path: root/src
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authorIrina Yatsenko <>2022-08-10 23:28:09 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-08-11 00:01:40 +0000
commit5d8237b8d0b48e06ec37e7ad9fb312e7c1f1d0ab (patch)
tree2badb99a751bab51b06be3a1490bbaf605c46917 /src
parent6064e788b145d6ea038ae52e76ea6a51418f1112 (diff)
SERVER-68713 Refactor expression generation out of filter stage builder
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 316 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.cpp
index adc537049e5..948380727bb 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.cpp
@@ -706,110 +706,8 @@ void generateComparison(MatchExpressionVisitorContext* context,
sbe::EPrimBinary::Op binaryOp) {
auto makePredicate = [context, expr, binaryOp](sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot,
EvalStage inputStage) -> EvalExprStagePair {
- const auto& rhs = expr->getData();
- auto [tagView, valView] = sbe::bson::convertFrom<true>(
- rhs.rawdata(), rhs.rawdata() + rhs.size(), rhs.fieldNameSize() - 1);
- // Most commonly the comparison does not do any kind of type conversions (i.e. 12 > "10"
- // does not evaluate to true as we do not try to convert a string to a number). Internally,
- // SBE returns Nothing for mismatched types.
- // However, there is a wrinkle with MQL (and there always is one). We can compare any type
- // to MinKey or MaxKey type and expect a true/false answer.
- if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::MinKey) {
- switch (binaryOp) {
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::neq:
- break;
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater: {
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(
- makeNot(makeFunction("isMinKey", makeVariable(inputSlot)))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq: {
- return {makeFunction("exists", makeVariable(inputSlot)), std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::less: {
- return {makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq: {
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isMinKey", makeVariable(inputSlot))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- } else if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::MaxKey) {
- switch (binaryOp) {
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::neq:
- break;
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater: {
- return {makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq: {
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isMaxKey", makeVariable(inputSlot))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::less: {
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(
- makeNot(makeFunction("isMaxKey", makeVariable(inputSlot)))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq: {
- return {makeFunction("exists", makeVariable(inputSlot)), std::move(inputStage)};
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- } else if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::Null) {
- // When comparing to null we have to consider missing and undefined.
- auto inputExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional(
- CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(sbe::EVariable(inputSlot)),
- makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)},
- makeVariable(inputSlot));
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(binaryOp,
- std::move(inputExpr),
- makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0),
- context->>env)),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- } else if (sbe::value::isNaN(tagView, valView)) {
- // Construct an expression to perform a NaN check.
- switch (binaryOp) {
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq:
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq:
- // If 'rhs' is NaN, then return whether the lhs is NaN.
- return {makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isNaN", makeVariable(inputSlot))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::less:
- case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater:
- // Always return false for non-equality operators.
- return {makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean,
- sbe::value::bitcastFrom<bool>(false)),
- std::move(inputStage)};
- default:
- tasserted(5449400,
- str::stream() << "Could not construct expression for comparison op "
- << expr->toString());
- }
- }
- auto valExpr = [&](sbe::value::TypeTags typeTag,
- sbe::value::Value value) -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto inputParam = expr->getInputParamId()) {
- return makeVariable(context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*inputParam));
- }
- auto [tag, val] = sbe::value::copyValue(typeTag, value);
- return makeConstant(tag, val);
- }(tagView, valView);
- return {
- makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(
- binaryOp, makeVariable(inputSlot), std::move(valExpr), context->>env)),
- std::move(inputStage)};
+ return {generateComparisonExpr(context->state, expr, binaryOp, inputSlot),
+ std::move(inputStage)};
// A 'kArrayAndItsElements' traversal mode matches the following semantics: when the path we are
@@ -849,80 +747,7 @@ void generateBitTest(MatchExpressionVisitorContext* context,
const sbe::BitTestBehavior& bitOp) {
auto makePredicate = [expr, bitOp, context](sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot,
EvalStage inputStage) -> EvalExprStagePair {
- // If there's an "inputParamId" in this expr meaning this expr got parameterized, we can
- // register a SlotId for it and use the slot directly.
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bitPosExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto bitPosParamId = expr->getBitPositionsParamId()) {
- auto bitPosSlotId = context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*bitPosParamId);
- return makeVariable(bitPosSlotId);
- } else {
- auto [bitPosTag, bitPosVal] = convertBitTestBitPositions(expr);
- return makeConstant(bitPosTag, bitPosVal);
- }
- }();
- // An EExpression for the BinData and position list for the binary case of
- // BitTestMatchExpressions. This function will be applied to values carrying BinData
- // elements.
