diff options
19 files changed, 995 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_geonear.js b/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_geonear.js
index 67747b23a11..01323610035 100644
--- a/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_geonear.js
+++ b/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_geonear.js
@@ -54,18 +54,21 @@ let agg = tsColl.aggregate([{
assert.eq(agg.itcount(), nMeasurements);
-/* TODO (SERVER-58443): enable these tests once they work
-assert.commandWorked(tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$geoNear: [0, 0]}}).itcount());
-assert.commandWorked(tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$near: [0, 0]}}).itcount());
- .find({
- "tags.distance": {
- $nearSphere: {
- $geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.9667, 40.78]},
- $minDistance: 10,
- $maxDistance: 20
- }
- }
- })
- .itcount());*/
+if (TimeseriesTest.timeseriesMetricIndexesEnabled(db.getMongo())) {
+ tsColl
+ .find({
+ "tags.loc": {
+ $nearSphere: {
+ $geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.9667, 40.78]},
+ $minDistance: 10,
+ $maxDistance: 20
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .itcount();
+ tsColl.createIndex({'tags.loc': '2d'});
+ tsColl.find({"tags.loc": {$geoNear: [0, 0]}}).itcount();
+ tsColl.find({"tags.loc": {$near: [0, 0]}}).itcount();
diff --git a/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_text_geonear_disallowed.js b/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_text_geonear_disallowed.js
index e38d2ca20cb..ad36b318533 100644
--- a/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_text_geonear_disallowed.js
+++ b/jstests/core/timeseries/timeseries_text_geonear_disallowed.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if (!TimeseriesTest.timeseriesCollectionsEnabled(db.getMongo())) {
const timeFieldName = "time";
const metaFieldName = "tags";
-const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(jsTestName());
+const testDB = db.getSiblingDB('timeseries_text_geonear_disallowed' /*jsTestName()*/);
const tsColl = testDB.getCollection("ts_point_data");
@@ -42,29 +42,39 @@ for (let i = 0; i < nMeasurements; i++) {
-// Test that $geoNear fails cleanly because it cannot be issued against a time-series collection.
- assert.throws(() => tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$geoNear: [0, 0]}}).itcount()), 5626500);
+// Test that geo operators fail cleanly.
+if (!TimeseriesTest.timeseriesMetricIndexesEnabled(db.getMongo())) {
+ // $geoNear (alias for $near)
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ assert.throws(() => tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$geoNear: [0, 0]}}).itcount()),
+ // "$geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context"
+ 5626500);
-// Test that unimplemented match exprs on time-series collections fail cleanly.
-// $near
- assert.throws(() => tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$near: [0, 0]}}).itcount()), 5626500);
+ // $near
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ assert.throws(() => tsColl.find({"tags.distance": {$near: [0, 0]}}).itcount()),
+ // "$geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context"
+ 5626500);
-// $nearSphere
- assert.throws(() => tsColl
- .find({
- "tags.distance": {
- $nearSphere: {
- $geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.9667, 40.78]},
- $minDistance: 10,
- $maxDistance: 20
+ // $nearSphere
+ assert.commandFailedWithCode(
+ assert.throws(() => tsColl
+ .find({
+ "tags.distance": {
+ $nearSphere: {
+ $geometry:
+ {type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.9667, 40.78]},
+ $minDistance: 10,
+ $maxDistance: 20
+ }
- }
- })
- .itcount()),
- 5626500);
+ })
+ .itcount()),
+ // "$geoNear, $near, and $nearSphere are not allowed in this context"
+ 5626500);
+// Test that unimplemented match exprs on time-series collections fail cleanly.
// $text
// Text indices are disallowed on collections clustered by _id.
diff --git a/jstests/core/views/geo.js b/jstests/core/views/geo.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c646bb3629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/core/views/geo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * Tests that $near and $nearSphere work on an identity view. This is a prerequisite for
+ * supporting $near and $nearSphere on time-series views.
+ *
+ * @tags [
+ * requires_fcv_51,
+ * ]
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+if (!TimeseriesTest.timeseriesMetricIndexesEnabled(db.getMongo())) {
+ jsTestLog("Skipping test because the time-series collection feature flag is disabled");
+ return;
+// Sharding passthrough suites override getCollection() implicitly shard the collection.
+// This fails when the view already exists (from a previous run of this test), because you can't
+// shard a view. To work around this, drop the view before we even call getCollection().
+const collName = 'views_geo_collection';
+const viewName = 'views_geo_view';
+// Sharding passthrough suites also override the drop() method, so use runCommand() to bypass it.
+assert.commandWorkedOrFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({'drop': collName}),
+ [ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound]);
+assert.commandWorkedOrFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({'drop': viewName}),
+ [ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound]);
+// Allow the collection to be implicitly sharded.
+const coll = db.getCollection(collName);
+// Allow the view to be implicitly sharded.
+const view = db.getCollection(viewName);
+// Drop the view again so we can create it, as a view.
+assert.commandWorkedOrFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({'drop': viewName}),
+ [ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound]);
+// Create some documents with 2D coordinates.
+// The coordinates are [0, 0] ... [0, 90]. On a plane, they lie on the positive y axis,
+// while on a sphere they lie on the prime meridian, from the equator to the north pole.
+const numDocs = 11;
+const step = 90 / (numDocs - 1);
+coll.insert(Array.from({length: numDocs}, (_, i) => ({_id: i, loc: [0, step * i]})));
+assert.eq(numDocs, coll.aggregate([]).itcount());
+// Make sure the last doc lands exactly on the north pole.
+assert.eq(coll.find().sort({_id: -1}).limit(1).next(), {_id: numDocs - 1, loc: [0, 90]});
+// Define an identity view.
+db.createView(view.getName(), coll.getName(), []);
+// Make sure the view contents match the collection.
+assert.eq(numDocs, view.aggregate([]).itcount());
+assert.sameMembers(coll.aggregate([]).toArray(), view.aggregate([]).toArray());
+// There are several choices in how the query is written:
+// - $near or $nearSphere
+// - [x, y] or GeoJSON
+// - minDistance specified or not
+// - maxDistance specified or not
+// And there are many possible outcomes:
+// - Error, or not.
+// - Points ordered by spherical distance, or planar.
+// - minDistance/maxDistance interpreted as which units:
+// - degrees?
+// - radians?
+// - meters?
+// The outcome may depend on which indexes are present.
+// Sets up and tears down indexes around a given function.
+function withIndexes(indexKeys, func) {
+ if (indexKeys.length) {
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndexes(indexKeys));
+ }
+ try {
+ return func();
+ } finally {
+ for (const key of indexKeys) {
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex(key));
+ }
+ }
+// Runs the cursor and asserts that it fails because a required geospatial index was missing.
+function assertNoIndex(cursor) {
+ const err = assert.throws(() =>;
+ assert.contains(err.code, [ErrorCodes.NoQueryExecutionPlans, ErrorCodes.IndexNotFound], err);
+ assert(err.message.includes("$geoNear requires a 2d or 2dsphere index, but none were found") ||
+ err.message.includes("unable to find index for $geoNear query"),
+ err);
+ return err;
+// Runs the cursor and returns an array of just the Y coordinate for each doc.
