diff options
6 files changed, 520 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00747f42f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+"""Generate Evergreen reports from the Jepsen list-append workload."""
+import json
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict
+import click
+from buildscripts.simple_report import Result, Report
+class ParserOutput(TypedDict):
+ """Result of parsing jepsen log file. Each List[str] is a list of test names."""
+ success: List[str]
+ unknown: List[str]
+ crashed: List[str]
+ failed: List[str]
+ start: int
+ end: int
+ elapsed: int
+_JEPSEN_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+_JEPSEN_MILLI_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+){(.*)}")
+_JEPSEN_TIME_RE = re.compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-8]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]+{.*}")
+def _time_parse(time: str):
+ split = time.split(",")
+ date = datetime.strptime(split[0], _JEPSEN_TIME_FORMAT)
+ match = _JEPSEN_MILLI_RE.match(split[1])
+ microseconds = 0
+ if match:
+ microseconds = int(match[1]) * 1000
+ return date.replace(microsecond=microseconds, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+def _calc_time_from_log(log: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
+ if not log:
+ return (0, 0, 0)
+ start_time = None
+ end_time = None
+ for line in log.splitlines():
+ if _JEPSEN_TIME_RE.match(line):
+ if start_time is None:
+ start_time = _time_parse(line)
+ else:
+ end_time = _time_parse(line)
+ if start_time is None or end_time is None:
+ return (0, 0, 0)
+ elapsed_time = int(end_time.timestamp() - start_time.timestamp())
+ return (int(start_time.timestamp()), int(end_time.timestamp()), elapsed_time)
+SUCCESS_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+) successes")
+CRASH_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+) crashed")
+UNKNOWN_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+) unknown")
+FAIL_RE = re.compile("([0-9]+) failures")
+def parse(text: List[str]) -> ParserOutput:
+ """Given a List of strings representing jepsen log file split by newlines, return the ParserOutput struct."""
+ successful_tests: List[str] = []
+ indeterminate_tests: List[str] = []
+ crashed_tests: List[str] = []
+ failed_tests: List[str] = []
+ target = None
+ table_matches = 0
+ for line in text:
+ if "# Successful tests" in line:
+ target = successful_tests
+ continue
+ elif "# Indeterminate tests" in line:
+ target = indeterminate_tests
+ continue
+ elif "# Crashed tests" in line:
+ target = crashed_tests
+ continue
+ elif "# Failed tests" in line:
+ target = failed_tests
+ continue
+ # at this point we're parsing this table:
+ # 29 successes
+ # 0 unknown
+ # 1 crashed
+ # 0 failures
+ s_match = SUCCESS_RE.match(line)
+ if s_match:
+ target = None
+ assert int(s_match[1]) == len(successful_tests)
+ table_matches += 1
+ u_match = UNKNOWN_RE.match(line)
+ if u_match:
+ target = None
+ assert int(u_match[1]) == len(indeterminate_tests)
+ table_matches += 1
+ c_match = CRASH_RE.match(line)
+ if c_match:
+ target = None
+ assert int(c_match[1]) == len(crashed_tests)
+ table_matches += 1
+ f_match = FAIL_RE.match(line)
+ if f_match:
+ target = None
+ assert int(f_match[1]) == len(failed_tests)
+ table_matches += 1
+ if target is not None and line.strip():
+ target.append(line)
+ assert table_matches == 4, f"Failed to parse summary table. Expected 4, found {table_matches}"
+ return ParserOutput({
+ 'success': successful_tests,
+ 'unknown': indeterminate_tests,
+ 'crashed': crashed_tests,
+ 'failed': failed_tests,
+ })
+def _try_find_log_file(store: Optional[str], test_name) -> str:
+ if store is None:
+ return ""
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(store, test_name, "jepsen.log")) as fh:
+ return
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ return ""
+def report(out: ParserOutput, start_time: int, end_time: int, elapsed: int,
+ store: Optional[str]) -> Report:
+ """Given ParserOutput, return report.json as a dict."""
