->cLevel);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ if(ag->comprParams->vals[i] != PARAM_UNSET)
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(ag->cctx, cctxSetParamTable[i], ag->comprParams->vals[i]);
+ }
+ ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(ag->cctx, ag->dictBuffer, ag->dictBufferSize);
+ return 0;
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx;
+ const void* dictBuffer;
+ size_t dictBufferSize;
+} BMK_initDCtxArgs;
+static size_t local_initDCtx(void* payload) {
+ const BMK_initDCtxArgs* ag = (const BMK_initDCtxArgs*)payload;
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(ag->dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary(ag->dctx, ag->dictBuffer, ag->dictBufferSize);
+ return 0;
+/* additional argument is just the context */
+static size_t local_defaultCompress(
+ const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dstBuffer, size_t dstSize,
+ void* addArgs)
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = (ZSTD_CCtx*)addArgs;
+ assert(dstSize == ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)); /* specific to this version, which is only used in paramgrill */
+ return ZSTD_compress2(cctx, dstBuffer, dstSize, srcBuffer, srcSize);
+/* additional argument is just the context */
+static size_t local_defaultDecompress(
+ const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
+ void* dstBuffer, size_t dstSize,
+ void* addArgs) {
+ size_t moreToFlush = 1;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = (ZSTD_DCtx*)addArgs;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out;
+ in.src = srcBuffer;
+ in.size = srcSize;
+ in.pos = 0;
+ out.dst = dstBuffer;
+ out.size = dstSize;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ while (moreToFlush) {
+ if(out.pos == out.size) {
+ return (size_t)-ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall;
+ }
+ moreToFlush = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx,
+ &out, &in);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(moreToFlush)) {
+ return moreToFlush;
+ }
+ }
+ return out.pos;
+* Data Initialization Functions
+typedef struct {
+ void* srcBuffer;
+ size_t srcSize;
+ const void** srcPtrs;
+ size_t* srcSizes;
+ void** dstPtrs;
+ size_t* dstCapacities;
+ size_t* dstSizes;
+ void** resPtrs;
+ size_t* resSizes;
+ size_t nbBlocks;
+ size_t maxBlockSize;
+} buffers_t;
+typedef struct {
+ size_t dictSize;
+ void* dictBuffer;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx;
+} contexts_t;
+static void freeNonSrcBuffers(const buffers_t b) {
+ free((void*)b.srcPtrs);
+ free(b.srcSizes);
+ if(b.dstPtrs != NULL) {
+ free(b.dstPtrs[0]);
+ }
+ free(b.dstPtrs);
+ free(b.dstCapacities);
+ free(b.dstSizes);
+ if(b.resPtrs != NULL) {
+ free(b.resPtrs[0]);
+ }
+ free(b.resPtrs);
+ free(b.resSizes);
+static void freeBuffers(const buffers_t b) {
+ if(b.srcPtrs != NULL) {
+ free(b.srcBuffer);
+ }
+ freeNonSrcBuffers(b);
+/* srcBuffer will be freed by freeBuffers now */
+static int createBuffersFromMemory(buffers_t* buff, void * srcBuffer, const size_t nbFiles,
+ const size_t* fileSizes)
+ size_t pos = 0, n, blockSize;
+ U32 maxNbBlocks, blockNb = 0;
+ buff->srcSize = 0;
+ for(n = 0; n < nbFiles; n++) {
+ buff->srcSize += fileSizes[n];
+ }
+ if(buff->srcSize == 0) {
+ DISPLAY("No data to bench\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ blockSize = g_blockSize ? g_blockSize : buff->srcSize;
+ maxNbBlocks = (U32) ((buff->srcSize + (blockSize-1)) / blockSize) + (U32)nbFiles;
+ buff->srcPtrs = (const void**)calloc(maxNbBlocks, sizeof(void*));
+ buff->srcSizes = (size_t*)malloc(maxNbBlocks * sizeof(size_t));
+ buff->dstPtrs = (void**)calloc(maxNbBlocks, sizeof(void*));
+ buff->dstCapacities = (size_t*)malloc(maxNbBlocks * sizeof(size_t));
+ buff->dstSizes = (size_t*)malloc(maxNbBlocks * sizeof(size_t));
+ buff->resPtrs = (void**)calloc(maxNbBlocks, sizeof(void*));
+ buff->resSizes = (size_t*)malloc(maxNbBlocks * sizeof(size_t));
+ if(!buff->srcPtrs || !buff->srcSizes || !buff->dstPtrs || !buff->dstCapacities || !buff->dstSizes || !buff->resPtrs || !buff->resSizes) {
+ DISPLAY("alloc error\n");
+ freeNonSrcBuffers(*buff);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ buff->srcBuffer = srcBuffer;
+ buff->srcPtrs[0] = (const void*)buff->srcBuffer;
+ buff->dstPtrs[0] = malloc(ZSTD_compressBound(buff->srcSize) + (maxNbBlocks * 1024));
+ buff->resPtrs[0] = malloc(buff->srcSize);
+ if(!buff->dstPtrs[0] || !buff->resPtrs[0]) {
+ DISPLAY("alloc error\n");
+ freeNonSrcBuffers(*buff);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for(n = 0; n < nbFiles; n++) {
+ size_t pos_end = pos + fileSizes[n];
+ for(; pos < pos_end; blockNb++) {
+ buff->srcPtrs[blockNb] = (const void*)((char*)srcBuffer + pos);
+ buff->srcSizes[blockNb] = blockSize;
+ pos += blockSize;
+ }
+ if(fileSizes[n] > 0) { buff->srcSizes[blockNb - 1] = ((fileSizes[n] - 1) % blockSize) + 1; }
+ pos = pos_end;
+ }
+ buff->dstCapacities[0] = ZSTD_compressBound(buff->srcSizes[0]);
+ buff->dstSizes[0] = buff->dstCapacities[0];
+ buff->resSizes[0] = buff->srcSizes[0];
+ buff->maxBlockSize = buff->srcSizes[0];
+ for(n = 1; n < blockNb; n++) {
+ buff->dstPtrs[n] = ((char*)buff->dstPtrs[n-1]) + buff->dstCapacities[n-1];
+ buff->resPtrs[n] = ((char*)buff->resPtrs[n-1]) + buff->resSizes[n-1];
+ buff->dstCapacities[n] = ZSTD_compressBound(buff->srcSizes[n]);
+ buff->dstSizes[n] = buff->dstCapacities[n];
+ buff->resSizes[n] = buff->srcSizes[n];
+ buff->maxBlockSize = MAX(buff->maxBlockSize, buff->srcSizes[n]);
+ }
+ buff->nbBlocks = blockNb;
+ return 0;
+/* allocates buffer's arguments. returns success / failure */
+static int createBuffers(buffers_t* buff, const char* const * const fileNamesTable,
+ size_t nbFiles) {
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ size_t n;
+ size_t totalSizeToLoad = (size_t)UTIL_getTotalFileSize(fileNamesTable, (U32)nbFiles);
+ size_t benchedSize = MIN(BMK_findMaxMem(totalSizeToLoad * 3) / 3, totalSizeToLoad);
+ size_t* fileSizes = calloc(sizeof(size_t), nbFiles);
+ void* srcBuffer = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if(!totalSizeToLoad || !benchedSize) {
+ ret = 1;
+ DISPLAY("Nothing to Bench\n");
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ srcBuffer = malloc(benchedSize);
+ if(!fileSizes || !srcBuffer) {
+ ret = 1;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ for(n = 0; n < nbFiles; n++) {
+ FILE* f;
+ U64 fileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(fileNamesTable[n]);
+ if (UTIL_isDirectory(fileNamesTable[n])) {
+ DISPLAY("Ignoring %s directory... \n", fileNamesTable[n]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fileSize == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN) {
+ DISPLAY("Cannot evaluate size of %s, ignoring ... \n", fileNamesTable[n]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ f = fopen(fileNamesTable[n], "rb");
+ if (f==NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("impossible to open file %s\n", fileNamesTable[n]);
+ fclose(f);
+ ret = 10;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Loading %s... \r", fileNamesTable[n]);
+ if (fileSize + pos > benchedSize) fileSize = benchedSize - pos, nbFiles=n; /* buffer too small - stop after this file */
+ {
+ char* buffer = (char*)(srcBuffer);
+ size_t const readSize = fread((buffer)+pos, 1, (size_t)fileSize, f);
+ fclose(f);
+ if (readSize != (size_t)fileSize) {
+ DISPLAY("could not read %s", fileNamesTable[n]);
+ ret = 1;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ fileSizes[n] = readSize;
+ pos += readSize;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = createBuffersFromMemory(buff, srcBuffer, nbFiles, fileSizes);
+ if(ret) { free(srcBuffer); }
+ free(fileSizes);
+ return ret;
+static void freeContexts(const contexts_t ctx) {
+ free(ctx.dictBuffer);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(ctx.cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(ctx.dctx);
+static int createContexts(contexts_t* ctx, const char* dictFileName) {
+ FILE* f;
+ size_t readSize;
+ ctx->cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ctx->dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ assert(ctx->cctx != NULL);
+ assert(ctx->dctx != NULL);
+ if(dictFileName == NULL) {
+ ctx->dictSize = 0;
+ ctx->dictBuffer = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ { U64 const dictFileSize = UTIL_getFileSize(dictFileName);
+ assert(dictFileSize != UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN);
+ ctx->dictSize = (size_t)dictFileSize;
+ assert((U64)ctx->dictSize == dictFileSize); /* check overflow */
+ }
+ ctx->dictBuffer = malloc(ctx->dictSize);
+ f = fopen(dictFileName, "rb");
+ if (f==NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to open file\n");
+ freeContexts(*ctx);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (ctx->dictSize > 64 MB || !(ctx->dictBuffer)) {
+ DISPLAY("dictionary too large\n");
+ fclose(f);
+ freeContexts(*ctx);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ readSize = fread(ctx->dictBuffer, 1, ctx->dictSize, f);
+ fclose(f);
+ if (readSize != ctx->dictSize) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to read file\n");
+ freeContexts(*ctx);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+* Optimizer Memoization Functions
+/* return: new length */
+/* keep old array, will need if iter over strategy. */
+/* prunes useless params */
+static size_t sanitizeVarArray(varInds_t* varNew, const size_t varLength, const varInds_t* varArray, const ZSTD_strategy strat) {
+ size_t i, j = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < varLength; i++) {
+ if( !((varArray[i] == clog_ind && strat == ZSTD_fast)
+ || (varArray[i] == slog_ind && strat == ZSTD_fast)
+ || (varArray[i] == slog_ind && strat == ZSTD_dfast)
+ || (varArray[i] == tlen_ind && strat < ZSTD_btopt && strat != ZSTD_fast))) {
+ varNew[j] = varArray[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ return j;
+/* res should be NUM_PARAMS size */
+/* constructs varArray from paramValues_t style parameter */
+/* pass in using dict. */
+static size_t variableParams(const paramValues_t paramConstraints, varInds_t* res, const int usingDictionary) {
+ varInds_t i;
+ size_t j = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ if(paramConstraints.vals[i] == PARAM_UNSET) {
+ if(i == fadt_ind && !usingDictionary) continue; /* don't use fadt if no dictionary */
+ res[j] = i; j++;
+ }
+ }
+ return j;
+/* length of memo table given free variables */
+static size_t memoTableLen(const varInds_t* varyParams, const size_t varyLen) {
+ size_t arrayLen = 1;
+ size_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < varyLen; i++) {
+ if(varyParams[i] == strt_ind) continue; /* strategy separated by table */
+ arrayLen *= rangetable[varyParams[i]];
+ }
+ return arrayLen;
+/* returns unique index in memotable of compression parameters */
+static unsigned memoTableIndDirect(const paramValues_t* ptr, const varInds_t* varyParams, const size_t varyLen) {
+ size_t i;
+ unsigned ind = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < varyLen; i++) {
+ varInds_t v = varyParams[i];
+ if(v == strt_ind) continue; /* exclude strategy from memotable */
+ ind *= rangetable[v]; ind += (unsigned)invRangeMap(v, ptr->vals[v]);
+ }
+ return ind;
+static size_t memoTableGet(const memoTable_t* memoTableArray, const paramValues_t p) {
+ const memoTable_t mt = memoTableArray[p.vals[strt_ind]];
+ switch(mt.tableType) {
+ case directMap:
+ return mt.table[memoTableIndDirect(&p, mt.varArray, mt.varLen)];
+ case xxhashMap:
+ return mt.table[(XXH64(&p.vals, sizeof(U32) * NUM_PARAMS, 0) >> 3) % mt.tableLen];
+ case noMemo:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0; /* should never happen, stop compiler warnings */
+static void memoTableSet(const memoTable_t* memoTableArray, const paramValues_t p, const BYTE value) {
+ const memoTable_t mt = memoTableArray[p.vals[strt_ind]];
+ switch(mt.tableType) {
+ case directMap:
+ mt.table[memoTableIndDirect(&p, mt.varArray, mt.varLen)] = value; break;
+ case xxhashMap:
+ mt.table[(XXH64(&p.vals, sizeof(U32) * NUM_PARAMS, 0) >> 3) % mt.tableLen] = value; break;
+ case noMemo:
+ break;
+ }
+/* frees all allocated memotables */
+/* secret contract :
+ * mtAll is a table of (ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX+1) memoTable_t */
+static void freeMemoTableArray(memoTable_t* const mtAll) {
+ int i;
+ if(mtAll == NULL) { return; }
+ for(i = 1; i <= (int)ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX; i++) {
+ free(mtAll[i].table);
+ }
+ free(mtAll);
+/* inits memotables for all (including mallocs), all strategies */
+/* takes unsanitized varyParams */
+static memoTable_t*
+createMemoTableArray(const paramValues_t p,
+ const varInds_t* const varyParams,
+ const size_t varyLen,
+ const U32 memoTableLog)
+ memoTable_t* const mtAll = (memoTable_t*)calloc(sizeof(memoTable_t),(ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX + 1));
+ ZSTD_strategy i, stratMin = ZSTD_STRATEGY_MIN, stratMax = ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX;
+ if(mtAll == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i <= (int)ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX; i++) {
+ mtAll[i].varLen = sanitizeVarArray(mtAll[i].varArray, varyLen, varyParams, i);
+ }
+ /* no memoization */
+ if(memoTableLog == 0) {
+ for(i = 1; i <= (int)ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX; i++) {
+ mtAll[i].tableType = noMemo;
+ mtAll[i].table = NULL;
+ mtAll[i].tableLen = 0;
+ }
+ return mtAll;
+ }
+ if(p.vals[strt_ind] != PARAM_UNSET) {
+ stratMin = p.vals[strt_ind];
+ stratMax = p.vals[strt_ind];
+ }
+ for(i = stratMin; i <= stratMax; i++) {
+ size_t mtl = memoTableLen(mtAll[i].varArray, mtAll[i].varLen);
+ mtAll[i].tableType = directMap;
+ if(memoTableLog != PARAM_UNSET && mtl > (1ULL << memoTableLog)) { /* use hash table */ /* provide some option to only use hash tables? */
+ mtAll[i].tableType = xxhashMap;
+ mtl = ((size_t)1 << memoTableLog);
+ }
+ mtAll[i].table = (BYTE*)calloc(sizeof(BYTE), mtl);
+ mtAll[i].tableLen = mtl;
+ if(mtAll[i].table == NULL) {
+ freeMemoTableArray(mtAll);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return mtAll;
+/* Sets pc to random unmeasured set of parameters */
+/* specify strategy */
+static void randomConstrainedParams(paramValues_t* pc, const memoTable_t* memoTableArray, const ZSTD_strategy st)
+ size_t j;
+ const memoTable_t mt = memoTableArray[st];
+ pc->vals[strt_ind] = st;
+ for(j = 0; j < mt.tableLen; j++) {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++) {
+ varInds_t v = mt.varArray[i];
+ if(v == strt_ind) continue;
+ pc->vals[v] = rangeMap(v, FUZ_rand(&g_rand) % rangetable[v]);
+ }
+ if(!(memoTableGet(memoTableArray, *pc))) break; /* only pick unpicked params. */
+ }
+* Benchmarking Functions
+static void display_params_tested(paramValues_t cParams)
+ varInds_t vi;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\r testing :");
+ for (vi=0; vi < NUM_PARAMS; vi++) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%3u,", (unsigned)cParams.vals[vi]);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\b \r");
+/* Replicate functionality of benchMemAdvanced, but with pre-split src / dst buffers */
+/* The purpose is so that sufficient information is returned so that a decompression call to benchMemInvertible is possible */
+/* BMK_benchMemAdvanced(srcBuffer,srcSize, dstBuffer, dstSize, fileSizes, nbFiles, 0, &cParams, dictBuffer, dictSize, ctx, dctx, 0, "File", &adv); */
+/* nbSeconds used in same way as in BMK_advancedParams_t */
+/* if in decodeOnly, then srcPtr's will be compressed blocks, and uncompressedBlocks will be written to dstPtrs */
+/* dictionary nullable, nothing else though. */
+/* note : it would be a lot better if this function was present in benchzstd.c,
+ * sharing code with benchMemAdvanced(), since it's technically a part of it */
+static BMK_benchOutcome_t
+BMK_benchMemInvertible( buffers_t buf, contexts_t ctx,
+ int cLevel, const paramValues_t* comprParams,
+ BMK_mode_t mode, unsigned nbSeconds)
+ U32 i;
+ BMK_benchResult_t bResult;
+ const void *const *const srcPtrs = (const void *const *const)buf.srcPtrs;
+ size_t const *const srcSizes = buf.srcSizes;
+ void** const dstPtrs = buf.dstPtrs;
+ size_t const *const dstCapacities = buf.dstCapacities;
+ size_t* const dstSizes = buf.dstSizes;
+ void** const resPtrs = buf.resPtrs;
+ size_t const *const resSizes = buf.resSizes;
+ const void* dictBuffer = ctx.dictBuffer;
+ const size_t dictBufferSize = ctx.dictSize;
+ const size_t nbBlocks = buf.nbBlocks;
+ const size_t srcSize = buf.srcSize;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ctx.cctx;
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ctx.dctx;
+ /* init */
+ display_params_tested(*comprParams);
+ memset(&bResult, 0, sizeof(bResult));
+ /* warming up memory */
+ for (i = 0; i < buf.nbBlocks; i++) {
+ if (mode != BMK_decodeOnly) {
+ RDG_genBuffer(dstPtrs[i], dstCapacities[i], 0.10, 0.50, 1);
+ } else {
+ RDG_genBuffer(resPtrs[i], resSizes[i], 0.10, 0.50, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Bench */
+ {
+ /* init args */
+ int compressionCompleted = (mode == BMK_decodeOnly);
+ int decompressionCompleted = (mode == BMK_compressOnly);
+ BMK_timedFnState_t* timeStateCompress = BMK_createTimedFnState(nbSeconds * 1000, 1000);
+ BMK_timedFnState_t* timeStateDecompress = BMK_createTimedFnState(nbSeconds * 1000, 1000);
+ BMK_benchParams_t cbp, dbp;
+ BMK_initCCtxArgs cctxprep;
+ BMK_initDCtxArgs dctxprep;
+ cbp.benchFn = local_defaultCompress;
+ cbp.benchPayload = cctx;
+ cbp.initFn = local_initCCtx;
+ cbp.initPayload = &cctxprep;
+ cbp.errorFn = ZSTD_isError;
+ cbp.blockCount = nbBlocks;
+ cbp.srcBuffers = srcPtrs;
+ cbp.srcSizes = srcSizes;
+ cbp.dstBuffers = dstPtrs;
+ cbp.dstCapacities = dstCapacities;
+ cbp.blockResults = dstSizes;
+ cctxprep.cctx = cctx;
+ cctxprep.dictBuffer = dictBuffer;
+ cctxprep.dictBufferSize = dictBufferSize;
+ cctxprep.cLevel = cLevel;
+ cctxprep.comprParams = comprParams;
+ dbp.benchFn = local_defaultDecompress;
+ dbp.benchPayload = dctx;
+ dbp.initFn = local_initDCtx;
+ dbp.initPayload = &dctxprep;
+ dbp.errorFn = ZSTD_isError;
+ dbp.blockCount = nbBlocks;
+ dbp.srcBuffers = (const void* const *) dstPtrs;
+ dbp.srcSizes = dstCapacities;
+ dbp.dstBuffers = resPtrs;
+ dbp.dstCapacities = resSizes;
+ dbp.blockResults = NULL;
+ dctxprep.dctx = dctx;
+ dctxprep.dictBuffer = dictBuffer;
+ dctxprep.dictBufferSize = dictBufferSize;
+ assert(timeStateCompress != NULL);
+ assert(timeStateDecompress != NULL);
+ while(!compressionCompleted) {
+ BMK_runOutcome_t const cOutcome = BMK_benchTimedFn(timeStateCompress, cbp);
+ if (!BMK_isSuccessful_runOutcome(cOutcome)) {
+ BMK_benchOutcome_t bOut;
+ memset(&bOut, 0, sizeof(bOut));
+ bOut.tag = 1; /* should rather be a function or a constant */
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateCompress);
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateDecompress);
+ return bOut;
+ }
+ { BMK_runTime_t const rResult = BMK_extract_runTime(cOutcome);
+ bResult.cSpeed = (unsigned long long)((double)srcSize * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / rResult.nanoSecPerRun);
+ bResult.cSize = rResult.sumOfReturn;
+ }
+ compressionCompleted = BMK_isCompleted_TimedFn(timeStateCompress);
+ }
+ while (!decompressionCompleted) {
+ BMK_runOutcome_t const dOutcome = BMK_benchTimedFn(timeStateDecompress, dbp);
+ if (!BMK_isSuccessful_runOutcome(dOutcome)) {
+ BMK_benchOutcome_t bOut;
+ memset(&bOut, 0, sizeof(bOut));
+ bOut.tag = 1; /* should rather be a function or a constant */
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateCompress);
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateDecompress);
+ return bOut;
+ }
+ { BMK_runTime_t const rResult = BMK_extract_runTime(dOutcome);
+ bResult.dSpeed = (unsigned long long)((double)srcSize * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC / rResult.nanoSecPerRun);
+ }
+ decompressionCompleted = BMK_isCompleted_TimedFn(timeStateDecompress);
+ }
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateCompress);
+ BMK_freeTimedFnState(timeStateDecompress);
+ }
+ /* Bench */
+ bResult.cMem = ((size_t)1 << (comprParams->vals[wlog_ind])) + ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx);
+ { BMK_benchOutcome_t bOut;
+ bOut.tag = 0;
+ bOut.internal_never_use_directly = bResult; /* should be a function */
+ return bOut;
+ }
+/* BMK_benchParam() :
+ * benchmark a set of `cParams` over sample `buf`,
+ * store the result in `resultPtr`.
+ * @return : 0 if success, 1 if error */
+static int BMK_benchParam ( BMK_benchResult_t* resultPtr,
+ buffers_t buf, contexts_t ctx,
+ paramValues_t cParams)
+ BMK_benchOutcome_t const outcome = BMK_benchMemInvertible(buf, ctx,
+ BASE_CLEVEL, &cParams,
+ BMK_both, 3);
+ if (!BMK_isSuccessful_benchOutcome(outcome)) return 1;
+ *resultPtr = BMK_extract_benchResult(outcome);
+ return 0;
+/* Benchmarking which stops when we are sufficiently sure the solution is infeasible / worse than the winner */
+#define VARIANCE 1.2
+static int allBench(BMK_benchResult_t* resultPtr,
+ const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx,
+ const paramValues_t cParams,
+ const constraint_t target,
+ BMK_benchResult_t* winnerResult, int feas)
+ BMK_benchResult_t benchres;
+ double uncertaintyConstantC = 3., uncertaintyConstantD = 3.;
+ double winnerRS;
+ BMK_benchOutcome_t const outcome = BMK_benchMemInvertible(buf, ctx, BASE_CLEVEL, &cParams, BMK_both, 2);
+ if (!BMK_isSuccessful_benchOutcome(outcome)) {
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Benchmarking failed \n");
+ return ERROR_RESULT;
+ }
+ benchres = BMK_extract_benchResult(outcome);
+ winnerRS = resultScore(*winnerResult, buf.srcSize, target);
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("WinnerScore: %f \n ", winnerRS);
+ *resultPtr = benchres;
+ /* anything with worse ratio in feas is definitely worse, discard */
+ if(feas && benchres.cSize < winnerResult->cSize && !g_optmode) {
+ return WORSE_RESULT;
+ }
+ /* calculate uncertainty in compression / decompression runs */
+ if (benchres.cSpeed) {
+ U64 const loopDurationC = (((U64)buf.srcSize * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC) / benchres.cSpeed);
+ uncertaintyConstantC = ((loopDurationC + (double)(2 * g_clockGranularity))/loopDurationC);
+ }
+ if (benchres.dSpeed) {
+ U64 const loopDurationD = (((U64)buf.srcSize * TIMELOOP_NANOSEC) / benchres.dSpeed);
+ uncertaintyConstantD = ((loopDurationD + (double)(2 * g_clockGranularity))/loopDurationD);
+ }
+ /* optimistic assumption of benchres */
+ { BMK_benchResult_t resultMax = benchres;
+ resultMax.cSpeed = (unsigned long long)(resultMax.cSpeed * uncertaintyConstantC * VARIANCE);
+ resultMax.dSpeed = (unsigned long long)(resultMax.dSpeed * uncertaintyConstantD * VARIANCE);
+ /* disregard infeasible results in feas mode */
+ /* disregard if resultMax < winner in infeas mode */
+ if((feas && !feasible(resultMax, target)) ||
+ (!feas && (winnerRS > resultScore(resultMax, buf.srcSize, target)))) {
+ return WORSE_RESULT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* compare by resultScore when in infeas */
+ /* compare by compareResultLT when in feas */
+ if((!feas && (resultScore(benchres, buf.srcSize, target) > resultScore(*winnerResult, buf.srcSize, target))) ||
+ (feas && (compareResultLT(*winnerResult, benchres, target, buf.srcSize))) ) {
+ } else {
+ return WORSE_RESULT;
+ }
+/* Memoized benchmarking, won't benchmark anything which has already been benchmarked before. */
+static int benchMemo(BMK_benchResult_t* resultPtr,
+ const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx,
+ const paramValues_t cParams,
+ const constraint_t target,
+ BMK_benchResult_t* winnerResult, memoTable_t* const memoTableArray,
+ const int feas) {
+ static int bmcount = 0;
+ int res;
+ if ( memoTableGet(memoTableArray, cParams) >= INFEASIBLE_THRESHOLD
+ || redundantParams(cParams, target, buf.maxBlockSize) ) {
+ return WORSE_RESULT;
+ }
+ res = allBench(resultPtr, buf, ctx, cParams, target, winnerResult, feas);
+ if(DEBUG && !(bmcount % 250)) {
+ DISPLAY("Count: %d\n", bmcount);
+ bmcount++;
+ }
+ BMK_printWinnerOpt(stdout, CUSTOM_LEVEL, *resultPtr, cParams, target, buf.srcSize);
+ if(res == BETTER_RESULT || feas) {
+ memoTableSet(memoTableArray, cParams, 255); /* what happens if collisions are frequent */
+ }
+ return res;
+typedef struct {
+ U64 cSpeed_min;
+ U64 dSpeed_min;
+ U32 windowLog_max;
+ ZSTD_strategy strategy_max;
+} level_constraints_t;
+static level_constraints_t g_level_constraint[NB_LEVELS_TRACKED+1];
+static void BMK_init_level_constraints(int bytePerSec_level1)
+ assert(NB_LEVELS_TRACKED >= ZSTD_maxCLevel());
+ memset(g_level_constraint, 0, sizeof(g_level_constraint));
+ g_level_constraint[1].cSpeed_min = bytePerSec_level1;
+ g_level_constraint[1].dSpeed_min = 0;
+ g_level_constraint[1].windowLog_max = 19;
+ g_level_constraint[1].strategy_max = ZSTD_fast;
+ /* establish speed objectives (relative to level 1) */
+ { int l;
+ for (l=2; l<=NB_LEVELS_TRACKED; l++) {
+ g_level_constraint[l].cSpeed_min = (g_level_constraint[l-1].cSpeed_min * 49) / 64;
+ g_level_constraint[l].dSpeed_min = 0;
+ g_level_constraint[l].windowLog_max = (l<20) ? 23 : l+5; /* only --ultra levels >= 20 can use windowlog > 23 */
+ g_level_constraint[l].strategy_max = ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX;
+ } }
+static int BMK_seed(winnerInfo_t* winners,
+ const paramValues_t params,
+ const buffers_t buf,
+ const contexts_t ctx)
+ BMK_benchResult_t testResult;
+ int better = 0;
+ int cLevel;
+ BMK_benchParam(&testResult, buf, ctx, params);
+ for (cLevel = 1; cLevel <= NB_LEVELS_TRACKED; cLevel++) {
+ if (testResult.cSpeed < g_level_constraint[cLevel].cSpeed_min)
+ continue; /* not fast enough for this level */
+ if (testResult.dSpeed < g_level_constraint[cLevel].dSpeed_min)
+ continue; /* not fast enough for this level */
+ if (params.vals[wlog_ind] > g_level_constraint[cLevel].windowLog_max)
+ continue; /* too much memory for this level */
+ if (params.vals[strt_ind] > (U32)g_level_constraint[cLevel].strategy_max)
+ continue; /* forbidden strategy for this level */
+ if (winners[cLevel].result.cSize==0) {
+ /* first solution for this cLevel */
+ winners[cLevel].result = testResult;
+ winners[cLevel].params = params;
+ BMK_print_cLevelEntry(stdout, cLevel, params, testResult, buf.srcSize);
+ better = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((double)testResult.cSize <= ((double)winners[cLevel].result.cSize * (1. + (0.02 / cLevel))) ) {
+ /* Validate solution is "good enough" */
+ double W_ratio = (double)buf.srcSize / testResult.cSize;
+ double O_ratio = (double)buf.srcSize / winners[cLevel].result.cSize;
+ double W_ratioNote = log (W_ratio);
+ double O_ratioNote = log (O_ratio);
+ size_t W_DMemUsed = (1 << params.vals[wlog_ind]) + (16 KB);
+ size_t O_DMemUsed = (1 << winners[cLevel].params.vals[wlog_ind]) + (16 KB);
+ double W_DMemUsed_note = W_ratioNote * ( 40 + 9*cLevel) - log((double)W_DMemUsed);
+ double O_DMemUsed_note = O_ratioNote * ( 40 + 9*cLevel) - log((double)O_DMemUsed);
+ size_t W_CMemUsed = ((size_t)1 << params.vals[wlog_ind]) + ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCParams(pvalsToCParams(params));
+ size_t O_CMemUsed = ((size_t)1 << winners[cLevel].params.vals[wlog_ind]) + ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCParams(pvalsToCParams(winners[cLevel].params));
+ double W_CMemUsed_note = W_ratioNote * ( 50 + 13*cLevel) - log((double)W_CMemUsed);
+ double O_CMemUsed_note = O_ratioNote * ( 50 + 13*cLevel) - log((double)O_CMemUsed);
+ double W_CSpeed_note = W_ratioNote * (double)( 30 + 10*cLevel) + log(testResult.cSpeed);
+ double O_CSpeed_note = O_ratioNote * (double)( 30 + 10*cLevel) + log(winners[cLevel].result.cSpeed);
+ double W_DSpeed_note = W_ratioNote * (double)( 20 + 2*cLevel) + log(testResult.dSpeed);
+ double O_DSpeed_note = O_ratioNote * (double)( 20 + 2*cLevel) + log(winners[cLevel].result.dSpeed);
+ if (W_DMemUsed_note < O_DMemUsed_note) {
+ /* uses too much Decompression memory for too little benefit */
+ if (W_ratio > O_ratio)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompression Memory : %5.3f @ %4.1f MB vs %5.3f @ %4.1f MB : not enough for level %i\n",
+ W_ratio, (double)(W_DMemUsed) / 1024 / 1024,
+ O_ratio, (double)(O_DMemUsed) / 1024 / 1024, cLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (W_CMemUsed_note < O_CMemUsed_note) {
+ /* uses too much memory for compression for too little benefit */
+ if (W_ratio > O_ratio)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compression Memory : %5.3f @ %4.1f MB vs %5.3f @ %4.1f MB : not enough for level %i\n",
+ W_ratio, (double)(W_CMemUsed) / 1024 / 1024,
+ O_ratio, (double)(O_CMemUsed) / 1024 / 1024,
+ cLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (W_CSpeed_note < O_CSpeed_note ) {
+ /* too large compression speed difference for the compression benefit */
+ if (W_ratio > O_ratio)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Compression Speed : %5.3f @ %4.1f MB/s vs %5.3f @ %4.1f MB/s : not enough for level %i\n",
+ W_ratio, (double)testResult.cSpeed / MB_UNIT,
+ O_ratio, (double)winners[cLevel].result.cSpeed / MB_UNIT,
+ cLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (W_DSpeed_note < O_DSpeed_note ) {
+ /* too large decompression speed difference for the compression benefit */
+ if (W_ratio > O_ratio)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Decompression Speed : %5.3f @ %4.1f MB/s vs %5.3f @ %4.1f MB/s : not enough for level %i\n",
+ W_ratio, (double)testResult.dSpeed / MB_UNIT,
+ O_ratio, (double)winners[cLevel].result.dSpeed / MB_UNIT,
+ cLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (W_ratio < O_ratio)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Solution %4.3f selected over %4.3f at level %i, due to better secondary statistics \n",
+ W_ratio, O_ratio, cLevel);
+ winners[cLevel].result = testResult;
+ winners[cLevel].params = params;
+ BMK_print_cLevelEntry(stdout, cLevel, params, testResult, buf.srcSize);
+ better = 1;
+ } }
+ return better;
+* Compression Level Table Generation Functions
+static BYTE g_alreadyTested[PARAMTABLESIZE] = {0}; /* init to zero */
+static BYTE* NB_TESTS_PLAYED(paramValues_t p)
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = pvalsToCParams(sanitizeParams(p));
+ unsigned long long const h64 = XXH64(&cParams, sizeof(cParams), 0);
+ return &g_alreadyTested[(h64 >> 3) & PARAMTABLEMASK];
+static void playAround(FILE* f,
+ winnerInfo_t* winners,
+ paramValues_t p,
+ const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx)
+ int nbVariations = 0;
+ UTIL_time_t const clockStart = UTIL_getTime();
+ while (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(clockStart) < g_maxVariationTime) {
+ if (nbVariations++ > g_maxNbVariations) break;
+ do {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ paramVaryOnce(FUZ_rand(&g_rand) % (strt_ind + 1),
+ ((FUZ_rand(&g_rand) & 1) << 1) - 1,
+ &p);
+ }
+ } while (!paramValid(p));
+ /* exclude faster if already played params */
+ if (FUZ_rand(&g_rand) & ((1 << *NB_TESTS_PLAYED(p))-1))
+ continue;
+ /* test */
+ { BYTE* const b = NB_TESTS_PLAYED(p);
+ (*b)++;
+ }
+ if (!BMK_seed(winners, p, buf, ctx)) continue;
+ /* improvement found => search more */
+ BMK_saveAndPrint_cLevelTable(f, winners, buf.srcSize);
+ playAround(f, winners, p, buf, ctx);
+ }
+static void
+BMK_selectRandomStart( FILE* f,
+ winnerInfo_t* winners,
+ const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx)
+ U32 const id = FUZ_rand(&g_rand) % (NB_LEVELS_TRACKED+1);
+ if ((id==0) || (winners[id].params.vals[wlog_ind]==0)) {
+ /* use some random entry */
+ paramValues_t const p = adjustParams(cParamsToPVals(pvalsToCParams(randomParams())), /* defaults nonCompression parameters */
+ buf.srcSize, 0);
+ playAround(f, winners, p, buf, ctx);
+ } else {
+ playAround(f, winners, winners[id].params, buf, ctx);
+ }
+/* BMK_generate_cLevelTable() :
+ * test a large number of configurations
+ * and distribute them across compression levels according to speed conditions.
+ * display and save all intermediate results into rfName = "grillResults.txt".
+ * the function automatically stops after g_timeLimit_s.
+ * this function cannot error, it directly exit() in case of problem.
+ */
+static void BMK_generate_cLevelTable(const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx)
+ paramValues_t params;
+ winnerInfo_t winners[NB_LEVELS_TRACKED+1];
+ const char* const rfName = "grillResults.txt";
+ FILE* const f = fopen(rfName, "w");
+ /* init */
+ assert(g_singleRun==0);
+ memset(winners, 0, sizeof(winners));
+ if (f==NULL) { DISPLAY("error opening %s \n", rfName); exit(1); }
+ if (g_target) {
+ BMK_init_level_constraints(g_target * MB_UNIT);
+ } else {
+ /* baseline config for level 1 */
+ paramValues_t const l1params = cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(1, buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize));
+ BMK_benchResult_t testResult;
+ BMK_benchParam(&testResult, buf, ctx, l1params);
+ BMK_init_level_constraints((int)((testResult.cSpeed * 31) / 32));
+ }
+ /* populate initial solution */
+ { const int maxSeeds = g_noSeed ? 1 : ZSTD_maxCLevel();
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<=maxSeeds; i++) {
+ params = cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(i, buf.maxBlockSize, 0));
+ BMK_seed(winners, params, buf, ctx);
+ } }
+ BMK_saveAndPrint_cLevelTable(f, winners, buf.srcSize);
+ /* start tests */
+ { const UTIL_time_t grillStart = UTIL_getTime();
+ do {
+ BMK_selectRandomStart(f, winners, buf, ctx);
+ } while (BMK_timeSpan_s(grillStart) < g_timeLimit_s);
+ }
+ /* end summary */
+ BMK_saveAndPrint_cLevelTable(f, winners, buf.srcSize);
+ DISPLAY("grillParams operations completed \n");
+ /* clean up*/
+ fclose(f);
+* Single Benchmark Functions
+static int
+benchOnce(const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx, const int cLevel)
+ BMK_benchResult_t testResult;
+ g_params = adjustParams(overwriteParams(cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize)), g_params), buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize);
+ if (BMK_benchParam(&testResult, buf, ctx, g_params)) {
+ DISPLAY("Error during benchmarking\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ BMK_printWinner(stdout, CUSTOM_LEVEL, testResult, g_params, buf.srcSize);
+ return 0;
+static int benchSample(double compressibility, int cLevel)
+ const char* const name = "Sample 10MB";
+ size_t const benchedSize = 10 MB;
+ void* const srcBuffer = malloc(benchedSize);
+ int ret = 0;
+ buffers_t buf;
+ contexts_t ctx;
+ if(srcBuffer == NULL) {
+ DISPLAY("Out of Memory\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(srcBuffer, benchedSize, compressibility, 0.0, 0);
+ if(createBuffersFromMemory(&buf, srcBuffer, 1, &benchedSize)) {
+ DISPLAY("Buffer Creation Error\n");
+ free(srcBuffer);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if(createContexts(&ctx, NULL)) {
+ DISPLAY("Context Creation Error\n");
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* bench */
+ DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");
+ DISPLAY("using %s %i%%: \n", name, (int)(compressibility*100));
+ if(g_singleRun) {
+ ret = benchOnce(buf, ctx, cLevel);
+ } else {
+ BMK_generate_cLevelTable(buf, ctx);
+ }
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ freeContexts(ctx);
+ return ret;
+/* benchFiles() :
+ * note: while this function takes a table of filenames,
+ * in practice, only the first filename will be used */
+static int benchFiles(const char** fileNamesTable, int nbFiles,
+ const char* dictFileName, int cLevel)
+ buffers_t buf;
+ contexts_t ctx;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (createBuffers(&buf, fileNamesTable, nbFiles)) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to load files\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (createContexts(&ctx, dictFileName)) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to load dictionary\n");
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("\r%79s\r", "");
+ if (nbFiles == 1) {
+ DISPLAY("using %s : \n", fileNamesTable[0]);
+ } else {
+ DISPLAY("using %d Files : \n", nbFiles);
+ }
+ if (g_singleRun) {
+ ret = benchOnce(buf, ctx, cLevel);
+ } else {
+ BMK_generate_cLevelTable(buf, ctx);
+ }
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ freeContexts(ctx);
+ return ret;
+* Local Optimization Functions
+/* One iteration of hill climbing. Specifically, it first tries all
+ * valid parameter configurations w/ manhattan distance 1 and picks the best one
+ * failing that, it progressively tries candidates further and further away (up to #dim + 2)
+ * if it finds a candidate exceeding winnerInfo, it will repeat. Otherwise, it will stop the
+ * current stage of hill climbing.
+ * Each iteration of hill climbing proceeds in 2 'phases'. Phase 1 climbs according to
+ * the resultScore function, which is effectively a linear increase in reward until it reaches
+ * the constraint-satisfying value, it which point any excess results in only logarithmic reward.
+ * This aims to find some constraint-satisfying point.
+ * Phase 2 optimizes in accordance with what the original function sets out to maximize, with
+ * all feasible solutions valued over all infeasible solutions.
+ */
+/* sanitize all params here.
+ * all generation after random should be sanitized. (maybe sanitize random)
+ */
+static winnerInfo_t climbOnce(const constraint_t target,
+ memoTable_t* mtAll,
+ const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx,
+ const paramValues_t init)
+ /*
+ * cparam - currently considered 'center'
+ * candidate - params to benchmark/results
+ * winner - best option found so far.
+ */
+ paramValues_t cparam = init;
+ winnerInfo_t candidateInfo, winnerInfo;
+ int better = 1;
+ int feas = 0;
+ winnerInfo = initWinnerInfo(init);
+ candidateInfo = winnerInfo;
+ { winnerInfo_t bestFeasible1 = initWinnerInfo(cparam);
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Climb Part 1\n");
+ while(better) {
+ int offset;
+ size_t i, dist;
+ const size_t varLen = mtAll[cparam.vals[strt_ind]].varLen;
+ better = 0;
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Start\n");
+ cparam = winnerInfo.params;
+ candidateInfo.params = cparam;
+ /* all dist-1 candidates */
+ for (i = 0; i < varLen; i++) {
+ for (offset = -1; offset <= 1; offset += 2) {
+ CHECKTIME(winnerInfo);
+ candidateInfo.params = cparam;
+ paramVaryOnce(mtAll[cparam.vals[strt_ind]].varArray[i],
+ offset,
+ &candidateInfo.params);
+ if(paramValid(candidateInfo.params)) {
+ int res;
+ res = benchMemo(&candidateInfo.result, buf, ctx,
+ sanitizeParams(candidateInfo.params), target, &winnerInfo.result, mtAll, feas);
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Res: %d\n", res);
+ if(res == BETTER_RESULT) { /* synonymous with better when called w/ infeasibleBM */
+ winnerInfo = candidateInfo;
+ better = 1;
+ if(compareResultLT(bestFeasible1.result, winnerInfo.result, target, buf.srcSize)) {
+ bestFeasible1 = winnerInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* for (offset = -1; offset <= 1; offset += 2) */
+ } /* for (i = 0; i < varLen; i++) */
+ if(better) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (dist = 2; dist < varLen + 2; dist++) { /* varLen is # dimensions */
+ for (i = 0; i < (1ULL << varLen) / varLen + 2; i++) {
+ int res;
+ CHECKTIME(winnerInfo);
+ candidateInfo.params = cparam;
+ /* param error checking already done here */
+ paramVariation(&candidateInfo.params, mtAll, (U32)dist);
+ res = benchMemo(&candidateInfo.result,
+ buf, ctx,
+ sanitizeParams(candidateInfo.params), target,
+ &winnerInfo.result, mtAll, feas);
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Res: %d\n", res);
+ if (res == BETTER_RESULT) { /* synonymous with better in this case*/
+ winnerInfo = candidateInfo;
+ better = 1;
+ if (compareResultLT(bestFeasible1.result, winnerInfo.result, target, buf.srcSize)) {
+ bestFeasible1 = winnerInfo;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (better) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* for(dist = 2; dist < varLen + 2; dist++) */
+ if (!better) { /* infeas -> feas -> stop */
+ if (feas) return winnerInfo;
+ feas = 1;
+ better = 1;
+ winnerInfo = bestFeasible1; /* note with change, bestFeasible may not necessarily be feasible, but if one has been benchmarked, it will be. */
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Climb Part 2\n");
+ }
+ }
+ winnerInfo = bestFeasible1;
+ }
+ return winnerInfo;
+/* Optimizes for a fixed strategy */
+/* flexible parameters: iterations of failed climbing (or if we do non-random, maybe this is when everything is close to visited)
+ weight more on visit for bad results, less on good results/more on later results / ones with more failures.
