diff options
6 files changed, 372 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_continuous_config_stepdown.yml b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_continuous_config_stepdown.yml
index c6bef066976..37bbedbadfd 100644
--- a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_continuous_config_stepdown.yml
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_continuous_config_stepdown.yml
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ selector:
- jstests/sharding/split_large_key.js
- jstests/sharding/balancer_window.js
# No retries on direct writes to the config/admin databases on the config servers
+ - jstests/sharding/database_versioning_safe_secondary_reads.js
- jstests/sharding/listDatabases.js
- jstests/sharding/bulk_insert.js
- jstests/sharding/printShardingStatus.js
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
index a6de5231bf4..4b291847bf0 100644
--- a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ selector:
- jstests/sharding/change_streams_unsharded_becomes_sharded.js
- jstests/sharding/create_database.js
- jstests/sharding/database_and_shard_versioning_all_commands.js
+ - jstests/sharding/database_versioning_safe_secondary_reads.js
- jstests/sharding/dump_coll_metadata.js
- jstests/sharding/geo_near_random1.js
- jstests/sharding/geo_near_random2.js
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/database_versioning_safe_secondary_reads.js b/jstests/sharding/database_versioning_safe_secondary_reads.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9123cc91c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/database_versioning_safe_secondary_reads.js
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Tests that shards' cached in-memory and on-disk database versions are updated on primary and
+ * secondary nodes when:
+ * - the node does not have a cached in-memory version
+ * - the node's cached in-memory version is lower than the version sent by a client
+ * - the movePrimary critical section is entered on the primary node
+ */
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ function checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(conn, dbName, expectedVersion) {
+ const res = conn.adminCommand({getDatabaseVersion: dbName});
+ assert.commandWorked(res);
+ assert.docEq(res.dbVersion,
+ expectedVersion,
+ conn + " did not have expected in-memory database version for " + dbName);
+ }
+ function checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(conn, dbName, authoritativeEntry) {
+ const res =
+ conn.getDB("config").runCommand({find: "cache.databases", filter: {_id: dbName}});
+ assert.commandWorked(res);
+ const cacheEntry = res.cursor.firstBatch[0];
+ if (authoritativeEntry === undefined) {
+ assert.eq(cacheEntry, undefined);
+ } else {
+ // Remove the 'enterCriticalSectionCounter' field, which is the only field the cache
+ // entry should have but the authoritative entry does not.
+ delete cacheEntry["enterCriticalSectionCounter"];
+ assert.docEq(cacheEntry,
+ authoritativeEntry,
+ conn + " did not have expected on-disk database version for " + dbName);
+ }
+ }
+ const dbName = "test";
+ const st = new ShardingTest({
+ mongos: 2,
+ rs0: {nodes: [{rsConfig: {votes: 1}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0, votes: 0}}]},
+ rs1: {nodes: [{rsConfig: {votes: 1}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0, votes: 0}}]},
+ verbose: 2
+ });
+ // Before creating the database, none of the nodes have a cached entry for the database either
+ // in memory or on disk.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ // Use 'enableSharding' to create the database only in the sharding catalog (the database will
+ // not exist on any shards).
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+ // Check that a command that attaches databaseVersion returns empty results, even though the
+ // database does not actually exist on any shard (because the version won't be checked).
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand({listCollections: 1}));
+ // Once SERVER-34431 goes in, this should have caused the primary shard's primary to refresh its
+ // in-memory and on-disk caches.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand(
+ {listCollections: 1, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "local"}}));
+ // Once SERVER-34431 goes in, this should have caused the primary shard's secondary to refresh
+ // its in-memory cache (its on-disk cache was updated when the primary refreshed, above).
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ // Use 'movePrimary' to ensure shard0 is the primary shard. This will create the database on the
+ // shards only if shard0 was not already the primary shard.
+ st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName);
+ const dbEntry1 = st.s.getDB("config").getCollection("databases").findOne({_id: dbName});
+ // Ensure the database actually gets created on the primary shard by creating a collection in
+ // it.
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand({create: "foo"}));
+ // Run a command that attaches databaseVersion to cause the current primary shard's primary to
+ // refresh its in-memory cached database version.
+ jsTest.log("About to do listCollections with readPref=primary");
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand({listCollections: 1}));
+ // Ensure the current primary shard's primary has written the new database entry to disk.
+ st.rs0.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushDatabaseCacheUpdates: dbName, syncFromConfig: false});
+ // Ensure the database entry on the current primary shard has replicated to the secondary.
