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4 files changed, 559 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner.h b/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner.h
index 85c2d1881b1..2441b166d35 100644
--- a/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner.h
+++ b/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner.h
@@ -27,19 +27,180 @@
* it in the license file.
+#include <deque>
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h"
+#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner_error_info.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_targeter.h"
#include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h"
+#include "mongo/util/future_util.h"
+#include "mongo/util/producer_consumer_queue.h"
namespace mongo::executor::remote_command_runner {
- * A mock implementation of the RemoteCommandRunner. In unit tests, swap out the RemoteCommandRunner
- * decoration on the service context with an instance of this mock to inject your own behavior and
- * check invariants.
+ * This header provides two mock implementations of the remote_command_runner::doRequest API. In
+ * unit tests, swap out the RemoteCommandRunner decoration on the ServiceContext with an instance
+ * of one of these mocks to inject your own behavior and check invariants.
+ *
+ * See the header comments for each mock for details.
+ */
+ * The SyncMockRemoteCommandRunner's representation of a RPC request. Exposed to users of the mock
+ * via the onCommand/getNextRequest APIs, which can be used to examine what requests have been
+ * scheduled on the mock and to schedule responsess to them.
+ */
+class RequestInfo {
+ RequestInfo(BSONObj cmd, StringData dbName, HostAndPort target, Promise<BSONObj>&& promise)
+ : _cmd{cmd}, _dbName{dbName}, _target{target}, _responsePromise{std::move(promise)} {}
+ bool isFinished() const {
+ return _finished.load();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use this function to respond to the request. Errors in the 'Status' portion of the
+ * 'StatusWith' correspond to 'local errors' (i.e. those on the sending node), while the BSONObj
+ * corresponds to the raw BSON received as a response to the request over-the-wire.
+ */
+ void respondWith(StatusWith<BSONObj> response) {
+ bool expected = false;
+ if (_finished.compareAndSwap(&expected, true))
+ _responsePromise.setFrom(response);
+ }
+ BSONObj _cmd;
+ StringData _dbName;
+ HostAndPort _target;
+ AtomicWord<bool> _finished{false};
+ Promise<BSONObj> _responsePromise;
+ * The SyncMockRemoteCommandRunner is a mock implementation that can be interacted with in a
+ * synchronous/ blocking manner. It allows you to:
+ * -> Synchronously introspect onto what requests have been scheduled.
+ * -> Synchronously respond to those requests.
+ * -> Wait (blocking) for a request to be scheduled and respond to it.
+ * See the member funtions below for details.
+ */
+class SyncMockRemoteCommandRunner : public detail::RemoteCommandRunner {
+ /**
+ * Mock implementation of the core functionality of the RCR. Records the provided request, and
+ * notifies waiters that a new request has been scheduled.
+ */
+ ExecutorFuture<detail::RemoteCommandInternalResponse> _doRequest(
+ StringData dbName,
+ BSONObj cmdBSON,
+ std::unique_ptr<RemoteCommandHostTargeter> targeter,
+ OperationContext* opCtx,
+ std::shared_ptr<TaskExecutor> exec,
+ CancellationToken token) final {
+ auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture<BSONObj>();
+ return targeter->resolve(token)
+ .thenRunOn(exec)
+ .onError([](Status s) -> StatusWith<std::vector<HostAndPort>> {
+ return Status{RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(s),
+ "Remote command execution failed"};
+ })
+ .then([=, f = std::move(f), p = std::move(p)](auto&& targets) mutable {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg{_m};
+ _requests.emplace_back(cmdBSON, dbName, targets[0], std::move(p));
+ _hasRequestsCV.notify_one();
+ return std::move(f).then([targetUsed = targets[0]](StatusWith<BSONObj> resp) {
+ if (!resp.isOK()) {
+ uassertStatusOK(Status{RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(resp.getStatus()),
+ "Remote command execution failed"});
+ }
+ Status maybeError(detail::makeErrorIfNeeded(
+ RemoteCommandOnAnyResponse(targetUsed, resp.getValue(), Microseconds(1))));
+ uassertStatusOK(maybeError);
+ return detail::RemoteCommandInternalResponse{resp.getValue(), targetUsed};
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the oldest request the RCR has recieved that has not yet been responded to. Blocking
+ * call - if no unresponded requests are currently queued in the mock, this call blocks until
+ * one arrives.