+ allocate memoTable here.
+ */
+static winnerInfo_t
+optimizeFixedStrategy(const buffers_t buf, const contexts_t ctx,
+ const constraint_t target, paramValues_t paramTarget,
+ const ZSTD_strategy strat,
+ memoTable_t* memoTableArray, const int tries)
+ int i = 0;
+ paramValues_t init;
+ winnerInfo_t winnerInfo, candidateInfo;
+ winnerInfo = initWinnerInfo(emptyParams());
+ /* so climb is given the right fixed strategy */
+ paramTarget.vals[strt_ind] = strat;
+ /* to pass ZSTD_checkCParams */
+ paramTarget = cParamUnsetMin(paramTarget);
+ init = paramTarget;
+ for(i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Restart\n");
+ do {
+ randomConstrainedParams(&init, memoTableArray, strat);
+ } while(redundantParams(init, target, buf.maxBlockSize));
+ candidateInfo = climbOnce(target, memoTableArray, buf, ctx, init);
+ if (compareResultLT(winnerInfo.result, candidateInfo.result, target, buf.srcSize)) {
+ winnerInfo = candidateInfo;
+ BMK_printWinnerOpt(stdout, CUSTOM_LEVEL, winnerInfo.result, winnerInfo.params, target, buf.srcSize);
+ i = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ CHECKTIME(winnerInfo);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return winnerInfo;
+/* goes best, best-1, best+1, best-2, ... */
+/* return 0 if nothing remaining */
+static int nextStrategy(const int currentStrategy, const int bestStrategy)
+ if(bestStrategy <= currentStrategy) {
+ int candidate = 2 * bestStrategy - currentStrategy - 1;
+ if(candidate < 1) {
+ candidate = currentStrategy + 1;
+ if(candidate > (int)ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ } else { /* bestStrategy >= currentStrategy */
+ int candidate = 2 * bestStrategy - currentStrategy;
+ if(candidate > (int)ZSTD_STRATEGY_MAX) {
+ candidate = currentStrategy - 1;
+ if(candidate < 1) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ }
+/* experiment with playing with this and decay value */
+/* main fn called when using --optimize */
+/* Does strategy selection by benchmarking default compression levels
+ * then optimizes by strategy, starting with the best one and moving
+ * progressively moving further away by number
+ * args:
+ * fileNamesTable - list of files to benchmark
+ * nbFiles - length of fileNamesTable
+ * dictFileName - name of dictionary file if one, else NULL
+ * target - performance constraints (cSpeed, dSpeed, cMem)
+ * paramTarget - parameter constraints (i.e. restriction search space to where strategy = ZSTD_fast)
+ * cLevel - compression level to exceed (all solutions must be > lvl in cSpeed + ratio)
+ */
+static unsigned g_maxTries = 5;
+#define TRY_DECAY 1
+static int
+optimizeForSize(const char* const * const fileNamesTable, const size_t nbFiles,
+ const char* dictFileName,
+ constraint_t target, paramValues_t paramTarget,
+ const int cLevelOpt, const int cLevelRun,
+ const U32 memoTableLog)
+ varInds_t varArray [NUM_PARAMS];
+ int ret = 0;
+ const size_t varLen = variableParams(paramTarget, varArray, dictFileName != NULL);
+ winnerInfo_t winner = initWinnerInfo(emptyParams());
+ memoTable_t* allMT = NULL;
+ paramValues_t paramBase;
+ contexts_t ctx;
+ buffers_t buf;
+ g_time = UTIL_getTime();
+ if (createBuffers(&buf, fileNamesTable, nbFiles)) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to load files\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (createContexts(&ctx, dictFileName)) {
+ DISPLAY("unable to load dictionary\n");
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (nbFiles == 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Loading %s... \r", fileNamesTable[0]);
+ } else {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Loading %lu Files... \r", (unsigned long)nbFiles);
+ }
+ /* sanitize paramTarget */
+ optimizerAdjustInput(&paramTarget, buf.maxBlockSize);
+ paramBase = cParamUnsetMin(paramTarget);
+ allMT = createMemoTableArray(paramTarget, varArray, varLen, memoTableLog);
+ if (!allMT) {
+ DISPLAY("MemoTable Init Error\n");
+ ret = 2;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ /* default strictnesses */
+ if (g_strictness == PARAM_UNSET) {
+ if(g_optmode) {
+ g_strictness = 100;
+ } else {
+ g_strictness = 90;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(0 >= g_strictness || g_strictness > 100) {
+ DISPLAY("Strictness Outside of Bounds\n");
+ ret = 4;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ }
+ /* use level'ing mode instead of normal target mode */
+ if (g_optmode) {
+ winner.params = cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(cLevelOpt, buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize));
+ if(BMK_benchParam(&winner.result, buf, ctx, winner.params)) {
+ ret = 3;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ g_lvltarget = winner.result;
+ g_lvltarget.cSpeed = (g_lvltarget.cSpeed * g_strictness) / 100;
+ g_lvltarget.dSpeed = (g_lvltarget.dSpeed * g_strictness) / 100;
+ g_lvltarget.cSize = (g_lvltarget.cSize * 100) / g_strictness;
+ target.cSpeed = (U32)g_lvltarget.cSpeed;
+ target.dSpeed = (U32)g_lvltarget.dSpeed;
+ BMK_printWinnerOpt(stdout, cLevelOpt, winner.result, winner.params, target, buf.srcSize);
+ }
+ /* Don't want it to return anything worse than the best known result */
+ if (g_singleRun) {
+ BMK_benchResult_t res;
+ g_params = adjustParams(overwriteParams(cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(cLevelRun, buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize)), g_params), buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize);
+ if (BMK_benchParam(&res, buf, ctx, g_params)) {
+ ret = 45;
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ if(compareResultLT(winner.result, res, relaxTarget(target), buf.srcSize)) {
+ winner.result = res;
+ winner.params = g_params;
+ }
+ }
+ /* bench */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
+ if(nbFiles == 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "optimizing for %s", fileNamesTable[0]);
+ } else {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "optimizing for %lu Files", (unsigned long)nbFiles);
+ }
+ if(target.cSpeed != 0) { DISPLAYLEVEL(2," - limit compression speed %u MB/s", (unsigned)(target.cSpeed >> 20)); }
+ if(target.dSpeed != 0) { DISPLAYLEVEL(2, " - limit decompression speed %u MB/s", (unsigned)(target.dSpeed >> 20)); }
+ if(target.cMem != (U32)-1) { DISPLAYLEVEL(2, " - limit memory %u MB", (unsigned)(target.cMem >> 20)); }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\n");
+ init_clockGranularity();
+ { paramValues_t CParams;
+ /* find best solution from default params */
+ { const int maxSeeds = g_noSeed ? 1 : ZSTD_maxCLevel();
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Strategy Selection\n");
+ if (paramTarget.vals[strt_ind] == PARAM_UNSET) {
+ BMK_benchResult_t candidate;
+ int i;
+ for (i=1; i<=maxSeeds; i++) {
+ int ec;
+ CParams = overwriteParams(cParamsToPVals(ZSTD_getCParams(i, buf.maxBlockSize, ctx.dictSize)), paramTarget);
+ ec = BMK_benchParam(&candidate, buf, ctx, CParams);
+ BMK_printWinnerOpt(stdout, i, candidate, CParams, target, buf.srcSize);
+ if(!ec && compareResultLT(winner.result, candidate, relaxTarget(target), buf.srcSize)) {
+ winner.result = candidate;
+ winner.params = CParams;
+ }
+ CHECKTIMEGT(ret, 0, _displayCleanUp); /* if pass time limit, stop */
+ /* if the current params are too slow, just stop. */
+ if(target.cSpeed > candidate.cSpeed * 3 / 2) { break; }
+ }
+ BMK_printWinnerOpt(stdout, CUSTOM_LEVEL, winner.result, winner.params, target, buf.srcSize);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("Real Opt\n");
+ /* start 'real' optimization */
+ { int bestStrategy = (int)winner.params.vals[strt_ind];
+ if (paramTarget.vals[strt_ind] == PARAM_UNSET) {
+ int st = bestStrategy;
+ int tries = g_maxTries;
+ /* one iterations of hill climbing with the level-defined parameters. */
+ { winnerInfo_t const w1 = climbOnce(target, allMT, buf, ctx, winner.params);
+ if (compareResultLT(winner.result, w1.result, target, buf.srcSize)) {
+ winner = w1;
+ }
+ CHECKTIMEGT(ret, 0, _displayCleanUp);
+ }
+ while(st && tries > 0) {
+ winnerInfo_t wc;
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("StrategySwitch: %s\n", g_stratName[st]);
+ wc = optimizeFixedStrategy(buf, ctx, target, paramBase, st, allMT, tries);
+ if(compareResultLT(winner.result, wc.result, target, buf.srcSize)) {
+ winner = wc;
+ tries = g_maxTries;
+ bestStrategy = st;
+ } else {
+ st = nextStrategy(st, bestStrategy);
+ tries -= TRY_DECAY;
+ }
+ CHECKTIMEGT(ret, 0, _displayCleanUp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ winner = optimizeFixedStrategy(buf, ctx, target, paramBase, paramTarget.vals[strt_ind], allMT, g_maxTries);
+ }
+ }
+ /* no solution found */
+ if(winner.result.cSize == (size_t)-1) {
+ ret = 1;
+ DISPLAY("No feasible solution found\n");
+ goto _cleanUp;
+ }
+ /* end summary */
+ if (g_displayLevel >= 0) {
+ BMK_displayOneResult(stdout, winner, buf.srcSize);
+ }
+ BMK_paramValues_into_commandLine(stdout, winner.params);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "grillParams size - optimizer completed \n");
+ }
+ freeContexts(ctx);
+ freeBuffers(buf);
+ freeMemoTableArray(allMT);
+ return ret;
+* CLI parsing functions
+/** longCommandWArg() :
+ * check if *stringPtr is the same as longCommand.
+ * If yes, @return 1 and advances *stringPtr to the position which immediately follows longCommand.
+ * @return 0 and doesn't modify *stringPtr otherwise.
+ * from zstdcli.c
+ */
+static int longCommandWArg(const char** stringPtr, const char* longCommand)
+ size_t const comSize = strlen(longCommand);
+ int const result = !strncmp(*stringPtr, longCommand, comSize);
+ if (result) *stringPtr += comSize;
+ return result;
+static void errorOut(const char* msg)
+ DISPLAY("%s \n", msg); exit(1);
+/*! readU32FromChar() :
+ * @return : unsigned integer value read from input in `char` format.
+ * allows and interprets K, KB, KiB, M, MB and MiB suffix.
+ * Will also modify `*stringPtr`, advancing it to position where it stopped reading.
+ * Note : function will exit() program if digit sequence overflows */
+static unsigned readU32FromChar(const char** stringPtr)
+ const char errorMsg[] = "error: numeric value too large";
+ unsigned sign = 1;
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ if(**stringPtr == '-') { sign = (unsigned)-1; (*stringPtr)++; }
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9')) {
+ unsigned const max = (((unsigned)(-1)) / 10) - 1;
+ if (result > max) errorOut(errorMsg);
+ result *= 10;
+ assert(**stringPtr >= '0');
+ result += (unsigned)(**stringPtr - '0');
+ (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ }
+ if ((**stringPtr=='K') || (**stringPtr=='M')) {
+ unsigned const maxK = ((unsigned)(-1)) >> 10;
+ if (result > maxK) errorOut(errorMsg);
+ result <<= 10;
+ if (**stringPtr=='M') {
+ if (result > maxK) errorOut(errorMsg);
+ result <<= 10;
+ }
+ (*stringPtr)++; /* skip `K` or `M` */
+ if (**stringPtr=='i') (*stringPtr)++;
+ if (**stringPtr=='B') (*stringPtr)++;
+ }
+ return result * sign;
+static double readDoubleFromChar(const char** stringPtr)
+ double result = 0, divide = 10;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9')) {
+ result *= 10, result += **stringPtr - '0', (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ }
+ if(**stringPtr!='.') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ (*stringPtr)++;
+ while ((**stringPtr >='0') && (**stringPtr <='9')) {
+ result += (double)(**stringPtr - '0') / divide, divide *= 10, (*stringPtr)++ ;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int usage(const char* exename)
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [arg] file\n", exename);
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " file : path to the file used as reference (if none, generates a compressible sample)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -H/-h : Help (this text + advanced options)\n");
+ return 0;
+static int usage_advanced(void)
+ DISPLAY( "\nAdvanced options :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -T# : set level 1 speed objective \n");
+ DISPLAY( " -B# : cut input into blocks of size # (default : single block) \n");
+ DISPLAY( " --optimize= : same as -O with more verbose syntax (see\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -S : Single run \n");
+ DISPLAY( " --zstd : Single run, parameter selection same as zstdcli \n");
+ DISPLAY( " -P# : generated sample compressibility (default : %.1f%%) \n", COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT * 100);
+ DISPLAY( " -t# : Caps runtime of operation in seconds (default : %u seconds (%.1f hours)) \n",
+ (unsigned)g_timeLimit_s, (double)g_timeLimit_s / 3600);
+ DISPLAY( " -v : Prints Benchmarking output\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -D : Next argument dictionary file\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -s : Separate Files\n");
+ return 0;
+static int badusage(const char* exename)
+ DISPLAY("Wrong parameters\n");
+ usage(exename);
+ return 1;
+#define PARSE_SUB_ARGS(stringLong, stringShort, variable) { \
+ if ( longCommandWArg(&argument, stringLong) \
+ || longCommandWArg(&argument, stringShort) ) { \
+ variable = readU32FromChar(&argument); \
+ if (argument[0]==',') { \
+ argument++; continue; \
+ } else break; \
+} }
+/* 1 if successful parse, 0 otherwise */
+static int parse_params(const char** argptr, paramValues_t* pv) {
+ int matched = 0;
+ const char* argOrig = *argptr;
+ varInds_t v;
+ for(v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ if ( longCommandWArg(argptr,g_shortParamNames[v])
+ || longCommandWArg(argptr, g_paramNames[v]) ) {
+ if(**argptr == '=') {
+ (*argptr)++;
+ pv->vals[v] = readU32FromChar(argptr);
+ matched = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* reset and try again */
+ *argptr = argOrig;
+ }
+ return matched;
+* Main
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ int i,
+ filenamesStart=0,
+ result;
+ const char* exename=argv[0];
+ const char* input_filename = NULL;
+ const char* dictFileName = NULL;
+ U32 main_pause = 0;
+ int cLevelOpt = 0, cLevelRun = 0;
+ int separateFiles = 0;
+ double compressibility = COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT;
+ U32 memoTableLog = PARAM_UNSET;
+ constraint_t target = { 0, 0, (U32)-1 };
+ paramValues_t paramTarget = emptyParams();
+ g_params = emptyParams();
+ assert(argc>=1); /* for exename */
+ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[i];
+ DEBUGOUTPUT("%d: %s\n", i, argument);
+ assert(argument != NULL);
+ if(!strcmp(argument,"--no-seed")) { g_noSeed = 1; continue; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--optimize=")) {
+ g_optimizer = 1;
+ for ( ; ;) {
+ if(parse_params(&argument, &paramTarget)) { if(argument[0] == ',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("compressionSpeed=" , "cSpeed=", target.cSpeed);
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("decompressionSpeed=", "dSpeed=", target.dSpeed);
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("compressionMemory=" , "cMem=", target.cMem);
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("strict=", "stc=", g_strictness);
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("maxTries=", "tries=", g_maxTries);
+ PARSE_SUB_ARGS("memoLimitLog=", "memLog=", memoTableLog);
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "level=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "lvl=")) { cLevelOpt = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument); g_optmode = 1; if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "speedForRatio=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "speedRatio=")) { g_ratioMultiplier = readDoubleFromChar(&argument); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ DISPLAY("invalid optimization parameter \n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (argument[0] != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("invalid --optimize= format\n");
+ return 1; /* check the end of string */
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--zstd=")) {
+ /* Decode command (note : aggregated commands are allowed) */
+ g_singleRun = 1;
+ for ( ; ;) {
+ if(parse_params(&argument, &g_params)) { if(argument[0] == ',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "level=") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "lvl=")) { cLevelRun = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument); g_params = emptyParams(); if (argument[0]==',') { argument++; continue; } else break; }
+ DISPLAY("invalid compression parameter \n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (argument[0] != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("invalid --zstd= format\n");
+ return 1; /* check the end of string */
+ }
+ continue;
+ /* if not return, success */
+ } else if (longCommandWArg(&argument, "--display=")) {
+ /* Decode command (note : aggregated commands are allowed) */
+ memset(g_silenceParams, 1, sizeof(g_silenceParams));
+ for ( ; ;) {
+ int found = 0;
+ varInds_t v;
+ for(v = 0; v < NUM_PARAMS; v++) {
+ if(longCommandWArg(&argument, g_shortParamNames[v]) || longCommandWArg(&argument, g_paramNames[v])) {
+ g_silenceParams[v] = 0;
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(longCommandWArg(&argument, "compressionParameters") || longCommandWArg(&argument, "cParams")) {
+ for(v = 0; v <= strt_ind; v++) {
+ g_silenceParams[v] = 0;
+ }
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ if(found) {
+ if(argument[0]==',') {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DISPLAY("invalid parameter name parameter \n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (argument[0] != 0) {
+ DISPLAY("invalid --display format\n");
+ return 1; /* check the end of string */
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (argument[0]=='-') {
+ argument++;
+ while (argument[0]!=0) {
+ switch(argument[0])
+ {
+ /* Display help on usage */
+ case 'h' :
+ case 'H': usage(exename); usage_advanced(); return 0;
+ /* Pause at the end (hidden option) */
+ case 'p': main_pause = 1; argument++; break;
+ /* Sample compressibility (when no file provided) */
+ case 'P':
+ argument++;
+ { U32 const proba32 = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ compressibility = (double)proba32 / 100.;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Run Single conf */
+ case 'S':
+ g_singleRun = 1;
+ argument++;
+ for ( ; ; ) {
+ switch(*argument)
+ {
+ case 'w':
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[wlog_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'c':
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[clog_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'h':
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[hlog_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 's':
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[slog_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'l': /* search length */
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[mml_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 't': /* target length */
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[tlen_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'S': /* strategy */
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[strt_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'f': /* forceAttachDict */
+ argument++;
+ g_params.vals[fadt_ind] = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ continue;
+ case 'L':
+ { argument++;
+ cLevelRun = (int)readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ g_params = emptyParams();
+ continue;
+ }
+ default : ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* target level1 speed objective, in MB/s */
+ case 'T':
+ argument++;
+ g_target = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ /* cut input into blocks */
+ case 'B':
+ argument++;
+ g_blockSize = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ DISPLAY("using %u KB block size \n", (unsigned)(g_blockSize>>10));
+ break;
+ /* caps runtime (in seconds) */
+ case 't':
+ argument++;
+ g_timeLimit_s = readU32FromChar(&argument);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ argument++;
+ separateFiles = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ while (argument[0] == 'q') { argument++; g_displayLevel--; }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ while (argument[0] == 'v') { argument++; g_displayLevel++; }
+ break;
+ /* load dictionary file (only applicable for optimizer rn) */
+ case 'D':
+ if(i == argc - 1) { /* last argument, return error. */
+ DISPLAY("Dictionary file expected but not given : %d\n", i);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ dictFileName = argv[i];
+ argument += strlen(argument);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Unknown command */
+ default : return badusage(exename);
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ } /* if (argument[0]=='-') */
+ /* first provided filename is input */
+ if (!input_filename) { input_filename=argument; filenamesStart=i; continue; }
+ }
+ /* Welcome message */
+ if (filenamesStart==0) {
+ if (g_optimizer) {
+ DISPLAY("Optimizer Expects File\n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ result = benchSample(compressibility, cLevelRun);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(separateFiles) {
+ for(i = 0; i < argc - filenamesStart; i++) {
+ if (g_optimizer) {
+ result = optimizeForSize(argv+filenamesStart + i, 1, dictFileName, target, paramTarget, cLevelOpt, cLevelRun, memoTableLog);
+ if(result) { DISPLAY("Error on File %d", i); return result; }
+ } else {
+ result = benchFiles(argv+filenamesStart + i, 1, dictFileName, cLevelRun);
+ if(result) { DISPLAY("Error on File %d", i); return result; }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (g_optimizer) {
+ assert(filenamesStart < argc);
+ result = optimizeForSize(argv+filenamesStart, (size_t)(argc-filenamesStart), dictFileName, target, paramTarget, cLevelOpt, cLevelRun, memoTableLog);
+ } else {
+ result = benchFiles(argv+filenamesStart, argc-filenamesStart, dictFileName, cLevelRun);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (main_pause) { int unused; printf("press enter...\n"); unused = getchar(); (void)unused; }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..a772b61ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1738 @@
+set -e
+die() {
+ println "$@" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+datagen() {
+ "$DATAGEN_BIN" "$@"
+zstd() {
+ if [ -z "$EXEC_PREFIX" ]; then
+ "$ZSTD_BIN" "$@"
+ else
+ fi
+sudoZstd() {
+ if [ -z "$EXEC_PREFIX" ]; then
+ sudo "$ZSTD_BIN" "$@"
+ else
+ sudo "$EXEC_PREFIX" "$ZSTD_BIN" "$@"
+ fi
+roundTripTest() {
+ if [ -n "$3" ]; then
+ cLevel="$3"
+ proba="$2"
+ else
+ cLevel="$2"
+ proba=""
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$4" ]; then
+ dLevel="$4"
+ else
+ dLevel="$cLevel"
+ fi
+ rm -f tmp1 tmp2
+ println "roundTripTest: datagen $1 $proba | zstd -v$cLevel | zstd -d$dLevel"
+ datagen $1 $proba | $MD5SUM > tmp1
+ datagen $1 $proba | zstd --ultra -v$cLevel | zstd -d$dLevel | $MD5SUM > tmp2
+ $DIFF -q tmp1 tmp2
+fileRoundTripTest() {
+ if [ -n "$3" ]; then
+ local_c="$3"
+ local_p="$2"
+ else
+ local_c="$2"
+ local_p=""
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$4" ]; then
+ local_d="$4"
+ else
+ local_d="$local_c"
+ fi
+ rm -f tmp.zst tmp.md5.1 tmp.md5.2
+ println "fileRoundTripTest: datagen $1 $local_p > tmp && zstd -v$local_c -c tmp | zstd -d$local_d"
+ datagen $1 $local_p > tmp
+ < tmp $MD5SUM > tmp.md5.1
+ zstd --ultra -v$local_c -c tmp | zstd -d$local_d | $MD5SUM > tmp.md5.2
+ $DIFF -q tmp.md5.1 tmp.md5.2
+truncateLastByte() {
+ dd bs=1 count=$(($(wc -c < "$1") - 1)) if="$1"
+println() {
+ printf '%b\n' "${*}"
+if [ -z "${size}" ]; then
+ size=
+ size=${size}
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
+if [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ]
+ detectedTerminal=true
+case "$UNAME" in
+ GNU) DEVDEVICE="/dev/random" ;;
+ *) DEVDEVICE="/dev/zero" ;;
+case "$OS" in
+ Windows*)
+ isWindows=true
+ ;;
+case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin) MD5SUM="md5 -r" ;;
+ FreeBSD) MD5SUM="gmd5sum" ;;
+ NetBSD) MD5SUM="md5 -n" ;;
+ OpenBSD) MD5SUM="md5" ;;
+ *) MD5SUM="md5sum" ;;
+MTIME="stat -c %Y"
+case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin | FreeBSD | OpenBSD | NetBSD) MTIME="stat -f %m" ;;
+assertSameMTime() {
+ MT1=$($MTIME "$1")
+ MT2=$($MTIME "$2")
+ echo MTIME $MT1 $MT2
+ [ "$MT1" = "$MT2" ] || die "mtime on $1 doesn't match mtime on $2 ($MT1 != $MT2)"
+GET_PERMS="stat -c %a"
+case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin | FreeBSD | OpenBSD | NetBSD) GET_PERMS="stat -f %Lp" ;;
+assertFilePermissions() {
+ STAT1=$($GET_PERMS "$1")
+ STAT2=$2
+ [ "$STAT1" = "$STAT2" ] || die "permissions on $1 don't match expected ($STAT1 != $STAT2)"
+assertSamePermissions() {
+ STAT1=$($GET_PERMS "$1")
+ STAT2=$($GET_PERMS "$2")
+ [ "$STAT1" = "$STAT2" ] || die "permissions on $1 don't match those on $2 ($STAT1 != $STAT2)"
+case "$UNAME" in
+ SunOS) DIFF="gdiff" ;;
+# check if ZSTD_BIN is defined. if not, use the default value
+if [ -z "${ZSTD_BIN}" ]; then
+ println "\nZSTD_BIN is not set. Using the default value..."
+# check if DATAGEN_BIN is defined. if not, use the default value
+if [ -z "${DATAGEN_BIN}" ]; then
+ println "\nDATAGEN_BIN is not set. Using the default value..."
+# Why was this line here ? Generates a strange ZSTD_BIN when EXE_PREFIX is non empty
+# assertions
+[ -n "$ZSTD_BIN" ] || die "zstd not found at $ZSTD_BIN! \n Please define ZSTD_BIN pointing to the zstd binary. You might also consider rebuilding zstd following the instructions in"
+[ -n "$DATAGEN_BIN" ] || die "datagen not found at $DATAGEN_BIN! \n Please define DATAGEN_BIN pointing to the datagen binary. You might also consider rebuilding zstd tests following the instructions in "
+println "\nStarting isWindows=$isWindows EXE_PREFIX='$EXE_PREFIX' ZSTD_BIN='$ZSTD_BIN' DATAGEN_BIN='$DATAGEN_BIN'"
+if echo hello | zstd -v -T2 2>&1 > $INTOVOID | grep -q 'multi-threading is disabled'
+ hasMT=""
+ hasMT="true"
+println "\n===> simple tests "
+datagen > tmp
+zstd -h
+zstd -H
+zstd -V
+println "test : basic compression "
+zstd -f tmp # trivial compression case, creates tmp.zst
+zstd -f -z tmp
+zstd -f -k tmp
+zstd -f -C tmp
+println "test : basic decompression"
+zstd -df tmp.zst # trivial decompression case (overwrites tmp)
+println "test : too large compression level => auto-fix"
+zstd -99 -f tmp # too large compression level, automatic sized down
+zstd -5000000000 -f tmp && die "too large numeric value : must fail"
+println "test : --fast aka negative compression levels"
+zstd --fast -f tmp # == -1
+zstd --fast=3 -f tmp # == -3
+zstd --fast=200000 -f tmp # too low compression level, automatic fixed
+zstd --fast=5000000000 -f tmp && die "too large numeric value : must fail"
+zstd -c --fast=0 tmp > $INTOVOID && die "--fast must not accept value 0"
+println "test : too large numeric argument"
+zstd --fast=9999999999 -f tmp && die "should have refused numeric value"
+println "test : set compression level with environment variable ZSTD_CLEVEL"
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=12 zstd -f tmp # positive compression level
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=-12 zstd -f tmp # negative compression level
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=+12 zstd -f tmp # valid: verbose '+' sign
+ZSTD_CLEVEL='' zstd -f tmp # empty env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=- zstd -f tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=a zstd -f tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=+a zstd -f tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=3a7 zstd -f tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=50000000000 zstd -f tmp # numeric value too large, warn and revert to default setting
+println "test : override ZSTD_CLEVEL with command line option"
+ZSTD_CLEVEL=12 zstd --fast=3 -f tmp # overridden by command line option
+println "test : compress to stdout"
+zstd tmp -c > tmpCompressed
+zstd tmp --stdout > tmpCompressed # long command format
+println "test : compress to named file"
+rm -f tmpCompressed
+zstd tmp -o tmpCompressed
+test -f tmpCompressed # file must be created
+println "test : force write, correct order"
+zstd tmp -fo tmpCompressed
+println "test : forgotten argument"
+cp tmp tmp2
+zstd tmp2 -fo && die "-o must be followed by filename "
+println "test : implied stdout when input is stdin"
+println bob | zstd | zstd -d
+if [ "$isTerminal" = true ]; then
+println "test : compressed data to terminal"
+println bob | zstd && die "should have refused : compressed data to terminal"
+println "test : compressed data from terminal (a hang here is a test fail, zstd is wrongly waiting on data from terminal)"
+zstd -d > $INTOVOID && die "should have refused : compressed data from terminal"
+println "test : null-length file roundtrip"
+println -n '' | zstd - --stdout | zstd -d --stdout
+println "test : ensure small file doesn't add 3-bytes null block"
+datagen -g1 > tmp1
+zstd tmp1 -c | wc -c | grep "14"
+zstd < tmp1 | wc -c | grep "14"
+println "test : decompress file with wrong suffix (must fail)"
+zstd -d tmpCompressed && die "wrong suffix error not detected!"
+zstd -df tmp && die "should have refused : wrong extension"
+println "test : decompress into stdout"
+zstd -d tmpCompressed -c > tmpResult # decompression using stdout
+zstd --decompress tmpCompressed -c > tmpResult
+zstd --decompress tmpCompressed --stdout > tmpResult
+println "test : decompress from stdin into stdout"
+zstd -dc < tmp.zst > $INTOVOID # combine decompression, stdin & stdout
+zstd -dc - < tmp.zst > $INTOVOID
+zstd -d < tmp.zst > $INTOVOID # implicit stdout when stdin is used
+zstd -d - < tmp.zst > $INTOVOID
+println "test : impose memory limitation (must fail)"
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst -M2K -c > $INTOVOID && die "decompression needs more memory than allowed"
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst --memlimit=2K -c > $INTOVOID && die "decompression needs more memory than allowed" # long command
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst --memory=2K -c > $INTOVOID && die "decompression needs more memory than allowed" # long command
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst --memlimit-decompress=2K -c > $INTOVOID && die "decompression needs more memory than allowed" # long command
+println "test : overwrite protection"
+zstd -q tmp && die "overwrite check failed!"
+println "test : force overwrite"
+zstd -q -f tmp
+zstd -q --force tmp
+println "test : overwrite readonly file"
+rm -f tmpro tmpro.zst
+println foo > tmpro.zst
+println foo > tmpro
+chmod 400 tmpro.zst
+zstd -q tmpro && die "should have refused to overwrite read-only file"
+zstd -q -f tmpro
+println "test: --no-progress flag"
+zstd tmpro -c --no-progress | zstd -d -f -o "$INTOVOID" --no-progress
+zstd tmpro -cv --no-progress | zstd -dv -f -o "$INTOVOID" --no-progress
+println "test: --progress flag"
+zstd tmpro -c | zstd -d -f -o "$INTOVOID" --progress 2>&1 | grep -E "[A-Za-z0-9._ ]+: [0-9]+ bytes"
+zstd tmpro -c | zstd -d -f -q -o "$INTOVOID" --progress 2>&1 | grep -E "[A-Za-z0-9._ ]+: [0-9]+ bytes"
+zstd tmpro -c | zstd -d -f -v -o "$INTOVOID" 2>&1 | grep -E "[A-Za-z0-9._ ]+: [0-9]+ bytes"
+rm -f tmpro tmpro.zst
+println "test: overwrite input file (must fail)"
+zstd tmp -fo tmp && die "zstd compression overwrote the input file"
+zstd tmp.zst -dfo tmp.zst && die "zstd decompression overwrote the input file"
+println "test: detect that input file does not exist"
+zstd nothere && die "zstd hasn't detected that input file does not exist"
+println "test: --[no-]compress-literals"
+zstd tmp -c --no-compress-literals -1 | zstd -t
+zstd tmp -c --no-compress-literals --fast=1 | zstd -t
+zstd tmp -c --no-compress-literals -19 | zstd -t
+zstd tmp -c --compress-literals -1 | zstd -t
+zstd tmp -c --compress-literals --fast=1 | zstd -t
+zstd tmp -c --compress-literals -19 | zstd -t
+zstd -b --fast=1 -i0e1 tmp --compress-literals
+zstd -b --fast=1 -i0e1 tmp --no-compress-literals
+println "test: --no-check for decompression"
+zstd -f tmp -o tmp_corrupt.zst --check
+zstd -f tmp -o tmp.zst --no-check
+printf '\xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF' | dd of=tmp_corrupt.zst bs=1 seek=$(($(wc -c < "tmp_corrupt.zst") - 4)) count=4 conv=notrunc # corrupt checksum in tmp
+zstd -d -f tmp_corrupt.zst --no-check
+zstd -d -f tmp_corrupt.zst --check --no-check # final flag overrides
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst --no-check
+println "\n===> zstdgrep tests"
+ln -sf "$ZSTD_BIN" zstdcat
+rm -f tmp_grep
+echo "1234" > tmp_grep
+zstd -f tmp_grep
+lines=$(ZCAT=./zstdcat "$ZSTDGREP" 2>&1 "1234" tmp_grep tmp_grep.zst | wc -l)
+test 2 -eq $lines
+ZCAT=./zstdcat "$ZSTDGREP" 2>&1 "1234" tmp_grep_bad.zst && die "Should have failed"
+ZCAT=./zstdcat "$ZSTDGREP" 2>&1 "1234" tmp_grep_bad.zst | grep "No such file or directory" || true
+rm -f tmp_grep*
+println "\n===> --exclude-compressed flag"
+rm -rf precompressedFilterTestDir
+mkdir -p precompressedFilterTestDir
+datagen $size > precompressedFilterTestDir/input.5
+datagen $size > precompressedFilterTestDir/input.6
+zstd --exclude-compressed --long --rm -r precompressedFilterTestDir
+datagen $size > precompressedFilterTestDir/input.7
+datagen $size > precompressedFilterTestDir/input.8
+zstd --exclude-compressed --long --rm -r precompressedFilterTestDir
+test ! -f precompressedFilterTestDir/input.5.zst.zst
+test ! -f precompressedFilterTestDir/input.6.zst.zst
+file1timestamp=`$MTIME precompressedFilterTestDir/input.5.zst`
+file2timestamp=`$MTIME precompressedFilterTestDir/input.7.zst`
+if [ $file2timestamp -ge $file1timestamp ]; then
+ println "Test is successful. input.5.zst is precompressed and therefore not compressed/modified again."
+ println "Test is not successful"
+# File Extension check.
+datagen $size > precompressedFilterTestDir/input.zstbar
+zstd --exclude-compressed --long --rm -r precompressedFilterTestDir
+# zstd should compress input.zstbar
+test -f precompressedFilterTestDir/input.zstbar.zst
+# Check without the --exclude-compressed flag
+zstd --long --rm -r precompressedFilterTestDir
+# Files should get compressed again without the --exclude-compressed flag.
+test -f precompressedFilterTestDir/input.5.zst.zst
+test -f precompressedFilterTestDir/input.6.zst.zst
+rm -rf precompressedFilterTestDir
+println "Test completed"
+println "\n===> warning prompts should not occur if stdin is an input"
+println "y" > tmpPrompt
+println "hello world" >> tmpPrompt
+zstd tmpPrompt -f
+zstd < tmpPrompt -o tmpPrompt.zst && die "should have aborted immediately and failed to overwrite"
+zstd < tmpPrompt -o tmpPrompt.zst -f # should successfully overwrite with -f
+zstd -q -d -f tmpPrompt.zst -o tmpPromptRegenerated
+$DIFF tmpPromptRegenerated tmpPrompt # the first 'y' character should not be swallowed
+echo 'yes' | zstd tmpPrompt -v -o tmpPrompt.zst # accept piped "y" input to force overwrite when using files
+echo 'yes' | zstd < tmpPrompt -v -o tmpPrompt.zst && die "should have aborted immediately and failed to overwrite"
+zstd tmpPrompt - < tmpPrompt -o tmpPromp.zst --rm && die "should have aborted immediately and failed to remove"
+println "Test completed"
+println "\n===> recursive mode test "
+# combination of -r with empty list of input file
+zstd -c -r < tmp > tmp.zst
+println "\n===> file removal"
+zstd -f --rm tmp
+test ! -f tmp # tmp should no longer be present
+zstd -f -d --rm tmp.zst
+test ! -f tmp.zst # tmp.zst should no longer be present
+println "test : should quietly not remove non-regular file"
+println hello > tmp
+zstd tmp -f -o "$DEVDEVICE" 2>tmplog > "$INTOVOID"
+grep "Refusing to remove non-regular file" tmplog && die
+rm -f tmplog
+zstd tmp -f -o "$INTOVOID" 2>&1 | grep "Refusing to remove non-regular file" && die
+println "test : --rm on stdin"
+println a | zstd --rm > $INTOVOID # --rm should remain silent
+rm -f tmp
+zstd -f tmp && die "tmp not present : should have failed"
+test ! -f tmp.zst # tmp.zst should not be created
+println "test : -d -f do not delete destination when source is not present"
+touch tmp # create destination file
+zstd -d -f tmp.zst && die "attempt to decompress a non existing file"
+test -f tmp # destination file should still be present
+println "test : -f do not delete destination when source is not present"
+rm -f tmp # erase source file
+touch tmp.zst # create destination file
+zstd -f tmp && die "attempt to compress a non existing file"
+test -f tmp.zst # destination file should still be present
+rm -rf tmp* # may also erase tmp* directory from previous failed run
+println "\n===> decompression only tests "
+# the following test verifies that the decoder is compatible with RLE as first block
+# older versions of zstd cli are not able to decode such corner case.
+# As a consequence, the zstd cli do not generate them, to maintain compatibility with older versions.
+dd bs=1048576 count=1 if=/dev/zero of=tmp
+zstd -d -o tmp1 "$TESTDIR/golden-decompression/rle-first-block.zst"
+$DIFF -s tmp1 tmp
+rm -f tmp*
+println "\n===> compress multiple files"
+println hello > tmp1
+println world > tmp2
+zstd tmp1 tmp2 -o "$INTOVOID" -f
+zstd tmp1 tmp2 -c | zstd -t
+zstd tmp1 tmp2 -o tmp.zst
+test ! -f tmp1.zst
+test ! -f tmp2.zst
+zstd tmp1 tmp2
+zstd -t tmp1.zst tmp2.zst
+zstd -dc tmp1.zst tmp2.zst
+zstd tmp1.zst tmp2.zst -o "$INTOVOID" -f
+zstd -d tmp1.zst tmp2.zst -o tmp
+touch tmpexists
+zstd tmp1 tmp2 -f -o tmpexists
+zstd tmp1 tmp2 -q -o tmpexists && die "should have refused to overwrite"
+println gooder > tmp_rm1
+println boi > tmp_rm2
+println worldly > tmp_rm3
+echo 'y' | zstd tmp_rm1 tmp_rm2 -v -o tmp_rm3.zst --rm # tests the warning prompt for --rm with multiple inputs into once source
+test ! -f tmp_rm1
+test ! -f tmp_rm2
+cp tmp_rm3.zst tmp_rm4.zst
+echo 'Y' | zstd -d tmp_rm3.zst tmp_rm4.zst -v -o tmp_rm_out --rm
+test ! -f tmp_rm3.zst
+test ! -f tmp_rm4.zst
+echo 'yes' | zstd tmp_rm_out tmp_rm3 -c --rm && die "compressing multiple files to stdout with --rm should fail unless -f is specified"
+echo 'yes' | zstd tmp_rm_out tmp_rm3 -c --rm -v && die "compressing multiple files to stdout with --rm should fail unless -f is specified"
+println gooder > tmpexists1
+zstd tmpexists1 tmpexists -c --rm -f > $INTOVOID
+# Bug: PR #972
+if [ "$?" -eq 139 ]; then
+ die "should not have segfaulted"
+println "\n===> multiple files and shell completion "
+datagen -s1 > tmp1 2> $INTOVOID
+datagen -s2 -g100K > tmp2 2> $INTOVOID
+datagen -s3 -g1M > tmp3 2> $INTOVOID
+println "compress tmp* : "
+zstd -f tmp*
+test -f tmp1.zst
+test -f tmp2.zst
+test -f tmp3.zst
+rm -f tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
+println "decompress tmp* : "
+zstd -df ./*.zst
+test -f tmp1
+test -f tmp2
+test -f tmp3
+println "compress tmp* into stdout > tmpall : "
+zstd -c tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 > tmpall
+test -f tmpall # should check size of tmpall (should be tmp1.zst + tmp2.zst + tmp3.zst)
+println "decompress tmpall* into stdout > tmpdec : "
+cp tmpall tmpall2
+zstd -dc tmpall* > tmpdec
+test -f tmpdec # should check size of tmpdec (should be 2*(tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3))
+println "compress multiple files including a missing one (notHere) : "
+zstd -f tmp1 notHere tmp2 && die "missing file not detected!"
+rm -f tmp*
+if [ "$isWindows" = false ] ; then
+ println "\n===> zstd fifo named pipe test "
+ echo "Hello World!" > tmp_original
+ mkfifo tmp_named_pipe
+ # note : fifo test doesn't work in combination with `dd` or `cat`
+ echo "Hello World!" > tmp_named_pipe &
+ zstd tmp_named_pipe -o tmp_compressed
+ zstd -d -o tmp_decompressed tmp_compressed
+ $DIFF -s tmp_original tmp_decompressed
+ rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> zstd created file permissions tests"
+if [ "$isWindows" = false ] ; then
+ rm -f tmp1 tmp2 tmp1.zst tmp2.zst tmp1.out tmp2.out # todo: remove
+ umask 0000
+ datagen > tmp1
+ datagen > tmp2
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1 666
+ assertFilePermissions tmp2 666
+ println "test : copy 666 permissions in file -> file compression "
+ zstd -f tmp1 -o tmp1.zst
+ assertSamePermissions tmp1 tmp1.zst
+ println "test : copy 666 permissions in file -> file decompression "
+ zstd -f -d tmp1.zst -o tmp1.out
+ assertSamePermissions tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ println "test : copy 400 permissions in file -> file compression (write to a read-only file) "
+ chmod 0400 tmp1
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1 400
+ zstd -f tmp1 -o tmp1.zst
+ assertSamePermissions tmp1 tmp1.zst
+ println "test : copy 400 permissions in file -> file decompression (write to a read-only file) "
+ zstd -f -d tmp1.zst -o tmp1
+ assertSamePermissions tmp1.zst tmp1
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ println "test : check created permissions from stdin input in compression "
+ zstd -f -o tmp1.zst < tmp1
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.zst 666
+ println "test : check created permissions from stdin input in decompression "
+ zstd -f -d -o tmp1.out < tmp1.zst
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.out 666
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ println "test : check created permissions from multiple inputs in compression "
+ zstd -f tmp1 tmp2 -o tmp1.zst
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.zst 666
+ println "test : check created permissions from multiple inputs in decompression "
+ cp tmp1.zst tmp2.zst
+ zstd -f -d tmp1.zst tmp2.zst -o tmp1.out
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.out 666
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp2.zst tmp1.out tmp2.out
+ println "test : check permissions on pre-existing output file in compression "
+ chmod 0600 tmp1
+ touch tmp1.zst
+ chmod 0400 tmp1.zst
+ zstd -f tmp1 -o tmp1.zst
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.zst 600
+ println "test : check permissions on pre-existing output file in decompression "
+ chmod 0400 tmp1.zst
+ touch tmp1.out
+ chmod 0200 tmp1.out
+ zstd -f -d tmp1.zst -o tmp1.out
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.out 400
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ umask 0666
+ chmod 0666 tmp1 tmp2
+ println "test : respect umask when copying permissions in file -> file compression "
+ zstd -f tmp1 -o tmp1.zst
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.zst 0
+ println "test : respect umask when copying permissions in file -> file decompression "
+ chmod 0666 tmp1.zst
+ zstd -f -d tmp1.zst -o tmp1.out
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.out 0
+ rm -f tmp1.zst tmp1.out
+ println "test : respect umask when compressing from stdin input "
+ zstd -f -o tmp1.zst < tmp1
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.zst 0
+ println "test : respect umask when decompressing from stdin input "
+ chmod 0666 tmp1.zst
+ zstd -f -d -o tmp1.out < tmp1.zst
+ assertFilePermissions tmp1.out 0
+ rm -f tmp1 tmp2 tmp1.zst tmp2.zst tmp1.out tmp2.out
+if [ -n "$DEVNULLRIGHTS" ] ; then
+ # these tests requires sudo rights, which is uncommon.
+ # they are only triggered if DEVNULLRIGHTS macro is defined.