+ results = []
+ failures = 0
+ for test_name in out['success']:
+ log_raw = _try_find_log_file(store, test_name)
+ start_time, end_time, elapsed_time = _calc_time_from_log(log_raw)
+ results.append(
+ Result(status='pass', exit_code=0, test_file=test_name, start=start_time, end=end_time,
+ elapsed=elapsed_time, log_raw=log_raw))
+ for test_name in out['failed']:
+ log_raw = _try_find_log_file(store, test_name)
+ start_time, end_time, elapsed_time = _calc_time_from_log(log_raw)
+ failures += 1
+ results.append(
+ Result(status='fail', exit_code=1, test_file=test_name, start=start_time, end=end_time,
+ elapsed=elapsed_time, log_raw=log_raw))
+ for test_name in out['crashed']:
+ log_raw = "Log files are unavailable for crashed tests because Jepsen does not save them separately. You may be able to find the exception and stack trace in the task log"
+ failures += 1
+ results.append(
+ Result(status='fail', exit_code=1, test_file=test_name, start=start_time, end=end_time,
+ elapsed=elapsed, log_raw=log_raw))
+ for test_name in out['unknown']:
+ log_raw = _try_find_log_file(store, test_name)
+ start_time, end_time, elapsed_time = _calc_time_from_log(log_raw)
+ failures += 1
+ results.append(
+ Result(status='fail', exit_code=1, test_file=test_name, start=start_time, end=end_time,
+ elapsed=elapsed_time, log_raw=log_raw))
+ return Report({
+ "failures": failures,
+ "results": results,
+ })
+def _get_log_lines(filename: str) -> List[str]:
+ with open(filename) as fh:
+ return
+def _put_report(report_: Report) -> None:
+ with open("report.json", "w") as fh:
+ json.dump(report_, fh)
+@click.option("--start_time", type=int, required=True)
+@click.option("--end_time", type=int, required=True)
+@click.option("--elapsed", type=int, required=True)
+@click.option("--emit_status_files", type=bool, is_flag=True, default=False,
+ help="If true, emit status files for marking Evergreen tasks as system fails")
+@click.option("--store", type=str, default=None,
+ help="Path to folder containing jepsen 'store' directory")
+@click.argument("filename", type=str)
+def main(filename: str, start_time: str, end_time: str, elapsed: str, emit_status_files: bool,
+ store: Optional[str]):
+ """Generate Evergreen reports from the Jepsen list-append workload."""
+ out = parse(_get_log_lines(filename))
+ _put_report(report(out, start_time, end_time, elapsed, store))
+ exit_code = 255
+ if out['crashed']:
+ exit_code = 2
+ if emit_status_files:
+ with open("jepsen_system_fail.txt", "w") as fh:
+ fh.write(str(exit_code))
+ else:
+ if out['unknown'] or out['failed']:
+ exit_code = 1
+ else:
+ exit_code = 0
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
diff --git a/buildscripts/tests/ b/buildscripts/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cdfb095ba5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+"""Tests for jepsen report generator."""
+import unittest
+import textwrap
+import random
+import os
+from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open, MagicMock
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+from buildscripts.jepsen_report import parse, ParserOutput, main
+_CORPUS = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ "indeterminate: Command failed with error 251 (NoSuchTransaction): 'Transaction was aborted :: caused by :: from shard rs_shard2 :: caused by :: Given transaction number 53 does not match any in-progress transactions. The active transaction number is -1' on server n9:27017. The full response is {\"writeConcernError\": {\"code\": 6, \"codeName\": \"HostUnreachable\", \"errmsg\": \"operation was interrupted\", \"errInfo\": {\"writeConcern\": {\"w\": \"majority\", \"wtimeout\": 0, \"provenance\": \"clientSupplied\"}}}, \"topologyVersion\": {\"processId\": {\"$oid\": \"625f0b0ef9d6a12d9b562ff9\"}, \"counter\": 21}, \"ok\": 0.0, \"errmsg\": \"Transaction was aborted :: caused by :: from shard rs_shard2 :: caused by :: Given transaction number 53 does not match any in-progress transactions. The active transaction number is -1\", \"code\": 251, \"codeName\": \"NoSuchTransaction\", \"$clusterTime\": {\"clusterTime\": {\"$timestamp\": {\"t\": 1650395950, \"i\": 16}}, \"signature\": {\"hash\": {\"$binary\": {\"base64\": \"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=\", \"subType\": \"00\"}}, \"keyId\": 0}}, \"operationTime\": {\"$timestamp\": {\"t\": 1650395950, \"i\": 5}}, \"recoveryToken\": {\"recoveryShardId\": \"rs_shard1\"}}",
+ :index 1141}})},
+ :workload {:valid? true},
+ :valid? true}
+Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
+# Successful tests
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T163539.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T164131.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T164724.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T165317.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T165910.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T170503.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T171055.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T171648.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T172239.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T172832.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T173634.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T174227.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T174820.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T175413.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T180006.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T180558.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T181148.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T181946.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T182539.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T183131.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T183720.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T184313.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T184906.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T185459.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T190052.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T190645.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T191239.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T191833.000Z
+# Crashed tests
+mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition
+mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition
+28 successes
+0 unknown
+2 crashed
+0 failures
+class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TestParser."""
