diff options
7 files changed, 10 insertions, 620 deletions
diff --git a/debian/mongo.1 b/debian/mongo.1
index 87523a98768..651c521db64 100644
--- a/debian/mongo.1
+++ b/debian/mongo.1
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ file.
\fBmongo\fP does not recorded interaction related to
authentication in the history file, including
-\fBauthenticate\fP and \fBdb.addUser()\fP\&.
+\fBauthenticate\fP and \fBdb.createUser()\fP\&.
diff --git a/jstests/auth/adduser_helper.js b/jstests/auth/adduser_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec4199e4f00..00000000000
--- a/jstests/auth/adduser_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Test the db.addUser() shell helper.
-var passwordHash = function(username, password) {
- return hex_md5(username + ":mongo:" + password);
-var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({smallfiles: ""});
-var db = conn.getDB('addUser');
-var admin = conn.getDB('admin');
-// Test that the deprecated (username,password,readonly) form of addUser still works
-db.addUser('dbReadWrite', 'x');
-var userObj = db.getUser('dbReadWrite');
-assert.eq(1, userObj.roles.length);
-assert.eq("dbOwner", userObj.roles[0].role);
-assert.eq(db.getName(), userObj.roles[0].db);
-db.addUser('dbReadOnly', 'x', true);
-userObj = db.getUser('dbReadOnly');
-assert.eq(1, userObj.roles.length);
-assert.eq("read", userObj.roles[0].role);
-assert.eq(db.getName(), userObj.roles[0].db);
-admin.addUser('adminReadWrite', 'x');
-userObj = admin.getUser('adminReadWrite');
-assert.eq(1, userObj.roles.length);
-assert.eq("root", userObj.roles[0].role);
-assert.eq("admin", userObj.roles[0].db);
-admin.addUser('adminReadOnly', 'x', true);
-userObj = admin.getUser('adminReadOnly');
-assert.eq(1, userObj.roles.length);
-assert.eq("readAnyDatabase", userObj.roles[0].role);
-assert.eq("admin", userObj.roles[0].db);
-// Create valid V2 format user
-db.addUser({user:'andy', pwd:'password', roles:['read']});
-assert.eq(1, admin.system.users.count());
-userObj = admin.system.users.findOne({user:'andy'});
-assert.eq('andy', userObj['user']);
-assert.eq(passwordHash('andy', 'password'), userObj['credentials']['MONGODB-CR']);
-// test changing password
-db.changeUserPassword('andy', 'newpassword');
-assert.eq(1, admin.system.users.count());
-userObj = admin.system.users.findOne();
-assert.eq('andy', userObj['user']);
-assert.eq(passwordHash('andy', 'newpassword'), userObj['credentials']['MONGODB-CR']);
-// Should fail because user already exists
-assert.throws(function() {db.addUser({user:'andy', pwd:'password', roles:['read']});});
-// Create valid extended form external user
-db.getSiblingDB("$external").addUser({user:'spencer', roles:[{role: 'readWrite', db:'test'}]});
-assert.eq(2, admin.system.users.count());
-userObj = admin.system.users.findOne({user:'spencer', db:'$external'});
-assert.eq('spencer', userObj['user']);
-assert.eq('$external', userObj['db']);
-assert.eq(true, userObj['credentials']['external']);
diff --git a/jstests/auth/repl.js b/jstests/auth/repl.js
index 25129cfd821..404f3e23de7 100644
--- a/jstests/auth/repl.js
+++ b/jstests/auth/repl.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var AuthReplTest = function(spec) {
secondaryConn = spec.secondaryConn;
adminPri = primaryConn.getDB("admin");
- adminPri.addUser({user: "super", pwd: "super", roles: ["__system"]});
+ adminPri.createUser({user: "super", pwd: "super", roles: ["__system"]});
assert(adminPri.auth("super", "super"), "could not authenticate as superuser");
if (secondaryConn != null) {
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/dumprestore_24_auth.js b/jstests/multiVersion/dumprestore_24_auth.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 80dce2736bb..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/dumprestore_24_auth.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Tests that you can dump user data from 2.4 and restore it to a clean 2.6 system, and that the
-// current version of mongodump/mongorestore still support dumping/restoring to and from 2.4.