+ println "\n===> checking /dev/null permissions are unaltered "
+ datagen > tmp
+ sudoZstd tmp -o $INTOVOID # sudo rights could modify /dev/null permissions
+ sudoZstd tmp -c > $INTOVOID
+ zstd tmp -f -o tmp.zst
+ sudoZstd -d tmp.zst -c > $INTOVOID
+ sudoZstd -d tmp.zst -o $INTOVOID
+ ls -las $INTOVOID | grep "rw-rw-rw-"
+if [ -n "$READFROMBLOCKDEVICE" ] ; then
+ # This creates a temporary block device, which is only possible on unix-y
+ # systems, is somewhat invasive, and requires sudo. For these reasons, you
+ # have to specifically ask for this test.
+ println "\n===> checking that zstd can read from a block device"
+ datagen -g65536 > tmp.img
+ sudo losetup -fP tmp.img
+ LOOP_DEV=$(losetup -a | grep 'tmp\.img' | cut -f1 -d:)
+ [ -z "$LOOP_DEV" ] && die "failed to get loopback device"
+ sudoZstd $LOOP_DEV -c > tmp.img.zst && die "should fail without -f"
+ sudoZstd -f $LOOP_DEV -c > tmp.img.zst
+ zstd -d tmp.img.zst -o tmp.img.copy
+ sudo losetup -d $LOOP_DEV
+ $DIFF -s tmp.img tmp.img.copy || die "round trip failed"
+ rm -f tmp.img tmp.img.zst tmp.img.copy
+println "\n===> zstd created file timestamp tests"
+datagen > tmp
+touch -m -t 200001010000.00 tmp
+println "test : copy mtime in file -> file compression "
+zstd -f tmp -o tmp.zst
+assertSameMTime tmp tmp.zst
+println "test : copy mtime in file -> file decompression "
+zstd -f -d tmp.zst -o tmp.out
+assertSameMTime tmp.zst tmp.out
+rm -f tmp
+println "\n===> compress multiple files into an output directory, --output-dir-flat"
+println henlo > tmp1
+mkdir tmpInputTestDir
+mkdir tmpInputTestDir/we
+mkdir tmpInputTestDir/we/must
+mkdir tmpInputTestDir/we/must/go
+mkdir tmpInputTestDir/we/must/go/deeper
+println cool > tmpInputTestDir/we/must/go/deeper/tmp2
+mkdir tmpOutDir
+zstd tmp1 tmpInputTestDir/we/must/go/deeper/tmp2 --output-dir-flat tmpOutDir
+test -f tmpOutDir/tmp1.zst
+test -f tmpOutDir/tmp2.zst
+println "test : decompress multiple files into an output directory, --output-dir-flat"
+mkdir tmpOutDirDecomp
+zstd tmpOutDir -r -d --output-dir-flat tmpOutDirDecomp
+test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmp2
+test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmp1
+rm -f tmpOutDirDecomp/*
+zstd tmpOutDir -r -d --output-dir-flat=tmpOutDirDecomp
+test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmp2
+test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmp1
+rm -rf tmp*
+if [ "$isWindows" = false ] ; then
+ println "\n===> compress multiple files into an output directory and mirror input folder, --output-dir-mirror"
+ println "test --output-dir-mirror" > tmp1
+ mkdir -p tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/go/deeper..
+ println cool > tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/go/deeper../tmp2
+ zstd tmp1 -r tmpInputTestDir --output-dir-mirror tmpOutDir
+ test -f tmpOutDir/tmp1.zst
+ test -f tmpOutDir/tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/go/deeper../tmp2.zst
+ println "test: compress input dir will be ignored if it has '..'"
+ zstd -r tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/../..mustgo/deeper.. --output-dir-mirror non-exist && die "input cannot contain '..'"
+ zstd -r tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/deeper../.. --output-dir-mirror non-exist && die "input cannot contain '..'"
+ zstd -r ../tests/tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/deeper.. --output-dir-mirror non-exist && die "input cannot contain '..'"
+ test ! -d non-exist
+ println "test: compress input dir should succeed with benign uses of '..'"
+ zstd -r tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/go/deeper.. --output-dir-mirror tmpout
+ test -d tmpout
+ println "test : decompress multiple files into an output directory, --output-dir-mirror"
+ zstd tmpOutDir -r -d --output-dir-mirror tmpOutDirDecomp
+ test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmpOutDir/tmp1
+ test -f tmpOutDirDecomp/tmpOutDir/tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/go/deeper../tmp2
+ println "test: decompress input dir will be ignored if it has '..'"
+ zstd -r tmpOutDir/tmpInputTestDir/we/.../..must/../..must --output-dir-mirror non-exist && die "input cannot contain '..'"
+ test ! -d non-exist
+ rm -rf tmp*
+println "test : compress multiple files reading them from a file, --filelist=FILE"
+println "Hello world!, file1" > tmp1
+println "Hello world!, file2" > tmp2
+println tmp1 > tmp_fileList
+println tmp2 >> tmp_fileList
+zstd -f --filelist=tmp_fileList
+test -f tmp2.zst
+test -f tmp1.zst
+println "test : alternate syntax: --filelist FILE"
+zstd -f --filelist tmp_fileList
+test -f tmp2.zst
+test -f tmp1.zst
+println "test : reading file list from a symlink, --filelist=FILE"
+rm -f *.zst
+ln -s tmp_fileList tmp_symLink
+zstd -f --filelist=tmp_symLink
+test -f tmp2.zst
+test -f tmp1.zst
+println "test : compress multiple files reading them from multiple files, --filelist=FILE"
+rm -f *.zst
+println "Hello world!, file3" > tmp3
+println "Hello world!, file4" > tmp4
+println tmp3 > tmp_fileList2
+println tmp4 >> tmp_fileList2
+zstd -f --filelist=tmp_fileList --filelist=tmp_fileList2
+test -f tmp1.zst
+test -f tmp2.zst
+test -f tmp3.zst
+test -f tmp4.zst
+println "test : decompress multiple files reading them from a file, --filelist=FILE"
+rm -f tmp1 tmp2
+println tmp1.zst > tmpZst
+println tmp2.zst >> tmpZst
+zstd -d -f --filelist=tmpZst
+test -f tmp1
+test -f tmp2
+println "test : decompress multiple files reading them from multiple files, --filelist=FILE"
+rm -f tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 tmp4
+println tmp3.zst > tmpZst2
+println tmp4.zst >> tmpZst2
+zstd -d -f --filelist=tmpZst --filelist=tmpZst2
+test -f tmp1
+test -f tmp2
+test -f tmp3
+test -f tmp4
+println "test : survive the list of files with too long filenames (--filelist=FILE)"
+datagen -g5M > tmp_badList
+zstd -f --filelist=tmp_badList && die "should have failed : file name length is too long"
+println "test : survive a list of files which is text garbage (--filelist=FILE)"
+datagen > tmp_badList
+zstd -f --filelist=tmp_badList && die "should have failed : list is text garbage"
+println "test : survive a list of files which is binary garbage (--filelist=FILE)"
+datagen -P0 -g1M > tmp_badList
+zstd -qq -f --filelist=tmp_badList && die "should have failed : list is binary garbage" # let's avoid printing binary garbage on console
+println "test : try to overflow internal list of files (--filelist=FILE)"
+touch tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 tmp4 tmp5 tmp6
+ls tmp* > tmpList
+zstd -f tmp1 --filelist=tmpList --filelist=tmpList tmp2 tmp3 # can trigger an overflow of internal file list
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> --[no-]content-size tests"
+datagen > tmp_contentsize
+zstd -f tmp_contentsize
+zstd -lv tmp_contentsize.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:"
+zstd -f --no-content-size tmp_contentsize
+zstd -lv tmp_contentsize.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:" && die
+zstd -f --content-size tmp_contentsize
+zstd -lv tmp_contentsize.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:"
+zstd -f --content-size --no-content-size tmp_contentsize
+zstd -lv tmp_contentsize.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:" && die
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "test : show-default-cparams regular"
+datagen > tmp
+zstd --show-default-cparams -f tmp
+zstd --show-default-cparams -d tmp.zst && die "error: can't use --show-default-cparams in decompression mode"
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "test : show-default-cparams recursive"
+mkdir tmp_files
+datagen -g15000 > tmp_files/tmp1
+datagen -g129000 > tmp_files/tmp2
+datagen -g257000 > tmp_files/tmp3
+zstd --show-default-cparams -f -r tmp_files
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "test : show compression parameters in verbose mode"
+datagen > tmp
+zstd -vv tmp 2>&1 | \
+grep -q -E -- "--zstd=wlog=[[:digit:]]+,clog=[[:digit:]]+,hlog=[[:digit:]]+,\
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> Advanced compression parameters "
+println "Hello world!" | zstd --zstd=windowLog=21, - -o tmp.zst && die "wrong parameters not detected!"
+println "Hello world!" | zstd --zstd=windowLo=21 - -o tmp.zst && die "wrong parameters not detected!"
+println "Hello world!" | zstd --zstd=windowLog=21,slog - -o tmp.zst && die "wrong parameters not detected!"
+println "Hello world!" | zstd --zstd=strategy=10 - -o tmp.zst && die "parameter out of bound not detected!" # > btultra2 : does not exist
+test ! -f tmp.zst # tmp.zst should not be created
+roundTripTest -g512K
+roundTripTest -g512K " --zstd=mml=3,tlen=48,strat=6"
+roundTripTest -g512K " --zstd=strat=6,wlog=23,clog=23,hlog=22,slog=6"
+roundTripTest -g512K " --zstd=windowLog=23,chainLog=23,hashLog=22,searchLog=6,minMatch=3,targetLength=48,strategy=6"
+roundTripTest -g512K " --single-thread --long --zstd=ldmHashLog=20,ldmMinMatch=64,ldmBucketSizeLog=1,ldmHashRateLog=7"
+roundTripTest -g512K " --single-thread --long --zstd=lhlog=20,lmml=64,lblog=1,lhrlog=7"
+roundTripTest -g64K "19 --zstd=strat=9" # btultra2
+println "\n===> Pass-Through mode "
+println "Hello world 1!" | zstd -df
+println "Hello world 2!" | zstd -dcf
+println "Hello world 3!" > tmp1
+zstd -dcf tmp1
+println "\n===> frame concatenation "
+println "hello " > hello.tmp
+println "world!" > world.tmp
+cat hello.tmp world.tmp > helloworld.tmp
+zstd -c hello.tmp > hello.zst
+zstd -c world.tmp > world.zst
+zstd -c hello.tmp world.tmp > helloworld.zst
+zstd -dc helloworld.zst > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+cat hello.zst world.zst > helloworld.zst
+zstd -dc helloworld.zst > result.tmp
+cat result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+println "frame concatenation without checksum"
+zstd -c hello.tmp > hello.zst --no-check
+zstd -c world.tmp > world.zst --no-check
+cat hello.zst world.zst > helloworld.zstd
+zstd -dc helloworld.zst > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+println "testing zstdcat symlink"
+ln -sf "$ZSTD_BIN" zstdcat
+$EXE_PREFIX ./zstdcat helloworld.zst > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+ln -s helloworld.zst
+$EXE_PREFIX ./zstdcat > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+rm -f zstdcat
+rm -f result.tmp
+println "testing zcat symlink"
+ln -sf "$ZSTD_BIN" zcat
+$EXE_PREFIX ./zcat helloworld.zst > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+$EXE_PREFIX ./zcat > result.tmp
+$DIFF helloworld.tmp result.tmp
+rm -f zcat
+rm -f ./*.tmp ./*.zstd
+println "frame concatenation tests completed"
+if [ "$isWindows" = false ] && [ "$UNAME" != 'SunOS' ] && [ "$UNAME" != "OpenBSD" ] && [ "$UNAME" != "AIX" ]; then
+println "\n**** flush write error test **** "
+println "println foo | zstd > /dev/full"
+println foo | zstd > /dev/full && die "write error not detected!"
+println "println foo | zstd | zstd -d > /dev/full"
+println foo | zstd | zstd -d > /dev/full && die "write error not detected!"
+if [ "$isWindows" = false ] && [ "$UNAME" != 'SunOS' ] ; then
+println "\n===> symbolic link test "
+rm -f hello.tmp world.tmp world2.tmp hello.tmp.zst world.tmp.zst
+println "hello world" > hello.tmp
+ln -s hello.tmp world.tmp
+ln -s hello.tmp world2.tmp
+zstd world.tmp hello.tmp || true
+test -f hello.tmp.zst # regular file should have been compressed!
+test ! -f world.tmp.zst # symbolic link should not have been compressed!
+zstd world.tmp || true
+test ! -f world.tmp.zst # symbolic link should not have been compressed!
+zstd world.tmp world2.tmp || true
+test ! -f world.tmp.zst # symbolic link should not have been compressed!
+test ! -f world2.tmp.zst # symbolic link should not have been compressed!
+zstd world.tmp hello.tmp -f
+test -f world.tmp.zst # symbolic link should have been compressed with --force
+rm -f hello.tmp world.tmp world2.tmp hello.tmp.zst world.tmp.zst
+println "\n===> test sparse file support "
+datagen -g5M -P100 > tmpSparse
+zstd tmpSparse -c | zstd -dv -o tmpSparseRegen
+$DIFF -s tmpSparse tmpSparseRegen
+zstd tmpSparse -c | zstd -dv --sparse -c > tmpOutSparse
+$DIFF -s tmpSparse tmpOutSparse
+zstd tmpSparse -c | zstd -dv --no-sparse -c > tmpOutNoSparse
+$DIFF -s tmpSparse tmpOutNoSparse
+ls -ls tmpSparse* # look at file size and block size on disk
+datagen -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | zstd | zstd -dv --sparse -c > tmpSparseOdd # Odd size file (to not finish on an exact nb of blocks)
+datagen -s1 -g1200007 -P100 | $DIFF -s - tmpSparseOdd
+ls -ls tmpSparseOdd # look at file size and block size on disk
+println "\n Sparse Compatibility with Console :"
+println "Hello World 1 !" | zstd | zstd -d -c
+println "Hello World 2 !" | zstd | zstd -d | cat
+println "\n Sparse Compatibility with Append :"
+datagen -P100 -g1M > tmpSparse1M
+cat tmpSparse1M tmpSparse1M > tmpSparse2M
+zstd -v -f tmpSparse1M -o tmpSparseCompressed
+zstd -d -v -f tmpSparseCompressed -o tmpSparseRegenerated
+zstd -d -v -f tmpSparseCompressed -c >> tmpSparseRegenerated
+ls -ls tmpSparse* # look at file size and block size on disk
+$DIFF tmpSparse2M tmpSparseRegenerated
+rm -f tmpSparse*
+println "\n===> stream-size mode"
+datagen -g11000 > tmp
+println "test : basic file compression vs sized streaming compression"
+file_size=$(zstd -14 -f tmp -o tmp.zst && wc -c < tmp.zst)
+stream_size=$(cat tmp | zstd -14 --stream-size=11000 | wc -c)
+if [ "$stream_size" -gt "$file_size" ]; then
+ die "hinted compression larger than expected"
+println "test : sized streaming compression and decompression"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f tmp -o tmp.zst --stream-size=11000
+zstd -df tmp.zst -o tmp_decompress
+cmp tmp tmp_decompress || die "difference between original and decompressed file"
+println "test : incorrect stream size"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f -o tmp.zst --stream-size=11001 && die "should fail with incorrect stream size"
+println "\n===> zstd zero weight dict test "
+rm -f tmp*
+cp "$TESTDIR/dict-files/zero-weight-dict" tmp_input
+zstd -D "$TESTDIR/dict-files/zero-weight-dict" tmp_input
+zstd -D "$TESTDIR/dict-files/zero-weight-dict" -d tmp_input.zst -o tmp_decomp
+$DIFF tmp_decomp tmp_input
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> zstd (valid) zero weight dict test "
+rm -f tmp*
+# 0 has a non-zero weight in the dictionary
+echo "0000000000000000000000000" > tmp_input
+zstd -D "$TESTDIR/dict-files/zero-weight-dict" tmp_input
+zstd -D "$TESTDIR/dict-files/zero-weight-dict" -d tmp_input.zst -o tmp_decomp
+$DIFF tmp_decomp tmp_input
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> size-hint mode"
+datagen -g11000 > tmp
+datagen -g11000 > tmp2
+datagen > tmpDict
+println "test : basic file compression vs hinted streaming compression"
+file_size=$(zstd -14 -f tmp -o tmp.zst && wc -c < tmp.zst)
+stream_size=$(cat tmp | zstd -14 --size-hint=11000 | wc -c)
+if [ "$stream_size" -ge "$file_size" ]; then
+ die "hinted compression larger than expected"
+println "test : hinted streaming compression and decompression"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f -o tmp.zst --size-hint=11000
+zstd -df tmp.zst -o tmp_decompress
+cmp tmp tmp_decompress || die "difference between original and decompressed file"
+println "test : hinted streaming compression with dictionary"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f -D tmpDict --size-hint=11000 | zstd -t -D tmpDict
+println "test : multiple file compression with hints and dictionary"
+zstd -14 -f -D tmpDict --size-hint=11000 tmp tmp2
+zstd -14 -f -o tmp1_.zst -D tmpDict --size-hint=11000 tmp
+zstd -14 -f -o tmp2_.zst -D tmpDict --size-hint=11000 tmp2
+cmp tmp.zst tmp1_.zst || die "first file's output differs"
+cmp tmp2.zst tmp2_.zst || die "second file's output differs"
+println "test : incorrect hinted stream sizes"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=11050 | zstd -t # slightly too high
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=10950 | zstd -t # slightly too low
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=22000 | zstd -t # considerably too high
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=5500 | zstd -t # considerably too low
+println "test : allows and interprets K,KB,KiB,M,MB and MiB suffix"
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=11K | zstd -t
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=11KB | zstd -t
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=11KiB | zstd -t
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=1M | zstd -t
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=1MB | zstd -t
+cat tmp | zstd -14 -f --size-hint=1MiB | zstd -t
+println "\n===> dictionary tests "
+println "- Test high/low compressibility corpus training"
+datagen -g12M -P90 > tmpCorpusHighCompress
+datagen -g12M -P5 > tmpCorpusLowCompress
+zstd --train -B2K tmpCorpusHighCompress -o tmpDictHighCompress
+zstd --train -B2K tmpCorpusLowCompress -o tmpDictLowCompress
+rm -f tmpCorpusHighCompress tmpCorpusLowCompress tmpDictHighCompress tmpDictLowCompress
+println "- Test with raw dict (content only) "
+datagen > tmpDict
+datagen -g1M | $MD5SUM > tmp1
+datagen -g1M | zstd -D tmpDict | zstd -D tmpDict -dvq | $MD5SUM > tmp2
+$DIFF -q tmp1 tmp2
+println "- Create first dictionary "
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict
+cp "$TESTFILE" tmp
+println "- Test dictionary compression with tmpDict as an input file and dictionary"
+zstd -f tmpDict -D tmpDict && die "compression error not detected!"
+println "- Dictionary compression roundtrip"
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+println "- Dictionary compression with hlog < clog"
+zstd -6f tmp -D tmpDict --zstd=clog=25,hlog=23
+println "- Dictionary compression with btlazy2 strategy"
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict --zstd=strategy=6
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+if [ -e /proc/self/fd/0 ]; then
+ println "- Test rejecting irregular dictionary file"
+ cat tmpDict | zstd -f tmp -D /proc/self/fd/0 && die "Piped dictionary should fail!"
+ cat tmpDict | zstd -d tmp.zst -D /proc/self/fd/0 -f && die "Piped dictionary should fail!"
+if [ -n "$hasMT" ]
+ println "- Test dictionary compression with multithreading "
+ datagen -g5M | zstd -T2 -D tmpDict | zstd -t -D tmpDict # fails with v1.3.2
+println "- Create second (different) dictionary "
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.h -o tmpDictC
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDictC -fo result && die "wrong dictionary not detected!"
+println "- Create dictionary with short dictID"
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpDict1
+cmp tmpDict tmpDict1 && die "dictionaries should have different ID !"
+println "- Create dictionary with wrong dictID parameter order (must fail)"
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID -o 1 tmpDict1 && die "wrong order : --dictID must be followed by argument "
+println "- Create dictionary with size limit"
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict2 --maxdict=4K -v
+println "- Create dictionary with small size limit"
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict3 --maxdict=1K -v
+println "- Create dictionary with wrong parameter order (must fail)"
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict3 --maxdict -v 4K && die "wrong order : --maxdict must be followed by argument "
+println "- Compress without dictID"
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict1 --no-dictID
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+println "- Compress multiple files with dictionary"
+rm -rf dirTestDict
+mkdir dirTestDict
+cp "$TESTDIR"/*.c dirTestDict
+cp "$PRGDIR"/*.c dirTestDict
+cp "$PRGDIR"/*.h dirTestDict
+$MD5SUM dirTestDict/* > tmph1
+zstd -f --rm dirTestDict/* -D tmpDictC
+zstd -d --rm dirTestDict/*.zst -D tmpDictC # note : use internal checksum by default
+case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin) println "md5sum -c not supported on OS-X : test skipped" ;; # not compatible with OS-X's md5
+ *) $MD5SUM -c tmph1 ;;
+rm -rf dirTestDict
+println "- dictionary builder on bogus input"
+println "Hello World" > tmp
+zstd --train-legacy -q tmp && die "Dictionary training should fail : not enough input source"
+datagen -P0 -g10M > tmp
+zstd --train-legacy -q tmp && die "Dictionary training should fail : source is pure noise"
+println "- Test -o before --train"
+rm -f tmpDict dictionary
+zstd -o tmpDict --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f tmpDict
+zstd --train "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f dictionary
+if [ -n "$hasMT" ]
+ println "- Create dictionary with multithreading enabled"
+ zstd --train -T0 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict
+rm -f tmp* dictionary
+println "- Test --memory for dictionary compression"
+datagen -g12M -P90 > tmpCorpusHighCompress
+zstd --train -B2K tmpCorpusHighCompress -o tmpDictHighCompress --memory=10K && die "Dictionary training should fail : --memory too low (10K)"
+zstd --train -B2K tmpCorpusHighCompress -o tmpDictHighCompress --memory=5MB 2> zstTrainWithMemLimitStdErr
+cat zstTrainWithMemLimitStdErr | grep "setting manual memory limit for dictionary training data at 5 MB"
+cat zstTrainWithMemLimitStdErr | grep "Training samples set too large (12 MB); training on 5 MB only..."
+rm zstTrainWithMemLimitStdErr
+println "\n===> fastCover dictionary builder : advanced options "
+datagen > tmpDict
+println "- Create first dictionary"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=46,d=8,f=15,split=80 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict
+cp "$TESTFILE" tmp
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+println "- Create second (different) dictionary"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.h -o tmpDictC
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDictC -fo result && die "wrong dictionary not detected!"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8 && die "Create dictionary without input file"
+println "- Create dictionary with short dictID"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=46,d=8,f=15,split=80 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpDict1
+cmp tmpDict tmpDict1 && die "dictionaries should have different ID !"
+println "- Create dictionaries with shrink-dict flag enabled"
+zstd --train-fastcover=steps=1,shrink "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpShrinkDict
+zstd --train-fastcover=steps=1,shrink=1 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpShrinkDict1
+zstd --train-fastcover=steps=1,shrink=5 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpShrinkDict2
+zstd --train-fastcover=shrink=5,steps=1 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpShrinkDict3
+println "- Create dictionary with size limit"
+zstd --train-fastcover=steps=1 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict2 --maxdict=4K
+println "- Create dictionary using all samples for both training and testing"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8,split=100 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Create dictionary using f=16"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8,f=16 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8,accel=15 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c && die "Created dictionary using accel=15"
+println "- Create dictionary using accel=2"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8,accel=2 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Create dictionary using accel=10"
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8,accel=10 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Create dictionary with multithreading"
+zstd --train-fastcover -T4 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Test -o before --train-fastcover"
+rm -f tmpDict dictionary
+zstd -o tmpDict --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f tmpDict
+zstd --train-fastcover=k=56,d=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f dictionary
+rm -f tmp* dictionary
+println "\n===> legacy dictionary builder "
+datagen > tmpDict
+println "- Create first dictionary"
+zstd --train-legacy=selectivity=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict
+cp "$TESTFILE" tmp
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+zstd --train-legacy=s=8 && die "Create dictionary without input files (should error)"
+println "- Create second (different) dictionary"
+zstd --train-legacy=s=5 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.h -o tmpDictC
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDictC -fo result && die "wrong dictionary not detected!"
+println "- Create dictionary with short dictID"
+zstd --train-legacy -s5 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpDict1
+cmp tmpDict tmpDict1 && die "dictionaries should have different ID !"
+println "- Create dictionary with size limit"
+zstd --train-legacy -s9 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict2 --maxdict=4K
+println "- Test -o before --train-legacy"
+rm -f tmpDict dictionary
+zstd -o tmpDict --train-legacy "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f tmpDict
+zstd --train-legacy "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f dictionary
+rm -f tmp* dictionary
+println "\n===> integrity tests "
+println "test one file (tmp1.zst) "
+datagen > tmp1
+zstd tmp1
+zstd -t tmp1.zst
+zstd --test tmp1.zst
+println "test multiple files (*.zst) "
+zstd -t ./*.zst
+println "test bad files (*) "
+zstd -t ./* && die "bad files not detected !"
+zstd -t tmp1 && die "bad file not detected !"
+cp tmp1 tmp2.zst
+zstd -t tmp2.zst && die "bad file not detected !"
+datagen -g0 > tmp3
+zstd -t tmp3 && die "bad file not detected !" # detects 0-sized files as bad
+println "test --rm and --test combined "
+zstd -t --rm tmp1.zst
+test -f tmp1.zst # check file is still present
+split -b16384 tmp1.zst tmpSplit.
+zstd -t tmpSplit.* && die "bad file not detected !"
+datagen | zstd -c | zstd -t
+println "\n===> golden files tests "
+zstd -t -r "$TESTDIR/golden-decompression"
+zstd -c -r "$TESTDIR/golden-compression" | zstd -t
+zstd -D "$TESTDIR/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbols" "$TESTDIR/golden-compression/http" -c | zstd -D "$TESTDIR/golden-dictionaries/http-dict-missing-symbols" -t
+println "\n===> benchmark mode tests "
+println "bench one file"
+datagen > tmp1
+zstd -bi0 tmp1
+println "bench multiple levels"
+zstd -i0b0e3 tmp1
+println "bench negative level"
+zstd -bi0 --fast tmp1
+println "with recursive and quiet modes"
+zstd -rqi0b1e2 tmp1
+println "benchmark decompression only"
+zstd -f tmp1
+zstd -b -d -i0 tmp1.zst
+println "\n===> zstd compatibility tests "
+datagen > tmp
+rm -f tmp.zst
+zstd --format=zstd -f tmp
+test -f tmp.zst
+println "\n===> gzip compatibility tests "
+zstd --format=gzip -V || GZIPMODE=0
+if [ $GZIPMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ println "gzip support detected"
+ gzip -V || GZIPEXE=0
+ if [ $GZIPEXE -eq 1 ]; then
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd --format=gzip -f tmp
+ gzip -t -v tmp.gz
+ gzip -f tmp
+ zstd -d -f -v tmp.gz
+ rm -f tmp*
+ else
+ println "gzip binary not detected"
+ fi
+ println "gzip mode not supported"
+println "\n===> gzip frame tests "
+if [ $GZIPMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd -f --format=gzip tmp
+ zstd -f tmp
+ cat tmp.gz tmp.zst tmp.gz tmp.zst | zstd -d -f -o tmp
+ truncateLastByte tmp.gz | zstd -t > $INTOVOID && die "incomplete frame not detected !"
+ rm -f tmp*
+ println "gzip mode not supported"
+if [ $GZIPMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ datagen > tmp
+ rm -f tmp.zst
+ zstd --format=gzip --format=zstd -f tmp
+ test -f tmp.zst
+println "\n===> xz compatibility tests "
+zstd --format=xz -V || LZMAMODE=0
+if [ $LZMAMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ println "xz support detected"
+ xz -Q -V && lzma -Q -V || XZEXE=0
+ if [ $XZEXE -eq 1 ]; then
+ println "Testing zstd xz and lzma support"
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd --format=lzma -f tmp
+ zstd --format=xz -f tmp
+ xz -Q -t -v tmp.xz
+ xz -Q -t -v tmp.lzma
+ xz -Q -f -k tmp
+ lzma -Q -f -k --lzma1 tmp
+ zstd -d -f -v tmp.xz
+ zstd -d -f -v tmp.lzma
+ rm -f tmp*
+ println "Creating symlinks"
+ ln -s "$ZSTD_BIN" ./xz
+ ln -s "$ZSTD_BIN" ./unxz
+ ln -s "$ZSTD_BIN" ./lzma
+ ln -s "$ZSTD_BIN" ./unlzma
+ println "Testing xz and lzma symlinks"
+ datagen > tmp
+ ./xz tmp
+ xz -Q -d tmp.xz
+ ./lzma tmp
+ lzma -Q -d tmp.lzma
+ println "Testing unxz and unlzma symlinks"
+ xz -Q tmp
+ ./xz -d tmp.xz
+ lzma -Q tmp
+ ./lzma -d tmp.lzma
+ rm -f xz unxz lzma unlzma
+ rm -f tmp*
+ else
+ println "xz binary not detected"
+ fi
+ println "xz mode not supported"
+println "\n===> xz frame tests "
+if [ $LZMAMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd -f --format=xz tmp
+ zstd -f --format=lzma tmp
+ zstd -f tmp
+ cat tmp.xz tmp.lzma tmp.zst tmp.lzma tmp.xz tmp.zst | zstd -d -f -o tmp
+ truncateLastByte tmp.xz | zstd -t > $INTOVOID && die "incomplete frame not detected !"
+ truncateLastByte tmp.lzma | zstd -t > $INTOVOID && die "incomplete frame not detected !"
+ rm -f tmp*
+ println "xz mode not supported"
+println "\n===> lz4 compatibility tests "
+zstd --format=lz4 -V || LZ4MODE=0
+if [ $LZ4MODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ println "lz4 support detected"
+ LZ4EXE=1
+ lz4 -V || LZ4EXE=0
+ if [ $LZ4EXE -eq 1 ]; then
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd --format=lz4 -f tmp
+ lz4 -t -v tmp.lz4
+ lz4 -f -m tmp # ensure result is sent into tmp.lz4, not stdout
+ zstd -d -f -v tmp.lz4
+ rm -f tmp*
+ else
+ println "lz4 binary not detected"
+ fi
+ println "lz4 mode not supported"
+if [ $LZ4MODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ println "\n===> lz4 frame tests "
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd -f --format=lz4 tmp
+ zstd -f tmp
+ cat tmp.lz4 tmp.zst tmp.lz4 tmp.zst | zstd -d -f -o tmp
+ truncateLastByte tmp.lz4 | zstd -t > $INTOVOID && die "incomplete frame not detected !"
+ rm -f tmp*
+ println "\nlz4 mode not supported"
+println "\n===> suffix list test"
+! zstd -d 2> tmplg
+if [ $GZIPMODE -ne 1 ]; then
+ grep ".gz" tmplg > $INTOVOID && die "Unsupported suffix listed"
+if [ $LZMAMODE -ne 1 ]; then
+ grep ".lzma" tmplg > $INTOVOID && die "Unsupported suffix listed"
+ grep ".xz" tmplg > $INTOVOID && die "Unsupported suffix listed"
+if [ $LZ4MODE -ne 1 ]; then
+ grep ".lz4" tmplg > $INTOVOID && die "Unsupported suffix listed"
+touch tmp1
+zstd tmp1 -o tmp1.zstd
+zstd -d -f tmp1.zstd # support .zstd suffix even though it's not the default suffix
+println "\n===> tar extension tests "
+rm -f tmp tmp.tar tmp.tzst tmp.tgz tmp.txz tmp.tlz4 tmp1.zstd
+datagen > tmp
+tar -cf tmp.tar tmp
+zstd tmp.tar -o tmp.tzst
+rm -f tmp.tar
+zstd -d tmp.tzst
+[ -e tmp.tar ] || die ".tzst failed to decompress to .tar!"
+rm -f tmp.tar tmp.tzst
+if [ $GZIPMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ tar -c tmp | gzip > tmp.tgz
+ zstd -d tmp.tgz
+ [ -e tmp.tar ] || die ".tgz failed to decompress to .tar!"
+ rm -f tmp.tar tmp.tgz
+if [ $LZMAMODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ tar -c tmp | zstd --format=xz > tmp.txz
+ zstd -d tmp.txz
+ [ -e tmp.tar ] || die ".txz failed to decompress to .tar!"
+ rm -f tmp.tar tmp.txz
+if [ $LZ4MODE -eq 1 ]; then
+ tar -c tmp | zstd --format=lz4 > tmp.tlz4
+ zstd -d tmp.tlz4
+ [ -e tmp.tar ] || die ".tlz4 failed to decompress to .tar!"
+ rm -f tmp.tar tmp.tlz4
+touch tmp.t tmp.tzs
+! zstd -d tmp.t
+! zstd -d
+! zstd -d tmp.tzs
+println "\n===> zstd round-trip tests "
+roundTripTest -g15K # TableID==3
+roundTripTest -g127K # TableID==2
+roundTripTest -g255K # TableID==1
+roundTripTest -g522K # TableID==0
+roundTripTest -g519K 6 # greedy, hash chain
+roundTripTest -g517K 16 # btlazy2
+roundTripTest -g516K 19 # btopt
+fileRoundTripTest -g500K
+println "\n===> zstd long distance matching round-trip tests "
+roundTripTest -g0 "2 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g1000K "1 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g517K "6 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g516K "16 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g518K "19 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g2M "22 --single-thread --ultra --long"
+fileRoundTripTest -g5M "3 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g96K "5 --single-thread"
+if [ -n "$hasMT" ]
+ println "\n===> zstdmt round-trip tests "
+ roundTripTest -g4M "1 -T0"
+ roundTripTest -g4M "1 -T0 --auto-threads=physical"
+ roundTripTest -g4M "1 -T0 --auto-threads=logical"
+ roundTripTest -g8M "3 -T2"
+ roundTripTest -g8M "19 --long"
+ roundTripTest -g8000K "2 --threads=2"
+ fileRoundTripTest -g4M "19 -T2 -B1M"
+ println "\n===> zstdmt long distance matching round-trip tests "
+ roundTripTest -g8M "3 --long=24 -T2"
+ println "\n===> zstdmt environment variable tests "
+ echo "multifoo" >> mt_tmp
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=-3 zstd -f mt_tmp # negative value, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS='' zstd -f mt_tmp # empty env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=- zstd -f mt_tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=a zstd -f mt_tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=+a zstd -f mt_tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=3a7 zstd -f mt_tmp # malformed env var, warn and revert to default setting
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=50000000000 zstd -f mt_tmp # numeric value too large, warn and revert to default setting=
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=2 zstd -f mt_tmp # correct usage
+ ZSTD_NBTHREADS=1 zstd -f mt_tmp # correct usage: single thread
+ rm -f mt_tmp*
+ println "\n===> ovLog tests "
+ datagen -g2MB > tmp
+ refSize=$(zstd tmp -6 -c --zstd=wlog=18 | wc -c)
+ ov9Size=$(zstd tmp -6 -c --zstd=wlog=18,ovlog=9 | wc -c)
+ ov1Size=$(zstd tmp -6 -c --zstd=wlog=18,ovlog=1 | wc -c)
+ if [ "$refSize" -eq "$ov9Size" ]; then
+ echo ov9Size should be different from refSize
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$refSize" -eq "$ov1Size" ]; then
+ echo ov1Size should be different from refSize
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$ov9Size" -ge "$ov1Size" ]; then
+ echo ov9Size="$ov9Size" should be smaller than ov1Size="$ov1Size"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ println "\n===> no multithreading, skipping zstdmt tests "
+rm -f tmp*
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l single frame tests "
+datagen > tmp1
+datagen > tmp2
+datagen > tmp3
+zstd tmp*
+zstd -l ./*.zst
+zstd -lv ./*.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:" # check that decompressed size is present in header
+zstd --list ./*.zst
+zstd --list -v ./*.zst
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l multiple frame tests "
+cat tmp1.zst tmp2.zst > tmp12.zst
+cat tmp12.zst tmp3.zst > tmp123.zst
+zstd -l ./*.zst
+zstd -lv ./*.zst
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l error detection tests "
+zstd -l tmp1 tmp1.zst && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+zstd --list tmp* && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+zstd -lv tmp1* && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+zstd --list -v tmp2 tmp12.zst && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+println "test : detect truncated compressed file "
+datagen -g50000 > $TEST_DATA_FILE
+zstd --list $TRUNCATED_COMPRESSED_FILE && die "-l must fail on truncated file"
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l errors when presented with stdin / no files"
+zstd -l && die "-l must fail on empty list of files"
+zstd -l - && die "-l does not work on stdin"
+zstd -l < tmp1.zst && die "-l does not work on stdin"
+zstd -l - < tmp1.zst && die "-l does not work on stdin"
+zstd -l - tmp1.zst && die "-l does not work on stdin"
+zstd -l - tmp1.zst < tmp1.zst && die "-l does not work on stdin"
+zstd -l tmp1.zst < tmp2.zst # this will check tmp1.zst, but not tmp2.zst, which is not an error : zstd simply doesn't read stdin in this case. It must not error just because stdin is not a tty
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l test with null files "
+datagen -g0 > tmp5
+zstd tmp5
+zstd -l tmp5.zst
+zstd -l tmp5* && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+zstd -lv tmp5.zst | grep "Decompressed Size: 0 B (0 B)" # check that 0 size is present in header
+zstd -lv tmp5* && die "-l must fail on non-zstd file"
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l test with no content size field "
+datagen -g513K | zstd > tmp6.zst
+zstd -l tmp6.zst
+zstd -lv tmp6.zst | grep "Decompressed Size:" && die "Field :Decompressed Size: should not be available in this compressed file"
+println "\n===> zstd --list/-l test with no checksum "
+zstd -f --no-check tmp1
+zstd -l tmp1.zst
+zstd -lv tmp1.zst
+println "\n===> zstd trace tests "
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace tmp1
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 -o /dev/null
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 --single-thread
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace -D tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 -o /dev/null
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace -D tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 -o /dev/null --single-thread
+zstd --trace tmp.trace -t tmp1.zst
+zstd --trace tmp.trace -t tmp1.zst tmp2.zst
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace -d tmp1.zst
+zstd -f --trace tmp.trace -d tmp1.zst tmp2.zst tmp3.zst
+zstd -D tmp1 tmp2 -c | zstd --trace tmp.trace -t -D tmp1
+zstd -b1e10i0 --trace tmp.trace tmp1
+zstd -b1e10i0 --trace tmp.trace tmp1 tmp2 tmp3
+rm -f tmp*
+println "\n===> zstd long distance matching tests "
+roundTripTest -g0 " --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g9M "2 --single-thread --long"
+# Test parameter parsing
+roundTripTest -g1M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long=29" " --memory=512MB"
+roundTripTest -g1M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long=29 --zstd=wlog=28" " --memory=256MB"
+roundTripTest -g1M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long=29" " --long=28 --memory=512MB"
+roundTripTest -g1M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long=29" " --zstd=wlog=28 --memory=512MB"
+println "\n===> zstd long distance matching with optimal parser compressed size tests "
+optCSize16=$(datagen -g511K | zstd -16 -c | wc -c)
+longCSize16=$(datagen -g511K | zstd -16 --long -c | wc -c)
+optCSize19=$(datagen -g2M | zstd -19 -c | wc -c)
+longCSize19=$(datagen -g2M | zstd -19 --long -c | wc -c)
+optCSize19wlog23=$(datagen -g2M | zstd -19 -c --zstd=wlog=23 | wc -c)
+longCSize19wlog23=$(datagen -g2M | zstd -19 -c --long=23 | wc -c)
+if [ "$longCSize16" -gt "$optCSize16" ]; then
+ echo using --long on compression level 16 should not cause compressed size regression
+ exit 1
+elif [ "$longCSize19" -gt "$optCSize19" ]; then
+ echo using --long on compression level 19 should not cause compressed size regression
+ exit 1
+elif [ "$longCSize19wlog23" -gt "$optCSize19wlog23" ]; then
+ echo using --long on compression level 19 with wLog=23 should not cause compressed size regression
+ exit 1
+if [ "$1" != "--test-large-data" ]; then
+ println "Skipping large data tests"
+ exit 0
+if [ -n "$hasMT" ]
+ println "\n===> adaptive mode "
+ roundTripTest -g270000000 " --adapt"
+ roundTripTest -g27000000 " --adapt=min=1,max=4"
+ roundTripTest -g27000000 " --adapt=min=-2,max=-1"
+ println "===> test: --adapt must fail on incoherent bounds "
+ datagen > tmp
+ zstd --adapt= tmp && die "invalid compression parameter"
+ zstd -f -vv --adapt=min=10,max=9 tmp && die "--adapt must fail on incoherent bounds"
+ println "\n===> rsyncable mode "
+ roundTripTest -g10M " --rsyncable"
+ roundTripTest -g10M " --rsyncable -B100K"
+ println "===> test: --rsyncable must fail with --single-thread"
+ zstd -f -vv --rsyncable --single-thread tmp && die "--rsyncable must fail with --single-thread"
+println "\n===> patch-from=origin tests"
+datagen -g1000 -P50 > tmp_dict
+datagen -g1000 -P10 > tmp_patch
+zstd --patch-from=tmp_dict tmp_patch -o tmp_patch_diff
+zstd -d --patch-from=tmp_dict tmp_patch_diff -o tmp_patch_recon
+$DIFF -s tmp_patch_recon tmp_patch
+println "\n===> alternate syntax: patch-from origin"
+zstd -f --patch-from tmp_dict tmp_patch -o tmp_patch_diff
+zstd -df --patch-from tmp_dict tmp_patch_diff -o tmp_patch_recon
+$DIFF -s tmp_patch_recon tmp_patch
+rm -rf tmp_*
+println "\n===> patch-from recursive tests"
+mkdir tmp_dir
+datagen > tmp_dir/tmp1
+datagen > tmp_dir/tmp2
+datagen > tmp_dict
+zstd --patch-from=tmp_dict -r tmp_dir && die
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> patch-from long mode trigger larger file test"
+datagen -g5000000 > tmp_dict
+datagen -g5000000 > tmp_patch
+zstd -15 --patch-from=tmp_dict tmp_patch 2>&1 | grep "long mode automatically triggered"
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> patch-from very large dictionary and file test"
+datagen -g550000000 -P0 > tmp_dict
+datagen -g100000000 -P1 > tmp_patch
+zstd --long=30 -1f --patch-from tmp_dict tmp_patch
+zstd --long=30 -df --patch-from tmp_dict tmp_patch.zst -o tmp_patch_recon
+$DIFF -s tmp_patch_recon tmp_patch
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> patch-from --stream-size test"
+datagen -g1000 -P50 > tmp_dict
+datagen -g1000 -P10 > tmp_patch
+cat tmp_patch | zstd -f --patch-from=tmp_dict -c -o tmp_patch_diff && die
+cat tmp_patch | zstd -f --patch-from=tmp_dict --stream-size=1000 -c -o tmp_patch_diff
+rm -rf tmp*
+println "\n===> large files tests "
+roundTripTest -g270000000 1
+roundTripTest -g250000000 2
+roundTripTest -g230000000 3
+roundTripTest -g140000000 -P60 4
+roundTripTest -g130000000 -P62 5
+roundTripTest -g120000000 -P65 6
+roundTripTest -g70000000 -P70 7
+roundTripTest -g60000000 -P71 8
+roundTripTest -g50000000 -P73 9
+roundTripTest -g35000000 -P75 10
+roundTripTest -g30000000 -P76 11
+roundTripTest -g25000000 -P78 12
+roundTripTest -g18000013 -P80 13
+roundTripTest -g18000014 -P80 14
+roundTripTest -g18000015 -P81 15
+roundTripTest -g18000016 -P84 16
+roundTripTest -g18000017 -P88 17
+roundTripTest -g18000018 -P94 18
+roundTripTest -g18000019 -P96 19
+roundTripTest -g5000000000 -P99 "1 --zstd=wlog=25"
+roundTripTest -g3700000000 -P0 "1 --zstd=strategy=6,wlog=25" # ensure btlazy2 can survive an overflow rescale
+fileRoundTripTest -g4193M -P99 1
+println "\n===> zstd long, long distance matching round-trip tests "
+roundTripTest -g270000000 "1 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g130000000 -P60 "5 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g35000000 -P70 "8 --single-thread --long"
+roundTripTest -g18000001 -P80 "18 --single-thread --long"
+# Test large window logs
+roundTripTest -g700M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long=29"
+roundTripTest -g600M -P50 "1 --single-thread --long --zstd=wlog=29,clog=28"
+if [ -n "$hasMT" ]
+ println "\n===> zstdmt long round-trip tests "
+ roundTripTest -g80000000 -P99 "19 -T2" " "
+ roundTripTest -g5000000000 -P99 "1 -T2" " "
+ roundTripTest -g500000000 -P97 "1 -T999" " "
+ fileRoundTripTest -g4103M -P98 " -T0" " "
+ roundTripTest -g400000000 -P97 "1 --long=24 -T2" " "
+ # Exposes the bug in
+ # This test fails on 4 different travis builds at the time of writing
+ # because it needs to allocate 8 GB of memory.
