diff options
2 files changed, 281 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/shell/shardingtest.js b/src/mongo/shell/shardingtest.js
index 0472cdf7094..eee3bdbc791 100644
--- a/src/mongo/shell/shardingtest.js
+++ b/src/mongo/shell/shardingtest.js
@@ -723,284 +723,6 @@ ShardingTest.prototype.printCollectionInfo = function( ns , msg ){
print( "ShardingTest " + out );
-printShardingStatus = function( configDB , verbose ){
- // configDB is a DB object that contains the sharding metadata of interest.
- // Defaults to the db named "config" on the current connection.
- if (configDB === undefined)
- configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
- var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
- if ( version == null ){
- print( "printShardingStatus: this db does not have sharding enabled. be sure you are connecting to a mongos from the shell and not to a mongod." );
- return;
- }
- var raw = "";
- var output = function(s){
- raw += s + "\n";
- }
- output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
- output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
- output( " shards:" );
- configDB.shards.find().sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach(
- function(z){
- output( "\t" + tojsononeline( z ) );
- }
- );
- // (most recently) active mongoses
- var mongosActiveThresholdMs = 60000;
- var mostRecentMongos = configDB.mongos.find().sort( { ping : -1 } ).limit(1);
- var mostRecentMongosTime = null;
- var mongosAdjective = "most recently active";
- if (mostRecentMongos.hasNext()) {
- mostRecentMongosTime =;
- // Mongoses older than the threshold are the most recent, but cannot be
- // considered "active" mongoses. (This is more likely to be an old(er)
- // configdb dump, or all the mongoses have been stopped.)
- if (mostRecentMongosTime.getTime() >= - mongosActiveThresholdMs) {
- mongosAdjective = "active";
- }
- }
- output( " " + mongosAdjective + " mongoses:" );
- if (mostRecentMongosTime === null) {
- output( "\tnone" );
- } else {
- var recentMongosQuery = {
- ping: {
- $gt: (function () {
- var d = mostRecentMongosTime;
- d.setTime(d.getTime() - mongosActiveThresholdMs);
- return d;
- } )()
- }
- };
- if ( verbose ) {
- configDB.mongos.find( recentMongosQuery ).sort( { ping : -1 } ).forEach(
- function (z) {
- output( "\t" + tojsononeline( z ) );
- }
- );
- } else {
- configDB.mongos.aggregate( [
- { $match: recentMongosQuery },
- { $group: { _id: "$mongoVersion", num: { $sum: 1 } } },
- { $sort: { num: -1 } }
- ] ).forEach(
- function (z) {
- output( "\t" + tojson( z._id ) + " : " + z.num );
- }
- );
- }
- }
- output( " balancer:" );
- //Is the balancer currently enabled
- output( "\tCurrently enabled: " + ( sh.getBalancerState(configDB) ? "yes" : "no" ) );
- //Is the balancer currently active
- output( "\tCurrently running: " + ( sh.isBalancerRunning(configDB) ? "yes" : "no" ) );
- //Output details of the current balancer round
- var balLock = sh.getBalancerLockDetails(configDB)
- if ( balLock ) {
- output( "\t\tBalancer lock taken at " + balLock.when + " by " + balLock.who );
- }
- //Output the balancer window
- var balSettings = sh.getBalancerWindow(configDB)
- if ( balSettings ) {
- output( "\t\tBalancer active window is set between " +
- balSettings.start + " and " + balSettings.stop + " server local time");
- }
- //Output the list of active migrations
- var activeMigrations = sh.getActiveMigrations(configDB)
- if (activeMigrations.length > 0 ){
- output("\tCollections with active migrations: ");
- activeMigrations.forEach( function(migration){
- output("\t\t"+migration._id+ " started at " + migration.when );
- });
- }
- // Actionlog and version checking only works on 2.7 and greater
- var versionHasActionlog = false;
- var metaDataVersion = configDB.getCollection("version").findOne().currentVersion
- if ( metaDataVersion > 5 ) {
- versionHasActionlog = true;
- }
- if ( metaDataVersion == 5 ) {
- var verArray = db.serverBuildInfo().versionArray
- if (verArray[0] == 2 && verArray[1] > 6){
- versionHasActionlog = true;
- }
- }
- if ( versionHasActionlog ) {
- //Review config.actionlog for errors
- var actionReport = sh.getRecentFailedRounds(configDB);
- //Always print the number of failed rounds
- output( "\tFailed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: " + actionReport.count )
- //Only print the errors if there are any
- if ( actionReport.count > 0 ){
- output( "\tLast reported error: " + actionReport.lastErr )
- output( "\tTime of Reported error: " + actionReport.lastTime )
- }
- output("\tMigration Results for the last 24 hours: ");
- var migrations = sh.getRecentMigrations(configDB)
- if(migrations.length > 0) {
- migrations.forEach( function(x) {
- if (x._id === "Success"){
- output( "\t\t" + x.count + " : " + x._id)
- } else {
- output( "\t\t" + x.count + " : Failed with error '" + x._id
- + "', from " + x.from + " to " + )
- }
- });
- } else {
- output( "\t\tNo recent migrations");
- }
- }
- output( " databases:" );
- configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
- function(db){
- var truthy = function (value) {
- return !!value;
- }
- var nonBooleanNote = function (name, value) {
- // If the given value is not a boolean, return a string of the
- // form " (<name>: <value>)", where <value> is converted to JSON.
