path: root/buildscripts/mobile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/mobile')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 692 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/mobile/ b/buildscripts/mobile/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9cc744eb9..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Profiling an Application on Android
-How to profile a test application for Android
-## Set up Your Local Environment
-1. Download ADB SDK
-1. Add the SDK platform-tools to your PATH
- * export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools"
-## Run the ADB profiler
-The ADB profiler is a custom script which provides
- * Battery statistics - battery.csv
- * Memory statistics - memory.csv
- * CPU statistics - cpu.json
-`python buildscripts/mobile/`
-## Enable USB Debugging on Android Device
-Enabling USB debugging can differ by device, see
-1. Enable USB debugging via ADB, example
- * Select Settings/About phone(or tablet)
- * Select Build number 7 times, to enable Developer Options
- * Select Settings/Developer Options/USB Debugging
-1. Connect the Android device to the computer via USB cable
-1. Select "Aways allow from this computer" and OK, when the prompt "Allow USB debugging?" appears on the device
-## Run the ADB Profiler Wirelessly
-1. Ensure the local computer and Android device are on the same network
-1. Connect the Android device to the computer via USB cable
-1. Set the Android device's ADB listening port
- * `adb devices`
- * `adb tcpip 5555`
-1. Disconnect the USB cable
-1. Identify the Android's IP address
- * Settings/About phone(or tablet)/Status
- * `adb_ip=<ip_address>`, i.e., adb_ip=
-1. Connect wirelessly to the Android device
- * `adb connect $adb_ip`
-1. Ensure you can connect to the Android device
- * `adb shell uptime`
-1. Run the ADB profiler as detailed above
diff --git a/buildscripts/mobile/ b/buildscripts/mobile/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7a2bb941b..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index d33a37e08d8..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""ADB utilities to collect adb samples from a locally connected Android device."""
-import distutils.spawn # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import pipes
-import re
-import shlex
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import threading
-import time
-import warnings
-# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
-# Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH.
-if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))
-from buildscripts.util import fileops
-from buildscripts.util import runcommand
-# Initialize the global logger.
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Adb(object):
- """Class to abstract calls to adb."""
- def __init__(self, adb_binary="adb", logger=LOGGER):
- """Initialize the Adb object."""
- self._cmd = None
- self.logger = logger
- self.adb_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(adb_binary)
- if not self.adb_path:
- raise EnvironmentError(
- "Executable '{}' does not exist or is not in the PATH.".format(adb_binary))
- # We support specifying a path the adb binary to use; however, only
- # knows how to find it using the PATH environment variable. It is possible that
- # 'adb_binary' is an absolute path specified by the user, so we add its parent
- # directory to the PATH manually.
- adb_dir = os.path.dirname(self.adb_path)
- os.environ["PATH"] = "{}{}{}".format(os.environ["PATH"], os.path.pathsep, adb_dir)
- # should be in <adb_dir>/systrace/
- self.systrace_script = os.path.join(adb_dir, "systrace", "")
- if not os.path.isfile(self.systrace_script):
- raise EnvironmentError("Script '{}' cannot be found.".format(self.systrace_script))
- self._tempfile = None
- @staticmethod
- def adb_cmd(adb_command, output_file=None, append_file=False, output_string=False):
- """Run an adb command and return result."""
- cmd = runcommand.RunCommand("adb {}".format(adb_command), output_file, append_file)
- if output_string or not output_file:
- return cmd.execute_with_output()
- return cmd.execute_save_output()
- @staticmethod
- def shell(adb_shell_command):
- """Run an adb shell command and return output_string.
- Raise an exception if the exit status is non-zero.
- Since the adb shell command does not return an exit status. We simulate it by
- saving the exit code in the output and then stripping if off.