+ */
+ RequestInfo& getNextRequest() {
+ stdx::unique_lock lk(_m);
+ auto pred = [this] {
+ auto nextUnprocessedRequest =
+ std::find_if(_requests.begin(), _requests.end(), [](const RequestInfo& r) {
+ return !r.isFinished();
+ });
+ return nextUnprocessedRequest != _requests.end();
+ };
+ _hasRequestsCV.wait(lk, pred);
+ return *std::find_if(_requests.begin(), _requests.end(), [](const RequestInfo& r) {
+ return !r.isFinished();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Responds to the first unprocessed request and then responds to it with the result of calling
+ * `responseFn` with the request as argument. If there are no unprocessed requests, blocks until
+ * there is.
+ */
+ void onCommand(std::function<StatusWith<BSONObj>(const RequestInfo&)> responseFn) {
+ auto& request = getNextRequest();
+ request.respondWith(responseFn(request));
+ }
+ // All requests that have been scheduled on the mock.
+ std::deque<RequestInfo> _requests;
+ // Protects the above _requests queue.
+ Mutex _m;
+ stdx::condition_variable _hasRequestsCV;
+ * The AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner allows you to asynchrously register expectations about what
+ * requests will be registered; you can:
+ * -> Create an 'expectation' that a request will be scheduled some time in the future,
+ * asynchronously.
+ * -> Provide responses to those requests.
+ * -> Ensure that any expectations were met/requests meeting all expectations were
+ * received and responded to.
+ * -> Examine if any unexpected requests were received and, if so, what they were.
+ * See the member funtions below for details.
-class MockRemoteCommandRunner : public detail::RemoteCommandRunner {
+class AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner : public detail::RemoteCommandRunner {
+ struct Request {
+ BSONObj toBSON() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder bob;
+ BSONObjBuilder subBob(bob.subobjStart("AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request"));
+ subBob.append("dbName: ", dbName);
+ subBob.append("command: ", cmdBSON);
+ subBob.append("target: ", target.toString());
+ subBob.done();
+ return bob.obj();
+ }
+ std::string dbName;
+ BSONObj cmdBSON;
+ HostAndPort target;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mock implementation of the core functionality of the RCR. Checks that the request is expected
+ * by ensuring that we have an unmet expectation registered that matches it. Then responds to
+ * the request with the response provided by the matching expectation. If more the one
+ * expectation matches the request, the first unmet one registered with `expect` will be used.
+ * See `expect` below for details. If no expectation matches the request, the request is
+ * responded to with a generic error, and the request is recorded. Users that want to make sure
+ * that all requests are expected can use the hadUnexpectedRequests/unexpectedRequests member
+ * functions to inspect that state.
+ */
ExecutorFuture<detail::RemoteCommandInternalResponse> _doRequest(
StringData dbName,
@@ -47,15 +208,139 @@ public:
OperationContext* opCtx,
std::shared_ptr<TaskExecutor> exec,
CancellationToken token) final {
- return ExecutorFuture(
- exec,
- detail::RemoteCommandInternalResponse{_mockResult, targeter->resolve(token).get()[0]});
+ auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture<BSONObj>();
+ return targeter->resolve(token).thenRunOn(exec).then(
+ [this, p = std::move(p), cmdBSON, dbName = dbName.toString()](auto&& targets) {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ Request req{dbName, cmdBSON, targets[0]};
+ auto expectation =
+ std::find_if(_expectations.begin(),
+ _expectations.end(),
+ [&](const Expectation& e) { return e.matcher(req) && !e.met; });
+ if (expectation == _expectations.end()) {
+ // This request was not expected. We record it and return a generic error
+ // response.
