diff options
7 files changed, 1 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
index b3f0f2753fa..383c24356d9 100755
--- a/buildscripts/
+++ b/buildscripts/
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ def runTest(test, result):
if os.path.basename(path) in ('python', 'python.exe'):
path = argv[1]
elif ext == ".js":
- argv = [shell_executable, "--port", mongod_port]
+ argv = [shell_executable, "--port", mongod_port, '--authenticationMechanism', authMechanism]
setShellWriteModeForTest(path, argv)
diff --git a/jstests/auth/iteration_count_control.js b/jstests/auth/iteration_count_control.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe12e24019..00000000000
--- a/jstests/auth/iteration_count_control.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Test SCRAM iterationCount control.
-var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ''});
-var testIterationCountControl = function(){
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- adminDB.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- assert(adminDB.auth({user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass'}));
- var userDoc = getUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1');
- assert.eq(10000, userDoc.credentials['SCRAM-SHA-1'].iterationCount);
- // Changing iterationCount should not affect existing users.
- assert.commandWorked(adminDB.runCommand({setParameter: 1,
- scramIterationCount: 5000}));
- userDoc = getUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1');
- assert.eq(10000, userDoc.credentials['SCRAM-SHA-1'].iterationCount);
- // But it should take effect when the user's password is changed.
- adminDB.updateUser('user1', {pwd: 'pass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- userDoc = getUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1');
- assert.eq(5000, userDoc.credentials['SCRAM-SHA-1'].iterationCount);
- // Test invalid values for iterationCount. 5000 is the minimum value.
- assert.commandFailed(adminDB.runCommand({setParameter: 1,
- scramIterationCount: 4999}));
- assert.commandFailed(adminDB.runCommand({setParameter: 1,
- scramIterationCount: -5000}));
- assert.commandFailed(adminDB.runCommand(
- {setParameter: 1, scramIterationCount: 12345678901234567890}));
diff --git a/jstests/auth/user_special_chars.js b/jstests/auth/user_special_chars.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4dc218aeb7..00000000000
--- a/jstests/auth/user_special_chars.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Test creating and authenticating a user with special characters.
-var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ''});
-var testUserSpecialCharacters = function(){
- // Create a user with special characters, make sure it can auth.
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- adminDB.createUser({user: '~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]||;:",.//><', pwd: 'pass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- assert(adminDB.auth({user: '~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]||;:",.//><',
- pwd: 'pass'}));
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_rolling_upgrade_cluster.js b/jstests/multiVersion/auth_rolling_upgrade_cluster.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 954f76dd8ab..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_rolling_upgrade_cluster.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// This tests a few different things:
-// 1. That we can upgrade a cluster with keyfile auth from 2.6 to 2.8.
-// 2. That after upgrade but before authSchemaUpgrade both MONGODB-CR and
-// SCRAM-SHA-1 work.
-// 3. That in 2. user documents only have MONGODB-CR credentials.
-// 4. That after authSchemaUpgrade only SCRAM-SHA-1 works.
-// 5. That in 4. user documents only have SCRAM-SHA-1 credentials.
-// 6. That after authSchemaUpgrade a downgraded cluster can no longer auth.
-var oldVersion = "2.6";
-var newVersion = "2.8";
-// enableBalancer: true is required to get auth working with 2.6
-var options = {
- mongosOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- configOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- shardOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- nopreallocj: 1,
- separateConfig: true,
- sync: true,
- useHostname: true,
- enableBalancer: true
-// Step 1. Create a new 2.6 cluster with keyfile auth, add a user, test
-// that auth works, upgrade the cluster to 2.8 and test auth again.
-var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: options,
- keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1'});
-var mongos = st.s;
-var configConnStr = st._configDB;
-var adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
-// 2.6 doesn't support SCRAM so this should fail.
-assert.eq(false, adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-1',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
-// Authenticate so stopBalancer will work. Don't specify mechanism here to test
-// that a 2.8 shell uses the correct default for a 2.6 server.
-assert(adminDB.auth({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
-// The balancer has to be off to upgrade the config server from v5 to v6.
-// Upgrade config server from v5 to v6.
-var mongos = MongoRunner.runMongos({binVersion: newVersion,
- configdb: configConnStr,
- keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1',
- upgrade: ""});
-// Upgrade both config server and mongos. Both are necessary for SCRAM to work.
