diff options
9 files changed, 199 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/disk/directoryperdb.js b/jstests/disk/directoryperdb.js
index c14091cfdb2..dc21860caba 100644
--- a/jstests/disk/directoryperdb.js
+++ b/jstests/disk/directoryperdb.js
@@ -40,20 +40,6 @@ var backupDir = dbpath + "/backup_repairDatabase_0/";
checkDir( backupDir );
assert.eq( 1, db[ baseName ].count() , "C" );
-// tool test
-stopMongod( port );
-externalPath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseDir + "_external/";
-runMongoProgram( "mongodump", "--dbpath", dbpath, "--directoryperdb", "--out", externalPath );
-resetDbpath( dbpath );
-runMongoProgram( "mongorestore", "--dbpath", dbpath, "--directoryperdb", "--dir", externalPath );
-m = startMongodTest(port, baseDir, true, {directoryperdb : "", nohttpinterface : "", bind_ip : ""});
-db = m.getDB( baseName );
-checkDir( dbpath );
-assert.eq( 1, db[ baseName ].count() , "C" );
-assert( m.getDBs().totalSize > 0, "bad size calc" );
// drop db test
files = listFiles( dbpath );
diff --git a/jstests/dur/dur1_tool.js b/jstests/dur/dur1_tool.js
index adee933fdb4..f50c3d123c2 100755
--- a/jstests/dur/dur1_tool.js
+++ b/jstests/dur/dur1_tool.js
@@ -111,13 +111,14 @@ stopMongod(30001, /*signal*/9);
// journal file should be present, and non-empty as we killed hard
-// mongorestore with --dbpath and --journal options should do a recovery pass
+// mongod with --dbpath and --journal options should do a recovery pass
// empty.bson is an empty file so it won't actually insert anything
-log("use mongorestore to recover");
-runMongoProgram("mongorestore", "--dbpath", path2, "--journal", "-d", "test", "-c", "empty", "jstests/dur/data/empty.bson");
-// stopMongod seems to be asynchronous (hmmm) so we sleep here.
-// sleep(5000);
+log("use mongod to recover");
+conn = startMongoProgram('mongod', '--port', 30001, '--dbpath', path2,
+ '--journal', '--smallfiles',
+ '--nohttpinterface', '--noprealloc', '--bind_ip', '');
// at this point, after clean shutdown, there should be no journal files
log("check no journal files (after presumably clean shutdown)");
diff --git a/jstests/tool/dumprestore2.js b/jstests/tool/dumprestore2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31822e5b381..00000000000
--- a/jstests/tool/dumprestore2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// dumprestore2.js
-t = new ToolTest( "dumprestore2" );
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "setup1" ); { a : 22 } );
-assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "setup2" );
-// SERVER-2501 on Windows the mongod may still be running at this point, so we wait for it to stop.
-sleep( 5000 );
-t.runTool( "dump" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--out" , t.ext );
-resetDbpath( t.dbpath );
-assert.eq( 0 , listFiles( t.dbpath ).length , "clear" );
-t.runTool( "restore" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--dir" , t.ext );
-listFiles( t.dbpath ).forEach( printjson )
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "no data after startup" );
-assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "after restore 2" );
-assert.eq( 22 , c.findOne().a , "after restore 2" );
diff --git a/jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth3.js b/jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth3.js
index 295aad18dfa..6b71d51ed9f 100644
--- a/jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth3.js
+++ b/jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth3.js
@@ -2,231 +2,197 @@
// Tests that mongodump and mongorestore properly handle access control information when doing
// single-db dumps and restores
-// Runs the tool with the given name against the given mongod. If shutdownServer is true,
-// first shuts down the mongod and uses the --dbpath option to the tool to operate on the data
-// files directly
-// XXX: Do not check tool exit code. See SERVER-5520
-function runTool(toolName, mongod, shutdownServer, options) {
- if (shutdownServer) {
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod);
- var opts = {dbpath: mongod.fullOptions.pathOpts.dbpath};
- Object.extend(opts, options);
- MongoRunner.runMongoTool(toolName, opts);
- mongod.fullOptions.restart = true;
- return MongoRunner.runMongod(mongod.fullOptions);
- } else {
- var opts = {host:};
- Object.extend(opts, options);
- MongoRunner.runMongoTool(toolName, opts);
- return mongod;
- }
+// Runs the tool with the given name against the given mongod.
