path: root/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/ b/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/
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index b0fa9c92401..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/
+++ /dev/null
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-"""Standalone replicator fixture to handle launching and stopping a replicator binary."""
-import json
-import time
-from urllib import request
-import buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.fixtures.interface as interface
-class ReplicatorFixture(interface.Fixture):
- """Fixture which spins up a single replicator."""
- REGISTERED_NAME = "ReplicatorFixture"
- def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
- self, logger, job_num, fixturelib, executable, quiesce_period=5, cli_options=None):
- """Initialize ReplicatorFixture with different options for the replicator process."""
- interface.Fixture.__init__(self, logger, job_num, fixturelib)
- self.executable = executable
- self.quiesce_period = quiesce_period
- self.cli_options = self.fixturelib.default_if_none(cli_options, {})
- self.port = self.fixturelib.get_next_port(job_num)
- self.set_cli_options({"port": self.port})
- # The running replicator process.
- self.replicator = None
- def setup(self):
- """Launch the replicator webserver to begin accepting replicator commands."""
- self._launch_replicator_process()
- def pids(self):
- """:return: pids owned by this fixture if any."""
- out = [ for x in [self.replicator] if x is not None]
- if not out:
- self.logger.debug('Replicator not running when gathering replicator fixture pid.')
- return out
- def await_ready(self):
- """
- Block until the fixture can be used for testing.
- NOOP since the binary is fully launched in `setup`.
- """
- pass
- def _launch_replicator_process(self):
- """Launch the replicator binary."""
- replicator = self.fixturelib.generic_program(self.logger, [self.executable], self.job_num,
- test_id=None, process_kwargs=None,
- **self.cli_options)
- try:
-"Launch replicator webserver...\n%s", replicator.as_command())
- replicator.start()
-"Replicator launched with pid %d on port %d.",,
- self.port)
- except Exception as err:
- msg = "Failed to launch replicator: {}".format(err)
- self.logger.exception(msg)
- raise self.fixturelib.ServerFailure(msg)
- self.replicator = replicator
- def start(self):
- """Start the replication process by sending the replicator a command."""
- url = self.get_api_url() + '/api/v1/start'
- # Right now we set reversible to false, at some point this could be an
- # argument to start.
- data = '{"reversible": false, "source": "cluster0", "destination": "cluster1"}'.encode(
- 'ascii')
- headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- req = request.Request(url=url, data=data, headers=headers)
-"Sending start command to replicator: %s",
- response = request.urlopen(req).read().decode('ascii')
-"Replicator start command response was: %s", response)
- if not json.loads(response)["success"]:
- msg = f"Replicator failed to start: {response}"
- self.logger.exception(msg)
- raise self.fixturelib.ServerFailure(msg)
- def commit(self):
- """Commit the migration. This currently will just sleep for a quiesce period."""
-"Sleeping for %d s to allow replicator to finish up.", self.quiesce_period)
- time.sleep(self.quiesce_period)
-"Done sleeping through quiesce period.")
- def stop(self, mode=None):
- """Stop the replicator binary."""
- mode = interface.TeardownMode.TERMINATE if mode is None else mode
-"Stopping replicator with pid %d...",
- if not self._is_process_running():
- exit_code = self.replicator.poll()
- msg = ("Replicator was expected to be running, but wasn't. "
- "Process exited with code {:d}.").format(exit_code)
- self.logger.warning(msg)
- raise self.fixturelib.ServerFailure(msg)
- self.replicator.stop(mode)
- exit_code = self.replicator.wait()
- # TODO (SERVER-63544): Check to make sure the error code is correct.
-"Process exited with error code {:d}.".format(exit_code))
- def resume(self):
- """NOOP."""
- pass
- def pause(self):
- """NOOP."""
- pass
- def _do_teardown(self, mode=None):
- """Teardown the fixture."""
- if not self._is_process_running():
-"Replicator already stopped; teardown is a NOOP.")
- return
- self.logger.warning("The replicator had not been stopped at the time of teardown.")
- self.stop(mode)
- def _is_process_running(self):
- """Return true if the replicator binary is running as a process."""
- return self.replicator is not None and self.replicator.poll() is None
- def is_running(self):
- """Return if the fixture is running or has not errorred."""
- return self._is_process_running()
- def get_internal_connection_string(self):
- """Return the internal connection string."""
- raise NotImplementedError("Replicator cannot have an internal connection string.")
- def get_driver_connection_url(self):
- """Return the driver connection URL."""
- raise NotImplementedError("Replicator cannot have a driver connection URL.")
- def get_api_url(self):
- """Return the URL used to send the replicator commands."""
- return f'http://localhost:{self.port}'
- def get_node_info(self):
- """Return a list of NodeInfo objects."""
- info = interface.NodeInfo(full_name=self.logger.full_name,,
- port=self.port,
- if self.replicator is not None else -1)
- return [info]
- def set_cli_options(self, cli_options):
- """Set command line options."""
- for option, value in cli_options.items():
- self.cli_options[option] = value