+ # roundTripTest -g10G -P99 "1 -T1 --long=31 --zstd=clog=27 --fast=1000"
+ println "\n**** no multithreading, skipping zstdmt tests **** "
+println "\n===> cover dictionary builder : advanced options "
+datagen > tmpDict
+println "- Create first dictionary"
+zstd --train-cover=k=46,d=8,split=80 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict
+cp "$TESTFILE" tmp
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict
+zstd -f tmp -D tmpDict --patch-from=tmpDict && die "error: can't use -D and --patch-from=#at the same time"
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDict -fo result
+$DIFF "$TESTFILE" result
+zstd --train-cover=k=56,d=8 && die "Create dictionary without input file (should error)"
+println "- Create second (different) dictionary"
+zstd --train-cover=k=56,d=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.h -o tmpDictC
+zstd -d tmp.zst -D tmpDictC -fo result && die "wrong dictionary not detected!"
+println "- Create dictionary using shrink-dict flag"
+zstd --train-cover=steps=256,shrink "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpShrinkDict
+zstd --train-cover=steps=256,shrink=1 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpShrinkDict1
+zstd --train-cover=steps=256,shrink=5 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpShrinkDict2
+zstd --train-cover=shrink=5,steps=256 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpShrinkDict3
+println "- Create dictionary with short dictID"
+zstd --train-cover=k=46,d=8,split=80 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c --dictID=1 -o tmpDict1
+cmp tmpDict tmpDict1 && die "dictionaries should have different ID !"
+println "- Create dictionary with size limit"
+zstd --train-cover=steps=8 "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c -o tmpDict2 --maxdict=4K
+println "- Compare size of dictionary from 90% training samples with 80% training samples"
+zstd --train-cover=split=90 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+zstd --train-cover=split=80 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Create dictionary using all samples for both training and testing"
+zstd --train-cover=split=100 -r "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+println "- Test -o before --train-cover"
+rm -f tmpDict dictionary
+zstd -o tmpDict --train-cover "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f tmpDict
+zstd --train-cover "$TESTDIR"/*.c "$PRGDIR"/*.c
+test -f dictionary
+rm -f tmp* dictionary
+rm -f tmp*
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/poolTests.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/poolTests.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08f31c0691f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/poolTests.c
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "pool.h"
+#include "threading.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "timefn.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define ASSERT_TRUE(p) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(p)) { \
+ return 1; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define ASSERT_FALSE(p) ASSERT_TRUE(!(p))
+#define ASSERT_EQ(lhs, rhs) ASSERT_TRUE((lhs) == (rhs))
+struct data {
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ unsigned data[16];
+ size_t i;
+static void fn(void *opaque)
+ struct data *data = (struct data *)opaque;
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex);
+ data->data[data->i] = (unsigned)(data->i);
+ ++data->i;
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex);
+static int testOrder(size_t numThreads, size_t queueSize)
+ struct data data;
+ POOL_ctx* const ctx = POOL_create(numThreads, queueSize);
+ data.i = 0;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ZSTD_pthread_mutex_init(&data.mutex, NULL));
+ { size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ POOL_add(ctx, &fn, &data);
+ }
+ }
+ POOL_free(ctx);
+ ASSERT_EQ(16, data.i);
+ { size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < data.i; ++i) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(i,[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_destroy(&data.mutex);
+ return 0;
+/* --- test deadlocks --- */
+static void waitFn(void *opaque) {
+ (void)opaque;
+ UTIL_sleepMilli(1);
+/* Tests for deadlock */
+static int testWait(size_t numThreads, size_t queueSize) {
+ struct data data;
+ POOL_ctx* const ctx = POOL_create(numThreads, queueSize);
+ { size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ POOL_add(ctx, &waitFn, &data);
+ }
+ }
+ POOL_free(ctx);
+ return 0;
+/* --- test POOL_resize() --- */
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t mut;
+ int countdown;
+ int val;
+ int max;
+ ZSTD_pthread_cond_t cond;
+} poolTest_t;
+static void waitLongFn(void *opaque) {
+ poolTest_t* const test = (poolTest_t*) opaque;
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&test->mut);
+ test->val++;
+ if (test->val > test->max)
+ test->max = test->val;
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&test->mut);
+ UTIL_sleepMilli(10);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&test->mut);
+ test->val--;
+ test->countdown--;
+ if (test->countdown == 0)
+ ZSTD_pthread_cond_signal(&test->cond);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&test->mut);
+static int testThreadReduction_internal(POOL_ctx* ctx, poolTest_t test)
+ int const nbWaits = 16;
+ test.countdown = nbWaits;
+ test.val = 0;
+ test.max = 0;
+ { int i;
+ for (i=0; i<nbWaits; i++)
+ POOL_add(ctx, &waitLongFn, &test);
+ }
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&test.mut);
+ while (test.countdown > 0)
+ ZSTD_pthread_cond_wait(&test.cond, &test.mut);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test.val, 0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test.max, 4);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&test.mut);
+ ASSERT_EQ( POOL_resize(ctx, 2/*nbThreads*/) , 0 );
+ test.countdown = nbWaits;
+ test.val = 0;
+ test.max = 0;
+ { int i;
+ for (i=0; i<nbWaits; i++)
+ POOL_add(ctx, &waitLongFn, &test);
+ }
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&test.mut);
+ while (test.countdown > 0)
+ ZSTD_pthread_cond_wait(&test.cond, &test.mut);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test.val, 0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(test.max, 2);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&test.mut);
+ return 0;
+static int testThreadReduction(void) {
+ int result;
+ poolTest_t test;
+ POOL_ctx* const ctx = POOL_create(4 /*nbThreads*/, 2 /*queueSize*/);
+ memset(&test, 0, sizeof(test));
+ ASSERT_FALSE( ZSTD_pthread_mutex_init(&test.mut, NULL) );
+ ASSERT_FALSE( ZSTD_pthread_cond_init(&test.cond, NULL) );
+ result = testThreadReduction_internal(ctx, test);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_destroy(&test.mut);
+ ZSTD_pthread_cond_destroy(&test.cond);
+ POOL_free(ctx);
+ return result;
+/* --- test abrupt ending --- */
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t mut;
+ int val;
+} abruptEndCanary_t;
+static void waitIncFn(void *opaque) {
+ abruptEndCanary_t* test = (abruptEndCanary_t*) opaque;
+ UTIL_sleepMilli(10);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_lock(&test->mut);
+ test->val = test->val + 1;
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_unlock(&test->mut);
+static int testAbruptEnding_internal(abruptEndCanary_t test)
+ int const nbWaits = 16;
+ POOL_ctx* const ctx = POOL_create(3 /*numThreads*/, nbWaits /*queueSize*/);
+ test.val = 0;
+ { int i;
+ for (i=0; i<nbWaits; i++)
+ POOL_add(ctx, &waitIncFn, &test); /* all jobs pushed into queue */
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ( POOL_resize(ctx, 1 /*numThreads*/) , 0 ); /* downsize numThreads, to try to break end condition */
+ POOL_free(ctx); /* must finish all jobs in queue before giving back control */
+ ASSERT_EQ(test.val, nbWaits);
+ return 0;
+static int testAbruptEnding(void) {
+ int result;
+ abruptEndCanary_t test;
+ memset(&test, 0, sizeof(test));
+ ASSERT_FALSE( ZSTD_pthread_mutex_init(&test.mut, NULL) );
+ result = testAbruptEnding_internal(test);
+ ZSTD_pthread_mutex_destroy(&test.mut);
+ return result;
+/* --- test launcher --- */
+int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
+ size_t numThreads;
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ if (POOL_create(0, 1)) { /* should not be possible */
+ printf("FAIL: should not create POOL with 0 threads\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (numThreads = 1; numThreads <= 4; ++numThreads) {
+ size_t queueSize;
+ for (queueSize = 0; queueSize <= 2; ++queueSize) {
+ printf("queueSize==%u, numThreads=%u \n",
+ (unsigned)queueSize, (unsigned)numThreads);
+ if (testOrder(numThreads, queueSize)) {
+ printf("FAIL: testOrder\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("SUCCESS: testOrder\n");
+ if (testWait(numThreads, queueSize)) {
+ printf("FAIL: testWait\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("SUCCESS: testWait\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (testThreadReduction()) {
+ printf("FAIL: thread reduction not effective \n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ printf("SUCCESS: thread reduction effective \n");
+ }
+ if (testAbruptEnding()) {
+ printf("FAIL: jobs in queue not completed on early end \n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ printf("SUCCESS: all jobs in queue completed on early end \n");
+ }
+ printf("PASS: all POOL tests\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..26293728e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ##########################################################################
+# Rate limiter, replacement for pv
+# this rate limiter does not "catch up" after a blocking period
+# Limitations:
+# - only accepts limit speed in MB/s
+import sys
+import time
+MB = 1024 * 1024
+rate = float(sys.argv[1]) * MB
+start = time.time()
+total_read = 0
+# sys.stderr.close() # remove error message, for Ctrl+C
+ buf = " "
+ while len(buf):
+ now = time.time()
+ to_read = max(int(rate * (now - start)), 1)
+ max_buf_size = 1 * MB
+ to_read = min(to_read, max_buf_size)
+ start = now
+ buf =
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(buf)
+except (KeyboardInterrupt, BrokenPipeError) as e:
+ pass
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/.gitignore b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b2618f415d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# regression test artifacts
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/Makefile b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a440c6c9425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+CFLAGS ?= -O3
+CURL_CFLAGS := $(shell curl-config --cflags)
+CURL_LDFLAGS := $(shell curl-config --libs) -pthread
+PROGDIR := ../../programs
+LIBDIR := ../../lib
+ZSTD_CPPFLAGS := -I$(PROGDIR) -I$(LIBDIR) -I$(LIBDIR)/common -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+all: test
+xxhash.o: $(LIBDIR)/common/xxhash.c $(LIBDIR)/common/xxhash.h
+util.o: $(PROGDIR)/util.c $(PROGDIR)/util.h
+data.o: data.c data.h $(PROGDIR)/util.h $(LIBDIR)/common/xxhash.h
+config.o: config.c config.h levels.h
+method.h: data.h config.h result.h
+method.o: method.c method.h
+result.o: result.c result.h
+test.o: test.c data.h config.h method.h
+.PHONY: libzstd.a
+ $(MAKE) -C $(LIBDIR) libzstd.a-mt
+ cp $(LIBDIR)/libzstd.a .
+test: test.o data.o config.o util.o method.o result.o xxhash.o libzstd.a
+ $(CC) $^ $(REGRESSION_LDFLAGS) -o $@
+.PHONY: clean
+ $(MAKE) -C $(LIBDIR) clean
+ $(RM) *.o *.a test
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb36b1ddd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Regression tests
+The regression tests run zstd in many scenarios and ensures that the size of the compressed results doesn't change. This helps us ensure that we don't accidentally regress zstd's compression ratio.
+These tests get run every night by CircleCI. If the job fails you can read the diff printed by the job to ensure the change isn't a regression. If all is well you can download the `results.csv` artifact and commit the new results. Or you can rebuild it yourself following the instructions below.
+## Rebuilding results.csv
+From the root of the zstd repo run:
+# Build the zstd binary
+make clean
+make -j zstd
+# Build the regression test binary
+cd tests/regression
+make clean
+make -j test
+# Run the regression test
+./test --cache data-cache --zstd ../../zstd --output results.csv
+# Check results.csv to ensure the new results are okay
+git diff
+# Then submit the PR
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57cd110c6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+/* Define a config for each fast level we want to test with. */
+#define FAST_LEVEL(x) \
+ param_value_t const level_fast##x##_param_values[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = -x}, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_fast##x = { \
+ .name = "level -" #x, \
+ .cli_args = "--fast=" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_fast##x##_param_values), \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_fast##x##_dict = { \
+ .name = "level -" #x " with dict", \
+ .cli_args = "--fast=" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_fast##x##_param_values), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ };
+/* Define a config for each level we want to test with. */
+#define LEVEL(x) \
+ param_value_t const level_##x##_param_values[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const level_##x##_param_values_dms[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceAttach}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const level_##x##_param_values_dds[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 1}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceAttach}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const level_##x##_param_values_dictcopy[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceCopy}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const level_##x##_param_values_dictload[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceLoad}, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x = { \
+ .name = "level " #x, \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values), \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x##_dict = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " with dict", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x##_dict_dms = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " with dict dms", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values_dms), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x##_dict_dds = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " with dict dds", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values_dds), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x##_dict_copy = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " with dict copy", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values_dictcopy), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const level_##x##_dict_load = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " with dict load", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_##x##_param_values_dictload), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ };
+/* Define a config specifically to test row hash based levels and settings.
+ */
+#define ROW_LEVEL(x, y) \
+ param_value_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, .value = y}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dms[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, .value = y}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceAttach}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dds[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, .value = y}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 1}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceAttach}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dictcopy[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, .value = y}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceCopy}, \
+ }; \
+ param_value_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dictload[] = { \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_useRowMatchFinder, .value = y}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = x}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch, .value = 0}, \
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_forceAttachDict, .value = ZSTD_dictForceLoad}, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const row_##y##_level_##x = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " row " #y, \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values), \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_dms = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " row " #y " with dict dms", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dms), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_dds = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " row " #y " with dict dds", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dds), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_copy = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " row " #y" with dict copy", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dictcopy), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ }; \
+ config_t const row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_load = { \
+ .name = "level " #x " row " #y " with dict load", \
+ .cli_args = "-" #x, \
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(row_##y##_level_##x##_param_values_dictload), \
+ .use_dictionary = 1, \
+ .advanced_api_only = 1, \
+ };
+#define PARAM_VALUES(pv) \
+ { .data = pv, .size = sizeof(pv) / sizeof((pv)[0]) }
+#include "levels.h"
+#undef LEVEL
+#undef FAST_LEVEL
+#undef ROW_LEVEL
+static config_t no_pledged_src_size = {
+ .name = "no source size",
+ .cli_args = "",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_0_param_values),
+ .no_pledged_src_size = 1,
+static config_t no_pledged_src_size_with_dict = {
+ .name = "no source size with dict",
+ .cli_args = "",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(level_0_param_values),
+ .no_pledged_src_size = 1,
+ .use_dictionary = 1,
+static param_value_t const ldm_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, .value = 1},
+static config_t ldm = {
+ .name = "long distance mode",
+ .cli_args = "--long",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(ldm_param_values),
+static param_value_t const mt_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, .value = 2},
+static config_t mt = {
+ .name = "multithreaded",
+ .cli_args = "-T2",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(mt_param_values),
+static param_value_t const mt_ldm_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, .value = 2},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, .value = 1},
+static config_t mt_ldm = {
+ .name = "multithreaded long distance mode",
+ .cli_args = "-T2 --long",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(mt_ldm_param_values),
+static param_value_t mt_advanced_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, .value = 2},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, .value = ZSTD_ps_disable},
+static config_t mt_advanced = {
+ .name = "multithreaded with advanced params",
+ .cli_args = "-T2 --no-compress-literals",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(mt_advanced_param_values),
+static param_value_t const small_wlog_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_windowLog, .value = 10},
+static config_t small_wlog = {
+ .name = "small window log",
+ .cli_args = "--zstd=wlog=10",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(small_wlog_param_values),
+static param_value_t const small_hlog_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_hashLog, .value = 6},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_strategy, .value = (int)ZSTD_btopt},
+static config_t small_hlog = {
+ .name = "small hash log",
+ .cli_args = "--zstd=hlog=6,strat=7",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(small_hlog_param_values),
+static param_value_t const small_clog_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_chainLog, .value = 6},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_strategy, .value = (int)ZSTD_btopt},
+static config_t small_clog = {
+ .name = "small chain log",
+ .cli_args = "--zstd=clog=6,strat=7",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(small_clog_param_values),
+static param_value_t const uncompressed_literals_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = 3},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, .value = ZSTD_ps_disable},
+static config_t uncompressed_literals = {
+ .name = "uncompressed literals",
+ .cli_args = "-3 --no-compress-literals",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(uncompressed_literals_param_values),
+static param_value_t const uncompressed_literals_opt_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = 19},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, .value = ZSTD_ps_disable},
+static config_t uncompressed_literals_opt = {
+ .name = "uncompressed literals optimal",
+ .cli_args = "-19 --no-compress-literals",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(uncompressed_literals_opt_param_values),
+static param_value_t const huffman_literals_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, .value = -1},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_literalCompressionMode, .value = ZSTD_ps_enable},
+static config_t huffman_literals = {
+ .name = "huffman literals",
+ .cli_args = "--fast=1 --compress-literals",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(huffman_literals_param_values),
+static param_value_t const explicit_params_param_values[] = {
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, .value = 1},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, .value = 0},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag, .value = 0},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_strategy, .value = (int)ZSTD_greedy},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_windowLog, .value = 18},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_hashLog, .value = 21},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_chainLog, .value = 21},
+ {.param = ZSTD_c_targetLength, .value = 100},
+static config_t explicit_params = {
+ .name = "explicit params",
+ .cli_args = "--no-check --no-dictID --zstd=strategy=3,wlog=18,hlog=21,clog=21,tlen=100",
+ .param_values = PARAM_VALUES(explicit_params_param_values),
+static config_t const* g_configs[] = {
+#define FAST_LEVEL(x) &level_fast##x, &level_fast##x##_dict,
+#define LEVEL(x) &level_##x, &level_##x##_dict, &level_##x##_dict_dms, &level_##x##_dict_dds, &level_##x##_dict_copy, &level_##x##_dict_load,
+#define ROW_LEVEL(x, y) &row_##y##_level_##x, &row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_dms, &row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_dds, &row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_copy, &row_##y##_level_##x##_dict_load,
+#include "levels.h"
+#undef ROW_LEVEL
+#undef LEVEL
+#undef FAST_LEVEL
+ &no_pledged_src_size,
+ &no_pledged_src_size_with_dict,
+ &ldm,
+ &mt,
+ &mt_ldm,
+ &small_wlog,
+ &small_hlog,
+ &small_clog,
+ &explicit_params,
+ &uncompressed_literals,
+ &uncompressed_literals_opt,
+ &huffman_literals,
+ &mt_advanced,
+config_t const* const* configs = g_configs;
+int config_skip_data(config_t const* config, data_t const* data) {
+ return config->use_dictionary && !data_has_dict(data);
+int config_get_level(config_t const* config)
+ param_values_t const params = config->param_values;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < params.size; ++i) {
+ if ([i].param == ZSTD_c_compressionLevel)
+ return (int)[i].value;
+ }
+ZSTD_parameters config_get_zstd_params(
+ config_t const* config,
+ uint64_t srcSize,
+ size_t dictSize)
+ ZSTD_parameters zparams = {};
+ param_values_t const params = config->param_values;
+ int level = config_get_level(config);
+ if (level == CONFIG_NO_LEVEL)
+ level = 3;
+ zparams = ZSTD_getParams(
+ level,
+ config->no_pledged_src_size ? ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN : srcSize,
+ dictSize);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size; ++i) {
+ unsigned const value =[i].value;
+ switch ([i].param) {
+ case ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag:
+ zparams.fParams.contentSizeFlag = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_checksumFlag:
+ zparams.fParams.checksumFlag = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag:
+ zparams.fParams.noDictIDFlag = !value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_windowLog:
+ zparams.cParams.windowLog = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_chainLog:
+ zparams.cParams.chainLog = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_hashLog:
+ zparams.cParams.hashLog = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_searchLog:
+ zparams.cParams.searchLog = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_minMatch:
+ zparams.cParams.minMatch = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_targetLength:
+ zparams.cParams.targetLength = value;
+ break;
+ case ZSTD_c_strategy:
+ zparams.cParams.strategy = (ZSTD_strategy)value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return zparams;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd889374375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <zstd.h>
+#include "data.h"
+typedef struct {
+ ZSTD_cParameter param;
+ int value;
+} param_value_t;
+typedef struct {
+ size_t size;
+ param_value_t const* data;
+} param_values_t;
+ * The config tells the compression method what options to use.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ const char* name; /**< Identifies the config in the results table */
+ /**
+ * Optional arguments to pass to the CLI. If not set, CLI-based methods
+ * will skip this config.
+ */
+ char const* cli_args;
+ /**
+ * Parameters to pass to the advanced API. If the advanced API isn't used,
+ * the parameters will be derived from these.
+ */
+ param_values_t param_values;
+ /**
+ * Boolean parameter that says if we should use a dictionary. If the data
+ * doesn't have a dictionary, this config is skipped. Defaults to no.
+ */
+ int use_dictionary;
+ /**
+ * Boolean parameter that says if we should pass the pledged source size
+ * when the method allows it. Defaults to yes.
+ */
+ int no_pledged_src_size;
+ /**
+ * Boolean parameter that says that this config should only be used
+ * for methods that use the advanced compression API
+ */
+ int advanced_api_only;
+} config_t;
+ * Returns true if the config should skip this data.
+ * For instance, if the config requires a dictionary but the data doesn't have
+ * one.
+ */
+int config_skip_data(config_t const* config, data_t const* data);
+ * Returns the compression level specified by the config, or CONFIG_NO_LEVEL if
+ * no level is specified. Note that 0 is a valid compression level, meaning
+ * default.
+ */
+int config_get_level(config_t const* config);
+ * Returns the compression parameters specified by the config.
+ */
+ZSTD_parameters config_get_zstd_params(
+ config_t const* config,
+ uint64_t srcSize,
+ size_t dictSize);
+ * The NULL-terminated list of configs.
+ */
+extern config_t const* const* configs;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..341b02d3b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.c
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "data.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* free() */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "xxhash.h"
+ * Data objects
+ */
+ "" x
+data_t silesia = {
+ .name = "silesia",
+ .type = data_type_dir,
+ .data =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("silesia.tar.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0x48a199f92f93e977LL,
+ },
+data_t silesia_tar = {
+ .name = "silesia.tar",
+ .type = data_type_file,
+ .data =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("silesia.tar.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0x48a199f92f93e977LL,
+ },
+data_t github = {
+ .name = "github",
+ .type = data_type_dir,
+ .data =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("github.tar.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0xa9b1b44b020df292LL,
+ },
+ .dict =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("github.dict.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0x1eddc6f737d3cb53LL,
+ },
+data_t github_tar = {
+ .name = "github.tar",
+ .type = data_type_file,
+ .data =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("github.tar.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0xa9b1b44b020df292LL,
+ },
+ .dict =
+ {
+ .url = REGRESSION_RELEASE("github.dict.zst"),
+ .xxhash64 = 0x1eddc6f737d3cb53LL,
+ },
+static data_t* g_data[] = {
+ &silesia,
+ &silesia_tar,
+ &github,
+ &github_tar,
+data_t const* const* data = (data_t const* const*)g_data;
+ * data helpers.
+ */
+int data_has_dict(data_t const* data) {
+ return data->dict.url != NULL;
+ * data buffer helper functions (documented in header).
+ */
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_create(size_t const capacity) {
+ data_buffer_t buffer = {};
+ = (uint8_t*)malloc(capacity);
+ if ( == NULL)
+ return buffer;
+ buffer.capacity = capacity;
+ return buffer;
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_read(char const* filename) {
+ data_buffer_t buffer = {};
+ uint64_t const size = UTIL_getFileSize(filename);
+ if (size == UTIL_FILESIZE_UNKNOWN) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "unknown size for %s\n", filename);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ = (uint8_t*)malloc(size);
+ if ( == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed\n");
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ buffer.capacity = size;
+ FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if (file == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "file null\n");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ buffer.size = fread(, 1, buffer.capacity, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (buffer.size != buffer.capacity) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "read %zu != %zu\n", buffer.size, buffer.capacity);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ free(;
+ memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+ return buffer;
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_get_data(data_t const* data) {
+ data_buffer_t const kEmptyBuffer = {};
+ if (data->type != data_type_file)
+ return kEmptyBuffer;
+ return data_buffer_read(data->data.path);
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_get_dict(data_t const* data) {
+ data_buffer_t const kEmptyBuffer = {};
+ if (!data_has_dict(data))
+ return kEmptyBuffer;
+ return data_buffer_read(data->dict.path);
+int data_buffer_compare(data_buffer_t buffer1, data_buffer_t buffer2) {
+ size_t const size =
+ buffer1.size < buffer2.size ? buffer1.size : buffer2.size;
+ int const cmp = memcmp(,, size);
+ if (cmp != 0)
+ return cmp;
+ if (buffer1.size < buffer2.size)
+ return -1;
+ if (buffer1.size == buffer2.size)
+ return 0;
+ assert(buffer1.size > buffer2.size);
+ return 1;
+void data_buffer_free(data_buffer_t buffer) {
+ free(;
+ * data filenames helpers.
+ */
+FileNamesTable* data_filenames_get(data_t const* data)
+ char const* const path = data->data.path;
+ return UTIL_createExpandedFNT(&path, 1, 0 /* followLinks */ );
+ * data buffers helpers.
+ */
+data_buffers_t data_buffers_get(data_t const* data) {
+ data_buffers_t buffers = {.size = 0};
+ FileNamesTable* const filenames = data_filenames_get(data);
+ if (filenames == NULL) return buffers;
+ if (filenames->tableSize == 0) {
+ UTIL_freeFileNamesTable(filenames);
+ return buffers;
+ }
+ data_buffer_t* buffersPtr =
+ (data_buffer_t*)malloc(filenames->tableSize * sizeof(*buffersPtr));
+ if (buffersPtr == NULL) {
+ UTIL_freeFileNamesTable(filenames);
+ return buffers;
+ }
+ buffers.buffers = (data_buffer_t const*)buffersPtr;
+ buffers.size = filenames->tableSize;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames->tableSize; ++i) {
+ buffersPtr[i] = data_buffer_read(filenames->fileNames[i]);
+ if (buffersPtr[i].data == NULL) {
+ data_buffers_t const kEmptyBuffer = {};
+ data_buffers_free(buffers);
+ UTIL_freeFileNamesTable(filenames);
+ return kEmptyBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ UTIL_freeFileNamesTable(filenames);
+ return buffers;
+ * Frees the data buffers.
+ */
+void data_buffers_free(data_buffers_t buffers) {
+ free((data_buffer_t*)buffers.buffers);
+ * Initialization and download functions.
+ */
+static char* g_data_dir = NULL;
+/* mkdir -p */
+static int ensure_directory_exists(char const* indir) {
+ char* const dir = strdup(indir);
+ char* end = dir;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dir == NULL) {
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ do {
+ /* Find the next directory level. */
+ for (++end; *end != '\0' && *end != '/'; ++end)
+ ;
+ /* End the string there, make the directory, and restore the string. */
+ char const save = *end;
+ *end = '\0';
+ int const isdir = UTIL_isDirectory(dir);
+ ret = mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU);
+ *end = save;
+ /* Its okay if the directory already exists. */
+ if (ret == 0 || (errno == EEXIST && isdir))
+ continue;
+ ret = errno;
+ fprintf(stderr, "mkdir() failed\n");
+ goto out;
+ } while (*end != '\0');
+ ret = 0;
+ free(dir);
+ return ret;
+/** Concatenate 3 strings into a new buffer. */
+static char* cat3(char const* str1, char const* str2, char const* str3) {
+ size_t const size1 = strlen(str1);
+ size_t const size2 = strlen(str2);
+ size_t const size3 = str3 == NULL ? 0 : strlen(str3);
+ size_t const size = size1 + size2 + size3 + 1;
+ char* const dst = (char*)malloc(size);
+ if (dst == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ strcpy(dst, str1);
+ strcpy(dst + size1, str2);
+ if (str3 != NULL)
+ strcpy(dst + size1 + size2, str3);
+ assert(strlen(dst) == size1 + size2 + size3);
+ return dst;
+static char* cat2(char const* str1, char const* str2) {
+ return cat3(str1, str2, NULL);
+ * State needed by the curl callback.
+ * It takes data from curl, hashes it, and writes it to the file.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ FILE* file;
+ XXH64_state_t xxhash64;
+ int error;
+} curl_data_t;
+/** Create the curl state. */
+static curl_data_t curl_data_create(
+ data_resource_t const* resource,
+ data_type_t type) {
+ curl_data_t cdata = {};
+ XXH64_reset(&cdata.xxhash64, 0);
+ assert(UTIL_isDirectory(g_data_dir));
+ if (type == data_type_file) {
+ /* Decompress the resource and store to the path. */
+ char* cmd = cat3("zstd -dqfo '", resource->path, "'");
+ if (cmd == NULL) {
+ cdata.error = ENOMEM;
+ return cdata;
+ }
+ cdata.file = popen(cmd, "w");
+ free(cmd);
+ } else {
+ /* Decompress and extract the resource to the cache directory. */
+ char* cmd = cat3("zstd -dc | tar -x -C '", g_data_dir, "'");
+ if (cmd == NULL) {
+ cdata.error = ENOMEM;
+ return cdata;
+ }
+ cdata.file = popen(cmd, "w");
+ free(cmd);
+ }
+ if (cdata.file == NULL) {
+ cdata.error = errno;
+ }
+ return cdata;
+/** Free the curl state. */
+static int curl_data_free(curl_data_t cdata) {
+ return pclose(cdata.file);
+/** curl callback. Updates the hash, and writes to the file. */
+static size_t curl_write(void* data, size_t size, size_t count, void* ptr) {
+ curl_data_t* cdata = (curl_data_t*)ptr;
+ size_t const written = fwrite(data, size, count, cdata->file);
+ XXH64_update(&cdata->xxhash64, data, written * size);
+ return written;
+static int curl_download_resource(
+ CURL* curl,
+ data_resource_t const* resource,
+ data_type_t type) {
+ curl_data_t cdata;
+ /* Download the data. */
+ if (curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, resource->url) != 0)
+ return EINVAL;
+ if (curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &cdata) != 0)
+ return EINVAL;
+ cdata = curl_data_create(resource, type);
+ if (cdata.error != 0)
+ return cdata.error;
+ int const curl_err = curl_easy_perform(curl);
+ int const close_err = curl_data_free(cdata);
+ if (curl_err) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "downloading '%s' for '%s' failed\n",
+ resource->url,
+ resource->path);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ if (close_err) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "writing data to '%s' failed\n", resource->path);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ /* check that the file exists. */
+ if (type == data_type_file && !UTIL_isRegularFile(resource->path)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "output file '%s' does not exist\n", resource->path);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ if (type == data_type_dir && !UTIL_isDirectory(resource->path)) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr, "output directory '%s' does not exist\n", resource->path);
+ return EIO;
+ }
+ /* Check that the hash matches. */
+ if (XXH64_digest(&cdata.xxhash64) != resource->xxhash64) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "checksum does not match: 0x%llxLL != 0x%llxLL\n",
+ (unsigned long long)XXH64_digest(&cdata.xxhash64),
+ (unsigned long long)resource->xxhash64);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** Download a single data object. */
+static int curl_download_datum(CURL* curl, data_t const* data) {
+ int ret;
+ ret = curl_download_resource(curl, &data->data, data->type);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ if (data_has_dict(data)) {
+ ret = curl_download_resource(curl, &data->dict, data_type_file);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/** Download all the data. */
+static int curl_download_data(data_t const* const* data) {
+ if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != 0)
+ return EFAULT;
+ curl_data_t cdata = {};
+ CURL* curl = curl_easy_init();
+ int err = EFAULT;
+ if (curl == NULL)
+ return EFAULT;
+ if (curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ if (curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ if (curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curl_write) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ assert(data != NULL);
+ for (; *data != NULL; ++data) {
+ if (curl_download_datum(curl, *data) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ err = 0;
+ curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
+ curl_global_cleanup();
+ return err;
+/** Fill the path member variable of the data objects. */
+static int data_create_paths(data_t* const* data, char const* dir) {
+ size_t const dirlen = strlen(dir);
+ assert(data != NULL);
+ for (; *data != NULL; ++data) {
+ data_t* const datum = *data;
+ datum->data.path = cat3(dir, "/", datum->name);
+ if (datum->data.path == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ if (data_has_dict(datum)) {
+ datum->dict.path = cat2(datum->data.path, ".dict");
+ if (datum->dict.path == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** Free the path member variable of the data objects. */
+static void data_free_paths(data_t* const* data) {
+ assert(data != NULL);
+ for (; *data != NULL; ++data) {
+ data_t* datum = *data;
+ free((void*)datum->data.path);
+ free((void*)datum->dict.path);
+ datum->data.path = NULL;
+ datum->dict.path = NULL;
+ }
+static char const kStampName[] = "STAMP";
+static void xxh_update_le(XXH64_state_t* state, uint64_t data) {
+ if (!MEM_isLittleEndian())
+ data = MEM_swap64(data);
+ XXH64_update(state, &data, sizeof(data));
+/** Hash the data to create the stamp. */
+static uint64_t stamp_hash(data_t const* const* data) {
+ XXH64_state_t state;
+ XXH64_reset(&state, 0);
+ assert(data != NULL);
+ for (; *data != NULL; ++data) {
+ data_t const* datum = *data;
+ /* We don't care about the URL that we fetch from. */
+ /* The path is derived from the name. */
+ XXH64_update(&state, datum->name, strlen(datum->name));
+ xxh_update_le(&state, datum->data.xxhash64);
+ xxh_update_le(&state, datum->dict.xxhash64);
+ xxh_update_le(&state, datum->type);
+ }
+ return XXH64_digest(&state);
+/** Check if the stamp matches the stamp in the cache directory. */
+static int stamp_check(char const* dir, data_t const* const* data) {
+ char* stamp = cat3(dir, "/", kStampName);
+ uint64_t const expected = stamp_hash(data);
+ XXH64_canonical_t actual;
+ FILE* stampfile = NULL;
+ int matches = 0;
+ if (stamp == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ if (!UTIL_isRegularFile(stamp)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "stamp does not exist: recreating the data cache\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ stampfile = fopen(stamp, "rb");
+ if (stampfile == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not open stamp: recreating the data cache\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ size_t b;
+ if ((b = fread(&actual, sizeof(actual), 1, stampfile)) != 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid stamp: recreating the data cache\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ matches = (expected == XXH64_hashFromCanonical(&actual));
+ if (matches)
+ fprintf(stderr, "stamp matches: reusing the cached data\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "stamp does not match: recreating the data cache\n");
+ free(stamp);
+ if (stampfile != NULL)
+ fclose(stampfile);
+ return matches;
+/** On success write a new stamp, on failure delete the old stamp. */
+static int
+stamp_write(char const* dir, data_t const* const* data, int const data_err) {
+ char* stamp = cat3(dir, "/", kStampName);
+ FILE* stampfile = NULL;
+ int err = EIO;
+ if (stamp == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ if (data_err != 0) {
+ err = data_err;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ XXH64_canonical_t hash;
+ XXH64_canonicalFromHash(&hash, stamp_hash(data));
+ stampfile = fopen(stamp, "wb");
+ if (stampfile == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ if (fwrite(&hash, sizeof(hash), 1, stampfile) != 1)
+ goto out;
+ err = 0;
+ fprintf(stderr, "stamped new data cache\n");
+ if (err != 0)
+ /* Ignore errors. */
+ unlink(stamp);
+ free(stamp);
+ if (stampfile != NULL)
+ fclose(stampfile);
+ return err;
+int data_init(char const* dir) {
+ int err;
+ if (dir == NULL)
+ return EINVAL;
+ /* This must be first to simplify logic. */
+ err = ensure_directory_exists(dir);
+ if (err != 0)
+ return err;
+ /* Save the cache directory. */
+ g_data_dir = strdup(dir);
+ if (g_data_dir == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ err = data_create_paths(g_data, dir);
+ if (err != 0)
+ return err;
+ /* If the stamp matches then we are good to go.
+ * This must be called before any modifications to the data cache.
+ * After this point, we MUST call stamp_write() to update the STAMP,
+ * since we've updated the data cache.
+ */
+ if (stamp_check(dir, data))
+ return 0;
+ err = curl_download_data(data);
+ if (err != 0)
+ goto out;
+ /* This must be last, since it must know if data_init() succeeded. */
+ stamp_write(dir, data, err);
+ return err;
+void data_finish(void) {
+ data_free_paths(g_data);
+ free(g_data_dir);
+ g_data_dir = NULL;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e54e6a1dc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef DATA_H
+#define DATA_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef enum {
+ data_type_file = 1, /**< This data is a file. *.zst */
+ data_type_dir = 2, /**< This data is a directory. *.tar.zst */
+} data_type_t;
+typedef struct {
+ char const* url; /**< Where to get this resource. */
+ uint64_t xxhash64; /**< Hash of the url contents. */
+ char const* path; /**< The path of the unpacked resource (derived). */
+} data_resource_t;
+typedef struct {
+ data_resource_t data;
+ data_resource_t dict;
+ data_type_t type; /**< The type of the data. */
+ char const* name; /**< The logical name of the data (no extension). */
+} data_t;
+ * The NULL-terminated list of data objects.
+ */
+extern data_t const* const* data;
+int data_has_dict(data_t const* data);
+ * Initializes the data module and downloads the data necessary.
+ * Caches the downloads in dir. We add a stamp file in the directory after
+ * a successful download. If a stamp file already exists, and matches our
+ * current data stamp, we will use the cached data without downloading.
+ *
+ * @param dir The directory to cache the downloaded data into.
+ *
+ * @returns 0 on success.
+ */
+int data_init(char const* dir);
+ * Must be called at exit to free resources allocated by data_init().
+ */
+void data_finish(void);
+typedef struct {
+ uint8_t* data;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t capacity;
+} data_buffer_t;
+ * Read the file that data points to into a buffer.
+ * NOTE: data must be a file, not a directory.
+ *
+ * @returns The buffer, which is NULL on failure.
+ */
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_get_data(data_t const* data);
+ * Read the dictionary that the data points to into a buffer.
+ *
+ * @returns The buffer, which is NULL on failure.
+ */
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_get_dict(data_t const* data);
+ * Read the contents of filename into a buffer.
+ *
+ * @returns The buffer, which is NULL on failure.
+ */
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_read(char const* filename);
+ * Create a buffer with the specified capacity.
+ *
+ * @returns The buffer, which is NULL on failure.
+ */
+data_buffer_t data_buffer_create(size_t capacity);
+ * Calls memcmp() on the contents [0, size) of both buffers.
+ */
+int data_buffer_compare(data_buffer_t buffer1, data_buffer_t buffer2);
+ * Frees an allocated buffer.
+ */
+void data_buffer_free(data_buffer_t buffer);
+typedef struct {
+ data_buffer_t const* buffers;
+ size_t size;
+} data_buffers_t;
+ * @returns a list of buffers for every file in data. It is zero sized on error.
+ */
+data_buffers_t data_buffers_get(data_t const* data);
+ * Frees the data buffers.
+ */
+void data_buffers_free(data_buffers_t buffers);
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/levels.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/levels.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e98209d8015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/levels.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef LEVEL
+# error LEVEL(x) must be defined
+#ifndef FAST_LEVEL
+# error FAST_LEVEL(x) must be defined
+#ifndef ROW_LEVEL
+# error ROW_LEVEL(x, y) must be defined
+ * The levels are chosen to trigger every strategy in every source size,
+ * as well as some fast levels and the default level.
+ * If you change the compression levels, you should probably update these.
+ */
+/* ROW_LEVEL triggers the row hash (force enabled and disabled) with different
+ * dictionary strategies, and 16/32/64 row entries based on the level/searchLog.
+ * 1 == enabled, 2 == disabled.
+ */
+ROW_LEVEL(5, 1)
+ROW_LEVEL(5, 2) /* 16-entry rows */
+ROW_LEVEL(7, 1)
+ROW_LEVEL(7, 2) /* 16-entry rows */
+ROW_LEVEL(11, 1)
+ROW_LEVEL(11, 2) /* 32-entry rows */
+ROW_LEVEL(12, 1)
+ROW_LEVEL(12, 2) /* 64-entry rows */
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55b1154ebca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.c
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "method.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <zstd.h>
+#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+static char const* g_zstdcli = NULL;
+void method_set_zstdcli(char const* zstdcli) {
+ g_zstdcli = zstdcli;
+ * Macro to get a pointer of type, given ptr, which is a member variable with
+ * the given name, member.
+ *
+ * method_state_t* base = ...;
+ * buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ */
+#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
+ ((type*)(ptr == NULL ? NULL : (char*)(ptr)-offsetof(type, member)))
+/** State to reuse the same buffers between compression calls. */
+typedef struct {
+ method_state_t base;
+ data_buffers_t inputs; /**< The input buffer for each file. */
+ data_buffer_t dictionary; /**< The dictionary. */
+ data_buffer_t compressed; /**< The compressed data buffer. */
+ data_buffer_t decompressed; /**< The decompressed data buffer. */
+} buffer_state_t;
+static size_t buffers_max_size(data_buffers_t buffers) {
+ size_t max = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers.size; ++i) {
+ if (buffers.buffers[i].size > max)
+ max = buffers.buffers[i].size;
+ }
+ return max;
+static method_state_t* buffer_state_create(data_t const* data) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = (buffer_state_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(buffer_state_t));
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ state-> = data;
+ state->inputs = data_buffers_get(data);
+ state->dictionary = data_buffer_get_dict(data);
+ size_t const max_size = buffers_max_size(state->inputs);
+ state->compressed = data_buffer_create(ZSTD_compressBound(max_size));
+ state->decompressed = data_buffer_create(max_size);
+ return &state->base;
+static void buffer_state_destroy(method_state_t* base) {
+ if (base == NULL)
+ return;
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ free(state);
+static int buffer_state_bad(
+ buffer_state_t const* state,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ if (state == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "buffer_state_t is NULL\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (state->inputs.size == 0 || state-> == NULL ||
+ state-> == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "buffer state allocation failure\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (config->use_dictionary && state-> == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "dictionary loading failed\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static result_t simple_compress(method_state_t* base, config_t const* config) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ if (buffer_state_bad(state, config))
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ /* Keep the tests short by skipping directories, since behavior shouldn't
+ * change.