+ st.rs0.awaitReplication();
+ // The primary shard's primary should have refreshed.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry1.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ // Now run a command that attaches databaseVersion with readPref=secondary to make the current
+ // primary shard's secondary refresh its in-memory database version from its on-disk entry.
+ jsTest.log("About to do listCollections with readPref=secondary");
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand(
+ {listCollections: 1, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "local"}}));
+ // The primary shard's secondary should have refreshed.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry1.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry1.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ // Make "staleMongos" load the stale database info into memory.
+ const freshMongos = st.s0;
+ const staleMongos = st.s1;
+ staleMongos.getDB(dbName).runCommand({listCollections: 1});
+ // Run movePrimary to ensure the movePrimary critical section clears the in-memory cache on the
+ // old primary shard.
+ jsTest.log("About to do movePrimary");
+ assert.commandWorked(freshMongos.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard1.shardName}));
+ const dbEntry2 = freshMongos.getDB("config").getCollection("databases").findOne({_id: dbName});
+ assert.eq(dbEntry2.version.uuid, dbEntry1.version.uuid);
+ assert.eq(dbEntry2.version.lastMod, dbEntry1.version.lastMod + 1);
+ // Ensure the old primary shard's primary has written the 'enterCriticalSectionSignal' flag to
+ // its on-disk database entry.
+ st.rs0.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushDatabaseCacheUpdates: dbName, syncFromConfig: false});
+ // Ensure 'enterCriticalSectionSignal' flag has replicated to the secondary.
+ st.rs0.awaitReplication();
+ // The in-memory cached version should have been cleared on the old primary shard's primary and
+ // secondary nodes.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, undefined);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry1);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, undefined);
+ // Run listCollections with readPref=secondary from the stale mongos. First, this should cause
+ // the old primary shard's secondary to provoke the old primary shard's primary to refresh. Then
+ // once the stale mongos refreshes, it should cause the new primary shard's secondary to provoke
+ // the new primary shard's primary to refresh.
+ jsTest.log("About to do listCollections with readPref=secondary after movePrimary");
+ assert.commandWorked(staleMongos.getDB(dbName).runCommand(
+ {listCollections: 1, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "local"}}));
+ // All nodes should have refreshed.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2.version);
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2.version);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ // Ensure that dropping the database drops it from all shards, which clears their in-memory
+ // caches but not their on-disk caches.
+ jsTest.log("About to drop database from the cluster");
+ assert.commandWorked(freshMongos.getDB(dbName).runCommand({dropDatabase: 1}));
+ // Once SERVER-34431 goes in, this should not have caused the in-memory versions to be cleared.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ // Confirm that we have a bug (SERVER-34431), where if a database is dropped and recreated on a
+ // different shard, a stale mongos that has cached the old database's primary shard will *not*
+ // be routed to the new database's primary shard (and will see an empty database).
+ // Use 'enableSharding' to create the database only in the sharding catalog (the database will
+ // not exist on any shards).
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName}));
+ // Simulate that the database was created on 'shard0' by directly modifying the database entry
+ // (we cannot use movePrimary, since movePrimary creates the database on the shards).
+ const dbEntry = st.s.getDB("config").getCollection("databases").findOne({_id: dbName}).version;
+ assert.writeOK(st.s.getDB("config").getCollection("databases").update({_id: dbName}, {
+ $set: {primary: st.shard0.shardName}
+ }));
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand({listCollections: 1}));
+ // Once SERVER-34431 goes in, this should have caused the primary shard's primary to refresh its
+ // in-memory and on-disk caches.
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand(
+ {listCollections: 1, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}, readConcern: {level: "local"}}));
+ // Once SERVER-34431 goes in, this should have caused the primary shard's secondary to refresh
+ // its in-memory cache (its on-disk cache was already updated when the primary refreshed).