- auto binaryBitTestExpr = makeFunction(
- "bitTestPosition"_sd,
- std::move(bitPosExpr),
- makeVariable(inputSlot),
- makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, static_cast<int32_t>(bitOp)));
- // Build An EExpression for the numeric bitmask case. The AllSet case tests if (mask &
- // value) == mask, and AllClear case tests if (mask & value) == 0. The AnyClear and
- // AnySet cases are the negation of the AllSet and AllClear cases, respectively.
- auto numericBitTestFnName = [&]() {
- if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AllSet || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnyClear) {
- return "bitTestMask"_sd;
- }
- if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AllClear || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnySet) {
- return "bitTestZero"_sd;
- }
- }();
- // We round NumberDecimal values to the nearest integer to match the classic execution
- // engine's behavior for now. Note that this behavior is _not_ consistent with MongoDB's
- // documentation. At some point, we should consider removing this call to round() to make
- // SBE's behavior consistent with MongoDB's documentation.
- auto numericBitTestInputExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::EIf>(
- makeFunction("typeMatch",
- makeVariable(inputSlot),
- makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
- sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(
- getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDecimal)))),
- makeFunction("round"_sd, makeVariable(inputSlot)),
- makeVariable(inputSlot));
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bitMaskExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto bitMaskParamId = expr->getBitMaskParamId()) {
- auto bitMaskSlotId = context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*bitMaskParamId);
- return makeVariable(bitMaskSlotId);
- } else {
- return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, expr->getBitMask());
- }
- }();
- // Convert the value to a 64-bit integer, and then pass the converted value along with the
- // mask to the appropriate bit-test function. If the value cannot be losslessly converted
- // to a 64-bit integer, this expression will return Nothing.
- auto numericBitTestExpr =
- makeFunction(numericBitTestFnName,
- std::move(bitMaskExpr),
- sbe::makeE<sbe::ENumericConvert>(std::move(numericBitTestInputExpr),
- sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64));
- // For the AnyClear and AnySet cases, negate the output of the bit-test function.
- if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnyClear || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnySet) {
- numericBitTestExpr = makeNot(std::move(numericBitTestExpr));
- }
- // numericBitTestExpr might produce Nothing, so we wrap it with makeFillEmptyFalse().
- return {sbe::makeE<sbe::EIf>(makeFunction("isBinData"_sd, makeVariable(inputSlot)),
- std::move(binaryBitTestExpr),
- makeFillEmptyFalse(std::move(numericBitTestExpr))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
+ return {generateBitTestExpr(context->state, expr, bitOp, inputSlot), std::move(inputStage)};
@@ -1317,7 +1142,7 @@ public:
return std::make_pair(predicateSlot, std::move(predicateStage));
- // We're using 'kDoNotTraverseLeaf' traverse mode, so we're guaranteed that 'makePredcate'
+ // We're using 'kDoNotTraverseLeaf' traverse mode, so we're guaranteed that 'makePredicate'
// will only be called once, so it's safe to bind the reference to 'filterStage' subtree
// here.
auto makePredicate = std::bind(&elemMatchMakePredicate,
@@ -1696,57 +1521,7 @@ public:
// to the given remainder.
auto makePredicate = [expr, context = _context](sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot,
EvalStage inputStage) -> EvalExprStagePair {
- auto frameId = context->state.frameId();
- sbe::EVariable dividend{inputSlot};
- sbe::EVariable dividendConvertedToNumberInt64{frameId, 0};
- auto truncatedArgument = sbe::makeE<sbe::ENumericConvert>(
- makeFunction("trunc"_sd, dividend.clone()), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64);
- tassert(6142202,
- "Either both divisor and remainer are parameterized or none",
- (expr->getDivisorInputParamId() && expr->getRemainderInputParamId()) ||
- (!expr->getDivisorInputParamId() && !expr->getRemainderInputParamId()));
- // If there's related input param ids in this expr, we can register SlotIds for them,
- // and use generated slots directly.