+ _unexpectedRequests.push_back(req);
+ uassertStatusOK(
+ Status{RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(Status(
+ ErrorCodes::InternalErrorNotSupported, "Unexpected request")),
+ "Remote command execution failed"});
+ }
+ auto ans = expectation->response;
+ expectation->promise.emplaceValue();
+ expectation->met = true;
+ if (!ans.isOK()) {
+ uassertStatusOK(Status{RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(ans.getStatus()),
+ "Remote command execution failed"});
+ }
+ Status maybeError(detail::makeErrorIfNeeded(
+ RemoteCommandOnAnyResponse(targets[0], ans.getValue(), Microseconds(1))));
+ uassertStatusOK(maybeError);
+ return detail::RemoteCommandInternalResponse{ans.getValue(), targets[0]};
+ });
- void setMockResult(BSONObj obj) {
- _mockResult = obj;
+ using RequestMatcher = std::function<bool(const Request&)>;
+ struct Expectation {
+ Expectation(RequestMatcher m,
+ StatusWith<BSONObj> response,
+ Promise<void>&& p,
+ std::string name)
+ : matcher{m}, response{response}, promise{std::move(p)}, name{name} {}
+ RequestMatcher matcher;
+ StatusWith<BSONObj> response;
+ Promise<void> promise;
+ bool met{false};
+ std::string name;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Register an expectation with the mock that a request matching `matcher` will be scheduled on
+ * the mock. The provided RequestMatcher can inspect the cmdObj and target HostAndPort of a
+ * request, and should return 'true' if the request is the expected one. Once the expectation is
+ * 'met' (i.e. the mock has received a matching request), the request is responded to with the
+ * provided `response`. Note that expectations are "one-shot" - each expectation can match
+ * exactly one request; once an expectation has been matched to a scheduled request, it is
+ * considered 'met' and will not be considered in the future. Additionally, each expectation is
+ * given a name, which allows it to be serialized and identified.
+ *
+ * Errors in the 'Status' portion of the 'StatusWith' response correspond to 'local errors'
+ * (i.e. those on the sending node), while the BSONObj corresponds to the raw BSON received as a
+ * response to the request over-the-wire.
+ */
+ SemiFuture<void> expect(RequestMatcher matcher,
+ StatusWith<BSONObj> response,
+ std::string name) {
+ auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture<void>();
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ _expectations.emplace_back(matcher, response, std::move(p), std::move(name));
+ return std::move(f).semi();
+ }
+ bool hasUnmetExpectations() {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ auto it = std::find_if(_expectations.begin(),
+ _expectations.end(),
+ [&](const Expectation& e) { return !e.met; });
+ return it != _expectations.end();
+ }
+ // Return the name of the first expectation registered that isn't met. If all have been met,
+ // return boost::none.
+ boost::optional<std::string> getFirstUnmetExpectation() {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ auto it = std::find_if(_expectations.begin(),
+ _expectations.end(),
+ [&](const Expectation& e) { return !e.met; });
+ if (it == _expectations.end()) {
+ return boost::none;
+ }
+ return it->name;
+ }
+ // Return the set of names of all unmet expectations.
+ StringSet getUnmetExpectations() {
+ StringSet set;
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ for (auto&& expectation : _expectations) {
+ if (!expectation.met) {
+ set.insert(;
+ }
+ }
+ return set;
+ }
+ bool hadUnexpectedRequests() {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ return !_unexpectedRequests.empty();
+ }
+ boost::optional<Request> getFirstUnexpectedRequest() {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ if (!_unexpectedRequests.empty()) {
+ return _unexpectedRequests[0];
+ }
+ return {};
+ }
+ std::vector<Request> getUnexpectedRequests() {
+ stdx::lock_guard lg(_m);
+ return _unexpectedRequests;
- BSONObj _mockResult;
+ std::vector<Expectation> _expectations;
+ std::vector<Request> _unexpectedRequests;
+ // Protects the above _expectations queue.
+ Mutex _m;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& o) {
+ return s << o.toBSON();
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Expectation& o) {
+ return s <<;
} // namespace mongo::executor::remote_command_runner
diff --git a/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner_test.cpp b/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner_test.cpp
index def6e7a421c..38b8dd7aa7a 100644
--- a/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/executor/mock_remote_command_runner_test.cpp
@@ -37,19 +37,22 @@
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner_test_fixture.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_targeter.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
+#include "mongo/util/debugger.h"
+#include "mongo/util/optional_util.h"
namespace mongo::executor::remote_command_runner {
namespace {
- * This test fixture is used to test the functionality of the mock, rather than test any facilities
+ * This test fixture is used to test the functionality of the mocks, rather than test any facilities
* or usage of the RemoteCommandRunner implementation.
