diff options
3 files changed, 246 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js b/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a34dd89da..00000000000
--- a/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * This test ensures that multiple non-atomic applyOps commands can run concurrently.
- * Prior to SERVER-29802, applyOps would acquire the global lock regardless of the
- * atomicity of the operations (as a whole) being applied.
- */
-(function() {
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * Creates an array of insert operations for applyOps into collection 'coll'.
- */
- function generateInsertOps(coll, numOps) {
- // Explicit 'use strict' to prevent mozjs from injecting its own "use strict" directive
- // (with incorrect indentation) when we convert this function into a string for
- // startParallelShell().
- 'use strict';
- const ops = Array(numOps).fill('ignored').map((unused, i) => {
- return {op: 'i', ns: coll.getFullName(), o: {_id: i}};
- });
- return ops;
- }
- /**
- * Runs applyOps in non-atomic mode to insert 'numOps' documents into collection 'coll'.
- */
- function applyOpsInsertNonAtomic(coll, numOps) {
- 'use strict';
- const ops = generateInsertOps(coll, numOps);
- const mydb = coll.getDB();
- assert.commandWorked(mydb.runCommand({applyOps: ops, allowAtomic: false}),
- 'failed to insert documents into ' + coll.getFullName());
- }
- /**
- * Creates a function for startParallelShell() to run that will insert documents into collection
- * 'coll' using applyOps.
- */
- function createInsertFunction(coll, numOps) {
- const options = {
- dbName: coll.getDB().getName(),
- collName: coll.getName(),
- numOps: numOps,
- };
- const functionName = 'insertFunction_' + coll.getFullName().replace(/\./g, '_');
- const insertFunction = function(options) {
- 'use strict';
- const mydb = db.getSiblingDB(options.dbName);
- const coll = mydb.getCollection(options.collName);
- const numOps = options.numOps;
- jsTestLog('Starting to apply ' + numOps + ' operations in collection ' +
- coll.getFullName());
- applyOpsInsertNonAtomic(coll, numOps);
- jsTestLog('Successfully applied ' + numOps + ' operations in collection ' +
- coll.getFullName());
- };
- const s = //
- '\n\n' + //
- 'const generateInsertOps = ' + generateInsertOps + ';\n\n' + //
- 'const applyOpsInsertNonAtomic = ' + applyOpsInsertNonAtomic + ';\n\n' + //
- 'const ' + functionName + ' = ' + insertFunction + ';\n\n' + //
- functionName + '(' + tojson(options) + ');'; //
- return s;
- }
- /**
- * Returns number of insert operations reported by serverStatus.
- * Depending on the server version, applyOps may increment either 'opcounters' or
- * 'opcountersRepl':
- * since 3.6: 'opcounters.insert'
- * 3.4 and older: 'opcountersRepl.insert'
- */
- function getInsertOpCount(serverStatus) {
- return (serverStatus.version.substr(0, 3) === "3.4") ? serverStatus.opcountersRepl.insert
- : serverStatus.opcounters.insert;
- }
- const replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1});
- replTest.startSet();
- replTest.initiate();
- const primary = replTest.getPrimary();
- const adminDb = primary.getDB('admin');
- const db1 = primary.getDB('test1');
- const coll1 = db1.coll1;
- const db2 = primary.getDB('test2');
- const coll2 = db2.coll2;
- assert.commandWorked(db1.createCollection(coll1.getName()));
- assert.commandWorked(db2.createCollection(coll2.getName()));
- // Enable fail point to pause applyOps between operations.
- assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: 'applyOpsPauseBetweenOperations', mode: 'alwaysOn'}));
- // This logs each operation being applied.
- const previousLogLevel =
- assert.commandWorked(primary.setLogLevel(3, 'replication')).was.replication.verbosity;
- jsTestLog('Applying operations in collections ' + coll1.getFullName() + ' and ' +
- coll2.getFullName());
- const numOps = 100;
- const insertProcess1 =
- startParallelShell(createInsertFunction(coll1, numOps), replTest.getPort(0));
- const insertProcess2 =
- startParallelShell(createInsertFunction(coll2, numOps), replTest.getPort(0));
- // The fail point will prevent applyOps from advancing past the first operation in each batch of
- // operations. If applyOps is applying both sets of operations concurrently without holding the
- // global lock, the insert opcounter will eventually be incremented to 2.
- try {
- let insertOpCount = 0;
- const expectedFinalOpCount = 2;
- assert.soon(
- function() {
- const serverStatus = adminDb.serverStatus();
- insertOpCount = getInsertOpCount(serverStatus);
- // This assertion may fail if the fail point is not implemented correctly within
- // applyOps. This allows us to fail fast instead of waiting for the assert.soon()
- // function to time out.
