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1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/sharded_mergeSplitChunks_partitioned.js b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/sharded_mergeSplitChunks_partitioned.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4e55d66d5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/sharded_mergeSplitChunks_partitioned.js
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+'use strict';
+ * Extends sharded_mergeChunks_partitioned.js.
+ *
+ * Exercises concurrent moveChunk and mergeChunk operations, with each thread operating on its own
+ * set of chunks.
+ *
+ * @tags: [requires_sharding, assumes_balancer_off, does_not_support_stepdowns]
+ */
+load('jstests/concurrency/fsm_libs/extend_workload.js'); // for extendWorkload
+load('jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/sharded_mergeChunks_partitioned.js'); // for $config
+var $config = extendWorkload($config, function($config, $super) {
+ $config.iterations = 6;
+ $config.threadCount = 5;
+ $ = 1100; // number of shard key values
+ $ = 1;
+ $ = 64;
+ $ = new Array(1024 * 128).join('x');
+ $config.setup = function(db, collName, cluster) {
+ this.isAutoSplitEnabled = cluster.isAutoSplitEnabled();
+ if (this.isAutoSplitEnabled) {
+ let configDB = cluster.getDB('config');
+{_id: "chunksize", value: /*<sizeInMB>*/ 1});
+ }
+ // Overridden methods should usually call the corresponding
+ // method on $super.
+ $super.setup.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ $config.teardown = function(db, collName, cluster) {
+ if (cluster.isAutoSplitEnabled()) {
+ jsTestLog('setting prevChunkSize: ' + this.prevChunkSize);
+ cluster.getDB('config'){_id: "chunksize", value: this.prevChunkSize});
+ }
+ // $super.setup.teardown(this, arguments);
+ };
+ $ = function setupAdditionalSplitPoints(
+ db, collName, partition) {
+ let innerChunkSize = Math.floor(this.partitionSize / this.iterations);
+ jsTestLog('innerChunkSize: ' + innerChunkSize);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.iterations; ++i) {
+ var splitPoint = ((i + 1) * innerChunkSize) + partition.lower;
+ assertAlways.commandWorked(ChunkHelper.splitChunkAtPoint(db, collName, splitPoint));
+ }
+ };
+ // Split a random chunk in this thread's partition, and verify that each node
+ // in the cluster affected by the splitChunk operation sees the appropriate
+ // after-state regardless of whether the operation succeeded or failed.
+ function doSplitChunk(db, collName, connCache, isAutoSplit) {
+ var ns = db[collName].getFullName();
+ var config = ChunkHelper.getPrimary(connCache.config);
+ // Choose a random chunk in our partition to split.
+ let chunk = this.getRandomChunkInPartition(collName, config);
+ // Save the number of documents found in this chunk's range before the splitChunk
+ // operation. This will be used to verify that the same number of documents in that
+ // range are found after the splitChunk.
+ // Choose the mongos randomly to distribute load.
+ var numDocsBefore = ChunkHelper.getNumDocs(
+ ChunkHelper.getRandomMongos(connCache.mongos), ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ // Save the number of chunks before the splitChunk operation. This will be used
+ // to verify that the number of chunks after a successful splitChunk increases
+ // by one, or after a failed splitChunk stays the same.
+ var numChunksBefore = ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(
+ config, ns, this.partition.chunkLower, this.partition.chunkUpper);
+ assertAlways(typeof chunk.min._id, 'number');
+ let splitChunkRes;
+ if (isAutoSplit) {
+ // assertAlways.eq(this.bigString.length, 1024 * 64);
+ // try to insert
+ let ret = db[collName].update(
+ {_id: {$gte: chunk.min._id, $lt: chunk.max._id}, s: {$exists: false}},
+ {$set: {s: this.bigString}});
+ if (ret.modifiedCount == 0) {
+ jsTestLog("Was not able to update any document in chunk " + tojson(chunk));
+ splitChunkRes = {ok: false};
+ } else {
+ jsTestLog("Modified docs in chunk: " + tojson(chunk));
+ let shardPrimary = ChunkHelper.getPrimary(connCache.shards[chunk.shard]);
+ ret = shardPrimary.getDB("admin").runCommand({waitForOngoingChunkSplits: 1});
+ if (!ret.hasOwnProperty("ok") && ret.ok) {
+ jsTestLog("Command waitForOngoingChunkSplits failed");
+ }
+ let numChunksAfter = ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(
+ config, ns, this.partition.chunkLower, this.partition.chunkUpper);
+ splitChunkRes = {ok: numChunksAfter > numChunksBefore};
+ jsTestLog("Autosplit happened: " + splitChunkRes.ok);
+ print(db[collName].getShardDistribution());
+ }
+ } else if (chunk.min._id + 1 >= chunk.max._id || numDocsBefore <= 1) {
+ jsTestLog("Chunk is not divisible " + tojson(chunk));
+ splitChunkRes = {ok: false};
+ } else {
+ // Use chunk_helper.js's splitChunk wrapper to tolerate acceptable failures
+ // and to use a limited number of retries with exponential backoff.
+ var bounds = [{_id: chunk.min._id}, {_id: chunk.max._id}];
+ splitChunkRes = ChunkHelper.splitChunkWithBounds(db, collName, bounds);
+ }
+ let msgBase = 'Result of splitChunk operation: ' + tojson(splitChunkRes);
+ // Regardless of whether the splitChunk operation succeeded or failed,
+ // verify that the shard the original chunk was on returns all data for the chunk.
