diff options
2 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/authCommands.js b/jstests/sharding/authCommands.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..862fd760f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/authCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Test that when authenticated as the system user, commands use only the auth credentials supplied
+// in the $auth field of the command object.
+var port = allocatePorts(1)[0];
+var path = "jstests/libs/";
+MongoRunner.runMongod({port : port, keyFile : path + "key1"})
+db = new Mongo('localhost:' + port).getDB('test');
+assert.eq(1, db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}).ok);
+db.getSiblingDB('admin').addUser("admin", "password"); // active auth even though we're on localhost
+assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}).ok);
+db.getSiblingDB('local').auth('__system', 'foopdedoop');
+assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}).ok);
+assert.eq(1, db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1, $auth : { test : { userName : NumberInt(1) } } } ).ok );
+assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({whatsmyuri : 1}).ok); // Make sure the credentials are temporary.
+assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({dropDatabase : 1, $auth : { test : { userName : NumberInt(1) } } } ).ok );
+assert.eq(1, db.runCommand({dropDatabase : 1, $auth : { test : { userName : NumberInt(2) } } } ).ok ); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/authCommands2.js b/jstests/sharding/authCommands2.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1be9d193728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/authCommands2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * This tests using DB commands with authentication enabled when sharded.
+ */
+var rsOpts = { oplogSize: 10 };
+var st = new ShardingTest({ keyFile : 'jstests/libs/key1', shards : 2, chunksize : 1,
+ rs : rsOpts, other : { nopreallocj : 1, verbose :1 }});
+var mongos = st.s;
+var adminDB = mongos.getDB( 'admin' );
+var configDB = mongos.getDB( 'config' );
+var testDB = mongos.getDB( 'test' );
+// Secondaries should be up here, since we awaitReplication in the ShardingTest, but we *don't*
+// wait for the mongos to explicitly detect them.
+ReplSetTest.awaitRSClientHosts( mongos, st.rs0.getSecondaries(), { ok : true, secondary : true });
+ReplSetTest.awaitRSClientHosts( mongos, st.rs1.getSecondaries(), { ok : true, secondary : true });
+var rwUser = 'rwUser';
+var roUser = 'roUser';
+var password = 'password';
+jsTestLog('Setting up initial users');
+adminDB.addUser( rwUser, password, false, st.rs0.numNodes );
+assert( adminDB.auth( rwUser, password ) );
+adminDB.addUser( roUser, password, true, st.rs0.numNodes );
+testDB.addUser( rwUser, password, false, st.rs0.numNodes );
+testDB.addUser( roUser, password, true, st.rs0.numNodes );
+jsTestLog('Creating initial data');
+st.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } );
+st.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "" , key : { i : 1, j : 1 } } );
+var str = 'a';
+while ( str.length < 1024 * 16 ) {
+ str += str;
+for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
+ for ( var j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) {
+{i:i, j:j, str:str});
+ }
+testDB.getLastError( 'majority' );
+assert.soon( function() {
+ var x = st.chunkDiff( "foo", "test" );
+ print( "chunk diff: " + x );
+ return x < 2 && configDB.locks.findOne({ _id : '' }).state == 0;
+}, "no balance happened" );
+var map = function() { emit (this.i, this.j) };
+var reduce = function( key, values ) {
+ var jCount = 0;
+ values.forEach( function(j) { jCount += j; } );
+ return jCount;
+var checkCommandSucceeded = function( resultObj ) {
+ printjson( resultObj )
+ assert ( resultObj.ok );
+var checkCommandFailed = function( resultObj ) {
+ print("INTHETHING")
+ printjson( resultObj )
+ assert ( !resultObj.ok );
+var checkReadOps = function( shouldWork ) {
+ if ( shouldWork ) {
+ print( "Checking read operations, should work" );
+ assert.eq( 1000, );
+ assert.eq( 1000, );
+ assert.eq( null, testDB.runCommand({getlasterror : 1}).err );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({dbstats : 1}) );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({collstats : 'foo'}) );
+ // TODO: Uncomment this once inline mapreduce has been handled.