+function getY(cursor) {
+ return cursor.toArray().map(doc => doc.loc[1]);
+// Runs the cursor and asserts that all the points appear, with those closer to [0, 0] first.
+function assertOriginFirst(cursor) {
+ assert.docEq(getY(cursor),
+ [0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90],
+ 'Expected points closer to [0, 0] to be first.');
+// Runs the cursor and asserts that all the points appear, with those closer to [0, 90] first.
+function assertOriginLast(cursor) {
+ assert.docEq(getY(cursor),
+ [90, 81, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18, 9, 0],
+ 'Expected points closer to [0, 0] to be last.');
+function degToRad(deg) {
+ // 180 degrees = pi radians
+ return deg * (Math.PI / 180);
+function degToMeters(deg) {
+ // Earth's circumference is roughly 40,000 km.
+ // 360 degrees = 1 circumference
+ const earthCircumference = 40074784;
+ return deg * (earthCircumference / 360);
+// Abbreviation for creating a GeoJSON point.
+function geoJSON(coordinates) {
+ return {type: "Point", coordinates};
+// Test how $near/$nearSphere is interpreted: $nearSphere always means a spherical-distance query,
+// but $near can mean either planar or spherical depending on how the query point is written.
+// Also test which combinations are allowed with which indexes.
+withIndexes([], () => {
+ // With no geospatial indexes, $near and $nearSphere should always fail.
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$near: [0, 0]}}));
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([0, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [0, 0]}}));
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([0, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$near: [0, 0]}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([0, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [0, 0]}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([0, 0])}}}));
+withIndexes([{loc: '2d'}], () => {
+ // Queries written as GeoJSON mean spherical distance, so they fail without a '2dsphere' index.
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ // $near [x, y] means planar distance, so it succeeds.
+ assertOriginFirst(coll.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+ assertOriginFirst(view.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+ // Surprisingly, $nearSphere can use a '2d' index to do a spherical-distance query.
+ // Also surprisingly, this only works with the [x, y] query syntax, not with GeoJSON.
+ assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+ assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+withIndexes([{loc: '2dsphere'}], () => {
+ // When '2dsphere' is available but not '2d', we can only satisfy spherical-distance queries.
+ // $near [x, y] fails because it means planar distance.
+ assertNoIndex(coll.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+ assertNoIndex(view.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+ // $near with GeoJSON means spherical distance, so it succeeds.
+ assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ // $nearSphere succeeds with either syntax.
+ assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+ assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+ assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+ assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+// For the rest of the tests, both index types are available.
+// With both types of indexes available, all the queries should succeed.
+coll.createIndexes([{loc: '2d'}, {loc: '2dsphere'}]);
+// $near [x, y] means planar.
+assertOriginFirst(coll.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+// GeoJSON and/or $nearSphere means spherical.
+assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+assertOriginLast(coll.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+// $near [x, y] means planar distance.
+assertOriginFirst(view.find({loc: {$near: [180, 0]}}));
+// GeoJSON and/or $nearSphere means spherical.
+assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: [180, 0]}}));
+assertOriginLast(view.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: geoJSON([180, 0])}}}));
+// Test how minDistance / maxDistance are interpreted.
+ // In a planar-distance query, min/maxDistance make sense even without thinking about units
+ // (degrees vs radians). You can think of the min/maxDistance as being the same units as the
+ // [x, y] coordinates in the collection: pixels, miles; it doesn't matter.
+ assert.eq(getY(coll.find({loc: {$near: [0, 0], $minDistance: 9, $maxDistance: 36}})),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ assert.eq(getY(view.find({loc: {$near: [0, 0], $minDistance: 9, $maxDistance: 36}})),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ // In a spherical-distance query, units do matter. The points in the collection are interpreted
+ // as degrees [longitude, latitude].
+ // Queries written as GeoJSON use meters.
+ assert.eq(getY(coll.find({
+ loc: {
+ $near: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([0, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(36) + 1,
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ assert.eq(getY(coll.find({
+ loc: {
+ $nearSphere: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([0, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(36) + 1,
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ assert.eq(getY(view.find({
+ loc: {
+ $near: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([0, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(36) + 1,
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ assert.eq(getY(view.find({
+ loc: {
+ $nearSphere: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([0, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(36) + 1,
+ }
+ }
+ })),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ // $nearSphere [x, y] uses radians.
+ assert.eq(
+ getY(coll.find(
+ {loc: {$nearSphere: [0, 0], $minDistance: degToRad(9), $maxDistance: degToRad(36)}})),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+ assert.eq(
+ getY(view.find(
+ {loc: {$nearSphere: [0, 0], $minDistance: degToRad(9), $maxDistance: degToRad(36)}})),
+ [9, 18, 27, 36]);
+// Test a few more odd examples: just confirm that the view and collection behave the same way.
+function example(predicate, limit = 0) {
+ // .find().limit(0) is interpreted as no limit.
+ assert.eq(coll.find(predicate).limit(limit).itcount(),
+ view.find(predicate).limit(limit).itcount(),
+ predicate);
+ assert.docEq(coll.find(predicate).limit(limit).toArray(),
+ view.find(predicate).limit(limit).toArray(),
+ predicate);
+// We want the order of results to be predictable: no ties. The documents all have integer
+// coordinates, so if we avoid nice numbers like .0 or .5 we know every document has a different
+// distance from the query point.
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 2.2]}});
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 9.1]}});
+// $near can be combined with another predicate.
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 2.2]}, _id: {$ne: 2}});
+// $near can have $minDistance and/or $maxDistance.
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 30.1], $minDistance: 10}});
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 30.1], $maxDistance: 20}});
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 30.1], $minDistance: 10, $maxDistance: 20}});
+// $near can have a limit.
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 2.2]}}, 10);
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 9.1]}}, 30);
+// Try combining several options:
+// - another predicate
+// - min/max distance
+// - limit
+example({loc: {$near: [0, 30.1], $minDistance: 10, $maxDistance: 30}, _id: {$ne: 2}}, 20);
+// .sort() throws away the $near order.
+assert.docEq(coll.find({loc: {$near: [0, 100]}}).sort({'loc.1': 1}).limit(5).toArray(),
+ view.find({loc: {$near: [0, 100]}}).sort({'loc.1': 1}).limit(5).toArray());
+// Test wrapping: insert a point at -179 degrees, and query it at +179.
+// It should be within about 2 degrees.
+const wrapTestDoc = {
+ _id: "wrap",
+ loc: [-179, 0]
+// Test all 3 syntaxes on the collection, and on the view.
+// These are all just alternative ways to specify the same spherical query.
+// Although the results are consistent, the plan is slightly different when running on the view,
+// because it runs as an aggregation.