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> divisorExpr =
- [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto divisorParam = expr->getDivisorInputParamId()) {
- auto divisorSlotId = context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*divisorParam);
- return makeVariable(divisorSlotId);
- } else {
- return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
- sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(expr->getDivisor()));
- }
- }();
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> remainderExpr =
- [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto remainderParam = expr->getRemainderInputParamId()) {
- auto remainderSlotId = context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*remainderParam);
- return makeVariable(remainderSlotId);
- } else {
- return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
- sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(expr->getRemainder()));
- }
- }();
- auto modExpression = makeBinaryOp(
- sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd,
- // Return false if the dividend cannot be represented as a 64 bit integer.
- makeNot(generateNullOrMissing(dividendConvertedToNumberInt64)),
- makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq,
- makeFunction("mod"_sd,
- dividendConvertedToNumberInt64.clone(),
- std::move(divisorExpr)),
- std::move(remainderExpr))));
- return {
- makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd,
- makeNot(makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
- generateNonNumericCheck(dividend),
- makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
- generateNaNCheck(dividend),
- generateInfinityCheck(dividend)))),
- sbe::makeE<sbe::ELocalBind>(frameId,
- sbe::makeEs(std::move(truncatedArgument)),
- std::move(modExpression))),
- std::move(inputStage)};
+ return {generateModExpr(context->state, expr, inputSlot), std::move(inputStage)};
@@ -1787,45 +1562,7 @@ public:
void visit(const RegexMatchExpression* expr) final {
auto makePredicate = [expr, context = _context](sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot,
EvalStage inputStage) -> EvalExprStagePair {
- tassert(
- 6142203,
- "Either both sourceRegex and compiledRegex are parameterized or none",
- (expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId() && expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()) ||
- (!expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId() && !expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()));
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bsonRegexExpr =
- [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto sourceRegexParam = expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId()) {
- auto sourceRegexSlotId =
- context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*sourceRegexParam);
- return makeVariable(sourceRegexSlotId);
- } else {
- auto [bsonRegexTag, bsonRegexVal] =
- sbe::value::makeNewBsonRegex(expr->getString(), expr->getFlags());
- return makeConstant(bsonRegexTag, bsonRegexVal);
- }
- }();
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> compiledRegexExpr =
- [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
- if (auto compiledRegexParam = expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()) {
- auto compiledRegexSlotId =
- context->state.registerInputParamSlot(*compiledRegexParam);
- return makeVariable(compiledRegexSlotId);
- } else {
- auto [compiledRegexTag, compiledRegexVal] =
- sbe::value::makeNewPcreRegex(expr->getString(), expr->getFlags());
- return makeConstant(compiledRegexTag, compiledRegexVal);
- }
- }();
- auto resultExpr = makeBinaryOp(
- sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
- makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(
- sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, makeVariable(inputSlot), std::move(bsonRegexExpr))),
- makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction(
- "regexMatch", std::move(compiledRegexExpr), makeVariable(inputSlot))));
- return {std::move(resultExpr), std::move(inputStage)};
+ return {generateRegexExpr(context->state, expr, inputSlot), std::move(inputStage)};
@@ -1898,30 +1635,7 @@ public:
auto makePredicate = [expr,
ctx = this->_context](sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot,
EvalStage inputStage) -> EvalExprStagePair {
- // Generally speaking, this visitor is non-destructive and does not mutate the
- // MatchExpression tree. However, in order to apply an optimization to avoid making a
- // copy of the 'JsFunction' object stored within 'WhereMatchExpression', we can transfer
- // its ownership from the match expression node into the SBE plan. Hence, we need to
- // drop the const qualifier. This should be a safe operation, given that the match
- // expression tree is allocated on the heap, and this visitor has exclusive access to
- // this tree (after it has been translated into an SBE tree, it's no longer used).
- auto predicate = makeConstant(
- sbe::value::TypeTags::jsFunction,
- sbe::value::bitcastFrom<JsFunction*>(
- const_cast<WhereMatchExpression*>(expr)->extractPredicate().release()));
- std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> whereExpr;
- // If there's an "inputParamId" in this expr meaning this expr got parameterized, we can
- // register a SlotId for it and use the slot directly.