+function runTool(toolName, mongod, options) {
+ var opts = {host:};
+ Object.extend(opts, options);
+ MongoRunner.runMongoTool(toolName, opts);
-// If shutdownServer is true, will run tools against shut down mongod, operating on the data
-// files directly
-function runTest(shutdownServer) {
- var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod();
- var admindb = mongod.getDB("admin");
- var db = mongod.getDB("foo");
- var shutMessage = "(no shutdown)";
- if (shutdownServer) {
- shutMessage = "(shutdown)"
- }
- jsTestLog("Creating Admin user & initial data "+shutMessage);
- admindb.createUser({user: 'root', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['root']});
- admindb.createUser({user: 'backup', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['backup']});
- admindb.createUser({user: 'restore', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['restore']});
- admindb.createRole({role: "dummyRole", roles: [], privileges:[]});
- db.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- db.createRole({role: 'role', roles: [], privileges:[]});
- var backupActions = ['find'];
- db.createRole({role: 'backupFooChester',
- privileges: [{resource: {db: 'foo', collection: 'chester'}, actions: backupActions}],
- roles: []});
- db.createUser({user: 'backupFooChester', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['backupFooChester']});
- var userCount = db.getUsers().length;
- var rolesCount = db.getRoles().length;
- var adminUsersCount = admindb.getUsers().length;
- var adminRolesCount = admindb.getRoles().length;
- var systemUsersCount = admindb.system.users.count();
- var systemVersionCount = admindb.system.version.count();
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "setup");
- assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "setup2");
- assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "setup3");
- assert.eq(adminRolesCount, admindb.getRoles().length, "setup4");
- assert.eq(systemUsersCount, admindb.system.users.count(), "setup5");
- assert.eq(systemVersionCount, admindb.system.version.count(),"system version");
- assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "restore"}), "Restore user is missing");
- assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "backup"}), "Backup user is missing");
- var versionDoc = admindb.system.version.findOne();
- jsTestLog("Dump foo database without dumping user data "+shutMessage);
- var dumpDir = MongoRunner.getAndPrepareDumpDirectory("dumprestore_auth3");
- mongod = runTool("mongodump", mongod, shutdownServer, {out: dumpDir, db: "foo"});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- db.dropDatabase();
- db.dropAllUsers();
- db.dropAllRoles();
- jsTestLog("Restore foo database from dump that doesn't contain user data "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/",
- db: 'foo',
- restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "Restore created users somehow");
- assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "Restore created roles somehow");
- // Re-create user data
- db.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- db.createRole({role: 'role', roles: [], privileges:[]});
- userCount = 1;
- rolesCount = 1;
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't create user");
- assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't create role");
- jsTestLog("Dump foo database *with* user data "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongodump", mongod, shutdownServer, {out: dumpDir,
- db: "foo",
- dumpDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- db.dropDatabase();
- db.dropAllUsers();
- db.dropAllRoles();
- assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "didn't drop users");
- assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "didn't drop roles");
- assert.eq(0,, "didn't drop 'bar' collection");
- jsTestLog("Restore foo database without restoring user data, even though it's in the dump "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/", db: 'foo'});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "Restored users even though it shouldn't have");
- assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "Restored roles even though it shouldn't have");
- jsTestLog("Restore foo database *with* user data "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/",
- db: 'foo',
- restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- admindb = mongod.getDB('admin');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
- assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
- assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "restore", db: "admin"}), "Restore user is missing");
- assert.docEq(versionDoc,
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
- "version doc was changed by restore");
- jsTestLog("Make modifications to user data that should be overridden by the restore "+shutMessage);
- db.dropUser('user')
- db.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'password2', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
- db.dropRole('role')
- db.createRole({role: 'role2', roles: [], privileges:[]});
- jsTestLog("Restore foo database (and user data) with --drop so it overrides the changes made "+shutMessage);
- // Restore with --drop to override the changes to user data
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/",
- db: 'foo',
- drop: "",
- restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- admindb = mongod.getDB('admin');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "Admin users were dropped");
- assert.eq(adminRolesCount, admindb.getRoles().length, "Admin roles were dropped");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
- assert.eq("user", db.getUser('user').user, "didn't update user");
- assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
- assert.eq("role", db.getRole('role').role, "didn't update role");
- assert.docEq(versionDoc,
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
- "version doc was changed by restore");
- jsTestLog("Dump just the admin database. User data should be dumped by default "+shutMessage);
- // Make a user in another database to make sure it is properly captured
- db.getSiblingDB('bar').createUser({user: "user", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').createUser({user: "user", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
- adminUsersCount += 1;
- mongod = runTool("mongodump", mongod, shutdownServer, {out: dumpDir, db: "admin"});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- // Change user data a bit.