+const assertNearSphereQuery = explain => {
+ assert(isQueryPlan(explain), explain);
+ assert(planHasStage(db, explain, 'GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE'), explain);
+const assertNearSphereAgg = explain => {
+ assert(isAggregationPlan(explain), explain);
+ let stages = getAggPlanStages(explain, '$geoNearCursor');
+ assert.neq(stages, [], explain);
+let query = {
+ loc: {
+ $nearSphere: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([+179, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(1.9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(2.1)
+ }
+ }
+assert.docEq(coll.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+assert.docEq(view.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+query = {
+ loc: {
+ $near: {
+ $geometry: geoJSON([+179, 0]),
+ $minDistance: degToMeters(1.9),
+ $maxDistance: degToMeters(2.1)
+ }
+ }
+assert.docEq(coll.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+assert.docEq(view.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+query = {
+ loc: {$nearSphere: [+179, 0], $minDistance: degToRad(1.9), $maxDistance: degToRad(2.1)}
+assert.docEq(coll.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+assert.docEq(view.find(query).toArray(), [wrapTestDoc]);
+})(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/commands/find_cmd.cpp b/src/mongo/db/commands/find_cmd.cpp
index 31faa7c7bb3..01bf2a8afbf 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/commands/find_cmd.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/commands/find_cmd.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/stats/resource_consumption_metrics.h"
#include "mongo/db/stats/server_read_concern_metrics.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_engine.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
#include "mongo/db/transaction_participant.h"
#include "mongo/logv2/log.h"
#include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h"
@@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<FindCommandRequest> parseCmdObjectToFindCommandRequest(Operation
boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> makeExpressionContext(
OperationContext* opCtx,
const FindCommandRequest& findCommand,
- boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> verbosity) {
+ boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> verbosity,
+ bool isView) {
std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface> collator;
if (!findCommand.getCollation().isEmpty()) {
collator = uassertStatusOK(CollatorFactoryInterface::get(opCtx->getServiceContext())
@@ -153,9 +155,10 @@ boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> makeExpressionContext(
nullptr, // mongoProcessInterface
- boost::none, // uuid
- findCommand.getLet(), // let
- CurOp::get(opCtx)->dbProfileLevel() > 0 // mayDbProfile
+ boost::none, // uuid
+ findCommand.getLet(), // let
+ CurOp::get(opCtx)->dbProfileLevel() > 0, // mayDbProfile
+ isView // omitVariables
expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";
@@ -302,25 +305,24 @@ public:
// Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a CanonicalQuery.
const ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(opCtx, &nss);
- auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, verbosity);
const bool isExplain = true;
- auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
- CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
- std::move(findCommand),
- isExplain,
- std::move(expCtx),
- extensionsCallback,
- MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures));
if (ctx->getView()) {
+ auto expCtx =
+ makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, verbosity, true /* isView */);
+ auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(findCommand),
+ isExplain,
+ std::move(expCtx),
+ extensionsCallback,
+ Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures()));
// Relinquish locks. The aggregation command will re-acquire them.
// Convert the find command into an aggregation using $match (and other stages, as
// necessary), if possible.
- const auto& findCommand = cq->getFindCommandRequest();
- auto viewAggregationCommand =
- uassertStatusOK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ auto viewAggregationCommand = uassertStatusOK(asAggregationCommand(*cq));
auto viewAggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName, viewAggregationCommand).body;
// Create the agg request equivalent of the find operation, with the explain
@@ -347,6 +349,15 @@ public:
+ auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, verbosity, false /* isView */);
+ auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(findCommand),
+ isExplain,
+ std::move(expCtx),
+ extensionsCallback,
+ MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures));
// The collection may be NULL. If so, getExecutor() should handle it by returning an
// execution tree with an EOFStage.
const auto& collection = ctx->getCollection();
@@ -445,27 +456,27 @@ public:
// Fill out curop information.
beginQueryOp(opCtx, nss, _request.body);
- // Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a CanonicalQuery.
const ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(opCtx, &nss);
- auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, boost::none /* verbosity */);
- auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
- CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
- std::move(findCommand),
- isExplain,
- std::move(expCtx),
- extensionsCallback,
- MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures));
if (ctx->getView()) {
+ auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(
+ opCtx, *findCommand, boost::none /* verbosity */, true /* isView */);
+ // Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a
+ // CanonicalQuery. And then convert the find command into an aggregation using
+ // $match (and other stages, as necessary), if possible.
+ auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(findCommand),
+ isExplain,
+ std::move(expCtx),
+ extensionsCallback,
+ Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures()));
+ auto viewAggregationCommand = uassertStatusOK(asAggregationCommand(*cq));
// Relinquish locks. The aggregation command will re-acquire them.
- // Convert the find command into an aggregation using $match (and other stages, as
- // necessary), if possible.
- const auto& findCommand = cq->getFindCommandRequest();
- auto viewAggregationCommand =
- uassertStatusOK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
BSONObj aggResult = CommandHelpers::runCommandDirectly(
opCtx, OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName, std::move(viewAggregationCommand)));
auto status = getStatusFromCommandResult(aggResult);
@@ -478,6 +489,17 @@ public:
+ auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(
+ opCtx, *findCommand, boost::none /* verbosity */, false /* isView */);
+ // Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a CanonicalQuery.
+ auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(findCommand),
+ isExplain,
+ std::move(expCtx),
+ extensionsCallback,
+ MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures));
const auto& collection = ctx->getCollection();
if (cq->getFindCommandRequest().getReadOnce()) {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.cpp b/src/mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.cpp
index 6db7f2003c5..e90ca0089d2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.cpp
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ GeoNearMatchExpression::GeoNearMatchExpression(StringData path,
bool GeoNearMatchExpression::matchesSingleElement(const BSONElement& e,
MatchDetails* details) const {
+ tasserted(5844303, "GeoNearMatchExpression::matchesSingleElement() should never be called");
return true;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.cpp
index e10b9e59b50..3c734f76b0f 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/lite_parsed_document_source.h"
#include "mongo/logv2/log.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
namespace mongo {
using boost::intrusive_ptr;
@@ -62,7 +64,9 @@ Value DocumentSourceGeoNear::serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity
result.setField("near", Value(coords));
- result.setField("distanceField", Value(distanceField->fullPath()));
+ if (distanceField) {
+ result.setField("distanceField", Value(distanceField->fullPath()));
+ }
if (maxDistance) {
result.setField("maxDistance", Value(*maxDistance));
@@ -120,17 +124,26 @@ void DocumentSourceGeoNear::parseOptions(BSONObj options) {
uassert(50856, "$geoNear no longer supports the 'start' argument.", !options["start"]);
- // The "near" and "distanceField" parameters are required.
+ // The "near" parameter is required.
"$geoNear requires a 'near' option as an Array",
options["near"].isABSONObj()); // Array or Object (Object is deprecated)
coordsIsArray = options["near"].type() == Array;
coords = options["near"].embeddedObject().getOwned();
- uassert(16606,
- "$geoNear requires a 'distanceField' option as a String",
- options["distanceField"].type() == String);
- distanceField.reset(new FieldPath(options["distanceField"].str()));
+ // "distanceField" is optional.
+ auto distElem = options["distanceField"];
+ if (!feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) {
+ // Except without this feature flag, "distanceField" is required.