+template <typename MockType>
class MockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture : public RemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture {
void setUp() override {
- auto uniqueMock = std::make_unique<MockRemoteCommandRunner>();
+ auto uniqueMock = std::make_unique<MockType>();
_mock = uniqueMock.get();
detail::RemoteCommandRunner::set(getServiceContext(), std::move(uniqueMock));
@@ -59,40 +62,264 @@ public:
- MockRemoteCommandRunner& getMockRunner() {
+ MockType& getMockRunner() {
return *_mock;
+ SemiFuture<RemoteCommandRunnerResponse<HelloCommandReply>> sendHelloCommandToHostAndPort(
+ HostAndPort target) {
+ HelloCommand hello;
+ initializeCommand(hello);
+ auto opCtxHolder = makeOperationContext();
+ return doRequest(hello,
+ opCtxHolder.get(),
+ std::make_unique<RemoteCommandFixedTargeter>(target),
+ getExecutorPtr(),
+ _cancellationToken);
+ }
+ SemiFuture<RemoteCommandRunnerResponse<HelloCommandReply>> sendHelloCommandToLocalHost() {
+ return sendHelloCommandToHostAndPort({"localhost", serverGlobalParams.port});
+ }
- MockRemoteCommandRunner* _mock;
+ MockType* _mock;
+using SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture =
+ MockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture<SyncMockRemoteCommandRunner>;
+using AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture =
+ MockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture<AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner>;
// A simple test showing that an arbitrary mock result can be set for a command scheduled through
// the RemoteCommandRunner.
-TEST_F(MockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, Example) {
- HelloCommand hello;
- initializeCommand(hello);
- // Doc that shouldn't be parseable as a HelloCommandReply.
- auto invalidResult = BSON("An"
- << "arbitrary"
- << "bogus"
- << "document");
- getMockRunner().setMockResult(invalidResult);
- auto opCtxHolder = makeOperationContext();
- auto res = doRequest(hello,
- opCtxHolder.get(),
- std::make_unique<RemoteCommandLocalHostTargeter>(),
- getExecutorPtr(),
- _cancellationToken);
+TEST_F(SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, RemoteSuccess) {
+ auto responseFuture = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto expectedResultObj = result.obj();
+ auto& request = getMockRunner().getNextRequest();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(responseFuture.isReady());
+ request.respondWith(expectedResultObj);
+ auto actualResult = responseFuture.get();
+ HostAndPort localhost = HostAndPort("localhost", serverGlobalParams.port);
+ ASSERT_EQ(actualResult.targetUsed, localhost);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(actualResult.response.toBSON(), helloReply.toBSON());
+TEST_F(SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, RemoteError) {
+ StringData exampleErrMsg{"example error message"};
+ auto exampleErrCode = ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress;
+ ErrorReply errorReply;
+ errorReply.setOk(0);
+ errorReply.setCode(exampleErrCode);
+ errorReply.setCodeName(ErrorCodes::errorString(exampleErrCode));
+ errorReply.setErrmsg(exampleErrMsg);
+ auto responseFuture = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ auto& request = getMockRunner().getNextRequest();
+ request.respondWith(errorReply.toBSON());
auto check = [&](const DBException& ex) {
- ASSERT_EQ(ex.code(), 40415) << ex.toString();
- ASSERT_STRING_CONTAINS(ex.reason(), "is an unknown field");
+ ASSERT_EQ(ex.code(), ErrorCodes::RemoteCommandExecutionError) << ex.toString();
+ auto extraInfo = ex.extraInfo<RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo>();
+ ASSERT(extraInfo);
+ ASSERT(extraInfo->isRemote());
+ auto remoteError = extraInfo->asRemote();
+ ASSERT_EQ(remoteError.getRemoteCommandResult().code(), exampleErrCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(remoteError.getRemoteCommandResult().reason(), exampleErrMsg);
// Ensure we fail to parse the reply due to the unknown fields.
- ASSERT_THROWS_WITH_CHECK(res.get(), DBException, check);
+ ASSERT_THROWS_WITH_CHECK(responseFuture.get(), DBException, check);
+TEST_F(SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, LocalError) {
+ auto responseFuture = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ auto& request = getMockRunner().getNextRequest();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(responseFuture.isReady());
+ auto exampleLocalErr = Status{ErrorCodes::InterruptedAtShutdown, "example local error"};
+ request.respondWith(exampleLocalErr);
+ ASSERT_EQ(responseFuture.getNoThrow().getStatus(), exampleLocalErr);
+TEST_F(SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, MultipleResponses) {
+ auto responseOneFut = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(responseOneFut.isReady());
+ auto& request = getMockRunner().getNextRequest();
+ auto responseTwoFut = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(responseTwoFut.isReady());
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto expectedResultObj = result.obj();
+ request.respondWith(expectedResultObj);
+ auto responseOne = responseOneFut.get();
+ HostAndPort localhost = HostAndPort("localhost", serverGlobalParams.port);
+ ASSERT_EQ(responseOne.targetUsed, localhost);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(responseOne.response.toBSON(), helloReply.toBSON());
+ auto& requestTwo = getMockRunner().getNextRequest();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(responseTwoFut.isReady());
+ auto exampleLocalErr = Status{ErrorCodes::InterruptedAtShutdown, "example local error"};
+ requestTwo.respondWith(exampleLocalErr);
+ ASSERT_EQ(responseTwoFut.getNoThrow().getStatus(), exampleLocalErr);
+TEST_F(SyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, OnCommand) {
+ auto responseFut = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto expectedResultObj = result.obj();
+ HelloCommand hello;
+ initializeCommand(hello);
+ getMockRunner().onCommand([&](const RequestInfo& ri) {
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(hello.toBSON({}), ri._cmd);
+ return expectedResultObj;
+ });
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(responseFut.get().response.toBSON(), helloReply.toBSON());
+// A simple test showing that we can asynchronously register an expectation
+// that a request will eventually be scheduled with the mock before a request
+// actually arrives. Then, once the request is scheduled, we are asynchronously
+// notified of the request and can schedule a response to it.