- db.dropAllUsers();
- db.getSiblingDB('bar').createUser({user: "user2", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').dropAllUsers();
- jsTestLog("Restore just the admin database. User data should be restored by default "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir + "admin/",
- db: 'admin',
- drop: ""});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- var otherdb = db.getSiblingDB('bar');
- var admindb = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
- assert.eq("user", db.getUser('user').user, "didn't restore user");
- assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
- assert.eq("role", db.getRole('role').role, "didn't restore role");
- assert.eq(1, otherdb.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users for bar database");
- assert.eq("user", otherdb.getUsers()[0].user, "didn't restore user for bar database");
- assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users for admin database");
- assert.eq("user", admindb.getUser("user").user, "didn't restore user for admin database");
- assert.eq(6, admindb.system.users.count(), "has the wrong # of users for the whole server");
- assert.eq(2, admindb.system.roles.count(), "has the wrong # of roles for the whole server");
- assert.docEq(versionDoc,
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
- "version doc was changed by restore");
- jsTestLog("Dump all databases "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongodump", mongod, shutdownServer, {out: dumpDir});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- db.dropDatabase();
- db.dropAllUsers();
- db.dropAllRoles();
- assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "didn't drop users");
- assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "didn't drop roles");
- assert.eq(0,, "didn't drop 'bar' collection");
- jsTestLog("Restore all databases "+shutMessage);
- mongod = runTool("mongorestore", mongod, shutdownServer, {dir: dumpDir});
- db = mongod.getDB('foo');
- assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
- assert.eq(1,;
- assert.eq(1, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
- assert.eq(1, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
- assert.docEq(versionDoc,
- db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
- "version doc was changed by restore");
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod);
+var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod();
+var admindb = mongod.getDB("admin");
+var db = mongod.getDB("foo");
+jsTestLog("Creating Admin user & initial data");
+admindb.createUser({user: 'root', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['root']});
+admindb.createUser({user: 'backup', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['backup']});
+admindb.createUser({user: 'restore', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['restore']});
+admindb.createRole({role: "dummyRole", roles: [], privileges:[]});
+db.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'pass', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+db.createRole({role: 'role', roles: [], privileges:[]});
+var backupActions = ['find'];
+db.createRole({role: 'backupFooChester',
+ privileges: [{resource: {db: 'foo', collection: 'chester'}, actions: backupActions}],
+ roles: []});
+db.createUser({user: 'backupFooChester', pwd: 'pass', roles: ['backupFooChester']});
+var userCount = db.getUsers().length;
+var rolesCount = db.getRoles().length;
+var adminUsersCount = admindb.getUsers().length;
+var adminRolesCount = admindb.getRoles().length;
+var systemUsersCount = admindb.system.users.count();
+var systemVersionCount = admindb.system.version.count();
+assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "setup");
+assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "setup2");
+assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "setup3");
+assert.eq(adminRolesCount, admindb.getRoles().length, "setup4");
+assert.eq(systemUsersCount, admindb.system.users.count(), "setup5");
+assert.eq(systemVersionCount, admindb.system.version.count(),"system version");
+assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "restore"}), "Restore user is missing");
+assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "backup"}), "Backup user is missing");
+var versionDoc = admindb.system.version.findOne();
+jsTestLog("Dump foo database without dumping user data");
+var dumpDir = MongoRunner.getAndPrepareDumpDirectory("dumprestore_auth3");
+runTool("mongodump", mongod, {out: dumpDir, db: "foo"});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+jsTestLog("Restore foo database from dump that doesn't contain user data ");
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/", db: 'foo', restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "Restore created users somehow");
+assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "Restore created roles somehow");
+// Re-create user data
+db.createUser({user: 'user', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+db.createRole({role: 'role', roles: [], privileges:[]});
+userCount = 1;
+rolesCount = 1;
+assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't create user");
+assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't create role");
+jsTestLog("Dump foo database *with* user data");