- See
- """
- cmd_prefix = "set -o errexit; function _exit_ { echo __EXIT__:$?; } ; trap _exit_ EXIT ;"
- cmd = runcommand.RunCommand("adb shell {} {}".format(cmd_prefix, adb_shell_command))
- cmd_output = cmd.execute_with_output()
- if "__EXIT__" in cmd_output:
- exit_code = int(cmd_output.split()[-1].split(":")[1])
- cmd_output_stripped = re.split("__EXIT__.*\n", cmd_output)[0]
- if exit_code:
- raise RuntimeError("{}: {}".format(exit_code, cmd_output_stripped))
- return cmd_output_stripped
- return cmd_output
- def devices(self):
- """Return the available ADB devices and the uptime."""
- return self.adb_cmd("devices -l", output_string=True)
- def device_available(self):
- """Return the the uptime of the connected device."""
- # If the device is not available this will throw an exception.
- return self.adb_cmd("shell uptime", output_string=True)
- def push(self, files, remote_dir, sync=False):
- """Push a list of files over adb to remote_dir."""
- # We can specify files as a single file name or a list of files.
- if isinstance(files, list):
- files = " ".join(files)
- sync_opt = "--sync " if sync else ""
- return self.adb_cmd("push {}{} {}".format(sync_opt, files, remote_dir), output_string=True)
- def pull(self, files, local_dir):
- """Pull a list of remote files over adb to local_dir."""
- # We can specify files as a single file name or a list of files.
- if isinstance(files, list):
- files = " ".join(files)
- return self.adb_cmd("pull {} {}".format(files, local_dir), output_string=True)
- def _battery_cmd(self, option, output_file=None, append_file=False):
- self.adb_cmd("shell dumpsys batterystats {}".format(option), output_file, append_file)
- def battery(self, reset=False, output_file=None, append_file=False):
- """Collect the battery stats and save to the output_file."""
- if reset:
- self._battery_cmd("--reset")
- self._battery_cmd("--checkin", output_file, append_file)
- def memory(self, output_file=None, append_file=False):
- """Collect the memory stats and save to the output_file."""
- self.adb_cmd("shell dumpsys meminfo -c -d", output_file, append_file)
- def systrace_start(self, output_file=None):
- """Start the script to collect CPU usage."""
- self._tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
- self._cmd = runcommand.RunCommand(output_file=self._tempfile, propagate_signals=False)
- self._cmd.add_file(sys.executable)
- self._cmd.add_file(self.systrace_script)
- self._cmd.add("--json")
- self._cmd.add("-o")
- self._cmd.add_file(output_file)
- self._cmd.add("dalvik sched freq idle load")
- self._cmd.start_process()
- def systrace_stop(self, output_file=None):
- """Stop the script."""
- self._cmd.send_to_process("bye")
- with open(self._tempfile) as fh:
- buff =
- os.remove(self._tempfile)
- self.logger.debug("systrace_stop: %s", buff)
- if "Wrote trace" not in buff:
- self.logger.error("CPU file not saved: %s", buff)
- if os.path.isfile(output_file):
- os.remove(output_file)
-class AdbControl(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- """Class to controls calls to adb."""
- _JOIN_TIMEOUT = 24 * 60 * 60 # 24 hours (a long time to have the monitor run for)
- def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
- self, adb, logger=LOGGER, battery_file=None, memory_file=None, cpu_file=None,
- append_file=False, num_samples=0, collection_time_secs=0, sample_interval_ms=0):
- """Initialize AdbControl object."""
- self.adb = adb
- self.logger = logger
- output_files = [battery_file, memory_file, cpu_file]
- if not any(output_files):
- raise ValueError("There are no collection sample files selected.")
- self.battery_file = battery_file
- self.memory_file = memory_file
- self.cpu_file = cpu_file
- # The AdbResourceMonitor will always append results to the specified file.
- # If append_file is specified in this init, then if there's an existing file
- # we do not overwrite it.
- for output_file in output_files:
- if not append_file:
- fileops.create_empty(output_file)
- self.append_file = append_file
- # collection_time_secs overrides num_samples
- self.num_samples = num_samples if collection_time_secs == 0 else 0
- self.collection_time_secs = collection_time_secs
- self.sample_interval_ms = sample_interval_ms
- self.should_stop = threading.Event()
- self.should_stop.clear()
- self.sample_based_threads = []
- self.all_threads = []
- def start(self):
- """Start adb sample collection."""
