path: root/buildscripts/smoke/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildscripts/smoke/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/smoke/ b/buildscripts/smoke/
deleted file mode 100755
index b6f95a916b7..00000000000
--- a/buildscripts/smoke/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-JSON/YAML option parsing library and command line manipulation.
-Also the entry point for running tests based on JSON options files. See usage for more info.
-import json
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-# Transparently handle YAML existing or not
- import yaml
-except ImportError:
- yaml = None
-def json_underscore_fields(root):
- """Convert fields to underscore."""
- if isinstance(root, dict):
- for field, value in root.items():
- del root[field]
- root[field.replace("-", "_")] = json_underscore_fields(value)
- elif isinstance(root, list):
- for i in range(0, len(root)):
- root[i] = json_underscore_fields(root[i])
- return root
- re.compile(
- '(^)?[^\S\n]*/(?:\*(.*?)\*/[^\S\n]*|/[^\n]*)($)?', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
-def json_strip_comments(json_with_comments):
- """Strip comments from JSON strings, for easier input."""
- # Looking for comments
- match =
- while match:
- # single line comment
- json_with_comments = json_with_comments[
- :match.start()] + json_with_comments[match.end():]
- match =
- return json_with_comments
-def json_update(root, new_root):
- """Recursively update a JSON document with another JSON document, merging where necessary."""
- if isinstance(root, dict) and isinstance(new_root, dict):
- for field in new_root:
- field_value = root[field] if field in root else None
- new_field_value = new_root[field]
- root[field] = json_update(field_value, new_field_value)
- return root
- return new_root
-class Unset(object):
- """Special type for 'unset' JSON field, used below."""
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __str__(self):
- return "~"
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__()
-def json_update_path(root, path, value, **kwargs):
- """Update a JSON root based on a path. Special '.'-traversal, and '*' and '**' traversal.
- Paths like "x.*.y" resolve to any path starting with x, having a single intermediate subpath,
- and ending with y. Example: "x.a.y", "x.b.y"
- Paths like "x.**.y" resolve to any path starting with x, having zero or more intermediate
- subpaths, and ending with y. Example: "x.y", "x.a.y", "x.b.c.y"
- """
- head_path, rest_path = split_json_path(path)
- implicit_create = kwargs[
- "implicit_create"] if "implicit_create" in kwargs else True
- push = kwargs["push"] if "push" in kwargs else False
- indent = kwargs["indent"] if "indent" in kwargs else ""
- kwargs["indent"] = indent + " "
- # print indent, root, head_path, rest_path, kwargs
- if not head_path:
- if not push:
- return value
- else:
- # Implicitly create a root array if we need to push
- if isinstance(root, Unset):
- if not implicit_create:
- return root
- else:
- root = []
- if not isinstance(root, list):
- root = [root]
- root.append(value)
- return root
- # star-star-traverse all children recursively including the root itself
- if head_path == "**":
- # Don't create nonexistent child paths when star-traversing
- kwargs["implicit_create"] = False
- root_range = range(0, 0)
- if isinstance(root, dict):
- root_range = root.keys()
- elif isinstance(root, list):
- root_range = range(0, len(root))
- for field in root_range:
- # Update field children *and* field doc if ** - ** updates root
- # *and* children
- root[field] = json_update_path(
- root[field], "**." + rest_path, value, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(root[field], Unset):
- del root[field]
- # Update current root too if ** and we haven't already pushed to the
- # list
- root = json_update_path(root, rest_path, value, **kwargs)
- return root
- # don't traverse values
- if not isinstance(root, Unset) and not isinstance(root, list) and not isinstance(root, dict):
- return root
- # star-traverse docs
- if head_path == "*" and isinstance(root, dict):
- # Don't create nonexistent child paths when star-traversing
- kwargs["implicit_create"] = False
- for field in root:
- root[field] = json_update_path(
- root[field], rest_path, value, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(root[field], Unset):
- del root[field]
- return root
- # traverse lists
- if isinstance(root, list):
- root_range = None
- if head_path.isdigit():
- # numeric index arrays
- root_range = range(int(head_path), int(head_path) + 1)
- else:
- if head_path == "*":
- # Don't create nonexistent child paths when star-traversing
- kwargs["implicit_create"] = False
- # dot- or star-traverse arrays
- root_range = range(0, len(root))
- # don't consume head unless '*'
- rest_path = path if head_path != "*" else rest_path
- for i in root_range:
- root[i] = json_update_path(root[i], rest_path, value, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(root[i], Unset):
- del root[i]
- return root
- # Implicitly create a root doc if we need to keep traversing
- if isinstance(root, Unset):
- if not implicit_create:
- return root
- else:
- root = {}
- # Traverse into the dict object
- if not head_path in root:
- root[head_path] = Unset()
- root[head_path] = json_update_path(
- root[head_path], rest_path, value, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(root[head_path], Unset):
- del root[head_path]
- return root
-def split_json_path(path):
- split_path = path.split(".")