- var t = typeof(value);
- var s = "";
- if (t != "boolean" && t != "undefined") {
- s = " (" + name + ": " + tojson(value) + ")";
- }
- return s;
- }
- output( "\t" + tojsononeline(db,"",true) );
- if (db.partitioned){
- configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" +
- RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\\." ) } ).
- sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach( function( coll ){
- if ( ! coll.dropped ){
- output( "\t\t" + coll._id );
- output( "\t\t\tshard key: " + tojson(coll.key) );
- output( "\t\t\tunique: " + truthy(coll.unique)
- + nonBooleanNote("unique", coll.unique) );
- output( "\t\t\tbalancing: " + !truthy(coll.noBalance)
- + nonBooleanNote("noBalance", coll.noBalance) );
- output( "\t\t\tchunks:" );
- res = configDB.chunks.aggregate( { $match : { ns : coll._id } } ,
- { $group : { _id : "$shard" ,
- cnt : { $sum : 1 } } } ,
- { $project : { _id : 0 ,
- shard : "$_id" ,
- nChunks : "$cnt" } } ,
- { $sort : { shard : 1 } } ).toArray();
- var totalChunks = 0;
- res.forEach( function(z){
- totalChunks += z.nChunks;
- output( "\t\t\t\t" + z.shard + "\t" + z.nChunks );
- } )
- if ( totalChunks < 20 || verbose ){
- configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
- function(chunk){
- output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
- " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( chunk.lastmod ) + " " +
- ( chunk.jumbo ? "jumbo " : "" ) );
- }
- );
- }
- else {
- output( "\t\t\ttoo many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print" );
- }
- configDB.tags.find( { ns : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
- function( tag ) {
- output( "\t\t\t tag: " + tag.tag + " " + tojson( tag.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( tag.max ) );
- }
- )
- }
- }
- )
- }
- }
- );
- print( raw );
-printShardingSizes = function(){
- configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
- var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
- if ( version == null ){
- print( "printShardingSizes : not a shard db!" );
- return;
- }
- var raw = "";
- var output = function(s){
- raw += s + "\n";
- }
- output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
- output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
- output( " shards:" );
- var shards = {};
- configDB.shards.find().forEach(
- function(z){
- shards[z._id] = new Mongo(;
- output( " " + tojson(z) );
- }
- );
- var saveDB = db;
- output( " databases:" );
- configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
- function(db){
- output( "\t" + tojson(db,"",true) );
- if (db.partitioned){
- configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" +
- RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\." ) } ).
- sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach( function( coll ){
- output("\t\t" + coll._id + " chunks:");
- configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
- function(chunk){
- var mydb = shards[chunk.shard].getDB(db._id)
- var out = mydb.runCommand({dataSize: coll._id,
- keyPattern: coll.key,
- min: chunk.min,
- max: chunk.max });
- delete out.millis;
- delete out.ok;
- output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
- " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( out ) );
- }
- );
- }
- )
- }
- }
- );
- print( raw );
ShardingTest.prototype.sync = function(){
this.adminCommand( "connpoolsync" );
diff --git a/src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js b/src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js
index f78d06dcb43..6da3f3da259 100644
--- a/src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js
+++ b/src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js
@@ -524,3 +524,284 @@ sh.getRecentMigrations = function(configDB) {
return result;
+function printShardingStatus(configDB, verbose) {
+ // configDB is a DB object that contains the sharding metadata of interest.