- if self.cpu_file:
- monitor = AdbContinuousResourceMonitor(self.cpu_file, self.should_stop,
- self.adb.systrace_start, self.adb.systrace_stop)
- self.all_threads.append(monitor)
- monitor.start()
- if self.battery_file:
- monitor = AdbSampleBasedResourceMonitor(self.battery_file, self.should_stop,
- self.adb.battery, self.num_samples,
- self.sample_interval_ms)
- self.sample_based_threads.append(monitor)
- self.all_threads.append(monitor)
- monitor.start()
- if self.memory_file:
- monitor = AdbSampleBasedResourceMonitor(self.memory_file, self.should_stop,
- self.adb.memory, self.num_samples,
- self.sample_interval_ms)
- self.sample_based_threads.append(monitor)
- self.all_threads.append(monitor)
- monitor.start()
- def stop(self):
- """Stop adb sample collection."""
- self.should_stop.set()
- self.wait()
- def wait(self):
- """Wait for all sample collections to complete."""
- try:
- # We either wait for the specified amount of time or for the sample-based monitors
- # to have collected the specified number of samples.
- if self.collection_time_secs > 0:
- self.should_stop.wait(self.collection_time_secs)
- else:
- for thread in self.sample_based_threads:
- # We must specify a timeout to threading.Thread.join() to ensure that the
- # wait is interruptible. The main thread would otherwise never be able to
- # receive a KeyboardInterrupt.
- thread.join(self._JOIN_TIMEOUT)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- # The user has interrupted the script, so we signal to all of the monitor threads
- # that they should exit as quickly as they can.
- pass
- finally:
- self.should_stop.set()
- # Wait for all of the monitor threads to exit, by specifying a timeout to
- # threading.Thread.join() in case the user tries to interrupt the script again.
- for thread in self.all_threads:
- thread.join(self._JOIN_TIMEOUT)
-"Collections stopped.")
- # If any of the monitor threads encountered an error, then reraise the exception in the
- # main thread.
- for thread in self.all_threads:
- if thread.exception is not None:
- raise thread.exception
-class AdbResourceMonitor(threading.Thread):
- """Thread to collect information about a specific resource using adb."""
- def __init__(self, output_file, should_stop, logger=LOGGER):
- """Initialize the AdbResourceMonitor object."""
- threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="AdbResourceMonitor {}".format(output_file))
- self._output_file = output_file
- self._should_stop = should_stop
- self.logger = logger
- self.exception = None
- def run(self):
- """Collect adb samples."""
- try:
- self._do_monitoring()
- except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- self.logger.error("%s: Encountered an error: %s", self._output_file, err)
- self.exception = err
- self._should_stop.set()
-class AdbSampleBasedResourceMonitor(AdbResourceMonitor):
- """Subclass for ADB sample based monitor."""
- def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
- self, output_file, should_stop, adb_cmd, num_samples, sample_interval_ms):
- """Initialize AdbSampleBasedResourceMonitor."""
- AdbResourceMonitor.__init__(self, output_file, should_stop)
- self.adb_cmd = adb_cmd
- self._num_samples = num_samples
- self._sample_interval_ms = sample_interval_ms
- def _do_monitoring(self):
- """Monitor function."""
- collected_samples = 0
- now = time.time()
- while not self._should_stop.is_set():
- if self._num_samples > 0 and collected_samples >= self._num_samples:
- break
- if collected_samples > 0:
- self.logger.debug("%s: Sleeping %d ms.", self._output_file,
- self._sample_interval_ms)
- self._should_stop.wait(self._sample_interval_ms / 1000.0)
- collected_samples += 1
- self._take_sample(collected_samples)
- total_time_ms = (time.time() - now) * 1000
-"%s: Stopping monitoring, %d samples collected in %d ms.",
- self._output_file, collected_samples, total_time_ms)
- def _take_sample(self, collected_samples):
- """Collect sample."""