+ uassert(16606,
+ "$geoNear requires a 'distanceField' option, as a String",
+ distElem.type() == String);
+ }
+ if (distElem) {
+ uassert(5844304, "$geoNear 'distanceField' must be a String", distElem.type() == String);
+ distanceField = FieldPath(distElem.str());
+ }
// The remaining fields are optional.
if (auto maxDistElem = options["maxDistance"]) {
@@ -226,10 +239,10 @@ bool DocumentSourceGeoNear::needsGeoNearPoint() const {
DepsTracker::State DocumentSourceGeoNear::getDependencies(DepsTracker* deps) const {
- // TODO (SERVER-35424): Implement better dependency tracking. For example, 'distanceField' is
- // produced by this stage, and we could inform the query system that it need not include it in
- // its response. For now, assume that we require the entire document as well as the appropriate
- // geoNear metadata.
+ // TODO (SERVER-35424): Implement better dependency tracking. For example, 'distanceField' (if
+ // specified) is produced by this stage, and we could inform the query system that it need not
+ // include it in its response. For now, assume that we require the entire document as well as
+ // the appropriate geoNear metadata.
deps->setNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kGeoNearDist, true);
deps->setNeedsMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields::kGeoNearPoint, needsGeoNearPoint());
@@ -243,7 +256,14 @@ DocumentSourceGeoNear::DocumentSourceGeoNear(const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionConte
DocumentSourceGeoNear::distributedPlanLogic() {
// {shardsStage, mergingStage, sortPattern}
- return DistributedPlanLogic{this, nullptr, BSON(distanceField->fullPath() << 1)};
+ return DistributedPlanLogic{
+ this,
+ nullptr,
+ // The field name here apparently doesn't matter, because we always look
+ // in {$meta: sortKey}, which is implicitly set from {$meta: geoNearDistance}
+ // when available.
+ BSON("field_name_does_not_matter" << 1),
+ };
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.h
index d9fbc6e669a..3e941aecb97 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.h
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ public:
* The field in which the computed distance will be stored.
- FieldPath getDistanceField() const {
- return *distanceField;
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> getDistanceField() const {
+ return distanceField;
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ private:
void parseOptions(BSONObj options);
// These fields describe the command to run.
- // 'coords' and 'distanceField' are required; the rest are optional.
+ // 'coords' is required; the rest are optional.
BSONObj coords; // "near" option, but near is a reserved keyword on windows
bool coordsIsArray;
- std::unique_ptr<FieldPath> distanceField; // Using unique_ptr because FieldPath can't be empty
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> distanceField;
BSONObj query;
bool spherical;
boost::optional<double> maxDistance;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.cpp
index 8e6885567d0..0d3d5ad4a4f 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ boost::intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor> DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor::c
const CollectionPtr& collection,
std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter> exec,
const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
- FieldPath distanceField,
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> distanceField,
boost::optional<FieldPath> locationField,
double distanceMultiplier) {
return {new DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor(collection,
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor::DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor(
const CollectionPtr& collection,
std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter> exec,
const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
- FieldPath distanceField,
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> distanceField,
boost::optional<FieldPath> locationField,
double distanceMultiplier)
: DocumentSourceCursor(
@@ -94,7 +94,9 @@ Document DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor::transformDoc(Document&& objInput) const {
<< output.peek().toString());
const auto distance = output.peek().metadata().getGeoNearDistance() * _distanceMultiplier;
- output.setNestedField(_distanceField, Value(distance));
+ if (_distanceField) {
+ output.setNestedField(*_distanceField, Value(distance));
+ }
if (_locationField) {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.h
index b3ddf9a834b..d0127667ac5 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near_cursor.h
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public:
const CollectionPtr&,
std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter>,
const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>&,
- FieldPath distanceField,
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> distanceField,
boost::optional<FieldPath> locationField = boost::none,
double distanceMultiplier = 1.0);
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ private:
DocumentSourceGeoNearCursor(const CollectionPtr&,
std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter>,
const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>&,
- FieldPath distanceField,
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> distanceField,
boost::optional<FieldPath> locationField,
double distanceMultiplier);
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ private:
Document transformDoc(Document&& obj) const override final;
// The output field in which to store the computed distance.
- FieldPath _distanceField;
+ boost::optional<FieldPath> _distanceField;
// The output field to store the point that matched, if specified.
boost::optional<FieldPath> _locationField;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.cpp
index 69698ab0289..86a20538afc 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.cpp
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ ExpressionContext::ExpressionContext(
StringMap<ExpressionContext::ResolvedNamespace> resolvedNamespaces,
boost::optional<UUID> collUUID,
const boost::optional<BSONObj>& letParameters,
- bool mayDbProfile)
+ bool mayDbProfile,
+ bool omitVariables)
: explain(explain),
@@ -127,6 +128,9 @@ ExpressionContext::ExpressionContext(
if (letParameters)
variables.seedVariablesWithLetParameters(this, *letParameters);
+ if (omitVariables)
+ variables = Variables{};
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h
index 398a162b283..7c8d61ea03d 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ public:
* Constructs an ExpressionContext to be used for Pipeline parsing and evaluation. This version
* requires finer-grained parameters but does not require an AggregateCommandRequest.
* 'resolvedNamespaces' maps collection names (not full namespaces) to ResolvedNamespaces.
+ *
+ * 'omitVariables == true' means the ExpressionContext should not have any variables defined.
+ * This lets you parse and optimize a query without assuming that top-level variables such as
+ * NOW are known.
ExpressionContext(OperationContext* opCtx,
const boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity>& explain,
@@ -138,7 +142,8 @@ public:
StringMap<ExpressionContext::ResolvedNamespace> resolvedNamespaces,
boost::optional<UUID> collUUID,
const boost::optional<BSONObj>& letParameters = boost::none,
- bool mayDbProfile = true);
+ bool mayDbProfile = true,
+ bool omitVariables = false);
* Constructs an ExpressionContext suitable for use outside of the aggregation system, including
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.cpp b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.cpp
index 90377d824f4..ae6ab01ae1b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/lite_parsed_pipeline.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_knobs_gen.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_options.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
#include "mongo/util/fail_point.h"
#include "mongo/util/str.h"
@@ -134,6 +135,17 @@ using StreamType = StageConstraints::StreamType;
constexpr MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet Pipeline::kAllowedMatcherFeatures;
constexpr MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet Pipeline::kGeoNearMatcherFeatures;
+MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures() {
+ if (serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isVersionInitialized() &&
+ feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes.isEnabled(
+ serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) {
+ return Pipeline::kGeoNearMatcherFeatures;
+ }
+ return Pipeline::kAllowedMatcherFeatures;
Pipeline::Pipeline(const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& pTheCtx) : pCtx(pTheCtx) {}
Pipeline::Pipeline(SourceContainer stages, const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx)
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h
index b67bb035fa2..61fe21cb548 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h
@@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ public:
+ * The match expression features allowed when running .find() on a view.
+ *
+ * The result can depend on feature flags or FCV.
+ * If FCV is not known yet, we err on the side of disallowing newer features.
