diff options
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/shell/servers.js b/shell/servers.js
index 7a23317faaf..76ebc7c5b4e 100755
--- a/shell/servers.js
+++ b/shell/servers.js
@@ -454,116 +454,227 @@ ShardingTest = function( testName , numShards , verboseLevel , numMongos , other
// Check if testName is an object, if so, pull params from there
var keyFile = undefined
- if( testName && ! testName.charAt ){
- var params = testName
+ otherParams = Object.merge( otherParams || {}, {} )
+ otherParams.extraOptions = otherParams.extraOptions || {}
+ if( isObject( testName ) ){
+ var params = Object.merge( testName, {} )
testName = || "test"
+ otherParams = Object.merge( params.other || {}, {} )
+ otherParams.extraOptions = otherParams.extraOptions || {}
numShards = params.shards || 2
verboseLevel = params.verbose || 0
numMongos = params.mongos || 1
- otherParams = params.other || {}
- keyFile = params.keyFile || otherParams.keyFile
+ keyFile = params.keyFile || otherParams.keyFile || otherParams.extraOptions.keyFile = || ( params.other ? : undefined )
otherParams.chunksize = params.chunksize || ( params.other ? params.other.chunksize : undefined )
+ // Allow specifying options like :
+ // { mongos : [ { noprealloc : "" } ], config : [ { smallfiles : "" } ], shards : { rs : true, d : true } }
+ if( isObject( numShards ) ){
+ var len = 0
+ for( var i in numShards ){
+ otherParams[ "" + i + len ] = numShards[i]
+ len++
+ }
+ numShards = len
+ }
+ if( isObject( numMongos ) ){
+ var len = 0
+ for( var i in numMongos ){
+ otherParams[ "" + i + len ] = numMongos[i]
+ len++
+ }
+ numMongos = len
+ }
+ else if( Array.isArray( numMongos ) ){
+ for( var i = 0; i < numMongos.length; i++ )
+ otherParams[ "m" + i ] = numMongos[i]
+ numMongos = numMongos.length
+ }
+ if( isObject( params.config ) ){
+ var len = 0
+ for( var i in params.config ){
+ otherParams[ "" + i + len ] = params.config[i]
+ len++
+ }
+ // If we're specifying explicit config options, we need separate config servers
+ otherParams.separateConfig = true
+ if( len == 3 ) otherParams.sync = true
+ else otherParams.sync = false
+ }
+ else if( Array.isArray( params.config ) ){
+ for( var i = 0; i < params.config.length; i++ )
+ otherParams[ "c" + i ] = params.config[i]
+ // If we're specifying explicit config options, we need separate config servers
+ otherParams.separateConfig = true
+ if( params.config.length == 3 ) otherParams.sync = true
+ else otherParams.sync = false
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Handle legacy stuff
+ keyFile = otherParams.extraOptions.keyFile
- this._testName = testName;
- if ( ! otherParams )
- otherParams = {}
- this._connections = [];
+ this._testName = testName
- if ( otherParams.sync && numShards < 3 )
- throw "if you want sync, you need at least 3 servers";
+ var pathOpts = this.pathOpts = { testName : testName }
+ if( ){
+ otherParams.separateConfig = true
+ otherParams.useHostname = otherParams.useHostname == undefined ? true : otherParams.useHostname
+ }
var localhost = otherParams.useHostname ? getHostName() : "localhost";
this._alldbpaths = []
- if ( ){
- localhost = getHostName();
- // start replica sets
- this._rs = []
- for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
+ this._connections = []
+ this._shardServers = this._connections
+ this._rs = []
+ this._rsObjects = []
+ for ( var i = 0; i < numShards; i++ ) {
+ if( || otherParams["rs" + i] ){
+ otherParams.separateConfig = true
var setName = testName + "-rs" + i;
- var rsDefaults = { oplogSize : 40, nodes : 3 }
- var rsParams = otherParams["rs" + i]
+ rsDefaults = { useHostname : otherParams.useHostname,
+ oplogSize : 40,
+ nodes : 3,
+ pathOpts : Object.merge( pathOpts, { shard : i } ) }
+ rsDefaults = Object.merge( rsDefaults, )
+ rsDefaults = Object.merge( rsDefaults, otherParams.rsOptions )
+ rsDefaults = Object.merge( rsDefaults, otherParams["rs" + i] )
- for( var param in rsParams ){
- rsDefaults[param] = rsParams[param]
- }
var numReplicas = rsDefaults.nodes || otherParams.numReplicas || 3
- delete rsDefaults.nodes
+ delete rsDefaults.nodes
+ print( "Replica set test!" )
var rs = new ReplSetTest( { name : setName , nodes : numReplicas , startPort : 31100 + ( i * 100 ), keyFile : keyFile } );
this._rs[i] = { setName : setName , test : rs , nodes : rs.startSet( rsDefaults ) , url : rs.getURL() };
+ this._rsObjects[i] = rs
+ this._alldbpaths.push( null )
+ this._connections.push( null )
- for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
- var rs = this._rs[i].test;
- rs.getMaster().getDB( "admin" ) { x : 1 } )
- rs.awaitReplication();
- var xxx = new Mongo( rs.getURL() );
- = rs.getURL();
- this._connections.push( xxx )
- this["shard" + i] = xxx
- }
- this._configServers = []
- for ( var i=0; i<3; i++ ){
- var options = otherParams.extraOptions
- if( keyFile ) options["keyFile"] = keyFile
- var conn = startMongodTest( 30000 + i , testName + "-config" + i, false, options );