- self.logger.debug("%s: Collecting sample %d of %d", self._output_file, collected_samples,
- self._num_samples)
- self.adb_cmd(output_file=self._output_file, append_file=True)
-class AdbContinuousResourceMonitor(AdbResourceMonitor):
- """Subclass for ADB continuous sample based monitoring."""
- def __init__(self, output_file, should_stop, adb_start_cmd, adb_stop_cmd):
- """Initialize AdbContinuousResourceMonitor."""
- AdbResourceMonitor.__init__(self, output_file, should_stop)
- self._adb_start_cmd = adb_start_cmd
- self._adb_stop_cmd = adb_stop_cmd
- def _do_monitoring(self):
- """Monitor function."""
- self.logger.debug("%s: Starting monitoring.", self._output_file)
- now = time.time()
- self._adb_start_cmd(output_file=self._output_file)
- self._should_stop.wait()
- total_time_ms = (time.time() - now) * 1000
-"%s: Stopping monitoring after %d ms.", self._output_file, total_time_ms)
- self._adb_stop_cmd(output_file=self._output_file)
-def main(): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements
- """Execute Main program."""
- logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
- logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- program_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Program Options")
- battery_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Battery Options")
- memory_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Memory Options")
- systrace_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Systrace Options")
- program_options.add_option("--adbBinary", dest="adb_binary",
- help="The path for adb. Defaults to '%default', which is in $PATH.",
- default="adb")
- program_options.add_option(
- "--samples", dest="num_samples",
- help="Number of samples to collect, 0 indicates infinite. [Default: %default]", type=int,
- default=0)
- program_options.add_option(
- "--collectionTime", dest="collection_time_secs",
- help="Time in seconds to collect samples, if specifed overrides '--samples'.", type=int,
- default=0)
- program_options.add_option(
- "--sampleIntervalMs", dest="sample_interval_ms",
- help="Time in milliseconds between collecting a sample. [Default: %default]", type=int,
- default=500)
- log_levels = ["debug", "error", "info", "warning"]
- program_options.add_option(
- "--logLevel", dest="log_level", choices=log_levels,
- help="The log level. Accepted values are: {}. [default: '%default'].".format(log_levels),
- default="info")
- battery_options.add_option(
- "--batteryFile", dest="battery_file",
- help="The destination file for battery stats (CSV format). [Default: %default].",
- default="battery.csv")
- battery_options.add_option("--noBattery", dest="no_battery",
- help="Disable collection of battery samples.", action="store_true",
- default=False)
- memory_options.add_option(
- "--memoryFile", dest="memory_file",
- help="The destination file for memory stats (CSV format). [Default: %default].",
- default="memory.csv")
- memory_options.add_option("--noMemory", dest="no_memory",
- help="Disable collection of memory samples.", action="store_true",
- default=False)
- systrace_options.add_option(
- "--cpuFile", dest="cpu_file",
- help="The destination file for CPU stats (JSON format). [Default: %default].",
- default="cpu.json")
- systrace_options.add_option("--noCpu", dest="no_cpu", help="Disable collection of CPU samples.",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option_group(program_options)
- parser.add_option_group(battery_options)
- parser.add_option_group(memory_options)
- parser.add_option_group(systrace_options)
- options, _ = parser.parse_args()
- output_files = {}
- if options.no_battery:
- options.battery_file = None
- else:
- output_files[options.battery_file] = fileops.getmtime(options.battery_file)
- if options.no_memory:
- options.memory_file = None
- else:
- output_files[options.memory_file] = fileops.getmtime(options.memory_file)
- if options.no_cpu:
- options.cpu_file = None
- else:
- output_files[options.cpu_file] = fileops.getmtime(options.cpu_file)
- LOGGER.setLevel(options.log_level.upper())
-"This program can be cleanly terminated by issuing the following command:"
- "\n\t\t'kill -INT %d'", os.getpid())
- adb = Adb(options.adb_binary)
-"Detected devices by adb:\n%s%s", adb.devices(), adb.device_available())
- adb_control = AdbControl(adb=adb, battery_file=options.battery_file,
- memory_file=options.memory_file, cpu_file=options.cpu_file,
- num_samples=options.num_samples,
- collection_time_secs=options.collection_time_secs,
- sample_interval_ms=options.sample_interval_ms)
- adb_control.start()
- try:
- adb_control.wait()
- finally:
- files_saved = []
- for path in output_files:
- if fileops.getmtime(path) > output_files[path] and not fileops.is_empty(path):
- files_saved.append(path)
-"Files saved: %s", files_saved)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/buildscripts/mobile/ b/buildscripts/mobile/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2aaac544bd..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/mobile/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Setup an Android device to run the benchrun_embedded test suite."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import glob
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import posixpath
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-import time
-import urllib
-# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
-# Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH.
