diff options
2 files changed, 248 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/exact_top_n_feature_flag.js b/jstests/multiVersion/exact_top_n_feature_flag.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 788427724c8..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/exact_top_n_feature_flag.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- * Tests that 'featureFlagExactTopNAccumulator' works correctly.
- *
- * TODO SERVER-61851 Delete this test once we branch for 6.0.
- *
- * @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding]
- */
-(function() {
-"use strict";
-load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_rs.js"); // For upgradeSecondaries and upgradeSet.
-load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_cluster.js"); // For upgradeCluster.
-function runTest(downgradeVersion) {
- const dbName = "db";
- const collName = "exactTopNUpgradeDowngrade";
- function getOperators(needTopBottom) {
- let obj = {needsInputAndN: ["$firstN", "$lastN", "$minN", "$maxN"]};
- if (needTopBottom) {
- Object.assign(
- obj, {needsOutputAndN: ["$topN", "$bottomN"], needsOutput: ["$top", "$bottom"]});
- }
- return obj;
- }
- function assertExpectedBehavior(expectedToPass, db) {
- function buildOperatorList(needAccumulators) {
- let operatorList = [];
- for (const [category, opNames] of Object.entries(getOperators(needAccumulators))) {
- for (const opName of opNames) {
- let spec = {};
- if (category === "needsInputAndN") {
- Object.assign(spec, {input: "$a", n: 10});
- } else if (category === "needsOutputAndN") {
- Object.assign(spec, {output: "$a", n: 10, sortBy: {b: 1}});
- } else if (category === "needsOutput") {
- Object.assign(spec, {output: "$a", sortBy: {b: 1}});
- }
- operatorList.push({[opName]: spec});
- }
- }
- return operatorList;
- }
- function createView(pipeline, expectedErrorCodes) {
- const viewName = "testView";
- jsTestLog("Attempting to create view: " + tojson(pipeline));
- if (expectedToPass) {
- assert.commandWorked(db.createView(viewName, collName, pipeline));
- assert(db[viewName].drop());
- } else {
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.createView(viewName, collName, pipeline),
- expectedErrorCodes);
- }
- }
- function createValidator(aggExpr, expectedErrorCodes) {
- const collMod = {collMod: collName, validator: {$expr: aggExpr}};
- jsTestLog("Attempting to create validator: " + tojson(collMod));
- if (expectedToPass) {
- assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(collMod));
- } else {
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand(collMod), expectedErrorCodes);
- }
- }
- // Accumulators.
- for (const accSpec of buildOperatorList(true)) {
- createView([{$group: {_id: "$groupKey", output: accSpec}}],
- [15952, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed]);
- }
- // Aggregation expressions.
- for (const aggExpr of buildOperatorList(false)) {
- createView([{$project: {output: aggExpr}}], [31325, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed]);
- createValidator(
- aggExpr, [ErrorCodes.InvalidPipelineOperator, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed]);
- }
- // Window functions.
- for (const wfExpr of buildOperatorList(true)) {
- const wfArg = Object.assign({window: {documents: [-1, 1]}}, wfExpr);
- createView(
- [{
- $setWindowFields:
- {partitionBy: "$partitionKey", sortBy: {sortField: 1}, output: {foo: wfArg}}
- }],
- [ErrorCodes.FailedToParse, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed]);
- }
- }
- // Standalone.
- const dbPath = MongoRunner.dataPath + "/exact_top_n_upgrade_downgrade";
- let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbPath, binVersion: downgradeVersion});
- let testDB = conn.getDB(dbName);
- let coll = testDB[collName];
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
- // This shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, coll);
- // Upgrade the standalone to the latest binVersion; this still shouldn't pass.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(
- {binVersion: "latest", restart: conn, cleanData: false, dbpath: dbPath});
- testDB = conn.getDB(dbName);
- let adminDB = conn.getDB("admin");
- coll = testDB[collName];
- checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, coll);
- // Set the FCV to 'latestFCV'; this should now pass.
- checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
- assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
- checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
- assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB, coll);
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- // Replica set.
- // Set up a replica-set in 'downgradeVersion'.
- const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 2, nodeOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion}});
- rst.startSet();
- rst.initiate();
- let primary = rst.getPrimary();
- testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- coll = testDB[collName];
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
- // Shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB);
- // Upgrade the replica set.