- if len(split_path) == 1:
- split_path.append(".")
- rest_path = ".".join(split_path[1:])
- return (split_path[0], rest_path)
-def json_coerce(json_value):
- try:
- return json.loads('[' + json_value + ']')[0]
- except:
- return json.loads('["' + json_value + '"]')[0]
-def json_string_load(json_str):
- """Loads JSON data from a JSON string or a YAML string"""
- try:
- return json.loads(json_strip_comments(json_str))
- except:
- if yaml:
- return yaml.load(json_str)
- else:
- raise
-def json_pipe_load(json_pipe):
- """Loads JSON data from a JSON data source or a YAML data source"""
- return json_string_load("".join(json_pipe.readlines()))
-def json_file_load(json_filename):
- """Loads JSON data from a JSON file or a YAML file"""
- try:
- with open(json_filename) as json_file:
- return json_pipe_load(json_file)
- except Exception as ex:
- filebase, ext = os.path.splitext(json_filename)
- if not yaml and ext == ".yaml":
- raise Exception(("YAML library not found, cannot load %s, " +
- "install PyYAML to correct this.") % json_filename, ex)
-def json_dump(root, json_only=False):
- if json_only or not yaml:
- return json.dumps(root, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
- else:
- return yaml.safe_dump(root, default_flow_style=False)
-class MultipleOption(optparse.Option):
- """Custom option class to allow parsing special JSON options by path."""
- ACTIONS = optparse.Option.ACTIONS + \
- ("extend", "json_file_update", "json_set", "json_unset", "json_push")
- STORE_ACTIONS = optparse.Option.STORE_ACTIONS + \
- ("extend", "json_file_update", "json_set", "json_unset", "json_push")
- TYPED_ACTIONS = optparse.Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + \
- ("extend", "json_file_update", "json_set", "json_unset", "json_push")
- ("extend", "json_file_update", "json_set", "json_unset", "json_push")
- def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
- if action == "extend":
- if isinstance(value, list):
- dest_values = values.ensure_value(dest, [])
- for item in value:
- dest_values.append(item)
- else:
- values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
- elif action == "json_set":
- values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
- json_path, json_value = value
- if isinstance(json_value, str):
- json_value = json_coerce(json_value)
- parser.json_root = json_update_path(
- parser.json_root, json_path, json_value)
- elif action == "json_unset":
- values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
- json_path = value
- parser.json_root = json_update_path(
- parser.json_root, json_path, Unset())
- if isinstance(parser.json_root, Unset):
- parser.json_root = {}
- elif action == "json_push":
- values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
- json_path, json_value = value
- if isinstance(json_value, str):
- json_value = json_coerce(json_value)
- parser.json_root = json_update_path(
- parser.json_root, json_path, json_value, push=True)
- elif action == "json_file_update":
- json_filename = None
- if not value:
- # Use default value as file
- json_filename = values.ensure_value(dest, [])
- else:
- # Use specified value as file
- values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
- json_filename = value
- if not os.path.isfile(json_filename):
- raise optparse.OptionValueError(
- "cannot load json/yaml config from %s" % json_filename)
- json_data = json_file_load(json_filename)
- parser.json_root = json_update(parser.json_root, json_data)
- else:
- optparse.Option.take_action(
- self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
-class JSONOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
- """Custom option parser for JSON options.