+ */
+ static MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet viewFindMatcherFeatures();
+ /**
* Parses a Pipeline from a vector of BSONObjs then invokes the optional 'validator' callback
* with a reference to the newly created Pipeline. If no validator callback is given, this
* method assumes that we're parsing a top-level pipeline. Throws an exception if it failed to
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.cpp
index 87efc4cc259..2cfac7c0643 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
#include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h"
#include "mongo/db/cst/cst_parser.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_always_boolean.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h"
#include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
#include "mongo/db/operation_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query_encoder.h"
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/query/indexability.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/projection_parser.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_planner_common.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
namespace mongo {
namespace {
@@ -210,6 +213,46 @@ Status CanonicalQuery::init(OperationContext* opCtx,
return status;
+ {
+ // If there is a geo expression, extract it.
+ if (auto n = countNodes(_root.get(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) {
+ tassert(1234501, "isValidNormalized should have caught extra GEO_NEAR", n == 1);
+ if (_root->matchType() == MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) {
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> nonGeoNear{
+ static_cast<MatchExpression*>(new AlwaysTrueMatchExpression())};
+ std::unique_ptr<GeoNearMatchExpression> geoNear{
+ static_cast<GeoNearMatchExpression*>(_root->shallowClone().release())};
+ _splitGeoNear = SplitGeoNear{std::move(nonGeoNear), std::move(geoNear)};
+ } else {
+ tassert(1234502,
+ "GEO_NEAR can only happen in a top-level AND",
+ _root->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND);
+ auto nonGeoNear = _root->shallowClone();
+ std::unique_ptr<GeoNearMatchExpression> geoNear;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nonGeoNear->numChildren(); ++i) {
+ auto& children = *nonGeoNear->getChildVector();
+ if (nonGeoNear->getChild(i)->matchType() == MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) {
+ // Found it.
+ geoNear.reset(static_cast<GeoNearMatchExpression*>(children[i].release()));
+ children.erase(children.begin() + i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tassert(1234503, "Expected a GEO_NEAR in here", geoNear);
+ // Removing one branch of an $and may have left us with only one remaining branch.
+ if (nonGeoNear->numChildren() == 1) {
+ nonGeoNear = std::move(nonGeoNear->getChildVector()->at(0));
+ }
+ _splitGeoNear = SplitGeoNear{std::move(nonGeoNear), std::move(geoNear)};
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Validate the projection if there is one.
if (!_findCommand->getProjection().isEmpty()) {
try {
@@ -288,6 +331,10 @@ void CanonicalQuery::setCollator(std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface> collator) {
// The collator associated with the match expression tree is now invalid, since we have reset
// the collator owned by the ExpressionContext.
+ if (_splitGeoNear) {
+ _splitGeoNear->geoNear->setCollator(collatorRaw);
+ _splitGeoNear->nonGeoNear->setCollator(collatorRaw);
+ }
// static
@@ -331,6 +378,14 @@ size_t CanonicalQuery::countNodes(const MatchExpression* root, MatchExpression::
return sum;
+boost::optional<GeoNearMatchExpression*> CanonicalQuery::geoNear() const {
+ if (_splitGeoNear) {
+ return static_cast<GeoNearMatchExpression*>(_splitGeoNear->geoNear.get());
+ } else {
+ return boost::none;
+ }
* Does 'root' have a subtree of type 'subtreeType' with a node of type 'childType' inside?
@@ -509,6 +564,10 @@ std::string CanonicalQuery::toString() const {
// The expression tree puts an endl on for us.
ss << "Tree: " << _root->debugString();
+ if (_splitGeoNear) {
+ ss << "NonGeoNear: " << _splitGeoNear->nonGeoNear->debugString();
+ ss << "GeoNear: " << _splitGeoNear->geoNear->debugString();
+ }
ss << "Sort: " << _findCommand->getSort().toString() << '\n';
ss << "Proj: " << _findCommand->getProjection().toString() << '\n';
if (!_findCommand->getCollation().isEmpty()) {
@@ -547,4 +606,220 @@ CanonicalQuery::QueryShapeString CanonicalQuery::encodeKey() const {
return canonical_query_encoder::encode(*this);
+StatusWith<BSONObj> asAggregationCommand(const CanonicalQuery& cq) {
+ BSONObjBuilder aggregationBuilder;
+ const FindCommandRequest& findCommand = cq.getFindCommandRequest();
+ // The find command will translate away ntoreturn above this layer.
+ tassert(5746106, "ntoreturn should not be set in the findCommand", !findCommand.getNtoreturn());
+ // First, check if this query has options that are not supported in aggregation.
+ if (!findCommand.getMin().isEmpty()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kMinFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getMax().isEmpty()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kMaxFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getReturnKey()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kReturnKeyFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getShowRecordId()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kShowRecordIdFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getTailable()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ "Tailable cursors are not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getNoCursorTimeout()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kNoCursorTimeoutFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getAllowPartialResults()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kAllowPartialResultsFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getSort()[query_request_helper::kNaturalSortField]) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Sort option " << query_request_helper::kNaturalSortField
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ // The aggregation command normally does not support the 'singleBatch' option, but we make a
+ // special exception if 'limit' is set to 1.
+ if (findCommand.getSingleBatch() && findCommand.getLimit().value_or(0) != 1LL) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kSingleBatchFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getReadOnce()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kReadOnceFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getAllowSpeculativeMajorityRead()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option "
+ << FindCommandRequest::kAllowSpeculativeMajorityReadFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getRequestResumeToken()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kRequestResumeTokenFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getResumeAfter().isEmpty()) {
+ return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
+ str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kResumeAfterFieldName
+ << " not supported in aggregation."};
+ }
+ // Now that we've successfully validated this QR, begin building the aggregation command.
+ aggregationBuilder.append("aggregate",
+ findCommand.getNamespaceOrUUID().nss()
+ ? findCommand.getNamespaceOrUUID().nss()->coll()
+ : "");
+ // Construct an aggregation pipeline that finds the equivalent documents to this query request.
+ BSONArrayBuilder pipelineBuilder(aggregationBuilder.subarrayStart("pipeline"));
+ {
+ if (auto geoNear = cq.geoNear()) {
+ const auto& args = (*geoNear)->getData();
+ BSONObjBuilder geoStage = pipelineBuilder.subobjStart();
+ BSONObjBuilder geoArgs = geoStage.subobjStart("$geoNear"_sd);
+ geoArgs.append("key"_sd, (*geoNear)->path());
+ // $near and $nearSphere both support two different syntaxes:
+ // - GeoJSON: {type: Point, coordinates: [x, y]}
+ // - legacy coordinate pair: [x, y]
+ bool spherical = [&]() {
+ // $nearSphere always uses spherical geometry, but $near can use either
+ // spherical or planar geometry, depending on how the centroid is specified.
+ switch (args.centroid->crs) {
+ case CRS::FLAT:
+ return false;
+ case CRS::SPHERE:
+ return true;
+ tasserted(5844301,
+ "CRS::STRICT_SPHERE should not be possible in a "
+ "$near/$nearSphere query");
+ case CRS::UNSET:
+ tasserted(5844302,
+ "CRS::UNSET should not be possible in a $near/$nearSphere query");
+ }
+ tasserted(5844300, "Unhandled enum value for CRS, in $near/$nearSphere query");
+ }();
+ geoArgs.append("spherical"_sd, spherical);
+ if (args.unitsAreRadians || !spherical) {
+ // Write the $geoNear as [x, y] coordinates.