+TEST_F(AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, Expectation) {
+ // We expect that some code will use the runner to send a hello
+ // to localhost on "testdb"
+ auto matcher = [](const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& req) {
+ bool isHello = req.cmdBSON.firstElementFieldName() == "hello"_sd;
+ bool isRightTarget = == HostAndPort("localhost", serverGlobalParams.port);
+ return isHello && isRightTarget;
+ };
+ // Register our expectation and ensure it isn't yet met.
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto expectation = getMockRunner().expect(matcher, result.obj(), "example expectation");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(expectation.isReady());
+ // Allow a request to be scheduled on the mock.
+ auto response = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ // Now, our expectation should be met, and the response to it provided.
+ auto reply = response.get();
+ expectation.get();
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(reply.response.toBSON(), helloReply.toBSON());
+ ASSERT_EQ(HostAndPort("localhost", serverGlobalParams.port), reply.targetUsed);
+// A more complicated test that registers several expectations, and then
+// schedules the requests that match them and their responses out-of-order.
+// Demonstrates how we can register expectations on the mock for events in an
+// unordered way.
+TEST_F(AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, SeveralExpectations) {
+ HostAndPort targetOne("FakeHost1", 12345);
+ HostAndPort targetTwo("FakeHost2", 12345);
+ HostAndPort targetThree("FakeHost3", 12345);
+ auto matcherOne = [&](const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& req) {
+ return (req.cmdBSON.firstElementFieldName() == "hello"_sd) && ( == targetOne);
+ };
+ auto matcherTwo = [&](const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& req) {
+ return (req.cmdBSON.firstElementFieldName() == "hello"_sd) && ( == targetTwo);
+ };
+ auto matcherThree = [&](const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& req) {
+ return (req.cmdBSON.firstElementFieldName() == "hello"_sd) && ( == targetThree);
+ };
+ // Create three expectations
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto resultObj = result.obj();
+ auto e1 = getMockRunner().expect(matcherOne, resultObj, "expectation one");
+ auto e2 = getMockRunner().expect(matcherTwo, resultObj, "expectation two");
+ auto e3 = getMockRunner().expect(matcherThree, resultObj, "expectation three");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(e1.isReady());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(e2.isReady());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(e3.isReady());
+ // Send requests corresponding to expectations `e3` and `e2`, but not as`e1`.
+ auto r3 = sendHelloCommandToHostAndPort(targetThree);
+ auto r2 = sendHelloCommandToHostAndPort(targetTwo);
+ e3.get();
+ e2.get();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(e1.isReady());
+ // Make sure the correct responses were sent.
+ auto assertResponseMatches = [&](RemoteCommandRunnerResponse<HelloCommandReply> reply,
+ const HostAndPort& correctTarget) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(correctTarget, reply.targetUsed);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(reply.response.toBSON(), helloReply.toBSON());
+ };
+ assertResponseMatches(r3.get(), targetThree);
+ assertResponseMatches(r2.get(), targetTwo);
+ // Now, send a request matching `e1` as well.