-// The base name to use for various things in the test, including the dbpath and the database name
-var testBaseName = "jstests_tool_dumprestore_24_to_26";
-var dumpDir = MongoRunner.getAndPrepareDumpDirectory(testBaseName);
-function multiVersionDumpRestoreTest(opts) {
- resetDbpath(dumpDir);
- var mongodSource = MongoRunner.runMongod({ binVersion : opts.mongodSourceVersion,
- setParameter : "textSearchEnabled=true" });
- var mongodDest = MongoRunner.runMongod({ binVersion : opts.mongodDestVersion,
- setParameter : "textSearchEnabled=true" });
- var sourceDB = mongodSource.getDB(testBaseName);
- var sourceAdmin = mongodSource.getDB("admin");
- var destDB = mongodDest.getDB(testBaseName);
- var destAdmin = mongodDest.getDB("admin");
- sourceAdmin.addUser({user: 'adminUser', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['userAdminAnyDatabase']});
- sourceDB.addUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['readWrite']});
- // Dump using the specified version of mongodump
- MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongodump", { out : dumpDir, binVersion : opts.mongoDumpVersion,
- host : });
- // Drop the databases
- sourceDB.dropDatabase();
- sourceAdmin.dropDatabase();
- // Restore using the specified version of mongorestore
- MongoRunner.runMongoTool("mongorestore", { dir : dumpDir, binVersion : opts.mongoRestoreVersion,
- host : });
- // Wait until we actually have data or timeout
- assert.soon(function() { return destAdmin.system.users.findOne(); }, "no data after sleep");
- assert.eq(1, destDB.system.users.count());
- assert.eq('user', destDB.system.users.findOne().user);
- assert.eq(1, destAdmin.system.users.count());
- assert.eq('adminUser', destAdmin.system.users.findOne().user);
- if (opts.mongodDestVersion == "latest") {
- var schemaVersion =
- destAdmin.runCommand({getParameter: 1, authSchemaVersion: 1}).authSchemaVersion;
- if (opts.mongodSourceVersion == "2.4") {
- assert.eq(1, schemaVersion);
- } else if (opts.mongodSourceVersion == "latest") {
- assert.eq(3, schemaVersion);
- }
- }
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongodSource);
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongodDest);
-multiVersionDumpRestoreTest({mongodSourceVersion: "2.4",
- mongodDestVersion: "2.4",
- mongoDumpVersion: "latest",
- mongoRestoreVersion: "latest"});
-print("dumprestore_24_to_26 success!");
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/mongos_rs_legacy_auth_shard_failure_tolerance.js b/jstests/multiVersion/mongos_rs_legacy_auth_shard_failure_tolerance.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6196351445d..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/mongos_rs_legacy_auth_shard_failure_tolerance.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-// Tests mongos's failure tolerance for authenticated replica set shards and slaveOk queries using
-// legacy authentication
-// TODO: Remove test post-2.6
-// Sets up a cluster with three shards, the first shard of which has an unsharded collection and
-// half a sharded collection. The second shard has the second half of the sharded collection, and
-// the third shard has nothing. Progressively shuts down the primary of each shard to see the
-// impact on the cluster.
-// Three different connection states are tested - active (connection is active through whole
-// sequence), idle (connection is connected but not used before a shard change), and new
-// (connection connected after shard change).