+ BSONArrayBuilder nearBuilder = geoArgs.subarrayStart("near"_sd);
+ nearBuilder.append(args.centroid->oldPoint.x);
+ nearBuilder.append(args.centroid->oldPoint.y);
+ nearBuilder.doneFast();
+ } else {
+ // Write the $geoNear as a GeoJSON point.
+ BSONObjBuilder nearBuilder = geoArgs.subobjStart("near"_sd);
+ nearBuilder.append("type"_sd, "Point"_sd);
+ {
+ BSONArrayBuilder coordinates = nearBuilder.subarrayStart("coordinates"_sd);
+ coordinates.append(args.centroid->oldPoint.x);
+ coordinates.append(args.centroid->oldPoint.y);
+ coordinates.doneFast();
+ }
+ nearBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (args.minDistance) {
+ geoArgs.append("minDistance"_sd, args.minDistance);
+ }
+ if (args.maxDistance) {
+ geoArgs.append("maxDistance"_sd, args.maxDistance);
+ }
+ geoArgs.doneFast();
+ geoStage.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (auto filter = cq.rootWithoutGeoNear(); !filter->isTriviallyTrue()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder matchBuilder = pipelineBuilder.subobjStart();
+ matchBuilder.append("$match"_sd, filter->serialize());
+ matchBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getSort().isEmpty()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder sortBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
+ sortBuilder.append("$sort", findCommand.getSort());
+ sortBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getSkip()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder skipBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
+ skipBuilder.append("$skip", *findCommand.getSkip());
+ skipBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getLimit()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder limitBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
+ limitBuilder.append("$limit", *findCommand.getLimit());
+ limitBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getProjection().isEmpty()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder projectBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
+ projectBuilder.append("$project", findCommand.getProjection());
+ projectBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ pipelineBuilder.doneFast();
+ // The aggregation 'cursor' option is always set, regardless of the presence of batchSize.
+ BSONObjBuilder batchSizeBuilder(aggregationBuilder.subobjStart("cursor"));
+ if (findCommand.getBatchSize()) {
+ batchSizeBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kBatchSizeFieldName,
+ *findCommand.getBatchSize());
+ }
+ batchSizeBuilder.doneFast();
+ // Other options.
+ aggregationBuilder.append("collation", findCommand.getCollation());
+ int maxTimeMS = findCommand.getMaxTimeMS() ? static_cast<int>(*findCommand.getMaxTimeMS()) : 0;
+ if (maxTimeMS > 0) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append(query_request_helper::cmdOptionMaxTimeMS, maxTimeMS);
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getHint().isEmpty()) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kHintFieldName, findCommand.getHint());
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getReadConcern()) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append("readConcern", *findCommand.getReadConcern());
+ }
+ if (!findCommand.getUnwrappedReadPref().isEmpty()) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kUnwrappedReadPrefFieldName,
+ findCommand.getUnwrappedReadPref());
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getAllowDiskUse()) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kAllowDiskUseFieldName,
+ static_cast<bool>(findCommand.getAllowDiskUse()));
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getLegacyRuntimeConstants()) {
+ BSONObjBuilder rtcBuilder(
+ aggregationBuilder.subobjStart(FindCommandRequest::kLegacyRuntimeConstantsFieldName));
+ findCommand.getLegacyRuntimeConstants()->serialize(&rtcBuilder);
+ rtcBuilder.doneFast();
+ }
+ if (findCommand.getLet()) {
+ aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kLetFieldName, *findCommand.getLet());
+ }
+ return StatusWith<BSONObj>(aggregationBuilder.obj());
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h
index 1e2a29d6def..a0eb4cfce8e 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
namespace mongo {
class OperationContext;
+class GeoNearMatchExpression;
class CanonicalQuery {
@@ -130,10 +131,32 @@ public:
const BSONObj& getQueryObj() const {
return _findCommand->getFilter();
+ /**
+ * Returns the query with any $near or $nearSphere removed.
+ * Returns $alwaysTrue if the query contains nothing besides $near or $nearSphere.
+ */
+ MatchExpression* rootWithoutGeoNear() const {
+ if (_splitGeoNear) {
+ return _splitGeoNear->nonGeoNear.get();
+ } else {
+ return _root.get();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the $near or $nearSphere expression, if the query has one.
+ */
+ boost::optional<GeoNearMatchExpression*> geoNear() const;
const FindCommandRequest& getFindCommandRequest() const {
return *_findCommand;
+ std::unique_ptr<FindCommandRequest> releaseFindCommandRequest() && {
+ return std::move(_findCommand);
+ }
* Returns the projection, or nullptr if none.
@@ -256,6 +279,16 @@ private:
std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> _root;
+ // If _root contains a GEO_NEAR, then we split it into a geo part and a non-geo part.
+ // GEO_NEAR is special because it also sorts, so it can't be represented as a $match;
+ // we split it so we can create a separate $geoNear stage instead.
+ // This is only supported if gTimeseriesMetricIndexes is enabled.
+ struct SplitGeoNear {
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> nonGeoNear;
+ std::unique_ptr<MatchExpression> geoNear;
+ };
+ boost::optional<SplitGeoNear> _splitGeoNear;
boost::optional<projection_ast::Projection> _proj;
boost::optional<SortPattern> _sortPattern;
@@ -273,4 +306,11 @@ private:
bool _enableSlotBasedExecutionEngine = false;
+ * Converts this CanonicalQuery into an aggregation using $match. If this CanonicalQuery has
+ * options that cannot be satisfied by aggregation, a non-OK status is returned and 'cmdBuilder' is
+ * not modified.
+ */
+StatusWith<BSONObj> asAggregationCommand(const CanonicalQuery& cq);
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.cpp
index 7db63a1427b..a8405f00e69 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonobj_comparator.h"
#include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h"
#include "mongo/db/dbmessage.h"
+#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h"
namespace mongo {
@@ -414,158 +416,5 @@ StatusWith<std::unique_ptr<FindCommandRequest>> fromLegacyQuery(NamespaceStringO
return std::move(findCommand);
-StatusWith<BSONObj> asAggregationCommand(const FindCommandRequest& findCommand) {
- BSONObjBuilder aggregationBuilder;
- // The find command will translate away ntoreturn above this layer.
- tassert(5746106, "ntoreturn should not be set in the findCommand", !findCommand.getNtoreturn());
- // First, check if this query has options that are not supported in aggregation.
- if (!findCommand.getMin().isEmpty()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kMinFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (!findCommand.getMax().isEmpty()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kMaxFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getReturnKey()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kReturnKeyFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getShowRecordId()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kShowRecordIdFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getTailable()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- "Tailable cursors are not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getNoCursorTimeout()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kNoCursorTimeoutFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getAllowPartialResults()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kAllowPartialResultsFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getSort()[query_request_helper::kNaturalSortField]) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Sort option " << query_request_helper::kNaturalSortField
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- // The aggregation command normally does not support the 'singleBatch' option, but we make a
- // special exception if 'limit' is set to 1.