+ */
+ if (base->data->type != data_type_file)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (config->advanced_api_only)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (config->use_dictionary || config->no_pledged_src_size)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ /* If the config doesn't specify a level, skip. */
+ int const level = config_get_level(config);
+ if (level == CONFIG_NO_LEVEL)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ data_buffer_t const input = state->inputs.buffers[0];
+ /* Compress, decompress, and check the result. */
+ state->compressed.size = ZSTD_compress(
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.capacity,
+ input.size,
+ level);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(state->compressed.size))
+ return result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ state->decompressed.size = ZSTD_decompress(
+ state->,
+ state->decompressed.capacity,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.size);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(state->decompressed.size))
+ return result_error(result_error_decompression_error);
+ if (data_buffer_compare(input, state->decompressed))
+ return result_error(result_error_round_trip_error);
+ result_data_t data;
+ data.total_size = state->compressed.size;
+ return result_data(data);
+static result_t compress_cctx_compress(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ if (buffer_state_bad(state, config))
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ if (config->no_pledged_src_size)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (base->data->type != data_type_dir)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (config->advanced_api_only)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ int const level = config_get_level(config);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ if (cctx == NULL || dctx == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "context creation failed\n");
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ }
+ result_t result;
+ result_data_t data = {.total_size = 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < state->inputs.size; ++i) {
+ data_buffer_t const input = state->inputs.buffers[i];
+ ZSTD_parameters const params =
+ config_get_zstd_params(config, input.size, state->dictionary.size);
+ if (level == CONFIG_NO_LEVEL)
+ state->compressed.size = ZSTD_compress_advanced(
+ cctx,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.capacity,
+ input.size,
+ config->use_dictionary ? state-> : NULL,
+ config->use_dictionary ? state->dictionary.size : 0,
+ params);
+ else if (config->use_dictionary)
+ state->compressed.size = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(
+ cctx,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.capacity,
+ input.size,
+ state->,
+ state->dictionary.size,
+ level);
+ else
+ state->compressed.size = ZSTD_compressCCtx(
+ cctx,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.capacity,
+ input.size,
+ level);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(state->compressed.size)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (config->use_dictionary)
+ state->decompressed.size = ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(
+ dctx,
+ state->,
+ state->decompressed.capacity,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.size,
+ state->,
+ state->dictionary.size);
+ else
+ state->decompressed.size = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(
+ dctx,
+ state->,
+ state->decompressed.capacity,
+ state->,
+ state->compressed.size);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(state->decompressed.size)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_decompression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (data_buffer_compare(input, state->decompressed)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_round_trip_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ data.total_size += state->compressed.size;
+ }
+ result = result_data(data);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ return result;
+/** Generic state creation function. */
+static method_state_t* method_state_create(data_t const* data) {
+ method_state_t* state = (method_state_t*)malloc(sizeof(method_state_t));
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ state->data = data;
+ return state;
+static void method_state_destroy(method_state_t* state) {
+ free(state);
+static result_t cli_compress(method_state_t* state, config_t const* config) {
+ if (config->cli_args == NULL)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (config->advanced_api_only)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ /* We don't support no pledged source size with directories. Too slow. */
+ if (state->data->type == data_type_dir && config->no_pledged_src_size)
+ return result_error(result_error_skip);
+ if (g_zstdcli == NULL)
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ /* '<zstd>' -cqr <args> [-D '<dict>'] '<file/dir>' */
+ char cmd[1024];
+ size_t const cmd_size = snprintf(
+ cmd,
+ sizeof(cmd),
+ "'%s' -cqr %s %s%s%s %s '%s'",
+ g_zstdcli,
+ config->cli_args,
+ config->use_dictionary ? "-D '" : "",
+ config->use_dictionary ? state->data->dict.path : "",
+ config->use_dictionary ? "'" : "",
+ config->no_pledged_src_size ? "<" : "",
+ state->data->data.path);
+ if (cmd_size >= sizeof(cmd)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "command too large: %s\n", cmd);
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ }
+ FILE* zstd = popen(cmd, "r");
+ if (zstd == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to popen command: %s\n", cmd);
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ }
+ char out[4096];
+ size_t total_size = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ size_t const size = fread(out, 1, sizeof(out), zstd);
+ total_size += size;
+ if (size != sizeof(out))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ferror(zstd) || pclose(zstd) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "zstd failed with command: %s\n", cmd);
+ return result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ }
+ result_data_t const data = {.total_size = total_size};
+ return result_data(data);
+static int advanced_config(
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx,
+ buffer_state_t* state,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < config->param_values.size; ++p) {
+ param_value_t const pv = config->[p];
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, pv.param, pv.value))) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (config->use_dictionary) {
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(
+ cctx, state->, state->dictionary.size))) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static result_t advanced_one_pass_compress_output_adjustment(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config,
+ size_t const subtract) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ if (buffer_state_bad(state, config))
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ result_t result;
+ if (!cctx || advanced_config(cctx, state, config)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ result_data_t data = {.total_size = 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < state->inputs.size; ++i) {
+ data_buffer_t const input = state->inputs.buffers[i];
+ if (!config->no_pledged_src_size) {
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(cctx, input.size))) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t const size = ZSTD_compress2(
+ cctx,
+ state->,
+ ZSTD_compressBound(input.size) - subtract,
+ input.size);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(size)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ data.total_size += size;
+ }
+ result = result_data(data);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return result;
+static result_t advanced_one_pass_compress(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ return advanced_one_pass_compress_output_adjustment(base, config, 0);
+static result_t advanced_one_pass_compress_small_output(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ return advanced_one_pass_compress_output_adjustment(base, config, 1);
+static result_t advanced_streaming_compress(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ if (buffer_state_bad(state, config))
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ result_t result;
+ if (!cctx || advanced_config(cctx, state, config)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ result_data_t data = {.total_size = 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < state->inputs.size; ++i) {
+ data_buffer_t input = state->inputs.buffers[i];
+ if (!config->no_pledged_src_size) {
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(cctx, input.size))) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ while (input.size > 0) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {, MIN(input.size, 4096)};
+ += in.size;
+ input.size -= in.size;
+ ZSTD_EndDirective const op =
+ input.size > 0 ? ZSTD_e_continue : ZSTD_e_end;
+ size_t ret = 0;
+ while (in.pos < in.size || (op == ZSTD_e_end && ret != 0)) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {state->,
+ MIN(state->compressed.capacity, 1024)};
+ ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, op);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ data.total_size += out.pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = result_data(data);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return result;
+static int init_cstream(
+ buffer_state_t* state,
+ ZSTD_CStream* zcs,
+ config_t const* config,
+ int const advanced,
+ ZSTD_CDict** cdict)
+ size_t zret;
+ if (advanced) {
+ ZSTD_parameters const params = config_get_zstd_params(config, 0, 0);
+ ZSTD_CDict* dict = NULL;
+ if (cdict) {
+ if (!config->use_dictionary)
+ return 1;
+ *cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(
+ state->,
+ state->dictionary.size,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byRef,
+ ZSTD_dct_auto,
+ params.cParams,
+ ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ if (!*cdict) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ zret = ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict_advanced(
+ zcs, *cdict, params.fParams, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN);
+ } else {
+ zret = ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(
+ zcs,
+ config->use_dictionary ? state-> : NULL,
+ config->use_dictionary ? state->dictionary.size : 0,
+ params,
+ }
+ } else {
+ int const level = config_get_level(config);
+ if (level == CONFIG_NO_LEVEL)
+ return 1;
+ if (cdict) {
+ if (!config->use_dictionary)
+ return 1;
+ *cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(
+ state->,
+ state->dictionary.size,
+ level);
+ if (!*cdict) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ zret = ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict(zcs, *cdict);
+ } else if (config->use_dictionary) {
+ zret = ZSTD_initCStream_usingDict(
+ zcs,
+ state->,
+ state->dictionary.size,
+ level);
+ } else {
+ zret = ZSTD_initCStream(zcs, level);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ZSTD_isError(zret)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static result_t old_streaming_compress_internal(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config,
+ int const advanced,
+ int const cdict) {
+ buffer_state_t* state = container_of(base, buffer_state_t, base);
+ if (buffer_state_bad(state, config))
+ return result_error(result_error_system_error);
+ ZSTD_CStream* zcs = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ ZSTD_CDict* cd = NULL;
+ result_t result;
+ if (zcs == NULL) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!advanced && config_get_level(config) == CONFIG_NO_LEVEL) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_skip);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (cdict && !config->use_dictionary) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_skip);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (config->advanced_api_only) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_skip);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (init_cstream(state, zcs, config, advanced, cdict ? &cd : NULL)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ result_data_t data = {.total_size = 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < state->inputs.size; ++i) {
+ data_buffer_t input = state->inputs.buffers[i];
+ size_t zret = ZSTD_resetCStream(
+ zcs,
+ config->no_pledged_src_size ? ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN : input.size);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(zret)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ while (input.size > 0) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {, MIN(input.size, 4096)};
+ += in.size;
+ input.size -= in.size;
+ ZSTD_EndDirective const op =
+ input.size > 0 ? ZSTD_e_continue : ZSTD_e_end;
+ zret = 0;
+ while (in.pos < in.size || (op == ZSTD_e_end && zret != 0)) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {state->,
+ MIN(state->compressed.capacity, 1024)};
+ if (op == ZSTD_e_continue || in.pos < in.size)
+ zret = ZSTD_compressStream(zcs, &out, &in);
+ else
+ zret = ZSTD_endStream(zcs, &out);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(zret)) {
+ result = result_error(result_error_compression_error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ data.total_size += out.pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = result_data(data);
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(zcs);
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cd);
+ return result;
+static result_t old_streaming_compress(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config)
+ return old_streaming_compress_internal(
+ base, config, /* advanced */ 0, /* cdict */ 0);
+static result_t old_streaming_compress_advanced(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config)
+ return old_streaming_compress_internal(
+ base, config, /* advanced */ 1, /* cdict */ 0);
+static result_t old_streaming_compress_cdict(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config)
+ return old_streaming_compress_internal(
+ base, config, /* advanced */ 0, /* cdict */ 1);
+static result_t old_streaming_compress_cdict_advanced(
+ method_state_t* base,
+ config_t const* config)
+ return old_streaming_compress_internal(
+ base, config, /* advanced */ 1, /* cdict */ 1);
+method_t const simple = {
+ .name = "compress simple",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = simple_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const compress_cctx = {
+ .name = "compress cctx",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = compress_cctx_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const advanced_one_pass = {
+ .name = "advanced one pass",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = advanced_one_pass_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const advanced_one_pass_small_out = {
+ .name = "advanced one pass small out",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = advanced_one_pass_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const advanced_streaming = {
+ .name = "advanced streaming",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = advanced_streaming_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const old_streaming = {
+ .name = "old streaming",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = old_streaming_compress,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const old_streaming_advanced = {
+ .name = "old streaming advanced",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = old_streaming_compress_advanced,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const old_streaming_cdict = {
+ .name = "old streaming cdict",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = old_streaming_compress_cdict,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const old_streaming_advanced_cdict = {
+ .name = "old streaming advanced cdict",
+ .create = buffer_state_create,
+ .compress = old_streaming_compress_cdict_advanced,
+ .destroy = buffer_state_destroy,
+method_t const cli = {
+ .name = "zstdcli",
+ .create = method_state_create,
+ .compress = cli_compress,
+ .destroy = method_state_destroy,
+static method_t const* g_methods[] = {
+ &simple,
+ &compress_cctx,
+ &cli,
+ &advanced_one_pass,
+ &advanced_one_pass_small_out,
+ &advanced_streaming,
+ &old_streaming,
+ &old_streaming_advanced,
+ &old_streaming_cdict,
+ &old_streaming_advanced_cdict,
+method_t const* const* methods = g_methods;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a36a9399c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/method.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef METHOD_H
+#define METHOD_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "result.h"
+ * The base class for state that methods keep.
+ * All derived method state classes must have a member of this type.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ data_t const* data;
+} method_state_t;
+ * A method that compresses the data using config.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char const* name; /**< The identifier for this method in the results. */
+ /**
+ * Creates a state that must contain a member variable of method_state_t,
+ * and returns a pointer to that member variable.
+ *
+ * This method can be used to do expensive work that only depends on the
+ * data, like loading the data file into a buffer.
+ */
+ method_state_t* (*create)(data_t const* data);
+ /**
+ * Compresses the data in the state using the given config.
+ *
+ * @param state A pointer to the state returned by create().
+ *
+ * @returns The total compressed size on success, or an error code.
+ */
+ result_t (*compress)(method_state_t* state, config_t const* config);
+ /**
+ * Frees the state.
+ */
+ void (*destroy)(method_state_t* state);
+} method_t;
+ * Set the zstd cli path. Must be called before any methods are used.
+ */
+void method_set_zstdcli(char const* zstdcli);
+ * A NULL-terminated list of methods.
+ */
+extern method_t const* const* methods;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f879c14028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "result.h"
+char const* result_get_error_string(result_t result) {
+ switch (result_get_error(result)) {
+ case result_error_ok:
+ return "okay";
+ case result_error_skip:
+ return "skip";
+ case result_error_system_error:
+ return "system error";
+ case result_error_compression_error:
+ return "compression error";
+ case result_error_decompression_error:
+ return "decompression error";
+ case result_error_round_trip_error:
+ return "round trip error";
+ }
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..197fa905dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/result.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef RESULT_H
+#define RESULT_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+ * The error type enum.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ result_error_ok, /**< No error. */
+ result_error_skip, /**< This method was skipped. */
+ result_error_system_error, /**< Some internal error happened. */
+ result_error_compression_error, /**< Compression failed. */
+ result_error_decompression_error, /**< Decompression failed. */
+ result_error_round_trip_error, /**< Data failed to round trip. */
+} result_error_t;
+ * The success type.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ size_t total_size; /**< The total compressed size. */
+} result_data_t;
+ * The result type.
+ * Do not access the member variables directory, use the helper functions.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ result_error_t internal_error;
+ result_data_t internal_data;
+} result_t;
+ * Create a result of the error type.
+ */
+static result_t result_error(result_error_t error);
+ * Create a result of the success type.
+ */
+static result_t result_data(result_data_t data);
+ * Check if the result is an error or skip.
+ */
+static int result_is_error(result_t result);
+ * Check if the result error is skip.
+ */
+static int result_is_skip(result_t result);
+ * Get the result error or okay.
+ */
+static result_error_t result_get_error(result_t result);
+ * Get the result data. The result MUST be checked with result_is_error() first.
+ */
+static result_data_t result_get_data(result_t result);
+static result_t result_error(result_error_t error) {
+ result_t result = {
+ .internal_error = error,
+ };
+ return result;
+static result_t result_data(result_data_t data) {
+ result_t result = {
+ .internal_error = result_error_ok,
+ .internal_data = data,
+ };
+ return result;
+static int result_is_error(result_t result) {
+ return result_get_error(result) != result_error_ok;
+static int result_is_skip(result_t result) {
+ return result_get_error(result) == result_error_skip;
+static result_error_t result_get_error(result_t result) {
+ return result.internal_error;
+char const* result_get_error_string(result_t result);
+static result_data_t result_get_data(result_t result) {
+ return result.internal_data;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/results.csv b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/results.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f43129e6c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/results.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1480 @@
+Data, Config, Method, Total compressed size
+silesia.tar, level -5, compress simple, 6853608
+silesia.tar, level -3, compress simple, 6505969
+silesia.tar, level -1, compress simple, 6179026
+silesia.tar, level 0, compress simple, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 1, compress simple, 5327373
+silesia.tar, level 3, compress simple, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 4, compress simple, 4791503
+silesia.tar, level 5, compress simple, 4677740
+silesia.tar, level 6, compress simple, 4613242
+silesia.tar, level 7, compress simple, 4576661
+silesia.tar, level 9, compress simple, 4552899
+silesia.tar, level 13, compress simple, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, compress simple, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, compress simple, 4267266
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, compress simple, 4854086
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, compress simple, 4267266
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, compress simple, 6179026
+github.tar, level -5, compress simple, 52110
+github.tar, level -3, compress simple, 45678
+github.tar, level -1, compress simple, 42560
+github.tar, level 0, compress simple, 38831
+github.tar, level 1, compress simple, 39200
+github.tar, level 3, compress simple, 38831
+github.tar, level 4, compress simple, 38893
+github.tar, level 5, compress simple, 39651
+github.tar, level 6, compress simple, 39282
+github.tar, level 7, compress simple, 38110
+github.tar, level 9, compress simple, 36760
+github.tar, level 13, compress simple, 35501
+github.tar, level 16, compress simple, 40471
+github.tar, level 19, compress simple, 32134
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, compress simple, 38831
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, compress simple, 32134
+github.tar, huffman literals, compress simple, 42560
+silesia, level -5, compress cctx, 6852424
+silesia, level -3, compress cctx, 6503413
+silesia, level -1, compress cctx, 6172178
+silesia, level 0, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, compress cctx, 5306426
+silesia, level 3, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, compress cctx, 4779186
+silesia, level 5, compress cctx, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, compress cctx, 4603066
+silesia, level 7, compress cctx, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, compress cctx, 4543018
+silesia, level 13, compress cctx, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, compress cctx, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, compress cctx, 4296880
+silesia, long distance mode, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, small window log, compress cctx, 7082951
+silesia, small hash log, compress cctx, 6526141
+silesia, small chain log, compress cctx, 4912197
+silesia, explicit params, compress cctx, 4794052
+silesia, uncompressed literals, compress cctx, 4842075
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, compress cctx, 4296880
+silesia, huffman literals, compress cctx, 6172178
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, compress cctx, 4842075
+github, level -5, compress cctx, 204411
+github, level -5 with dict, compress cctx, 47294
+github, level -3, compress cctx, 193253
+github, level -3 with dict, compress cctx, 48047
+github, level -1, compress cctx, 175468
+github, level -1 with dict, compress cctx, 43527
+github, level 0, compress cctx, 136332
+github, level 0 with dict, compress cctx, 41534
+github, level 1, compress cctx, 142365
+github, level 1 with dict, compress cctx, 42157
+github, level 3, compress cctx, 136332
+github, level 3 with dict, compress cctx, 41534
+github, level 4, compress cctx, 136199
+github, level 4 with dict, compress cctx, 41725
+github, level 5, compress cctx, 135121
+github, level 5 with dict, compress cctx, 38759
+github, level 6, compress cctx, 135122
+github, level 6 with dict, compress cctx, 38669
+github, level 7, compress cctx, 135122
+github, level 7 with dict, compress cctx, 38755
+github, level 9, compress cctx, 135122
+github, level 9 with dict, compress cctx, 39398
+github, level 13, compress cctx, 134064
+github, level 13 with dict, compress cctx, 39948
+github, level 16, compress cctx, 134064
+github, level 16 with dict, compress cctx, 37568
+github, level 19, compress cctx, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, compress cctx, 37567
+github, long distance mode, compress cctx, 141069
+github, multithreaded, compress cctx, 141069
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, compress cctx, 141069
+github, small window log, compress cctx, 141069
+github, small hash log, compress cctx, 138949
+github, small chain log, compress cctx, 139242
+github, explicit params, compress cctx, 140932
+github, uncompressed literals, compress cctx, 136332
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, compress cctx, 134064
+github, huffman literals, compress cctx, 175468
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, compress cctx, 141069
+silesia, level -5, zstdcli, 6852472
+silesia, level -3, zstdcli, 6503461
+silesia, level -1, zstdcli, 6172226
+silesia, level 0, zstdcli, 4842123
+silesia, level 1, zstdcli, 5306474
+silesia, level 3, zstdcli, 4842123
+silesia, level 4, zstdcli, 4779234
+silesia, level 5, zstdcli, 4666371
+silesia, level 6, zstdcli, 4603114
+silesia, level 7, zstdcli, 4567032
+silesia, level 9, zstdcli, 4543066
+silesia, level 13, zstdcli, 4494038
+silesia, level 16, zstdcli, 4359912
+silesia, level 19, zstdcli, 4296928
+silesia, long distance mode, zstdcli, 4833785
+silesia, multithreaded, zstdcli, 4842123
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, zstdcli, 4833785
+silesia, small window log, zstdcli, 7095048
+silesia, small hash log, zstdcli, 6526189
+silesia, small chain log, zstdcli, 4912245
+silesia, explicit params, zstdcli, 4795432
+silesia, uncompressed literals, zstdcli, 5120614
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, zstdcli, 4319566
+silesia, huffman literals, zstdcli, 5321394
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, zstdcli, 5120614
+silesia.tar, level -5, zstdcli, 6853994
+silesia.tar, level -3, zstdcli, 6506742
+silesia.tar, level -1, zstdcli, 6179765
+silesia.tar, level 0, zstdcli, 4854164
+silesia.tar, level 1, zstdcli, 5328534
+silesia.tar, level 3, zstdcli, 4854164
+silesia.tar, level 4, zstdcli, 4792352
+silesia.tar, level 5, zstdcli, 4678682
+silesia.tar, level 6, zstdcli, 4614125
+silesia.tar, level 7, zstdcli, 4578719
+silesia.tar, level 9, zstdcli, 4552903
+silesia.tar, level 13, zstdcli, 4502960
+silesia.tar, level 16, zstdcli, 4360531
+silesia.tar, level 19, zstdcli, 4267270
+silesia.tar, no source size, zstdcli, 4854160
+silesia.tar, long distance mode, zstdcli, 4845745
+silesia.tar, multithreaded, zstdcli, 4854164
+silesia.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, zstdcli, 4845745
+silesia.tar, small window log, zstdcli, 7100701
+silesia.tar, small hash log, zstdcli, 6529289
+silesia.tar, small chain log, zstdcli, 4917022
+silesia.tar, explicit params, zstdcli, 4820713
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, zstdcli, 5122571
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, zstdcli, 4310145
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, zstdcli, 5342054
+silesia.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, zstdcli, 5122571
+github, level -5, zstdcli, 206411
+github, level -5 with dict, zstdcli, 48718
+github, level -3, zstdcli, 195253
+github, level -3 with dict, zstdcli, 47395
+github, level -1, zstdcli, 177468
+github, level -1 with dict, zstdcli, 45170
+github, level 0, zstdcli, 138332
+github, level 0 with dict, zstdcli, 43148
+github, level 1, zstdcli, 144365
+github, level 1 with dict, zstdcli, 43682
+github, level 3, zstdcli, 138332
+github, level 3 with dict, zstdcli, 43148
+github, level 4, zstdcli, 138199
+github, level 4 with dict, zstdcli, 43251
+github, level 5, zstdcli, 137121
+github, level 5 with dict, zstdcli, 40728
+github, level 6, zstdcli, 137122
+github, level 6 with dict, zstdcli, 40636
+github, level 7, zstdcli, 137122
+github, level 7 with dict, zstdcli, 40745
+github, level 9, zstdcli, 137122
+github, level 9 with dict, zstdcli, 41393
+github, level 13, zstdcli, 136064
+github, level 13 with dict, zstdcli, 41900
+github, level 16, zstdcli, 136064
+github, level 16 with dict, zstdcli, 39577
+github, level 19, zstdcli, 136064
+github, level 19 with dict, zstdcli, 39576
+github, long distance mode, zstdcli, 138332
+github, multithreaded, zstdcli, 138332
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, zstdcli, 138332
+github, small window log, zstdcli, 138332
+github, small hash log, zstdcli, 137590
+github, small chain log, zstdcli, 138341
+github, explicit params, zstdcli, 136197
+github, uncompressed literals, zstdcli, 167911
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, zstdcli, 159227
+github, huffman literals, zstdcli, 144365
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, zstdcli, 167911
+github.tar, level -5, zstdcli, 52114
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, zstdcli, 46502
+github.tar, level -3, zstdcli, 45682
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, zstdcli, 42181
+github.tar, level -1, zstdcli, 42564
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, zstdcli, 41140
+github.tar, level 0, zstdcli, 38835
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, zstdcli, 37999
+github.tar, level 1, zstdcli, 39204
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, zstdcli, 38288
+github.tar, level 3, zstdcli, 38835
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, zstdcli, 37999
+github.tar, level 4, zstdcli, 38897
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, zstdcli, 37952
+github.tar, level 5, zstdcli, 39655
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, zstdcli, 39071
+github.tar, level 6, zstdcli, 39286
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, zstdcli, 38638
+github.tar, level 7, zstdcli, 38114
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, zstdcli, 37886
+github.tar, level 9, zstdcli, 36764
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, zstdcli, 36632
+github.tar, level 13, zstdcli, 35505
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, zstdcli, 37134
+github.tar, level 16, zstdcli, 40475
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, zstdcli, 33382
+github.tar, level 19, zstdcli, 32138
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, zstdcli, 32713
+github.tar, no source size, zstdcli, 38832
+github.tar, no source size with dict, zstdcli, 38004
+github.tar, long distance mode, zstdcli, 40236
+github.tar, multithreaded, zstdcli, 38835
+github.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, zstdcli, 40236
+github.tar, small window log, zstdcli, 198544
+github.tar, small hash log, zstdcli, 129874
+github.tar, small chain log, zstdcli, 41673
+github.tar, explicit params, zstdcli, 41385
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, zstdcli, 41529
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, zstdcli, 35401
+github.tar, huffman literals, zstdcli, 38857
+github.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, zstdcli, 41529
+silesia, level -5, advanced one pass, 6852424
+silesia, level -3, advanced one pass, 6503413
+silesia, level -1, advanced one pass, 6172178
+silesia, level 0, advanced one pass, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, advanced one pass, 5306426
+silesia, level 3, advanced one pass, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, advanced one pass, 4779186
+silesia, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass, 4666323
+silesia, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass, 4670136
+silesia, level 5, advanced one pass, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, advanced one pass, 4603066
+silesia, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass, 4566984
+silesia, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass, 4564868
+silesia, level 7, advanced one pass, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, advanced one pass, 4543018
+silesia, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass, 4505046
+silesia, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass, 4503116
+silesia, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass, 4505046
+silesia, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass, 4503116
+silesia, level 13, advanced one pass, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, advanced one pass, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, advanced one pass, 4296880
+silesia, no source size, advanced one pass, 4842075
+silesia, long distance mode, advanced one pass, 4833710
+silesia, multithreaded, advanced one pass, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass, 4833737
+silesia, small window log, advanced one pass, 7095000
+silesia, small hash log, advanced one pass, 6526141
+silesia, small chain log, advanced one pass, 4912197
+silesia, explicit params, advanced one pass, 4795432
+silesia, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass, 5120566
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass, 4319518
+silesia, huffman literals, advanced one pass, 5321346
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass, 5120566
+silesia.tar, level -5, advanced one pass, 6853608
+silesia.tar, level -3, advanced one pass, 6505969
+silesia.tar, level -1, advanced one pass, 6179026
+silesia.tar, level 0, advanced one pass, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 1, advanced one pass, 5327373
+silesia.tar, level 3, advanced one pass, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 4, advanced one pass, 4791503
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass, 4677740
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass, 4682161
+silesia.tar, level 5, advanced one pass, 4677740
+silesia.tar, level 6, advanced one pass, 4613242
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass, 4576661
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass, 4575393
+silesia.tar, level 7, advanced one pass, 4576661
+silesia.tar, level 9, advanced one pass, 4552899
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass, 4514432
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass, 4513604
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass, 4514049
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass, 4513797
+silesia.tar, level 13, advanced one pass, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, advanced one pass, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, advanced one pass, 4267266
+silesia.tar, no source size, advanced one pass, 4854086
+silesia.tar, long distance mode, advanced one pass, 4840452
+silesia.tar, multithreaded, advanced one pass, 4854160
+silesia.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass, 4845741
+silesia.tar, small window log, advanced one pass, 7100655
+silesia.tar, small hash log, advanced one pass, 6529231
+silesia.tar, small chain log, advanced one pass, 4917041
+silesia.tar, explicit params, advanced one pass, 4806855
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass, 5122473
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass, 4310141
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, advanced one pass, 5341685
+silesia.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass, 5122567
+github, level -5, advanced one pass, 204411
+github, level -5 with dict, advanced one pass, 46718
+github, level -3, advanced one pass, 193253
+github, level -3 with dict, advanced one pass, 45395
+github, level -1, advanced one pass, 175468
+github, level -1 with dict, advanced one pass, 43170
+github, level 0, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, level 0 with dict, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 41124
+github, level 0 with dict load, advanced one pass, 42252
+github, level 1, advanced one pass, 142365
+github, level 1 with dict, advanced one pass, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 41674
+github, level 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 43755
+github, level 3, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, level 3 with dict, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 41124
+github, level 3 with dict load, advanced one pass, 42252
+github, level 4, advanced one pass, 136199
+github, level 4 with dict, advanced one pass, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 41216
+github, level 4 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41159
+github, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass, 134584
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38728
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38759
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41518
+github, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass, 135121
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38938
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38732
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38934
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 40725
+github, level 5, advanced one pass, 135121
+github, level 5 with dict, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38728
+github, level 5 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38759
+github, level 5 with dict load, advanced one pass, 40725
+github, level 6, advanced one pass, 135122
+github, level 6 with dict, advanced one pass, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38636
+github, level 6 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38669
+github, level 6 with dict load, advanced one pass, 40695
+github, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass, 134584
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38745
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38755
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 43154
+github, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass, 135122
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38860
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38766
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38834
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 40695
+github, level 7, advanced one pass, 135122
+github, level 7 with dict, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38745
+github, level 7 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38755
+github, level 7 with dict load, advanced one pass, 40695
+github, level 9, advanced one pass, 135122
+github, level 9 with dict, advanced one pass, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39393
+github, level 9 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39398
+github, level 9 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41710
+github, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass, 135119
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39651
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41360
+github, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass, 135119
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39651
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41360
+github, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass, 134180
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41166
+github, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass, 134180
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 41166
+github, level 13, advanced one pass, 134064
+github, level 13 with dict, advanced one pass, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39948
+github, level 13 with dict load, advanced one pass, 42626
+github, level 16, advanced one pass, 134064
+github, level 16 with dict, advanced one pass, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37568
+github, level 16 with dict load, advanced one pass, 42340
+github, level 19, advanced one pass, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, advanced one pass, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37567
+github, level 19 with dict load, advanced one pass, 39613
+github, no source size, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, no source size with dict, advanced one pass, 41148
+github, long distance mode, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, multithreaded, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, small window log, advanced one pass, 136332
+github, small hash log, advanced one pass, 135590
+github, small chain log, advanced one pass, 136341
+github, explicit params, advanced one pass, 137727
+github, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass, 165911
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass, 157227
+github, huffman literals, advanced one pass, 142365
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass, 165911
+github.tar, level -5, advanced one pass, 52110
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, advanced one pass, 46498
+github.tar, level -3, advanced one pass, 45678
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, advanced one pass, 42177
+github.tar, level -1, advanced one pass, 42560
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, advanced one pass, 41136
+github.tar, level 0, advanced one pass, 38831
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, advanced one pass, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37956
+github.tar, level 1, advanced one pass, 39200
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, advanced one pass, 38284
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38294
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38294
+github.tar, level 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38284
+github.tar, level 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 38724
+github.tar, level 3, advanced one pass, 38831
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, advanced one pass, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37956
+github.tar, level 4, advanced one pass, 38893
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, advanced one pass, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37927
+github.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 38999
+github.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass, 39701
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39365
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39233
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39715
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 39158
+github.tar, level 5, advanced one pass, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, advanced one pass, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict load, advanced one pass, 38999
+github.tar, level 6, advanced one pass, 39282
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, advanced one pass, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38636
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38634
+github.tar, level 6 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict load, advanced one pass, 38648
+github.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37436
+github.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass, 38077
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 38012
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 38014
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 38101
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37402
+github.tar, level 7, advanced one pass, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, advanced one pass, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict load, advanced one pass, 37436
+github.tar, level 9, advanced one pass, 36760
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, advanced one pass, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 36567
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 36628
+github.tar, level 9 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36401
+github.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass, 36081
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36434
+github.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass, 36110
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36459
+github.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass, 36081
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36434
+github.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass, 36110
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36459
+github.tar, level 13, advanced one pass, 35501
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, advanced one pass, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict load, advanced one pass, 36010
+github.tar, level 16, advanced one pass, 40471
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, advanced one pass, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict load, advanced one pass, 39081
+github.tar, level 19, advanced one pass, 32134
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, advanced one pass, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dms, advanced one pass, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dds, advanced one pass, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict copy, advanced one pass, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict load, advanced one pass, 32474
+github.tar, no source size, advanced one pass, 38831
+github.tar, no source size with dict, advanced one pass, 37995
+github.tar, long distance mode, advanced one pass, 40252
+github.tar, multithreaded, advanced one pass, 38831
+github.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass, 40232
+github.tar, small window log, advanced one pass, 198540
+github.tar, small hash log, advanced one pass, 129870
+github.tar, small chain log, advanced one pass, 41669
+github.tar, explicit params, advanced one pass, 41385
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass, 41525
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass, 35397
+github.tar, huffman literals, advanced one pass, 38853
+github.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass, 41525
+silesia, level -5, advanced one pass small out, 6852424
+silesia, level -3, advanced one pass small out, 6503413
+silesia, level -1, advanced one pass small out, 6172178
+silesia, level 0, advanced one pass small out, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, advanced one pass small out, 5306426
+silesia, level 3, advanced one pass small out, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, advanced one pass small out, 4779186
+silesia, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4666323
+silesia, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4670136
+silesia, level 5, advanced one pass small out, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, advanced one pass small out, 4603066
+silesia, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4566984
+silesia, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4564868
+silesia, level 7, advanced one pass small out, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, advanced one pass small out, 4543018
+silesia, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4505046
+silesia, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4503116
+silesia, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4505046
+silesia, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4503116
+silesia, level 13, advanced one pass small out, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, advanced one pass small out, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, advanced one pass small out, 4296880
+silesia, no source size, advanced one pass small out, 4842075
+silesia, long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 4833710
+silesia, multithreaded, advanced one pass small out, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 4833737
+silesia, small window log, advanced one pass small out, 7095000
+silesia, small hash log, advanced one pass small out, 6526141
+silesia, small chain log, advanced one pass small out, 4912197
+silesia, explicit params, advanced one pass small out, 4795432
+silesia, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass small out, 5120566
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass small out, 4319518
+silesia, huffman literals, advanced one pass small out, 5321346
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass small out, 5120566
+silesia.tar, level -5, advanced one pass small out, 6853608
+silesia.tar, level -3, advanced one pass small out, 6505969
+silesia.tar, level -1, advanced one pass small out, 6179026
+silesia.tar, level 0, advanced one pass small out, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 1, advanced one pass small out, 5327373
+silesia.tar, level 3, advanced one pass small out, 4854086
+silesia.tar, level 4, advanced one pass small out, 4791503
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4677740
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4682161
+silesia.tar, level 5, advanced one pass small out, 4677740
+silesia.tar, level 6, advanced one pass small out, 4613242
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4576661
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4575393
+silesia.tar, level 7, advanced one pass small out, 4576661
+silesia.tar, level 9, advanced one pass small out, 4552899
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4514432
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4513604
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 4514049
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 4513797
+silesia.tar, level 13, advanced one pass small out, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, advanced one pass small out, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, advanced one pass small out, 4267266
+silesia.tar, no source size, advanced one pass small out, 4854086
+silesia.tar, long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 4840452
+silesia.tar, multithreaded, advanced one pass small out, 4854160
+silesia.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 4845741
+silesia.tar, small window log, advanced one pass small out, 7100655
+silesia.tar, small hash log, advanced one pass small out, 6529231
+silesia.tar, small chain log, advanced one pass small out, 4917041
+silesia.tar, explicit params, advanced one pass small out, 4806855
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass small out, 5122473
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass small out, 4310141
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, advanced one pass small out, 5341685
+silesia.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass small out, 5122567
+github, level -5, advanced one pass small out, 204411
+github, level -5 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 46718
+github, level -3, advanced one pass small out, 193253
+github, level -3 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 45395
+github, level -1, advanced one pass small out, 175468
+github, level -1 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 43170
+github, level 0, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, level 0 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 41124
+github, level 0 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 42252
+github, level 1, advanced one pass small out, 142365
+github, level 1 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 41674
+github, level 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 43755
+github, level 3, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, level 3 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 41124
+github, level 3 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 42252
+github, level 4, advanced one pass small out, 136199
+github, level 4 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 41216
+github, level 4 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41159
+github, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 134584
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38728
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38759
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41518
+github, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 135121
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38938
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38732
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38934
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 40725
+github, level 5, advanced one pass small out, 135121
+github, level 5 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38728
+github, level 5 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38759
+github, level 5 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 40725
+github, level 6, advanced one pass small out, 135122
+github, level 6 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38636
+github, level 6 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38669
+github, level 6 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 40695
+github, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 134584
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38745
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38755
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 43154
+github, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 135122
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38860
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38766
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38834
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 40695
+github, level 7, advanced one pass small out, 135122
+github, level 7 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38745
+github, level 7 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38755
+github, level 7 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 40695
+github, level 9, advanced one pass small out, 135122
+github, level 9 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39393
+github, level 9 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39398
+github, level 9 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41710
+github, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 135119
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39651
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41360
+github, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 135119
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39651
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41360
+github, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 134180
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41166
+github, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 134180
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 41166
+github, level 13, advanced one pass small out, 134064
+github, level 13 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39948
+github, level 13 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 42626
+github, level 16, advanced one pass small out, 134064
+github, level 16 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37568
+github, level 16 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 42340
+github, level 19, advanced one pass small out, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37567
+github, level 19 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 39613
+github, no source size, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, no source size with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41148
+github, long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, multithreaded, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, small window log, advanced one pass small out, 136332
+github, small hash log, advanced one pass small out, 135590
+github, small chain log, advanced one pass small out, 136341
+github, explicit params, advanced one pass small out, 137727
+github, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass small out, 165911
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass small out, 157227
+github, huffman literals, advanced one pass small out, 142365
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass small out, 165911
+github.tar, level -5, advanced one pass small out, 52110
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 46498
+github.tar, level -3, advanced one pass small out, 45678
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 42177
+github.tar, level -1, advanced one pass small out, 42560
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 41136
+github.tar, level 0, advanced one pass small out, 38831
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37956
+github.tar, level 1, advanced one pass small out, 39200
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 38284
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38294
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38294
+github.tar, level 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38284
+github.tar, level 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 38724
+github.tar, level 3, advanced one pass small out, 38831
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37956
+github.tar, level 4, advanced one pass small out, 38893
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37927
+github.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 38999
+github.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 39701
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39365
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39233
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39715
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 39158
+github.tar, level 5, advanced one pass small out, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 38999
+github.tar, level 6, advanced one pass small out, 39282
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38636
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38634
+github.tar, level 6 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 38648
+github.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37436
+github.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 38077
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 38012
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 38014
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 38101
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37402
+github.tar, level 7, advanced one pass small out, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 37436
+github.tar, level 9, advanced one pass small out, 36760
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 36567
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 36628
+github.tar, level 9 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36401
+github.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 36081
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36434
+github.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 36110
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36459
+github.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced one pass small out, 36081
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36434
+github.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced one pass small out, 36110
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36459
+github.tar, level 13, advanced one pass small out, 35501
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 36010
+github.tar, level 16, advanced one pass small out, 40471
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 39081
+github.tar, level 19, advanced one pass small out, 32134
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, advanced one pass small out, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dms, advanced one pass small out, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dds, advanced one pass small out, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict copy, advanced one pass small out, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict load, advanced one pass small out, 32474
+github.tar, no source size, advanced one pass small out, 38831
+github.tar, no source size with dict, advanced one pass small out, 37995
+github.tar, long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 40252
+github.tar, multithreaded, advanced one pass small out, 38831
+github.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced one pass small out, 40232
+github.tar, small window log, advanced one pass small out, 198540
+github.tar, small hash log, advanced one pass small out, 129870
+github.tar, small chain log, advanced one pass small out, 41669
+github.tar, explicit params, advanced one pass small out, 41385
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced one pass small out, 41525
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced one pass small out, 35397
+github.tar, huffman literals, advanced one pass small out, 38853
+github.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced one pass small out, 41525
+silesia, level -5, advanced streaming, 6963781
+silesia, level -3, advanced streaming, 6610376
+silesia, level -1, advanced streaming, 6179294
+silesia, level 0, advanced streaming, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, advanced streaming, 5310178
+silesia, level 3, advanced streaming, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, advanced streaming, 4779186
+silesia, level 5 row 1, advanced streaming, 4666323
+silesia, level 5 row 2, advanced streaming, 4670136
+silesia, level 5, advanced streaming, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, advanced streaming, 4603066
+silesia, level 7 row 1, advanced streaming, 4566984
+silesia, level 7 row 2, advanced streaming, 4564868
+silesia, level 7, advanced streaming, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, advanced streaming, 4543018
+silesia, level 11 row 1, advanced streaming, 4505046
+silesia, level 11 row 2, advanced streaming, 4503116
+silesia, level 12 row 1, advanced streaming, 4505046
+silesia, level 12 row 2, advanced streaming, 4503116
+silesia, level 13, advanced streaming, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, advanced streaming, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, advanced streaming, 4296880
+silesia, no source size, advanced streaming, 4842039
+silesia, long distance mode, advanced streaming, 4833710
+silesia, multithreaded, advanced streaming, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced streaming, 4833737
+silesia, small window log, advanced streaming, 7111103
+silesia, small hash log, advanced streaming, 6526141
+silesia, small chain log, advanced streaming, 4912197
+silesia, explicit params, advanced streaming, 4795452
+silesia, uncompressed literals, advanced streaming, 5120566
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced streaming, 4319518
+silesia, huffman literals, advanced streaming, 5327881
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced streaming, 5120566
+silesia.tar, level -5, advanced streaming, 7043687
+silesia.tar, level -3, advanced streaming, 6671317
+silesia.tar, level -1, advanced streaming, 6187457