+ var shardPrimary = ChunkHelper.getPrimary(connCache.shards[chunk.shard]);
+ var shardNumDocsAfter =
+ ChunkHelper.getNumDocs(shardPrimary, ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ var msg = 'Shard does not have same number of documents after splitChunk.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(shardNumDocsAfter, numDocsBefore, msg);
+ // Verify that all config servers have the correct after-state.
+ // (see comments below for specifics).
+ for (var conn of connCache.config) {
+ let res = conn.adminCommand({hello: 1});
+ assertAlways.commandWorked(res);
+ if (res.isWritablePrimary) {
+ // If the splitChunk operation succeeded, verify that there are now
+ // two chunks between the old chunk's lower and upper bounds.
+ // If the operation failed, verify that there is still only one chunk
+ // between the old chunk's lower and upper bounds.
+ var numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds =
+ ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(conn, ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ if (splitChunkRes.ok) {
+ msg = 'splitChunk succeeded but the config does not see exactly 2 chunks ' +
+ 'between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds, 2, msg);
+ } else {
+ msg = 'splitChunk failed but the config does not see exactly 1 chunk between ' +
+ 'the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds, 1, msg);
+ }
+ // If the splitChunk operation succeeded, verify that the total number
+ // of chunks in our partition has increased by 1. If it failed, verify
+ // that it has stayed the same.
+ var numChunksAfter = ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(
+ config, ns, this.partition.chunkLower, this.partition.chunkUpper);
+ if (splitChunkRes.ok) {
+ msg = 'splitChunk succeeded but the config does nnot see exactly 1 more ' +
+ 'chunk between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksAfter, numChunksBefore + 1, msg);
+ } else {
+ msg = 'splitChunk failed but the config does not see the same number ' +
+ 'of chunks between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksAfter, numChunksBefore, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that all mongos processes see the correct after-state on the shards and configs.
+ // (see comments below for specifics).
+ for (var mongos of connCache.mongos) {
+ // Regardless of if the splitChunk operation succeeded or failed, verify that each
+ // mongos sees as many documents in the chunk's range after the move as there were
+ // before.
+ var numDocsAfter = ChunkHelper.getNumDocs(mongos, ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ msg = 'Mongos does not see same number of documents after splitChunk.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numDocsAfter, numDocsBefore, msgBase);
+ // Regardless of if the splitChunk operation succeeded or failed,
+ // verify that each mongos sees all data in the original chunk's
+ // range only on the shard the original chunk was on.
+ var shardsForChunk =
+ ChunkHelper.getShardsForRange(mongos, ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ msg = 'Mongos does not see exactly 1 shard for chunk after splitChunk.\n' + msgBase +
+ '\n' +
+ 'Mongos find().explain() results for chunk: ' + tojson(shardsForChunk);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(shardsForChunk.shards.length, 1, msg);
+ msg = 'Mongos sees different shard for chunk than chunk does after splitChunk.\n' +
+ msgBase + '\n' +
+ 'Mongos find().explain() results for chunk: ' + tojson(shardsForChunk);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(shardsForChunk.shards[0], chunk.shard, msg);
+ // If the splitChunk operation succeeded, verify that the mongos sees two chunks between
+ // the old chunk's lower and upper bounds. If the operation failed, verify that the
+ // mongos still only sees one chunk between the old chunk's lower and upper bounds.
+ var numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds =
+ ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(mongos, ns, chunk.min._id, chunk.max._id);
+ if (splitChunkRes.ok) {
+ msg = 'splitChunk succeeded but the mongos does not see exactly 2 chunks ' +
+ 'between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds, 2, msg);
+ } else {
+ msg = 'splitChunk failed but the mongos does not see exactly 1 chunk between ' +
+ 'the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksBetweenOldChunksBounds, 1, msg);
+ }
+ // If the splitChunk operation succeeded, verify that the total number of chunks in our
+ // partition has increased by 1. If it failed, verify that it has stayed the same.
+ var numChunksAfter = ChunkHelper.getNumChunks(
+ mongos, ns, this.partition.chunkLower, this.partition.chunkUpper);
+ if (splitChunkRes.ok) {
+ msg = 'splitChunk succeeded but the mongos does nnot see exactly 1 more ' +
+ 'chunk between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksAfter, numChunksBefore + 1, msg);
+ } else {
+ msg = 'splitChunk failed but the mongos does not see the same number ' +
+ 'of chunks between the chunk bounds.\n' + msgBase;
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(numChunksAfter, numChunksBefore, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $config.states.splitChunk = function(db, collName, connCache) {
+ jsTestLog('Running splitChunk');
+ doSplitChunk.apply(this, [db, collName, connCache, /*isAutoSplit*/ false]);
+ };
+ $config.states.splitChunkAuto = function(db, collName, connCache) {
+ jsTestLog('Running splitChunkAuto');
+ jsTestLog('isAutoSplitEnabled: ' + this.isAutoSplitEnabled);
+ if (this.isAutoSplitEnabled) {
+ doSplitChunk.apply(this, [db, collName, connCache, /*isAutoSplit*/ true]);
+ }
+ };
+ $config.transitions = {
+ init: {mergeChunks: 0.5, splitChunk: 0.3, splitChunkAuto: 0.2},
+ mergeChunks: {mergeChunks: 0.5, splitChunk: 0.4, splitChunkAuto: 0.1},
+ splitChunk: {mergeChunks: 0.5, splitChunk: 0.4, splitChunkAuto: 0.1},
+ splitChunkAuto: {mergeChunks: 0.5, splitChunk: 0.5},
+ };
+ return $config;