path: root/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb b/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e974e4bd54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# This section verifies start, stop, and restart.
+# - stop mongod so that we begin testing from a stopped state
+# - verify start, stop, and restart
+# service is not in path for commands with sudo on suse
+service = os[:name] == 'suse' ? '/sbin/service' : 'service'
+describe command("#{service} mongod stop") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe command("#{service} mongod start") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should be_running }
+describe command("#{service} mongod stop") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should_not be_running }
+describe command("#{service} mongod restart") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should be_running }
+# wait to make sure mongod is ready
+describe command("/") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+# This section verifies files, directories, and users
+# - files and directories exist and have correct attributes
+# - mongod user exists and has correct attributes
+# convenience variables for init system and package type
+upstart = (os[:name] == 'ubuntu' && os[:release][0..1] == '14') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'amazon')
+sysvinit = if (os[:name] == 'debian' && os[:release][0] == '7') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'redhat' && os[:release][0] == '6') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'suse' && os[:release][0..1] == '11') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'ubuntu' && os[:release][0..1] == '12')
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+systemd = !(upstart || sysvinit)
+rpm = if os[:name] == 'amazon' || os[:name] == 'redhat' || os[:name] == 'suse'
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+deb = !rpm
+# these files should exist on all systems
+ /etc/mongod.conf
+ /usr/bin/mongod
+ /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
+).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should be_file }
+ end
+if sysvinit
+ describe file('/etc/init.d/mongod') do
+ it { should be_file }
+ it { should be_executable }
+ end
+if systemd
+ describe file('/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service') do
+ it { should be_file }
+ end
+if rpm
+ %w(
+ /var/lib/mongo
+ /var/run/mongodb
+ ).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should be_directory }
+ end
+ end
+ describe user('mongod') do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('groups') { should include 'mongod' }
+ its('home') { should eq '/var/lib/mongo' }
+ its('shell') { should eq '/bin/false' }
+ end
+if deb
+ describe file('/var/lib/mongodb') do
+ it { should be_directory }
+ end
+ describe user('mongodb') do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('groups') { should include 'mongodb' }
+ its('shell') { should eq '/bin/false' }
+ end
+# This section verifies ulimits.
+ulimits = {
+ 'Max file size' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max cpu time' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max address space' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max open files' => '64000',
+ 'Max resident set' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max processes' => '64000'
+ulimits_cmd = 'cat /proc/$(pgrep mongod)/limits'
+ulimits.each do |limit, value|
+ describe command("#{ulimits_cmd} | grep \"#{limit}\"") do
+ its('stdout') { should match(/#{limit}\s+#{value}/) }
+ end
+# This section verifies reads and writes.
+# - insert a document into the database
+# - verify that findOne() returns a matching document
+describe command('mongo --eval "db.smoke.insert({answer: 42})"') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ its('stdout') { should match(/.+WriteResult\({ "nInserted" : 1 }\).+/m) }
+# read a document from the db
+describe command('mongo --eval "db.smoke.findOne()"') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ its('stdout') { should match(/.+"answer" : 42.+/m) }
+# This section verifies uninstall.
+if rpm
+ describe command('rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep "mongodb.*server" | awk \'{print $1}\')') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ end
+elsif deb
+ describe command('dpkg -r $(dpkg -l | grep "mongodb.*server" | awk \'{print $2}\')') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ end
+# make sure we cleaned up
+ /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service
+ /usr/bin/mongod
+).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should_not exist }
+ end