+ // Defaults to the db named "config" on the current connection.
+ if (configDB === undefined)
+ configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
+ var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
+ if ( version == null ){
+ print( "printShardingStatus: this db does not have sharding enabled. be sure you are connecting to a mongos from the shell and not to a mongod." );
+ return;
+ }
+ var raw = "";
+ var output = function(s){
+ raw += s + "\n";
+ }
+ output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
+ output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
+ output( " shards:" );
+ configDB.shards.find().sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function(z){
+ output( "\t" + tojsononeline( z ) );
+ }
+ );
+ // (most recently) active mongoses
+ var mongosActiveThresholdMs = 60000;
+ var mostRecentMongos = configDB.mongos.find().sort( { ping : -1 } ).limit(1);
+ var mostRecentMongosTime = null;
+ var mongosAdjective = "most recently active";
+ if (mostRecentMongos.hasNext()) {
+ mostRecentMongosTime =;
+ // Mongoses older than the threshold are the most recent, but cannot be
+ // considered "active" mongoses. (This is more likely to be an old(er)
+ // configdb dump, or all the mongoses have been stopped.)
+ if (mostRecentMongosTime.getTime() >= - mongosActiveThresholdMs) {
+ mongosAdjective = "active";
+ }
+ }
+ output( " " + mongosAdjective + " mongoses:" );
+ if (mostRecentMongosTime === null) {
+ output( "\tnone" );
+ } else {
+ var recentMongosQuery = {
+ ping: {
+ $gt: (function () {
+ var d = mostRecentMongosTime;
+ d.setTime(d.getTime() - mongosActiveThresholdMs);
+ return d;
+ } )()
+ }
+ };
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ configDB.mongos.find( recentMongosQuery ).sort( { ping : -1 } ).forEach(
+ function (z) {
+ output( "\t" + tojsononeline( z ) );
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ configDB.mongos.aggregate( [
+ { $match: recentMongosQuery },
+ { $group: { _id: "$mongoVersion", num: { $sum: 1 } } },
+ { $sort: { num: -1 } }
+ ] ).forEach(
+ function (z) {
+ output( "\t" + tojson( z._id ) + " : " + z.num );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ output( " balancer:" );
+ //Is the balancer currently enabled
+ output( "\tCurrently enabled: " + ( sh.getBalancerState(configDB) ? "yes" : "no" ) );
+ //Is the balancer currently active
+ output( "\tCurrently running: " + ( sh.isBalancerRunning(configDB) ? "yes" : "no" ) );
+ //Output details of the current balancer round
+ var balLock = sh.getBalancerLockDetails(configDB)
+ if ( balLock ) {
+ output( "\t\tBalancer lock taken at " + balLock.when + " by " + balLock.who );
+ }
+ //Output the balancer window
+ var balSettings = sh.getBalancerWindow(configDB)
+ if ( balSettings ) {
+ output( "\t\tBalancer active window is set between " +
+ balSettings.start + " and " + balSettings.stop + " server local time");
+ }
+ //Output the list of active migrations
+ var activeMigrations = sh.getActiveMigrations(configDB)
+ if (activeMigrations.length > 0 ){
+ output("\tCollections with active migrations: ");
+ activeMigrations.forEach( function(migration){
+ output("\t\t"+migration._id+ " started at " + migration.when );
+ });
+ }
+ // Actionlog and version checking only works on 2.7 and greater
+ var versionHasActionlog = false;
+ var metaDataVersion = configDB.getCollection("version").findOne().currentVersion
+ if ( metaDataVersion > 5 ) {
+ versionHasActionlog = true;
+ }
+ if ( metaDataVersion == 5 ) {
+ var verArray = db.serverBuildInfo().versionArray
+ if (verArray[0] == 2 && verArray[1] > 6){
+ versionHasActionlog = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( versionHasActionlog ) {
+ //Review config.actionlog for errors
+ var actionReport = sh.getRecentFailedRounds(configDB);
+ //Always print the number of failed rounds
+ output( "\tFailed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: " + actionReport.count )
+ //Only print the errors if there are any
+ if ( actionReport.count > 0 ){
+ output( "\tLast reported error: " + actionReport.lastErr )
+ output( "\tTime of Reported error: " + actionReport.lastTime )
+ }
+ output("\tMigration Results for the last 24 hours: ");
+ var migrations = sh.getRecentMigrations(configDB)
+ if(migrations.length > 0) {
+ migrations.forEach( function(x) {
+ if (x._id === "Success"){
+ output( "\t\t" + x.count + " : " + x._id)
+ } else {
+ output( "\t\t" + x.count + " : Failed with error '" + x._id
+ + "', from " + x.from + " to " + )
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ output( "\t\tNo recent migrations");
+ }
+ }
+ output( " databases:" );
+ configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function(db){
+ var truthy = function (value) {
+ return !!value;
+ }
+ var nonBooleanNote = function (name, value) {
+ // If the given value is not a boolean, return a string of the
+ // form " (<name>: <value>)", where <value> is converted to JSON.