- assert.lte(insertOpCount,
- expectedFinalOpCount,
- 'Expected at most ' + expectedFinalOpCount +
- ' documents inserted with fail point enabled. ' +
- 'Most recent insert operation count = ' + insertOpCount);
- return insertOpCount === expectedFinalOpCount;
- },
- 'Insert operation count did not reach ' + expectedFinalOpCount +
- ' as expected with fail point enabled. Most recent insert operation count = ' +
- insertOpCount);
- } finally {
- assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: 'applyOpsPauseBetweenOperations', mode: 'off'}));
- }
- insertProcess1();
- insertProcess2();
- jsTestLog('Successfully applied operations in collections ' + coll1.getFullName() + ' and ' +
- coll2.getFullName());
- // Reset log level.
- primary.setLogLevel(previousLogLevel, 'replication');
- const serverStatus = adminDb.serverStatus();
- assert.eq(200,
- getInsertOpCount(serverStatus),
- 'incorrect number of insert operations in server status after applyOps: ' +
- tojson(serverStatus));
- replTest.stopSet();
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic_different_db.js b/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic_different_db.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05cb6f9e996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/replsets/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic_different_db.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ load('jstests/replsets/libs/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js');
+ new ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest({
+ ns1: 'test1.coll1',
+ ns2: 'test2.coll2',
+ requiresDocumentLevelConcurrency: false,
+ }).run();
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/libs/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js b/jstests/replsets/libs/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e36cfa6677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/replsets/libs/apply_ops_concurrent_non_atomic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * This test ensures that multiple non-atomic applyOps commands can run concurrently.
+ * Prior to SERVER-29802, applyOps would acquire the global lock regardless of the
+ * atomicity of the operations (as a whole) being applied.
+ *
+ * Every instance of ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest is configured with an "options" document
+ * with the following format:
+ * {
+ * ns1: <string>,
+ * ns1: <string>,
+ * requiresDocumentLevelConcurrency: <bool>,
+ * }
+ *
+ * ns1:
+ * Fully qualified namespace of first set of CRUD operations. For simplicity, only insert
+ * operations will be used. The set of documents generated for the inserts into ns1 will have
+ * _id values distinct from those generated for ns2.
+ *
+ * ns2:
+ * Fully qualified namespace of second set of CRUD operations. This may be the same namespace as
+ * ns1. As with ns1, only insert operations will be used.
+ *
+ * requiresDocumentLevelConcurrency:
+ * Set to true if this test case can only be run with a storage engine that supports document
+ * level concurrency.
+ */
+var ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest = function(options) {
+ 'use strict';
+ load('jstests/concurrency/fsm_workload_helpers/server_types.js');
+ if (!(this instanceof ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest)) {
+ return new ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest(options);
+ }
+ // Capture the 'this' reference
+ var self = this;
+ self.options = options;
+ /**
+ * Logs message using test name as prefix.
+ */
+ function testLog(message) {
+ jsTestLog('ApplyOpsConcurrentNonAtomicTest: ' + message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an array of insert operations for applyOps into collection 'coll'.
+ */
+ function generateInsertOps(coll, numOps, id) {
+ // Explicit 'use strict' to prevent mozjs from injecting its own "use strict" directive
+ // (with incorrect indentation) when we convert this function into a string for
+ // startParallelShell().
+ 'use strict';
+ const ops = Array(numOps).fill('ignored').map((unused, i) => {
+ return {op: 'i', ns: coll.getFullName(), o: {_id: (id * numOps + i), id: id}};
+ });
+ return ops;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs applyOps in non-atomic mode to insert 'numOps' documents into collection 'coll'.
+ */
+ function applyOpsInsertNonAtomic(coll, numOps, id) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const ops = generateInsertOps(coll, numOps, id);
+ const mydb = coll.getDB();
+ assert.commandWorked(mydb.runCommand({applyOps: ops, allowAtomic: false}),
+ 'failed to insert documents into ' + coll.getFullName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses 'numOps' and collection namespace from 'options' and runs applyOps to inserted
+ * generated documents.
+ *
+ * options format:
+ * {
+ * ns: <string>,
+ * numOps: <int>,
+ * id: <int>,
+ * }
+ *
+ * ns:
+ * Fully qualified namespace of collection to insert documents into.
+ *
+ * numOps:
+ * Number of insert operations to generate for applyOps command.
+ *
+ * id:
+ * Index of collection for applyOps. Used with 'numOps' to generate _id values that will not
+ * collide with collections with different indexes.
+ */
+ function insertFunction(options) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const coll = db.getMongo().getCollection(options.ns);
+ const numOps = options.numOps;
+ const id =;
+ testLog('Starting to apply ' + numOps + ' operations in collection ' + coll.getFullName());
+ applyOpsInsertNonAtomic(coll, numOps, id);
+ testLog('Successfully applied ' + numOps + ' operations in collection ' +
+ coll.getFullName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a function for startParallelShell() to run that will insert documents into
+ * collection 'coll' using applyOps.