+runTool("mongodump", mongod, {out: dumpDir, db: "foo", dumpDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "didn't drop users");
+assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "didn't drop roles");
+assert.eq(0,, "didn't drop 'bar' collection");
+jsTestLog("Restore foo database without restoring user data, even though it's in the dump");
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/", db: 'foo'});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "Restored users even though it shouldn't have");
+assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "Restored roles even though it shouldn't have");
+jsTestLog("Restore foo database *with* user data");
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod, {dir: dumpDir + "foo/", db: 'foo', restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+admindb = mongod.getDB('admin');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
+assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
+assert.eq(1, admindb.system.users.count({user: "restore", db: "admin"}), "Restore user is missing");
+ db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
+ "version doc was changed by restore");
+jsTestLog("Make modifications to user data that should be overridden by the restore");
+db.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'password2', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles});
+db.createRole({role: 'role2', roles: [], privileges:[]});
+jsTestLog("Restore foo database (and user data) with --drop so it overrides the changes made");
+// Restore with --drop to override the changes to user data
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod,
+ {dir: dumpDir + "foo/", db: 'foo', drop: "", restoreDbUsersAndRoles: ""});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+admindb = mongod.getDB('admin');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "Admin users were dropped");
+assert.eq(adminRolesCount, admindb.getRoles().length, "Admin roles were dropped");
+assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
+assert.eq("user", db.getUser('user').user, "didn't update user");
+assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
+assert.eq("role", db.getRole('role').role, "didn't update role");
+ db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
+ "version doc was changed by restore");
+jsTestLog("Dump just the admin database. User data should be dumped by default");
+// Make a user in another database to make sure it is properly captured
+db.getSiblingDB('bar').createUser({user: "user", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
+db.getSiblingDB('admin').createUser({user: "user", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
+adminUsersCount += 1;
+runTool("mongodump", mongod, {out: dumpDir, db: "admin"});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+// Change user data a bit.
+db.getSiblingDB('bar').createUser({user: "user2", pwd: 'pwd', roles: []});
+jsTestLog("Restore just the admin database. User data should be restored by default");
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod, {dir: dumpDir + "admin/", db: 'admin', drop: ""});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+var otherdb = db.getSiblingDB('bar');
+var admindb = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(userCount, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
+assert.eq("user", db.getUser('user').user, "didn't restore user");
+assert.eq(rolesCount, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
+assert.eq("role", db.getRole('role').role, "didn't restore role");
+assert.eq(1, otherdb.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users for bar database");
+assert.eq("user", otherdb.getUsers()[0].user, "didn't restore user for bar database");
+assert.eq(adminUsersCount, admindb.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users for admin database");
+assert.eq("user", admindb.getUser("user").user, "didn't restore user for admin database");
+assert.eq(6, admindb.system.users.count(), "has the wrong # of users for the whole server");
+assert.eq(2, admindb.system.roles.count(), "has the wrong # of roles for the whole server");
+ db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
+ "version doc was changed by restore");
+jsTestLog("Dump all databases");
+runTool("mongodump", mongod, {out: dumpDir});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+assert.eq(0, db.getUsers().length, "didn't drop users");
+assert.eq(0, db.getRoles().length, "didn't drop roles");
+assert.eq(0,, "didn't drop 'bar' collection");
+jsTestLog("Restore all databases");
+runTool("mongorestore", mongod, {dir: dumpDir});
+db = mongod.getDB('foo');
+assert.soon(function() { return; }, "no data after restore");
+assert.eq(1, db.getUsers().length, "didn't restore users");
+assert.eq(1, db.getRoles().length, "didn't restore roles");
+ db.getSiblingDB('admin').system.version.findOne(),
+ "version doc was changed by restore");
diff --git a/jstests/tool/dumprestore_repair.js b/jstests/tool/dumprestore_repair.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bf636b9361c..00000000000
--- a/jstests/tool/dumprestore_repair.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* dumprestore_repair.js
- * create collection that spans more than one extent.