+ var t = typeof(value);
+ var s = "";
+ if (t != "boolean" && t != "undefined") {
+ s = " (" + name + ": " + tojson(value) + ")";
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ output( "\t" + tojsononeline(db,"",true) );
+ if (db.partitioned){
+ configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" +
+ RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\\." ) } ).
+ sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach( function( coll ){
+ if ( ! coll.dropped ){
+ output( "\t\t" + coll._id );
+ output( "\t\t\tshard key: " + tojson(coll.key) );
+ output( "\t\t\tunique: " + truthy(coll.unique)
+ + nonBooleanNote("unique", coll.unique) );
+ output( "\t\t\tbalancing: " + !truthy(coll.noBalance)
+ + nonBooleanNote("noBalance", coll.noBalance) );
+ output( "\t\t\tchunks:" );
+ res = configDB.chunks.aggregate( { $match : { ns : coll._id } } ,
+ { $group : { _id : "$shard" ,
+ cnt : { $sum : 1 } } } ,
+ { $project : { _id : 0 ,
+ shard : "$_id" ,
+ nChunks : "$cnt" } } ,
+ { $sort : { shard : 1 } } ).toArray();
+ var totalChunks = 0;
+ res.forEach( function(z){
+ totalChunks += z.nChunks;
+ output( "\t\t\t\t" + z.shard + "\t" + z.nChunks );
+ } )
+ if ( totalChunks < 20 || verbose ){
+ configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function(chunk){
+ output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
+ " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( chunk.lastmod ) + " " +
+ ( chunk.jumbo ? "jumbo " : "" ) );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ output( "\t\t\ttoo many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print" );
+ }
+ configDB.tags.find( { ns : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function( tag ) {
+ output( "\t\t\t tag: " + tag.tag + " " + tojson( tag.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( tag.max ) );
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ print( raw );
+function printShardingSizes(configDB) {
+ // configDB is a DB object that contains the sharding metadata of interest.
+ // Defaults to the db named "config" on the current connection.
+ if (configDB === undefined)
+ configDB = db.getSisterDB('config')
+ var version = configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne();
+ if ( version == null ){
+ print( "printShardingSizes : not a shard db!" );
+ return;
+ }
+ var raw = "";
+ var output = function(s){
+ raw += s + "\n";
+ }
+ output( "--- Sharding Status --- " );
+ output( " sharding version: " + tojson( configDB.getCollection( "version" ).findOne() ) );
+ output( " shards:" );
+ var shards = {};
+ configDB.shards.find().forEach(
+ function(z){
+ shards[z._id] = new Mongo(;
+ output( " " + tojson(z) );
+ }
+ );
+ var saveDB = db;
+ output( " databases:" );
+ configDB.databases.find().sort( { name : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function(db){
+ output( "\t" + tojson(db,"",true) );
+ if (db.partitioned){
+ configDB.collections.find( { _id : new RegExp( "^" +
+ RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\." ) } ).
+ sort( { _id : 1 } ).forEach( function( coll ){
+ output("\t\t" + coll._id + " chunks:");
+ configDB.chunks.find( { "ns" : coll._id } ).sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach(
+ function(chunk){
+ var mydb = shards[chunk.shard].getDB(db._id)
+ var out = mydb.runCommand({dataSize: coll._id,
+ keyPattern: coll.key,
+ min: chunk.min,
+ max: chunk.max });
+ delete out.millis;
+ delete out.ok;
+ output( "\t\t\t" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -->> " + tojson( chunk.max ) +
+ " on : " + chunk.shard + " " + tojson( out ) );
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ print( raw );