- In addition to parsing normal options, also maintains a JSON document which can be updated by
- special --set, --unset, and --push options.
- """
- """Complex JSON updates are supported via nested paths with dot separators:
- Ex: field-a.field-b.field-c
- - The --set option implicitly creates any portion of the path that does not exist, as does the \
---push option.
- - The --push option implicitly transforms the target of the push update into an array if not \
-already an array, and adds the --push'd value to the end of the array.
- - The --unset option removes options by path.
-Arrays are traversed implicitly, or you can specify an array index as a field name to traverse a \
-particular array element.
-JSON specified at the command line is implicitly coerced into JSON types. To avoid ambiguity when \
-specifying string arguments, you may explicitly wrap strings in double-quotes which will always \
-transform into strings.
- Ex: --set 'abcdef' -> { "tests" : { "foo" : "abcdef" } }
- Ex: --set '{ "x" : 3 }' -> { "tests" : { "foo" : { "x" : 3 } }
- Ex: --set '"{ \"x\" : 3 }"' -> { "tests" : { "foo" : "{ \"x\" : 3 }" }
- Ex: --set 'true' -> { "tests" : { "foo" : true }
- Ex: --set '"true"' -> { "tests" : { "foo" : "true" }
-The special star and star-star ('*' and '**') operators allow wildcard expansion of paths.
- - '*' expands to any field at the current nesting in the path
- - '**' expands to *all* fields at the current or child nestings of the path - this lets one \
-easily set all fields with the same names from a particular root.
- Ex: --set executor.**.mongod-options.nopreallocj ""
-Wildcard-expanded paths are not implicitly created when they do not already exist - this also \
-applies to wildcard --push operations.
- - The --config-file option supports loading a full YAML or JSON document from file. Multiple \
-config files can be specified, in which case the documents are merged recursively, in order of \
- def __init__(self, add_default_options=True, configfile_args={}, *args, **kwargs):
- kwargs["option_class"] = MultipleOption
- optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.json_root = {}
- self.configfile_args = configfile_args
- if add_default_options:
- self.build_default_options()
- def build_default_options(self):
- help = \
- """Options specified as a JSON-formatted file, """ + \
- """applied on top of the current JSON options."""
- self.add_option('--config-file', dest='json_config_files',
- action="json_file_update", default=[], help=help)
- help = \
- """Sets a JSON value or values along the specified path."""
- self.add_option(
- '--set', dest='json_set_values', action="json_set", nargs=2, help=help)
- help = \
- """Unsets a JSON value or values along the specified path."""
- self.add_option('--unset', dest='json_unset_values', action="json_unset", nargs=1,
- help=help)
- help = \
- """Pushes a JSON value or values along the specified path."""
- self.add_option('--push', dest='json_unset_values', action="json_push", nargs=2,
- help=help)
- for configfile_arg, configfile_filename in self.configfile_args.iteritems():
- self.add_option("--" + configfile_arg, dest=configfile_arg, action="json_file_update",
- default=configfile_filename, nargs=0)
- def parse_json_args(self):
- if not sys.stdin.isatty():
- self.json_root = json_pipe_load(sys.stdin)
- values, args = self.parse_args()
- return (values, args, self.json_root)
-USAGE = \
-All options are specified as JSON - the json configuration can be loaded via a file and/or \
-specified as options via the --set, --unset, and --push operators.
-For example:
- --push tests.roots "./jstests/disk/*.js" \\
- --set suite '{}' --set executor.test-executors.jstest '{}'
-results in:
- ...
- Test Configuration:
- {
- "suite": {},
- "tests": {
- "roots": [
- "./jstests/disk/*.js"
- ]
- },
- "executor": {
- "test-executors": {
- "jstest": {}
- }
- }
- }
- ...
-""" + JSONOptionParser.DEFAULT_USAGE