+ auto r1 = sendHelloCommandToHostAndPort(targetOne);
+ assertResponseMatches(r1.get(), targetOne);
+ e1.get();
+TEST_F(AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, UnexpectedRequests) {
+ auto responseFut = sendHelloCommandToLocalHost();
+ ASSERT_EQ(responseFut.getNoThrow()
+ .getStatus()
+ .extraInfo<RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo>()
+ ->asLocal(),
+ Status(ErrorCodes::InternalErrorNotSupported, "Unexpected request"));
+ ASSERT(getMockRunner().hadUnexpectedRequests());
+ auto unexpectedRequests = getMockRunner().getUnexpectedRequests();
+ ASSERT_EQ(unexpectedRequests.size(), 1);
+ HelloCommand hello;
+ initializeCommand(hello);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(unexpectedRequests[0].cmdBSON, hello.toBSON({}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(unexpectedRequests[0].dbName, "testdb"_sd);
+ HostAndPort localhost = HostAndPort("localhost", serverGlobalParams.port);
+ ASSERT_EQ(unexpectedRequests[0].target, localhost);
+ // Note that unexpected requests are BSON-convertable and can be printed as extended JSON.
+ // For example, if you wanted to fail the test if any unexpected requests were found, and
+ // print out the first such offending request, you could simply do:
+ // ASSERT(!getMockRunner().hadUnexpectedRequests())
+ // << "but found: " << optional_io::Extension{getMockRunner().getFirstUnexpectedRequest()};
+ // (This is a live example, feel free to uncomment and try it).
+TEST_F(AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunnerTestFixture, UnmetExpectations) {
+ HostAndPort theTarget("FakeHost1", 12345);
+ auto matcher = [&](const AsyncMockRemoteCommandRunner::Request& req) {
+ return (req.cmdBSON.firstElementFieldName() == "hello"_sd) && ( == theTarget);
+ };
+ HelloCommandReply helloReply = HelloCommandReply(TopologyVersion(OID::gen(), 0));
+ BSONObjBuilder result(helloReply.toBSON());
+ CommandHelpers::appendCommandStatusNoThrow(result, Status::OK());
+ auto resultObj = result.obj();
+ auto expectation = getMockRunner().expect(matcher, resultObj, "unmet expectation");
+ ASSERT(getMockRunner().hasUnmetExpectations());
+ auto unmetExpectations = getMockRunner().getUnmetExpectations();
+ ASSERT_EQ(unmetExpectations.size(), 1);
+ ASSERT(unmetExpectations.contains("unmet expectation"));
+ // Note that unmet expectations all have string names and can be printed.
+ // For example, if you wanted to fail the test if any unmet expectations were found, and
+ // print out the first such offending expectation , you could simply do:
+ // ASSERT(!getMockRunner().hasUnmetExpectations())
+ // << optional_io::Extension{getMockRunner().getFirstUnmetExpectation()};
+ // (This is a live example, feel free to uncomment and try it).
} // namespace
} // namespace mongo::executor::remote_command_runner
diff --git a/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.cpp b/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.cpp
index 6b909689094..c106334ce1a 100644
--- a/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h"
#include "mongo/base/error_codes.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_request.h"
-#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner_error_info.h"
#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"
#include "mongo/util/future.h"
#include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h"
@@ -39,14 +38,6 @@
namespace mongo::executor::remote_command_runner {
namespace detail {
namespace {
-Status makeErrorIfNeeded(TaskExecutor::ResponseOnAnyStatus r) {
- if (r.status.isOK() && getStatusFromCommandResult( &&
- getWriteConcernStatusFromCommandResult( &&
- getFirstWriteErrorStatusFromCommandResult( {
- return Status::OK();
- }
- return {RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(r), "Remote command execution failed"};
const auto getRCRImpl = ServiceContext::declareDecoration<std::unique_ptr<RemoteCommandRunner>>();
} // namespace
diff --git a/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h b/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h
index 2404fdd4152..98ed870b90f 100644
--- a/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h
+++ b/src/mongo/executor/remote_command_runner.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/operation_context.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_response.h"
+#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_runner_error_info.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_targeter.h"
#include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h"
#include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h"
@@ -74,6 +75,19 @@ public:
static RemoteCommandRunner* get(ServiceContext* serviceContext);
static void set(ServiceContext* serviceContext, std::unique_ptr<RemoteCommandRunner> theRunner);
+ * Returns a RemoteCommandExecutionError with ErrorExtraInfo populated to contain
+ * details about any error, local or remote, contained in `r`.
+ */
+inline Status makeErrorIfNeeded(TaskExecutor::ResponseOnAnyStatus r) {
+ if (r.status.isOK() && getStatusFromCommandResult( &&
+ getWriteConcernStatusFromCommandResult( &&
+ getFirstWriteErrorStatusFromCommandResult( {
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ return {RemoteCommandExecutionErrorInfo(r), "Remote command execution failed"};
} // namespace detail
template <typename CommandReplyType>