- rst.upgradeSet({binVersion: "latest"});
- // Verify that all nodes are in the latest version.
- for (const node of rst.nodes) {
- assert.binVersion(node, "latest");
- }
- rst.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary();
- primary = rst.getPrimary();
- testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- // Despite the upgrade, the test shouldn't pass because the FCV has not been explicitly set.
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB);
- // Set the FCV; the test should now pass.
- primary = rst.getPrimary();
- adminDB = primary.getDB("admin");
- checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
- assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
- checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
- testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB);
- rst.stopSet();
- // Sharded cluster.
- const st = new ShardingTest({
- shards: 2,
- rs: {nodes: 2, binVersion: downgradeVersion},
- other: {
- mongosOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion},
- configOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion}
- }
- });
- testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName);
- coll = testDB[collName];
- assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
- // The test shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
- adminDB = st.s.getDB("admin");
- checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB);
- // Upgrade the cluster.
- st.upgradeCluster("latest", {waitUntilStable: true});
- testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName);
- // Despite the upgrade, the test shouldn't pass because the FCV has not been explicitly set.
- adminDB = st.s.getDB("admin");
- checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
- assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB);
- // Set the FCV; the test should now pass.
- assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
- checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
- assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB);
- st.stop();
-runFeatureFlagMultiversionTest("featureFlagExactTopNAccumulator", runTest);
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/query_feature_flags.js b/jstests/multiVersion/query_feature_flags.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cd7e4580eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/multiVersion/query_feature_flags.js
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ * Tests that various query-specific feature flags work correctly.
+ *
+ * TODO SERVER-61851 Delete this test once we branch for 6.0.
+ *
+ * @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_rs.js"); // For upgradeSecondaries and upgradeSet.
+load("jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_cluster.js"); // For upgradeCluster.
+function createView(pipeline, expectedErrorCodes, expectedToPass, db, collName) {
+ const viewName = "testView";
+ jsTestLog("Attempting to create view: " + tojson(pipeline));
+ if (expectedToPass) {
+ assert.commandWorked(db.createView(viewName, collName, pipeline));
+ assert(db[viewName].drop());
+ } else {
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.createView(viewName, collName, pipeline),
+ expectedErrorCodes);
+ }
+function createValidator(aggExpr, expectedErrorCodes, expectedToPass, db, collName) {
+ const collMod = {collMod: collName, validator: {$expr: aggExpr}};
+ jsTestLog("Attempting to create validator: " + tojson(collMod));
+ if (expectedToPass) {
+ assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(collMod));
+ } else {
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand(collMod), expectedErrorCodes);
+ }
+const assertExpectedBehaviorSortArray = (expectedToPass, db, collName) => {
+ const aggExpr = {$sortArray: {input: "$a", sortBy: 1}};
+ createView([{$project: {output: aggExpr}}],
+ [31325, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+ createValidator(aggExpr,
+ [ErrorCodes.InvalidPipelineOperator, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+const assertExpectedBehaviorTopN = (expectedToPass, db, collName) => {
+ function getOperators(needTopBottom) {
+ let obj = {needsInputAndN: ["$firstN", "$lastN", "$minN", "$maxN"]};
+ if (needTopBottom) {
+ Object.assign(
+ obj, {needsOutputAndN: ["$topN", "$bottomN"], needsOutput: ["$top", "$bottom"]});
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function buildOperatorList(needAccumulators) {
+ let operatorList = [];
+ for (const [category, opNames] of Object.entries(getOperators(needAccumulators))) {
+ for (const opName of opNames) {
+ let spec = {};
+ if (category === "needsInputAndN") {
+ Object.assign(spec, {input: "$a", n: 10});
+ } else if (category === "needsOutputAndN") {
+ Object.assign(spec, {output: "$a", n: 10, sortBy: {b: 1}});
+ } else if (category === "needsOutput") {
+ Object.assign(spec, {output: "$a", sortBy: {b: 1}});
+ }
+ operatorList.push({[opName]: spec});
+ }
+ }
+ return operatorList;
+ }
+ // Accumulators.
+ for (const accSpec of buildOperatorList(true)) {
+ createView([{$group: {_id: "$groupKey", output: accSpec}}],
+ [15952, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+ }
+ // Aggregation expressions.