-var options = { separateConfig : true,
- rs : true,
- enableBalancer: true,
- mongosOptions : { binVersion : "2.6" },
- rsOptions : { nodes : 2, binVersion : "2.4" },
- keyFile : "jstests/libs/key1" };
-var st = new ShardingTest({shards : 3, mongos : 1, other : options});
-var mongos = st.s0;
-var admin = mongos.getDB( "admin" );
-var shards = mongos.getDB( "config" ).shards.find().toArray();
-assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, traceExceptions : true }) );
-var collSharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooSharded.barSharded" );
-var collUnsharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooUnsharded.barUnsharded" );
-// Create the unsharded database with shard0 primary
-collUnsharded.insert({ some : "doc" });
-assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
-assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
-printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collUnsharded.getDB().toString(),
- to : shards[0]._id }) );
-// Create the sharded database with shard1 primary
-assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ enableSharding : collSharded.getDB().toString() }) );
-printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collSharded.getDB().toString(), to : shards[1]._id }) );
-assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ shardCollection : collSharded.toString(),
- key : { _id : 1 } }) );
-assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ split : collSharded.toString(), middle : { _id : 0 } }) );
-assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ moveChunk : collSharded.toString(),
- find : { _id : -1 },
- to : shards[0]._id }) );
-var adminUser = "adminUser";
-var shardedDBUser = "shardedDBUser";
-var unshardedDBUser = "unshardedDBUser";
-var password = "password";
-jsTest.log("Setting up (legacy) database users...");
-// Create db users
-collSharded.getDB()._addUserWithInsert({ user : shardedDBUser,
- pwd : password, roles : [ "readWrite" ] });
-collUnsharded.getDB()._addUserWithInsert({ user : unshardedDBUser,
- pwd : password, roles : [ "readWrite" ] });
-jsTest.log("Setting up (legacy) admin user...");
-// Create a user
-admin._addUserWithInsert({ user : adminUser, pwd : password, roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] });
-// There's an admin user now, so we need to login to do anything
-function authDBUsers( conn ) {
- conn.getDB( collSharded.getDB().toString() ).auth(shardedDBUser, password);
- conn.getDB( collUnsharded.getDB().toString() ).auth(unshardedDBUser, password);
- return conn;
-function authUnshardedUser( conn ) {
- conn.getDB( collUnsharded.getDB().toString() ).auth(unshardedDBUser, password);
- return conn;
-// Needed b/c the GLE command itself can fail if the shard is down ("write result unknown") - we
-// don't care if this happens in this test, we only care that we did not get "write succeeded".
-// Depending on the connection pool state, we could get either.
-function gleErrorOrThrow(database, msg) {
- var gle;
- try {
- gle = database.getLastErrorObj();
- }
- catch (ex) {
- return;
- }
- if (!gle.err) doassert("getLastError is null: " + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
- return;
-// Setup is complete
-jsTest.log("Inserting initial data...");
-var mongosConnActive = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-var mongosConnIdle = null;
-var mongosConnNew = null;
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -1 });
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 1 });
-assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB().getLastError());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 1 });
-assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB().getLastError());
-jsTest.log("Stopping primary of third shard...");
-mongosConnIdle = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-st.rs2.stop(st.rs2.getPrimary(), true ); // wait for stop
-jsTest.log("Testing active connection with third primary down...");
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -2 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 2 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 2 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with third primary down...");
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -3 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 3 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 3 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-jsTest.log("Testing new connections with third primary down...");
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -4 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 4 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 4 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-gc(); // Clean up new connections
-jsTest.log("Stopping primary of second shard...");
-mongosConnIdle = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-// Need to save this node for later
-var rs1Secondary = st.rs1.getSecondary();
-st.rs1.stop(st.rs1.getPrimary(), true ); // wait for stop
-jsTest.log("Testing active connection with second primary down...");
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -5 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 5 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 5 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with second primary down...");
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -6 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 6 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 6 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-jsTest.log("Testing new connections with second primary down...");
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -7 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 7 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 7 });
-assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-gc(); // Clean up new connections
-jsTest.log("Stopping primary of first shard...");
-mongosConnIdle = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-st.rs0.stop(st.rs0.getPrimary(), true ); // wait for stop
-jsTest.log("Testing active connection with first primary down...");
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -8 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 8 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 8 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with first primary down...");