- if (auto inputParam = expr->getInputParamId()) {
- auto inputParamSlotId = ctx->state.registerInputParamSlot(*inputParam);
- whereExpr = makeFunction(
- "runJsPredicate", makeVariable(inputParamSlotId), makeVariable(inputSlot));
- } else {
- whereExpr =
- makeFunction("runJsPredicate", std::move(predicate), makeVariable(inputSlot));
- }
- return {std::move(whereExpr), std::move(inputStage)};
+ return {generateWhereExpr(ctx->state, expr, inputSlot), std::move(inputStage)};
@@ -2210,4 +1924,291 @@ std::pair<sbe::value::TypeTags, sbe::value::Value> convertBitTestBitPositions(
return {bitPosTag, bitPosVal};
+EvalExpr generateComparisonExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const ComparisonMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::EPrimBinary::Op binaryOp,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot) {
+ const auto& rhs = expr->getData();
+ auto [tagView, valView] = sbe::bson::convertFrom<true>(
+ rhs.rawdata(), rhs.rawdata() + rhs.size(), rhs.fieldNameSize() - 1);
+ // Most commonly the comparison does not do any kind of type conversions (i.e. 12 > "10" does
+ // not evaluate to true as we do not try to convert a string to a number). Internally, SBE
+ // returns Nothing for mismatched types. However, there is a wrinkle with MQL (and there always
+ // is one). We can compare any type to MinKey or MaxKey type and expect a true/false answer.
+ if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::MinKey) {
+ switch (binaryOp) {
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::neq:
+ break;
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater:
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(
+ makeNot(makeFunction("isMinKey", makeVariable(inputSlot))));
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq:
+ return makeFunction("exists", makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::less:
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false);
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq:
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isMinKey", makeVariable(inputSlot)));
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::MaxKey) {
+ switch (binaryOp) {
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::neq:
+ break;
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater:
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean, false);
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq:
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isMaxKey", makeVariable(inputSlot)));
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::less:
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(
+ makeNot(makeFunction("isMaxKey", makeVariable(inputSlot))));
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq:
+ return makeFunction("exists", makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (tagView == sbe::value::TypeTags::Null) {
+ // When comparing to null we have to consider missing and undefined.
+ auto inputExpr = buildMultiBranchConditional(
+ CaseValuePair{generateNullOrMissing(sbe::EVariable(inputSlot)),
+ makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0)},
+ makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(binaryOp,
+ std::move(inputExpr),
+ makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Null, 0),
+ } else if (sbe::value::isNaN(tagView, valView)) {
+ // Construct an expression to perform a NaN check.
+ switch (binaryOp) {
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::eq:
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greaterEq:
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::lessEq:
+ // If 'rhs' is NaN, then return whether the lhs is NaN.
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(makeFunction("isNaN", makeVariable(inputSlot)));
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::less:
+ case sbe::EPrimBinary::greater:
+ // Always return false for non-equality operators.
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::Boolean,
+ sbe::value::bitcastFrom<bool>(false));
+ default:
+ tasserted(5449400,
+ str::stream() << "Could not construct expression for comparison op "
+ << expr->toString());
+ }
+ }
+ auto valExpr = [&](sbe::value::TypeTags typeTag,
+ sbe::value::Value value) -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto inputParam = expr->getInputParamId()) {
+ return makeVariable(state.registerInputParamSlot(*inputParam));
+ }
+ auto [tag, val] = sbe::value::copyValue(typeTag, value);
+ return makeConstant(tag, val);
+ }(tagView, valView);
+ return makeFillEmptyFalse(
+ makeBinaryOp(binaryOp, makeVariable(inputSlot), std::move(valExpr),>env));
+EvalExpr generateBitTestExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const BitTestMatchExpression* expr,
+ const sbe::BitTestBehavior& bitOp,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot) {
+ // If there's an "inputParamId" in this expr meaning this expr got parameterized, we can
+ // register a SlotId for it and use the slot directly.
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bitPosExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto bitPosParamId = expr->getBitPositionsParamId()) {
+ auto bitPosSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*bitPosParamId);
+ return makeVariable(bitPosSlotId);
+ } else {
+ auto [bitPosTag, bitPosVal] = convertBitTestBitPositions(expr);
+ return makeConstant(bitPosTag, bitPosVal);
+ }
+ }();
+ // An EExpression for the BinData and position list for the binary case of
+ // BitTestMatchExpressions. This function will be applied to values carrying BinData
+ // elements.
+ auto binaryBitTestExpr =
+ makeFunction("bitTestPosition"_sd,
+ std::move(bitPosExpr),
+ makeVariable(inputSlot),
+ makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt32, static_cast<int32_t>(bitOp)));
+ // Build An EExpression for the numeric bitmask case. The AllSet case tests if (mask &
+ // value) == mask, and AllClear case tests if (mask & value) == 0. The AnyClear and
+ // AnySet cases are the negation of the AllSet and AllClear cases, respectively.