- if (findCommand.getSingleBatch() && findCommand.getLimit().value_or(0) != 1LL) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kSingleBatchFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getReadOnce()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kReadOnceFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getAllowSpeculativeMajorityRead()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option "
- << FindCommandRequest::kAllowSpeculativeMajorityReadFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (findCommand.getRequestResumeToken()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kRequestResumeTokenFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- if (!findCommand.getResumeAfter().isEmpty()) {
- return {ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator,
- str::stream() << "Option " << FindCommandRequest::kResumeAfterFieldName
- << " not supported in aggregation."};
- }
- // Now that we've successfully validated this QR, begin building the aggregation command.
- aggregationBuilder.append("aggregate",
- findCommand.getNamespaceOrUUID().nss()
- ? findCommand.getNamespaceOrUUID().nss()->coll()
- : "");
- // Construct an aggregation pipeline that finds the equivalent documents to this query request.
- BSONArrayBuilder pipelineBuilder(aggregationBuilder.subarrayStart("pipeline"));
- if (!findCommand.getFilter().isEmpty()) {
- BSONObjBuilder matchBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
- matchBuilder.append("$match", findCommand.getFilter());
- matchBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- if (!findCommand.getSort().isEmpty()) {
- BSONObjBuilder sortBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
- sortBuilder.append("$sort", findCommand.getSort());
- sortBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- if (findCommand.getSkip()) {
- BSONObjBuilder skipBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
- skipBuilder.append("$skip", *findCommand.getSkip());
- skipBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- if (findCommand.getLimit()) {
- BSONObjBuilder limitBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
- limitBuilder.append("$limit", *findCommand.getLimit());
- limitBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- if (!findCommand.getProjection().isEmpty()) {
- BSONObjBuilder projectBuilder(pipelineBuilder.subobjStart());
- projectBuilder.append("$project", findCommand.getProjection());
- projectBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- pipelineBuilder.doneFast();
- // The aggregation 'cursor' option is always set, regardless of the presence of batchSize.
- BSONObjBuilder batchSizeBuilder(aggregationBuilder.subobjStart("cursor"));
- if (findCommand.getBatchSize()) {
- batchSizeBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kBatchSizeFieldName,
- *findCommand.getBatchSize());
- }
- batchSizeBuilder.doneFast();
- // Other options.
- aggregationBuilder.append("collation", findCommand.getCollation());
- int maxTimeMS = findCommand.getMaxTimeMS() ? static_cast<int>(*findCommand.getMaxTimeMS()) : 0;
- if (maxTimeMS > 0) {
- aggregationBuilder.append(cmdOptionMaxTimeMS, maxTimeMS);
- }
- if (!findCommand.getHint().isEmpty()) {
- aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kHintFieldName, findCommand.getHint());
- }
- if (findCommand.getReadConcern()) {
- aggregationBuilder.append("readConcern", *findCommand.getReadConcern());
- }
- if (!findCommand.getUnwrappedReadPref().isEmpty()) {
- aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kUnwrappedReadPrefFieldName,
- findCommand.getUnwrappedReadPref());
- }
- if (findCommand.getAllowDiskUse()) {
- aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kAllowDiskUseFieldName,
- static_cast<bool>(findCommand.getAllowDiskUse()));
- }
- if (findCommand.getLegacyRuntimeConstants()) {
- BSONObjBuilder rtcBuilder(
- aggregationBuilder.subobjStart(FindCommandRequest::kLegacyRuntimeConstantsFieldName));
- findCommand.getLegacyRuntimeConstants()->serialize(&rtcBuilder);
- rtcBuilder.doneFast();
- }
- if (findCommand.getLet()) {
- aggregationBuilder.append(FindCommandRequest::kLetFieldName, *findCommand.getLet());
- }
- return StatusWith<BSONObj>(aggregationBuilder.obj());
} // namespace query_request_helper
} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.h b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.h
index c925c06dd38..063bdd1bac8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
namespace mongo {
class QueryMessage;
+class CanonicalQuery;
class Status;
template <typename T>
class StatusWith;
@@ -93,13 +94,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<FindCommandRequest> makeFromFindCommandForTests(
void refreshNSS(const NamespaceString& nss, FindCommandRequest* findCommand);
- * Converts this FindCommandRequest into an aggregation using $match. If this FindCommandRequest has
- * options that cannot be satisfied by aggregation, a non-OK status is returned and 'cmdBuilder' is
- * not modified.
- */
-StatusWith<BSONObj> asAggregationCommand(const FindCommandRequest& findCommand);
* Helper function to identify text search sort key
* Example: {a: {$meta: "textScore"}}
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_test.cpp
index 6eeb8704f26..46f5e716bb8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_request_test.cpp
@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@
#include "mongo/db/json.h"
#include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
#include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_request_helper.h"
+#include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/query_request_helper.h"
#include "mongo/db/service_context_test_fixture.h"
+#include "mongo/idl/server_parameter_test_util.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
namespace mongo {
@@ -52,6 +54,29 @@ using unittest::assertGet;
static const NamespaceString testns("testdb.testcoll");
+class QueryRequestTest : public ServiceContextTest {
+ ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext uniqueTxn = makeOperationContext();
+ OperationContext* opCtx = uniqueTxn.get();
+ // Helper wrapper for this test--the real asAggregationCommand() takes a CanonicalQuery,
+ // but all these examples use FindCommand. For convenience this wrapper canonicalizes
+ // the FindCommand before calling the real function. This wrapper is limited to this test,
+ // because exposing it would make it easy to accidentally canonicalize a query twice.