+silesia.tar, level 0, advanced streaming, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 1, advanced streaming, 5333896
+silesia.tar, level 3, advanced streaming, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 4, advanced streaming, 4797470
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced streaming, 4677748
+silesia.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced streaming, 4682169
+silesia.tar, level 5, advanced streaming, 4677748
+silesia.tar, level 6, advanced streaming, 4613246
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced streaming, 4576664
+silesia.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced streaming, 4575394
+silesia.tar, level 7, advanced streaming, 4576664
+silesia.tar, level 9, advanced streaming, 4552900
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced streaming, 4514433
+silesia.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced streaming, 4513604
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced streaming, 4514049
+silesia.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced streaming, 4513797
+silesia.tar, level 13, advanced streaming, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, advanced streaming, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, advanced streaming, 4267266
+silesia.tar, no source size, advanced streaming, 4859267
+silesia.tar, long distance mode, advanced streaming, 4840452
+silesia.tar, multithreaded, advanced streaming, 4854160
+silesia.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced streaming, 4845741
+silesia.tar, small window log, advanced streaming, 7117559
+silesia.tar, small hash log, advanced streaming, 6529234
+silesia.tar, small chain log, advanced streaming, 4917021
+silesia.tar, explicit params, advanced streaming, 4806873
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced streaming, 5127423
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced streaming, 4310141
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, advanced streaming, 5349624
+silesia.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced streaming, 5122567
+github, level -5, advanced streaming, 204411
+github, level -5 with dict, advanced streaming, 46718
+github, level -3, advanced streaming, 193253
+github, level -3 with dict, advanced streaming, 45395
+github, level -1, advanced streaming, 175468
+github, level -1 with dict, advanced streaming, 43170
+github, level 0, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, level 0 with dict, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 0 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 41124
+github, level 0 with dict load, advanced streaming, 42252
+github, level 1, advanced streaming, 142365
+github, level 1 with dict, advanced streaming, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 41682
+github, level 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 41674
+github, level 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 43755
+github, level 3, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, level 3 with dict, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, level 3 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 41124
+github, level 3 with dict load, advanced streaming, 42252
+github, level 4, advanced streaming, 136199
+github, level 4 with dict, advanced streaming, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 41251
+github, level 4 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 41216
+github, level 4 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41159
+github, level 5 row 1, advanced streaming, 134584
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38728
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38759
+github, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41518
+github, level 5 row 2, advanced streaming, 135121
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38938
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38732
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38934
+github, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 40725
+github, level 5, advanced streaming, 135121
+github, level 5 with dict, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 5 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38728
+github, level 5 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38759
+github, level 5 with dict load, advanced streaming, 40725
+github, level 6, advanced streaming, 135122
+github, level 6 with dict, advanced streaming, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38671
+github, level 6 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38636
+github, level 6 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38669
+github, level 6 with dict load, advanced streaming, 40695
+github, level 7 row 1, advanced streaming, 134584
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38745
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38755
+github, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 43154
+github, level 7 row 2, advanced streaming, 135122
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38860
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38766
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38834
+github, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 40695
+github, level 7, advanced streaming, 135122
+github, level 7 with dict, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38758
+github, level 7 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38745
+github, level 7 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38755
+github, level 7 with dict load, advanced streaming, 40695
+github, level 9, advanced streaming, 135122
+github, level 9 with dict, advanced streaming, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39437
+github, level 9 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39393
+github, level 9 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39398
+github, level 9 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41710
+github, level 11 row 1, advanced streaming, 135119
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39671
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39651
+github, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41360
+github, level 11 row 2, advanced streaming, 135119
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39671
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39651
+github, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41360
+github, level 12 row 1, advanced streaming, 134180
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41166
+github, level 12 row 2, advanced streaming, 134180
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39677
+github, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 41166
+github, level 13, advanced streaming, 134064
+github, level 13 with dict, advanced streaming, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39900
+github, level 13 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39948
+github, level 13 with dict load, advanced streaming, 42626
+github, level 16, advanced streaming, 134064
+github, level 16 with dict, advanced streaming, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37577
+github, level 16 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37568
+github, level 16 with dict load, advanced streaming, 42340
+github, level 19, advanced streaming, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, advanced streaming, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37576
+github, level 19 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37567
+github, level 19 with dict load, advanced streaming, 39613
+github, no source size, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, no source size with dict, advanced streaming, 41148
+github, long distance mode, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, multithreaded, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, small window log, advanced streaming, 136332
+github, small hash log, advanced streaming, 135590
+github, small chain log, advanced streaming, 136341
+github, explicit params, advanced streaming, 137727
+github, uncompressed literals, advanced streaming, 165911
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced streaming, 157227
+github, huffman literals, advanced streaming, 142365
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced streaming, 165911
+github.tar, level -5, advanced streaming, 51420
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, advanced streaming, 45495
+github.tar, level -3, advanced streaming, 45077
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, advanced streaming, 41627
+github.tar, level -1, advanced streaming, 42536
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, advanced streaming, 41198
+github.tar, level 0, advanced streaming, 38831
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, advanced streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38003
+github.tar, level 0 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 0 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37956
+github.tar, level 1, advanced streaming, 39270
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, advanced streaming, 38316
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38326
+github.tar, level 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38326
+github.tar, level 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38316
+github.tar, level 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 38761
+github.tar, level 3, advanced streaming, 38831
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, advanced streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38003
+github.tar, level 3 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 3 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37956
+github.tar, level 4, advanced streaming, 38893
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, advanced streaming, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37954
+github.tar, level 4 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37948
+github.tar, level 4 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37927
+github.tar, level 5 row 1, advanced streaming, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 38999
+github.tar, level 5 row 2, advanced streaming, 39701
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39365
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39233
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39715
+github.tar, level 5 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 39158
+github.tar, level 5, advanced streaming, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, advanced streaming, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 39059
+github.tar, level 5 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 39067
+github.tar, level 5 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 39082
+github.tar, level 5 with dict load, advanced streaming, 38999
+github.tar, level 6, advanced streaming, 39282
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, advanced streaming, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38636
+github.tar, level 6 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38634
+github.tar, level 6 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38656
+github.tar, level 6 with dict load, advanced streaming, 38648
+github.tar, level 7 row 1, advanced streaming, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37436
+github.tar, level 7 row 2, advanced streaming, 38077
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 38012
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 38014
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 38101
+github.tar, level 7 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37402
+github.tar, level 7, advanced streaming, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, advanced streaming, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37858
+github.tar, level 7 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37882
+github.tar, level 7 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37865
+github.tar, level 7 with dict load, advanced streaming, 37436
+github.tar, level 9, advanced streaming, 36760
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, advanced streaming, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 36567
+github.tar, level 9 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 36628
+github.tar, level 9 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 36484
+github.tar, level 9 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36401
+github.tar, level 11 row 1, advanced streaming, 36081
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36434
+github.tar, level 11 row 2, advanced streaming, 36110
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 36963
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 36557
+github.tar, level 11 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36459
+github.tar, level 12 row 1, advanced streaming, 36081
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 1 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36434
+github.tar, level 12 row 2, advanced streaming, 36110
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 36986
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 36609
+github.tar, level 12 row 2 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36459
+github.tar, level 13, advanced streaming, 35501
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, advanced streaming, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 37220
+github.tar, level 13 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 37130
+github.tar, level 13 with dict load, advanced streaming, 36010
+github.tar, level 16, advanced streaming, 40471
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, advanced streaming, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 33213
+github.tar, level 16 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 33378
+github.tar, level 16 with dict load, advanced streaming, 39081
+github.tar, level 19, advanced streaming, 32134
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, advanced streaming, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dms, advanced streaming, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict dds, advanced streaming, 32553
+github.tar, level 19 with dict copy, advanced streaming, 32709
+github.tar, level 19 with dict load, advanced streaming, 32474
+github.tar, no source size, advanced streaming, 38828
+github.tar, no source size with dict, advanced streaming, 38000
+github.tar, long distance mode, advanced streaming, 40252
+github.tar, multithreaded, advanced streaming, 38831
+github.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, advanced streaming, 40232
+github.tar, small window log, advanced streaming, 199558
+github.tar, small hash log, advanced streaming, 129870
+github.tar, small chain log, advanced streaming, 41669
+github.tar, explicit params, advanced streaming, 41385
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, advanced streaming, 41525
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, advanced streaming, 35397
+github.tar, huffman literals, advanced streaming, 38874
+github.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, advanced streaming, 41525
+silesia, level -5, old streaming, 6963781
+silesia, level -3, old streaming, 6610376
+silesia, level -1, old streaming, 6179294
+silesia, level 0, old streaming, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, old streaming, 5310178
+silesia, level 3, old streaming, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, old streaming, 4779186
+silesia, level 5, old streaming, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, old streaming, 4603066
+silesia, level 7, old streaming, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, old streaming, 4543018
+silesia, level 13, old streaming, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, old streaming, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, old streaming, 4296880
+silesia, no source size, old streaming, 4842039
+silesia, uncompressed literals, old streaming, 4842075
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming, 4296880
+silesia, huffman literals, old streaming, 6179294
+silesia.tar, level -5, old streaming, 7043687
+silesia.tar, level -3, old streaming, 6671317
+silesia.tar, level -1, old streaming, 6187457
+silesia.tar, level 0, old streaming, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 1, old streaming, 5333896
+silesia.tar, level 3, old streaming, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 4, old streaming, 4797470
+silesia.tar, level 5, old streaming, 4677748
+silesia.tar, level 6, old streaming, 4613246
+silesia.tar, level 7, old streaming, 4576664
+silesia.tar, level 9, old streaming, 4552900
+silesia.tar, level 13, old streaming, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, old streaming, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, old streaming, 4267266
+silesia.tar, no source size, old streaming, 4859267
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, old streaming, 4859271
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming, 4267266
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, old streaming, 6187457
+github, level -5, old streaming, 204411
+github, level -5 with dict, old streaming, 46718
+github, level -3, old streaming, 193253
+github, level -3 with dict, old streaming, 45395
+github, level -1, old streaming, 175468
+github, level -1 with dict, old streaming, 43170
+github, level 0, old streaming, 136332
+github, level 0 with dict, old streaming, 41148
+github, level 1, old streaming, 142365
+github, level 1 with dict, old streaming, 41682
+github, level 3, old streaming, 136332
+github, level 3 with dict, old streaming, 41148
+github, level 4, old streaming, 136199
+github, level 4 with dict, old streaming, 41251
+github, level 5, old streaming, 135121
+github, level 5 with dict, old streaming, 38758
+github, level 6, old streaming, 135122
+github, level 6 with dict, old streaming, 38671
+github, level 7, old streaming, 135122
+github, level 7 with dict, old streaming, 38758
+github, level 9, old streaming, 135122
+github, level 9 with dict, old streaming, 39437
+github, level 13, old streaming, 134064
+github, level 13 with dict, old streaming, 39900
+github, level 16, old streaming, 134064
+github, level 16 with dict, old streaming, 37577
+github, level 19, old streaming, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, old streaming, 37576
+github, no source size, old streaming, 140599
+github, no source size with dict, old streaming, 40654
+github, uncompressed literals, old streaming, 136332
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming, 134064
+github, huffman literals, old streaming, 175468
+github.tar, level -5, old streaming, 51420
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, old streaming, 45495
+github.tar, level -3, old streaming, 45077
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, old streaming, 41627
+github.tar, level -1, old streaming, 42536
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, old streaming, 41198
+github.tar, level 0, old streaming, 38831
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, old streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 1, old streaming, 39270
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, old streaming, 38316
+github.tar, level 3, old streaming, 38831
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, old streaming, 37995
+github.tar, level 4, old streaming, 38893
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, old streaming, 37948
+github.tar, level 5, old streaming, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, old streaming, 39082
+github.tar, level 6, old streaming, 39282
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, old streaming, 38656
+github.tar, level 7, old streaming, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, old streaming, 37865
+github.tar, level 9, old streaming, 36760
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, old streaming, 36484
+github.tar, level 13, old streaming, 35501
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, old streaming, 37130
+github.tar, level 16, old streaming, 40471
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, old streaming, 33378
+github.tar, level 19, old streaming, 32134
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, old streaming, 32709
+github.tar, no source size, old streaming, 38828
+github.tar, no source size with dict, old streaming, 38000
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, old streaming, 38831
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming, 32134
+github.tar, huffman literals, old streaming, 42536
+silesia, level -5, old streaming advanced, 6963781
+silesia, level -3, old streaming advanced, 6610376
+silesia, level -1, old streaming advanced, 6179294
+silesia, level 0, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, level 1, old streaming advanced, 5310178
+silesia, level 3, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, level 4, old streaming advanced, 4779186
+silesia, level 5, old streaming advanced, 4666323
+silesia, level 6, old streaming advanced, 4603066
+silesia, level 7, old streaming advanced, 4566984
+silesia, level 9, old streaming advanced, 4543018
+silesia, level 13, old streaming advanced, 4493990
+silesia, level 16, old streaming advanced, 4359864
+silesia, level 19, old streaming advanced, 4296880
+silesia, no source size, old streaming advanced, 4842039
+silesia, long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, multithreaded long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, small window log, old streaming advanced, 7111103
+silesia, small hash log, old streaming advanced, 6526141
+silesia, small chain log, old streaming advanced, 4912197
+silesia, explicit params, old streaming advanced, 4795452
+silesia, uncompressed literals, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming advanced, 4296880
+silesia, huffman literals, old streaming advanced, 6179294
+silesia, multithreaded with advanced params, old streaming advanced, 4842075
+silesia.tar, level -5, old streaming advanced, 7043687
+silesia.tar, level -3, old streaming advanced, 6671317
+silesia.tar, level -1, old streaming advanced, 6187457
+silesia.tar, level 0, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 1, old streaming advanced, 5333896
+silesia.tar, level 3, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, level 4, old streaming advanced, 4797470
+silesia.tar, level 5, old streaming advanced, 4677748
+silesia.tar, level 6, old streaming advanced, 4613246
+silesia.tar, level 7, old streaming advanced, 4576664
+silesia.tar, level 9, old streaming advanced, 4552900
+silesia.tar, level 13, old streaming advanced, 4502956
+silesia.tar, level 16, old streaming advanced, 4360527
+silesia.tar, level 19, old streaming advanced, 4267266
+silesia.tar, no source size, old streaming advanced, 4859267
+silesia.tar, long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, multithreaded, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, small window log, old streaming advanced, 7117562
+silesia.tar, small hash log, old streaming advanced, 6529234
+silesia.tar, small chain log, old streaming advanced, 4917021
+silesia.tar, explicit params, old streaming advanced, 4806873
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+silesia.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming advanced, 4267266
+silesia.tar, huffman literals, old streaming advanced, 6187457
+silesia.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, old streaming advanced, 4859271
+github, level -5, old streaming advanced, 213265
+github, level -5 with dict, old streaming advanced, 49562
+github, level -3, old streaming advanced, 196126
+github, level -3 with dict, old streaming advanced, 44956
+github, level -1, old streaming advanced, 181107
+github, level -1 with dict, old streaming advanced, 42383
+github, level 0, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, level 0 with dict, old streaming advanced, 41113
+github, level 1, old streaming advanced, 143693
+github, level 1 with dict, old streaming advanced, 42430
+github, level 3, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, level 3 with dict, old streaming advanced, 41113
+github, level 4, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, level 4 with dict, old streaming advanced, 41084
+github, level 5, old streaming advanced, 139402
+github, level 5 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38723
+github, level 6, old streaming advanced, 138676
+github, level 6 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38744
+github, level 7, old streaming advanced, 138676
+github, level 7 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38924
+github, level 9, old streaming advanced, 138676
+github, level 9 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38981
+github, level 13, old streaming advanced, 138676
+github, level 13 with dict, old streaming advanced, 39725
+github, level 16, old streaming advanced, 138676
+github, level 16 with dict, old streaming advanced, 40789
+github, level 19, old streaming advanced, 134064
+github, level 19 with dict, old streaming advanced, 37576
+github, no source size, old streaming advanced, 140599
+github, no source size with dict, old streaming advanced, 40608
+github, long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, multithreaded, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, multithreaded long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, small window log, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, small hash log, old streaming advanced, 141597
+github, small chain log, old streaming advanced, 139275
+github, explicit params, old streaming advanced, 140937
+github, uncompressed literals, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming advanced, 134064
+github, huffman literals, old streaming advanced, 181107
+github, multithreaded with advanced params, old streaming advanced, 141104
+github.tar, level -5, old streaming advanced, 51420
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, old streaming advanced, 46091
+github.tar, level -3, old streaming advanced, 45077
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, old streaming advanced, 42222
+github.tar, level -1, old streaming advanced, 42536
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, old streaming advanced, 41494
+github.tar, level 0, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38013
+github.tar, level 1, old streaming advanced, 39270
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38934
+github.tar, level 3, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38013
+github.tar, level 4, old streaming advanced, 38893
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38063
+github.tar, level 5, old streaming advanced, 39651
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38997
+github.tar, level 6, old streaming advanced, 39282
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38640
+github.tar, level 7, old streaming advanced, 38110
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, old streaming advanced, 37387
+github.tar, level 9, old streaming advanced, 36760
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, old streaming advanced, 36312
+github.tar, level 13, old streaming advanced, 35501
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, old streaming advanced, 35807
+github.tar, level 16, old streaming advanced, 40471
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, old streaming advanced, 38578
+github.tar, level 19, old streaming advanced, 32134
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, old streaming advanced, 32702
+github.tar, no source size, old streaming advanced, 38828
+github.tar, no source size with dict, old streaming advanced, 38015
+github.tar, long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, multithreaded, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, multithreaded long distance mode, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, small window log, old streaming advanced, 199561
+github.tar, small hash log, old streaming advanced, 129870
+github.tar, small chain log, old streaming advanced, 41669
+github.tar, explicit params, old streaming advanced, 41385
+github.tar, uncompressed literals, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github.tar, uncompressed literals optimal, old streaming advanced, 32134
+github.tar, huffman literals, old streaming advanced, 42536
+github.tar, multithreaded with advanced params, old streaming advanced, 38831
+github, level -5 with dict, old streaming cdict, 46718
+github, level -3 with dict, old streaming cdict, 45395
+github, level -1 with dict, old streaming cdict, 43170
+github, level 0 with dict, old streaming cdict, 41148
+github, level 1 with dict, old streaming cdict, 41682
+github, level 3 with dict, old streaming cdict, 41148
+github, level 4 with dict, old streaming cdict, 41251
+github, level 5 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38758
+github, level 6 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38671
+github, level 7 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38758
+github, level 9 with dict, old streaming cdict, 39437
+github, level 13 with dict, old streaming cdict, 39900
+github, level 16 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37577
+github, level 19 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37576
+github, no source size with dict, old streaming cdict, 40654
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, old streaming cdict, 46276
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, old streaming cdict, 42354
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, old streaming cdict, 41662
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37956
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38761
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37956
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37927
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38999
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, old streaming cdict, 38648
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, old streaming cdict, 37436
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, old streaming cdict, 36401
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, old streaming cdict, 36010
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, old streaming cdict, 39081
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, old streaming cdict, 32474
+github.tar, no source size with dict, old streaming cdict, 38000
+github, level -5 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 49562
+github, level -3 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 44956
+github, level -1 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 42383
+github, level 0 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 41113
+github, level 1 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 42430
+github, level 3 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 41113
+github, level 4 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 41084
+github, level 5 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38723
+github, level 6 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38744
+github, level 7 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38924
+github, level 9 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38981
+github, level 13 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 39725
+github, level 16 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 40789
+github, level 19 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 37576
+github, no source size with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 40608
+github.tar, level -5 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 44307
+github.tar, level -3 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 41359
+github.tar, level -1 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 41322
+github.tar, level 0 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38013
+github.tar, level 1 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 39002
+github.tar, level 3 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38013
+github.tar, level 4 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38063
+github.tar, level 5 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38997
+github.tar, level 6 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38640
+github.tar, level 7 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 37387
+github.tar, level 9 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 36312
+github.tar, level 13 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 35807
+github.tar, level 16 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38578
+github.tar, level 19 with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 32702
+github.tar, no source size with dict, old streaming advanced cdict, 38015
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/test.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1de6be86ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/regression/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "data.h"
+#include "method.h"
+static int g_max_name_len = 0;
+/** Check if a name contains a comma or is too long. */
+static int is_name_bad(char const* name) {
+ if (name == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ int const len = strlen(name);
+ if (len > g_max_name_len)
+ g_max_name_len = len;
+ for (; *name != '\0'; ++name)
+ if (*name == ',')
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+/** Check if any of the names contain a comma. */
+static int are_names_bad() {
+ for (size_t method = 0; methods[method] != NULL; ++method)
+ if (is_name_bad(methods[method]->name)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "method name %s is bad\n", methods[method]->name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (size_t datum = 0; data[datum] != NULL; ++datum)
+ if (is_name_bad(data[datum]->name)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "data name %s is bad\n", data[datum]->name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (size_t config = 0; configs[config] != NULL; ++config)
+ if (is_name_bad(configs[config]->name)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "config name %s is bad\n", configs[config]->name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Option parsing using getopt.
+ * When you add a new option update: long_options, long_extras, and
+ * short_options.
+ */
+/** Option variables filled by parse_args. */
+static char const* g_output = NULL;
+static char const* g_diff = NULL;
+static char const* g_cache = NULL;
+static char const* g_zstdcli = NULL;
+static char const* g_config = NULL;
+static char const* g_data = NULL;
+static char const* g_method = NULL;
+typedef enum {
+ required_option,
+ optional_option,
+ help_option,
+} option_type;
+ * Extra state that we need to keep per-option that we can't store in getopt.
+ */
+struct option_extra {
+ int id; /**< The short option name, used as an id. */
+ char const* help; /**< The help message. */
+ option_type opt_type; /**< The option type: required, optional, or help. */
+ char const** value; /**< The value to set or NULL if no_argument. */
+/** The options. */
+static struct option long_options[] = {
+ {"cache", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
+ {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
+ {"zstd", required_argument, NULL, 'z'},
+ {"config", required_argument, NULL, 128},
+ {"data", required_argument, NULL, 129},
+ {"method", required_argument, NULL, 130},
+ {"diff", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
+ {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
+static size_t const nargs = sizeof(long_options) / sizeof(long_options[0]);
+/** The extra info for the options. Must be in the same order as the options. */
+static struct option_extra long_extras[] = {
+ {'c', "the cache directory", required_option, &g_cache},
+ {'o', "write the results here", required_option, &g_output},
+ {'z', "zstd cli tool", required_option, &g_zstdcli},
+ {128, "use this config", optional_option, &g_config},
+ {129, "use this data", optional_option, &g_data},
+ {130, "use this method", optional_option, &g_method},
+ {'d', "compare the results to this file", optional_option, &g_diff},
+ {'h', "display this message", help_option, NULL},
+/** The short options. Must correspond to the options. */
+static char const short_options[] = "c:d:ho:z:";
+/** Return the help string for the option type. */
+static char const* required_message(option_type opt_type) {
+ switch (opt_type) {
+ case required_option:
+ return "[required]";
+ case optional_option:
+ return "[optional]";
+ case help_option:
+ return "";
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+/** Print the help for the program. */
+static void print_help(void) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "regression test runner\n");
+ size_t const nargs = sizeof(long_options) / sizeof(long_options[0]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) {
+ if (long_options[i].val < 128) {
+ /* Long / short - help [option type] */
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "--%s / -%c \t- %s %s\n",
+ long_options[i].name,
+ long_options[i].val,
+ long_extras[i].help,
+ required_message(long_extras[i].opt_type));
+ } else {
+ /* Short / long - help [option type] */
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "--%s \t- %s %s\n",
+ long_options[i].name,
+ long_extras[i].help,
+ required_message(long_extras[i].opt_type));
+ }
+ }
+/** Parse the arguments. Return 0 on success. Print help on failure. */
+static int parse_args(int argc, char** argv) {
+ int option_index = 0;
+ int c;
+ while (1) {
+ c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index);
+ if (c == -1)
+ break;
+ int found = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) {
+ if (c == long_extras[i].id && long_extras[i].value != NULL) {
+ *long_extras[i].value = optarg;
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ continue;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'h':
+ case '?':
+ default:
+ print_help();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int bad = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) {
+ if (long_extras[i].opt_type != required_option)
+ continue;
+ if (long_extras[i].value == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (*long_extras[i].value != NULL)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "--%s is a required argument but is not set\n",
+ long_options[i].name);
+ bad = 1;
+ }
+ if (bad) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ print_help();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** Helper macro to print to stderr and a file. */
+#define tprintf(file, ...) \
+ do { \
+ fprintf(file, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
+/** Helper macro to flush stderr and a file. */
+#define tflush(file) \
+ do { \
+ fflush(file); \
+ fflush(stderr); \
+ } while (0)
+void tprint_names(
+ FILE* results,
+ char const* data_name,
+ char const* config_name,
+ char const* method_name) {
+ int const data_padding = g_max_name_len - strlen(data_name);
+ int const config_padding = g_max_name_len - strlen(config_name);
+ int const method_padding = g_max_name_len - strlen(method_name);
+ tprintf(
+ results,
+ "%s, %*s%s, %*s%s, %*s",
+ data_name,
+ data_padding,
+ "",
+ config_name,
+ config_padding,
+ "",
+ method_name,
+ method_padding,
+ "");
+ * Run all the regression tests and record the results table to results and
+ * stderr progressively.
+ */
+static int run_all(FILE* results) {
+ tprint_names(results, "Data", "Config", "Method");
+ tprintf(results, "Total compressed size\n");
+ for (size_t method = 0; methods[method] != NULL; ++method) {
+ if (g_method != NULL && strcmp(methods[method]->name, g_method))
+ continue;
+ for (size_t datum = 0; data[datum] != NULL; ++datum) {
+ if (g_data != NULL && strcmp(data[datum]->name, g_data))
+ continue;
+ /* Create the state common to all configs */
+ method_state_t* state = methods[method]->create(data[datum]);
+ for (size_t config = 0; configs[config] != NULL; ++config) {
+ if (g_config != NULL && strcmp(configs[config]->name, g_config))
+ continue;
+ if (config_skip_data(configs[config], data[datum]))
+ continue;
+ /* Print the result for the (method, data, config) tuple. */
+ result_t const result =
+ methods[method]->compress(state, configs[config]);
+ if (result_is_skip(result))
+ continue;
+ tprint_names(
+ results,
+ data[datum]->name,
+ configs[config]->name,
+ methods[method]->name);
+ if (result_is_error(result)) {
+ tprintf(results, "%s\n", result_get_error_string(result));
+ } else {
+ tprintf(
+ results,
+ "%llu\n",
+ (unsigned long long)result_get_data(result).total_size);
+ }
+ tflush(results);
+ }
+ methods[method]->destroy(state);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** memcmp() the old results file and the new results file. */
+static int diff_results(char const* actual_file, char const* expected_file) {
+ data_buffer_t const actual = data_buffer_read(actual_file);
+ data_buffer_t const expected = data_buffer_read(expected_file);
+ int ret = 1;
+ if ( == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to open results '%s' for diff\n", actual_file);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ( == NULL) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "failed to open previous results '%s' for diff\n",
+ expected_file);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ret = data_buffer_compare(actual, expected);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "actual results '%s' does not match expected results '%s'\n",
+ actual_file,
+ expected_file);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "actual results match expected results\n");
+ }
+ data_buffer_free(actual);
+ data_buffer_free(expected);
+ return ret;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ /* Parse args and validate modules. */
+ int ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ if (are_names_bad())
+ return 1;
+ /* Initialize modules. */
+ method_set_zstdcli(g_zstdcli);
+ ret = data_init(g_cache);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "data_init() failed with error=%s\n", strerror(ret));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Run the regression tests. */
+ ret = 1;
+ FILE* results = fopen(g_output, "w");
+ if (results == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the output file\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ret = run_all(results);
+ fclose(results);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto out;
+ if (g_diff)
+ /* Diff the new results with the previous results. */
+ ret = diff_results(g_output, g_diff);
+ data_finish();
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/roundTripCrash.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/roundTripCrash.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9aa208cfff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/roundTripCrash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ This program takes a file in input,
+ performs a zstd round-trip test (compression - decompress)
+ compares the result with original
+ and generates a crash (double free) on corruption detection.
+* Dependencies
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free, exit */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
+#include <sys/types.h> /* stat */
+#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
+#include "xxhash.h"
+#include "zstd.h"
+* Macros
+#define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
+static void crash(int errorCode){
+ /* abort if AFL/libfuzzer, exit otherwise */
+ abort();
+ #else
+ exit(errorCode);
+ #endif
+#define CHECK_Z(f) { \
+ size_t const err = f; \
+ if (ZSTD_isError(err)) { \
+ fprintf(stderr, \
+ "Error=> %s: %s", \
+ #f, ZSTD_getErrorName(err)); \
+ crash(1); \
+} }
+/** roundTripTest() :
+* Compresses `srcBuff` into `compressedBuff`,
+* then decompresses `compressedBuff` into `resultBuff`.
+* Compression level used is derived from first content byte.
+* @return : result of decompression, which should be == `srcSize`
+* or an error code if either compression or decompression fails.
+* Note : `compressedBuffCapacity` should be `>= ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)`
+* for compression to be guaranteed to work */
+static size_t roundTripTest(void* resultBuff, size_t resultBuffCapacity,
+ void* compressedBuff, size_t compressedBuffCapacity,
+ const void* srcBuff, size_t srcBuffSize)
+ static const int maxClevel = 19;
+ size_t const hashLength = MIN(128, srcBuffSize);
+ unsigned const h32 = XXH32(srcBuff, hashLength, 0);
+ int const cLevel = h32 % maxClevel;
+ size_t const cSize = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuff, compressedBuffCapacity, srcBuff, srcBuffSize, cLevel);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Compression error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(cSize));
+ return cSize;
+ }
+ return ZSTD_decompress(resultBuff, resultBuffCapacity, compressedBuff, cSize);
+/** cctxParamRoundTripTest() :
+ * Same as roundTripTest() except allows experimenting with ZSTD_CCtx_params. */
+static size_t cctxParamRoundTripTest(void* resultBuff, size_t resultBuffCapacity,
+ void* compressedBuff, size_t compressedBuffCapacity,
+ const void* srcBuff, size_t srcBuffSize)
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_CCtx_params* const cctxParams = ZSTD_createCCtxParams();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuffer = { srcBuff, srcBuffSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuffer = { compressedBuff, compressedBuffCapacity, 0 };
+ static const int maxClevel = 19;
+ size_t const hashLength = MIN(128, srcBuffSize);
+ unsigned const h32 = XXH32(srcBuff, hashLength, 0);
+ int const cLevel = h32 % maxClevel;
+ /* Set parameters */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(cctxParams, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(cctxParams, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(cctxParams, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, 5) );
+ /* Apply parameters */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParametersUsingCCtxParams(cctx, cctxParams) );
+ CHECK_Z (ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outBuffer, &inBuffer, ZSTD_e_end) );
+ ZSTD_freeCCtxParams(cctxParams);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ return ZSTD_decompress(resultBuff, resultBuffCapacity, compressedBuff, outBuffer.pos);
+static size_t checkBuffers(const void* buff1, const void* buff2, size_t buffSize)
+ const char* ip1 = (const char*)buff1;
+ const char* ip2 = (const char*)buff2;
+ size_t pos;
+ for (pos=0; pos<buffSize; pos++)
+ if (ip1[pos]!=ip2[pos])
+ break;
+ return pos;
+static void roundTripCheck(const void* srcBuff, size_t srcBuffSize, int testCCtxParams)
+ size_t const cBuffSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcBuffSize);
+ void* cBuff = malloc(cBuffSize);
+ void* rBuff = malloc(cBuffSize);
+ if (!cBuff || !rBuff) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory ! \n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ { size_t const result = testCCtxParams ?
+ cctxParamRoundTripTest(rBuff, cBuffSize, cBuff, cBuffSize, srcBuff, srcBuffSize)
+ : roundTripTest(rBuff, cBuffSize, cBuff, cBuffSize, srcBuff, srcBuffSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(result)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "roundTripTest error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(result));
+ crash(1);
+ }
+ if (result != srcBuffSize) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect regenerated size : %u != %u\n", (unsigned)result, (unsigned)srcBuffSize);
+ crash(1);
+ }
+ if (checkBuffers(srcBuff, rBuff, srcBuffSize) != srcBuffSize) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Silent decoding corruption !!!");
+ crash(1);
+ }
+ }
+ free(cBuff);
+ free(rBuff);
+static size_t getFileSize(const char* infilename)
+ int r;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ struct _stat64 statbuf;
+ r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf);
+ if (r || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return 0; /* No good... */
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ r = stat(infilename, &statbuf);
+ if (r || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) return 0; /* No good... */
+ return (size_t)statbuf.st_size;
+static int isDirectory(const char* infilename)
+ int r;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ struct _stat64 statbuf;
+ r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf);
+ if (!r && (statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR)) return 1;
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ r = stat(infilename, &statbuf);
+ if (!r && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) return 1;
+ return 0;
+/** loadFile() :
+* requirement : `buffer` size >= `fileSize` */
+static void loadFile(void* buffer, const char* fileName, size_t fileSize)
+ FILE* const f = fopen(fileName, "rb");
+ if (isDirectory(fileName)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring %s directory \n", fileName);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ if (f==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Impossible to open %s \n", fileName);
+ exit(3);
+ }
+ { size_t const readSize = fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, f);
+ if (readSize != fileSize) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %s \n", fileName);
+ exit(5);
+ } }
+ fclose(f);
+static void fileCheck(const char* fileName, int testCCtxParams)
+ size_t const fileSize = getFileSize(fileName);
+ void* const buffer = malloc(fileSize + !fileSize /* avoid 0 */);
+ if (!buffer) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory \n");
+ exit(4);
+ }
+ loadFile(buffer, fileName, fileSize);
+ roundTripCheck(buffer, fileSize, testCCtxParams);
+ free (buffer);
+int main(int argCount, const char** argv) {
+ int argNb = 1;
+ int testCCtxParams = 0;
+ if (argCount < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error : no argument : need input file \n");
+ exit(9);
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(argv[argNb], "--cctxParams")) {
+ testCCtxParams = 1;
+ argNb++;
+ }
+ fileCheck(argv[argNb], testCCtxParams);
+ fprintf(stderr, "no pb detected\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e340c8511c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#include "seqgen.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+static const size_t kMatchBytes = 128;
+#define SEQ_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static BYTE SEQ_randByte(unsigned* src)
+ static const U32 prime1 = 2654435761U;
+ static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *src;
+ rand32 *= prime1;
+ rand32 ^= prime2;
+ rand32 = SEQ_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *src = rand32;
+ return (BYTE)(rand32 >> 5);
+SEQ_stream SEQ_initStream(unsigned seed)
+ SEQ_stream stream;
+ stream.state = 0;
+ XXH64_reset(&stream.xxh, 0);
+ stream.seed = seed;
+ return stream;
+/* Generates a single guard byte, then match length + 1 of a different byte,
+ * then another guard byte.
+ */
+static size_t SEQ_gen_matchLength(SEQ_stream* stream, unsigned value,
+ SEQ_outBuffer* out)
+ typedef enum {
+ ml_first_byte = 0,
+ ml_match_bytes,
+ ml_last_byte,
+ } ml_state;
+ BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)out->dst;
+ BYTE* const oend = ostart + out->size;
+ BYTE* op = ostart + out->pos;
+ switch ((ml_state)stream->state) {
+ case ml_first_byte:
+ /* Generate a single byte and pick a different byte for the match */
+ if (op >= oend) {
+ stream->bytesLeft = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ *op = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) & 0xFF;
+ do {
+ stream->saved = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) & 0xFF;
+ } while (*op == stream->saved);
+ ++op;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = ml_match_bytes;
+ stream->bytesLeft = value + 1;
+ /* fall-through */
+ case ml_match_bytes: {
+ /* Copy matchLength + 1 bytes to the output buffer */
+ size_t const setLength = MIN(stream->bytesLeft, (size_t)(oend - op));
+ if (setLength > 0) {
+ memset(op, stream->saved, setLength);
+ op += setLength;
+ stream->bytesLeft -= setLength;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = ml_last_byte;
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ case ml_last_byte:
+ /* Generate a single byte and pick a different byte for the match */
+ if (op >= oend) {
+ stream->bytesLeft = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ do {
+ *op = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) & 0xFF;
+ } while (*op == stream->saved);
+ ++op;
+ /* State transition */
+ /* fall-through */
+ default:
+ stream->state = 0;
+ stream->bytesLeft = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ XXH64_update(&stream->xxh, ostart + out->pos, (op - ostart) - out->pos);
+ out->pos = op - ostart;
+ return stream->bytesLeft;
+/* Saves the current seed then generates kMatchBytes random bytes >= 128.
+ * Generates literal length - kMatchBytes random bytes < 128.
+ * Generates another kMatchBytes using the saved seed to generate a match.
+ * This way the match is easy to find for the compressors.
+ */
+static size_t SEQ_gen_litLength(SEQ_stream* stream, unsigned value, SEQ_outBuffer* out)
+ typedef enum {
+ ll_start = 0,
+ ll_run_bytes,
+ ll_literals,
+ ll_run_match,
+ } ll_state;
+ BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)out->dst;
+ BYTE* const oend = ostart + out->size;
+ BYTE* op = ostart + out->pos;
+ switch ((ll_state)stream->state) {
+ case ll_start:
+ stream->state = ll_run_bytes;
+ stream->saved = stream->seed;
+ stream->bytesLeft = MIN(kMatchBytes, value);
+ /* fall-through */
+ case ll_run_bytes:
+ while (stream->bytesLeft > 0 && op < oend) {
+ *op++ = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) | 0x80;
+ --stream->bytesLeft;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = ll_literals;
+ stream->bytesLeft = value - MIN(kMatchBytes, value);
+ /* fall-through */
+ case ll_literals:
+ while (stream->bytesLeft > 0 && op < oend) {
+ *op++ = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) & 0x7F;
+ --stream->bytesLeft;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = ll_run_match;
+ stream->bytesLeft = MIN(kMatchBytes, value);
+ /* fall-through */
+ case ll_run_match: {
+ while (stream->bytesLeft > 0 && op < oend) {
+ *op++ = SEQ_randByte(&stream->saved) | 0x80;
+ --stream->bytesLeft;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ default:
+ stream->state = 0;
+ stream->bytesLeft = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ XXH64_update(&stream->xxh, ostart + out->pos, (op - ostart) - out->pos);
+ out->pos = op - ostart;
+ return stream->bytesLeft;
+/* Saves the current seed then generates kMatchBytes random bytes >= 128.
+ * Generates offset - kMatchBytes of zeros to get a large offset without
+ * polluting the hash tables.
+ * Generates another kMatchBytes using the saved seed to generate a with the
+ * required offset.
+ */
+static size_t SEQ_gen_offset(SEQ_stream* stream, unsigned value, SEQ_outBuffer* out)
+ typedef enum {
+ of_start = 0,
+ of_run_bytes,
+ of_offset,
+ of_run_match,
+ } of_state;
+ BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)out->dst;
+ BYTE* const oend = ostart + out->size;
+ BYTE* op = ostart + out->pos;
+ switch ((of_state)stream->state) {
+ case of_start:
+ stream->state = of_run_bytes;
+ stream->saved = stream->seed;
+ stream->bytesLeft = MIN(value, kMatchBytes);
+ /* fall-through */
+ case of_run_bytes: {
+ while (stream->bytesLeft > 0 && op < oend) {
+ *op++ = SEQ_randByte(&stream->seed) | 0x80;
+ --stream->bytesLeft;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = of_offset;
+ stream->bytesLeft = value - MIN(value, kMatchBytes);
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ case of_offset: {
+ /* Copy matchLength + 1 bytes to the output buffer */
+ size_t const setLength = MIN(stream->bytesLeft, (size_t)(oend - op));
+ if (setLength > 0) {
+ memset(op, 0, setLength);
+ op += setLength;
+ stream->bytesLeft -= setLength;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ /* State transition */
+ stream->state = of_run_match;
+ stream->bytesLeft = MIN(value, kMatchBytes);
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ case of_run_match: {
+ while (stream->bytesLeft > 0 && op < oend) {
+ *op++ = SEQ_randByte(&stream->saved) | 0x80;
+ --stream->bytesLeft;
+ }
+ if (stream->bytesLeft > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fall-through */
+ default:
+ stream->state = 0;
+ stream->bytesLeft = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ XXH64_update(&stream->xxh, ostart + out->pos, (op - ostart) - out->pos);
+ out->pos = op - ostart;
+ return stream->bytesLeft;
+/* Returns the number of bytes left to generate.
+ * Must pass the same type/value until it returns 0.
+ */
+size_t SEQ_gen(SEQ_stream* stream, SEQ_gen_type type, unsigned value, SEQ_outBuffer* out)
+ switch (type) {
+ case SEQ_gen_ml: return SEQ_gen_matchLength(stream, value, out);
+ case SEQ_gen_ll: return SEQ_gen_litLength(stream, value, out);
+ case SEQ_gen_of: return SEQ_gen_offset(stream, value, out);
+ case SEQ_gen_max: /* fall-through */
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+/* Returns the xxhash of the data produced so far */
+XXH64_hash_t SEQ_digest(SEQ_stream const* stream)
+ return XXH64_digest(&stream->xxh);
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.h b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cea3f552b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/seqgen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+#ifndef SEQGEN_H
+#define SEQGEN_H
+#include "xxhash.h"
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+typedef enum {
+ SEQ_gen_ml = 0,
+ SEQ_gen_ll,
+ SEQ_gen_of,
+ SEQ_gen_max /* Must be the last value */
+} SEQ_gen_type;
+/* Internal state, do not use */
+typedef struct {
+ XXH64_state_t xxh; /* xxh state for all the data produced so far (seed=0) */
+ unsigned seed;
+ int state; /* enum to control state machine (clean=0) */
+ unsigned saved;
+ size_t bytesLeft;
+} SEQ_stream;
+SEQ_stream SEQ_initStream(unsigned seed);
+typedef struct {
+ void* dst;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t pos;
+} SEQ_outBuffer;
+/* Returns non-zero until the current type/value has been generated.
+ * Must pass the same type/value until it returns 0.
+ *
+ * Recommended to pick a value in the middle of the range you want, since there
+ * may be some noise that causes actual results to be slightly different.
+ * We try to be more accurate for smaller values.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Very small values don't work well (< 6).
+ */
+size_t SEQ_gen(SEQ_stream* stream, SEQ_gen_type type, unsigned value,
+ SEQ_outBuffer* out);
+/* Returns the xxhash of the data produced so far */
+XXH64_hash_t SEQ_digest(SEQ_stream const* stream);
+#endif /* SEQGEN_H */
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..224776536dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+import enum
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
+ "doc",
+ "examples",
+ "lib",
+ "programs",
+ "tests",
+ "contrib/linux-kernel",
+ "contrib/linux-kernel/test/include",
+def to_abs(d):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT, d)) + "/"
+DIRS = [to_abs(d) for d in RELDIRS]
+EXCLUDES = [to_abs(d) for d in REL_EXCLUDES]
+ ".c",
+ ".h",
+ "Makefile",
+ ".mk",
+ ".py",
+# License should certainly be in the first 10 KB.
+MAX_BYTES = 10000
+ "This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the",
+ "LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found",
+ "in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).",
+ "You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.",
+ # From zstdmt
+ "threading.c",
+ "threading.h",
+ # From divsufsort
+ "divsufsort.c",
+ "divsufsort.h",
+ # From divsufsort
+ "divsufsort.c",
+ "divsufsort.h",
+ # License is slightly different because it references GitHub
+ "linux_zstd.h",
+def valid_copyright(lines):
+ YEAR_REGEX = re.compile("\d\d\d\d|present")
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if "Copyright" not in line:
+ continue
+ if "present" in line:
+ return (False, f"Copyright line '{line}' contains 'present'!")
+ if "Facebook, Inc" not in line:
+ return (False, f"Copyright line '{line}' does not contain 'Facebook, Inc'")
+ year =
+ if year is not None:
+ return (False, f"Copyright line '{line}' contains {}; it should be yearless")
+ if " (c) " not in line:
+ return (False, f"Copyright line '{line}' does not contain ' (c) '!")
+ return (True, "")
+ return (False, "Copyright not found!")
+def valid_license(lines):
+ for b in range(len(lines)):
+ if LICENSE_LINES[0] not in lines[b]:
+ continue
+ for l in range(len(LICENSE_LINES)):
+ if LICENSE_LINES[l] not in lines[b + l]:
+ message = f"""Invalid license line found starting on line {b + l}!
+Expected: '{LICENSE_LINES[l]}'
+Actual: '{lines[b + l]}'"""
+ return (False, message)
+ return (True, "")
+ return (False, "License not found!")
+def valid_file(filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ lines = f.readlines(MAX_BYTES)
+ lines = lines[:min(len(lines), MAX_LINES)]
+ ok = True
+ if os.path.basename(filename) not in COPYRIGHT_EXCEPTIONS:
+ c_ok, c_msg = valid_copyright(lines)
+ if not c_ok:
+ print(f"{filename}: {c_msg}", file=sys.stderr)
+ ok = False
+ if os.path.basename(filename) not in LICENSE_EXCEPTIONS:
+ l_ok, l_msg = valid_license(lines)
+ if not l_ok:
+ print(f"{filename}: {l_msg}", file=sys.stderr)
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+def exclude(filename):
+ for x in EXCLUDES:
+ if filename.startswith(x):
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ invalid_files = []
+ for directory in DIRS:
+ for suffix in SUFFIXES:
+ files = set(glob.glob(f"{directory}/**/*{suffix}", recursive=True))
+ for filename in files:
+ if exclude(filename):
+ continue
+ if not valid_file(filename):
+ invalid_files.append(filename)
+ if len(invalid_files) > 0:
+ print("Fail!", file=sys.stderr)
+ for f in invalid_files:
+ print(f)
+ return 1
+ else:
+ print("Pass!", file=sys.stderr)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f3a9e065bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+set -e
+set -u
+set -x
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
+println() {
+ printf '%b\n' "${*}"
+die() {
+ println "$@" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+symbol_present() {
+ (nm $1 || echo "symbol_present $@ failed") | grep $2
+symbol_not_present() {
+ symbol_present $@ && die "Binary '$1' mistakenly contains symbol '$2'" ||:
+compress_not_present() {
+ symbol_not_present "$1" ZSTD_compress
+decompress_not_present() {
+ symbol_not_present "$1" ZSTD_decompress
+dict_not_present() {
+ symbol_not_present "$1" ZDICT_
+ symbol_not_present "$1" COVER_
+cliextra_not_present() {
+ symbol_not_present "$1" TRACE_
+ symbol_not_present "$1" BMK_
+legacy_not_present() {
+ symbol_not_present "$1" ZSTDv0
+test_help() {
+ "$1" --help | grep -- "$2"
+test_no_help() {
+ test_help $@ && die "'$1' supports '$2' when it shouldn't" ||:
+extras_not_present() {
+ dict_not_present $@
+ legacy_not_present $@
+ cliextra_not_present $@
+ test_no_help $@ "--train"
+ test_no_help $@ "-b#"
+test_compress() {
+ echo "hello" | "$1" | "$ZSTD" -t
+test_decompress() {
+ echo "hello" | "$ZSTD" | "$1" -t
+test_zstd() {
+ test_compress $@
+ test_decompress $@
+extras_not_present "$ZSTD_FRUGAL"
+extras_not_present "$ZSTD_COMPRESS"
+extras_not_present "$ZSTD_DECOMPRESS"
+compress_not_present "$ZSTD_DECOMPRESS"
+decompress_not_present "$ZSTD_COMPRESS"
+decompress_not_present "$ZSTD_DICTBUILDER"
+cliextra_not_present "$ZSTD_DICTBUILDER"
+legacy_not_present "$ZSTD_DICTBUILDER"
+legacy_not_present "$ZSTD_NOLEGACY"
+symbol_not_present "$ZSTD" ZSTDv01
+symbol_not_present "$ZSTD" ZSTDv02
+symbol_not_present "$ZSTD" ZSTDv03
+symbol_not_present "$ZSTD" ZSTDv04
+test_compress "$ZSTD_COMPRESS"
+test_decompress "$ZSTD_DECOMPRESS"
+test_zstd "$ZSTD_FRUGAL"
+test_zstd "$ZSTD_NOLEGACY"
+test_help "$ZSTD" '-b#'
+test_help "$ZSTD" --train
+test_help "$ZSTD_DICTBUILDER" --train
+println "Success!"