+ @classmethod
+ def _corpus_generator(cls):
+ n_pass = random.randint(1, 30)
+ n_fail = random.randint(1, 30)
+ n_unknown = random.randint(1, 30)
+ n_crash = random.randint(1, 30)
+ corpus = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ :index 2893}})},
+ :workload {:valid? true},
+ :valid? true}
+Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
+ successful_tests = []
+ if n_pass > 0:
+ corpus += "\n# Successful tests\n\n"
+ for i in range(0, n_pass):
+ corpus += f"test {i}\n"
+ successful_tests.append(f"test {i}")
+ failed_tests = []
+ if n_fail > 0:
+ corpus += "\n# Failed tests\n\n"
+ for i in range(0, n_fail):
+ corpus += f"test {i}\n"
+ failed_tests.append(f"test {i}")
+ indeterminate_tests = []
+ if n_unknown > 0:
+ corpus += "\n# Indeterminate tests\n\n"
+ for i in range(0, n_unknown):
+ corpus += f"test {i}\n"
+ indeterminate_tests.append(f"test {i}")
+ crashed_tests = []
+ if n_crash > 0:
+ corpus += "\n# Crashed tests\n\n"
+ for i in range(0, n_crash):
+ corpus += f"test {i}\n"
+ crashed_tests.append(f"test {i}")
+ # note leading newline for this block is required to match the actual
+ # logs
+ corpus += textwrap.dedent(f"""
+{n_pass} successes
+{n_unknown} unknown
+{n_crash} crashed
+{n_fail} failures
+ return {
+ 'expected':
+ ParserOutput({
+ 'success': successful_tests,
+ 'unknown': indeterminate_tests,
+ 'crashed': crashed_tests,
+ 'failed': failed_tests,
+ }), 'corpus':
+ corpus
+ }
+ def test_parser(self):
+ """Test with embedded corpus."""
+ out = parse(_CORPUS)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['success']), 28)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['unknown']), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['crashed']), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['failed']), 0)
+ def test_parser2(self):
+ """Test with jepsen.log file."""
+ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "test_jepsen_report_corpus.log.txt")) as fh:
+ corpus =
+ out = parse(corpus)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['success']), 29)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['unknown']), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['crashed']), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(out['failed']), 0)
+ def test_generated_corpus(self):
+ """Generate 100 corpuses and test them."""
+ for _ in range(0, 100):
+ self._test_generated_corpus()
+ def _test_generated_corpus(self):
+ gen = self._corpus_generator()
+ corpus = gen['corpus'].splitlines()
+ out = parse(corpus)
+ self.assertDictEqual(out, gen['expected'])
+ @patch('buildscripts.jepsen_report._try_find_log_file')
+ @patch('buildscripts.jepsen_report._get_log_lines')
+ @patch('buildscripts.jepsen_report._put_report')
+ def test_main(self, mock_put_report, mock_get_log_lines, mock_try_find_log_file):
+ """Test main function."""