- this._alldbpaths.push( testName + "-config" + i )
- this._configServers.push( conn );
- }
- this._configDB = localhost + ":30000," + localhost + ":30001," + localhost + ":30002";
- this._configConnection = new Mongo( this._configDB );
- if (!otherParams.noChunkSize) {
- this._configConnection.getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
- }
- }
- else {
- for ( var i=0; i<numShards; i++){
- var options = { useHostname : otherParams.useHostname }
- if( keyFile ) options["keyFile"] = keyFile
- var conn = startMongodTest( 30000 + i , testName + i, 0, options );
+ else {
+ var options = { useHostname : otherParams.useHostname,
+ port : 30000 + i,
+ pathOpts : Object.merge( pathOpts, { shard : i } ),
+ dbpath : "$testName$shard",
+ keyFile : keyFile
+ }
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams.shardOptions )
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams["d" + i] )
+ var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( options );
this._alldbpaths.push( testName +i )
this._connections.push( conn );
this["shard" + i] = conn
+ this._rs[i] = null
+ this._rsObjects[i] = null
- if ( otherParams.sync ){
- this._configDB = localhost+":30000,"+localhost+":30001,"+localhost+":30002";
- this._configConnection = new Mongo( this._configDB );
- this._configConnection.getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
+ }
+ // Do replication on replica sets if required
+ for ( var i = 0; i < numShards; i++ ){
+ if( ! && ! otherParams["rs" + i] ) continue
+ var rs = this._rs[i].test;
+ rs.getMaster().getDB( "admin" ) { x : 1 } )
+ rs.awaitReplication();
+ var rsConn = new Mongo( rs.getURL() );
+ = rs.getURL();
+ this._connections[i] = rsConn
+ this["shard" + i] = rsConn
+ }
+ this._configServers = []
+ this._configNames = []
+ if ( otherParams.sync && ! otherParams.separateConfig && numShards < 3 )
+ throw "if you want sync, you need at least 3 servers";
+ for ( var i = 0; i < ( otherParams.sync ? 3 : 1 ) ; i++ ) {
+ var conn = null
+ if( otherParams.separateConfig ){
+ var options = { useHostname : otherParams.useHostname,
+ port : 40000 + i,
+ pathOpts : Object.merge( pathOpts, { config : i } ),
+ dbpath : "$testName-config$config",
+ keyFile : keyFile
+ }
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams.configOptions )
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams["c" + i] )
+ var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( options )
+ // TODO: Needed?
+ this._alldbpaths.push( testName + "-config" + i )
- else {
- this._configDB = localhost + ":30000";
- this._connections[0].getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || 50 } );
+ else{
+ conn = this["shard" + i]
+ this._configServers.push( conn );
+ this._configNames.push( )
+ this["config" + i] = conn
- this._mongos = [];
- var startMongosPort = 31000;
- for ( var i=0; i<(numMongos||1); i++ ){
- var myPort = startMongosPort - i;
- print("ShardingTest config: "+this._configDB);
- var opts = { port : startMongosPort - i , v : verboseLevel || 0 , configdb : this._configDB };
- if( keyFile ) opts["keyFile"] = keyFile
- for (var j in otherParams.extraOptions) {
- opts[j] = otherParams.extraOptions[j];
- }
- var conn = startMongos( opts );
- = localhost + ":" + myPort;
+ printjson( this._configDB = this._configNames.join( "," ) )
+ this._configConnection = new Mongo( this._configDB )
+ if ( ! otherParams.noChunkSize ) {
+ this._configConnection.getDB( "config" ).settings.insert( { _id : "chunksize" , value : otherParams.chunksize || otherParams.chunkSize || 50 } )
+ }
+ print( "ShardingTest " + this._testName + " :\n" + tojson( { config : this._configDB, shards : this._connections } ) );
+ this._mongos = []
+ this._mongoses = this._mongos
+ for ( var i = 0; i < ( ( numMongos == 0 ? -1 : numMongos ) || 1 ); i++ ){
+ var options = { useHostname : otherParams.useHostname,
+ port : 31000 - i - 1,
+ pathOpts : Object.merge( pathOpts, { mongos : i } ),
+ configdb : this._configDB,
+ verbose : verboseLevel || 0,
+ keyFile : keyFile
+ }
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams.mongosOptions )
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams.extraOptions )
+ options = Object.merge( options, otherParams["m" + i] )
+ var conn = MongoRunner.runMongos( options )
this._mongos.push( conn );
- if ( i == 0 ) {
- this.s = conn;
- }
+ if ( i == 0 ) this.s = conn
this["s" + i] = conn
@@ -571,6 +682,8 @@ ShardingTest = function( testName , numShards , verboseLevel , numMongos , other
this.config = this.s.getDB( "config" );
if ( ! otherParams.manualAddShard ){
+ this._shardNames = []
+ var shardNames = this._shardNames
var n =;
@@ -579,9 +692,10 @@ ShardingTest = function( testName , numShards , verboseLevel , numMongos , other
if ( ! n )
n = z;
- print( "ShardingTest going to add shard: " + n )
+ print( "ShardingTest " + this._testName + " going to add shard : " + n )
x = admin.runCommand( { addshard : n } );
printjson( x )
+ shardNames.push( x.shardAdded )