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..baca251f525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Test zstd interoperability between versions"""
+# ################################################################
+# Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+# ################################################################
+import filecmp
+import glob
+import hashlib
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+repo_url = ''
+tmp_dir_name = 'tests/versionsTest'
+make_cmd = 'make'
+make_args = ['-j','CFLAGS=-O1']
+git_cmd = 'git'
+test_dat_src = ''
+test_dat = 'test_dat'
+head = 'vdevel'
+dict_source = 'dict_source'
+dict_files = './zstd/programs/*.c ./zstd/lib/common/*.c ./zstd/lib/compress/*.c ./zstd/lib/decompress/*.c ./zstd/lib/dictBuilder/*.c ./zstd/lib/legacy/*.c '
+dict_files += './zstd/programs/*.h ./zstd/lib/common/*.h ./zstd/lib/compress/*.h ./zstd/lib/dictBuilder/*.h ./zstd/lib/legacy/*.h'
+def execute(command, print_output=False, print_error=True, param_shell=False):
+ popen = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=param_shell)
+ stdout_lines, stderr_lines = popen.communicate()
+ stderr_lines = stderr_lines.decode("utf-8")
+ stdout_lines = stdout_lines.decode("utf-8")
+ if print_output:
+ print(stdout_lines)
+ print(stderr_lines)
+ if popen.returncode is not None and popen.returncode != 0:
+ if not print_output and print_error:
+ print(stderr_lines)
+ return popen.returncode
+def proc(cmd_args, pipe=True, dummy=False):
+ if dummy:
+ return
+ if pipe:
+ subproc = Popen(cmd_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ else:
+ subproc = Popen(cmd_args)
+ return subproc.communicate()
+def make(targets, pipe=True):
+ cmd = [make_cmd] + make_args + targets
+ cmd_str = str(cmd)
+ print('compilation command : ' + cmd_str)
+ return proc(cmd, pipe)
+def git(args, pipe=True):
+ return proc([git_cmd] + args, pipe)
+def get_git_tags():
+ stdout, stderr = git(['tag', '-l', 'v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]'])
+ tags = stdout.decode('utf-8').split()
+ return tags
+def create_dict(tag, dict_source_path):
+ dict_name = 'dict.' + tag
+ if not os.path.isfile(dict_name):
+ cFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.c")
+ hFiles = glob.glob(dict_source_path + "/*.h")
+ if tag == 'v0.5.0':
+ result = execute('./dictBuilder.' + tag + ' ' + ' '.join(cFiles) + ' ' + ' '.join(hFiles) + ' -o ' + dict_name, print_output=False, param_shell=True)
+ else:
+ result = execute('./zstd.' + tag + ' -f --train ' + ' '.join(cFiles) + ' ' + ' '.join(hFiles) + ' -o ' + dict_name, print_output=False, param_shell=True)
+ if result == 0:
+ print(dict_name + ' created')
+ else:
+ print('ERROR: creating of ' + dict_name + ' failed')
+ else:
+ print(dict_name + ' already exists')
+def dict_compress_sample(tag, sample):
+ dict_name = 'dict.' + tag
+ DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_01_64_' + tag + '_dictio.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-5f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_05_64_' + tag + '_dictio.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-9f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_09_64_' + tag + '_dictio.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-15f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_15_64_' + tag + '_dictio.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-18f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_18_64_' + tag + '_dictio.zst')
+ # zstdFiles = glob.glob("*.zst*")
+ # print(zstdFiles)
+ print(tag + " : dict compression completed")
+def compress_sample(tag, sample):
+ DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_01_64_' + tag + '_nodict.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-5f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_05_64_' + tag + '_nodict.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-9f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_09_64_' + tag + '_nodict.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-15f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_15_64_' + tag + '_nodict.zst')
+ if['./zstd.' + tag, '-18f', sample], stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
+ os.rename(sample + '.zst', sample + '_18_64_' + tag + '_nodict.zst')
+ # zstdFiles = glob.glob("*.zst*")
+ # print(zstdFiles)
+ print(tag + " : compression completed")
+def sha1_of_file(filepath):
+ with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
+ return hashlib.sha1(
+def remove_duplicates():
+ list_of_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*.zst'))
+ for i, ref_zst in enumerate(list_of_zst):
+ if not os.path.isfile(ref_zst):
+ continue
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(list_of_zst)):
+ compared_zst = list_of_zst[j]
+ if not os.path.isfile(compared_zst):
+ continue
+ if filecmp.cmp(ref_zst, compared_zst):
+ os.remove(compared_zst)
+ print('duplicated : {} == {}'.format(ref_zst, compared_zst))
+def decompress_zst(tag):
+ dec_error = 0
+ list_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*_nodict.zst'))
+ for file_zst in list_zst:
+ print(file_zst, end=' ')
+ print(tag, end=' ')
+ file_dec = file_zst + '_d64_' + tag + '.dec'
+ if tag <= 'v0.5.0':
+ params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-df', file_zst, file_dec]
+ else:
+ params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-df', file_zst, '-o', file_dec]
+ if execute(params) == 0:
+ if not filecmp.cmp(file_dec, test_dat):
+ print('ERR !! ')
+ dec_error = 1
+ else:
+ print('OK ')
+ else:
+ print('command does not work')
+ dec_error = 1
+ return dec_error
+def decompress_dict(tag):
+ dec_error = 0
+ list_zst = sorted(glob.glob('*_dictio.zst'))
+ for file_zst in list_zst:
+ dict_tag = file_zst[0:len(file_zst)-11] # remove "_dictio.zst"
+ if head in dict_tag: # find vdevel
+ dict_tag = head
+ else:
+ dict_tag = dict_tag[dict_tag.rfind('v'):]
+ if tag == 'v0.6.0' and dict_tag < 'v0.6.0':
+ continue
+ dict_name = 'dict.' + dict_tag
+ print(file_zst + ' ' + tag + ' dict=' + dict_tag, end=' ')
+ file_dec = file_zst + '_d64_' + tag + '.dec'
+ if tag <= 'v0.5.0':
+ params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-df', file_zst, file_dec]
+ else:
+ params = ['./zstd.' + tag, '-D', dict_name, '-df', file_zst, '-o', file_dec]
+ if execute(params) == 0:
+ if not filecmp.cmp(file_dec, test_dat):
+ print('ERR !! ')
+ dec_error = 1
+ else:
+ print('OK ')
+ else:
+ print('command does not work')
+ dec_error = 1
+ return dec_error
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ error_code = 0
+ base_dir = os.getcwd() + '/..' # /path/to/zstd
+ tmp_dir = base_dir + '/' + tmp_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest
+ clone_dir = tmp_dir + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/zstd
+ dict_source_path = tmp_dir + '/' + dict_source # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/dict_source
+ programs_dir = base_dir + '/programs' # /path/to/zstd/programs
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ # since Travis clones limited depth, we should clone full repository
+ if not os.path.isdir(clone_dir):
+ git(['clone', repo_url, clone_dir])
+ shutil.copy2(base_dir + '/' + test_dat_src, tmp_dir + '/' + test_dat)
+ # Retrieve all release tags
+ print('Retrieve all release tags :')
+ os.chdir(clone_dir)
+ alltags = get_git_tags() + [head]
+ tags = [t for t in alltags if t >= 'v0.5.0']
+ print(tags)
+ # Build all release zstd
+ for tag in tags:
+ os.chdir(base_dir)
+ dst_zstd = '{}/zstd.{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/zstd.<TAG>
+ if not os.path.isfile(dst_zstd) or tag == head:
+ if tag != head:
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ print('compiling ' + tag)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ r_dir = '{}/{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/<TAG>
+ os.makedirs(r_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ os.chdir(clone_dir)
+ git(['--work-tree=' + r_dir, 'checkout', tag, '--', '.'], False)
+ if tag == 'v0.5.0':
+ os.chdir(r_dir + '/dictBuilder') # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/v0.5.0/dictBuilder
+ make(['clean'], False) # separate 'clean' target to allow parallel build
+ make(['dictBuilder'], False)
+ shutil.copy2('dictBuilder', '{}/dictBuilder.{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag))
+ os.chdir(r_dir + '/programs') # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/<TAG>/programs
+ make(['clean'], False) # separate 'clean' target to allow parallel build
+ make(['zstd'], False)
+ else:
+ os.chdir(programs_dir)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ print('compiling head')
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ make(['zstd'], False)
+ shutil.copy2('zstd', dst_zstd)
+ # remove any remaining *.zst and *.dec from previous test
+ os.chdir(tmp_dir)
+ for compressed in glob.glob("*.zst"):
+ os.remove(compressed)
+ for dec in glob.glob("*.dec"):
+ os.remove(dec)
+ # copy *.c and *.h to a temporary directory ("dict_source")
+ if not os.path.isdir(dict_source_path):
+ os.mkdir(dict_source_path)
+ print('cp ' + dict_files + ' ' + dict_source_path)
+ execute('cp ' + dict_files + ' ' + dict_source_path, param_shell=True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ print('Compress test.dat by all released zstd')
+ print('-----------------------------------------------')
+ error_code = 0
+ for tag in tags:
+ print(tag)
+ if tag >= 'v0.5.0':
+ create_dict(tag, dict_source_path)
+ dict_compress_sample(tag, test_dat)
+ remove_duplicates()
+ error_code += decompress_dict(tag)
+ compress_sample(tag, test_dat)
+ remove_duplicates()
+ error_code += decompress_zst(tag)
+ print('')
+ print('Enumerate different compressed files')
+ zstds = sorted(glob.glob('*.zst'))
+ for zstd in zstds:
+ print(zstd + ' : ' + repr(os.path.getsize(zstd)) + ', ' + sha1_of_file(zstd))
+ if error_code != 0:
+ print('====== ERROR !!! =======')
+ sys.exit(error_code)
diff --git a/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/zstreamtest.c b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/zstreamtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72fd72ea368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/zstreamtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2616 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
+ * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
+ * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
+ */
+ * Compiler specific
+ **************************************/
+#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */
+# define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* fgets */
+# pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
+# pragma warning(disable : 4146) /* disable: C4146: minus unsigned expression */
+ * Includes
+ **************************************/
+#include <stdlib.h> /* free */
+#include <stdio.h> /* fgets, sscanf */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
+#include <assert.h> /* assert */
+#include "timefn.h" /* UTIL_time_t, UTIL_getTime */
+#include "mem.h"
+#define ZSTD_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS /* No deprecation warnings, we still test some deprecated functions */
+#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_maxCLevel, ZSTD_customMem, ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame */
+#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_compressBound */
+#include "zstd_errors.h" /* ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong */
+#include "zdict.h" /* ZDICT_trainFromBuffer */
+#include "datagen.h" /* RDG_genBuffer */
+#define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* XXH64_state_t */
+#include "xxhash.h" /* XXH64_* */
+#include "seqgen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "timefn.h" /* UTIL_time_t, UTIL_clockSpanMicro, UTIL_getTime */
+ * Constants
+ **************************************/
+#define KB *(1U<<10)
+#define MB *(1U<<20)
+#define GB *(1U<<30)
+static const int nbTestsDefault = 10000;
+static const U32 g_cLevelMax_smallTests = 10;
+static const U32 prime32 = 2654435761U;
+ * Display Macros
+ **************************************/
+#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
+ if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stderr); }
+static U32 g_displayLevel = 2;
+static const U64 g_refreshRate = SEC_TO_MICRO / 6;
+static UTIL_time_t g_displayClock = UTIL_TIME_INITIALIZER;
+#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
+ if ((UTIL_clockSpanMicro(g_displayClock) > g_refreshRate) || (g_displayLevel>=4)) \
+ { g_displayClock = UTIL_getTime(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stderr); } }
+static U64 g_clockTime = 0;
+ * Check macros
+ *********************************************************/
+#undef MIN
+#undef MAX
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+/*! FUZ_rand() :
+ @return : a 27 bits random value, from a 32-bits `seed`.
+ `seed` is also modified */
+#define FUZ_rotl32(x,r) ((x << r) | (x >> (32 - r)))
+static U32 FUZ_rand(U32* seedPtr)
+ static const U32 prime2 = 2246822519U;
+ U32 rand32 = *seedPtr;
+ rand32 *= prime32;
+ rand32 += prime2;
+ rand32 = FUZ_rotl32(rand32, 13);
+ *seedPtr = rand32;
+ return rand32 >> 5;
+#define CHECK(cond, ...) { \
+ if (cond) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error => "); \
+ DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u, line %u) \n", \
+ (unsigned)seed, testNb, __LINE__); \
+ goto _output_error; \
+} }
+#define CHECK_Z(f) { \
+ size_t const err = f; \
+ CHECK(ZSTD_isError(err), "%s : %s ", \
+ #f, ZSTD_getErrorName(err)); \
+#define CHECK_RET(ret, cond, ...) { \
+ if (cond) { \
+ DISPLAY("Error %llu => ", (unsigned long long)ret); \
+ DISPLAY(" (line %u)\n", __LINE__); \
+ return ret; \
+} }
+#define CHECK_RET_Z(f) { \
+ size_t const err = f; \
+ CHECK_RET(err, ZSTD_isError(err), "%s : %s ", \
+ #f, ZSTD_getErrorName(err)); \
+ * Basic Unit tests
+ *======================================================*/
+typedef struct {
+ void* start;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t filled;
+} buffer_t;
+static const buffer_t kBuffNull = { NULL, 0 , 0 };
+static void FUZ_freeDictionary(buffer_t dict)
+ free(dict.start);
+static buffer_t FUZ_createDictionary(const void* src, size_t srcSize, size_t blockSize, size_t requestedDictSize)
+ buffer_t dict = kBuffNull;
+ size_t const nbBlocks = (srcSize + (blockSize-1)) / blockSize;
+ size_t* const blockSizes = (size_t*)malloc(nbBlocks * sizeof(size_t));
+ if (!blockSizes) return kBuffNull;
+ dict.start = malloc(requestedDictSize);
+ if (!dict.start) { free(blockSizes); return kBuffNull; }
+ { size_t nb;
+ for (nb=0; nb<nbBlocks-1; nb++) blockSizes[nb] = blockSize;
+ blockSizes[nbBlocks-1] = srcSize - (blockSize * (nbBlocks-1));
+ }
+ { size_t const dictSize = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(dict.start, requestedDictSize, src, blockSizes, (unsigned)nbBlocks);
+ free(blockSizes);
+ if (ZDICT_isError(dictSize)) { FUZ_freeDictionary(dict); return kBuffNull; }
+ dict.size = requestedDictSize;
+ dict.filled = dictSize;
+ return dict;
+ }
+/* Round trips data and updates xxh with the decompressed data produced */
+static size_t SEQ_roundTrip(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx, ZSTD_DCtx* dctx,
+ XXH64_state_t* xxh, void* data, size_t size,
+ ZSTD_EndDirective endOp)
+ static BYTE compressed[1024];
+ static BYTE uncompressed[1024];
+ ZSTD_inBuffer cin = {data, size, 0};
+ size_t cret;
+ do {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer cout = { compressed, sizeof(compressed), 0 };
+ ZSTD_inBuffer din = { compressed, 0, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer dout = { uncompressed, 0, 0 };
+ cret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &cout, &cin, endOp);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cret))
+ return cret;
+ din.size = cout.pos;
+ while (din.pos < din.size || (endOp == ZSTD_e_end && cret == 0)) {
+ size_t dret;
+ dout.pos = 0;
+ dout.size = sizeof(uncompressed);
+ dret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &dout, &din);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(dret))
+ return dret;
+ XXH64_update(xxh, dout.dst, dout.pos);
+ if (dret == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (cin.pos < cin.size || (endOp != ZSTD_e_continue && cret != 0));
+ return 0;
+/* Generates some data and round trips it */
+static size_t SEQ_generateRoundTrip(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx, ZSTD_DCtx* dctx,
+ XXH64_state_t* xxh, SEQ_stream* seq,
+ SEQ_gen_type type, unsigned value)
+ static BYTE data[1024];
+ size_t gen;
+ do {
+ SEQ_outBuffer sout = {data, sizeof(data), 0};
+ size_t ret;
+ gen = SEQ_gen(seq, type, value, &sout);
+ ret = SEQ_roundTrip(cctx, dctx, xxh, sout.dst, sout.pos, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(ret))
+ return ret;
+ } while (gen != 0);
+ return 0;
+static size_t getCCtxParams(ZSTD_CCtx* zc, ZSTD_parameters* savedParams)
+ int value;
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_windowLog, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.windowLog));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_hashLog, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.hashLog));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_chainLog, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.chainLog));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_searchLog, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.searchLog));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_minMatch, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.minMatch));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_targetLength, (int*)&savedParams->cParams.targetLength));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_strategy, &value));
+ savedParams->cParams.strategy = value;
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, &savedParams->fParams.checksumFlag));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, &savedParams->fParams.contentSizeFlag));
+ CHECK_RET_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag, &value));
+ savedParams->fParams.noDictIDFlag = !value;
+ return 0;
+static U32 badParameters(ZSTD_CCtx* zc, ZSTD_parameters const savedParams)
+ ZSTD_parameters params;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(getCCtxParams(zc, &params))) return 10;
+ CHECK_RET(1, params.cParams.windowLog != savedParams.cParams.windowLog, "windowLog");
+ CHECK_RET(2, params.cParams.hashLog != savedParams.cParams.hashLog, "hashLog");
+ CHECK_RET(3, params.cParams.chainLog != savedParams.cParams.chainLog, "chainLog");
+ CHECK_RET(4, params.cParams.searchLog != savedParams.cParams.searchLog, "searchLog");
+ CHECK_RET(5, params.cParams.minMatch != savedParams.cParams.minMatch, "minMatch");
+ CHECK_RET(6, params.cParams.targetLength != savedParams.cParams.targetLength, "targetLength");
+ CHECK_RET(7, params.fParams.checksumFlag != savedParams.fParams.checksumFlag, "checksumFlag");
+ CHECK_RET(8, params.fParams.contentSizeFlag != savedParams.fParams.contentSizeFlag, "contentSizeFlag");
+ CHECK_RET(9, params.fParams.noDictIDFlag != savedParams.fParams.noDictIDFlag, "noDictIDFlag");
+ return 0;
+static int basicUnitTests(U32 seed, double compressibility)
+ size_t const CNBufferSize = COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH;
+ void* CNBuffer = malloc(CNBufferSize);
+ size_t const skippableFrameSize = 200 KB;
+ size_t const compressedBufferSize = (8 + skippableFrameSize) + ZSTD_compressBound(COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ void* compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferSize);
+ size_t const decodedBufferSize = CNBufferSize;
+ void* decodedBuffer = malloc(decodedBufferSize);
+ size_t cSize;
+ int testResult = 0;
+ int testNb = 1;
+ U32 coreSeed = 0; /* this name to conform with CHECK_Z macro display */
+ ZSTD_CStream* zc = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ ZSTD_DStream* zd = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ ZSTD_CCtx* mtctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff, inBuff2;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff;
+ buffer_t dictionary = kBuffNull;
+ size_t const dictSize = 128 KB;
+ unsigned dictID = 0;
+ /* Create compressible test buffer */
+ if (!CNBuffer || !compressedBuffer || !decodedBuffer || !zc || !zd || !mtctx) {
+ DISPLAY("Not enough memory, aborting \n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ RDG_genBuffer(CNBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressibility, 0., seed);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, 2));
+ /* Create dictionary */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "creating dictionary for unit tests \n");
+ dictionary = FUZ_createDictionary(CNBuffer, CNBufferSize / 3, 16 KB, 48 KB);
+ if (!dictionary.start) {
+ DISPLAY("Error creating dictionary, aborting \n");
+ goto _output_error;
+ }
+ dictID = ZDICT_getDictID(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ /* Basic compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream(zc, 1 /* cLevel */) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned)outBuff.pos);
+ /* generate skippable frame */
+ MEM_writeLE32(compressedBuffer, ZSTD_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START);
+ MEM_writeLE32(((char*)compressedBuffer)+4, (U32)skippableFrameSize);
+ cSize = skippableFrameSize + 8;
+ /* Basic compression test using dict */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : skipframe + compress %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(zc, CNBuffer, dictSize) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer)+cSize;
+ assert(compressedBufferSize > cSize);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize - cSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ cSize += outBuff.pos;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n",
+ (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH*100);
+ /* context size functions */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : estimate CStream size : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBufferSize, dictSize);
+ size_t const cstreamSize = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize_usingCParams(cParams);
+ size_t const cdictSize = ZSTD_estimateCDictSize_advanced(dictSize, cParams, ZSTD_dlm_byCopy); /* uses ZSTD_initCStream_usingDict() */
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cstreamSize)) goto _output_error;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(cdictSize)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes) \n", (unsigned)(cstreamSize + cdictSize));
+ }
+ /* context size functions */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : estimate CStream size using CCtxParams : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CCtx_params* const params = ZSTD_createCCtxParams();
+ size_t cstreamSize, cctxSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(params, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19) );
+ cstreamSize = ZSTD_estimateCStreamSize_usingCCtxParams(params);
+ CHECK_Z(cstreamSize);
+ cctxSize = ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize_usingCCtxParams(params);
+ CHECK_Z(cctxSize);
+ if (cstreamSize <= cctxSize + 2 * ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeCCtxParams(params);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check actual CStream size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const s = ZSTD_sizeof_CStream(zc);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(s)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes) \n", (unsigned)s);
+ }
+ /* Attempt bad compression parameters */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : use bad compression parameters with ZSTD_initCStream_advanced : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t r;
+ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(1, 0, 0);
+ params.cParams.minMatch = 2;
+ r = ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(zc, NULL, 0, params, 0);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "init error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ /* skippable frame test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress skippable frame : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize) );
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " ( ZSTD_decompressStream => %u ) ", (unsigned)r);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ if (outBuff.pos != 0) goto _output_error; /* skippable frame output len is 0 */
+ /* Basic decompression test */
+ inBuff2 = inBuff;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(zd, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_LIMIT_DEFAULT+1) ); /* large limit */
+ { size_t const remaining = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (remaining != 0) goto _output_error; } /* should reach end of frame == 0; otherwise, some data left, or an error */
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) goto _output_error; /* should regenerate the same amount */
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* should have read the entire frame */
+ /* Re-use without init */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress again without init (re-use previous settings): ", testNb++);
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const remaining = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff2);
+ if (remaining != 0) goto _output_error; } /* should reach end of frame == 0; otherwise, some data left, or an error */
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) goto _output_error; /* should regenerate the same amount */
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* should have read the entire frame */
+ /* check regenerated data is byte exact */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<CNBufferSize; i++) {
+ if (((BYTE*)decodedBuffer)[i] != ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[i]) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ /* context size functions */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : estimate DStream size : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_frameHeader fhi;
+ const void* cStart = (char*)compressedBuffer + (skippableFrameSize + 8);
+ size_t const gfhError = ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&fhi, cStart, cSize);
+ if (gfhError!=0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " (windowSize : %u) ", (unsigned)fhi.windowSize);
+ { size_t const s = ZSTD_estimateDStreamSize(fhi.windowSize)
+ /* uses ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict() */
+ + ZSTD_estimateDDictSize(dictSize, ZSTD_dlm_byCopy);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(s)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes) \n", (unsigned)s);
+ } }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check actual DStream size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const s = ZSTD_sizeof_DStream(zd);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(s)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes) \n", (unsigned)s);
+ }
+ /* Decompression by small increment */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress byte-by-byte : ", testNb++);
+ { /* skippable frame */
+ size_t r = 1;
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ while (r) { /* skippable frame */
+ size_t const inSize = (FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15) + 1;
+ size_t const outSize = (FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15) + 1;
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + inSize;
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + outSize;
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "ZSTD_decompressStream on skippable frame error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* normal frame */
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ r=1;
+ while (r) {
+ size_t const inSize = FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15;
+ size_t const outSize = (FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15) + (!inSize); /* avoid having both sizes at 0 => would trigger a no_forward_progress error */
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + inSize;
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + outSize;
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "ZSTD_decompressStream error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize : should have regenerated same amount ! \n");
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) goto _output_error; /* should regenerate the same amount */
+ if (inBuff.pos != cSize) DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "inBuff.pos != cSize : should have real all input ! \n");
+ if (inBuff.pos != cSize) goto _output_error; /* should have read the entire frame */
+ /* check regenerated data is byte exact */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check decompressed result : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<CNBufferSize; i++) {
+ if (((BYTE*)decodedBuffer)[i] != ((BYTE*)CNBuffer)[i]) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ /* Decompression forward progress */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : generate error when ZSTD_decompressStream() doesn't progress : ", testNb++);
+ { /* skippable frame */
+ size_t r = 0;
+ int decNb = 0;
+ int const maxDec = 100;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize-1; /* 1 byte missing */
+ for (decNb=0; decNb<maxDec; decNb++) {
+ if (r==0) ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) break;
+ }
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "ZSTD_decompressStream should have triggered a no_forward_progress error \n");
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; /* should have triggered no_forward_progress error */
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : NULL buffers : ", testNb++);
+ inBuff.src = NULL;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = NULL;
+ outBuff.size = 0;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ CHECK(inBuff.pos != inBuff.size, "Entire input should be consumed");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ CHECK(r != 0, "Error or some data not flushed (ret=%zu)", r);
+ }
+ inBuff.src = outBuff.dst;
+ inBuff.size = outBuff.pos;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = NULL;
+ outBuff.size = 0;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(zd) );
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ret != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* _srcSize compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress_srcSize %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, NULL) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, CNBufferSize) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ CHECK(inBuff.pos != inBuff.size, "Entire input should be consumed");
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ CHECK(r != 0, "Error or some data not flushed (ret=%zu)", r);
+ }
+ { unsigned long long origSize = ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(outBuff.dst, outBuff.pos);
+ CHECK(origSize == ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN, "Unknown!");
+ CHECK((size_t)origSize != CNBufferSize, "Exact original size must be present (got %llu)", origSize);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH*100);
+ /* wrong _srcSize compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : too large srcSize : %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH-1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, NULL) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, CNBufferSize+1) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; /* must fail : wrong srcSize */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (error detected : %s) \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r)); }
+ /* wrong _srcSize compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : too small srcSize : %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH-1);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, NULL) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, CNBufferSize-1) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer);
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; /* must fail : wrong srcSize */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (error detected : %s) \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : wrong srcSize !contentSizeFlag : %u bytes : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH-1);
+ { CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, 0) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, CNBufferSize - MIN(CNBufferSize, 200 KB)) );
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_srcSize_wrong) goto _output_error; /* must fail : wrong srcSize */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (error detected : %s) \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ } }
+ /* Complex context re-use scenario */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : context re-use : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(zc);
+ zc = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ if (zc==NULL) goto _output_error; /* memory allocation issue */
+ /* use 1 */
+ { size_t const inSize = 513;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "use1 ");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, inSize) );
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = inSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer)+cSize;
+ outBuff.size = ZSTD_compressBound(inSize);
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "compress1 ");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "end1 ");
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ }
+ /* use 2 */
+ { size_t const inSize = 1025; /* will not continue, because tables auto-adjust and are therefore different size */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "use2 ");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 19) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, inSize) );
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = inSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = (char*)(compressedBuffer)+cSize;
+ outBuff.size = ZSTD_compressBound(inSize);
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "compress2 ");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "end2 ");
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ }
+ /* Decompression single pass with empty frame */
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, NULL, 0, 1);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() single pass on empty frame : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t const dctxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ CHECK_Z(r);
+ CHECK(r != 0, "Entire frame must be decompressed");
+ CHECK(outBuff.pos != 0, "Wrong size!");
+ CHECK(memcmp(CNBuffer, outBuff.dst, CNBufferSize) != 0, "Corruption!");
+ }
+ CHECK(dctxSize != ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx), "No buffers allocated");
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* Decompression with ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer */
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress(compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBufferSize, 1);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ size_t const dctxSize0 = ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx);
+ size_t dctxSize1;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() single pass : ", testNb++);
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ CHECK_Z(r);
+ CHECK(r != 0, "Entire frame must be decompressed");
+ CHECK(outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize, "Wrong size!");
+ CHECK(memcmp(CNBuffer, outBuff.dst, CNBufferSize) != 0, "Corruption!");
+ }
+ CHECK(dctxSize0 != ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx), "No buffers allocated");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() stable out buffer : ", testNb++);
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ while (inBuff.pos < cSize) {
+ inBuff.size += MIN(cSize - inBuff.pos, 1 + (FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff));
+ }
+ CHECK(outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize, "Wrong size!");
+ CHECK(memcmp(CNBuffer, outBuff.dst, CNBufferSize) != 0, "Corruption!");
+ dctxSize1 = ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx);
+ CHECK(!(dctxSize0 < dctxSize1), "Input buffer allocated");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() stable out buffer too small : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize - 1;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ CHECK(ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_dstSize_tooSmall, "Must error but got %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() stable out buffer modified : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize - 1;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff));
+ ++inBuff.size;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ CHECK(ZSTD_getErrorCode(r) != ZSTD_error_dstBuffer_wrong, "Must error but got %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() buffered output : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(dctx, ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer, 0));
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ while (inBuff.pos < cSize) {
+ inBuff.size += MIN(cSize - inBuff.pos, 1 + (FUZ_rand(&coreSeed) & 15));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &outBuff, &inBuff));
+ }
+ CHECK(outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize, "Wrong size!");
+ CHECK(memcmp(CNBuffer, outBuff.dst, CNBufferSize) != 0, "Corruption!");
+ CHECK(!(dctxSize1 < ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(dctx)), "Output buffer allocated");
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ /* Compression with ZSTD_c_stable{In,Out}Buffer */
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out;
+ size_t cctxSize1;
+ size_t cctxSize2;
+ in.src = CNBuffer;
+ in.size = CNBufferSize;
+ out.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ out.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress2() uses stable input and output : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBufferSize));
+ CHECK(!(cSize < ZSTD_compressBound(CNBufferSize)), "cSize too large for test");
+ CHECK_Z(cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, cSize + 4, CNBuffer, CNBufferSize));
+ CHECK_Z(cctxSize1 = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx));
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx2 = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx2, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue));
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx2, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end) == 0), "Not finished");
+ CHECK_Z(cctxSize2 = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx2));
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx2);
+ }
+ { ZSTD_CCtx* cctx3 = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(0, CNBufferSize, 0);
+ size_t cSize3;
+ params.fParams.checksumFlag = 1;
+ cSize3 = ZSTD_compress_advanced(cctx3, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBufferSize, NULL, 0, params);
+ CHECK_Z(cSize3);
+ CHECK(!(cSize == cSize3), "Must be same compressed size");
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize1 == ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx3)), "Must be same CCtx size");
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx3);
+ }
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize1 < cctxSize2), "Stable buffers means less allocated size");
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compress2() doesn't modify user parameters : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ int stableInBuffer;
+ int stableOutBuffer;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer, &stableInBuffer));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer, &stableOutBuffer));
+ CHECK(!(stableInBuffer == 0), "Modified");
+ CHECK(!(stableOutBuffer == 0), "Modified");
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(cSize = ZSTD_compress2(cctx, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, CNBufferSize));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer, &stableInBuffer));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer, &stableOutBuffer));
+ CHECK(!(stableInBuffer == 1), "Modified");
+ CHECK(!(stableOutBuffer == 1), "Modified");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() with ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer and ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end) == 0), "Not finished");
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer and ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer allocated size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cctxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx);
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize1 == cctxSize), "Must be the same size as single pass");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() with ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer only : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer, 1));
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ out.size = cSize / 4;
+ for (;;) {
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ CHECK_Z(ret);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ break;
+ out.size = MIN(out.size + cSize / 4, compressedBufferSize);
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer modify buffer : ", testNb++);
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ out.size = cSize / 4;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end));
+ in.src = (char const*)in.src + in.pos;
+ in.size -= in.pos;
+ in.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end);
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(ret), "Must error");
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_srcBuffer_wrong), "Must be this error");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer with continue and flush : ", testNb++);
+ in.src = CNBuffer;
+ in.size = CNBufferSize;
+ in.pos = 0;
+ out.pos = 0;
+ out.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only));
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(ret), "Must error");
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_srcBuffer_wrong), "Must be this error");
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only));
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush);
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(ret), "Must error");
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_srcBuffer_wrong), "Must be this error");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableInBuffer allocated size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cctxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx);
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize1 < cctxSize), "Must be bigger than single-pass");
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize < cctxSize2), "Must be smaller than streaming");
+ cctxSize1 = cctxSize;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() with ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer only : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(cctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(cctx, ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer, 1));
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ in.size = MIN(CNBufferSize, 10);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ in.pos = 0;
+ in.size = CNBufferSize - in.size;
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_end) == 0), "Not finished");
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, out.pos));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer modify buffer : ", testNb++);
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ in.size = CNBufferSize;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue));
+ in.pos = out.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_continue);
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(ret), "Must have errored");
+ CHECK(!(ZSTD_getErrorCode(ret) == ZSTD_error_dstBuffer_wrong), "Must be this error");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_compressStream2() ZSTD_c_stableOutBuffer allocated size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const cctxSize = ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctx);
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize1 < cctxSize), "Must be bigger than single-pass and stableInBuffer");
+ CHECK(!(cctxSize < cctxSize2), "Must be smaller than streaming");
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ /* CDict scenario */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : digested dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, 1 /*byRef*/ );
+ size_t const initError = ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict(zc, cdict);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict result : %u ", (unsigned)initError);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) goto _output_error;
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "- starting ZSTD_compressStream ");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "- ZSTD_endStream result : %u ", (unsigned)r);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ }
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBufferSize*100);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check CStream size : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const s = ZSTD_sizeof_CStream(zc);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(s)) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes) \n", (unsigned)s);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "test%3i : check Dictionary ID : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned const dID = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (dID != dictID) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "OK (%u) \n", dID);
+ }
+ /* DDict scenario */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress %u bytes with digested dictionary : ", testNb++, (unsigned)CNBufferSize);
+ { ZSTD_DDict* const ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ size_t const initError = ZSTD_initDStream_usingDDict(zd, ddict);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) goto _output_error;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* should reach end of frame == 0; otherwise, some data left, or an error */
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) goto _output_error; /* should regenerate the same amount */
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* should have read the entire frame */
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ /* Memory restriction */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : maxWindowSize < frame requirement : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, CNBuffer, dictSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(zd, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, 10) ); /* too small limit */
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; /* must fail : frame requires > 100 bytes */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%s)\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r)); }
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(zd, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters); /* leave zd in good shape for next tests */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictionary source size and level : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DCtx* const dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ int const maxLevel = 16; /* first level with zstd_opt */
+ int level;
+ assert(maxLevel < ZSTD_maxCLevel());
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary_byReference(dctx, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ for (level = 1; level <= maxLevel; ++level) {
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, level);
+ size_t const maxSize = MIN(1 MB, CNBufferSize);
+ size_t size;
+ for (size = 512; size <= maxSize; size <<= 1) {
+ U64 const crcOrig = XXH64(CNBuffer, size, 0);
+ ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ ZSTD_parameters savedParams;
+ getCCtxParams(cctx, &savedParams);
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = size;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(cctx, cdict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(cctx, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end));
+ CHECK(badParameters(cctx, savedParams), "Bad CCtx params");
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error;
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer decOut = {decodedBuffer, size, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer decIn = {outBuff.dst, outBuff.pos, 0};
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &decOut, &decIn) );
+ if (decIn.pos != decIn.size) goto _output_error;
+ if (decOut.pos != size) goto _output_error;
+ { U64 const crcDec = XXH64(decOut.dst, decOut.pos, 0);
+ if (crcDec != crcOrig) goto _output_error;
+ } }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(cctx);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(zc, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ cSize = ZSTD_compress2(zc, compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, CNBuffer, MIN(CNBufferSize, 100 KB));
+ CHECK_Z(cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() with dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* We should fail to decompress without a dictionary. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the dictionary. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary(dctx, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The dictionary should persist across calls. */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The dictionary should not be cleared by ZSTD_reset_session_only. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* When we reset the context the dictionary is cleared. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_resetDStream() with dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the dictionary. */
+ ZSTD_resetDStream(dctx);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_loadDictionary(dctx, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The dictionary should not be cleared by ZSTD_resetDStream(). */
+ ZSTD_resetDStream(dctx);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The dictionary should be cleared by ZSTD_initDStream(). */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(dctx) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressStream() with ddict : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the ddict. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict(dctx, ddict) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The ddict should persist across calls. */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* When we reset the context the ddict is cleared. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_decompressDCtx() with prefix : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the prefix. */
+ ZSTD_DCtx_reset(dctx, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix_advanced(dctx, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, ZSTD_dct_auto) );
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ if (ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ if (in.pos != in.size) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ /* The prefix should be cleared after the first compression. */
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer out = {decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 0};
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {compressedBuffer, cSize, 0};
+ size_t const ret = ZSTD_decompressStream(dctx, &out, &in);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_initDStream*() with dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ {
+ ZSTD_DCtx* dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ size_t ret;
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the dictionary. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(dctx, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* The dictionary should persist across calls. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* We should succeed to decompress with the ddict. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDDict(dctx, ddict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* The ddict should persist across calls. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* When we reset the context the ddict is cleared. */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(dctx) );
+ ret = ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(ret)) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_freeDCtx(dctx);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict_advanced with masked dictID : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, CNBufferSize, dictionary.filled);
+ ZSTD_frameParameters const fParams = { 1 /* contentSize */, 1 /* checksum */, 1 /* noDictID */};
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_auto, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ size_t const initError = ZSTD_initCStream_usingCDict_advanced(zc, cdict, fParams, CNBufferSize);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) goto _output_error;
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ if (r != 0) goto _output_error; } /* error, or some data not flushed */
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBufferSize*100);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : try retrieving dictID from frame : ", testNb++);
+ { U32 const did = ZSTD_getDictID_fromFrame(compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (did != 0) goto _output_error;
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (not detected) \n");
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress without dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; /* must fail : dictionary not used */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%s)\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress with ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(zc, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBufferSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress with ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix : ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_refPrefix(zd, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ if (outBuff.pos != CNBufferSize) goto _output_error; /* must regenerate whole input */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress without dictionary (should fail): ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const r = ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ if (!ZSTD_isError(r)) goto _output_error; /* must fail : dictionary not used */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%s)\n", ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress again with ZSTD_compressStream2 : ", testNb++);
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "OK (%u bytes : %.2f%%)\n", (unsigned)cSize, (double)cSize/CNBufferSize*100);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress without dictionary (should work): ", testNb++);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompress(decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, compressedBuffer, cSize) );
+ /* Empty srcSize */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_initCStream_advanced with pledgedSrcSize=0 and dict : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(5, 0, 0);
+ params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(zc, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, params, 0 /* pledgedSrcSize==0 means "empty" when params.fParams.contentSizeFlag is set */) );
+ } /* cstream advanced shall write content size = 0 */
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ if (ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : pledgedSrcSize == 0 behaves properly with ZSTD_initCStream_advanced : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(5, 0, 0);
+ params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(zc, NULL, 0, params, 0) );
+ } /* cstream advanced shall write content size = 0 */
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ if (ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = 0;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff) != 0) goto _output_error;
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ if (ZSTD_findDecompressedSize(compressedBuffer, cSize) != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) goto _output_error;
+ /* Basic multithreading compression test */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress %u bytes with multiple threads : ", testNb++, COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ { int jobSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_jobSize, &jobSize));
+ CHECK(jobSize != 0, "job size non-zero");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(mtctx, ZSTD_c_jobSize, &jobSize));
+ CHECK(jobSize != 0, "job size non-zero");
+ }
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ { size_t const compressResult = ZSTD_compressStream2(mtctx, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end);
+ if (compressResult != 0) goto _output_error; /* compression must be completed in a single round */
+ }
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ { size_t const compressedSize = ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSize(compressedBuffer, outBuff.pos);
+ if (compressedSize != outBuff.pos) goto _output_error; /* must be a full valid frame */
+ }
+ /* Complex multithreading + dictionary test */
+ { U32 const nbWorkers = 2;
+ size_t const jobSize = 4 * 1 MB;
+ size_t const srcSize = jobSize * nbWorkers; /* we want each job to have predictable size */
+ size_t const segLength = 2 KB;
+ size_t const offset = 600 KB; /* must be larger than window defined in cdict */
+ size_t const start = jobSize + (offset-1);
+ const BYTE* const srcToCopy = (const BYTE*)CNBuffer + start;
+ BYTE* const dst = (BYTE*)CNBuffer + start - offset;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : compress %u bytes with multiple threads + dictionary : ", testNb++, (unsigned)srcSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, 3) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbWorkers) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_jobSize, jobSize) );
+ assert(start > offset);
+ assert(start + segLength < COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ memcpy(dst, srcToCopy, segLength); /* create a long repetition at long distance for job 2 */
+ outBuff.dst = compressedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = compressedBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = CNBuffer;
+ inBuff.size = srcSize; assert(srcSize < COMPRESSIBLE_NOISE_LENGTH);
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ }
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters const cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(1, 4 KB, dictionary.filled); /* intentionally lies on estimatedSrcSize, to push cdict into targeting a small window size */
+ ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "cParams.windowLog = %u : ", cParams.windowLog);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, cdict) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, NULL) ); /* do not keep a reference to cdict, as its lifetime ends */
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress large frame created from multiple threads + dictionary : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_DStream* const dstream = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ ZSTD_frameHeader zfh;
+ ZSTD_getFrameHeader(&zfh, compressedBuffer, cSize);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "frame windowsize = %u : ", (unsigned)zfh.windowSize);
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ inBuff.src = compressedBuffer;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(dstream, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled) );
+ inBuff.size = 1; /* avoid shortcut to single-pass mode */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(dstream, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ inBuff.size = cSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(dstream, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ if (inBuff.pos != inBuff.size) goto _output_error; /* entire input should be consumed */
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(dstream);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : check dictionary FSE tables can represent every code : ", testNb++);
+ { unsigned const kMaxWindowLog = 24;
+ unsigned value;
+ ZSTD_compressionParameters cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(3, 1U << kMaxWindowLog, 1024);
+ ZSTD_CDict* cdict;
+ ZSTD_DDict* ddict;
+ SEQ_stream seq = SEQ_initStream(0x87654321);
+ SEQ_gen_type type;
+ XXH64_state_t xxh;
+ XXH64_reset(&xxh, 0);
+ cParams.windowLog = kMaxWindowLog;
+ cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled, ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict, cParams, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ ddict = ZSTD_createDDict(dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ if (!cdict || !ddict) goto _output_error;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only);
+ ZSTD_resetDStream(zd);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, cdict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_initDStream_usingDDict(zd, ddict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_DCtx_setParameter(zd, ZSTD_d_windowLogMax, kMaxWindowLog));
+ /* Test all values < 300 */
+ for (value = 0; value < 300; ++value) {
+ for (type = (SEQ_gen_type)0; type < SEQ_gen_max; ++type) {
+ CHECK_Z(SEQ_generateRoundTrip(zc, zd, &xxh, &seq, type, value));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test values 2^8 to 2^17 */
+ for (value = (1 << 8); value < (1 << 17); value <<= 1) {
+ for (type = (SEQ_gen_type)0; type < SEQ_gen_max; ++type) {
+ CHECK_Z(SEQ_generateRoundTrip(zc, zd, &xxh, &seq, type, value));
+ CHECK_Z(SEQ_generateRoundTrip(zc, zd, &xxh, &seq, type, value + (value >> 2)));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test offset values up to the max window log */
+ for (value = 8; value <= kMaxWindowLog; ++value) {
+ CHECK_Z(SEQ_generateRoundTrip(zc, zd, &xxh, &seq, SEQ_gen_of, (1U << value) - 1));
+ }
+ CHECK_Z(SEQ_roundTrip(zc, zd, &xxh, NULL, 0, ZSTD_e_end));
+ CHECK(SEQ_digest(&seq) != XXH64_digest(&xxh), "SEQ XXH64 does not match");
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ ZSTD_freeDDict(ddict);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_initCStream_srcSize sets requestedParams : ", testNb++);
+ { int level;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_initCStream_srcSize(zc, 11, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &level));
+ CHECK(level != 11, "Compression level does not match");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, &level));
+ CHECK(level != 11, "Compression level does not match");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_initCStream_advanced sets requestedParams : ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(9, 0, 0);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(zc, NULL, 0, params, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN));
+ CHECK(badParameters(zc, params), "Compression parameters do not match");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK(badParameters(zc, params), "Compression parameters do not match");
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint bounds : ", testNb++);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint, INT_MAX));
+ { int srcSizeHint;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint, &srcSizeHint));
+ CHECK(!(srcSizeHint == INT_MAX), "srcSizeHint doesn't match");
+ }
+ CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint, -1)), "Out of range doesn't error");
+ /* Overlen overwriting window data bug */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : wildcopy doesn't overwrite potential match data : ", testNb++);
+ { /* This test has a window size of 1024 bytes and consists of 3 blocks:
+ 1. 'a' repeated 517 times
+ 2. 'b' repeated 516 times
+ 3. a compressed block with no literals and 3 sequence commands:
+ litlength = 0, offset = 24, match length = 24
+ litlength = 0, offset = 24, match length = 3 (this one creates an overlength write of length 2*WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH - 3)
+ litlength = 0, offset = 1021, match length = 3 (this one will try to read from overwritten data if the buffer is too small) */
+ const char* testCase =
+ "\x28\xB5\x2F\xFD\x04\x00\x4C\x00\x00\x10\x61\x61\x01\x00\x00\x2A"
+ "\x80\x05\x44\x00\x00\x08\x62\x01\x00\x00\x2A\x20\x04\x5D\x00\x00"
+ "\x00\x03\x40\x00\x00\x64\x60\x27\xB0\xE0\x0C\x67\x62\xCE\xE0";
+ ZSTD_DStream* const zds = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ if (zds==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(zds) );
+ inBuff.src = testCase;
+ inBuff.size = 47;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ while (inBuff.pos < inBuff.size) {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(zds, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zds);
+ }
+ /* Small Sequence Section bug */
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : decompress blocks with small sequences section : ", testNb++);
+ { /* This test consists of 3 blocks. Each block has one sequence.