+ StatusWith<BSONObj> testAsAggregationCommand(const FindCommandRequest& findCommand) {
+ auto cq = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::make_unique<FindCommandRequest>(findCommand),
+ false /*isExplain*/,
+ nullptr /*expCtx*/,
+ ExtensionsCallbackNoop(),
+ Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures());
+ if (!cq.isOK())
+ return cq.getStatus();
+ return asAggregationCommand(*cq.getValue());
+ }
TEST(QueryRequestTest, LimitWithNToReturn) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
@@ -1264,9 +1289,9 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ParseMaxTimeMSPositiveInRangeSucceeds) {
ASSERT_EQ(parseMaxTimeMSForIDL(maxTimeObj[query_request_helper::cmdOptionMaxTimeMS]), 300);
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1281,9 +1306,9 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationSucceeds) {
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationOmitsExplain) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationOmitsExplain) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1295,10 +1320,10 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationOmitsExplain) {
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithHintSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithHintSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
findCommand.setHint(fromjson("{a_1: -1}"));
- const auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ const auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1307,88 +1332,88 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithHintSucceeds) {
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(findCommand.getHint(), ar.getValue().getHint().value_or(BSONObj()));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMinFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMinFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
findCommand.setMin(fromjson("{a: 1}"));
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMaxFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMaxFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
findCommand.setMax(fromjson("{a: 1}"));
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldAndLimitFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldAndLimitFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldLimitOneSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithSingleBatchFieldLimitOneSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithReturnKeyFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithReturnKeyFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithShowRecordIdFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithShowRecordIdFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithTailableFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithTailableFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
query_request_helper::setTailableMode(TailableModeEnum::kTailable, &findCommand);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithNoCursorTimeoutFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithNoCursorTimeoutFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAwaitDataFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAwaitDataFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
query_request_helper::setTailableMode(TailableModeEnum::kTailableAndAwaitData, &findCommand);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowPartialResultsFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowPartialResultsFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithRequestResumeTokenFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithRequestResumeTokenFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithResumeAfterFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithResumeAfterFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
BSONObj resumeAfter = BSON("$recordId" << 1LL);
- ASSERT_NOT_OK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand));
+ ASSERT_NOT_OK(testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithPipeline) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithPipeline) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
findCommand.setFilter(BSON("x" << 1));
findCommand.setSort(BSON("y" << -1));
@@ -1396,7 +1421,7 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithPipeline) {
findCommand.setProjection(BSON("z" << 0));
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1409,7 +1434,7 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithPipeline) {
ASSERT_EQ(ar.getValue().getNamespace(), testns);
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
- std::vector<BSONObj> expectedPipeline{BSON("$match" << BSON("x" << 1)),
+ std::vector<BSONObj> expectedPipeline{BSON("$match" << BSON("x" << BSON("$eq" << 1))),
BSON("$sort" << BSON("y" << -1)),
BSON("$skip" << 7),
BSON("$limit" << 3),
@@ -1417,14 +1442,55 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithPipeline) {
+ ar.getValue().getPipeline().end(),
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithBatchSize) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithGeoNear) {
+ RAIIServerParameterControllerForTest controller("featureFlagTimeseriesMetricIndexes", true);
+ FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
+ findCommand.setFilter(BSON("x" << 1 << "loc" << BSON("$near" << BSON_ARRAY(0 << 0))));
+ findCommand.setSort(BSON("y" << -1));
+ findCommand.setLimit(3);
+ findCommand.setSkip(7);
+ findCommand.setProjection(BSON("z" << 0));
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ ASSERT_OK(agg);
+ auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
+ auto ar = aggregation_request_helper::parseFromBSONForTests(testns, aggCmd);
+ ASSERT_OK(ar.getStatus());
+ ASSERT(!ar.getValue().getExplain());
+ ASSERT_EQ(ar.getValue().getCursor().getBatchSize().value_or(
+ aggregation_request_helper::kDefaultBatchSize),
+ aggregation_request_helper::kDefaultBatchSize);
+ ASSERT_EQ(ar.getValue().getNamespace(), testns);
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
+ std::vector<BSONObj> expectedPipeline{
+ BSON("$geoNear" << BSON("key"
+ << "loc"
+ << "spherical" << false << "near" << BSON_ARRAY(0.0 << 0.0)
+ << "maxDistance" << std::numeric_limits<double>::max())),
+ BSON("$match" << BSON("x" << BSON("$eq" << 1))),
+ BSON("$sort" << BSON("y" << -1)),
+ BSON("$skip" << 7),
+ BSON("$limit" << 3),
+ BSON("$project" << BSON("z" << 0))};
+ ASSERT(std::equal(expectedPipeline.begin(),
+ expectedPipeline.end(),
+ ar.getValue().getPipeline().begin(),
+ ar.getValue().getPipeline().end(),
+ SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeEqualTo()));
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithBatchSize) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1438,11 +1504,11 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithBatchSize) {
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMaxTimeMS) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMaxTimeMS) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
const BSONObj cmdObj = agg.getValue();
@@ -1459,10 +1525,11 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithMaxTimeMS) {
ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSONObj());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithCollationSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithCollationSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- findCommand.setCollation(BSON("f" << 1));
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ findCommand.setCollation(BSON("locale"
+ << "fr"));
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1474,28 +1541,30 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithCollationSucceeds) {
ASSERT_EQ(ar.getValue().getNamespace(), testns);
- ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()), BSON("f" << 1));
+ ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(ar.getValue().getCollation().value_or(BSONObj()),
+ BSON("locale"
+ << "fr"));
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithReadOnceFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithReadOnceFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- const auto aggCmd = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ const auto aggCmd = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator, aggCmd.getStatus().code());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowSpeculativeMajorityReadFails) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowSpeculativeMajorityReadFails) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- const auto aggCmd = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ const auto aggCmd = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator, aggCmd.getStatus().code());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithLegacyRuntimeConstantsSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithLegacyRuntimeConstantsSucceeds) {
LegacyRuntimeConstants rtc{Date_t::now(), Timestamp(1, 1)};
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1506,10 +1575,10 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithLegacyRuntimeConstantsSucceeds) {
ASSERT_EQ(ar.getValue().getLegacyRuntimeConstants()->getClusterTime(), rtc.getClusterTime());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowDiskUseTrueSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowDiskUseTrueSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- const auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ const auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1518,10 +1587,10 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowDiskUseTrueSucceeds) {
ASSERT_EQ(true, ar.getValue().getAllowDiskUse());
-TEST(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowDiskUseFalseSucceeds) {
+TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ConvertToAggregationWithAllowDiskUseFalseSucceeds) {
FindCommandRequest findCommand(testns);
- const auto agg = query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand);
+ const auto agg = testAsAggregationCommand(findCommand);
auto aggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(testns.db(), agg.getValue()).body;
@@ -1642,8 +1711,6 @@ TEST(QueryRequestTest, ParseFromLegacyQueryExplainError) {
-class QueryRequestTest : public ServiceContextTest {};
TEST_F(QueryRequestTest, ParseFromUUID) {
const CollectionUUID uuid = UUID::gen();
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/commands/cluster_find_cmd.cpp b/src/mongo/s/commands/cluster_find_cmd.cpp
index 46374f2e505..861664d9b2c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/commands/cluster_find_cmd.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/commands/cluster_find_cmd.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_noop.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.h"
#include "mongo/db/stats/counters.h"
+#include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h"
#include "mongo/db/views/resolved_view.h"
#include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h"
#include "mongo/s/catalog_cache.h"
@@ -197,8 +198,14 @@ public:
auto bodyBuilder = result->getBodyBuilder();
- auto aggCmdOnView =
- uassertStatusOK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(*findCommand));
+ auto cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(findCommand),
+ false /*isExplain*/,
+ nullptr /*expCtx*/,
+ ExtensionsCallbackNoop(),
+ Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures()));
+ auto aggCmdOnView = uassertStatusOK(asAggregationCommand(*cq));
auto viewAggregationCommand =
OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName, aggCmdOnView).body;
@@ -264,8 +271,16 @@ public:
} catch (const ExceptionFor<ErrorCodes::CommandOnShardedViewNotSupportedOnMongod>& ex) {
- auto aggCmdOnView = uassertStatusOK(
- query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(cq->getFindCommandRequest()));
+ // 'cq' was constructed with kAllowAllSpecialFeatures, but now we want to convert it
+ // to an aggregation, which implies a stricter set of allowed features.
+ cq = uassertStatusOK(
+ CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx,
+ std::move(*cq).releaseFindCommandRequest(),
+ false, /* isExplain */
+ expCtx,
+ ExtensionsCallbackNoop(),
+ Pipeline::viewFindMatcherFeatures()));
+ auto aggCmdOnView = uassertStatusOK(asAggregationCommand(*cq));
auto viewAggregationCommand =
OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName, aggCmdOnView).body;