+ auto numericBitTestFnName = [&]() {
+ if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AllSet || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnyClear) {
+ return "bitTestMask"_sd;
+ }
+ if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AllClear || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnySet) {
+ return "bitTestZero"_sd;
+ }
+ }();
+ // We round NumberDecimal values to the nearest integer to match the classic execution engine's
+ // behavior for now. Note that this behavior is _not_ consistent with MongoDB's documentation.
+ // At some point, we should consider removing this call to round() to make SBE's behavior
+ // consistent with MongoDB's documentation.
+ auto numericBitTestInputExpr = sbe::makeE<sbe::EIf>(
+ makeFunction("typeMatch",
+ makeVariable(inputSlot),
+ makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
+ sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(
+ getBSONTypeMask(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberDecimal)))),
+ makeFunction("round"_sd, makeVariable(inputSlot)),
+ makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bitMaskExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto bitMaskParamId = expr->getBitMaskParamId()) {
+ auto bitMaskSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*bitMaskParamId);
+ return makeVariable(bitMaskSlotId);
+ } else {
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64, expr->getBitMask());
+ }
+ }();
+ // Convert the value to a 64-bit integer, and then pass the converted value along with the mask
+ // to the appropriate bit-test function. If the value cannot be losslessly converted to a 64-bit
+ // integer, this expression will return Nothing.
+ auto numericBitTestExpr =
+ makeFunction(numericBitTestFnName,
+ std::move(bitMaskExpr),
+ sbe::makeE<sbe::ENumericConvert>(std::move(numericBitTestInputExpr),
+ sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64));
+ // For the AnyClear and AnySet cases, negate the output of the bit-test function.
+ if (bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnyClear || bitOp == sbe::BitTestBehavior::AnySet) {
+ numericBitTestExpr = makeNot(std::move(numericBitTestExpr));
+ }
+ // numericBitTestExpr might produce Nothing, so we wrap it with makeFillEmptyFalse().
+ return sbe::makeE<sbe::EIf>(makeFunction("isBinData"_sd, makeVariable(inputSlot)),
+ std::move(binaryBitTestExpr),
+ makeFillEmptyFalse(std::move(numericBitTestExpr)));
+EvalExpr generateModExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const ModMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot) {
+ auto frameId = state.frameId();
+ sbe::EVariable dividend{inputSlot};
+ sbe::EVariable dividendConvertedToNumberInt64{frameId, 0};
+ auto truncatedArgument = sbe::makeE<sbe::ENumericConvert>(
+ makeFunction("trunc"_sd, dividend.clone()), sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64);
+ tassert(6142202,
+ "Either both divisor and remainer are parameterized or none",
+ (expr->getDivisorInputParamId() && expr->getRemainderInputParamId()) ||
+ (!expr->getDivisorInputParamId() && !expr->getRemainderInputParamId()));
+ // If there's related input param ids in this expr, we can register SlotIds for them, and use
+ // generated slots directly.
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> divisorExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto divisorParam = expr->getDivisorInputParamId()) {
+ auto divisorSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*divisorParam);
+ return makeVariable(divisorSlotId);
+ } else {
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
+ sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(expr->getDivisor()));
+ }
+ }();
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> remainderExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto remainderParam = expr->getRemainderInputParamId()) {
+ auto remainderSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*remainderParam);
+ return makeVariable(remainderSlotId);
+ } else {
+ return makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::NumberInt64,
+ sbe::value::bitcastFrom<int64_t>(expr->getRemainder()));
+ }
+ }();
+ auto modExpression = makeBinaryOp(
+ sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd,
+ // Return false if the dividend cannot be represented as a 64 bit integer.