+ The sequence has literal length of 10, match length of 10 and offset of 10.
+ The sequence value and compression mode for the blocks are following:
+ The order of values are ll, ml, of.
+ - First block : (10, 7, 13) (rle, rle, rle)
+ - size of sequences section: 6 bytes (1 byte for nbSeq, 1 byte for encoding mode, 3 bytes for rle, 1 byte bitstream)
+ - Second block : (10, 7, 1) (repeat, repeat, rle)
+ - size of sequences section: 4 bytes (1 byte for nbSeq, 1 byte for encoding mode, 1 bytes for rle, 1 byte bitstream)
+ - Third block : (10, 7, 1) (repeat, repeat, repeat)
+ - size of sequences section: 3 bytes (1 byte for nbSeq, 1 byte for encoding mode, 1 byte bitstream) */
+ unsigned char compressed[] = {
+ 0x28, 0xb5, 0x2f, 0xfd, 0x24, 0x3c, 0x35, 0x01, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x85, 0x08,
+ 0xc2, 0xc4, 0x70, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0xc0, 0x96, 0x7e, 0x4c, 0x6b, 0xa9, 0x8b,
+ 0xbc, 0xc5, 0xb6, 0xd9, 0x7f, 0x4c, 0xf1, 0x05, 0xa6, 0x54, 0xef, 0xac,
+ 0x69, 0x94, 0x89, 0x1c, 0x03, 0x44, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x04, 0x80,
+ 0x40, 0x0a, 0xa4
+ };
+ unsigned int compressedSize = 51;
+ unsigned char decompressed[] = {
+ 0x85, 0x08, 0xc2, 0xc4, 0x70, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0xc0, 0x96, 0x7e, 0x85, 0x08,
+ 0xc2, 0xc4, 0x70, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0xc0, 0x96, 0x7e, 0x4c, 0x6b, 0xa9, 0x8b,
+ 0xbc, 0xc5, 0xb6, 0xd9, 0x7f, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x6b, 0xa9, 0x8b, 0xbc, 0xc5,
+ 0xb6, 0xd9, 0x7f, 0x4c, 0xf1, 0x05, 0xa6, 0x54, 0xef, 0xac, 0x69, 0x94,
+ 0x89, 0x1c, 0xf1, 0x05, 0xa6, 0x54, 0xef, 0xac, 0x69, 0x94, 0x89, 0x1c
+ };
+ unsigned int decompressedSize = 60;
+ ZSTD_DStream* const zds = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ if (zds==NULL) goto _output_error;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(zds) );
+ inBuff.src = compressed;
+ inBuff.size = compressedSize;
+ inBuff.pos = 0;
+ outBuff.dst = decodedBuffer;
+ outBuff.size = CNBufferSize;
+ outBuff.pos = 0;
+ CHECK(ZSTD_decompressStream(zds, &outBuff, &inBuff) != 0,
+ "Decompress did not reach the end of frame");
+ CHECK(inBuff.pos != inBuff.size, "Decompress did not fully consume input");
+ CHECK(outBuff.pos != decompressedSize, "Decompressed size does not match");
+ CHECK(memcmp(outBuff.dst, decompressed, decompressedSize) != 0,
+ "Decompressed data does not match");
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zds);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : raw block can be streamed: ", testNb++);
+ { size_t const inputSize = 10000;
+ size_t const compCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(inputSize);
+ BYTE* const input = (BYTE*)malloc(inputSize);
+ BYTE* const comp = (BYTE*)malloc(compCapacity);
+ BYTE* const decomp = (BYTE*)malloc(inputSize);
+ CHECK(input == NULL || comp == NULL || decomp == NULL, "failed to alloc buffers");
+ RDG_genBuffer(input, inputSize, 0.0, 0.0, seed);
+ { size_t const compSize = ZSTD_compress(comp, compCapacity, input, inputSize, -(int)inputSize);
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = { comp, 0, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = { decomp, 0, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z(compSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_DCtx_reset(zd, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters) );
+ while (in.size < compSize) {
+ in.size = MIN(in.size + 100, compSize);
+ while (in.pos < in.size) {
+ size_t const outPos = out.pos;
+ if (out.pos == out.size) {
+ out.size = MIN(out.size + 10, inputSize);
+ }
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &out, &in) );
+ CHECK(!(out.pos > outPos), "We are not streaming (no output generated)");
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK(in.pos != compSize, "Not all input consumed!");
+ CHECK(out.pos != inputSize, "Not all output produced!");
+ }
+ CHECK(memcmp(input, decomp, inputSize), "round trip failed!");
+ free(input);
+ free(comp);
+ free(decomp);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictionary + uncompressible block + reusing tables checks offset table validity: ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(
+ dictionary.start, dictionary.filled,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict,
+ ZSTD_getCParams(3, 0, dictionary.filled),
+ ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ const size_t inbufsize = 2 * 128 * 1024; /* 2 blocks */
+ const size_t outbufsize = ZSTD_compressBound(inbufsize);
+ size_t inbufpos = 0;
+ size_t cursegmentlen;
+ BYTE *inbuf = (BYTE *)malloc(inbufsize);
+ BYTE *outbuf = (BYTE *)malloc(outbufsize);
+ BYTE *checkbuf = (BYTE *)malloc(inbufsize);
+ size_t ret;
+ CHECK(cdict == NULL, "failed to alloc cdict");
+ CHECK(inbuf == NULL, "failed to alloc input buffer");
+ /* first block is uncompressible */
+ cursegmentlen = 128 * 1024;
+ RDG_genBuffer(inbuf + inbufpos, cursegmentlen, 0., 0., seed);
+ inbufpos += cursegmentlen;
+ /* second block is compressible */
+ cursegmentlen = 128 * 1024 - 256;
+ RDG_genBuffer(inbuf + inbufpos, cursegmentlen, 0.05, 0., seed);
+ inbufpos += cursegmentlen;
+ /* and includes a very long backref */
+ cursegmentlen = 128;
+ memcpy(inbuf + inbufpos, (BYTE*)dictionary.start + 256, cursegmentlen);
+ inbufpos += cursegmentlen;
+ /* and includes a very long backref */
+ cursegmentlen = 128;
+ memcpy(inbuf + inbufpos, (BYTE*)dictionary.start + 128, cursegmentlen);
+ inbufpos += cursegmentlen;
+ ret = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict(zc, outbuf, outbufsize, inbuf, inbufpos, cdict);
+ CHECK_Z(ret);
+ ret = ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(zd, checkbuf, inbufsize, outbuf, ret, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled);
+ CHECK_Z(ret);
+ CHECK(memcmp(inbuf, checkbuf, inbufpos), "start and finish buffers don't match");
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ free(inbuf);
+ free(outbuf);
+ free(checkbuf);
+ }
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "test%3i : dictionary + small blocks + reusing tables checks offset table validity: ", testNb++);
+ { ZSTD_CDict* const cdict = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(
+ dictionary.start, dictionary.filled,
+ ZSTD_dlm_byRef, ZSTD_dct_fullDict,
+ ZSTD_getCParams(3, 0, dictionary.filled),
+ ZSTD_defaultCMem);
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out = {compressedBuffer, compressedBufferSize, 0};
+ int remainingInput = 256 * 1024;
+ int offset;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_and_parameters));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_refCDict(zc, cdict));
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, 1));
+ /* Write a bunch of 6 byte blocks */
+ while (remainingInput > 0) {
+ char testBuffer[6] = "\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA";
+ const size_t kSmallBlockSize = sizeof(testBuffer);
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {testBuffer, kSmallBlockSize, 0};
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &out, &in, ZSTD_e_flush));
+ CHECK(in.pos != in.size, "input not fully consumed");
+ remainingInput -= kSmallBlockSize;
+ }
+ /* Write several very long offset matches into the dictionary */
+ for (offset = 1024; offset >= 0; offset -= 128) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in = {(BYTE*)dictionary.start + offset, 128, 0};
+ ZSTD_EndDirective flush = offset > 0 ? ZSTD_e_continue : ZSTD_e_end;
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &out, &in, flush));
+ CHECK(in.pos != in.size, "input not fully consumed");
+ }
+ /* Ensure decompression works */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(zd, decodedBuffer, CNBufferSize, out.dst, out.pos, dictionary.start, dictionary.filled));
+ ZSTD_freeCDict(cdict);
+ }
+ FUZ_freeDictionary(dictionary);
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(zc);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(mtctx);
+ free(CNBuffer);
+ free(compressedBuffer);
+ free(decodedBuffer);
+ return testResult;
+ testResult = 1;
+ DISPLAY("Error detected in Unit tests ! \n");
+ goto _end;
+/* ====== Fuzzer tests ====== */
+static size_t findDiff(const void* buf1, const void* buf2, size_t max)
+ const BYTE* b1 = (const BYTE*)buf1;
+ const BYTE* b2 = (const BYTE*)buf2;
+ size_t u;
+ for (u=0; u<max; u++) {
+ if (b1[u] != b2[u]) break;
+ }
+ if (u==max) {
+ DISPLAY("=> No difference detected within %u bytes \n", (unsigned)max);
+ return u;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Error at position %u / %u \n", (unsigned)u, (unsigned)max);
+ if (u>=3)
+ DISPLAY(" %02X %02X %02X ",
+ b1[u-3], b1[u-2], b1[u-1]);
+ DISPLAY(" :%02X: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X \n",
+ b1[u], b1[u+1], b1[u+2], b1[u+3], b1[u+4], b1[u+5]);
+ if (u>=3)
+ DISPLAY(" %02X %02X %02X ",
+ b2[u-3], b2[u-2], b2[u-1]);
+ DISPLAY(" :%02X: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X \n",
+ b2[u], b2[u+1], b2[u+2], b2[u+3], b2[u+4], b2[u+5]);
+ return u;
+static size_t FUZ_rLogLength(U32* seed, U32 logLength)
+ size_t const lengthMask = ((size_t)1 << logLength) - 1;
+ return (lengthMask+1) + (FUZ_rand(seed) & lengthMask);
+static size_t FUZ_randomLength(U32* seed, U32 maxLog)
+ U32 const logLength = FUZ_rand(seed) % maxLog;
+ return FUZ_rLogLength(seed, logLength);
+/* Return value in range minVal <= v <= maxVal */
+static U32 FUZ_randomClampedLength(U32* seed, U32 minVal, U32 maxVal)
+ U32 const mod = maxVal < minVal ? 1 : (maxVal + 1) - minVal;
+ return (U32)((FUZ_rand(seed) % mod) + minVal);
+static int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility, int bigTests)
+ U32 const maxSrcLog = bigTests ? 24 : 22;
+ static const U32 maxSampleLog = 19;
+ size_t const srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
+ BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
+ size_t const copyBufferSize = srcBufferSize + (1<<maxSampleLog);
+ BYTE* const copyBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (copyBufferSize);
+ size_t const cBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcBufferSize);
+ BYTE* const cBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
+ size_t const dstBufferSize = srcBufferSize;
+ BYTE* const dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
+ U32 result = 0;
+ unsigned testNb = 0;
+ U32 coreSeed = seed;
+ ZSTD_CStream* zc = ZSTD_createCStream(); /* will be re-created sometimes */
+ ZSTD_DStream* zd = ZSTD_createDStream(); /* will be re-created sometimes */
+ ZSTD_DStream* const zd_noise = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ UTIL_time_t const startClock = UTIL_getTime();
+ const BYTE* dict = NULL; /* can keep same dict on 2 consecutive tests */
+ size_t dictSize = 0;
+ U32 oldTestLog = 0;
+ U32 const cLevelMax = bigTests ? (U32)ZSTD_maxCLevel() : g_cLevelMax_smallTests;
+ /* allocations */
+ cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4] ||
+ !copyBuffer || !dstBuffer || !cBuffer || !zc || !zd || !zd_noise ,
+ "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");
+ /* Create initial samples */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed); /* pure noise */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed); /* barely compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed); /* highly compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed); /* sparse content */
+ memset(copyBuffer, 0x65, copyBufferSize); /* make copyBuffer considered initialized */
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, NULL, 0); /* ensure at least one init */
+ /* catch up testNb */
+ for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)
+ FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ /* test loop */
+ for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(startClock) < g_clockTime) ; testNb++ ) {
+ U32 lseed;
+ const BYTE* srcBuffer;
+ size_t totalTestSize, totalGenSize, cSize;
+ XXH64_state_t xxhState;
+ U64 crcOrig;
+ U32 resetAllowed = 1;
+ size_t maxTestSize;
+ /* init */
+ FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ lseed = coreSeed ^ prime32;
+ if (nbTests >= testNb) {
+ DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u/%6u ", testNb, nbTests);
+ } else {
+ DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u ", testNb);
+ }
+ /* states full reset (deliberately not synchronized) */
+ /* some issues can only happen when reusing states */
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xFF) == 131) {
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(zc);
+ zc = ZSTD_createCStream();
+ CHECK(zc==NULL, "ZSTD_createCStream : allocation error");
+ resetAllowed=0;
+ }
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xFF) == 132) {
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ zd = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ CHECK(zd==NULL, "ZSTD_createDStream : allocation error");
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, NULL, 0) ); /* ensure at least one init */
+ }
+ /* srcBuffer selection [0-4] */
+ { U32 buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0x7F;
+ if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2; /* most common : compressible (P) */
+ else {
+ buffNb >>= 3;
+ if (buffNb & 7) {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 }; /* barely/highly compressible */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } else {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 }; /* not compressible / sparse */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } }
+ srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];
+ }
+ /* compression init */
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed)&1) /* at beginning, to keep same nb of rand */
+ && oldTestLog /* at least one test happened */ && resetAllowed) {
+ maxTestSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, oldTestLog+2);
+ maxTestSize = MIN(maxTestSize, srcBufferSize-16);
+ { U64 const pledgedSrcSize = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) ? ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN : maxTestSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, pledgedSrcSize) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ U32 const testLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ U32 const dictLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ U32 const cLevelCandidate = ( FUZ_rand(&lseed) %
+ (ZSTD_maxCLevel() -
+ (MAX(testLog, dictLog) / 3)))
+ + 1;
+ U32 const cLevel = MIN(cLevelCandidate, cLevelMax);
+ maxTestSize = FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, testLog);
+ oldTestLog = testLog;
+ /* random dictionary selection */
+ dictSize = ((FUZ_rand(&lseed)&7)==1) ? FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, dictLog) : 0;
+ { size_t const dictStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - dictSize);
+ dict = srcBuffer + dictStart;
+ }
+ { U64 const pledgedSrcSize = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) ? ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN : maxTestSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_reset(zc, ZSTD_reset_session_only) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, cLevel) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, pledgedSrcSize) );
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(zc, dict, dictSize) );
+ } }
+ /* multi-segments compression test */
+ XXH64_reset(&xxhState, 0);
+ { ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff = { cBuffer, cBufferSize, 0 } ;
+ U32 n;
+ for (n=0, cSize=0, totalTestSize=0 ; totalTestSize < maxTestSize ; n++) {
+ /* compress random chunks into randomly sized dst buffers */
+ { size_t const randomSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const srcSize = MIN(maxTestSize-totalTestSize, randomSrcSize);
+ size_t const srcStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - srcSize);
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const dstBuffSize = MIN(cBufferSize - cSize, randomDstSize);
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 0 };
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + dstBuffSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_compressStream(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff) );
+ XXH64_update(&xxhState, srcBuffer+srcStart, inBuff.pos);
+ memcpy(copyBuffer+totalTestSize, srcBuffer+srcStart, inBuff.pos);
+ totalTestSize += inBuff.pos;
+ }
+ /* random flush operation, to mess around */
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 15) == 0) {
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const adjustedDstSize = MIN(cBufferSize - cSize, randomDstSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + adjustedDstSize;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_flushStream(zc, &outBuff) );
+ } }
+ /* final frame epilogue */
+ { size_t remainingToFlush = (size_t)(-1);
+ while (remainingToFlush) {
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const adjustedDstSize = MIN(cBufferSize - cSize, randomDstSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + adjustedDstSize;
+ remainingToFlush = ZSTD_endStream(zc, &outBuff);
+ CHECK (ZSTD_isError(remainingToFlush), "end error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(remainingToFlush));
+ } }
+ crcOrig = XXH64_digest(&xxhState);
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ }
+ /* multi - fragments decompression test */
+ if (!dictSize /* don't reset if dictionary : could be different */ && (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1)) {
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_resetDStream(zd) );
+ } else {
+ CHECK_Z ( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, dict, dictSize) );
+ }
+ { size_t decompressionResult = 1;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { cBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, 0 };
+ for (totalGenSize = 0 ; decompressionResult ; ) {
+ size_t const readCSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const dstBuffSize = MIN(dstBufferSize - totalGenSize, randomDstSize);
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + readCSrcSize;
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + dstBuffSize;
+ decompressionResult = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_getErrorCode(decompressionResult) == ZSTD_error_checksum_wrong) {
+ DISPLAY("checksum error : \n");
+ findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
+ }
+ CHECK( ZSTD_isError(decompressionResult), "decompression error : %s",
+ ZSTD_getErrorName(decompressionResult) );
+ }
+ CHECK (decompressionResult != 0, "frame not fully decoded");
+ CHECK (outBuff.pos != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size (%u != %u)",
+ (unsigned)outBuff.pos, (unsigned)totalTestSize);
+ CHECK (inBuff.pos != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read")
+ { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
+ if (crcDest!=crcOrig) findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
+ CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "decompressed data corrupted");
+ } }
+ /*===== noisy/erroneous src decompression test =====*/
+ /* add some noise */
+ { U32 const nbNoiseChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) + 2;
+ U32 nn; for (nn=0; nn<nbNoiseChunks; nn++) {
+ size_t const randomNoiseSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const noiseSize = MIN((cSize/3) , randomNoiseSize);
+ size_t const noiseStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - noiseSize);
+ size_t const cStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize - noiseSize);
+ memcpy(cBuffer+cStart, srcBuffer+noiseStart, noiseSize);
+ } }
+ /* try decompression on noisy data */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(zd_noise) ); /* note : no dictionary */
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { cBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, 0 };
+ while (outBuff.pos < dstBufferSize) {
+ size_t const randomCSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const adjustedDstSize = MIN(dstBufferSize - outBuff.pos, randomDstSize);
+ size_t const adjustedCSrcSize = MIN(cSize - inBuff.pos, randomCSrcSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + adjustedDstSize;
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + adjustedCSrcSize;
+ { size_t const decompressError = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(decompressError)) break; /* error correctly detected */
+ /* No forward progress possible */
+ if (outBuff.pos < outBuff.size && inBuff.pos == cSize) break;
+ } } } }
+ DISPLAY("\r%u fuzzer tests completed \n", testNb);
+ ZSTD_freeCStream(zc);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd_noise);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[0]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[1]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[2]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[3]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[4]);
+ free(copyBuffer);
+ free(cBuffer);
+ free(dstBuffer);
+ return result;
+ result = 1;
+ goto _cleanup;
+/** If useOpaqueAPI, sets param in cctxParams.
+ * Otherwise, sets the param in zc. */
+static size_t setCCtxParameter(ZSTD_CCtx* zc, ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams,
+ ZSTD_cParameter param, unsigned value,
+ int useOpaqueAPI)
+ if (useOpaqueAPI) {
+ return ZSTD_CCtxParams_setParameter(cctxParams, param, value);
+ } else {
+ return ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, param, value);
+ }
+/* Tests for ZSTD_compress_generic() API */
+static int fuzzerTests_newAPI(U32 seed, int nbTests, int startTest,
+ double compressibility, int bigTests)
+ U32 const maxSrcLog = bigTests ? 24 : 22;
+ static const U32 maxSampleLog = 19;
+ size_t const srcBufferSize = (size_t)1<<maxSrcLog;
+ BYTE* cNoiseBuffer[5];
+ size_t const copyBufferSize= srcBufferSize + (1<<maxSampleLog);
+ BYTE* const copyBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (copyBufferSize);
+ size_t const cBufferSize = ZSTD_compressBound(srcBufferSize);
+ BYTE* const cBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (cBufferSize);
+ size_t const dstBufferSize = srcBufferSize;
+ BYTE* const dstBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc (dstBufferSize);
+ U32 result = 0;
+ int testNb = 0;
+ U32 coreSeed = seed;
+ ZSTD_CCtx* zc = ZSTD_createCCtx(); /* will be reset sometimes */
+ ZSTD_DStream* zd = ZSTD_createDStream(); /* will be reset sometimes */
+ ZSTD_DStream* const zd_noise = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ UTIL_time_t const startClock = UTIL_getTime();
+ const BYTE* dict = NULL; /* can keep same dict on 2 consecutive tests */
+ size_t dictSize = 0;
+ U32 oldTestLog = 0;
+ U32 windowLogMalus = 0; /* can survive between 2 loops */
+ U32 const cLevelMax = bigTests ? (U32)ZSTD_maxCLevel()-1 : g_cLevelMax_smallTests;
+ U32 const nbThreadsMax = bigTests ? 4 : 2;
+ ZSTD_CCtx_params* cctxParams = ZSTD_createCCtxParams();
+ /* allocations */
+ cNoiseBuffer[0] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[1] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[2] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[3] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ cNoiseBuffer[4] = (BYTE*)malloc (srcBufferSize);
+ CHECK (!cNoiseBuffer[0] || !cNoiseBuffer[1] || !cNoiseBuffer[2] || !cNoiseBuffer[3] || !cNoiseBuffer[4] ||
+ !copyBuffer || !dstBuffer || !cBuffer || !zc || !zd || !zd_noise ,
+ "Not enough memory, fuzzer tests cancelled");
+ /* Create initial samples */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[0], srcBufferSize, 0.00, 0., coreSeed); /* pure noise */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[1], srcBufferSize, 0.05, 0., coreSeed); /* barely compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[2], srcBufferSize, compressibility, 0., coreSeed);
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[3], srcBufferSize, 0.95, 0., coreSeed); /* highly compressible */
+ RDG_genBuffer(cNoiseBuffer[4], srcBufferSize, 1.00, 0., coreSeed); /* sparse content */
+ memset(copyBuffer, 0x65, copyBufferSize); /* make copyBuffer considered initialized */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, NULL, 0) ); /* ensure at least one init */
+ /* catch up testNb */
+ for (testNb=1; testNb < startTest; testNb++)
+ FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ /* test loop */
+ for ( ; (testNb <= nbTests) || (UTIL_clockSpanMicro(startClock) < g_clockTime) ; testNb++ ) {
+ U32 lseed;
+ int opaqueAPI;
+ const BYTE* srcBuffer;
+ size_t totalTestSize, totalGenSize, cSize;
+ XXH64_state_t xxhState;
+ U64 crcOrig;
+ U32 resetAllowed = 1;
+ size_t maxTestSize;
+ ZSTD_parameters savedParams;
+ int isRefPrefix = 0;
+ /* init */
+ if (nbTests >= testNb) { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u/%6u ", testNb, nbTests); }
+ else { DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%6u ", testNb); }
+ FUZ_rand(&coreSeed);
+ lseed = coreSeed ^ prime32;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, " *** Test %u *** \n", testNb);
+ opaqueAPI = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1;
+ /* states full reset (deliberately not synchronized) */
+ /* some issues can only happen when reusing states */
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xFF) == 131) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "Creating new context \n");
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(zc);
+ zc = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ CHECK(zc == NULL, "ZSTD_createCCtx allocation error");
+ resetAllowed = 0;
+ }
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xFF) == 132) {
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ zd = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ CHECK(zd == NULL, "ZSTD_createDStream allocation error");
+ ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, NULL, 0); /* ensure at least one init */
+ }
+ /* srcBuffer selection [0-4] */
+ { U32 buffNb = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0x7F;
+ if (buffNb & 7) buffNb=2; /* most common : compressible (P) */
+ else {
+ buffNb >>= 3;
+ if (buffNb & 7) {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 1, 3 }; /* barely/highly compressible */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } else {
+ const U32 tnb[2] = { 0, 4 }; /* not compressible / sparse */
+ buffNb = tnb[buffNb >> 3];
+ } }
+ srcBuffer = cNoiseBuffer[buffNb];
+ }
+ /* compression init */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(zc, NULL, 0) ); /* cancel previous dict /*/
+ if ((FUZ_rand(&lseed)&1) /* at beginning, to keep same nb of rand */
+ && oldTestLog /* at least one test happened */
+ && resetAllowed) {
+ /* just set a compression level */
+ maxTestSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, oldTestLog+2);
+ if (maxTestSize >= srcBufferSize) maxTestSize = srcBufferSize-1;
+ { int const compressionLevel = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % 5) + 1;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u : compression level : %i \n", testNb, compressionLevel);
+ CHECK_Z (setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, compressionLevel, opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ U32 const testLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ U32 const dictLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % maxSrcLog;
+ U32 const cLevelCandidate = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) %
+ (ZSTD_maxCLevel() -
+ (MAX(testLog, dictLog) / 2))) +
+ 1;
+ int const cLevel = MIN(cLevelCandidate, cLevelMax);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%i: base cLevel : %u \n", testNb, cLevel);
+ maxTestSize = FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, testLog);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%i: maxTestSize : %u \n", testNb, (unsigned)maxTestSize);
+ oldTestLog = testLog;
+ /* random dictionary selection */
+ dictSize = ((FUZ_rand(&lseed)&63)==1) ? FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, dictLog) : 0;
+ { size_t const dictStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - dictSize);
+ dict = srcBuffer + dictStart;
+ if (!dictSize) dict=NULL;
+ }
+ pledgedSrcSize = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) ? ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN : maxTestSize;
+ { ZSTD_compressionParameters cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(cLevel, pledgedSrcSize, dictSize);
+ const U32 windowLogMax = bigTests ? 24 : 20;
+ const U32 searchLogMax = bigTests ? 15 : 13;
+ if (dictSize)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: with dictionary of size : %zu \n", testNb, dictSize);
+ /* mess with compression parameters */
+ cParams.windowLog += (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) - 1;
+ cParams.windowLog = MIN(windowLogMax, cParams.windowLog);
+ cParams.hashLog += (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) - 1;
+ cParams.chainLog += (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) - 1;
+ cParams.searchLog += (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) - 1;
+ cParams.searchLog = MIN(searchLogMax, cParams.searchLog);
+ cParams.minMatch += (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) - 1;
+ cParams.targetLength = (U32)((cParams.targetLength + 1 ) * (0.5 + ((double)(FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 127) / 128)));
+ cParams = ZSTD_adjustCParams(cParams, pledgedSrcSize, dictSize);
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: windowLog : %u \n", testNb, cParams.windowLog);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_windowLog, cParams.windowLog, opaqueAPI) );
+ assert(cParams.windowLog >= ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MIN); /* guaranteed by ZSTD_adjustCParams() */
+ windowLogMalus = (cParams.windowLog - ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MIN) / 5;
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: hashLog : %u \n", testNb, cParams.hashLog);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_hashLog, cParams.hashLog, opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: chainLog : %u \n", testNb, cParams.chainLog);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_chainLog, cParams.chainLog, opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_searchLog, cParams.searchLog, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_minMatch, cParams.minMatch, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_targetLength, cParams.targetLength, opaqueAPI) );
+ /* mess with long distance matching parameters */
+ if (bigTests) {
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_enableLongDistanceMatching, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 63, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_ldmHashLog, FUZ_randomClampedLength(&lseed, ZSTD_HASHLOG_MIN, 23), opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_ldmMinMatch, FUZ_randomClampedLength(&lseed, ZSTD_LDM_MINMATCH_MIN, ZSTD_LDM_MINMATCH_MAX), opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_ldmBucketSizeLog, FUZ_randomClampedLength(&lseed, ZSTD_LDM_BUCKETSIZELOG_MIN, ZSTD_LDM_BUCKETSIZELOG_MAX), opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_ldmHashRateLog, FUZ_randomClampedLength(&lseed, ZSTD_LDM_HASHRATELOG_MIN, ZSTD_LDM_HASHRATELOG_MAX), opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_srcSizeHint, FUZ_randomClampedLength(&lseed, ZSTD_SRCSIZEHINT_MIN, ZSTD_SRCSIZEHINT_MAX), opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ /* mess with frame parameters */
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ int const checksumFlag = FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: frame checksum : %u \n", testNb, checksumFlag);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_checksumFlag, checksumFlag, opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_dictIDFlag, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_contentSizeFlag, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: pledgedSrcSize : %u \n", testNb, (unsigned)pledgedSrcSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, pledgedSrcSize) );
+ } else {
+ }
+ /* multi-threading parameters. Only adjust occasionally for small tests. */
+ if (bigTests || (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 0xF) == 0xF) {
+ U32 const nbThreadsCandidate = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 4) + 1;
+ U32 const nbThreadsAdjusted = (windowLogMalus < nbThreadsCandidate) ? nbThreadsCandidate - windowLogMalus : 1;
+ int const nbThreads = MIN(nbThreadsAdjusted, nbThreadsMax);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%i: nbThreads : %u \n", testNb, nbThreads);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbThreads, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (nbThreads > 1) {
+ U32 const jobLog = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (testLog+1);
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_overlapLog, FUZ_rand(&lseed) % 10, opaqueAPI) );
+ CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_jobSize, (U32)FUZ_rLogLength(&lseed, jobLog), opaqueAPI) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Enable rsyncable mode 1 in 4 times. */
+ {
+ int const rsyncable = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) % 4 == 0);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: rsyncable : %d \n", testNb, rsyncable);
+ setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_rsyncable, rsyncable, opaqueAPI);
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_forceMaxWindow, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1, opaqueAPI) );
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) CHECK_Z( setCCtxParameter(zc, cctxParams, ZSTD_c_deterministicRefPrefix, FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1, opaqueAPI) );
+ /* Apply parameters */
+ if (opaqueAPI) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "t%u: applying CCtxParams \n", testNb);
+ CHECK_Z (ZSTD_CCtx_setParametersUsingCCtxParams(zc, cctxParams) );
+ }
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ if (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1) {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(zc, dict, dictSize) );
+ } else {
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary_byReference(zc, dict, dictSize) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ isRefPrefix = 1;
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(zc, dict, dictSize) );
+ }
+ } }
+ CHECK_Z(getCCtxParams(zc, &savedParams));
+ /* multi-segments compression test */
+ { int iter;
+ int const startSeed = lseed;
+ XXH64_hash_t compressedCrcs[2];
+ for (iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter, lseed = startSeed) {
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff = { cBuffer, cBufferSize, 0 } ;
+ int const singlePass = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 3) == 0;
+ int nbWorkers;
+ XXH64_reset(&xxhState, 0);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_setPledgedSrcSize(zc, pledgedSrcSize) );
+ if (isRefPrefix) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: Reloading prefix\n", testNb);
+ /* Need to reload the prefix because it gets dropped after one compression */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_CCtx_refPrefix(zc, dict, dictSize) );
+ }
+ /* Adjust number of workers occasionally - result must be deterministic independent of nbWorkers */
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_getParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, &nbWorkers));
+ if (nbWorkers > 0 && (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) == 0) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: Modify nbWorkers: %d -> %d \n", testNb, nbWorkers, nbWorkers + iter);
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zc, ZSTD_c_nbWorkers, nbWorkers + iter));
+ }
+ if (singlePass) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { srcBuffer, maxTestSize, 0 };
+ CHECK_Z(ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end));
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: Single pass compression: consumed %u bytes ; produced %u bytes \n",
+ testNb, (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)outBuff.pos);
+ CHECK(inBuff.pos != inBuff.size, "Input not consumed!");
+ crcOrig = XXH64(srcBuffer, maxTestSize, 0);
+ totalTestSize = maxTestSize;
+ } else {
+ outBuff.size = 0;
+ for (totalTestSize=0 ; (totalTestSize < maxTestSize) ; ) {
+ /* compress random chunks into randomly sized dst buffers */
+ size_t const randomSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const srcSize = MIN(maxTestSize-totalTestSize, randomSrcSize);
+ size_t const srcStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - srcSize);
+ ZSTD_EndDirective const flush = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 15) ? ZSTD_e_continue : ZSTD_e_flush;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 0 };
+ int forwardProgress;
+ do {
+ size_t const ipos = inBuff.pos;
+ size_t const opos = outBuff.pos;
+ size_t ret;
+ if (outBuff.pos == outBuff.size) {
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog+1);
+ size_t const dstBuffSize = MIN(cBufferSize - outBuff.pos, randomDstSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + dstBuffSize;
+ }
+ CHECK_Z( ret = ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, flush) );
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: compress consumed %u bytes (total : %u) ; flush: %u (total : %u) \n",
+ testNb, (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)(totalTestSize + inBuff.pos), (unsigned)flush, (unsigned)outBuff.pos);
+ /* We've completed the flush */
+ if (flush == ZSTD_e_flush && ret == 0)
+ break;
+ /* Ensure maximal forward progress for determinism */
+ forwardProgress = (inBuff.pos != ipos) || (outBuff.pos != opos);
+ } while (forwardProgress);
+ assert(inBuff.pos == inBuff.size);
+ XXH64_update(&xxhState, srcBuffer+srcStart, inBuff.pos);
+ memcpy(copyBuffer+totalTestSize, srcBuffer+srcStart, inBuff.pos);
+ totalTestSize += inBuff.pos;
+ }
+ /* final frame epilogue */
+ { size_t remainingToFlush = 1;
+ while (remainingToFlush) {
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { NULL, 0, 0 };
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog+1);
+ size_t const adjustedDstSize = MIN(cBufferSize - outBuff.pos, randomDstSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + adjustedDstSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: End-flush into dst buffer of size %u \n", testNb, (unsigned)adjustedDstSize);
+ /* ZSTD_e_end guarantees maximal forward progress */
+ remainingToFlush = ZSTD_compressStream2(zc, &outBuff, &inBuff, ZSTD_e_end);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "t%u: Total flushed so far : %u bytes \n", testNb, (unsigned)outBuff.pos);
+ CHECK( ZSTD_isError(remainingToFlush),
+ "ZSTD_compressStream2 w/ ZSTD_e_end error : %s",
+ ZSTD_getErrorName(remainingToFlush) );
+ } }
+ crcOrig = XXH64_digest(&xxhState);
+ }
+ cSize = outBuff.pos;
+ compressedCrcs[iter] = XXH64(cBuffer, cSize, 0);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "Frame completed : %zu bytes \n", cSize);
+ }
+ CHECK(!(compressedCrcs[0] == compressedCrcs[1]), "Compression is not deterministic!");
+ }
+ CHECK(badParameters(zc, savedParams), "CCtx params are wrong");
+ /* multi - fragments decompression test */
+ if (!dictSize /* don't reset if dictionary : could be different */ && (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 1)) {
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "resetting DCtx (dict:%p) \n", (void const*)dict);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_resetDStream(zd) );
+ } else {
+ if (dictSize)
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(5, "using dictionary of size %zu \n", dictSize);
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zd, dict, dictSize) );
+ }
+ { size_t decompressionResult = 1;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { cBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, 0 };
+ for (totalGenSize = 0 ; decompressionResult ; ) {
+ size_t const readCSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const dstBuffSize = MIN(dstBufferSize - totalGenSize, randomDstSize);
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + readCSrcSize;
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + dstBuffSize;
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "decompression presented %u new bytes (pos:%u/%u)\n",
+ (unsigned)readCSrcSize, (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)cSize);
+ decompressionResult = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ DISPLAYLEVEL(6, "so far: consumed = %u, produced = %u \n",
+ (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)outBuff.pos);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(decompressionResult)) {
+ DISPLAY("ZSTD_decompressStream error : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(decompressionResult));
+ findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
+ }
+ CHECK (ZSTD_isError(decompressionResult), "decompression error : %s", ZSTD_getErrorName(decompressionResult));
+ CHECK (inBuff.pos > cSize, "ZSTD_decompressStream consumes too much input : %u > %u ", (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)cSize);
+ }
+ CHECK (inBuff.pos != cSize, "compressed data should be fully read (%u != %u)", (unsigned)inBuff.pos, (unsigned)cSize);
+ CHECK (outBuff.pos != totalTestSize, "decompressed data : wrong size (%u != %u)", (unsigned)outBuff.pos, (unsigned)totalTestSize);
+ { U64 const crcDest = XXH64(dstBuffer, totalTestSize, 0);
+ if (crcDest!=crcOrig) findDiff(copyBuffer, dstBuffer, totalTestSize);
+ CHECK (crcDest!=crcOrig, "decompressed data corrupted");
+ } }
+ /*===== noisy/erroneous src decompression test =====*/
+ /* add some noise */
+ { U32 const nbNoiseChunks = (FUZ_rand(&lseed) & 7) + 2;
+ U32 nn; for (nn=0; nn<nbNoiseChunks; nn++) {
+ size_t const randomNoiseSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const noiseSize = MIN((cSize/3) , randomNoiseSize);
+ size_t const noiseStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (srcBufferSize - noiseSize);
+ size_t const cStart = FUZ_rand(&lseed) % (cSize - noiseSize);
+ memcpy(cBuffer+cStart, srcBuffer+noiseStart, noiseSize);
+ } }
+ /* try decompression on noisy data */
+ CHECK_Z( ZSTD_initDStream(zd_noise) ); /* note : no dictionary */
+ { ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff = { cBuffer, cSize, 0 };
+ ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff= { dstBuffer, dstBufferSize, 0 };
+ while (outBuff.pos < dstBufferSize) {
+ size_t const randomCSrcSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const randomDstSize = FUZ_randomLength(&lseed, maxSampleLog);
+ size_t const adjustedDstSize = MIN(dstBufferSize - outBuff.pos, randomDstSize);
+ size_t const adjustedCSrcSize = MIN(cSize - inBuff.pos, randomCSrcSize);
+ outBuff.size = outBuff.pos + adjustedDstSize;
+ inBuff.size = inBuff.pos + adjustedCSrcSize;
+ { size_t const decompressError = ZSTD_decompressStream(zd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(decompressError)) break; /* error correctly detected */
+ /* Good so far, but no more progress possible */
+ if (outBuff.pos < outBuff.size && inBuff.pos == cSize) break;
+ } } } }
+ DISPLAY("\r%u fuzzer tests completed \n", testNb-1);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(zc);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zd_noise);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtxParams(cctxParams);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[0]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[1]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[2]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[3]);
+ free(cNoiseBuffer[4]);
+ free(copyBuffer);
+ free(cBuffer);
+ free(dstBuffer);
+ return result;
+ result = 1;
+ goto _cleanup;
+* Command line
+static int FUZ_usage(const char* programName)
+ DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " %s [args]\n", programName);
+ DISPLAY( "\n");
+ DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -i# : Number of tests (default:%u)\n", nbTestsDefault);
+ DISPLAY( " -T# : Max duration to run for. Overrides number of tests. (e.g. -T1m or -T60s for one minute)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -s# : Select seed (default:prompt user)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -t# : Select starting test number (default:0)\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -P# : Select compressibility in %% (default:%i%%)\n", FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT);
+ DISPLAY( " -v : verbose\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -p : pause at the end\n");
+ DISPLAY( " -h : display help and exit\n");
+ return 0;
+typedef enum { simple_api, advanced_api } e_api;
+int main(int argc, const char** argv)
+ U32 seed = 0;
+ int seedset = 0;
+ int nbTests = nbTestsDefault;
+ int testNb = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ int mainPause = 0;
+ int bigTests = (sizeof(size_t) == 8);
+ e_api selected_api = simple_api;
+ const char* const programName = argv[0];
+ int argNb;
+ /* Check command line */
+ for(argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) {
+ const char* argument = argv[argNb];
+ assert(argument != NULL);
+ /* Parsing commands. Aggregated commands are allowed */
+ if (argument[0]=='-') {
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--newapi")) { selected_api=advanced_api; testNb += !testNb; continue; }
+ if (!strcmp(argument, "--no-big-tests")) { bigTests=0; continue; }
+ argument++;
+ while (*argument!=0) {
+ switch(*argument)
+ {
+ case 'h':
+ return FUZ_usage(programName);
+ case 'v':
+ argument++;
+ g_displayLevel++;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ argument++;
+ g_displayLevel--;
+ break;
+ case 'p': /* pause at the end */
+ argument++;
+ mainPause = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* limit tests by nb of iterations (default) */
+ argument++;
+ nbTests=0; g_clockTime=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) {
+ nbTests *= 10;
+ nbTests += *argument - '0';
+ argument++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T': /* limit tests by time */
+ argument++;
+ nbTests=0; g_clockTime=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) {
+ g_clockTime *= 10;
+ g_clockTime += *argument - '0';
+ argument++;
+ }
+ if (*argument=='m') { /* -T1m == -T60 */
+ g_clockTime *=60, argument++;
+ if (*argument=='n') argument++; /* -T1mn == -T60 */
+ } else if (*argument=='s') argument++; /* -T10s == -T10 */
+ g_clockTime *= SEC_TO_MICRO;
+ break;
+ case 's': /* manually select seed */
+ argument++;
+ seedset=1;
+ seed=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) {
+ seed *= 10;
+ seed += *argument - '0';
+ argument++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't': /* select starting test number */
+ argument++;
+ testNb=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) {
+ testNb *= 10;
+ testNb += *argument - '0';
+ argument++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'P': /* compressibility % */
+ argument++;
+ proba=0;
+ while ((*argument>='0') && (*argument<='9')) {
+ proba *= 10;
+ proba += *argument - '0';
+ argument++;
+ }
+ if (proba<0) proba=0;
+ if (proba>100) proba=100;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FUZ_usage(programName);
+ }
+ } } } /* for(argNb=1; argNb<argc; argNb++) */
+ /* Get Seed */
+ DISPLAY("Starting zstream tester (%i-bits, %s)\n", (int)(sizeof(size_t)*8), ZSTD_VERSION_STRING);
+ if (!seedset) {
+ time_t const t = time(NULL);
+ U32 const h = XXH32(&t, sizeof(t), 1);
+ seed = h % 10000;
+ }
+ DISPLAY("Seed = %u\n", (unsigned)seed);
+ if (proba!=FUZ_COMPRESSIBILITY_DEFAULT) DISPLAY("Compressibility : %i%%\n", proba);
+ if (nbTests<=0) nbTests=1;
+ if (testNb==0) {
+ result = basicUnitTests(0, ((double)proba) / 100); /* constant seed for predictability */
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ switch(selected_api)
+ {
+ case simple_api :
+ result = fuzzerTests(seed, nbTests, testNb, ((double)proba) / 100, bigTests);
+ break;
+ case advanced_api :
+ result = fuzzerTests_newAPI(seed, nbTests, testNb, ((double)proba) / 100, bigTests);
+ break;
+ default :
+ assert(0); /* impossible */
+ }
+ }
+ if (mainPause) {
+ int unused;
+ DISPLAY("Press Enter \n");
+ unused = getchar();
+ (void)unused;
+ }
+ return result;