diff options
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/slow1/logrotate.js b/jstests/slow1/logrotate.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1fe924ebadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/slow1/logrotate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// test that rotating logs creates a new log file for the old logs
+// then redo that test with auth confirming that the needed roles are as expected
+var logDir = "/tmp";
+var logPath = logDir + "/testlog";
+// start up a mongod with a log path
+var mongodInstance = MongoRunner.runMongod({logpath: logPath});
+var newDB = mongodInstance.getDB("log_rotate");
+var i;
+for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ newDB.logtest.insert({thing: i});
+// rotate logs and see that file count in the log directory increases by one
+var pre_count = listFiles(logDir).length;
+assert.commandWorked(newDB.adminCommand({logRotate: 1}));
+var post_count = listFiles(logDir).length;
+assert.eq(pre_count + 1, post_count);
+// shut down mongod
+// now again but with auth to confirm necessary roles are as expected
+var authzErrorCode = 13;
+var dbAdminUsername = 'admin';
+var dbAdminPassword = 'admin';
+mongodInstance = MongoRunner.runMongod({logpath: logPath, auth: ""});
+// create a user to create logs
+newDB = mongodInstance.getDB('admin');
+newDB.createUser({'user':dbAdminUsername, 'pwd':dbAdminPassword, 'roles':['userAdminAnyDatabase']});
+newDB.auth(dbAdminUsername, dbAdminPassword);
+pre_count = listFiles(logDir).length;
+// create user without the clusterAdmin role and make sure that logRotate fails
+newDB.createUser({'user':'nonClusterAdmin', 'pwd':'nonClusterAdmin', 'roles':['dbAdmin','read','readWrite','dbAdmin','userAdmin']});
+newDB.auth('nonClusterAdmin', 'nonClusterAdmin');
+assert.commandFailedWithCode(newDB.runCommand('logRotate'), authzErrorCode);
+// remove the above user that was created
+newDB.auth(dbAdminUsername, dbAdminPassword);
+// create user with the clusterAdmin role and ensure that logRotate passes
+newDB.createUser({'user':'clusterAdmin', 'pwd':'clusterAdmin', 'roles':['clusterAdmin']});
+newDB.auth('clusterAdmin', 'clusterAdmin');
+post_count = listFiles(logDir).length;
+assert.eq(pre_count + 1, post_count);
+// shut down mongod