- * mongodump using both --repair and normal
- * restore both dumps and assert they're equal
- * assert that the --repair dump is 2 times the size of the non --repair dump
- */
-t = new ToolTest( "dumprestore_repair" );
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-dbName = t.db;
-assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "foo" );
-for (i=0; i<100; i++) { { x : i } ); }
-assert.eq( 100 , c.count() , "foo" );
-// normal
-normalDumpPath = t.ext + 'normal'
-t.runTool( "dump", "--dbpath", t.dbpath, "-d", t.baseName, "-c", "foo", "--out", normalDumpPath );
-// with repair
-repairDumpPath = t.ext + 'repair'
-t.runTool( "dump", "--repair", "--dbpath", t.dbpath, "-d", t.baseName, "-c", "foo", "--out", repairDumpPath );
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-function restore(path, toolTest, coll) {
- coll.drop();
- assert.eq( 0 , coll.count() , "after drop" );
- toolTest.runTool( "restore" , "--dir" , path );
- assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "no data after sleep" );
- assert.eq( 100 , c.count() , "after restore" );
-restore(normalDumpPath, t, c);
-restore(repairDumpPath, t, c);
-// get the dumped bson files
-normalFiles = listFiles( normalDumpPath + '/' + t.baseName )
-// filter out the metadata.json file
-normalFiles = normalFiles.filter( function(x) { if ( /bson$/ ) ) return x; } )
-assert.eq( normalFiles[0].baseName, "foo.bson", "unexpected file name")
-repairFiles = listFiles( repairDumpPath + '/' + t.baseName )
-assert.eq( repairFiles[0].baseName, "foo.bson", "unexpected file name")
-// the --repair bson file should be exactly twice the size of the normal dump file
-assert.eq( normalFiles[0].size * 2, repairFiles[0].size );
diff --git a/jstests/tool/exportimport2.js b/jstests/tool/exportimport2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fbcf2399d8c..00000000000
--- a/jstests/tool/exportimport2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// exportimport2.js
-t = new ToolTest( "exportimport2" );
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "setup1" ); { a : 22 } );
-assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "setup2" );
-t.runTool( "export" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--out" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" );
-resetDbpath( t.dbpath );
-assert.eq( 0 , listFiles( t.dbpath ).length , "clear" );
-t.runTool( "import" , "--dbpath" , t.dbpath , "--file" , t.extFile , "-d" , t.baseName , "-c" , "foo" );
-c = t.startDB( "foo" );
-assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "no data after startup" );
-assert.eq( 1 , c.count() , "after restore 2" );
-assert.eq( 22 , c.findOne().a , "after restore 2" );
diff --git a/jstests/tool/shim1.js b/jstests/tool/shim1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f2aa33bc2..00000000000
--- a/jstests/tool/shim1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-// Mongoshim is a tool to read/write the stored format directly.
-// Intended to be used by other mongo tools that support the --dbpath option
-// to access the data directory in the absence of a running mongod server.
-// Mongoshim runs in a few modes:
-// --mode=find:
-// Reads contents of a collection and writes the documents in BSON format to stdout.
-// Documents may be filtered using the --query option.
-// Another mongo tool "bsondump" may be used to convert the written BSON to a human-readable
-// format.
-// --mode=insert:
-// Reads BSON documents from stdin and inserts them in a collection.
-// Input documents may be filtered using the --filter option.
-// --mode=upsert:
-// A variation of "insert" where existing documents will be updated with
-// the BSON data read from stdin. The existing documents are identified
-// by matching the _id field or fields specified in --upsertFields.
-// --mode=remove:
-// Removes documents from an existing collection matching the predicate in --filter.
-// If --filter is not specified, all documents will be removed from the collection.