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -9 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 9 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 9 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-jsTest.log("Testing new connections with first primary down...");
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -10 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 10 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnNew = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 10 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-gc(); // Clean up new connections
-jsTest.log("Stopping second shard...");
-mongosConnIdle = authDBUsers( new Mongo( ) );
-st.rs1.stop(rs1Secondary, true ); // wait for stop
-jsTest.log("Testing active connection with second shard down...");
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -11 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 11 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 11 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with second shard down...");
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : -12 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 12 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).getDB());
-mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 12 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-jsTest.log("Testing new connections with second shard down...");
-// Note that this would fail for the sharded database with a primary on the second shard
-mongosConnNew = authUnshardedUser( new Mongo( ) );
-assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
-mongosConnNew = authUnshardedUser( new Mongo( ) );
-mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).insert({ _id : 13 });
-gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded.toString() ).getDB());
-gc(); // Clean up new connections
diff --git a/src/mongo/shell/db.js b/src/mongo/shell/db.js
index 101663aff7e..c2d9ff4d869 100644
--- a/src/mongo/shell/db.js
+++ b/src/mongo/shell/db.js
@@ -893,98 +893,6 @@ function getUserObjString(userObj) {
return toreturn;
- * Used for creating users in systems with v1 style user information (ie MongoDB v2.4 and prior)
- */
-DB.prototype._addUserWithInsert = function(userObj, replicatedTo, timeout) {
- var c = this.getCollection( "system.users" );
- userObj = Object.extend({}, userObj); // Prevent modifications to userObj from getting to caller
- if (userObj.pwd != null) {
- userObj.pwd = _hashPassword(userObj.user, userObj.pwd);
- }
- try {
- } catch (e) {
- // SyncClusterConnections call GLE automatically after every write and will throw an
- // exception if the insert failed.
- if ( tojson(e).indexOf( "login" ) >= 0 ){
- // TODO: this check is a hack
- print( "Creating user seems to have succeeded but threw an exception because we no " +
- "longer have auth." );
- } else {
- throw Error( "Could not insert into system.users: " + tojson(e) );
- }
- }
- print("Successfully added user: " + getUserObjString(userObj));
- //
- // When saving users to replica sets, the shell user will want to know if the user hasn't
- // been fully replicated everywhere, since this will impact security. By default, replicate to
- // majority of nodes with wtimeout 15 secs, though user can override
- //
- replicatedTo = replicatedTo != undefined && replicatedTo != null ? replicatedTo : "majority"
- // in mongod version 2.1.0-, this worked
- var le = {};
- try {
- le = this.getLastErrorObj( replicatedTo, timeout || 30 * 1000 );
- // printjson( le )
- }
- catch (e) {
- errjson = tojson(e);
- if ( errjson.indexOf( "login" ) >= 0 || errjson.indexOf( "unauthorized" ) >= 0 ) {
- // TODO: this check is a hack
- print( "addUser succeeded, but cannot wait for replication since we no longer have auth" );
- return "";
- }
- print( "could not find getLastError object : " + tojson( e ) )
- }
- if (!le.err) {
- return;
- }
- // We can't detect replica set shards via mongos, so we'll sometimes get this error
- // In this case though, we've already checked the local error before returning norepl, so
- // the user has been written and we're happy
- if (le.err == "norepl" || le.err == "noreplset") {
- // nothing we can do
- return;
- }
- if (le.err == "timeout") {
- throw Error( "timed out while waiting for user authentication to replicate - " +
- "database will not be fully secured until replication finishes" )
- }
- if (le.err.startsWith("E11000 duplicate key error")) {
- throw Error("User already exists with that username/userSource combination");
- }
- throw Error( "couldn't add user: " + le.err );
- * Helper method to convert "replicatedTo" and "timeout" fields into a writeConcern object
- */
-DB.prototype._getWriteConcern = function(replicatedTo, timeout) {
- return { w: replicatedTo != null ? replicatedTo : _defaultWriteConcern.w,
- wtimeout: timeout || _defaultWriteConcern.wtimeout };
-DB.prototype._addUser = function(userObj, replicatedTo, timeout) {
- if (typeof replicatedTo == "object") {
- throw Error("Cannot provide write concern object to addUser shell helper, " +
- "use createUser instead");
- }
- var commandExisted = this._createUser(userObj, this._getWriteConcern(replicatedTo, timeout));
- if (!commandExisted) {
- this._addUserWithInsert(userObj, replicatedTo, timeout);
- }
DB.prototype._modifyCommandToDigestPasswordIfNecessary = function(cmdObj, username) {
if (!cmdObj["pwd"]) {
@@ -1006,9 +914,7 @@ DB.prototype._modifyCommandToDigestPasswordIfNecessary = function(cmdObj, userna
delete cmdObj["passwordDigestor"];
-// Returns true if it worked, false if the createUser command wasn't found, and throws on all other
-// failures
-DB.prototype._createUser = function(userObj, writeConcern) {
+DB.prototype.createUser = function(userObj, writeConcern) {
var name = userObj["user"];
var cmdObj = {createUser:name};
cmdObj = Object.extend(cmdObj, userObj);
@@ -1022,11 +928,12 @@ DB.prototype._createUser = function(userObj, writeConcern) {
if (res.ok) {
print("Successfully added user: " + getUserObjString(userObj));
- return true;
+ return;
if (res.errmsg == "no such cmd: createUser") {
- return false;
+ throw Error("'createUser' command not found. This is most likely because you are " +
+ "talking to an old (pre v2.6) MongoDB server");
if (res.errmsg == "timeout") {
@@ -1045,60 +952,6 @@ function _hashPassword(username, password) {
return hex_md5(username + ":mongo:" + password);
-// We need to continue to support the addUser(username, password, readOnly) form of addUser for at
-// least one release, even though its behavior of creating a super-user by default is bad.