-st.upgradeCluster(newVersion, {upgradeShards: false,
- upgradeConfigs: true,
- upgradeMongos: true});
-// Solve a race condition. During upgradeCluster mongos instances are
-// restarted first, then the config servers. Restart the mongoses here
-// again to force them to reconnect to the config servers quickly before
-// we move on.
-mongos = st.s;
-adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-// Step 2. We haven't run authSchemaUpgrade so MONGODB-CR should still work.
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR', user: 'user1',
- pwd: 'password'}));
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-adminDB.updateUser('user1', {pwd: 'newpassword',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-// Step 3. We haven't run authSchemaUpgrade so there shouldn't be
-// any stored SCRAM-SHA-1 credentials.
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', true, false);
-// Regardless, SCRAM-SHA-1 and MONGODB-CR should still work.
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpassword', true, true);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user2', 'password', true, true);
-// Upgrade the shards, then run the same tests again.
-st.upgradeCluster(newVersion, {upgradeShards: true,
- upgradeConfigs: false,
- upgradeMongos: false});
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'newpassword'}));
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', true, false);
-adminDB.updateUser('user2', {pwd: 'newpassword',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user3', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles });
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', true, false);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user3', true, false);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user2', 'newpassword', true, true);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user3', 'password', true, true);
-// Step 4. After authSchemaUpgrade MONGODB-CR will no longer work since
-// MONGODB-CR credentials have been removed.
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user4', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user4', 'password', false, true);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpassword', false, true);
-// Step 5. After authSchemaUpgrade there shouldn't be MONGODB-CR credentials.
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', false, true);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', false, true);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user3', false, true);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user4', false, true);
-assert.eq(false, adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'NOT-A-MECHANISM',
- user: 'user4', pwd: 'password'}));
-// Step 6. Finally, downgrade the cluster back to 2.6.
-// Downgrade shards
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: true,
- upgradeConfigs: false,
- upgradeMongos: false});
-// Downgrade configs
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: false,
- upgradeConfigs: true,
- upgradeMongos: false});
-// Downgrade mongoses
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: false,
- upgradeConfigs: false,
- upgradeMongos: true });
-mongos = st.s;
-adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-// Since we ran authSchemaUpgrade before the downgrade it is no longer
-// possible to authenticate.
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user4', 'password', false, false);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpassword', false, false);
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_cluster.js b/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_cluster.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 08794d65b25..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_cluster.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Test that we can upgrade a cluster using keyfile auth from 2.6 to 2.8,
-// downgrade back again and MONGODB-CR auth will continue to work
-// regardless of server version. SCRAM-SHA-1 should work when mongos
-// and the config servers are version 2.8.
-var oldVersion = "2.6";
-var newVersion = "2.8";
-// enableBalancer: true is required to get auth working with 2.6
-var options = {
- mongosOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- configOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- shardOptions: {binVersion: oldVersion},
- nopreallocj: 1,
- separateConfig: true,
- sync: true,
- useHostname: true,
- enableBalancer: true
-var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: options,
- keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1'});
-var mongos = st.s;
-var configConnStr = st._configDB;
-var adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'admin', pwd: 'password'}));
-// The balancer has to be off to upgrade the config server from v5 to v6.
-// Upgrade config server from v5 to v6
-var mongos = MongoRunner.runMongos({binVersion: newVersion,
- configdb: configConnStr,
- keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1',
- upgrade: ""});
-// Upgrade cluster
-st.upgradeCluster(newVersion, {upgradeShards: true,
- upgradeConfigs: true, upgradeMongos: true });
-// Solve a race condition. During upgradeCluster mongos instances are
-// restarted first, then the config servers. Restart the mongoses here
-// again to force them to reconnect to the config servers quickly before
-// we move on.
-mongos = st.s;
-adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-// We haven't run authSchemaUpgrade so MONGODB-CR should still work.
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'admin', pwd: 'password'}));
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'password', true, true);
-// Downgrade shards
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: true,
- upgradeConfigs: false,
- upgradeMongos: false});
-// Downgrade configs
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: false,
- upgradeConfigs: true,
- upgradeMongos: false});
-// Downgrade mongoses
-st.upgradeCluster(oldVersion, {upgradeShards: false,
- upgradeConfigs: false,
- upgradeMongos: true});
-mongos = st.s;
-adminDB = mongos.getDB('admin');
-// We never ran authSchemaUpgrade so MONGODB-CR should still work
-// after downgrade. SCRAM, obviously, will no longer work.
-assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'admin', pwd: 'password'}));
-adminDB.updateUser('user1', {pwd: 'newpassword',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-adminDB.createUser({user: 'user2',
- pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', true, false);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpassword', true, false);
-verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user2', 'password', true, false);
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_standalone.js b/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_standalone.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cee9b23ac23..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/auth_upgrade_downgrade_standalone.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Standalone upgrade / downgrade tests.
-var legacyVersion = "2.4"
-var oldVersion = "2.6"
-var newVersion = "2.8"
-var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({binVersion: legacyVersion,
- auth: ''});
-var test28Shell24Mongod = function(){
- // Test that the 2.8 shell can authenticate a 2.4 mongod.
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- // Note - the 2.8 shell no longer includes addUser, so we
- // have to manually create the user here, including the
- // password hash.
- adminDB.system.users.insert({user: 'user1',
- pwd: 'e7e8a26d330dbb8bef5b1886ceb5e290'});
- // Test auth with and without explicit mechanism.
- assert(adminDB.auth({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
-var testUpgrade26 = function(){
- // Upgrade mongod to 2.6, do authSchemaUpgrade, add another user.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: conn.runId, binVersion: oldVersion});
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- // Test auth with and without explicit mechanism.
- assert(adminDB.auth({user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
- adminDB.runCommand('authSchemaUpgrade');
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'password'}));
- adminDB.updateUser('user1', {pwd: 'pass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'pass'}));
- adminDB.createUser({user: 'user2', pwd: 'pass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user2', pwd: 'pass'}));
-var testUpgrade28NoSchemaUpgrade = function(){
- // Upgrade mongod to 2.8, test that MONGODB-CR and SCRAM both work,
- // update a user, make sure both still work.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: conn.runId, binVersion: newVersion});
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'pass', true, true);
- // We haven't run authSchemaUpgrade so there shouldn't be
- // any stored SCRAM-SHA-1 credentials.
- verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
- verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', true, false);
- adminDB.updateUser('user1', {pwd: 'newpass',
- roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles});
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpass', true, true);
- verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', true, false);
-var testDowngrade26PreSchemaUpgrade = function(){
- // Downgrade to 2.6, make sure MONGODB-CR still works.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: conn.runId, binVersion: oldVersion});
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- assert(adminDB.auth({user: 'user1', pwd: 'newpass'}));
- assert(adminDB.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: 'user1', pwd: 'newpass'}));
-var testUpgrade28WithSchemaUpgrade = function(){
- // Upgrade back to 2.8, do authSchemaUpgrade, verify auth and user docs.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: conn.runId, binVersion: newVersion});
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpass', true, true);
- adminDB.runCommand('authSchemaUpgrade');
- // After authSchemaUpgrade MONGODB-CR no longer works.
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'newpass', false, true);
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user2', 'pass', false, true);
- // All users should only have SCRAM credentials.
- verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user1', false, true);
- verifyUserDoc(adminDB, 'user2', false, true);
-var testDowngrade26PostSchemaUpgrade = function(){
- // Downgrade to 2.6 again, nothing should work.
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);
- conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: conn.runId, binVersion: oldVersion});
- var adminDB = conn.getDB('admin');
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user1', 'pass', false, false);
- verifyAuth(adminDB, 'user2', 'pass', false, false);
diff --git a/jstests/multiVersion/libs/auth_helpers.js b/jstests/multiVersion/libs/auth_helpers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 39566da3d1b..00000000000
--- a/jstests/multiVersion/libs/auth_helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Helpers for auth upgrade tests.
-// Get a user document for username in db.
-var getUserDoc = function(db, username){
- return db.runCommand({'usersInfo': {user: username, db: db._name},
- showCredentials: true}).users[0]
-// Verify that the user document for username in db
-// has MONGODB-CR credentials (or not) and SCRAM-SHA-1
-// credentials (or not).
-var verifyUserDoc = function(db, username, hasCR, hasSCRAM){
- var userDoc = getUserDoc(db, username);
- assert.eq(hasCR, 'MONGODB-CR' in userDoc.credentials);
- assert.eq(hasSCRAM, 'SCRAM-SHA-1' in userDoc.credentials);
-// Verify that that we can authenticate (or not) using MONGODB-CR
-// and SCRAM-SHA-1 to db using username and password.
-var verifyAuth = function(db, username, password, passCR, passSCRAM){
- assert.eq(passCR, db.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-CR',
- user: username, pwd: password}));
- assert.eq(passSCRAM, db.auth({mechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-1',
- user: username, pwd: password}));