-// --mode=repair:
-// Reads record store for collection. Outputs valid documents.
-// --mode=command:
-// Invokes db.runCommand() using command objects read from input.
-var baseName = 'jstests_tool_shim1';
-var dbPath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseName + '/';
-var externalPath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseName + '_external/';
-var externalBaseName = 'shim1.bson';
-var externalFile = externalPath + externalBaseName;
-var externalOperationsBaseName = 'shim1_operations.bson';
-var externalOperationsFile = externalPath + externalOperationsBaseName;
-var dbName = 'test';
-var collectionName = 'shim1';
-var operationsCollectionName = 'shim1operations';
-var port = allocatePorts(1)[0];
-// Queries filesystem for size of 'externalFile' in bytes.
-// Returns -1 if file is not found.
-function fileSize(baseName){
- var files = listFiles(externalPath);
- for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
- if (files[i].baseName == baseName)
- return files[i].size;
- }
- assert(false, 'BSON file not found: ' + externalFile);
-// Starts mongod server without wiping out data directory
-function startServer() {
- return startMongoProgram('mongod', '--port', port, '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--nohttpinterface', '--noprealloc', '--bind_ip', '');
-// Stops mongod server.
-function stopServer() {
- stopMongod(port);
-// Invalid command line option and mode combinations
-// Missing --mode option.
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--collection', collectionName),
- 'expected non-zero error code when required --mode option is omitted');
-// Missing --dbpath option.
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim',
- '--db', dbName,
- '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'find'),
- 'expected non-zero error code when required --dbpath option is omitted');
-// Missing --collection option when mode is not "command".
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--mode', 'find'),
- 'expected non-zero error code when required --collection option is omitted');
-// --collection and --mode=command are incompatible.
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'command'),
- 'expected non-zero error code when incompatible options --collection and ' +
- '--mode=command are used');
-// --drop cannot be used with non-insert mode.
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--mode', 'command',
- '--drop'),
- 'expected non-zero error code when incompatible options --drop and ' +
- '--mode=command are used');
-// --upsertFields cannot be used with non-upsert mode.
-assert.neq(0, runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'insert',
- '--upsertFields', 'a,b,c'),
- 'expected non-zero error code when incompatible options --upsertFields and ' +
- '--mode=insert are used');
-// Basic tests for each mode.
-// Initialize collection.
-var mongod = startServer();
-var collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);{a: 1});
-var doc = collection.findOne();
-// "find" mode - read collection with single document and write results to file.
-// XXX: Do not check tool exit code. See SERVER-5520
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'find',
- '--out', externalFile);
-assert.eq(Object.bsonsize(doc), fileSize(externalBaseName),
- 'output BSON file size does not match size of document returned from find()');
-// "insert" mode - insert document from file into collection.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'insert',
- '--in', externalFile);
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
-assert.eq(1, collection.count(), 'test document was not added to collection');
-var newDoc = collection.findOne();
-assert.eq(doc, newDoc, 'invalid document saved by mongoshim --mode=insert')
-// drop collection before inserting new document.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'insert',
- '--drop',
- '--inputDocuments', tojson({in: [{a: 1, c: 1}]}));
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
-assert.eq(1, collection.count(), 'collection was not dropped before insertion');
-var newDoc = collection.findOne();
-assert.eq(1, newDoc.c, 'invalid document saved by mongoshim --mode=insert')
-// "upsert" mode - upsert document from file into collection.
-// Since document already exists in collection, this upsert operation will
-// have no effect.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'upsert',
- '--upsertFields', 'a',
- '--inputDocuments', tojson({in: [{a: 1, b: 1}]}));
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
-assert.eq(1, collection.count(), 'test document was not added to collection');
-var newDoc = collection.findOne({}, {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1});
-assert.eq({a: 1, b: 1}, newDoc, 'invalid document saved by mongoshim --mode=upsert')
-// "remove" mode - remove documents from collection.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'remove');
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
-assert.eq(0, collection.count(), 'test document was not removed from collection');
-// "applyOps" mode - apply oplog entries to collection.
-// Simulated using "command" mode.