-// TODO(spencer): remove this form from v2.8
-DB.prototype._addUserDeprecatedV22Version = function(username, pass, readOnly, replicatedTo, timeout) {
- if ( pass == null || pass.length == 0 )
- throw Error("password can't be empty");
- var userObjForCommand = { user: username, pwd: pass };
- if (this.getName() == "admin") {
- if (readOnly) {
- userObjForCommand["roles"] = ['readAnyDatabase'];
- } else {
- userObjForCommand["roles"] = ['root'];
- }
- } else {
- if (readOnly) {
- userObjForCommand["roles"] = ['read'];
- } else {
- userObjForCommand["roles"] = ['dbOwner'];
- }
- }
- var commandExisted = this._createUser(userObjForCommand,
- this._getWriteConcern(replicatedTo, timeout));
- if (!commandExisted) {
- var userObjForInsert = { user: username, pwd: pass, readOnly: readOnly || false };
- this._addUserWithInsert(userObjForInsert, replicatedTo, timeout);
- }
- * TODO(spencer): Remove this from 2.8, in favor of "createUser"
- */
-DB.prototype.addUser = function() {
- print("WARNING: The 'addUser' shell helper is DEPRECATED. Please use 'createUser' instead");
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- throw Error("No arguments provided to addUser");
- }
- if (typeof arguments[0] == "object") {
- this._addUser.apply(this, arguments);
- } else {
- this._addUserDeprecatedV22Version.apply(this, arguments);
- }
-DB.prototype.createUser = function(userObj, writeConcern) {
- var commandExisted = this._createUser(userObj, writeConcern);
- if (!commandExisted) {
- throw Error("'createUser' command not found. This is most likely because you are " +
- "talking to an old (pre v2.6) MongoDB server");
- }
* Used for updating users in systems with V1 style user information
* (ie MongoDB v2.4 and prior)
diff --git a/src/mongo/shell/dbshell.cpp b/src/mongo/shell/dbshell.cpp
index 2d1158ab263..d493ca7a351 100644
--- a/src/mongo/shell/dbshell.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/shell/dbshell.cpp
@@ -142,11 +142,12 @@ void shellHistoryAdd( const char * line ) {
lastLine = line;
- // We don't want any .auth() or .addUser() shell helpers added, but we want to
+ // We don't want any .auth() or .createUser() shell helpers added, but we want to
// be able to add things like `.author`, so be smart about how this is
- // detected by using regular expresions.
+ // detected by using regular expresions. This is so we can avoid storing passwords
+ // in the history file in plaintext.
static pcrecpp::RE hiddenHelpers(
- "\\.\\s*(auth|addUser|createUser|updateUser|changeUserPassword)\\s*\\(");
+ "\\.\\s*(auth|createUser|updateUser|changeUserPassword)\\s*\\(");
// Also don't want the raw user management commands to show in the shell when run directly
// via runCommand.
static pcrecpp::RE hiddenCommands(