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkInMemoryDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, {});
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getPrimary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs0.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ checkOnDiskDatabaseVersion(st.rs1.getSecondary(), dbName, dbEntry2);
+ st.stop();
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.cpp b/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.cpp
index 3980317ea00..3d2825198b6 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.cpp
@@ -122,34 +122,40 @@ CatalogCache::~CatalogCache() = default;
StatusWith<CachedDatabaseInfo> CatalogCache::getDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx,
StringData dbName) {
try {
- stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lg(_mutex);
+ while (true) {
+ stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> ul(_mutex);
- auto& dbEntry = _databases[dbName];
- if (!dbEntry) {
- dbEntry = std::make_shared<DatabaseInfoEntry>();
- }
+ auto& dbEntry = _databases[dbName];
+ if (!dbEntry) {
+ dbEntry = std::make_shared<DatabaseInfoEntry>();
+ }
- if (dbEntry->needsRefresh) {
- const auto catalogClient = Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogClient();
+ if (dbEntry->needsRefresh) {
+ auto refreshNotification = dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification;
+ if (!refreshNotification) {
+ refreshNotification = (dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification =
+ std::make_shared<Notification<Status>>());
+ _scheduleDatabaseRefresh(ul, dbName, dbEntry);
+ }
- const auto dbNameCopy = dbName.toString();
+ // Wait on the notification outside of the mutex.
+ ul.unlock();
+ uassertStatusOK(refreshNotification->get(opCtx));
- // Load the database entry
- const auto opTimeWithDb = uassertStatusOK(catalogClient->getDatabase(
- opCtx, dbNameCopy, repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern));
- const auto& dbDesc = opTimeWithDb.value;
+ // Once the refresh is complete, loop around to get the refreshed cache entry.
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!dbEntry->dbt) {
+ if (dbEntry->mustLoadShardedCollections) {
// If this is the first time we are loading info for this database, also load the
// sharded collections.
- // TODO (SERVER-34061): Stop loading sharded collections here.
- repl::OpTime collLoadConfigOptime;
- const std::vector<CollectionType> collections = uassertStatusOK(
- catalogClient->getCollections(opCtx, &dbNameCopy, &collLoadConfigOptime));
+ // TODO (SERVER-34061): Stop loading sharded collections when loading a database.
- const auto refreshCallbackFn = [](OperationContext* opCtx,
- StatusWith<DatabaseType>) {};
- _cacheLoader.getDatabase(dbName, refreshCallbackFn);
+ const auto dbNameCopy = dbName.toString();
+ repl::OpTime collLoadConfigOptime;
+ const std::vector<CollectionType> collections =
+ uassertStatusOK(Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogClient()->getCollections(
+ opCtx, &dbNameCopy, &collLoadConfigOptime));
CollectionInfoMap collectionEntries;
for (const auto& coll : collections) {
@@ -160,15 +166,13 @@ StatusWith<CachedDatabaseInfo> CatalogCache::getDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx
_collectionsByDb[dbName] = std::move(collectionEntries);
+ dbEntry->mustLoadShardedCollections = false;
- dbEntry->needsRefresh = false;
- dbEntry->dbt = std::move(dbDesc);
+ auto primaryShard = uassertStatusOK(
+ Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getShard(opCtx, dbEntry->dbt->getPrimary()));
+ return {CachedDatabaseInfo(*dbEntry->dbt, std::move(primaryShard))};
- auto primaryShard = uassertStatusOK(
- Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getShard(opCtx, dbEntry->dbt->getPrimary()));
- return {CachedDatabaseInfo(*dbEntry->dbt, std::move(primaryShard))};
} catch (const DBException& ex) {
return ex.toStatus();
@@ -400,6 +404,70 @@ void CatalogCache::report(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const {;
+void CatalogCache::_scheduleDatabaseRefresh(WithLock,
+ const StringData dbName,
+ std::shared_ptr<DatabaseInfoEntry> dbEntry) {
+ log() << "Refreshing cached database entry for " << dbName
+ << "; current cached database info is "
+ << (dbEntry->dbt ? dbEntry->dbt->toBSON() : BSONObj());
+ const auto onRefreshCompleted =
+ [ this, t = Timer(), dbName ](const StatusWith<DatabaseType>& swDbt) {
+ // TODO (SERVER-34164): Track and increment stats for database refreshes.
+ if (!swDbt.isOK()) {
+ log() << "Refresh for database " << dbName << " took " << t.millis() << " ms and failed"
+ << causedBy(redact(swDbt.getStatus()));
+ return;
+ }
+ log() << "Refresh for database " << dbName << " took " << t.millis() << " ms and found "
+ << swDbt.getValue().toBSON();
+ };
+ const auto onRefreshFailed =
+ [ this, dbName, dbEntry ](WithLock lk, const Status& status) noexcept {
+ // Clear the notification so the next 'getDatabase' kicks off a new refresh attempt.
+ dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(status);
+ dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr;
+ if (status == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) {
+ // The refresh found that the database was dropped, so remove its entry from the cache.
