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2 files changed, 61 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.cpp b/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.cpp
index 8283b8ddfdc..7354e5e5ede 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.cpp
@@ -3690,8 +3690,9 @@ void ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::_setStableTimestampForStorage(WithLock lk) {
_updateCommittedSnapshot(lk, newCommittedSnapshot);
// Set the stable timestamp regardless of whether the majority commit point moved
- // forward.
- if (!MONGO_FAIL_POINT(disableSnapshotting)) {
+ // forward. If we are in rollback state, however, do not alter the stable timestamp,
+ // since it may be moved backwards explicitly by the rollback-via-refetch process.
+ if (!MONGO_FAIL_POINT(disableSnapshotting) && !_memberState.rollback()) {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl_test.cpp
index d2ea171dbba..7d3525da122 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl_test.cpp
@@ -4116,6 +4116,64 @@ TEST_F(StableOpTimeTest, AdvanceCommitPointSetsStableOpTimeForStorage) {
ASSERT_OPTIME_SET_EQ(expectedOpTimeCandidates, opTimeCandidates);
+ AdvanceCommitPointDoesNotSetStableOpTimeForStorageInRollbackMajorityReadConcernOff) {
+ const auto originalEnableMajorityReadConcern = serverGlobalParams.enableMajorityReadConcern;
+ serverGlobalParams.enableMajorityReadConcern = false;
+ [&] { serverGlobalParams.enableMajorityReadConcern = originalEnableMajorityReadConcern; });
+ init("mySet/test1:1234,test2:1234,test3:1234");
+ assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id"
+ << "mySet"
+ << "protocolVersion" << 1 << "version" << 1 << "members"
+ << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 0 << "host"
+ << "test1:1234")
+ << BSON("_id" << 1 << "host"
+ << "test2:1234")
+ << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host"
+ << "test3:1234"))),
+ HostAndPort("test2", 1234));
+ getStorageInterface()->supportsDocLockingBool = true;
+ ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY));
+ // Initially the stable timestamp and commit point are unset.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(Timestamp::min(), getStorageInterface()->getStableTimestamp());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(OpTime(), getReplCoord()->getLastCommittedOpTime());
+ // Advance the stable timestamp a bit. In this test we simulate a case where timestamp (1,3) is
+ // getting rolled back and timestamp (1,2) is the rollback common point. Note that when
+ // EMRC=false, the stable timestamp is always advanced to the newest all-committed/all-durable
+ // timestamp i.e. it is not required to be behind the majority commit point.
+ getStorageInterface()->allDurableTimestamp = Timestamp(1, 3);
+ replCoordSetMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime({1, 1}, 1), Date_t() + Seconds(1));
+ replCoordSetMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime({1, 2}, 1), Date_t() + Seconds(2));
+ replCoordSetMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime({1, 3}, 1), Date_t() + Seconds(3));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(Timestamp(1, 3), getStorageInterface()->getStableTimestamp());
+ // We must take the RSTL in mode X before transitioning to RS_ROLLBACK.
+ const auto opCtx = makeOperationContext();
+ ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard transitionGuard(opCtx.get(), MODE_X);
+ ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerModeStrict(opCtx.get(), MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK));
+ // It is possible that rollback-via-refetch forces the stable timestamp backwards to the common
+ // point at the end of rollback.
+ getStorageInterface()->setStableTimestamp(getServiceContext(), Timestamp(1, 2));
+ // Normally, when not in ROLLBACK state, we will update the stable timestamp whenever we hear
+ // about a new commit point. We want to verify that in ROLLBACK state, however, the stable
+ // timestamp is not altered when learning of a new commit point. The particular value of the
+ // commit point isn't important, since it doesn't affect the calculation of the stable timestamp
+ // when EMRC=false. We just want it to be newer than our currently known commit point.
+ OpTimeAndWallTime commitPoint = makeOpTimeAndWallTime(OpTime({1, 1}, 1), Date_t() + Seconds(1));
+ replCoordAdvanceCommitPoint(commitPoint, false);
+ // Make sure the stable timestamp did not move.
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(Timestamp(1, 2), getStorageInterface()->getStableTimestamp());
TEST_F(StableOpTimeTest, ClearOpTimeCandidatesPastCommonPointAfterRollback) {