+ makeNot(generateNullOrMissing(dividendConvertedToNumberInt64)),
+ makeFillEmptyFalse(makeBinaryOp(
+ sbe::EPrimBinary::eq,
+ makeFunction("mod"_sd, dividendConvertedToNumberInt64.clone(), std::move(divisorExpr)),
+ std::move(remainderExpr))));
+ return makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicAnd,
+ makeNot(makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
+ generateNonNumericCheck(dividend),
+ makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
+ generateNaNCheck(dividend),
+ generateInfinityCheck(dividend)))),
+ sbe::makeE<sbe::ELocalBind>(frameId,
+ sbe::makeEs(std::move(truncatedArgument)),
+ std::move(modExpression)));
+EvalExpr generateRegexExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const RegexMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot) {
+ tassert(6142203,
+ "Either both sourceRegex and compiledRegex are parameterized or none",
+ (expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId() && expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()) ||
+ (!expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId() && !expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()));
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> bsonRegexExpr = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto sourceRegexParam = expr->getSourceRegexInputParamId()) {
+ auto sourceRegexSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*sourceRegexParam);
+ return makeVariable(sourceRegexSlotId);
+ } else {
+ auto [bsonRegexTag, bsonRegexVal] =
+ sbe::value::makeNewBsonRegex(expr->getString(), expr->getFlags());
+ return makeConstant(bsonRegexTag, bsonRegexVal);
+ }
+ }();
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> compiledRegexExpr =
+ [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> {
+ if (auto compiledRegexParam = expr->getCompiledRegexInputParamId()) {
+ auto compiledRegexSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*compiledRegexParam);
+ return makeVariable(compiledRegexSlotId);
+ } else {
+ auto [compiledRegexTag, compiledRegexVal] =
+ sbe::value::makeNewPcreRegex(expr->getString(), expr->getFlags());
+ return makeConstant(compiledRegexTag, compiledRegexVal);
+ }
+ }();
+ auto resultExpr = makeBinaryOp(
+ sbe::EPrimBinary::logicOr,
+ makeFillEmptyFalse(
+ makeBinaryOp(sbe::EPrimBinary::eq, makeVariable(inputSlot), std::move(bsonRegexExpr))),
+ makeFillEmptyFalse(
+ makeFunction("regexMatch", std::move(compiledRegexExpr), makeVariable(inputSlot))));
+ return std::move(resultExpr);
+EvalExpr generateWhereExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const WhereMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot) {
+ // Generally speaking, this visitor is non-destructive and does not mutate the MatchExpression
+ // tree. However, in order to apply an optimization to avoid making a copy of the 'JsFunction'
+ // object stored within 'WhereMatchExpression', we can transfer its ownership from the match
+ // expression node into the SBE plan. Hence, we need to drop the const qualifier. This should be
+ // a safe operation, given that the match expression tree is allocated on the heap, and this
+ // visitor has exclusive access to this tree (after it has been translated into an SBE tree,
+ // it's no longer used).
+ auto predicate =
+ makeConstant(sbe::value::TypeTags::jsFunction,
+ sbe::value::bitcastFrom<JsFunction*>(
+ const_cast<WhereMatchExpression*>(expr)->extractPredicate().release()));
+ std::unique_ptr<sbe::EExpression> whereExpr;
+ // If there's an "inputParamId" in this expr meaning this expr got parameterized, we can
+ // register a SlotId for it and use the slot directly.
+ if (auto inputParam = expr->getInputParamId()) {
+ auto inputParamSlotId = state.registerInputParamSlot(*inputParam);
+ whereExpr =
+ makeFunction("runJsPredicate", makeVariable(inputParamSlotId), makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ } else {
+ whereExpr = makeFunction("runJsPredicate", std::move(predicate), makeVariable(inputSlot));
+ }
+ return std::move(whereExpr);
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.h b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.h
index c160fea42c5..6e2ad14aab0 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/sbe_stage_builder_filter.h
@@ -96,4 +96,26 @@ std::tuple<sbe::value::TypeTags, sbe::value::Value, bool, bool> convertInExpress
std::pair<sbe::value::TypeTags, sbe::value::Value> convertBitTestBitPositions(
const BitTestMatchExpression* expr);
+ * The following family of functions convert the given MatchExpression that consumes a single input
+ * into an EExpression that consumes the input from the provided slot.
+ */
+EvalExpr generateComparisonExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const ComparisonMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::EPrimBinary::Op binaryOp,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot);
+EvalExpr generateBitTestExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const BitTestMatchExpression* expr,
+ const sbe::BitTestBehavior& bitOp,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot);
+EvalExpr generateModExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const ModMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot);
+EvalExpr generateRegexExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const RegexMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot);
+EvalExpr generateWhereExpr(StageBuilderState& state,
+ const WhereMatchExpression* expr,
+ sbe::value::SlotId inputSlot);
} // namespace mongo::stage_builder