+ _databases.erase(dbName);
+ _collectionsByDb.erase(dbName);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ const auto onRefreshSucceeded = [this, dbName, dbEntry](WithLock lk, DatabaseType dbt) {
+ // Update the cached entry with the refreshed metadata and mark the entry as fresh.
+ dbEntry->dbt = std::move(dbt);
+ dbEntry->needsRefresh = false;
+ dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(Status::OK());
+ dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr;
+ };
+ const auto updateCatalogCacheFn =
+ [ this, dbName, dbEntry, onRefreshFailed, onRefreshSucceeded, onRefreshCompleted ](
+ OperationContext * opCtx, StatusWith<DatabaseType> swDbt) noexcept {
+ onRefreshCompleted(swDbt);
+ stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lg(_mutex);
+ if (!swDbt.isOK()) {
+ onRefreshFailed(lg, swDbt.getStatus());
+ return;
+ }
+ onRefreshSucceeded(lg, std::move(swDbt.getValue()));
+ };
+ try {
+ _cacheLoader.getDatabase(dbName, updateCatalogCacheFn);
+ } catch (const DBException& ex) {
+ const auto status = ex.toStatus();
+ stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lg(_mutex);
+ onRefreshCompleted(status);
+ onRefreshFailed(lg, status);
+ }
void CatalogCache::_scheduleCollectionRefresh(WithLock lk,
std::shared_ptr<CollectionRoutingInfoEntry> collEntry,
NamespaceString const& nss,
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.h b/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.h
index 9903f19b3ec..35fecda1081 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.h
+++ b/src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.h
@@ -198,11 +198,28 @@ private:
// unset if the cache entry has never been loaded, or should not be relied on).
bool needsRefresh{true};
+ // Contains a notification to be waited on for the refresh to complete (only available if
+ // needsRefresh is true)
+ std::shared_ptr<Notification<Status>> refreshCompletionNotification;
+ // Until SERVER-34061 goes in, after a database refresh, one thread should also load the
+ // sharded collections. In case multiple threads were queued up on the refresh, this bool
+ // ensures only the first loads the collections.
+ bool mustLoadShardedCollections{true};
// Contains the cached info about the database (only available if needsRefresh is false)
boost::optional<DatabaseType> dbt;
+ * Non-blocking call which schedules an asynchronous refresh for the specified database. The
+ * database entry must be in the 'needsRefresh' state.
+ */
+ void _scheduleDatabaseRefresh(WithLock,
+ const StringData dbName,
+ std::shared_ptr<DatabaseInfoEntry> dbEntry);
+ /**
* Non-blocking call which schedules an asynchronous refresh for the specified namespace. The
* namespace must be in the 'needRefresh' state.
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/config_server_catalog_cache_loader.cpp b/src/mongo/s/config_server_catalog_cache_loader.cpp
index f9baadd0d02..e6c7ecc138c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/config_server_catalog_cache_loader.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/config_server_catalog_cache_loader.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
namespace mongo {
using CollectionAndChangedChunks = CatalogCacheLoader::CollectionAndChangedChunks;
namespace {
@@ -198,25 +197,24 @@ std::shared_ptr<Notification<void>> ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader::getChunksSin
void ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader::getDatabase(
StringData dbName,
stdx::function<void(OperationContext*, StatusWith<DatabaseType>)> callbackFn) {
+ uassertStatusOK(_threadPool.schedule([ name = dbName.toString(), callbackFn ]() noexcept {
+ auto opCtx = Client::getCurrent()->makeOperationContext();
- if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(callShardServerCallbackFn)) {
- uassertStatusOK(_threadPool.schedule([ name = dbName.toString(), callbackFn ]() noexcept {
- auto opCtx = Client::getCurrent()->makeOperationContext();
- auto swDbt = [&]() -> StatusWith<DatabaseType> {
- try {
- const auto dbVersion = databaseVersion::makeNew();
- DatabaseType dbt(std::move(name), ShardId("PrimaryShard"), false, dbVersion);
- return dbt;
- } catch (const DBException& ex) {
- return ex.toStatus();
- }
- }();
+ auto swDbt = [&]() -> StatusWith<DatabaseType> {
+ try {
+ return uassertStatusOK(
+ Grid::get(opCtx.get())
+ ->catalogClient()
+ ->getDatabase(
+ opCtx.get(), name, repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern))
+ .value;
+ } catch (const DBException& ex) {
+ return ex.toStatus();
+ }
+ }();
- callbackFn(opCtx.get(), swDbt);
- }));
- }
+ callbackFn(opCtx.get(), std::move(swDbt));
+ }));
} // namespace mongo