+ */
+ function createInsertFunction(coll, numOps, id) {
+ const options = {
+ ns: coll.getFullName(),
+ numOps: numOps,
+ id: id,
+ };
+ const functionName = 'insertFunction_' + coll.getFullName().replace(/\./g, '_');
+ const s = //
+ '\n\n' + //
+ 'const testLog = ' + testLog + ';\n\n' + //
+ 'const generateInsertOps = ' + generateInsertOps + ';\n\n' + //
+ 'const applyOpsInsertNonAtomic = ' + applyOpsInsertNonAtomic + ';\n\n' + //
+ 'const ' + functionName + ' = ' + insertFunction + ';\n\n' + //
+ functionName + '(' + tojson(options) + ');'; //
+ return s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns number of insert operations reported by serverStatus.
+ * Depending on the server version, applyOps may increment either 'opcounters' or
+ * 'opcountersRepl':
+ * since 3.6: 'opcounters.insert'
+ * 3.4 and older: 'opcountersRepl.insert'
+ */
+ function getInsertOpCount(serverStatus) {
+ return (serverStatus.version.substr(0, 3) === "3.4") ? serverStatus.opcountersRepl.insert
+ : serverStatus.opcounters.insert;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs the test.
+ */
+ = function() {
+ const options = this.options;
+ assert(options.ns1, 'collection 1 namespace not provided');
+ assert(options.ns2, 'collection 2 namespace not provided');
+ const replTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1});
+ replTest.startSet();
+ replTest.initiate();
+ const primary = replTest.getPrimary();
+ const adminDb = primary.getDB('admin');
+ if (options.requiresDocumentLevelConcurrency &&
+ !supportsDocumentLevelConcurrency(adminDb)) {
+ testLog('Skipping test because storage engine does not support document level ' +
+ 'concurrency.');
+ return;
+ }
+ const coll1 = primary.getCollection(options.ns1);
+ const db1 = coll1.getDB();
+ const coll2 = primary.getCollection(options.ns2);
+ const db2 = coll2.getDB();
+ assert.commandWorked(db1.createCollection(coll1.getName()));
+ if (coll1.getFullName() !== coll2.getFullName()) {
+ assert.commandWorked(db2.createCollection(coll2.getName()));
+ }
+ // Enable fail point to pause applyOps between operations.
+ assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(
+ {configureFailPoint: 'applyOpsPauseBetweenOperations', mode: 'alwaysOn'}));
+ // This logs each operation being applied.
+ const previousLogLevel =
+ assert.commandWorked(primary.setLogLevel(3, 'replication')).was.replication.verbosity;
+ testLog('Applying operations in collections ' + coll1.getFullName() + ' and ' +
+ coll2.getFullName());
+ const numOps = 100;
+ const insertProcess1 =
+ startParallelShell(createInsertFunction(coll1, numOps, 0), replTest.getPort(0));
+ const insertProcess2 =
+ startParallelShell(createInsertFunction(coll2, numOps, 1), replTest.getPort(0));
+ // The fail point will prevent applyOps from advancing past the first operation in each
+ // batch of operations. If applyOps is applying both sets of operations concurrently without
+ // holding the global lock, the insert opcounter will eventually be incremented to 2.
+ try {
+ let insertOpCount = 0;
+ const expectedFinalOpCount = 2;
+ assert.soon(
+ function() {
+ const serverStatus = adminDb.serverStatus();
+ insertOpCount = getInsertOpCount(serverStatus);
+ // This assertion may fail if the fail point is not implemented correctly within
+ // applyOps. This allows us to fail fast instead of waiting for the
+ // assert.soon() function to time out.
+ assert.lte(insertOpCount,
+ expectedFinalOpCount,
+ 'Expected at most ' + expectedFinalOpCount +
+ ' documents inserted with fail point enabled. ' +
+ 'Most recent insert operation count = ' + insertOpCount);
+ return insertOpCount === expectedFinalOpCount;
+ },
+ 'Insert operation count did not reach ' + expectedFinalOpCount +
+ ' as expected with fail point enabled. Most recent insert operation count = ' +
+ insertOpCount);
+ } finally {
+ assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand(
+ {configureFailPoint: 'applyOpsPauseBetweenOperations', mode: 'off'}));
+ }
+ insertProcess1();
+ insertProcess2();
+ testLog('Successfully applied operations in collections ' + coll1.getFullName() + ' and ' +
+ coll2.getFullName());
+ // Reset log level.
+ primary.setLogLevel(previousLogLevel, 'replication');
+ const serverStatus = adminDb.serverStatus();
+ assert.eq(200,
+ getInsertOpCount(serverStatus),
+ 'incorrect number of insert operations in server status after applyOps: ' +
+ tojson(serverStatus));
+ replTest.stopSet();
+ };