+ for (const aggExpr of buildOperatorList(false)) {
+ createView([{$project: {output: aggExpr}}],
+ [31325, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+ createValidator(aggExpr,
+ [ErrorCodes.InvalidPipelineOperator, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+ }
+ // Window functions.
+ for (const wfExpr of buildOperatorList(true)) {
+ const wfArg = Object.assign({window: {documents: [-1, 1]}}, wfExpr);
+ createView(
+ [{
+ $setWindowFields:
+ {partitionBy: "$partitionKey", sortBy: {sortField: 1}, output: {foo: wfArg}}
+ }],
+ [ErrorCodes.FailedToParse, ErrorCodes.QueryFeatureNotAllowed],
+ expectedToPass,
+ db,
+ collName);
+ }
+const testFeatureFlagConfigs = [
+ // Exact Top-N.
+ {
+ name: 'featureFlagExactTopNAccumulator',
+ collName: 'exactTopNUpgradeDowngrade',
+ dataPath: 'exact_top_n_upgrade_downgrade',
+ assertExpectedBehavior: assertExpectedBehaviorTopN
+ },
+ // $sortArray.
+ {
+ name: 'featureFlagSortArray',
+ collName: 'sortArrayUpgradeDowngrade',
+ dataPath: 'sort_array_upgrade_downgrade',
+ assertExpectedBehavior: assertExpectedBehaviorSortArray
+ }
+function makeQueryFeatureFlagTest(testFeatureFlagConfig) {
+ return function runTest(downgradeVersion) {
+ const dbName = "db";
+ const collName = testFeatureFlagConfig.collName;
+ const assertExpectedBehavior = testFeatureFlagConfig.assertExpectedBehavior;
+ // Standalone.
+ const dbPath = MongoRunner.dataPath + testFeatureFlagConfig.dbPath;
+ let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbPath, binVersion: downgradeVersion});
+ let testDB = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ let coll = testDB[collName];
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
+ // This shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Upgrade the standalone to the latest binVersion; this still shouldn't pass.
+ MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
+ conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(
+ {binVersion: "latest", restart: conn, cleanData: false, dbpath: dbPath});
+ testDB = conn.getDB(dbName);
+ let adminDB = conn.getDB("admin");
+ coll = testDB[collName];
+ checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Set the FCV to 'latestFCV'; this should now pass.
+ checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
+ assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB, collName);
+ MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
+ // Replica set.
+ // Set up a replica-set in 'downgradeVersion'.
+ const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 2, nodeOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion}});
+ rst.startSet();
+ rst.initiate();
+ let primary = rst.getPrimary();
+ testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
+ coll = testDB[collName];
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
+ // Shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Upgrade the replica set.
+ rst.upgradeSet({binVersion: "latest"});
+ // Verify that all nodes are in the latest version.
+ for (const node of rst.nodes) {
+ assert.binVersion(node, "latest");
+ }
+ rst.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary();
+ primary = rst.getPrimary();
+ testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
+ // Despite the upgrade, the test shouldn't pass because the FCV has not been explicitly set.
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Set the FCV; the test should now pass.
+ primary = rst.getPrimary();
+ adminDB = primary.getDB("admin");
+ checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
+ assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
+ testDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB, collName);
+ rst.stopSet();
+ // Sharded cluster.
+ const st = new ShardingTest({
+ shards: 2,
+ rs: {nodes: 2, binVersion: downgradeVersion},
+ other: {
+ mongosOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion},
+ configOptions: {binVersion: downgradeVersion}
+ }
+ });
+ testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName);
+ coll = testDB[collName];
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({}));
+ // The test shouldn't pass in 'downgradeVersion'.
+ adminDB = st.s.getDB("admin");
+ checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Upgrade the cluster.
+ st.upgradeCluster("latest", {waitUntilStable: true});
+ testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName);
+ // Despite the upgrade, the test shouldn't pass because the FCV has not been explicitly set.
+ adminDB = st.s.getDB("admin");
+ checkFCV(adminDB, downgradeVersion);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(false, testDB, collName);
+ // Set the FCV; the test should now pass.
+ assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: latestFCV}));
+ checkFCV(adminDB, latestFCV);
+ assertExpectedBehavior(true, testDB, collName);
+ st.stop();
+ };
+for (const config of testFeatureFlagConfigs) {
+ runFeatureFlagMultiversionTest(, makeQueryFeatureFlagTest(config));