+ /*var res = testDB.runCommand({mapreduce : 'foo', map : map, reduce : reduce,
+ out : {inline : 1}});
+ checkCommandSucceeded( res );
+ assert.eq( 100, res.results.length );
+ assert.eq( 45, res.results[0].value );*/
+ } else {
+ print( "Checking read operations, should fail" );
+ assert.throws( function() {; } );
+ assert.eq(0, testDB.runCommand({getlasterror : 1}).err.indexOf('unauthorized') );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({dbstats : 1}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({collstats : 'foo'}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({mapreduce : 'foo', map : map, reduce : reduce,
+ out : { inline : 1 }}) );
+ }
+var checkWriteOps = function( shouldWork ) {
+ if ( shouldWork ) {
+ print( "Checking write operations, should work" );
+{a : 1, i : 1, j : 1});
+ res = testDB.runCommand({ findAndModify: "foo", query: {a:1, i:1, j:1},
+ update: {$set: {b:1}}});
+ checkCommandSucceeded(res);
+ assert.eq(1, res.value.a);
+ assert.eq(null, res.value.b);
+ assert.eq(1,{a:1}).b);
+{a : 1});
+ assert.eq( null, testDB.runCommand({getlasterror : 1}).err );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({reIndex:'foo'}) );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({repairDatabase : 1}) );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({mapreduce : 'foo', map : map, reduce : reduce,
+ out : 'mrOutput'}) );
+ assert.eq( 100, testDB.mrOutput.count() );
+ assert.eq( 45, testDB.mrOutput.findOne().value );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({drop : 'foo'}) );
+ assert.eq( 0, );
+ assert.eq( 1, );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({dropDatabase : 1}) );
+ assert.eq( 0, );
+ // TODO: Uncomment this once create follows regular command codepath
+ //checkCommandSucceeded( testDB.runCommand({create : 'bar'}) );
+ } else {
+ print( "Checking write operations, should fail" );
+{a : 1, i : 1, j : 1});
+ assert.eq(0, testDB.runCommand({getlasterror:1}).err.indexOf('unauthorized') );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({ findAndModify: "foo", query: {a:1, i:1, j:1},
+ update: {$set: {b:1}}}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({reIndex:'foo'}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({repairDatabase : 1}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({mapreduce : 'foo', map : map, reduce : reduce,
+ out : 'mrOutput'}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({drop : 'foo'}) );
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({dropDatabase : 1}) );
+ passed = true;
+ try {
+ // For some reason when create fails it throws an exception instead of just returning ok:0
+ checkCommandFailed( testDB.runCommand({create : 'bar'}) );
+ passed = false;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // expected
+ printjson(e);
+ passed = false;
+ }
+ assert( !passed );
+ }
+var checkAdminReadOps = function( shouldWork ) {
+ if ( shouldWork ) {
+ checkCommandSucceeded( adminDB.runCommand('getCmdLineOpts') );
+ checkCommandSucceeded( adminDB.runCommand('serverStatus') );
+ } else {
+ checkCommandFailed( adminDB.runCommand('getCmdLineOpts') );
+ checkCommandFailed( adminDB.runCommand('serverStatus') );
+ }
+var checkAdminWriteOps = function( shouldWork ) {
+ if ( shouldWork ) {
+ checkCommandSucceeded( adminDB.runCommand({split : '', find : {i : 1, j : 1}}) );
+ chunk = configDB.chunks.findOne({ shard : });
+ checkCommandSucceeded( adminDB.runCommand({moveChunk : '', find : chunk.min,
+ to :}) );
+ } else {
+ // TODO(spencer): Either uncomment these or remove them once the proper behavior is established.
+ /*checkCommandFailed( adminDB.runCommand({split : '', find : {i : 1, j : 1}}) );
+ chunkKey = { i : { $minKey : 1 }, j : { $minKey : 1 } };
+ checkCommandFailed( adminDB.runCommand({moveChunk : '', find : chunkKey,
+ to :}) );*/
+ }
+jsTestLog("Checking admin commands with read-write auth credentials");
+checkAdminWriteOps( true );
+assert( adminDB.logout().ok );
+jsTestLog("Checking admin commands with no auth credentials");
+checkAdminReadOps( false );
+checkAdminWriteOps( false );
+jsTestLog("Checking admin commands with read-only auth credentials");
+assert( adminDB.auth( roUser, password ) );
+checkAdminReadOps( true );
+checkAdminWriteOps( false );
+assert( adminDB.logout().ok );
+jsTestLog("Checking commands with no auth credentials");
+checkReadOps( false );
+checkWriteOps( false );
+// Authenticate as read-only user
+jsTestLog("Checking commands with read-only auth credentials");
+assert( testDB.auth( roUser, password ) );
+checkReadOps( true );
+checkWriteOps( false );
+// Authenticate as read-write user
+jsTestLog("Checking commands with read-write auth credentials");
+assert( testDB.auth( rwUser, password ) );
+checkReadOps( true );
+checkWriteOps( true );