+ gen = self._corpus_generator()
+ corpus = gen['corpus'].splitlines()
+ mock_get_log_lines.return_value = corpus
+ def _try_find_log_file(_store, _test):
+ if _try_find_log_file.counter == 0:
+ _try_find_log_file.counter += 1
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), "test_jepsen_report_corpus.log.txt")) as fh:
+ return
+ return ""
+ _try_find_log_file.counter = 0
+ mock_try_find_log_file.side_effect = _try_find_log_file
+ runner = CliRunner()
+ result = runner.invoke(main,
+ ["--start_time=0", "--end_time=10", "--elapsed=10", "test.log"])
+ num_tests = len(gen['expected']['success']) + len(gen['expected']['unknown']) + len(
+ gen['expected']['crashed']) + len(gen['expected']['failed'])
+ num_fails = num_tests - len(gen['expected']['success'])
+ callee_dict = mock_put_report.call_args[0][0]
+ self.assertEqual(callee_dict['failures'], num_fails)
+ self.assertEqual(len(callee_dict['results']), num_tests)
+ mock_get_log_lines.assert_called_once_with('test.log')
+ if gen['expected']['crashed']:
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 2)
+ elif gen['expected']['unknown'] or gen['expected']['failure']:
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
diff --git a/buildscripts/tests/test_jepsen_report_corpus.log.txt b/buildscripts/tests/test_jepsen_report_corpus.log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89d4e91892b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/tests/test_jepsen_report_corpus.log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+INFO [2022-04-20 02:46:34,505] jepsen test runner - jepsen.core {:perf
+ {:latency-graph {:valid? true},
+ :rate-graph {:valid? true},
+ :valid? true},
+ :clock {:valid? true},
+ :stats
+ {:valid? true,
+ :count 5768,
+ :ok-count 4930,
+ :fail-count 0,
+ :info-count 838,
+ :by-f
+ {:txn
+ {:valid? true,
+ :count 5768,
+ :ok-count 4930,
+ :fail-count 0,
+ :info-count 838}}},
+ :exceptions {:valid? true},
+ :workload {:valid? true},
+ :valid? true}
+Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
+# Successful tests
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T235350.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220419T235940.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T000533.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T001131.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T001724.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T002316.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T002909.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T003502.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T004057.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T004651.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T005244.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T005837.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T010429.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T011021.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T011617.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T012210.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T012802.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T013356.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T014154.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T014746.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T015338.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T015931.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T020525.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T021116.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T021708.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T022301.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T022854.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T023446.000Z
+store/mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition/20220420T024039.000Z
+# Crashed tests
+mongodb list-append w:majority r:majority tw:majority tr:snapshot partition
+29 successes
+0 unknown
+1 crashed
+0 failures
diff --git a/etc/evergreen_yml_components/definitions.yml b/etc/evergreen_yml_components/definitions.yml
index 1f71a030001..5552f136010 100644
--- a/etc/evergreen_yml_components/definitions.yml
+++ b/etc/evergreen_yml_components/definitions.yml
@@ -1699,11 +1699,25 @@ functions:
display_name: Jepsen Test Results - ${execution}
optional: true
+ "upload jepsen_log": &upload_jepsen_log
+ command: s3.put
+ params:
+ optional: true
+ aws_key: ${aws_key}
+ aws_secret: ${aws_secret}
+ local_file: src/jepsen-mongodb/jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log
+ remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log
+ bucket: mciuploads
+ permissions: public-read
+ content_type: text/plain
+ display_name: Jepsen Test Log
"save jepsen artifacts":
- *tar_jepsen_logs
- *archive_jepsen_logs
- *tar_jepsen_results
- *archive_jepsen_results
+ - *upload_jepsen_log
### Process & archive mongo coredumps ###
"gather mongo coredumps": &gather_mongo_coredumps
diff --git a/evergreen/jepsen_docker/ b/evergreen/jepsen_docker/
index 3eb8a8b67fa..4378b1bcadc 100644
--- a/evergreen/jepsen_docker/
+++ b/evergreen/jepsen_docker/
@@ -18,8 +18,18 @@ elapsed_secs=$((end_time - start_time))
cd ../../
mkdir -p src/jepsen-mongodb
sudo docker cp jepsen-control:/jepsen/mongodb/store src/jepsen-mongodb/store
-cp jepsen/docker/jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log src/jepsen-mongodb
+cp jepsen/docker/jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log src/jepsen-mongodb/
sudo docker cp jepsen-control:/jepsen/mongodb src/jepsen-workdir
-cd src/jepsen-mongodb
-. ../evergreen/
+cd src
+$python buildscripts/ --start_time=$start_time --end_time=$end_time --elapsed=$elapsed_secs --emit_status_files --store ./jepsen-mongodb jepsen-mongodb/jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log
+cat report.json
+if [ -f "jepsen_system_fail.txt" ]; then
+ mv jepsen_system_fail.txt jepsen-mongodb/jepsen_system_failure_${task_name}_${execution}
+ exit 0
+exit $exit_code
diff --git a/evergreen/ b/evergreen/
index 2cf8b0ed387..b5f79426079 100644
--- a/evergreen/
+++ b/evergreen/
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ mkdir -p $TMPDIR
start_time=$(date +%s)
+# XXX Do not run this test in a loop or with Jepsen's repeat flag
+# the report generator ( does not support parsing more than one
+# test at a time. If you need to run these tests with a repeat flag, you
+# will need to adopt buildscripts/ to support the log output
+# of older-style Jepsen tests
lein run test --test ${jepsen_test_name} \
--mongodb-dir ../ \
--working-dir ${workdir}/src/jepsen-workdir \