-// If operation was applied successfully, we should see a document in
-// 'collectionName' collection (not 'operationsCollectionName').
-var collectionFullName = dbName + '.' + collectionName;
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--mode', 'command',
- '--inputDocuments',
- tojson({in: [{applyOps: [
- {op: 'i', ns: collectionFullName, o: {_id: 1, a: 1}}]}]}));
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
-assert.eq({_id: 1, a: 1 }, collection.findOne(),
- 'mongoshim failed to apply operaton to ' + collectionName);
-// "command" mode - invoke db.runCommand with command object read from input.
-// Command result written to output.
-// First "command" test case uses the "ping" command and saves the command
-// result into the test collection for verification.
-// Collection parameter is ignored in "command" mode.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--mode', 'command',
- '--inputDocuments', tojson({in: [{ping: 1}]}),
- '--out', externalFile);
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'insert',
- '--drop',
- '--in', externalFile);
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
- 'mongoshim failed to run "ping" command');
-// Second "command" test case runs a non-existent command.
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName,
- '--mode', 'command',
- '--inputDocuments', tojson({in: [{noSuchCommand: 1}]}),
- '--out', externalFile);
-runMongoProgram('mongoshim', '--dbpath', dbPath,
- '--db', dbName, '--collection', collectionName,
- '--mode', 'insert',
- '--drop',
- '--in', externalFile);
-mongod = startServer();
-collection = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collectionName);
- 'mongoshim should get a failed status from running "noSuchCommand" command');
diff --git a/jstests/tool/tool1.js b/jstests/tool/tool1.js
index 8c463c8e1df..5bd191faa49 100644
--- a/jstests/tool/tool1.js
+++ b/jstests/tool/tool1.js
@@ -41,25 +41,3 @@ c.drop();
runMongoProgram( "mongoimport", "--host", "" + port, "-d", baseName, "-c", baseName, "--file", externalFile );
assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "mongo import json A" );
assert( c.findOne() && 1 == c.findOne().a , "mongo import json B" );
-stopMongod( port );
-resetDbpath( externalPath );
-runMongoProgram( "mongodump", "--dbpath", dbPath, "--out", externalPath );
-resetDbpath( dbPath );
-runMongoProgram( "mongorestore", "--dbpath", dbPath, "--dir", externalPath );
-m = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", port, "--dbpath", dbPath, "--nohttpinterface", "--bind_ip", "" );
-c = m.getDB( baseName ).getCollection( baseName );
-assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "object missing a" );
-assert( 1 == c.findOne().a, "object wrong" );
-stopMongod( port );
-resetDbpath( externalPath );
-runMongoProgram( "mongoexport", "--dbpath", dbPath, "-d", baseName, "-c", baseName, "--out", externalFile );
-resetDbpath( dbPath );
-runMongoProgram( "mongoimport", "--dbpath", dbPath, "-d", baseName, "-c", baseName, "--file", externalFile );
-m = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", port, "--dbpath", dbPath, "--nohttpinterface", "--bind_ip", "" );
-c = m.getDB( baseName ).getCollection( baseName );
-assert.soon( "c.findOne()" , "object missing b" );
-assert( 1 == c.findOne().a, "object wrong" );
diff --git a/jstests/tool/tool_replset.js b/jstests/tool/tool_replset.js
index 5c219c79a27..b38dcb95806 100644
--- a/jstests/tool/tool_replset.js
+++ b/jstests/tool/tool_replset.js
@@ -82,19 +82,6 @@ print("running mongooplog to replay the oplog")
assert.eq(101, master.getDB("foo").getCollection("bar").count(), "count after running mongooplog " +
"was not 101 as expected")
-// Dump local oplog with --dbpath option (SERVER-14249)
-var dataDir = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/tool_replset-0/";
-data = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/tool_replset-dump-dbpath/";
-print("dump oplog with --dbpath");
-runMongoProgram("mongodump", "--dbpath", dataDir, "--out", data + "oplog", "-d", "local");
-// mongodump with --dbpath -d local & -c
-runMongoProgram("mongodump", "--dbpath", dataDir, "--out", data + "oplog", "-d", "local",
- "-c", "");
print("all tests successful, stopping replica set")