-if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))
-from import adb_monitor
-# Initialize the global logger.
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def download_and_untar(url, root_dir):
- """Download url and untar into root_dir."""
- temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".tgz").name
-"Downloading %s", url)
- urllib.urlretrieve(url, temp_file)
- with, "r:gz") as tar:
- tar.extractall(root_dir)
- os.remove(temp_file)
-def push_directory_contents(adb, local_dir, remote_dir):
- """Push contents of local_dir to remote_dir via adb."""
- # Push the contents of temp_dir.
- paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(local_dir, "*"))
- paths.sort()
- paths_msg = paths
- if isinstance(paths, list):
- paths_msg = [os.path.basename(path) for path in paths]
- paths_msg = "{}{}".format(paths_msg[:5], "" if len(paths) <= 5 else " ...")
-"Pushing %s to %s", paths_msg, remote_dir)
- adb.push(paths, remote_dir)
-def download_and_push(adb, url, remote_dir, local_dir=None):
- """Download url and push directory to remote_dir via adb.
- If local_dir is defined, then save the unzipped tar there.
- """
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- download_and_untar(url, temp_dir)
- push_directory_contents(adb, temp_dir, remote_dir)
- if local_dir:
- if os.path.exists(local_dir):
-"Removing local path %s", local_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(local_dir)
-"Saving local copy to %s", local_dir)
- shutil.move(temp_dir, local_dir)
- else:
- shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
-def create_empty_remote_dirs(adb, dirs):
- """Create empty remote directories via adb."""
- # We can specify dirs as a single directory name or as list.
- if isinstance(dirs, str):
- dirs = [dirs]
- # Keep directories in order, so we do not delete a root level later.
- dirs.sort()
- for remote_dir in dirs:
-"Creating remote directory %s", remote_dir)
- "if [ -d {remote_dir} ]; then rm -fr {remote_dir}; fi; mkdir -p {remote_dir}".format(
- remote_dir=remote_dir))
-def move_sdk_files(adb, sdk_root_dir):
- """Move all the files in bin and lib into sdk_root_dir."""
-"Moving SDK bin & lib files to %s", sdk_root_dir)
- adb_command = "lib_dir=$(find {} -name 'lib')".format(sdk_root_dir)
- adb_command = "{}; bin_dir=$(find {} -name 'bin')".format(adb_command, sdk_root_dir)
- adb_command = "{}; mv $lib_dir/* $bin_dir/* {}".format(adb_command, sdk_root_dir)
-def main():
- """Execute Main program."""
- logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
- logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
- benchrun_root = "/data/local/tmp/benchrun_embedded"
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- program_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Program Options")
- device_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Device Options")
- sdk_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Embedded Test SDK Options")
- json_options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "JSON benchrun file Options")
- program_options.add_option("--adbBinary", dest="adb_binary",
- help="The path for adb. Defaults to '%default', which is in $PATH.",
- default="adb")
- device_options.add_option(
- "--rootRemoteDir", dest="embedded_root_dir",
- help="The remote root directory to store the files. Defaults to '%default'.",
- default=benchrun_root)
- device_options.add_option(
- "--dbDir", dest="db_dir",
- help=("The remote dbpath directory used by mongoebench."
- " Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to '%default'."),
- default=posixpath.join(benchrun_root, "db"))
- device_options.add_option(
- "--resultsDir", dest="results_dir",
- help=("The remote directory to store the mongoebench results."
- " Will be created if it does not exist. Defaults to '%default'."),
- default=posixpath.join(benchrun_root, "results"))
- device_options.add_option(
- "--sdkRemoteDir", dest="sdk_remote_dir",
- help="The remote directory to store the embedded SDK files. Defaults to '%default'.",
- default=posixpath.join(benchrun_root, "sdk"))
- device_options.add_option("--benchrunJsonRemoteDir", dest="json_remote_dir",
- help="The remote directory to store the benchrun JSON files."
- " Defaults to '%default'.", default=posixpath.join(
- benchrun_root, "testcases"))
- sdk_url = ""
- sdk_options.add_option(
- "--sdkUrl", dest="sdk_url",
- help=("The embedded SDK test URL. This tarball must contain mongoebench and"
- " any required shared object (.so) libraries. Defaults to '%default'."),
- default=sdk_url)
- sdk_options.add_option("--sdkLocalDir", dest="sdk_local_dir",
- help="The local directory of embedded SDK files to be copied."
- "If specified, overrides --sdkUrl.", default=None)
- sdk_options.add_option(
- "--sdkSaveLocalDir", dest="sdk_save_local_dir",
- help=("The local directory to save the downloaded embedded SDK as an unzipped tarball."
- " Only used if the embedded SDK tarball is downloaded. Note - this will delete"
- " the existing directory."), default=None)
- json_url = ""
- json_options.add_option(
- "--benchrunJsonUrl", dest="json_url",
- help=("The benchrun JSON files URL. This tarball must contain all the JSON"
- " files to be used in the benchrun embedded test."
- " Defaults to '%default'."), default=json_url)
- json_options.add_option("--benchrunJsonLocalDir", dest="json_local_dir",
- help="The local directory of benchrun JSON files to be copied."
- "If specified, overrides --benchrunJsonUrl.", default=None)
- json_options.add_option(
- "--benchrunJsonSaveLocalDir", dest="json_save_local_dir",
- help=("The local directory to save the downloaded benchrun JSON as an unzipped tarball."
- " Only used if the benchrun JSON files tarball is downloaded. Note - this will"
- " delete the existing directory. Defaults to '%default'."), default=os.path.join(
- "benchrun_embedded", "testcases"))
- json_options.add_option(
- "--noBenchrunJsonSaveLocal", action="store_true", dest="no_json_save_local_dir",
- help=("Disable saving downloaded benchrun JSON as an unzipped tarball."), default=False)
- parser.add_option_group(program_options)
- parser.add_option_group(device_options)
- parser.add_option_group(sdk_options)
- parser.add_option_group(json_options)
- options, _ = parser.parse_args()
- if options.no_json_save_local_dir:
- options.json_save_local_dir = None
- adb = adb_monitor.Adb(options.adb_binary)
- adb.device_available()
-"Detected devices by adb:\n%s%s", adb.devices(), adb.device_available())
- # Create/empty remote directories.
- create_empty_remote_dirs(adb, [
- options.embedded_root_dir, options.db_dir, options.results_dir, options.sdk_remote_dir,
- options.json_remote_dir
- ])
- # Download, untar and push Embedded SDK Tests & Benchrun JSON files.
- # Unfortunately gunzip may not exist on the Android device, so we cannot use this remote command:
- # curl URL | tar -xzv -C LOCAL_DIR
- if options.sdk_local_dir:
- push_directory_contents(adb, options.sdk_local_dir, options.sdk_remote_dir)
- else:
- download_and_push(adb, options.sdk_url, options.sdk_remote_dir, options.sdk_save_local_dir)
- move_sdk_files(adb, options.sdk_remote_dir)
- if options.json_local_dir:
- push_directory_contents(adb, options.json_local_dir, options.json_remote_dir)
- else:
- download_and_push(adb, options.json_url, options.json_remote_dir,
- options.json_save_local_dir)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()